The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 28, 1897, Page 3, Image 3

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3 Klne Ilut-ict Goat Opcru 5
Cut Slipper nnd Miuiipol j
B .MoroeeoIlpperi,lnljrovn,
S maroon nnd blnck. Msjlit 1,00
B koIoi v S
S llrow 11 mid lllncl: Viol Klil S
S npcrn nnd Mr.tlixlit Koied B
B Nllppers, nlso lliuli I'ront B
B ltimln Cnir slippers, klil fil 50 B
B lined, HtiniMurncd nole'S " B
B HtjlliliOrecn, Itrmvn und B
B IlliukHliui'KldiimlAHlun; B
B ciitor Slippers, wlilto klil CO 00 5
3 Flucd, hiui -turned sole) . ("" 3
i Bl
fetore Open Ecnlng. B
The Crost Street mNsIon, PetotshurR
held its llrst Clirlstin.ii cclciirutlon lust
ifiilnK In the T.ijlor Aetitie JlethodHt
Uplsc 1p.1l th ipel.
John llmci und Catherine WaNli, or
South Sri .niton, win united In marring
by Alderman Howe jesterda Tliu Inldo
obtained u divorce from her llrst luu
band No 21.
Tentv--cM.n deaths from nil ranges
wore reported to the- boaril of he.ilth Inst
weik Of these four were- f 10111 dlpli
thirli Sixteen new eases of ulphtherli
i 11 leported.
The Scr.mton clearlne limine, reports
last weeks exchanges oh follows JI011
l.O HwniSOi Tucsdnj, ,10 1'ilOG: Wod
lusdaj J1S", -US 4 , Thurdi $lo5.7tO 4J,
l'lldnj $lWiSA4D3. Total. liAu.llAOU.
Michael liarchleon, u laborer In the
(.' mine w is Injuiul ,esterd.ij
aft. union In n full ulMnnf Ills left leg
was d.ietured Harilileon n taken to
Hi Mows Taloi hospital His pliteo of
1 " 1 ni 1 Is not known.
llem llnrtwkk je-.terd.iy brought suit
iiRtiinst tin, ee HKie-K.Ulon of St. Stanis
laus Catholic chuich to collect
$m TO which h allete.s Is du-- him tor
material furnlthcd In the ereUion of a
1 huu h for the congi (.gallon.
A tiump gl'ng his name as Willie
ruwnbug, of Ulncinnuti was n tit to the
I nintj Jail by Ablet man W S. Millar es
nid.iv 011 the ehaw of trLpis. l'liwn-bus-
boarded a Delaware Laikawanna
Mi.l We-stern train and w.ib e.iptuied by
Spmal Oltleir Dm kin
Murlige llicntef wire grmtiil jester
d.u m the elerk of the tomts to MU Intel
II 1 ilia of l'eikvllle, and Mary A. L-.sIs,
..f th. llldse, Triil Brill. 1i, and l.illlo
H'tnttmnn of Siranton. Joseph 1.. lley
noii's and Ite"sIo (loss, John Uarwood
ond Iliiunah Dais, Snanton
dnuslit hoise belonging to C. I.
Muiihiws Sons & Co. was striiken with
Par.iHsIs while standing In ftont of the
xtorp on l.aikawanu.t uinui cstenli
moitili),- The unlin il was takui to Dr
Hcllinait s eteilnar stabllsliment In
IHUfoiil louit fot tre.Uinoiit.
Tin following bao hi en elected ntllcws
if t.raie I.titlietnn ihuiih foi tin fii
suing inr M C l.andt. lupniiitenclint,
Dtlb U l'lekes, assistant superlnten
ilnit t'harlis Uender -ic.tLtuiy Norman
SMir(,is asslsti nt secrularj , James Mat
1 1 trcisurer, Ch irles lefjs llhiarlan,
ihnrUs Haas ab&lstaut Ubiartan, IJattle
Kline, organist.
The grand jury will meet next Moml.i)
and the con ttubles of tin toiinty will
make their quarterly tepoits Dlstiiit
Attt,riu Joins s-as that all ciimmal
n'ansi rlpis rot lllid on or belntc Mon
i i nr vt will not be heard before the
1 nnlng gi md Jtr but will bo continued
t "Muii 11 gi tad juij.
