10 THE SOI? ANTON TRIBUNE- THURSDAY MORNTNG. DECEMBER .'JO, 1897. for the HA IDE Fancy Pillows, Odd Chairs, Fancy TaBIes; India Seats, Lace Curtains, Door" Draperies, Rugs of All kinds, Carpet Sweepers, A large" variety tit wmims & raiiLin, NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA NI'MERAL CHART INVENTED. Hcntlluc "UIon Una Produced Smnc llilnsto fill llm I.onc I'rll tlnnt. raetoiyvlllle, Pa, Doc 20 A new di'Xlci' known n thr "Autnnntlp Nn iminl Clint t," lin lieen Invented by Most"! 7.velzls, of Heading. Ii. Mr ZueUlir, who i nn cxiictlencetl tfich i'i. lin Ioiik felt tin' nccil of somotliliiir .'tiiiei'or to tli old lime julmaty mul tiplication and division. The Invention c.oilf nf a shoot nt sMiie pfliorated Willi 114 qu.ur", III arli of which appeals the nlctiiie of .1 fatiilllat olifeit. Tho numlior work of the multinllca tlon nnil illvMon tallPH Is printed on - "-heels, attached to tollcis, and Is "o ar lantjul that cveiv mnvoment will pro due " a new combination of Ilniires with their concpondliiE number of iibjn t jjlctuies. This proves a Bieat laving of tliw and luboi to the teacher, at no other I Jects are needed to lllusti.ite the w ork. The rnanlr illation of the rlnrt ex cltPi the pupils' Intel est and atten tion, they aie eajroi to Know vuat combination and u&ult caeli -uc . Ie move .lll pioduce. The Inventoi claims that by the means of the automatic association f object's, n child Willi loam the tab lis in about halt the lime lequlieil 1 any othi method. 'I he "chart" Is hi"hl recommended In cducnlmo It Is beautlfullj iiimnil i 1 In a fiame of convenient sire for th scIdoI loom, as well is "-Iml'.ai Flze f ir pilvati ue Mr J ilvi K Zwelzlc, of this plice, lid a luothei of the Inventoi. Ins trine Into paitnei.-thlp with his bioth ir, an"l the "cliatts" will be placed up i n the market the Hist of the ear. and ileadquai Urn and the factoiy will either be located heie or In Scranton, I a. .WOCA. 'I he context for a sold watch, the pioceeds of which will be for the bene IU of John T Hlease, Jr , will take plate In the Alblan band rooms to nlKht at S o'clock The Chilstlan Alliance mcetlwr will be held tonli.'ht at the home of Mis Maiy Hastle This mtetinK will bi one of unusual Interest JIKs Specie, Tdlr-s Nichols and Miss Dlmmlck from the Mlsslonaiy Institute of Wvaek, N. Y, will speak on Mission.ii woik nnd the hlchcr Christian life Leon Schiasei Is seriously ill of ap Iiendlcitl" Miss Jennie Dseble. of West Side, is f pending a few das witn Wllketi-Bane fife ids Itev P .1 Golden, of Wllllamsport, siient Monday nt the Golden residence. A scheme Is on foot to light Dupont by elect ricltv Scranton capitalists are Inter sted in the pioject with the privilege of allow ing the citizens a cer tain amount of shares. Inspector Gorman, of the postofllce depaitment, Philadelphia, called upon Postmaster Doeble on Monda. His business was In connection with the tcient robbery. John Chilstlan was serlouslj Injuied otoulny while at his work In the Tential bieaker of the Pennsylanla Coal company He was engaged In oil ing machinery, when he mled his footing and fell Into the chute, sus taining broken ribs and other Injuries. David Jtosser. of Cedar Itldge, In., is spending the holidays with fi lends In town. John Jones, of Wilmington, Del , Is egin the New Year By Buying Something For the ones who weie forgotten at Christmas. We have a number of Odds and Ends which we will close out at legulai prices: Watches, Opera