THE 8CRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 27, 1897. 3 iiiiiii!imimmiiiiii(timmimim I HOLIDAY SLIPPERS I m pm S M 1 MEN'S SLIPPERS, 3 " rino llitiwet Ooat Opera S Cut Hllpperi imil stamped S MoiijccoMllmorH,liilirowni maroon nnd black. Light $1,00 S3 solo v 2 IlrownundlJIiiclc Vlcl Kiel S3 Oporn nnd "trnlijlit Kosed S mippcm. iilno lllch Front S Iiumln Calf Uppers, Kid R1.50 S lined, hand-turned noIci .pi."" ftyllNh Ureen, llrovwi and lllnckllliii-e Ktdiind AlllKa- 2 Kutor Hllpncru, veblte kid CO 00 S lined, hand-turned Kolei P"" i 5 5 410 SPRUCE STREET. Moio Open ladling' 2 SS HlllllllltillSIIIIItlHIIIIIlllIIIIIIHIIIIti CITY NOTES. The cholt of tin' I Vim Ai nuo U.iptlst e lunch will Kli aim- tonight A liuiich of ken, found on Ltickavviin n,i avenue, .malts the ovvwr at police headquarters. The Ladles' nuxlllaiy of tlio O W. A. M N'nv-AiiB (oiinoll. No 314 will hold H inittltiK next Tuesday, Dee. 2. Him l'.uk rhautnquo circle will meet this fvrnliiK tit 7.l"i o'clock. G. F. Hcy lii'lrt's division will linvi rc of the. (MrrNw An Intel estlm? pioKrummc has li in piepure-d. One wn'k fiom tonight V. I, Noltc. ed itor of tin- Scr.inton Journal, assisted l Carl Mouser, of New Yoik cltv, and Wllllum KniUck, or this Ct, will kIvo nn entertaliinieiil la .Muhc liall. The Svmplionv oicliratru, unilir the direction ot Tlioodoio lleinberpcr, will play. Stewart Cutler was bcnou-dy Injured I'rldnv night li some unknown person who struck him on the head with a Hliaip instrument us ho was allRhttiiff Horn n Providence street car. Tlio wound in lllctcd was a ery painful om-. Jt Was drtssod by Dr. Russell W. t'hMuay, of 'Jul Linden .stiret. Tin damo held at I2colHlnr hall on Satuiday afternoon under sup, rvlslon ot Mrs Illlzibeth Lovvl-e, was one of tlio uleiiF'jnt social events of Christmas eLiv. () 10 liundred and sixty Kiiesis were pie cnt and passed the time In an cnjovaulo m u.n.-i trlt pin? In the dance to musli hv ihi L.i.vience oichestra The nr.ili was h sun ess In n soclil won and one ol en jomtii nt t!iioi!,;hO!it Mrs Lewis will Kl another social to hu pupils on New car's ilaj. $$ BEFORE BREAKFAST. The following lotto'1 wis received by a HttU Sum. ton kIiI who had pnssfd the st ntlnu nt that she pioud sha onlj half believed In Clans: Crj still Palace, Noith Pole. Christmas Time. Miss Kmlly Unckett. I lime Just heard by my Northern LIrIiIh and Sparrow telepiaph lino that vou only Just hair bdlevo In me this enr. That settles It. 1 do not carry nny half thlnt's in my sleigh so I think jou will not hear mv reindeers i-crauhlns on M'lir loof this Christmas. A hilt stove would not do nnv Rood and how would a half doll look or how would vou keip any moiiov In a half bank. A set or hair dishes would look verv queer. Your halt u doll would have to sit on a hall n chair or Up on u half bed with a. half handker chief In her half hand with tomo halt per fume on it, and If 1 were to brliiR jou half a dress and half a pair of filoves how would ou llko it? If I Rive vou h ilf nuts which hair would jou prefer, tlio slu 11 or the kernel? I don't believe 1 have nnv hair things in my btock and little Kirls that only half bellevo In me will have to depend on some one else for their Christ, mas present. Anyhow I don't want to Ko down that old chimney In the othi r house If I can help It. It hnsn t been cleaned for vears and It Is so full or sO"t I am afraid I will get mv new plaid Kolfcr all black. Unless I net word be fore my reindeers have iluishcd tlilr oats tomorrow evening that I am more than half a Santa Claus you need not lie awake and wait Tor me. 1 nm iross. I had a leal nice dude with a sw.illoev tail coat for your aunt and when I wasn't looking old llcltznlckle came In and paint ed yellow stripes ucross his coat tails ind made a regular yellow Jacket of him I never have any luck In getting things