THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE- TUESDAY. MARCH f, 1898. CARBONDALE. IThe Carbondnie correspondence of Tho Trlbtina lms been placed In the hands of Mr. 0. n. Munn, Salem avonuo and Church street, to whom newn Items may lie addrenscd. All lomplnlnts an to Ir regular delivery, etc., should bo made to W. J. Roberts, news neent. BAPTISTS' CELEBRATION. Iiirgcly Attended Services 1'crtntnluc to the Cnldcti Jiilillnn. The golden jubilee set vices ot the Borenn Hapttut church are lielns larBc ly attended. Tho llrst onu vvns hold Sunday morning and the lurstor, Hev. T. K. Jepson, preached from this tet: And yo Hlinll hallow the fifteenth year, . shall bo a Jubilee unto you. The seinion was eloquently delivered Ind Its subject matter vvum Instinctive Tincl helpful to tho members of the fold. Sunday evening a llllile school ami Vounff Ppople'-J Jubilee service wiu held. Many appropriate songs won Ming, assisted by the orchestra. Xamei of prominent Haptlst woikers In tho past history of the world were men tioned. Uaptlst murtyii were enumcr nted. Miss Maud James recited a Jubi lee poem A ituoHtlon cxculso of the junlois brought out many fuctp. A history of tho Bible sciinol vni pie paied and lend by A. S. Lew-nip. A lilstory ot Young People' Society Chris tian Endeavor by Freeman Tallmah and a hWtorylot the Junior oclety bv Miss Carrie Genry vveie listened to with Interest The pastor gave a brief history of Sunday schools In general. The exercises weir- biought lit n rlo-p by tho laige congregation ."lnglntf "Lovalty to ChllM, ' led by the choll. Tn the course of the oenlng Mrs Good win and Mlfc Kllzabeth New Ion sang a prettv duet The eleeoiatlnir coininltlee, eonslst Ing of Mrs. Kva M. Smith. Mrs. O. I,. T'tley, A. Turnbull and Joseph Robin son, assisted by Mr. Hendricks, llorKt, had the auditorium tlnely decorated with running lnes, potted plants of rare beauty and beautiful palms very tastefully uii.mged The decorations will remain during the lemulnlng sessions ot the jubilee. Last evening a chinch reunion was held In the chapel, vvlieie lefieslimentH were served ff'p. An enjoyable social time wns bad and many lnteietlng and edifying leliglous tNpeilenres were re lated Following is the piogi.inune tuv to day jpniL,i:i: or ohoanmsoation. 2?fl p. m. Prove r and in.ilse ervlct. Scrlptuie sending Talm Cb Prnyer. Hymn "Christ's Dominion," ..'J Bv Lucy .Toslln (Deacon of thi church for thlitv-fru icnrs ) "The Women Helpers In Out Chuicli," Bv I.uev Joslln Hymn "Tho Paints of the Lord." col, Address By W. J. Ford, pastor Oietu Itidge Baptist church. Hymn "Am I a Soldier of the Cios " 430 BVllNINCJ-UNION JUBILEH SCIlVICn 7.3() Organ prelude. lljran, "Tho Church's One roundatlon." CIS. Itesponslvo icudlng. Prayer. Hymn "Jesus Still Lead On " 3i'i. Pffertory anthem Choir. "-ini from city pastors. Jliatles Iec , - tor of I'll st J'rexbyterlun church f Jlt,. Ji. A. Pluee, Pastor of Methodist elmicli. Bev. W A Beerher. Pastor Second Presbyterian church. Address Rev. W. a. Wutklns, Pastor Providenco Baptist, Scranton. "Pastorate of Last Decade.,' Hymn "Tho New Jerusalem " 411. THEATRICAL REVIVAL. Mnny (Jood Plnys Will Follow tho Lull .ow llemg Experienced. Manager Byrm has tnken occasion to have the opera house renovated during this lull which is soon to be followed by n theatrical revival which will have for its principal attractions the best plavs of the season. The week of March 7 will see a lound of plays gixen by Van Osten's company supporting the three stars. Inez Alecus Jeer, Wlllaid I.ce and Marlon Miliar d. Theie ate twenty-two people in the company liebldes a lady orchestra of eight parformtrs who were with the big production of "Miss Philadelphia" last yeai On the Monday following, February 14, comes the greatest of our operatic treats of the season when the "Isle of Champagne" will be