The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 27, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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I'odwt Diaries for iSoS.
Office Dlailcs for 1808.
Calendars and Almanacs for 100S.
Hlatilc Account Hooks
to begin the new year with,
all desirable sizes ami styles,
at popular prices.
The balance of our
strictly Holiday Goods
at deep cut prices
until Jan. 1.
Heal bargains to
clear out what's left
of our Tovs and Taney Goods.
Sabbath School Committees
w'll be Interested especially for
their wants this week.
'tz Lackawanna Ave.
tHave a Cigar?
Tliinlts Dnn t rra If
s Ida All, tliHU
A yrra?VAPnniilnv PllUfll
lV" IW J" If J-sJ - Vlf IftLltl - V .
I'M 111 Melt. IV n my
Gamy, Broi & Co.
(120 Wyoming Aye.
: r ucitawANjn m.
S MUM co
Have opened n General Insmanca Oilico In
irate' mm u Bin
I'cvt Mork Companion iepreenlPd. l.nio
-lis ispcclally lollciteil. 'lelepliono lMIil.
Miss Jt-iinlo naniols. of Dlvl-dun stioet
If MMtlng finm1s In NowarK X J.
Vr .mil Mik Oi'nrge 11. ItcjnuUN, ol
Not tli Main .ivenue, uii In Heading.
MIH P.iuMiiiB. of New Yoik pity. tho
Kiu-ht or Mr ami Ml. James Mellon ol
Si VlIUll StU't't.
Jumis Coiby. of lllliKli.iintoii. .N Y
hut in C' at tlir home ot hi p.i
icnts on Slli- stieet
"Uisvs Tli'Ti'.s.i and Ague1) Cavill of
riuliuKlplit.1 nru vMllmr Mist, Knte I i.
K irt if Mulliftiy s-treet.
Mlsv Itoso Williams and 111 oilier, D.iwd,
ot Middle Oi.iiivllli'. N. Y., aie tlio ki.iii
of Dr .ind Ml.--. J. J. Itobcits, of Sou'll
Main . 1 nue
Mr and Mi.s. T. 1 Toney and son ot
New Yolk aio f-pendlns the holiday
with Mrs Thomas DIcKhou at her Was'li
liiRton acnue
Ml F O. Mefinrsce lupl open lion-e at
1ms aMurtme.its at tho JCus-h hotel on
"tirlMin .s day, and uitei mined nli.
riien Is in a manner.
Di.U Toer piopeitv man at the llijou
tiuut. r in r.liiRtmnton, Jf. y . was In the
ci . ns'trdiv tho (jut'st ol Grimes ti
Flavin, rj of the AlllliKton hotel.
Iti and Mr. L. R. Foster M. A., of
N. rth Kuimit-i avenue, have as UiWr
Kuist- Mrs ro.stcr's parents, Hon. and
Mis i' It Hudd. of Albany, N. .
C I- PurrliiKton, the manager of tho
l4ni theater, haB resigned and after
Jan 1 Manager llniu-y Long, of the
Acadenn of Music, will hao tho manage,
jnent of both house.
A half dozen fi lends or Dr. Unlpeit
were rovully entertained by him yeptor
daj wlih u baehelor dinner. Tlio event
was diverhifled by happy hodnl mtei
r .anRes that helped digestion and i-in-1
Unsized Its coullal concomitants.
The following weio piescnt at u fiim
111 reunion Christmas day at the home
of Dr D H. JenKlns on West Marlu i
inei Dr Jenkins vvlfp and son, Mr.
till Mis JI G Jenkins, of Kingston;
fjei.rtr. Jenkins and live children, of
kej-riarre, and MWa Gwenlllan Hob
erts of the We&t Side.
Mr Harold howther, of Lowther I.oiIrp,
S W London, UiiBland. spent Christmas
the ciiest of J. Stanley Smith. pm. Mr.
Lowther Is son of sir William Lowther,
ex-scerctary of house of commons, broth
er of James Lowther, tho prespnt secre
tary and Krandson of Uarou Parke, tho
eminent English Jurist of the couit of
exchequer Ho is en route from Billings,
Mont, wheio ho owns, a ranch to Lon
don, Lewis, Itcilly A Davieh'
IlU3y Shoo Store, will be open even
ing's durliis December.
