4 WBDNl.BDAY, JANUAill 19, 189?. THE SCRANTON TIUBUNE. wnnxr.sDAY. jANtwnv i. iw. llihlMicil Dilly. Enil Hunelnv.iiv tho Trlbuno inibllshlngCompiny, nt I'lny tentiii Mimlli mirid it Tir rosTornci at rrwitot pa.. a f ICOND CLAR9 MAIL MATTBR TEN PAGES. SCRANTON, JANUAUV 19, 1S9S. ROIMJULICANCITYllCKbT. I'oi School IMrcctoi. Thice Youta-l'LTLIt NLCLS. Klevonlh ' vvniel. Three Vrnrs-U. 1. I'lllLLtl'fc), 1 Iflli vvniel. Two Yi'urs-i:. 1. KLLLOWS, 1'otirth mini. Two Yenrx-r. S. ClODritllV, L'IrIUIi ward One Year-r. H. IJAltKLi:. Seventeenth waul One Ycnr-LLIAS KVANH. rifteeiith ward. Klectlon l)i), IVImmrv 1". The election to iillnu mi HUC'chm J br published In t lit r'liiiKii-Mimnl liaofc? orcl that nic imt ele'llvi'ieel upon the Hooi lif LfHitriiHi 1 imvle It teems r intiili bitter nlur to luny innny Fpcoclirs In tbo Tic-cord, limn to linvo the time ot e-oiiKte-s-c consume-el in the-li dellvc-iy on tlu llooi A Constlttitlonal (iunt-anlcc. As will be pi-ree-lvpcl fiom l In- nitlilo elRrwhne utiiurliie-oel fiom It, the rhlladrlpbla Push H inellned to eoil enr with lU'iuestntiittve Oonnnll In Ills belief that time Is now ample need of n new fe-doial mult ellstilet In I'cnn nylvanla: lint It pel haps uttiie-licu un due Important!' to the loinenlem e nc coulcd to Noitlienstein IVnns) lvniilu pultois undei the piesent aii.niseimnt wheieby oceaslomil M-ilons of the "Western dlstilet com Is ale hold In Bcrnnton, If all the business which L.ic-Ka-ivannit and Lueine peoplo hae to do Jn the fedeial cnuttw could bo hi Id oer until those couits slt In this city the presijnt iiiiaiiKcmcnt would not be mj bad. It happens, however, not lately but fiotiupiillv, thnt local buslniss necessitates expensive jouinevs to Flttsbutcr: and the saving In milenire on witnesses and Jmors which would bo- elfectid bj the crcntlon of a moio compact and svinmetrlcal Middle dis trict with slttiiiRH of the cotut In Hm rlsburp, WlllUniupoit and Ktianton would in Itself well-nlKh pay the etia costs of the new dlstilet. Apait, bowevei, from the economies of the subject, the ethlis of it call foi n sub-division of the unwleldly We st ern dlstiict, to the end that peedv jus lice may be assured to e-voiy i Itizeu liavlnir bu.sincss befoie the fedeial courts. This consideration should bo paramount. The Constitution of the T'nlted States guaiantcos this and the conKiess of the nation ought to be willing to piovielc the nceu-s-aiy ma chinery. Th conclusion teached by Sen-itnt Wolrott Is that Intornatlonil blmelall isni Is for all practical pui poses an iit desrent ilieam. The public anticipated it. In Reply to Pingree. We give space this morning; to the substance of a curious speech dellv et ed last evening by Governor PinRioe, ot Michigan, bcfoio the Independent club ot Huffalo. Governor Pingieo has so many qualities vv hich honesty must admlie and his manner of speaking his mind Is as a mle so refreshing in its direct and incisive candoi that ve sometimes enjoy his speeches whin ne do not in the least agree with him. The piesent address supplies an In .stnnce In point. Governor Plngieo's piotest at the dominance of the money powei mixes facts and fiction in such Indistinguish able piopoitlons that he, himself, as well as many of his audltois, is de ceived Thoie never was a political raity that got In power in any coun try jet, and kept It foi a leasonable time, that did not have c liaised against It the accusation that It had ".sur rendered to the monev powei " The Republican paity in Its piesent estate is simply a living lllustiation ot an eternal rule. The "money powei" ns commonly referred to means the powei or Shy lock to exact the pound of Mesh; but It needs to be lemenibered that the in violability of contincts cannot be up held without beiutlt uc ciulng as vell to the continetot In blue Juns us to the tohtiactor In bioadcloth. it needs to be lemembeud that the s.uied circle of the law cannot be diawn in protection around the enteipil&c- and the thrift of the mlllionalic without .safeguaidlng at tho same time the en teipilse and tlnlft of the