THE SCTtlANTON TRIUVB-TCJHSD A.Y MOBNINU. DECEMBER 'J8, 1 S!T. PES MlM fl THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Kt. I,ouls, Now York, liostou, 1'hlladolphla. Chicago, GARDNER LOOKING 7 FOR ABSENT SON He Disappeared from Jcrmyn on A tig. 29 Last. HRULVHS I HAT 111: WAS MURDERED ( nine Hero In find Out If I he iiiinu llitu It lio Mill wil 111 Hciilli lit Dun ninri' tins Ills Miii--I)id Noi ll Ml:i I lie l)i mm ilinn ul tln Demi Man-- VmiUn-i It'ifiest loi n !' siiiplion ('nun's Iiiiiii vllonlow'li. n urt- riiiincr a nun past mltlill gi hii i' hole fioni .leinivn. his 1 ira yesterdnv lonkliiK foi lil. '"'- ;i -'In "-nil. l.dwnnl, who inHtt'i - "iis' d!vappemed' finm home mi Au gust .'!i, ttiui has not linen heuid uf since Tin' fnlliri li'iiil In the pupeiH 1 r il'i sudden il . Ill limn Mainttlon of a unknown 11 amp ai Dutimmt last Uodnesda uiul lie tliought finm tlif iltct Iptlnn that ii nilylit lie his bnv So hi' came hen- esteidu to view the IiikIj of tho tramp lialf hoping anil lialf fern lurr the tesult If long anil tiii-iiv p"uuh could eicite a hope for the mil fipnrge Cardner epeiienced it He told the etory of hl son's sus picious disappearance yesterday with ears iimnlnr; down hl cheeks C'nril un Is a tall, ("pate looking man. ttha"tlj cnmnlexloned with Jet black hnii anil full black beaid. He said tluit -irry had broii-jlit the w hlte In his nan I can't make out wheie that boy s said the father, "he went away so "uddenlv, we can't think he left of his 1 w n accoi d ' When did sou see him last''" In August. On the 2Suh he and thiee other young fellows fioni Jermyn left our hotie early in the iiiumlny to g. 10 Culls' jioril. This Is a bit of uotir about Ihe miles from .lermn. Tit, re's n nlonle gtiHind on the "Ide of '" I'ond and my buy IM with the t' ' thiee 'ef going to spend the In theie IM. took the oais fioni the limine and went nwi At night those thin fellows came bin I: but m Imy o r it with thei.i They had the nais I 11 -T ed them while was I'M. ut tl'ej iMuIdnt tell me. The mi 111' v 1, 1 w hep lir N, we 1 'in kfi hm uli.-tieei we want hllii." " N UPI 1. THOrtSIIT It 11 awful thought," s'lld ('a d- lei m 1 in In t m v bo was m in - letod 1 nil the luih ihiown In the omit, an u il thi SomeHiing Imppci 1 ' don t Know what it was l tin,Ti, .1 fi inn the Kawauiui to Ihr 8u-, 1 ' Mi' n and uv.nv up In v u in but (un't ilnd nnv lia-- u I'u 1 1I1 11 1 belli e he inn livo. Mi w as whit nu call a ninth- '''i ' v lb - ii uuget sn and he It.iK i.i"i 1,1 Hut IM. was alw.ixs Ins ' s in ii,. inuldn't linn n i h. 1 1 I whv he did lint drag Caidii 'i ii'pllid that he h 'aid w hat can I do I 1 ah had one dtag and It u'k , , 1 Im ' Cut b llllM I 1 I t ei the whole pond.' Cml ,! iit Pin' mote fium Coioner !'' -tl t 'i inllnir the vonnir tininii li d In iiinmini Hilwiini Caul- 1 I' i bli 1 '.d. fair faied boy Mig ma mm died sn lonely last ' -iluv mi il.ik sklnnul and had 1 ' 'n be ml The ilet-riliitlnii did n 1 tallv im Cimlnei walked bin k to I IIIIVIl ANOTIII.I! INQUl'V Th police ill PJttuien .Vi'Sleldn I lilvd .illothei misyage iisking tot 11 iicc 1 iptiim ol th ili.ul nanip. This wn, finm John HluimeNhaek ol Al 1 itown Chief Itubllng etu back '.he Vscilptlon bill li'ielveil nu answei. I Thli- niakfs tin second leiegi mi ft out ut ol town. The Hist wan ftoin .lohn ign tt, in Miiiltuwi N .1 -. LfiTIERS PROn TIIK PLOI'I.K. 1 I ''el His lirnilliiL shot I letters of In ti" -l wl'l be pilhllKhed when nciotiipi. 'el fo' pilbiliiilluii h tn wiln r's n The Till 1 tie will not In hrlil iu hi uii-ili lot upiiiloiis hcie epiesed. 