Mi hul Malloj, of Citbondiile, who
w 1 commute I to the eount Jail Dei. LI
n Mdennali Joins, of that c It . on n
itmrge of feloniojs wouiallng was ad
iiiltud to lull by Judu lMw.uds in tho
mi of $h0 P 11 Muiiu bieimo his
b,HHi-rn in Caleb Willi uns who was
clmt Rid with iihsatilt and bittery l I u
nOith Williams, enteied o ill In tho sum
of $.00 before Judge Udwaids
The Suucrlor court 100m In tin court
houto Is being lltud up for the tirm ot
thi Sui erlor court which begins Jut. H
llandMime oak desks, chulrs, a Jmv box
1 nd witness box weie put In plan yes
urdus md a hod brusstls iiriit w.n
1. Id within the bat emlohure. Tin coutt
loom furnishing will be In pi ice t v to
nUht s gatheili.g of the numbirs of tin
association Net wnk the juiUi s con
hUltutlon 100m Ir the icar ot tho tourt
loom will bo furnished.
The Ihtlstm.ih f.stlal of the Sunday
sihool of Oiaee Hefoiinid PpiHCopal
churih will occur this iMiilug at 7 ,1)
o clock ut the church on Wyoming ue
luie There will be u ChiUlmns tin. an
addiess by Pastor Alt l( h, i.tlols will be
sung and prizes will bonwanlid foi good
attendances during the jmi 1V7 A tea
tare of tho festival will bo the offitln.'s
of gifts from tho members of tho bchool
to the colon d children of the houtli. ttus
illustrating the teaching that it Is inuio
blessed to glvo than to receive. Of couiso
the numbers of the school villi all be le
inimbcred us usual.
Services nt Dunmnre Cemrtery Were
ondiictcil by the Uusons.
The fureral of Joseph Godfrev whose
deUh oecuired Clui-slmus, moinlng at
the Hotel Jeimyn, ot v hlih his son,
Fredeilck S Godfrey, is propiietoi, was
hold yestetday afternoon, beginning at
2.30 o'clock at St. Luke's Episcopal
church The bilef but Impirsslve
chuich service was conducted by the
lector Itev. ltogers Isiael Tho t.oi
lco at the grave was Musonlc.
Hiiam lodge, Free and Accepted Ma
sons, of Providence, of which Mr. Ood
fiey was a charter mentbei, cnthend
at the
nt 1 o'clock nt Masonic hall, where they
wtc olnel by other MnsonH nntl
KnlRhts Templar, find iitteniloil t'10
funeral In a body, l'nut Comirmiiild
. K, Steven, K. L. Urown. K. H
Hippie. I'. J. Ammlen, K. T Whonton.
Thotms Harrow man and A. H Holmes
und M. II. Dale, of Cocur do Llfci
commandery, were pallbearers.
The services at Duninnre cunetery
weru conducted by C. L. Van IJuBkltl;,
Uecietaty of Peter Williamson loili?".
."penal troiiev mm oonveyeu iiu .n
Mina the tenietery.
A Volume oT Hrlercnco tlint Will Ho
ol Crcnt Value to All,
The Tribune Almanac and Yenr Uool:
for 1J.PS. which will lie Issued In a few
dijs, will ns usual contain a fund of
valunble Information for leaders In Die
city of Scranton und nottheastttn
Amon? tho fenturea of Interest which
v 111 tnnke It valuable ns a book of tef
prence dutln the ontlio year will bo
ofllclnl election tables Klvlng the vote
cast nt the last election In the coun
ties of Ivacluiwiinnu, Luzerne, Susque
hanna, Wajne, Wyoming, Htadfotd
und Monroe, county nnd town olllccrs
In the various election districts In
northeastern Pennsjlvnnla, and other
Information that should be In the hands
of eveiy ntci In the northern tier.