Glasses, Sterling Silver Novelties, Umbrellas and Canes, Clocks, Silverware, Etc., Have been particularly favored by the reduction. E. J EWELER Holiday Specialties. Upholstered Chairs, Willow Chnirs, l'nvlor Trtbles, Hull Hacks, Umbrella Stands, Carpet Sweepers, lfugs, Mats, Baby CUMrtgo KobeS, Lap Kobc3 and Jluiiuiiocks. J. 6COTT NGLIS, CARPET LLL PAPER 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE, spending the holidays with his non, llev. J. Jones, pastor of the Primitive Methodist church. Alls. Alexander nnd son, James, of Plnlnncld, N. J., tire guests of Mrs, John Molgnii. Miss II. Qulnn, n teacher In tho 11 mlra public schools, Is spending the holidays with her parents on tho West Side. IIALLSTCAI). Mrs. S. II. Chase Is lit. Miss Winifred Langloy entertnlned her Sundny school clnss nt her homo on Pine stieot, Tuesday evening. A good time Is reported from those pres ent. Sliencer Tiffany, of Montrose, Is vis iting f i lends In town. Rev. It. '. Ives, of ninglmmton, was In town on Wednesday. The ill v goods store of H. C Haltt, of Great Hend, was closed by Sheriff Ward Dlel on Tuesday. I'ord Dixon, of Hickory, was In town Wednesday. Tiank W. Sulgert, who has been vis iting his parents In Curbondnle, lias leturned homo. r. II Johnston, of Montiose, was In tow n on Wednesday. Fred. Davis, of Svracuse, was In ton n on Wednesday. Heniember tho "Atnel" inngnascopo at Y M C. A. hall tonight. Theie wns a "light wreck In tho Dela ware, Lackawanna nnd Western yard at this place Wednesday morning. The icar car of an Hlmlta train collided with tho caboose. No serious dnmage was done. Miss lilnncho Douglass, of Bingham ton, Is visiting friends In town. VS TO I.KAI' YftAtt. How "ope (JiCKory ftcformcil the Mniteliil Jul In Cnli-mtnr. 1'iom the Philadelphia Times. Kveiy mm i that Is divisible by 4 Is a leap-vear, except the closing ear of a centuij, which Is a lcap-jear onlv when it Is divisible by 400. The joar 1100, theiefore, vlll not bo a leap-ear. bin the vcar 2000 will be. After 2000, the closing j ear of the century will be -i leip-year at inters nls of 400 years 2J0U, 2S0n, :!200, SCOO, etc., but tho clos ing vc.u of the Intermediate centuries will not bo a leap-year, In spite of the fact that the jenr may be divisible bv 4 To epla!n this arrangement, let us tell vou how wo came to change from the Julian to the Giegorlan calendnr. Acc.iidlng to tho Julian calendar, tho t.ir consisted of "03 da, with one diiv udded even fourth enr This guv-'1 an aveince jear 3C"'i dajs, or 3"" das and b hours, whereas the true flol.ii oar conlsts of 303 davs, 5 hours, IS minutes, nnd !i0 seconds. In aodlng one dnv to ever fouith eai, theiefore. an excess of about 11 minutes wns given to each day: and thougli the ecess was comparatively small. It had amounted, In lrS2, when Giegory XII r. was Pope, to ten com plete dajp. So great was the dlstuili um? tauscd by this shifting of dajs i'i unfixing the tlmej of the celolna t !cii of Kaster, and of all other mov able leasts, that Gtogoiy deteimlned to rtconstiuct the calendar, so as to make tl- civil jear accord more neai 1 with the solai .veai. Ik theicfoie oi dallied that ten dajs biioiild be deducted from the ear 1582, which was done bj calling what would have been the fith of October, the 15th of tvtobot, nnd to prevent such an ex cess oj tlvll time ovei solar time in the futuie, it wns further oidalned that the etu dav the leap-jear day should not be added to the closing veai of any centuiy