The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 21, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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Each year there is a "clean-
ing up'r of stock, and very t
many shoes aic offered at
very much reduced rates. I
These sliocs in quality arc just
as good as we can produce. I
The styles cannot be matched T
under thk vp.irlv 'rlr:in nn" T
plan. $
t Women's Kangaroo anil i
J White Jlros.' Box Calf Lnco J
I SllOl'S, made in the latest 4
T shapes and as well-fitting a 4
4- shoe as money will buy. 4
X were $3. 50.
Men's Box Cair ami Cor
dovan Laee Shoes, double
soles, were $5.00.
Open Saturday! until lu.JJO p. in
Pay your gas bills today and save tlio
Tlio banks of the city will bo closed cm
Tuesday, Washington's birthday.
On a charge of having deseiied his wife
Otto Schwinberger, of Hampton street,'
was- held in $300 ball by Alderman Millar
The boys who nro at the head ot "The
American Haglo" have decided to tutn
over one-third of tlio subscriptions! re
ceived by that paper to the Young Men's
Christian association.
A new tlmo table for passenger and
freight trains has been issued by the
Delaware and Hudson Canal company. It
went Into effect yesterday.
An entertainment will bo given this
eening by the children of St. Luke a
Episcopal church In the parish rooms In
tho board of trade building.
At this morning's Baptist pastois' con
ference. Rev. Jlr. Wntkins will lead a pa
per on "Varieties of Chaiactcr nnd (.Hits
Among New Testament Bellevou."
Adam Peusor and family wMi to thank
their many friends for tho beautiful Horn I
offerings and for tho kind sympathy and
assistance In their recent bereavement.
Tho funeral of Mrs. John Qulgley, or
KS Locust street, will bo held this morn
ing. At 0 o'clock the remains will be
taken to St. John's Catholic tliurtn,
where mass will bo celebrated. .
Tho third anniversary of tho
bees order Is to bo celcbialed b the
Scranton knights March 22. Supreme n 1
tional officers and gieat camp ollicus ot
the state are expected to bo prose nt.
Tho St. John's Total Abstinence and
Benevolent society, of Pino llrook, will
conduct Its twelfth annual entertainment
nnd social this evening. 'An excellent pro
grar'mo has been niianged for the event.
The ladles' auxiliary committee will give
an entertairment at tho Itailioad Depart
ment, Young Men's Christian association,
Monday e tiling, fob. 21, at S o'clock.
Members and their families ate cordially
Ezra Tern accepts the challenge ot L.
N, Snyder to skate fot the champlonslitp
.of Pennsjlvanla nnd names Frldiiv even-
Ing, February Ei. as the date. Scranton
Jink, rinley's hall as the place and one
mltc as tho distance.
Tho Scranton Gun club will conduct .1
tournament at Spencer lange, Dunmoie,
tomorrow. Shooting will begin ptomptly
at D o'clock and there will be twelve
t vents. The jango can bo reached from
the central city by either the Dunmoio
Subuibun, Drinker stieet or No. U blanch
Last week's exchanges thttmgh the
Kciunton clearing house were leported as
x follows by Manager II. J. Anderson: Feb.
J.J Jl7-cM.JJ; Feb. 15. n holiday; Feb. 1,
$..,.31''.1, Feb. 17, $lMJ,23.l.03; Feb. IS, J2UJ..
.(S.sV). Feb. 19, $911,017.93; total, $9U!67.U!.
'lluclenrings for the corresponding week
li7 tle diiB), wtro $:S..S,(i.3G.
Th Italian Society Giuseppe Mazzlnl
will liPelel Its twelfth annual ball In .Music
hull this, .evening. Dancing will begin at
! o'clock "uril musiiuciaders will bo al
lowed the floor Tho ball committee con
sists of tho following: u. Costa, presi
dent; V. Sartor, c! Motosinl, vice picsl
tlents; N Sangiullauo, treasurer; J. Cag
glano, secietary.
