THE SCR ANTON frRIBUNE-TIIURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER fJO, 181)7. it MRS. WILLIAMS WAS VERY INDIGNANT Roundly Abused Chief Routing Tor Causing Her Arrest. SHOPLIFTING IS TUG CIIARQG In Mrs. WIIII111114 Homo n Hooli, TnpcRtrv mid Cliliin Wcio I'oimil Which .Merchant Identified its lluv inp Ilucn Stolen 1'rom Their I'lncos of ltulncn8-'i'hri'o Other Women were ArrrMcilTlicj Ail mlttcd nt tho Hearing That They were (itiilty. Mrs. II. JI. Wllllntni, n inutrlrel wo man, sut In n chulr In Alilrtnmn John T. Howc'h nlllejo hist oeiilns for n halt hour. Slic hntl boon limited on tho ohuiKP of shoplifting, ami tin- evi dence nfrnlnst her wns utiniiR. Alone, in a loom ci outlet! with curi ous men, Mrs, Williams fotmht eery advnnee with excuses, elenluK nnd spoke tho bltteiest an.itheiiiues upon her accusers. The scene was made the more Im pressive by the appeal nneo nf tho wo man herself. Kashlonnbh dlesped, mlddlo-aRed, and of the most pto nuunceil type of beauty, Mr? Williams won nt least admliers of her dofense for her honoi, een If she did not make them believe her Ktilltless. Three wo men besides Mis. Williams weie ar rested yesterday on the charge of shop lifting, but these anests wcie uninter esting as compaied to Mrs Wllllnms' case. She lives with her husband, a well-to-do man, on Sevei'th street, AVest Hciantiin. In the neighborhood Mrs. Williams Is held In high esteem. Her diameter seemed unimpeachable. The family lies well and own a line residence, which is comfortably fur nished It appears the .store keepei.s of the central city suspected Mis. Wil liams, who was a constant shopper, of stealing. At numerous times ni tides hae been mIsod when Mix. Williams was In the stole. One of thebe coin cidences led, subsequent, to the woman's arrest It concerned "The Wandering Jew," the famous woik of Kugene Sue. onk voiiUMB disappi:am:d. The book Is usually nri.tnseel In two volumes About a year ago one of tho volumes In a set at Heldlenmn's book stoie was missed. Mis. Williams had been In the store that da. A few months ago the suspicions of the pro prietor weie Increased when Mrs. "Wil liams enteied the stole and asked the pi Ice of the remaining volume of the book. So when the police weie going the tounds of the stoics this week the learned from Mr. lieldleman of the disappearance of half of Tho Wnn deiing Jew." The pioprletor also mentioned the name of the suspected woman At S. G Keir's carpet store, on Lackawanna avenue, Chief Kobllng, who peisonally directed the cases against the .shop lifters, was told of the disappearance of a piece of tapestiy valued at $17.r.O. This also was a pait of a &, t and the name of the suspected woman was the same as that of "The WandLiing Jew" episode. M01 cover, when the police leached demons, Ferlier & O'Malley's china store they weie asked to look for two china dishes which had evidently been stolen. This dim also remembered that Mrs. Williams was In the stole at the time. Thus fortified, Chief Itoblltig and De tective John Moir, nccompanied by Mr. Perbcr, of the china stoie, and Mr. Kerr, went to Mis. Williams' residence yesteiday afternoon The tapestry was found In the house, also the volume of "The AVanderlng Jew" and the two dishes. Mrs. Williams denied stealing them Chief Kobllng say that she mentioned dlffeient places where the tapestry had come from. Slin SEIWED AVARNINC. AA'hen the chief began to take the fine fabric fiom its fastenings. Mrs. Williams exclaimed: "Don't take that down, don't, don't; that was put theie by a drapler three years ago." The goods were secured and a hear ing of the case ai ranged for 5 o'clock last evening. At that time the office was ciowded with people, all men ex cept Mrs. Williams and the three other women. Mis. AVllliams emend a snappy plea of "not guilty." Chief Holding then pioceeded to make a case. Mr. lieldleman was sworn. He posi tively Identified the book ns one w hleh was in his stoie. He could tell l the pilvate cost maik, and he stated that there was no lecord of the book being sold. Mrs. AVllliams, In dening, ald that the book was given to hoi by a cousin, who Is now dead. Mr. Ken, of the carpet firm, also Identified tho cur tain. It had not been sold, ho s.ild, because tho aitlcle was one of a set, the other pait being 'now at the stoie. Mrs. AVllliams said she was given the tapestiy three yeais ago by a person in Hlnghamton. Mr. Kerber also Iden tified the dishes as tho ones taken fiom the china store. Thoie weie sK pieces In all, said Mr. Ferber, two were sold, two weie stolen, and two they have left Mis. Wlllhmn said she pui chased the dishes. She had no attorney. Hei husband was ptes ent but he did not Inteifeie Dining all the heating the woman Intei her denials with execiatlons oil Chief Itoblltig. 