rmrvAY, rnnnuAnY 4, ijji. THE SCH ANTON TJRU3UNI3. rniDAY, risum'AUY i, ivs. NORTON'S', BULLETIN. Blank Account and Kcconl Hooks,. All desirable sires ami styles, Tor all soits of business l'rom vest pocket memorandum To the large bank Ledger, Mercantile and Office Stationery, riling Cases and Office ciiiUltci, Choice Stationery lor Social uses, Engraving and I'r'utlui; Imitations to order on short notice. Law Ulank Forms, Leases Deeds, etc. I'oikct Dlaiies for 180K, Ait Calendars and Almanacs, iSuS. Wall Decorations and Mouldings, Window Shades and fixttiics. Large Variety. Popular Prices M. NORTON, 322 Lackawanna Ave , Scranton. 32 So. Main St, Wilkes Dai re. , P.ni IIMRIAN nFTFirriVF AnFNP.Y . DIME BANK BUILDING, SCRANTON. PA. Mlter" DlU-lteil Nlieie Other Kullecl. Moderate ( hirgc. , c II V Uuveopcucd n Gener.il Jnsurntico (Hike In ienf UcM. Block Companlc? rriirO-.ei.leL l..ira I i ch tsjitcjaiij huihiuu. ii i I'liuiie iiirs. fl IJDFORE BREAKFAST. )) It lx "iiiialj necessaiv to leniind the c Itlzens of Si i. niton of the einpt.v ireax llluL-ll ,11 7Jl i.iiiiiiu ,11 nit- ruiii iii'.i- i my of the Home tor the rikudkxx. norof the iiii-elflxhelloitx or the laig,-! nunibei of oui Scranton aitixi Aho I hnve giM'ii of their time and talent to make the (oneeit on the ISth of Februai.v a unex. See in It thnt the I.jceum theatie Is u.u Iced that even ing With (heeiful glveix Tile boxes In the hands of Mi II p Simpson ate selling leadllv TU ketx ( an be secuu-d from any of the manager Rev. Foster I uifl. paxtor of the Grate Lutlieiau hun.li. nnd Mlsx Cm. rle W. Sw easel weie mauled Wednes day moinlug at Ihe home of Miss Svvengel.- paienf', ltev. and .Mis. .1 G. At. Swengel, of Willlamxtown. Pa. The title's father peifonned the eeiemonj ev. and Mis. (Jift will be "at home" Monday evening at fiU Washington avenue fiom S to 11 o'dotk. The piepaiatlonx that aie being made for the annual masquerade of the Sci anion Uederkranz. which will be held next Monday night in Music Hall. Indicate that It will lie the mo-t clab oiate In the lilxtoiy of the oiganl.a tion. Gieat jialnx die being taken to pievent objectionable peisons fiom get - & poxsosxlon of any of the (aids of admlxxlon The muxie for the ball will be furnished by Hauei. C. Luther, the Wjomlng avenue Jew eler, has a photograph of the tlty taken in the euilj nttle- which he pilzes veiy hlghlj The photoginpher when taking the pkiuie stood on the West hiii". in the vicinity of what Is. now Seventh xtieel. The nlctuie shows tin. iold Catholic t lunch which .stood nt the roirr or Iiankliu avenue and Spiuce Street The oulv othei buildlnir In Ihni Immediate vicinity was occupied by' Zeldlei a bnkeij on the site of the stole i now- occuplcil in .1. L Hauling. The only luldge ovei the Lackawanna tiver spanned that sticum a xhoit distance belcvw the picsent West Lackawanna nve Me xti inline nnd wn- erected by i tli- Deliivvtii l.nckawnnna and West ern nnllmud compnn. All eiound the henrt of Sciiinton a.e acies and n. . X I LAUNDRY j h 308 Penn Ave. JJ . A. B. WAKMAN. f ir fatm Intnl. fuinlshlng a sulking con 7" ""' V " .?' "" !,.i"' "r c!l" tin.xt with the conditions that exist i . tvTrinB "M tllP slx Itepubllcan randl day. The pictuie N most Intercxtinc Uutt'H r,, hchlo1 tontioller with u view and valuable nx a lellr and as a demon- I to. ""?unl8lB thu municipal campaign, stratlon of the wondeiful piogiexx J ,wf en ; T " Urooks. Scranton has made In less than half h.",lM Jf ? hchasi John a centui ' Scheuer, O. H. Schrelfer. W. S Millar. . J Hoss, J. S. Joncx, Alexander Alk- Selden Mung i. of Montros,., spent a 'n". Chailes S. Fowler, Hvan V. Da few bonis In the illy jesterdav He vU' ",Re -. Chat les Acker. Jo was en mule for Hloomsbuig. 