woiker at dajs' wages who saves pait of his earnings until lend) to go into busi ness for himself Equality of pi otic tlon; equality of opportunlt befoie the law, not class discrimination oi lavoi ltlsm Is tho piiniiple upon which our government Is founded, and neithei the money powei nor the powei of the disaffected can change this pilnclple without doing Injury to the Republic. Governor PIngree has been wrestling with bad ilch men until he has come to the pnoneous conclusion that bad ness is PNcluslvely a concomitant of wealth. The philosophic tuith has es caped him that badness Is a conse quence of human nature, Just as likely to be found nmlng the supporteis of IB to 1 as among the champions of the goW standaid. Take 100 paupcis of to day and make them millionaires, to morrow or the clay after theie will be as manv hogs among them as ate to be found In any 100 ot present mllllon olies Law cannot change human na tiiie, Refoim to be elfectlve must pio cred fiom within. The Republican paity has Its Judus Iscatlots no doubt: what paity Is fieo from them? It has In its dlicctlng circles men who would sell tho Savior Hlmteir If offeied a HUlUelent pi Ice. No fault can bo found with the e.x posuip ot these men; no nobler patilol ism cap be conceived tlmn the dilvlng of them out of the paity camp and Into tho wilderness. Rut It la mere asser tion without pioof to claim that theso tradem and tinltoia constitute today a Bicater percentage of the effective wembeiship of the paity than they linve constituted ii the past, or that the Republlcaii patty'il petceiitage of bad timber Is latger than tho Demo cratic purly'a picreentage. If tho his. toiy of the pant generation teaches one thing more clearly than another It teaches that Republicanism constitutes the nation's safest and most progress ive governing force; wanton slandering of It, thctefoie, docs no good and la likely If unrebuked to do much hnim. The explanation, vouchsafed by Hal oid Kiederlu fot all the clatter and fuss growing out of the Uieyfus case Is that the Punch people" as a whole uic suf fering from clegetu racy. Th'ete Is un questionably much In eontempotai v Trench annals to give eoloi to this theoij. A nation that inns to small families, stunted phvslqucs, excessive volubility and the sensual excesses ihaiaetcilstlc of Put Is, which, accord ing to the pioverb, Is Fiance, Is ee-l-tnlnlv not the nation fiom which gieat achievements are to be expected Hut pitlups It 111 becomes Amci leans to tluow stones Senator Kauffman's Complain!. The c hai ge l.smadubv Seiiatcu KutifC piian, the eloquent and voluble chani plon of Wauamakeilsm In politics, that the puss of I.aniastPi county, with one Dimonatic cm option, has wlclted Ij tc'iispliod to do him up. lie asscits th it he cannot get fair treatment frcm an of these papers, with the excep tion anted, that one and all dlstoit me tuitli and gallile the lecoic: so far as his public sen Ice Is concerned, and that all the machinations of the devil nn at vmiiU to dilve him fiom public life Tills iiifoi matlon conns undei tho lauding of 'Impoitant It line" "Ve do iut .ltisumc to saj that It Is title. On the olhei liai'd, we iiatuialH hesi tate to atllim that It Is false. The puss of laniastci county compaics well supcillilallj with the iness In other communities, and we nto not aw ate that It is a habit among new.s papeis to combine to "do" a man In public life whose seivlce for the public is sulllclcntly valuable to make his de feat a public mlsfoitune. Neither do we believe thnt such n combination, or conspliacy, If attempted, would In the cace of such a public seivant piove elfectlve. The people In this day of wldespicad education aie not so easily fot led. Majbo the tiouhle with Senator Kauri-man Is that he and the public do not agree In their icspeetlvo estimates of his value. This fact, if It be a fact, outrlu to come out In the ensuing Lancaster county sonatoilal piimatles. The Washington Post emphatleallv denies that AVllllam J. Rijan Is politic ally obsolescent, lie will b" when the vol is get anothet