ii THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1893. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1699. GATHERED ABOUT TOWN. Transfer o l'roporti. P. D. Hlggins 1ms purchased from the executors of the James Hlnlr estate tha property at 452 Lackawanna, ave nue, nctjolnlnp the property owned by Mr. lflgrglns. The constellation was $33,000. Lecture on I'ntrlollsm. ne'. James Momtt, of St. John's Catholic church, South Scranton, will deliver a lectin c In College hall next Tuesday night on "Patriotism." It will le the last of the St. Thomas colleKe course. Donated Ton Dollars. At n meeting of Maniuette Council, Youiir Men's institute, of North Scran inn; Tuesday night the council by res olution ;.m $10 towaids the fuhan i-p-llef fund. The none wbm paid over to Major lJallnj ytvtei"lp.. In Ihc ItisMrrV Oilier. The will of ATotRun Howen, late of Sjrtlnpr lirook. ns etpr'ay ndinlt tPd to )tfibate. by Resistor Koch. In the Mtate of Jumps Leurey, lUe of &1JIH011, lettcts of admlnlslntlon viie staiiled to John V. Scmce. The Unite roniiiinj Yfs'oidav afternoon ):p Wnlte com panj produced "Puslon's Slae" at th- A""ulomy "f Mudc. Last night "Tho Charity Ball" a- iircsnted In mi excellent manner. This afteutoon "The Iff" ill be the attraction and tonlBht 'T10111 Site to Son." -f l'oiiitcil n Cnn at Hit. Trank ltow, an Adams aenue black smith, v'jh anested jesteiday on com plaint of his wife, who charges threats and assault and battel She avers that Ross beat her and pointed a gun at her. He was held for couit. Mcl'iulum! Wells in Jail. Alderman O. B. Wright yestetday committed to the county Jail I- Me nu land Welles, the man ai rested Tuesday night for defiaudlng Mrs. Ko.se Dobson, who keeps n boarding hoiti-e on North Washington avenue. Welles could not furnish secuiity for court. Si. 1'iiiil's Chinch i'air. Owing to the unabated inteiest In the St. Paul's church fair in Gieen Ridge and its great success, it has been decided to continue the fair through out this week. The attendance has been laige, not only fiom this city but fiom towns up and down the vallej', and the tesult has been a handsome revenue. School Room in 1111 Attic. The or-crovdeJ condition of No. r,." school building at the heart of Olive street, In the Seventeenth ward 1 4 to be rciloved by the addition of a room on the top lloir. The space has here tofore been designated as an attic. The loom will aeeomtnolat" foitj' pupils and will probably be leudy for occu pancy next Tuesday. .Marriage Licenses Cruntcd. Mairlage licenses weie granted jes tenlay to James Kinney, of Wtnton, and Nell.- Cavanaugh, if Pilcebuig: 111lrou P. Tartrlla, of Scianton, and Mm j' J. Hosie, of Carbondale: Alfred T Thompson and Rose S. Peteit-. of Cailiondale; David S, Kvans and Mrs. Jnrip Thomas of Set.inton: Patrick J. Mesltt and Mnij H. Smith, of Scian ton. Rev. Randolph on Venice. Rev. J. W. Randolph, pastoi of St. I'ptu's Lutheran chinch, Petersbuig, last evening addiessed an audience at the Scianton Conseivatoi of Music on his recent tour thiough Venice. The lettuie was given in the German speech. Rev. Mi. Randolph is in structor in (let man at the coneiva toi j . Parly lor I it tic I'oII.n. Mr. and Mri. James ,T Callahan, of Pen 11 avenue entertained the follow ing little folks Tuesday evening In hon or or the thild blithlay of their boh: The Misses Hattle Caspei, Kittle 'et ti'i. Felleitusi Butlo. My McIIalo, Helen Mcllal'. Helen 12 vans, Kve'illw I. me. Sndl-i Lane, Karthryn Itanavvay, Olr.dvs Loftm KNio Haslam, Ola Has lam, .Mantle Oai delta, Lizzie Oardellu, A Wonderful Medicine ror Bilious and Norvous disorders. such as Wind Mp Fain in tho Stomach, Btck Headache, dlddl. ness.rullnoaa and Swelling nttor meals, Dizzi ness and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, Flushings ot Heat, Loss ot Appetite, Shortness ot Breath, Cos. tlvenoss, Blotches on the Skin, Disturbed Bleep, rrlchttulDrearas.andallKervous and Tremb ling Bensatlons, tc.Tthoa these ejmptoms aro roused by constipation, as most ot them are. THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE flELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This Is no fiction. Every sufferer Is earnestly Invited to try one Box ot those Pills and they will bo acknowledged to bo h WONDERFUL MEDICINE. DEUCIIAH'S PILLS, taken as directed, Trill quickly restore Temales tocomplste health. Tboy promptly remove obstructions or Irregu larities ot the system. For a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver they act like magic a tew doses will work won. tiers upon tboVI(a Organs) strengthening the muscular system, restoring the long-lost com plexion, bringing back the koen edge ot appe tite, and arousing with the Wosebud ot SIolUi tho whole physical energy ot tntfnli-riin: frame. Thesd are (acts admitted by thoWfi$ds,.ln, a(l classes, ot societyand onoot jhibjjej guarantees to the Nervous and Debili tated Is that Ueechnru's IUlla hnvo tho Largest Sale of auy 1'atout Modlcluo la tho World. WITHOUT A RIVAL. Annual Sales more than 0,000,000 Boxes asantDrocBtoref, or will be sent by D.a ageSb. B. Jf.AIXEN CO., 36 Canal St., New lork, poet paid, upon rooolpt et price, Book free upon apirltcaUon, 4 Masters Willie Casper, Harry Sohleuly, John Ruddy, Clnicnco .Tttdd, Klchatd Burke, Bartley Cualck, Harry Hcnnc muth, David Richards, Paul Waldner, Julius Flack and Fred Weber. Wnt nil Absolute Snle. Judge Arclibnld yesterday handed down an opinion sustaining the report of Referee it. D. Stuart In the case of Harrison Brothers against J. D. Wil liams & Brother. The dispute was over a consignment of campaign but tons, which tho plaintiffs alleged were sold outright and which the defend ants maintained were shipped or. cm ml'Mon. The referee found In favor of the plaintiff. .Spring llrook Ollicers. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Spring1 Brook Water Supply company was held yesterday morning at tho company's ofllco In the hoard of trade building. Directors were elected as follows: L. A. Watres, C. D. Simpson, T. H "vVatkln, Samuel Peters, J. Rogers Maxwell, George F. Baker, William F. Hallstead, Abram NeMiltt, John Welles Hollenback, Rob ot t C. Adams nnd Morgan it. Wll llnms. At the organlzitlon of the dl lectois Mr Watios was ehcted uresl dent, Mr. HolUnback, vice president, Mr. Watklns, sectetary, und Mr. Ad ams, tiersurer. TWO MORE UNHAPPY WIVES. One Wntm Divoico Ilccnuso ot Cruelt; (lie Other, Desertion. Two new divorce caes weie lnstltut e,d yesterday. Rose Dohson, of S22 'Washington ave nue, by her next filend, Albeit chmm nue, by her next friend, Albert Sehneck, asks for separation from her husband, William Dobson, of Yostvllle, because he treated her ciuelly. She al leges that among other things he ac cused her of subjecting herself to a criminal opeiation, and at one time dragged her out of a sick bed by the hair of the head. They were married July 3, 1SS8, at Mofcovv, and she left him Dec. 23, 1S93. M. J. Martin Is her attorney. The parties In the second case are Margaret IS. Flynn, of Scranton, libel lant, and Charles Flynn, respondent. They were married Jan. 23, 1S87, and lived together until nearly eight years. Simple desertion Is the grounds for the application. G. M. Watson Is the llbellant's attorney. THEATRICAL ATTRACTIONS. The Sunshine of Paradise. It was a well-pleased audience that last night saw "The Sunshine of Par.i dlbe Alley" at tho Lyceum. It Is a play In four acts by Denman Thompson and George W. Ryer, that gives a realistic glimpse of life In New York city. The llrst act Is laid at an Dust River dock with a view of tho Brooklyn bridge, and the second Is laid In tho npattments o Widow McXnlly In Paiadibe alley, 'in the third act the alley, In all Its hideous ni'ss. Is shown, and In the fourth act tha audience Is tiansported to a lovely au tumn s,cene In Bront Park The action of tho play is rapid, and tho audience never loses interest in It. Startling cli maxes are avoided, and in place of them, situations aie arranged to hold continu ous attention. The seenlc accessories were