WEDNESDAY, JANUAHV 12, 1S98. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE. WEDNESDAY, JANUAIIY 12, 1898. THINK THEY HAVE EDWARD B. WALTON Potlsvlllc Police Capture aa Idsnne Wanderer. SUPPOSED TO BE THE MISSINQ CLERK The l'rlsonor Una n Month' Growth ofllcnrd on lilt I'noo and AtisWora tlio Description of Wnlton, Who Uisnnponrcd November SO. PottBVllle, Va .Tun. 11. Chief of Po lice DavlCH, of this city, today com municated with Chief of Police Linden, of Philadelphia, In reference to a man picked up by the Pottsvllle police and now confined In the Insane department of Schuylkill county almshouse, who Is Btipposed to be Edward II. Walton, a clerk In the mnln olllc of the Penn eylvanla mill nail, who disappeared on the night of Nov. 29 lust. The man wad found wandering mound the city In nn nlmltiw sort of manner, and was un doubtedly demented. He conversed In a rumbling manner and save IiIm name both as Walton, of Philadelphia, and Albert Leek. At vailous tlms he said he lived In New Yolk. Word was le celved from Philadelphia later In the day that a relative of Walton'H Is on his uuy here to pass upon the Identity nf th. confined mar. The hitter had a month's Growth of beard on hi face, and it five feet, six Inches In height. 1 1 Li hair, eyes and the dimple In his chin are said to correspond with the ileicri-jHriii of Walton as sent out by the Philadelphia police at the time of of Ids dlappeaniiue. A passenger on n Philadelphia and Heading tialn. lilc-li arrived heie today, and who says he knows Walton, asserts Unit the confined man Is not Walton. A POIMM.AK MAN. Walton vi as the chief cleik to Vice 1'ifrtldent Push, of the Pennsylvania company, and vvus one of the most pop ular men In the oillce. lie lived at Uala with his wife and one child. The lust sefii of him aftei he left the oillce on the night he dlappeaied was when he left the Philadelphia lionise, after dln Inir vvltli several friends. This was about 10 o'clod: at night, and from that time all tia of him was lost until the nolle, of this illy picked up the mun w ho so closely on.sweis his de scilptlon. The only Inaccuiacy in tho ilescription of the misslnc man and the man now held here Is In the mat ter of height. Wnlton Is said to be five fpft, eight inches In height. At the time of Walton's dlsaopearunce he had about $i:,".0 in his pocket, and this led to the suspicion that he might have been the victim of foul ploy. Chief Davies expects the lelatlve of Wolton'.s to in rive tonight, and In the mean time Is endeavoilng to get from the confined man a mole lucid explanation as to his Identity. THREE DESPERATE BROTHERS. Olio of 'I' lie in Confesses Tli'jf the Trio Held Dp .11 rs. Madeira. Heading, Pa., Jan. ll.-rhe police to day arrested thiee bi others, Joseph, Lewis and George Plight, for the hold up, last evening, at the home of Mrs. William Madeira, who conducts a small cigar store, at Seventh and Dick streets. The robbers wore masks, and having gagged Mrs. Madeira nnd bound her to a chair, they appropriat ed a quantity of cigars and tobacco and escaped. The Urlght brothers live In Zelgler's court. When taken before Chief of Police Albiecht today they stoutly denied all knowledge of the biirglaiy. But eventually I.ewi.i Bright bioke down and confessed. He said he held Mrs. Madeira while Jot" tied her to the chair. George, he said, became fright ened and fled before the robbeiy was perpetrated. The masks had b'en pur chased several days before. After the robbery they were destroyed The bi others weie committed to answer for assault and battery and felonious entry, and subsequently Har ly Stuebner, aged 14, was arrested, charged with