The department devoted to county pol
itics Is also replete with Information of
Intel est to politicians and citizens gen
erally, containing the declaration of
llcpuhllcan principles mnde nt the re
cent countj convention; the new Dem
ocratic patty rules, and much other
matter that Is Indispensable In this
lino. In national nftalrs much atten
tion has been given to compiling und
at ranging authentic Information, In
cluding a complete toll of tho mem
bers of both bunches of congress, lists
of government olllclals, tho heads of
the at my and navy, coutt. etc.. and
Information concernlnir the postolllce
The sporting pages are nllve with sta
tistics of interest to tho nthlet" and
hunter. Including base ball pelt ent
ases, bicycle records, boxJnt; iccoids
and game laws
In the department devoted to the col
Indttatiy will be found statistics of In
tel est to every opetator and manufac
tuiei In this hectlon of the st'tte. Au
thentic figures are heie given lontein
Ine the output of the past flvo vears
which will probably emprise many
The Scranton directory portion of the
Almanac is most complete containing
lists of city officials. Including cchool
and health officers, councllmen and
cleiris, lc cation of bthool buildings, lire
nlatm boxes, lists of society olllclals.
National Guard officers, etc. In addi
tion to the above are ninny pages of
miscellaneous Information concerning
the weather, household bints uclii'0
and health tules, and topics of general
interest and value
The Tribune Almanac will bo dis
tributed on Jan. 1 and will cost at
retail 23 cents a copy.
Alembers of tbe University of Fennsyl.
vanla Alumni Association to
Gather at the Hotel Jerinyn.
Tonight at the Jeimyn the fitst din
ner of the newly otgunlzed t'nlverslty
of Pennsylvania Alumni association of
Northeastern Pennsylvania will take
place It i)tomles to bo even mine
successful than the heartiest enthusi
ust among its projector. Imped for.
Among the ptomlnent men who will
be picsent and lespond to toasts pie.
Dr. William Pepper, ex-pjuvost of the
university and professor of the theory
and piactlce of midlclne, Dr. John
Mat shall, dean of the medical and vet
erinary school and mofossor of chem
istiy Hampton L Caison, LL D, of
the law t-ohool, Dr Josiah II IVnni
man, dean of the college, Dr. John It.
Mitchell, of the medical school, son of
the famous. Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, Jack
Minds, captain of the '97 foot ball
team, George Woodruff, Penn's fum
ous coach. Dr. Louis H. Tiylor, of
Wllkes-Hane; Itev Di Ilemv L.
Jones, lector of St. Stephen's, Wilkes
Hnrre; llev Dr. Joseiih K. Dlvtn, of
tho Penn Vventte Iiaptiht church; Itev.
Dr. I. J Lam-lng. of the Gicen Hldgc
Presbyterian church. Hon. William
Connell, Col, Gcotge Sanderson. George
13. Davidson and Dr. John L Wentz
Theie will b about one bundled at
the dinner and about two bundled and
fifty, It is expected, will imply for
chaiter membership in the society. A
pleaipg feature of the evening will
bo the present e of a delegation of the
Unlveisity Glio dub who will come
up fiom Plilladblpl la 10 le id In the
singing ot the college t ongs
Hev Piank Scbcll Hallentlne, of the
Church of the flood Shophoul, will pie-
slde at the banquet, he being tempor
ary ptesldent of the society. The oth
er olllceis ate. Senetuiy, Dr G. A.
nianchiid, '93, Scranton, tieisurer,
Dr. George R Heynolds. 'Ml, Scranton,
roinmlttie on banuu"t and piimanent
organue.tlon, Di. John L Went, 'S2,
hcranton; Dr. I. C Johnson.
Scrtnton; Dr.
Snanton: Dr,
Wilkes- Hat ro,
Dr Lewis Fiov,
Lewis H Taylor.
Dr W. i: Keller,
Chailes II. Miner,
George H Davidson,
'St., Sirantuii.
Dr Levi .Shoemaker.
'SO, Wilkes-H.ine1 Dr i:d.son M. Gieen,
'91, Scianturr Di. Waltei S. Stcwait.
"3, Vllkes-Uarre. Di. H.tny M p.eck.
S1, Wilkes-Paiie; Di. William C.
Gnvley, '81, Hnsleloii.