good whack at him. An Acceptable Decision. It can haidlj bo established that the unanimous finding of the Supei lor coui t nllirmlng the Judgment of tho Luzerne county ceuit In the case of Koons vs. Spencer and Aulne, sentencing the defendants to one ear of impiison ment each and $100 tine on a ehaige of conspiracy to defraud, was the lesult of piejudlce oi an impeifect compie henslon. ot the evldente, On the con tiary, the opinion of the appellate couit, by Judge Wickham, shows that the ineilts of the case have been weighed caiefujly In levlow, and It will be accepted by public opinion as Just as well as final This decision strikes a lusty blow foi commeiclal honor and Integrltj , and It also makes clear at an oppoitune time that justice is not a lespecter of pei sons. Public fnmlllailty with the facts In this ease cannot fall to jesult In a strengthening of the old-fashioned be lief that fair dealing Is the wisest as well us, the safest uile In the govern ment of business tiansactlons between man and man; and that that t.vpe of smaitne.ss which consists of the eftort to push dishonesty in puipose and method as far tow aid the limits of the law as appeals to he consistent with Immunity tiom punishment Is u mightv good t.vpe to let severely alone. Theie Is entirely too much of It these dajs and it needed to bo hi ought up with a shaip tuin. The catalogue of the c'nheisity of Pennsvlvanla foi 18'17-US, just leceived. shows that at the.piesent lime this In stitution has SIS ofllceis of Instruction. J.&.14 pupils in all departments and a libiniy containing moie than 140,000 bound olumes, Toduv "old I'enn" ranks on an equality with such llist elass unlveisitlcs as Hat v aid, Yale, Pilnctton and Ann Allan but if hoi piesent late of piogiess Is much longei continued these ihal establishments had bettti look shaiply lest they lie outstilpped. Repiescntutlve Fowlei, ot New Jei sey, has coined a tiiple aplioiism which Is winning for him many compliments hpeaklng of the need which exists for bold action on the pait ot the men who believe In cuuentv lefoim, ho said Tiuth and couinge will down false hood and couiage Tiuth and timidity will beat falsehooel und cowuidicc. Rut tiuth and cowaullce will .succumb to falsehood and coinage." The doctrine is capable of manv peitlnent applica tions. Pioslleut AValter Gaston, of tho Wilkes. Rai i e boat el or tiade, tuins up his nos. at Scianton'b iijiv Industries, Insinuating that majbo they won't amjunt to so much utter awhile. -Maybe they won't, Walter; but. at all events this cannot bo found oiit with out a. ttlal, In which these new Indus tiles should have the benefit 0f the doubt. RcbldC3, 'tis nobler to i,,Ut. ilskod and Iot thnn never to have ilskcd at all. "In this countiy," nccoidlng to Hon Chailes J. Ronapaite, of Haiti moie, Mil., a descendant of the gieat Napoleon, "the whole end and existence of p.utlcs Ih to gain tho olllccs," a con elitlon also tine of 1'rance duilug the Rorapaito leglme. Wo niny add that the Raltlmoie Ronapaite wa& a candi date along with the lest until tho lead ers of Maiyland Republicanism turned him down. It would take six bouts for an Ameri can battleship to set fiom Key West to Havana after being summoned bv Conuil Geneial Lee. The Spanish mob, when It shall acqulie mi uncontroll ible thirst for Yankeo blood, villi therefore pleafe give the United States govern ment six hours' notice In advance. 'Persons who are appiehcnslvo at the limited supply of powder In this coun tiy need not be alarmed at tho threat ened complications with Spain. A little bluff and backbone on the part of Undo Sam will be suWelent to settle the whole trouble. - - Tho peculiar ease of "illd-not-knovv-It-wiiH-toaded" furnished by Mrs. Lu cllo Lane, of Washington, ought to prove an effective lesson to people who delight In muklng their homes iceelv lug nisonnls foi Ureal ms. In most In stances the piesence of shootlng-lron.s In lite house Is moie dnngeroim to the Inmates than to any burglars who may attempt an invasion, tf Ureal ms arc to be kept In a house It Is