The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 30, 1897, Page 9, Image 9

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Lackawanna County,
Tho Cnrbondale correspondence of Tlio
Tribune hag been placed In tho hand of
Mr. C. II. Munn, Salem uventio nnd
Church street, to whom news Item may
be addressed. All complaints na to it
regulrr dnllve-ty, etc., should bo mudo to
W. T. Roberts, news ngent.l
Ilnppy Young Persons Joined In
Wedlock ut St. Kiup I.I mi
The mm Hugo of MIhm Ell:"ibeth
Walsh.tlntiKlitcr of Mrs. Michael WiiMi
of 64 I'lke street, to Hdunid Coxo, of
tho West Side, wns soleiniiliad nt St
Iloso church lestetduy nftcrnoon Th
leremony uum pet formed nt hnlf-pnst
four o'clock by Ilev. W. A Nt ilnn.
and huh witnessed by a lnrge niinibei
of friends of the couple. The bilih- m
attended by her sister. Miss .letinie
Walsh, nnd the groom's beet man was
James Foxe, of South Main ttct
The bride wore a pictty bow it of brown
broadcloth with velvet tilinnilng T'le
bridesmaid was attired In a bint ill fit
with velvet ti limning Last evening,
nt the home of the bride, a ie option
was tendered the friends nnd ulathes
of the newly mauled iiuipl" Mis
Coe Is an estimable oung lady and
she will have the bet wishes of ninny
friends Mr. Coe Is one of th rill's
well Known loung men. He Is jopular
with nil of his ncnunlntniHCN und his
numerous friends will gladly extend
congiiitulatlons. Mt and Mrf. Coxe
have dispensed with a vvcehling tour
nnd they will at unco commence house
keeping at the home of the Bloom on
the West Side Among the )elsons
from out of town who nttendeel the
wedding wen- the following Mr. and
Mrs. i: W C.ipwell, nnd chlldien. of
"Wllkes-Ilauo, Ml. nnd Mrs .IntniRu
lett, of Punmoie; Mlu I'lln Wilsh, of
Hcratiton, Mr. and Mis. Hnvdn nnd
children, of flioen Hldge
At half-past thiee o'clock ut St lloe
church Miss Hnnnnh Dempsey, dntigh
tei of Mis Bridget Demp- of Pow
derly street, nnd James Wnlsh, a will
known loung man of Pike stieet. weie
united In the holy bonds of m itrinioui
The ceremony was pet formed ly Ke
AV. A Xealon The brldcHinnld was
Mls- Maigaret Quinn, of Pew del ly
street, and the groomsman was P I"
McCnnn, of Sand stieet The bude and
liei maid weie similarly anav d weal
ing gowns of dark blue with chiffon
and sitin ti huntings A roeoptlin wa
tendered the friends and lelatlves of
the couple at the home of th' lulde
last ev filing. Mi and Mis Walsh will
Inside nt the home of the In lib 's Inutile V
for the piesent. Both nie well known
nnd highly csteemid and lhli nti
meious fi lends will wish th m happi
ness and piospetitv
I'rogrninnin ot i:erciscs Xiriiugcd
I'or the Itercnn IlnptNt rimrc-li.
Special New Year's services will be
held, dining the week ef prnjei, in
the Meieun li.iptlst tabeinael The
members of the church nnd congrega
tion are invited to be pitj-out at the
following spei tat seivloe, as aii.mged
feir the different clas-es
rfnnrlm JnTiimiv V in .'tfl n V.m
Year's sermon. 7. lb. a M-tmon foi tliens '""lut-d In olden tlnus. selections
Monda. J.uuiai.v a 7 10, for Sunday
hihool teaiheis and scholais SubRct.
"Let us not be weary In well doing."
(Sal, C.9.
Tue.selaj, Januaij -17X0, fo- those
who cte members of the ehuteli ten
.vears ago. Subject "He thou tilth
ful unto death." Hew, J 10
We'dneid.ij, Januaiy .1 .?0, fot those
who have united with the church with
in the past ten jears. Subjee t "What
wilt thou have me to do'" Acts, 'i C
Thin sdav, Januaty fi 7 'in, foi the
piesent members of the church and
cemgregatlon Subject: "for the people
hael a mind to woik," Nch , -I C
Tilday, Januaiy 77 30, fen those in
terested In the work ot winning souls.
Subject "He that wlnneth touN Is
wis(," Prow, 11:30.
Hood sleighing is the lesult of list
night s fall of snow.
Clovei little Katie Rooney .sunouml
eel by a competent eonip.inj will pre
sent the latest comedy success, "The
iilil fioni Ireland" at tho ilianel opi-ni
house New Year's Januaiv 1 Tvd
perfoi malices will bo given, ipatine-
'."iO, evening 8 13
The famous Hreither Hjine, the ii.n
tette of fun makeis, who have amused
so many people by their gioiesqm a -inhatlc
Hoeclaltles will appear at t lie
dianil opeia house Just one night Mim
daj. Januaiy 3, in the nautical p.u -
In J fenimore
Cooper s Leather
.Stocking Tales, we
' read stones of the
wonderful agility,
w pnvsicul eiielurnnce
', and the unerring ac-
K curacy oi trie ee of
me mueiican ineiiiu
when he rognccl hit
piemeover this com!
Hint Ilefore lit vas
delnnched by modern
civilisation, lie was a
magnificent specimen
of physical manhood
He lived entirely m
the onen nir. anil
knew no medicine, save the simple herbs
gathered by his sepiavvs.
Civilized man leads an unnatiinl and an
unhealthy life. Unlike the Indian if he
would maintain his physical and mental
health, he must take reasonable precau
tions to combat disease Neatly nil dis
eases have their inception in disorders of
the digestion, torpiditj of the liver and
impurity of the blood Dr Pierce's Golden
Medical Discover, is made of simple herbs.
It restores the lost appetite, makes diges
tion and assimilation perfect, inviforates
the liver, putifie the blood mid promotes
the natural processes of excretion and se
cretion It sends the rich, red, life giving
blood bounding through the aiteries and
corrects ajl circulatory disturb-iuces. It
dispels headaches, nervousness, drowsi
ness, lassitude, and drives out all impuri
ties and disease germs It cures ejS ptr
cent, of all cases of consumption, bion
cbitls, asthma and diseases of the alr.pas.
eares. It gives sound and refreshing sleep,
drives away oil bodily and mintal fatigue
and imparts vigor and health to every or
gan of the body. Medicine dealers sell it,
nnd have nothing else, "just ns good "
"A few of my symptoms," writes Charles
Hook, of Climax, Kalamnroo Co Mich , ' vicrc
heart burn, fullnesa otter earing, pain In tuy
bowels, bid tacte In my mouth and ocrailonal
fever and hot fluthci. Dr Tierce's lloleku
Medical Discovery cured all these nml I am
perfectly well."