1 111: pi nion i:c it :,i; n. 1 1 10' of Tin Tr iiiim. "' I do noi ( uio to hnve ativthlng to do v il. the blncKgumd. i Itliei in the new I., i in or elsiv. hen- but with sou. .Mr. 1 Tutor, who I Illicit intends to be JiimI inn have been inl.slt i bv the mlsstale-ii-nts in tin- Xi'i Votk .Sun), I am will- ini. lo dli-cuss fuill.ei Hie pen. Ion proh li 111 Win n I icferied to Ucmiuls Sickles .in 1 Heaver, It wan liioan-ie tbcv me con I'.tnil Well-to-do pi iihlonels. You s.iy Inn the well-tn-dii 1 it iihlouei w hose place on Hut pt nslon lolls ciowds out a com rade In unil or adds an itui'ei i ,iai but den iitioii the b.ic Km ol t lie piople Is ile Heilu tun ol lioiim but of shame, Now it unittils lint If the veteinn Is well-to-do If he Is tic si iv lug hi will not ciowd a coinradi In need This country Is a 1I1 ti pi nil pi iikIous that are desctv 1 t. and Ihe fait thai this t.ounlrv has null nut so huge all amount In p n.lons b - vti niiiill to do vvitli Hit .irocpet 1 1 in il giowtb of otu lountiv Tlio Sll.OOtUKXI pi I nmiitli that U pild 1 01 ' dirtclly into the IiumIih-hk of ihe eoiiiiiv. Th" meichaiit tin luinur .mil th l.iiidlmd gel nine lenilis af Ihe pen .' is within lltlrt, iiiivx aft 1 thev 1110 it tptil by Ihe pciiHlouei. .Not oii'i .o, i.u 11 It v us noi 11 tfoMiuv for tin- g.ii- 11 ! ut to in lue mi)ii"V fin p in nn iln li en 1 In un 0x1 urn loi the llim.liv Hill, iml u niotictlun I'll' Vni'Miu liiuir Con n tuil mil 1 1 uei iiel iiumiu; in 1 v 1 uld In uniiilnir m 'fv mi s I E QnlltJ'C 1'i'R IlITHKH HKX, LC DllUn OTtilH remedy being in. jeciou iiirccny io inc neat of thoiso iUuenci uf tho Ounlto-Drlnai'A (Irndna, rotiulroH no chaiiKo of diet. Cure I auaiuiitcetl iu l io .1 1 ' .i '" Hiuall plain pack. dri yrr tb k mto. y will, si.oo. 3 'U JCi. JLM Hold ou'.y by Wm. ti, Clark, aoi Waslilnsjtun Ave. anil jj6 Pena, Ave,, Scrnnton, Pa. BIG Insist on the Genuine Tlie best Washing Powder made. Best for all clean ing, doe the work quickly, cheaply and thoroughly. largest package greatest economy. p 1 dm an lliey M'i In IS," I have liO cin toofftrfoi the ptiisdiiei who uiu oli ' 1 en 1ih h licit) 1 by fraud in fot an.' linn who Mnlutis any l.n An I I Inn l tl'i' a toward i't !!' foi pi inf 1' it will hIiuw that am vterei In the ilty of Scraiiton Is dt awing u pcnnloii which lie lux oblnlnid b fraud. Ilcle Is a I'lianii for "those tiiv-piiMTH who hnve i olue lo nuin's i-ntute flnee the war's i loe " one ot tlie'-e men askid me isicul.iv wli.x he iilinllM lie compelti'il to lulp p.i ii llfiinis Hi did nul liullze Hie Hliperlm iiil.l!it.1h he eliJoM'il 111 Ibis IhiuI of fiii'doin, 01 the iintioitiiiiltv and possibll- HltH iittiiiniible In no otln r laud ln'imith the Him Hi knew noililui; of Kilm wai. t whli li xiied UiU nation ami Kuuuinlt ed to him llii-se pil lie. ei ami mnde pen- hlniis po' Mllile Noi did lie Know hov arilk- i 1iiisj this KOMTiiim tit hOiiRht soldiers, j how tin oiiim nun wele pluidul with to nun ilu tlBlu, how tlibt Kim i mm ir Ipromlsid In lake nu- of tlietn and that tin If wiles ol families hIiouIiI always be caud for Tin government is fiihllllnB Its obligations and canvlim out Its piomlses j Hut to return lo the question of fijiul, I I do licit ilenv tint tin le are some cases I but that the nu i ti nslve I no not be- I lleve l'oinms(iiiiie of I'i liMniiM i'.'ans h.ivii II i Impossible to nnv Ritat amount of lo lie pi .u ill ul succ essfiillv on tin petiHlon buieaii Here Is vvhnt lie sajs, as mill In n Washington dispatch d.itid Dec il: "Commissioner oi l'onslon.s I'vans cluiiaitells'i s all otolles of eten- pe pension frauds us pure llctlon The I llRines used are ofllilal regarding ds I buictmentH but the allegations bamd I upon thim liullcate to the commlsslontr la vivid Imagination, coupled with a woe l fu'i Ignoiance regarding the method of granting peniilons The commissioner ad mits that sonic fiauds c.lst. but he a,i j that the department Is epolng them. I nveiv guilty person dlscoveied Is pro-e-I cuted openlv 111 the courts The percent I age of fraudulent cai-es is mo umall that the.v do not Justify the outciy being mode about them The Cleveland admln lstiatlon began Itn caieer with the an nouncement of n 'impose to purge the pension rolls of the frauds