54 OFF 1
Regular jirk'us ou all Hollduy
.Mu tilers, Full Ores Shields,
Night Hobei, 1'ulamus, Silk I'm
brellas, CaueH, Underncur, Hull
Wafers, th? flatter
305 Lacku, Avei
V 308 Penn Ave. 18
One of (he Foremost of Scranlon's liarly
Day Citizens Dead.
Died Clulstnim .Horning In tho lilc
guilt Hotel on tlio Situ Whcro
Once Stood Ills I'orrst lloiiso-llo
Hud Much to. I)o Willi tlio Cltj-'s
llutly AdvniicoiiiPiit-l)lPil Tcncc
fully of Senility in Il Scvcnty
Scvcnth Ycai.
Joseph Godficy, probably llio host
known old-time lintel man in this lurt
of the stale, and one who, ilutinp the
most active eaily period of Hcianton'.s
glow tli, Mils ieeoBlil7ed us one of a
small troui) of leadlnK citizen.", died
Chtlatinas inoinliiu'. His death came
Just one month In advance of v. hat
would liue been his seventy-seventh
birthday and leinoved ubout the last
of the Mtuidy and stalwail coleile of
men who about thlily-flve eais hko
weie rnncetned In bulldliiK the back
bone of the piesent llectile City.
Jlr. Godfrey's death oeeuued In the
mnKiilllcent Hotel Jpimyn, conduetpd
by his son. Fiedeiick H Godfioj. nnd
on the site of which stood the old
Foiest House, which the elder Godtley
conducted dm nig the time of the Civil
War. For two he had been grad
ually fallltiL' In health and for several
weeks had been confined to Ills bed.
No caiipe other than enlllty was the
Immediate cause of death.
lt. unM n 11I11111 er Flee Mnson 111 tills
letrlnn nnd niembeis of nil Iodises of
that older will Join with lllrain lodge,
of which he was a member, in attend
ing the funeial this afternoon at 2.3D
o'clock In St Luke's Hplscopal eluiich.
Hitam lodtre will inet at 1 o'clock lit
Masonic Hall, uhelo inembeis ol other
Masonic lodges aie Invited to gather.
Hit'nl cais will ionev Masons to the
c enieteo
Although Mr. Godiey name by
f Milton's older citizens Is Identllled
with (he eailv inniiagemeiit of the
Sriiinton Gns and Water eompany nnd
his position as piesldent of councils
when Pcianton wu lncoiporatcd, he
is bettei known as a hotel man to peo
ple who knew him by only reputation.
A hotel at Canaan Cornel h, the mis
ted Hou-e in" I'lovldence, a Dunnoie
hotel, the Foiest House and tlfe Uagle
Hotel at l'lttston were conducted by
him ill the ordei nnmed.
MrGodfiey was boin Jan. 1!.". JS2I,
nt Haw ley, wheie. 'when a boy In the
public school, he leeched his only edu
cation. When a youth he was a brake
man on the gravity load of the Dela
waie and Hudson conipnny between
Haw ley and Hone-dale. When he wa.s
L'4 yeais old, in 1S4i, he man led .Miss
Ljdla Vadakln. ot Wamart. Siie died
in 1S7I. Two yeais Intel he mauled
his llrht wile's cousin, Miss Jennie
Vadnkln, of Duninoie, who survives
him. He had thice chlldien, Ainzl,
Fiedeiick S . and Angle, all by his first
wife. Of thee Fiedeiick I.s the only
one lh lnjr.
Dining the middle '-Id's Mr. Godfrey
opened a hotel at Canaan Corners,
about tw Lilly miles ftom Haw ley, and
fiom whole he went to Piovldence to
become the flist pioprletor of the litls
tol House, built by lia Tilpp. He le
niained thete only eight nioiith'., when
he left to take charge of a hotel built
bj Mr. Tilpp I'll Dunmoie. The Dela
waie, Lackawnniui and Western lall
load was being constructed at that
time nnd the Dunmoie hoslelry was
the best in this leglun.