complicity in the affair. Pen ii y I vn n in Post in list er. Washington. Jan. 11. The senate to day confirmed the nominations of the following Pennsylvania postmasteie: O W. Blown. Wuyne; J. Blckerton, IJuquesne: V H. Cyphers, East Pitts burg; D. It. Corbus, New Bilghton; S. O. Comly. W.Usontown; It. B. Play ton. Anhland; H .1. Van Dusen, Hast ings; H. F. DavLi. Fieeland; .1. E. Eu vver. Natrona; D. O Groves, Biock vviiyville; (i. W. Htinbach, St. Clair; F E. Hollar. ShlppenMnirg: H. T Hall, Lock Haven. H. L. Hicks, Philadel phia; J. C. Koch. St. Mary's; O. It. Moore, Verona; .1 D. Scott, Coraa pollri; JunifH 1. McKennu, California; J W. Stuait. State College; C. O, Slat er. Latrone; P. G. Sowash. Irwin; C. Seger. Emporium; S M. Turk. Parkers' Landing; S. Wallace, Bennett; W. D. Wilson, Clarion; N. L. Yarnell, Thur low; J. H. .lick, Mt. Pleasant. I'enithyl vn nla I'mslon. Washington, Jan. 11. These Pennsyl vunla jienslons have been Issued: Oilg Inal William Hosencrans, New Mil ford. Susquehanna, JK. Hestoration and mldltlonal Edward P. Baldwin. Mont ioso (decensed), 46, to $S, Original widows Mary E. Baldwin, Montrose. $12. llolibed liie in tlm I'nlpll. Lancaster, Pa., Jan. 11. While Bev. C. D.; ClausH and his family were in church las't'hlBht his house was robbed. In addition to $60 belonging to the preacher, about $40 collected during the day for the Jubilee fund of the Mlnls- If you are ill you need a doctor in whom you have confidence. If you need a remedy you want one that has been tested for years; not an obscure, un tried thing that is urged upon you, or on which you save a few cents that is no consid eration as against health. For wasting in children or adults, Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo phosphites has been the recognized remedy for twenty-five years. oc. tnd $i,o, ill druttUti. SCOTT & BOWNE, ChemUti, Nw Yetk. terlum nnd for Sunday echool purposes was Btolen. The thieves then stole, a team from the churchyard, and, after driving several miles, abandoned it. HYPNOTIST A THIEF. Hhopllltcr's I'alr Accomplice (Jnvo Her Ilnby to Strnngcrs. Heading, Pa., Jan. 11. A young man Riving his name ns Prank AVillard Childress, and a young woman named Sallle Muldrevv, whose parents live near Wheeling, W. Va., are occupying cells in the Berks county prison await ing trial on the charge of shoplifting. They were caught In the net of steal ing rings from a tray In Schlechter's Jewelry store. Ever since their arrest, Chief of Police Albrecht has been searching for evidence of other crimes. His investigations lesulted In tracing to them robberies committed In Phila delphia, Allentovvn, Lancaster and Harrlsburg, Pa., und Newark, N. J., and other cities. Their plan of operations was' to visit the principal jewelry stores, and while te attention of the salesmen was di verted .slip a number of rings Into their pockets. These rings were subsequent ly pawned and the tickets destroyed. When arrested the gill confessed, und while admitting that "Childress" was not her husband, declared that she would never deseit him. Tonight, how ever, the chief confronted her with a new and sensational charge and she has again confessed. The latest accusation ii that while she and Childless were living In New ark, N. J., whete lie gave hypnotic ex hibitions, she became the mother of a daughter. This child was named Ade line Paul Wlllaul, and the names of the patents given as Mr. and Mr.i. Prank Wlllnid. When the child was two months old, she took It to New Yoik and uccosted two women on the street, whom she asked to hold the babe. They compiled, and she dlsap peaied. The child Is now" at Randall's Islund. Miss Muldiew. In her confes sion to Chief Albiecht. said she got rid of the child at the Instance of Chil dress, who was not Its father. FAiril UIRISTS INDICTED. I'ullier of Dcud Child and (.'hiistlnn hcieiice Ilenler Piosecilted. Philadelphia, Jan. 11. In Its final pieH.