It supposed weie there After years of the closest Investigation and Inoulry. it was com- ' pelled to ndmit that on the whole, nearlv i evco dollar paid out had been obtained . legally. As to the charge that theie uie I mole pensioners on tin lolls than theie ! uie sin i Ivors of the lebelllon. the com mission r sajs this s not tine While the j total numbei of pensloneis seims large. Il must lie icuieniliereil that tliiiusanus or widows and solilleis' oiilians blip to swill the ll-t In addition to the Ml I'vans snvs it Is impossilil,, fot any iininiiiit of finiiil to be piactlml success fullv on the Pension biiienu. Pot hlmsilf ,1m would lather hjiend Jluuflo in iiinnlng down a fuiuil than savi $100 bj pel pi - tiiittliiu tltein " lint to letiitn to the publication of the I pi nslon list. Hj all means. lit the list lie . iiubllsbeil This will do more to i-top tills idle chatter than auvtlililg I can think of It will show that tin re aie men attend- Iiil, to thch diillv dutlis, but huvi dls- lubllltlis Willi Ii t till tit tin m to a pension Thin If, hard fot some piople to see wlth- out Ihe aid of an X-iav .ippaiutus ,et I i lie list show what Is the matter with tiuli pi'ii-lonei and foi what he receives 'a pension. Then the entln puiple would know the te.inin wh eveiy peitslonei was liiclvlng sappiiit fioni the govern- J im ut Then aie pensloneis in this ilty I who have stilTeteil mole than either (iin- eiul .Sickles ot (leneul lienvei. and whose life will be shoitenid b a M?ote of i .11 s. et the publle mn Know tioililur of their ills.ibllit ot Mineilni- A I! Stevens. Hckiuiou, Dee .', TlliiMRICAI. AT TR ACTIONS. IN il.'s Had Hit). "I'eiks Had Hnv's gnat pupulailtv with tilt pllblle w is ileniiiiistiated bv tin huge .1' I'letu'e that siw ,. 1 tiim ii nf llu.t n.uni it the Ac.idi mv of 'Music llUlll 'Pin- bill 111. I. Mil lib- planks with nieat Kin to the iinboiindid di light ol the lillilli Hit The lllle lob lh iissunied bv Dot Kin ml who has 11 pinpil conccptnii) of the iliniiitii nl the nilsiblii loving vnlllll l)tlll eli M 1 niembi'ts of the ' o 11 pinv aie Will .1 Mi'Iieimolt rtlelln l. e. .Minnie LotiNt li rljn and I'red Weiui 1. Dtltltlg Hie 1 nll'i dv evcelleilt specialties lite intiodlleed b, se.'l.d inmnlieln ul 'be 1 011111.111 The pi ilimnnnie vv 111 be le. piattd this noil toilinttnw nltei nun 1 1 Hid e filings I'lii'itrl 1'r'l Tnuilit John and Mjtlon Manol.t .Miisnti vm'I known to and populai vv Itli even theat v goei in the l.ngir eitles Will 11)1111 111 nt the l.vrcum ibis evening ptisciiiliig their pietl and blghl nucei-sriil p-istoi i! I'll''. Friend l',tlt7.' a-nli,tnl im inmpan.v which has given Hum sue'i tub ii .Hi silipotl diirln. Hull n . i '.ni. i ii 'tirmi'iits ben nuil ibiiiuglinii ill eiiiiii t.i MniriMin's I'nnsl. I .Monison's conip.inv will bi the nitiae tlnn ut the Aciubiii! the last half of litis week 111 Davie lb maid's vuidau of (loelhe'H Imniortiil "Iiui,l." vvhleli with I tile esielleiit cast new and elegant Min er, vondeifiil eleitili t ffeets and I eb i in lights will be given upon a 'scale J of giot'di'ill' nevet befoie witnessed lute Out ill Ihe fl Mines of the piodllctlan 'will in tin- Xtuimbuig choir leiuii iitu, iipplopilnte mtihic tliioughnut the pine with Its Hashes of k inline lldbtlilng and showets of leal lire (.ues Miinliallnn. 'i'l e nltiaetloil ill tin I.M t mil Tbuis dnv eielllllg will bi Ifostrt & UI.iI'm bui lt t ue extlavngutizu 'dioesl .Mauliai t till Tile piece miliiH lien illicit fioni a n.tntj vveelcs inn at .New VoiUj fu liionn lituslc halt The scote, which is by W II. llatchellor eoiit.ilnM nuiny ituin Li is which ale Mile to heeium popul il Tin Ilhietio by W II Ltell Is ilnveily i Nic I. el oil en n II it sen in. ('lie uf .ho veiy Interesl'nu pi 1 ."ull.i to be seen this week In the i in P. mill of tho Xlikelodtou iiiuseuui mi Linden stictt )n T 1 Ilarilson who stieut some time mining lu the Klondike