elaborate nud beautiful. The company that produced the play was laige and competent. Duting the four acts many pleasing specialties wero Introdcued by John Walsh, John J. Flynn, Miss I.ottlo Faust, James B. Bradley, Miss Jessie MneDonald, PhlU May and l.lzzle Tarrell In the fourth uct there was u very entertaining toot ball game Burlesques tor Three Dnis. For thiee nights., commencing tonight, and matinees this ulternoon and Satur day, the attraction at Music hall will be Fred Rider's Night Owls In an entirely new burlesque entitled "Punch," which deals with the love of a troubadour. Tho specialties are all Introduced duting the action of the burlesques. The company Includes the Impel lul Tokay Dancers of Buda Pesth. Hungaij. In wild, weird, and wonderful tetplehorejn evolutions. A Paris Jloriel. Thin season has not been proline In theatrical novelties, but fiom all ac counts the new comedy, "A Paris Model," b Jane Mauidlr.-Felgl, will piove one of the best attractions presented here this season. The company selected by Ru dolph Aionson Is one ot the best comedy organizations ever brought together and Includes Mile. Pllnr-Morln who has de lighted exclusive society eatheiings at the Waldotf Astotla this winter with ho tlever acting. This actress Is pioo ably best lemembered bv theater-goers lor her charming portrayal In "JKiifant Ptodlgue, - under the management of Augustin Daly Others prominent In tho cast nie Maud Haslam, u popular and clever comedienne; Caroline Cook, Mo.-.ie Revelle, Leo Dltrlchsteln, an expel t "character actor" William Bonntlll, John Ilairlngton, Tellx Ilaney. The pro duction will be seen at tho I.yctum next Monday. Klondike iold. Mr. James I. McCullough, an exper ienced miner who has lived In Alaska for seveial yeais and Is thoroughly familiar with the Yukon River terri tory and the supplies needed, Is or ganizing and will personally accom pany a special patty to leave Buffalo via the Nickel Plate road, on Tuesday, Febiuary 8th, 1S9S. Mr. McCullough's long experience In Alaska enables him to give reliable information on all matters pettalnlng to the trip and after reaching the gold fields. For mtes and all Information, ad dies? James I. McCullough, or F. J. Moote, general agent. Buffalo, N. Y. INDUSTRIAL NEWS. The diminutive locomotive used on the haulage syBtem In tho Central mines has been brought out nlid will be overhauled and lepaired. The usuul working order for the Dtla wuttv Lackawanna and Western com pany's colllerleH for this week will be tluee eight hour days. The employes of tho upulr Hhops of the Pennsylvania company at Dunmore have gone on u ten hour shift, JJIght hours was the shift for last week. Operations will be commenced in a few days by Contractor Pttgh, to sink tho fentral shaft from the Clark vein to the Dunmore vein, a distance of about IK) feet. Tho annuul repot t of the earnings of the Ontario and Western railroad was nn encouraging one, Tho first week or U90 also Indicated a gain of J1.000 over tho first week of Wl. After tho severe lesson of the last half ot 1897, It does not seem probable that there will bo nn attompt to again over stock tho coal market with the certainty of bringing prlcoa to a point whero heavy losses must be Incurred by all of tho mining companies. There seems to be a greater willingness to observe the conditions which tho lmmutahlo law of Hupply nnd demand requires for Its ful fillment. There Is a closer appreciation also of tho fact that the non-observance of thee conditions Involves not only low prices for tho product, but tho difference botcwen some adequate return for tho capital and labor expended, and nn ac tual loss which must be pnid from some other resource. It Is because these mat ters have como to bo appreciated at last by the large monled Interests that there Is unusually good reason to hope for a continuance of tho Improvement now noted. DON'T RUN ANY RISKS about health. Avoid coughs, colds, fevers, pneumonia, and all other similar ail ments by keeping your Wood rich and pure with Hcpd's