The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 15, 1898, Morning, Page 6, Image 6

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W$-lSp OFfy
,"' s '-'" ""
rfpp'' -,,-.
Trr5r jjf1???
i lie Newest
Slopes ii
spin in
Exclusive newness 5
marks our 1S9S Spring
Stock fine shoemakiug 5
brought to its highest
perfection. The shapes 5
and leathers are the
smartest. Particular
young women will de-
light in their beauty and
style. s
Full line of Vici Kid,
with Vesting Tops, light j
i flexible soles, newest
5 shape toe, all sizes and 2
S widths.
5 "
s s
Tlio WIIkc.H-Il.iiT! llrcoiil can bo Had
111 ScrtMiton lit t ho nuwb t-ttuiilh of M,
Mciiiliurt ll. Wyoming u untie: Mac,
l.Jckaunniia aei.ue
Kuril biunch of counclW ulll mint lo
nlKlit in npoclu! betMou.
Tlio Woman s K.iley liMKiio will meet
thl i vcntiif? at 7 a o cloi k.
There will lie ii n Riilai met tint; of tlip
dlrcetois of tho i'loience mission at 'J i
this moriiiiiK
A ngulai inettins of the Centiul Wo
man's ChrWtlnn Timpci.ince union at S
o'clock this aftcir.con.
Tlio DpIuw.iih mid Hudson company
paid nt tlu Clinton mines at Vanillins?,
anil tlio nullioail men of tlio Xlneieii
brunch yestunlu.
Tlio coroner's Jur linpanncled to in
Mstlg.uo tho death of thu iickto. Mat
thews, found dead Sunda In tlu Dia
mond levenolr, will meet tomoirow nlsht
tit tho (out t houtr
Chillies T. Wntklns, of Lafajette street,
was luld In $000 hall h Aliiuiman Hove
Mstcrda) to unsuti ii chaiKO of nssault
and li.ittt.rr pieferred li his slstei, Jlrs.
Charlotte IttimboUl
Mai tin l.oflus, charned b Man Lot
His with assault and battnj, wan bent
In the county Jail )ttttidiy in ilofuiill of
ball by Justice of the 1'euc.o .t, W. Cum
inlnBs, of olj ph. mt.
Major Ilailej. City Knglnter Phillips
und City Solicitor llcGlnlej e!terda be
Kim their woik of Inspection and clo
lni settlements' with propem owners on
the Womltirf uinue extension.
Coroner LonKstuet will today perform
un utitops) on the body of Andiew Hodl.,
who died Suudaj nlKlit ut tho Lacka
wanna hoiilt il nn hour alter belnc ie
iiiuxid Mom the count Jill.
Tlilt tj -one deaths ncra repoitcd to tho
board of lu ulth laht weik. Three were
from tunttiirlous disease. Tcnt-flo
new cases of euntcKlous dlve.iso were u
porlid, sixteen weie diphtheria ami nine,
A hoixe attached to n Hcranton Dairy
umipanj, wai.011 inn mnj on Pciin iiv
mm ostuiilii) morning and In tr lujj to
turn the eoniii at Mulbmj street oei
turued the wiikou ami spilled a. Iiundied
quaits of milk into the sticet.
Tho plans loi the Nineteenth district
main sewir luno bun computed In tho
cltj enBlni'd's oillnu and will bo nttaclud
to tho ordinance In common council to
nlijht. The measuie Is tin third reading
and was canted in the select blanch.
The Unpiful Woikeis Rare a ery en
Jojuble rutcitnlnment lu tho Adams nv
11110 branch chapel Mondaj evening,
March 7. At tho conclusion of the entei
lalnment tlu-j presented thilr pastor,
John T. Dunn, wlthu handsomo souvenir
ToulKht In the Wcycle. club house a.
lolln iicltal will bo given l.y Mons, n.i
vlm Vaudiivekon. of llrusxels, asIsted
by Mm. Katliiyno Thtele, sopiano, and
Miss Jennie Jtuchwuld, planlste. Tho
proiriamme for tho recital was selected
wllh rnro discrimination
MankiKO licenses were osterJay Krnnt
ed to John Jacobs und Mae h Dais of
Hcranton, Ulmcr Allenmose, of Lope
Sullhnn eountj, and ituth M, Yoot, of
Old r.irKo; Sydney 'Vllllamn, ol Itendham
and Allco 1'iicc, of Sibley, Nathan 1)'
ilosentcld, of Oljphant, and Cclla,
of Scranton; Ocoibo i; Owen, of Carbon
'dale, nnd Estella n. Jirownoll, of Scran-
All mcmhcis of tho Green Itldne Blcyclo
club as well as thoso Interested In cycling
are rfejutsted to meet at tho club houso at
S30 p. tn. Wednesday to eiamlne tho
maps of tho now ejelo path to Havlc
nnd appoint a committee to make a pre
llmtnary lun to Lako Ariel on Friday
Tho Antluaclto wheelmen will meet at
their club house for tho tame purpose nt
P.30 Wednesday ercnlnc.