lor that girl. Santn ('ju. ANOTHER STILL ALARM. Phoenix Company Performs Some Very rrcilitnl) o Hurl.. The olllcacy of Oip chemical engine and the efficiency of the permanent men of the Ph'oenlx company was at tested again Satuiday evening when a threatening blaze In the basement ot Ii E. Leonard'H, 127 Adams avenue, was extinguished without as much as n dollar's worth of damage insulting from the opeintlons of the lire-men. A still nlaiin was sent in at C o'clock ond In a twinkling the engine was In front or the house. A line o" hose vi ot c-aitiecl through the basement win dow mil played on the flames. In a short time the blaze was cunqueit-d and the beautiful residence saved. The lire w.ts In the uooduoik of the cell ing and was caused liy a defective flue. So well pleased was Mr. Leonard with tlia work of the lliemen that he ,jave them a yery substantial Clulstmas Klft. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO $ 0 V rLL Fresh and Hood. Mixed Nuts, lbM 9c Mixed Candies, lb., 9c Citrons, lb,, - 10c Raisins, lb,, 6c SCRiTON CASH STORE V OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SCHANK&SPENCER CHRISTMAS SERVICES IN THE CHURCHES Congregations and Snnday Schools Ob serve (lie Festival. TUG SPECIAL SCRMONS AND MUSIC Services In I'.nch Church in tlio City worn l'cnturcil by a Spcclnl Olnur vnnco nt tlio Holy liny, nut In Mirny Churches Tlmro were Services on .Snlurilny--Scvornl Sumlnj Schools Will JInvo Their Jivcrclscs Tills cck. . In all of Scranton's churches theie wai speclnl Cliilslmus HcivIcO nnd music yestenlny, althotiph many of the c-liuiches on Saturday hail chuicli or Sunday school services or will huvo the latter during the week. Practically all of the Mie-ul and Instrumental talent ot the city wan pressed Into seivice for solo nnd choius and wheievor one happened to worship or ut vhntever service, some Clnlstinns specialty or specialties mote or less elaborate! were, heaid nnd witnessed. At no house of worship was there better selected or bettei lendered mu sic than at St. Luke's church under the (Unction of J- Willis Conant by a choir of twentv-tlve men nnd boy". Sulli van's "Slug. O Sing" was sung for u pr. cessional. The Ti! De-urn was by Westbury. The whole of the always Impressive loniniutilon set vice was c-hornl. The olfertoiy solo "I,o. Our iJ'id Has romi" was sung by Philip Waiieii 15ev. Ilogeis Israel, the lec tor, pienched the scihion and the beau tiful Sfrvlce closed with Mendelssohn s Chilstmns hvinn "Haik, the Herald Angels Slug." The music is to be u peated next Sunday. Services vvcte held In the chinch on Satuiday. The Sunday school exercises of Kim l'.uk ch'utch vveio held Satuiday even ing. t)iii" of the luaesl audli nces in the I'hutchs history riacked he edi fice, tt was estimated that over -0lfl l otsons were present. T31ctilc Incan descent lights wer used in tlu dreoia llon of the two lntso Chiistiins tiees. Superintendent Mav pieslded during a piogiainine of son,; and reiltntlon and which Included an uddiess by Thomas H. Dale. YHSTEHDAY'S SUttVIOnS. Th'e muslo at yesteulay's two ser vices was elaborate In choice and dis played the well known talent of the "hutch quartette and J. Alfred Pen-liliU-toii, the organist. The evening service Wis almost wholly of music, r.veiy seat In the church was occu pied. At the Penn Avenue Uiptist church there veie special services moinlng and evning and at ? o'cleik tli" Sun day school and congiog.atlon united. The pasloi's choir, forty chlldien; John T. Watklns, Miss Jones, Mi.-. Illuming" and a choiu.