"r THE SCRAN TON TB1R UN E- THURSDAY MORNIPG-, DECEMBER HO, 1H97. THE KAISbR'S JOB IS NO SINECURE Royally in His Case Not a Finn cry Bed of Ease. HARD WORK AND PLENTY OH IT Crnphlc IMcttiro of Ills Jlxtruonllniin Labor and Iturilcii!i--Aii Arrom lilishcd Linguist mid hcliolnr-A Solillrr, n Siillor, nml a Stitteimiin. The Figaro kIvpi In tin follow Inn conilcti'ieU form llic most lnii?n "tlni; cnaptcr or a blight little viiluiiu- Jift published In Paris, cntltkd "rinllliumc II. Intlme" liy Alain kv l.ouclPt. wlilili Is bound, It ii, to huo a bilillnnt eucf.es do urloMltu The activity of the O'tnuin ctnpn r W proverbial. II Is mvet at iot. lie Ins a hoi nil to IdlfncRt, and lii" i n ilurancp It prodlglo'itt. In Ills Iniiiii-d-late surrounding It Is fen rod that his lipnlth innj one day soiffei fr. m his constant pfforts to pxunliu1 ieroiinllv Ii'to all thp affairs or the cnuilt'' To test Ms weary head ho talrs a kp it deal of physical exeiilp( and hi- t?xt 'Is In athletic ncLumpllHliniPnlH The cmpeior nilscti at & o'clock In tht nioinliiK The moment In- pets out of bed lie takes a lold bath lit mother, Mho Is the dnughtri of (lit'im Victoria and consequently Knpllsh by origin, taught him from his childhood to loio cold watei After the liath l.e dretses rapidly, and at half P ist C ho takes breakfast. Immediately after biealcfist the pm peior iroes to Ms olllclnl rutin tot h, when heaps of lottui- and doi unn-ntM awn It him. The empeioi, who attends himself to all thes" nffilts, has so muih to do In the line of leading docu ments and examining ecithinu In detail that he has hatdlv an Instant's lest He larelj puts off the examina tion of nny nntter, attending t eveiy thlng on the spot, even when lo do so it Is necessary to take two r thiee bonis from his sleeplnir time The adjutants on duty ate .it their pota at halt past C. The pinpitor dis cusses with them the movements of that day, and then l.e goes to sue his cl..ldien. SOIU'TINIZING ACCOl NTS After that he goes to his own apait ments, where he tecelves the lepotts of officials a, nl confeis with the func tionaries of the stand master of the palcce He looks after all entertain ments and solemnities, the progi amine and the oppoitunlly of outings, the ixpenso to be Incurred, etc In the sann w.iv during the moinlng he sees to the atfalis of the impel lal house hold, scans the accounts, authoiles the ojiI-ts given by Hie giand mar hh.il, in a word, looks Into the m.itteis of the domestic life of the t istle. In liupoitant cases he uielve-, at S or lock his mlnlsteis and eounsdlois, the piefcct of police, the generals and high olllelals. All these ) t" sonants f,lve oially bilefs of the lejio'ts whlih they present to him foi his l'nutuie. He has made It a habit to wade through all the lepoits which come in dining the eliy and to examine them lhorouchl He often says to the of llciuls w 01 king with him. I know ver well that I nm giving jolt a gieat deal of tiouble but I ciniot help it I am imposing a buiden upon mM.lf, f r my conscience will nevei allow me to eome to a decision pieelplt itclv " It otlen hnpptns that the heals of depiitmcnts present him with tv.enty docuni-nts fot his slgnattne. V.ai li one of them Is examined taiefullv, and out of the twenty papers It rarely happens hat he signs moie than thiee or four. As for the othoib, he wants aldlilonal det ills At 9 o'clock In the moinlng tin em ptioi lias alieady accotnpllshi d .1 heav piece of woik. The libel ant! season peimlttlng, he takes u llde In a eaniage, which Is followed by a long piomennde on foot If the weath er Is not suitable for that ex. i else, he go. s horselKitk tiding lor thiee-iiuai-tcis of an houi. The emperor Is a good swordstn