The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, January 05, 1898, Morning, Page 3, Image 3

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44-f-f 4 -M-K4-M--f -M--M- -H--H-
I What ? !
i $2.52
T Don't piiii us nnywheic for? 1.00.
Look In our show wlmlow. They
won't he long bonne your size U out.
Tho Democratic primaries of tho KIrIi
tcenth ward will be held Friday eve
ning. J (in. 17.
Tho Freo Methodists of Wavorly are
holding revival meetings every evening.
Rev. J. T. Cannon Is assisting J. Cav
nnaugh, pastor.
Sadlo Ilennle was arrested yestenlay
on the chnrgo of stealing u coal from
Jennlo Itobbins. In default of $300 ball
the woman was committed by Alderman
1 lo we.
The Democratic caucus for the nom
ination of candidates for select and com
mon council, wurd assessor and election
officers of tho Twelfth ward will be held
next Saturday.
A somewhat unusual damage case came
fiom WInton yesterday. The plaintiff,
Michael Gallagher wants $3,000 damages
from Thomas Cawley because Cawlcy
reported it around that Gallagher de
famed and maligned one Thomas LaiiBnn.
TJu' Delaware, and Hudson company
paid Its employes at tho ItCfrgetts Creek
nnd Von Storch mines yesterday. Tho
Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western
company will pay today at tho Oxford,
Dodgo nnd Bellevue mines.
At the Holy Cross church fair this eve
ning a flno programme will bo rendered.
Tho participants will bo Sydney Hughes,
soloist: S. W. Newbauer, mandollnlst;
Will GUroy, reader; Miss Kate Gibbons,
soloist, and V. J. O'Hara. and H. D.
Longcrfeld, piano duet.
Tho announcement of a partnership for
the practice of law In lloston nmong
Samuel L. Powers, Edward K. Hall and
Matt B. Jones has been made by card
to many friends In this city of Mr. Hall,
who was. until recently, ono of the law
ilrm of Watson & Dlehl.
The members of the choir of Holy Cross
church were given a sleigh ride Monday
night by Kev. William P. O'Donncll, pas
tor of the church. The objective point
was Olyphant, where supper was served
at Manon's hotel. Father O'Donncll and
Father loughran accompanied the choir,
llox S2, corner of Bloom and West Mar
ket streets, sent in the first fire alarm
of tho new year at noon yesterday. It
was caused by a slight blaze In a house
owned and occupied by Christian Onein
sky, 1S0D Cuslck nvenue. The origin of
tho lire is unknown. Little damage wad
At tonight's meeting of tho' Jewish society, which will tuko placo
at the resldenco of Itev. Dr. Chapman,
S23 Madison nvenue, the first chapter of
Claude G. Montellore's "liiblo for Homo
Heading" and Moulton's "Literary Study
of tho Blblo" will bo tho subjects for dis
cussion. Marriage licenses were yesterday grant
ed to William J. Seymour, of Mayfteld,
and Etta M. Jay, of Jermyn; Patrick
McLean and Bridget Purcell, of Dun
more; Percy W. Carr nnl Teresa Dwyer,
of Dunmore; William S. Wells and Mame
E. Gardner, of Grecnlleld, Charles Thol
liofer, of Mohcow, and Anna Edohe, of
Scranton; John Keifer and Edith Suboy,
of Taylor.
M. P. Mitchell, Carl Lorenz and II. L.
Hnlstead wero yesterday appointed by
court to review the road laid out in Spring
Brook township by A. B. Dunning, L.
C. Bortree and G. W. Okell. The road
extends from Moscow to Mooslc. Many of
tho property holders objected to tho pro
posed route alleging that It would dam
age their properties, and court granted
their petition for a review.
Attorney Walter Brlggs yesterday
made application to court for a charter
for St. Joseph's Benellclal society of St.
John's church, of West Scranton. Tho
subscribers aro M. J. Schneider, George
Gothler, Joseph Fey, John Wagner, Frank
Schulte, Nicholas Gleasuer, John Shan
non and John Krels. Tho object of tho
society is to extend financial aid to mem
bers of tho church who may bo in sick
ness or poverty.
