The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 04, 1898, Morning, Page 9, Image 9

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rniDAY, rnnnOAUY 4, isos.
- 9
ITho Carbondale. correspondence o' Th
Tribune, has been placed In tho hands of
Mr. C. H. Munn, Salem avenue and
Church street, to whom news Items may
b addressed. All complaints as t-i lr
teculpr dellvtty, etc., should bo mado to
XV. T. noberts. news nsent.
Troubles ol llin .linn out Who JIavo
I'rlends Here.
In addition to the numeious udmli
crs of their artistic nullity, Muilon
Manola und Jack Mason lmvc sevcuil
personal friends in th's city, wlio will
bo pained to lenrn that profosilonal
nnd domestic misfortune has overtak
en them at Savnnnuh, Cla. They -vn 111
be remembered by most local readers
as the stats of the company that cave
two charming presentations of 'Trlend
Fritz," at the Grand Opera, house,
Christmas. Her daughter, Adelaide, n
Blrl of eighteen, will be recollected a-f
tho serving maid of the play. Her rare
beauty and perfect figure excited much
However, tho fair Adelaide deseittd
her mother when the compnny strnnd
ed, and returned to New York with
Manager Askln und wife. She left tho
following note:
Dear Mother Forgive mo for whut
I have done. Don't think that it is
KolllHhnesi or that I don't love you,
for 1 loe ou with all my heart It la
best that I go with Mr nnd Mrs As
klri until I can got tc my father or get
another engagement Take tare of
ourselt until I nm with you again 1
love you. Forgive. Your Haby
In this connection the New Yolk
Herald sajs: "Mi. Atkln was tho
manager of the company, nnd it is said
that ho filled the girl's head with the
Idea that If she cut loose ftom her
mgther he would make a great nctrehs
of her. Hence, pavii Mr Mason, her
flight. Just to add to tho general com
motion, Mr. Mason had a fight with
his leading man, Sol Aiken, on Satin -uay,
and as a result does not look as
picturesaue as usual "
Mrs. Mason Is confined to her bed bj
an nflllction which she was .sufferlnc;
when In this city. Her flitt husband
was a wealthy man, Hany S Mould,
of Pittsburg. It Is to him tint the
daughter sajs she Is going Mlss Mould
was recently reported to be engaged
to Charles Dana Burrows, of Port
land, Me., a nephew of Speaker Heed
l'lcnsing Ihitertalnnient Chen by
Xow renlurj Club.
The course of entertainments given
under the management of the New
Century club closed Wednesdny eve
ning with Lavott's Boston Storh, who
gave general satisfaction. As a whole
the course has proved meritorious. Tho
entertainments of it, together with
those given by the Cycle club among
which are the Welsh Prize fclngers,
AVendllng and the Mozart Symphony
club have supplied Carbondale with
the opportunity of hearing home of
the test talent to be had.
The support given these lias pioved
that there Is not much pecuniary piof
it to organizations enteilng into the
work, and at tho same time it shows
that a good course may be given an
nually without loss to the projectors.
The Cycle club has already signified
its Intention of providing a course for
next season, and If itb efforts of the
past may be taken as a criterion. It w 111
be the best course the city has ever
had. Good attractions are being list
ed, and In taking time by the fore
lock the wheelmen have done well.
Henson Wlij It Should Tome Very
Aided by an article In jesterdav's
Tribune, outlining a plan for the or
ganization of a body to be known as
tho Associated Boards of Tiade of
Lackawanna and Lu7erne counties, the
leader summoned sufficient temerity
to .suggest a revival of the local board
of trade, contrary to the wishes of cer
tain "powers that be."
Well, the revival must come. An or
ganization such as that proposed by
Scranton would not be complete with
out Carbondnle In it, and furtheimoie,
Carbondale cannot affotd to remain out
of it.
Articles In The Tribune have stlned
up some Interest in this matter nnd a
little more agitation will oveicome the
obstacles that have, for months, stood
In the way.
Mrs William Aunger entertained at
tea twenty lady friends .it her pleasant
Wyoming street home last evening. The
rooms were tastefully decoiated and
many details conducive to the pleasuie
of the guests had been eurefully looked
after by the hostess.
