The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 10, 1898, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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. Th Carbondalo correspondenco ot Tha
Tribuna ha been placed In tho hands ot
Mr. C. It. Munn, Salem avenuo and
Church atrcot, to whom nowo Items may
ba addressed. AU complaints as to ir
regular dellvary, etc, should bo mado to
W. J. noberts, news agent.
JRUclloni Will Boon Occur for Clark
or Common Council, Hnnltnry Po
liceman nnd Secretary of tho Iloaltti
On tho first Monday In April elections
WW bo held for clerk of the common
council, sanitary policeman and secre
tary of the health board. These offlces
which TleM a few dollars to the holders
are sharply contested for ench year
about this time.
Tho board of health which was or
ganized In 1530 If select council con
firms Mayor O'Neill's recent appoint
ments l)o Democratlo for tho first
time. Por nearly elsht years M. P.
Barrett, formerly chief of police of tho
city, has ably performed tho duties of
sanitary policeman. A share of the
credit for tho excellent sanitary con
dition which Carbondalo now enjoys
Is duo him.
Hon. S. S. Jones, who was largely In
strumental In organizing tho board.wns
Its secretary for morn than five years,
embracing- the period durlmr which
most opposition to the work was man
ifested. Ho held the place until a
state law made tho olTlco Incompatible
with that of alderman.
His successor is the present secre
tary. C. R. Munn, who will conclude
his second term on tho first ot April.
However, on the cround that to the
victors belong the spoils, the Demo
crat') Intend electing new officers nt
the annual meeting. It Is understood
that Thomas Missett will be the san
itary policeman and J. I. Collins has
had his boh, Frank, slated for the sec
retaryship since he became a member
of tho board.
As tho office does not pay enough to
warrant the hourly presence of a sec
retary at the municipal building, It is
probable the permit books will be kept
nt Mr. Collins' cigar manufactory,
which is conveniently situated on Sa
lem avenue.
As to the office of cleik of tho com
mon council, the Incumbent, Georgo
Evans, is a candidate for re-election.
His Is tho only name which has yet
been mentioned in connection with tho
That office is worth about $150 a year.
Tho sanitary policeman gets $G00 annu
ally, and the secretary of the board
of health $100.
Many more aspirants are likely to
spring up between now and April 1.
I.lttlo Itnllnn liny of Electric Alley
Snflerlnt; tho Awlnt Dlsenso.
Kmllio Mancusco, a lltUe Italian boy
throo years of age, Is suffering with a
well developed caso of hydrophobia
and while alive at a late hour last
night It Is feared ho cannot survive
long. The boy's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lulgl Mancusco, live at No. 2 Electric
alley, tho former being a cheeso mak
er. About five weeks ago Emlllo, wh'o
had been left alone for a moment, camo
running to his parents and Bald that
he had been bitten by a dog.
Tho wound was indicted Just below
the knee on the right leg. It. was
dreesed and tho parents thought little
about it, although the child has com
plained from time to timo that tho
member pained him. Monday the child
became feverlslu It grew worse rapid
ly and Dr. Bailey was called yesterday.
The symptoms Indicated hydrophobia
and the doctor at once questioned the
parents to learn if tho child had been
bitten. They had almost forgotten the
Incident which they had not connected
with the present Illness.
The little fellow suffered intense
lowed by convulsions which racked his
pain. Ho was unable to drink, itn
atempt to swallow water being fol
The paved streets of this city ought
to be cleaned without delay. The work
can be done as easily as in midsum
mer and by It the public will be saved
a great deal of muddy annoyance
which will follow the spring rains.
Street Foreman Kllleen thinks it would
be a good plan to llush Main street
and then clean tho catch basins which
can be done for less than ten dollais.
The Van Osten Three Star Comedy
company played "Mr. Barnes of New
York" in tho presence of a large au
dience at the Grand last night. The
good dramatic work of the company Is
being appreciated and its popularity
promises to increase. The matinee wna
The Master Key.
a nocior
who pre
scribes a
doxen dif
ferent rem.
edies for
the symp
fonts of one
disease is
like an old.
time rum.
about a ponderous
bunch of keys,
each one to ouen
a different door. 5
vv a e n anyone's
blood is thin and
watery and noi- iff
aoned with bilious
Impurities this
condition will
flow itself in ev
ery part of the
body and the av
erage doctor erives
one medicine for
the stomach, another for the head, a third
for the lungs and so on; as if each particu
lar symptom was a separate dungeon of
tnliery to be unlocked with its own particu
lar key; but the scientific, experienced
physician looks deepei and seeks the otic
master-key which unlocks them all.
Thirty years ago Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buf.
falo. N. Y.. found the wonderful "Golden
Medical Discovery" which has since made
him famous: It fs the perfect master-key
which unlocks every torture chamber of
weakness and pain caused by faulty action
of the digestive system. It gives the stom
ach and blood-tuakint; glands power to pro.
duce the healthy blood which drives out all
Impure disease germs and waste products,
and builds up healthy tissue, solid muscu
lar flesh and nerve energy.
Mr. I. W. Brittln, of Clinton. Dewitt Co.. III.,
re. O. Hex 473), writes i " I'or over a year I was
troubled with 'liver complaint,' had nosppetitr.
could keep nothing on my stomach and had
severe paini In ray itoiaach and bowels. I doc
tored with home doctors but did not obtain re
lief uatll a friend advited me to take Dr. Tierce's
: four
i me,
much in favor of them."
For constipated conditions Dr. Tierce's
Pleasant Pellets are the best simple, com.
fortable laxative. They never gripe. Ac
cept no substitutes or imitations.
I fJm
jSht Cw.Sr m
U A 113,
jr jy ntLA
uoiaea Mcami uiicovery. Alter taking
doiuci i inmK myieii cured, at I cau eat
thing; 'I .want and ray food never hurt!
ThAUka lor vour meditJnra t fannnt
largely attended. "Miss Galatea" de
lighted all who bow her.
The select council will meet In
special session this evening nnd henr
tho report of the estimates committee.
Much work will devolve upon councils
within tho next four weeks, nnd they
will have to rush matters soon.
Harry Wright la suffering a painful
wound, sustained while working at a
latho at trio Hendrlck works, where a
heavy piece of steel fell from the ma
chine, severely crushing tho toes of tho
right foot. Dr. Jenklnn was nt once
sent for and dressed the Injured mem
ber, after which Mr. Wright was taken
to his homo.
