HIM RCRANTOTST TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MOTtNIN", DECEMBER 525. 185)7. NORTON'S will be open today until noon. Deep Cut in prices of the Imlnncc or our Christmas Goods. & Have a Cigar? Thank Don't rira If AVfli fihlySi tiu. dn, limn iclo. Ah, tliHU'i WVji I'm In luck. It's my InvontD. Gamy, Bra .v 1 & Co. Norm & lioore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. DR. W. B, HENWOOD, DENTIS H LfCKAW-Vim M- .! 8 CO. Have opened 11 General Iiisnninca Ofllco In rs nl Hest Ktoel: ('otiiniinlM represented. Lnro f -litK espuclully ollolted. Teli-pliuno 1 Sis;!. ANOTHER CHANGE Sl'OKRN OF. Luhigli Vnllov Kunil istollo Divided Into Three IMvuloim. The latest Lehigh Vnlley rumor If) that on Jnn. 1, or very shortly aftoi uards, the LehtKh Valley railroad Is to lie divided into three dlvl!ont, one from Jersey City to Mauch Chunk, to be known as the Jersey division, one from ilaueh Chunk to Snyre, to be known ns the Wyoming division, and the other from Sayre to lluffalo. to In known as the Buffalo division. The story goes that James Donnelly Is to continue an superintendent of the Jersey division and George II. llarle man, trainmaster, with houilquaiters nt Easton; thnt Alex, Jlltehell is to continue ns superintendent of the Wyo ming division nnd Clinton A. Uurdo, trainmaster, with headquarters at Wllkes-Barre, and that O. O. Ksser Is to be fliiperlntendent of the Hul'fal.i di vision, and Andrew Itoss. jr., Ills train master, with headquarters at Hayre. Mr. Itoss Is the train-dispatcher nt the Mauch Chunk station, and the new nppointment will mean a very substan tial promotion for him. W. A. Steven son Is at present trnlnmnti- for Mr. Esser. but owing to ill health he has tendered his resignation nnd it is to take effect on Jan. 1. Hazleton Stand ard. NEW LINE NEARLY COMPLETE. Sport Hill Intension Will Soon He in Operation. Tn the course of a week or ten days the Scvanton Itnllwny company oxpr-Ju to have Its new Sport Hill extendi n 'n c iteration. It Is to be n thrown lino with cars running from the i- n tal city to the terminus at Olbbnna' hotel and not a branch road ns some supposed. There haw been talk about Dunninro of late to the effect that the company would extend the line to Elmhurst nnd Moscow nnd eventually to Lake Ariel, General Manager Silllmnn sa'ii yes terday ho knew of nothing that would give grounds for such a rumor. Holler SliiitiiiK HHili. Grand opening of the ficrnnton ftoll Ing Skating rink this evening at the armory on Adams avenue. The eve ning will terminate with dancing. Muh ic by Lawrence orchestra. l-eu l, Iteilly A: Davie' Busy Shoo Store, will be open even ings during December. $ t !4 0FF i RtKiilur prices on nil Holiday (lOOllH. .Multler, Full DreRi shield. NlHlit llobo, I'Hjamav, 811k I'm- lirellns, CRKes. (.'alius, uiuienveiw, Mult f Wafers, fh?flaff?r aoj Lacks. Ave. I LAUNDRY J Y 308 Penn Ave. II A. U. WAR.MAN. J? POST-OFFICE DOES A GREAT BUSINESS Holiday Work is no Snap For Uncle Sam's Employes. IMMENSE MASS OF MAIL MATTER. Two Stump Windows Doing lliislncs-t ami the Interior ol'lliu Olllco Look ing Like n Snntii Clam Slorrhuuie. Clerks Worked Up to the. Limit nnd the Currier Did the Moil; of 1'nck llorsr--t:arlv .lloruing Drllvery Will He .Undo Toilnv. "The merry whistle of the postman" and utl that port of thing at Christmas time Is a very pretty sentiment If you aren't the pn.vtumn. The way he re gards It was expressed by one of his kind yesterday: "Merry Christmas? Oh, yM. It's merry enough, we've got a cinch mak ing other people happy, but this job of acting the puck hoise, making u thou sand miles a day nnd freezing every exposed part of your body Isn't what lt'. cracked up to lie. About the only satisfaction we get out of the work these days Is in being looked upon ns a medium between the giver nnd the giver. Try It for eight hours a day with a load higher than your neck nnd these slippery walks and the Icy cold and see how you like It!" Koine reason lor the pessimistic sen timent of the postman was found dur ing the visit of n Tribune reporter to the postofllre yesterday, when the vast quantity of mail matter handled was about the same ns on Wednesday and Thursday, tint for the fact that ITncle Sain dees not tjut any limit on the number of hours the clerks shall work he does In the case of letter carriers the business of the olllce would be hopelessly blocked nnd choked. As It Is. one woiiiIts how the employes art able to band'" the tons of packages, parcel.