Sarsaparllla. HOOD'S PILLS are purely vegetable nnd do not purge, pain or gripe. All druggists. Tribune Classified Specials HELP WANTED 1CENT A WORD FOR RENT 1 CENT A WORD OR HALE 1 CENT A WORD UAL ESTATE 1 CENT A WORD GENTS WANTED I CENT A WORD SITUATIONS WANTED Free of Charge. All advertisements inserted In those columns (excepting Situations Wanted, vvhloh aro puhllsliod free of ohnrge,) aro pay Uble STRICTLY IN ADVANCE. DON'T ask to hnvo them charged. HELP WANTED-MALES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. SALESMEN-SCHOOL HUrPLIES: COUN try work; 9100 salary monthly, with liberal additional commissions. R. O. EVANB&CO., Chicago WANTED-AS AGENT IN EVERY SEC tlon to canvass; 94.00 to 5.00 n day mude; sells nt sight; nlno a man to sell Btnple (Joods to dealers; best Bide line $70 a month; mlary or largo commission made: experience unnecessary. Cltrton boap nnd Manufiictur ng Company, Cincinnati, O. 7ANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN " every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly: big money for agents; no cnpltnl required. EDWARD C. F1SU Jt CO., Dorden Block, Chicago, 111. HELP WANTED-FEA1ALES. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. L' "adies-i Make bio wages doing pleasnnt home work, nnd will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 cent stamp. MlSsi M. A. 8TEUUINS, Lawrence, Mich. WANTED-LADY AGENTS IN SCRAN ton to sell and Introduce Snyder's cake Icing; experienced canvasser preferred; work permanent and very prolltuble. Wilte for paiMculurs at once and get benefit of holiday trade. T. B. SNYDER A CO., Cincinnati, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENER getlo saleswomen to represent us. Guaranteed SO a dnv without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Wrlto for pnrtlculnrs, enduing stamp, MANGO CHEMICAL COMPANY? . 7i! John stieet, New York. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS THE "MONARCH" IS THE best nnd cheapest telephone desk, on tho market; retail price, Including ono roll of paper, Si; liberal discount; exclusive ter ritory. W. W; HAMILTON & CO., 'Jl Milk street, Boston, Mass. WANTED-AOENTS I'OR GREATEST gas suvlng device manufactured. Re tails -250. big prouis. OLVEIt BROS. Hochester, N. Y. AGENTS TO &ELL OUR COe. STORM door; sample prepaid upon receipt of price, AMERICAN WTORM DOOR CO., Port Huron, Midi. KLONDIKE AGENTS WANTED FOR large illustrated book of Klondike, nvo hundred pages; price Si. 60; outnt 10c. Ad dress NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO Lake side Building, Chicago, 111. WANTED-SOLICITORS; NO DELIVER. Ing, no tuilecllng; position permanent; ray weekly; sUte age, GLEN BROTHERS, Rochester. N. X. AGENTS WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO do about Pnfe Citizenship pi ice ?1. Go ing by thousands. Address NICHOLS Nnpervllle, 111 AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel nnd copper electro plasters; prices from S3 upward: nalary nnd expenses paid; outfit free. Address, wltn stamp, MICHIGAN MFG CO., Chicago. A( GENTS-TO SELL CIGARS TO DEAL . ers: S'iS weekly nnd exDenses: emeri. euce unnecessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG CO., 48 Van Buren St., Chicago. FOR KENT. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. OIEL "FOR RENT-TiiH WELL known Wayne House, corner of Boule. vurd and Providence Tuiuplkt? road. In Prleohurg. Old licensed house, well patron l7ed Bent leason ible to trood tenant. In. quite of MRS. EMMA BAKER, on piemlses. F OR RENT-FLOOR 80t 10 FOR BUSI. ness purpose, inquire ia7 Penn ave- nue. TTOUHK UO HENT-A MX-KOOM HOUSE I J to tent, luqulieat No. l.fj South Out field avenue. I"?OK RENlWi"Ur!7tTARYFIRST. 'ol'O , Green Ridge street. Soveu rooms. SECOND FLOOR OP 2 la PENN AVENUE; eight rooms, bath, modern improve ments. P. W. srOKES, Attorney, 1:10 Wyo uilur avenue. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, BATH, .MODERN Improvements, TOO Electric avenue, Gieen Ridge. P W STOJC1N, Attorney 1:111 Wjonilngnvenue FOR SALE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. T70R fsXLt0riIoHOETOwT?R Mil "p6''' " B00d u" now, TIIU WEsl'ON iMONEY TO LOAN. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. AfONEY TO INNT'luTMFiToM HI SfiOOorover on first city mortgage. BUQWN, Attorney, .Menrs building. -MUSICAL. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. PIANO OR ORGAN INSTRUCTOR Newbeelnnersdestied, ami reasounble $?&!? haiu30 uoss uvenue- CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. CORN(C'VBlHONirXNDlN Hull cured without the least pulu or drovtlng blood. Consultation and advice given fiee, E. M. HET.EL, Chiropodist, 830 LiM!kuynnna avenue. Ladles uttended at their residence If desired. Charges moder ate. CITY SCAVENGER. AB.BRIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS , and cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. BRIGGS, Proprietor. Leuve orders 1100 N. Main ave., or ElukeV drug store, corner Adams und Mulberry, '.telephone (1040. riHAK. COOl'KR, CITY SCAVENGER. J All orders promptly attended to, day or night. All the, latest appliance. Cburges reuaonuble. 710 Scrunlon UruoU House 1125 Washburn street. SITUATIONS WANTED. ITTAWTIfhKV A tl l.-jflt.-ri'P A tlf.W MAIf VV riedtnann situation in grocery; has SO years' experience; ornB collector or nnj place of trim; good references. Apply 11. ilOOVi Onk street, Scranton. SITUATION WANTKD-BY A YOUNf " man, age 21, as clerk, waiter or any hon orable work; strlctlv temperate; reference given. Address M. II. It., Tribune office. Sf uTti6nwantedayoungm AN 28 years of age; correot habits; has trnv eledforn Hcrnntou wholesnlo bouse sdver. tlslngand soliciting trade. Contract with sail" hoiisorulilltedJun.ini 1808; would nccepl nslmtlnr position or unv other honest cm ploymcnt; not afraid of work; nn ull arouiii horseman; nvo years' business experience Also held n government position from iriO' to 1807. Best reference. F. R. K., 143 Penn avenue, city. SITUATION WANTED-IN WHOLK sale or retail stare, city, in any capacity, by practical business man; good nccountnnt terms moderate. Address BUSINESS Tribune olllco. LAIN HEWING AND FAMILY DRES- making wanted, bv a young womai who has learned the trade; wages pi. OO pe day; rather rapid worker. Address, MIS M. M 1247 Washington avenue. AN OLD SOLDIER WISHES EMPLOY nientns watchman or any light work has had three years' experience; can glvo very best references. Address, J. G. K. 1017 Luke street, city. Q1TUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG O man ns teamstor or takoenre or horses, can furnish best of references. Address, P A. M 1030 Luke Btrect. CITUATION WANTED-BY A LADY AS O housekeeper, In or out of city. Address HOUSEKEEPER, Tribune ofllce. RUG CLERIC JUNIOR-YOUNG MAN with two years' experience wishes a po sltlon, Gcrmnn, bot of references. Address "SALOL," 000 Paul street, City. SITUATION-WAMTED-BY A YOUN f man as double-entry bookkeeper; good references. Address Box 1C4, Jermyn, SITUATION WANTED-BY MARRIEP mnn as receiving clerk or shipping clerk or any kind of work around store; has hnd 10 years experience in general fctoro. Address li II., Tribune SITUATION WANTED-BY A FIRtT class waiter in private or hotel car; fut nish 12 years' experience. Call nt 411 Mad ison avenue. SITUATION WANTED-TAKB HOME wnshlni,, ironing, or go out by tho day washing, scrubbing, or any kind of work by the day. Rear 120 Franklin avenue. BUSINESS OPPORTUN iTY. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. N AMUSEMENT ' " COMPANY THAT has notted 40 per cent per annum fur the past three years, requires active young man who will invest SKIOO In the company's stock nnd manage branch In Scranton; salary Sin pon week; Investor absolutely secure, ns ho will have $1800 of tho com pany's property In his control, and will handlo S250 of the company's money monthlj. EIGGS & COMPANY, r.73-77 Bourse, rhlladelphln, Pa. LOST. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. osTsri Bernard" "pui'i qutte lnrge. Reward if returned to A. J. SCHNELL, 331 Penn avenuo, Scranton. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. THE ANNUAL MEETINO OF THE stockholders of 'lliu Tribune Publishing Company, of Scranton, will be held In the ofllce of the company on Tuesday, January the 25th, 1808, at 3 p. m., to elect officers for theensulngyearnnd for the purpose of ttunsactlng any other business that may come before tho meetine. Olgned) E. H. RIPPLE, Secretary, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholder of Ihe St. Clnlr Coal com pany, for the election of directors and the transaction of such other business as may properly come berore It, will bo lieldon Mon day, January 2 ltli, 1808, at the office of the company In Scranton, Pa., at 2 o'clock p. m. ISo transfer of stock will be made for thottm days next preceding tho dato of above meet ing. E. P. KINGSBURY, Secretary. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE stockholders of The Enterprise Powder Manufacturing Company, for tne election of dlrectoisnndtho tinnsaetlon of such other business ns may properly come bofore it, will ho held on Wednesday, January 2t!th, 1808, at the ofllce of the company In Scran ton, 1'a., nt 3.30 o'clock p. m. No transfer of stock will be made for ten days next pie ceding the date of theabovo meeting. E. P. KINGSBURY, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICE. VNN,Ni OrricK op ' The Coli.ikky ENCiiNrnrt Comtany, Scianton. Pa.. Dec. 24th. 1807. &Y' CU'ECIAL NOTICE TO THE STOCIv'. O holders The Board of Trustees of this company has called a special meeting of its stockholders, to be held at the ofllce of the said company in the C'oul Exchange Build ing In the City or Scianton, Pennsylvania, on thetwentv-fourth day of February, 1808, at 2 p. m , for the purpose of voting for or against an Increaseof the eapltal stock from seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars (S7S0.OO0) to one million dollnrs (8,oou, (H)o), and au lnciease in the number ot Directors or Trustees Horn three (3) to five (5), and to amend the by-lnws with refer ence thereto. STANLEY P. ALLEN, Secretnry. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. 17 STATE OF J. ATTICUS ROBERTSON. Ill late of the city of Scrunton, county of Lackawannu, and state of Pennsylvania, de ceased. Notice 1r hereby given that letters testa, mentary In the above named estate have been granted to the undersigned. All por sons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment nnd all persons having clulniN or demands agalust the same will prr sent mum 10 MAGGIES. ROBERTSON, Executrix. I HI'ICHCOCK, Attorney. I CEYLON AND INDIA TEA ECLIPSES ALL OTHERS DIRECTIONS Take half usual quantity. See water BOILS. I'our on" after FIVE min utes' steeping. , ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SALADA' Ceylon Tea, REFRESHING. 6O0. lb. DELICIOUS. Bold ouly la X.ed Packets. Connolly & Wallace """ " - t A Special Sale of TOWELS is now iii order 100 Doz. Large Hem-Stitched Huck Towels, firm in quality and absorbent in nature. ' 1 00 Doz. Extra Heavy Huck . Towel s usual value SEE WINDOW. Connolly & Wallace. 127 and 129 Washington Avenue. NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS "TUETH MADE PERFECT." ORIGMTOHS OFPAINLESSDENTISTR. We have all the latest discoveries for alio vlatlnic pain. Wo extract teeth, All teeth and apply gold crowns and hridgo work without the least partlrloof pain, by a method patented and used by us only. NO CHARGE for painless extracting when teeth aro ordered. ST3K SJ2X.'r Full Set Teelli, $5.00. , We guarantee a fit. Gold Crowns, $3.00. All other work at proportionately low prices. 