except such as wcie divisible by 400. By this airange iiirnt th dlftoienco between the civil j "in and the solar ear will not amount to one dd In 5,000 jeais. ro.vi:ii:xr i'iim: r,ri;uisii- i:k. One of tin" most useful UiiriKs foi the (Ntinction ot liil'iknt llrs is the lnnit greiinile Tin so can lie made as follows: 'lwoiitj pounds of coinomn alt and ten pounds of sal ammoniac should be dis solved In seen g.Uloi.s of water Quait bottles of thin glass should be filled with the solution cm lied tlghtb nnd sealed to prevuit i vapor.itlon. In i i-e of (Iro the bott'e hhoilld be thrown so as lo bre.ik In ui ih.u the 11 mie. If the Hie Is In .such a place as to prevent the bottle from breaking, as In wool or cotton, the neck of the bottle should be Knocked ntf and the contents scattered Popular Sci ence. m: usi: roii peanuts. Ptanut butter answtrs in the place of ordinal y butter for table use and Is hald io be cxctlleiil tor shonenins purposes, and lor giuvlts, miucos, etc In point uf piuitj It Is supeiior to the best dalrv but tu. It Is well ili signed foi the use of vegttarluns who htrc-nuously object to .injthlng nnlmal. There Is alreadj a considerable demand for this bultei sub stitute, and it Is vi piobable tin re will be nn eul irged markel foi tho nuts At pieseiit the pioiluet of the I'nlted States Is about WO 000 bigs annual!) nnd that i f llir Urtrlfl Id I iVl IMVl tflfki. nntimlu r... Const Trade I Lackawanna Avenue. Keyal make the food pure, wholesome and dellcloua. Absolutely Puro ftOrH BAKihO PODtH CO., SC VORK, THE MARKETS. Mull Street Itetlciv. Now York, Dec. 29 Sugar wns the only one of the leading utocks of the list to show any nggiesslve stiength today, und nfter ilslng nt one time nlmost two points It was oveicome by the general heaviness In the rest of the mnlket und closed with onlv a small fi actional net gain. It was n profes sional trader's market thioughout and the Industilal stocks which had been recent favorites with the bull clique showed the effect of tealfzing today. All of tho local traction stocks were heavy but tho soiling was not coupled with any news nnd tho declines were wholly technical. Total sales were 219,100 shares. furnished by WILLIAM MSS, AL. I,12N & CO , stock brokers, Meurs build ing, rooms "06-iOtJ. Open- High- Low Clos ing, est est. ing. IS PQWQER Am. Cot. Oil . .. iZU 2i .'Ji4 a S, Am. S'ig. Ite'g Co 1Jmi2 111 111, 1.JI7, Atch.. To. & S IV 12",, I." ir, IJT, A T. & S. P., Pr . ), -iO', .0'H 0', Am Tobacco Co , . S'.CVi lrt wn (,) Am. Spirits 7'4 73 T't V? Am. Snlrlts, Pr . 17 IS 17 is IirooK. It. P ,n "i,is -,' iTi'-m II iv State Gas 4 4 .)" .) Can Southern .... r, "V! Ji C3 N.J Cintr.il "i534 r,it yis jj Chic A. O W .... II", 111, 1P4 It's ( hie. .V N W l.'1i4 1.1U 12o34 U)'t Chic. II A. Q , , "ii 1001, !i'i Pi', Chicago Gas . .. li".i4 "17 'M I'h'4 Ho-1 Chic. Mil iV. St. P Vi I",', 1U :i4'8 Chic. It 1. & P . !"li .ill;. 91 91 Chic St P M. & O. 77i 77 77 77 Delaware & Hud .. 111 DJU lll8 111', Gen Kleetrlc .,J', 11 S3 :3" Louis A Nash . . .."4 V, AH !,h Lehigh Vnllej . 2" 2", J-.1 2.Va Jl K Tiv,I"i 3.V. ?V- Ti. Z,ls Mo P.ullle . .. it 31 13 .:: Nat. Lead .! ., i7's JVS N. Y. Central ... . 107 ii7'k 107 10" Out. A. West . .. . V, 15 liii. Vi North Pacific . .. 21U 215, 21 ' 21'2 Noi I'.iclllc. Pr .. 5 ui Vi", Vi fiyig P.ullle Mall Ji34 "0 .") :.o Phil & llnd 22'. 21' 2 22 L2 Southern 11 II. ... s S S Southern It. II Pr . i2 '2's 21 f.'4 Tniii, C. .v. Iron .. 