-, littets and papers und d It without confusion, and with compara tively no loss, damage or mlseairiage. IU'SH EOIt STAMPS. An extra window for stamp sales has been open since Wednesday, but from early In the morning until the win dows close In the evening, the experi ence and alacrity of the stamp clerks have been taxed to the utmost. The rule of the postal department, that purchasers of stamps shall "do their own licking." has been waived for the reason that Its enforcement would mean a perpetual blockade In front of tin' windows. As fast as packages are weighed the necessary amount of post age Is written on them with a pencil and they me tossed aside to be stamped when opportunity offeis. Seveial large ci acker barrels have been .setting alongside the stamp clerks and every few minutes one of the bar rels had to be emptied. The rush of letters and the business of the money order and legistry departments has been correspondingly great and nt nil hours of the day there have been crowds about the windows of the two latter departments waiting patiently for their turn. All except the nctuilly necessary daily routine of the olllce has had to be abandoned entirely or until late In the evening. In order that every available clerk might aid in handling mail matter and assist In the business of the money order and reg istry windows. The o'nly joy to the postman was the satisfaction uf knowing that no earthly power could force him to work more than eight hours u day. That much thanks Is due to his union organiza tion and the eight-hour law. TO THE LIMIT. While the carrier was working, he wns doinff It to the limit. They man aged to make all their scheduled trips, but this wouldn't have been possible had they not possessed the pecull ir knack of tramping about like beasts of burden nnd had the abll'ty to lug countless bundles of all sotts and sizes with an abandon that puts the most expert woman shopper and baby car rier to shame. Their onlv extra help was that made possible by the use of a paltry $M allowed by the govern ment for substitutes during the month. At all hours from .1 to 7 o'clock jvs tenloy the cancelling and distributing tnble.s In the postolllce looked as though Santa Claus had dumped theie ou all his earthly posresslons and some borrowed tor the purpose. The cancelling of the stamps was facili tated as icgards the letters by the recently acquired double cancelling machine, which runs by electricity and puts black smudges of Ink nnd 'post marks cm two letters at a time, faster than a person can count them. The machine had but slight rest yesterday. m the leader can begin und count aiid then form an idea of what has been accomplished In his fncle Samuel'.i J-Vrantoii postolllce. Today there will be only one dellv eiy. It will be the usual one of the enrly morning. It Is on this round thnt the gray-uniformed carrier gets some return for his labors, something use. ful from the women, substui.tlnl from the men and dainty from the yountj inln. What the maid glvs him isn't cried out In newspaper print even U discreetly given it would sound too loud to, talk about. CIVIL SGRVICE APPLICANTS. Ought to He Posted on the New Ap plication Holes. Persons intending to try for govern inent positions through civil service ex aminations will not. In future, bo treat a as leniently as In tlir past. If their applications are late. The United titntcv civil service com mission has ordered that the usual dates for tho regular seml-an-unnuul postolllce. custom housp nnd Internal revenuo examinations for 189S be so chnnged ns to allow the widest possible use of tho First. Second nnd Third grade basis serlew of exam ination questions in all examinations of corresponding grades. This means that nil spring examinations for the services named will be held during the time the departmental examinations tile being conducted. All postolllce, c-uMam lions- and In ternal revenue examinations for the spring will be held between March IK and April 25. No application will be accepted for these examinations unless filed by March 1, nnd no exception