'where (,ej,h 01ler ,a,n(! Gc0,Ku Monies, ho had some legal business to tiansnet U uaJ dec (,ed t0 l'loeuto nn active Mr. hunger was fo- a time a membei ';va ,' "r " that end weie of the "press gang" of Scianton and ! 'ilscu,-,e,1 . nis rcnciy pen Hid much to enliven the I columns of several of tlw Seiunton I uuiuex. up iieciuecl that Journalism did not hold the piomise of much m r. .futuie for an umbltlous jnung man und returned io ins linmo in .Montrose nnd settled down to the study of law tr will be admitted to the bar of Rim. queliaiina county within n few months. Klgiici' Del Puenlo and Madame rnmpll, both of Philadelphia, have beet engaged to sing at next Thuis day night's conceit In Young Men's Chilstlun association hall for the bene fit of ihe Flounce Ciittenton mission - 'lose Sc i union diugglsts who huvo es which ill weigh anything as It as a tenth of a grain, think them. es foitunate A scale so line Is line nigh for a phuimaev but not for in.. Fligli school laboratory. That instltn. Ilnn has heulex which aie affected hv 1-lOOOth pait of a grain. The most ilntlte speck" of dust scraped fiom the ' point of a Jeud pencil will affect the High schooj's delicate piece of weigh ing mechanism, A mlcioscope that magnifies l'30 times is another highly- prized npparatUH In the laboratory. H Is claimed by the Hrhool's chemist and ItiBtiuctor, rnitomor Well, that no laboratory In this rcKlnn affotds greater facMHicn for analytical work. Jn Its other departments nlso, iind In Its gen et nl equipment and convenience, the High nehool would ptovo a revelation to many ot Sciantnn's usually alert (U17CI1H who have not yet paid a visit to the city's chief scat ot learning. PERSONAL. Mix Unmmce, of Wllkca-tlnrre, I vis iting friends In this city. J! J. Murph. of this city, but now the Inivellni" representative of William Nee h of l.ynn, Mass., was In the lty jes tenl.ij. 1 1 m 1 . THIS EVENINQ'S LECTURE. Will Ho Civcu in Ilia Auditorium ol IIlpli Nehool'. The lectin e to be dell vet ed this even ing at the iiudltoilut of the Illsh ' Mlinol is undvr the offer ptevlously te- polled lv the 1'nlveislty of Pennsyl vania The title of the lei tine Is the Huentgen llnvs, their philosophy and pinc'tkal application The lecturer Is Dr. Clnodxpeed, of the unlvetslty's fac ulty, of whom one well qualified to xpeak wilteo im follow i: "Dr. Good speed' Itctuie l of the hlgheat pos sllile older and presented In a way whith makes It easily undei stood by any Intelligent poison. I.oid Kelvin, the ki cutest living scientist, told me a couple of months ago that he regnidtd Di Goodspted' vvotk on the Roentgen Itaj pioblim u the finest he knew of In Atnetlru." The li'etuie W absolutely fue, and Is given undei the ntliplee of the follow ing piomlnent citizens and local edit catois. Hon. and Mis. It. W. Arch bald. Ituv and Mrs. P. S. llallentlne. Colonel and Mis 11. M Hole.", Mt. and Mis. W. H Hnell. Mr, and Mis A. V. How ei. Mi. James Ulnlr. Jr, Mr Geoige II IMvlcNon, ltev. and Mi. J. K. Dixon, Pi of. and Mis. Gioige Howell, l!ev. and Mrs. Hogeii Isiail, Hon. ami ' .Mix II A. Knapp Di. find Mi. II. V. Logan, .Mr. and Mis. .1 A Linen, Cap- ...m and m.s w a. Mav. m.s. n. s. Mollltt, ltev Di. .1 McGouldilck, Mi. I .1. . Pike. Piof and Mix. George J Phillip, Ilev. uml Mi- v. n. Plum lev, ltev. and Mix. c i: Itoblnson, Mr. and Mix. x. (S JSobntxon, Ml. and Mrs. ! .1. II T.itie. Mi. and Mix. T. H Wat klnx, Mi uml .Mi. Hverutt Waiien. FARAiERS' INSTITUTES. .Nil in lie r of Them Am to lie Held '1 Ills Mouth. Tli' iitleniion of out faimeis is called to the INt of liistliu'rx, in be hld In this eount.v thl