Dr. 1'ierce's Pleasant Pellets are sure,
Speedy and permanent cure for constipa
tion. One little " Pellet " is n gentle laxa
tive and two a mld cathartic. 'fhe uevtr
gripe. Pound at all Medicine stores.
Iff 1 fit ft
avi i V
at i i --'
toinlmo comedy, tho now "night
Ilverltt L llucklnnd nnd Mls ncrtlo
Phillips, of South Clinton, Wayne coun
ty, were married this morning nt the
twihlento ot Hon. K. E. llendrlck, nt
8 30 o'clock by Ilev. W. H. Oiow
Tho funeral ot Henry, tho sevtn-year-old
ton of Mi. and Mis. tlabrlet
Pugllnno will be held at 15 o'clock this
Tho lU'rherche Dancing clnss lint-, nr
tanged the at ponied "programme of
dances fot Its iiue Inl In lltu Huike build
ing this evening- Wult, minuet Inn
cei., two-step, Jcrsej, stundatel Ian
eeis, golf Schottlche, college lancers,
Chlcigo glide, nlniivin, plain eiuadillle,
two-step, stnudniel lancers, waltz,
grand maieh After inteitnlsslem the
progi amine will be icpoated Music
by the Momit orchetia. Uecointlons
l.v Turnbull. Twei hundred and llfty
Invitations linvo been Issued
l)r and Mis. II. C. Wheeler and
daughter Huzol were guests of John
and Mai Ion Munola Mason nnd daugh
ter at Hotel Jermn. Scuinton. Tues
day evening, whele the doctol went to
pn the tit lotted nitiess a piofesslonal
st. The family nlo occupied a box
at the Lieetini dining the performance
of "friend Fritz"
Jniiiis Mutiny, of lliookln "treet. Is
enteitalnlng Ills sisters, Mrs. John
Hone he and Mls Kate Munay, of
Middle town
Mi and Mis V C, I'urdv have re
turned fioni a two weeks' visit in
AVav ne ceiunt
William Matthews, of Eighth ave
nue, Is able to be out again.
T J l.e-voie of New York, e ailed on
fill lids hoe jesteidnj.
Mi. nnd Mis Thomas fellows, ()f
this city, are enteitalnlng Mi. and Mis
tJeeage Huron nnd Thomas fellows, Ji
of Philadelphia.
Mi. and Mis J. P. West, of Srr.inton.
nre visiting Mi nnd Mi J L. Pal
me i.
Hugh Millphy has accepted n situa
tion with Live n man Snjelei, of Ilol
ton Mis J n In visiting her
patents In Suuquehanna.
(Jeoigo i: Hunnell. a nephew of Al
deim.iu I I. Hunnell. was mil tied at
Hotkaway. N. J. to M!s Ida Victor,
esteida The newly-wedded couple
v 111 come to Cnrbondale tod.i and w 111
spend soveial dtivs with Aldetninn and
Mis Hunnill, fo lillkett stieit.
Mlts Maggie Thomas bus letuined
ft out a New Yoik hospital.
(iriiiul Turning O. I'.
A. '!., Mill Cive u Reception.
Personal evv.
An exti.ieildinaii; altl ictinn to tlie
Taloi public will be piesoited
ut Weill's link touiotiovv i veiling
whin the Tavloi Turn Vefin, ussisteil
bl th" South he ronton Tuin oeln
will glvi theli see em 1 exhibi
tion Piofe-soi I. iwiame Kiouse and
ilass will isslst with si,einl zHher
hfleltlolis Ailmlssleiu will be 1!" lints
.ind 1"" lent lor adults, and ehlldten
le.s',eitfull The piugiamme Is as fed-leivvs-
floor and bai pjiamlds. pnellcl
exeiebes. elub swlni-lng, the H.ipei
dinee, the Hreat wanloi elilll
lev Pi of. Ktcuse and e lass Mush will
be tumMicd by the Taloi otoliihttM.
Teinniieiu evening baiKuwaiiiu
Vallev Council No SI, Jr. O V A M.
will meet to see- the edel liar fade
awe j mil wcleeune the new mi The
lOlineil finm Moeisle will be the ll
guests All eveelloit puigtninmt his
be- n ptepattd bv the committee and
lofieshments will be- seiveel in con
nection with the enti'italniuent
Miss Hllle Ui owning, ef He Ilev lie-,
was the guest er ft lends in this plate
on TilJs(laj tiillllih", of Nanlieoke, who
has been visiting ti lends In this plaee
has letmneel home
The Heniel ef Tiade will ine-et on
Memd.iv evening when eleetle.n eif ofll
ceis A III take pi ice
I aekawanna Vallej Counell No 1.
Ii O lT A M, will meet this evening
in V.ui Horn's hnll
The Hppubllcan eaue uces of the bot
jiuh will be held on Tlvuii-di even
ing Janiuiy C. lS'iS
The joung i)eople both of Tavloi and
Did fuigu aie enjovlng the excellent
"kiting on the Jeiiinn icseivoii near
'lh. ne ek'itile light (ompnttv nie
making mpld piogies in theli weak.
Tavloi Castle No .'f,7. Knights eif
the (ie)lden 1-ngIe vv ill meet this even
ing ill Heese's hall
The Independent Older of Odel fel
le)s No (OS, will hold theli Hireling
ti.iiioiriw as New Yeai's Day tails on
Satin daj
The Vigilance committees of the
flist and Second vvnids hnve li-sueel
ealls fen their luuois em Januaiv fi
The I'll st waiel at J tt Uavls' hall
mid th fouith waiel at John Weisen
lluh fi lull on Glove htieet
Mi (J Held, ot Dickson Cltv. was
in tiiwn as guests of linids on Mem
da s
fie-sh shell eisteis at Muitln's.
I'lilou stteet, foi family use
Tlu Tajlei! Athletic Sex inl club will
rotulu't theli icgulai weekl snclil tei
uioirovv evening nt Weber's rink A
ilze for waltz contest of $.'00 will be
The of Mrs Nettle Oilllltli-i,
whose death was btlefl lecoided In
vesterday's Tilbune, will take place
tomoiiow afternoon at 'I o'llock fimn
her late home in Hlakelv, Tho le
malns will be Intel red In Prospect cem
ctet Mrs Grllliths was the daughto
of Alexniider flew and wan J7 jeais eif
age She was united In manlage to H
J (Irllllths Jan 24. 1893 About two
weeks ago she was taken 111 and her
condition giew woise until jesterdny
morning when death relieved herrOf
a kind and gentle disposition she was
loved nnd lespecteel bj all who knew
her She leaves a host of friends who
extend theli heart fill snipathy to
the bereaved family Heslelcn her hus
band and father she Is suivlved by
three brothels and one sister
Mi a W K. I.lojd, Ji . entertained
tho nieinbeis of hei Sunday school
class at her home In Hlnkely yesterday
afternoon A merry time wns had for
fcoviral hours In games and munlc.
At t! o'clock dolnty refreshments were
served bv the hostess
Tho pupils of St Patrick's paiochlal
school are prepnilng for an entettnlu
ment which will be h Id In tho father
Matthew Opera house fildny evening,
Jan 7.
