The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 22, 1898, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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0 m w5
The Carboiulalo corrcspondcnco ot Tho
Tribune has been placed In the hands of
Mr. VC. It. Munn, Salem avenue and
Church street, to whom news Items muy
be addressed. All complaints us to Ir
regular delivery, etc., should bo mado to
t"W. J. Hobcrts, news agent.
So Snys II. SI. Vannnn in mi Ilxplimn
tory Cominunlcntloti.
The followlnc; nppeaivj In lust even
SnR'a Loader:
"Tho communication Avlihh appeared,
in tho Klmlr.a TrleRiam yeiterrtuy ac
cusing John It. Thomas f Ix'lns re
sponsible lor tiio defeat (if the llen
drlck Manufacturing rompany In not
Becurinff the contract for fimiHhlng the
city with l.ono leet of Ikwi Is a hare
faced lie. The facts will bear me nut
Jn what I say. HendneVn bid f Jlfty
fivo cents way for a Ian seam hose.
My bid was fifty-five cents for a seam
less hose with Batne stnmuilrn liut a
liotter quality n. it wni stMinl"M. Hut
both guarantees were valueless us the
hobe was Kuaranteed for four jeais
providlnR hose was dried after use
nnd as lios.e In our city Is not dried
after use the contract would, be broken
the first time hoe was ued. As coun
cils f-aw the conditions attached to the
cheaper hose they decided on accept
ing my bid of seventy cent for a hose
puaranteed for five years with" no con
ditions whatever attached. It being
by far the best hosa and ns thrv con
sidered it the cheapest they awarded
me the contract and not through any
influence of John H. Thomas as stated
Jn Elmlra Telegram.
Robert M. Vannan."
W. T. Colvlllo Uiitcrtnincu the New
Century Club Yesterday.
For th'e- first time at a regular met
Jnj? the gentlemen friends of the New
Century club were in attendance yes
terday afternoon at the home of lion.
T3. E." Hendrlclc. The time was occu
pied by W. T. Colvllle. treasurer of the
HendrlcK (Manufacturing1 company,
who read a scholarly and entertaining
paper on "Iincoln."
He held the closest attention of his
iiearers throughout and his paper was
pronounced one of the ablest and moat
interesting the club has ever had the
privilege of hearing.
The pre-Lenten socials held in the
city last evening were laif,ely attend
ed despite tho inclement weather. The
Burke building was the .ceiif of a
merry throng made up of the Crescent
club and Its friends. The affair was
One of the most successful lit that pop
ular organization's history.
AJ1 the happy situations of years gone
by were repeated at the bal masque of
the Germanla Kinging society In the
atcTishe building last evening. The
costumes were varied and artistic nnd
In other resppcts the masqueiade met
the expectations of those who went lor
a Jolly, good time.
The Library club and its fuends held
forth at the W. "W. Watt liulhllnis.
where dancing was Indulged In to the
satisfaction of the most ardent de
votee of the tcrpslchorean att.
The funeral of Miss Emma IJdy took
place ycbterday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Services were conducted in the First
Presbyterian church. Rev. Chat lei Lee
preached the sermon taklncr as a text
Psalms xxtll.4. Rev. G. A. Place, Ph.
D.. offered up prayer.
Two selections, ' Asleep In Jesus,"
and "The Valley of Eden" were sung
by the church choir. The beautiful flo
ral offerings were can led by G?ors
Bat Charles and Eugene Chapman
and Will Eaton.
The pallbearers vera N. F. Stephens,
Elmer Brokenshlre, John Rlvenburtj,
Henry Lewis, A llllain Cliff end Daniel
Scurry, Interment was made In Mu
plewood cemeteiy.
William Osborne, w ho stabbed James
Walsh, pleaded self defence at the hear
ing before Alderman Jones yesterday
Rfternoon, but ball was required and
furnished and today the prisoner will
be at liberty. A package of candy In
Walsh's pocket, which boko the point
nf the knife, saved the victim's life.
The postoftlce hours today will be
trcm 8 a. m. to 12 noon. Lobby open
from 3.30 to 4.30 p. in. for loci; boxes
only. No money order or regittry
business done. One full delivery by
The .St. Joseph's Cadets elected tho
following ofllcers at a meeting1 held
Punday afternoon: President, Joseph
Kllpatriclc, vice president, Joseph G,U
iaglver; recording secretary. John
The Delaware nnd Hudson shops arc
closed today Jn honor of Washington's
.John Morrison has purchased a lot
lit Reynshanhurst for $550.
