' - - -"- Pwsnw" m THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY, FEBRUARY IS. 1898. - fiiMMiNl Willy, Kxfpt humtajr. hy tfi Trlbuaa riibllKhlnj Company, t llfty CntA'M,amti, MiKib jtthk ronTorrrn at ecRAtTox. k. ay XCOND-CtAM M Alt, U STTftft. TEN PAGB& vfliANTOX, FBimUAUV IS, 189S. I' lielllnei'i'iit rlshts hntt In-cit nceord i'il to fulm mc year or cmsii one month ago, Hi- MuIiij would 1o nfl'int today. Consequences. Tl c alsnlflc.ineo of thq explosion o ihp Mnluc grows upon rcllectlon. If It Flmll !)( prnvil th:it the diuiolltlnti of Mils meat war or.i ft was thf vmk of Ifsij.ii tin1 linpottiinof of tho "UTnlr in fhvloiiy. In that event demand would lie mnJp upon ?t-i1i foi' tinmedlato eeuineiihatlon and indemnity, and tlit nli-inntve would lie wir. The- mlmlti i.n iMmi i-oulii not withstand the uil II oplniou which wouhl tire.s It on ai(l nlnMK thl. ionise. N'o iniivir on ml' ti ulil .; Hut lln inattur. will not ' I''h lm t'liiini if the hoard of Inquiry hull lied that the Alalnc lih-w up because of muses peculiar to ll!-lf. Mueh n flnd i'iu rtotild amount tn .irniidpiiinatjoii of the v imle trend of inodpm naval tic vi iiipiiH'Ut. .Vnt 'inly would It 1111 the m nu id yvery American illtxc-n "Hi suHpleion as lo the utll it . "1 tin urmoied slants if the d- i ithleh we have ween launchliiK t- .in time to tine1 with 'so much pllde, ,ii ' P'lid tfi chctk futur projiess nlolit' tin' line. Imi inrvituiily tic effect must i1.i he td i ailse the glOllt UO'Vei'ft (if Km nee to view with niijiteheii.-don their Miuilai Investment. To t'xpctiil vast ifit'ines and hur.m-l lirrclotu livri In vnfhliM ni dauK'.'lou'i hi tlnv of peace n In time ef war wiaild hecmiio In the Puln .if su.-li a tlndlm; a policy of such siupi iidf,tifi follv ihat the; cnllfthti'iicil. ).- i..ments of (he world would nat iinltv recoil fuiiiiit by iiistinellvc ac i..,.ii I' is unllkelv. Uierefore, tha' a com rossier. of Inquiry fouslstlnx of naval fMierls wlioe nletC'Sis ind syiripa I'Mrp air all iei Hip -dd" o naval pro sjis" will accept the theory t)ial the M .ire was deMnved by accident un til ,ie e(teme b.fore them Shall have i mde lids conclusion Irrcslstlblp. The . lii'ti, an people can ali'nrd lo await In pa'iiuce the icsull f the navy depart 1 1 ill's Invest icatlons and If those shall indh ate act idcnl as the caiiec they will i fully w.uiMtiicd In acccptlnc" the f i diet unieservedly and dismissing fi mi their minds the last vestige of the sot-pi Ion now Instinctively directed ngii'iist Spain. Knr the sake of the new navy. Cuba and several other thlnKS there are those who hope the Spanish will be found utility. The Proper Spirit. Senator Morgan, of Alabama, is the lecOKiiizcd dean of the jingo fraternity In eonsri -s, but for all that we like hl pluck. This was what he Bald .six hours after the word had come from Havana of the .Maine's destruction: "Whether the calamity was due to accident or treachery. 1 should like to see Introduced in coiiRies today a Joint lesolution providing for the Immediate construction of two battleships equal in size and equipment to the Maine, and costing not a dollar le.s than the lll-fatcd Maine cost. That resolution 1 would have passed by both branches of congress today. Such a response at that to last night's calamity In the harbor of Havana, whether It was due to ac Ideal or treachery. Is the one to make in the chcumstances. One of these vessels should be constructed on the Atlantic and the other on the Vaclflc coast, and there should not be the lii;httt delay in their building-. Action of Hint kind by ns wojild Indi cate t" the wot Id that whenever or wherever one of our tentacles was cut off two would at once grow In Its l lace." TVlk like this may piove offensive to some, but only beeauevthfy, ,t) ob ject to it lack national Wplrll't-if, con gress had shown this spirit ctfjlicr In the ntoceedings we shotllfl',.now; hav.e a navy which would not lie seriously weakened by the loss oir onu ship under clicimistanees ol peculiar. huintliuMon. If anv ship hail to go better the .Malm- than another. The.Teeords show that II has been a