-ntment yesterday, the Camden gland Jury handed up indictments ugainst Prank Klrby and William P. Handjll, giowing out of the death, fiom diphtheria, of Kliby'H little git I. No phyticlun hud been tailed to attend the child, as Kliby is a Chilstlan Scientist, who believes only In the ef ficacy of prayer and faith to restore the sick to health. Randall Is the leader of the faith In this city, and he had been called to work with the little suffeier. The grand Jury nlo found several Indictments against the proprietors of gambling lesoits, the Investigation of which has occupied seveiul weeks. Among those Indicted, It Is said, are "Bud" Williams, Poot and Tate, who were running a lesort on Federal stiwet, which Is now closed. WANTED TO WHIP SEVEN A1EN, Encounter Willi Two Landed Itonsiill in the I'nnitoiitiiirv. Doylestown, Pa.. Jan. 11. William Bonsall was sentenced today to two years and three months In the Eastern Penitentiary lor an assault that was the outcome of his estimate of his pugilistic qualities. Bonsall claimed to have been a prize-fighter at Pittsburg, and said "Kid" McCoy was the only man who had ever hit him. He came to Doylestown three weeks ago, and, ntter rortlfylng himself with liberal potations at a drinking bar, offered to whip any seven men who cared to stand up before him. Bonsall wound up by resisting Detective W. H. Smith, whose eye he cut open, and assaulting Jailer Mlchener, It was for this offense that he was sent to the penitentiary. BOV KILLED DV FRIQIIT. Death Caused by Uncvpcctod Appear ance of a .II u n. Mahanoy City, Pa., Ja.i. 11. While playing with companions in the woods near his home, Gaoigu Long, aged 11, was frlehtened bv the unexpected ap peaiance of a man In the bushes nnd dropped to the mound unconscious. He was picked up and carried home, but died on the way. Death Duo to Carelessness, Wllkes-Barre, Jan. 11. The coroner'. Jury Investigating the causs of death of the three men who vvete killed by un explosion of gas In the Avondale mine at Plymouth returned a verdict that the accident was due to the care lessness of David T. Jones In using a naked light. Jones was one of the vic tims, and according to one of the wit nesses he (Jone.s) told him that he was the cause of the explosion as he' had used a naked lamp contrary to Instruc- .tlOllft. furniture Denleis I'nll. Allentown. Pa.. Jan. 11. Pxecntlnna aggregating about $20,000 were Issued today against C. B. Krause & Co., furniture dealers, and C. B. Krause individually, in favor of Emellne Krause. Executions for $5,000 were also Issued against C. K. Harlng, cloth ing dealer. (Ins Explosion. Catasauqua, 'Pa., Jan. 11. By an ex plosion of gas In the boiler house of Htack No, G of the Crane Iron works, today, three unknown tramps, who were sleeping there, were suffocated. ThomaB Ilhoades, of Merely, N. Y who had been with them, was alive when found and will probably recover. .liavllnvu Been Poisoned. Wllkes-Barre, Jun. 11. Mrs. Prank Youshofskl, of Nantlcoke. died sudden ly last week. She was insured for a large amount of money. Her sister made complaint to the district attor ney alleging, that the woman wbb pois oned. The body will be disinterred and an investigation made. Pirn in n Slnuchtnr House. Philadelphia, Jan. 11. PIre of un known oilgln today gutted the large slaughter house at the West Philadel phia stock yards, destroying a large quantity of dressed meat. The