Tho Lawrence band, of Scranton, are
preparing to glvo a concert of high
class music In thnt city ere long and
naturally turn to Cnrbondale for some
assistance. Our Mozarts have an en
viable reputntlon as musicians and nro
favorites wherever they appear. The
members of that organization who will
put the finishing touches to the Law
rence concert are Messrs. Hall, clario
net; Maxwell, cornet, nnd Douthwalte,
trombone. They have practiced in
Scrnnton several times of late.
The Epworth league literary enter
tainment at tho Mothodlst church last
evening was ono of tho most Interest
ing and Instructive ever given. The
subject was "Journalism," and some
of tho shades were roughly treated.
John Murray, of Blrkett street, has
gone to Philadelphia to have a cata
ract removed.
Delegations of Sons of Veterans from
Scranton and other plnces down tho
valley, more than two hundred strong,
aro coming to the mustering ceremon
ies of Major Randolph camp in tho Odd
Fellows' building, on South Church
street, this evening. A special train
will be run on the Ontario and West
ern from Scrunton nnd tho excursion
car of the Carbondale Traction com
pany will bring tho Jermyn party. Post
Captain Lafayette Matthews, of Jer
myn, will be the mustering officer. Past
Captain William Wldencr, of Scranton,
will conduct the installation. Captain
Gardner and his Electric City degree
team will assist. Tho occasion will be
brought to a close with a banquet, at
which a number of addresses will be
made by visiting and home members.
It is hoped that several of the state
staff will be present.
Miss Mame Boylan, of Pike street, Is
entertaining Miss Julia Newcombe, of
Mrs. E. C. Porter Is visiting In West
Miss Minnie Dowcn has returned
from Patcrson, N. J where she has
been visiting Mrs. W. M. Latlirop.
Mrs. W. G. 'Cooper, of Green Hidge, Is
the guest of Mrs. Georgo Kellow.
Rev. James Malone, of Susquehanna,
was In this city yesterday.
John Meehan, of Simpson, was com
mitted to the county jail Tuesday night
by 'Justice Glenn for an attempted
criminal assault on a little girl of that
vicinity. The prisoner narrowly es
caped being lynched.
Mlpses Kva Jeffrey and Emma Whlt
beck left yesterday for Olyphant,
whore they will open a dressmaking
and millinery establishment. Their
friends here wish' them success In their
new enterprise.
Thomas Harris, of Port Jervls, N. Y
was calling on his friends in Mayfleld
yesterday. Mr. Harris was formerly
an old resident of this borough and
conducted a bottling business near the
Ontario and Western railroad.
Willie Burns, of Mayfleld, and J. J.
Flanagan nttended a party In Arch
bald last evening.
Conductor Baker, of tho Traction
electric road, resigned his position to
accept the agency for a liquor linn In
Miss Celia Callahan, of Scranton, was
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dilmer, of Muy
lleld, yesterday.
Tho friends of Mr. and Mrs. John
Davis, of Mayfleld, tendered them n
birthday party last evening. The usual
diversities were Indulged In and a most
enjoyable tlmu was spent. At the close
of the entertainment lefre.shments were
served. The following arc those that
were present: Rev, and Mrs. Surdlval,
Mrs. Thomas E. Griffiths, Mrs. Thos.
Evans, Mrs. Richard Evans, Mr. und
Mrs. Jenkins, Mr. nnd Mrs. Samuel
Merritt, Mrs. James Merrltt, Mrs.
James Lewis, Mrs. William Davis, Mr.
Samuel JlavK Mrs. Henty Hadley, Mr.
Robert Yundle. Mr. and Mrs. David
Powell, Mrs. John T. Williams, Mr.
nnd Mrs. John Davis, Mrs. David Ben
gough. An interesting letter from C. 3D. Win
ter appears on the tenth page of The
Trl'lune today.
John and Eiithen Warren, of the
West End, left last Tuesday evening
for the Klondike.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William Rooko and chil
dren are visiting relatives ut Plalns
ville. Rev. F. P. Doty, of Hyde Park, was
a caller In town yesterday.
Mrs. 'A. P. Travis will leave this
morning to spend a week with her
daughter, Mrs. William Dougherty, at
Mrs. Stephen Jnyno Is visiting with
relatives at Nantlcoke.
Tho chicken supper that was held nt
tho home of Mrs. M. H. Brown, on
Main street, last evening, under the
auspices of the Ladles' Aid society of
the Methodist Episcopal church, was
largely patronized, and a neat sum was
realized. After ample justice had been
done to the dainty lunch, tho follow
ing programme was rendered: Reel
tatlon, Miss Nora Pickering; solo, Mrs.
S. M. Rogers; recitation, Miss Etlle
Curtis: duet, Miss Sophie Slmpklns nnd
M. B. Wndeman; recitation, Miss Mil
dred Shaffer: solo, Mrs. Jennie Frear;
recitation, Miss Maud Trevdrton.
All parties who purchased tickets for
the rattle for the gold watch for the
benefit of Mrs. Smith, can get their
money back by bringing their tickets
to the Harrison House.
A very pleasant surprise party was
given Mr. nnd Mrs. G. S. Brown Mon
day night, March 7. About 8.30 o'clock
Mr. Brown's door lwll rang and a host
pf visitors stepped Inside and took pos
sesion of tho surprleed couplo's homo,
and a merrier crowd never came to
gether. They played1 games and en
Joyed music. About 12 o'clock refresh
ments were served. Among thoBo pres
ent were: Mr. and Mrs, F. B. Oardner,
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Lovelahd. Mr. and
Mrs. S. 8. Yeager, Mr. and,. Mrs. H. J.
Horn'lmker, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Swartu,
Mrs. William Lumley, Miss Jennlo
Cannon, Miss Nellie Hinds, B. J. Can
non, Row 8. Guy Snowden, Rev. R.
N. II. Spencer, of Moscow; Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Ives, Rev, Mr, Powell and
wife, Mr. and Mrs, W, II. Swarts, Mr.
and Mrs. L'nos Swarts, Miss Llllle
Swarts, Miss I.unlnda Ives and Mr. Hal
Barnes, of Mndlonvllle. About 1.30
o'clock tho crowd dispersed.
A satisfactory test of tho new fire
alarm system was mado last night.
After the test had been mado n short
session of tho council was held, at
which It wns unanimously resolved to
accept tho system. The number of tho
boxes have been changed since the list
was published recently, the correct
numbers and locations being as fol
lows: 18 T. J. Kelly, hotel.
1C Farrell's corner.
42 Jordan's corner.
25 Corner Lackawanna and Dela
ware streets.