trouble-maker since the da It was launched. True and False Economy. it Tien nt end pending complications wm'i foreign powers, not perhaps car riny the inuiipdhite menace of war but cpitnlnly liiliighia Into unusual l.timihiPnce the possibility of war be tween i his iinmtrv and 'of from without. hae lately added lnipelttr to the imhlie demand for better co.i.t for tlllratlon. This demand procedf from no llly fftgemess for wtirliHt Is lathon the expicsslon of tliVfJinsiwyuttvi' nnd peji i-iovlng citizenship of the nation. In till respects akin to the feeling which impels the thoughttul household'i. up on lellilug ui night, to hick no his limbics and bolt the outer dooi. Some years ngo a-iommlsslon of ex Mits. known as the Kndlcott board", i.f ter enreful study, outlined n plan of coal fortltlcatlon and seaboard d"feiii"-' which bus served consequently as the ideal of those, statesmen who .hove pc.s scsed the wisdom to appreciate the ne cessity for this kind of national life nnd property Insurance. A consider able beginning had been mad' towatd the gradual adoption of this plan when the present national house of represen tatives reached the, consideration, a fortnight ago. of the fort tl cut Ions ap propriation bill. It had been the in tention to build these fortifications on the Instalment sj-stetn.timnlnir through a scries of years, so as not to concen trate an unwieldy burden In any one y.ar With tnls purpose in view ih'o last congress approjirlated, within a small percentage of what the war de pattment had asked f$r. n. ;tf year, responding at the wrong place, to the necessity for ocononiy,, the Jioiis voted hr-sHhan onthbtl1 of Uh 4uiii aske'd for In t,Jip .gstbmites, fheso ,l;ad con templated $13,6o6,O00. The house voted n fraction over M.OOQ'OO,, v-rV I'-V' Tli a senate, with-, f- .upejlor . wis dom and with n truer appreciation of values, on Wedn-sday Increased the house appropriation 'to W.010,000, this lichiK substantially the same utiiu voted tor Inst year. In the debntc which pre ceded this vote In the senate 41ip sub jpet of const fortifications was dis cussed with n btendth of view and ,x show of real interest In the puhtlc wel fare nollrenL'le for tholr almost total Mbsence ftom the earlier discussion In the hmte. Scnntoifl from the far wist Joined with the senators from" the east ern seaboard, nnd these In turn were telnforeed bv bcnators from the non exposed Interior states, In urging a statesmanlike protection of the great const cities from sudden attack In the event of war. The sentiment of the senate, a sentiment, virtually unani mous, was well exptessed by Senator TVIIor, who did not believe th X'nlted States was uolng to have any war and who would not have the nation curry u chip on its shoulder, but who leropn'ssed that a gloat war anion? the Ktuopcan nations seemed not far off and who. In any event, vatdrd his own lountty to lie put nnd kept in condition to take care of itself. ir this plain bit of common -ense s'lall receive due attention the house will accept the senate amendment and a pressing duty will not be put off. The sacrifice of a Jj.OuU.iiOO wars-hip, count Inp equipment, nnd thp loss of th' lives of more thun i.'iO brave men Is a big price to pay for th" sympathy ol Ktirop.; hut maybe It. will prove cheap In the end. There is now no hand In the intelligent p.ut of Kurope which would not at least In sympathy be nt our commnnd In case the t'nited Slates tovorniiicnl should feel culled upon In vindication or humanity and of Its own honor to Uk..