The boclal that was to have been held
by the Washington Memorial association
on the 2& inst. has been indeilultely post
Colonel II. II. Adams, of tho national
poned In older to secure the piesence of
tommlttcc, who will Lo present at tho
meeting to bo held, tho date of which will
bo announced In time. Colonel Adams
will present ecry feature of tho piojeet
suggested by Washington more than a
hundred scuts ago.
No ingiedlents with a cocoa tast",
but genuine cocoa Suchatd's. At tho
Food Show.
today nt
f Now
$2.50 !
Lnstin Power and Influence Wrought
by a Qodly Life.
Ho l'rcaclictl Last droning Upon "A
Divine Convolution," Bnd in Ills
DUcourao Hold Up llio Noblo Kx
timplu oflho l'utlior ol the Nntlon.
The Kill Aro Punished, but tlio
!oud, Though Dend, Still Speak by
Tlioir Codly Lives.
Special reference wns made to Wash
ington and ills noble character and life
In a sermon lost night by Rev. Foster
U. aift in Qruce Kngllsh Lutheran
Mr. Gift's topic- was "The Undying
Power and Influence of u (loudly Life,
or, a Dlvlno Consolation." Ills re
maiks were from Hebrews, xl:4, "By
faith Abel offered unto Clod a more ex
cellent sacrifice than Cain.
and through It ho being dead et speak
eth." Mr. Gift said:
Tho sacrifices offered to God by tho
two brothers, Cain and Abel, Is one of tho
most fnr-reachlng narratives In Holy
Scripture. 'Jho reason for ihn retort inn
of Cain and his ortcilng, thu ticceptanco
of Abel and his off 01 Ing, does not appear
on the surfuce. Why tho fruit of tho
Held which the one brother brought was
not acceptable to God, and tho firstling
of tho flock of the other should be pleas
ing to Him, when both nro Scriptural ot
f lings, is mysterious to the cm. Tlio
ujvtui for the acceptance ot tho one and
the rejection ot tho other appears only
when Cain laid his hand upon Abel and
shed tho first human blood milieu ever
shed. This dustuidly net laid hire with
clearness Cnlu's heart, thu superficial
character of his icligloti, its formality,
the Inpocilsy of his w 01 ship, for bis
woishlp was only skin deep. It showed
clearly that ho wns icllglons only fiom
habit or for uppearanco sake, for woridy
piollt, and that ho wns devoid of imth
The superior element In Abel s sacrifice.
which must uo tno superloi element of nil
truo offering, as is heio cleally bet foith anu is anil mint he faith
AVhllo Cain's name Is a lepioach nmous
men Abel's name is glorilled and headi
the list of hetoos of faith. Uy It, though
dead ho still speaks. Men speak welt of
him to this ery day. Though he was
faith's first martyr his sevvnrd was tho
crown of righteousness, (te lives in tho
heaits of men. honored nnd exnlted for
wnen he worshipped God, sacrificing to
111m, ho brought also his heart. Ho was
sincere, ttuo and deout. Commentators
differ whether tho word "still" Is tem
poral or logical, but for our purpose it is
Immaterial for whichever view we take
of it. It la yet n consolation to the be
liever, teaching the Influence of a goxl,
tiuo life. Let tho muse sing then this
dlvltio consolation to the discouraged
and broken hearted tho weary and heavy
laden, tho sand and oppressed. riven In
Abel's death is consolation and cheer,
comfort and encouiagement.
abbl lives though dead.
Abel lives though lie Is dend, that to
this day tho world speaks highly of him
Is in itself a testimony ot tho pie-em-Incnco
of the life ho lived and certainly
it was a Godly life for it was thu llfo of
Be not decived. This cold, unbelieving
wot Id, though It will not accept n Godly
life tt acknowledges Its supcrloritj for
whue h.ivo ou found a man who praises
Cain or defends his conduct? Wheio is
tin man who does not now pralso Abel?
Win- should nngocil.v parents wish to
have Godly children.' They do! There
Is this one maiked 1 onsldeintlon that
me woiiii win not so ficelv praise, a
Gorily man until after his death, lioiv
death elocs silence the tongue of mallco!
