TIIE SOTIANTON TRIBUNE-MONO A. V MO LINING-. DEOBMIIE3H '27, 1SS17. SOME IMPRESSIONS OF WAR SWEPT CUBA Condition of Pearl of the Antilles ns Robert C. Adams Saw It. MANV DYINQ PROM STARVATION II r. Ailnins Snjn tlm iilmm Now Turn to llio I'mlcd Mntus nt n Prlpnil In Need AttlioiiBh All Their Mwx Tlicy llnvc llntc-il mill Dcs--ilicil IN-- t IioiiiiiihM ill llio ntlic Arc llurilcil In tin- t'IHc Hipic 'I hoy IMp. Culiu u Bite appealed to a Si inn tnnlnii. llobett C. Adam", who has Just letuiued fioni u vMt to the "Pent I of the Antilles," Is not tht' imuh tibut-i d foundlliiK knocking at the door of this nation as most Amei leans have been taught Id believe All. Adams Ik pi-cn'tniy of the SprliiK Itiook W'atei Supple coiiipan.v. He went to Cuba out of mete uu loltv : to oe the inuih talked about land and, incidentally, to enjo.v the natUlal beau ties of the I'eiul With him lie entiled no inonuuneed ntejutllopi lor elthet side or the contestants In the vvui swept land Jf niivthlnu- I"1 wus " i lined to join the (,'rneial Huong In the sentiment of "Cubu Llbie." Ml. Adams- ooines back with an nl teted opinion. In an Inlet slew Kiunt id laot liluht to u Tilbune tepottet he gave what he learned fmin active us .soclatlon with the people of Cuba Spanish, nntHes and Amei leans Is the tiue status of the nffalt. THi: TKll TO Cl'BA Mr. Adams left Set anion Nov. 1 fot New York nnd theme to Cuba on the boat "Youtmuil" The tllp occupied four days. Reaching Havana, Mi Adams engaged (matters at the "Hotel liiKlatena," which, a the name hiib RestH. Is the home of tsdtlni.' i:iiRllsli sprakltiR people. In all Mr. Adams spent neaily Hev en weeks In the In teresting Isle. At, his home, Ul .Mill beiry stieet, !at nlglit he talked of his trip. "Cuba." said Mi Adams "Is a beau tiful countt y, climate, ilili soil ami nil that, but" "What do ou think of It ns n nation i npable of eating for Itself V ' "Hah!" Ml. Adams tidiculed the Idea. "You think the people Incapa ble?" "Well, that's too blond a state ment for me to make, but what I ua of them was unv thing but elevating, and as for bllnging them Into this (Otintty, vvh the piopostlon is ab sutd. Most of the people aie pool, a few , a very tew , ' emphasized Mr. lams, "are well-to-do. but the great majoilty me helpless True, the patti cjtlc Cubans have nactlllced theli all. binned their plantations and devas tated their land Hut it's the Cuban untitle to tebell. the pliit Is Irani in them. They'te u lazv lot, vvhatevet Is Rood In the Island 1ms been developed by the Spaniard-.. The natives have done nothing ri:i:L,iNi roic ami:hica 'As tot the Cuban ftlendshlp foi the I'nlUd States it .1 lecent feeling taken 011 as u lust teoit. The United States that all theli 1I-, es the.v have hated and des'iiwed, lias become a f 1 lend In need lb-cause by themselves they can acioniullsh notlilng they ask the t'nlted States lu become oblivious of the needs of out southern "tates and to shut their ees to cumnietclal Intel eMs and help them In their effort to establish ajiothei San Domingo 'Meanwhile they go on mining their Island. They give theli women and child! en over to be taken taie of by the Spanish Whv should the Spanish cate for the helpless any better than the do themselves" The Spanish olll ieis sit at Hie cafes In Havana and smile ns thev dilnk strange tioplcal ill Inks. They are ceitaln that the war inn have hut one end, nnd meanwhile they joke elth the senoilta At the end of the beautiful Piado, wheie the smile and dtlnk, the war is showing Its other and nastier face. Natives whom General Weyler sent to Havana In droves to prevent betiayal of his move ments aio living in tents thiee feet high, made of sciaps of bags and cui pets. They have nothing to live on The city is povertj -stiicken These helpless outcasts Bet thinner day by day. They look like the fainlne strlcken natives; of India Every morn ing scores of them aie found dead of starvation on the stieets of Havana. "I myself have seen men drop and die on the stteets from staivatlon Weyler. who ceitalnly was brutal, In his mode