5-aoM Crowns nnd Bridge Work a Specialty. Being the oldest and largest dental parlors In the world, we are so well equipped that all work done by us Is the best to be had. Our operations nre positively painless. All work guaranteed for 10 years. NEW YORKlENTAL PARLORS Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves., (Over Newark Bhoe Storo.) Hours, 8 to 8. Hunday, 10 to 4 RAYMOND & WHITCOMB'S TOURS. ALL TRAVELING EXPENSES INCLUDED. Parties will IRAVE PHILADELPHIA JAN. 23 AND FKB. 17 for Two Gland Tours through tho Southern States, MEXICO AND CALIFORNIA in SPECIAL PULLMAN VESTinULED TRAINS of Sleeping, Dinlni? nnd Com posite Library-Observation Cars. Ample time will bo given to all the leading cities and other places of historic and picturesque interest in Mexico, in cluding the WONDEKFUb TAMPICO DIVISION of tho MEXICAN CENTRAL RAILWAY, a WEEK IN THE CITY OP MEXICO, WITH A TRIP OVER THE MEXICO, CUERNAVACA & PACIFIC SCENIC RAILWAY, and a FOUR DAYS1 TRIP OVER THE VERA CRUZ RAILWAY. San Diego. Pasadena, Avalon, Loi An geles, Santa Barbara. San Francisco, San Rafael, Santa Cruz, Monterey, San Jose, etc., In California, will be visited. The return tickets may bo used fiom California on ANY REGULAR TRAIN until August, or with any one of TEN PARTIES UNDER SPECIAL ESCORT, with a CHOICE OF THREE DIFFER ENT ROUTES. TOURS TO CALIFORNIA. MEXICO, omitting California. FLORIDA. HA WAIIAN ISLANDS, JAPAN, CHINA AND EUROPE. AND A TOUR THROUGH BIBLE LANDS. Independent Railroad and Steamship Tickets to all points. Send for circular, mentioning the tiip desired. RAYMOND &, WHITCOMB, loos Chestnut Street, Mutual Life Ins. Building, Philadelphia. Taklne Inventory uud decided to sell all of our ODDS and ENDS -OF- SOFT and ALPINE Hats -FOR- $1.00 Look in our show case; you will And S'i.00 amiea.fio Hats amongst them. CONRAD'S. f .iiiiHnjMaT s.ivMV':jk 19 c. At 25 C. Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PILSNER 4MllhOll,Pl!. Telephone Call, 3333. We Can7! Sell Skates Or bicycles this weather, but we can Repair Your Umbrella if it is broken. So bring it in, you will not have to wait long for it. We re-cover umbrellas. C.M.FLOREY 222 Wyoming Ave. uiiiiiiiiiiiumimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimu ICE SKATES I I That Cut Ice, at a i Prices That Cut More lea, i s -AN'D- BICYCLES s a That Set the Pace, 5 S ARE ON HALE AT gj f JUR186HS. m Spin SI. SuiiiiiiiHimimiiiisiiMiiiiiMiiiiiiiR WOLF & WENZEL, ajoAdams Ac.( Opp. Court lloutt. PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUMBERS Hole AgunU for Rlchsrdioa-Ilojntoa'i Furnaces and Ranges- Only i III. -very un 1 ' r 1 ' -V AMUSEMENTS. Academy of flusic 41 Tho Solid Weeks, Beginning Monday, Jan. 17. Dime Matlneos Dally After Opening Day. WAITE'S CluDY CO. And Grand Orchestra. US Artists New People. New Plays. CSrand hcenerj Walte's Original Prices J-l', UUUU , 111 I U 111.. .1 Frohman's Great Success, "THE WIPE, monuay evening. Lyceum Theater. Rels & Burgunder, Lessees. It. R. Long, Local Manager, MonJay, Jan. 24tti A " Paris Model Comedy In Three Acts, by JANK MAUL DIN raid I. DllOcnoN nv HI'DOLl'lI ARONSON. Regular l'rlces. Music Hall. A. A. Fenyvessy, Lessee and Alanager. ,'t JJIglits, ("ouinieuelua; Thursday, Jan. 20. .tlattnees Thursday and Haturday. Fred Rider's Night - Owls In an elaborate production of the Hpeo tauulur burlesque "PUNCH." Iteterved scats uowou sale at bhort A Illg gins, Cigar Store, '.MIT Lackawanna Avenue. WALTER W. BRANSON, Chef of Jonas Long's Sons, Philadelphia Caterer. Honed Turkey Croquettes, Hnlads of i Kinds, Weddings, l'ftttleH; ICzperlenced Men All orders promptly attended o. Order cuu be left at 124 Washington ae or cult be seen at Jonas Long's Bous' Cafe. MADE ME A MAIM AJAX TAULUTS FOSITIVELV CDBK JLLLXtrrout JHMa-I'alllog ilia orr.Impotsncr, Hlplwtaesi, ate., tuwl 7 AbuM or other JLxomm nif Indlf BfOUUUR. 4fl.y OHIUiiU OIUl llirtflf natoiu J JUOitVlUlltj In old or Tonus, u3 ntftmaaroritudr. burineuor marriu. VtmM Inunlly nul OonianiFtloirii - . T.w.... v w.w ... . JUlUli KMU . r - 1 ! JT T HW SJUUIUU1II1I rieil?.i1!WLvn-P'!Ulfmpr0T Bif In. g lH9f Wa gin a pot- 50CTSIr aou ctw or refuDil tho ,roon.r. Prion OU W I Oi m frS7 aIa v uUtk KnA'K 0I WSLHHIH AJAX tr4" "! tUttn, UL Vot sale In 3non,I'a. by Jlalthew. llroi, nnd Hi W fl 1Y l Qpoa Having tha iinulno AJqi TabltU t""-" .vwmu wuiro Kit nrnAr i rwfcuiwmuuumtnn nHICarCTOU. rtwnttanmitrtniM trtitms, . --T Bi uruggisis. I '"TF "Mi - - l:.. L