There will be no sessions of the pub
lic schools todav.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Drown and daugh
ter Mildred, of South Churm street,
lire spending a few days with fi'lends
In Pittston.
Tho Misses Llda and Maggie- Nlcol,
pf Salam avenue, aio entertaining Mrs.
Mary and Katlo aallagher, of Summon,
Miss Apatha Rlelly, of Honesdale,
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. P. A. Car-
Th community was both surprised and
ihoaAcd yesterday morning when an
iiouneemont was mado ot tho death of
w VrI i B 1 l &
Hon. A. F. McNulty. While It was gen
erally known that he was unwell no ono
expected his death, and It came with
such suddenness that no one was pre
pared for It. lr. McNulty camo to this
borough four years ago. and slnco that
time he has been one of our most prom
inent churacteis. Ah editor of tho Citi
zen he was frank and outspoken nnd
everyone waited with Interest each week
to hear what "Mae" had to say on ques
tions that concerned our people, lie was
public spirited and aggressive, and every
worthy cause howsoever humble it might
lie, found In him u staunch nnd willing
champion. He was a radical Democrat,
and his time nnd energy were alwnys
freely placed at the service of that party.
Ho was active In promoting the Interests
of this boiough and every movement
tending to that end received Ids hearty
aid and eneoumgement. It is too
deatli removed him In the full rigor of
manhood, for be was a man a community
cannot well afford to lose. "He was a
man, take him for all In all. we shall not
look upon ills like again."
Tills evening the ladles of the Pres
byterian congregation will hold n sup
per nnd bargain counter. There will be
a bounteous monl served and many beau
tiful nnd useful articles on exhibition
and s.ilo. A cordial Invitation is extend
ed to all.
James F. Roland, of Laurel street, Is
III of pneumonia.
Dr. I. II. Kearney, of Scranton, was
In town Inst evening.
This Evening's Entertainments.
Personal mid Ceiiernl News.
Tho Lawrence Literary society of tho
Lawrence Congregational church, of Old
Forge, will hold Its regular monthly meet
ing this evening Washington's birthday.
A programme lias been prepared for the
event and tho following prizes will bo
given to the successful competitors: So
prano, "In the Secret of Ills Presence,"
Gospel Hymns " and fi, for girls not over
17, prize, "3 cents; recltntlon, Eccles. xii:
1-7, for boys not over 13, :." cents: bari
tone solo, "The Harbor Hell," Gospel
Hymns 3 and G, TO cents: recitation, Mat
thew Ml, 20-23. girls not over 1"., 23 cents,
quartette, '.'Come Unto Me." Gospel
Hymns 5 and tl, $1; pronouncing the most
words beglnlng with one letter. 23 cents:
tenor solo, "The Sword of Hunker Hill,"
30 cents, the best love letter, 30 cents:
Impromptu speech, three minutes, 23
cents; solo, "Vr Hyfryd Wlad Canled
ydd M0." ladles over SO, 30 cents; ad
judicators of music. John It. George.
Greenwood, Pa.; recitations, etc. Rev.
Ivor Thomas, Taylor: committee, Edward
M. Jones, chairman; Edwaid T. Jones,
secretary: David I'lchroll, tieasurer. Ad
mission, adults. 10 cents, children 3 cents.
Professor Thomas Jenkins, of Hyde
Park, circulated among friends In this
borough yesterday.
The postofllee hours for today will be
from fi u. m. to 10 a. in. and 1.30 to 2.30
1). in.
This evening will occur the grand en
teitalnment of the Young People's so
ciety of the Welsh Raptlst church. Pro
fessor John It. Francis will have charge
of the musical programme, nnd will be
nsslsted at the pipe oigau by Professor
Thomas R. Davis.
The Price Library association will hold
ii special meeting tomoirow (Wednesday)
evening. Everybody Is most cordially in
vited to attend.
Mrs. Morgan Revun, who has been vis
iting her mother over Sunday has re
tained to her home, in Hyde Park.
Misses Francis Weber and Loretta Sul
livan spent tho Sabbath with friends In
Hyde Park
Mr and Mrs. Alfred Howen, of Ed
wnidsd.ile, Is visiting tho foimer's par
ents, .Mr. and .Mis. Rlclinid Roweii, of
Ninth Main stieet.