At the regular monthly meeting of the
Builders' exchungu Mondny evening the
following officers wero elected for the
ensuing year: President, Conrad Schroe
derj llrst vlco president, Stephen Spruks;
fcecond vlco piesldent, J. B. Woolsey; sec
retary, B. F. Laudle; treasurer, G. W.
Finn. Tho installation of officers will
take placo next Monday evening at 8
o'clock, and tho various ommlttees will
bo appointed. The exchange Is making
progress dally. New members aro being
lidded, four wero admitted on Monday
The members of Hyde Paik lodge,
No. 339, F. and A. M nre 'requested
to meet at the lodge room Wednesday,
Jar., u, 1898, at 1..S0 o'clock p. m to at
tend the funeral of our deceased broth
er David Jones, (Tyler.) The membcis
of sister lodges are respectfully Invit
ed. By order
Attest: M. G. Dlmmlck, W. M.
Chas. E. Lanlng, secretury.
Buys the Best
at the
Burgess Dan Powell Presided at Duo
more's Council .Meeting.
Domocrntic Comicilmon and School
Controllers Who Wero distort by
tlio ContCit do Not Attend tlio Meet
ings nnil Their Successors Tnkc
Their Keats'- 1'onntil Docroo of
.ludgn ArchlMld I'lnccstho Costs on
tlio lloroueh.
At the opening of coutt yesterday
morning Judge Archbald handed down
a formal order, decreeing tho election
ot all the Dunmore contestants and
placing the expense of the contests on
the borough.
Forthwith such of the Republican of
ficials as were able, proceeded to take
their respective offices. Burgess Dan
Powell took the oath of ofllce at noon
before Clerk of tho Courts Daniels,
and last night presided at the regular
meeting of the town council. The two
now councllmen, C. H. Weber and
William McCollough, were also on hand
and took their seats. The ousted Dem
ocrats, M. J. Welsh nnd Charles Weln
zel, did not put In an appearance, and
no .opposition whatever was offered to
the accession of the Republicans.
In the school board, which also met
last night, the same experience was
met. The ousted controllers, M. J.
Murray and M. T. Glynn, staid away,
and their successors, Jeremiah B. Mc
Peek and Moses K. Kellam, were
quietly Installed In their stead.
There was n big" crowd present at
both meetings, hut no excitement of
any kind showed Itself.
Borough Treasurer Louis Kngle, who
succeeds Frank T. Mongan, and Tax
Collector William Correll, who takes
the place of William C. Burke, were
not ready to qualify last night, and
the Democrats will hold over until the
next meeting of the council.
Itobert A. Scott will continue as Jus
tice of the peftce until the commission
of his successor, A. A. Krotzer, ar
rives from Harrlsburg.
The auditors, II. II. Winters and II.
F. Marshall, subscribed to tho oath of
ofllce, nnd are now Installed In their
This is the first time In the history
of Dunmore that the Republicans have
secured control of the borough.
More Than Two Thousand Crirainnl
Cnses nro Disposed Of.
According to the records In the ofllce
of District Attorney John R. .lonr-s,
theie ere over two thousand crimin
al cases disposed of by the Lackawan
n.i cunts last year. Thore weie Tu9
true, and 1,191 Ignored bills returned
by the grand Jury, and all but about
one hundred of the Indicted cases were
During the year six murderers were
tried: John Gaus, for the killing of his
father, August Gaus, In Archbald,
Sept, 16, 1S94; Frank Dambroslo, who
slew Rocco Salvortore, In Dunmore,
No. 13, 1890; Andrew Pollyn, who
killed George Sehmo, In Dunmore, Oct.
10, 1S96; Max Koehler, who took the
life of John Keryckl, in Prlceburg, Nov.
21, 1S90; George Von Horn, who Is yet
to be sentenced, for the murder of Mrs.
Josephine Wescott, In Scranton, Aug.
28, 189C, and Sevario Abbate, who, at
thii last term of criminal court, plead
guilty of the murder of Vlto Raimondl,
on Itlrch street. Inst Labor Day, Sept.
7, and wJio had his crime fixed by
Judgn Edwards at murder of the sec
ond degree.