How death transitu ms the voice ot con
suie the voice of eulogy! How It
trnnstnims enemies Into friends! Hon
ones' good qualities are then enumerated
with seated a mention of our taults anj
Imperteellf n Behold tile- vvoild hasten
ing to place, a f 1 w ilnwcis upon tho Imr
01 inc uouiv eliad whom during life it
ptisccuted and hated.
This is mnikeri In the lllo of him whose
birth wo commemorate this week ho who
guided the ship of state thiough time tar
more peilicus than the dangers which
now threaten our pence and tiuneiulllty
ho whose public career was pi
it any caieer was ever providential, ho
who was, I do believe, a nnn raised up
ot God lor thu gieat work he performed.
That ho lived a Uocllv life, that he trusted
in Gud, few will deiij. A Godless man
would baldly pray with tear-stained cje.
In secret. Tho hjpociit never pias in
secret. A Godless man cannot speak
those deep lellglous sentiments George
Washington spoke.
Bishop Meade Is quoted ns saying: "I
never know so constant an attendant in
church ns Washington and his behavior
In the house of God wus ever so deeply
reverential that it produced the happiest
effect on my congregation." A Godless
death bed would not witness such wot els
ns these: "I am not afraid to go; 'tis
well." And vet dining his llfo tho vilest
persecution ho was called upon to en
dure. Those who nt his death acknowl
edge tho pre-emlnenco of his llfo and his
unselfish, ilghtcous career, dropping tears
of sorrow, helped to make his life wretch
ed Today the wot Id neknow ledges tho
beauty, the superiotlty nnd grandeur of a
Godly life like that of Geoigo Washing
ton. It maj bo said of him as It Is said
of Abel he et lives in tho heaits of men.
So let tho wear, the disheartened, the
sinful, those troubled l doubts, learn
that the poor and mlseiablo and perse
cuted of this world will bo rich and happy
ones up jondet that only that life which
trusts in God s Is pre-eminent,"
Theso woids uie a divine consolation
because they teach thu real and tho
undying Influence of a Godly Hie. A
Godly llfo lives forever! By tho veiy
deed with which Cain hoped to perpotunto
his own name and consign to oblivion tho
namo of his hi other he placed his own
In tho catalogue of tho dlsst.iced and as
sisted in peipetuating tho noblo llfo ha
hated The tiiMiherous hand of blood ho
lifted hoping to make his own work per
manent and 1 ml nnc.ther s wotk, ended
his and mudo the other's pcnnitiunt and
abiding The llfo fullest of piomlso went
nut in daikness, whilo tho lllo with least
promlso of permanency pioved to bo of
undying povvei tho exiimplur of tilum
phant faith speaking forever. Tho lite
which wus shut test on earth lives jot In
tho heaits of men and in luuvcn. Tho
llfo which longest on earth now lives
only us a warning to tho ungodlj.
Was it not so In tho llfo of tho Master Tlio kiss of betrayal with
which Judas hoped to end tho lite nnd In
ilueiice of the Master, making his own
moro resplendent icsulti'd In consigning
his own namo into that oblivion into
which oven his companions deign to Ionic,
making his nun . a synonym tor all that
is baso and covvuidly while It vvtoto thu
name of Christ high upon Calvin y as tho
world's redetmii', so that Ho lives for
cv er as tho blnuer's friend and Saviour.
Tho rnme and woik of George Wash
ington nro becoming blighter and 11101 u
marked us ycurs puss on, vvhllo thu name
of Arnold, tho traitor, Is despised evon in
England, to which nation ho ottered to
betray his native Innd. Long ngo the In
fluence of those who conspired against
him whom wo lovo to call tho "Father
of Ills Country," whllo ho was praylns
for tho fiiceess of the cause of Independ
ence at Vulley Forgo, while ho was sac
rificing tho comforts of a Mount Vernon
mansion for the hardships ot war, is
dead, lie lives unci will live forever In the
heurts of ull who lovo Integrity and true
woith. IHh work will nevor die us will
thu work of every Godly life enduro and J.
bo perpetuated , though during one's lllo
tlmo one la scarcely recognized. Tlio
Paul whom men onco Fcorncd lives yet.