- paitliipued In the music. "The Meaning of Uelhle hem" was the evening topic of the pastor, ltev. Dr. Joseph K. DKou. The beautiful decorations of th'e church, the giandeur of the ceremonies and the suptilor quality of the music tended to make this yeni's Christmas celebration at the cathedral one of the most elaborate In Its history. The beautiful anil stately Intel lor was a ma7e of evergreen and wmllax, while the already beautiful nltais of nitride and onyx and the rlch'ly furnlhed sanetuaiy vveio veiltably a dazzling h'srht. One hundred cut calla lilies, with a back giound of sinllax were among the wealth of decorations on the main altar. At the gospel side of the sanctuary was a rernesentatlon of the Stable of P.ethlc-hem with life-size flguies of the Infant Savior, the Virgin Maiv, Saint Joseph, the shepheids ard the sheep and cattle. This and the decoiatlons will remain in place dm Ins the holidays. Ten masses were celebiated ""hilsl mas morning on the main altar, ltev. J. A. O'Reilly being celebiant at thn-e, Kev. P. J. Oough nt tines, Dishop Hoban at three, and Ulshop O'llaia at one. The (list mass at ' o'clock was a solemn high mass, Kev. rather O'Kell ly being celebrant; Kev D. J. Mai Goldiick, deacon; Rev. P. J. Gough, sub-deacon, and Rev. J. J. R. Feelev, master of ceremonies. Rev. Father O'Reilly preached a brief seimon on the significance of the day. PONTIFICIAL, HIGH MASS. The last mass at 10 o'clock was a solemn pontifical high mass, RMiop eVHiuv. participating in cope nnd mitre. His deacons of honor were Rev. F. P. McNally and Rev. D. A. Dunn. Ulshoii Iloban was celebrant, Ruv. D. J. MncGoldilck, arch-ptlest; Rev. M. C. Loftus, deacon; Rev. P. J. Gough, sub-deacon and Rev. J. J U. Feelev, mast -: of ceiemonles, Rev. I'athc-r MaeGoldilck preached the seimon. The full ch'uich choir, under the di rection of Prof. Schilling and accom panied by Uauer's oichestra, sang the sublime and Instilling Gllsin's milltaiy mass. Yesterday morning at 10.30 o'clock a solemn high mass was sung by the newly ordained Rev. Thomas Lconaid of the West Side. Rev. Father Loftus, wis cl'-acon: Rev. Father Gough, sub deacon; Rev. Father Feeley, master of ceremonies. Rev. F. 1' McNallv pleached the sermon. A fintuie of tlio Chilstmns celebia tion nt St Patllck's chinch, Jackson sti oet jvns the music ut the 0 o'clock or ehll Iron's mass. It consisted of se lected anthems In Hncllsh and Latin, 'Hol.v Night" and "Venlte Adoteinus" among them, it-ndered bv a rhouis of llf ty young pupils of St. Patrick' Pa li elilal school, accompanied by an ui chestia of mandolins, j;ultuis un 1 vio lins mil the ,;raud i'nn, the 'nsttu mentallsts also being chlldien from the school. A solemn high muss was celo ln.ite I at 10 "0 o'clock, the celobrani be ing Rev. Thomas Leonard, and this being his III st mass Rev. J. U. Whelan assisted him und pi cache tho seimon. The choli sang Leas' mass and nt the offeitory Miss Hnnlet Waid, with or gan accompaniment by Miss Annx Duikln, tendered a violin solo. At the conclusion of the mabs the family and fi lends of the new pi lest lecelved hla special blesslns ut the altar railing. At St Paul'n church, Giem Ridge, thero veie live masses, tho muFS nt 10 o'clock being a high mass at which the pastor, Rev. P. J. Mc Manus ,vas celebrant an 1 prenohr. The music was of exceptional merit und the church was beautifully deco lated. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. At the 10 80 o'clock mass In St. John's church, Fig street, the choir sang liar tholomevv's mass In 13 Hat. undur the dliectlon of Pi of. K. C. Houthvvorth. Miss Kate Reardon pietlJed at the or gan and Cuslek'a orchostra aUo ns slBtod, The solo paits vveio sustained by Misses Katie V. Danahoe, KHto Ma lta. Lizzie Durkln, Besslo lJurns, Wlnl Iied C Melvln, Marv Murray, Mary Mc-TUue, Katie Durkln and Joh'n Troy, John Courtney, Jamej Mangan, John 13. Coyne and Thomas Needhaw. Rev. J. A. Moffat was celebrant und also preached the sermon. Gounod's St. Cecilia s mass was sung nt tho high mass In Holy Rosary church, Providence, Mis. Lynch sus taining Its dlllltutt soprnno passages. Miss Llbblc Neary presided at the or pin. Tho