Dining hh stay in this city Dr.
Pepper will bo tbe gusl of Congtess
niiin Connell. Di. Cut son will be en
tertained by Julgp Wlllaid; Dr Mar
ulnll by Dr Wentz, Dr Mitchell by
Di. and Mrs N. Y. Lcet; Dr Pennl
man by Dr. H. V. Logan, and Captain
Jack Minds by George U Davidson.
Contents of the Plnco of a Itccent
Shooting Sold by the Sherlll
The contents ot the Pullman house
In which James It. Grine- shot und
fatally wounded his .stepdaughter,
Mis Schaffer, liibt Tuesda, weie sold
undei the Llvum county sheriff a
hammer yesterday
The sale was on nn execution issued
by tlu brewing film of H. Hoblpson's
fons of thlB city, whofe nttomey
bought all tho iff cts of the hoiuve.
BHECHAM'S PILLS No equal for
For Infants and Children.
Ttj fig- jy
Polish Laborer's Care
lessness Causes a Ter
rific Explosion.
Two of the Six Are Seriously
Ventured With n Nil boil Lump Into a
Chamber Which Was Reported to
Contain (Sns und Disastrous Itc
nults rollov--Jobn Alexander is
I'rlglitrullv Hurucil n nil John
O'llricn Has Ills Hip mid Two
ltibs rrucltircil by a I'lvlng I'rop.
Four Others Hcccivo Losscr In -juriOH--Tlicro
Was Probably Cits
Iroin (Mil Workings In tho Chamber.
Six men were badly Injured by a gas
explosion at the Hellovuo shaft eatly
jesterday motnlng Two of them were
seriously butt nnd one of them, John
Alexander, was so badly burned that
he may die. The victims are:
JOHN ALHXANPKH. Hillevuc, ktboier.
single, whole bod.v burnt d
JOHN O'HUIHX. K-'T West Him slleet,
mini r uged 111 and niuiiiul light hip
and two ribs fi.icluicd and patulully
t orched
JOHN P. O CONNOIt.tlenet street miner,
nged 13, mutrled, bend tut by lljlng
debt Is.
JOHN JONHS. n TJellevi.e street, miner
uged W Mats, married; badly but in d
about hands anil laie
UDWAHD JONHS. Hellovue Heights,
miner, nged 41, burned about tho ex
posed portions of the bodv
T. W HVANS, Hellovuo Heights, miner
aged 1j, burned about the hands, face
and neck.
Alexander was taken to the Moes
Tajlor hospital at once. His back and
arms were literally .oasted and largo ,
pate his and llesh fell from his body
while he was being handled. If he did
"I".' :.,"lC'?f:."U IT' . "! l'"!la.ed to the 1K...I.I of trade M.ildl..' It
in, l limine unv ,IL llie- inline-, men.- ttiu ,
Htiong hopes that he will recover.
O'Hiien was first taken to bis home
but soon afterward was lcmoved to
the Moses Taylor hospital His right
hip was found to be broken and two
lower riLs on the light side tinctured
Ho will be a long time in the hospital
It Is expected but will not be peiman
ently disabled ns was feared
The other four men walked to their
respective homes The cut on O'Con
nor's head Is just above the left ear It
is about two and a half inches long and
epoes the skull The two Jones and
Hvans will not be kept from work
more than a day or two The exposed
portions of their bodies were scorched,
but they weie at such a distance from
the scene ol the explosion that their
bums were eiy supeillclal.
schni: or EXPLOSION.
Tho explosion occutrcd about seven
o'clock In "H" gangway in the big vein.
This Is the Hist eln that Is worked
from the shaft nnd Is about 200 feet
below the surface. John Jones' cham
ber where the gas was set off is about
1 der the Jeisey Central round house
between Tomtit and Plfth streets nnd
this by the toundabout Inside road is
nearly a mile fiom the foot of tho
The men weie on their way to begin
their mornings woik when the acci
dent occuned. The lire boss on his
lounds eat Her In the morning discov
eied a good seized pocket of gus in
John Jones' chambei. He notitled
Jones and his laborer, Alexander who
Is a Polandei, of the danger, directing
them to buish out the accumulation
before beginning woik
Jones pieceded his laboier along the
gangway going in and unnoticed by
the latter stepped aside into a cioss
cut for a few moments. Alexandei
passed him out and arriving at tho
opening of tho chamber and not tlhd
lns his miner theie supposed he had
gone In and presuming from tills that
eveiy thing was all light pioceeded to
enter with ills naked lamp peiched on
his cap.