better that tl.ey be kept under lock and key. Seil ous arcldents almost Invariably icsult fiom having the weapons too handy. It now looks as though the elder and oungor Hooth would hoieafter ceae fighting each other and again dlicct their energies solely to tho battle with Satan. Let the latlet take notice In time. Tic hrnrt of the .voting college stu dent Is cheered diu'lug the weaiy bonis of stt'dy by the thought that some day ho may ilse to tho Important and lucra tive position of foot ball "coach." Young Lclter. ot Chicago, has no doubt decided eie this thnt the honor of being recognized king of tho wheat pit is attended by considerable ex pense. The most sanguine bae ball schemes hatched In this city and Wllkes-Rane Just now seem doomed to bo gtectcd cveiy time by tho cold wave Hag. Uy the way, what has become of Queen LU? She docs not appear to cut much ot a llguio In the Hawaiian talk of loda. TOLD BY THE STARS? Dnlly Horoscope Diawn by A)ucclius, I'he Tiilniun Astrologer. Astrolabe cast: 3 43 a in., for Wednes day, Jan. 10, isri. & & A child born on this eliiv wilt wonder what has become of Abo Dtmnlng's "white wings " In the event of n school boird of six someone's jaws will be very tired If the piesent talking ncoid of tbo body is kept up The iivciagp economist Inv.iilahly wants to hack orf the little end of the stick. A good miiny men ale like books. Lots of gilt on the binding, but the contents aie often veij dull. The tiulv phllanthioplo ale the pel sons who can contribute to a chin liable ob liet without having a ball or opcia ticket mid a prbe package tin own in as an Inducement. Tho spiliig poet begins to look pensive. Ajnceliiis' Advice. Pon't bonow tioublc, Oct Into politics and jour own supplv will be ample. The Need of a N?u, Judicial District Prom the Philadelphia Pi ess OONGRLSSMAN CONNKLL ot Lackawanna, has befoie congiess a bill to ci onto a new Federal Judicial dlstiict In Pcnnsjlvnnlo. to be called the Middle dlstilet and pio tiling for a circuit and district court of the United States to be held therein. It Is substantially the same bill that was piesenteel by Attomej Oeiur.il MeCoimlck when be was a menibei of congiess fiom the Lv coming district, hi Deeembei, 1SV), but which was not acted upon It Is pioposed to set on tho coun ties of Lackawanna, Wjomlng, Hiadforel, Tioga, Pottci, Came i on Clinton, Lj com ing. Centre., Union, Snjdet Mltllln, Jun iata, Noithumbiilaiid, Montour, Colum bia, Sullivan, Luzerne, Dauphin, Peny, Huntingdon, Pulton Pianklln, Adams, York, Cumbeilaiul, Lebanon and Clear field and constitute them the pioposed Middle district The bill piuvides tor the appointment of a Judge, marshal and dlstilet attoinev, and the selection of cleiks In the same miinnti as such of ficials aie now chosen in the Western dlstilet. and sessions of the court aie to bo held at Scrantou, Wlltlnmspoit and Hairisburg. In each of these places there is un eceedlnglj good government building suitable for the purpose, and In two of them court for the Western dls tilet Is now held at Intel vaK Theie would be, theiefoie, no material expinse on that account and the chlif addi tion il cost would be In the salaries of the Judge and other necessiiy oflleials which would be so much Increase In the ol flee holding establishment of the govern ment. o The counties of which it Is pioposed to constitute) tin Middle dlstilet are now a part of tlu Western dlstilet, the ual headquaiteis of which aie at Pittsburg. The fact thut the Judge foi the Western dlstilet now sits at Wllllam-port and Scianton at cutaln tlnus Is a matter of ver gieat convenience and a sav ing in mlleagee expenses, which would be so much guatei If all the business had to be taken to Pittsburg The sit ting of the couit at Hairlsbuig would undoubted!) be an additional advantage, and It would be legaidecl as essentlul should the new dlstilet be cieated. But as It is not now neeessai) for the busi ness In this vast terrltoiy, extending from Lackawanna on the east to Cleai field on the west and from the northern bolder of the state