Mr. God f ley, after being live years
In Dunmoie, bought the land and two
buildings at the corner of Sprure stieet
und Wyoming avenue, this city. He
connected the two buildings and added
an exti.i story. The whole structuie
he named ' The Forest House," which
for many yeais continued to be the
best hotel In the noi theastern palt of
the htnte and was used as a hotel until
torn down to make mom for the Hotel
Jermyn It was with great content
during the last two years of his lite
that Mr. Godfiey expieised his happi
ness in being able to spend his last
daj s and die In the elegant hotel con
ducted by his son on a site where the
father had expetienced a pait of lila
early and prospciou.s career.
During the war Mr. Godfrey was pro
luiotor of the Forest House. At that
time, when no citizen was moie influ
ential or moie lespected, he was In
Miuinental In having the piovost's
heacUiuaitDis established In Scianton.
Hut for him Wllkes-Daue would have
bien t-ekcted and something that had
much to do wllh the city's eaily pioml
nence would not have innteiiallzed.
Fin four yeais after 1SCC, Mi God
fl.j was not In business, but he Anal
ly resumed his wonted activity and
was propihtor of Hagle Hotel at Pltts
ton for live yeais, until 1873, when he
again retired.
Mr. Godfrey was tho first nominee of
the Whig paity for mayor of Scianton
and was piesldent of councils when tho
city was Incotpotated. He was the
first superintendent and an oilglnnl
stockholder of the Scianton Gas and
Water company, and at the time of his
death was one of the directors of that
big coi flotation. He was alM) a direc
tor ot the Wllkes-Harie Lace Manu
laetuilng company
In order to become a Fiee and Ac
cepted Mnon It was rieeeksary for Mi.
Godfiey to go to New Yoik city to re
ceive the required degrees. Immedi
ately nfterwaul he brought about tho
organization of Hiram lodge, In Piovl
dence, the Hist In this section, and
was its Hist worshipful mantel. He
was the flist eminent commander of
Coour-do-Llon commandery, Knights
Templar, of this city, und was chosen
to serve in that capacity for live sue
cessivo terms.
$12,000 IN 0NEDAY!
It Urn. I'niil I or Poultry to 1'armeis
Nonr .MonlroM'.
Sns the Montrose Republican of
Friday "Whew! Forty tons of poul
try! Eighty thousand pounds was tho
grand total ot Tuesday's shipment
from this place via the Lackawanna
and Montrose lailioad. The prices paid
were: Chickens, 8 cents; ducks and
geese, 10 and 12 cents; tut keys, 13 and
14 cents, netting our fanners over
Wednesday was also a big (.hipping
day. The Montrose railroad also
handled a big lot."
On the Part ol n Hoy Pre. nuts u
Cliiiktmna Night I'irc.
Saturday evening the family of The
odore Naunian, residing at "OS North
Sumner avenue narrowly escaped be
ing driven from their home by the
binning of tlio dwelling. The son,
Walter, about IB years of nge,' extin
guished tho Unities single-handed, and
the pst of the family were not aware
of the existence of danger until be ap
pilsed them of the hnnponlnir.
The young fellow was In an indirect
wny, tlio cnnie of the lire. He had
gone upstairs and can led a lanin. Go
ing Into one of tin bedrooms to get
Hoinethliig In some nnnner the lace
curtains beennio Ignited and a serious
til o might easily have resulted. The
lad, however, piotnptly set to work and
In a few minutes tlio danger was past.
No damage beyond a few burns about
his hands cud the partial hurniiis ot
the lace cut tains leMitted.
Thought He Was Being Imposed Jon Be
' cause He Was a Stranger-Broke
n Paine ot Glass,
Fgbeit Stephens, an Ashley joung
man, bearded tho Hon in Its den yes
toida. He' "called down" the Scian
ton police force to its face. It was a
gentle "call," but the fact that Steph
ens expies-ed himself In the sergeant's
office at police headquaiters In the
piesenco of tluee olllcels nnd tho
shadow of the cells almost falling up
on him made the affair neny. to say
the least.
Stephens got to the station house via
Fnnkfuit man Goldberg and I'atrol
ninn Mntthews. The young man came
here yesterday to have a pleasant time
with his fi lends.
At the dinner In the ft lends' house,
It seems, Stephens, ns Is the fashion
with guests, was bashful about the
eating. The lesult was that us soon
ns he got loose fiom the formalities
of tlio fi lends' house he became awaie
that he was hungiy
So he studied Into the cafe, as he put
it. near the Hallioad Young Men's
Clnlstian association building on Lack
awanna lueiiuo, and asked for a frank
fuit This gone, Stephens asked for
unothei finnkfuit. and a thlul.