Tho martyrs of ono genoraUon become tho
saints of tho rtxt. Thoo whom ono nge
pcrsocuto another canonizes. Thu lives
of Godliness urc lives that live, nnd h.ivo
leal power. Tho Peters, tho Pauls, tho
Stephens, tho lie formers, nnd not tho Na
poleon's hnvo real power for goeal.
Llka tho pebble cast Into tlio water
starting vvnves that enlatgo until they
riiich tho shore so a Godly llfo will start
waves of usefulness till they re tell the
shores of ctetnlty. Tho Influence for
good of a Washington will bo fot ever.
Such a keen, conservative, discerning
innu ns Hov. R. S. Stors says of him In
a prayer: "Him, who Thou who In Thy
Providence didst set forth to bo tho lcr 1
er of our lenders, In council and in nrms,
and tho exnmplo for nil to follow In his
high office. For his patience and courage
which never fulled for tho steadfastness
of spirit, sustnlneri upon Thee which
sank beneath no weight of burden, for
his mujestlo fidelity his leverent faith
In Thy word and In Thee, Mnko us
worthy partakers of the fruit of his la-'
bors, mngnlflcent In blessing, whose fame
Is henceforth hi all tho earth."
ENCE. As tho diamond becomes brighter
through polishing, as tho Uolin nccomeii
sweeter bj uo and age, us tho physician
becomes better through experience, ns
tho painting becomes more priceless when
colored by nge, so tho Christian llfo bo
comes blighter nnd moro loved ns years
roll on. Learn them for our consola
tion when wo nro weary nnd heart
broken that If wo live tho tiuo life our
power nnd Influence will last fot ever.
God will not suffer tho Injuries elnno to
His pcoplo to go unpunished nor will Ho
nllow tho sufferings of His people to go
lint awarded. Cain wns punished Abel
still speaks to us by his noble life
But forget not that the leasoti that
Abel yet speaketh tho reason tho Father
of Our Country ct speakcth. Is becauso
of unfailing faith In God. Have fnith In
God. Only by believing In the atonement
will our bins be forgiven.
Itcnd in tlio Catholic Chinches in
Scranton Dioceip Vostordny.
Tho following cliculur embodying a
digest of the 1 tiles for the observance
of Lent was lead at all the Catholic
churches of the kcianton diocese yes.
tetday: 1. All the faithful who have completed
their ivv cut -111 nt ear, nro bound to ab
solve tho Fast of Lent, unless dispensed
foi leglllmuto leasons.
2. Ono meal a elay only is allowed, ex
cept on Sunday.
S. This meal is not to be taken until
about noon.
4. On those days on which permission
Is granted to cat meat, both meat and fish
uio not to be used nt the same meal,
even by way of condiment.
5. A collation or partial meal Is nllovvcJ
In tho evening. The general puictlco of
pious Christians limits its quantity to tho
fourth part ot an ordinary meal.
G. Bread, butter, cheee, fruit ot all
kinds, salads, vegetables and fish, are per
mitted at the cnllitlon. Milk and eggs
nro also permitted
7. Custom has m ido It lawful to drink
In tho morning somo warm lliiuld. such as
tea and coffee, or thin chocolate mudo
with water.
S. Necessity and custom have author
ized tho uo of lard Instead of butter In
preparing fish, vegetables, etc.
0. Tho following persons nro not bound
to observe tho Fast, z. : All under
twenty-ono ears ol nge; the sick; pieg
nant women nnd ttioje giving uck to 'n
lants; those who ate obliged to do hard
work, nnd nil who through weakness can
not last without Injury to their health.
ID. 15v dispells Ulon, the use of flesh
meat will be nllow ed any time on Sui.
das, nnd once a di 011 Mundav, Tues
days, Thursday nnd Satuidajs; except nn
the sicond S.ituidjy in Lent mid Holy
11 Perscns exempted fom the obliga
tion of fasting, by age or laboiious occu
pation nro permitted the use of meat at
niiv meal on thoso days on which Its uso
Is gi anted bj dNpercntlon.