legnm lit has a complete minus' outlll lllUMtinllug tho manitei lu vvhlih gold Is obtalntd In ihal eold i oitliln He gives m Inli'inelv Inti r. inlng lei tun Lavvretiie Alburtia iojm with luiU" balls of iron and iu othii VMis 1 ..'Ins evldcnie of Ills woildelllll Hllt'llgtll ' Hldoni.i ii ninrtelnilsl) taltued mult Is tiuotliei feature of the tiulo hull Then Im a ipij tiiiertalnlng pcrioi.n nine in the tilt at tr l.lllliiii I'lu Htei, tho pusiieMMoi of a line oprano vein sings reeial selections and Addl Smith dunces a sail u s hornpipe skips topi und lines Indian club with much iloveriiess. vll sldes there ure thn D.ilv. iibbio comedy in tints, i;uMo lloiuii, dancer and mono loiiulsti IM II. Hanker. Impe.'xoiiiittii, mid he great Hldoni.i, Hick wire wnll.ei Social Events The first holiday wedding of an tlln tlnctloii and a voty iireitv one was that of Miss Millie lltifihea -ind Ch-irb-s V Knight nt the Chun It or th" Onoii .Shephenl. Oteeii Hidge, lnct ovettlint. Tin btlde Is u sisLcr of Mis. John il. MpAmI.Ii nnd ii ilaiigliter of Mrs. Ame lia D Hughes. .Mis llugh,M and her two (UuighteiH. .Miss Millie tn.d Miss Hetthu, fornti'ily lo-hled In Philadel phia, but come to f-vinnton about a .ear iign. The gn.oin, Mi Knight, is the chief desli-lu i of the Hcniutim Lace wink.. The Chrltuia.s depot ntlons had been loft In the church and fotnied n lininl snme spttlnc for the oveiit. The lec tor, lu'v. P S. Ilalleiitlne. r lllclaled The tnnld nf linnor was tin bilil" sis tii I-tettha. The giooni was nttended liv I. iwrenii Hov, Isnn. Hobart llny den, Charles Ciri, J 1 Chniiiuan nnd Il Ilevan were the uslieis. .IIhm Hughes vvnre an entrain rowh uf white Hllk which w-as ttlmmoJ with ihlffon and Duihesai lace She won n veil nnd can led a shower bouquet of white cat nations and ntaldcnhnli The maid ol honm's cowtt was of while or rniidle nnd ulnk silk Her boutiuit was of pink imitations and leviitdlu. 'J'hi'te win n toO'ptlon fioni S SJ to 11 o'i lock at the home of Mr. mid Mrs. McAskl- 1048 Adams avenue. The ve- .indi of the houiae unci much of Its In tel lor wis tl limned with eveigieens nnd hull, Polled ttoplial plunts weie nlsn use 1. The dining loom was ni latued In pink and white Th'ete vn il tin ln' dining the evening. Un tlielt lelurn fioni n wedding tiip of but it few oil..' dur.itiun. .It. nnd Mil-. Knight will iet.d nt !74. Sin deihon itvemie, n homo that hns lecent ly ben handsomely 1 mulshed. M and Mis .Tnhn Jeiniyn gave a dunning lecentlon and dance last nlrhl al the Hlcjile club The looms weie again ilaboulilv deconited by Cliil.. Halter's nicliestn fuinislied the music and Huntington cateied. Mr. nnd Mis Jeiniyn unil the Mls-sc Jet m vn lecelved the suests, aliout one htiiidied nnd fifty being entei tallied AmoiiT them weie Ml. and Mrs C. f- Weton, Mr. and Mis H. P Simp ion. Mi and Mis V. M. Dickson, Ml. and Mts B H AValson. Mr and Mis Clavenie Stuigcs, Mr. und Mrs. x. O. ncbertson, Mr and Mrs H W. Klnss buiv Mr and Mrs A. H. Stons, Miss Vlnton, Miss McLeod, Miss Simpson, Miss Coleman, Mls Dale Miss Areh bild. Mls Boles, Miss Gllmore, Miss Wellos, Miss Grace Williams, Miss "looihees, MIs Matthews, Mls Helln, Miss Uejsell, Mls-s Alice Matthews, Miss Hunt. Miss Parke, Anna Arch bald; Messts. Huntington. P.rooks, Hcdt'nd. .lames Hlnli. Paul II. Helln, orth Set anion, J. H. Hrcoks, Whlt moir, Hedfotd. Chase, Moitimei Ful lci, Htis-ell Dlnimlck, Walker Frey iuonir those from out of town were: Ml A'ldiews. of Xi w Voile: Miss Holm"". Albany, Mr. Connoi and Mi. KoNl-y. ot Phlladelnlil.i. Mis Opome H. flnnd will give an at home tnmoiiow firm 1 to ,'i Ir. honor of her daugh'ter, Miss Hand. Mi and Mis Hiiij Helln will ive a 1 dam lug p'llly at the Illcvcle club 1 noitse tonight I Tribune i ! Classified Specials IIUIMV ii:i) I Oil HUM' ion sua: Kl'Wi INT mi: UiIIMS VS 1 1.1) 1 1 1 r v woitn 1 CUNT A WOHI . I CI'.NT V WOltll i ci:nt woltii I l i.M' WOItl) SITUATIONS