in, a good hoiseman and un excellent liun tei When on hoi.selintk he likes in en counter dilllcultles He Jumps not only hedges and ditches, but also hut dies with the gieatest facility Cm the days of Inspections, wlen he Is obliged to be In the saddle inr a considerable time, he omits the ear-iiag- ride. He often lemalns In the saddle live or six hours continuously, AGAIN AT WORK At 11 o'clock the confeienees and n poits nie again taken up. This is also th'" time for nudlentis. The ollleis n high rank and nl?o the functional lis who have Just ben pionrnted aie nu Jtounced, Ho receives nls t the imimivs and lepiesentatlws ot othei stati-s, pilnces and ginnds seigneuis. Willium II chats with each of them lot a f i w momentp At these leeeptlons the em peror displays towaul his em Ms .n tentlons that aie quite uiiglnal. Pur example, he changes his unlfoim six or seven times. If the miii of en uitil leiy genetal conies to nnnounie th deRth of Ills fathr the emneior nee, r falls to don the unlfoim of an nitllletv general In orJer to pay lesnect to tin ofllcer who died In his si l vice. He ap peals In the unlfoim of an iiitilleiv genet nl, of a geneial of cavalu oi of infantry, or even In the uiilfuim of an admiral, accoidlng to the innk of the person whom he ieteies If the empeior lecelves lepiesutla tlves ot nillltaiy uttaehes of fmelAii countries, he wimis the uniform if th foiek'iier that he jecelvcs, or at least the decorations of the country of that fot elgnei All this tin some leiemony lasts un til 2 o'clock In the afterroi u The em peror then govf back to sic hW chil dren, who aie ulieacU at tabh and he takes lunch with them Then he sees the high ntlklals the geneials nnd mli'Istjrs, and discusses with them th- Bklns on flro with torturlnp, dlsllgutniu, itching, burning, bleeding, seal j , ami linily bunion, Instantly relioicd by a warm hath with CtTicuiu Boat, astnglo aiilliatlonof CfTieuiu (ointment), tlio gieat kkln euro, and a full doso of CuTlcinu lttoL t.sT. ! lold throuthoul Iht wotld. PoiTIS P. O. t'OBP , Rolt Ytcp , lluslun. ' IlcwloeurtTortuTlof llumori,"rt DHDVIQ ClflM Sctlp tnJ llilr purlBtJ ami llciu- mticiira affairs ef state. He vMtB the artists and poses for a portrait of a bust. He Inspects the barracks and the ollltjcs of th public nilmlnlsttiitlon, nnd, If the weather penults, ho closes tho tiny with a long can lag" ride. At half past C he lecelves agnln tho People who have any communications to make or who come to consult him In legnid to mllltaty or political nffalrs. He Hikes un the detailed reports and papers that vveie picstnted to hlin In the morning, and, after having read them carefully, signs them Then at T o'ebek he dines with his family. FAMILY LIKi:. Whjn he llses fiom table the em peior passes n certain time with his children, who have devoted their day to stu lies or to bodily exeicli s Then he lettuns to woik. Ill the evening th" emperor fence ". Then, at nbout 10 o'clock, he p.utnkep of a light lepapt and i utiles to his bedchamber. A lit tle after 10 o'clock he calls his seivant, who assists hlin to undress. On n tilde placed beside his lied there are alw'ivs pencils and paper, so that the soveflgn may be able to wilte the Ideas that come to him befoie going to (deep. Kue.lt Is the daj's woik of the em peior In oidlnaiy circumstances. In extraoidlnaiy eiicumstances William 11 unel'M takes a still heavier task. One may etiMI Imagine the additional la bel that l imposed upon the emperor bj the visit of a king or a pilnce. All th cut rent nffalis ate attended to by himself, even when the lslt of some gint piMsonnge compels him to spend half n day in feasts, piomenndcs nnd cereaionls His time Is so mcas uiel In