Golf Humphrey, of New York, who
hns been the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
HeiiJamln Pauy, letuined homo yes
teulay. Mis. I). N. Davis and Miss Mary
Dnvln attended tho funeral of Mrs.
Elbnbeth IlobertH at Hyde Park, yes
terday. Miss Mary Hull will onteitoln her
Sunday school class at her home this
nfternoon from 4 until 7 o'clock.
Joe Hpltzcnberger has returned home
after u. week's stay In New York.
Mrs. V S. Peck nnd children, of
Green Hldge, spent n few days with
relatives here.
Miss Mniy Itegnn, of Hlnghamton, Is
lFltlng Miss Mniy Clancy.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Jones, of Hd
vvaidsvllle, who have been visiting rel
atives heio for tho past week, have
letuined home.
Misses Katie Phllbln nnd Nellie Hng
geity, of South Scrnnton, are tho
guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. fadden,
of Dunmore Rtreet,
(1 J Henteti, of Cnrbondale, wns n
enllor In town yesterday.
A pretty wedding occuired on Dec.
1!3 nt the homo of Mr. and Mr.s. Hobert
Mllllcau, Mnln street, Vnndllng, when
Mr. John Thomas Held, of Vnndllng,
and Miss Sarah Hart, of Sllverdale,
fngland, weie married. The parlor
wns piettlly Ueeorateel for the event,
which was attended by many friend
of both joung people. The ceremony
occulted at 7 o'clock and was per
foi med by the Hew J. Hrvvln Hrod
heael, rector eif forest City Episcopal
church. The bilde was attended by
Miss Isabel Johnson, of forest City,
nnd the gloom's best man was Mr.
Cleoige Nevlson Thompson, of Vnnd
llng. Miss Hart was attired In gray
lloweied silk, trimmed with white silk
and geild In a Id. MKs Jeihnson wore
fawn, tilmmed with brown velvet and
geild braid The llovver girls weie Miss
Maiy Agues Hlrd and Miss Ivy Mav
Mllllcau, who en tiled bouquets of pink
carnations, nnd wine gowns of skv
blue. An hour latei a bounteous te
past was served. Dining the reception
dancing was indulged In. Mcssis.
Hourlteh nnd Holnmstcr furnished ex
cellent music for the daneeis. Mr. and
Mr.s Hlid nie pupulnt and have a host
of well-wishing fi lends. Hoth were
remembered by their friends with
many useful and cosily piesents.
Amorig the guests piesent were !r
and Mis. Henry H Hlrd, Mls Lizzie
Maggie Hlid, Miss Omla Seda Hlid,
Mr. Sep Hlid. Master Theodote Goi
don, Norninn Hlrd, Mr. urd Mis. W.
Hlley, Mr. and Mis. Charles Shaw, Mr.
and Mis. W. Halle v. Ml. and Mrs. J.
Wilson, Mr nnd Mis. . Wilson,, Mi.
nnd Mis Vetter. IMille Vettei, Tom
Newtoli.Jnck Newton, Miss fieda He
beln, Mr nnd Mi.s Cnijne, Miss Hilve
Reybeiln, Mi. and Mrs Caine,
Hilgle Curnje, Mls Annie Plumkel,
Miss Mamie Cox, Miss Julia Cox. Miss
Ina Stilling. Miss Mniy Smith. Mrs.
H. Wllkenson, Mis. W. Halley, Ml.
John Teager. Mi. Hernaiel Connots,
Mr. Manaan, Mr. Stiattan. Mr. G. Pat
tln.son, Mi, Wilkinson, Mi. Harrison,
Mr, Vallon, Mr. Holsmatei, Mi. Da
vis, Mi C. Wilson, Joe Halley, Ml. T.
MaeVirnet, Mi. Maellgnn. Mi. J. Kll
patrhk, Mi. J. Palntei, .Mi. W. Jack
son, Mr. 11. Jones, Mi. J. Heee.
Misses Mamlf and Kate Claik. of
Pieiv lelence', aie visiting Mm. A. Dwjer,
of jt'outh Main street.
Mis Small Wells, of f leetv llle, who
has been visiting at the- lesldence eif
C D Wlntei leturned to hei home
Mr Naboth Osborne, of Dipw Theo
logical semlnnij, who ban been spend
ing seveial (lavs In town, leaves to
day foi Waveily. N Y. for a hhort
Attorney H D Caiey attended
piofesslonal buslniss at Wllkes-Uane
Hev. William Surillval spent estei
daj in Soauton
Gcoige He lib, ol Thlid street, spent
Tutceln In So anion
Miss Hmina Scutt of Main stieet. Is
lonlined to hei home with qulnsy
Mis fietland and son, Haiold. of
Caibondale, spent Tuesdaj the guest
eif Mis i: H GieensladP
Miss Hll.i (iillllths, of Soauton, Is
Visiting hei COUrtlns, the Misses Grlf
tlths, of South Main stieet
.Mis. Whltbeek. of fouith stieet, is
emlte ill
A oung son eif Mr. and Mis Wil
liam Dunn, Is seiiouslj III
The Cntholie Mutual Henellt associa
tion will hold an important meeting
tonioiiow night, and It Is neiesbaiy
that all membeis be ptehcnt
Miss Mniy Yannle It. of the Hldge,
and Alexnndo K aw Ice. or Kdueiton.
weie mauled by Justtie of the Peaio
C. H. Helmes jisteiday af ten noon.
The HtV. O C. J.ueibs M to pieaeh
ut the watch night sei vices to be held
In the Methodist Kplseopnl i hut oil frl
dav evening, beqlnnlng at 10 00 o'clock.
All aie cendlally Invited to be piesent
Mrs Hairy filu and son. Haiold,
aie side
The Clulstmas exeulsos of the Meth
odist T'plscopal Sundn schoeil were
very enteitalnlng The church was
piettlb decoiated The parts weie
wedl lendeied which fact was attestfd
to by the applause of the audleiue
S mta Clans piovoked much mei rlment
us he UMinlly ileus The Sunda school
and friends eif the superintendent, f
J Wnlkei pieseutecl him with a sub
stantial token of their lespect for him
and his Sunelnv whool woik.
Hev f W Yeiung nnd family aie
spending a few da.s In Iliughnnitnii
The CJulftmas enteitnlnment of the
Haptlst Sunday school was given Sat
tsrelny evening In the hall ovei the drug
It will be Jovful news to all ;t our
townspeople to know that about all
pieparutions- huyo, been made at the
Johnson Coal companies collleiy ami
that opeiatlons will commence nbout
the tenth of January. It is expected
the e'olll"iy will work full time.
Cxamlni caiefulb the money ou
take In these dBys, as counteifeit sil
ver Is being pat-seel
Mr. and Mis, frtwnrd Scutt, lauhtci
Mjttto nnd two tons, Wallace and
William, of Lincoln street, atteiicl.l
the ninth annual reunion of Tunis
Scutt In Peckvllle, Christmas day.