loss Will be between $50,000 and $75,000. Dentil or Philip A. Pylc. Lancaster, Jan. 11. Philip A, Pyle, who was a member of the lower hoube of the state legislature In 1893-4, died today, aged r-6 years. He was in the drug business. Tlio Mysterious Tramp. Wllkes-Barre, Jan. 11. It Ib now be lieved that the man who was found suffocated on the culm bank nt Ply. mouth wan Charles Stately, of East Mauch Chunk. His relatives have been notified. MAKE NO MISTAKE. There Ii No Reason Why You Should If You l-'ollow the Advice dlvcn Uelow, "Indigestion I the curse of this coun try," says a New York medical Journal In a recent editorial. "Both men nnd wo men Buffer from this distressing com plaint Hnd It caiinei a tremendous amount of misery." This Is all very true but thero Is no rea son why uny man or womun should suf fer from Indigestion when there Is a really means of preventing It. Thousands of people have discovered n sure euro and some of them have given the public the benefit of their experience. Mrs. E. Tnilton, 345 Park avenue, Cin cinnati, -says: "I had dyspepsia for lif ted! years und was entirely cured by tak ing Duffy's pme malt whiskey. I had tried almost everything and know that this whiskey cures where all others fall." W. P. Anderson, 617 W. Indiana street, Chicago, says: "1 UBcd Uufty's pure malt whiskey for Indigestion und dyspepsia. My stomach Is now In better condition than it has been Tor years past." These are only two rases selected from thousands of others but they are sum dent to prove that dyspepsia and Indi gestion can be nlwayn avoided by tlio legulnr Use of Duffy's puro malt. It Will not only keep the digestive orguiis In per fect condition but give tone and energy to every part of tlio body. Mako sure that you get no Inferior imitation. Tribune Classified Specials IIKI.I' WANTED 1 VEST A WOltD FOR KK.VT ICIEST A WORD FOB .HALE 1CENT A WOltD HEAL ESTATE 1 CENT A WOltD AUE.VTS 'WANTED 1 CENT A WORD SITUATIONS WANTED Free of Charge. All iidvertleiuonM Inserted in thesa columns (excepting Situations Wuuted, which are piibllslied tree or chow,) are piiy. iiblo STRICT1.V IN ADVANCE. DON T usk to have them charged. II VA.V WANTED .MALF.S. Act vs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. UMNTED-COOD WA'ICII MAKEK, htenily work. :i:2South Washington avenue. WANTED TRAVELING "SALESMAN to nell most complete line of lubiicut Ing oils, gieuses, speclalt.e, etc .on tlio tunc kot; llbeial terms to proper pnrty. Address, THE ATLANTIC ItEKININU CO., Cleve land, O. QALKSMEN-fcOBOOLSUPPLlKS: COUN J try work; gioo salary monthly, with Jlbeinl additional commissions. It. O. EVANS A CO., Chicago. WANTEDAS AGENT IN EVKUY SEO tlon to canvass; SI. OO to ?5.oo a day made; noils nt Bight; also a man to sell Staple Hoods to dealers; beet sldo Hue $70 u month; alury or largo commission made; experience uuuccessnry. Clifton Soap uud iluuuluctur lig Compniiy, Cincinnati, O. T7 ANTED - WELL-KNo'vVN MAN IN every town to tollclt etock subscrip tions; n monopoly; ble money for ngents; no capital lequired. EDWAUD C. l'JSU & CO, liordeu lllock, Chicago, III. HELP WANTED FEMALES. Adv.s. Under This Head One Cent a Word. QKIItSTllLASS CilHI.S l'oit OlixEUAL O housework; t! second worlt.i Welslimuist have rereiouccs; wages, $1'J to $10. Iloom '', Arcude. LADtUS-I MAKE I1IG WAGES DOING pleasnnt honia work, nnd will glndlv bend full particulars to all Heading 2 cent s'tainp. MISS M. A. STEHMNS, Lanieuce, Mlcu. w 7ANTED-LADY AGENTS IN SCUAN 1 ton to sell and Introduce Snvdm-'M .