such caes that It is only at 11 o'clock In the morning that he Is able to go Into his study, to glance at the Join nals ci lead sume new book of a scientific, political en lltciaiy chaiac tei He nvei can sk'ep befoie 10 o'clock p. m. Nevertheless, he often ikes at 1 o'clock In the moinlng to itciimiiie'iir his work In expediting nf fais of state Moreover, visits, man ecutvies of troops and military Inspec tions outMde of Tl'tlln absuib a gloat pen Mop oi the oveielgn's time. Dur ing the travclllnt, Hire he never le malns nn Instant utuccupled. He ex amines ippmts, signs documents, etc. When evening comes, after nil the solemnities at which he Is obliged lo be pics-nt, after tho haianguis nnd the toasts that he must listen to and to which It is necessary for hlin to tc plv, one would fmev that lie ought to be wont out bv fatigue1 but as i-onn as he leaches his loom nft"r midnight he begins again to examine ptpeis and to sign them. When absent fiom Het lln. the seat of all the gieat admlnls tiatlon, he is obliged to deal with af filts moie promptly and with more thin oidlnny discernment During th manoeuvres and Inspec tions the empeioi Is In the saddle fiom half past 5 In the morning, and he re mnlns in the saddle until - o'clock In tlie afternoon He has Inidly time to eat, and ifter a hasty meal he com mence? again to study the aflairs of the government He holds a leception In the afternoon and is piesent at more ceiemonle-i. 11" never manifests the k ist l.ltig'ie He xrls 111 the alt of sajlng pleasant things to eaeh one of his vlsitois. In these e Irciimstauees the emperor has lately more than thiee limits for lest, but the next day lie Is in the saddle nt the recnlar hour. He Is pa"-Ionatelj fond of the sea, and ndmlies the natuuil beauties of the co ist of Noiwaj. Hveu on his plrasuie tills he devotes a gieat pot tloli c f his time to labor Wherever he slops he alwdjs finds desp itches, let tus nnd documents addiessed to hlin, and even on bo.ud his yacht his active mind is ahsas investigating and lead ing No dou'jt h" goes upon voyages of -onio length, espvially dining tlio summer months, when the administra tions have their vacations, but the government machine never stops, and William II. always attends to business ot an tiigent n.'tme. Notwithstanding all the woik that the empeior Ins imposed upon himself, he still llnds time to tea I the gi eater poitlon of the Impoitant books that nppe"ii in Pan pe on liteiaiy, scienti fic lcllglous, and phiUsnphlcal sub jeets A distinguished linguist, pos sessing thoroughly and admirably the Piench and Pngllsh languages, he leads all these books not In the tianslation. but In the oiiglnal text. In this wa he is raiely taken at a tllsiid vantage In a eonversitlin which some new question or new book Is discussed To accomplish all this woik William II. follows the Idea tint nothing but the most absolute lepulnity in the em ployment ni ids time can penult him to siKe the ptoblem, In apoiatanee imposilhle, of acquit lug a c leai light upon evei.v thing that temp's hunnii obsei viitlon. He was pr mated fin this wuk bj a severe iducition. lie was lalsed In a haul school. In which he seldom had moie than halt an houi to satisfy his taates. Knowing the value id time', he lately postpones anv sei l.nis nllYili. tfomewhit theatilcal In bis niunnei Indeed, we tulgiit almost say eabotln he Is nevetibebws eon v lined that the bend of fi slate should be not only the I piesentatlV" of au tl.uilty, but also the nmt active c ol Inloiatoi in th II f of the countiv ovti which ho iiiles. His m stlc Ideas have hiought him to the point of be lieving that his niuhoilty e-nius fiom divinity itsull. He Is ( i e; of the last believeis In the divine il.;nt of kngs.as the Comto de riiuuboiil was the 1.1 j lepiisentathe in TiaMee. m iskatim; ismr Tin: hush. "I see nctoiillug to leceni HtntlsiUs that m tiling's uie die leasing i.iplill) in I numb.'i' ' In MiiU, us he looked at lie t SUtlllllll). "Ar.t Itllll ' Ulll lllltmil II tllinlll ...iinli ...