Mr. and Mm William Margetbon
were In Scranion yesterdas.
Mr Arden Wolf, a student nt IJxeter,
N. II., Is upending the holldajs with
his patents here.
Mr. Arthur J Moore, n student of
tho University of Pennsylvania, Is
spending his Christmas vacation with
his parents
Ice on the Glenbuin pond Is seven
Inches thick, and skating is excellent.
Seveial games of Hockey have been
played between rival teams. The
games nie very Interesting to specta
tor as well us play els
Captain H. Whlto Is tho only candi
date us yet aspiring for political honors
ut the coming spilng elections.
rortiUNK Jill) IN A COIN.
IfYou Havo n rivofrnno lMcco Cut
It Open; It May Contain n Hill ol
from tho Washington fitur.
If you happen to have In jour pos
session the particular frenoh coin
known uh fle-frnnu piece oii may,
unwittingly, ba n millionaire. Such nt
least Is the belief rhuteil bv hundreds
upon hundre'ds eif credulous frenchmen
and fienchwomen, many ot whom
spend most of th'elr spare tltno de
6trolng quantities ot five-franc pieces
In the hope of reillzlng a fortune.
Dr. Marco Deonarilo Naideii, tho
well-known, numlsnntltjt, and one of
the recognized authorities on coin lote,
spiriting of this curious condition ot
aftalis, sold: "It Is qullo true thit
half of franco still bellovm In the ex
lst"nce of great wealth hidden In flve
frane pieces, although manv numls
mallMs hold that the fortune In ques
tion was long ago discovered and ap
propriated by onu of tho Hothschild
"The storv of the stnrgo five-franc
fot tunc legend may bo luleily told. A
llve-finne piece, to begin with, Is a
sllvei coin, nnd Is worth nbout $1. Na
poleon I. was very anvlom to make, the
coin a populiu one, and with this end
In view he caused It to bo circulated
everywhere thtotighotit franco thit he
had Insetted In oil" of tin- sliver pieces
befoie It left the mint a bank note or
order for 1,000,000 of those same the
francs I. e. foi $1,000,000 Whether ho
tenlly did this or not I cannot say for
certain, but the weight of evldeneo
would seem to show tint It wns done.
In the manuscript menioiis of tho Due
d feltle. Na'joleon's minister of war,
It Is expre-vl tited tint the emperor
lnelosd u note on th- Hank ot frince,
dub slgntd by the governois of that
Institution, In a split (lvc-finne piece,
that the halve-: were then vv elded to
gether: partially ronlnted, and tin own
In a heap of slmllsr (olus, which the
cnipeior mixed with his own hinds.
These (olns Napoleon took with him In
a bag when he went to Uoulogne. and
disti United lavishly en toiite, even
dtopplng some of them out of his eai
llage windows In this way It was Im
possible to kiep trade of the lucky
"The liewn of this odd lotteiy spiead
far and wide, and th'.- Ilve-fiane piece
leaped into linmtdlite lavor. fiom
that day to this mutilation of the coin
has been common In frame, Switzer
land. Helglum nnd eisewheto i:erv
tat the mnk of f ranee Is requested
to make good scores of pieos split In
a vain seaich for the flve-mllllon-fianc
bank note.
"Theio ure many Jtoib's dealing with
teput"d find" eif tho foi tun" Indeed,
when a man becomes suddenly Well In
Trance. It Is c onnr.on to heir people
whisper 'Tiens' ' He must
lave fennel Napoleon's famous eoln''
Some asert that the emperor kept the
coin himself, but this h.irdlv ngiees
v.lth Napoleon'b character. Still It is
a curient llieor. that some of tho
money which enabled Jsapoleon HI. to
tenth the Impel Inl tin one was found In
ll.e lucky silver piece, v hlch his meith-
e1. Queen Hoi tense, hid wheeilled out
of In f biolher-ln-lnw. It was i lso
common talk that CSn Houlanger had
ncqulieil the famous coin, until the
ellscoveiy that his money supplies e ame
fiom the Duchess d'L'?es set that be
lief at lest.
'The most likely evpltnatl ill as to
why the tlve-frane nlio falls to tuin
up Is tint Rnon feidlnaii'l de Jtoths
ehild n Prenyl memb.'r of the e,reit
Jewish banking house, seemed it. This
account stales that 1'iion do Hoths
child, hiving investlvitoel the ti.nlltlon
nnd found suflb lent iiioof of Its tiuth.
elellliei.ilely set to woik to looato the
$1,000,00) iiiite. He- iu"ilv beaight In
and coll"(e'd cveiy llv-fi.nv niece
vvhlcli leuheil them In nuiopc. Asia.
Afiien, or Ainolca In his oilhe the
Haion kept thiee tiusty urn haul at
vork bls-eitlng tin ceilns. Some say
that he hnd Invented a plan for weld
ing them together again, so as to defy
elttect'em, eitheis maintain that he
melted down the sllvei anil told It to
the government en blue Tho oik
was colossal; but In the end th harm's
system Is said to have coneueied. He
found tlu neite for $3,000,000 fiani s,
having spent neaily a nllllon to oltain
it The older wus elulv presented at
the Hank of fiance, and, savs the
ti edition, ashvl by thnt Institution
"Plausible as the naii.ition may
eem, the gieat miss eif fieiulini'li
lefuse to credit It and go em, vi,u lif
ter sear, splitting open their five ti.ine
pieces to look foi Napoleon's, note. It
is certainly a tantalizing thoimht thnt
sniiirtwhere In the world a chcl; lor
$1,000,000 Is knocking about, lilifdon In
.in eudliiaiy silver coin woith lately
$1 Hy poss-sslng and opening that
eoln the man woith Jut live funics
may In a moment become a million
aire "
- -
Tin: vsimr-sKKKivc in iwuis.
Delict Thnt Great I'ronsnres Vro
Hidden Somewhere in the City.
fiom Chambers' Journal
Some Pailslnns aie actually kept
fiom wandetlng by conviction thnt
there Is hidden tl casino behind the
walls, or beneath the lloorlng, or In
the chlnine;. nook, oi undo the loof
You nie told that duilng tho liuni
beiless sieges to which Pails lint, been
subjected, and the Internal revolution
It bus undo gone, theie exists not a
cellar or a gairet but has become the
iPceptncle of some pait of the Immense
i Iches nciumulnUd In lellglous houses
and old families There Is. pel Imps,
nothing Irmtlonal In the supposition
that In the good old timet when lon
venta were made the depositories not
only of tho secrets of the nilstooacy,
but of the family Jewels likewise. In
stances must have oicuiied wherein
these deposits weio bulled and lemaln
undiscovered, together with the tieas
ure of the confrateinltj Hut human
folly has of late iais exalted this la
tlonal poofltblllty Into dazzling certain
ty. Hvery means Is now tesorted to,
and mote gold nnd prpclous time ex
pended than the most valuable treas
uie could rppay, In order to seize tho
secict which still resists ellscoveiy
"While jou of the mattet-of-fact, plod
ding Anglo-Saxon raeo are toiling and
broiling In Australia nnd California
searching for gold, wo gold-seekei of
Paris tlnd It here beneath our feet In
the old quarters of the city lound
Notre Dame and the Hotel do Villi?,
where gold Is teeming In greater plenty
than amid the rocky boulders of Cali
fornia or beneath tho soil of Hallatat,"
said Ducasse, the great treasure seeker.