In the three years of Mr. Jones' term
4,939 criminal cases, Including fourteen
murder trials, have been handled. Tho
murder cases, which preceded those
enumerated in the resume of last year's
work were: Joseph Boschino, for the
murder of Frank Confortl at Dunmore,
Nov. 11, 1891; Charles Fisher, for the
murder of Michael Rostoskt, at the
Ridge, Archbald, Feb. 10, 1S9C; Sam
TonI, for the murder of John J. Rafter,
at Old Forge, Feb. 4, 1S9G; Joseph Rot
osky, for the murder of Joseph Glouch,
at the Ridge, Sept. 2C, 1894: Leonardo
Rosa, for the murder of Vlto Larusso,
at Dunmore, Feb. 27, 1S95; Pasquale
Perrettn, for the murder of John De
marko, at Jessup, June CO, 1895; Jo
seph, alias John, Wlsnlskl, for the
murder of Felix Daudrick, In Scranton,
Feb. 9, 1895; Cresenzo Merolo, for the
murder of Emanuel Loro, at Mudtown,
June 17, 1894. Merolo was hung at the
county Jail July 1, 1896; and was the
first murderer In this county on whom
capital punishment was inflicted. Bos
chino was the first to be found guilty
of murder in the first degree. His sent
ence was, however, commuted by tho
governor to imprisonment for life.
They IIivo lleen Completed by
Landscape (Jnrdncr I'Ugiuton.
Improvements proposed for the city's
park system and Involving an esti
mated expenditure of from $80,000 to
590,000 ire to bo considered at a meet
ing ot tho board of park commission
ers Friday afternoon. The commis
sioners, A. P. Bedford, J. A. Scranton
and Peter J. McCann, received last
week landscape plans prepared by Ed
glnton, the Phlladelphlan, who has de
signed oi been consulted concerning
the pi ins for many of this country's
most beautiful parks.
The plans provide for the thorough
Improvement of Nay Aug, Connell and
Woodlawn parks. Last year $4,369.32
was appropriated by councils for tho
three parks. Of that sum $1,000 was
for Connell and $230 for Woodlawn
park. The whole amount was scarcely
more than was sufficient fbr mainten
ance. Unless councils vote for a bond
Issue for general purposes or for a
special Issue tor park purposes, It Is
not. likely that the park commission
ers will have appropriated to their use
over $4,500.
The Edglnton plans for Nay Aug
park make provisions for driveways,
equestrian paths, foot paths, flower
bd3, fountains, carousals, lawns In
fact every division of beautiful public
pleasure grounds. The plans for the
other parks, whllo not so elaborate,
are Just as complete.
An Kxecllont 1'rogmninio Arrnnccd
I'or '''onlidit.
Tonight at the Holy Cross church
fair lhero will be a vocal solo by Syd
ney Hughes; mandolin solo. It. V.
Neuhauer; declamation, Will Ollroy;
piano duet. F. J. O'Hara and H. D.
Langerfeld. and vocal solo, Miss Kittle
Tho door prize, a "barrel of cracliera,
last night, was won liy Mary Holland,
tnd Miss Nellie Wclftrds won a sliver
shaving mug and brlisu. A declama.
tlon by Thomas Lnrkln, and violin nnd
plnno selections by .John Aloyslus Col-
lir-ltcpronenlnthlo l.eonnrd Seems to
He Stated i'or Iho I'lncc.
A Washington Special to the Pitts
burg Commercial Oarttte says:
In tho course of tho next few days
Senator Quiy will call upon Becrotnry
Gage nnd President McKlnley nnd rec
ommend tho appointment ot cx-lleprcscn-tatlvo
Leonard, of Potter county, to suc
ceed Grant Her 'lug as collector ot in
ternal rovenue 'or tho Twelfth district.
Mr. Herring's t rm expires on tho 20th
Instant. Mr. Leonard was here tonight
and had a conference with the senator.
Regarding tho successor to
Walker for western Pennsylvania, tlio
senator Bald that ho had not decided who
he would recommend. Ho thought tho
term did not expire until May. When In
formed that Mr. Walker's term expires
on the 15th Instant, tho senator said that
ho would confer with Senator Penrose
and endeavor to reach a decision.