will be make to this rule. Probably before Feb. 1 tho local examining board will be notified of the exact date for hold lug the examinations. A rule has been made that whenever a date Is set for the close of the re ceipt of applications for n certain ex amination, no application will be nc cepted thereafter for that examination without the special authority of the United States commission, Local ex amining boards, like that In this city, have been notified by President Porter, ot the United States commission, not to ask for the special authority men tioned In the foregoing unless there was nmple nnd good excuse for the de lay In receiving any given application. Prospective ntipllcnntfl should write or consult Secretary Shnutz, of the Scranton general postolllce, SCRANTON'S CURIOUS ALLEV. In the Heart nt the City, Hut Little I Known of It. A public pasfagewny 1G0 feet long, I feet wide and running from avenue to alley through one of the most valu able blocks In the business Bectlon of the city Is one of Scrnnton's curiosities. Its presence Is probably not known to more than one of every thousand per sons in the city. The passageway runs from Wash ington nvcnuo to Lee court and skirts the rear of the board of trade building. The whole of It has disappeared dur ing the last few days In the excavat ing for .1. AV. Guernsey's new four story building opposite the Tribune building. Until recently a low nnd un gainly one-story structure faced the avenue and alongside it wus the pass ageway. The latter was not. however, either useful or ornamental. Scarcely nnyone know It existed und but few ever made use of It. When Mr. Guernsey bought the land for his big music goods structure he was glnd to learn that for ISO feet along the whole depth of the lot there wns four feet of .space which could never be built up. This space would give light and air for each of the four stories of the new structure, which is to be built against Crowcll's bakery on the north. Probably not until the Guern sey building Is finished will the bottom of the passageway be filled with dirt and made passable for pcdestilans. Nobody caies much, but some day It will be a much-traveled short cut. The Guernsey building has already been described In The Tribune. It will have a stone front nnd extend ISO feet to Lee court. Nearly all of the rear part will be devoted to wholesale pur poses. The street floor front will be used as a retail music store. There will be sludlos upstairs. PRETTV CHRISTMAS SENTIMENT. Public School Pupils Hid Adieu to tho Closing Year. There wns a pretty sentiment yes terday In connection with tre closing of the public schools until Monday. Jan. .1. All over the -city while the bells were ringing nt noon the follow ing verses from Tennyson' ' In Me motiam" were recited by the pupils In conceit: King out, wild bells, to tho wild sky; The flying clouds, the frosty light; The year Is dying In tho night: Illng out, wild bells, and let him die. King out the old. ring in the new. King, happy bells, across the snow; The year is going, let him go: King out the false, ring In tho trite. ning In the valiant man and free. The lnrt'er heart, the kindlier hntul; King out the darkness of the land. Illng In the Christ that is to be. Copies of the stanzas weie furn ished the teachers two weeks nso, and they wnv committed to memory by tho scholars. DISPUTE OVER COAL ROVALTIES. I'Hti Duiiinoieaus Sue tho A. D. and I. 31. ipeneer Coal ompany. Declarations In two coal royalty suitfl against A. D and F. M. Spencer were filed yesterday In Prothonotnry Pry oi's oinc- by Warren & Knnpp. John II. Koch and ltobert P. Savage, Dunmore, are the plaintiffs. Koch brings suit for unpnld royalties on coal taken fiom under Mils property on f'liestnut street. He wns to receive thirty cents a ton tor all sizes above buekwhPat, which the defendants might mine. He eluims thnt they mined B.S.V.' tons between Sept. 14, 1RFS. nnd March 10, iS!)fi. for which he should have iccelved $1.G'1..C0: They have only paid him $l,itO.S9, and he sues for the 1 alauce. $311.71. Mr. Savages, suit is similar In char acter, lie claims an unpaid balance of J.IO.S1!. Ills property is situated on the corner of f'liestnut street and Shoe maker avenue. CLAIMS SOME VALUABLE LAND. .Mrs. .Margaret A. Million Hrings an '.jectinonl Suit Against Che If. A,- M. Attorney Jam s Mnhon. for his wife, Margaret A. Mr.hon. yesterday insti tuted a suit In ejectment against the Delaware anl Hudson Canal company I.