- a fall out of Spain. Prince orPauper Which ? fine of the already noticeable conse quences of the animated state of Penn sylvania Republican politics nt this time lui3 been a boom In the holler plate IndiiJ-try. The boiler plate in dustry, we may explain, Is that Indus try which supplies to economical news papers rc.ulv-made reading matter measured 1 y the yard. I'olltirolly, this supply is seasoned to the beneficiary's order, and tiien distributed free nruong editors who can be Induced to take it, the hope being thus to Influence public opinion. This species of bunco busi ness may In.'Incnce a certain kind of public opinion, but rarely does It in fluence In the way desired that pot lion of the public whose opinion is of any particular consequence. Its effective ness even among fools Is doubtless doomed to gradual extinction by rea son of the fact that even fools are liable in course of time to learn to distrust those who make a practice of fooling them. A brief time ago the boiler plate In dustry was held under virtual mon opoly by the li'ticfntlgable boomers of Colonel William A. Stone. They had tne benefit of iac tnailinir lists of the Republican state committee; they in cluded among tholr number some of the more prominent oflicers and mem bets of that committee, whose Identi fication with the boiler plate bureau tended at the outset to give it dignity and tone; and they flooded the state with hand-me-down literature lauding the unrivalled virtues of the gentle, man from Allegheny and deftly apply ing the sand bag to such of his fellow citizens o.s had the hardihood to aspire to compote with him for the guberna torial nomination. The Stone boiler plate department, in other woids, ran along Joyfully and exuberantly for quite a time, without a tlval In sight. Rut now, alas, Its sway is to be dis puted. A Richmond has appeared in Its field. In the Wllkes-Rarre Times ot recent date, In a lioller plate spe cial dated llarrtshurg, we read: No man In the state, ileli or poor, will be deceived by the cry that opposition to J tiny and his gang ot busses Is composed of millionaires. There wasn't a man at the Hoarse meeting which Invited John Wanamnker to become a candidate for governor that was worth a million, or a ha if a million, or a quarter of a million ol ilollats. It was composed of farmers, merchants, lawyers, doctors and editors. It III becomes Senator Quay's Iriende to inie tlie cry thai millionaires ute behind the movement to crush his power. Nu nuiii interested in lighting Quaylsm owns a IT.'A'ii resilience hi Allegheny icounty, another tine residence in Heaver "county, a mansion in Washington, a aw acre farm In Lancaster county, another big farm In ciiesier county ami a plantation m rinrldn. And fjuay owns all of these; has bought them within the paat twenty years, and out ot a salary of V,,()tHl a year! The fight this eai Is against Alllllon nhe Quay and the corporation!! which have always helped him to malnliin Ills gtip on the state. It is really tlV tlBht of the people against the inilllouaiies. There is more to the same effect, but this specimen quotation suffices to bilng out our point. Rrother "Watia maker's coy silence of the past fort night is now explained. He has quietly been planning a coup d'etat. While his llu-rury lieutenant, Senator Kauff man, has been llgglng up and re-olllng the old boiler-plate mill, the crafty merchant prince has been disposing of hs minions to charltv In order to hop into ,. poor man's tight against the panipeied and the plutocratic- Quay. Swiftly have conditions changed. A year ago it was Wanamaker who wore the broadcloth and Quny who donned the blouse. If Quay Is now a bloated child of mammon we hope he knows It. The total loss to the government as a lesult ot the disaster at Havana Is ufll dally pronounced to be Sl.lMOil. This embraces the cost of hull, machinery, equipment, armor, gun protection and armament, both in main and secondary batteries, It Includes the cost of nmr munition, shells, coal, current supplies, and. lu short, the whole outfit. Washing ton dispatch In the Him. .If it shall become necessary to col lect compensation from Spain It will be wise to add a few millions In the form of exemplary damages, Hussla has just. contracted with the Carnegles for armor plate t $,'5 a ton, which Is $125 more than the Carnegles offered to charge the United-States. Hut, then. Itussja- inijans business. It. Is pointed out fby .advocates of the accident theory that, the; Maine's' case had had, parallels'. -In iS8.1, the United States" )h'iili-;6f-vai; '.Missouri, then lylntr nt Plhraltn.r, was totally wrecked by the explosion of iier maga zine. Another; case famous in naval