23 Corner Lackawanna and Willow
31 Connor's hotel.
32 Corner Ferris and Delaware
43 Watklna' corner, Hill street.
20 Susquehanna nnd Church streets.
21 River and Jones streets.
Mrs. J. C. Simmons, of Carbondale,
is the guest of Mrs. C. S. Tewsley.
Undertaker John Sweeney has pur
chased tho Voylo building on Lacka
wunna street.
Michael Cannon, of Dunmoro street,
Is seriously 111 with appendicitis.
Miss Mamlo Dougherty, of Dun
moro street, has entered the Lacka
wanna hospital at Scranton to receive
training to become a nurse.
D. G. Jones has broken ground for
his new furniture store on Lackawan
na street.
Tho members of tho Ladles Aid
society of the Presbyterlnn church con
ducted a well attended and successful
social nnd entertainment in the church
Tuesday evening. A programme
which Included recitations, vocal and
Instrumental music was rendered. At
the conclusion of the programme cake
and coffee were served by the ladles.
Mrs. John Ferguson, Mrs. J. J. Cum
mlngs and daughter, Miss Irene Cum
mlngs are spending a week In New
Thomas Jordan, of upper Dunmore
street, left Tuesday for Montana where
ho will reside permanently.
Miss Lizzie Madden, of Susquehanna,
spent yesterday with her brother, Dan
iel Madden, of Delaware street.
Mrs. A. W. Benscoter, of Cnrbondale,
Is visiting her parents on tho West
Mrs. Georgo Williams and Miss Mag
gie G. Williams attended the funeral
of David Davis at Providence Tuesday.
Tho I'nirnnd Soclnl oi tho Daughters
of America Wns Largely Attended.
This Kvcnlng's Social.
The fair and Boclal of the Liberty
council, No. 54, Daughters of America,
opened last evening in Weber's rink
under most nourishing circumstances,
to continue for a period of three nights.
The young ladles have tastefully decor
ated the hall and different booths. They
look very pretty, together with the
fancy and useful articles whlchare to
be seen during the progress of the fair.
This Is not all. They also give a first
class supper for a reasonable price.
The Tribune branch office In Taylor
Is in the Cobleigh building, where news
Items and advertising may be left with
our representative, E. G. Evans.
The Junior Baptist union of the Cal
vary Baptist church will conduct an
entertainment nnd social this evening
In the church auditorium. The pro
gramme.whlch appeared in this column
yesterday, consists of good talent. The
one admission will enable the holder
to the entertainment and social.
Miss Mary Williams, who lius been
visiting friends In this place, has re
turned to her home In Providence.
The Taylor colliery will again be Idle
for ono week for repairs.
Thomas P. Jones, of Hyde Park, cir
culated among friends in this place
Mrs. Tallle Jones, of Prleeburg, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Thomas, of North Taylor.
Lackawanna Valley council, No. 81,
Junior Order United American Mechan
ics, will meet this evening in Van
Horn's hall.
Mrs. Richard Morris, of Feltsville, is
confined to her home with sickness.
Taylor castle, No. 267, Knights of tho
Golden Eagle, will meet this evening in
Reese's hall.
Mr. Henry Davis, of Priceburg, cir
culated among friends In this town on
Mrs. John Thomas, of North Main
street. Is quite sick at her home.
Taylor, Pyno and Holden collieries
will receive their pay for February to
day. The board of health held an Import
ant busIncFs meeting last evening.
The apron social held at the Brick
church, of Old Forge, on Tuesday even
ing was successful both socially and
The musicians connected with the
temperance society of tho Primitive
Methodist church have organized an
All members of the Senior Wesley
league nro requested to be present at
a meeting to be held this evening for
the purpose of making arrangements
for the Wesley league convention to bo
held In this town on March 29, 1898.
A regular meeting of the Dickson
City borough council was held at tho
council rooms last Monday evening,
John Bentham was elected president of
the council for the coming yenr; John
J. Miller, secretary; Jacob Bowman,
treasurer; Mr. Perchlnsky, supervisor,
nnd William Kennedy, chief of police.
Tho Delaware, Lackawanna and
Western mines will work on Friday.
That will make three days for this
The members of the Baptist church
and Sunday school will give a recep
tion to Mr. Wellington La Mont, on
Saturday evening, March 12, at tho
homo of Mrs. N. S. Davis. Mr. La
Mont will leave In a fek days for hU
h'ome In Scranton and his friends in
the church wish to glvo somo recogni
tion of their appreciation of his services
to the church.
For Smokers.
Tho Lake Shore limited trains are
equipped with buffet smoking cars
composed of main and private smoking
rooms with' buffet, barber shop, bath
room and compartments. They aro
very richly upholstered, are of Circas
sian walnut richly carved and with n
large book caso built at ono end of tho
room. The drapfngs and plan of deco.
rations correspond nnd the car Is a
blaze of splendor throughout. Com
mercial travelers and all other men
folks should certainly mako tha Loko
Shore their route on trips between
Buffalo, Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago nnd
all points in the west and south'west.
Hntllest tlittitra n thn
COtltrarv tllitlt In trn
wllCtl tlf)t elonfitvl. Aro tnnrlr rVmi nnrl lntf Mm
easily with that enemy of
Largest racltneo ererttcst
Chicago. BU Louis. Now York.
Valuable RealEstate
MARCH 23, 1653.
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa
cias, Levari Faclns and Venditioni Ex
ponas, issued out of tho court of common
pleas of Lackawanna county, to mo di
rected, I will expose to public salo by ven
duo or outers-, to the highest and best
bidder, for cash, at tho court house, In
tho City of Scrnntcn, Lackawanna coun
DAY OF MARCH, A. D., IMS, nt 10
o'clock in tho forenoon of said day, all
the right, title mid interest of the defend
ants in and to tho following described
lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.:
No. 1. All tho right, tltlo and interest
of tho defendant, Joseph Krantz, admin
istrator of Qregorla IVrrl, deceased, in
und to all that certain plcco of land in tho
Borough of Archbald, Lackawanna coun
ty, Pennsylvania, containing a front of
sixty (u0) feet northwestward on Laurel
street. Bounded northeastward ninety
nnd five-tenths (D0.E) feet by lot num
bered twenty (20) on said street; south
eastward seventy-six (TO) feet by lot
number forty-four (II) and forty-six (10)
feet on Pino street, and southwestward
eighty-eight and live-tenths (SS.r) feet by
Monroo street. Comprising lot numbered
twenty-one (21) on Laurel street as tin
samo is represented nnd designated on a
map of building lots of tho president man
agers and company of tho Delaware and
Hudson Unnal company In said Archbald.