The Misses Mary and Mnrgaiet
O'Connell handsomely entei tallied a
large number of young people at their
home on South Chuich street last even
ing. The Carbondale Library club Is
new organization which will make Its
bow In the social world at a dunce to
be given in the W W Watt building
on Wednesdaj , Feb 16 The managers
ate jjreparlng to make It one of the
finest affalis of the season and as nn
extra attraction they offer to each pei
son buying an admission ticket a chanre
on a high-grade Columbia bicycle to
be disposed of that evening. Piofessor
Ttennle will furnish rouble.
On Friday evening, Feb. is, the i:ute
Dancing class will conduct the last of
a successful season of boclal events
Burke's hall has been engaged und the
Mozart oichestra will furnish the
music. At each event given undei the
Nature makes
e cures
after all.
Now and then she gets
into a tight place and needs
helping out.
Things get started in the
wrong direction.
Something is needed to
check disease and start the
system in the right direction
toward health.
Scott's Emulsion of Cod
liver Oil with hypophos
phites can do just this.
It strengthens the nerves,
feeds famished tissues, and
makes rich blood.
joe. and $i.oa all druggliti.
SCOTT & BOWHE, Chmiti, New York.
mnnagomont of the 1'llte club large
numbers of our younger clement have
enjoyed themselves, nnd It Is with re
gret thnt they greet the announcement
that tho coming uvent will be the last
for a time. In nil probability tho class
wilt be resumed after the Lenten pea
son, lMward Coddlngton Is visiting at his
old home, Lordvllle, N. Y.
Mrs P. F. Sullivan, of DundafT street.
Is entertaining Miss Sarah O'Hara, of
Mount Plensant,
Mis, William Wolcott Is visiting
Scranton fi lends.
Miss lamina Swaitz has ncrepted a
situation in tho dry goods department
of a N. Reynolds & Son's Lincoln ave
nue store.
Professor AV A. 1'. Scott, of New
York city, vv ho has organized n short
hund class In this city, Is aunnglng for
a "Tulk on Stenography," to be given
In the nurke building, Monday evening.
No ndmlsslou will be charged, and as
there Is much Interest In the subject
tho hall will doubtless be filled
AV. F. "Wills, pioprletor of the Car
bondale floral depot, has left for parts
unknow n
John, tho little t.oti of Mr. and Mrs.
John Bnkei, of the AVest Side, fell yes
terday and cut a gash In his lo'er
Jaw, extending the length of his chin.
It was a veiy painful lnjuty. Dr. Kelly
diew the llesh together with several
Fred. Munn, an elght-eni-old boy
received painful Injmle.s about the
back and hips jesterduy morning,
shortly nftei 0 o'clock. He Is a driver
at No. 1 shnft nnd while standing nt
tho front end of a trip was kicked In
the face bv a mule The force of the
blow Fent him back between the side
of the car nnd a ulllai. The trip was
moving nnd Munn lcielved severe
brulsts nlout the back and hips.
Wednesdny evening a quiet wedding
took place at the home of Councilman
George Itinndow, im Belmont street.
Mlts Estelle Cobb, of Dunmore, a niece
of Mr Biandow, was united In mar
riage to Bett J. Lott, of Clifford, Rev.
Charles Lee olllelatlng The bride was
dressed In a pink gown dimmed with
duchess late
The borlnl Iheiitol tho Senson--I,cr
sonnl and Other Hatters.
The first annunl banquet of the Tay
lor board of trade, which was held In
Its rooms in the Price Libraiy hall,
on AVednesday, was one of the grandest
social events evet held In this boiough.