-nk-n .'clnp; experienced ennvusser preferred; work rcrmaneut and -very proiltnble. Write for puitlculars at onco nnd get benefit of holiday hade. T. H.SNYDEK d. CO.. Cincinnati, O. WANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENEIt getlo paleawomen to represent us. Guaranteed St) a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Wrlto for pnillrulnrs, enclosing fctanip, MANGO CHEMICAL COMPANY No. 72 John street, New York. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED. Adv. Under This Head One Cent a Word. VANTD-r5"iiIintO)M i lor ngut i nlshed complete, for light housekeeping; must be fur- C. W. vv., J Trlhuno ofllco. WANTED TO RENT. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. ANTED-A HTOHEUOOM, CENTHAU ly located; would &lgn u long lease. Address M. K. A., Tribune office. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word, 17011 ItENT-DEHIltAULE FUUNlSltED X rooms; for gentlemen only, 407 Madi fcon avenue. FOR RENT. Advs. Under Tills Head One Cent a Word. joiritENT-rUOit APIULaST. LAUOE 1' house, centiully located, suitable for keeping boarders. Address, .Jin, Tribune oillce. SECOND KLOOR OK ' V2 1'ENN AVENUE; eight rooms, b.ith, modern Improve ments. 1'. w. bTOKES, Attorney, iuo Wyo inlnrnvonue. I.-SIGIIT-HOOM HOUSE, HATH, MODERN Xu Improvements 700 Eleetrlo avenue. Green (tldce 1 W. STOKES, Attorney alio Wyoming avenue FOR SALE. Advi. Under This Head One Cent a Word. UOK1mo1vK1! 1 holler, us good as now. THE WESTON MILL CO. CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. nails cured without the lenst pain or drnwlng blood. Continuation nnd advleo given tree. E. M. JIEIV.EL, Chiropodist. Jl3() Lnokawauna avenue. Ladles uttendod nt their resldeuco If desired. Charges modor alo. SICK AUN LAUOIIED TIIRHIi HOURS Strniigo Eircct ot 11 Clot oi Illood Prosing 011 tho Splnu, South Ilethlehem, Pa., Jan. 11. John Erelncr Is confined to bin bed with a singular malady with which ho was overtaken about two weeks ago while lit work In an Iron mill, and the most peculiar feature of his illness Is. the fact that, while ho has almoat lost the pow er of speech, ho can laugh as heartily ns though lw were amuBed at his strange misfortune. For long periods ho cannot utter a word Last night Drelner suddenly hurst Into a fit of laughter, and for three hours laughed Incessantly, although those ubout him could detect nothing unusual or funny to warrant bucIi a demonstration. His physician says his ailment Is duo to a clot of blood press ing on the spinal cord, llloiiuide 011 the I'ennsy. Lancaster, Jan. ll.A broken Journal wrecked seven cars loaded with coal on tho Pennsylvania rutlroad, west of Columbia, this morning. Tho north track was blocked for two hours, but one hundred yards of the south trade were torn up nnd at a late hour travel was still impeded. AGENTS WANTED. WAmODMMHTfTK VAST. est selling, most entertaining book of thengc; 1,000 Tiro histories cf famous suo cosHfnl women; 1,400 portraits, ninny fall' pnajeplMcs. Very low price, llohly Illustra ted, sells wonderfully. Ludles succeed re mnrknuly. Extra profits now. Address WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION, Spring Hold, Ohio. T GENTS-TIIK "MONARCH" 18 THE l. uca, mill I'lll'Iipuni inui1,luut' utnft uu the market; retail price, lncltulltiii ono roll of paper, 81J liberal discount; oxeluslvo tcr- rllnrf. VV. W, II .1 M I r.lYI V . I?fl '11 Mlllr street, Ilotton, Mass. WANTED-AGENTS FOR GREATEST gas saving device manufactured. He. tails JSo. lllir profits. OLVEll DltOS. Itochcster, N. Y. AGENTS TO HELL OUR BOC. STORM door; snmple prepaid upon receipt of price, AMERICAN STORM DOOR CO., l'ort Huron, Jllch. KLONDIKE -AGENTS WANTED FOR largo lllustratod book of Klondike, five hundred pages: price $1. r0! outnt 10c. Ad dress NATIONAL I'UHLISIIINU