history Is that of Her Majesty's ship Doterel. In 1S87 fine was lying at an- chor off Pucntn. Arenas, In the Straits of Megellau. An explosion wiped the ship from the face of the waters, nnd left almost none of her crew olive. Hut since those days ship constitution has materially improved. It ought not now to he considered plausible that our naval officials should have failed to take lessons from these sad examples. President CJoinpers' refusal to meet Judge Woodward will not break the lattcr's liPiirt. Opinions on fhe Loss of fhe Maine. Philadelphia Press: "Disasters like that of the Maine are Inevitable If a na tion multiplies Its lleet of inodorn war ships with their intricate possibilities, of destruction. He the rauso what It may, sheur accident or ttcachcry, a breach ot discipline or a flaw In machinery, care lessness of n. fatal error In method or Judgment, the modem war vessel ofteis so broad a target to adverse tate that a sober suspension of Judgment is Impera tively demanded, A single torpedo charge, and scores are carried; the charge of n single gun. nnd each piece has a ser vice equipment of 400 rounds; a heated magazine, a misplaced wire, toal tin watched, or wet and Ill-packed any of these causes work ruin. A vessel like the Maine is crowded with engines, and swarms with dynamos, with electric wires, with special muchlncry, with ex plosives, combustibles, nnd the chnnce and hazard of file from every conceiv able cause. The annals of these great vessels lu every navy during the twenty shoit years lu which they have been In use are flecked with a running record of small casualties and minor accidents, which have brought ship after ship un der all lings to tho very edge ot disas trous explosion. With these facts and tMs record, under every ensign and In every navy, it behooves the public to lace this terrible blow to the self-respect, th pride and the prestige ot the nation with i aim nnd suspended Judgment. Time and Inquiry will tell the cause of this it re parable los of men. of ship nnd of that Indpllnablo self-confidence which long fieedom from accident breeds, and until time nnd Inquiry have told it Is the first duty of rverv man, be his plnce what U may, to face the disaster, to realize Its Importance, to leutn Its lesson as It de- clops nnd to have neither criticism nor condemnation, neither crimination nor recrimination, until all Is known, 'this Is not a time' for theory or suspicion, for suggestion of treachery without or of carelessness within- but for calm, sober, resolute readiness to wnlt on events, to learn from them, and even out of this crushing blow to forge nnd pet feet new strength and defense for the old flag." o Koine RclloctloiM. Philadelphia Inquirer: "The thought cannot he evaded that these modern naval monters, coered with the heaviest aimor and armed with great guns, may not bo such defensible, floating forts, alter all. Who knows what would happen If one of them should ever be struck in an engagement by a ball from the enemy'.' If an explosion from within can hopeless ly wreck a battleship what would an ex plosion from without or the bursting of dynamite on deck accomplish 7 Talk of war! It would be a wholesale massacre. Out on the plains and on the border in the olden days it was the man who 'got the drop' on his victim that lived to tell of the event. May It not be that when two Immense fighting vessels, despite all their armored precautions for safety, open lit o uiioii each other It will be the one that gets In the first shot that will survive? If ever a great battle should bo fought all our mcdein theories may bo smashed Into smithereens by the reniilts. There Is at.other thought, too. May It not also be that In the continued inven tion of high explosives against which nothing cm stand all nations will in the end find the way to peace'.' When the annihilation of all coin Pined must be the result of watfare. nations will not be anxious to meet each other, elthtr In the field or on the water." o Dniiceioun in War and Pence. Philadelphia Times: "No one Knows very cleaily what would happen to a modern battleship