Almost the entire membership was
present, and as each member was al
lowed to bilng but one male friend,
the hall wan comfoitably filled The
whole scene was both chuimlng and
Impiesslve, and the hnppv, smiling
faces of the members and their fi lends
made a plctuie of beauty and happi
ness to be icmembDred. The boaid of
trade is deserving of a edit in bringing
about such an affair as was conducted
on AVednesday evening. Our board of
trade Is made of good material, and of
the finest quality. At 913 o'clock, af
ter nil were seated, Frederick Martin
and his btaff of waiteis served the fol
lowing lepast: lioatd of Trade bus
cults, lonst tuikev, beef, Fieneh peas,
mashed potatoes, chicken salad, Rockv
Mountain fresh celety, olives, salted
almonds, A'lenna bread, New Knglnnd
bread, ijo biead, cuffec, fruit, ham,
cigais. After eveiybody had enjojed
the excellent lepast, Chairman John
F. Tnjlor (ailed the gathering to or
dei. Introduced Toastmaster P. Mul
hcrln. The toastmaster in a felicitous
manner delivered n few happy re
marks. An addresses was then deliv
ered by Rev. J M Llojd in nn excel
lent mnnnei. Rev Dr II. H. Harris
next uddressed the banquetters upon
the necessity of more finteinal feeling
and citizenship Intercourse The toast
master then called upon John Moore,
president of the South Side boaid of
trade, for a speech. It was full of wit
ticisms and sound advice M J Don
ahue delivered a short nddresh, und
Profesor David E Jones then ang a
solo, he nlso lebponded to nn encoie
A handsome protralt of ex-meshlent
T R Bow en was presented to the
boaid of trade by Ml A B Curl, tho
woik being done by Mr Curl himself
Mr Tajlnr nicepted the protralt In a
bhort nnd happy speech Attornej
John M. Harris then Heated tho gath
ering with one of his rousing speeches
"Municipal Government" wns then le
sponded to ably by Mr II 11 Han Is
The following are those who weie pi Gh
ent4 Messis. II. B. Corsellub. Evan G
AVatklns, John L Nelgei. M. P Judge,
John Rkhards, Adolph t'lweidei. AVil
Hani Nelger, Walter James, Caspei
Ott Dr. Hemy Leuthold William
Fry, John n F.vans, II J Daniels,
Slum Paikei, Gomel Jones Hvan G
nvan, Anthon IMwnrds. John R
Johns. John Webei, W P. Gilfll'hs.
Fvan L Davles, H i: Han Is John
rem, John Scheiei. Ji , M M Wil
liams, P Mulhelln. Rev. J M Llovd
J. F Tavloi. D B Atherton. Di II
H llnnK John Atheitmi, John II
Nealev, David X Lewis. J H Wntkins
Joseph Haunlik, M J Donahoe. P.
Loubque, J II Mooie Martin Gilll
vaiy, Michael McDonnell. Samuel Ilai
lowe. John AV Reese. Di AV H Olm
steud, John G Owens, J P Law, H
T Dav i. William Powell. D M Da
vid, n. Jones, John A Nelgei, John
G Ptlce, John P Thomas, J r. Tubbs,
AVllliam Davis Wlllnid Atheiton, J
M. Moignns, Di J S Poiteus, T R, 11 11 Cuil Finest, Glooi, H.
A' Welsenlluth M C Judge and Mai
tln William
The ehlldien of the Fcltivllle school,
accompanied bv tlnli teachers, Sam
uel J Phillips and Miss Bessie James,
enjoved a slelghrhli u Plttston ves
terday Mr. William Phillips, of Glove street,
is seilouslv 111 at his home
The AVelsli Baptist chuich lias ie
celved a magnificent pipe oigan.
Messis. William Fiy and Owen AVat
klns me about to leave for Klondike
on the first of Mm eh
The entertainment Slums of New
YoiU." which is to lie given in the
Methodist Episcopal church on Satur
Jay evening, ought to uttract a huge
audleni e Man of the views weie tak
en by Hash-light In the lowest dens
and dives of the cltj. und weie seemed
uituIt police protection AVIth a power
fill douhla st( reootlcon, Professor Van
Llew shows the club house drinking
places of the atlstoeracy mil tho
haunts of the most vicious and de
ptaved The stoiv of the rescue nnd
conversion of Delia, 'The Mysteiy of
MuU-eiiy Bend," Is tlullllng and vvoith
the pi Ice of admission to the enter
tainment A large delation of members fiom
tho Ludles' lodge, American Piotestunt
association of Pittston, enjoved a
straw ride to this place en Tuesday
evening vvh"ro they paid a fraternal
visit to Prldo of Lackawanna lodge,
No, 18. Tho following aro Uohe who
enjoyed the sleigh tide: National
Gland Mistress Mm. Blackburn, Mis.
