THE SCRANTON1 TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2.-, 1897. FESTIVAL OF HEBREW ANT riTDIQTTAN AlU Lllll?Hiin , I They Were Contrasted by (lie Rc. Dr. Chapman Last Night. THE CIIAUNKAII AND CIIRISTM S Dr. Ulinpmnii Hold Tlittt Up In the I'uurtli ( fiitury no Unu Kuciv A hurii Christ U an lliirii--(:riiilinil-ly llio llfulliLMi lYstlvitl ot tin' Jllrlli ofth Ifnconii'ipriilili' ti-il ol Light tn TniiMliurcd to Jt-su.V Very Interesting Discourse. llcv Dr. Clmpman, rahhl of the Lin den street temple, inenehed last ee- nlnB on "Chniuiktih nnd Clulstnins taUlnp his text fiom Z.ith, lv, 'J, 3: "And behold n candlestick, nil of trold, nnd two olle tiees by the side of it" He Hist contrasted the Hebrew with the Christian festival. He said. Chanuluih and Christmas have m m thltiKS in common. It Is not nicrol acci dental that thc fell In the muiio mmsoii. that their ver d ite on the ctiltiid.ii mlii clelos the one being on the JHh of lih ' and the otlm on thi Bill or Duemoei. lxith li.i- tin- same oiliiln All the MMt festlvils ilml tume down fioin tin I' it, linllowd In lollRlon, have been lasli loiicl noi !' in it'. I'Ut hi liaturi' ami the (.'lent ro!i,!iits have sltnpi l ft tluin .1 limhcr tneiiiiliiK and a mon i.iiinl ihir uncr lij ci iimctltiB tluin with Impoitatit hlsioricnl I t. Ttu I.iihi. ' lotlwil m the cilelii.itlciii of hprmi; bi f.'ie It Uirmd into a feast ot r.'ileir-iiil .11 mr the .! uiul u feist ot lisuii.rtluii lor the Out u m IVnte eeist w .s i in. in. i festival bi ton itiimlnilid tn J. w i r the ltiM'latli n, and the . Iiria-xli.-i n ih ' nili'MKiiratlon Till the ,ili i' liiniiihr, or KlhUv (the ninth J wish n iiilln was mll-'liialls, tin f,ieit mid-wniii liMUul vlun, aftu toi weeks ami m i ths mcIi v. the lessi n In lniBili .mil Unlit, lejolchift Is lelt at til. pliirlmis lrton of the sun o r thu Mint i il ik poweis. In cuirtnnt Rlad n. s it .till hailed the triumphant imirv. r i t the skv, ns he, with renewed lp..r i inn il his nniuiil raie nu I they ceiplirn I his ii Bineratlon ni tin Inrth of a m w "an J.od, 111 liouiulle-'-s 1 sllvo imtnsns '1 Ids was i nd Mill b the hrathen pnetlre, all nver the ?l bi 'the l hrlstni is tiei Is witrplN a li mil I'll of Ulo Id Teuton ule bloik and Anita t I ms or St Nlilmlai ni I'eliKinartln with llu'lr 1itr full of presents nro but old German Buds tn illKiil-e They have asiiimeil riirii'tnii v .rlw in order to surli the ilowiifall of papunlsm. why christians ci:t.nimATn. The Christian church celebrites (Jhrlst mos as the blithday of Jesus of Nai.ueth. wlium h woi ships as the Jewish Mes sijn ,.r I hiist. et, ill to the lourth cen tur no ore knew where he was limn Some churches cileluated his blithday in M.irtli oi Aiull, otluis in .Tanuary. ClradinlH the heathen festival of the birth of th uiHoiniuei.ilile Und of liRlit, w is t n sfeii d to Jesus who w.n thintriorth culled "the new sun ot riKht ei usii. ss ' Thus the K.u that shone oer the small town of Iiethltluin fnuii i?rev Into a tun which illumined the whole world. Now an to Clianuk.ilr The Breit mid winter festival ot veiy nnelent times oc curring nliotit tho time ot the Mie i.ibean lctorlts over the Sjiiins, was talked on to this wondeiful historic il emt and by the Intel mlnsllns of tlio two, the foimer iccehid a hlBhrr mean liiB and a moie s.ured char ictcr, and thus Is recosnlzed b the student of hhtory brautified and hallowed bv religion. Tho daughter of Judaism. ChiltUntty, in dobted Breatlv to this tiv frstlvnl of Ch.iimkah, which we aro itkbiatlnt to ll lBht Lit us notice Christmas in its rel itlon to our Ilaiuikah. They ore not s-o lar .ipirt from ach other as ma seem if the Jiaccibeis had not risen li0 eais tie fore tho birthd.n which tho eluiich eele l.r.itis toda. wheie would Clulstinnlty bi ' if tln hid not Biveit theli llvts In difmse of their eounti the world would ikui luce hiard ot the infant in the miner, n Hithbhem The eliiiuh o iht 10 m innnlzi'il Hie Miucabus 'I hev w rr innii tiulv tin fonriiniiirs of J ii. in n J ihn the li.iptlst. I'nto us, too, a child w is in ii ii in two thou- sand m'iis ,nu Tint child wis lilnit, in is Indipf ndence was m K-boa eminent. IA truo Messiah, who bnaks the olv ot Lipprisslou and lives the chains of lmncl lise Hut our child was not born in tho l.tilliiess of a humblo home. It wns torn bn the bit tic tU Id, lnutl?id In tho h alt llood of thousands of patiiots. SYMBOL Or LIGHT. Here Is the smbol ot llRht It Is lUl.t. Is iut orlBlnal with cither Jew or