As If to mock this feveiish and never
censing chase, not ono of tho great tra
ditional treasures of which four are
believed to exist has been yot brought
to light, although now and then some
Don't give thorn ten. or codes, lluve yon
tried the now toad drink ciiltoil (Iraln-Of It
Is delicious nuil nourishing and tukei the
place of collae. Tho more Hrnln-O you give
the c hlhlren ths moru health you dUtrlbute
through thulrsystouit. Uruln-0 U muds of
puro gnilns, and when properly prepared
tastes lllcei I lie choice grades of loircio out
costs about t as much. All grocers -.'H it
Htlic. unit 'JA.
Ono Person In Kvcrv Pour Sutlers
Horn Piles,
About ono person In overy four suf
feis from some form of rectnl disease.
Tho most common nnd nnnoylng Is
Itching piles, Indicated by wnrtnth,
slight moisture nnd Intense, uncontrol
liblo Itching In tho larts affected.
Th'u usual treatment has been some
slnlptu ointment or salve vvhlth some
time's give tempornry relief, lut noth
ing like a permanent cure can he ex
pectpel from suth supeillclnl treatment.
The only permanent cure for Itching
plies yet discovered Is the Pyramid Pile
Cuie, not only for Itching piles, but
for every other form of piles, blind,
bleeding cr protruding The Mist np
pllcitlon gives inntint relief and the
continued use for a short tltno causes
n permanent removal of the tumors or
the snnll parasites which cause the In
tense Itching and discomfort of Itching
Many physicians for a long time sup
posed that the remarkable lellof afford
ed by the Pyramid Pile Cure wns be
causa It was supposed to contain co
caine, opium or similar drugs, but such
Is not the case. A recent careful an
alysis of tho icincdy shewed It to be
absolutely free from cocaine, opium,
or In fact tiny poisonous, Injuilous
dtugs whatever. Sold by druggists at
50 cents per package.
Send to Pyramid Co .Marshall, Mich.,
for free book on cause and cuie of
token Is vouchsafed of their leal exist
ence from time to time, foi Instnncc,
the tradition of the famous treasure
burled by Napokem's older, on his hur
tled depurtuto from the Tullerlts before
Wnteiloo, Is Justltlcd by tho tinning
up In nil parts of the palace garden of
gold pieces and ellver crowns. The
boles of the elm tices down the middle
alley of the gaiden wore all marked
with hleioglyphlc signs, which, ceas
ing at certain points, began again on
the Mine; trees of the Terrace of the
feullaus. Hut the elm tice wheie
theM signs began and the lime tiee on
which they have ended have been tip
lootcd and the soil all about them
turned o'ver without avail. Then, (lut
ing the la Ing out of the Hols do Gou
logne, great Interest was excited by the
fencing off of a portion of the wood
close the Pre Catelan, and ransacking
of this small spot for n month, under
the supeilntendenee of a government
olllcel, while crowds waited anxiously
outside the line to see one of tho foity
woikmen strike upon tho golden de
posit confidently believed to have been
buried there by fouche, Duke of Ot
ranto The hoard Is actually calculat
ed ns pait of the family wealth.
sm:uiri"s sales.
Valuable Real Estate
By virtue of sundry writs of fieri fa
cias. Levari Tacius and Venditioni Hx
ponis, isi ed out of the court of common
pleas of Lackawanna county, to me di
rected, I will expose to public sale bv ven
due or outcrj, to tlie Msnet aim u"hi
bidder, for cash. a.t the court house. In
tho cltv of Scranton, Laclminna coun-
tv, on rniDAY, tho SKVHNTH DAY Ol'
JANUARY. A D 1SDS nt 10 o clock ill
the, forenoon of said day. all the light,
title and Interest of the defendants In anj
to the folowlng described lots, piece or
parens or :anel, viz .
No 1 All the right title and Interest of
tne (lercmlaut, P. A. I.oublginc nnei vn
glnle LoubUnne. in nnd to all that certain
lot or parcel of land situate in the bor
ough of Oh pliant. Lickawanna county.
Pennsvlv.ini i, described as follows, to
wit Helng lot No lourteen Hi) In bquaie
or mock No. llfteen r,) on Tn id street,
us It appears on tho plot known as
"snooK's Addition to (Jljpnani. recoiueu
in i.acKawanna county iceoieis june n,
1S91, being tho same lot convecd to P. A
I.oublgnac bj S M Snook by deed elated
September li, lsjij, lecoided October So
ls93. In I.ickavvanna count;, records Ini
pioved with n two-story frame building
and outbuildings thereon.
Seized nnd taken in execution tit tho
ult of Guarantee Saving, Loan and In
vestment companv s I'. A. Loublgmic
and Virginia I.ou 'gnac. Debt, $!0 21
Judgment No Mil, Xnv T., H97. Alias 11.
fa. to January T . Ii3
J. J. O'MAIiLKY, Atty.
No 2 All the light, title and Inteiest of
the defend int. P. A Loublirnic In and to
all tho following lot of land In tho bor
ough of Hlmhurst, Lickavvanna count j
I'eiins) lvanla, being lot No seven (7) of
Jonli Par); addition to Plmhurst as
shown on imp of said addition laid out
bv John II .loidan. et nl., and being fort)
GO) feet front on Upland avenue, fortv
GO) feed vvlelo at real and two himored llfteen (213) feet deip All minerals
reserved. Improved with a tvvo-stor)
framo dwelling wlt'i barn and outbuild
ings thereon.
Seized and taken In execution at thP
suit of Guarantee Sivlni-s Loin nnd In
vestment companv vs I' A l.ouhlgnac.