CO,, Luko Ide llulldlng, Chicago, III. TITANTED-SOLICITOIIS; NO DELIVER V lug, nocuilccllug; position permanent; pay weekly; state ago. GLEN DUOTUE1W, Rochester, N. Y. AGENTS WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO do about Safe Citizenship price 1. Go ing by thousands. Address NICHOLS, NiipervlllJll AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro plasters; prices from $:i upward: salary and expenses paid; outfit free. Address, wltn itauip, .VIICHIGAN .Ml'U CO., Chicago. A GENTS TO HELL CIGARS TO DEAL ers: Si2f viccklv and exnenses: exoerl- enco unnecessary. LUMnuiiiUAiiiu airu CO., 4b Van ISureuSt., Chlcnjo. CHARTER APPLICATION. OTlESDUlliTYHTENTII application will be made to the Court of Common 1'loas or Lackawanna County on tho .'list day ofjauunry, 3HI1M, at l o'clock a. in., under tho provisions ofan Act of As. sembly of the Commouvtcalth of Pennsylva nia, entitled "An Act to provldo for the In corporation and regulation or certain corporations," approved April 20th, iB7t, uud Its supplements, for n charter of au In tended corporation to bo culled "The St Joseph's lieneflclal Society of St. John's Church, of Scnintou, Pennsylvania," tho character tint! oblect or which Is to piovlde usslslaiiceto its members and their families lu case of sickness, accident or death, from funds collected therein. And for this pur pose to have, possess uud enjoy all the rights, benefits and pilvlleges of tho said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. The pro posed charter Is now on lllo In the I'rothono tnry's Oillce of I.nckiiManiiu county, to No. 077 January Term. 1H0S. WALTER illllOGS, Solicitor. LEGAL. IN THE COritT Ot'' COMMON I'LEAHOI -I Lackawanna Couuty, No. 018 January Term, I808. In re: Amendment to the charter name of Eureka Lodge, No. 'Jo, Loyul Knights of America, of Olyphant, I'etinsylvniilu. Notice Is hereby given that an application has been made to suld Couit to chauro and amend the nunioortho said i:ureka LoJc, No. 'JO, Loyal Kuldits of America, of 01 v phant, 1'enn'a, to the nuine, style and title of Kuri-kn Hall Association, of Olyphant, I'anu'a, and that a lliuil deciee allowing said cliuuse und amendment Mill bo upplled for In open Court on Monday, tho Ulst day or January, A. I). 1 08, at o'clock u. m. C. A. UATTENlSElia, Solicitor for Petitioner. STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. rpili: i ANNUAL MEETING OK THE X stockholdera of Tho Mooslo Powder company will bu held nt their ofllco In the city ofScrantou, l'u,, on Wednesday, Jan uary 'Jillh, JSfiH, for the purpose of electing directors for tho ensuing year nnd transact ing such other business as limy come before them, No trnnsfer of stock will he madofor ten days next proceeding tho duy of the elec tion. JOHN 1). SlIERER, Secretary. THE ANNI'AL MP.EI'ING OK THE stockholders of Tho St. Ciulr Coal com pany, for the election of dlreitors und tho trnnsuetiou of such other business as may properly conic beloiu 11, will be.heklon Mon. day, January 2 tth, 1808, at tho oillce of ths company lu Scranlon, I'n , at 'J o'clock p. in. No transfer of stock will bo madofor the ten days next preceding the dato of above meet ing. E. V. KINGSHURY, Secretary. THE ANNI'AL MEETING OK THE stockholders of Tho Enterprise Towdar Manufacturing Company, for tho election of directors and the transaction of such other business ns may properly come before It, will bo held on Wednesday, January 2(ltb, 1808, at the oltlcoorthe company in Scran ton, l'u., ul o'clock p. in. No transfer or stock will bo made for ten days next pie ceding tho dato of the above meeting. K. I'. KINUMHURY, Secretary. CITY SCAVENGER. A13.I1RIGGS CLEANS PRIVY VAULTS . nnd cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. IJR1GGS, Proprietor. Lea vo orders 1100 N. Main ave., or Elckes' drug store, coraer Adams und Mulberry. Telephono 00 10. fUIAS. C06lEIt, CITY SCAVENGER, J All orderB promptly attended to, day or night. All the latest appliances. Charges reasonable. 