The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 02, 1898, Morning, Page 7, Image 7

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    WRDNnSDAY, FEimUAItV 2, 1691.
It pays to secure the best. Why not
use the genuine Carlsbad Sprudel Salt,
which is Imported from Carlsbad, and can
be obtained of any reliable druggist?
For all diseases of the stomach, liver and
kidneys, the genuine Carlsbad Sprudel
Salt is without equal. It is especially
beneficial for chronic constipation, gouty
And rheumatic affections. Be sure to ob
tain the genuine article, which has the
signature of " Eisner & Mcndelson Co.,
New York," on every bottle.
ITho Carbondalo correspondence of Tho
Tribune has been placed In tho hands of
Mr. C. It. Munn, Salem avenuo and
Church street, to whom news Items may
be addressed. All complaints nB V lr-xgul.-r
delivery, etc., should be made to
W, T. Itobcrts. news accnt.
Mnnncnrs ol n National Alltilr Desire
a Dclcpnto from This Clt.
Tho appended communication ex
plains Itself:
Washington, I). C. Jan. L", 1WS.
Secretary Hoard of Health, Curuomlnlo,
Sir: I herewith hund you a (.nil for a
pure food and drug conrjress to nstcmhlo
In the city of Washington mi the necotul
lay of March, at the National hotel tit
12 o'clock. You will heo that ij h uoatd
of health Is Invited uml jpportioned top
lescntatlves as follow h.
Citler fiom IU00O to KiO.CHjO, 1, citlm Horn
200,000 to 500,000, 2; titles of fiOO.OiM and tip
ward, 3. I would ho obllRril to ou 'f
you would lay this matter at onco be
toio jour board and notify me of tin
n.imo and address of the delegates and
alternate tUccted so that I tan com
municate to them as to lailiond and hotel
Umcss some action Is taken to put a
Htop to tho lnfumous piactlco of adul
teration which Is doing to much to in
juio tho health, moials uud legitimate
trade of this countr, tho day Is not far
distant when our forelrn commctcu will
be seriously afttcttd. It Is useh-ss lot mo
to nttempt to arguo u question so plain
as this and I rely upon your eirnest co
operation and assistance In the matter.
Hoping to hear from you at jour earliest
convenience, 1 remain, yours ttuly,
Alex J. Wedderburn,
Sccictary of Commlttro.
Cnrbondnlo Contractors Now nt
Court nt .llontrosc.
Contractor S. A. Roache, T. C. Rob
inson and Attoi ney H. C. Butler were
In Montrose yesterday attending court.
Mr. Roache was complainant in a
peculiar case against St. Anthony's
Polish Catholic church nt Forest City.
It will be remembered that In 189."
that congregation let the contract to
Mr. Roache to build a new church. He
had the foundations completed and the
building itself well under way when
the officials of the chuich ordered Id in
to htop work. They tote down the
woodwork and te-let the contract to
un Aichbald man, who built the pres
ent church on the foundation laid by
Mr. Roache.
The latter has never been paid for
his work and ho now sues to lecover
for the cost of the lumber and stone
and the labor expended. His Interests
are lepresentod by Attorney Butler
nnd Mr. Robinson, who Is a w Itness, is
also Interested from the fact that he
furnished nait of the material for the
. oik.
Mih. Butler, of Syracuse, ls"lsltlng
Mis. E. A. Wheeler, of Notth Chinch
Miss Olmn llerrlnsr Is the guest of
friends lit Wllkos-Baire.
Mis. Jimes Thompson's guest, Mis.
.. Wcller, has leturred to her home In
Thomas Ollhool Is visiting In New
Mlss Alary Median, of Brooklyn
stieet, has accepted a situation in the
Pails stote, Scr.inton.
Mr. anil Mrs D. P. McCoy aie en
tertaining Miss Margaret Enughlln, of
Dr. Reed Bums was in this city yes
teiday. LOCALS.
Yesterday's bllzzaul intuferied lit
tle with railroad trallio in this vicin
ity. A successful subscription dance was
given in the Burke building last night.
The temains of Mis. P. M. MoftUt,
of Green Rldee, were laid at rest in
St. Rose cemetery In this city yestoi
day A requiem hlsh mass was cele
brated in St. Paul's chuich, "jrecn
Ridge, and the body, accompanied by
mpr.y relatives and friends was
brought here at 12. tr.