ot vvaifare herded all the Cu bans In the country parts Into the cities where they can be kept In sub jection. In Havana alone there aie over 4,000 of this class of people. They have no way to gain a living. All that Is left for them Is to beg. Tiom live to a dozen would station themselves aftei every meal at the rear of oui hotel and wall for the refuse from the tables. This Is all they had to subsist on. BID IN THC STUEETS. "Passing along the streets you llnd them, sleeping on sidewalks or dving as Is the more general case. The tents they sleep ln ate foul places. Kverv evening the board ot health wagons make n regular round of the tents, picking the past night's dead. These ure carted In wagons and buried In lots. Often they are not removed for hours and over the picturesque old city of Havana are seen the ghastly return with their awful suggestion of foulness. Meanwhile the patriotic Cubans fight foi their eatch-vvoids and tho Spanish olllcers drink strange drinks In the rnfes at Havana. "What ho United States can do Is to lelleve these helpless, starving victims The germs of consump tion are everywhere. There is no way but to fight them. If there is a history of weak lungs in the family, this fight must be constant and vigorous. You must strike the dis ease, or it will strike you. At the very first sign of failing health take Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with Hypophosphites. It gives the body power to resist the germs of consump tion. 50c, nd $1 00, ill druttdi" SCOTT & BOWNE, ChtmUu New York. , ?$ & Our Illustrated Pamphlet 8c M Every Household. flew York Cohdenseo of neqlPt t Titli. nnmes did send $ 0 000, but this Consul Lee thinks Is the limit of the humanlt) of the T'nl ted Slates. If u family Is helped lodav It riitmot .e helped ntruln until n eet- uln number of days have parsed Meanwhile the fnmllv die one b.v one of staivatlon and the duty of the consul Is 'IniplH'ed jut that much. Tf ho could only spend this monej fieelv and w hen It i gone usU fot more, some thing might lie nrcomplMied This side of tli question is not a li'iUler of politics." aiu .Mr. Adams 'It Is a iiiattei of humanity. The In rui Pints can do nothing the Spanish', natuiallv. will not do mote than the Insut gents, and In the meanwhile the Island of Cuba leeks of the de.ul by staivatlon ' I stvv none or the lighting That, If mix Is l'lng done in the piov luces The city of Havana 's filled with Span ish soldlcis. Thesp nle the local volun teets and a poor looking lot thev aie The Spanish legulais, thej tell me, nre ti tine specimen of soldiery. Of eouise, I cannot say anything In conlldence'of the Cuban soldlcis, all aie In the conn- II v somewheie A poison cannot en-tui'- out on an Inspeitlng tout foi feut of lobbeiy and possible nuiuler. 1 was content to let the 'milter lest as It was." WAY NHWS IS OBTA1NKD. In speuklng of the Cuban soltileis lemlnded Mi Adams of the mnnnei In which the newspaper lepiosontatlves get their news of the war. All have theli head'iuaiteis in Havana. When 1 strigglei fioin the Inland conies Into thedtv the repot tois lmmeJiatelv but ton hole him, get c stoiy of some bv pine battle 01 sklimlsh, and a hali lalslng tale 1 ent over the wiles to the l-adem at home ' Fiedeilck llem Ingion." said Mr. Adams. ' Matched his plituies of the mi! while comtoitably settled In 1 hotel at Kev West No, I didn't see Knil Decker I lei! tied thoUi.li Just how he lospied nvungel Ine Cineios. Decker, b.v lepmatlon, nt least. Is a neivy fellov He furnished $.000 to snniebodj In Havana The Spanish olllceis ihoiiBht the gill pils oner was a buiden an) way, so thev consented to het lescue. Of eouise sonic soil of bluft had to be Intio duced, so Deckel and his eompatilots with the full knowledge of the enemy cracked a Ini 01 two In the jail as an e use foi tin sioij and, without any lnteifeieme of anv Kind, escoited Miss Cisniios to Ameilca and to famt This e.spkmatlon of the gieut sensa tion," said Ml dains. 'was given to me nj a man who wus in me tity .H the time it is common Knowledge in Havatiu. 