to the southern to go to Pittsburg the elliect question to be considered is whither there is more busi ness In the present Western district, which It Is pioposed to divide, than can bo piopcrlv and piomptly attended to bv the existing equipment In otliei words, whether two dlstilcts and two couits ,ue needed where tin ro Is now but one dlstiict and one court. o That seems to us to be the only ques tion Involve d Mi. MeCoimlck nc airy ten )ears ago thought another dlstiict was needed, and as a leading member of the bar hi Central Pennsylvania ho was In a position to be well informed. While Mr. Council Is not a lawyer; ho Is a man of nffalrs In his part of tho stato with extensive interests which would naturally provide him with orig inal and huge Information on the sub ject Ho Is not likely to have taken this step without careful considciatlon of the whole matter, and he has doubt less exhausted all sources of enlighten ment in oieler that ho m i) bo ablo to JiiBtlfy his measure and secure It favor able consideration when tho tlmo comes. It must bo conceded that among the counties to bo Included In tho proposed dlstiict aro several of tho laigest in the lute i lor ot the state. They have not only grown rapidly In the past ten or fifteen jcars, but they aro still grow Ing, unci some of them marvelous!)-, jf time, was sulllclent need for tho new district In 1SS0 to suggest Its erection, then there can be no doubt there Is. in cieased reason for it now. If It is to bo tho means of rendering the peoplo bct tet facilities it would bo trilling to con sider tho small additional cost it would entail. On tho whole wo uio disposed to ugice that tho division of tho pres ent Western dlstilet ought to bo made as designed in Mr. Connell's measure, TIIH TltAMP NUISANCE. Fiom tho Philadelphia Times, It Is only logical that tho tramp who stalls out simply to enjoy Idleness, should giuehially and almost Insensibly dcheneiato Into thoft and thence to lung. lar. The Uhldint- lino between bteglng a living and stealing a living, anil also between petty theft and potty burglary that always cnduigcis tho comfort of families and at times their lives, is so nariovv that thu transition fiom tho lianip to the burglai Is hat (It) percepti ble to hlmsef, and the only way to halt the piofesslonal tramp Is to punish to the utmost tho crimes his calling logic ally leads him to commit. TO CURE CHRONIC VAGRANTS. Fiom tho Times Herald. Any scheme that seems to piomlse a piactlcal solution of the tiamp problem invites the serious attention ot countr) unci municipal niillioiltles in all the states. A plan that piomlses to cemveit uvin a small percentage of the elnoiilc nomads Into productive numbeis of so cio!) Is worth) of tilal and encourage ment. Such ii measure, It Is believed, tins hK been Inlioduced In the New A oils legislature, it embodies tho esse ntlul pro visions for conv citing vagrants and ha bitual drunkards Into profitable pioduc crs Instead of burdens to the community. It Is based on the theorj Hint underlies the co-operative fin in colonies founded and malntiln b) the Salvation Annv In Ihigland and which have winked won dels in the ledeniptiein of the vagi ant and dissolute classpj) it leeognl.is what Is an essiull.il of nil) piaellcable imasiiic of this kind tho lcmowil of tho v igiants chronic loafers unci dependents lrom the city to the countr). o The bill introduced at Alb.inv which Is Intended moie particularly foi the relief of Greater Now York, provides for an appropriation of $:ck) i0ii b) New York city to establish an institution to bo known as tho Faim Colouv for Vagiants A boaid ot live mmageis, to bo ap pointed b) the ni.uui. Is provided for to establish and m innge the coloin which can be loented In urn rnitutv In the stato 'lho faim irluny is to consist ot buildings and grounds, equipped with such me (hanical and other assistance as sbill make effective and pioiliictlve the 1 ibur of the Inmates Poisons ceinvleteel of Migi.iuev oi habitual diunkcnness In tho clt) courts will bo committed to the va gi.int faim