kIvpii here. The leading soprano of the company is Miss Katherine Germalne who made suth a great success with the Whitney opera company heie last winter Supporting her Is that well known comedian ltlchatd Golden of "Old Jed Piouty" fame. The company Is a large nnd brilliant one and the scenery they car ry is bv Walter Buridge and Klchard Marstnn. On the 21st comes the ever welcome Chnuncey Olcott In his new piece, "Sweet InnlBcaua," and it is the most tuneful plctuesque and successful play he has ever put on On the 22nd comes "A Trip to Coon Town" with Lloyd Glbts, lenoi, and Cole and Johnbon, comedians, who will be remembered ob members of the "Black Patti" com pany. On the- 2Sth tomes tho Ethel Tuiker repertolr company tor ono week nnd they nlso carry a ladles' oichestra. ALMOST A CENTENARIAN. Death ol Mr. Kliinbuth llnnnicker, A geil Ninety-n hie Ycnri. Mis. Elizabeth Hunsicker, of College vllle, grandmother of Mis. J. S Nlles, of this city, died at her home Friday afternoon nt the age of 3 veats, 3 months and 7 days. She was In entlio control of her mental faculties up to the last She was th wife of Bev Abraham Hunslcker, a bishop of the Mennonlte church, und prominent in educational Trprk. Her descendants numbered at tho HI THE EDGE OF A DOLLAR doesn't look so big as the face of it. i the WOtnatl wlin illva cmn tnw lim.r. f t - - at her inotipv pili'pwicp Tli vrtMi .. . values lier money as tv Washing and ha lotnethlng to worn met) uua Liiergeii pacuBge Tlie N, IC, KlrT)nU Coinjiaiijr, ObtcifO. BI.LkiqU NawYork. Boiton. time ot the family reunion, a year ago last November, 5) giandchlldtcnr 79 groat-grand children and 13 great-gieat-grandchlldrcn, making a total of 117. Mr. Itunslcker died on January 12, 1872. THE IIOSB BURST. Coiincilnicn Discuss the Test Mnde lit tlm llondrlrk Works. Ono of tho most Important matters brought before common council last evening Mas the leport of Fire Chief Mollltt on the test of tho iceently pur chased hose. The test was made at the Hcndtlekn works nnd many lengths burst at a pressure of 300 pounds, while It was guaranteed to stand 400 pounds and wcur five years, regardless of the core lecelved. Ppon questioning, tho the chief ad mitted that the iltst gauge used In the testing was Inaccurate, the hand fluc tuating between 300 tind M0 pounds without any material change of pres ume. Mr. Vannnn, the agent, through whom llu liose was purchased, de manded another gauge, but uh the gauges were inueh at variance It wus not determined which was correct. Inasmuch as the Hendtlck people I wcie unsuccessful bidders on the hose. I Hinm of the rouncllmon thought It was i n poor place to have It terted. Mr. iColwell suggested that exputs be en I goged to dii the wolk. I Council finally decided to deter ne Itluu until the company's repiesentalUe reaches the eitj. , The rlty fathers ntnj ilie chief were unduly ngltuted. The manufacturer's I ate undoubtedly responsible nnd will I not expect the cltj to accept anything ! thnt falls shoit ot the lequlrementa of the Kiiaiantco. A temonstrance ngnlnst the pioposed stwer on upper Canaan was received. All tlie nliutting piopeity owneis suvo one had signed It and that means death to the piojiet. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs. Clullt, of Baltimore, Mar viand widow of Hev. J. 13. Oault, n pastor of the llerean Hnptist church in '73 nnd 71. came heie to attend the Jubilee. She Is a guest of Mrs. A P. Traut wein Sunday a sun was born to Mr. and Mr- William Hnnklns, at the homo of Mr. Hanklns' parent", Mr. and Mrs V W. Watt Mrs. P. 1'. .Moflitt, of Seventh ave nue, is entertaining her mother, Mrs Stephen ?Iaroney, of Susquehanna. Miss Minnie Bcwen is spending u week with' Mis. AV. M. Lathrop at Pat er son, N. J. Annies Hlltllerford, of the iilnlic store, is on a business ttlp to New York. Mr nnd Mis C. S. Kimball will go to rioilda tills week. Mr. and Mrs Curtis J Hniiington, of Nov York city, ute vMtlng the for mer's mother, Mr. Frames Kaster, on South Chinch street John Sullivan, a plumber In the em ploy of Vin Bergen fie Co for a milli ner of yens past, resigned his position Satuulay evening to embark Irr busi ness for himself. The St Vincent do Paul society ac knowledges the folohving donations: Knights of Fnther Mathew. $23; C. M. JI. A., $2.