Excepting and reserving the coal to tho
legal owners thereof. This being tho
samo lot of land conveyed to Gregoria
Perrl by Thomas P. Fowler, ct al by
deed dated tho 3rd day of November, A.
D., 1SDJ, and recorded In Lackawanna
county In Deed Book No. 10C, page 300,
etc. Improved with a two-story frnmo
dwelling and outhous-es thereon.
Seized nnd taken In execution at the
suit of assigned to Peter Krontz vs. Jo
seph Krnntz, administrator of Gregoria
Perrl, deceased. Debt, $350, Judgment No.
1004, January Term, 1S9S. Lev. fa. to
March Term. 1SUS.
No. 2. All the right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, Elizabeth Williams, ad
ministratrix ot Estato of Walter Will
iams, deceased, and Elizabeth Williams.
In nnd to all that certain lot or parcel
of land situated In the township of Old
Forge, In Lackawanna county, Pa. Do
ing lot No. 51. on draft of upper lots, es
tato of Thomas Smith, deceased, which
said drafts Is Intended for record, being
fifty feet by ono hundred and fifty feot.
containing seven thousand live hundred
square feet of land, more or less. Being
the sumo lot of land conveyed to the said
Walter Williams, deceased, by John Llew
ellyn Grllllths, by deed dated Oct. 17. 1MK),
and recorded In Lackawanna county. In
Deed Book No. 82, pago 213. Being all Im
proved with ono two-story single frame
dwelling house, ono small barn, outhouses
and fruit trees thereon.
Seized and taken lu execution at' tho
suit of Morgan W. Williams vs. Elizabeth
Williams, administratrix of tho Estato
of Walter Williams, deceased, nnd Eliza
beth Williams. Debt. JOOn. Judgment. No.
'.3. March Term, 1SUS. Fl. fa. to March
Term. 1S9S.
No. 3. All the right, title nnd Interest
of the defendants, Cynthea Grlllln und Jo
seph GilHlii, in and to all that certain lot
of land with tho Improvements thereon.
Sltuuto In the township ot Scott, county
of Lackawanna and htato of Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described ns follows:
Beginning at a point in tho center of tho
public highway leading from Green Grovo
to Olyphant at tho corner of land of Ed
ward Oakley; thencu north tO'i degrees
east along same IS lods to u corner In
line of lands of Samuel A. Clark, de
ceased: theneo along samo north C3 de
grees west 00 feet to u corner In line of
lands of said Clark; thence south tifl'i de
crees west along lands of Tablethn M.
Callfiickr IS rods to a point In said pub
lic highway: theneo alone said highway
south 3S feet to tho plnco of beginning.
Being part of tho lands cunvcyod by War
ren W. Slmrell nnd wife, Frances, to Ta
blctha M. Cullender by deed dated 13th
of November, 1W7, nnd recorded In Lack
awanna county in Deed Hook N. 32,
Page ."MS. etc., and by her, tho said Tn
blotha M. Cnllcnder to Josephine C.
Whltloek by deed dated July 5, 1SSS, and
recorded August 10, JSS8, In Lackawanna
county In Deed Hook No. 03, Pago 425, etc.
Improved with ono two-story frnmo
dwelling houre, barn, sheds, outbuildings,
and fruit trees, etc., thereun.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of Josephine C. Whltloek vs. Cynthiu
Grlllln nnd Joseph Grlllln. Debt, G0O.
Judgment No. 9;2, January Term, 163S.
Lev. fa. to March Term. IS'JS.
No. 4. All tho right, tltlo nnd Interest
of tho defendant, John Sharnk, In and
to nil the following described lot of land
with the Improvements thereon, situate
In tho city of Scranton. county ot Lacka
wanna and stato of Pennsylvania, and
being lot No. 11 tn square or block No, 23,
and situate upon street called and known
ns Fig street, upon the town plot of tho
City of Scrnnton, Intended to be duly
registered nnd recorded, said lot being 40
feet In front. 40 feet In rear and 100 ieet
in depth. Coal and minerals reserved.
Improved with u two-story frame build
ing and outbuildings tberoton.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of Daniel Battle vs. John Sharnk.
Debt, $201. Judgment No. sos. May
Term, 1S9I. Vend. ox. to March Term. 169S.
No. C All tho right, title and interest
ot Ann Nealon (formerly Ann Barrett),
in and to tho following real estate situate
In the borough of Dunmore, Lackawanna
county, Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed ns follows: Beginning at a point
on the easterly slda of Chestnut street
in said borough sixty-Jive (C3) feet from
tho southeasterly corner of Elm nnd
Chestnut streets; thenco north seventy
nlno (79) degrees and thirty (30) minutes
east one hundred and twenty-one (121)
feet; thenee south forty-eight (48) de
grees and thirty (30) minutes west thirty
six (30) feot; thence south forty-ono (41)
degrees and thirty (30) minutes east thirty
(SO) feot; thenco south seventy-nine (79)
degrees und thirty (30) minutes west
ninety-seven (97) feet to the easterly side
ot Chestnut street aforesaid; thenco along
tho samo north ten (10) degrees and thirty
(SO) minutes, west forty-nine (19) feot to
the place of beginning. Containing 4.000
square feot of land, moro or loss. Being
lot number seven (7) on Chestnut street.
Coal und minerals reserved. All Im
proved with a two-story frame dwelling
nnd outbuildings thereon. Being samo
property conveyed by Henry Scott and
wifo to Ann Barrett by deed dated 17th
ot Juno, 1SSQ. Recorded in Deed Book No,
30. Page, 851.
Solzud and takon In execution at the
suit of Poter C. Barrett, et nl., vs. Ann
Nealon. Debt. 12,000. Judgment No. 13,
March Term, iSOS. Fl. fa. March Term,
1693. M, H. MCDONALD, Att'y.
linne In nlnnn. Mtet
rlrnn. Mimf ntir1iriMM
oil and grease and dirt
Uoston. Philadelphia
MM Powder
No. 6.-AU tho right, title nnd Interest
of tho defendants. Dr. J. T. Doylo and
Emily A. Doyle, his wife. In and to nil
that certain lot of land with tho Improve
ments thereon situate In tho township of
Lehigh, county of Lackawanna, state of
Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described ns
follows: Beginning at a maplo treo in
corner of lands of W. D. nnd 13. F.