WANTED Free of Charge. ll udvettWmtietiM Insetted lu tbene loluiuiis it.itptlug situiitions W iiut.'il, wblcli aie pulillslieil lieeot t lunge, i me p i llblu slitilllA IN l) Nl'l. UtlX P asU to lime the in i li tixcJ II LLP WAN 1HI) .MALLS. Adis. I niirr I his Mead One Cent a Ward. iji.i.i' w mi:i- i: w.Nr.Mi:.N 10 Jl sell iiiii H)-.ii'ie liu un; trial on coin- mliedon: I liislon: II s Him ii toi v, will intv wepklv lur. 1 1 1.. Itl-iLKl, 'Jill vliisliliigtoli Mil iivviiue. c alijmi:n vciiooi.Hiri'i'i.iKs, cou.v i lty vvoik. ijiuo halitiy inoiuuiy, with aililltlonal lominlssloiu IL O i:V.VACO, CliUaso IVANTi 1) -s UH'Nl I.N LVHIfi SIC i Hon toennvuss, Sl.nuto "i.oo n ilny made, hcllsat h I ).; 1 1 1 . also a iituti tosel. Mnplo Goods lo dialeis; best Hide line STft a month, alarv or large eominlnilon, experience iinnici'i-'.ii.v I llltou soup and .Mamiliictiu iu i otupun, i iiieliiiiutl, (i, 'A.NTi:il - Wl LI.-K.NOWN MAN IN ii iv en town In Nollcit stoik nibscrlp ,,... nonopol.v, big luoni'j loi URents, no i ... i u unhid. IDrt MIL) C. I'lhll A CO. 1 i i ei liloi I. i tin ago, ill, IILI.P AN 1 LI) l-r.MAI.KS. ,il i Under This ilea I (Jne Cent a W orJ U'OMA.N (.I.Ni:itL IIOl'MKWtUlK; lilsh picliiied, must liavit ittereiicti Itoom '-', i i tide, 'PWU WHM1N W .Nll'li-MII)l)LI.. 1 uged, out child n must, one geueial hiiusewniU; louiiliv, iili'icme itiiilred; ueriiiiiii ptt'iuiit'u. lllltllll '', Ml'lltlt. I I.M)'i:ti Mifi: iikj wviim j pleasant home work, and will gladl', send lull p.iitlciil us to all sending '' cent slaiup. .MISS M. A. bl Ulilll.NS, Lawience, Mull. WANli:i-LHY MiI'.N'JH IN St It VN- ton to sell and introduce Sn del h cua , 'ting, espi'ilencid CHiiviisst'i prelcired, work ' j-cimuneiit uud vei prolltitblo W'tlte tor l .it iiiiIiiim ut iiu omul get benellt ol holliluv 1 1 inle 1. II HNMiKKA CO., Uiiebimitl. u w i'A.VIJ:i)IMMLl'LWi:iA--rW(KNKlt. netle salt uwomi'ii to temeseut im Citiniautceil yu a duv without iiiterfciuii Willi olhut dalles lleultlifnl ocetiiiailnn. Wilte loi pin (It'iiltirx, tuili.4.liig stamp, JIA.MIU I IILMH'M lU.vil'A.Nl, .No 7'J John stieiil, .New Xoik. LOS I . Ailvs. Under IhU Head One Cent a WorJ. J TTTffiTvTTiTnTix I1 skill, betweun illhl Wimliliigtoii nuil , ."'J0 Vliiilnon avenue. I'IiuIpi' will bo le- wutileil t) li'inliiK -nt luo at VJD Madison mi line. PRtiPOhALS. , i)iiopiisi,s will in-. itiii:ii:n i 1 IIidiiIIIi oftbe t mint , I oninilsslciiit rs I until noon of. Moml'o, lid .Iiiuuai) hill-, for furiitshluu stoviiiiud pea i oal ul the iotuit prison durlliu the ensiilnt; tin Propositi I must state fioni what collier) tin i oil will be fitiulHlieil, mid whether grofoi or net tons, nun me iirue nicni'ii i.iuo oiioni nameii on iti.i:s r. WAU.Ni:it,cieik PKRSONAL. TT'chaiilus w. smith, rmfTf:iTf.v or J Vlliaui, will Hund his nddrenH lu "J. " to this olllie, htt will heal -oniclhlug lo his advuiitage. AGENTS WANTED. ANTl'l) AHP.NTS I-'OIl OIIEATK'IT w V gnu Having dev loo ninniifncturoil. He iiIIm L'.Vr. HIk inotlts. UliVKIl IlllOS. Itocliotor, X, V, ATiKNriTTo sV.iitj ouiP noc. btoIim door: mimple prepaid upon receipt of price. A.Mi:tlll'AN wrOllM DOOIt CO., l'ort union, Mich KI.ONIUKi: - AiTl'.NTrt'wANTKrT" KOtt luiKd llliutrutcil book of Klonillkc, Ave liiindrrd pnijrii: price ni.nti: otittlt Hie. Ail ilrenii NA1IONAI, l'UIIMSIUNU CO,, I.ftlto. Hlile Ilullcllnif, CliluiKo, ill, A T ANTKU-SOMLMTOIlH: NO DnLtVKIt- i Iiik, no coilcctltiK; posttlou perinnnent; nvweek v: Mtto nxc. (li.UN 1IUOTUKIW. H Soi'liestcr, N. V. A OKNTH-WIIAT A11E YOU (JOIXO TO donboiit SufeCltli'i'imhlp price fl. Oo. Ing by tliotisnniK Adilrei NKJHOIX, riupervllle, III Alir.NT.S-10 HKUi OlIK l'ltAOTIOAtj gold, iillv cr, nlckpl and copper eloctro planter; prlccM from JSIt upward, salary and ixpcnies paid; outllt fioii. Address, wlto Hunip, M1CI11UAN MTU CO., Chicago. (JKXTK-TO HHI.Ij V UiA IH TO" l)KAU cru; ?'J" weekly ntul cxpenien; experi ence lllitiecesmiiy. CONDOM DA'IKU .MbU CO., tH Van lltirin t., Chlrnjjo. I-OK KHNI'. Advil, tinder Till Head One Cent a Word. TOIt lir.NT-l)i:SK HOOM, HKCONI) X1 lloor corner. "Ul Washington avenue. IO HKNT-'JOo M1KK1.IX AVlfNUi:;" I1 riotim. Apply, mini Wnililngton. ioxi:s, niiHiMU'CK sritKirr-HopsiTs tl Ktores, ap.tittueiit". ION K. ill 1 Spi uee Ktrtet iix'(Tn l) it7ooiToi' -j cj l't'.N v a virxii:i O eight looms lutli, model n Improve ments 1'. W.sloKI'.