12. Those who may have an reasonable
doubt as to their ability to fast or ab
stain should seek the advlee of their pas
tois. William O'Jlara.
Bishop ot Scranton.
Seimons siifcge.' tcil l.y tho appioach of
Washington's blithdliy wcro piesichiel
in ncai ly all the city chinches.
A Bihlo leading on "Tlio Seven Wishes
ol Paul," was piecceleri by a song setvlee
at tin Scranton Stieet Baptist church
last celling.
Ituv. Yv. J. Foul, pastor of the Gicrn
Rldgu Baptist church, occupied the pul
pit of the Jackson Street Baptist church
e steulny morning
Tho quartette choir which so efficiently
sang at thu Washburn Stieet i'lesbjte
ilnn church yestenlaj, has been ongugul
to luinlsh the music ut that church dur
ing tile .vcar.
Rev. S. F. Matthews, pastor of the
Scranton Stieet Baptist thurcn, addiossed
tho meeting at the Railroad department,
Young Men's Christian association, jes
lerelay afternoon.
A discourse on tho lecent temperance
agitation in tclntlon to colleges was
preached In the Second Presbyterian
chinch In the cienlng by Rev. Dr. C. E.
Robinson, tho pastot.
At tho devotional meeting of tho Young
Women's Christian association ye.steiduj
afternoon, a specially prepaied pro
gtanimo was conducted by Mrs. Randolph
Jones, .assisted by Mrs. M. J. Boston-
r Williams.
At tho Green RIdgo Baptist church In
the evening there was a patriotic bervleo
attended by tho Amciican Mechanics and
P.ittlotlo Order Sons of America. A spe
cial seinion wus pleached by tho pastor,
Rev, W. J. Foul.
Special services were conducted at tho
Sumner Avenuo Presbyterian church last
evening. Tho pastor, Rev. L. R. Fostci,
preached a forceful bernion on "Our Idle
Words." A series of special meetings will
bo conducted In the chut eh, commencing
with lust evening's meeting.
Kdvviu A. Wlr.t died jesterday after
noon ut his homo eai Dast Market street
ufter u two weekb' lllncts with pneu
monln. Mr. WInt was 11 years of age and
Is survived by a wife. Ho wus a brother
of Lewis and Itvln WInt, of Gieou Rldo
and Major John WInt, of the tegular
at my. Mr. WInt wus u mun of many nd
mliablo Halts of chutactcr and the news
ot his death will be beard with surptlso
and regret bv his many ft lends. Ho was
a member of tho Odd Fellows, Knights of
P thins and Palitcrs' union. Anaugo
nients lor tho 1iukt.i1 have not yet been
Mrs. Lillian I'. Bey en. vvlfo of 7:. M
BejeM, died scsterdu ut their
on Monroo avenue, (lieen Ridge. Sho
Ih stuvlvcd by her husband nnd Infant
son. Mis. Bejca was bom Sept. M, lttUi,
and before hor iimrilago to Mr. Be,eu on
Nov. 23, 1MII, was Miss 1 illlau F. Dean
Mr. Rc,cu Is hind agent lor the Pennsyl
vania. Coal enmpunv. Tho funeinl will
tako placo Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
nnd will bo ptlvule. Interment In Duii
moie cemetery.
Mrs Mury Howard, widow of tho lato
Ocorgo Howard, died Satutday nt 10.30 a.
m nt tho home of Mr. nnd Mrs. John
Allen, of Hast Drinker stieet. Tho de
ceased was 70 years of ngo. Tho funeral
will bo held this afternoon at 2 o'clock,
Services will bo conducted at tho houso
by Rev. W. F. Gibbons, pastor of tho
Dunmoro Presbyterian church, inteiment
will bo mado in the Dunmoro cemetery.
RcorciinUutlon ol Itourd of Ciintiol.