Mts. II. C Wheeler is rapidly recov
ering from the effects of her recent
On Tuesday afternoon a plelgh load
of ladles from here enjoyed the sleigh
ing ah far as Carbondale. They stop
ped at tho residence of C. K. Mnrcey
nnd took refreshments, returning home
later In the evening. The following
ladles went: Mrs. T. W Watklns, Mrs.
W. J. Evnns, Mrs. Thomas Patten, Mrs.
Charles Lewsley, Mrs. Morris, Mrs.
John Davis, Mrs. Margaret Hlnn, Mrs.
Frank Thomas, Mrs. Thomas Tilford,
Mlns M. A. Evans.
Misses Mabel Ieonaid and Dora Mc
Laln, who have been quests at the
Miihon house, for the past week, re
turned home last evening.
A bhort session o tho school board
The Best 5k
prepare fdwBj
tlje best Ti,e best
n Cottolrn Undo uuki am "CottoUnt" xA
nur't Ami n eollon-ptant urtalt pn Trj Ua.
CUCMO. N Tark. 1'MU.UInfcU. I(b..
was held on Monday evenlnr-. The
principal business was tho passlnir of
bills, nmone which was ono for laying
sidewalks nt the First, Third nnd
Fourth ward school buildings. It wns
decided to close the night schools this
The young men of tho Congregational
chinch are preparing for an entertain
ment which will bo held In that edi
fice some tlmo this month.
Misses Jennie Penman nnd Maggie
Jones, of Susquehanna street, havo re
turned fiom a visit to Providence.
A merry crowd of young people fiom
Scranton cnino to this place Tuesday
evening In a sleighing party. Several
hours were spent In dancing In the
Club of '0:i rooms. A turkey supper
was served nt midnight In the Million
Mts. V. W". Harris loft yesterday to
spend a week with relatives In New
Mis, Inils Itlockbergcr nnd Mrs.
George Davis visited fi lends at Jer
myn yesterday.
Mis. Frederick Lloyd, of Hlakelv, Is
quite 111.
Mrs. John Daken, of Powder Mills,
Is visiting her parents hero.
T. V. Powderly, Jr., of Carbondnle,
wns a caller In town yesterday.
llonul of Trade Will Hold it Hiin
quet - Hoviinl Scitlcos Success
ful. This evening the ill st annual ban
quet of th Taylor bontd ot irade will
be held In Its looms In the Pilce Ll
biary hall. At 9 o'clock the feast will
commenee. Speechmaklng, music, so
los and reciting will be the order of
tho evening. Following Is the pro
gramme: IntroJuction of Tonstmas
ter P. Mulhciln, by President J. F.
Taylor; "Tnylcu us u innnufjctutins
center," T. R. Bo wen: "Reasons why
every man should belong to the boaid
of trade," M. M. Williams) "Taylor
as a city of homec," William P. Giif
fiths, esq.: "Anieiican citizenship," J.
E. Watklns. esq : "Municipal govern
ment," II. E. Hniris; "Tavlor lifteen
years ago to the present," John M.
Harris, esn : remarks, selected, by
Luther Keller, Scranton; address, by
D. B. Athorton, Scrnnton: solo, M. B.
Mcigans; recitation, John E. Evans;
solo, John F. Tubbs; recitation, Evan
O. Evans; selection, orchestra: re
marks, by Messrs. Brock, of the woolen
mill: Mr. Rei.nrd, of tho silk mill,
nnd Mr. 1-ublnack, of the weaving mill.
So giatlfylng nas been the succcfs
of the season of revival meetings which
havo been conducted .it the Methodist
Episcopal chuich duting the past few-Y.-ecks.
that the seiles 1ns been eon
tlnuirt ibis week. This evening will
be the last of the seiies. Uev. Wil
liam Ftlsby will piesldi". All are wel
come. Miss Cat lit Evans, daughter of Mr.
and Mis. Samuel I'xans. of Main street,
has b"en pirentPd with a beauttful
limp. It ui presented to her by her
1 arents.
Mr. and Mis. Lewis P.. Reese spent
the Sabbath with lelutlves in MoofIc.
Krights of Pythias, No. 40i. will
meet this evening In Reese's hall.