Brown; thenco along tho same north 80
degrees west 100 perches to u stnko and
stones: thence along tho same north 4
degrees enBt 110 perches to a stako and
stones; thenco along tho samo south 80
degrees east 120 porches to a stako and
stones; thenco along same south 14 do
grees 15 minutes east 111 8-10 perches to
tho placo of beginning. Containing 75
acres and 100 perches of land and being
a part of a larger tract of land surveyed
and known under tho warrantee nnmo of
Barnabus McShano. Improved with two
two-story frame dwelling houses, ono
framo one-story blacksmith shop, ono
frnmo barn, ono frame pavilion, wagon
sheds, llsh pond and dam, fruit trees,
etc., thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at tho
suit of Charles Stegmaler vs. Dr. J. T.
Doylo and Emily A. Doyle. Debt, $021.
Judgment No. 115. January Term, 1S9S.
Lev. fa. to March Term, 1S9S.
No. 7. All tho right, title and Interest
of Gertrudo Batchelor, administratrix of
J. Leon Batchelor, deceased, (tho samo
being an undivided ouo-elghth Interest) In
and to tho following described pieces and
parcels of land, situate, lying nnd being
In tho township of South Ablngton,
county of Lackawanna and state of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit:
Tho first therof, beginning at a cor
ner in lino of lands Into of franklin John
son estato and lands of Eber White, and
running along lands of said Eber White,
north forty-two nnd three-fourths de
grees west ono hundred and two perches
to n corner; thenco north twenty degrees
east tutrty-nluo und four-tenths perches
to a corner in tho public road: thence
north ono degreo west thirty-seven
perches to a corner in lands of S. W.
Parker; thenco north forty-seven and
one-fourth degrees east, ono hundred nnd
forty-six and eight-tenths perches to a
corner of o. C. Cliamplins land; thence
along said Champllns land south torty
two and three-fourths degrees east ono
hundred and twenty perches to a corner
of lands of Mary A. llrlgham; thenco
along lands of said Mary A. Brlgham
south nineteen and one-fourth degrees
west forty and three-tenths perches to
land of Phoebe Van Nort: thenco along
the samo south eight-four and one-half
degrees west forty-llvo nnd eight-tenths
perches tp other landB of I'hoebo Van
Nort; thenco along tho samo south nine
teen nnd ono-half degrees west fifty-four
unu uve-icnuis percnea to a corner in
public road: thenco south eighty degrees
east, nlno and seven-tenths perches to a
corner of Mary A. Brtgham's land; thence
by lands of said Mary A. Brlgham south
twelve nnd one-half degrees east sixty
three and two tenths perches to a corner;
thenco north seventy-four and three
fourths degrees east jwcnty-clght and
seven-tenths perches to a corner of lands
of Franklin Johnson estate: thenco south
forty-seven and three-fourths degrees
west fifty-seven and seven-tenths perches
to tho placo of beginning. Containing one
hundred nnd slxty-threo acres and seventy-three
perches, more or less. All Im
proved with one two-story frumo dwell
ing house, two framo barns and other
outbuildings, two orchards and other Im
provements thereon.
Tho second thereof beginning at a cor
ner In lino of S. W. Parker's lands nnd
tho nbovo-descrlbed plcco of lnnds; thenco
north forty-two nnd three-fourths de
grees west forty-two and three-fourths
perches to a corner; thenco north forty
seven nnd one-fourth degrees east ono
hundred and sixty perches to a corner:
thenco south forty-two and three-fourths
degrees east forty-two nnd three-fourths
perches to a corner; thenco along laud
of C. C. Champlin und tho premises be
fore described, ono hundred nnd sixty
perches to tho placo of beginning, con
taining forty-two acres and ono hundred
nml twenty 'perches of lands, more or
less, nnd being tho same promises con
veyed to Leonard Batchelor deceased by
George Coray, assignee In bankrupts- of
S. A. Northup et nl., by deed dated April
12th, lSt2. and recorded In the olllce of
the Recorder of Deeds, etc.. In and for
the county of Lnekawnnna, In Deed
Book No. 20, Pago 493. etc.
Seized and taken Into execution nt tho
suit of F. M. Franrls vs. Gertrudo
Batchelor, administratrix, of J. Leon
Batchelor, deceased. Debt, $15it.l0. Judg
ment No. 1033, September Term, 1S97.
Vend. ex. to March Term. 1S9S.
No. S. All the right, title nnd Interest
ot tho defendant, Michael McOownn, In
and too nil tho surfaco or right of soil
of all that certain lot. piece or parcel of
land situate In tho city of Carbondale,
county of Lackawanna nnd stnto of Penn
sylvania, being lot number forty-two (42)
on n map of out lots of tho Delawaro
and Hudson Canal company on a tract of
Innd In the warrantee's name of Georgo, said lot containing tweuty-tlireo
thousand seven hundred (21,700) square
feet of land, bo tho samo moro or less,
and bounded nnd described ns follows, to
wit: Beginning In the southwesterly lino
of an Irregular lane at the easterly corner
of out lot Number forty-four (41) on said
tract owned by Cormack Carroll; thence
by snld lino of lano south twenty-thieo
nnd one-quarter degreo (23'.i) east twenty
nlno and seven-tenths (29 7-10) feet and
south thlrty-thrco and threo-quartors
(S3J) degrees east thirty and five-tenths
(30 5-10) feet to a corner; thence by lot
number forty (40) on tub! tract leased to
Thomas Gallagher south sixty-four de
grees west one hundred nnd twenty-six
and five-tenths (120 5-10) feot to a corner;
thenco by out lot number forty-one (41)
on said tract leased to John Gallagher
north eighty and one-quarter (So'4) de
grees west ono hundred and eleven (111)
feet; thenco by out lot number forty
threo (43) on said tract sold to Androw
Collins north seventy-nlno and three
qunrters (794) degrees west twenty-seven
nnd four-tenths (27 4-10) feet to a cornor;
thenco by out lot number forty-five (43)
on said tract sold to Ann T. McDonough
north forty-flvo (15) degrees west sixty
live (03) feet to a corner; thenco by out
lot number forty-four (41) aforesaid north
seventy-three and three-quarters (77?i)
decrees enBt one hundred and eighty-two
(H2) feet nnd south eighty-seven and ono
half 87'4) degrees cast ninety (90) feet to
tho placo of beginning. Excepting to the
Dolawuro and Hudson Canal company nil
coal and mlnorals. Improved with two
one-story and one two-Htory frame build
ings and outbuildings thereon.
Seized nnd taken Into execution at tho
suit of Henry Sahm et al., vs. Michael
McGowan. Debt, $1,450. Judgments No.