He had only gotten falrlx Into the
opening when his lamp Ignited the gas
Theie wns a ten Hie explosion which
blew Alexander out of the chamber as
from the mouth of a cannon and tilled
the gangway with llame and Hying
The main force of the explosion went
In the direction of the air cut rent.
O'Hiien who had Just passed the Jones'
chambei on his way to his own place
faither In was knocked down by a fly
ing prop. O'Connot who was quite a
dl'tance ahead lecelved the cut on his
head fiom u piece of coal or rock.
John Jones was behind the explosion
and lecelved only a scorching, the
other two victims weie so fai ahead
that the foiee of the explosion was
greatly diminished befote it reached
them. It was hot air moving at a
terilllc velocity rather than the llame
that caused their lnjuiles.
A dtiver boy named Mai tin O'Hara
who was nearly 300 yards up the gang
way was thrown to tho ground us were
also his two mules, but they were not
Injured. Cars were blown fiom the
hack, pillars vvete shattered, props
blown out and hurled for gieat dis
tances nnd doois bateied down In the
Immediate vicinity of the Jones' cham
ber. The concussion was cleaily felt
In distant paits of the mine and a
laige eddy of coal dust was caused to
whirl out of the air shaft.
Some excited individual upongalnlng
the Hist word of the disaster tan
through Hellevue shouting that all the
men In the mines were killed. In an
Incredibly shoit period of time the
whole population of Hellevue was at
the mouth of the pit and a scene of the
gieatest excitement pievalled It was
fully an hour befote the crowd, the wo
men especially, had their fears quieted.
After the Injured men bad been as
sisted out and caied for tho gungway
In which the accident occuned was
shut down, but the other portions of
tho mine continued working as usual.
The odlclal Investigation of the dis
aster has not as yet been made. Out
side Toreman H. C. Green Is of the
opinion however, that mote gas ex
ploded than was found In the Jones'
chamber by the Hie boss. There ore
old workings communicating with tho
"H" gangway and It Is possible that gas
fiom these got Into the gangway in the
Interior between the examination by
the fire boss and the time that Jones
nnd his Inboicr went In.
The mine Is owned and operated by
the Delaware, Lackawanna and West
ern company and Is one of the oldest
In tho legion, having been worked
continuously for over forty-three
j ears. John Halo Is the Insldo foreman
O'Connor was vety seriously burned
In an explosion of gas In the same
mine about a yenr ago and was Idle
for a lone time.
Alderman IIovvo Would Not llavo Hor
Ili'lilnd Prison llurs on Christmas.
Mamie Miller, tho It! ear-old South
Sctntitcn girl who committed lntceny
In hor eagerness to give her mother 11
Chilstmns ptesent, has mot her Santa
Clnus As was told In Saturday's Ttlli
line the gill wis committed to Jail In
default of bill or the costs of the case.
The cell do"i bad hardly swung upon
her when a messnge came ftom Alder
man John T. Howe summoning her to
the olllce of the magistrate of tho Sev
enteenth ward. Alderman Howe had
not favmed the Impllsonment of tho
gill, not did he Intend to have her com
mitted Her tinnsfer fiom the olllce to
the Jail was vvltluut the nldet man's
knowledge. When the girl was
hi ought before him Alderman Howe
nt once dischntged her. Who paid the
coils he would not say.
Is to Be Erected on the Opposite Side
of Dlx Street from Board of
Trade Building.
What will b jv far the finest olllce
building In tin d'y 'vlll .nrm giace
the cornel of I.lndei and Hlx stricts,
just catt of the boai J of trade building
whcie the rcw 'if one story fwunc
buildings now stands.