under an Indetctmlnate sen tence, with pernor of pirole vested In the board of iiiiiiiigi ment The earnings of the co-operative colonv ore to be divided among the Inmates of the co-opeiatlvc colon) In propoitlcn to their lndustiv skill and gooel conduct. Pe unities are also piovleled for lu the sh ipe of lines, which me to be deducted fiom an) sut plus e'.itnlnyrs that m ly stand to lho credit of the inmate. o The backdoor sandwich plan the wood pile plan and the stone pile plan have all been tried In the solution ot the tiamp problem. It Is highly piobable that the back door hand-out was the oiiglnnl bleeder of the genus "ng" and ho has continued to multlplv In panic times and prospeious times, ever spue the sweet faced housewife first tendered the eluslv and vve.nv w.indeur a crust ot apple pie The wood pile and the stone pllo hive merely dilven the trunp to "the next town" Thev have not aimed the tiamp nuisance. If the co-opoiatlve vagiiint (olonv is adopted In New Yolk its wink ings will be w ait hid with gieat intiust. "BOSS" t KOKKIt AT WOIIH. Fiom Chap Hook. The loveis ol the ( minus in our poli tics cannot tall to admlie the casv vv.iv In which Mi. Ciokii ot New oiW, biais his heaping lesponslbllltles. Tnev ma) be able to until I stand liom his modest steadiness vvh) Mr. Ciokir lias succeed ed against man) of the oldest l.iw)crs nnd poets of Gicnt"! New ork. A le foimer Is of tact and bv uecessltv mi i motional, neivous rather ovei-wiourfht creature. He Is not nlvvu)s a poet but ho Is ulvviDs akin to a pen t. '1 lie meie fact that he seeks to 'refoim ixlstlng tondltlins" instead ot piimlttlng them to retorm themselves while adapting his wants to wh-U be can get Is piojt of a dishevelled stale of mind if any one or ten ot the gentlemen who sup ported Mi. Low so vallintlv lest tall had been called upon to eleclde the ques tions that Mr Ciokii h is Judged with out a tiemoi tlu would have succumbed to neivous pmsti.ition Hut CioIm i mighty man, mi ines slates and policies with the e)nltim of a pranked hand. He has no idols this expeihnitel ( lokei. If he Mail am lie learned lung ago that theli ttet wilt i la) He lias bought men In his lime and he knows the mm ket rate. He was nbh to hiln-f Mr Cleveland hlniM'K to his taole to discuss paity measures. So he Is sijpicnulv e aim whin ncciiscd ol ion option and makes no pi etc use of compioml-dn,; with so-called decent sentiment Vh tit st act of his automitlc mavoi Is to decline .ipnltisl tho i i nlil ti.itisll fc-r-li, nip th.it has been -o much dlstucsid bv tin news. papcts, and openl) to eliilne bis allegi ance to the cot potations now continuing the tiafllc of New Yolk clt) He lias tbionn Colon 1 Waiing out of oilh as If he wele an ordinal Republican ward vvoi ket Instead of a dcml-god with a bloom. And New ork sinks swlttl) back to the "pool ol phvsical and moial filth fiom which -he was icseiied b tho ieformers. HLANCO'.s, OIM'OK I'U.M TV. From the I'm Hand Oii'gonlaii A large and Influential class ol Anvil, can citizens vv ill rise up and call ISlamo blessed If ho succeeels in gettlnf tobieeo over here in such quantitlch that it m.iv again nppt it anions the necessities of civilized life We mo all film believers ill pationlzing home lndustiv but cab bages anil coinhusks seem to have- been dseigned bv Piovldenco fur some otbei purpose than elgnis. If over theie was a filend In need ltlanco promises to 'ie one to the downtrodden smokeis of Ameilca. Tin: oi.oiiii's. The world Is full of ologles' Of almost evci) kind; So man) that the knowledges Of all tho men In colleges The end could scaicelv find, You know theio is blolov A science called svmolog), Tin n there s tc leolog) And better known theology We've heaid of unthiopolo) ; Havo stuilled ill 111) tliolog. And tiled to leain phllolog), And, just a bit, patholog) ("Disease" Is its analog); Theie's also ph)slology And natuto'H mlncialoj : Rut 'twould bo ciimlnology To write much moie In "olo-j)," So, wheie wo uie, Hy far too far, Wo 11 eloso with slim apology. -Philadelphia Rullctln. Havilainid CMaia