The fair, which Is being held at the
Stewart Memorial church, of Rendlmm.
under the auspices of the Ladles' Aid
and l.eud-a-lland elide, Is entirely the
absoibliig topic in that vicinity. Every
effort has been put foith to make It a
success, and, judging from the attend
ance lust evening, It surely will be. An
oxeellent entertainment wus rendered lust
evening, nnd this evening a Washington's
tea will be served. Don't forget to at
tend this evening and help tho worthy
cause along.
Miss Herthu Koliler will leave this
morning for Rangor, Maine, to reside
permanently with her aunt.
The boiough schools will be closed to
day to observe Washington's birthday,
Tho revival meetings In the Primitive
Methodist church are well attended ev
ery evening. Mrs. C.itlln, the evangelist,
will remain here pleaching every night
until Friday night. Feb. 23.
The employers of Johnson's No. 1 and
2 collieries, received their wages for Jan
uary on Saturday.
Miss Mary Mnrgetson was a visitor In
Scrunton Friday.
Tho Johnson's No. 1 and 2 collieries
were ldlo yesterday. Tho fan wheel In
tho shnft being bioken.
The Delaware, Lackawanna nnd West
ern company's mines of tills placo have
shut down for an Indefinite period.
Professor M. J. Lloyd visited relatives
In Taylor Sunday.
The Tempernnco society of the Prim
itive Methodist church, with the as
sistance of .Mrs. W. C. Griflln and
Mrs. J. W. Sampson, have left
nothing undone to mako tho enter
tainment which they are going to hold
tonight, ono of tho llnest ever held In
this town. Price of admission will bo 10
cents, The entertainment will commenco
ut 8 o'clock! Tho Ladles' Aid society
will servo on oyster supper after tho
William Sayres was n enller In Seran
ton Sututday evening.
Tho pupils ot number one school will
glvo an entertainment In the grammar
room ut 1.30 p. m. today. Feb. 22. A
pleasant programme has been prepared
which tho patrons are cordlully Invited
to witness.
Tho employes of tho Consumers' Pow
der company received their pay yester
day. The flute contest nt Wilson Fire com
pany's fulr camo to a close last Satur
day evening. Tho two contestants for
tho fluto were-Paul Kobosko and Harry
Mulnes. Tho former turned In S13 and
tho latter $20. Mr. Kobosko wns awarded
the Mute. The bicycle presented by Ult
tenbender & Kommerer was drawn by
ticket 10S, and tho name corresponding
with tho number was Dick Woodwern,
The party holding that ticket will please
notify tho secretary of the f;.Jr commit
tee W. J. Broad.
Tho teachers of Wlnton. Illikcly, Oly
pliant, Thronp and Prlceburg will hold
an Institute nt Cullender Memorial chapel,
Ulakoly, Saturday, Feb. 2C, at 1 p. m.,
to which tho public Is Invited, The fol
lowing programme will be given: Music,
institute; "Pcrcontnge," Prof. Moyles;
"Primary Language," Orluna Williams;
"School Management," Superintendent J.
C. Taylor; "l'nntomlme," primary class,
Miss Wlnchell: history, "The Itovolu
tlon," Prof. M. W. Cummlngs; rccltn
tlon, Hhea Simpson i address, Prof.
CleorBo 1. Illblc, principal Blroudsburir
Stato Normal school: recitation, Ornco
llughcn; music, Institute. Miss C. A.
Konvoi, chairman! Miss Ucrthn a. Wil
liams, secretary.
A shadow social will be hold at tho
home of Rev. R. F. Hammond, on Sm
quehnnna street, next Friday evening
under tho auspices of tho Young Peoples
Society of Chrlstlnn Endeavor of tho
Presbyterian church. All aro cordlully
Richard Chilton, of Second street,
Dlakely, Is seriously 111.
News of tlm death of Hon. A. F. Mc
Nulty nt Archbald was toclved here
seHterduy with deep regret. Mr. Mc
Nulty Is survived by ono brother and
two sisters, residing at this place, Bur
gess P. J. McNulty, Mrs. Mary Hefferon
and Mrs, I'. J. McCormnc.
On Sunday morning Rev. D. Jones, of
Providence, occupied tho pulpit of tho
Congicgutlonal church. In tho cvonlng
an eloquent sermon wns delivered by Rev.
David Lewis, of Coaldale.
Mis. II. Levy, of New York, who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs. A.
Shultz, returned home yesterday.
Miss Sadie O'Mallcy Is home rrom
nioomsburg Stato Normal school on u
short vacation.