'You think ou'ie a gentle man' ' she exclaimed at one time; "you'ie not you want to phue me on a level with Italians im a shoplifter, .mm t.UtttflMMUlIS HMR GROWER escup amam ALL DRUGGISTS. JHfra&flPtlA true f tSaWtr-iXi ffi&lw you, you" her natural refinement would not nllovv her to use the epithet she meant. "I tell you I wns given those things, and you will suffer for this." WILL, HAVH IT OUT. "Oh, that's all right," said Chief Holding calmly; "we'll have this out In court." "Yes, wo will," retorted the woman, her black eyes flashing; "I'll show to you thnt I'm Innocent. Me a shop lifter; vou cannot prove It. You wnnt to lower me, to disgrace me! You I'm Innocent, I tell you!" "I don't believe you are," paid Al do.mnn Howe; "I will place the ball at ,,n0." "Klg.'t hundred!" said Mis. AVllliams, half ails'ng nnd looking at the alder man with a sneer culling on her lip "I'lght hun.lred; you nsk me can I furnish It? Yes, nnd $8,000 $8,000, do you hear that! night thousand I can furnish. A'et I'm n shoplifter, urn I . A low shopllfte.-!" She called her husbund fiom tho ad joining room nnd togeti,at they took the oath for her nppeaiance n, he next town of court. As Mis. AVllliams was leaving tho ofllce she turned nnd like a tlgi ess, toady to spring, nppioachcd Chief Holding. "Oh, If 1 were n man!" she exclnltnod fiercely, "If I weie a man" her anger seemed to choke her "If, nnd theie was no law, I'd fix you, mv gooil sir; I'd llx you." She left with her husband, who said hardly a dozen woids all thiough. Alderman Howe showed Tho Tribune lepoiter n blank committment for con tempt of court which he said he nt times felt Impelled to use against Mis. Wllllajns dining the healing. Mis. sVlllinms' husband also went ball for Mis Susan Histon, also of AVest Scian ton, who Is charged with shop-lifting. The hearing in this case was held In the evening. Mrs. Hastoii pleaded not guilty. The ball was fixed at $W0, The sat-e ball was alo asked In the case agilnst Mrs Maggie Thomas and Mis. Tannic fJiliilth". who were given n healing In the afternoon. I5oth live in AVest Pcranton. They weie allowed to go until this afternoon on their own lcocignlzance. AIis. Kvan Thomas and Miss Ellen Randall, vmmn who pleaded guilty Tuesday afternoon, appealed yesterday afternoon and said they could not se nile ball. The women weie also given until this afternoon. Mis. Thomas Thomas was discharged, theie being no evidence against her.. Chief of Police Hobllng will pioce cute the c.T-es In court nnd to this end the recovered goods will be kept for ev ldence. NO CAUSE OF ACTION. rinding ol the Aruttrntrs Reverses Alderman's Judgment. In the case of Mrs. M. J. I-esh against Sheiiff r. II. demons and the Hay, Hoot and Shoe company, an aw aid in favor of the defendants was yestei day made b.v Atbltiators T. I. Duff, John M. Hauls and U. AV. Thayer. The she! Iff sold the goods of M. J. I,osh, of Hansom, on an exeiutlon Is sued bv the Ha, Hoot and Shoe com pany, last summer Among the goods sold was a quantltv of saw logs which Mrs 1-esh laid claim to and of which claim she says she gave due notice to the sheriff. The case was tried before Alderman AViIglu and he gave judgment for the plaintiff In the sum of $290. An appeal was taken and the case refened to arbltiatois. Yesteiday the arbitrators lendeied a finding to the effect thnt there was no cause of action. Attor ney H. C. Keynolds repiesented the defendants. Jones Ilntl n I,ot ot 1'uii. Martin Jones, of "Krown Hollow," refused to pay for his lunch and thiew a castor at the waiter at the Scianton House Tuesday night. He also hurled a bottle of catsup thiough a window. Patrolman I.owry took Jones in tow In yestei day's police court Jones was sent to Jail for twenty days. REPUPLICAN CirV CONVENTION, In pinsuance of u lesolutlon of the Re publican city committee adopted at a regular meeting, held on Tuesday, Doc, 21, 1S37, a city convention will bo In Id on Tuesday, the 11th day of Januarv, 1SJS, at 10 o'clock a m , In Music hall, Seranton, for the purpose of placing in nomination