vvlntri, by lh State Depaitment of Agikulliue, u"d-tid liv the louil he.ud ot luxtlfite ni.tnageis for the eountv Thexe ni.ellligs ate in tin Inteiest ol all out ruiiierx, and ai( oik n to all. The expenses of eon il'ti llnir them ix Inline by th" stale and loillity. No inllei tioii aie allowed or the ailveitiMlpy ol any biiMnexx. The olxi ii-'ilonx me men film t filx lor tie 1 1 m 111 of r.timeix An. in,;.' our Inixliii - "-i 'x to annul .Mid t.ilv ,),itt In tin- im.iIx , All i l.i-xex ol cltl nisait vvti. oi.ie and Intel estlii-; pi" giaminex lievt If u pit iiared The count.v e!. ilnn in If. II. Ninth up, of Glenbiun, I 111 be Jil.nl to send prngianiin u infm million to any on who will tiiak tli" lequisl. The .... Mal! fl y" ly """ x-S-ennt i- N. P. C. lu hfii ill l.nox H. ,,1'-H an'1 ''" ' A ,K'"- - . IiiHtltuUa will be h 'Id at the lollowin? dates and placex; Telj 17 and Is Madlxonville; Feb. IS and 1!, Clukx Summit. 21 and 'IX Paid Mount, r.l an 1 1, Pleet lll and 1'4 and i3. Tomnklnsvill-. (1ATIIERINQ UP THE BALL01S. Coition of TIilmii Deposited Milli t lerU ol the t'oiirl Itri liicl . Altoine .1 It. Huinelt and .losenh Jc lilies, tl-e commlxloiicii. appointed by the ''oui t to gathei and pn serve thi ballot cast at the Novembet election estoidn deji islted with 'MclU of the Coin ts Daniels the billots taken fiom the ballot bovs ot thj city of Cntbon rttilc, Carbondale township, Ma field boiough and Fell townxhlp. Tlio ballots of eacli dislilit aie care fully sealed In bagx They aie being pitscived for uxi; n the Langstalf Kelly contest for Ihe otllte ot count v iteasuier. The commissioners -will bilng in the ballots fiom eveiy ills tiki in the count AMICABLE ACTION IN EJECTMENT. Ilegim by .Mrs. .Mi tin Itoblnson Against Heiubold l. krriuiberg. An amicable ac' Inn lu ejectment wan commenced vstrday by Mi. Mlna Itoblnson ngainjt Itembold P. Kieim lieis to obtain pniut'xslon of a lot at ihe cornet of Willi mTi and Trill d stieet, Dunmoie. Kielmbeig puichnsed ih piopeity fiom Mi. Hobliiion, but failed to keep I up his paviifutx according to the teims ot the aguement between the parties, Iki ce the action to . 'covet possession. REPUBLICAN CITV CAMPAIGN. .Meeting of the ':nndidnlCH and t It o r.verutive Coinnilllee. A meeting of the executive committee of the Republican committee was held lu,t ?v"nl"-. t the Cential Itepubll- ppoluted Gunrdinii. Mlchi'-I Corcoran was yesttlday ap pointed guai llan of Maij, Margaret and Janus Gallagher, minor chlldien of Tliomas Gallashci, deceaed. Semi Viinual -'l Price Sale Of fine Clothing. Suits at nii-hnlf price; all goods matked lu plain flg tue Collins S: Haekett. 2.'0 L'tcka. av e H. S. C0RIY1AN CO., Eufiied Out Last Night- Read for Business Again This moruiug. Telephoue 3043, itistead of 14 14, aud you willj(K2ceive prompt at tention, as usual, SANDERSON'S RULING WAS SET ASIDE Action Was Taken at Last Night's Meeting of Select Council. THE CITY SOLICITOR'S OPINION It Wns to the J'.llect Unit Awarding ol the Contract lor Iliilldliig the Sower to Dunn mothers I)ia Not lllnd tlio Cltj"Mr. Siiiulursan Was Not Present nnd Mr. Tliomns Wns Cnllcd I pon to Preside. ii..,uian.,i si.nwli.i khii'h declxlon which tilled out of older the icsolutton award lug to Dunn Hios. the contract, ior building the South Side sewer, wns pet aside In select council last night. Thix action was In puisuance of a communication fiom City solicitor .mc Olnley, which contained his opinion thnt Piesldent Sanderson wns lit error na to the effect or the rcsilutlon nnd In not pet milting its pasxuge. The city solicitor held, fill titer, that the leso lutlon did not Involve nn lncrenxe In the cltv debt, nor would It make