Mrs. William Jones, ot Rlnkcly, who has
been III for some time Is Improving.
Miss Jennie Penman has returned from
a visit with relatives at Providence.
The Young Peoplo's union or the Sus
quehanna Street Rnptist church arc pre
piirlng for an old folks' concert which
will be given In Mnrch.
Miss Lucy Lvnn, of Hnwley. was tho
guest of Miss Jin Ferguson over Bun
Olliccrs nnd llnnngers Chosen nt V'cs
tenlnv's .Heeling.
The annual meeting of tho Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western Railroad
company was held In New York yester
day, at which the following olllcers
were chosen:
President, Samuel Sloan; secretary,
Fred. F. Chambers; treasurer, Fred
erick H. Gibbons; for managers, John
1. Rlalr. Eugene Hlgglns. William W.
Astor, William Rockefeller, Henry A.
C. Taylor, J. Rogers Maxwell, George
P. Darker, James Stlllman, Frank
Werk, Hamilton MoK. Twombly, Har
ris C. Farnestock. Frederick W. Van
derbllt, M. Taylor 'Pyne, Rosewell G.
The New York, Lackawanna and
Western railroad elected for directors,
Samuel Sloan, John L Rlalr, Eugene
Hlgglns, M. Taylor Pyne, Fred. H. Gib
bons, Samuel Sloan, Jr., William F.
Hallstead, William R. Storrs, Andrew
Reasoner, Edwin R. Holden, Henry A.
C. Taylor, Erastus P. Holden, Rosewell
G. Ralston; for Inspectors of election,
Edward R. Dell and Stephen S. Pal
Raie Specimen Taken from tho Cen
tral City to Vtondlnwn Park,
A large Japanese "Jingo" tree which
for thirty years had stood in the center
of the T. F. Hunt property on Wash
ington avenue, next to the old Faurot
house, was yesterday taken up by
Arthur Frothingham with his plant
uprooting machine and carted to Wood
lawn park, where It Is to be replanted.
The tree is twenty-four inches in
diameter at the base and its slender
rod Is sixty feet In height. It Is the
only tree of that species in the city, as
far as Is known.
Itching. Iliirniiig Skin Discuses.
Relieved In a day. Eczema, Salt Rheum,
Harber's Itch, and all eruptions of the
skin qukklv relieved and speedily
cured by Dr. Agnew's Ointment. It
w HI give Instant comfort In cases of
Itching, Rleedlnyr or Blind Piles, and
will cute lu from three to six nights.
33 cents. Sold by Matthews Bros, and
W. T. Clark. 47.
Tbo famous Appliance and Itemed les of
tuoKrlo Medical Co. now for tbu first time
ottered on trial without expense to any
honest man. Not a dollar to tie paid
lu advance. Cure Effects of Errors
or iixccsscs in uia or toung. Mannooa
Fully Restored. How to Enlarge and
Strengthen Weak, Undeveloped Portions
of Itodr. Allfiolntplv linfntllntr llnm
Treatment. No C. n. I), or other scheme.
A plain oiler by a. firm of high standing.
kd ip Mcmoai on niaoara5t.
The St. Denis
Broadway and Eleventh St., New York,
Opp. Urace Church. European Plan.
Rooms Si.oo a Day and Upwards.
In a modest and unobtrusive way there are
few better conducted hotels la the metropolis
than tho St. Denis.
The great popularity it his acquired can
readily bo traced to its unique location, its
bomeilkn atmosphere, the peculiar excellence
of Us cuisine ana service, and Its Try moder
to prices.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place,
Day and Upwards.
Day and Upwards.
GEO, MURRAY, Proprietor,
Your dealer for
He either has it or can
easily cot 11 for you.
You'll Ilka It and he'll
make a proper profit.
Price as cents.
Worth a Dollar.
Clean your Kid Cloves with MILLKIVH
(JLOVKINK. For sale only by Meurs & lln
lien, hcudriunrters for drcKxea unit undressed
kid gloves In all Ibe most desirable suaaua.
' I
Tuesday Bargains at Monday prices. Wonderful Money-Saving Opportunities. The chance of your life time to'
save money on things you need little things. They all help to lighten your household duties, and we make the
having of them possible with prices that are less than the actual cost of the materials. Come with the crowd to
day we'll prove it to you.