Fresh Fish
'k Oysters
UEvery Day.
i - THE
Committee Finished Its nig Task and
Adjourned Sine Die.
''ho An mini Appropriation Ordinance
finally I'rained and Iteady for l'rc-
ciilntion to Coiinclls--l'ourtli Dis
trict .11 nl 11 Sower (Jots Q'Z,Z00, nmt
('iimlicrlaucl IIoso Ilouso Allowed
91,000 Thu Ordlnnnco us It
Sliind Alter ltovislon.
With u dcei)-dr,iwi High of relief tlio
Joint iUlnmtea connnlttcu adjourned at
S ,:i o'doelv last nlcrlit. with tho an
nual apiiiciprlullon ordinance coiuiilct
od, uppiovtd mul bntisfaetory to all
liunds -that Is us far as Is known
Whti tin? committee started In la-t
nlRht It had $5.097.W at itti dlsfiosal.
Jt disposed of ull exteiit the lty
nlne renin. 'J lie tuOO ajipioprlntlon for
luo tor tho ?ticet department was
truiisforied bodily to tlio item for put
ehaso of liubu for tho fire department.
Then, $2 f.00 wuh appiopi luted for 10
pnlrs to the roiirth dlsttlct main sower
Mi drier K"t $1,000 for the erection of
u new hose house for the Cumbcrlniidt)
und Mr Robinson secured 11 $900 sllca
foi te-palrs to the Neptune Knglne
house and for nn extra horse nnd har
nif.s This left $G'j7.G9 nnd on motion
of Mr Nilotic $0&7 wa nppioprlated lor
a ci!veit at Jtt. Plensnnt iiivlue
Last of nil $100 was taken from the
nppioprlatlon for feeding pi leoners nnd
appropriated to the purchase of a Hor
tllllon system of Identifying criminals.
The ordinance wns approved ns iv
whole nnd thf committee ndjourned
sine die
The oiillunnce as adopted in as fol
lows: Till: APPKOPniATIONS.
Mioi's Depart men t-Miyor'n wil.nv,
$2 Mm. tkiK Ulie, 0, statloneiy, JIM,
IneliUi tuN, Jim), jirlntlnK and potugc, HO;
teli phones 100, total, KkfcJ
Cit Treasuier's Department City
tienstuei'H salaiy, Jl.wi, chief cleika
saluij $l,am, books, piliitlnir und sta
iloiierj, estimated, JJiiO, Incidentals, esti
mated, $151 total, W(,ai
Cll Coliitioikr's Dtpartnient Halarj of
lt ciutrollii, per annum, $2,(W; silarj
clerk hire J1.J0O, Incidentals, i, pjint
liiK station' ij and books, J20, total, $3,-
CIt Solicitors Department Salary of
eil Hollultor, per annum, t.'Oirt, salaiy of
nxulstntitH fsuo. Incidentals, J, Supiemo
court expenses, tm, total, $1,100.