Debt. $1 oiJ I!'' Judgment No .111 Nov. T ,
lvli7 Alias 11 fa. to Januaiv T ISjs
.1 J. OMAI.LUA, Attv
No 3 All the ilBlit title and interest
of the defend int M P O'Milley ami P
A I.oublgnnc. tcrro tenant in und to all
that ceitaln lot of land In Olj pliant boi
ough Lickawunni count) Pennsvlwinli
known ns lot No thln-Mo (3'j) in pqua-o
or block No twerit)-S!-ven (27) and flout
ing on 'third ("nl) street being fortj (tO)
feet in front by ono hundicil nnd twenty
I'M) ieei eieep ni cording to a plan on
mip entitled "Pnook's Addition to Ob
phaut ' Coal mid minerals i eserved Im
proved with a two-stor framo building
Seized and taken In execution nt tho
suit ot Guarautco Savings. Loan und In
vestment compnii) vs M P O'Mullej
Debt $730 80 Judgment No HO, January
T, UOS PI fa to Januni', T, K
No. 4 All the right, title. Interest,
claim or demand In law or eqult), of Os
car Muor, In and to ttio following de
scribed land Helng all that certain picco
or parcel of land situate In tho township
of Scott, county of Lackawanna, und
state of Pennsylvania, boundid and de
scribed as follows: On tha westerlj side
by public road Icidlng to Green Grove, on
the noitherly slelo by load leading from
said last mentioned toad to Urowu Hol
low, and also by lunels ot Newton, Win
ters and Gardner, on tho easterly and
southerly stdos by lunds of the Henry
Church estate, lletng tho same premises
conveed to Hdvvnrd C. Dlintulck by deeds
of Challcs i; Silvius nnd wife und .Louisa
S. Silvius, duly recorded
Also tho barn lot situate on tho wester
ly side of tho nforesild toad leading to
Green Grove, as described In deed for the
same fiom James Wheeler and wife o
said Ddwurd C. Dlmmlck. Tho two pieces
or pai eels of land contain sov enlj -llvo
acres of land, more or loss. All Improved
with one framo dwellnlg house, two
barns, basement and sheds attached, ono
granary and nrchaid. Iielng the same
premises which Hdward C. Dlmmlck, by
article of agreement dnted tho thirty
list day of December, U9 , agreed then
and convey to tho said Oscar Mav o,
Seized and taken In execution at the
suit ot Joan Du Pont Dlmmlck and La-
vlna i; uunmicK, executrix, or Kdwiucl c.
Dlmmlck, deceased. Debt. 001 33 Judg
ment No 364. Nov. T.. 1S07 Alias tt, fa,
to January T., 1803
No. 5 -All tho right, tltlo und Intereit
of the defendant, Zacharius TiJllnue, In
and to all thnt certuln pteco oi parcel of
land sltuato In the city of Scranton, coun
ty of Lackawanna und state of Pennsyl
vania, bounded and descilbed as follows.
to wit: Helng lot No. 157 on what Is
known ns Alfred Hand's addition to tho
city of Scrnnton; said lot being llfty-flvn
foot In front on South Dynon street nnd
ono hundred and thlrty-thrco feet In
depth, ns by refereneo to said map. In
tended to bo recorded will more fully ap
pear. All Improved with n two-Btory
framo dwelling and outbuildings.
Seized nnd taken In execution nt tho
suit of Prnnk I. Ulnkcslee and Austin
ltlnkeslce. executor ot tho last will and
testament of Jacob Hlnkcstee, decesed,
vs. Zacharlnh Tranxuc. Debt, 2oS SS.
Judgment No. 13, September Term, 18Q7,
Court ot Corrmon Pleas of Monroe coun
ty, nnd No. 317 Court of Common Pleas
ot Lacknwnnna county. Totatum 11. fa.
to January Term, ISis. Also nt tho suit rf
mine vs same Debt. $190 24 Judgment
No. 14, September Term, 1S17, C. P. of
Monroe countv. and No. 31S, Januaiy
Term, H9S, C. P. of Lackuvvniina countv,
Tcstntum II, fa. to January Term, 1S9S.
Also at tho suit of samo vs. same. Debt,
$190 21. Judgment No. 15, September Term,
1S')7, C. 1'. of Monroo county, nnd No. Sin,
January T., 1S9S, C. P. of Lackawanna
county. Testatum ft. fa. to January
Term, 1897. Also nt tho suit of same s.
same. Debt, $190 21 Judgment No. 10.
September Term, 1897, C. P. of Monroe
county, nnd No. 31'i, Jnnunry Term, ItW,
U I', of Licknwanna county. Testatum
tl. fa. to Januaiy Term. 189S.
mhlvin i. coitmrrr. and
No. C All the rlfiht, title nnd Interest
of tho defendant, Joseph Roos, In nnd to
nil thnt certnln lot or pleco of ground
with the bulldltiRS nnd Improvements
thereon erected, slttmlo In tho Hlghth
vvnid of the city of Scrnnton, In the
county of Lnckuwnnna, nnd state of
Pennsjlvnnla, aforesaid, described ac
cording to a survey thereof mide by A
II. Dunning, Jr., survejeu, dated March
2, 1893, as follows, to wit:
llchinnlng at a point on tho southeast
side of franklin avenue at the distance
of two hundred and twenty (220) feet,
soiithwebtward fiom the sodthwest side of
Linden street, containing In trout or
bre.ulth on tho said franklin avenue
twent (20) fict und extending of tint
bicadth In length or depth southeastward
one hundred and seventy (170) feet to Ray
mond alley, bounded noitheisivvard by
ground now or late of Mrs Posten; south
eistwarel by suld Raymond alley; south
westward hi ground now or lato of John
Short, nnd nortliwostwaiel by Prnnkilu
nvenuo nfoiesaid Iielng the same prem
ises which C S Wood! tiff, by nn inden
ture datoel the second day of March, A.
D 1893, und Intended to oe forthwith re
corded, granted and conveved unto tho
said Joseph Rons In fee. subject to rcs
pivatlons us to coil and minerals as
theteln recited All Improved with u
three-story brick store nnd dwelling
rooms und a two-stoiy double wood frame
dwelling holige.
Seized and taken In exqcutlon nt tho
suit ot the t'tiited Security Life Insur
ance nnd Trust SCompanv of Pcnnsvl
vanln vs. Joseph Roos Debt, $j 329 W.
Judgment No. !)i, Nov. T 1897. Lev, fa.
to January Term, lS'is
WOODRL'f f, Atty.
No 7 All tho right, tltlo nnd Inteiest
of defend int, S Y. Hnupt. hi and to all
that certain lot of land in the city of
Scranton. county of Lickivvanna, nnd
state of Pennsi lvanla. bounded and de
scribed as follows to wit: Uelng tho
erlv part of lot number twenti -three (2t)
In block number slxtv-thrce (03) of tho
Lackawnnnii Iron und Coal Companv 's
plot of lots. Intended to bo duly registered
and recorded ; said lot facing on Qulncy
avenue and being forty (40) feet in width
on Qulncy avenue, same In the, tho
Int being lectungular and ninety feet in
depth, but ten (10) feet In depth of tho
frontago of salel lot is restricted to bay
windows, porches, vaults nnd tho llko.
as reserved In deed of the Lackawanna
Iron and Coil compinv to W. H. Squnrev,
dated Maieh 21th lsS9 and recorded In tho
otllco for lecordlng deeds, etc.. In and
for Lackawanna county hi deed book No.
Bt, page U1S e tc Coal and minerals re
served. Improved with a three-story
fiamo dwelling house and outbuildings
thereon ,, . ,,
Seized nnd taken In eecutlon nt the
Milt ol Amolia S Hnupt s S Y. Hnupt.