celebrant ami preacher was Rev. J. J. O'Toole. At Holy Ciosit Catholic church, cor ner of Fifth avenue nnd Hroadwny, the singing was nn Interesting featuto of the high masses celebrated yesterdty and on Christmas. The following num-be-ni from La Hut-he's mass In 11 Hat, composed In honor ot St. Theresn. were lendered In splendid tone, tho choral ensemble and shading being ex cellent: Kyile, Solo nnd Chorus, Mil's Johunna R. Klrby nnd Choir Gloria In Dxcelsls 1)po Male Quartette nnd Chorus Ciedo. llass Solo, Malo Quartette ami Chorus John R. Kit by and Choir Uffcilory, "Adeste Vidells"....V. Novello Soprano Solo, Duets ond Chorus. Misses Kiibv, Hums and Choir. functus Male Quartette and Choir Uencdlctus Male Quartette nnd Choir Agnus Del (Canon for three voices) Alto and Soprano Solos, nuet aim unoriis Miss Sainh O. Diiggiin, Johanna R. Klrby and Choir. The lieisonue-I ot tho choir was as follows; Sopiatios. Misses Johanna R Kliby, Mar garet L. Dlsliln. Nellie A. Ruane, Mary Lavclle Maggie A. Itll.ine, altos. Misses Kallc Hums, Saiah . Duggan. Mary H Ilnriltv, Marv A. Lawless, ti nors, Owen P. O'Mallev, James Doyle. Pat rick A. Dlskln John Hhcrldnn. bass, John lMwIn. Hairy D. Sullivan. John R Klrbv, Dan Cipcriiii Profesoi 'I. J. Dtvles (Mus. U.ic), organist nnd dl rcetor l-'ItlST PRr.SI5YTr.RIAN I'nder the dliectlon i,t Mrs. Kath ryne Thlcle, u solendld inusl- 1 to Biaiii'iie was lcndeied bv a double quartette and nn orchestia ut tho Flist 1'iesbvtcrlnn chinch. It Includ ed violin solos by F. Va-iderweken and Dinesl Thlcle nnd duets by those to, ten ir solos by IMwln Roiven, sojirano solos by Mia. 'I hide, a due' by Mls Joseph nnd Miss Thoaias, baritone solo bv John T. WaMns. Chilstmns sel nions were preached by Rev. Dr. Junius Mi Lend, the pavtor. At the Second Presbyterian church theie was a Christmas seiinim by Rev. Dr. C K. Robinson, tho pistor. and Chilstmas music- In the moinlng, and In the evening the quarU-lt and choir under th- leadership of J. -M. Chance give a sacred cuntitt "The Coming of the King" by Dudley Muck. Theie were solos morning and evening by Misses HUu-k and Gaiagan and Mcssis. Rev non and Morgan. The annual Christmas entei talnment of the Sunday Fchool will be given this evening beginning at " o'clock. Theie will be music- by th" oichestia and old tiaJltlonal irils will be sung. Music f ptrtl'iilar in --tit under the dliectlon of H. It. Piotheioe, and spe cial setnions by tho pastor. Rev. Ch is. G. Splc-kei, were roanl nioinlni: and evening in Holy Tilnlty chinch on Satuiday. The music was leneated vesteiday. The solos ! by MI'S A. 13. Schemer, )lss llcsle Croft and D J. Davles. The festlvtl ol the Sun day school will be held this evening, beginning at 7 30 o'cloch. At the Green Rlelgo Fie.sbvtorlan church the pastor. Rev. Di I. J. Lan sing, preached a sped it Chilstmas ser mon In the morning and In the evening road an oiiglnal Christmas story. The latter seivlce began at 0-10 o'clock In older to penult the attendance of children. A choir of boy ond male voices took pari In tho music which was conducted by G. F:ed Whittemoro. Fred H. Wldmever. violinist, assisted in the evening music. CRACK LFTHF.RAN. The Christmas cxeivlses of tho Sun day school of Giaco Lu theran chuich. Rev. Foster l Gift, pi-Btor, weie held last evening. The paster pteached In the moumig "it the theme "The Manger Gloilfled." Thine will be special Chilstmas music next Sunday. All SouIf' Fnlversallst congi elation obseived Christmas yosfndny moin lng and evening. The Sunday school festival will bo held Wednesday cven lna. The Sunday school of Ca'vaiy Re fill mod chuich obseived Christmas List evening when gifts were distt United. "The Peculiar Savior" was the senium tot Ic of the pastor, Rov. G. W Welsh, In tho evenlnr. In all the North 13i.d, Gieen Ridge, Duntr.oie and South Side chinches theie was the same attiuothenc.s in seimon and mng. OBITUARY. Geofgo G. Nclman. 