Tho Taylor Choral union reorganized
on Suntlav evening at the Calvary
Baptist chuich. Thoy will compete at
the national cNleddfod to be held ot
Wllkts-Barre. on May M). All slngeis
of the boiough are lequested to meet
nt tho Calvaiy Baptist church on Sun
day evening net. The following are
the olllceis wlv were unanimously
eleeted. "resident. Rev. II. II. Har
lis; secretary. John E. Owens: treas
urer, John Thomas: eundudor, Pro
fessor David E. .Tont'3; pianist, Wil
liam Reese.
Mrs Evan l Jenkins of Main slieet,
Is tapldly jecoti-rliK l'ti'in Iier iccent
A petition is being oluulilf.l uuic)g
the taxpajeis of the South dlstilct of
Lackawanna township to the poll
ing pl&ce changed fiom its nu'seut lo
cation. The petit lotieis say that the
booth is not centtally located.
Th'imns Dais, who is employed as
n cari)enter in the Citeeuwood mine
shops, is recoveiing from an injury
which he received a few days ago.
The, Deluwate. LacktiA.anm. and
Western company paymadtet made Ills
monthly visit to the Aichbald colliery
Superintendent Fox and his corps of
workmen of the .Scranton Traction
company, veie hint viy busy yester
day In keeping Hi" stiel car Hacks
free fiom snow.
Alwujs Ilriugs n I,egiou ot Ciititrihnl
Haln. lain, rain. Mud, slop, sleet and
Flush. Flood and freeze, slip and
splosh, alternate ceaselessly. Some
times It makes us mad. Sometimes It
makes us laugh. We cannot be sure
what the weather will be loi an hour
at a time. There Is
one thins o can be
uuro of, however,
that such weather
will bring catarth--catarrh
of the head,
ejes and ars. Ca-
tairh of the tin oat.
lungs and bronchial
tubes. Catarrh of
the Btomnch, liver
and bowels. Catarrh
of the kldnoyi. Ca
tarrh nf the bladder
Catarrh' of the
pelvic organs. Ttobeit Ilobeitson of
Detroit, Mich., says. "Catanh had
gone through my whole system and
wns simply Indescribable. Pe-rn-na
cured me. Every body Is astonished to
bee mo look so yourig."
Dr. Haitman's litest book entitled
"Winter Catanh" Is being sent free to
any address by Tho lv-rn-na Druir
Manufacturing Company, Columbus,
Miss Carrie Bliss is visiting the fam
ily of Rev. J. Mulr, at Bangor, Pa.
Fred Spencer, of Hyde Park, spent
a few days last week the guest of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Spencer.
Fiank H. Bailey attended tho muBlcal
alliance at Nicholson last Friday night.
Andrew S. Smith left Monday morn
ing for West Point, where lie will be
examined previous to his entering the
military school.
J. W. Carpenter, of Scranton, was a
caller In town last Saturday.
Miss Hattlo Matthews and nephew
Harry Evans, of Providence, are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Calkins.
Miss Nettle Iemon, of Waverly, N.
Y,. is visiting the family of Rev. and
Mrs. D. M. Vail.
Mrs, A. Bergen Browe who has been
111 Is convalescing.
The union revival services which
havo been held here the past three
weeks will bo continued this week at
the Baptist church. Prayer meetings
will be held as usual at 3 p. ni.
Unusual interest was manifested the
past week In the revival which was
held at the Methodist Episcopal church,
largo congregations being present at
each meeting. Rev. A. Bergen Browe,
A Great Wednesday in the Great Store
THAT'S OUR PROMISE for today, and It will be fulfilled. Come and enjoy it with the crowd. Bargains
in the morning. Music and bargains in the afternoon. Take your time and see the Great Store in its
entirety. Rest in the Reception Room. Eat in the Restaurant, Ride in the Elevators. Make yourself thor
oughly at home. Buy what you want no more than you want. But save money on what you DO buy;
by purchasing here.
This Morning from 10 Till 12.