Debt, J.'GJjOii Juelgmenl No. 9j0. Sep
tember T, J8'7. Alias tl. fa. to January
No. b All the right tltlo and interest
of tho defendant. 1'mlly A. 11. Dovle. in
and to all that certain lot. piece or pircel
of lind. situate In Lehigh township, coun
ty of Lickawanni, nnei state of l'ennsil
vanla, surveved to Templo Hinds and ad
iclnlng other lands of sild Kmllv A. II.
Doi le, and containing 10 acres of land,
be tho same more or less.
Seized und taken In execution at tho
suit of C Stegmalei te Son vs. Hmlly A
II Doile. Debt $J0o00 Judgment No. 270.
March Term. 18. f I ta. to January T.,
No 9 All the right, tltlo and Interest
of tho defendant, D. Damal, executor of
Titus Hack, et nl , deceased. In nnd to all
that certain hilt lot or parcel ot land, sit
uate, b Ing and beln-i In tho city of Scian
ton. Lickavvanna county, und stato of
Pennsv lvanla bounded and described ns
follows, to wit:
Helng the scutberlv lnlf of lot num
bered twenty-three Ui). In square or block
number forty-nine (49). and situate upon
street called and known as Crown ave
nue, according to tho Pawnee Coal Corn
pan's plot of land In the city of Scranton.
Said half lot being rectangulir In shape.
25 feet In width in front, ono said ave
nue, the same In rear, nnd 140 feet In
Dxceptlng and reserving, however, to
tho legal owners thereof, all cocl and min
eral beneath tho surface of said lot. In
tho samo manner and to tho same extent,
and subject to tho samo conditions, as tho
coal Is leseived In said half lot in the fol
lowing two deeds to wit:
)1) Maigaret Simon, et. al , executors
of fiodeilck Simon, to tho heirs and legal
representatives of Titus Hack, dited 2Jth
elai of April, 1S93, and recoided In deed
book No. 133, page 15 Improved with a
two-story framo dwelling house and out
buildings thereon.
Seized and tiken In execution nt tho
suit of Henry Winkler vs. K Damnl. o.
ecutor of Titus Hack, deceased. Debt.
J2S7 03 Judgment No. C02, Nov omber T ,
18J7. Tl. fa. to January Term 1S9.
Sheriff's office, Scranton, Pa., Dec. 10.
Delaware ami Hudson.
On Slonday, July 5, trains will leave
Scianlon as folluws:
For Caibondale 6 20, 7 53, 8 53, 1015 a.
m , 12 00 noon, 1.21. 1H, 3 52, 6 25, 0 25. 7.57, 10 15 p m , 12 10 a. m
For Albani, Saiatogn. Montreal, Bos
ton, New England points, etc., C 20 a. in ,
2 20 p. ni.
For Honesdale 6 20, 8 55, 10.13 a. m.:
12 00 noon J 2 20, 6.25 p m
For Wllkes-Bairo 0 43, 7 60, 3 43, 9 13.
10 45 a. m 12 05. 1.25, 2 2S, 3 33. 4.11, 6 00. 7 59.
9 50, 1130 p, m
I'or New York, Philadelphia, etc, via
Lehigh Valley R R , 0 45, 7.50 a m . 12 03.
1.23, 4 41 p m (with Black Diamond Ex
pi ess) 11.30 p. m
For Pennsi lvanla It R. points 0 43, 9 31
a. m.: 2 23. 4 41 p m.
For webturii points via Lehigh Vallt"
R It., 7 50 a in. 12 03, 3 33 (with Black
Diamond Exprcis), 9 60, 11 30 p ro
Tialiu will urrlve at Scranton as foi
lows Ftom Carbcndnlo end the north 6 13
7.43. 8 40, 911, 10 40 a m. 12 noon 1 W,
2 21. 3 23, 4 27, 6 4J. 7.45. 9 45 11 23 p, m.
From W'llkes-Burre and the South 6 15
7 60. 8 60,-1010,-1165 a. m.i 116. 2 It, 3 IS,
6 20, 6 21, 7.63. 9.05. 9 45 a m.i 12 (ri a m.
Complete Infoimatlon regaidlng rates
to all points In the United States and
Canada may bo obtained at tho ticket of
llco In the depot.
Special attention given to Western and
Southern icsort bueiness.
J. W. mJRUIPK. a P. A, Albiny, N. Y,
JX. W. CROSS. D P. A Scranton. Pa.
Schedule In Etlect November is, lSS.
Trains Loavo Wilkes-Barra as Follows
7.30 a. m weok days, for Sunbury,
Harrlsburg, Philadelphia," Bittl
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burg and tho Wast.
10.16 a. m weak dayo, for Hazleton,
Pottsvlllc, Reading;. Norrlotown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Hnrrlsburg, Philadelphia,
Baltlmoroi Washington and Pitts,
burg, and tho West.
3.15 p. m., weok days, for Sunbury,
Harrlsburjr, Phliadelphls, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and tho West.
8.15 p m., Sundays only, for Sun
bury, Harrlsburp, Philadelphia,
and Pittsburg and tho West.
O.CO p.- m., week days, for Hazleton
and Pottsville.
J. R. WOOD. Oen'l Pan. AtjenU
J. . HUTCHINSON. Unfnl MuntZir.
Central Railroad ot New Jerkcy
(Lohlgh nnd Susquehanna Division.)
Stations In. Nuw York Foot ejf Liberty
stieet, N. 11, and Whitehall Terminal.
Anthracite ctfal used exclusively, Insur
ing cleiinllneiw and comfort.
TIME TAULD IN Eff ECT NOV. 14. 1837.
Trains leavo Scranton for Plttston,
Wllkes-Ilarre, etc., ut 8 20, 9.15. 11 30 a. m ,
12 45, 2 00, 3 05, B 00, 7 10 p. m. Sundaya,9 00,
a. m., 1 00, 2 ID. 7.10 p. m.
Tor Lakewood und Atlantic City, 8i0
'For New York, Newark and Elizabeth.
8 20 (express) a. m 12.40 (express with
Buffet parlor car), 3 03 (express) p m.
Sunday. 215 p. m. Train loavlng'12 45 p.
in arrives nt Philadelphia, Heading Ter
minal, 5 19 p. m nnd Now York (5 00 p nt.
for Maueh Chunk. AUcntown, Bethle
hem, Eiston and Philadelphia, 8 20a. in,
12 45, 3 03, 5 00 (except Philadelphia) p. m.
Sunday. 2 15 p. m. ,,..,,.
for Baltimore and Washington and
points South and West via Bethlohem,
8 20 u. m , 12 43 p. m Sundais, i 15 p. nu
For Lons Brunch, Ocean Grove, etc, at
8 20 n. m. and 1245 p. m.
for Beading, Lehiron and Harrlsburg,
via Allelitown, 8 20a. m, 12 13, 5 00 p. m.