en is- linn Lonir lieforo the lime both i nn- liemorate (lies were klndkd at this time of the tar as an expression ot jo up ui the return of the sun tnwaid'thu e.uili The order nnd eeonumj of nature Is fine ly a. theme fit to Inspire true lellsunis feellnB. The same symbol Is used to ie can trace tho path of dutv both to ;..ii to be bearers of the light lis which in in can trace tho pant of dut both to i, J nnd to his fellow men Lach claims io btand like a statue of liberty fit the j, n s of tho harbor llitins hit'h the ton Ii of truth kindled from the eternal Hip Are theso claims unfounded? Not so i: ij faith with othlcs tor its soul. c cry chun h that helps to build up humanltj eci n llglon which appeals to the heart and Hie conscience, is a candlestick In the Brcat sanctuary of God. Lery one coneen- The ullage blacksmith is usually . , consiatreu tne ijpe 1 nf trnnA il n 1 t 11 . ..UJjfSJST- Rveu he sickens and dies frequently in earlv youth. No .l, man, not even the .-vniost robust, can af- ) ford to neglect his .. health, which is his . Hi?, i most nrecious en SB t,Wdtrtu.nMrt The "T-i' ,, i, . lrt en ?will sooner or ' later pay the "penalty in some , serious or fatal malady When a man finds that he I is losing his ap- Ipetite, that he p.isfes restless ntgnts, mat ae awalcens in the morning unrefreshed and without ambition or mental or bodilj vigor, when he is troubled with headaches, nerv ousness or biliousness, it is time for hliu to take serious thought for his health. These symptoms art bv no means trivial, ancf re indicative of disorders that may lead 'to consumption, ncivous prostration, malarial troubles or some serious blood disease. Or Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery is tliv; best of all medicines for men and women ho suffer in this way It re stores the losfv appetite it gives sweet, re freshillir sleen viakrs the digestion rierfeet. the liver active Vjnd purifies ami enriches the blood It IsVhe greatest of all nerve tonics. It is the reat blood maker and Louilder It cires qs per cent of all iiimptifin weak lungs bron- iif blood oustintte oiiehs Is It is ulso an '.nfail- lexhausuon ami pro tne bioics. lier of (iraftcJ6 York Pica 1 was marrlrd I was Ukcu tick anil re plte ell with a disease is ccztraa I fell away Fiug l)r Pierce's Golden low I weigh I40pouud causes sickness, Dr. lets cure constipation ) a gentle laxative, and iney never gripe. Far. coated, anti-bilious rvials. Druggists have as eood." Tuev recu- f Liver and Unwelii, Jffl.ffN vr sjLii r All LI ATPrf fcS5 ISM NgKg&ft ' f&ffl X '.tiiiri I a B7) i W V Cgftw VSj if? 1-" vaJ I I tinier Its rni-H upon snrao ono truth or ,lrtuc. One jucfcntB llio Deity In thu unrest luatre: another elevates humnntty to 11 IiIkIi nlncc. Ono extols ilKhleotumom uiul justlco an the i Merest duty; another plnrep chm Itv, merry nnd lino In the foroRt-ound One fascinates the cvo by the beauty nnd hplmdor of Its ifomw, nn f iiiut'i luiiMuat ri'iMviini . v..r,.v.. . - One lns a wholesome stress upon tho llfo that now Is. another upend tho Butcs ot the world to come. Ah, friends! if nil theso could ho put to Belhcr, If tin i could burn sldo by side as do these eight candles efore us, whnt a llood of light would stieam out from thiml Hut alas for mankind, nlns for re Union herself All prefer to shine In their own narrow p.ncts, barrlnu tno Rates by eieeds and bolttnK them b cloRmns. No one Is allowed to ntcr who does not wear tho rlRht uniform, Tho friendly llRht docs not shlno through tho church windows In vltlliB tho footscro wanderer to the lire side. Churches know not of the vlrtuo of hospitality. ONLY TUTJn LIGHT. And then each chinch InslslB ilpon hav- inc the only true light and all tho light God has eet ouchsafed to nUn. No wonder the then fall to quarreling. That which is born of pilde can produce noth ing but strife and opposition. '1 he saints of one church become, then, the damned of tho other. Lach gloillles her own mnr tjrs but reviles all others. Kach has a calendar of the witnesses that sultered foi her, but has no memory for lalRcr number whom bhe has made to suf fer. Title, wo do not now peisecuto and kill one another for God's sake Hut does the light we binst of leach no further What fellowship lune temples uiul sna gogues and chuichis with one another? 