Daniel Murray Gave a Section ol the
Police Force a Very Exciting
Night's Work.
Daniel Murray bothered halt of the
police In the central rollco precinct
Inst night. Actually seven patrolmen
and a citizen used their Influence In
pioperly landing Murray 'behind the
His assault of Patrolman Sartor re
sulted In a clubbing which later on
found Murray at the Larkawanna hos
pital, and on the way back to the po
lice station the prisoner, fresh from the
physicians' care as he was, broke away
from two policemen and wns ci'ptured
by a third three blocks ahead.
Murray's like has never been encoun
tered in police history. He Is six foot
tall, of big build nnd vicious Last
night, to add to thesu conditions, Mur
ray was intoxicated. He and a friend
weie moved from the corner of Wash
ington avenue and Lackawanna avenue
by Patrolman Johler. t The two men, It
seems, went down Washington avenue
and at the point where the Delaware.
Lackawanna and Western tracks cross
es the road they met Patrolmen Sar
tor and ftehmldt. Standing on tho
track Murray at first mockid at an
approaching train. He Jumped out of
the way with only a few feet to spare.
After this Patnlman Sartor accost
ed Murray and told him to move on.
Murray said he wouldn't and he'd like
to see any "copper" handle h'Im. Pa
trolman Sartor accepted the challenge
and laid hold of Murray. The police
man was hurled to the road and the
beer driver sprang at him and was
clutching Sartor'3 throat when Patrol
man Schmidt rushed up and dealt
Murray a blow on the head.
The Infuriated man struggled but
was over-powered and . handcuffed.
Patrolman Sartor, who is several sizes
smaller than his prisoner, again took
Murray In tow and started towatd the
police station, Patrolman Schmidt tak
ing charge of Murray's companion.
Only a short distance had been cov
ered when Murray again caught his
captor and threw him to the ground.
Patrolman Sartor swung his club vig
orously, 'but nothing seemed to sub
due the big fellow.
Patrolman Schmidt, who was walk
ing in the rear with Murray's compan
ion, again rushed up and pulled Mur
ray away. The same thing occurred
again before the station house was
reached. Patrolman Sartor this time
calling upon n colored man to assist.
When Murray was taken Into the
sergeant's office his face and cloth'ing
wre smeared and soaked with Mr own
blood. It w 13 deemed expeditious to
take him to the Lackawanna hospital.
Patrolmen George Jonts and Schmidt
took Murray to the hospital. When
the man wis under the physician's
care he fainted dead away frcm the
effects of the drain on his blood. He
was resusltated and eent back to the
police station In the care this time of
Patrolmen Jones and Bloch. The
fresh nlr must have revived him for
he made one big break for liberty
which was almost successful. In the
?00 block on Mulberry street Murray
broke away from his guards and start
ed on a run down Oakford court. The
two policemen followed, Patrolman
Bloch discharging two revolver shots
in the air. Patrolman Peuster heard
the shots and from Penn avenue saw
the big fellow running through tho
alley with tho policemen behind him.
Murray Mumbled, fell, and was
pounced upon liy Patrolman Peuster.
Tho three policemen then took him to
the station house and locked tho cell
doors on him. Munay's companion
was also arrested.
The two will be given a hearing this
morning. Murray Is employed In a
South Side brewery.
Mr. nnil .Mrs. 1). J. Levi nutortniii
rrieniH at Their Home.
Mr. nnd Sirs. D. J. Levi celebrated
the twenty-fifth anniversary of their
wedding last night at their beautiful
home, 823 Madison avenue. A very de
lightful evenlnir was passed. Mr. and
Mrs. Levi received their guests In the
east parlor, which was prettily dec
orated with palms and flowers.
Among those present were: Mr, and
Mrs. Samuel Williams, Nantlcoke; Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. D. Williams, Bingham
ton; Mr. and Mrs. George Stewart,
West I'lttston, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Wil
liams and family, West Plttston,
Joshua Williams nnd family, Forty
Fort; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Williams,
Wllkes-Barro; Mr and Mrs. E. B. Carr,
Wilkes-Barre; Mrs. John H. Williams
and son, Ludor, Wilkes-Barre; Mrs.