-.; St. Hose T. A. B. s-ocietv, $10. TAYLOR NEWS. Itoiilcs to Celebrate St. David's Day. Coming i:titertiiiiimciits-lvrsonnl Notes. This evening the members of the True Ivorltes, No. 7, of this plnee, will honor St. David's anniversary by hold ing an entertainment in the Welsh Con gregational church. The committee on proginmme say that it will excel any of Its kind held by this society for n number of years. It has been decided by the committee to charge the small ad mission fee of five and ten cents for children nnd adults respectfully. Tho following is the programme: Organ selection, Mls Nellie Taylor; address by chnirmnn, Bev. II. II. IlnrrK D. 1).; opening song, T. Dewitt Bdwards; Welsh tecltatlon, Daniel Bvan.s; duet (selected), Misses Davis and Grilllths; nddtesx, "Iforiaeth," Rev. J. M Lloyd; solo (selected), David Smith; recitation, David D. Grilllths, alto solo, Miss Ol wen Howells, recitation. Miss Louisa Nicholas, solo, John J. Moigans; reci tation (selected), Lizzie Lewis; solo, David Davis, address, "Dewl Sant," Rev. Ivor Thomas, soprano solo, Mrs. Bobert Llewellyn, nddrc-s In history on Lodge No. 7, Jacob J. Jones; tenor Kilo, Prof. Ddwln Bow en; solo, Edmund Jones. The employes of tho Aichbald col lleiy will recehe their pay for Febru ary today. Tlie committee who are working for the state council session of the Junior Older I'nlted Ameiienn Mechanics, which will Ijo held at Scranton In 1899. will meet Wednesday 'evening at tho rooms of Patriotic council. No. S2, Jr. O. lT. A. M . at South Scranton lu Hart man's hall. All mernbeis of council No SI, of this town, ate lenuested to be present. One case of dlphthei'la and one case of seal let fevei were teported to the hoaid of health yesterday. A jnand entettalnment and bocial will be held nt the Calvary Baptist church on March 12, under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid society. An excel lent programme is being prepared for tho event. A prize will be given for the best recitation of "Tho Thtee Fishei." The contest is for children only. Tho reports from the bedside of Mas ter Alfred, son of Dr. und Mrs. J. L. Giitllths, last evening Is that he is im proving Dr. J. W. Ilouser is attend ing him. Mrs. Albert Spargle. of Stroudsburg, Is the guest of her sistei, Mis. Fiank Lowry, of this place The Delawute. Lackawanna and Western collieries will work four and five-eighth duys this week Hev M J Wfttklns, of Factoiyvllle, was tho guest of his mother Mrs. W. jt wxi Wl tlUUSV 1 ell as her streugtli uses Powdir. iliow for her labor beside puir or rouitn liuiiaa. vreaieai economy. rmudtlpbU. y JONAS LONG'S SONS. t Dress Goods, Domestics, Groceries npWOUSANDS OF PEOPLE carried away bargains from every floor of this store yesterday. Thousands more will ji we ve Dargams to otter. I old you bunclay and yesterday that you d realize what a week of bargains meant. Today' we said. Today's buyers will find inducements to buv zood coods for less monev bv a half than has ever hepn 1; ton. We mean this. And vou II acree with us. .. Four hundred busy clerks find employment in the "Big" us to cany on a great business to buv big stocks cheap for find such a condition elsewhere ? Dress Goods and Silks. Bottom Prices on Groceries. "'Domesticand Dress Goods plaids for thlldienV One lot of bright waists, eight cents vnlue, at Five case tweed suit ings in veiv htvllsli and dnssy two-toned color ef fects, rood value nt 1.V, special