It is to be elected by a stock com
pany composed of AV. (J. Pnrke, T II
Wntklns, Major Hveiett Wairen, C. P
Davidson nnd Conrad Schroeder, who
own the ground, and F. L Peck, H S.
Peck, Dr. I, M. C.ates and L C Hol
den, the well know n Now York an hi
teet Conrad Schioednr Is president of
the company and H. S. Pock tieas
urei. Mr. Holden is now nt work on the
plans. The grand dimensions cf th
building contemplated ate 7o"cn0 feet
occupying the full width of the land
and nil but fifteen feet of its dpln
, Vrt Ifa' ,Lc-
tut ally beautiful us massive. As com-
.,. . .-! i,it. " ...
wider and ten feet deeper.
All the details of th building have
not as yet been definitely decided up
on It Is designed, however, to hive It
contain foui ground door stoto rooms
and two bun Ired and sixteen olllces
An unsurpassable Turkish bath will,
In all likelihood, be provided for in tho
basement and a large law library, for
the common use of the tenants, who It
is expected w ill ha principally lawyers,
will be located on one of the cential
The Scranton club Is negotiating for
the- seventh Hoor, where they propose
to locate sleeping apartments for the
use of bai helot members nnd if this
deal Is consumated a covered bridge
will be Mvung over Dlx stiet to con
nect this door with the corrcspondlne
ilooi of the boaid of trad" 'building,
where the main npaitments of the
club's present quarters are located.
It is proposed to give the new build
ing some distinctive name such a
'The Lackawanna," which l& one of
the names suggested.
Two Charges Are Lodged
Knch of I hem.
Four warrants were Issued yesterday
from Alderman John T. Howe's ofllce
as the afteimuth of a sensational at
fair at tbe Windsor hotel Sunday The
waiaints nre against two persons, T
Hunt Hrock, proprietor of the place,
and Mis Hrock, his wife.
H. A. Hewitt and Hay Young, a
woman, nie the prosecutois. They
weie In the Windsor Sunday night,
and, according to the Information fur
nished to the aldeiman, weie ejected
from the place. Hewitt charges Pro
piletor Hrock, llrst, with assault and
battel y, that "Hioek did stiike him
and kicked him on the back." On
this chatge Hrock entered bail for
couit in the sum of $J00.
The second chaige by Hewitt against
Hiock is selling liquor on Sunday. On
this Hrock furnished security of $300
foi itppeaianco at court Hewitt also
charges Mrs. Hiock with tin owing a
"pall of dirty watu" on him. Mis.
Hiock entered ball in the sum of
The fouith chaige was made by the
young woman. She avets that Mrs
Hi oik committed assault and battery
on hei, "tearing her clothes, pulling
her hair," etc. Mrs. Ilrock furnished
$200 security for court.
There was no hearing In the cases
Attorney John Scragg, for the de
fense, waiving a hearing. Hewitt is a
driver of a laundry wagon and Is mar
John Lyon Died Last Woek nt the
Iiiicknvvniinii Hospital,
John Lyon, tho man whoso heart was
on the right side of his body, died last
week nt the Lackawanna, hospital. His
body was removed for burial to his
former homo in Peckvllto.
Lyons' deformed body was noted In
The Tribune of a recent date. He had
no left lung, und the caving In of tho
left brenst forced the heart from the
left to the right side of his body.
Working In the mines had weakened
Lyons, and, despite the most earnest
nttentlon by tho hospital physicians,
the BUfferer died.
Tho will of James T. Mcllnle, late ot
this city, was admitted to probito and
letters c. t. n granted to his widow
In the estate or Samuel Costlgan. lute or
the city of Sernnton, lettets of adminis
tration were granted to Mary Costlgan.
The will of Adam Joseph Michel, lato
of this cltv, was admitted to probale and
letters testamentary gi anted to Mrs
Hllza H. Michel, Hmlt Michel and Henry
The will of Hun dice Drown, lalo of
Dumnoic, was admitted to prob ite. as
was tho will of Thomas Lydon Into ot
Letters lestanienturv were granted to
John and Ah xai.dei Copilund on tho es
tate of their futlii r, John Copeland
whose will was admitted to probutc. Ho
nntned thtm as his executors.
troublesome and disgusting disease
may be entirely cured by a thorough
course of Hood's Sarsaparllla, the gloat
blood puiiller.