Charles Norri3, Mrs. David Arnott,
Mrs. David Bartlett, Mm. T. F. Major.
Mrs. Thomas Morgans, Mis. Sarah'
Thacher, Annie Major, Mlts Ataud
Bonne, Miss Lillian Thomas and Thos.
Gallagher, dilver.
Four days, eight hour-, Is the BChed-
ulo of the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd
AVestern company In this place, while
the small companies work three days,
eight hours each.
Miss Mary Griffiths, of Orovo street,
Is the guest of relatives In AVest Pltts
Mr. Robert iSlmmons, the state In
spector of pure food, was In town yes
terday and called nt some of the stores
and made nn Investigation of their
Frank L. De Pew, of Fourth street,
while engaged with a force of men at
tho Delnwaie and Hudson colliery, re
moving nn engine, received a Berlotis
fracture below the knee and also dis
located his ankle bone.
The fi- ear-old child of Mr. and Mrs.
Anthony Holmes, of Mayfleld, died on
Wednesduy. The funeral will take
place this afternoon.
A delegation from the Odd Fellows'
lodge will have this evening to visit
the Lackawanna lodge, of Scranton. A
number of sleighs have been engaged
und a good time Is anticipated.
Mrs. Oakley, of Mayfleld. returned
home yesterday after spending a few
dnjs In Port Jon Is.
Mr. Frank Baker returned home yes
terday after spending a few days with
friends In AVllkcs-Bane.
Mr. C. D. AVlnters will leave this
morning for a trip to the Holy Land,
In compnny with Mr. Jermyn and Mr.
Shepherd, of Scranton
A sleighing party of Indies left yes-
terday morning for a day s outing In
Foiest City, In which a very enjoy-i
able time was spent. The following
comprised tho party Mrs. Townsend,
Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Rogers, Mis. Moon,
Mr. Badges, Mrs. Bray, Mrs. Mum
ford, Mis. Osborn, Mrs. Frense, Mrs
Reynolds, Mis. Miller, Mrs Grendnll,
Mr. Bucker, Mrs Solomon, Mrs. Scott,
Mrs. Bnttenburg, Mrs. Bray, Mis.
AVnlters. Mis. AVllman.
Mls Mnme Clancy, of Dunmore
stieet, entei tallied a number of her
frlendb last evening nt a piogresslve
euchre paity. Those present were:
Misses Ella, Katie and Jennie Gavin,
Sarah Golden, Mary Moran, Katie Mc
Hale, Jnhn Gavin, AA'llllam Crowley,
P. F. Rellly, Chat lie BIglln and James
Gavin, of South Scianton.
Miss Mame Rutledge, of Pittston,
is visiting relatives at this place
John Jones, of Susquehanna street,
emplojed ns a carpenter at the Eddy
I Cicek colliery, met with a singular
i accident while performing his duties
I on AVednesday. He accidentally step-
ped upon a plank, the end of which
l llew up hitting him In the face, In
flicting a deep gash In his lip, which
required several stitches to close.
J Miss Katie Real don was the guest
of Mis. John R. McHale yesterday.
Professor Pearce will give an exhibi
tion of Edison's electromotlscope in
the Blakely Baptist church next Tues
day evening In aid of the Young Peo
ple's hoclety of the church. An even
ing of much enjoyment Is nssuied for
all who attend. An admission of 15
and 2" cents will be charged.
M J. Lennon, of Newaik, N. J., Is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs Law
icnce Lennon
A reception will be held In honor of
Rev. M. Harvey, of the Pilmitlve Meth
odist chuich, nt the parsonage this eve
ning by the members of tho church
John Laughan left jesterday to spend
a week at Pittsburg.
Mrs Jr. J. Lavln visited relatives at
Dunmoie on AVednesday.