candidates for the following otllccs to be ottd for nt the net muni cipal election, on Tuesday, l'eb. 13, lb'eS, to wit: Two (2) school dhectors to serve one jcar. Two (.!) school diiectors to seive two j ears. Two (2) school diiectors to serve three j ears Hlictlon district nie entitled to topic sontiitlon as follows: Hist vvaid, First distilct 2 I'list ward, Second district 1 Tlrst waid. Third distilct 1 I'lrst wnrd, Fourth district 2 Tirst ward, Fifth distilct 2 Second watd, I'list district 2 Second ward. Second district 3 Second vvaid Tldid distilct l Second waul, Fourth district t Second waid. Fifth district 1 Third ward, Flist distilct 1 Third waid, Second distilct 1 Fourth ward, First district 2 Fourth waid Second distilct 3 Fourth waid. Third district 2 rum th waid Fouith distilct 3 Fifth waid, First district Fifth waid, Second district Fifth waid Third district 3 Fifth waid, Fourth distilct Flth vvaid, Flist distilct Sixth waul, Second district l Sixth ward Thlid dlstiiet 3 Sevuith waid, I'll -t distilct 1 Seventh ward, Second district I Seventh ward. Thlid district ji Hlghth wind. First distilct KlKhth vvaid. Second district 2 Ninth vvuiil, Flist district ','., Ninth waul, Second ellstilct " Ninth ward, Thlrel distilct ',','.'.'. Tenth ward First distilct jjjj 'lenth ward Secuuel distilct ., "" Eleventh ward, First district !"!"!.'! Hleventh wind Second distilct '"" Hleventh wind, Thlrel ellstilct 1 Twelfth ward, First ellstilct '.'.'" l Twelfth ward, Second district .. .."!""l Tluiteenth ward, First ellstrlet "" Thirteenth waiel. Second ellstilct Thirteenth waid Thliel district..!" J Fourteenth vvarel. First district... Fourteenth ward Seconel district " Fifteenth ward Flist district.... " Fifteenth wind, Second district Sixteenth ward. First district.. " Sixteenth wnrd, Second district.,. ' rtewi.teeth w erl First ellstilct "'. "s Seventeenth waid, Second district i Flghteenth ward " J Nineteenth ward First district Nineteenth ward, Second district 1 Nineteenth waid Thlid district 1 Nineteenth ward, Fourth distilct 1 Twentieth vvarel. First district 1 Twentieth wuid, Second district 1 Tucntltth vvaid, Third district 1 Twentieth ward, Fourth district 1 Twenty-first ward, Flist district 1 Twtnty-tlrst vvaid, Second district 2 VlBllnnco committees will hold delegate elections on Saturday, Jan. s. im be. tvycen tho hours of 4 and 7 o'clock p. n, They will give at least two days' public A, II, Stevens, David J. pavls, Chairman. A, J, Colboru, Jr., Secretaries. GOSSIP OF THE WORLD OF SPORT Corbel! Docs Not Like Conditions Named By Champion Pllzslmmons. SIR WALTER RETIRES PR0A1 TURP. Numerous Victories of Urn I'nmotis Aiilinnl-Olaiinger llunlon Hun Ar rntiued to Take tho llnltimorrs to (eorgln in tho Spring--1 lint lie Sn)s About tho Recent Trades. Croedou Wonder How it llnppem cdIhigli!ih (Jolf l'liner Coming. Sir Wnltcr, one of the gnmost and lionestest horses that ever eaineel brackets, wns retired to the stud Tues day after a campaign on the running turf which 1ms few painllels. He will be an elght-year-olel on .Inn. 1, so thnt he leaves a racing lecoid behind him extending over five years, nnd yet when he left Morris Hark Tueselav he was without scar or blemish. He was shipped to Kentucky, nnd his destina tion Is said to be the Hlmendorf stock faun. This Is now the pieipeity of J. Ii. Hngglii, who hied Sir Walter, and who also owns his sire, Midlothian, so that the Oneck Stable's pet should feel at home. The hme has not been sedel, nnd may be pulled out at some future elate for nnother coup. Sir AVnlter wns foaled In IS'iO at Hng gln's stock farm, California He Is a bay horse, with white points, by Imp. Midlothian I,a Scnla He was pur chased as a yearling by the Oneck Stable, and piove'd a bread winner al most from the time he faced the Hag ns a tvvn-year-olel. Ills Hist nota ble win was in the Seaside Stakes nt the Oravesend spring meeting. He then went light along the line with few bleaks, winning tho Oreat Ameri can, the Oreat Hcllpse, the Atlantic, nnd the Seabilght stakes. As a tin ee-eai -old Sir AVnlter won the Stockton and I.oilllaid stakes, and a year later he was a piomlnent factor In many of the big events, 1 mining second In the All-Aged Special, and winning the Iong Island Handicap. The popular little sem of Midlothian came out full of 1 mining for the cam pulgn of '3), and finished thlid In the llioeikljn Handle a!, third in