nt 2M) pieces or 42-liuh Scotch pelib'o suitings, in big assortment of color ings, nil the newest similes, wen Ih GOc, at fi4-lii-ii nil-wool diagonal and fancy i heck suitings desliable -l'or seivice.ible use In till the newest Spring mixtures, v.oilh fully 70r yird. nt Ill) plecei bilk and v.nol faiieiea, nil the hhw mi I Silk ttilleh 8 ... .. w. "tore .'can 3flc and desired coloilngs.woitlt Id every c.'iit ot "Cc yard, special nt 57 pieces c ls-lneli all wool armuie suitings the correct dt.'iM tiibtli ''or Spring weal. Thee com In all the to De-desired shades, and von pay I.J'i a jar el for tl.eni in any store. Here while tn. y Inst at JU fttln Ducbens puio silk ' iipetli ciunlltj, worth l d, , 10 puie quality, 15,000 Rolls of JONAS LONG'S SONS W. Wntkins, of Grove street, yester day, Harry Harlow o has taken up his resi dence on the. farm teeently occupied by James Taylor, near Pyne branch. The farm will bo worked by the Dela waie, Lackawanna and Western com pany, who Is Its owner. Mrs. Grimth Price, of Hyde Park, was the guest of relatives In this place yesterday. PECKVILLE. Mrs. Oliver Glanvlllc and fumlly de sire to thank all those who so kindly nsslsted them during their recent be reavement. A cry Interesting and profitable In stitute was held at the Callcnder Mem orial chape 1, Blakely, Teb. 2G. Tho build lug was well tilled at an early hour by teachers, directors, patrons and visitors. At 1 13 p. m. the Institute was called to order by the chairman, Miss C. A. Ken yon, principal of tho IUakcly borough schools. S W. Watklns, of Olyphant, led tho Institute In it, song. Tho chair man then Introduced Professor E. L. Kemp, professor of psychology nnd ped agogy at tho Dust Stroudsburg Stato Normal school, who discoursed on tho subject of "lleuding." County Superintendent J. C Taylor ad dressed tho institute on "Spoiling and Teaching." This excellent address was followed by a song, with posing accom paniments by Miss Wlnchell's claiis.whlch was very pleasing. Professor J. A. Moyleg, principal of Wlnton schools, took up tho subject of "Stocks nnd Uonds," which he made both Interesting and In structive. Ilhea Simpson then entertain ed tho nudlenco by reciting "Mary Ann." City Superintendent George Howell, of Scranton, gave nn address on "Words." Language Is tho medium through which wo obtain Impressions. Professor Howoll gave many Interesting facts about the lilstory of some of our common words He closed his able address by quoting at length from Mackintosh's "Trlbuto to Words." The institute was entertained by a humorous recltallun by Grace Hughes. Professor M. W. Cummlngs, principal of the Olyphant schools,' gavo 11 very Interesting talk on "The Uevolu- tlon Maps and colored pencils wero passed and the Institute- asked to trace I with him tho routes and victories of the I two armies. His talk wus extremely In tiTestlng and gave evidence of a very I comprehensive knowledge of tho subject Tho institute was led In a song by Professor Wntkins, after which it ad journed to meet at the Olyphant Central 1 school sometime In March, llerthu G. Williams, secictarj. AROHBALD. A small dwelling house owned and occu pied by ThomaB Murphy, of Itock Ter race, was burned to the ground yesterday morning. Tho alarm wus given nt 9.30 o'clock and tho hose company was soon on tho scene. Tho fire Jiad gained such headway, however, that it was Impossi ble to savo the building and It, with Its contents, was destroyed Mr. Murphy was at work when tlm lire started. He had bought the house only a few months ago and Its destruction 1 u serious lots to him The cause of the tiro Is not known Tho funeral of tho late P J.Coollcan took place on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Hundreds of acquaintances of tho deceatcd assembled at his home to do him limit honor and In tho assemblago every part of the valley