Clt) Clerks Depaitment Saluiy of eitj
tluik, pci annum, tl.MjO: salaiy of assist
ant eltr elerk, l,O)0, Falarr of 1 lerl. of
common council, $100, clerk hlie, $l,K)l,
Incidentals, $.w, telephone sen Ices, SJO,
total, r.,G".0
Clt ilall Department laniloi, HO per
month, $7JJ. throu at W pel
month, each $'0u, lu.itinif as per con
tract, $1,137, liKhtliib', $k), repairs or
buildings and Krounds $:oo, total, $3 M7
Cit i:iiBlnecr's Department Salni of
city eiiBlneer, per annum ?2,000, salarj of
llrst assistant cltr engineer, $1 '00; salary
of second asslstunt e-ity engineer, per
annum. $1,00, salarj of olllco clerk. $72i);
culxeit at Mt Pleasant raIne M97, sal
arj of lee!man, $fi00, salaiy of two rod
men JiiCO per annum each, $1,3J0; balary
of four chalnmen, PM per annum each,
V -IOT, Incidentals $100, ptlntliiR and sta
tlonerj $.W; lent of telephone, $,M1: re
pairs of Fourth dlstiict sewer, .',500: to
tal $13, lb"
Street Commissioner's Department Sal
ni of street commissioner Jl.MO, Inci
dentals, $35, printing and stationery, $50;
repairs to and supplies for roller and
crusher, J30O, salaiy of enslncer of road
iolhr for eight months. JiJO: repairs to
bridges and culverts, $3 000. clearim.- cob
ble, stone Pill brick pac, $1,000, repairs
to cobble, stono nnd brick pine, $J00,
cleaning sewers and drains, $3 500; repairs
to sewers and drains, $3,000; clearing as
phalt pae $11 000; repairs, of asphalt pavo
$5,000, repairs to Ablngton turnpike, $1,500;
ward appropriation, $17,032; repainting
bridges, $00, total, $IS,207.
roit STnncT repairs
Ward Appropriations for Street Repairs
rirstw..rd,$i50, Second ward, $91, Third
ward, $bKi; Fourth waid, JJ00, Fifth ward,
$HK), Sixth ward, $750; Seventh waid, $50J;
Klghtli w ud, $100, Ninth ward. $'dl;
Tenth ward, $S09; Eleventh ward, J7G0;
Twelfth ward, $509, Thirteenth ward,
$1010, rouiteeuth wnrd, SsU, Fifteenth
nrd $SS5; Sixteenth waid, $509, Seven
teenth ward, $l,0(,o; Eighteenth waul, $50);
Nineteenth waid, $1,017: Twentieth ward,
$1,217, Twcnu-llrst ward, $J10.
As-esois Department City nsscssoi's
salaij, lifJi, $J,0o0, assistant assessor (tri
ennial) deficit. 1S97, $4,200; notices for year
i)3, $25, Incidentals for jear ISOs, $100,
total, $7,325.
Police Department Salary of chief of
police, per annum, $1,500; clerk hire, $72),
salary of captain of police, $1000, salary
of four lieutenants of police, $l,0u0; salary
of detective of police1, $1,000, salary of two
desk sorgeants ($9ik) each per annum),
$1Sihi, salary of 11 patrolmen ($900 each
per annum), $J9,C0o, salaij of police sur
geon, $2o0, rental of the Second picclnst
stntlon house, $j0, rental of tho Fourth
precinct station house, $300; icntnl of tho
'third precinct station house $300; feed
ing prisoners $150, repairing station
houses, $100, furnishing Center sticet sta
tion house $300, lighting and heating,
$2ii0, keeping horses, M)0, repairs of har
ness and wagons, $150, eighteen telephones,
$'"., Ilertllllon sstcm) for identifying
criminals $100, equipments of police. $190;
printing, stattonei) and postage, $150, in
cidentals, $200; total, $54,290
Fire Department Salaiy of chief engi
neer $1 200; clerk hire, $)W; salary of tire
tnglneeis of llio steamers, $1000, IHo
stokers, $150 each per annum, $750; sahu
ies of permanent men, two men tor Nep
tuno Knglno compare, $1,140, two men for
Nay Aug Engine company, $1,440, two men
for Franklin Engine company, $l,il0; two
men for Crystal Erglne company $1,110,
two men for Hook and Ladder compnii,
No I $1 413, two men for General Phin
nej Engine company, $1,410, two men for
Relief Englno company, $1 110, thieo men
for Chemical Englno company, $2,160; one
man for Ltbeity Hose company, $720; 01m
man for Cumberland Hose company, $720,
t.vo men for Columbia Hose company,
$1,410; one man for Excolslor llcso com
pany, $720- 0110 man for Century Hoso
company, $720; ono man for Wm. Connell
Hoso eompary, $7?0, cne man for Niagara
Hose company, $7U; ono man for Eagle
Hose company, 1720; light and heat, Jl.