the tuntiact binding until money had been uppiopilaled theiefor and the city con troller had cei tilled to such appropria tion on the contiact City Solicitor McGlnley's letter was as follows: Scianton P.i . I'eb. 3. jyis To the Honorable the .Members oL Hie s,a....t i-miiu.li nf tin. Cltv of Scranton. Gentloinen: In the matter of resolti i,.., uuiini tli.. timtr.iLt foi the con- structloii of the Seventeenth dlsltkt malll WOI to Uillin mox, reicrrcu cu the sewers uml drains committee, I would texprc tfullv submit tli it lu my aplulon the ptexldeiit wax In en or re Kiiiillio; tho ttfoct ol the lesolutlou and In not eateitiilnlng the motion for Its pisdge. rite mea-nie wex properly be lore the meeting nnd was si legitimate xiilieci for thu conldeiatlon ol tliu boilv. DID NOT HIND CITY. The paxx.m'c of the irxoluMou iivvaid In-- the I'ontrnet would not bind the clt. Io the. pavment of anv monej nor would It bo an mciease of the debt; xucli lla bllltv ind Ineica- wo.ild occur only when the contract Is actually executed In the mniier irnulieil bv i iw. It lx wltliln tli piuvliicoof tounells to xlnilv II x chnlce of coiitr.Htoix and to awird the cimtmet to such choice, the uwaici, however, would be subject to the con stitutional pmvMmi making un appio litlallou a pie-miulllt condition beforu a coiituiet could In ltgallv execute ii. The munUlpal act ot ISxt. article 9 bi'illim 5 ptovldex ax tollows: "l.verv contract Involving the appropriation of monev shall d xj;i ate the item of np piopiiatlon urou which It ix fntinded, and the estimated nmuiiiM. of tile ex Iienclltuie the teimdei' shall In chained against such Item and so certified by the ccmliollei on the contract lietoie It shall take elfctl u a contiact nnd thei lM.Miientx icouliid bv xiuh contiact shall be made fiom the fund appropriated Iheiefoi." Thlx vt,iim of the net has lit e n de elded bj the Supieme court in the ease of Ihe cltv of Kile vs .Mood v. iTc Pa. J to be maudatorv and thnt even 11 coun cils awaid the eontinel and it has been aituiille e. culed by the piopei ottlcc.-x, t-t . If theru 1 no appiopiliitlou aud if the ecmtiact has not been ccrtilied b the eoutroller in ncconliuee with the ubove act, it hns no legal oi ijlnillug e.f- lect ax a routine' and attaches no liabll 11 to the cit.v It seemx. tin I (fine cntlielv nipei for the prixiiKnt to entcitaln Hie motion to awaid the contiact nnd fm council to . I ii j ii til., luitt.. In itnjliwr tliu r un. t i Ii" ii 'iv;ii-tv (ii N-i-"iiih mr -vf-liillnie nu w.iw li r tlnti ii.ittli.il in lies n liltiuii i ciivu m fciwu iiviiiii i vmn' 13 ll.iltiUtv (v Inert asi'M the .niiiiit. Ipit UtUt II ton nc'i I p,i-ps ine io-oiuiinu tivvimuiiK I ho c out i art to Dunn liiu-w a Krf it a'H1. incut ttinnot be tntci.Ml Into 1k lti. tho i it v mul tho ontrirlurs for Ihf onnytiiutlou of the wojk until Mah t I mu ' u Hiniwn' J i tiiiriMtl I i f nrl t liarufit llllll. (.(? IIKMIV I i-t I1'lll''l IUC.V CI ltl . " and the conn oiler ceitifltx to such ,ip- .....! .1.. .1... ........... 1...., I'lvpi J.lliuii un iur eiiiui ii;l iisuti. Voius Very Respect fully, M A MiGlnley Cit.v Sullcllor. mu SANnnnsox abskxt Pii'-ldcnt Sandetson wa not piesent at km night's sesskn. Councilman AMIIIam .1 Thomax, ()f the Fouith waid. was unanimnusb cho-i-n picxl denl pin ten, Vheti i ne loin Hi cider of buxlnexs, was rtarhed, ic units and communica tions fnnu tin nmtu .mil heicls of elr I'aitments, .Mi. Ma.nl uffi-wd a mo tion that the cnntiai. ,e uilun he tukeu liom the comuilUi . m i id lu connection with tl.e n) inlon e e,..v solirltoi The motion in n'l i' After the leading Mi H . In . I a motion that the communication he i -eelved and tiled ind the