Scott Daisy companv hns purchased
the milk routes of the Scranton Daily
company and D L. Griffiths, at this
place G A' Slocuin Is engaged as
manager for the companv
Rev J J AVIIIIamy. pastor of the
AVelsh Presbvterlan chuyeli, has le
filgned to accept charge of a chuich
In Rome, N Y Mr AVilllnms will as-
i sumo the duties of his new pastornge
in .MUJ
a m:ci:ni or aijsaiiml
. .Hun Who Crossed n Bridge Tlmt
Mil Not '''here.
Fiom the Chicago Times-Herald
To the lover of cuilous s'-en i v the
Ullrondacks present an infinite variety
The region abounds in Inkes laige und
small, burrounded by mountains or em
bow ered in foiests, and the livers
which find their way between the
mountains .eem In some places to have
cut theli way througn, leaving the
sheer pieclplees on lther hind to mark
t'lelr pathway. Tile most inmous of
these goiges Is the Ausible chasm,
which (s not far from wlieie the Ausn
bie liver flows into Lake '"humplalu.
The galleries, caves and castellated
columns attract thousands of touiists
caily, bin seventy veirs ngo it v.ns
c ompiratlvely unknown. Tn those ear
ly days the precipitous cliffs vverv?
spanned b n wooden bridge, over
which the funnels had to pass on their
way t" Ausnbie Fotks. The bottom of
the chasm nt this point v.ns a hheer
des-cent of 125 feet In thobe emly davs
the ploneeis were not skilled In the ait
of bildge building, and so one night,
when a fierce Ftoim thundeied through
the mountains, the bildge was swept
away, with the cceptlon of the main
stilngei, a beam about eighteen Inches
squaie The bildge was never rebuilt,
and another load to the little village of
Auahlo Folks was utilized The old
stringer, howevei, still stretched ucrob
the cliffs above the Ausable chnsrn.
One j)ltch black night, about ten
vcjiH rtei the storm that hud demol
ished x bridge, a stranger drew up
his hoi-s i fiont of the tavern ut Aus
able Foi It was about 10 o'clock,
mid the t. iom was well filled with
vlllngers, di "Ing, smoking and play
ing caids 1. entrance of a stranger
raiucd the usual commotion, and as
he sat In one corner eating a hastily
piepmed supper he was the cynosure
of all ecs. After the meal the host,
as war tho custom, engaged the strang
er In conversation.
"Dark, nasty night outside, sir'.'"
"Yes, ptetty black"
"Have any trouble In finding our
"Oh no, I used to llv In this neigh
borhood twenty yeais ago"
' So,? AVell, you'll find things pretty
well changed slnco you left."
"Yes, I expect so the old Inidge Is
still standing, though, and I am glad
of that, for I helped to build It."
"The old bridge?" questioned khu
tnvcin keeper, and every ono In the
room looked up in amazement.
"AVhy, yes," rejoined th stranger,
"the bridge across the chasm down the
road ?. half mile,"
"AVhatl are you crazy'" shouted the
host. "Theie Is no bridge ucross the
SteelS Pennyroyal Treatment
is tho original nnd only I'llENCII,
BBtu and rename corn on me mar.
kit. I'rlre. ft ; sent by uuU
Genuina Hold onlv by
Wni. el. Clark, 301 Washington Ave.
326 Pcnn, Ave, 1 Scranton, !.
Atisahle! there has been no bridge there
for the Inst ten years."
"But you aro mistaken, my friend;
t rede my horse ncross It not three
quarters of nn hour ngo."
"Impossible, sir; I tell you that the
bridge blow down ten years ago."
"Again I tell jou, my frlond, that I
10O0 ncross It this very night," was
the Imperturbable answer. "It was too
dark for mo to see, but I heard the
clatter of my horse's feet on the plank
ing nnd the noise of the water in the
chasm below."
The nigunient vvuxed vvatmer and
warmer until the sti anger said that
they would wait until next morning,
when it could easily bo settled If there
was a bridge or not. Ho made a vvngor
with the landlord that It was still
stnndlng ncross tho chain.