Children's Black Ribbed Hose, double heel and toe, seam
less, all sizes, ...'... or. Fair
Women's Fast Black and Tan Seamless Hosiery, . 5c. Pair
Extra Quality Apron Ginghams and Fancy Dark Colored
Calicoes, ...... 1 l-2c Yard
Fancy Outing Flannels, extra good quality, light and daik
patterns, ...... 3c. Yard
Extra Large Size Turkish Wash Cloth, with fancy borders, 3 Tor 5c
1 8-Inch Bleached Crash, with fancy red border. Ten
yards to a customer, . . . 2 l-2c. Yard
'White Chief" Soap superior in
The great success of our January Sale prompts
ruary. Only a few prices are given here. The stock
ly guarantee gooas 10 oe
Of extra quality Muslin, with V tucked yoke
front, double yoke back, neck and sleeves
edged with cambric ruffle, full size and
length, pearl buttons,
Of extra quality Muslin Empire style,
two rows of insertion and deep embroidery;
deep revere, trimmed around reveres and neck
with embroideiy luffle,
Empite Gown, trimmed with line medica
lace and ruffle of India linen,
ft Ml
Of extreme heavy quality Muslin and Cambric, some trimmed
with V.ik'iiciennes lace, wide insertion ot embroidery, V necks,
squ.iie necks, Empire style and high necks,
of the Baptist church pleached Mon
day evening; TSev. J. M. Sumner on
Tuesday evening; Rev. Drowe on Wed
nesday; Rev. G. W. Brown, of the
African Methodist Episcopal church on
Thursday evening, and Rev. John Cav
anaugh, of the Free Methodist church,
on Friday evening.
Six-Day Tour la Pennsylvania
The llrst of the piesent series of pei-sonally-conducted
tours to Old Point
Comfort, Richmond, and Washington
via the Pennsylvania Railroad will
leave New York and Philadelphia on
Saturday, February 19.
Tickets, Including transportation,
meals en route In both directions,
tiansfera of passengeis and baggage,
hotel accommodations at Old Point
Comfort, Richmond, and Washington,
and cntrlage ride about Richmond In
fact, every necessary expense for a
period of six days will be sold at rate
of $35.00 fiom New Yoik, Brooklyn,
and Newark, J3J.00 fiom Trenton, $32.50
from Philadelphia, and proportionate
lates from other stations.
Tickets to Old Point Comfort only,
including one and three-fourths days'
board at that place, and good to return
direct by regular tialns within six days,
will be sold In connection with this tour
at rate of $16 00 from New York, $15.00
from Trenton, $11.00 from Philadelphia,
and proportionate rates fiom other
points. At a slight additional expense
tourists can extend the trip to Vir
ginia Beach, with accommodations at
the Princess Anne Hotel.
For itineraries and full Information,
apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent,
1106 Broadway, New York; or Geo. W.
Boyd, Assistant General Passenger
Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadel
phia. m '
Congressman John Allen, of Missis
sippi and If you do not know who John
Allen la you will never learn from this
chronicler carries a new cane. It Is a
straight stick, with a lone and flexlblo
branch twisted around It. "This stick,"
sas Mr. Allen, "camo from tho grao of
George Washington, nnd was given to mo
because I embody all of his vices. Tho
straight part of tho stick represents inc,
and this branch is tho Democratic party
clinging to me."
Somebody asked Mr, Allen how re
stood on tho contest over the Democrat
lu position In the hoube. "Oh, well,"
bald he, "I haven't been registered yot,
and I think I am on both sides, It re
minds me of a man In my county who
wus runnlnc for the legislature 1 met
him one day and Bald to him: 'Hob, how
are you getting along with the Prohibi
tionists?' 'AH right,' said he.' And how?"
said I. 'Well,' said he, 'I drink with tho
llmior mtn and vote with the Piohibl
tlonlats. i i
Musings ot a Married Mnn.
My wife says the girl who uses cosmet
ics Is never so bad as she's painted.
My wife says she hopes airships will
soon bo In st le; they will bo so handy
for paying "flying slts" with.
My wife wants to know why the bar
gain sales aro always advertised after
she has spent all her money for Christ
mas presents.
My wtfo says the girl who declares that
she wouldn't marry the best man in tho
world needn't worry about ever being
asked to do so.
My wlio says many a girl who wouldn't
think It right to give a fellow a kiss,
woLldJend him one, with tho understand
ing that It wb to ba lepald at once,
Pittsburg Dally Nsws.
quality, for laundry and
lc. Cake
50 per ceni. oeuer ana prices
The AsMguce Has Ordered tho Stock
ot This $275,000 1'niluro to II o
Closed Out--This Clothing sialo
.He nns 31ucli to tho l'eoplo of
Scrnnton and ViciultT--SnIc Slnrts
Thurduy, I'ebrnnry 3rd, 205
J,ncluiWHiiua Avenue, Nenr 1'rnuk
1 in Avenue Hotel, I.nclcnwnunn Vnl
ley House Block.
On account of hard times, bad debts
and inability to raise ready cash was
the cause of a laige clothing failure.