Accoidlng to the lunch man, Steph
ens aid mil pay for number thtee. The
i lief in the cafe Is n small man hut
pugnacious. lie would not see his ein
ployeis duped out of five cents so he
Intel fpred with Stepbcns as be was
leaving Hie place with tluee fiank
f nits In his pei son.
In the cyclone which followed the
glass In the door was smashed.
Stephens' watch-chain was broken and
his black four-in-hand tie was pulled
fiom Its Immaculate buckgiound by
the clutched hands of the chef.
This made Stephens angiy, and he
hastened up tho avenue until he
leached Patiolman Mutthews. To
gether they returned to the cafe.whete
the chef was round In company with
one of the piopiletors of the night line.
Stephens was countet-ehaiged with
bieaking the glass.
Stephens, the chef, and the pio
prletor accompanied Patiolman Mat
thews to the police station, wheie weie
Lieutenant John Davis and Acting
Desk Seigeant Lowiy. Stephens de
nied -mashing the glass, although his
cut and bleeding hand contradicted his
statement s.
The cost of tho glass, uccoidlng to
the owner of the wagon, was $3.
Stephens said he gets a living building
cai.s and he new the glass didn't cost
no moie than 2 cents per loot, or 21
cents- In all. Finally the fianktuit man
compiomlspd for Jl.fiO. Stephens paid
this under a piotest. If he didn't have
to go to woik today he would light it
out before an aldeiman.
As Stephens sat In the ofllce, after
the close of the deal, be began to talk.
"It's all light," he said; "I know If one
of you fellows came down to Ashley
we'd take the pait ol our own resi
dent." Lieutenant Davis Interposed
an objection, saying that the matter
was Heated fall ly. Stephens could not
see It In that light. "Ceitalnly," he
'aid, "I don't blame you; I In fact ad
mlie you. It's light. I'm a stianger
here, naturally I'd get the woist of It."
He was lemlnded that he ought to
be thankful to get off as he did. "I
know that whether wrong or light,"
he letorted.
Stephens sat In the ofllce until he
was good and icady, then he went.
So Named in the Wilt of .Mis. IL G.
Strectei, of ISiiiglmmton.
The will of the late Mrs. Elizabeth
G. Stiecter, of Dlnghamton, was ad
mitted to probate last week. Her
brother, Hon. Galusha A. Glow, Is
named as the executor.
The estate Is valued at $10,000. Mrs.
Streeter leaves her house and lot on
Oak stteet to Her hi other, Galusha;
$.!,C00 to a brother, Samuel, of Iilng
hamton; $1,000 to each of her three
nieces, Miss Helen Kellog, of Syracuse,
Miss Emellne Smith, of Wellsboro, Pa.,
and Miss Helen Kinney, of Hlngham
ton; $1,000 to her sister-in-law. Miss
Nancy Stiecter, of Harford, Susque
hanna county, and $10,000 In tiust to
Her adopted son", D. Arthur Teed, the
well-knuwn Hlnghatnton artist, when
He shall mairy and have a child five
yeais old Mr. Teed also lecelves all
the housthold furnltuie. biic-a-brae,
plctutes, etc.
Mill Ha Delivered in St. Thomas
College Hull I'omorrow Xisbt.
F. Mai Ion Crawford, th'e greatest
living Ameilcan, novelist, who lins won
lenown with his voice oa well as his
pen will deliver his lecture on "Leo
XIII In the Vatican" nt St. Thomas
college hall tomorrow evening MV.
Ci aw fold Is conceded to Hold the foio
most place among American novelists,
not only in the brilliance of His gifts
but in His wide populailtj with culti
vated reodeis. Ho Is the' master of a
most dellchtful and linlsh'ed style, has
nn admirable feeling for Ui.imatlc ef
fect, and Is at nil times direct and
forcible. Thes'i aie qualities that will
tell In his lectin e. Mr. Crawford Is
favored with a most attractive pips
ence, Is full of personal magnetism,
and Has an admirable delivery. Those
who havo leed his sloiles Have been
Inteiested in ills peisonullty. They
need no Intioductlou to the man him
self. Mr. Ciawford Is a Catholic Himself,
and is Intimately ncqualntel with tho
Papal household. A short tlmu ago He
v.-iote a seiles of articles on St Peter's
nnd the Vatican for "Tho Cpntury
Magazine," and bo win then given the
most unusual facilities for studying
life In tho Papal palace. His piesunt
lectin e gives the most Intimate poi
trayal of the Pope that any one has
ever been pilvileged to piepure.