the Man hattan, thlid In the Flist Special, sec ond la the Omnium, second In the Long Island, and third In the Sheepsheael Hay Handicap, with a lump of weight up eveiy time. He also won the I'aik wa Handicap in that eat As a hlx-eai-edd Sir AVnlter leached the climax of his fame by winning the Hiookbn Handicap fiom a high-class field. He also inn third In the' Metro politan. Ills performances last season showed that he still letained his stake feu m. He tamed over all comeis In big events at Saiatoga and tho Met ropolitan Hacks and tow aid the end of the seasem was among the eiy best handicap hoises in training "Mnnagor Hanhm of the ox-champion Haltlmoies Is the lltst to make nitange ments for a Southern tilp next spring," sajs. the New Yen k Sun "He will take his playeis te either Thomnsvllle or Macon, Gn., leaving home em .March 1," Hanhm is quite well satisfied over his lecent deal In Hading De le, Holt, and Amnio to AVashlngtou In exchange for De MontiovIlK McJames, and Me (lann. In speaking of It the noted manager Mild. "'I believe that the Hnltlmoies have been strengthened by this move. Me dium will be a big surprise. Whn he was playing on Aithur It win's Toionto team I watched his iccoid fiom day te da, and then I wiote to Iiwln fen- his opinion ef the man Irwin lecommend ed him so highly that I was satisfied to Include him In tho deal. Irwin sajs McGnnn is the fusteist big man he has e'ver sen, and that he Is a teulllc hitter, having an ability te whip the ball into either lett or light flelel as the occasion may call fen As Irwin Is one of the best Judges of plaeis In the countiy, I feel sine of Mefiann's suc cess. He Montreville at seconel bsn-o will strengthen us In batting, base tun ning, and even fielding, for while ho will make more errors than Heltz, he will cover more giound nnd will prove faster In double plas, "As for McJnmes, I believe he will be of gioat assistance to us. Wo have a pretty clever pitching corps In Corbett, Hoffer, Xops, AIeJnmen, Pond. Hughes, and Kltson. Hughes Is nlso a clever all-mound plaer, nnd Is quite n hit ter. Robinson. Clarke and How ei man will again de) the catching, and Jen nings and McOiuvv will cover their old places at shoit and thlrel, icspeetfully. AVIth Kelley, Stenzel and Keelei In the outlleld, nnd o'lirb 11 ns e.xtia man, I think the Oiioles will be able to give an excellent account of themselves ' "Hnnlon does not say much about Jack Hoyle. except that he U a llrt class plaer. He appeals te be satls lled not to have Jack on his team an other ear " Dan Cieedou Is still vvondeilng how McCoy knocked him down In that mem-o:-?ble fifteenth lounel at Long Islaml City, The AUbtinllan said the othel dav: "How he did It Is beyond me It must have hem a stiff left, but 1 won't bet on it. In tho tlfth loitnd he hit. 111. on the light eye, and I had n beaulv in the menning. Fremi that time on I was all at sea. The blood filled m eyes and I couldn't bee. Then he kept pegging away until In the fifteenth lound he knocked me down The blow cmne so fust that I didn't see It I wasn't knocked out, but I wns fairly beaten when my seconds thiew up the sponge. Kltzslinmons Is the only man w ho ever put me te sleep, and ho did It propel ly. I'm going to rest u while nnd then ask McCo for another light. AVe agieeel before tlu battle that tho winner should meet the loser again, and I know McCoy will stick to his piomlse. I see that a stoty Is going the lounds that McCoy hid rosin on his gloves. If that was so It cut no Ice In tho lesult. for I was benten on the level " The burning of the Chicago Coliseum depilves the spin ting public of the largest amphltheatic In the countiy. TMie building was so big that It was possible to lay a four-lap track for nthletle events and a six-lap bunked Hack for wheel laces. It had been the custom to play some of tho big foot ball Dimes In the building, and It Is said that us many as 25,000 pet sons saw the Cni lisle Indians play n local team somo time ago. The Coliseum was twice the size of tho Madison Square Gulden. Chris A'on tier Ahe announced the other day that he had got enough money together to tldo him over u crisis and would not sell out. In talk ing of the make-up of his team ho states that Clements, Clifford and Sug- den will do the cntchlnir for pltchcrw Taylor, Sudhoff, Daniels, Hughey, Cole man nnd Carsey. AVIth Lnlly, Crooks, Cross and Donnelly In the field nnd such outfielders