2o 2ii'4 JO 20 T.is A. P.ielllc .. ll'B 1N II1, IPs I'nlon P.ullle . l"i' 20 2"j5K !-"5s V S Rubber . . . IVs l'.'i. IJ's T.'j I. S Leather. Pi MV, i 0f l".8 Wabash Pr is W, IS IS West I'nlon ypf, op, 'ip, Jl CHICAGO CHAIN MARICUT. Open- High- Low- Cloa- WHCAT, Inc. est est. Inc May ot',, OP, 9. 92 Jul S1'4 sp. M WW CORN. Mav 10U ; 2"- i Julv ?P 2Vt 30 4 oO's U VTS. Mav ... 2! 21 2". C3'8 PORK. Jiiiuiao . . . . S07 SS0 S07 XS0 Maj. . .. SS7 9 02 kS7 9 00 LARD Mav 4 7- l!0 4 70 4 77 Januaij 155 4 05 155 4 "2 M-mnton Uonrd of Trade Kxchnngc (Juotations--All (Iiiotutlons Jtased en Parol 100. stocks. nia. Askd. Scranton .v. fittsion irae. co. ... National Itor.ng S. Drill's Co. ... First National Bank G50 Elmhurst Uoulevaril Co Scrunton Savings Hanlc 200 Scranton Packing Co Lacka. Iron and Steel Co 20 ioo 96 150 a 17 7i 250 104 10! 225 45 Third National Hank Throop Novelty M'f g Co .. Scranton Traction Co Scranton Axle Works 350 15 Weston .Mill Co Alexander Car Rcplacer Co Scranton Redding Co Dime Dep. Ac DIs. Bank 150 Peck Lumbe- M'f'g Co 175 Economy Light, Heat & Pow er Co BONDS. Scranton Pnfs. Railway, tlrst mortgago due 1920 us People's Street Railway first mortcago due 191V 115 People's Street Railway, Gen eral mortgage, due l0.'l US DICKEon Manuficturlng Co LacKa Tntvnfrhlp School 5 City cf Scranton St. Imp. 0 Mr Vcinon foal Co Scianton Aile Works , fccranton Traction Co 100 10) 102 10.' 85 10) Philadelphia Proviriou .llnrket. Philadelphia Dec 20 Whe it Was 1c. lower, contract grade Dcccmhtr 'iTati'j , Jimuarv Pibruai and March, nominal Corn Steuli No Jinlxcd nuembi r an.l Januao i.;ir..V Pebru.uy and .Man h. nominal Oats Str.ul , Xti 2 white l)e oembei and J.inunr '."U.iloe, libiu.uy and ilaieh nominal Potato.-s hite choice pir bushel ToaTic . do fail to good, l3nlie sweets, inline per h.ihket Di.i5h ; do sh onds, 25iJOt IlutUr Plrm, fane wtstiin ireinni). 22'2.u'Jc , do Pinnslvauli prints 21c do western do, 2li Kgfs I'll m, fresh iicaibj .'Jc , do western, ,'le Chepse Quiet but steady Hetlnul Sngus l'n liunged. Cotton Stead), Tallow Dull Live Poultrv Slead), fowls, TjSi , old roosters, lie; spring chickens, TaSc ; broilers, !4a9c., tin ki ) w 9aliv , ducks and geese, aJc. Dressed Poultrv Plrm, good demand, fowls, choice, jfasuc ; do fair to good, "11 T'tc ; chickens large, 9al0c . medium do, Sc; common and scalded, it'c , turko)s, choice to fane), 12nlJe., do fair to good, lO.illc, ducks good to choice, 7al0c l!e-celpts-Klour 1 900 bariels nnd 7 0o0 sacks, wheat 10 OoO bushils, corn 55 COO bushels, outs, 27.000 butdiels Shipments Wheat, 7 Ono bushilH, corn, o,0"J0 bushels, uats. 11,. W) bushels. Npw York Produce .VInrliel. New Yoik. Dec 20, Flour-Quiet and htcad), 1 losing eas) with the llnal break In wheat, Wheat-Spot weak, No. 2 red. $100T. f. o b. utloat, No 1 northern Du lilth, $l01i f o. h nlloat, No. 1 hard Manitoba, 1 OTm f o b, afloat; No. 1 nnrthcin New Yoik. $1 02V t. o. b . alloit. options opened easy under disappointing cables rulllid on" covering, fair cltaiaiico und struigth of coarser grains but col lapsed neai the close under heavy lliu. datlon at Chicago, clostd 9alse net low er, January, 9v's.a9ic , clohcd W,sc.. Feb. niai) !V99)4U.. closed 9sc , March. 'Oe. nJlOO, closed 91e., Mu). 91 ll.lo.i95 3-P-c., close d 93c . Jul) , S" JyrfS'.c. clohed 97s,e , Iiecember, Jl.olal 01 closed II 01. Corn Spot steady. No, 2, i."c fob. alio it, ojitlons opened eas). but lluall) closed vi 4c net lowir; Januar). .'rPinSIc, closed Sic.; May. 3"tnS5'ic , closed .1lc; De cember, 83all;ie., clostd SSc. Oits Ppot dull; No 2. 