57 yeais of age, was found dead In his bed Chilstmas moinlng. The deceased had letired about It o'clock the i veiling before, nppai-e-ntly In the best of splilts, but when rulled by his wife about 10 o'clock In the morning lie did not iespond Invc-stl-t'atlon follow I'd with the- above- sad dis covery. Ills demise was pinbiiblv due to heart failure. He- has le-slded In this city fo a number of tais though lesldlng nt tho piesent place but a short time. IIo was c-mplojed as a miner at No C, Dunmoro, and did his elnvs work as usual on Pilday. Ills wife suivlves him. Cor oner Longstnet viewed the icmalns Sat urday afternoon, but deemed an Inquest unnccpssaiy and no .liny was empan elled. Miss Maignret Ruddy, daughter of Michael Ruddy, of 4J1 Phelps street, died Christmas morning at the- age of 10 years. She was a very estimable young ludy, and her death coming at so Inappro priate a time, has caused a deep sad ness In the heart of evciy one who knew her. The funeinl will tako placo this moinlng at !OJ o'clock with a high mnss of minimi at St. Pi ten's cathedral. After a lone ami useful Christian life, and at the allotted age of 71 yeurs, Mrs. Rllzabetli Roberts died estcrday after noon about 1,41 o'clock at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Philip II. Warren. 121 North Lincoln ave-nue The deceased has been an Invalid for nearly a year, and her advanced ago prevented quick lecupeiallon. Shu was bom In Carmar then. South Wales, and came to West Scrantou In ISmJ and has slnco resided lure-. She was un active member of the l'Jret Wi Uli Congregational church, nnd Is survived by one daughter, Mrs. Anna Win i en, and three sons, Rev. Peter Itoberts, of Olyphant; John and I3ilward Roberts of Plttsbuig. The funerul ser vices will bo held Wednesday afternoon at tlio residence ut 2 o'clock. Rtta. the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mis. II. C Rverctt. of 1103 West Locest sticot, died at tho purental homo yes terday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Death was duo to heart failure, superinduced by grippe. Funeral announcement will bo niadu later. William ailnioie, nn old and respected resident of Dunniore, died Inst evening nt his home, on Dim stieet. Punoral no tice will bo Given later. CASTOR! A For Infants and Children. Tl flS- limlls slgauuio cf &5m Isca RECORD BREAKING WEEK IN BUSINESS Unprecedented Trade Is Reported Prom From all Sides. SIX CIRCUS DAYS IN SUCCESSION. 3cntrnl City Streets Thronged nnil Money tn Spent Willi n I'rrc IIntid--Clciirlng Homo Itiinlncsn Docs Not Show Up Well by Com parison, Hut Secretary Anderson r.xplnlncd tlio Rennon Tor This. Ilcncllccnt KcMilt Will lie I'clt Tor n Long Time to Come. If any one doubts that prospeilty Is tettirnlng to this comer of the enith he has only to conmilt the Scrnnton merchants today to have his doubts removed. Fiom every side comes the report of the most stupendous holiday business the city has even known, and tho manne-i In which the masses spent money at Chilstmas Is conceded to be an unfailing barometer of the finan cial condition of the times. During recent years the merchants bought sparingly at Chilstmas time, nnd even at that In many cases there was a huge dead stock to he carried over or sold to "fat ins" nt sacrifice llgtue-s. This enr, with confidence brim of the good times that have pre vailed and promise to continue, tlry bought unusual large stocks, and tttte to their expectations got rid of them. Tho clearing house repents for last week showed a shrinkage of $110,000 as computed with the corresponding week of lust year, but this Secretary II. C. Anderson explained, was clue to tlio fact that last year at this time the deposits vvcte swollen nbnoimally by icafion of several big speculative nego tiations being on. a lnige