Carl Kuchs, Wilkes-Barre; John B.
Roberts, Danville, and the following
from this city; Mrs. Mary Walp, Mr.
and Mrs. James Hacked, Mr. and Mra.
Cumerford, Mrs. Kate Hawley, Mr.
and Mrs. D. Richards, Mrs. B. L. Kem
merer, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Williams,
J. M. Klstler, George L. Daly and
George Hawley.
Several letters of regret and congrat
ulations from friends In Chicago and
Cleveland were read during the eve
ning. Scranton, Pa., Dec. 14, 1897. I had
catarrh In the head and could not find
any medicine to relieve me until I be
gan taking Hood's Sarsaparllla, which
helped me so much that I recommend
ed It to others. Carrie Reldenbach.
Hood's Pills euro all lver Ills. 25c.
For Infants and Children.
Ti f0-
Cases Set Down For Argument Before
That Body. '
Dunne Thnt Tlmn n Number of Ap
peals Will Ho Ilcitrd From tho
Courts of l.uzornc, Columbia, .lion
tour, I.nelmwnnnn, Monroe, Car
bon, Wyoming, Bradford, Hiimiuo
hntinn, Wayne nnd l'llto Counties.
Titles of Cases That Are on List.
Tho state superior court will hold Its
annual session In this city beginning
next Monday morning at 11 o'clock and
continuing for two weeks. The first
week will bo particularly for hearing
appenls from the courts of Luzerne,
Cojumbla nnd Montour counties nnd
the following eases aro set down for
Commonwealth v. Arthur J. Scott, t.p
pcllant; appeal from (. S. Allegheny Co.
Commonwealth v. Tlllio Murr, appel
lant; appeal from Q. S. Lancaster Co.
Commonwealth v. Lottie De Courocv,
appelant; nppeal from Q. S. Lancaster Co,
Commonwealth v. Llllle McCaulcy, ap
pellant; appeal from Q. S. Lancaster Co.
Joseph Mnrtnchowskl v. Peter F. Pal
Ion, executor of tho estate of Frank Orn
wltz, decrnxed, appellant; appeal from C.
P. Luzerne.
Paul Rohan v. John Reap, appellant;
appeal from C. P. Luzerne Co.
Stlney Davldgo v. Susquchannn Mutual
Insurance Co., appellant; appeal from C.
1'. Luzerne Co.
Mason & Hamlin Co. v. John O. Wood,
John C. Swu-ney, constnblo, appellants;
appeal from C. I'. Luzerne Co.
Sebastian Somer Piano company v. John
G. Wood, landlord, and John C. Sweeney,
constable, appellants; appeal from C. I'.
Luzerno Co.
Cornelia P. Jones, administratrix of
John R. Jones, deceased, v. James E.
constable, appellants; appeal from C. P.
Luzerne Co.
D. G. Yuengllng & Son, now assigned to
C. Stegmaler & Son, v. Peter P. Jennings
nnd Ann Jennings, defendants, und tho
Quaker City Mutual Firo Iusuranco Co.,
gnrnlshee. appellant; appeal from C P.
Luzerno Co.
In ro division of Sugar Notch borough,
Warrior Run school district, appellant;
appeal from Q. S. Luzerno Co.
Hrldget McNulty, to uso of John Rres
iiahan, v. Prudential Insurance Company
of America, appellant; appeal from C. P.
Luzerne Co.
In ro estate of John M. Evans, de
ceased; apical from O. C. Luzerno Co.
In ro estate of John M, Evans, de
ceased; appeal from O. C Luzerno Co.
In re estato ot John M. Evans, de
ceased; appeal from O. C. Luzerne Co.
John Davis, appellant, v. Patrick Mar
tin; appeal from C. P. Luzerne Co.
J. C. Johnson and J. C. Powell, doing
business us tho Wilkes-Harro Record, ap
pellant, v. the ccunty of Luzerno; appeal
from C. P. Luzerno Co.
In ro estate of John M. Evans, de
ceased, Ann Jones, uppellant: appeal
from C. P. Luzerne Co.