r Till,!) One
Of Dr. Aenew's Liver Pills after din
ner, it will proninto digestion and over
come any evil effects of too hearty eat
ing. Safe, prompt, active, painless and
pleasant. This effective llttlo pill Is
auppldiitlng all tho old school nauseous
purgatives. 40 doses, 10 cents. Sold
by Matthew i Uros. SO.
This Big Task Was Begun By Judge
Arclihald Saturday.
These Alone Glrc l'vory Itcpulilicnti
ii Mnjorltv--tt tlio Undo Continues
it Is Pair to r.ttimntc nit tho Ho
publican Hill Ho I'.lcctcd by .lln
jnrtics Itngiug Prom ISO to 25(1.
Seven .Hen Have n Hatlicr Prosaic
Christinas Afternoon.
T'bc olllchl iccount of the vote cast
In l he cantesU'd election of last pilnr
In Itunmore was begun Satuiduy by'ge Aichbald With only dls
ti'its counted the whole election Is
ovci turned and every Itepubllcnn
shown to be elected. There nie eight
moie districts to bo counted nnd In
every one of these, excepting the
Thlul dlstilct of the Third ward, tho
Heptiblleun.s have the best of It by
long odds. In this one district theie
were about ten more Itepubllcan than
Democintlc votes thrown out.
The thtee districts lecounted aie the
Flist und Second dlstilcts of the Fltst
waid and tile Flist dlstilct of the Sec
ond ward. The number of votes which
each candidate lost In each of these
thtee dlstilcts Is shown by the follow
ing table.
lw., 1 v 2 w To-
1 d. 2 d. 1 d. tal.
Pairco s
Powell, 11 14 I r. 23
Huischell, D 2S ID W 111
T iLiiauier
Dngle, It V, ". 4
Mungiiu, D
n? isi
Tax Collector
Coirell. It 11 3 0 2.
Ituike, D 27 11 0.' 130
School Dliectors
Mcl'eek, It 1. 3 Ti 21
Klllam. It IS 3 5 2J
Mun.iy, D 20 10 K 131
Glynn, D 20 10 M HI
Wellew, It U 3 t 21
McCollough, H 13 3 D 24
Walsh, D 2S 10 f)7 137
Wnnfel, D 2il 10 '."3 13-
Wlnttrs, H 1" 3 0 21
Mm shall, n r. 3 fi 21
Glhnattln, D 27 10 Kl 132
O'eiaidl, D 23 10 03 13.!
Justice of the Peace
Klotzer. It tfl 3 4 23
Scott, D 2'! W "7 1.3
Total vote cast ,.2W 12D .112
Totut defective .. 4J 14 103
The highest mnjoiity any Democrat
leeched-was 100. In eveiy ofllce the
majoilty has alt ends' been overcome,
and when the iccount of all the dls
tilns Is completed It Is estimated that
the Republican mujoiltles will inn
from 150 to 250.
When the commlssloneis made their
lenoit and contestants had filed their
exceptions and motions, Judse Atch
bald piocceded to deide what votes
weie Illegal. These he had in tabu
lated foim. the number ot the vote, the
name of the voter and the teason of
disqualification being given.
To find out for whom the disquali
fied votes weie cast, it is necessity to
open all the ballots, and plck out the
ones declared defective. The nuinbei
of defective ballots each candidate le
ceived is then summed up and sub
tracted fiom the vote accredited to him
by the opeH l etui us sent In by the
election ofllceis.
Judge Aichbald has been devoting
all His spnie time day nnd night pass.
I tig upon the repoit of the commission
ers and the exceptions nnd motions of
the pnitles to the contest. Filday
evening he sent woid to the counsel
on either side that he w ould begin the
lecount Saturday afternoon. Hon. C.
P. O'Mnlley, of Warren & Knnpp, ap
pealed for the contestants and C. C.
Donovan lepresented the lespondents.
