r . jjh5Ff. ?SifeMiT' MONDAY, JANUAIIT 17, WITS. THE SGRANTON TRIBUNE. MONDAY, JANUAIIT 17, 189S. IONAS LONG'S SONc IONAS LONG'S SONC IONAS LONG'S SONC Tim nonir trnon. -' TIII1 QttHAT &TORB. -'! xim DBnAT STORH. J IONAS LONG'S SONC TD ORBAT STORB. -' IONAS LONG'S SONC IONAS LONG'S SONC IONAS LONG'S ZCZ1 ZL TUB ORBAT STORH. '-' TUB ORBAT STORE. " TUB C1REAT T.q'sp. ,X'" '-. Tlin OKBAT STORB. TUB (MOAT STORU. H' M M HHMMUfHWn Remember this great sale X begins Monday morning at T9 " E&-i 1 10 o'clock. I Don't forget that all through this great sale of riusliu Underwear, we continue the Great January Trade Sale In every department of the store. Thous ands took advantage of last week's oppor tunities. Prices on goods will be fully as low if not lower. WW5'- SiSwvTOTrfC BuavM L3x?ojly ti'l Jjtvwilffi YjvXwi rcS357rJ?r tf flflillll lllllllfflll lllllll JNwl nWWl IreEEWllll f ;$Wtfff'nfWMMI 1 Irffrnl LnrrTl I Jntn 1 1 Tt 1 1 ft V 1 fl (fit nflilAllllllll If w Mtum H Vvfiv HRvvNm III pilp ImPIs m IPt IBM ItohSI wP . W"--. 4444-H-4444i4tfttftM-H-44Wfff4: I Remember this great sale begins flonday morning at t 10 o'clock. -MHH HHI H4-f44-44MtHMMf X if In addition to the goods advertised, we have on sale a fine assortment of IMPORTED "77 UNDERGARMENTS. "" The most elaborate line in Northeastern Pennsylvania. We have special facilities for their manufacturemany of the de signs are exclusive to our store, arid all at positively lowest prices,, www wwv t AVVVVVVVWVVVV vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Prices That Challenge th World for Cheapness A- V..' ,Jjt p wn5jffiyK Woman's Skirts. All of the skirts made for us are umbrella shape, and have dust ruffle underneath. Of fine muslin, with deep cambric ruffle and tucks also dust ruffle, at 38c Of fine muslin, with deep embroidered ruffle,at.. 58c Of fine muslin, with extra dep riiffl.p,at...68c Of fine musl n, with deep raffle of embroidery, very handsome, at 78c V still better one at ... .88c Of extra uutihtv musi 11 deep embroider ed runV, also lawn luf 'fles, trimmed with lace and insetting, at 98c Of fine muslin, deep em broidered ruffle, tiim'd with lace and inserting, fit 1.25 Of fine muslin, with deep embroidered iiiffle, at .1.48 Still better one, very deep ruffle, at 1.68 Of fine muslin, or cambric, handsome lawn ruffled edge with fine Point de Pans lace and two rows of inserting, fc -'i.75 Of fine muslin, elaborately trimmed with open work embroidery, at 1 98 111 Garments at One-Third their Value. Tens of thousands have been awaiting our first great sale of Muslin Underwear. They will be glad to know that we are ready for the ireat whi e cat nival. We p omise the opportunity of a life-time. Every word we utter is a fact. We mean that no 0.1c shall be disappointed. We want our first great sa e to be a record breaker. The big Underwear industries of the country have been kept busy for weeks making garments for this sale. We gave our big orders far ahead, Told them to take their t me. Told them we wanted no cheap, shoddy 'goods. That every Garment must bear the stamp of honest value. Told them that skilled labor must operate on every art'cle All this phows for itself in the stock h re. You'll see k in the stitching and the clever made button holes; the fine laces, the intricate ruffles, the artistic embroideries. We promise stupend ous bargains for one week. Almost the entire second floor ol this great building has been given over to this Carnival, and at this wonderful sale will begin. We wai till that hour, so that the Buying Piib'ic from far and near may have an equal chance at the great values. But come early or late you won't be d'sappointed wn ether it be Mon day, Tuesday or any day of the week,- you're sure to become a part and parcel of this GREAT FEAST F BARGAINS DRAWERS. Good quality, deep hem and tucks, yoke band, at Fine muslin, deep hem, yoke band, fine tuck, at Extra size, deep hem and tucks, yoke bands, at Umbrella uifll", edged with lace and embroideiy, yoke bands, at . With deep embroidered rufile and tuck, at Lace and embroidery trimmed at. . , . Deep umbrella ruffle, lace and em broidery trimmed, at With extra deep embroidered ruffle at With deep ruffle of lace and embroidery, nt Extra wide umbrella, trimmed with rows of Valenci ennes lace and inserting, at. ,IOC 18c 23c 38c 48c 58c 68c 78c 88c CHEMISES. Fine quality, plain mus lin, at l5c IL.ndsomely trim'd with lace, at 23c Wiih trimmed oke, wide open-wot k embroidery, edged with fine trim ming, n, 38c Of cambric, with fine em broidery, at 48c Still finer ones at 58c and 68c French Chemises Trimmed with deep ruffle of lace mound yoke and sleeves, also around bot tom, at 98c CORSET COVERS. Good quality, high or V neck, made with folded seamp, With V neck, trimmed with open work embroidery, at With V, square or round yoke, trimmed with fine laces. Either cambric or muslin, at Yoke trimmed with fine embroidery, back and front, at Fine cambric, trimmed with laces and embroidery, at Trimmed with Valenciennes lace and inserting and med ici lace and inserting, at Trimmed with fine lace and embroidery, at 1 & mm UNDERSKIRTS. Good quality, with deep hem and tucks, at 4c 15c 23c 38c 48c 68c 78c 23c Night Gowns. Good quality musliu, gown, tucked yoke and cambric, ruffle igc Gowns, with fine tucked yoko and cambric ruffle, at. . 