water deal among them Next week he expects will offer a fairer compatlson. There was no mistaking the fact that It was an unusually big Christmas week, taking any of the ordlnniy signs to judge by. For four davs the street car company had all It could do to care for the ctowds that thronged Into the cential city fiom the suburbs nnd sur rounding towns The streets had a "cir cus day" appearance almost all week long. The theaters did a big business light along, and on Chilstmas Day theie wasn't a vacant seat to be had at any of the houses. Thousands of dollars were sent to circulate In a thousand channels, and the beneficent lesult wijl be felt for a long time to come. BOYS WILL BE BOYS. Anjvvnv Leo .11c Vloon Did Not Menu to Shoot Jesse Lusher. Leo McAloon. 10 yenrs of age, shot and almost blinded his playmate, Jesse Lasher, also 10 jeats of age, esterday afternoon about 5 o'clock The shoot ing occ until In the back yard of the McAloon lesldence nt 114 Ninth Rrom ley avenue It was, of course, an un expected accident Leo's father gave him a toy air gun for a Chrihtmas present, and as all boys with any spirit will do, Leo was out trying his prs ent and inactlclng. A target had been placed near the foot of the lot, and Harvey Hutcher and Leo weie having a gieat time, banging holes Into It. Small shot was used. Jests hearing the boys enjoying them selves, dttet mined to go over and take a hand Ho crawled thiough the di viding fence, down near the taiget and stuited up toward tho other two lada "Look out time, Jess." I'm going to let her flj," quoth Leo. He did, but the bullet, instead of hitting the tatget, found Its way Into Jesse's head Just at the fiont of junction between nose and foiehead. Dr. F. C. Hall was called In and said there was no danger He probed a,nd thought he felt the lead, but de termined to wait until this morning, when he will extiact It. No seiious ic-sults ate expected. JIM CURTISASSAILANT. .Uuv lluvc llcen the .linn Mho Died of starvation nt Diiiiinorc. The police will Investigate an Inter esting luiiiut lespectlng tho young tiamp who died of starvation, it Is be lieved, In Dunmoro last Wednesday. It will be letnembered two weeks ago Satuiday, James Curtis was stabbed In the neck while walking along Penn nvenue. He was taken to the Lacka wanna hospital and aftei lecoveilng consciousness the Injured man lefused to sa anything whatever of the affair. Cuitls left tlie hospital last week Wednesday occuned the death of the young man In Dunmoie. Now the police are lnfoimed by per sons who saw the assault on Penn avenue that the descilption of the dead man now at Dunmoie tallies with that of Cuitls' assailant. Yesterday Lieutenant of Police Da- 0' K 55 V J-g n jsH vJ5 I un 0 1 i vis saw Coroner 8. P. Longstrect and obtained an official description of the young tramp, supposed, with a view of sifting the rumor to the bottom. IS STILL UNIDENTIFIED. .Mystery of tlio Voting Trnmp Not Vet llceii llxplninctl. Tho body of the young tiamp, Has who died In a shanty at Dunmoro Wednes day still remains unidentified at Letch woith's undertaking establishment Tho New Jersey parties who tcle giaphcd Coroner Longstreet for a de scription of the youth leplltd, upon re ceiving It, that It was not tho poison they vvcte looking for. CHRISTMAS AT THE STATION HOUSE. Hut I'or One Plain Drunk There Would Ilnvo Keen n Clenn Docket. Kihvnnl Finn, whom Ofllcer MoMan- nmon nncsted for cutting a Christmas tiee In Nay Aug park, was allow cet to go free by Mayor Rulley. Chatles Lamb, the only one of the Christmas drunks who overstepped tho bounds so far as to necessitate nricst, vvtus fined $3. FREE FIGHT AT QREENW00D. Ono .11 nn Sustained 131ght Cuts on the Head. There was a free fight at Greenwood, Satuiday night, nnd In consequence a Polander whose name Is unpronounce able Is nt the Lackawanna hospital suffering