1 cannot give mv Illinium's niiiie, it may go Imp's by the -nine loute the ne-vs came." lli-gnrdlng the lecent "I mnli" epi sode. wl.cn tin .'.ineilcan newspn.i-s I l Id In such Hi! Id to ins of the at tempted desttoctlon ol the Untied States consulai building by placing a h wilt ueal tin- building iwhlih liomb dlilr't eplnil ) Mi Adams said that In Havana the tindei standing was that the newspaper men weie alone 1 expan sible foi the bomb's pieeuce. As for Coiwni Oeneial Lcp, Mr Adams in sw.nod the ciuciy 'What aie Lee's opinions on th situation"" In this mannci . "No one Knows his opinion a, least no one in Havana, He is decidedly cli'se-mouthed Hvervbody lespects him. even Ihe Spar.iaids, n'.thmuh they hate him They i) he s tivlnc, to vln foi h'lmseli the mnstci) of the island should the levolution succeed" REV. AIR. WHIPPEN'S SERMON. It IV 11 s Delivered Ycstcrdni .Horning in All Soul's Clmrcli. Hev F. W. Whlppen, of All Souls' I'nlveisall.sts c-htitcli, yesterda) morn ing pleached a seinion appiopilate to C'htlstinas from St Luke, 11:10. "I biing vou good tidings of gieat Jo) " The pieachei said, lu pait llio lovful tlilli'irs was the amiiiuin e mint that the I'hilst had lome and that the dav ot the l.utd wis dawning in im agination l bust, shc-i held i upon '.he Judean plains uud all the walling souls of lsiuel must have sei 11 the till) babe giown to man and leading his people tovall) to Mctoiv and to jteace The) could not houoi the little child too much could not Vilue too hlghl) the pan lie was to play lu the life ot the oild Wo can appieclate him even lietter than thev could We Know that the tidings weie good t'lnistmuM Jov is in my sided. One element Is the eomliig of .tlfts. We like to be remembeied We look foi ward, especially the children, to It, nnd the pleasuies of expectation ate legitimate Half the joy of lecelvliig eoir.es thus Horn expectation Hut i delving Is but 11 ihlul ot this ele ment of Uhilstmus loy. Another lull third Is the Jov ol giving ami the ic innlnlng thlid Is tlie Joj of giving to those lu need This last especlall) Implies something of heart and so we are led to consldui otlu 1 ClulsimiiH Jc vs Clirlstnias Is Jovous bicauso It 1111117s close to us the little child of R.'thleliem We let tho blinple stoi) as It Is given us In the four gospels draw us Into loving s)inpatli) with the pie-clous child No wondei the masters huve painted .Ma donnas uud that the gieatesi of all pic tints is Haphael's palming t jr tlie Sislmo chapel The Chi 1st child has hid mlghtv pcuvei to make children tendei objects or ie gaid, to sofien and Hlungihen and glon t the hearts of fathers unci motheis ull through the Christian vtais and nuiK the lionie the symbol of heaven And Chllstmas Is jovful because wi inn see the piactlcal outcome ul the lite of Chtlst Men think of one aliotln 1 In sym pathv, then own tlie tie of motherhood They give, for letieats. hospitals, homes, school- Tin:- It .n 11 -.eiith ness. The season Is jo fill, too, because It bungs us closer to the si.cut good love the Divine glace, becauso of whltli Clulst came through which and to wlilf-h ho woiks. finally Chil-iliiiae Is Jo)fu be cause It Inlngs to us the I'hrlHt. becain-p the babe born hi a munger Is moie than other babes, und cann- uu assuianee ot Hod and Ills love and of our glorious destlnv Chiimmas In Its deep s. ime means Ihn New Testament Hue V- value the u piiiuit glfi nnlv when we tlilnl, of this und men nppinlale tin gospi The) uppit-i lute the t'hrlsi The; leeojfiil'ja Hun tht'ie Is n mlghtv dllterence betwon u muii who slmpl) emboillis gnat vir tues unci Is an Ideal and a umn like the man ("In 1st Jem's who stands for ('ml to mtiki men know and see who stwisl to want! and tiuieken souls bv brlliKtug tliem lu poniuct with the Divine a being who has a mewienger which ho did not Invent or imugliie bin which the Kallim save him, fiom the I'athir to Ills chll di en. A miHsenr of such n lialnie tltnl Ihn vei life of It deppmls t)JOn Hie meg. Idtloil t lint It U l me s 1j . 