Tlie next morning every man, woman
nnd child of Ausable Folks vvoa nt the
chnsm. Sure enough, In the soft sand
of the rond there weio footprints of n
horse, nnd the tiall led from tho
-trlngor ucioss tho chasm up to tho
tavctn porch. One young dare-devil
walked across the narrow stringer and
made a startling discovery.
There wns u slmllnr trail on the
other sldcl
Tho stranger had told the truth. In
tho darkness of tho night his horbe had
crossed the chasm on a single lieum.
Uut that was not the strangest part
of the story. AVhen that forenoon the
stranger rode down to the Ausnbie
chasm to settle his wager with tho
keeper of tho tavern and he taw the
peillous path over which he had trav
eled the night before it Is said that he
was stricken with a trembling that
never left his limbs until death, and
that within the space of sixty seconds
his hair tinned funn a Jet black to the
color of tho dtlvcn snow.
ni:w uses roni'EAsrrs.
Oil bl tho Nuts Mity Ho Used for Soap
and Culinary Purposes.
In view of the fact that theto Is a
superabundance of peanuts raised
every year in A'lrglnln, Neyth Caiollna
nnd other pnrts of the South, the sug
gestion Is made that peanut oil be used
more extensively In phanmcy, and bo
permitted to take the place, to n cer
tain extent, of olive oil. Professor S.
P. Sadtler iccently pioduccd an expeil
mental soda soap from the oil extract
ed from American peanuts. In report
ing this fnct he remarked significantly
that the bulk of the castlle soap made
In Mmsellles Is made from African
peanut oil. The averag" grade of
American peanuts Is slightly Inferior
to the East African peanut in oil-producing
value, but expeilence has dem
onstrated the excellent quality of the
American peanut oil.
Foreign peanut oil comes to thlfi
country In laige quantities under dif
ferent .-.ames, much of It labeled "vir
gin olive oil.' Piofessor Sadtler ays
of his expel itnents with oil fiom A'lr
glnla iwanuts- 'The cold-piesed oil
Is ot a pale yellow coloi, mil of a pleas
ant flavor and odor A veiy slight ic
flnlng makes fiom It m agreeable table
oil for salads nnd other cullnarj pui
poses. It has already ben noted Willi
English peanut oil (und I can confirm
it from my expeilence with the Amtil
can oil) that when once fieed from the
fiee acid found In the raw state It does
not tend to become rancid as easily as
olive oil I havo exposed samples to
trong sunlight for weeks without de
veloping the slightest rancidity."
There lias been compdratlvelv littles
attention given to the pioductlon of
peanut oil In this country, and nt pies
en'. It is not tin Impoitant element In
commerce However, as the chemical
composition of the peanut lecomes bet
ter known attention Is drawn to tho
foed value of the peanut meal and the
pearut gilts It has biin found tint
they ui . llchei In nltio0'eonouc- piincl
plo than anj of th vegetable seed
I he Prospect ol Three licgH.
A man who had lot a leg. wltnet-iliig
bomo wonderful ernes jld to have bun
perfoimtd l)j Mormon preachers Joined
that i-cct In the hope of dotting heanil
Iho prencheis refernd him to Voung ns
the mil piophet umong them capable of
treating such cares ns his so olf to Salt
Lake Clt ho went und pivsented him
self before A'oung 'I lie Mormon Under
wns equal to the i mrwi ncj lie as
sured the man he could cause iuioth"i
limb to enmo In place of the lost mem
ber, but called his -mention to the fuel
that he hud but u f t w v 1 1 tn live
while there was an eternity be und tin
grave. "And if I now givt jou anotht t
leg ' suld the prophet "jrni will nut
onlv have this one when vou get to
heaven but ulso the nm which ou lost
ho uu will go tin ougli all ed rnlt on
three legs." Ilorrllled by such u ptos
pect the man tetlrcd, witlsiud to git
thiough tho lemiitndir of his oais on
eurth with the uid of his clutches.
And each tiny uml night dm Ing this woe
vou cun get at an ilruKKlsts Kemp s
liilsam for tho und .Lungs ae
knovvledged to be tho most suecessful
leincd evet cold tor Coughs, Cioup,
Bronchitis, Asthma and Consumption.