4S1, September Term, 1R93, and No, 33
March Term, 1S93; No. 70. March Term,
1898, and No. 130, March Term, 1898. Fl.
fa. to March Term, 1898.
No. 9. All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of the defendant, Lilly Qlnsburg, In und
to nil tho surfaco or right of soil of all
that lot, pleco or parcel of land situate
in tho city of Carbondalo, county of
Lackawanna nnd statu of Pennsylvania.
Being lot No. 191 on map of cut lots of
the Delaware and Hudson Canal company
on a tract of Innd In tho warrantee name
of Jacob Porter: suld lot containing four
thousand feot or thereabouts, und bolng
bounded and described as follows, to wit;
Beginning In tho northerly line of nn lr
rogular luno at the southeasterly corner
of out lot No. 192 on said tract, contract
ed to be Bold to Matthew Kearney; thence
by said out lot No. 192 on said tract north
Wi degrees west 88 feet; thenco by nn
Irregular lano north 78H degrees cast
",,,, "r"1!- '1r--llllrl" "i" ",ni",irirni ri.nirLjxnjLr.
20 0-10 feet nnd south 43 degrees cast $2
feot to a corner; thenco by land ot the
Dclawnro and Hudson Canal company
south 6li degrees west 13 feet nnd south
5Vi degrees cast 23 2-10 feet to tho nloro
Bnld lino of lano; and thenco by said line
of lano south 81. degrees west 19 3-10
feet to tho placo of beginning. Being tho
snmo premises conveyed by tho Dela
vsaro nnd Hudson Canal company to
Abraham Shoprln. by dctd dated January
Ctli, ISSli, and recorded In Lackawanna
county In Deed Book No. 122. Pago 197,
etc. This deed Is mado subject to nil the
exceptions and reservations contained In
said deed from company nbovo men
tioned, refcrenco thereunto being had
will fully and at largo appear. All lm-
E roved with a two-story framo building,
am nnd outhouses thorcon.
Seized and tnken In execution at the
suit of II. F. Tlnkhnm, assigned to is.
G. Seldman, vs. Lilly Glnsburg. Debt,
$25. Judgment No. 33U, March Term, li98.
Fl, fa. to March Term, 1898.
No. 10. All tho right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, Orrln R. Spencer, in
and to nil that certain lot or parcel ot
land sltuato In tho Twelfth ward ot tho
city of Scrnnton, In tho county ot Lacka
wanna and stato of Pennsylvania, do
scrlbed as follows, viz.: Being lot num
ber nlno (9), In squnro or block numbo?
ono hundred and thirteen (113), nnd slt
uato upon tho northerly sldo of strcot
called and known us Orchard street, upon
tho plot of tho city of Scranton. Intended
to bo duly registered nnd recorded. Said
lot bolng forty (40) feet In front on Or
chard street, forty (40) feet In rear, nnd
ono hundred and fifty-two (102) feet In
depth. With an nlley In tho rear and
another on tho northwesterly sldo thereof,
ench nlley being sixteen (10) feet wldo for
public use. With tho prlvllego of using
ten (10) feet In front of tho front lino
of said lot for yard, porch, piazza, eel
larway und bay window. Coal and min
erals reserved. Improved with a two
Btory framo dwelling, barn and outbuild
ings thereon.
Seized nnd taken Into execution at tho
suit of Mary Ann Sullivan, nsslgncd to
M. C. Murray vs. Orrln n. Spencer. Debt,
$308.18. Judgment No. 474, March Term,
ISOS. Fl. fa. to March Term. 189S.
C. C. DONOVAN, Att'y.
No. 11. All the right, tltlo nnd Interest
of tho defendant, Joseph Race, In nnd
to nil tho surface or right of soil of nil
that certain lot or parcel of land, sltuato
In Old Forgo township nnd bounded nnd
described ns follows, to wit. Beginning
nt tho northwest corner on Plttston nve
nuo In Austin Heights, Lackawanna coun
ty, Pennsylvania, Joining lot contracted
for by Joseph Sandrnskl; thenco south
15 degrees and 52 minutes cast along said
avenuo fifty feot; thenco north 74 degrees
8 minutes east one hundred and fifty
feet to Bonnet street; thence north 15
degrees 02 minutes west fifty feet;
thenco south 74 degrees 8 minutes
west one hundred nnd fifty feet to placo
of beginning. Being lot No. forty-six, ns
shown on map of estato of Erastus
Smith, deceased, nnd containing soven
thousand five hundred square feet of Bur
face or soil. Being tho same lot of land
conveyed to tho said Joseph Race by
Anna B. Smith, ct nl.. per attorney, by
deed dated February 26th, 1893, nnd re
corded In Lackawanna county In Deed
Book No. 137. Pago 302, etc. All lm
proved with a ono-story framo dwelling
hoiiso with outbuildings thereon.
Seized nnd tnken In execution at the
suit ot Henry V. Welsenflith vs. Joseph
Race, et nl. Debt. $100. Judgment No.
270, September Term, 1890. Fl. fa. to
March Term. 1S9S.
No. 12.-AM of the defendant's right, ti
tle nnd Interest In and to nil that cer
tain lot, plcco nnd parcel of land, situate
In tho township of Jefferson, county of
Lackawanna nnd stato of Pennsylvania,
bounded and described as follows, to wit.:
Beginning nt tho middle, of the east nnd
west road, formerly called "Tho Wayno
and Luzerne Turnpike Road," on a lino
of Innd owned by John Maloy: thence
south ninety-two (92) rods to a corner In
stono wall: thenco along snld wall thirty
ono (31) rods on a lino of land owned by
Ebcnezer S. H. Cobb, to tho mlddlo of
a road leading from said east nnd west
road to IlolllstervUlc; thenco along snld
road to oast and west road, sixty-four (01)
rods and twelve (12) feet: thenco ulong
paid road or turnpike forty-four (44) rods
nnd ten (10) feet to tho plnco of begin
ning. Containing eighteen (18) ncres and
eighty-four (S4) rods,, bo tho snmo more
or less. Being tho samo premises con
veyed by Lorenzo G. Florcy and Gertrudo
L. Florey, his wife, to Isaac W. Cobb,
nnd recorded In Lackawanna county In
Deed Book No. 11, Pago 13S. All im-
E roved with a frame dwelling house,
am, nnd other outbuildings, also fruit
trees nnd shrubbery.
Seized nnd taken In execution at tho
suit of G. Vanslckle, nsslgned to A. G.
Holllster, vs. B. F. Killam nnd Carrlo
E. Cobb, executors of tho estate of
Isnao W. Cobb, deceased. Debt. $203.13.