Attorney M. P. Cawiey and It. W.
Aichbald, jr., ucted as Hie clerks, and
Attorneys John W. Walker and D. J.
Heedy as tally cleiks. The woik was
entiled on ftom 1 30 o'clock in the af
ternoon until neaily 7 o'clock in the
evening. It will be takpn up again on
Judge Archbald's return fiom Brad
foid, whore He goes this morning to
hold court.
A man bearing tho same name and
living in the same dlstilct as one of
the Democratic candidates, and pre
sumably that same candidate, had his
vote tluovrn out for tho reason that
He was not a citizen, never having
been naturalized.
Miidtowu Miner Delnjett Securing
Treatment nnd Loses His Life.
Four weeks ago Geoige Ronnlck. of
Mudtovvn, Had His leg poisoned by sul
phur water at Jermy'n, No. 1. mine
Yesterday He died at tho Moses Taj lor
Hospital. Ho hud delayed seeming
treatment too long.
The body remains at the hospital
moi gup, the unfortunate man having
no relatives In this country and His
filends jefuslng to take upon them
selves the expense of Interment. He
was thlity-elght years of age.
Dobbs Will .Meet Connolly and Cur
tis, Pour Rounds Enuh.
The boxing show announced for to
night lu Golder's Hall. Hellevue, ought
to attract a big crowd. A fentuie will
Standard Tomatoes, St! can, ilHc
Red Kidney Beans, 100 can, .'$
lor 2.1c.
Lima Beans, 10c, .'5 for 25c.
California Fruits, 3 lb. cans, (ex
tra standards). 13c can, 81.30 diw
worth 25c. can.
Sifted Early June Peas, 10c, 81.00
Coui sen's Fancy Sugar Peas,
l!)c, 2.23 dozen.
French Peas and Mushi'ooms,
13c, 81.75 dozen.
Triple Blend Cotfee, 32c. 5 lbs.
Blend A 1, 15c, 1 lbs. We.
E. Q. Coursers
be the attempt of Hobby Dobbs to beat
Will Curtjs, "tho Alabama ltosnbud"
and Itcddy Connolly In four rounds
each. If Dobbs falls to beat either of
them, they get a decision nralnst him.
One of the preliminaries will bo a
battle royal. J. Turner Wall, of New
Yoik city, T.iio assisted In Judge's cor
ner on the night of his battle with
Itynn, will appear In a monologue and
will sing "I am a Nntlcnl lioin Di earn
er." The evening Is being advertised
as ' something red-hot" and that Is
what the spotting; fraternity Is expect
In 'S.
Tlicy llnd n Hlg 'Christmas Proc nt
.11 usle Hall Lust Night.
Tho annual 'Christmas exercises of
the Hcriinton Llcdeikranz was held last
night In Music Hall. It was for the
pattlcular benefit of the children of tho
membeis of the organization. There
was a big Christmas tree loaded down
wllh delicacies and before the exer
cises concluded each child was pre
sented with a basket full of candy and
The exercises began at 7 and con
cluded at 11 p. m. nnd were In charge
of n committee consisting of Colonel
Osthnus, Edward Slebecker, Mrs.
Charles Motu.sku, Miss Robllng, Mrs.
L. !5eldlcr and Mrs. F. J. Wldmayer.
SHELDON'-WIUiSTDK.-At . Hcnmton,
Pn , Dip 21, 1i7. by lt-v. W. J. Ford,
Mr. Hannon D. Sheldon to Miss Gram
J. AVebstLi-.
ItonnrtTS-In Wist Scranton, Dec 20,
1S17, Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts. 71 years
of age, at her lesldence, 121 Noith
Lincoln avenue. Funeral services
Wednesday afternoon at 2 p m at the
EVERETT-ln West Scianton. D. e 2H
IW, Etta, the Infant child ot Mi and
Mis. 11. C. Eveictt. at the paientul us
Idence. litis West Locust street. Funer
al notice latei.
NIEMAN'.-ln West Scinnton, Dec. l
l.'i, Geoige G. Nlemali, 5, of nue,
nt the tcsldenco, '.U'l Jackson stteet.
Tuner il announcement later.
Lt'DWIG in Soianton. Pa.. Doc. 2'., ls"7.