Get "11 bottle toiliy and keep it nhwiy In
tho house, so on can check your cold
nt once. 11 Ice 2ic nnd CUo Sanipln bot
tle free
Manufacturers of
Telephone Call, 3333.
Lager N
Commencing Tuesday, Feb. 1, 1898.
In order to acquaint people with our LINEN DE
PARTMENT, we intend giving them the Greatest Bar
gains ever offered in this city. The goods are new,
having just been opened.
Table Linen
or Reeds nnd Uarnslc) Man
ufacture. 35c Cicam Damask, btiictly
pure linen 25c
40c Cream Damask, strictly
pure linen 29c
45c Cream Damask, strictly
pure linen 35c
50c Cream Damask, strictly
pure linen 39c
65c Cream Damask, strictly
pure linen 58c
85c Cream Damask, strictly
pure linen 69c
55c Bleached Snow White Pure
Linen 45c
60c Bleached Snow White Pure
Linen 50c
75c Bleached Snow White Pure
Linen 68c
90c Bleached Snow White Pure
Linen 79c
$1.00 Bleached Snow White
Pure Linen 88c
And a larjje assoitmcnt of Fine
Linens, ranging in price from $1.25
to ?3.oo per yard, at greatly re
duced prices.
Napkins, 5-8 square, worth 60c.
for 47c
Napkins, ;-8 square, woith 80c,
for .... 69c
Napkins, 5-8 .square, vvoith
1.00, for 88c
Napkins, Large Dinner, worth
S1.50, for . $1.15
Napkins, Large Dinner, worth
J?2 00 for $1 .50
Napkins, Large Dinner, worth
S2.25.for $1.79
Nankins, Large Dinner, worth
S2.50. for $1.95
415 and 417
Kooms 1 and '.'.Coin'llh iri'd'g.
Mining and Blasting
M tide ut MooMuund Kutuilule oi'U
Klettrio llattcrlex, Klectrlr hxploders,
for exploding blutrts, Nufety I um und
Repiuno Chemical Go's
. .Br ..
uermanla Wine Cellar,
tlammondiport and
Rhclmi, N. Y
Wd afa determined to
niroiluci our goods
unions tho very boat peo-
i e In he country, and
wo can nee no bettor way
of doing thU than by utsll-in.-
them a c.uo of our
Koodi, containing eleven
bottles of wltio aud one
bottle or our extra One
double . dlstlllod (lraps
urandy, ut one-half Its ac
tum tout, upou re
ceipt ot 16.00 we
will lend to auy
reader of this paper
one cane of our
goods, all ilrat-clui
und put up In ele.
gint atyle, assorted
us follows:
lqt. bot. Urandlm.
perlal Beo Cham
pagne. 1 t. bot. Uoluware.
I qU bot, Itlesllng.
i qu ooi. loKay,
1 qt. bot.
nweei u.
1 qt. bot
I qU bot.
1 qt. bot,
1 qt. bot. Ancellca,
t qU loU Port.
1 qt. bot. Hweet Is.
1 qt. bot. Im. Orapa
ThU oiler Is made
j4 mainly to Introduce
)lgdf our Uraud Imperial
VmSSr Sec Champagne and
iimm nur Ann dnnhlallB.
tilled Orape Urandy This case of goods Is
offered at at out one-half Its actual r-ut and
It will plouHti us If our friends and Krona
will take advintage of this and help u. Julrf
duce our goods, "
fti UMJ)Ja
MK3 I Utt
- Winter Sale of
A large stock of higher pi iced
$1.00 large Ciochet Quilt for.69c
$1.25' large Crochet Quilt for.95c
Marseilles Quilts, all grades, at
greatly reduced prices.
Something New
Stevens Bios.' Soft Finish
Crashes, leady for use.
8c Crash for 6c
ioc Crash for 7c
12c Clash for 8c
15c Crash for 12ic
5c Cotton Crash 3c
6c Cotton Crash 3Jc
Laige stock at two-thirds
actual value.
And Sheetings
Having bought a large stock
at the veiy lowest prices cot
ton goods ever sold at, we
propose to give our customers
the benefit of our purchase.