-s, Attorney, !HlW)o mhii' avenue. I.IUHIT-UUOM Hllfsl:, HATH, MODKlt.V lj ImpioveiiientK, Tun Kleitrlc nventie, (Itien Itliliie P W NIUKKS Attornej, till! W.votiilug nventie WANTI.D-TO UKNI'. Advs Under Tills Ilea J One Cent a Word. TAVri:il M (lit HKVKN I!0(I ' l iiurnitilslieil Iioiiii, Willi all nioilei n i Improvements ami louiteil within ten mill lilei ol husliieis center. Vlut bo nicely lo cated and inoileiiite nut ddreis V". 11. u , Irlbiine nlllce. I KOO.M WANli:i. Advs. Under Tills Head One Cent a Word, u i:Tr.n uoom-iiy lady knumii'.d iluiln ' tbcdiiv: icnttal loiatlon. Itoom icuile. l'OU SAI.12. Advs. Under Tills Mead One Cen. a Word. i.- oTpMAi.ff-o.N k ' Sim ibltsi: "to wi'ni 1 boiler, as -ood as now. UIK WKSI'ON Ml I.I, CO KliAI. liSIATli. Advs Under This Head One Cent a Word. KNK-fniAU J lent'l, Scriiiuoti rjul estate Mnest eit Ion for Miilo on easy terms ut low prlie, vv th suiuantee 1 title, near stores, ilnuchei, th-atUB, ilepot; paved streets, newer, sieaui heat, rapid e ltiaucement; best luvestment. seven luluutei walk Irom iiototllce 'end or tail lor cltcular. JOXI, Heal Hstote, :tll Spruce street. DOW LOST. Advs. Under Tills Head One Cent a Word. TAKon'YKTdTow AM) 'wirrr."& Aj ter; answers to iianie, D.isli. Howard will be paid lot ictiini of ilo' to Olio W.U.h.NHOIlM' 117 Ninth Irving avenue CHIROPODIST AND MANICURE. J nails cilied without tho leat pain or drawing blood. Consultation and ndvlcd given lue. K. M. IH-UZKI, thlropoillst, iliili Liu l;.iuinn:i avenue. Ladles attended ut their nsldemu It dialled. Churnes modul ate. CITY SCAVENGER. AlI.HIUOGHCU:.NH PHIVY VAULTS . and cesn pooN, no odoi. Improved pumps used. . IIItlCHi-, I'loprletor. I.eavoordeis 1 100 .N Mulu live, or l.lckeV chug utoie, corner Adums and .Mulberry, lilt'phone till 1(1. rii7.s. cooi', cii'Y Mvvi:.NOi:it, y All orders piotnptlj attended to, dav or night. All the latest appliances Clmrgei reasonable. TIP Serimtou utieet llouta 1 l'J.'i iisliburn Htiect. ( LK(iAL. in m:: a-nK'nmi'.ni' oi nih; oi. 1 plunl IniKt onip.iiiy. No -JUL' Miueli I'm in, l lf, lu the Coin t of Lommoti l'lein ol Lai kuwaiinii I'uiintM Notice Is line , Iven that lohn I. Kellv, assignee, has llled his act omit and tha suino will be conlli tiled on the thlul .Monday of lanuniv, lHlls, unless ivieptlons uie pre vlouslj tilled Hie lllle of counts ns loi. lows; "Wheinni counts uio Pled by trustees oi assifite, the I'lotlionotui.i give Hintot bv the publlcatliiu previous ton leg tilnr term ami therewith publish thin inle Mid t nullrmallon nll on tho Mist dav olsald tri in Hlinll be ofc nu iu and conllrnintion all solute cm the si-cond Mondn.v of the term shall be entcied bv the l'iothotiotnt of cotitse, unless cxeciitlons uio pievlounlv llled' t K I'ltYOII. I'lolhonotiiij. 'VI'OCKIIOLDCKS' iULIil'INCJ. rpili: ANN! I. MKMIMI OP TIIK 1 stockholders or tin; 'lhlid Niitlonitl Hani., of m ronton, fot (he eleetlon of I'lieis lots lor theensiilug vent, will be luld In the Directors' loom ot IU I unking home, on 'luuitluv, Iniiuai.v llth, tHDB. Polls will be open 1 1 oni tlneo o clock until font o'clock, p. iu. M II. I'd If, Meitctui. N'OTICins HKIIKlCi (ilM'.N THATTIIU l niimial mtetlng of tho stocklioldcis of 'Ihe spilng Hrook Water snppl) i ompauv will be bild lit theolllte of the (oinpaii), Ilooui No "ill I lloaid of 1 1 ade llitlldlug, scruiitoit, I'unnsv iMinhi, lanuarv nub. IKlis, m lOo'cloel; a. nu, for the mirpose of eb i ting DltcetoiK tm Hit