-, secure oossestin of a tract of land back of the "air 'ot" on lower Lack awanna avenu". which the company, it is nlliged, Viids. The land Is on li regular shaped plot, one acre and ll perches In extent, bring bounded by twelve courses, start ing at a point near the Lackawanna avenue brldg . and being contained be iwicn the railroad tracks and the rea line of the buildings on Lackawanna acnue. LIVING PICTURES PROHIBITED. Police Say That There Will He S further ".Mermaid" Sensations. The living picture part of the numer ous mushroom shows now going on In several empty store bull '-gs in this city were prohibited by tho police yes terday. Chief Holding yesterday vis ited the places and ordered that no semblance to a living picture should be given, under penality of arrest and Imprisonment. The nitlon of the police was taken at the suggestion contained In The Tribune's recent story of a West Scran ton father finding his daughter doing the mermaid act in a show on Laeka wonna avenue. WILL COST $27,000. Contract for the Construction nt the XcwSilh .Mill is lAeciited. The contract for the erection of Iteming, David cv School's new silk mill, In Little England, wa yester day executed with Contractor Peter Stlpp. Hy the terms of the contract the main mill and boiler and engine houses are to be completed beforo May 1, 1898. The olfles nnd other buildings are not provided for In the specifications. The contruct price Is $27,000, c. H. Jlake ptuee & Co., or Providence, It. I., are 'he architects. REEVES WILL RECOVER. Crump Who Was Injured Hy His Companions .Much Improved. Two of the five tramps who assault ed a pal, Edward iteeves, near tho South mill Wednesday, nro now In the county Jail and tho three remaining nfo In the central police station, await ing a heating on tho charge of as sault and battery. Heevos' condition Is not critical. He will probably recover. IT IS ALMOST AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS Willi aLllllc More Snow There Would Be Nolliltif: to Be Desired. BIG BUSINESS AT THE STORES. l',trn Help Uniuircd nlnll llio Prom Incut lltislncss Places to Take Caro of the Holiday Trtulo--Uig-gest Ituslucss on Itecoid nt the Post OI!icc--Clmrltable Societies Sen to it ThntNono Wnnt nMChrit mas Pot." With about half a foot more r,f snow nothing would be-lucking to make this the most really lively Chrlstmm Scran ton has experienced In initnv yenrs. Everybody says this and wli.U every body Rays must be so. That the business men ttntlclpnted this Is evidenced liv the unusual pre parations made for the holiday trade anil thnt they did not go amiss In tiieir anticipations the appearance of tho central city streets during the past few- days and pnrtlculuilv yesterday ntier noon would Indicate to u surety. Every store where eiiytliing suitable tor a Christmas gift was to be had was up tn its neck In business nnd In many stores the force of clerks had to bo generally Increased. During certain hours of tho afternoon and early even ing It was Just bardy possible to elbow one's way Into some of tho more prom inent stores. Every person met with was a Santa Clans nnd when forty or fifty of thes" Santa Clauses crowded themselves, and their bundles Into a street car It was only the spirit of the occasion that pre vented 111 nuturo. CHAUlTAliLE WOItK. The board of associated charities and the charitable societies connected with' tho various ihurches were not the leist busy of bodies yesterday. They had diligently hunted up deserving pcor people, that none might be with out a "Christmas pot" and If any were wanting this veiy essential adjunct of the clay It was not the fault of chail tnble societies. Elevator boys, janitor, messengers and olllce boys aie always genet mini remembered In tills city at Christmas time, and this year was no exception to the rule. Few women had more munificent gifts In proportion to their wages than the three who el.i the scrub bing at the city hall. The three of them received S:,'.'