1 I Christ men see tint tutv find Cm jttUlhhJJi &sa AIL BORI El I mm, BKMm &v entitled "Babies,,should Sent on application.! Milk Co. e York. THIRD SERMON OP TIIE SERIES. Deliveicil It) Itcv. II. A. Cuilil, It. D. In Howard IMiiic A. 11. II. Clmrcli. Itev II A C.ratit U. V p.istut of Hie llouaid Place At I lean Alcthoilist Upls cop.il 1 Inn eh dellvoid riuiul.ij eve ulna the thltil of 11 series of seimiin lccluiis on "luspliatlou ami linmoitiillu rlioos. lug us a test, I'srlni Wll l."i. 'As foi Ilie, 1 will beluild tin fun- In iiahtioiisncHs, I sluill be sittblli'il when I aw.ik" with tliv llkelii s The speaker lu part said. Imoitullt) Is tin-lonunoii desiie iom 111011 lipllof of the gieat mn- ol mankind. As a tluititlie. ul us a piitpcclive lait It llts hum in n.itiin- and 1.111 mil) be re sisted bv a perversion or imtuie. 'Illcie Is at bust siui.li a sudor tendency m 'he human heult townid slf h n belief in deed It Is intuitive but ulilv ol les. dp-rim- linn Hun Intuitive ussiiunri- we have ol inn oven pvistuiee I think It 1. ill onlv lie 1 onib.itU-d Itv de'iiviiig 01 1R nnilng snnie of the tarts ui oat espeil euie It we Igpuie nil Hpiiilllnl I "l we cull easllv dell) 11 IT we call dm) the facts ot consciousness, we can doubt it, but as soon ns otu minds leg-iln tli"li I101m.1l attitude, we shnll feel Its slindo V ot In .11 Us song "It Is admitted that we cannot believe anv thing Intelligent, and ought md at all, agahHt leason, nnd luiiee Hie illoil lias been to show that tills billel III mi mortalllv, so In liniinoiiv vlth etui leel Iiirs, mid devrloplng wllhotii elloit among all people ma i maintained In the presence or nil the malerlil lacts and phenomena of oui experience bv slinplv Kcogiilzlng the siililtimlttv ot nun Hut I lepeil that while the plivslrnl facts pinpluved bv le.ison ale not siilllelent to ovpithiow the docttlue of Iminortnlltv, It may be l'l.mKh concedi d on the otlnr hand that ull th" titltiut facts u-cor-nlzed, whn taken Indepindenth of Hie natural piejudlci In Its I a vol are not sulllclcilt to establish the doctllne. "And evm when taken in connection with this intuitive bias tile ate not tlilll elent to put the mallei eutlnlv be ond (lllesilnn The loncli'slnn Is llieieloie lent hid that while thele Is a slion,; de siie foi continuous life ard nn Intuillve belief or piejiullce If )ou please, m favor ol such n dnctilne time is not . enoURli evidence in its support, independ emlv of tovclation, to establish solid Riound lor latlonal bellel. The man who ' believes in InunoitjUt) wltliout the evl di nee of revelation, is unable to give sut- fie lent lenson foi bis belief. "Itev elation alone furnishes ib addl tloii'd evidence necesnt) to linn Hie 1 scale Without this, the bclior mav bo lather the offspiinc of feeling, thin the dictum of leason Hence the min who is too lntlonal to admit the SiilpUuos. must, to be consistent, be too tatlonil to admit linmorlalllv , and must evo- re main ln Immovable agnosticism Uoi I lipe.it that Willi piesent light Indepcud dill) ol the nible ibis doctrine cannot become tin object of ritlonal brlic r "Without the lllblij we have ample evl din"c m eipcilonie his shown, to lalse Ihn epiestloii. but not eiuuiRh to settle It The Mllile does not It s true, foi mini and dheillv teirh that man Is Immoitai, nnd in nr si-nso does It teach an lmmor talltv se'Mntp from Hie lesunectlon Tlie O'd Ti Mument doe? not evil clenr assume In iroilnlltv. (Senesln Ind'i-d makes In favei ol It. lint does not leveil It. Tin law Is Pent on the subject an 1 lather nCi.llist It Ami even 111 tilt pot t ii al bonks it but fnntl appeals lu 1 -ptpsslon of hrpe "It Is mil) in ('IiilKlaidtv however. that this hlshi-i Hfe Is eletrh- invialid 'II 11 man die shall he live again''' SAUBATI! NEWS NOTES. fie eVflihiK scivlce nt the Hesc ne mis sion VIU cnndiictPd bv tile Yoke IVIIo-.s land 1 I the Ilallroid Youiik Men's in., tlon tssocintlou 1. D Titus, of New Hltinsv.lcl: N I 11 Pi riMtvlvani 1 lull end cumin "or nd 1' -. ssed the nfuiuroii Kospel ineei'it- fin uui, only in tin Kaihoad Young Mil-' i.'hil.'u.i.i nssocl .tto'i biilldlntr