iiiMiing .viar, and lor the tiansai'tlou of sncli othtr business us nun piopenv como befoie the meeting I. II. W IK I.N -.Secretin J vmm'k r. is in:iu.iiiTi i:n in m'tiih 1 iiiiiiual meeting of the stoekholdi'is of Ihe MoimIc W ntei ( ompauv will be held at the otlbe or the ompauv , Doom No. Mil lloaid ol i'lado Hull. Iln.', -lerautoii, I'euii Kvlvnula. Iiiiiuiuv llith. inns, at in ocloik u. in , tin the liurpose of eleitlm; DIiciIoin i for tlieciisiilng )em, iinil for the liaiisiictlmi ol H.itli other luisliiessiis uuiv piopeih touiu before the uieetlng. Iiolll'ltr . DVMs, Seutliuv. V-vLicnox Noiicr-iiii: anncvl Ij iniilliu of thn btockholileiH or tho seiuutoti stove WmUs will bo held ul the olllieol the tomp mv In s( riiuton, suturdu.v , .lanuniv Kill, lK'is.nt nop m. lll'.NJAMIN i:. W U'SON, fctretaiy. SI U ATI ON S WANTLD. , iTIONVvNIKI)-Tlfr. 1H1.MK I Cj wiiHlilui, lionliu. oi go out lij tho day I wiislilnif, si t iilihliiv, ur nnv kind of work by llieilav. Hem I'jo I'liuilclln avenue. cjlll' VTIO.N WNTLI)-I1Y A i!U,i'IIOOI) lefeinices, liotnti III country piifenedl wall's no object. Call or addles, .Ml) spiucu Nliett. CU'l'ATION W1MT.U-IIY .N K. I i" perlenecd dihei, with liet ilt lefei tines: willing to woik lor modeiale wages liniulre. AJti spiuceslieit, city. Dltl'd CLKltlv WANTS l'i:lt.M YM'.N'r Mltiiatloti uiul will do teller woik: e peiltuiced, MtUfiu loi lefireneM given. I'K I HOL V I I'M, 7 1 !) I ollego 1'lact L ITI IIllN T.N'TiiT)-in" WO.MAX Ah 0 liiitiidrtss, oi other work, to ,10 homo ilu In h: IJcrinnii Itoom 'J. Arcade. IVT'T VIION WAN'IKD-HY HKLIAIlLi: muriled until aseolleilor. nilppltKcierit, I sulesuniii, oi !i' linntsl Vddievn, K I. If , "III l odeie I'luee, city IXI'r.lllKM'i:!) Dili IILV.IINTIIY HOOK 1 j Keentir wants work: ben icfeienioi. Ad- iIicnh i . il. J , Duniitoie, I'u. CITt'nONWANli:i)-lIY V DUUO i clcrlti luulcir. two and n half j earn ev pmlence: (leimaiii vood iufereucel, Ad dress, AHIHI'OL. pilii I'huI mreet QITUATION WA.NTKD-llY A HOIIKIt, ii irlliilile murrlcd limn an collector, fhln pine clerk, traveling Hiilemnnn, ulglil vvutih man, iiurne, tcaimiter, or any honest work; bent of irleieucea. Add less, W. 1'. l' Itoom HI, lllofKirlliitldlliK CONNOLLY Christinas UNPARALLELE J mJ J J FULL SET TEETH - $5.00 TEETH CLEANED - 25c TEETH WITHOUT PLATE $3.00 TEETH EXTRACTED - Free NO IRE OREAD OF THE DENTAL CHAIR Teeth estiai ted nnd lllled absolutely without pain liv our lata sclentltlc method npplied to tho giiins No Hleop-piodiiciiii; iiRentsor tocaliie. We are not competing with cheap dental es lablMliincnts, but with ItrHt-cliiii dentists nt prb-es lest than half that churgid by them. 'Iheso are tho otilv Dental Parlors In St raiitou that have tho patented appllanies and Ingredients to eurnct, llll and apply gold ciowns nnd porei'laln crowns, nude. lettable fiom natiiiul teeth and wariantcd foi ten rem, without thu lean particle ol pain I'tlll Set of Teeth SI. Wo ciniiuiiteti n lit or no pny. Uohl crown and ti th without plates, gold UUlius and nil otlur dintnl woik d.uio pululesulj and bv specialists Come and li ive v our teeth extrui'tel In thmnoinltuandgo home In thu evening with new teeth Wo can tell you exaetlv wh'it, your work will cosi by a fiee otumlmitlon A vrrltten guniantej often jears Willi nil work. Hums, s to ts Simdnyt and holldivs, into l. Do not be milled. We have no louncctlou with nnv other olllce lu the clt. "We, the iiiidti signed, havebnd teeth extracted and In Idee wont dnnoiit the New oK Dental I'm Ion, und nieetfallv le omineud their method, belnat pilules and as adveilHa I J. M. IIUlt.NIIAIf Lit, 1'JDtl Miilberri st HOLT US H'l OS MfNDA.S III TO I NEW for. Lui-kinuiiinii anil AVjomliurAvc. w5 Jlx.ciL C o A new line of Peck Snyder's celebrated & KATI New Models, New Prices, New Ice. C.M.FLOREY 222 Wyoming Ave. Fine Line of HEW STYLES STONE RINGS Diamond an iCOmbi;iHli o iRifir Sterling SilvarWanail Sterling Noaliir, Finest stock ot Watches, all the latest styles and sizes at very close figures. CUT GLASS, CLOCKS, Etc The largest Jewelry House in Northeastern. Pennsylvania. 