P. S. Uogert. appellant, v. John Bntter
ton nnd Elizabeth llatterton; appeal from
C. P. Luzerne Co.
In re estate ot Henry Worlhlngton, de
ceased, Charity 1'. Worthington, appel
lant; appeal from O. C. Luzerne Co.
The city of Wllkes-Rarro v. E. H.
Chase, uppellant; appeal from C. P. Lu
zerne Co.
In re petition of J. IJoyd Mcllenry, sher
iff of Columbia county, for approval and
nppolntment of Jailor nnd keeper; nppeal
from Q. S. Columbia Co.
In re dissolution of tho Belt Railroad
company, of Bloomsburg. School Furni
ture company, of llloonibburg, appellant;
appeal from C. P. Columbia Co.
The second week will be devoted to
hearing: appeals from tho courts of
Lackawanna, Monroe, Carbon, Wyom
ing, Bradford, Susquehanna, Wai'iia
and Pike counties. The cases set down
for argument are:
Commonwealth v. Dr. A. W. Kcene, ap
pellant; appeal fiom Q. S. Lancaster Co.
Edwurd Griffin, appellant, v. Bernard
Davis; appeal from C. P. Lackawanna Co.
Michael Heap v. city of Scranton and
Anthony Knlsht, appellants; appeal from
C. P. Lackawanna Co.
Daniel Elslneei v. M. T. Keller, appel
lant; appeal fn m C. P. Lncka wanna Co,
Richard Barion v. county of Lacka
wanna, appellant; appeal from C. P.
Lackawanna Co.
Gllmore & Duffy v. Margaret A. Dun
eavy, appellant; appeal from C, P. Lack
awanna Co.
Ulxler & Correll v. J. B. Lesh, appel
lant; appeal from C. P. Lackawanna Co.
Ellen O Donnell v. Charles du Pont
Breck, appellant; appeal from C. 1.
Lackawanna Co.
Edward Thayna v. Scranton Traction
Co., appellant; appeal from C. P. Lack
awanna Co.
Wm. Koch v. Cnthailne Blesecker and
Erwln Blesecker, appellants; appeal from
C. P. Lackawanna Co.
Catharine -Blttenbcnder v. Catharine
Hlcseeker, Wm. Koch nnd Erwln Ble-s-etker,
appellants; appeal Horn C. P.
Lackawanna Co.
W. k. Barnes v. Bonto Plnte Glass com
pany, appellant; appeal from C. P. Lack
awanna Co.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania v. Ml-
M .
Allow a cough to run until It gets beyond
tho reach of medicine. They often say,
"Oh, It will wear nwny,' but In most cases
it wears them nwuy. Could they bo In
duced to try the successful medicine
called Kemp's Balsam, which Is sold on
n potdtivo guarantee to cure, they would
Immediately see tho excellent effect1 after
taking tho first dose. Prlco 25c. and 00c.
Trial size free. At all druggists.
'dinel Lewis, appellant; appeal from Q.
S. Carbon Co.
Herbert Rockwell, uppellant, v. B. 11.
Tupper, Geo. IS. Brlstcr; appeal from C.
P. Bradford Co.
John Sullivan. Jr., to uso of J. P. Klrby.
appellant, v. Etnlly Coolbaugh, A. D.
Coolbaugh, Edward Walker, administra
tor of F. H. Coolbaugh: appeal from C. P.
Bradford Co.
Lcgrand Wells, nppellant v. Eraslus
Potter, estato In re of distribution; appeal
from O. C. SUsquohnnna Co.
Lcgrand Wells, appellant, v. Ernstus
Potter, estato In re widow's exemption;
nppeal from O. C. Susquehanna Co.
Florenco A. Ames v. Gaston W. Ames,
nppellant : appeal from C. P. Wnyno Co.
II. T. Menner, D. II. Mcnncr and J. A.
Brown, trading as Mcnncr & Co., v. the
president, mnnaRcrs and company of tho
Delaware und Hudson Canal company,
uppell'ints; appeal from C. P. Wayne C7.
BEECHAM'S PILLS for wind and
distress after eating.
i Not i
i Philanthropy i
But business. When
we want to move stock g,'
faster we cut into the !
prices cut deep, if 5!
necessary. That's how
we keep freed from $!
accumulations from
season to season. We j,-
propose to move a lot '.
of goods to day. 5";
Three instances of i
the price cutting : $;
s Alarm
r Clocks
Ansonia make
best alarm clocks
made fine time
keepers sold everwhere at
Si. Here today, (Hie.