The board of control will meet for
re-organlzatlon and transact its final
business for tho fiscal year 1897 to
morrow evening;.
Fcbrnary .Meeting of Hie Susquehanna
Young People's Union.
Delcgntot lrom Susquolmniin, Wyom
ing nnd Lncknvvnnnn Counties Jlcot
and Dlicutfi Various lntercstlng
Niibjccti llonrlng on the Womnn's
ork--lllHtrlct .UlKsioiinrr Mnkcs
n Report President Horn's Active
Pnrtlcipntion--iainei of tlio Offi
cers ol the Union.
Thu exercises of tho Febiunry meet
ing of the Susquehanna Unlversallst
Young People's union, held at All
Soul's church on Satutday and Sun
day, were Interesting nnd profitable.
Delegates were present from Brooklyn,
Flectvllle, Gibson, Hopbottom, Kings
ley, Nicholson nnd Scranton. An in
teresting feature wns the presentation
to the union by Mr. Earnest Sterling,
of Brooklyn, of a gavel made of wood
from tho old Unlversallst meeting
house in Brooklyn, which was built
hi 1S21.
Considerable time was devoted to a
discussion of tho interests of tho "Sus
quehanna Unlversallst," a paper pub
lished by the union onco In thtee
months, the thlid number of which
Is now out, nnd which is edited by Rev.
It. E. Horn.
An Intel estlng report was given by
the dlsttict missionary, Miss Nellie G.
Loomls, which showed encouraging
things from most of tho unions, nnd
also tho wisdom of tho district mis
sionary plan.
Another feature was tho adopting of
a Susquehanna union call; this to be
the letters of the union pin, "Y. P. C.
U. of U. C," sung on the tonic chord.
Attention was given, too, to tho Jun
ior union, short addresses being giv
en by Mlsg Gertrude Waldie, Mrs. F.
E. Adams nnd Mr. J. L. Tlffuny.
The concluding nddress of the after
noon was given by Mrs. F. E Adams
on tho topic "Why Have Wo Organized
ns Young People's Societies?" The chief
points emphasized were: Tho cultiva
tion of the spiritual nature, fighting
evils like the drink traffic, and doing
missionary vvoik. The address was
followed with discussions by J. L. Tif
fany, F. n. Loomls and Rev. 15. E.
The evening programme was of a
miscellaneous character nnd consisted
of a paper on the "Value of Our
Church," by J. L. Tiffany, of Nichol
son; singing by the Scranton choir;
recitation by Miss Maud Waldie, ot
Brooklyn; solo by Miss Flora Tiffany,
of Nicholson; reading by Mrs. Mary
Sweet, of Gibson; recitation by Rev.
it. E. Horn, of Brooklyn; duet by Miss
Emma Eldridge, of Scranton, and Miss
Gertrude Waldie, of Brooklyn; paper
by Miss Nellie G, Loomls, of Kings
ley, and Ringing by the choir.
Sunday morning a consecration bor
vlce at 9.S0 was led by Mr Alfted J.
Donley, of Duryea, and tho regular
morning sermon was preached by Rev.
F. E. Adams, of Hopbottom, from
the text: "Ceimo Tnto Me." Tho de
votional mectinsr nt C.30 o'clock p. m.
was led by Mr. Rlchaids, of Scranton,
and tho evening sermon was given by
Rev. R. E. Horn.
The officers of tho union are: Presi
dent, Rev. R. E. Horn, of Brooklyn;
vice president, Mr. S. B. Eldiidge, of
Brooklyn; secretary, Miss Gertrude
AValdle, of Iltooklyn; treasurer, Mr. J.
L. Tiffany, of Nicholson.
W ill Itc Meld Touiglit nt tho W yoiniug
Vitlloy, Wilkes-Hum.
sevetal He lantonlans will take pi em
inent pett in the Lafayette alumni din
ner tonight ut tho Wyoming v'nlley ho
tel in Wllks-ltatte. It has been .11
langed by an executive committee con
sisting of A. C. Campbell, AV. A. Mav,
F. 1 . Phillips, A. C. Lanlmr, V. C Kltk
eiidall, E. F. Blevvett, E. W..Gearhart.