n 'olut'ou adopted. Ml. Chittenden announced that he wax opposed to the msolutlon. not because he was opposd to the Im piovement but becaubo the method pioposed was entiiely illegal, liver member of councils, he said, knew that the contract could not be executed and I hat the conitcller would be personally liable if he countersigned it M,r. Koehe warmly dlsagieed with tho foregoing view. He said Air. Chit tenden attempted to cloud the real Is sue and could not dispute Hie fact that the resolution did not involve 01 suggest any illegallt-,. He remarked that Mi. Chittenden "as he alwavs does" was setting hlx opinion against that of the city folk Hot, an olllcial whose duty it was to advise councils on legal points. 'It's covvaidl nnd contemptible". Just the same, to tl.iow the responsibility on the cliy controller and you know it." responded Mr. Chittenden. ' The gentleman shifts his argument, as he dee eveiy time he takes his feet," was Mr. Roche's letort. Then occurred the ndoptlou. by n vote of 14 to f, of the resolution which pass ed common council three weeks ago, The members voted as follows: Ayes Rosx, Finn, Kenrnes, Williams, Clarke. Rocli", Durr, Robinson, Manlev Fellows, Scluoeeler, Hums, Frnblo and Coj nc. Xnvs Chittenden. Wagner McCann, McAinliew, Thomas, ASPHALT I.XC1.UDI.D Mr. Chittenden, chairman of the stieets and bridges committee, repoit cd favorably tho common council or dinance, gl anting to Dunn Street Spi Inkling company the exclusive right to sprinkle the city streets, but with an amendment that asphalt pavements were to be excluded. Mr. Clnrko of fered a minority leport approving the oilglnal oidlnauce When the oidlnance was called up for fit st leading Mr Clnrko moved to Indefinitely postpone action on the. amendment, which was vlgoiously championed by Mr Chittenden, Mr. Dun nnd Mt Wngnei. The foimer Instated that the mtxtuie of water and dust would wear the surface of the asphalt and shot ten its life at least 10 per cent., while the othei s contend ed thut the sweeping franchise, piovld ed by the oidlnance would lesult In n use of the city's (lie helrants and their prnbuble, wear and breakage. The motion to postpone action on the amendment was losl by a vote uf 13 to C. The Dickson Mnnufnctuilng com pany was given pei mission to build a switch across Oakford court nnd Olive street, between Penn nnd Wyoming avenues, but the tesnlutlon wns amend ed to provide that the work be tinder tho city engineer's direction. A resolution Inttodueed by Mr. Me Andrew and udopted directs the city engineer to confer with Scranton Rail road oinclals lulntlvn to tho building of a viaduct for street railway pin Posch over the Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western Hacks on Laekuwunna avenue, from 'Seventh to Xlnth streets. The orcllnnnce ci eating the ofllco of plumbing Inspector was amended, te iluelng the snlary rrom St.fiOO to $1,000 and the experience of the Inspector In the business from ten to seven eais, and was passed two readings. The two West Side and one Xoith Knd sewer oidlnnnces parsed third reudlng. Coneuttent resolutions weie adopted l evoking the ptiinlt Issued by the street commissioner to John Hull to build a fruit stnnd on the pnraquet wall of the Lnckawnnnn avenue bridge; di recting the t Ity engineer to make pro file of guide of all stieets and alleys In the city, whole glade has not been established; dliectlng the city engin eer to lun grude on Union street. The public building committee, through Mr. Wagner, tepirted a leso lutlou awarding to Jnme.s Kearney the contract for fuinlshlng coal to the city d( partmetits at $2..ri0 per ton for sizes linger than pea coal, and V M for