Gray Enameled Ware, '
ItastlnR Spoons all sizes fie
Pie Plates!) and 10-Inch , To
Double Match Safes, to hang Pc
Quart Acato Cups ,, fa
2uuart Covered IluckctH Da
Ilrcnd Pans all sizes , Pc
.Telly Moulds 9c
Largo Dipper nc
2-quart Stew Puns !c
Plciccd u lid Solid Ladles tc
quart Oat Meal Cookers Ziu
Wall Soap Dishes lie
Coffee Pots l'U
Tea Pots lie
10-(uart Water Palls 23c
12-quart Chamber Palls 33c
No. f Ten Kettles 3.1c
Copper-Nlcklcd Tea Kettles G3c
Jonas Lon
Semi-Annual Sh
This is the last week of our Great
February Shoe Sale, and to those who
have not yet secured their share of the
many bargains we are offering, we would
say that such another chance to save
money on Reliable Footwear will not oc
cur until our regular sale in August. We
want to make this week the Banner Week
of our sale and have carefully gone over
our stock, cutting prices here and there,
until the bargains are
Don't Miss the Last Week of Our
February Shoe Sale.
1 ULs
1 Tree Beautiful Women
. The Sllssos Bell, ol No. 78 Tilth Avenue. New
; York, now oiler the public gtueiully il.v
I Complexion Tonlo which they hno koloi,g
1 used successfully In personal treatment.
: Complexion Tonic
, has almost immediate effect in clearing ami
brlEhtculag tho tkln. It 16 nota cosmetic, us ,
' It does not cover up the bloiolklics ss inw Un s
I mid pastes do, hut U a coloiltet liquid that, ,
when applied to tho sVId, does not show
It cleanses the pores of the skin of all poison I
' oils and foreign fillings and dissolves eutlrely :
freckles, pimples, blackheads, moth patches, r
exccfelvo olliness or redness In the skin. Its 0
'.. uso Is so simple that a child can follow dlrcc
.' tlons and get tho hct result. Tho Wlws
1 Bell have placed the pilcoof their wonderful 1
i Complaxlou Tonlo at Sl.oo per bottle, which Ii
: is eufflclcut to clear tbo ordinary skin. :
if tho effect Is not cxartly us claimed, so that )
-. you take no risk In sendiDir for It. :
i The price, it, 00, places it within the reach 1
of oil. It will aleolutely clear a joor com
; jiio&iuu auti ueuumy n uvju tjur. tmi&tu
) crous offer should ho accepted by all.
Ladles can tuldrcss The Mines Bell on all
matters of the ooioploxlon and hygiene In the
j strictest confidence, and sntmuctory advhv
urn ix) given promptly wuwuv timru. ji
i a llll w
1 j I llllil
& 15 -'$tf rv-zS
1 interesting pampnlot Hill be seni un in
r colotof tarn n.
, Address all communications and send all ;
orders to Tho lUsaea Hell, or I
L No, 78 Tilth Avenue, New York.
tMlMl ll ! MJ
China. Crockery
Fln mown Tnblo Tumbles 2c
Cheese Plntcs 4a
Jelly Dishes 4c
Olive Trays 4c
Decorated Lnmp Chimney 7o
Cood Tnblo Tumblers, G for 1'c
Ktched Glaus Globes ro
G-lnch Jardlnlores Oc
Orunge Howls , 10c
Fruit Cowls 10c
I.nifce Mixing Bowls 10c
Cut '31nss Spoon Holders IDe
Imported Wine Olnsses 19c
Hngrnved Tumblers, 6 for 22c
Cut Class Finger llowls , 22c
Tho Henls Fruit Press 24c
China Lamps bowl shapo 22c
oe Sale
well-nigh irresistable
r r
A. Kurvoil a niaeamam Falllnv Mam
rr, irapeiencr, mevpieMnMa, Bio., eaaita
t Auulfl or othnr ieeuu ana India
ersiiosi, jnev auicKiv ana tuniu
nitor Loat Vlulur In oldorTOuna.nnl
fit a man (or stadr, bai Iumi or mirrlaga.
l'reut Insa&ttr am Consumption if
iBlntiinf. XhllrjiiA thoiri l&mfedlAtn Imnnn.
meat and effects a (SDIIB where all other fail In.
1st upon hlng tliu genoln AJai Tablet. Thar
he onraa thousands and vllloara too. Woalraapos.
mall. In plain wrumr. upon receipt ot price. Lire
'rw.AJAX REMEDY CO.. !''-.
- - -F tauefo, lis.