28c Gowns, with yoke of lace in serting and ruffle, at. . 38c Gowns, lace and embroidery trimmed, at 48c Empire gowns, trimmed with embroidery and in serting. 58c Gowns, with yoke of fine lace ; lace trimmed; also others em-broiderv trimmed 68c Gowns, empire styh, handsomely embroidered, trimmed with in serting and ruffle of em broidery, at 78c Empire gowns, revers of all-over embroidery, trimmed with fine inserting and edgings.at 98c Enpire gowns of fine cambric, trim med with lace inserting and mbroidery, at $125 fffif jtskiv m A Beautiful gowns trimmed with extra quality edging, lace and inserting, at $1.48' Fine cambric gows, trimmed with ' laces, embroidery and in serting, at 19. Extra fine cambric gowns, trimmed with Valenciennes lace and inserting, at 2.25 DOMESTICS AT CUT PRICES. Best quality kid finished cambric linings, in a great variety of colorn, at spec ial price per yard 2ic 86-jpch unbleached muslin, good quality, worth Gc . . 3c Chee-e cloth, full J)6 inches wide, extra good quality, , all color.-, worth Gc, at . . 4c 5,000 more yards of beautiful Outing Flannels will also le here for this week's aelling. .Same quality as you'll pay 10c yard for in any store. Here nt 5c Dress Ginghams. Superfine Drss Ginghamp, in all the newest season's styles of checks, plaids and fancy stripes, worth 7c, at 5c Your choice of Hill's, Lons dale or Fruit of Loom muslin, 4-4 wide, for this week only, at 45c Unbleached muslin, 9-4 wide extra good quality and worth 14c, at 8ic Full 3G inch wide Cambrics nt 6cyard Extra heavy bleached mus lin, 9-4 wide, clear finndi, worth 18c, at i2.c Fancy quality Moreen skiit-" ing, 33 inches wide, in the loading shades, at .12JC Skirt Lengths. 5,000 moro will bo hero for this week. Full size, with handsome overcast edges and pretty borders, worth 50c, at 23c SPRING WASH GOODS. In addition to the important sides here this week, we shall introduce many of our season's .high-class novelties in woven and printed fabrics for Spring and Summer wear, including, Mousseline Do Solo, Organdi Sublimo, oinauaru luaurjB, ur.unplnn uiotu, ijtfimuue juauras, Galatea Ciotli, Everett Classics, Fancy SnarauckorB, English Percale, Lappet Strmee. Imperial Organdies, Figured Djalinustoa Dottsd SwUj Mull, Prmulo Cloth, Toulon Cords, And many othore, We aim to carry the largest and finest line- of these goods in the State, and believe that our stock will be found un rivaled in completeness and attractiveness. We know that prices will be lowest here. Corded Novelties. Manhattan Ducks, Javan Madras, Tollii Du Nord, Batiste d'Etoile, rutuino iUntitialo, 3C 7c EilBROIDERIES. Cambric edue, neatly worked desiuns, good quality, cut edges, ready for use, per yard Cambric, Nainsook and Swiss edges and inser tions, open work gui pure designs, near, dain ty patterns, one to live inches wide, per yard. . Cambric and Nainsook edges and insertions, 2 to 9 inches wide; neat designs, loop edges and guipuie edges. All sample pieces, some of which have actually sold at 50c a yard. Ileieat Sample pieces of wash laces suitable for neck dressing and underwear trimming, newest designs, worth 20c to 35c per yard, at .IOC lie WHITE GOODS. Apron Lawns, in plain and fancy embroidered edges, hemstitched, with imita tion and real tucks, fully forty inches vide,per yard 7c to 39c Elaborate line of India linens and Victoria lawns, extra good values, for this week at 6c to 50c Fine quality ludia dimity in hair lines and fine checks; patterns especially adapt ed for the making of in fants' long and short dreeses, at i9c to 29c Largo assortment ot Persian lawns; also special values in check, plaid, 6triped and open work lawns and Nainsooks, nt. . . .5c to 39c Full width domestic Organ dies, special values at . . i9c GREAT VALUES IN LINENS. Extra good values in fringed linen napkins, in either plain white or colored borders, at 4c Fine hemstitched pillow cases, made from best quality muslin, full regular size at 9c Extra good muslin Sheets, all shrunk, full bleach, plain edges, full regular size, at 31c Fancy snow white table damask, all pure linen, 6G inches wide, fully worth, 75c, at 49c Bed Spreads. Ten cases of full sized bed Spreads double bed all hemmed ready for use ; handsome Maisoilles de signs ; worth $1.00, at 69c An elaborate line of women'i Handkerchiefs,in Empress and Marie Antoinette designs, with laco inset; corners and guipure em broidered edges. Worth 25c, at 120 One hundred styles of Apron with embroidery trimmed . edges, hemstitch effects; made of best mateiials,a'li desired patterns. All styles in tea and extra large nurse aprons. Values up to 75 cents, all at 25C House Caps.,; An elaborate line of caps fbr muses and waitresses, for this ale only at jc, Scioc I2.cand 15c, worth double and over. r JONA NG'S GREATER SCRANTON'S . GREATEST STORE. ...! IT" 'tT -"frimtirii 4wJi a ,