100, rrnt of llro alarm (April 1 to Juno 15,
ISiS), ISU9C3; maintenance of ilre nlaim
(SI boxen at $27 79), $2,250 91, parade and
inspection, $300, repairs of nparntus nnd
harness, $S00; rent of englno houses, $1,200;
puichuse of hydiniits, $200; repairs and
erection of hjdrauts, ?'!00, Incldoutals and
delegate to chief's convention, $100, ctct.
lnary nnd medicine for horses, $300, pur
chase of hese, Jl.rWi, supplies, $G00; tele
jihoncs for chief, $100; Hubstltules for va
cation and slckr.cus, (150, house for Cum
berland Hose company, $1,000; repairing
Neptune Engine houso and extra horse
and harness, $900; keeping horses (39 nt
$140 each), $5,400; repair of hose, $10o, sal
ary of Hl assistant chiefs ($100 per an
num), $U)0; Incidentals and balnncc? for
1890 and 1837, $350; repair of engine houses,
$300; balanco duo F. M, Cobb, $775, llro
alarm box, coiner Clay nvenuo and (lib
son street. $125; maintenance, $27 79; tire
alarm box, correr Ash street and Luke
$12S; maintenance), $27.79; total. $43,321.0?.
Rulldlng Inspector's Department Sal
ary of building inspector, $1,500; printing
nnd stationery, $G0; Incidentals, $25; total.
Hoard of Health Department Qromu
tory 'Wagei of crematory employes, $2,
400; running expenses of crematory, H,-
ICO; ropaJrs( absolutely necessary), $300;
interest on crematory lot, $150! cnlnry of
lioalth olllcur, $SoO; salary of food Inspcc
tor, $900, snlary of feeretary, $C00; plumb
lug Inspector, $1,0001 dockets, stationery
and printing, $25o; incidentals, $200; total,
Scrnnton Public Library For salnrlos
nnd labor ($150 per month), $5,400; for In
cidental ($250 per mojitli), $3,000; for
books ($250 per month), $3 000; total, $11,190,
Nuy Aug Park Superintendent, $tw;
policeman, $0o0j current exjienses, $2,10iJj
total, $3 350.
Council pirk, $1,000..
Woodlawn Pnrk-Blinibbety and flowers
and worc on incunds, $250.
Ronrd of Revision of Taxes and Appeals
Set Ices of tho board,cnr JS9S,no mem.
bers, 120 days nt $3 ppr day each, $Uk01i
purchase of assessment books, $100, print
ing nnd stationery, $25; deficiency for 1S97,
$1,320; tiitnl, $1213.
General City Acoeunts Water rent,
Provldenco Qus and AVnter company, $1,
000, wnlor rent, Hcranton Gas and Watef
compnii). $1,000; water lent, $220; cUc
tilct street llghtliig (512 llRhts),$49,457;
Judgment nnd Incidental, $1,200; Insurance,
$1 000; stnto tu on loans, $2,103; total, $72,-
Donclcncy, IJIlls on Fllo In City Con
troller's Olllco at this Date Treasurer'
department, $S5 10; nssessors department,
incidentals, fVSO
Fire Depaitment Rcrolrs of apparatus
and harness, $316 47; lepalra of engine
houses, $34D2; light and heat, $7102; total,
$771 01.
City assessment for the paving of Mul
iKiny 8trot. JSOO.ll: lncldentiils und Judg
ments, $510 00; total, $295,099 09.
Held Yrstcrdny Altcrnoon In tlio
SrciMid 1'rci.bilerinii Church.
Tlio Rcinnton auxiliary of the Ameri
can McAll Mission held Its annual
meeting jesterdny nfteinoou in the
lecture room of tho Second Presbyter
ian church, Mm, J. A. Price presiding.
The session was well attended.
In the nbsence of the secretary and
the treasurer, Mrs. J. Selden Rlalr
acted oe secretary pro tern, while Mrs.
rredeilck Fuller tecelvcd money nnd
reported for tho treasurer. The sum of
$269.97 had been talsed The balance in
the treasury umounted to $149.28, tthlch
report was gratifying ns a deficit had
been feaicd.
An Interesting progiamme had been
prepared Mis Price teud fiom the
annual report of the International Mis
sion upon "What Can I do to Advance
the McAll Work." Mrs. N. H Holgate
read a pleasing description of a Islt
01 's expel ience In the mission halls.
Mrs F .1. Plntt read "A Rnlny Day
tn 11 Hallo." Mrs. Hurlbutt told nn en
li'itnlnlng tule of a miner In St.
Etlenne, Mis. Price spoke of the In
land Mission of China where no re
quests for money tiro mado but where)
lately a colossal legacy had been le
eeied as an answer to prayer.