if It ever got Into bat tle, but It has lepeatedly been shown to be a very dangerous thing In time ot peace. The liritlsh have already lost tw- or three great armored ships that apparently went down trom sheer inabil ity to keep afloat, and the sinking of the Vlctoila by collision with the Camper down at Tripoli four or five years ag), when some :ir0 lives were lost. Is recalled to memory by this mysterious affair m the harbor of Havana. The Peruvians, it will also be remembered, lost their bfst warship and tho Chilians two of theirs, during the war between those coutittles, without the exchange ol n shot, and as armor and aimament alike in crease, the existence of these great light ing machines seems to grow constantly more precarious." o llmd lo Understand. Syracuse Post: "It Is hard to under stand how in a compaiatlvely new ves sel, where every precaution for safety is taken, an accident of this kind could have ocuurred, and It Is equally difficult to understand how nn enemy could approach at night and place a torpedo uainst the slip. The ortlceis of the Maine knew that their ship was In an unfriendly port. They knew that almost the same pre cautions would have to be taken against surprise or treachery as would be nec essary In lime of war. It Is Impossible to believe that the vessel was not so faith fully guarded that an enemy could ap proach at night without 'belne discovered nud halted long before any damage could be done." o The N'ntion'i Dead. New Voik Sun: "The men of the Maine who lost their lives lu Havana hitihor ate not less the nation's dead, nnd not the less died they for the flag, than If they had died in battle. The honors ot of war to them, to their families and de pendents the abundant provision which a nation's gratitude will promptly make, and over their graves Old Glfirj !" o Will Respond ns One Ainu. Washington Star: "Kor the present there is deep unlveisal sympathy In this Cliiaia WK AHK CLOSING OUT FOUR OF OUK OPEN STOUK CHINA PAT TKHNS At Cost IV' YOU WANT A CHINA IUNNKn HKT NOW IH THK TLMK TO 1HJY WH AUK TAKlNrt ACCOUNT OK STOVlK AND WANT TO CI.OSK OUT TJIHHIildUK LINES llEKOUK I-'KIJ. HCAUIV 1. CPMONS, FE1REB, MMALLEY CO. t'i'i Lackawanna Avenue. country fnri ir families of the men who were killed Havana harbor nnd for the mutilated i"vlvorn of tho disaster. Ah for the ful i ., no one can predict. Tho wholo pul.j -iwnlls the truth from Hav ana with it anxious expectation that Is Intense. II bcre Is cause In tho situa tion for ni other nnttonnl sentiment than that ol' rtlef the people will respond as one'man."1) o "t'hlnJs Spain Innncenf. Phllnf.'lphli Record- -"It Is scarcely worth wille h notice tho ImimtiUlnm of Spanish' 'treachery excc'pl'-to denounce them ns qnrirthv suggestions of dishon est or deunned minds, There are scores ot pnssibr (Kplunallons, each of which would setn 'more rcnsonnblo than the bnso lnl,utlons ngolnst the nation whoso hoM'hltty our naval representa tives were eijoylng, and whose senmen hastened to ic rescue ot their American comrades In mis." Comicntlnbln Cnutinn. Philadelphia Ledger; "Tho federal au thorities, cofTessmen nnd others who are Inlluentla in giving direction to pub lic opinion In the emergency are practicing- comtiieilable reserve in withhold ing opinions mil more facts are forth coming. The Ircumstanru that tho ex plosion took plVce In Havana harbor Is n coincidence wt,'eh should lend to cautlods Judgment fortibvlous reasons. And for these reasons the nnvy department will naturally Hveitlgate with the greatest minuteness.' o Stlllto Uu Heeded. New Yoik Sin: "In the circumstances, the advice of fuptnln Slgshee that the lodgment of He people of the ITnlteil States be impended Is stilt advice to be heeded." ' i- ROlKJIIfi.N IVAI.li BTIIKKT. New York Coninerclal-Advertlser. The Maine las' cost Walt street dearly. When she wnt icnt to llnvnna less than n month ago, her departure caused a sharp decline irta number of stocks, and the accident wjlch now berails her and her crew has .'gain shaken "the street." Tho decline in stocks on both, occasions amounts to nnny millions of dollars, us much possibly is would build a navy. iff ir f FIEE AiMwal T7 O men Opens today and will continue for Ten Bays, No need to say that the values we wi'i offer during this sale will bo more convincing- than ever that wc are In a posi'tlon to offer "High Class" Table Linens, Napkins, Doylies, etc, at prices that defy conpetltion. The few number.? quoted here, are only an index to the special prices which will apply to all qualities In stock, (during this sale only), from our 25c. number to the finest "Double Satin Damask" t.t $2.I.". 