2S),c; No 3, '.M4e.; No. 2 whlto. 30c; , No 3 white. 29c : track white, 2a33'ie.. options fairly active, closlnu easy at 'ic diclluo; Pebrunr), 2S5c; .May, -.-i-ftasjc,, Closed s"s,i'., December. 24 2Se., closed "sc. lleif-PIrm; family. 10i11 10; eMru mess JSaS 50; beef hams, $22122 50, ilty extra liulln miss, Jllalo 50. Cut Meats-Quiet. Uutti 1 Steady; wejt em creamery, l.a'22c.! do. factory, 12ntCo.s Lights, 22c. i tmllntlon creamery, 13'4nlSc.: statn dulry, 13.i20o.i do. creamery, llaJlc. Cheese Steady; large white, September, S'c; small do , 9.iOUc i large colored, do., R'ic, small do, tiO'ic; largo late made, 7stn7i , small do r 7lS4a7c. ! nrge Octo bir, iasifie., light skims, CnO'jc: p irt skims, 4ii.Vic.: full skims, 3a4c. Uggs (Julet! statn nnd Pennsjlvnnla. 22a23c.! western fresh. 22i2".c. Tnlolw Quiet, city, iaic, coiiutiy, ,ln2c. Petroleum Dull. Chicago (iraln Uaruet. Chicago, Dec. 29 The leading futures ranged as follows: Whcnt December, fa90c: Jmuiry, 9lailc, May, IiIHa 92c. Corn Dei ember, 27'4a27',c; Janu ury, Siii27(c; May, jmaJ-Hc : July, IP'.i 30a"0'4c Onts-Dcmnbei, Jl'mJIe., Mav, 23'(,n23'n2lc. Pork-Jaiiuai.v, $S7'saSM1, May, JiS7'sn,02,j. Lard January, SI Va 1 C2'b, Mnv, l.70il77'a. RUis-Jantmry, II I5a4 40; Mnv. J 50il T" fish quotations were as follows: Ploui Plrm, No. 2 sirlng whe it S7c , No .1 do . Oi92c; No. 2 red, 91i'ic: No 1 corn 27a27c. ; No. 2 vellow, 27a27'4c; No 2 oats. 2.!;a21c ; No. 2 white, 2ic; No It white, f. o. b, 2ita2"1c, No. 2 ie. I0c , No 2 b.ulev, f. o. b. 2S.HIe ; o 1 tlix seed, M.Pal r-2, prime tlmothv seed, $2.70, nork, J7.v"i"i '-0, lard. JIBJij, ribs $ir.al70. shouidcis. 4W alc; sides. M70i4tO; whlskv, $1.19, sug ars, cut loaf, $8 14; granulated. $5 51 Re ceipts Ploui, 31.C00 baliels. whent, 555 mw bushels; corn, BII,(W0 bushels; oats, 5'm;ijoo bushels; rve. 29 000 bushils; birlev S2 0'j0 bubluls. Snlpnn nts Plour, 22110O birrels; wheat, K 0O0 bushels: corn. 31 000 bushels, oils, fflT.noi) bushels, rjc, 1,000 bushels; bat Icy, lb',000 bushels. Iltiltulo Live Mock. Dnst Reffalo, N. V Dec 29 -Cat tie About steadv. Hogs Palily active, York ers, choice, St C". iT TO, roughs, common to choice, $3.i 1 25, pigs, common to choice, $""j3C Shi op and Limbs Dull und slow, tinmbs, cholco to extra, $"'i0 10; culls to common $1 7."u" 40, sheep, choice to selected wethers, $1 G0a4 S5, culls to common, $2 50a3 75 New York Live Mock. New York. Doc 20 Reeves Slow; bulls, Him; native Uccrs, $la" 15, stngj and oxen. $2 75al50. bulls. $3i"75. drj. $2i". 10. Calves Quiet but generally steady, ve.iK, $"aS V), giasspis, j'.iTii), wistern, $1il55 Sheep and I, imb-Stead to film, sh"ep, $1a4 7i; limbs, $1.75 ilS5. Hogs-PIrm at $3 90a I 15. Chicago klp Stock. Chicago. Dec 2"i Cattle Active at $1 -'5 n4i0, choice export luovts, $i535, com mini dreesfd bet f steeis, $3 75al, Tex is steeis, $ii4 50, 1 lives $4aC 2", stockcrs nnd feeders $T50ilL" I Io.;s -Active at $3 !7is a". I7'i; pigs. $.1 !5i3 15 Sheep Active and steady at $1i3 50 tor Inferior to $4 W lor choice Limbi. Good demand, $3 75a)'0 to i'lSOi'ili) Ruelpts Cottle, 14 00) htad, hogs, 31 00") head, sh" ep, 17 000 hi ml. KiikI Lihrrlv ( nltle llnrket. Hast Libert;, Pa.. Doc 29 Cattle Steulj, prime $4 90it0, common, $1 25i 3 ("0, bulls stiies nuil cows, JJa"! 