Follow Ing Is to be tho toast pro
gramme: To.istmastei, James P. Dick
son, esi , '71. "Lafayette " President
E. D. Warffed; "A Pica for Higher Ed
ucation, ' Professor George Howell,
'SO. "Tho Tiustees," John Wolles Hol
lenback, esq.; "The Church and Higher
Education," Rev. J. B. Craven, '92;
"The Uses of College Education," lion.
II. W. Palmer; "Modern Physic," C.
B. Knapp, M. D., "il; "The Smaller
Colleges," W. A. May, esq., '7G.
Postollico Hours Tomorrow.
Tomoirovv (Washington's birthday)
nt the postofllce the stamp and gen
oral dellvety windows will bo open from
7 a. m. to 12 m. Money order and reg
ister windows closed all day. Morn
ing deliveries will bo made by car-rleis.
Good Apron Ginghams .
Best Apron Ginghams
Unbleached Cheese Cloth
Bleached Cheese Cloth
Endigo Blue Prints
Good Unbleached Muslin
Hill Bleached fluslin .
A Question Oltcn Aslccd by Thoso
Vllllcted wllh Piles.
Is a stialned Joint finable? Is local
Inllnminntlon ctttable? Of course, if
properly treated. Ho It plies.
People- often becomo afflicted with
riles. nnd ask somo old "chronic" who
has nlwnys persisted In tho wrong
treatment nnd naturally ho dlscouruges
them by telling them that their case Is
They In turn discourage others, and
tliun a disease that ran In every case
bo cured by careful and skillful hand
ling Is allowed to sap the energy of
thousands who might free themselves
of tho trouble In a few days.
Pyramid Pile Cure will euro tho most
aggravated case of hemorrhoids In an
astonishingly shott tlmo. It relieves
the congested parts, reduces the tumors
Instantly no matter how large, allays
tho inflnmtnatlon and stops the aching
or Itching at once.
Thousands who had resorted to ex
pensive surgical treatment have been
cured by tho Pyramid Pile Cure In a
number of instances persons who had
spent months In a hospital under a pile
It la a lemedy that none need fear to
apply even to the most aggravated,
swollen and lnilamcd hemorrhoidal
If you aro nflllcted with this stubborn
dlsenso you can master It and master
It quickly.
This remedy Is no longer nn experi
ment, but a medical certainty. It Is
manufactured by tho Pyramid Drug
Co. of Marshall, Mich.
Druggists sell It at CO cents per box.
It becoming the most popular pile euro
thto country has ever known and drug
gists everywhere aro ordering It for
their customers.
Attach Themselves to tho Atncricnii
I'nriiTMtlnn oC Labor.
Mlneis of Prlceburg nnd vicinity or
ganized a blanch of the American Fed
eration of Labor Saturdny evening In
Fadden's hall, Prlcebtug. The organ
ization was effected by V. J. Thomas,
of Scranton, organizer for the Federa
tion in Northeastern Pennsylvania.
Mr. Thomas made an address as did
Martin Flaherty, P. J. Moran, M. Mc
Donald and Mr. Donohoe. Neaily 200
members were enrolled.
I O clock 1
I Today
S ft
Starts the seventh :
X day of our great sale
g Silver Table Ware, g
X You know the story
ic bought over six i
! thousand pieces of j
i discontinued pat- 5T.
; terns. When these S
;! are gone, then for jsl
X double and treble j
j these prices. The Si
fcj sale goes on
1847 Rogers' Knives, ff I oc .
15 ulvwis .ooforslx -PlmO 5;
Good Teaspoons for every
clay use
DurabloI'lated ICnlvesnnd C
1 orks tho dozen ... .- Otl
Nut Crackers nnd 1) picks, Oc,-,
not Stic, but. 4"'
Honors' Triple l'luteFuney
Teaspoons, (I foi
Picture Aftei invent- 5T
X Frames ory-u? s'ed T
and joined sev- jjj;
;-S eral hundred all sizes of &
S frames. 40,000 feet of 2j
! moulding seemed more than !