- .... ...,. uriiLii niinuiii iiiiitii -how of Intel est. 'ThfV ui i', accoidlng to this stutls. Hi Ittll he leplkd "I think theie lillist In Konu tiling wiong with the iuesi-nt ro i lal lumillloiiH, don't )ou?" "I don't know. I luivui''l glien it uny lliinullt " she leturiled. Of colli se. It may b the effeet ot tho mw woman' he continued, "but I wouldn't cue lo buy so positively. Still 1 think Its verj much lo bo i egret uu, dun t an" ' I suppose so " It doesn't hit ni lust light to nie It mi ins us If the woild was soil of going wiiuig Tho population Is IneieiiHlng. but inarrtiigis aie decireiislng. 'Unit Is u lute of nffalis thut thuatens Kiave dan gei and I think It Is the duty of evciy ti in -hearted Individual to do what he or sin i an to change such conditions, don't jou ' bli had become Intel cstcdb this tluin, and she Htralgthteued up and looked ut him shaiplv 'What me oti di mug at"' she a claimed "What mo von talking about, uuwa "" S by, 1 I " he stammered. "If jou want to piopune. ' she Inter tuple d, "speak uii like a iniiu and do It, and don't go beating mound the hush nnd talking about tendencies of luimanltj and all thut. I'm u new woman, with a bus iness training, and 1 believe hi coming straight to tne point. Ale jou ufter meY "Wlij', I I jch 1 was Just about to- ' "Well, thou, I'm jours, and tho matter Is settled. Now, nevor try mi) of jour foolishness attain nnd we'll got nloug all light All thoso old-fiuj, round. abo it methods urn nut of elate. I'll name tho da) ufter 1 havo discussed tho matter with my bloomer-muker. JONAS LONG'S SONS. A Great Sale of Groceries And House Furnishings We Usher Out the Year of 1897 with One of the Greatest Sales in the History of Our Concern. We want to fill every nook and corner of the great basement of this big store with people on Thuisday and Friday. We mean that you shall know this great depaitment of our business better. There is only one way to bring it to your attention by making pi ices that will diaw you here. Marching orders have been given to $1,900 Worth of Qreystone Granite Enamelled Ware At Less Than Cost to Manufacture. This is positively a tremendous bargain. We captured the entire stock of a well known maker at a pi ice that would astound you. We're go ing to sell it at a price that is ridiculously low. Along with it, just to make the trade music in the basement complete, we name for today and tomor row only SPECAL RRGES ON GROCERIES. The saving power of buying good gioceries for cash is every day demonstrated in this store. Prudent buyers already appreciate: First The economy in their grocery bills by buying where stock is largest and assortment greatest. Second What they get for their money. Quality is everything in groceries, and quality is what the stock here is based on. We aim to buy the BEST of everything. This is as aptly illustrated in our Minnesota-Patent Flour, at $5.60, which otheis charge you $6.o a bar rel for, as it is in our best grades of Coffee at 32 cents a pound, which you cannot buy elsewhere at any price, because small dealeis cannot obtain such coffee. Buying in great quantities, we can keep prices down and we do. We deliver your groceries free no matter where. & Remember, This Great Sale Is for Two Days OnlyThursday and Friday. t&AB Enamelled Ware. Rice Boilers One quait, value ox Three pint, value 69c Two quart, value 89c Dippers Quait