75 Hogs- Dull and lower, pilme assorted mediums, $!U)iJ,ti"i. b''st orkers, $;w, common to fair Yorkers nnd pigs $150a100, heavy $!."i0.i3 I'i, good rougs, 2 75a3 15, common, $2 25a2 CO. Shci i Sti ad . choice. $1 wia 4 75; common fl.iT fi". choice lambs, $5 90 1 6 15, comon to good JITOijiO; veal calves, $6 50a7 25. Oil llnikt'ts. Oil City. Pi. Dec 29 Credit bilnncs, f5; certlllcates opened with no bid, silos. 10 000 birrels cash oil nt iVr. and .' W) barrels leulur options ul that llgure, mora offered at r"i(. shipments, 91 0)1 bar rels, runs, 9,412 birnls. Labbj's Llltle Joke. Labouchere. while undergoing his Llt-tle-go examination at Cambridge, noticed a number of dons prowling about In the hope of catching some one ene itlng. So ho hastllv s-crlbbled .1 few woids upon a sheet of paper, hid It nwa under Ills blotter and ostentatiously lefirred lo it Host to take after dinner; preunt distress, aid diges tion, cure constipation Pure It veci tabic, do not crlno or ius plu iil Ijj all itrucKlfiU IV rents Prepared only by 1. 1, Hood i Co , Lai ell, Jla THE PATENT We Make It. We Warrant It. We Wholesale It. II WESTON ILL CO. 11. NLW YORK HOl'CLS. V vVWtSSfVrv HOTEL ALBERT, Cor 11th Mroet and University Place, 'i:)' IOIIK Ono block west of Ilroad. way. Noted tor to things, COMFORTnilllCUISINE First-class rooms nt SI. OOa day and up ward, ou the Uuiopcaii plan. L. & E. FRENKEL The St. Denis Broadway anil Cleicnth St.. New York. Opp. drace Church. -European Plan. Rooms $1.00 a Day and Upwards. fn a modeit and unobtrusive way there ar fw butter conductad hotels In tan mstropolli thi.ii the St DttnU Tho uroat popu arltjr it Laa acquired win rendily bo trucod to 1U uiilquo location, lta licraellkn atmosphere, the peculiar oxcellonca vt Its ctiisluo aua aorvice, and lta very moder to pr.ces WILLIAM TAYLOR AND SON. Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Plao, NEW VORK. AMERICAN PLAN, $3.50 Per Day and Upwards. EUROPEAN PLAN, $1.50 Per Day and Upwards, IE0. MURRAY, Pro.oriatoj. Pills WESTMINSTER from tlmo to time, with n great parade of looking furtively around to see that nobody was looking. Tho trap was not long In taking crtcct. Argus ihunder Ingly Inquired what ho had got there. "Oh, nothing at least, only a .jilcco of paper," stammered tho Ingenious outh, provoklngly. Hut tho examiner was In exorable. He Insisted on looking under tho blotter nnd was rewarded bv reading In u largo rouad hand tho words: "You may bo very clever but jou can't eat coko." CA8T1I.K SOAP. Tho exlstenco of n plaguo In India has developed some Intel 1 sling facts uncut tho manufacture of casllle soip, which has such n favorable reputation from u hvglonlc standpoint, Tho prci illlng Im pression has been that the renowned soap of Marselllts wuh made from the pure ollvo oil from tho south of Prance, while tho titith Is th it It Is mauufactuird from comnom limned oil Imported trom India. The truth en mo out by peculiar menns. When the quarantine was placed ngalnst India, It sirved to cause a stoppigo of nil commercial relations. Shipping was dis continued, und the sonp factories were foiced to close As there Is iilwuvs n con stant demand for the soap, people began to wonder why tho factoiles ceasul to produce It. An Investigation proved that tho tnaniifactunrs have fot twentv sea's been duping the public Diet, and II jg. Gazette. a tonic rou viiki:mvo.iii:n. A lotion of cologne nnd quinine Is a most cfllcnclous p.maiea for uchlng muscles, if will rubbed Into tho skin, an excellent tonic lot strengthening weal: minibus suddenly called upon to do un wonted duty. The