710 Scruuton street. House 1125 Washburn street. SITUATIONS WANTED. AkNorsoTiDrERMs1iEEMr incut ns watchman or uny light work; has bud three yours' experience; cuu glo very best references. Address, J. G. K., 1017 Lukestroet, city. QITUATION WANTED-UY A YOUNG O man ns teamster or tako care of horses; can furnish best of references. Address, 1. A. M lOIIO Luke streot. SITUATION WANTED-UY A LADY AS housekeeper, In or out of city. Address HOUSEKEEPER, Tribune oillce. DRUG CLERK JUNIOR-YOUNG MAN with two yenrs' experience wishes a po sition, German, bet of references. Address "SALOL," DUO Paul streot, City. S" ituatTon waTtediIy A YOUNG mun as double-entry bookkeeper; good references. Address Ilox 15 1, Jermyn. A HUSTLER LOOKING FOR A I'OSI tlou taking euro of horses; references. Address 001 1'iico street, City. QITUATION WANTED-UY MARRIED O maa ns receiving clerk or shipping clerk or any kind of work around store; has had ID years' experience lu general ttore. Address E. 1!., Tribune. SITUATION WANTED-UY A GER.VIAN' J ghl In small family; good relerences. 1031 Luke street, City. SITUATION WANTED-HY A i'lRST o class waiter In private or hotel car; fur nish 12 years' experience. Call at 411 Mad ison avenue, SITUATION WANTED-TAKE HOME washlnt,, Ironing, or go out by the day washing, scrubbing, or any kind of work by the day. Renr 420 Franklin avenue. tJlTUATION WANTED-At? CLERIC IN O oillce; good education and understands bookkeeping. Address V. A. C, 1368 Wash ington avenue. anted1ios"ition my a" fTrst- class barber, of good habits. Addiess, N. I!., this oillce. SITUATION AVANTED I1Y " KXl'ElT. D loueed engineer and llromau. Will work nt anything. F. S., r20 Lave lie's Court. SITUATION WANTED-UY RELIAHLE ) boy, ago 18 years; willing to do any honest work. Has bad three ye irs exper ience In barbershop, Addresi, X, 320 Em tnett street. QITUATION WANTED 1IY A GROCERY O salesnnin: has hud sovou years ex perience lu the grocery business und cuu speak six different languages; can furnish relervnces. I'. I V., Rooms 300 Hnd .'101 Mears Ilulldlug, Wiishlugton nvoiuieji City. oTtUATION WANTED ilY YOUNG O man; has oxporlenco In, double entry bookkeeping and can furnish the best of refcreaco Address, J, M rare 'I limine. A YOUNG MARRIED MAN WISHES A situation at any kind of work, driver pre'erred; cau furnish best of references, (.'nil. or addiesi, G. JAMES, 0117 South Docker Court. ATAILORESS WOULD LIKE TO GO out to do plain sewing by the day or week, or would no us dressmaker's assistant; charges moderate. Address TAILORESS, Tribune oillce. Al'lRST-OLASS, ALL-AROUND COOIcT desires situation; highest reference for ability und character. MRS. R, FISHER, 121 1'enn avenue. Connolly & Wallace Annual Sale of Ladies' Underwear It's always a January event in this store. More so this year than ever, because the stock is larger and better, and the prices lower than ever before. Our goods are all clean and fresh, made by in telligent people, in the best factory in the business. Our immense purchases cause these remarkably low prices. Night Gowns. SPECIAL PRICES 45c, 50c, 58c, 69c, 89c, $1.15, $1.25, $1.35, $1.50, $1.65, $1.75, $2.25, $2.50. Hill & Lonsdale Muslin, Lonsdale Cambrics and other good makes are used in our garments. 