pea coal. Tlie lfiulutlou wux adopted. An ndverse leport fiom the same committee was received on the resolu tion changing the location of the of llco of the chief of the file depaitment from the third floor of the city hall to the teceptlon room, on the second lloor. The ndverse repot t wns adopted. The following ordinances were re ceived from common council and le feired to committee. Providing for the annual tiansfer of the fund lecei.'ed from the stnte tieasuier as icvcntie fiom foreign Insuurnce companies, to the Scianton Firemen's Relief associa tion; ptovldlng for the laying of flag stone sidewalks, and for the setting of ctllb stones on Mtllbeity stieet, be tween living and Aitliur avenue, und on Pieseott nvenue, between Jlulbeuy and Vine stieets. CONTEST FROM OLYPHANT. Democratic .Nomination l'rom the l'lrst Wnrd (Juustioncd. The certificate of nomination fiom the Fiist waul of O!) pliant of Michael J. Xealon and Edwatd J Unwind, for council, John J Walsh foi school di rector, Edwuid F McGlntv foi u.xex soi, Peter A. Cannon foi judge of elec tion and Hdwaul J. Gilhooly for In spector on the Dcmoc tilth ticket, was contested yosteidnj. the Inst day for filing contests, b Patiiek F Demp sey. William Gibbons, John Heffeton and James Colllei. They allege that the nomination!, weie Illegally made, and that the al leged piimaij at which they weie made wax the most flagrant violation of the election laws ever known in tin borough. Diagram for Davis' Ileiirlit. The dlajTinin of stats fm the lu uellt foi Geoige K. Davis will open this moinlng at the Lvceum box ofllee. The benellt neifoimante Is to lie given Monday night at that theatie. Kugs--ltiig-ltiig. If jciu like to have a fine Oilental l tig or carpet at a gieatl i educed pi Ice, get one now, a we hnve to sell mu old stock to make loom for our spilng Ini poitutlon. Mkhaellan Bios & Co, t"l Washington avenue. l-ii Price Sale ol Clotbiug At Collins v HaWjott's, Jd Lacka. ave. Nolan Unix., ol.", Linden Street. Plumbing, Steam and Gas-fitting .Men' Stills nt .-. 00 nnd Alt). Oil P.educcd fiom $10 and $-0; nt Colli im & Haekett s eJne-half Pike Sale, 220 Lacka ave. Slenm licntiug and Plumbing, P. F. & M T Howley.L'U Wyoming ave. The best ot all Pills aie BEIXHIAM'S DILI). VI XNDRKW In Moxeow P. b 1 is", Vlnrtln VliAinlnw iilioul "., ve.us 0 :t nl III- . -.c nee I't lie I'll S Ii II i i n , pinr at III i" " liie'U I ut 'i 1. . oi ifioiiim will bi ceKlilalei i.i ,S I'ntlieuiii 4 ilmitli Inie'iuKiit oi civ Mot cow ceiiutcl.v. MKRItlXG. Ill Mtiplew ooel. Feb. .', ls'l, Vktoi .MenlliK. 2i jears ot ai.e, at liix reside rice. Funeral this nftcrnonu fiom the uxiilenee Interment 'it the Mnplt wood cemet(l ROSAR. In Soutli Scranton. Fib. j, ivi George. 10 i'.irs ot ase, at the licinie of his parents. Mr and Mis. Joseph J Roxar, 41j liirch street l'linctul an nouncement lute r SCHRANKR.-In South Scianton. IVb , ivis. Prams. the Infant son of .Wis Louisa Sclirane r. of cjM Cheirv stieet at the parental home'. Funei il S.elur ilny afteiuoou at " o'clock at Si .Mnr s e hurch. Interment al the tinman Catholic cemetei v WILD In South Scranton. IM J is-s .1 Michael Wild. Ol jeais of age at ihi lebldence rear of "II L'ulai avenue Funcial Saturday afternoon at J o clock Horn the residence. Latei at St Pctei s Lutheran church. Interment at Dun moie cemeteri WILLIAMS -In West Sei.enion I'eb, 3, W'N William Reese. Williams U(j,. j. month, son of Mi. and .Vtis. John D. Williams, at the parental resilience 13 Acker avenue Funeial Baturilav afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence Interment nt Washbuiu stieet eeme ters AibutusCorn, ioc, $1.00 doen. Franklin Corn, 8c, 8oc dozen. Fancy York State Brands, 12c, .