For Kale In Hcrnnton, 1'h., by Mnttuewi
llros, and II. C. Hauderson, druggist.
tff I
and Glassware.
S-lnch Stippled Jardinieres .,..,.,,
Fine China Syrup Cups
Larso China Water Pitchers ....
Uonnwuro Salad Uowls
7,c Jardinieres nt
Double Fruit Dishes
Umbrella Jnrs
China Clocks, worth $2.50 nt . ..
10-pleeo Toilet Sets
Cii-pleco China Dinner Sets
Carlsbad China Dinner Sets i.,..
. 22c
. 21c
, 29c
, 4C
, 49c
, 9."0
Tho American Incandescent Ons Lamp
Blvcs a clcur, mellow light. Will save
you hnlf your bus bill. Not KlarlnR,
or quick to wear out. Here, com- Odp
plete at VOU
Schedule In Bffect Nov. 28, 1807.
Trains Leave Wllkes-Barro as Fol
lows :
7,30 a. m., weak days, for Sunbury
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, WashinRton, and for Pitts
burp; and tho West.
10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazleton,
Pottsville, Reading, Norristown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts
burg and the West.
3.I2..P. m , daily, forSunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington, and Pittsburg and
the West.
6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton
and Pottsville.
J. R. WOOD. OenM Pass. Agent.
J. B. HUTCHINSON, General Manager.
Central Railroad of New Jersey
(Lehigh und Susquehanna Division.)
Stations In New York Foot of Liberty
street, N. It.; South Ferry and Whitehall
Anthractto coal used exclusively, lnsur
lnp; cleanliness nnd comfort.
Trains leavo Scranton for Pittston,
Willtes-Barre. etc., at 8.20, 10.10 n. m 1.9),
2.35, a.20, 7.10 p. m. Sunduys, 9.00 a. m.,
1,00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m.
For Lakewood and Atlantic City, 8.20
a. ni.
For New York, Newnrk and Elizabeth,
8.20 (express) u. ni,, 1.20 (express with
Buffet parlor car), 3.20 (express) p. m.
Sunday. 2.15 n. m. Train lcavlnir 1.20 D. m.
arrlveB at Philadelphia, Reading Ter
minal, 7.17 p. m. and New York 7.05 p. m.
For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle-
nem, K.tston and Philadelphia, b.SU a. m
1.20, S.20 p. m. Sundays, 2.15 p. m.
For Baltimore and Washington and
points South and West via Bethlehem,
s.20 a. m 1.20 p. m. Sundays. 2.15 p. ni.
For I.oiik Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at
S.20 a. m. and. 1.20 p. m. -! - ry
For KendlnK, Lebanon and Harrisburg,
via Allentown, 8.20 u. m., 1.20 p. in. Sun
day. 2.15 i. m.
For Pottsville, S.20 a. jn., 1.20 p. m.
Returning, leavo New York, foot of Llb
ei ty street. North River, at 4.00, 9.10 (ex
press) a. ni., 1.30 (express with Buffet
parlor car) p. 111. Sunday, 4.30 a. m.
Leave New York, South Ferry, foot
Whitehall street, at 9.US a. m 1.25 p. m.
Passengers arriving or departing from
this terminal can connect under cover
with all tho elevated railroads, Broadway
cable cars, and ferries to Brooklyn und
Staten Island, making quick transfer to
and from Grand Central Depot and Long
Island Railroad.
Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal,
9.00 a. m 2.00 p. ni, Sunday, U.25 a. m.
Through tickets to all points nt lowest
rnto may be had on application In ad
vance to the ticket agent at the stntlon.
Gen. Pass. Agt,
J. II. OLIIAUSEN, Gen. Supt.
Del., Lacka. and Western.
Effect Monday, Nov. 21, 1S97.
Trains leave Scranton an follows: Ex
press for New York and all points East,
1.40, 3.00, C.15, 8.00 and 10.05 a. m.; 12.55 and
3.33 p. m.
Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel
phia und the South, 5.15, S.OO and 10.20 a.
m.. 12.55 and 3.33 p. m.
Washington and way stations, 3.45 p. m.
Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m.
Express for Blnghamton. Oswego, El
mlra, Corning Bath, Dansvllle, Mount
Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35. 9.00 a. in..
and 1.55 p. m., making close connections
at Buffalo to all points In the West,
Northwest and Southwest.
Binghumton and way btatlons, 1.05 p. m.
Nicholson accommodation, 6.1u p. m.