1 sffiiaJ2SlIlgja "0 l Iff ''",H2SE5ij3 1 CHEA1ISE Special lots at 37c, 45c, 69c, 75c. ton's greatest sale of fluslin Underwear. Scranton Connolly & Wallace. PUT YOURSELF IN OUR PLACE' And you will realize bow easy It Is to fur nish your homo luxuriously with a trifling outlay, a little at a time and you don't miss It. BARBOUR'S HOME CREDITHOUSE 425 LACKAWANNA AVE. Steam and Hot Water HEATING Gas, Electric And Combination FIXTURES Electric x Light . . . WIRING Charles B. Scott, 119 Franklin Ave. I 1SEPUL PRESCNTS POR MEN-llath Itobes, - Night Hhlrts, NecUwear, Gloves, Sus penders, etc. r CONRAD'S PRICES TIIU LOWUST ATTKND TO YOU It KYKS NOW Kyeslght tireserved und hoaduches pre vented Uy having your eyes properly und scientifically examined und tlttcd. Eyes examined free. The latest styles of Hiiec taclus and oyeglassos at tlio lowest prices. 1 1 Wk a!5! y DR. SHIMBERG, 303 Spruce Street. DRAWERS Corset Covers 50 dozen at 2 for 25c. Actually worth 20c each. Others at 22c,' 35c, 45c, 75c, 89c, $1.15. In all the differ ent shapes, styles and finishes. These new prices: 23c, 29c, 374c, 45c, 69c, 75c, 89c, 1.15, 1.25. We Have Reduced The prices of our entire stock of Owing to the lateness of til e season. CM.FLOREY 222 Wyoming Ave. umiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiinimiiiQ i ICE SKATES I That Cut Ice, Prices That Cut More tcs, -AND- I BICYCLES I S That Set the Pace, AUK ON 8A1,K AT 5 I JURISGU'S, 324 SDK SI. I niiiiitiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiR Steam and Hot Water HEATING Hot Air Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing, Gas and Electric Light Fixtures. ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING, 'the T I COIELL CO,, 434 Lackawanna Ava. WOLF & WENZEIs 340 Adams Ave., Opp. Court House, PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUMBERS Bols Agents (or Rlchardson.Boyntoa'j Furnaces and Ranees. CE SKATES 2 Skirts. Flu(Ty, Ruffled Skirts, liberal in size and honest In make. Will cause sharp buying at these prices 45c, 69c, 89c, 1.15, $1.25, $1.55, $1.50, $1.65, $1.75, $2.50. We propose to make this I J aJEEEBIIl Academy of ilusic 3 N'Uhts, Beginning Monday, Jan. loth. Matinees Tuesday and Wednesday. Elaborate Hccnlc Production, CUBA'5V0W A Story of Cuban Strife for Liberty. 8 Scenes 8. 30 People 30. Academy I'rlcos loo., 25c, 36o., 600. Three Days Commencing Thursday, Jan. 13, Mutluecs Kilrtuy nnd Saturday. Charles E. Blaney's JJlg Kxtruvaganza Success, A Boy Wanted 32-PEOPLE-32 More Music Than a Comic Opera. 15 High Class Vaudeville Acts, 15 Lyceum Theater. Rels & Uurgunder, Lessees. Wednesday, .Ian, 12th, One Night Only Our Favorite Comedian, Wm. Barry in his great big success, THE RISING GENERATION Mow specialties, latest songs, now special scenery. The play that set the whole country wild. 2fi artists. Have you seen Rilly Harry's prest gumo of potter? Ask your friends who have. Don't miss this show.' Regular prices Beats on sale Monday. Juu. 10. Friday, January 14th. Return Engagement of HENRY HILLER, In the Successful Romantlo Comedy, HEARTSEASE Direction of Charles Frohman. "HonrUoiiBo" had a. run of over 100 nights at the Uurden Theater, New York. The production entirely new. Reantlful stage settings, rich costumes, magnificent stage furnishings. A cast or especial excel, lonce. l'rlees- l.f.().$l,00, 7fic, 600., 26c Bale of seats beginning Jan. 12. Music Hall. A. A. Peny vessy, Lessee and Manager. II Nights, Commencing Monday, Jan. 10. IRWINBROS.' In the Operatic Uurleique, A TRIP TO VENICE. Matchless Olio, Elegant Scenery, New Mt. ciianlcal Ellects. Reserved seats nowon sale at Short & Hlg. gins' Cigar Ktore, 207 Lackawanna A venue. J NEXT ATTRACTION Jan. 13, 1.4 und 15, Uon-Ton Durlcsicre,