Merchants in New York and elsewhere
who had extended credit to this firm
were nearly panic stricken, as this
failure was so large the assignee for
the creditors, falling to determine the
actual assets and liabilities and being
able to make a settlement on uccount
of the large stock on hand, are deter
mined to sell this large and line stock
for cash. Several large cities have
been selected. Amongst them Scranton
has been chosen and a great pan of
this stock will bo removed to tho large
store room, 205 Lackawanna avenue, In
the Lackawanna Valley House block,
a few doors fiom Franklin avenue,
Scranton, Pa. Everything goes at 50
per eent. less than cost of manufacture.
The store will be closed until Thurs
day, February 3, at 9.30 a. m., when
the great sale begins and lasts until nil
is sold out at retail. No matter what
sale you have ever attended, come to
this one If you wish to get clothing
and gents' furnishing goods at prac
tically your own prices. First come,
llrst served, or be on hand early for
your pick. We mention a few prices,
but there are over 1,000 other articles
space will not permit us to mention.
Earl & Wilson collars, 5c; cuffs, 12c.
Best Manhattan laundrled white shirts,
69c; unlaundrled, 33c. Monarch percale
shirts, with detachable or attached col
lars, 39c. Wright's best health under
wear, 90c a suit. Celluloid collars, 3c.
Adlers best kid gloves, lined and un
lined, 63c. All kinds ot stiff hats in
Dunlap's, Knox's, Stetson's and other
well-known makes for 89c All kinds
of neckwenr in Tecks, four-in-hand,
etc., for 12c, worth 75c
A splendid business suit of clothes,
handsomely trimmed and well-made,
for $3.09, worth at least $12. Over a
hundred styles men's all wool cash
mere suits for $4,99. All kinds of over
coats and ulsters will be slaughtered.
Clay worsted suits in sacks and cuta
ways, from $7.85 to $15,00, worth from
$18.00 to $30.00. Working pants for
59c; worth $1.50. AH wool pantH from
$1.18 to $., valued at fiom $3.00 to
$7.50. All kinds of pants for children,
This sale will positively commence
Thursday, Febiuary 3, at 9.30 a. m., and
continue until tho entire stock is closed
out. This Is a chance you must not
miss. First come, flist served. 205
Luckawnnna avenue, In the Lacka
wanna Valley House block, a few doors
from Franklin avenue, Scranton, Pa.
For Infants and Children,
Tit fit- J ,
Yesterday's shoe selling was the,
talk of the store considering the
weather. What will it be today
if skies are fair ? No such shoe
values have ever been known in
Scranton before. Shoes at one
third less than cost to manufacture.
That's the whole story in a nutshell.
Women's Shoes, 00c to 2.29.
Men's Shoes, 9BctoS3.00.
Boys' Shoes, 97c to $1.70.
Misses' Shoes. 98c to 1.40.
Children's Shoes, 12 l-2c to $1.18.
All worth double and more.
the continuance of the stupendous values in Women's Undergaiments throi
is full of others just as good. Don't miss this wonderful opportunity. We i
25 per cent, lower man any nouse in tne state.
Umbrella Skirts, deep niffle of
embroidery and extra dust 2Crr
ruffle underneath, . . OOC
Muslin Skirt, made umbrella
shape, deep ruffle of open
work embroidery,
Of extra quality muslin, umbrella
shape, deep embroidered
ruffle of cambric and lawn
dust ruffle,
Mr. Robert Imes is building an addi
tion to his house.
Mrs. Burgess is confined to her home
by sickness.
Mrs. Markel, of Scranton, spent Sun
day at the home of Mr. D. C. Reed.
The Ladles' Home Missionary soci
ety will meet on Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mis. John Dills. The
officers will be elected for the ensuing
Mr. Nichols and Miss Elizabeth
Smith, two young people of this place,
were married on Saturday evening by
'Squire Brodhead.
Tommy, th little son of Mr. Thomas
Robson, was quite painfully scalded on
Friday by falling in boiling water.
A large number of friends gathered
at the home of Mrs. John Faraday on
Thursday evening, to celebrate the
blrth'day of Mrs. Faraday.
i F nnilll'O FOR EITHER BEX.