THEATRICAL ATTRACTIONS. Cliiisliiins l'i ilormiiucps, lu the l.vceum ("lillstiuiiH d.i) two laido audiences saw "Shall We Koiglve lti produttd b) a khoiI tomp.ni). headi d bv .Muiie W'alnviit.lit. The Acadeni) ol Music was 1 lovultd to the doois alttiuoon and ivenhit;. In tin utternoon the Herons and their compi.nv pioduced "The 1'it and Downs of late and at nlKht 'Ibt i'lumrei. Davis' Nlclii-lodi 1 11 was also vlsiti d O) The NlcU-loileon milseiim w i also vis. Itfd b) Kreui throngs of holidit) anuife irent seekeis I'ocl.'s i'.nd ti. "1'eiK s Had Hoi ' one ol the inosi stu cessinl lomedles evel ulacpil befole the public, v ill be the alliocllon at the Academ.v of Music the flls. hall ot in.t veeek, matinees TliLsiluy and Wtdnesdai This play v.-hli li li is made 1 ountle 1 thousinds Inuv'h is niie ot Hie dramuHi lepiesentutlurs taat e-omin.uids hiiin'Ms fioin the 1 I 111" It Is a thoioiiKlilv hotne-lllie and natlinl plu). - i'llPUll I 1 it, ' Jack ' Mason rind Mai Ion .Mi nola luive nlwa)s been tin- most popiilat uttlsts Hint touied iu this section anil this spason In tluir cliainibiu pli). "Pilend Pillr. the) have been ueioidect a mote h-ait) welcome Hum evtr 'Tilend Tilt?' pcwutsoH n peciillin charm that but few iIuvh inn boast of and one novel fci'ms to Hie ol it. It is 11 clean pure, wholesome pin) liatuial to u lie Blee lelllng a deliclllftll hloi) of love, Willi no hi in some adjuncts. Tho .Masons uud "I'lleiid I'rlu' will be the ultraciiou ut the Lyceum Tuenlay evening. Lewis .lloirisou's 1'niist, "raust" as Klvcn by the Lewis Munl sou compam will be tlu utllactlou ut Hie Acadeni) of Music the lust half ot tint weel:, miitlnee I'rldi) at S.mndae. V.'hlL the world indtiiec l!c et ho'11 Hugh- ttoiy of Paust nnd Mmum-ilto will continue to live, iu this veislon the tale ot .Me phlsto Is iiittde a Jolly .lovlul devil one well calculated to euchulll the soub or men In Hie tfluiuoui of fm bidden pbaf Uies The Hcentv elfects in e sllonrl) biouxht out. iil,elodeon lliisriim. Wondei land at the zenith of Its pros pulty never lmmllcd luiKPt-01 bettei sut Istlrd ciowds than thu-e thut packed the nivv museum at six of tlie seven pet formiincis on Saturda) The second evi ninB pel form nice was the most notable, as It was wltuesntd, fiom the pniquptte. b) a pac-kid audiencp coniiuseil lurKe-ly of ludic. It Is sale to su) that the im picssloiiH (all lid uwuy by these ludleaf Well altouether fllVOl.lble to the new ell tmprle. Tod ly un eiltllel) dlftorent pio KlUllline will be piehPlitPil on tho htUKe. us well as In the Piulo lull The cldef ulliacilon will Ie Mr T. I' ll.iiilpou, a llltil)-li lllllled KliUidlke lllllll'l wild Will exhllilt u laiye lolleetluii ol mlntiiK up put alus uud tici-emsc! les. and will till us ull uboul Ills million t-J.pt iluiceii In AlUk ku. Just at this time theie could wurcely lie a molt) easoutibht or Jnntiut tlvc ut tittcition Ituilc.iiip in li ti.ii- Hull, This nfleriiouii .Miule hall v. Ill, be opened until 1 the nan ejrmvn. ui A V l''cu- v. s 1 r (Slim!) 1111011 in Hit loin) hoii-p in ,iln atir'ftlc 11 i.u 'i" Hie will bo Weber & Fields' new company ot Ilioaduity HurleMiuors who will hold tho bontds for three dn)s, afternoon and evenings. The performance will begin with n one act coinedletta entitled "Sum mer Nights." which will Introduce ull the members of the company, embracing com edians of recognl7ecl ability and a score ot pretty young women New songs will be sung tend the young women will be nt tlted In handsome costumes, 'I hero will be a line olio and the perfol mance will innclude with the bitrlcrciup "A H.irls cilil In Hanitogii I.uvvil nce'. orchistui has been 1 URaged Itv Mr IVnvvessv Tickets aio now on mle al lllgglns tc. Phoit s cIroi store (Jiivest 11 11 n tut t til 11. It Is with plcnsuie that the manage. nieiit nutioiuiccs that the sppeliiculur pro dltctlou iieM Thursdav cvenlnir Is tho same 11s at Knster Hliil's. New York eltv, during Inst winter and also Hie onlv nt traction given nt Midland Heach Inst I summer, receiving the putinti'iBP of the most fashionable and ecluflve New Ynik society. Hvpi) da) this new resoit was 1 ciowded with wealthv unit semeiit-lovlng throngs elrinifihlg fot iidtn'ssion to the Ciislni one of the most benutlful amuse meat stiuctlli.