.7"i, the proceed of a Christmas collection in their behalf from the city olllclals and clerks. There Is no particular attraction ar ranged for toelav but the crowds will bi on the go ncvor'holiw. enjoying the usual general ntti actions. Clntrch in the morning, fanillv reunions at dinner time and the theatres in the afternoon and evening Is a programme thai many will follow. The pathos of Chiistmastlde. as well as the Joy, Is nowhere more marked than In tlv tiivlal scenes and Incidents of the street. A thinly clad girl of about 1" years of age, and whose pov erty nnd fiiendlessness wns no less dis played In her wan face than by her attire, was noticed hurrying along with the crowd up Wyoming nvenue early last evening. HOUGH OF EVEItGUEEN. Under her arm she trailed a bough of evergreen. It was too small to be termed a "tree" and too large for a twig, but It might, by a little Ing n ulty. be rigged Into some semblance of the former; It wns too large to be carried for amusement that was cer tain. Maybe there was n wealth of story In nn nppaiontly conimeinpWc e'Vergtcen bough In the clutch of a poor, plnch-faced girl, anil maybe there wasn't: anyhow, few noticed the glil oi lier burden. It Is possible that today the Insignificant bough is arranged Into some fantastic llls ness to a real "tree" ami there maybe a little gladness in the heart of a poor household, over looked by chinches anil benefactors. - - ISAAC SEYMOUR INJURED. Ho Thought the ( hnigo Was Dead Hut It m ol. Isaac- Seymour, a miner In the Cayu ga, was painfully Injured yesterday. He had prepared a blast and touched It off, but fearing It had elled out he decided to go to the "face" to Investi gate. He had almost reached that point when the charge exploded, e-cntterlng coal In every direction. Seymour was knocked' down and painfully cut about the head and breast. He was taken to his home on the West Side. INSTALLATION AT CLARK'S SUA1AUT. Olliccrs ol .1 it it i :t l it Council Inducted Into Ollicn Thursday Night. Thursday evening the ofllcers of Jun iata Chaptu-, Order of Eastern Sinr, of Clnrk's Summit, were Installed into olllce with Impressive ceremonle s. The Installing ofllcers weje: Grand Worthy Pa'--on A. It. Holmes und Mrs. W. Un iting, worthy matron of Martha Wash ington Chapter, of this city. The of llcers Installed werr: Worthy matron, Isabel C. Williams; worthy patron, W. P. Lltts; nssoclate matron, .Mrs. A. A. NIcIioIh; associate coneluctoress. Mrs. Samuel Polhamus; t-eeretary, Mrs. E. Ackcrly: Ada, Mrs. W. P. Lltts; Ituth, Mrs. John King: Esther, Mrs. Shlppy; Martha. Mrs. I. II. Isby; Electa, Mrs. 0)URSEN'S Standard Tomatoes, Sc can, 90c tlo.cn. I Red Kidney Beans. 10(5 can, .' for 2."5c. Lima Beans, 10c, .'I for 25c. California Fruits, 3 lb. cans, (ex tra standards), l.'ic can, $1.50 do,, worth 2-c. can. . Sifted Early June Peas, 10c, $1.00 dozen. Coursen's Fancy Sugar Peas, 19c, $2.25 dozen. French Peas and Mushrooms, ISc, $1.75 dozen. Triple Blend Coffee, .Tic, 5 ll).S. $1.50. Blend A 1, 15c, 1 His, 19c. E. Q. Coarsen It. Ackcrly; organist, Mrs. Jesse Pol hnmiiHi wnrden, Mrs. John Austin; sentinel. W. C. Williams. After the Installation a supper was served and a socinl followed. The chap ter was organized in May of this yenr. The olllccrs Installed Thursday even ing were rc-cltcted recently. KNAPP QIVEN A HEARING. Asked to Furnish 9800 Hall for Hl4 Appcarnnco at Court. Herbert L, Knnpp. the young man who shot and severely wounded Patrol man James Saul Thursday afternoon while the latter was attempting to ar rest him; was given a hearing In police court yesterday morning before Alder man Davles. No new phases of the shooting wete brought out. The facts being substantially the same as stated In yesterday's Issue of The Tribune. The young man's father, mother and Patrolmen Saul and Evans gave evi dence, ns did th" young man himself. The ball was fixed at JSOO and was furnished by a friend of the boy's fath er. The chntge was felonous wound ing. MR. PHELPS' QUICK RECOVERY. Stroke nf Piiral)sis I'ollou'cd Hy Marked I in pro vein cut. Druggist John II. Phelps, who was Htrlckon with paralysis Thursday morning but quickly recovered during thut day showed a continued Improve ment yoslr-rdny. v. Phelps' recovery has been mote r i and pronounced than Is usual. r,..r such a malady, and It Is n matter of only si vw !i.ve before ho Is at 111 place of 'Htst.less. A Card of Thanks. I wish to give my sincere thanks to nil those who were so kind to me In my gieat bereavement, the death of my beloved husband, George Klrby. 