Good Brown Muslin, only 3c
Pine Brown Muslin 4c
7c Brown Muslin 5jC
7c Atlantic A only 5c
7c Atlantic 1 1 only 5c
lie Bcs.t Lockwood 5-4 P. C.
Muslin 8c
Lackawanna Ave.,
l.eslslt proscived nud headaches pre
vented uj ImWnoour ejei properly und
Bclentlllt.illj exumlned und tutod. Byes
examined I'ee. 'I bo latent tIes of Spee
tuelcs and ej eg'niisea at the lowest pilccs.
305 Spruce Strset
Cor ltth street and University IMnee,
NKV YOlti; Onebloolcwestof Broad
way. Ioledfortwo thlni;n,
First-classroom at Sl.elOa day aud up
ward, on the European plan.
diii 't-i.u-. ....- fA .Im hi
sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled Hemlock
Prop Timber promptly Furnished.
MILLS At Cross Fork, Potter Co.. on the Buffalo and basque,
hanna Hallroad. At Mina, Potter County. Pa., on Coudcrsport. anJ
Port Allegany Railroad. Capacity-400,000 feet per day.
GENLKAL OI-TlCC-Uourd ot Trado UuUdlng, Scrunton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4014.
i u im lumen i uiiuiiiuuj
For Sals by JOtfN H- PHELPS,
Spruoa street
"' ' : V
13c Best Lockwood 6-4 P. C.
Muslin 10c
16c Best Lockwood 8-4 Sheet
ing Muslin 1 2c
18c Best Lockwood 9-4 Sheet
ing Muslin 13c
20c Best Lockwood 10-4 Shcct
Mttslin 15c
17c Best Utica 8-4 Sheeting
Muslin 13c
19c Best Utica 9-4 Sheeting
Muslin 1 5ic
21c Best Utica 10-4 Sheeting
Muslin 17c
6c Good Muslin, only 4C
7c Forrest 5c
7c llii 5c
7c Lonsdale . . . .5c
74c Fruit of Loom 5c
2jc Pride of West 10c
12JC Lonsdale Cambric 9c
12c Lockwood 5-4 P. C. Mus
lin 9c
14c Lockwood 6-4 P. C. Mus
lin 11c
13c Lockwood 50-inch P. C.
Muslin 1 0c
17c Lockwood 8-4 Sheeting. 13ic
20c Lockwood 9-4 Sheeting. .15c
22c Lockwood 9-4 Sheeting.. 17c
19c Utica 8-4 Sheeting 1 5c
21c Utich 9-4 Sheeting 17c
23c Utica 10-4 Sheeting 18c
5c Good Apron Gingham 3c
7c Best Apron Gingham 5c
5c Best Indigo Blue Calico. . . ,4c
5c Good Calico 3c
6c Shaker Flannel 4c
Scranton, Pa.
Boilers, Engines and Machinery.
We will sell you New or Hecond-HaniV.
We will sell you new or take old In ex.
change, or we will rent you anything you
want In tho Machinery 1.1 no. Spot Cash
paid for Scrap lion andMetuH.
National Supply and Metal Co.,
709 West Lnckawnnna Avenue.
jM.E. KEELEY, Mgp. TelephonQ 3945
Chef of Jonas Long's Sons,
Philadelphia Caterer.
Honed Tuikey Croquettes, Salads or All
Kinds, WeildlngH.I'uitles; Kxperleneed Men
All orders promptlj attended to Older can
be left at t'JI V ashlnston uve , or can tin
seen ut Jonus Long's icons' Cufo.
ulir.xf nntlff. Ilnrdwond JMlno RniN
When In doubt what to use for
Nervous Debility. Lets of Power.
ImDOtency.Atropby.Varlcocele and
p'licr wealcneuet, from any cause,
uw Seiloe Fills. Drains (becked
and full vigor quickly restored.
If Dtficui iseb ueitUt muii uuiir.
Mailed for It CD.Oboxes 5 CO. VVil
ts M orders we Rive a guarlntce ia
cure or refund tne money, Addrett
PEAL MEOICINB CO., Cleveland, O.
Pharmaolat, cor. Wpmlno avstrjuo and
' 'rcZri