from eight big cuts on his heard. He said that during a ChrlsUnas colcbiatlon a quanel aiose and ho was hit a number of times on the head with beer glasses. Ho Intends to have his assailants ane-sted. His wounds aie painful, but not dangerous. MOTHI3RS PRAISI3 Hood's Sarsa paillla, because, by Its gieat blood enriching qualities, It gives rosy cheeks and vigorous appetites to palo and puny chlldien. HOOD'S PILLS are the favorite family cathartic and liver medicine. Prlco 25c. 6 o 0 Store a a 0. X0 0 s 0H 85 0 P IS 0 0 Tonight as long as you come to buy. We are giandiy ready for the finish and still in the tut lead. This old store ?, never saw such selling For today severa wind-up bargains: S5 China Odds and Ends Crf Store fr ?n p stocked China 0 J department, Toilet Sets, n.0 rt:...,n.- ...wi iv Cote it .. X 0 g promised saving. Space jV S5 forbids mention of values, & but they are here in pro- J fusion ! Xmas 5 Lamps Nearly a hun dred fine S4and $5 h nps gold rfts. plated base central draft rt burners large silk shades. f All day we will pass them O out at $2.1)0. 0. M0 Only one to customer 3? For the Good news 1l Rnve; tliis. Another ? J lot of Boys' rfa Watches, oood timekeep- tf fH ers wan anted. They will 0 last until noon at bill'. THE HEXF0KD COMPANY a03 I.iieUuuuuna Avenue. 0 00000X0M000M00Ut1k0 0Tijfr00T00?fl00X0 Dy Heartburn, das- SnenS ?L trim and ull -1 f ' Stomnch l) Bor ders positively cured. Orover Graham's Dys pepsia Remedy Is u sueeltlc- One dons io moves nil dlitress, nnd u permanent euro of the most chronic nnd ouveio cases Is Guaran teed. Do not miner I A .".0-cent bottle will convlneu tlio most skcptli-al. Mnttliuua llros., l)i uggints, 320 Laclca wan nu nvenue. M0000000X0in000000'0 0J0000JMM000XM0M0MJMJIMMM FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. If in doubt what to give for a Christmas present we would remind you that Kid Gloves and Haudkerchtefs are always acceptable. We have complete assortments of the very best values. In fit, flexibility and wear our M. & H. Kid Gloves, at $1.00, lead all others sold at the price. Jouviu Kid Gloves, at $1.59, are the finest gloves made. Gloves not fittiug may be exchanged after Christmas. Splendid assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas. Line of Choice Fancy Goods of superior quality. Mears & Hagen, 415-417 Lackawanna Ave. Forgot Someone? Quite possible with so many to get presents for. Maybe some one you for got gave you something. Why not give them a NICK NliW YEAR'S PRBSHNT? A visit to our store will settle the question. China, Glass, Silver, Lamps, Bric-a-Brac, Etc. 134 Wyoming Ave. Walk In nnd look around. THE Iu making presents noth ing could be more thoughtful in the giver or bring more solid comfort to the receiver, whether man, woman or child, than good shoes. We make these suggestions to our patrons in full confidence that they will derive aud be stow more pleasure in mak ing presents of shoes and slippers than iu giving other and less useful things. Did you ever notice the look of pleasure on a bo3''s face when he receives his first pair of boots. We will make it easy for you to gratify your little oues' wishes. We offer for this week: 500 pair Children's Rubber Boots, at 97c 600 pair Misses' Rubber Boots, at $1.18 250 pair Ladies' Rubber Boots, at $1.21 THE KLIN 326 Lackawanna Avania "Famous Old Stand." !ILAR ft PEEK, I(L1 IE I II GREAT -ii: STORE 310 Lackawanna Ave. Spine think this is an "oil week." Not So Here, Our progress knows no rest, consequently AND Must go regard less of cost. Upstairs Department. A few choice pick ings of china overlooked in last week's rush must be disposed of now. Yours for about half their value. J. H. LADWIQ. s oooooooooooooo Coats, Furs, Millinery. STORE OPEN EVEN INGS DURING DECEHBER. oooooooooooootx 'S 224 LACK. AVENUE. ITivvv'im g TOYS BOOKS miimm HIVE