ns Dowel, Hnrley, Tur ner, Genius nnd Holmes, Chi Is argues, that he will have a gieat team. Ho also threatens to buy tho releases of 11 couple of stars, nil of which Is taken to mean that he is trying to sell out eventuully nt 11 good pi Ice. Neaily nil of the leactle men say that A'on elcr Ahe has lencheel the end of his rope and will get out of base ball before next season begins. With reference to Fltzslmtuons' stnte-ir-ent thnt he will defend the title of champion, but will not meet Corbett until the latter defeats Manor, Shnr koy or some other u.splrniit for cham pionship honois, Jim Coibett says: "I believe that today I stand In the eyes of the sporting world ns a champion riefenteil by mere nce-Ident only, nnd by no means depilved of my right to de mand of the piesent champion another t"st of nur lospectlve merits. I could gain nothing by defeating McCoy, Ma iler, Shatkey or nnnno but Kltzslm mons. if 1 weie tei bent nil but him, I would slmplv be adding to his repu tation, not my own, nnd remain where I am now, second te Fltzslminons. I will say here and now, that If I de feat Flt7slmmeins at our next meeting, I will meet any man In tho world whom the public think worthy of my recog nttion. My ambition Is to fight again for the championship I believe I can defeat Fltzslminons nnd he Is the only man I will now engage to meet. After him, come who will." There Is p possibility that the Out tenburg tace trade may not be solel nfter all, and that tho famous track may bo reopened and racing resumed. When the antl-gambllng amendment wns oassed iccently the directors of the Hudson Countv Jockey club about decided to dispose of the property, but at a meeting held In Meyer's hotel, Hoboken, on Tuesdav, It was agieeel that the matter should be held In abey ance until the question of the consti tutionality has been finally decided. It was Intended to cut the property up Intei building lots, It being considered that such a Plan would he a good In vestment. Now, however, the- plan has been laid over for the piesent. The beads of the different stnte boatds In tho L. A. AV. have discovered the need of some changes In division lacing legulatlons. A. D. AValte, chair man eif the New Yoik division boaid, expi esses his belief that the state should lie divided Into live districts, the memlei.s eif the board bo Inci eased fiom three te five, nnd each member tei assume chatfo of a pioportlonate pentlon of the weirk. He nlo advo cates that the- sanction fee for state cltcult meets be Increaseel fiom ? to $10, one-half of which should be de voted to the conduct of the division lacing aftaits. Such a change would make state bo' as self-supporting. Among the Hngllsh golf plaeis who will visit this countiy next enr will le AVIllle Paik, ji and James Hi eld The latter was the lunnei-up In the open chnmpieinshln last eai, and he hei,ies to win the championship next spiing befote visiting this countiy, In w hlc'i case he will also compete In the open championship here, which wiil doubtless le held on one of the links In the vicinity of New York AVIllle I'aik has made eveial visits to this cemnliy and has played matches with tome cf the leading piofesslonals Kid McCov announces that he will post $1,000 as a guaiantee that h'e will meet any man named b Fltzslminons. He is anxious, hi' savs, to find out whom Fltzslminons vvunts him to light THEATRICAL ATTRACTIONS. I'll list. Tile AVIIkes-Raiie Reeenel has this to sav eif "Faust ' whleli wdl be senni at tlu Aeadeinj ot MuMc foi the lemnlndei nt the' week he'Mtiiilng tod iv The (lianel eipeia hoi e was now did last evening to see the- opening pirfnimniice of "Faust" lij Lewis Mniilsims ioinpan Wilkus-H.uie people never seem to the of this pla It lues he-e-n pioeluced heie elevens eif times and each time the the 1 ter is trowded The companv last even ing was tjultf clevei. Hiieill Dunbai as Mephlsto wim many oninjilimuitta fiom the mullcnce iinel his interpretation of the pint compiles vi'iv favoralilj with tint given to Mouisi n himself ' (Slyest Manhattan. "Onvest Manhattan" Ko-ter Dials big smetaeiilai success nt lust whit-M and ul-ei the utti ictlem at Midland Reach lust stimuli I while thousands eit the se lect mill wealiln New Yoikeis weie at tlacteel b this piodiietlon will lie given a hearing at the I, vioum tliU evening with the atne cast Heeiurv and propel -ties as when piodtieed t In it-. The com pany bei'lns its -econd New Voik en gaM-ment Monelu.v, Jan. 1 Digl.t Hells. "Light Hells" will be piesentcd at the Lvcinm New A ears el.ej utteinoun anil evening Theie Is no vP'aln 11 Hr ne lliothiis lejuvcimted "Kliiht Hells " but MAGICALLY EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR WEAK MEN OF ALL AGES NO MOMIY IV ADVANCi:. Won derful nppilniice unci scientific rem edies sent on trial to any reliable, man. A vvorld-wldo reputation buck of this offer. Every obstacle to happy ra-irrlcd life, removed Full strength, development nnd tone given toovcry portion of tho body, rulluroimposslbln; hko no barrier. ISO u. u. u ticnimc!. ERIE MEDICAL CO.. &.1 64 MAOARA ST, ISUFI'ALO, N. Y. SEVEN GRAND TiilO-WiNTER TOURS -TO- These pintles will lis under r-eraonal escort througheiut, und thejnuriieyi will Im imnid lusiie-i'litltialUHoteleuut vcKtlbuleel palue-o sleeping cuih, with dining e.erH Theie will he Vistula lallfoiulii to Sao Dlcijo, Itiver. Hide, Iteelluuels, I'asiieleiiu, I .oh Angeles, Ava Ion, on Siuutii Cutallnu iKlnnd, Him Fran. I'lueo, Win lliifael, sun Jose, anil Monterej , nnd the pnitles will 11 turn over the .sierra Nevmlab elitvllsht, lnltlnu halt baked j, Denver, und Miinitoii, with deij light views of the (lOU'eHiuiel I'litioim of Coloraelei There will buiteijouriu ill Nome of the I in.'t Hotels In Amjrlcu, lueliiellin; tlui Hotel del t'oro niiilei, Van Niivm nnel WestmtnHter, Hotel I'm teircse-u, Hotel Vlttinpole, l'alite-u Hotel In Sun l'laue'lieeo, Hotel Itulael, Hotel Vmuloine, Hotel del Monte, Hotel ICiiutsfeiril In halt l.uku I'll-, anil The llrovvu l'nlucei Until in Denver. A t elllitlul Round cl I ravel unit bUht.celng. Iiie-ludln tirsi-i-liKH railway travel, 11 iloiililu lierth In Nl'eping 1 an, all hotel ae. cniiuuoelatlnns, trnnifi'iH, curihuu lhle, mid liieldental meiils dining entire) tilp, itu Moneltarilenerlptlve book 01 .Mid-Win. ter Joiirn. RAYMOND & WHITCOMB, 10U5 Chestnut Street, Mutual Life Ins. Uuildlng, Philadelphia. free I TO ALLS thero Is plenty ot fun, trick, scenery, good music nnd clever specialties. Tho piece bus been seen litre so often thnt lit tle need bo said In praise of Its many ex cellent features. Incidentally a number of pleasing specialties arc Introduced. Lecture by Cni. Ingcrnnll. Colonel Robert (1. lngcrsoll will lecture at tho Lyceum next londnv night. Ills subject will bo "Why I Am un Agnostic, ' and during his address ho will give n brief sketch of Ids life and his early siirroiuul lugs. Three Stnr t'otnpnnv. Hcglnulng ne.xt Monday and continuing throughout the week with a matinee elally the Three Star Comedy couipany vvlll appear at tho Acaeliin.v of Music. Inez Mccusker who nppeate-il In this eltv last season with "Miss I'hllaelelphla" Opera company, Wlllard Leo and Miss Hlln Harmon are tho three ntnrs nf the organization. A special feature of the company will be the "Miss Philadelphia' ladles' oichestia. whei will i,lvo a free (oncert on Monela afternoon nt .1 o'clock. The repertory Includes "Dm ens," "Silver King." "Faigngoil," "dulatea," and other well known comedies and dramas. Ladies admlttid free on Monday night when tic romp tilled by a hohler of one paid 30 ccnt ticket. Tickets em sale lodiiy. Tos of" the D'llrbevlllrs. Mrs. Flsko's commanding qualities as an actress aie now generally recognized nnd In her new plnv, "Toss of the D'l'r bevilles," which will bo presented In this city at tho Ljceum AVeelnesda.v she has been credited by the critics of other cities with the most Intensely human stage creation of recent jcars. Contrary to expectation, the play has made n direct appeal to all classes of theater-goeis. It is full of absorbing Interest, both to the serious spectator nnd to tho dllletante who regal els the drama less as an art than a source of amusement. Mis. Flsko's acting In any plnv Is powerful enough to engross the nttentlon of an audience, nnel "Tess of the IVCrbevlllos" Is a pait for an actress of her genius to lonjure with. Dropsy nnd Henrt Dlscnse. V gieat cure and a great testmonv. "For ton yeais 1 suifere-d greatly from Hentt Disease , Flutteiing of the Heart and smothering spells, made ray lite a torment. I was confined tei mv bed. Dropsy set in. My physician told me to pre par for the vvmst. I tried Dr. Agnew's Cine for the Heart One dose gave great reilef, one bottle cured the Dropsy and my heait." Mis. James Adams, Hjrafuse, N. Y Sold by Matthews Hros 1 DR. E. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL, ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, h sold under poitivo Written (nunrnntcc. by authorized ncents or.lj , to cut o WcuU filotnory, Jizzin-S3, Wnkefulncri, Tits, Hjeterm, (Juicfe. ic39, Nislit Losses, Lvil Dreams, l,ectc of Conh. buco,Norvousne88,Ln6citado, nllDrninB.Youth ul Krrora, or Ezccesiro TJfo of leibacco, Opium, r Iaejneir. which lpada to Mieery. Consumption Insanity and Dcnth. At storo or by mail, $1 1 uus; sixfor$5;wlthT,rIttcn sunroiitce tt euro or re fun el money. Khmple nacU isc, contalniiiB Ato da3rtrc?tmont,with full inotmctione, 25 cents. O-io pnmnlo only Bold to sacn person. At storo or oynam. n?!V -CT-n.j -1-1 o f.l - 'J.L5 "CU tUUCI OpBtiaijM For Impotency, Losa oftlp-y' l'owor. Lost Jllanhood, SUenhtv or llarrflnnfisR'. iTl n box; six for SI, withjfr. nv.iirtAM iifipnnrAAi.i t,inii,Bin4flH.ia A.eln.nVi i lEFOREorbvnrnll. AF Wm. 0. Clark, 201 Washington Ave. 326 Penn, Ave , Seranton, Pa. p Li ., ii. ii THE JEWELER. DiciUjiid;, Witohis, Clocks, Jev3!r an1 Sl'varwue, NoYeltie) and Spcialim, BrlB-a-Bac, Fine Ghim, Gut Glassware, Onyx Tables, Lamps, in endless variety. The lat est productions always found in our assortment. We are now showing the finest line of China ever exhibited, in rich and cheap decorations. 21: l.ackawiiniui Avenue Lager rewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK PILSNER ffiioffiuiisuciiiipii. Telephone Call, 2333. FOR SALE Boilars, Enginas and Machliwy. .Wo.?!"1 ,e11 yo" New or HeconcMlund, vVovvlll hell jou now or take old In ex. change, or we will lent yini unv thing 1011 want In the Machinery l.lnu eipot CiisU paid for -seiap Iron and Metals. National Supply aid Metal Go,, 701) West Lackiiwaiinii Avenue. M.E. KEELEY, Mgr. Telephone 3945 Health is Wealth. 5wyrrTii EATM e mw V P- wm WPl h-KftV- annBDv iUUUIW . 111 1 1) CEYLON AND Consumers Have Learned Its Value Pure CEYLON and INDIA TEA tos increased in consumption by more than 50 per cent, over last season. Consumers want it, and get it. Where grocers arc too con servative, Department Stores get the trade. The Infusion should not exceed five minutes. Use only absolutely boiling ivater. One spoonful makes two cups. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Ceylon Tea REFRESHING. 50c lb. PEL'CIOUS Sulel only In I, -ul rnrlsrt. K I rvi KIMBALL PIANO L. L To those u ho nre not acquainted with the standing of the W. W. Kimball Co., the follovv-IiiB will prove of benefit: REPORT. Huclncss established in 1S50 by V. W. Kimball Ineorporaled June, 1SS2, with capital of $60.),(XiO. Capital Increased In January, 1SS, to $i,oo,two. Capital IriieaFed from $1,000,000 to $1,- Statement, January, 1595. showed sur plus of over $1,000,000 overpaid In capital. Tho company Is known as a flrst-class house In Its lino and Is in high commer cial stnndlng. If competitors say the Kimball guar antee is not good, ask them for a mer cantile report of their company nnd see how it compares with the above. GEOIIGK H. IVi:s, General Ascnt, 0 West Maiket Mreet, Wllkei-llnrro. tt.S. F00TK, Local Asent, t'J'J I'nse l'luee, .scrantou, I'a. FUT YOURSELF IN OUR PLACE And jou will realize how easy it Is to fur ulsh your home luxuriously with n trifling outlay, a little at u time, und jou don't ml-is It. BARBOUR'S HOME CRED1TH0USE 425 LACKAWANNA AVE. SILVERSTONE, The Eye Specialist yiIOSi: otllea Is at -- TT 'J 15 I.aclcuwan. nirenrvrvrn i M na avenue, In Will. li'lMjui'Lw. j lams' White Front Vz-AL-si! f noe More, otntutiiBi r& rJ$, tile) eves treo In tba Inrif inmilu 11 Ssf nndhlB iirleei for soeo. llk UlLltllliU "HJ t7 'ViiV v.n ie,c-. mu vtic.pvr ji nDnlJlDy innncisewnere. vi dW ',yk"is inilitatilelndlnerenea lnlon.or other results otBitch neglect glvo wnrnlng that inituro is rebellln',' ngaliiHt uncli tientment of one ot tlio moat preeluus gifts. Normal vision H blesslns uuapprei-tuteel until It bus been lo-it and restored; its lull viitne U then rc.nUel, 'Jherclore, ou Hhould tioi lose u day belore having jour e.vesevumlnsd. i'hUsorvlco wo gladly tender lieu of RCMGMUEK TtlU lLACU, 215 Lackawanna Avenue In the Whit: front Sim: Store. MADE ME A MAN AJAX TAUIXTS TOSITIVULY CURE AJrnoua )rae FalUns Mem' or?, Impolncr, Htdepleianees, etc . cauaej bv Abusa or nthur l!icatnoji antf Indli yfcL cretloni. They quiehtu ami turetu j reitore Lot VltBluy io oluorroung.aQj in a man lornuar, cu laesaor snarruo. I'mtint Inrnnltv nn (Vinctimiitlnn it tuurn in time, ihelrusa howi iu modiate jtnproTc inentand otTeoU n I'UUG whore all other fall In ilit upon hntinff tho genuine AJftt 1 ablet i. Tbex hate cukJ thouiands ami will care you. U a gire a pos ttlre written Kuarantea to oHect a cure Eft OTQ in each cam or refund tho money, Price UU U I Oi per lacltasej or alz pksna (full treatmontt for $260. JJj mail. In plain wrapter. upon receipt of irtre. ( lrcular '" A J AX REMEDY CO., l,'"uu' For sale In herein ton on, 1'u. by .Matthew llroi. and It, C. toaudvrs, dnigu'lutu. &?