Election of otllcerM then took plnce.
Mrs. J. A. Pilce wa mado piesldent.
Mrs. L H Btelle'p resignation an sec
letary havlnjr been accepted with re
giet, Mis. 15 Y La Roe was elected In
her place, ns wns also Miss M Ada
Claike instead of Mrs. W. J. Hand,
when? recoid as tieasurer was spoken
of In teims of praise, but who had also
reslgne-d. Mrs. Hamilton was le-elect-ed
us corresponding secretary, Tho
managots from tho various churches
were all understood as being willing to
serve nnother term.
It had been hoped that Mw Loulso
Semour Houghton could be secured
to give an nddress, as her book "The
Ciulse of the M story" has been ono
of tho most potent aids In the McAll
work, but owing to the present finan
cial condition of the society It was
thought well to postpone definite ac
tion In the matter for a time
It Is Endorsed by tho Pltlslon Hoard
ot Trndo.
In vulgar, but neihans oxnrpsslcp.
language, the Scranton board of trado
won't uo a thing to the Insurance plan
suggested by the Plttston board. Geo.
B. Thompson, of the latter organiza
tion, advocates that thirty-five boards
of the larger cities and towns of the
state form nn insurance combination.
Tho Plttston board has endorsed the
scheme and appointed a committee to
solicit the eu-operntlon of other boards.
Mr, Thompson makes this statement:
A statement went the lounds of tho
nensnntinrn nbnnt the mdlrllc nf WAi.n.n...,
entitled a "Good Insurance j cnr." It was.
incieeei, sucn irom tno standpoint of tho
stockholders, but from the standpoint of
those who paid tho premiums It might
have justly been entitled "A Bad Insur
ance Year." 1 gather from tlio statement
thq following data to which I wish to call
jour attention: Capital, 1890, $57,&S0,S75;
eapttnl. 1S93. $n,7S0,S75; other Incomes, 1S37,
$i210,SJs: premium receipts, 1S97, $110,
,9,150' losses, 1S97. $G5,51S,7CS; dividends,
1SJ7, $5,27,73P; added to surplus, ISO?, $30,
077,701; amount left for expenses, fiom
which should bo deducted amount re
quired to relnsuro the net Increase hi
risks, amount not stated, $.11,C53,S27, From
this it would appear that the profits for
1S97 over and above enormous expenses
ninount tn over C3 per cent, on tho capltol
of .
Mr. Thompson would have each board
organize with $100,000 capital and half
as much surplus nnd give rates 20 to
35 per cent lower than tho standard
ThP matter Is to bo brought before
the Scranton board next Monday night.
SCROFULA is the advertisement of
foul blood. It may be entirely driven
from th system by the faithful use ot
Hood's Sarsaparllla, w'llch thoroughly
purillcs the blood
HOOD'S PILLS are easy to take.easy
to operate. Cure Indigestion, bilious
ness 23c
r..i. I - Heartburn. Gin-
Dyspepsia, zA.
ders positively cured, drover Graham's Uya.
pepsin llemedy la n Buecltlc. Una dose re
moves all distress, and a pormnnent euro of
the mont cbronlo and severe casei in guaran
teed. Do not sutler! A fill-cent bottle will
convince the most Nksptlcal,
Matthews llroi, Druggist, J20 Lucka
wutnui nvenue.
March 15, 1S9S.
The Gem Cafe
128 Washington Avenue,
HuccesHor to
W. A. Beemer & Son.
Regular meals, 23 cents! 5 meal tickets,
$100; 21 meal tickets, $100. Breakfust, 6
to 8.30 a. m.; Elnntr, 11 30 to 2 p. m,; Sup
per, t p, m, to 7.30 p in.
Bngllsh Beef
Boiled White Fish a lu Cream Sauce
Prime Ribs of Roust Beef a in Dish llravy
Boiled Leg ut Mutton a la Caper Haucd
Xntre Steamed Rice a la Fruit Sauce
Stewed Tomatoes Butter Dects
Mashed Potatoes
Apple Pie Pineapple Pio Chocolate Plo
Cabinet Pudding
Worcestershire Sauce
Pickles Salted Wafers
French Drip Coffee Tea Milk
Quick Lunch at All Times
Open All Night. Never Closed
Relative Merits of Judge- and Hartley
Were Not Determined.