'this temple stands within earrhot of hilt a dozen churches, wheie intelligent peo ple gather unci enlightened ministers tlts pi nse the law of lose "el, lor any no tft e we take of each other, not to speak of fellowship foi any neighlioily exchange of friendlj seiier the Atlantic ocean might roll between us and we would bo just as near to eaih other as we are now. And Jit theie Is one common ground, one common platfunn upon wale h Jiw and gentile call and do stand, nol onlv to d,i, but eir di. Look at the thou sands of poor homes tonight made bright nnd Joituis not b the t'lulstmas or I'luiniiluih lights onh. but h the greater mil lovlUr acts ol ch.iritv, which fted the hungt, clothe the naked th it bihiR the silk' fioin their couches of sickness that turn mlser to Joy, sadness to happiness In this domain, the grandest and the Rientest, the most god-like of all things here below, Jew and Gentile are Indeed In utlic is In the highest form. At Chilst iii is lime Is this especially to be wlt lu ssed when all (.pern to le to outdo, each his iiplchhm In acts of huminltar linlsm Lit the Christmas candle and the Clnnukih light bum side bv side tho Jew and the ChiWtlnu sti King with heart nnd mind on one nlatform upon which each slnll eempllf the spirit of this festive season, ' peace on earth and good will to min " AlORQAN'S Bid COAL SCHEME. The Philadelphia nnd Krntlinc the I'rincip 1 Hpiieficinrv. New York Dec. 24 The financial district Is still marveling nt J. Pler pont Men gaii's plan to rescue the great anthracite railroads from their long period of embairaament and to place them on a dlvldend-pnlng basis. The merit which is clalineel for it In Wall street is that it does not necessarily inciease the price of coal to the con sumer, but allows the companies to reap an additional profit of from $20, 000,000 to $l.",000 000. As a matter of act, tho plan Is mod eled after that of the Standard Oil company of New York, which handles all of the products of the fiixty-four companies in the Standard Oil trust. The Philadelphia and Heading, with which the Morgan Interests chiefly lie. Is the principal beneficiary of the plan, as of the entile 10,00,000 tons to be sent to market It will supply 20.5 per cent, and will ieeee on a basis of $20, 000 000 annual profits of $4,100,000 ad dition to its receipth. TERRII'LE WORK OF FIENDS. I'lislicil lidding Down Their Vic- tim's I liro -t wi'li n Sue'.. St. Louis, Dec. 21 The post-mortem held on the body of Jacob Weinind, .ho was found dead In his Kitchen Tuesday evening, levealed a peculiarly fiendish method tho murderers had re sorted to When found Weinaml, be sides being gagged and bound, had a lovvtl tightly twisted about his neck. The post-moitem showed that far down In tne old man's tluoat, tightly Im bedded at the bionchlal tubes, was a 'Mid of thick cloth, which' had been w lapped with horse hair. ringers muld tot hae retched that far, and a stick was juobably used to ram tho wad down. Then the old man was c iroted with tho towel. Four years ago a soldier nt JeTerson Uati-acks was Killed In exactly the same manner ami rubbed ot $1 000 SILVER TIIE ISSUE IN 1900. lull; ot the Lenders in llio I'usiou ol Lust Ciimnumu. Washington, D C Dec. 24, Mr. J ines, of Arkansas, chairman of the N Ulonal Democratic committee, In sists thtt silver will In 1900 be the overshadowing Issue, Senator White savs 111 an will be tho Democratic candidate again, nnd predicts his elec tion, with silver as the battlecry In the campaign. fv nator Teller believes that all tho silver forces will unite on lirjan. Sen atoi Cockie maintains that Bryan could not pull down the silver flag If he desired The Democratic doctrine was stronser than Cleveland in 1S9C, and it will be stronger than Uryan or any other man in 1900. ONLY MOCK WEDDINQS, SYS BATFS. I'nccd by I'niir s omen ho llulicirtl lit') 'lurried llhn. Chlrago, 111,, Dec. 21 Da Id L Pates the alleged w holesale bigamist, faced thiee of his supposed wives in Judge Hoi ton's court this morning Every one ot his marriages. Dates al leges, will be shown to have been a burlesque and n mock wedding, en gineered by himself and certain allies, in which the unlucky victim fancied herself a legal bride. The men who perfoimed Dates' vari ous inanlage ceiemontes will, It is said, tertlfy to the Impersonations they went through. "There must be valid marriages be foie bigamy can be established," bald Hates' lawyers, Jubilantly. WON A WIFF. AT A SEANCE. Man of Sixty Wedded n Noniiln o Livhti, ut HerWili llri'leru Chicago, III , Dec 24 The state Su it. mo couit decided today thut the 1'iairlage of Profesoi Charles Otclnrd son. uged 60, and the wealthy Mrs Jler- Tick. aged 