LC DnUll QThls remedy being In
jected directly to the
S. - &m seat or tnoso aisenses
O or the denlto-Vrinarj
Xi Hqb Organ, requires ne
Ivy Hrn change of d,et- Care
-22- gunruut ceil la 1 to O
iinyM. Huiall plain pack-
iT'ITTIW11116' hy wall, 8), OO,
4j Lf JraJCaHolA on'.y by
Wm. O. Clark, 201 Washington Ave. and
326 Penn, Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Steam and
Hot Water
Gas, Electric
And Combination
Light . . .
Charles B. Scott,
119 Franklin Ave.
Chef of Jonas Long's Sons,
Philadelphia $ Caterer.
Ho nod Turkey Croquettes, Salads of All
Kinds, Weddlugs.Paitles; Kxperlenced Men
All orders promptly attended to. Order can
be left at 121 ashlngton ave., or can be
seen at Jonas Long's Hons' Cafe.
cured with Animal Kxtracts. Free boot
Washington, I). C
i iiirj,i,,i,i,iJ'i"iii',v"M-inx,u'xj'i.
This Afternoon from 2 Till 5.
A Veritable Matinee This Afternoon at the Food Ex
hibit. Grand Orchestral Promenade Concert by
Personally Conducted by Prof. Bauer. Eight Thousand
People Heard Last Saturday's Concert- There'll be more
than that today.
New Exhibits in the Food Show today with others yet to come.
The Grocery Department is branching out. So arc the groceries. Fin
est Goods at Lowest Prices always.
Many things to eat and drink in the booths, All free to you.
Come. See. Enjoy,
Children's Dresses
Infants' Long Slips, made of
cambric, embroidered yoke, neck
and sleeves trimmed with o
neat embroidery, . IOC
Of good muslin, deep hem
and tucks. - . . OC
Of good muslin, trimmed with
insertion and deep luffle of q
embroidery, . . IOC
We carry in stock complete
Layettes for Infants as fine as
you'd wish to buy, and at lowest
We have all the latest discoveries for allc
vlotina pain.
We oitrnet teeth, All teeth and opply gold
cronnu and bridge work without the least
partlcloof pain, by a method patented and
usod by us only. NO CHARGE for painless
extracting when teeth ure ordered.
Full Set Tcdll, $5.00.
Wo guarantee a nt.
(.'old Crowns, $3.00.
All other work nt proportionately low prices.
M-Uom Crowns and Bridge Work a
Being tho oldest and largest dental parlors
In the world, we aro ho well equipped that all
work done by us Is tho best to be had. Our
operations aro positively painless. All work
guaranteed for 10 j ears.
Corner Lackawanna and omlnj Aves.,
(Over Newark Shoe btore )
Hours, 8 to 8. bundaj, 10 to
Boilers, Engines and Machinery.
We will sell you New or Hocond-Hand.
We will Kelt jou new or talse old In ex
change, or we will rent you unythlng you
uunt In tho Machinery Lino. Spot Cash
paid for Scrap Iron and Menus.
National Supply and Metal Co,,
709 West Lacliawauna Avenue.
H.E. KEELET, Hfir. Telephone 3945
Bill 1 imbur cut to order on bliort notice. Hardwood Mine KnIN
tawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled liNnlock
Prop Timber promptly Furnished.
MILLS At Cross Fork, Potter Co.. on the Buffalo nnd Snsqnc
hanna Knilroud. At Minn, Potter County. Pa., on Coudeisport. and
Port Allegany Railroad. Capacity-400,000 feet per day.
GliNEUAL OFFICE-Doard of Trade Uulldlng, Scranton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4014.
For Sala by JOHN H. PHELPS,
Spruoa otroot
Good quality
muslin, rows of
tucks above
wide q
hem . . . "v
Wide Um
brella Drawers,
deep ruffle
edged w i t h
embroideiy, yoke ,yyrt
bands and tapes,
Extra wide, fine muslin,
ruffle of open work em
broidery, double cluster of
fine tucks, . . '
cambric, with cluster
deep lawn ruffle,
with wide Point ij.
D' Paris lace,
...IIV ..
Ucrmanla Wine Cellar
liammondsport and
Rhelms, N- Y.
Wo are determlnod to
Introduce our izoods
amoiit; the very best peo
e in ine country, una
wa sob no bettor wnv
of doing this than by soil.
uj (hem a case of our
Kuods, contalulng eleven
bottles of wine and oao
bottlo of our extra flna
double - distilled drnpo
randy, nt ono-lialr Its ac
tual Lont. I'pou re
ceipt ol 3.".UO wa
will send to any
reader of this paper
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