Dippeis, value 17c At 8c Tea and Coffee Pots Three pint, value 30c At 17c Two quaits, value 3 jc At 19c Five pints, value 4jc At 22c Tea Kettles Two sizes, value 55c and 6c Choice at 35c Drinking Cups Largesize, value 17c At 8c Frying Pans Three large sizes, value from 29c to 50c... Choice at 15c Dish Pans Fourteen quait size, value 4,c At 22c Wash Basins Large size, value 17c At 8c Lipped Sauce Pans Three pints, value ijc At 7c Two quarts, value 19c At 9c All other preserve kettles and sauce pans at pi ices in propoition to above. Coffee Mills Just one gross of them for this sale, worth c.At 14c Pillow Sham Holders "Widman" Holdeis, woith ic At 9c Table Tumblers 6,000 Tumblers, fancy patterns, woith $ cents each. For this sale 6 for 9c 4,000 best quality thin blown Table Tumblers, regulaily sold at 60c dozen. For this sale... 6 for 15c Cups and Saucers Best White Cups and Saucers, per pah 4c Wash Bowl and Pitcher Best quality, per pair 45c Store Open Friday Evening;New Year's Store Closed THE GREATEST DEPARTMENT STORES IN NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA. JONAS LONG'S SONS. At 25c At 39c At 49c JONAS LONG'S SONS. Toilet Sets Last week one day we cleaned out an entire lot of Toilet Sets. They were great value, and the people knew it. How about this lot ? Full size decorated sets, containing Wash Bowl and Pitcher, Soap Dish, Tooth Brush Mug, Chamber and cover, very handsome and sold regulaily everywhere at $1.89. Here for today and tomorrow only, at 95c Set Tea Sets Beautiful English Printed Tea Sets, containing $6 pieces; three colors to choose from. Worth at the least $4.9, at $2.39 et Dinner Sets Extra quality English Print ed Dinner Sets, each set con taining 112 pieces. Assoit ment of colors and patterns to choose from. Worth $10. For this sale at $5.95 set Why Not Dine Here? When you are through choos ing from these great bargains, try the Cafe for your dinner or luncheon; or, if you like, a cup of coffee or tea or cocoa. Regular dinner from 11.30 to 2.30, Forty Cents JONAS LONG'S SONS. 1 1 1 injfrn wv fife m iw f Standard Granulated Sugar 21 pounds for $1.00 Canned Goods Tomatoes, hand packed, 8c Coin, N. Y. State 7c Corn, fancy Maine lie Peas, early June 9c Peas, exti a sifted 1 5c Lima Beans 8c Stiing Beans 8c Succotash lie Cereals Rolled Oats, 8 lbs. for.. 25c Pettijohn's Wheat, pkg..!2c Quaker Oats, pkg 10c H. O. Oats, pkg 14c Buckwheat, 2 lbs 48c ( Loin meal, 10 ids 10c Graham Flour, 10 lbs. ..24c Fruits California Muscatel Raisins, per lb 4c Fancy Citron, per lb 12c Lemon Peel, per lb 10c ' Cleaned Currantb, per lb 9c Seeded Raisins, per lb.. 9c London Layer Figs, per lb 10c Golden Dates, per lb... 8c California Prunes, per lb 8c Haple Syrup Pure Vermont Sap Syi up veiy tine, gal $1.09 Holasses Best New Orleans, gal. .35c Vinegar Pure Cider Vinegar, gal.. 16c nincemeat Home-made, very fine, ij lb. pails 49c Royal Baking Powder, lb..39c Davis Baking Powder, lb.. 18c Tomato Catsup, bottle 9c Strained Honey, glass 8c Eve. SaturdayNew Year's Day. JONAS LONG'S SONS. n Canned Fruits Cal. Egg Plums, can 12c Cal. Gieen Gages, can.. 12c Cal. Bartlett Pears, can.. 12c Lemon Cling Peaches, can 17c White Chenies, can 12c Wayne Co. Apples, gal lon 26c Sliced Pineapples, can... 17c Orange Quinces, can... 16c Crackers Soda, 6 lbs. for 25c Milk, 4 lbs. for 25c Oyster, 6 lbs. for 25c Lemon, 4 lbs. for 25c AND Mixed Cakes, 4 lbs. for... 25c Hams Sugar Cured, per lb 8lc California, per lb 6Jc Butter Fancy Creamery.per lb..21c Lard Fancy, 10-lb pails 69c Soap White Chief, 6 for 25c Imperial Boiax, 7 for 25c Long Branch, 12 for 25c Ammonia Per bottle 6c Washing Powder "Gold Dust," per p'k'g.. 18c Salt Mackerel Extra fine, in 10-lb kits $1.19