Uitneitcd by tlio i-rirgcit Crowd
That lint Kror Nilnossod a Clovo
Contest in This Citj--Hoth pf tho
Men in Fine CondiUon-.Uig Crowd
of llnrlley's Trlendi Cnmo Down
from DlutliRjiiton --. Pxellmitiarr
Slopped In Third Round.
The lurgcst crowd that ever attend
ed a glove contest In this city packed
Music hall to Its utmost capacity last
night to witness the twenty-round
bout between Frank Hartley, of Bins
hamton, N. Y and James Judge, of
this city, before the American Sporting
A preliminary bout of six rounds
was arranged between "Toby" Gardner
nnd "Joe" Allen,! wo local lightweights,
for a decision, but after sparring three
rounds, Referee Bam Aufctln, of New
York, declared the bout off, because
there was an evident understanding
between the boxers. Gardner'n right
hand was slightly Injured Just before
the referee stopped the bout.
Announcer AV. J. Byrnes, of Carbon
dale, then stepped to the front of tho
platform and stutod that when Mr.
Austin consented to appear before the
club It was with th understanding
that nothing loose would be tolerated
and In stopping the preliminary, ha
displayed excellent Judgment which
has always cliaructcrlzetl his work.
The principals came Into the ring
shortly before 10 o'clock and Judge
occupied the northwest corner and
was seconded by Bobby Dobbs, of Min
neapolis; P. J. Hopkins and P. J, Ma.
loney, of this city. In Hartley's cor
ner, nt the southeast end of the stage,
wore Jack McDonough, of St. x-aut;
Tim Hurley, of Susquehanna, und Billy
O'Brien, of Blnghamton. The time
keepers were Al. Rose, of thlB city, for
Judge; Henry Baker, of Blnghamton,
for Hartley, and Isaac Long, of
Wllkes-Bane, for the club.
Referee Austin announced that the
men had agreed to break clean In
clinches nnd would only punch with
both arms free, and after tho usual
piellmlnarles time was called at 10 05
o'clock. Following is the fight by
First Round Bartley leads with left
and Judge ducks and counters with lett
on neck. Judge plays for Hartley's wind
and also lands on Jaw and stomach.
uuitiey lands lightly on breast. Roth
Second Judne lands right on stomach
and left on mouth, and follows up with
rignc on mouin; rusnes Hartley and lands
right on chest and left on throat and
crosses with light on ribs.
Third Judge swings right and left on
throat and mouth and uppcrcuts with
right. Bartley missed Judgo with a right
swing nnd Judge, In ducking, dropped to
fioor on hands. In rising Judge I inded
his tight on Bartley's Jaw and crossod
with left on breast, Baitley lands right
on neck and left on face and ducked
straight ilcht for face.
Fourth Hartley landed two right hand
punches on Judge's neck nnd plajcd for
his wind, but Judgo retaliated with tho
left on mouth and a stiff uppercut with
right. Hero Judge landed his right nnd
lpft on ISaitley's neck and fnce, and was
cautioned by the referee for not breaking
Fifth Judgo rushes and lands on body
and Bartley comes back with lett on ribs,
nnd Judgo pushed his opponent's head
back with a EtiiT punch on the chin, and
when Bartley landed on Judge's stomach,
the latter pushed two Btralght right arm
jabs into Bartley's stomach.
Sixth Judge opened the round by land
ing a blow on Bartlo's nose, which
caused blood to flow, nnd somewhat Inter
feres with his breathing. He displayed
good judgment, however, and land with
his right on Judge's neck nnd loft on
mouth. Considerable vicious Infighting
followed nnd the round closed with
Judge's left on Bartley's wind.
Seventh Judge uppcrcuts on jaw, and
Bartley lands left on Btomach and gets
two punches In return In the same place,
and In return lands a stiff blow on his
opponent. Judge did some short arm
punching in clinches In this round, und
Bartley landed his left on Judge's wind,
nnd just as tho gong sounded tho lutter
feinted with his left for the face and
followed It up with a right swing, but
failed to land.
Eighth Judpo lends with left on wind
and Bartley lands left on stomach and
right In wind, rnd cleverly ducked anoth.
er right swing from Judgo and jlltea
Judge's jaw with his light. Judge rushes
with right on stomach und again engaged
In infighting and clinching and landed
twice with short arm blows on stomach.
In the breakaway, Bartley rushed Judge
and landed on his wind, and Judge began
using his left elbow cm Bartley's wind
Ileio Bartley mado another tush but
failed to land effectively.