-s In the wot Id tin populii- I has Midland Heach become tint It Is pie- j illitid and not without gi omuls that It I will lie the leading siimmel lemil of the near future The same east will appear heie and with the same elegant scenery and costumes. In fact the entile perforin- mice will be the same here hi evet) pin- tlPliliu M1 when It wus produced lit Ko. tei it Hltil s lu New York eltv and nt Midland Heueli The box olllce sale of ' lescived seits will otien Tuesduv inuiii- I In,? ut s o'clfck. On tiocimt of tin sen I son of lilt- veat the mniingouunt liuve di- elded not In ralsi the prh e of seits out w ill allow the orlco to tern 1I11 as usuul ( Tribune Classified Specials lll'lil' WMi:i 1 t'l.NT WOltl) 1 on iti:r i i:vr woitn roit sii,i: 1 ii;sr wouu hum. Ksrvii: 1 ( rs'i woitn MJKNJs. V.N"II'I HTM' WOltl) SITUATIONS WANTED Free of Charge. I iiilveillseiiieiti inserted in tliee (oluiiius (ee-pptliig Hltimllons V tinted, I I which nie piilillheil lieu of 1 lutiire,! are pny I able MltKriA IN VIlVAM h DON f itsk to have them 1 liarued. 11 i;lp an'jt.d 31 ai.i:s. Ads. Under TbU Head One Cent a WorJ. cTi:AM I'i'r rr.its - 1 kd-thk iir.NT O iV ( ONM'IX CO. oAi.rsMi'N' scMmor.stTPPLir.s. couv O try work, Stop salary inontiily, with liberal additional com missions i:VANSA CO , Chicago H, U 1VANIKD--h KNTIN KVKIIY SIX". tlon tocnnvifs, Sl.nn to i-..0(i 11 cluv nude, sells nt flglitj niton man to soil staple IJoocLs to dcalcis; best bldo line "175 a mouth, taliir) or large commission made, expirteuca Ltimcesvur). ( llfton soap and Mauulactur- iu 1 ompaiiv, t Incinniiti, O U'AMKU - Wi:i.I,.CNO V MAN IN 11 ever) town to ntllcit dock subscrip tions, amouopol); big money lor ngents, no capital lenulred. l'lV MIL) (J FlfeH it CU. lioiden Illoc-U, ( hu-ttgo, Id. I1ELI AN 1 1: FK3J ALKS. Ail Under Till Head One Cent a Word fTnM.s"7i'tilNhYiAL U laundresses, retlaurant cool;. Itoout 'J A 1 cade. T All'ES-I .MAIII". IllCt WAKs DOING JL pleasant home veorlc, nnd will Kindly send lt-11 pnitlculaiN to all t-endlni; 'J cent stump. MlSs.M. A. -,ll'llUINj, l.avuonce, Mich. J -'ANlI.I)-F, DY AliLVls, IN sti'Tx. 1 ' ton to jell nnd introduce hj del s c ike IcIiik, e)cilenced canvasser pre-'etred, vvorlt cciuiauent and very profitable VYilte for 1 uiHciiliiis ut omc mil rfct hrneilt of liolldav Uiidc 1. lls,N 111.11 ,v( O., I 'nclntmtbC) '.Mi:iiiMMi:iMAn.iA--rvvor.K!i. ' gctlc salesvvoinvii to leprcsent us. Guaranteed fit n duv without mtoiferini nith othci duties, iicaltbfu. occupation. Write- tor puitliii.nrb, eiiiliAin stump. MANGO e'HC.MIl' VI. COMPANV No. 7'J Jotin meet, New 101I;. ACJKNTS WAS'l'la). VA-ANTl'l) VUI'V!'-. PUIS filtl-'ATPsT 11 t-as sui!r ib-vli-o maiiufiictiiro 1 I turol lie. tails -j-ic- Uu piollts. OLV Kit HltO-i. Itochester, N. 1. A GPNT-i IO SP.t.L Ot'U .-0c. SIOIIM V door, Minnie prppild upon receipt of prlpe, AMLIIK'A.N s-ioitll 1)0011 CO, .Mi:i;i('AN siioitM II ott Union, Mt-li. Kt.OVlllKK AGl'.NTs. WAN I'KD KOIt laio illustrated boot; of Klondike, five hundred piistps, pt.ee SI. "n outfit toe. Ad dlpss NATION VI. I'PIiLIs.HINGC'O, Lalce. hide llulldin?, Clilcnso, 111 Tl'ANTKIJ sOLKTlOKSsJ NO DKLIVKIl- 1 Ine, no i-oilectlnii: position pormiiiicnt: pay vicclily; Mitu ute GLLN iiltonimts, itociusu-r, .-. 1. A GKN 1 WII VT Alii: YOU GOING IO l do iiliout Mito e itbenslilp- UllCO s.1 (,o. Ins b tliotiHunds. Add-csi N1IJUOL.S, Nupeivlllc, III " OKNTS.