$1.40 dozen. McMurr.iy Coin, sc, soc dozen. Fancy Sugar Peas, 1 c, ioodo. Coui sen's Sugar Peas, 19c, $2. 2s dozen. Leggett's Garden Silted, 17c,, $1.75 doten. Early June Peas, 10c, $1 jlozen, Fancy Brands of HubbarSBos ton and Marrow Squash and"' Cus tard Pumpkin, 10c can. Tomatoes, ioc, $1.00 doen. E. Q. Coursen Wholesale and Retail. ACQUITTED OF THE MURDER OF NOVAK Mike. Koluit floes Out ot the Court House a Tree Alan. VERDICT CAUSED NO C0MA10TI0N Wns Received by IColuit In n Vcrj .llnttcr-of-l'tict tVnv-Tho Jury Stood Nino lor Aciulttnl mid Three lorn Verdict ol .llnnslntiglitor t'ntll Vcstcrilnv nt Noon Mhen tho Ma jority l'rnuilled.HIx Guilt Mns Not Proved. Mike Koluit went home to I'rlcnbuig, ycsteielnj, u ftee man. The uiy that was tiylng him for the minder of An drew Novak eanie In at the reconven ing of couit ufter dinner with a verdict, of acciulttiil. The vote stood nine for acquittal anil tlnee for a veuliel of manslaughter 11 oni the fiist ballot Wednesday even lug until noon time, vestenho, v lien the majoiltv pievallt'd. When the vjidbt had been reiideied and rerouted Judge OiiustiT called the prisoner fiom the "pen" and told him thrt he was flee lie admonished him to keep out of biollx In the future und then tolel him he cmuM go home Kchiit was not ultecled one way or the other to iin.v visible extent nor wns there nnj of the mual stones Hint fol low such Incidents He got his hat, nodded giiocl live to his nttmnev) und, lollowi'd bv Ills wife and some of hi U lend:!, lelt th' com I loom. The veuPet was quite gtueiallv ev pecteel The e ommonwealth tailed to make out a eMe tint would vvi'niit conviction In the ill it th-giv nnd the killing wax iiii'iuestlona dy a 111 si elegies- mm do. Tin fuel U.ot tin aulhoiiti'M il.d not lelllll of the e-ix,. until I month after the clime wns comnillled Is nialnlv ue e nuntable loi llm vve.tk mse llm v as made out Theie is no q'iextli)n but that theie ute a number ol ihpuih vviii v ltnus.. 1 the ii'x mil nnd v 1m if i e-ii liilin diui -lv uftei the aliia.v could have b n made1 to tell tli tnii nt iiy. Willi it montn's time to wink in lb etilpiit and Ills file mis could, aid w this It'xtance evvli'iitly did, iimkv Ii i lll.ltlei il i he 'ileitest illitlillll: I I the 'iuthoiltlrn to get at the i.ii Onlv one 1 .ill could be found v ii would xuy positively thai K.ibtu Ilk ted ihe fatal blow iiiul ills uiini iKhoialcd testlinonv was mi v .t K n -d bv the defendant's evidence that the Jut v, ax Us eulle t Indleltes, dlxp gaiel- ed II -lit )ge tiler Ward .v.- Hoi n and tVIMIam Voknlek weie iittoiPiv for Id hill. MANY DXCELLhNT ADDRUSSFS. Dellveicil by Mcinheix ol High School Litcini) .Noeictv. At Hit mi'i'lli," 1! the Hh;h Si ho d Llt'lUJ .lillelv v.si nlav 111' ll.llnu lUK r-pe.lki'is u.ie ubl uddle'ss on llH iHibJi'-ts Hvsl-ncd t" them. Hooveii "liumlmation:" ''uai, " The Hientest Llvkij: Mm.' Fili'Ki'iald. ' tndi m (Jllestl 111," F.lc . Class Sph It," llllll, Hazkton St- IL " Sinn1:. "Inipuis Flons." The I.lteiarv Mieitv U a vali'iible nditmct to the vvntk if tne IUkIi school. tltiinllU the meinbi'ts as It does I lliln'c tor thenif'ilves nnd deve lopim; the abllltv to irrc-ent Iheli Ideas b"f.)ie the nubile. - . I-V. 1'iiee Sale orciolliini: Chlldlen's Suits lediuecl one-half in iniee dliiiliQ this taL'. Collin1- -Tl.vkott. 2-0 Lai'ka. ave. ' Tv inlllir, iipticlaii 12.1 renn avenue, lu Han N" dtiiB stoie. Houis !i a. in. .', P. 111. " UPHOLSTERIES Figured VeSours Now vetv popular loi turniture coveungs: bciiitiltil designs in newest coloimgs, 2, ; and d coloi ligmes: cxtiemely choice and every vaul woith fiom $1.00 to Si. 25. Our Price, '"JKfj Per Yard. 1 able Center Pieces. Pillow Shams and Bui eau Scarfs. Some line Hemstitched Pieces in this lot. CheniHe Curtains New line just nt rived all the popular colors. $2.00 to $4, 00 pan,. SIEBECKER PAINi l!KIAKTA!I.NT.