proportions lire 1G ginlns of quinine dissolved In one-lnlt pint of colosne, to bo nibbed directly upon tho person nfter the bith. This will servo us a preventive of told, a pain al leviator nnd tonic ADMIRED BY HIS FRIENDS Ufi3fc. i And envied by his enemies. Wo have biought about tho tlma when a mnii In mod eiate circumstances can bo well drcisod A shoit tlineii,'o ho was compellel to put in with a read) mndu suit. Wo make a suit from 815 up, tho color, cloth and cut guar anteed. W. J. Davis, n5 iijfl OF SCRANTON, Special Attention Given to Bitsl ness anil Personal Accounts. Liberal Accoiiiinuii.itioin '.. lended According; to Balances anJ Kcsponsibility. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital. -Surplus, -Undivided Profit, $200,000 300,000 79,000 WJI. C0NXELL, President. HEXKYBELIiV,Jr.,VlrcPrcs. WILLIAM II. PECK, Cashier. The Old Dominion Conipanv's EXPRESS SIEAieS "Princess Anne," "YorMown," nnd "Jamc? toun" oiler FOR uiislnc) men, pleaturis seoLeri and visltort OLD POINT COHFORT n most expedition! loute, roi"hlns Norfolk at lU.tlU u. iu.,ylliii:i uholoday la orfolU, AND conneetlnci vilth faxt afternoon trains for the West, hontli and bouthwcit from and with boila for Haiti more, Mil., nnd Washington, U. C, and all eounectlns Unci. VA. Tor further Information npply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO. Pier 26, North Rlvsr. New Yor"c. W. I., (iUILLAUOiru. Vlce-Cres. andTral. lie Manaeer. THE I0SIC POWDER CO IGOISI ARD2, COMXTHrLT SCRANTON, PA. niNiNG and sLAsrme POWDER UADC AT MOOIIC AKD KOMe OALB WORK. CAPLIN ft RAND POWDBR CM ORANGE QUN POWDER r.loctrio Itittorlos, Klectrlo Kznhdar), for at plodlui; Uu, Safety 1 usu, uud Repaono Clienilcal Co. 's uxpLosVvns Cla? VQs TtJ MM FlW 1 1 T'gMBrTCB f. ' l-"r"""?'r' -- -TT3ttrn3rj -t fi ii . nifyij; 's mi c jjarffon pickago-greatcst Chicago. ., ik. f AiiiiiA.-vlt COMPANY, St. Louis. Now York. Ilo-ton. Full Set TEETH $5.00 FULL SBT TEBTH . $5.00 TEETH CLEANED . 25c TEETH WITHOUT PLATE $3.00 TEETH EXTRACTED - Free NO MORE DREAD OF THE DEITAL CHAIR 'lecth cMracted and niled absolutely without piln bv our lata fcleiitlllc method applied lo the KUms. .No Hlroiprodticliis oRentH or cocaine. VVenrenot com pL'tlntr viitli rlieiii dental e. tabllihnients but with Ilitt-oliiM .k-ntlsttat pricci leii tlitn lulf that elmrited by them. I heie lire the only Dental I'irlori In Scrunton that have tho patented nuplliilic ci mnl Inaredlcnts to cuii.ii,.iiiiiuuii.piv;uii cnrain iinii poreeiuin eroniiH, tinilo tet table fiotn natural teeth and warranted for ten veiir, without the least pnrtlile of pain I'ullSetof leethS. VVo Ktmrnuteo a lit or nop iv. Cold erovin und taelh vv Itliout plates, wold lllllii'H and all other dental uork done Ulnlessly ui.l by specialists, romuand hive v our teeth extruelH I In ths nioralatjainltfo ho na In thuevcnluz with new teeth Wo em tell .vou exactly vilmt your work will cost by u freo x imliiutloii V written itiinrantea often .venrtt with nil worlc. Himr, S to m; Sundiivs nuil holldiys, into 1. Do not bo misled. Wo hiivo no eonuectlou with any other olllce In tho clt. " e, the undersigned, have had teeth extrneted nnd brldtfo work donnnt tho New York Denial Parlor, and cheerfully rooommund their method, belnn painless nnd as advertised. J. M. llUllNIIAKLU. 