J5 we needed, we'll sell the J!
15 frames at most any price. ?;
1$ Bring in your pictures and $:
-S pick a fit. g
303 Lackawanna Ave,
Our Cannon Is
One ol Thorn Displayed n Ilndly
.Marked 1'iico.
For drawing a knlfo and thientenlng
to kill two women nnd striking ono ot
them, James MeDiivltt was arraigned
befoto Aldrman Millar Saturday and
committed to Jail In default of $500 ball.
Tho complainant was a Miss Whit
ney, of the household of Mrs. E. J.
Smith, at 107 Lackawnnno. avenue. It
was ugalnst the two women that Mc
Davltt Is said to havo made his thteat3.
Tho Whitney woman showed a badly
marked face in the alderman's office.
BEECHAM'S PILLS will dispel the
Unpacked yesterday.
Flemish nnd Mcttlacb, beauti
fully colored decorations with'
S-omo new things in iLoving
Cups and Umbrella Stands of tho
same material.
134 Wyoming Ave.
"W'nlk In nnd look around." A
February, 21, 1S0S.
The Gem Cafe
12S Washington Avenue, "
W. A. Beemer &. Son.
Regular meals, 23 cents: G meal tickets.
$1.00; 21 meal tickets. $1 00. IJrcakfast, C
to 8.S0 a. m., Dinner. 11.30 to 2 p. m.; Sup
per. G p. m. to 7.30 p. m
Menu ot dinner served this day:
Scotch Broth
Prime Ribs of Roast Beet
Roast Pork with Anple Sauce
Baked Chicken Pie, Family Stylo
Creamed Potatoes String Beans
Pearl Hominy
Applo Plo Lemon Merang PIo
Ralsen Pie Boston Cream Pie
Tapioca Pudding
French Drip Coffee Tea Milk
Quick Lunch at AH Times
Open All Night. Never Closed.
Invaluable to mother nnd child from the
time the baby is n months old until it can
wullt. At the Baby Humor, 61'J Nprure St.
Heartburn, Gas
trltlt and all
Stomach Disor
ders positively cured. Grov-er Orabum's Dys.
pepsiu Remedy Is u sueclnc. Ono doio re
movesull distress, anda permanent cure of
the most chronic and severe canes is guaran
teed. Do not sillier I A fiO-ccnt bottlo will
convince the nioU skeptical.
Matthews Hros., Dmgglsts, :S20 Lacka
vvunuu avenuo.
Loaded With
0 s-S. i
Pure Linen Bleached Toweling, 5jc
Stevens' Linen Toweling . 5jc
58 Homespun Linen Napkins,
95c doz.
35c Damask Table Linens .
$5.00 Down Sateen Comforts,
$2.00 Silkaline Comforts .
75c Calico Comforts .
415 and 417
Lackawanna Avenue, Scranton, Pa,
I See
310 Lackawanna Ave.
J. H. LADWI0, Prop.
Great musicians use Klmballs. The
testimony of musicians who command
a salary of from $1,000 to $2,000 for each
performance must be accepted as hav
ing weight. They, at least, escape tho
charge of not knowing what they aro
talking about. Lillian Nordlca says.
"Tho more I use my Kimball piano tho
better I like it." Jean De Reszke saysi
"Wo have concluded to purchase Kim
ball pianos for our personal use." John
Philip Sousa Claims: "Tho Kimball
piano Is first-class In every respect."
Some of the most beautiful cases In
walnut, mahogany and oak can be seen
here. I have somo fine largo pianos,
all colors, from $250 to $350, on easy
tenns, and a term of lessons ftee.
George II. Ives, 9 West Market street,
Wilkes-Barre, general agent; W. S.
Foote, local agent, 122 Pago Place.
GEORGE IF. IVES, General Asent,
0 West Market Htrcot, Wllkes-Barro.
W. S. FOOTE, Local Agent,
122 Page Place, sicranton,
i- ti-at uni t-'y".' ,