WK AltK CLOSI.NO OPT POL' II OI' OPK Oi'LN blOOIC CHINA PAT TUKNH At Cost. IP YOP WANT A CHINA DINNKIt Hi:r now is Tin; tlmk to upv WK Alii: TAKING ACCOUNT OK hfOCKAM) WANT 'IO CLOSI! OUT lIIKSUruUH LINK1! llKPOItH PLIi ItUAllV 1. cleions, mm J 'J'.' Laekanaiina Vvrirv, GOLftSMI ISTT A TTv T7Y A irYTTr (T FTJ T V AV MVAKN Y A...J V Ail A 6L ts i.. LL WASH Are now being opened and displayed upon our counters, and to which your attention is most cordially invited. We have many exclusive designs in one and two dress pattern lengths that cannot be found elsewhere, and alter once sold cannot be duplicated. Special attention is called to our line of Fine French Or gandies, Embroidered Swiss, Scotch Grenadines, Silk Ging hams, Galatea .Cloths, Futaine Fantasia, Juvan Madras, Silk Figured D'Julmattas, Organdie Sublime, Scotch Zephyrs, Piques and other foreign and domestic novelties. Reliable Goods at Reliable Prices are the bulwarks of our long and well established business. Watclhi for 0Mr Cheap Muslim and Ue dlerwear sale0 0FJF WITH TIE OLB AS 'I HI! OI.I) YL.VIt 1- CAST OPP like ' an old shoe, so should jou icolvo to entry out thoslnille by coming lu nndselect in.f a neu iinir ol our elegant 'f)S Mioes Jint leeclvcd fen thoo vho vant ndvauce styles at LaeUwaid prices. lewis, Mellly k Bavies, WYO.MINC. AVLNUL. 'JUL .MOPLUN IIAUUWAHE brOUE. THEY'RE GOING FAST Those Oil Heaters we told you about List week. But the fact of our having had a good sale of them WILL NOT change our resolution to clean them out. TIEY MUST GO And judging trom pi ices we are selling them at they won't last long. Call and Be Conymced. ( ii SMEAR CO., UP N WASHINGTON AVU. MILL & CORNELL9 TT rnrmmrc Such a choice) slock to select fiom cannot beiouud clhowhcre la thin part oft tie state. And vv hen you consider tho moderate prices at which the gooeU aro nuukod H u anther claim on the attention and consideration of hu)ers. GIFT SUGGESTIONS. Win mo jji'sks, 1)111 ssimjtaiim.s. K.vncvTaiii.m, t'lll.VAI, (ll.VSSf.s, i'aiuoucaiiim.h. Ml-mcUaiiim.h, C'L'KlOCAtltM-.TS, Hooi; CASts, P.IMV HASKI.TS, I.OUNQI-S, WoukTaiu.es, Lvsv (,'H VlllS, oii.r citvms iM.VIIlCll VllIS, Hoc KMIS, hll VVI.NO HT. Ui, 1'l.IltSTAI.S, TU0UI1ETTES. All at lowrft pi Ices high muillty eonvUtt'iit vt 1th the of tho goods. HIM & Cooeell At 121 Noith Washlugtoa Avcniux 17 iff Scranfon, Pa. E. TT TTs iLdiLd DUE "TyxTT TT TT A 1TXTT' TT k A h Clothiinig at reliable prtees9 has -always beeooiuirmottOo Qmial ity miiniexcelledl9 prices the lowesto Your money back ii you want 3t; and tlie same price to everybody. Open Evenings Until Alter the Holidays. BMLE 416 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. Ml C"S k ii 2S Ii. 41LJ TTi mm RyJ m Imjpwtatioms of EINE EMiReilEEIES for has just been lcceiunl and is now open for your inspection. The assortment far exceeds any pre iotis line shown. The quality and patterns are hand somer, and prices loer than in any former season. Our stock comprises all width.sin Fine Camhiic, Xain ,sook and Si?s, and in the finer giadcb we have them in Setts with Allour to match. 510 and 512 NCW erics LACKAWANNA AVENUE BAZAAI SS G00IS V MUCKLOW 3 "lLANK Books AND- OFFICE SUPPLIES The most complete Hue in this corner of Pennsylva nia. Time Books for 1898 at ST.VTIONEIIS E.VGRAVKIV, HOTEL JERMYN BUILDING. 1H0 Wjomlui; Avenue. HENRY BEL1N, JR., General Agent for tlio Wjomlnj Dlstilet for Mining, ninitlnsportln!;, Smokeloti and the Hopatmo C'heinleu Camp in 'i IM EXPLOSIVES. fcafctyruse, Cnpsand Kxplotlsn. Iloouu ai'J, 'Jl.'l and 'J 11 Commonweals Uuliaius, ciuutoa. AOL.NUIU-i. TUOa, KOUD, Pllfvtdn JOHN II. SMITH .CSON" Pi mouth L W. MULLIUAN . WilUevnirn Ml PLEASAM coal' AT RETAIL. Coal of the beet quality tor domestlo us and of all sizes, Including Buckwheat al DlrdEejc, delivered Id any part ot tha cltj; at the lowest wrlco Orders received at the Offlce, first floi. Commonwealth bulldlne. room No i; telephone No. SC21 or at the mine, tele- phono No. Zli, will be promptly attended to. Dcalcii supplied ut the mine. WE T. SI IBMITPS PfflllEffi. i s !