-TO "P.I.L Ol'Il 1'HACTirAf. Xx gold, hllver, nickel nnd copper electro pliu-ters; prices trout Si) upward, salary nnd expenses paid, outtlt free. Adrliess, vvlla Mump, Mil IIIGAN .MKU CO., Chicago. , gi;n"is.to skll c igah-s ro ur..ir J. era; 8J." weeklv unit pvpenscis; epei. enie iinneits,av. LON's.OLIl)ATi:i MUt to, IS Vim Huren s-t., Chicago. i'OK KKNI'. Advs. I nder This Head One Cent a Word. Vo lti:.;i--.0J Mil H.IN VV ilNiH 1 1 coins Applj, I 'i.lll Wasliliutini 77011 HP.NI-llNi: HOOM oil-clll-. PKIIl", J JH7 W'vomltu avenue. City heat, ele uuiit munition lor idiotogiaph eulliiv, mil llnt.iv or chess iiuiKliiK f-lnblislimenl. Pos session iilvtli Vpill 1st. Vddless, I. ' W'i:i.l, Couimniiweulth lliilldln, or Mils. Mi PI It I. S , letlerKon uveiiue. r o.n Ks.7:i 11 h I'itpci: s uTT: 1 :t-uoi siis ft sioies,upurliueutH. loNhS 111 1 Sspiuc-e Ktriet. QIK'OND KI.OOH OP-JfJPHN V AVKNIIK; O eight rooms, Imth, modern Improve inenls l. VVMsJUKK, Attorney, 1:111 W')o inln.' uveime I.tlGIll-ltOOM HOL'isl', IIVTH, MODLItN j iuipiiivemeuts, 7uu lle-ctrlc nvenue, (been Itld.-e. 1 W IUKI1S Attorney, Hill W'.voiulng uvenuu i.os r. Advs. Untler litis Head One Cent a Word. 7i)irriiHisiM.V'T Ni(iiit,oN; vii.v.iisi Xj or spruce, iu 01 uoui llm P111U 1 I11111I1, poukPtboo'k i-ont tiniiii! sum 01 uione). lie wnidollcied It li'lurned to -.1'J Viaims uvt i:,milov.mi:nt aguncy. Advs. Under Tills Ilea J One Cent a Word, v 1 1v. i cv -TTriiTi '" T'Ti it. li.MI'LOYMKN'l 1 j uislittl ut Khoit nutlet1 ltuom -J, Ai- Hide 1 )K sau:. Advs. I'nJer Dils ll.-ad On Cn- a W urJ. I Oil 'svl.r - I VI ' 1 si'l.ltl.-sl" IN POOL I 100111 loli, pin. Hi, busiouss. lucpilio W.I I itl'l-, il II e III iiveiiut. I. (Ill HALL-ONK -.U-IIOItsiK I'OW'LH P liollei.usi'oodii'Utm. JUL i;isON MILL CO CHlUOpODIisl' AM) .MAMCUIti:, l nulls iiuttd without the leint puln or chaw Ins blood. Coimiiltutloii and udvli-o Clveu tree-, li .11. I1PIV.KL, Chlioiiodlitt, illlll Lae'kiiwuuuu iiveuuv. Ltidlos ullunded ut Hull itkiile-ui'e II dcsiitd. Chillies uiodui-lilt-. I CQIIOLLY WALLAC Christinas yUPMALLELEO Every garment in our large and meritorious stock substantially reduced in price. The stock consists iu part of Shawl Capes, Golf Capes, Plush, Velvet and Cloth Capes. Blouse Coats aud Jackets of every conceivable weave of cloth aud all the latest styles. Not an old garment in our possession every one is of this season's production. We offer the ladies of Scrauton aud vicinity this ex ceptional opportunity to buy these high-class garments at UnheardOf Low Prices. The time is ripe to buy winter wraps. Will you share in our bargain feast ? 127 DOG LOST. Advs. UnilerTliU Ilea J One Ce it a WorJ. r Aitr.r M'M.mv m wiiiri; -m- will be pitld fur W VC.lI.NiKMPsl, return of CI04 to ill Hi 117 North Irv lit),' avenue ki:ai. hsiati:. Adv s Undsr This HeaJ One Cent a Word "ton i'sJ YiTTaTk j i v 1 :t 1 . i tV n ni him', iJ eential. hciunto.i r-iil 1 state l'lnest central c t) lot l.n t-alo on easy terms ut low pi Ice, w Hi Kiiiiitiutufril title, neir s ore", ihniplios, tlimieis, depots; pived stne s, fewer', s'pii 11 hi-Ht; rapid 01 iitiipementi best Investment. Seven mlnutoi vmiIU irom postotlltt SDtidor call foi plreuloi. .IONL. , ileal l.slate, :J11 Spruce stieet. -I7-AI PAUL!" KVKM Poll s VI.I1 SII- tinted on the somli Mdo of "Siiniiult I ake.iu Newto 1 township, m inlli-s iioiii Sciantoiii contnlul is H"i ucie, .". ut-ics lti proved, too bnliiiii' cov -led with valuublo tlinbsi. Good I nil. tool bill. el ujzs, uood sail and well witeitd l'i Ice. st thousuiid do luis, halt down, the bilunce in ve-arlv piivnienH to suit purchaser, Keoiued on piem nes Por information impure of M. II. ( OOV, Clnik's Gieen, i m m: vvkn(jku. n."iiitiGG- pi i:vns pui'v-Y' v vuirs . and cess pools; uu odoi. Improved pumps used. V. HHIGGS Proprietor. I cavooidcrs 1 him N. Main inc., 01 Lb lies' duig stoii', c-ouie-r Adunia uud Mulbeny iclcphouelioiii. fvlT.VS. ( OOI'LIt, CITY -.r VVLNGKK, L.' All oiders promptly attended to, day or lilnht. All the latest appliances. Cliuruus leusonnble. 71U seiuntou ktrcvi llousu litis W nshburn street. WANTLU-TO Ki:NT. Advs Under This Head One Cent a Word. T.M'iToX"'sirTiit "si'ivTT.C tiooii 11 aiiftirulslic-d huuic, Willi ull uiodprn Impiou-menlsund located viltliln te-n inln utes 01 Inn-lnest tpnter. Must be nicely lo ciitediiuil inndeiitte lent Vtldre-'H V. H. I , 'Irlbiint olllce. SII UATIONS WANTCD. Dltl'lt ( I.I1HK W VNTs I'LltVUNKVI Hltuntlon und will do teller woik; ex pel Itnied; HutlKfuctor) relironce given. I'hlltHLATl )1, 7KJ College Place. HP VI ION rVNILI)-HV WOMVNVs lnuiidri'ss, 01 other work; to cjo liomo nights; Oettniiu. ltuom 'J, Arcade. VJin ATION W VN l'KI)-uii HP.I.1AUU1 ' i-1 111111 tied muii us eollec-tor,Hhlpplu clerk, 1 saltismiin, or uii.v honest woik. Address, 1. 