Minion Ruth, youngest daughter, of Mr.
and Mis. Ludwlg, of Gut Hampton
street. u' 2 jeais nnd 1 mouths. I'u
nernl Monday at 3 p. m.
Twining, optician 123 Penn avenue, In
Harris' drug store. Hours 9 a. m., 5
p. m. ,
Nolan Eros., 51.3 Linden Sticct.
Plumbing, Steam and Gas-fitting.
Steam Heating and Plumbing.
P. F. & IS. T. Howley, 231 Wyoming av.
Flatulence Is cured by BEECHAM'S
They Host Go
iif o sin
if bLOVCo.
Regardless of price or cost of same. During this
week we will make such reductions on all goods pur
chased for the holiday trade that we have carried over.
ROCKERS All those remaining of the $7.00 or $S.oo
oues, will be cleared out at $5.00 each. You will find
them in Oak and Mahogany, upholstered in Tapestry and
BLACKING BOXES-Reduced 25 per cent.
LEFT OVER LOTS of 45c, 50c and 60c scrap and
work baskets. You can have them at 20c each.
RUGS-White Goat Rugs, $1.40. 30x60 inch
Smyrna Rugs, $1.40, $1.90, 2.50.
& y ! s&Kmw&w . 1 cai
1 AV.J ' MJWr&"iy I fttV rJi 1
' x
-V.1..I Mil iRjEJSi fw twu'wi
V1 mu&n
Henry J. Collins, Lt., Lacka.:
1 11 to 1 to Mcrldlnn strcet,Seiiimou, i'u. Ivlepliouo iiosr..
MINT unPAUTMGNT.-.I.liineed Oil,
VarnUb, Uryers, JivpamiudSulut'leHtalu,
One car load of
Choscest extra
fancy New York
Per Pound.
Per Pound
i's Canes,
Bath Robes,
Halters and Furnisher.
412 Spruce Street
Including tlio nilnless mtrnctin:? o
tcctti by an entirely uoit pioccij.
5. C. SNYDER, D. D. S
321 Spruce St.. Opp. Hotel Jerrmn.
A Host Suitable
Christmas Gift . .
A lo ., ,1 ,...,r. fii.o r r....
1,1 IJUUU W.lllll LIDll Ul V-VLI"
coat. Christmas weather means
5 cold weather, and a warm outer
0 coat is essential. We have Ulsteis
in the best Irish Frieze or Beaver,
and our stock of Men's and Boys'
Overcoats is varied in cut, style
9 find material to suit the most cor-
lectand fastidious taste
Uurpentlno, Wlilta Lead, Coal Tur, 1'ltoU
r ,h C$1 Y I 203 Washington Ave.
Ladies' JIfL . m , , n.
flinrii vnn I'mir)
Umbrellas, lfii Oliill I llllbl
B ij m j ip. '
HIS 81..
320 LackawaQtn Ave., Scranton Pi.
Wholcsiile nnd Retail
Rcndy Hlxcd Tinted Paints,
Conv enlcnt, Economical, Durubla.
Varnish Stains,
Pi oduclng Perfect lmltiitlou of EpanilTa
Rnynolds' Wood Finish,
Especially Designed for lnlda Work.
Marble Floor Finish,
I'uiiiblo ninl lirlc (illicitly.
Paint Varnish and Kal
somine Brushes.
All Colors,
Ways Muff lets
We Have Them.
You Want Them.
Don't worry a uiinutG
lonerer. Come to our store
j and you will find something
tor one and all. nether
you want to spend 50 cents
or a thousand dollars, or any
sum between, you'll find
something rich and useful
and ornamental.
Silver Novelties,
Best oi' goods at lowest
Open evenings until nftei tlio liollrtuyi
3J Silverware, Cut Glass,
Jardinieres, Flower Vases,
Beer Steins, Fern Dishes Js
0000000000000 jj
0000000000000 k
i5 ,
110-112 Wiisiiiimton Ave.,
Meat's UtilltHim', O
Come In anil Look Aroun J.
p Hjm. JJ -.4 !.; A-" H 14 .
Suit Cases,
Bath Robes, etc.
Tull Line Now Iteady.
f. I c m ha Ei n f
i a
o 1 m 1 i
fWifdfi id si-
a lllLULUOo
Hotel Jarmyn Hatters,
Open livening,,