HOOD'S PILLS cure nausea, sick
headache, Indigestion, biliousness, All
diugglsts, 23c
P 0X
IS Fall
All through the store
V- much desirable merchandise
sJ5 "vas mussed,
was mussed, wrappers
soiled, corners of packages
0 dented, etc., during the
holiday rush. We propose
J to clear this all out in quick
jp uruei. iuuuu, we invite n
yciii j 1111; iuuccdi uai.iiii 4,
entertainment this town
ever held,
row olfers:
What tomor-
Crepe Nearly 500 rolls 5)
Paper 0I imPori(-u ailu jl
eiCJC 0
2? paper that sold regularly
XJ for 10 cents, 15 cents and
0 20 cents. Outside of some
5 dusty and trifle soiled.
j pv Today, lie.
V Pocketbooks
A large V
5 number
Jjj of twenty-five, thirty-five, f
H luiLy-eimu unci iiuy ccrni 0
3 pocketbooKs in
Be shapes
and shades, but
ta I' ...-.. -w, -, -
11 odds and ends and rubbed p
55 some. Choice of these, J3
PX ')'
X0 - X,rf
Goods sold Sx
everywhere at
S2 to $3, and
never less than
Si S1.75.
Many of these got
XP musspH tin in slimuinir hir.
p V 1 -.... ...j, ....
m.p ing Xmas time, but perfect xp
5 in every way. Tomorrow C5
J we offer set of 6 knives
p for SI. 0x
Not more than 12 to eit'itoraer. jj
lion I.acUawnnna Avenue
1T. . I Heartburn, Gas.
Dyspepsia, !eu"Ju,o'.
ders positively cured C.rovcr Oraliam s U)H
jopslu ltemedy is n sueeltli. One doso ie
moves nil distress, anilu pertnunenl cure of
the moil cliioiilcaiul Mevere eases is 'imr:iti
tied. Do not Hutroi ' A ."ifi-ceut boltlo wilt
lonvlnco tho most skeptical.
Matthews llros, UiujgUts, D20 Luckn.
vninnu iivcuuu.
X PX?. PPL000p P
Prices Greatly Reduced on Every Garment in
Our Cloak Room.
Ladies' Suits,
Ladies' Capes,
Ladies' Coats,
Our Garments Are Superior in flaterial, Style,
Fit and Workmanship.
Mears & Hagen,
415-417 Lackawanna Ave.
I Forgot
Quite possible with so
many to get presents for.
Maybe some one you for
got gave you something.
Why net give them a
A visit to our store
will settle the question.
China, Glass,
Silver, Lamps,
Bric-a-Brac, Etc.
lul Wyoming Ave.
Walk In and look nrotind.
In makiug presents noth
ing could be more thoughtful
u the giver or bring more
iolid comfort to the receiver,
vhether man, woman or child,
hau good shoes. We make
liese suggestions to our
matrons in full confidence
hat they will derive and be
.tow more pleasure in mak
ng presents of shoes and
clippers than in giving other
and less useful things.
Did you ever notice the
look of pleasure on a boy's
face when he receives his first
pair of boots. We will make
it easy for you to gratify
your little ones' wishes.
We offer for this week:
500 pair Children's Rubber
Boots, at 97c
600 pair Misses' Rubber
Boots, at $1.1S
250 pair .Ladies' Rubber
Boots, at $1,21
326 Lackawanna Avaniu.
"Famous Old Stand."
Children's Coats,
Separate Skirts,
Collarettes, Etc.
310 Lackawanna Ave.
Some think this is
an "off week."
Not So Here,
Our progress
knows no rest,
Must go regard
less of cost.
Upstairs Department.
A few choice pick
ings of china
overlooked in last
week's rush must
be disposed of
Yours for about
half their value.
We're figuring close on
We've got a large stock
and must reduce it. If
you intend purchasing,
see our stock first.
yyyynn..yyTl,yTf twf
& - t
n "