Ninth Bartley lands on Judgo's ribs,
nnd moro Infighting In clinches followed,
Hartley landed n good body blow and in
roturn JUdgo poked his left Into Bartley's
stomach and jupperout him with right,
Bartley rushes with right on ribs and
Judge lands toft on wind nnd right on
Tenth Judge lands on wind and Bartley
reaches for Judge's stomach and gets it
Jolt on the Jaw; Judgo follows up with
right body blow and pokes his left In
Bartley's face, and again follows up with
right nnd left on body, Bartley binds on
Judgo's mouth, nnd In spairlng fur wind,
receives a stiff left on wind and right on
Eleventh Bartley Jands on Judge's Jaw
nnd rushes him with body blows, but only
received left hand Jabs In the necn nnd
mouth and right htiud punch full In tho
face, Bartley landed a good left body
blow hero nnd got a Jolt on tho Jaw for
his trouble.
Twelfth Bartley opened with a .good
left on Judgo's mouth and lecelvcd n wind
choken In return. Hero Bartley bchun
his rushing incites again, landing his
right on Judge's stomach and Ills left on
tho mouth, and received mora of thoso
famous left Jabs of Jlmmlo's In tho face,
and a rlb-roastcr with tho right. Judgo
ugaln Inclined to hit In clinches, and
landed a straight right on Bartley's
Thirteenth Judge rushes with left on
mouth, and Bartley leads with right but
is blocked by another left on the mouth.
Here Judgo lu .avoiding a loft nwlng
slipped to tho floor and in urlslng in
dulged In Infighting nnd hitting In
clinches, and the referee cautioned both
to be cautlojs of carelessness, as Judge's
fall was due to on unintentional pass by
Fourteenth In this round Judge did
some exceptionally clever fighting land
ing blows on his opponent's jaw, wind,
breast and face and uppercut him as well.
The only effectlvo blow Bartley landed
was a right swing on the neck.
Fifteenth Judge again forced the fight
ing and landed repeatedly on his oppo
nent, but Bartley demonstrated that ho
could stand unlimited punishment and a
clover duck by both from right and left
swings closed a. very lively round.
Sixteenth Judge landed a vicious left on
the mouth and ducked a right swing clev
erly and In coming together again landed
a stiff left on tho mouth and a right on the
wind. Bartley succeeded In pushing his
left against Judge's mouth here and in
return got another left-hand Jab In tho
Seventeenth Baitley leads nnd lands
his right on Judge's body and the latter
ngaln slipped to tho floor, and in ailalnij
was rushod with rlsht nnd left by Bait
ley nnd received a very stilt jolt on tho
Jaw from the Blrghamton boy's left
Here Judgo began his Infighting again
and twice jabbed Bartley in the stomach
Continued on Page 10.1
I Tuesday I
I Trunk 1
1 Talk I
We were fortunate
enough, to obtain
from a hard-up
trunk manufac
turer, a carload
of trunks.
Entire lot goes
on sale today at
such wee prices
that you'll not
wonder we took
a whole car of
Here's an instance
of the selling a ran
dom pick from dozens
of similar values:
Iron-bottom trunk, bound
with lli hinkory slats 20
mnlleablo lion corners
steel strapped edges can
vns eovcred strong lock
aud hasps, n trunk such as
you'd expect to pay $J.50
for. belling for
303 Lackawanna Ave, -:
On Tuesday, riarch 15, Strawbridge & Clothier
Will Hake a Grand Display of
Tailor-Made Suits and Jackets
in our Cloak Department. Measure taken Suits made to order and delivered before Eas
ter. All are invited to come and see the great variety of styles.
! $ PEAI, '. t
1LTop J
! Look!
t ...,-,. , L
rui ii ub iauei wnen you 4
t get' Lamp Chimneys,
A and insist on having &
One PEAR TOP will
T outlast and outshine a T
T dozen "cheap" chim- T
Y neys and costs only a T
T trifle more than one. J
X Which is mosteconom- x
Z ical ? T
Night Drawers,
Children's jg
Baskets, Etc.
S12 srruce: street
Call and be convinced on Low Prices
We are giving on ail our
Fine Jewelry
And Silverware
Will be sold regardless of cost, as we are going out
of that line of goods. We also carry a line of
Step in and
Weichel, Jeweler,
408 Spruce Street.
riarch 17th,
310 Lackawanna Ave.
$10, $12 AND $25.
Hear Them.