Blnghamton and Elmlra express, G.5S
p. in.
Express for Utlca and Richfield Springs
2.35 a. m. and 1.55 p. in.
Ithaca, 2.35, 9.00 a. m., nnd 1.55 p. m.
For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes
Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan
ville, making coso connection at North
umberand for Wllllamsport, Harrlsburu-,
Baltimore, Washington and tho South.
Northumberland and Intermediate sta
tions, 6.00, 10.05 u. m., and 1.55 and 6.0v p.
Nantlcoke and Intermediate statons,
8.08 and 11.10 a. m.. Plymouth and Inter
mediate stations, 3.35 und b.50 p. in. For
Kingston. 12.45 p. m.
Pullman parlor nnd sleeping coaches on
all express trains.
For detailed Information, pocket time
tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, Dis
trict Passenger Agent, depot, ticket of
fice. Erie and Wyoming Valley.
In effect Sept. 19, 1897.
Trains leave Scranton for New York
and Intermediate points on Erlo railroad,
mm mujm ncMun uriiiTc
mmu umiiu 1 Limn, iiiiiil
Bill Timber cut to order on abort notice. Hardwood Mine Kails
sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled Hhmlaclf
Prop Timber promptly 1'urnlshed. '
MILLS At Cross Fork. Potter Co.. on the Buffalo and Basque,,
lunna Ktillrond. At Mlna, Potter County. Pa., on Condors port, find.
Port Allcnany Railroad. Capacity 400.000 feet per day.
GENERAL OFFICE-Board of Trade Building, Scranton. Pa.
Telephone No. 4014,
For -Solo by JOHN H- PHELPS,
Bpruco street-
Assorted House Furnishings,
Drinking Cups, pint size
Chair Seats, all sizes .,,.
Fine Qllt-handlcd Dusters
Fancy Spice Boxes
Llectrlc Silicon Silver Polish
Pillow Sham Holders
Good Dust Htushcs
2-quart "Wnterlue Pots
3 or l-quart Tin Tea or Coffee Pots.,
Full size Conl Hods ,..
Nickel-plated Fire Shovels ,,,
Heavy Tin Wash Hollurs ,..,..,,,...,,
Wnsto Paper Daskcts
Covered Market llarkets ..'
G-mil. Galvanized Oil Cans ., ,,.
No. S Copper Tea Kettles ,
Clothes wrlnsers ,,..,
Heavy Copper Clothes Pollers
' 2V-
, 1143
also for Hawley and local points at 7.03
a. in. nnd 2.25 p. ni.
Arrlvo at Scranton from abovo points
at 10 23 o. m., 3.J5 and 9.38 p. m. . ,
Lchlj-li Valley ltnilroad System
Anthracite Coal Unil. Ensuring Cleanli
ness and Comfort.
For Philadelphia nnd New York via D.
H II. R. H. at ti.45 a, in., and 12.05. 2.21( 4,41
(Blacl: Diamond E press) nnd 41.30 p. in. .
For Pittston nnd Wllkes-Barro via D.
L. & W. R. R., 0.00, 11.10 a. m 1.D5, 3.35,
5 00 p. m.
For Whlto Haven. Hazleton, Piittsvllle.
and principal points In tho coal regions
via D. Ai H. R. R 0.45, 12.05, 2.21 und 1.41
p. m. ,
For Bethlehem, Eastpn, Reading, .llar
rlshurg and principal ititormedluto sta
tions via D. & H. R. R 0.45 11. m., 12 05,
2.21, 4.41 (Black Diamond Express), 11.30
p. m.
For Tunkhannoek, Towanda, Elmlra,
Ithaca, Geneva, and principal Intermedi
ate stations via D 1,. & W. It. It., 8.08
a. m., 12.45 and 3.35 p. m.
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, N'ag
ara Falls, Chicago nnd all points west via
D. & II. R. R 12.05. 3.33 (Black Diamond
Express), 10.28 and 11.30 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
Valley parlor cars on all trains between
Wllkes-Barro and New York, Philadel
phia, Buffalo and Suspension Bridge.
CHAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt., lifilla-
delphla. Pa.
A. W. NONNEMACIIER, Asst. General
Pass. Agt.. Philadelphia. Pa.
Scranton olllce, 309 Lackawanna avenue.
Delaware and Hudson.
On Monday. Feb. 21, trains will leavo
Scranton as follows:
For Carbondale 6.20. 7.55, S.G5, 10.15 a.
m.; 12.00 noon: 1.21. 2.20, 3.52, 5.25, G.25, 7.57,
9.15. 11.00 p. m.; 1.10 a. m.