Judgment No. 35, January Term, 1897. Fl,
fa. to March Term, 189S.
No. 13. All tho right, title and Interest
of the defendant In nnd to the following
described piece or parcel of land sltuato
lu the Second ward of the City ot Scran
ton, county of Lackawanna and state of
Pennsylvania, bounded and described as
follows: Beginning at a stake corner In
the east sldo of Lincoln street on lands
now or lato of tho estate of Michael Gul
lagher; thenco running easterly 65 feet,
moro or less nlang said Gallagher Vtnds
to n corner In lands of Miller & Cole
man; thence southerly along s.xld Miller
& Coleman's lands forty-live feet to a
corner In lino of division of Cawley lot;
thenco westerly along lino of division
ifty-llve feot to a corner In snld Lincoln
street; thenco northeily ulong said street
forty-ono and six-twelfths feet to tho
place of beginning. Said lot containing
2.475 square feet of land, moro or less.
Coal and mineral reserved. Improved
with a ono two-story frnmo dwelling
house nnd outbuildings thereon.
Seized nnd taken In execution nt the
suit of assigned to E. B. Hurlbutt vs.
John Cawley. Debt, $141.62. Judgment.
No. 031. April Term, 1S93. Vend. ex. to
March Term. lSftS.
No. 14. All the right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, Chnrles W. Hoyt, in
nnd to nil that certain lot or pleco of
ground, with tho Improvements thereon,
situate in tho First ward of tho city of
Scranton county ot Lackawanna nnd
stnto of Pennsylvania, and beginning on
tho west side of Market street at a corner
bearing northwesterly and distant two
hundred and forty-llvo (243) feet from
the north corner of West Market street
nnd Main avenuo; thence extending north
forty-three degrees east seventy-one (71)
feet to a corner; thenco westerly nnd nt
right nnglcs to tho last lino four feet to
a corner; thence north thlrty-ono degrees
east ono hundred nnd thirty-two feet to
a corner on School street; thence along
tho said School street north CO degrees
west thirty-eight feet to a corner on nn
alloy; thence along tho said alley south
thirty-four degrees west ono hundred nnd
ninety feot to a corner on tho Bald West
Market street, and thence nlnng tho same
south Blxty-four degrees east forty-llvo
feet to the plnco of beginning. Conl nnd
mlncrnls excepted. All Improved with a
three-story and ono-half dwelling house
nnd store, a two-story barn and outbuild
ings thereon.
Seized nnd taken In execution at tho
suit of Edward Wright. Jr., vs. Charles
W. Hnyt. Debt, $5,479.17. Judgment No.
1027, September Term, 1897. Lev. fa. to
March Term, 189S.
BOWER, Att'y.
No. 15. All tho right, title and Interest
of tho defendant. Willard Parker, In and
to nil that certain lot, piece or parcel of
laud, with tho Improvements thereon,
sltuato In the borough of Dunmore, coun
ty of Lackawanna and stato of Pennsyl
vania nnd known ns the Sherwood Farm,
now Jointly belonging to Benjamin II.
Throop nnd the devisees of tho lato Wil
lard Parker, deceased, as tenants In com
mon, but In different undivided shares
nnd In 'which under the terms of the
Inst will und testament of tho said
Dr. William Parker, deceased, tho
said Willard Parker Is entitled and seized
of on undivided third part of tho estate
of which tho said lato Dr. Willard Porker
died seized mibleot to n release recorded
April 14th; 1897, In Mortgage Book, 15.
l'ngo 115, of the following part of said
mortgaged premises, Being all that cer
tain lot or pleco of ground with tho build
ings nnd Improvements thereon erected.
Sltunto In tho First, ward of tho Borough
of Dunmore. county and stato aforesaid,
and described nccordlng to a survey
thoreof mado by A. B. Dunning. Jr., sur
veyor, dated January 29th, H97, as fol
lows, to wit.:
Situate on tho southwest side of Throop
i avenue, beginning at tho distance of 195
feet southeasterly from tho southeasterly
sldo of Battln street. Containing In front
on said Throop avenue 03 feet and extendi
lug In dopth southwest 180 feet to n
nlley being samo premises conveyed it
John Powell by Willard Parker, ct al., bi
deed dated Nov. 17th, 1891, and recorded
In Deed Book 127, Pago.0, etc.
Seized nnd tnken In execution at tin
suit of Throop, Wolf nnd Warren, oxct
cutors and trustees of B. H, Throop, de,
ceased, vs. Willard Parker. Debt, $3.000l
Judgment No. 303, November Term, 1697,
Lev. fa. to March Term. 1S98.
No. 1C All tho right, tltlo and lntrosl
of tho defendant, Thomas A. Sulilt
van. In nnd to all thnt cortaln lot of land
sltunto In tho city of Cnrbondnle, coun.
ty ot Lnekawnnna, Pn bounded nnd de
Bcrlhod ns follows, to wit; beginnhiK nl
tho westerly lino of Dundnff street ni
tho southeasterly corner of lot num
bered 37 on said street contracted to b
sold to Bridget McDonough: thenco bj
Bald lino of Btrect south sixteen and one
quarter degrees west olghty-thrco and two
tenths feet to a corner; thenco by lot No
33 on said street heretofore conveyed V
Edward Clarkson north sixty-eight nnc
ono-hnlf degrees west ono hundred anc
fifty-four and two-tenths feet to a comer
thenco by lots Nos. 4 nnd 0 on Btrof
numbered 31 north sixteen and ono-hal
degrees east ninety nnd -tenths fee
to a corner, and thenco by lot No. 3
aforesaid south slxty-threo degrees oas
Bcvcnty-Foven feet nnd south slxty-clgh
nnd three-quarters degrees cast seventy
seven nnd four-tenths feot to tho place ol
beginning. Being lot No. 33 cm a map o
out lots of tho Delawaro and Hudson Cal company nnd containing 12.400 squnri
feet or thereabouts and part of lot In th
warrantee nnmo of Jacob Portor nnd con,
veyed to Tliomns Sullivan by deed dated
September 23th. 1SD0, und recorded In thj
olllce for recording deeds In Lackawunn.)
county In Deed Book No. 73, Pago 529, eta
Seized nnd tnken In execution at th
suit of Henry Sahm vs. Thomns A. Sul.
llvan. Debt. $150. Judgment No, 370.