was represent ed. Bervlces over tho remains wero held at St. Thomas' chinch by Uov. T J. fomerford Interment took place In the Catholic cemetery The pallbearers wero Captain C. C. Uattenberg, Patrick Duf fy and ThomaB Malone, representing I.eut. James G. Stephens' post, Grand Army of tho Republic, of which the de ceased was n member nnd Y J, O'Boyle, Max Sjielcher nnd J. H. White, repre senting Archbald conclave, Improved Or der of Heptasophs. This society aUo presented a. beautiful floral pteco which was carried by W H. lirennan and Fred Unde. I Veru, tlm e-yenr-old clttld of Mrs, John Drown, died of membraneous croup on Sunday morning. She had been ill only a few days nnd her death was unexpect ed, The funei til took place yesterday nf ternoon. Tho little ono was the oldest of two chlldien, and had endeared her self to her companions by a winning manner und singular sweetness of cllspo-sltlon. I JONAS LONG'S SONS. A Week of Great u IJ Specials I Our Silk Department gives pus- . 'tomirs gient pleasure In shop- $r (pltij;. New goods In the best 'woives are here at prices less than you'd expect i.o pay, and J. .S. special blend of choice coffee?, per pound 23c ! 4i His for 1.00 llest Java and Mocha cof fee, per pound ...i 3Jc Aurora Cotfe oiv line, in the bean only, per pkg.... lie Tllo coffee, choice 12c Choicest ereameiy. butter, by the tub 21c limnr- thnn vml Vinen tn . .. . ....... ..w.. .. .. . pay elsewhere for the same qualities. One featuie of this sill: Is the excellent light; you clearly so to match the! Hest dairy U must delicate shades i 2."i pieces all-silk blaek hiocade Oros Otaln, new designs, tegular 7uc quul- KQC Laid, Silver Maple, I01b pall 7.o Full crearn cheese, per lb.... l.'c California picnic Hum?, per lb v O Fancy sugar cured h.ini, lb Slic ''alt baron, par lb 720 Salt mackerel,-fat fish. No. 2, 10-lb kits 1 ID Sardines In oil, domestic, 6 cans 2'.o 1'iunp", laigj and meaty, per 11) Sc L,ooso Muscatel laislus, per lb po Cleaned currants, 1-lb pkg.. 9c Leghorn citron, 1-lb pkg.... 1LV Mother's crushed oats, 2-lb l'kg So Hulled oats, S lbs for 2"c BASEMENT lt, at JU 10 pleu"s brocaded changeable Taffeta, In n vailety of .styles, legu- fQC l.rr 71c, at HO pieces of 4-lrreh black C9C at piece! blaCk TarTeta, silk, heavy lustllng (AC 49 worth 7i1c, nt 3,000 yards Novelty Silks, beautiful pink's, stripe: "ftC'iind checks jmre silk nnd irtC I J Iworth SI yaici, nt OJ Fine White Back MOSCOW. Professor II. II. Martin and family spent Sunday with relatives at Jermyn. Miss Ruth Gardiner nnd Coral Betz, of Wyoming seminary, spent Sunday with Miss Ruth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. 11 Gardiner. Mis. Florence Petton was in Scranton Monday. Godfiey Kolb, ot Scranton, visited friends hero Sunday. All members of tho Womans' Relief corps aro requested to be present at their regular meeting Wednesday, March 2 C. H. Travis called on ills son, Dr. Travis, at Stroudsburg, Saturday. Mtss Augusta Gerhart io suffering from la grippe. TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN. TRIAL WITHOUT EXPENSE. Tho famous Appliance nnd Remedies of the Erlo Medical Co. now fur the nrst time offered on trial without expense to any honest man. Not a dollar to be paid la advance Cure Effects of Errors or Excesses in Old or Young. Manhood Fully Restored. How to Enlarge and Strenirtheu Weak, Undeveloped Portions ot Body. Absolutely unfailing Home Treatment. No C. O. D. or other sohemo. A plain offer by a firm of high standing. ERIE MEDICAL COsiSSS: MOR Frequently; scrub occa sionally. Scrubbing is hard work, but mopping with The Cinchbar Mopstick Is quite cany almost a pnHtlinn and tlie result U exquisite clenullnetH. Iho price of the Cinch bnr Mopntlok Is 'J A cents. It U worth u dollar. Order of) our dealer. THE KEYSTONE KINDLING WOOD AND CARPET CLEANING CO. Are now prepared to deliver kindling wood by the barrel made from seasoned hurd wood, also wood for grates at prices within the reach of all. 