1 wish to specially thank the Scrnnton Lodge of Elks, tlcptasophs Lodge, Conclave 99, Ilev. Joseph K. Dixon. Mr. Haydn Evans. Mr. George N. Gun ster. Mr. Justin Slegrlst. Hit railroad friends und John T. Watklns for his sweet singing at the Forest-HIM ceme tery. Mrs. George Klrby, No. 911 Le court. Scranton. Pa. Scianlon .Man in Trouble. John McKowen. of Scranton, made some trouble In a South Main street hotel on Thursday, nnd when the bnr tender, O. MUlhnuser, remonstrated tho Scranton man attempted to draw a re volver. He was arrested and given a hearing before Mayor Nichols, who fined hlin $20 nnd costs and confiscated the revolver. Wllkcs-narre Hecord. HEECHAM'S PILLS will dispel tho "blues." WlI'l'LAIt PRICES ! f?A E3I vwi.-ivV WLw$ pi OP? ! WfW Useful Presents for Christmas. This store never contained a more selected stock of goods suitable or Holiday Presents, You will find them on every floor. Here are a lew of them: Baby Cnrringc llobcs. all kinds, all prices. Newspaper Wall Hacks, 6oc to $i.oo each. Swap Uaskels. Work Baskets, Illacliing Boxes, Hassocks, Carpet Sweepers, Easels and Screens, Table Covers, Etc. SIEBBCKER &. WATKINS 406 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. i 1 Has UU U tl y 0 0 0 0 0 .Tl 0 f ' A mmmmz Sir &PM JZM ' 00000000000000000 (SrlS V ymM) A . yffiC'-fM.Vf & Uf ry J. ColHnS, Lt, Lacka2Ave ULMEY OIL MD HANUFACTDRING CO, I tl to 1 10 Merltltuu Ktreet.scruntoii, Pa. Tt-lepliono uusn. mi LUBRICATE ! PAINT lBIAltTAinNr.-I!nneel Oil, VariiUu, Dry era, Jupau uud Mlilniilo Hmtu, M fJBM One car load of Choicest extra fancy New York State TURKEYS, ISc Per Pound. Per Pound at at Hatters and Furnisher. 412 Spruce Street BEST SEIS 0? TEETH. II Ineludln tlie piinlt'ii oxtrartin ? o tictti by un entirely nor,- proiusi. S. C SNYDER, D. D. S., 321 Sprue: St., Opp. Hotel Jcrmyn. Fur Hugs. Plain white, hlack and gre' combination Rugs in all colors. iiockers. Fine Mahogauy frame Rockers, inlaid back, uphol stered in Silk Damask, all colors at $10.00. They are positively worth $13.00. Also Mahogany Frame Rockers, upholstered in Tapestry and Leather, $7.00, 5S.00 and $9.00. A Host Suitable list mas Gift . . Is a good warm Ulster or Over coat. Christmas weather means cold weather, and a warm outer coat is essential. We have Ulsters in the best Irish Friez-.' or Beaver, and our stock of Men's and Bovs' Overcoats is varied in cut, style and material to suit the most cor rect and fastidious taste. Turpuullu Wlilto l,B.td, Coal Tur, VUvtt 1 I M l M n j j - u m SL0 Eoa (ika OILS ill 101 320 Lackawanna. Ave., Sc 1:1 101 Pi... Wholesale and Hot. ill : DRUGGISTS. ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD, FRENCH ZIND. 3 Rcndy rVxcil Tinted Paints, ; (.'oiiMititciit, I'conomleat, Durutila. Vnrnislt Stains, rrodttclngl'erreut lniltiitloiiofKxpofulvt WuoiK Rnynolils' Wood Plnlsh, Iivclnlly l)ciiiticil for IihIiIj Work.- Marble Ploor Plnlsh. Diirublti ami lrlcn (iulukly. Paint Varnish and Kal somine Brushes. PURE LINS-EO OIL AH3 TURPSNTINE. SPECIAL TODAY 1 ASCOTS, All-Colors, ) PUFFS. Ways Mufffets We Have Them. You Want Them. and&Pa3'ne 203 Washington Ave. ROOKERY BUILDING. 11U Don't wony a minute longer. Come to our store and you will find something for one and all. Whether you want to spend 50 cents or a thousand dollars, or any sum between, you'll find something rich and useful and ornamental. Watches, Diamonds, Silver Novelties, Clocks, Jewelry, Best of goods at lowest prices. WEICHEL, JEWELER 'tOS SlMtUCE STREKT. Open ovenlngi until after the holidays. 8. 8 d vOOOOOOOOOOOOO 2 Silverware, Cut Glass, Jardinieres, Flower Yases, ft 110 0 o ft 09, MP ft ft Beer Steias, Fern Dishes j 0000000000000 X LAMPS, LAMPS, LAMPS g OOOOOOOOOOOOO 0 , li 1 $ WEICHEL BR03., 5?' fft 15 110 112 Washington Ave., J ft Mcar Knilding, 1 0 Cumc in and Look Around 1 Kb I urfrftfijir4rfhjrk 0 0 0 K0 1 0 V" 0 Cf A.0 HJ 0 Hf ffl fl TO .a 0 Canes, Gloves, Umbrellas, '" Suit C'is2, . . ::.. ieck 'ear, (ii -j BjJi Robes, etc, lull Line Now Keu.ly. BELL & S 0c 18 V I HOI HIV Me 1IUL lill 1 yy I DDRHTS i O 1LUL11U 0L era 1 KfflNH, Hotel Jirmy.i Hatters, Open livening,