1$ Cracker
:$ Jars
50 of these s
left from holi- St;
days sold sL'
'. from $2 toS4 Quadruple !
j plate silver tops opaque J!
?ZS twirled glass jars. Choice sH
1$ today, $1.25. S
':$ Picture Lot of arto- St
- Sale tvPes Pastels. SL:
K imitation water X!
f?5 colors, etc., in variety of JT;
i?5 sizes and frames sold
r$ regularly for 50 cents and' $:
US 75 cents.. Choice lOday, Sjp
4mf 303 Lackawanna Avenue. S
vS Sl:
Kyeslgbt preserved and headaches pre
vented by having your eyes properly und
scientifically examined and lltteil. Dyes
examined free. The latest styles of Spec
tacles nnd eyeglasses at the lowest prices.
305 Spruce Street
Heartburn, Gas
tritis and all
Stomach Disor
ders positively cured. Drover Graham's Dys
pepsia Itemed' Is a specific. One doe le
niovesall distress, und a permanent cure of
the most chronic and severe cases is guaran
teed. Do not suffer I A ."n-cent bottle will
convince the most skeptical.
Matthews llros., Druggists, 320 Lacka
wanna avenue.
fit fbe Lowest Prices
125 Coats for Ladies.
75 Capes for Ladies,
90 Coats for Children.
They are Stylish Garments. It
will surely 'pay you to see them
before you buy.
Mears & Hagen,
415-417 Lackawanna Ave.
To start the New Year aright we
put on sale a number of
Dinner Sets
Seml-Vitrious China, Undar
glaza Dacoratloiis,
Trices range from $14 to $110
for 112 pieces. They are good
value, too. Stock is limited at
these prices.
Millar & Peck
131 Wyoming Ave.
"Walk in and look around.'
Hy the two of my new local anaesthetic No
sleep-producing accnt. It is simply mpplled
tot'iegumtinnd tho tooth extracted without
n particle of pain.
Ail other dental operations performed pos!
tlely without pain.
Theso nro the Fame teeth other dentist!
charge from $16 to $'25 a set fot
Gold nnd Torcelnln Crowns; Gold, Rllver
and Cement I'llllngs, nt one-half the usual
cost. Kxnmlnntlon free. Open evening 7to
8. Sundays 0 to 11 u. in.
316 Spruce Street,
Next Door to Motel Jermyn.
Night bhirts, Neckwear, Gloves, Sus
penders, etc.
Id :s I SE!
;&. f
Sale of
Might interest you,
May be that you have
palm; then, too, the
prices might be as
selves. -
as the
Gold Decorated
One that will take a 7
inch pot, three colors to
select from. . . .During
sale, 10c.
Three Colors
To select froni of this
11 timber. Best pottery
aud best glazing, They
were 39c. During sale
.in Jardinieres arc now
.(II) Jardinieres aie now.
.HI) .iHrilluleres mo now.
.(IS Juidlnleies aro now
l.'J. Jardinieres nro now
1.5i Jiirdinle'cs nre now
J.uO Jardlulurcs nre now.
? .H7
, I t
7 1
1) I
I. It
1.1 1
310 Lackawanna Ave.
To those who are not acquainted with
tho standing of the W. W. Kimball Co.,
the following will prove of benefit:
Business established In 1SS9 by W. W.
Incorporated June, 1E82, with capital ot
Capital increased In January, 1SSS, to
Capital ir.ct cased from $1,000,000 to 1,
200.000. Statement, January, 1836, showed sur
plus of over $1,000,000 overpaid In capital.
Tho company Is known as a first-class
house In Its lino and is In high commer
cial standing.
If competitors say the Kimball guar
antee Is not good, ask them for a mer
cantile report of their company and
see how It compares with the above.
GEORGE H. IVES,, General Agent,
0 West Market Street, Vllke5-Barre.
W. S. F00TK, Local Agent,
122 Tage 1'luce, Scranton, I'a.
a I J
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