'Iry a buriel und seethe convenience of having this Indl sppnslulu article ready at band for Instant use Older books may be found at the following pluces: Ur.CKKIl'S PHARMACY, 107 N. Main uvenue. JirKI.NlV MKATMARKFT, OOl I.acko. 11 A. PIF.RCK'S MARKET, 702 Adams. GRKKX KIDUK MJMHKRCO, 11KKHS IIARDWARF. 8T0RK .V. Main avenue. Or at the Fuetory, 1740 DICKSON AVENUE Orders (or carpet cleaning received ufter March 1st. WOLF & WENZEL, Ho Adams Ave., Opp. Court Rous-. PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUMBERS Bole Afc-euts for Rlcbardson-ISoyntoa'j Furnaces and Ranges. HP 1 Si I JONAS LONG'S SONS. when vou see the coods and the Store. The business demands it. Cash for goods operates to our advantage. It enables cash. It enables you to save money on everything you buy. Fact ! Where will you t Corn starch, pkg 5c Fnnc C'orollna ilco, oer lb 0l,4c New buckwhent honey, per per pkg Sc Prepared buckwheat, per pkg 12c Pancake flour, per pkg flc Solid old-packed Tomatoes per dozen cans 1.00 Sweet corn, New York state (Franklin brand) per doz.. S'Oc butter, by the tub 19c Fnily June Peas (Nantlcoke brand) per dozen 30c Taney Maine succotash (P.tiby biand) per dozen.. l.JS Fancy Maine sugar com (Ituby brand) jier dozen .. 1 21 Cnlifoi na asparagus, per can 21c Crnkers bodas, ginger and oyster crackers, G lb for , 23c Coffee cakes, 4 lbs for 23q Armour's soap, 10 cakes for J"c Lenox soap, 7 enkes fcr .... 23o White Chief, 6 cakes fcr.... 2"c Laundry staich, peril) 4'o IXL starch, per package.. Se French blue, per box Sc Pearllne, per package tic Potash, per can Wall Paper at Finest Solderless 1 8k Wedding Rings. The new Tiffany Style. Wedding Presents -IN- Fine Sterling Silverware, Rich Cut Glass, Clocks, &c, Our optician, Mr. Adams, can fit all cases of defective vision. Prices very reasonable. 130 Wyomini Av3. SPRIN6 HATS On Sale Now at Conrad's The niller& Stetson Agency. 305 Lacka. Ave. NEW YORK HOTELS. The St. Denis Brosdway and Eleventh St., New York. Opp. elrace Church. -Europcsn Plan. Rooms $i,oo a bay and Upwards. in a tnodast and unobtrusive way there are ttrr bettor conducted hotels In the metropolis than the St Denis. Tho great popu'arity it has acquired oan readily be traced to its unique loiatlnn, lu homelike atmosphere, the peculiar ezcellanoe of Its eulslue ana sarrlce, and its Try modsr. ate prices WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SON. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St and Irvlog Place, NEW YORK. AMERICAN PLAN, $3.50 Per Day nnd Upwards. EUROPEAN PLAN, $1.50 Per Duy und Upwards. IRCraUHO NELL !E0, MURRAY, Proprietor. JONAS LONG'S SONS. Promise J , .... . -- nrices attached to them. 100 extra double-bed size ,Vhlti Spreads, heinnud iforuse.'; handsome Marseil les designs; roguhir price $1, this week .100 double-bed size White Spreads hemmed; hand- somo borders nnd centeis; sold legularly nt tl.r.o. This week at Two case of best quality Apron Glnghnm, in lltt. styles ot checks and plalcise very eoncelvubli coloilng. Sou know what such ginghams are iisuull) woi lb. Prices this vel; per ynid i')0 pieces of beiutlful Diess Olrighams, lino cuinl- Ity and 30 dlffeient designs of plaids checks and stilper. Woith by ever t ill" fctnndard 12'c per jd, this veek nt 30 pieces of 27-Inch line quality Percale", woith 7'kC, this week at 11 0 pieces blenched Crash, this week at .... lS-lnch Special 'Jc LACKAWANNA AVENUE TWO CENTS ATTEND TO YOUR EYES NOW byenlgiit preserved and beiulucbes pre ented by liuvlni: your ojea properly und KClentlflcally examined und titled. Byes examined free. The inteit styles of 8poc tacles und oyeg'asscs at the loueit price?. DR. SHIMBERG, 305 Spruce Street. LADIES Glenn your Kid Gloves with MIM.KK'S GLOVKINK. For