10 PIECl.'S fine German "Silver Bleach" Damask, SS n. wide; rezular 50c. quality Sale Price, 35c 10 PIKCICS 61 Ir. wide; regular 75c. quality Sale Price, 54c 10 PIKCKS Cream Belfast Damask, i in. wide; 'regular 7.1c. quality Sale Price, 58c 8 PIKCKS 72 In. wide; regular $1.00 quality Sale Price, 75c 0 PIECES 72 in. Bleached; regular $1.00 ;unlliy Sale Price, 75c Table Napkins to match' all our finer quality Damasks. 2T DOZEN German "Silver Bleach" Napkins, C-S size; regular $1.25 qual ity ' Sale Price, $1.10 2ii DOZEN G-S size; regular $2.00 quality Sale Price, $1.75 ?-i sUe, Full Bleached Damask- regu lar $2.26 quality Sale Price, $1.85 All finer numbers In nropnitlon. Special pi Ices on Towels fFor this Sale). 510 and 512 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Lewl9 ReiHy ALWAYS HUS Y. TRADE , BUILDERS For Men, $2.0fl iO and $3, Hones : Shoes. Lewis, ieil lltANDUU VYOM1NG AVENUE. Y'S Sic !y& MMMI Great Friday Did lit Ever Occyr to Yom That when some people advertise "The Biggest Bar gains," that the bargains they speak of may be for the SELLER and not for the BUYER. Many of the alleged "GREAT OFFERINGS" are but a delusive mixture of moonshine and and misrepresentation. When it comes to selling first-class, new and reliable merchandise at low figures you have never found us to deceive you. Mi am AH Day Friday, lira Basement 3 cases of Best Light and Dark Calicoes, ; CCfitS. 2 cases Bates Seersuckers, new styles, 6 CCfflttS. 2 cases of Finest Dress Ginghams, 6 CCltS. 1 case of 36-inch wide Percales, 5 CAtS 250 dozen Bleached Momie Towels, Wall Paper Wall Papera Never so cheap as now. A whole carload has just ar rived, and we are marking and placing same in stock. See it and be convinced. We Told Yom So That there would be plenty of cold weather yet, so now is about your last chance to secure a Winter Wrap at half and quarter prices. $5.00 Garments at $1.98. $10.00 Garments at $4.98. $7.00 Garments at $2.98. $15.00 Garments at $7.98. $20.00 Garments at $9.98. mill k comers Fulfill no. Such a choice stock to select from cannot le found elsewhere In this part of the state Anrl when you consider tho moderate prices at which the goods nro marked it n further claim on the attention ami consideration of buyers. GIFT SUGGESTIONS. Wmtinh Desk, DnESSING TAnLF.I. KancyTam.es, ClIEVAr. (il.ASSM I'AlU.Or.OAniNKT.-t. ML'SICUA!I!MF.T3, (Junto Cabinet Hook Casks, KAKOV IfASKKTS, I.OUXOF.S, .WonK Tables Kasv Cn.um, Onr Chairs, IXI.AtO(.'llAtr.5, ItOCKER SnAVISO STAND I'KDEJTAI.I, 'J'ABOURKTTK. All at Vwe,t pliers comHlent with thai lilgU quality of the coods. HSU & Comuraell At 121 North Washington Avenue. Scranton, Pa. TIT v(0 2 2Jjk vwr JOi. ? Ml Day 250 of these beautiful Embossed Crystal Lamps With handsome engraved globe chimney. These Lamps are 20 inches high, and have a capacity of 2 pints of oil. They retail at 75c. We will sell them as long as they last, complete' with burner, globe and chimney, at 3S& The Very Best ClotMirag Manufactured Is the only kind we have; you can buy it as low as you would have to pay for the ordi nary, Call and see what we are offering. .... ... 111 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. THK MODKKN Stop a Mlomite WHHV vniT AHK 1'ASNINC) HV OF lllllJHHKS IN oril WINDOW. OK IN THK 11UUHH MNK. ALSO THESE TOOLS AUK ALL IIIMII BOTE k SMEAR CO., BAZAAI Sales. Friday ea h immense size, 10 0 MUCKLO HAItDW'ARK STOIIE. w, OUR I'l.ACK AND LOOK AT TUB Ulfel'I.AT AVK 1IAVK ANYTHING VOU CAN THINK NOTICKTHK 9 OltADK AND KVKUY TOOL WAKHANTKD. 119 N. Washington Avenue &,', -, i ju.,a u&.