For Albany, Saratoga, Montreal, Bos
ton, New England points, etc., 0.20 a. m.,
2.20 p. in.
For Honesdale G.20, 8 05, 10.15 a. m.;
12.00 noon; 2.20, 5.25 p. m.
For WilkPH-Barro-fi.15. 7.50. 8.45. 9.3S,
10.45 a. in., 12.05, 1.25, 2.21, 3.33, 4.41, 0.10, 7.50,
10.28, 11.30 p. m.
For New York, Philadelphia, etc., via
Lehigh Valley It. 11., 6.45 a. m 12.05, 1.25,
4.41 p. in. (with Black Diamond Express),
11.80 p. m.
For Pennsylvania R. R. points 6.45, 9.3S
a. m.; 2.21, 4.41 p. m. j
For western points via Lehigh Valley
R. It., 7.30 11. in., 12.05. 3.33 (with Black
Diamond Express), 10.2S, 11.30 p. ni.
Trains will arrlvo ut Scranton as fol
lows: From Caibondalo und, the north 0.40,
7.45, 8.40, 11.31, 10.40 a. ni., 12.00 noon; 1.20,
2.18, 3.25, 4.37. G.45, 7.45. 40.25. 11.27 p. m.
From Wllkps-Barre and the south 0.15,
7.50, 8.50, 10.10. 11.55 a. m.; 1.16, 2.14. 3.48,
5.20, 6.21, 7.53. 9.05, 10,05 p. in.; 1.13 a. ni.
Completo Information regarding rates
to all points In tho United States and
Canada may be obtained at the ticket of
llco In the depot.
Special attention given to Western and
Southern ies.ort business,
J. W. Bt'RDICK. O. P A.. Albany. N. Y.
II, W. CROSS, D. P. A.. Scranton, Pa.
In rffect December lath, 18(17.
Worth Bound.
houtli Hound.
201 I 204
j Stations
3 M (Trains Dally, Ex- s &
;g I cept Kunday ) lg a
p mArrlvo Leave T"iii
725N Y. Franklin tw .... 7 40 ....
.... , Tio.West 4-.'nd street .... 7 51 , .,
" . J 700 Weehawken .... 810 ....
p MiArrlve Leave i- mi
118' Cadoala .... -' iii ....
109 Hancock .... an ....
... .... 1H66 StailUlllt .... 282 ....
UI6 I'rcstonFark .... 3 31....
1840 Wluwood .... 341 ....
122V Poyntello 260 ....
1314 Or&on ... 2 69' ....
13M Pleasant Mt srn ....
tlis iTnloitdala .... 3C9 ....
1H9 1'orestCily .... a l'J, ....
1134 Carbondale .... usr ....
(1130 White Ilrldgo .... M3S ...
Miivl Maytleld .... 13 11 ....
11231 Jermyn .... 3 45 ....
1118 Archibald .... ssi ....
ills Wlnton .... 351 ....
tin1 I'eckvllle .... 3M ...
11 or oivphaut .... 4 01 ....
11 en, l'rlceburg ... 4 07 ....
1103 Throop .... 410 . ..
lioo Providence ... ill ....
(1057 rark Place .... ti IT ....
1055 ucianton .... 420 ....
a uXeave Arrive r u
All trains run datlv excent fiunday.
t signifies that trains stop on blgnal for .pas.
wngers. ' , ' ' . ;
t-ecure rates via Ontario a Western before
Rurchaslng tickets and savo money. Day and
Ignt mpress to the West.
J.C. Anderson, a en. rasa Agt
T.FUtcrott, Dtv Pais, Agt scr-ninn. Pa,
uemiiw nun nnnniynnn
iiliiiluuu iiiiu iiiiuuiiuuu luii
When In doubt whu
In doubt wht towfot
Debility, tf iS J,
try, Atropb v.VarUotete , ;
mrvouj v
piher weakceuei. from anr Auk.
use Sexlna I'UU. Oraini chtckkV;
and full Tlcorqulcklr rctoftd. 1
If f 1MI.J, ,tcl Iroctu, rMnii f4Wtte.
Milledfor jl.OO;8boj,55.09. Wifr
$5.00 ordera we eive a iruaranicc J t
cure or refund the msiity. AddrcU't
Pharmacist, cor. Wvomlnu .avenue anM