s.Ue only by Me.irs .V Mil. ceo, lieudquurters for clreised und undressed Kid gloves In nil the most deslrubie sliudes. THE ilOSIC POWDER CO Rooms 1 ami 2, Coiu'llli RTirg. SCRANTON. iX Alining and Blasting POWDER Miulout Mooslonud Ilusbdale Works LAHLIN & RAND POWDKR CO'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Kteetrlo Ituttcrles, rioctrlo Exploders, for explodlns blusts, Safe-ty I-use nnd Repiuno Chenical Co's IIIU1I , LACKAWANNA MANUFACTURERS OF mil Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mine KniH sawed to uniform lengths constantly on Iran it. I'ccled 11 unlock Prop Timber promptly Furnished. MILLS At Cross Pork, Potter Co.. on the UurTulo nnd Susquc 'runna Kailroud. At Mlnii, Potter County. Pit., on Condors port, and Port Allegany Kailroud. Cnpticlty-400.000 feet per dny. GHNEHAL OFFICE-llonrd of Trude Utiildiug, Scranton, Pa. Telephone No. 4011. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA.. Manufacturers of luinuumeiii uiiuuiuuj HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. For Sals by JOHN H- PHELPS, Pharmacist, cor. WvCmlna vnuo arid1 Sprue street. JONAS LONG'S SONS. in do likewise today fo1' s prices will confirm all :nnwn hpfnrn in frrnn- '(vawaxsiw WV.11111 Linens-Bargains 200 pieces of extra An" quality J6-lticli Kngllsh .Percales Very hni.d- JClM'me designs and colors. ' Keguliit price 12'c 'Ibis Week .. , loo ilin iiuttlity ,yic 89 p( white' Lace Lavni; alsu ' . Vlnl... u.t..... .....1 .tn.1.. urn ni, niiiTi iijn Jiunn, You'd gladly pay ten cents foi tliL" good". This week "0 plu'es of line Outing Flnuuels In new Stiring 4! u: ):IC )1 stjles wcltli 7c. Tills week ;IC 200 piece etra tine (lut ing Flannels. In laige and varied iihsiutinent of de signs and nihil s. U'cith 10 i ents Tills week 4f rtfCi "1 l,'t'tl-w "n, quality J'j Duck, plain white and sol id colois Wortli 12MiC This week 9-lC , 2 'M'es of beautiful white chick 'nln'oks. in 1HC. odd lengths, iveiy yatd ii v..ith S cents. This vvebk Gs? iJC hie -)1 Per Double Roll. HERCULES ASBESTOS PIPE COVERING Tho Most I'erfi'ct Institution. Applied by WARREN-EHRET COMPANY I'ontrnutorK foi Ehret's Slag Roofing, 311 Washington Avenue A GREAT OFFER .. 11 V ., uermanla Wine Celtara, lldmniondsport and Khelms, N Y Wo are det or mined to utrodiicj our goods union.: the very best peo 0 In he country, and we cm se no hotter wuy of doing this tlm n by sell, i),' them u case of our Kuoils, rontulnim; eleven bittles of vvl'ie und ono bottle of our oxtm tins double - dlntlil9d (lruns tirandy, ut one-hnlf Its no. 111.11 t'osi. upon re ceipt ot $',.ou w Mill Nend to any lender of this paper one ruse of our Kot Is, till tlrst-uluss und put up lu eie (suit stjle, ussorted us lotions' I nt but, eirand Im. ec e.hum. pane. I it but. Delaware. 1 it. hot. Hlcllu0'. 1 it bot. loloij. I t bot. hwcet C'a liiului 1 ill lot Khii ry. ff it il A 1 nt but 1.1MIII Nhuuru. Auiftltca. Tort WMWM I cit. bot t (t. bot I nt bot. j IM - 1 1 tit. bot. hweet Is. ?,. ".e,i'VVi$ uueiin, 1 ot bot. lm Grapa llrandv Ibis oiler Is inuda nuiluly to Introduid out Urand Imperial f'ii bee Chumpagne und our line double-ills. tilled Urape Uranily This cue of uooils is etrered ut about one-half Its uctual rst nnd It will pletse us If our friends und . Itroui will take advantage of this Hud help u Intro duce our foods. " LUMBER 00.. CJHNURAU OPFICI!. SCRANTON. PA. When In doubt what to use .for Nervous Debility. Loss of Power, Impotencv .Atrophy, Varicocele and rhcr weaknetsei, from toy cauic, uk Scxlne l'llls. Drains checked and full vigor quickly restorld, lfBflMteil ofc trklti rwnll CkUltr. MaitedfortloOiOboxes$i.OO. WitV (3X0 orders wi ctre a nuarantee to , ( euro or rotund iheraoney.Addmrk: PttLMEDICINU CO., Cleveland, O,.,. wfa hi mIki 1 ufl ml1 1 .vs mi bbbbbVl3i I VrH aaaaaaaVbsal 1 ( I . "l -main t T tf! X&""wazttt ryzM&Gj St&jJStJStaSf i