March Term, 1693. Fl. fa. to Mnrch Terml
1858. II. D. CAREY, Atfy.
No. 17. All the right, title ond Interns!
ot tho defendant, M. J. O'Mnllcy, In and
to all tho following described lots ot
pnrcols of hind, with the Improvement
thereon; situate In tho city of Scranton,
county of Lackawanna, stato ot Penn
sylvanln. Hounded and described ns fol.
lows: Being lot No. 3 In square or blocll
No. 08 and situate upon street called
nnd known ns Wyoming avenuo. upon
plot of Scranton, intended to bo duly reg
istered und recorded. Said lot being 4(1
leet In front and ono hundred nnd fifty
feet In depth, nnd rectnngular In shape,
with tho prlvllego of using ten feet In
front of tho front lino of paid lot on Wy
oming avenuo for yard, vault, etc., tha
top of tho outside of the vault In no case ,
to bo higher than tho sidewalk In front
of the same. Coal und minerals reserved
the samo being Improved with n two.
story framo building with basement.
Contnlnlng two store rooms, barn and
other outbuildings thereon.
Seized nnd taken In execution nt tho
pult of Deposit nnd Savings Bank ot
Kingston vs. m. j. O'junlley. Debt.
$2,002.23. Judgment No. 008. November
Term, 1697. Vend. ex. to March Terra,
No. IS. AU tho right, tltlo and Interests
of Benjamin D. Cooper nnd Mrs. Mary
Cooper In and to nil that certain plecn
or parcel of land with tho messuages or
tenements thereon erected, sltuato, lying
and being In tho borough ot Elmhurst.
county of Lackawanna nnd stato ot
Pennsylvania bounded and described ns
follows: Beginning nt nn Iron pin In tho
center of Main Btrect and at the Inter
section of boundary lino between lands
of T. E. Cnrr & Son and lnnds of tho
said Benjamin D. Cooper (hereby mort
gaged) with the center lino of said street,
said boundary lino being extonded south
elghty-flvo (83) degrees forty-five (43) min
utes east to Bald Iron pin; thenco south
five (5) degrees llfty-flvo (55) minutes west
nlnety-threo (93) feet to an Iron pin;
thenco north eighty-four (81) degrees
live (5) minutes west one hundred nnd
thlrty-nlno (139) feet to a post; thence
north four (4) degrees thirty (30) minutes
east eight (8) feet to a post: thenco north
seventy-six (70) degrees thirty (30) min
utes west twenty-seven (27) feot to n post;
thenco north two (2) degrees forty (40)
minutes east seventy-seven (77) feet to
a post; thenco south clghty-llvo (85) de
grees forty-llvo (45) minutes east one
hundred nnd seventy nnd four-tenths
(170.4) feet to tho placo of beginning. Con
taining fourteen thousand nlno hundred
and fifty-live nnd two tenths (14953.2)
square feot. Being tho same premises
widen tho Union Tanning company by
deed dated tho 11th day of June, A. D
1804, nnd duly lodged for record In tho
olllco for recording deeds, etc., in nnd for
said county of Lackawanna on tho 19th
day of June, A. D., 1S91, granted and con
voyed unto tho said Benjamin D. Cooper
In fee. All Improved with one two-story
framo shlnglo roof storo nnd dwelling,
one framo barn, ono wagon shed, out
buildings, etc.
Seized nnd taken In execution nt tho
suit of Republic Savings and Loan nsso
ciatlon vs. Benjamin D. Cooper and Mrs.
Mary Cooper. Debt, $1,221.03. Judgment
No. 913, January Term, 189S. Lev. fa. to
March Term. 1898.
No. 19. All tho right title ond Interests
of tho defendant, Reuben E. Lowslo In
and to all that certain lot, pleco or parcel
if land situate on the northerly Kido of
East Market street lu tho First ward ot
tho city of Scranton, county of Lacka
wanna and stato of Pennsylvania. Being
lots number twenty-ono (21) and twenty
one nnd one-half l21fe) In block number
sixty-six (CO) as they aro represented and
designated on tho City Assessmnnt Map
of tho City ot Scranton. Pennsylvania,
said lots belmr together sixty-seven and
two-tenths (C7.2) feet In front on East
Market street, being tho samo width lu
rear, nnd ono hundred and thirty-four
(131) feet In depth. Being all .mproved
with a two-story doublo frame dwelling
house, ono barn and a small one-story
building used ns a store.
Second All that certain lot, plcco or
parcel of land sltunto In tho township of
Greenfield, county ot Lackawanna and
btnte of Pcnr.sylvanln, lounded and de
scribed as follows, to wit. On tho north
by land now or Into of William Rankin:
on the east by a public road; on tho south
by a public road; on the west by SIckl r
pond. Containing nbout five (5) acres ot
land. All improved with n ono nnd one
half story frame dwelling house nnd out
buildings, fruit trees, etc., thereon. And
also nil that certain lot. niece or parcel of
land situate In Greenfield township, Lack
awanna county, Pennsylvania, bounded
and described ns follows, to wit.: On the
north by public road; on tho east by land
of John Davis; on tho south by land now
or lato of Jacob Slckler; on tho west by
land now or late of Jncob Slckler. Con
taining about thirty (30) perches of land.
All Improved with cno frnmo burn.
Seized nnd tnken In execution nt the
suit of nsslgncd to Georgo L. Taylor vs.
Reuben E. Lowrle. Debt, $205.31. Judg-.
ment No. 79. Mnrch Term, 1891. Fl. fa.
to March Term. 1S3S.
Sheriff's olllco, Scranton, Pa., Marph 3,
2? C i or,lrapotnoy. HlMDletiMMa, eto caustd
uj auum or uiuvr x.icniw nq inqu
cretlout. 'SJtti ouiokiy antl urlu
retWra Lot Vltqlltr 1 oldor7oaD.o4
tUatnaafurttudri ba4nor xntrrUff
I'Mvant JatAnltr ni GoniamDttian if
a time. Tbelr umi howi iaraedtnto fmcroTO
,nd effect ft ;UltE Wiara all other fail In.
fist upoahaTioff th genuine Ajar Th(j1U. They
ntTooartHnnouiunaanaa vruiourvyoo. aiTe apoa.
ntTaoarwl thousands and wlllourejoa. niftia ft boa.
UirflwutteaiiDarantea to street curs Eft PTC la
Mchoswor rsfuud tb maner. PricUU U I O ifr
pACKAsei or six ikcs (fall treatment! for t.60. Uf
. flV vmv. wyif; JU4M.1
For vale In Scranton, 1'u., by Matthew
llroa. ami II, C. bandortgn, drugKlaU.
R juVI
taVio J
ment a