1. it., Tin 1 oupgu riarc. oil) T?l'hHII1N( l.ll 1)01 11LP.KN IHY HOOK'. 1 Xj ktviiti- wants woik; besi icfpiencei. Ad dii'ss c. 1 1. J , Uitnuioie, l'u, CITI VTKIN W VN'TLO-HY V Dltll. K5 t-lerlt, Junior, two uud 11 half .venis e- 1 pc-i tenet; Geimiin; cood refeiences Ad-dre-ss,jtlSl'OL. IllllU'iuihtieet tllTUVTIUN " VNTHH 111 V HOllPIt, , e leliubld mnrrled man nt- tollector, Kblit-i pincc-leili, tinvplingsiilcsiunn, nlglit witten 1111111, mirxe, teumstii.or any hontst work; lust of refereiiPPK. Vddress, W , P. l! Itooni 111, Illorsei lliilldlin; Fine Line of NEW STILES STONE RINGS Diamon!laiiJCombidati3iRlii Sterling SllvarWanaii Sterling: Novaltli). Fiuest stock ot Watches, all the latest styles aud sizes at very close figure.-?. CUT GLASS, CLOCKS, Etc The largest Jewelry House iu Northeasteru Pciinsylva uia. KUoOUiL 130 Wyomlnz Ava. week in the Cloak Room will be umkm WALLACE, Al 129 WASHlNGron AVENUE. A new line of Peck Snyder's celebrated New Models New Prices, New See. .M.FLOREY 222 Wyoming Ave. t? tilt iV Have vou examined the I) 11 -s HII stock of duns. Foot O.IIIS IP fy and general Sporting Goods sJJ which we cost puce j on to. nre ottering at ' It will pay I.W.Jlffl,., :J2i Spi-iuc st. niBfn tn itf jfiurtvrfmrntfujJ USIiriJL PKIIbRM S FOR MUN- Until Itobcs, M.'ht sidit, Niikiu'ur, ((loves suv ppnde"i,ptc CONRAD'S, ihS&Thst Music Hall. A. A I l!N" V lisr , Manoeer I In t-v Piivs, 1 oiiimeiiiinv Mondiiv Vlullliit, Dei -.'7 Weber & Field's I, HeatiJd by MsAvoy aid Miy. I'l OSC'lltttlli A PARIS GIRL IN SARATOGA I Iteseiwd sen h mIo How opeii ut Hhort A tlif lus ciKitrbtore, vo7 Liickii Ave, CE8KATE8 WELL SII, 1 '& O a week of Academy of flusic Kels &. lluruiiiltr. Lessees. It. K. Lone, Local Alunaj.-r MnndnVi ruosdnynnd W'cdncdH), Dei V7, tit nnd "JD Mntliipps liicsduv und W cdiipsday Notliin; OUI lint tliu Name. Tho Original New kiiiks slroiiR spoclnltics, niiai tettos, duels. 11 Mtioiu; Hinging tompuii) Every-tli'n- up todiite. Vt-uiteiii) Prices lac, 'JV , Side, 50c. rinirsduv, Priduv nnd Saturday, Matinees Priduv nnd -siturdii). s Oillnal Pnmous sienip and Dinmutlc Production of W lib Its Wondei ml lllectriound ( ulpluiu Kllfcts. ACAOLMY 1'IIK LS)-1.-.C, U5P, iir.c, "0c. Lyceum Theater. '1 upsduv , Dec. -js. I urevvpll lour. Ihol'avoilto Vitlsti MARION JOHN HANOLA-ilASON Andn Supi'ib ( ompnn, ln Their (iituicst Miecess, Friend Fritz. DtitK rios Ol 11 VIII1V VsMN VII tlia ineriy iiiusIp, sweet kniiss duiiuv dnnte-s, 'Jl liiuMcalnumbats, HrU'lii iiiukIp, wcetsoiii;s,clevei comedy, ?ppclul scenery. lllK.PLAK lUlll I'Ji. tine Nlfht, Thilisluv, Dec. till KOSTER & BIAL'S spt-i tacnliir Piodiit lion, GAYEST MANHATTAN The New York, lloston und Philadelphia "success, 1I1K I vsl Itlclmrd Oormnn, Ocrtie Hev uoldh, 1 11. Klcrnnii, Kate MlchnclPiiiii Miitt Vlt iCMtndt'i, lean Mi lllmoi lc, .lull nio 1. wis, li W. l'lle, (mice Sherwood, 1 Kleriiun, He-leu llikci, ltolieit WutKoii.uud miMv othe-tM Iti.lll LVIt mtU'Ks.. NICKELODEON HUSEUH (POnMUHLY WO.N'DUP.LAND.) New Vein s Week.ConiiainciiiB Moudii), Dec. '.'". A scnsoniiblP N'ovtlty, the l.uti'l.v-lteturued, Klondike Miner .till. T. V. HAURISON, W Itli 111 oinplete niliiiUKOiitllt, will ifrvc uu InteieHtlnv tulk on VL"-KV MI.MMl 1 II 1 Othci" Intcrcstiim ciiplii.haU at tractions uiul n splendid show in tlie tltoatcr. PIIIC nCUTP VdmlH vou in l ario-lliill rlVb btillO und I beaut but sh Tt iu llieatronie churia'd loi-ui low price ClIILDItl'.N N HPl'CI VL MVTIS'II on I'rldnv iilternooii, to whl-li thev will be ml milled lor livo cents uud iilven 11 scut lu theater. Itijiilur pili-iw Sew Vent suiter noon. Doors open at 2 and 7 o'clock p 111 C1LO. i: WAV It), I'lOPllttol unci JlBI M. H HHOOKH. Aaslstuut JlaiUBCi uud Lecturer. ATEDISON COHEDYGOIPMY In Hvpr) body s Knvorlte, Peck's Ui Bov. FAUST 4