1'joil Mulberry nt." SWoV ,. NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS Cot'. Lackawaiiim nml Wjomlng E THE INVENTORY And in order to reduce stock to the lowest possible working point, we've decided to Slaughter All Prices to such an extent as to make BUYING NOW AN OBJECT, even when goods are not wanted for immediate use. Imagine buying Alexander Smith & Son's fine Moon site Carpets These are identical with goods that have been represented and sold as Axminster Carpets in this city. Within three months it will be impossible to get a yard of these under $1.25. These Clearance Prices apply to the cntiie stock, the reductions being on a par with the Carpet figure just quoted. HOLIDAY GOODS The balance at your price. Some choice things still left. 408 Lackawanna Avenue. I1! HRNUFaCTUR-RS OF MITC HC Bill 'limber cut to order 011 short notice. Hardwood Mine Rails sawed to uniform lengths coiihtantly on hand. Peeled Ile-mlock Prop Timber promptly lurnislic.l. .MILLS At Cross Fork, Pottsr Co.. on the Buffalo and Susque hanna Hail road. At Mlna, Potter County, Pa., on Condors port, nnd rori Allegany Kaiiro.iu. capacity til.MvKAL Ut-frlCE-UourdOl Telephone No. 4014. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRS, PA.. Manufacturers or I uinifiunnm unuaiiuuj HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. tfo EVERY WOMAN Comotlmes ueoli a relUbl. NKTR iae pureiiaruga unouia do dhj, ji jou vbi ino dcii, gei Op Peal's PeBinroai PbSBs SiJ 0 !3 r Tber era proapt, efe aril certain coiat. Benianjiratrc, tl.uu. For Sals by JOHN tPru3o street. A GREAT OFFER F0H THE HOLIDAYS . nv Oermanla Wine Cellars, llammondaport and Rhelmi, N. Y. We lire ileteiinluol to ntroilurj our kooiIs unam; the very beat pea. a in im country, aim wecun no nu tetter viny of ilolni; 1I1U than by soil n; tlum ease of our moils, c3iitulnlag cloven Uittim of Hlne uuj onu outtle of o.ir extra Hue iliulilo dlstlllej flrap; irandy, ut onc-linli Its no nun ooit. upon re ceipt ot $,voo we will leml to nnv render of tulu paper ono tine of our U00J1, ull flrt-chui und put up In ule Kant Hijlr, uasorloil ui foliowi: 1 qt. bot (Jrnnil Inv perliil beo Clmin- puiliie. t qt. but. Delaware, t qt. bot. Illoillu.'. 1 qt. bot. rokur. 1 qt. bot. Huuet Ca Uwba. I qt but Hlierry. t qt. but. Klvlra. 1 qU but Masnrn. 1 qt, bot. Angelica, 1 qt. bot. Tort. 1 qt. bot. Hweet U- ubellii, 1 qt. bot. 1 111 Grupo llriimly. llil otter li mails mainly to lutroiluce nur Orand Imperial Sac Champagne und our tine tlouble-Ji. tilled drape llrnndy Thin cuno of gooJ la olTcrul nt about nne-tmlfltn actual cot ua.t It villi plense u tfour trleuda nnd pituiji v 111 take ndv autage of t)il and belli ux Itaro duce.our sqoda. fiat ? Pvil Ik ia nmmHMiL HIPS iL.p- n u Art' economy. Made only by Full Set $5.00 75c up 50c $2.00 to $5.00 $1.00 GOLD FILLINfJS SILVER FILLINOB dOLD CROWNS OTHER CROWNS Acs. (C)er Xowarlc Hhoo Store ) Entrance on Wjomlng avenue at 75c. a Yard Upholstering, Carpets, Draperies. uu,uuu lect per uay. if Trade liuilding, Scranton, Pa. OCNER4L OFFICE. SCRANTOV. PA. monthly, rcislstlci: tnedlclue. Only Inimle4S E2d in result. The cuouloe (Dr. repl'i) nfter dlup. .aajaat,&kbanoiviaiijo ciercca, u. sC Philadelphia, Xk If B 00.. 10 ill IUIER H PHELPS. Pharmacist, cor. WvCmlng avenue and Steam nnd Hot Water HEATING Hot Air Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing;, Gas and Electric Light Fixtures. ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING. THE i mm co., 434 Lackawanna Ava. WOLF & WEXZEL, 340 Ada-ns Ave., Opp. Court lloiui, PRACTICAL TINNERS and PLUMBERS fculo Agents for IUclmriUou-llojutou'4 Turnacca and Knnuos. ' y