130 Wyoming Ava. S ML week iu the Cloak Room will be Every garment iu our large and meritorious stock substantially reduced in price. The stock consists in part of Shawl Capes, Golf Capes, Plush, Velvet and Cloth Capes. Blouse Co.its and Jackets of every conceivable weave of cloth and all the latest styles. Not an old garment in our possession every one is of this season's production, We offer the ladies of Scrauton and vicinity this ex ceptional opportunity to buy these high-class garments at UnheardOf Low Prices. The time is ripe to buy winter wraps. Will 3011 share in our bargain feast ? CONNOLLY k WALLA 127 Ai 129 WASHINGm AVENUE. Full Set $5.00 75c up 50c $2.00 to $5.00 $1.00 COLD FILLINfJS SILVER FILLINGS aoLD CROWNS OTHER CROWNS YORK DENTAL PARLORS Over Newark sunn stoio i Knttanie on Woiiiiuj; avenil tf !5 ll 9, SI K , . u il Hit illl) Have vou examined the stock of Guns, Foot Balls and geneial Sporting Goods which we aie offering at cost pi ice? It will pav you to. 1 i2't bpnuc hi. nafK0x.nnftxi!'B.a0 0 lfifXl0'IX.0.lll.l 0H0PII i i-jsrm ' : mm-- (Jl JA. , SA S. An h 7tiiL-f: jj. ,A' si jZ' -I "S Y f ' V WA Wte.fl &JVtfJmaiti -"ts? v 1,1" mi, mm UilM.liW 1 tM-- i" sry- ri W-Sa Dmi I IbHITILPRUSHNTS FOR MUN -Until ltobe, - Nlgllt hlllltij, M'CKWCUI lilOVl'", 1I1K I peiuleis, itc CONRAD'S, mro-sT Music Hall. A. ITi.NYJ!sSY, Manaser 1 In to Dins, Coinnu'iiLlni; Mondn. Vlutlnee, Dei J7 Weber & Field's Head3d by MsAvoyantt Miy, 1'iesentlng A PARIS GIRL IN SARATOGA Heneived seals sale, now open at Short .V. nU'BlnK' CIlPU Stote, 'J(i7 l.uiku Ave. $&) fact m a week of AMJJ8EMENT8: Academy of ilusic ReM iS. Iliirgiinder. lexers. II. It. Lone, Local Manairsr Moiidnv, Tucstlaviind Wednesda.v, Dee 'J7, 'JH and 'Jll Matinees liiesilavonil Wednesday. Not Inn if OKI Hut Uie Ntuno. IheOrlglniil m New xixis, mionn Mpcl iltles, qituT tcttes due s a slioni, singing I'.veiy thliu. up to date Veiidi'tii i'l lies Lie, llV, !."ic, ."iOc I'liitsdai, luila1. and satuiday, Mallliees 1'iidav and '-utuid.iv. 'S Oiiglniil ranimn si erne and Dramatic I'loditi lion of FAUST Willi Its Woiidi'irul Llcctilcuud liili'lum Llleels. U A1I'M I'ltlt I." -l.-ic, .-e, :!5e, 51c. Lyceum Theater. riltsd.ll, Dei. 'Jh. liiinwill loin. Iliilavoilte Vitlsts MARION JOHN ilANOLA-HASON iid a sitpeib I oiup.iiiy, in Their (itutest SuieesB, Friend Fritz. Iiiiiiiinis in' lltuin SMN. Mlthdiueii music, swiet songs, iliunt. diiucis. 'Ji niiileatiiunibei'i llrighl niiislc, Hweet songs, cleve. i omcd.v. special hcenery. ItKf.l l.Vlt l'ltll'KS Hue N ii, lit, J'hniKdav, Dec. til) K05TER & BIAL'S spi-ilai uhu I'lodiution, GAYEST iidflTIi Ihe New iotk, ISosion uud i'hlliuleipllla Siitei'Mi, llll c vsr-ltlchiird (ionium, Ucitie ItuMiolds, J II Kleiiiun, Kate Mlchuelena, i Mall UiieNiinder, .lean Mc Illiuole, len. uie Lewis, J, VV I'ltiov, liiaie slieiwood.'l. Kleimin. Helen llnkei, ltnbeit WnUoii.und , slt.v otlieis 1 ItKil l.Vlt I'HH K". I NICKELODEON HUSEUri (rOHMKIiLY WOXDURLAXD) New ear Week, I oinnieuclui; Moililu.v, Dec 'il. A seiisoiiablc Novelty, Ihe LHtul..(ttmii(d, Klondike rviiner MR. I. P. HARRISON, lib a complete mining otittlt, Will glvo an Interesting tall, on M.V.S1CV MINIMI I. Hi: Other interesting ctiilo.huU at tractions uiul a .spletuliii show In tlio tncater. CHIC PCMTO dnnti vou to l urlo-lluil NVL UtrilO und 1' io but SKATS lu Tlientiu are eluirgnd foi nt low prlips. I HILDIIKN H sl'I'l I L MATI.NKi: oil I'lidav nnernoon, lo which they will po ad tnltlcd lor live tents and i.lrii u Heat In thcnlcr. Ileiului pi Um New Yiur'M ufter noon, Horns open nt 2 and 7 o'clock p. m. GEO H UAV1S, I'loprletor and Jlgr.. X. J I. HKOOKS. AHSlDtant Manager ana Learner. ATKINSON CfllDVCOiPANY In IIvcobodVH I avoilte, Peck's M lav.