Sunday. 2 15 l m.
for Pottsville, 8 20 n. m , 12 1. p. m
Returning leave New ork. foot of Lib
erty street, Noith nivcr, at 9.10 (express)
a. m . 1.10, 130, 4.15 (express with Buffet
parlor car) p. m. Sundai, 4 30 a m
Leavo New York, foot Whitehall street,
South ferry, at 9 0S a. m , 1 00, 1 25, 3 5'i
p m. Passengers arriving or departing
from this tennlinl can connect under
cover with all tho elevated rallroiiL,,
Broadway cablo cars, and ferries to
Brooklyn and Staten Island, making
nulck transfer to and from Grand Central
Depot and Long Island Kallroad
Leave PHIidelphli. Reading Terminal.
9 CO a. m , 2 00 nnd 4 30 p. in. Sunday, 6 23
Through tickets to all points at lonct
rate may ba had en application In ad
vance to the ticket apent at the station.
Gen. Pass. Agt.
J. H. OLHAUSEN, Gen. Supt.
Lehigh Valley Railroad System
Anthracite Coal Used, Ensuring Cleanli
ness aiul Comfort
IN EFFECT NOV. 14. 117.
Tor Philadelphia nnd New York via D.
&. H. It It at l 43. 7 50 a. m , nnd U 05, 1 ii,
2 28, 4 41 (Black Diamond Exprcsi) ana
11 30 p m.
I'or Pltlston and Wllkes-Barre via D
L & W. It. R, t00 SOS, 11.10 a. m., 153
J 35. C 00 p. m.
For Whlto Haven, Hazleton, Pottsville,
and principal points In the coal regions
via D. & H. R. B . C 13, 7 50 a. m , 12 03. 2 23
and 4 41 P m.
For Bethlehem, Easton, Rending. Hnr
rlsburg and principal intermediate rti
tlons vH D t II. It R . 6 15. 7 30 a. m .
12 03. 123. 2 2S. 4 41 (Black Diamond Ex
press), 11.30 P. m.
For Tunkbannock, Towanda, Elmlra,
Ithaca. C.enesva. endprlivclpal imeVniCetr
ute stations via D. L L. W. R. R, 6 0),
8 OS a. m , 12 45 and 3 Jj p. m
For Geneva, Rochester, Buffalo, Nlag
nr Falls, Chicago, nnd all points west via
D. Sc H. R R . 12 03 3 33 (Black Diamond
Express), 9 50 and 11 30 p. m
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh
Vullei parlor cars on nil trains between
Wllkes-Bairo and New York, Philadel
phia. Buffalo, and Suespenslon Bridge.
CHAS. S. LEE. Gen. Pass. Agt , Phtla ,
Pass. Agt . Philadelphia," Tk. S
Scranton office, 309 Lackawanna avenuo.
Del.. Lacka. and Western.
Effect Monday, Nov. 21, 1S07.
Trains leavo Scranton as tollows. Ec
pres,s for New York and all points East.
1 to, 3 00, 5.15, S.1") and 10 03 a. m. M2 53 .Old
3 33 1) in. "
Express 'for Easton, Trenton, I'lillaHi!
phla and tho South, 513. 8 00 and 10 2S'3.
m, 12 33 -id 3 33 p. m. -
Washington ana way stations. 3 4j p in.
Tobcr-Tra accommodation, 610 p. m
Express .or Blnghamton, Oswego, El
mlra. Corning. Bath, Dansvllle. Myunt
Morris and Buffalo. 12 10. 2 '1. ' 0) aitf..
and 1 53 p m . making i luu lonneitlcjps. at;
BulTalo to all points In tho West, North
west and Southwest
Blnghamton uiid way stations, 1 Oa p m,
N'leliolton acLOirinodatlon, 5 15 p. m.
Blnghamton und Elmlra exprebs, 5 33
Express for tltlca nnd Richfield Springs
2 33 n. m und 1 33 p. rn.
IthacJ, 2 33, 9 00 a. m , nnd 1 55 p m.
For Northumberland. Plttston. Wllkes
Bano. Plinu'ilth, Btbomsbillg and Dan
vlll". making eloe connection nt North
umberland foi W llllarrii ort, Harrlshurs
Baltimore, Wjshlnsloii und thp South
Noithumberland and Intermediate sti
tlons, 6 00, 10 05 a. m , ond 1 53 and 6 00 p.
Nantlcoke and Intermediate Motions,
8 to nnd 1110 n m Plymouth and Intei
medlate sUtlnns, 133 and 8 50 p. m. For
Kingston. 12 43 p m.
Pullman puiloi and sleeping coaches on
nil express trains
For detailed Information, pocket time
tables, etc, appl to M L smith, .Dis
trict Passenger Agent, depot tlrket otllco,
Krlc and Wyoming Valley.
In cftert Spt 19. lS'-7.
Trains leave Set anion fir New York
and Ir tn mediate pclnts on Eiia rallroid.
also for llawley anil local points nt 7 03
a m. and 2 23 p m
Airlvo at Scranton from abovo points
at 10 23 .1 m , 3 15 ar.d 9 35 p. m
' -
"- scitAvrov DIVISION.
Ill r.ffcct December 1-2-tIi, 1S07.
I jm. "ZTW T-J T
1 Ut
Xortli Bound. soutli Bound.
soil iei"
S fl (Trtlns Daily. Ex- s
y. cept Miuday ) 15 a
I r uMTlvu Leave 1 Mi
.. .. 7251 Y rranklla ht. .... 7 i) . ..
.. 7 10, West 4nd street .... 7 i
700; WeehawLen ... 810 ....
p k Arrive Leave r mI
1 15 I'ulOlU jTi
tw Hancock .,. 2itJ..i
... t2 66 Ktarllrbt ... BCiJ. ,.
mi, Preston ratk ... SHI....
U40 VVlBlvooa .... '241 ....
u2, l'oyntelle aw ....
" . is 11 orsou ... its ....
Ijra, rieoaaut Mt. ... 3(6 ...
. tusp uouniaia .. art . ..
U49 Forest cttj . . 119 . ..
1134 carbjnelVe .... 8 tl ...
(1130 W hits llrlelf 0 .. U8b ..
!. Ilia J Marneld .... 18 41 . ..
11 si Jennyn ... 343
1118 Archibald ,. 351 ....
11 ti Vinton .... 3M . .,
1111 lvckvlllo .... Sfti ..v
... 1107 Olreliaat .... '101 ...t
1103 lilexburir ... 4 0. ....
. . .. not inroop ... 410 , .,
II ei Prnvlnenca . ill m,
(1057 1 ark Place ...T 14 17 ....
10 55 scranton .. -4 a m.
a ti Leave Arrive f ',
1 1 " i ,f r
ah tr.iina run dallv exceoL rsundir.
t slitiiines that trulns stop ou bignM for pas.
cecure laws via Ontario & Western before
RurchailDKtlckoUaiul nave raouey, Day. ana
Igut mpresstotho west ...
J.O, Anacrson, Oen. l'ass Agt.
T, Flltcrort, I)lv, rass, Agt.BeriutoA. Pa.