-!.luxee4 Oil, VurnWh, Hryeis, Jnp.m nudHblnlo.suiiu Mm OIL M9 MANyPACTURINC CO. 1 11 to III Meridian .Mrect.crnntou, l'n. 'Jtleplione IHiHr. Don't Poll To attend the Annual Mnsaupinu" i of the Rciantoti LIcdelkinriK, to be hcla nt their hall, Monday nlglil, Feb 7. Tickets rnn be had at Dtksen', Hi Lackn. ive. MEN' IB Ml In blue and black Chinchilla, extra well made, blue flan nel lining, large storm collar, iron cloth sleeve lining, perfect style ; actual value, $12. Clearing Sale Price. $ 8.98 Fin At special prices in all the leading shapes. H.tttcrs and Purnlslier.s. -i 12 Spruce Street BEST SETS OF TEETH. $8, Including tie piiulcss extracting ol teciu bj an cntiralr now proeesi. 5. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., .- Spruce bt., Opp. Hotel Jernr.n & WATKINS TurpBiUlno, While l.-ud. Coil Ttr, 1'ltoh I MSI ' IUi 1 ik m 820 Lackawanoi Ave., Scranton Pa. Wliolctiilc and Retail DRUGGISTS. ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD, FRENCH ZINC. Ready nixed Tlnied Paints, Convenient, Kcoiioinlinli Dunvbla v Vnrnlsh Stains, I'loihiiliiR I'crrecl lr iltntionof 12tp3nlT--Woods. -, Raymiitis' Wood Finish. LsiiCelall.v leiiiied Toi lli'lda VVorlr. flarble Floor Plrvlslt, Uiualile and Dries Quickly Paint Varnish and Kal sominc Brushes. PURE LINSEEO OIL AND TURPENTINE. KuLJINU UP YOUR IMAGE, No 1,1:1 1) ot taste or rellneimnl nn s to IroU ut Ills own Lice tliroUL'O il mirror uml tlml 11 leil til Inlinrmoiiloiis eolors unci dlecu ililres. N'otliliu; Is nioiu Inipoitiitit tlmti V 0111 lieekvvear. "-eo tbnl it Is rislil, and the nest aj in nn Hiiro It Is rlqlit is to buy II or us v0l oni now line. HAND '& PAYNE, iiAnni's am MAISLKIJAbllUlt! 2IW WiMiliiffton Aui. .J -i-JI THE JEWELER. Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewslry and Silverware, Novelties and Sp.cialti.;, Bric-a-Bras, Fine China, Cut Glassware, Onyx Tabbs, Lamps, iu endless variety. The lat est productions always found in our assortment. We are now showing the finest line of China ever exhibited, iu rich aud cheap decorations. 213 Lsickiiwaniui Avenue SOUND ARGUflENT. BARBOUR'S HOME CREDITHOUSE is tho jiliice to set our riirnltuir; w can p.iyn little uv cry motitli nnd have tlio sooelsiill thutlme wo ure inliuj foi them, and Ihut s vv hem we're coliu. 425 LACKAWANNA AVE. S1LVERSTONE, The Eye Specialist W1 HOSKoniee H it I I.110U.IHUH. IMPQOPLB W na avenue. In Will, lams' VA Ulto Kiont hlioa More, eiiuiina tlio eo fieo In tin most iiceur.ito veiiy. --v. J-f (, 111111 on pnem ior ion. -3? C l '"I"" ro cheap. r yU rwJ) llnl A .n.. I,.ln A I,. VjC Xji I'UUPLVsl jnunliililulnellni nerone to the) pioper uiroor rneties nem io io. ns inot peoplej until tlio ttino eume n Imn neaclaelies, I in portent xlslon.or other lesiun of such ncslect Rtvo wnrnliiu tlmt natuiu U rebellln' nir.ilniit nueli in turnout or ona of the most precious j?lft. Noriliiil vision Is k Wesslni unapprecliitcd iinlll It li.n bccalu.l and restored, its lull vuluo in then nuiUa I, 'lherefore, jomliould nol loeia diy Lierora having your ej es oMimlned. iuUiiurvloa wa Elndly rendor lice of cliaii". R13M13M11URTIIB I'LACI!, 215 Lackawanna Avenue In the W lilts front blios htors i!iiii;t9iii!iiiiiii!iiuniiuiii!iifii:i. That Cut Ice, Bi -A I'- ffMJ 1 1 I ' 1 V -'" 11 i M, s ut fV Jr9v L I Price. That Cu! Mora Is., . 1 t" S AND Jf- tut II ' I ! BICYCLES 1 That Set the Pace, g S Mil u.N U.v V rf I mm. w sun si, IHIIIUII)iIlil!!..il.(9!!n;.tlIt.tE:iE!