&$l ?!BC--CSv e,H mo people until rSkllP1 &9 tuetlme tome-n when iilUi&r2' htiieUches. Iinnerfeet TUXEDAT (Iiicllmi Nnme uf niiiik Harbor, fools d Inlet) "Tlic Unfcwny of Alaska." l'ltoi'iiurY or tiii-: Noitliirn Pacific and Ala, ka Mini lg, Transporlation & Tradlnj Compmy. CAP. $2,500,000.00. iiiri:ctoks. IVfulilent. HIJNItY A. PAUIl, nf tho Bteat uriiln house ot I. Jl. I'nrr & Hon, Ilnltlmorp. Vlee I'rPHltlent. JOHN K. COWfiN. presi dent nf the H. & o n. It TreiiKiirer. fHHIKTIAN UHVIlinS, Proa Ident of tho Nntlonal ot ltnltl meire. Se-eretnry. HOHIHtT 11AS1SAY. Tresldent riinmbep of I'oinmercp. Italtlnuup. Qenernl SIiuiiiBpr. OHOItOH II. TINOMJ. px-IT H Treasury Ai?ent In churKn ot I-'ur Seat Isl m,ls. tlKolUJIJ It. HI.ANPHAUD, Chairman Joint Trnlllc AHRoclatlnn CIIAHI.KS J KAIH.KNHH. IT. S. Sena tor for AVest Vlrjrlnhi. WATSON C. SQUIHi:, px-U. S. Semtor for Washington Hit J. T ltOYLKS Woodland, Cali fornia, a mining expert. AUDITOR. S DAVIHS WAItriKI.D, 1'ostmnstcr ot Haltlmore. COUNSI'L. STKI3U Si:.MMi:s. CAIIV & BOND, Hai ti mo re. coNsui.Tisa nNaiNnnR. JNO. C. R IIANIJOM'H. A. JI., 13. M New York. "These- names nro nmplo Kunrantee for tho lntelllRent nnel vigorous, yet consrr vatlve, conduct of this KlKantlo enter prise." N. Y. Tribune. "It Is to be expected that many com panies will be orRunlzeel on paper to se cure the attention of would be- Investors, and that associations of Irresponsible parties will undoubtedly endeavor tr brine? schemes for the elcvelopmcnt of Alaska (,'old Holds to the notice nf tlm public Rein-rally. Consequently, It Is verv opportune that tho Northern Paeltie .mil Alaska Mining, Transportation and Trad ing company has made public Its plans thus early In the URltntlnu, as tho names of the gentlemen who nro Interested In it guarantee beyond doubt Us responsi bility and high standing ns a legitimate) corporation " Manufactureis' Itecord. PLANS AND PHOPEKTIGS. Company Owns 3.r, Quartz Ledges of Kx traorellnary 1'romlso nt Snug Harbor; Oro Tree-milling, nnd likely to Yield Ten Dol larsat Working Cost of !i0c per Ton. Alsei, l.noe) Acres Itich Cold Placers in Copper Hlver nnd Klondike. Will establish Oicat Commereiil De pot at Sung Harbor. Probable Capital of New Territory of Lincoln Will Hun Steamers from San Francisco anil Seattle to Connect at Snug Harbor with Only lVnslhlo Halt ltoute to Copper Hlver, Klonellke and Yukon. Limited Amount of Treasury Stock l-'or Sale, for Operating Hxpenses. BOJKS 'OW OPEi FOR SUBSCRIPTION SHAHHS $1 00. SOLD AT PAH NO SUBSCRIPTION I'NDHU TUN DOL LARS UKCniVHD. RCOITRAV OH STOCK COLONIAL TIU'ST COMPANY, NLW YORK. DCPOSITOItlCS OP COMPANY'S FUNDS, TlIU AMHRICAN r.XCHANOH NA TIONAL HANK OP NHW YORK; AND Till'. NATIONAL HANK OV HALTl MORH. Addre-hs application or Inquiries to; CIIRIMI N DUVRIIiS, Treasurer, Hqultablo Hullellng, New- York. (lKoKCi: R. TINOLt:. Oeneral Managei, Washington Loan nnd Trust Uuildlng, Washington, D. C P. R. Al'LAKAN, Ast. Sec'y & Treas. File men's Insuranueo Co 's Hullellng, Bal timore, Mel. Fine Line of NEW STYLES STONE RINGS Diamond and Combinatioi Rinr Sterling Silvar Wars and Sterling: Noyalti33. Finest stock ot Watches, all the latest styles and sizes at very close figures. CUTGLASS, CLOCKS, Etc The largest Jewelry House in Northeastern Pennsylva nia. MERCEREAU g CONNELL 130 Wyoming Avs. J, W. GUERNSEY'S GREAT MUSICAL ESTABLISH ME NT IS the best place in the state to buy either an Organ or YOU CAN BUY CIIKAPKR, YOU CAN UUY ON EASY TERMS. you can uy unrrUK instruments 1 ban at any other place. Don't fail to call and see for yourself. Wareroom, 205 Washington Avenue, SCRANTON, PA. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF Fancy Kockimuys, I'tiit Rivers, .Miiuricc Klvcr Coxes, .Mill Ponds, &c, &c. l.unvc your order for llltto Points to be delivered on the half bltell in cttrrlet'd. I II, PIEIffi. PEN Nl Mil