80, of Quincy, III., is void. Sirs. Ilerrlck has been dcai four jears and the suit was for the property worth $100,000. Orchardson, who was an aitlst and at one time Socialistic candidate for mayor against the late Carter Harrison, met Mis. Merrick at a spiritualistic seance at Quincy con ducted by Vera Ava, better known as Odella Dls Debar, and with her help It is alleged, prevailed upon the aged Mrs Merrick to marry him and mnko a will leaving her property to him BRIEF BLIZZARD i VISITS THIS REGION Short Snap of Record-Making Weather cslcrday. Cold RIVOR FROZEN OVER IN PLACES Con! Hlown Out ol Upon Cnrs on tho 1'ocono nuil I iiRlncs Able to lliuil Onlv'i'lirec-rourllii oi Tlirir Usual Load Agulust tho WlniN-llo'ow Zero lit Times, nnd lit H O'clock ill tho Morning It Wiis Only Llcvon Above. Those who were unfortunate enough to be abroad during- the wee' sum houra of yesterday morning exper ienced a siege of the hardest weather that has visited this region in many i ears. Tho thermometer wasn't a fair indi cation of how really cold it was al though the mercury was below tho zeio mark most of the time, and at 8 o'clock was only eleven above. It was the wind that made things feel so much a la Klondike, It was a blizzard nnd the hardest kind of a blizzard while it lasted. From about 1 30 o'clock until day bicak It was a torture to be out of door.s, and those who had to be out tilt, and, In fact, could not remain e. pcfied for any great length of time. The Ilrst ice of the winter formed on the ponds and lakes ht-reabouts, and for the first time in ten yeais the river be tween Mlnooka and Taylor was frozen over. The hnrdest night since the blizzard of 'SS was the repoit from the railroad ers. The wind was so strong against trains coming up the hill that only eighteen cans could be hauled, where it is usual to draw twenty-four. Coal of the smaller sizes was blown over tne snow so strong were some of the gusts thut swept through th cuts and acioss the open places on the mountain The fact that there was but little snow on the ground was the only thing that saved the load from blockades and de layed traffic. As the day progressed the wind abat ed and the cold grew less Intense, nnd during the afternoon it was only what might be termed crisp weather, STORIES OF THE TOWN. Hnv Lost ! Where he came from, w hat his name, who his paients nobody knew He stood like an Image of cuplel In Klon dike, shivering, ciouchlng, on the cor ner of Lackawanna and Wyoming ave nues. He might have dropped fiom a tree. In 'onked so little. This was Tuesday afternoon when, as everjbody knows It was hailing In a spiteful fashion and the little lost boy was getting slnme'ully scourged. The shoulders of his clote-flttlng blue jersey coat weie white, he wore mit tens but two hands weie rolled like snowballs within them. Over his light hair was a small cap, not big enough to cover his eais. He was lost and more than that he know he was lost. His big blue eyes were swimming in tears and the cold air was bitter enough to blister the wet grooves in his cheeks He was crying for mama. You might think that In this glad holiday season while so many persons have light hearts and heav pluses that this little boy would not long stand sniveling, eiouehing, without a friend. To tho ciedlt of Christmas shoppets be it said you think light Not many minutes had passed befoio a big ring of people Mieildcd the little fellow fiom the storm and lnstiad of the sleet and snow a sunburst of kind nesses fell upon him Someuody's mnlhnrs. nr sisters 01 lirnthnrs rip , - "......,, ... somebody s something nil had a word oi compassion to glv- and some had candles and Chllstmas nuts. etc. He- fote ho knew It our foundling was loaded with things good to cat. "Ain't he cute" mm muted one young Miss to her filend. "Such lovely ejes" said her filend. 'Look's as If he dropped from a Christmas tree," ex claimed a kind old lady. "He looks," sild the fussy flashing ejed woman on the edge of the circle, "he looks like my little Johnnie," And she said It of couise- so that all could hear. Hut the boy cried for a' that. He wanted his mama, he wanted to go home. A gentleman offeied to look after the little fellow and together they drew away fiom the crowd When near the city halj Patrolman George Jones took the boy in charge and In n brief time he was in the sergeant's office at police headquarters Patrolman Jones and Acting Desk Sergeant Lowiy dropped the little fellow against a charged radiator nnd tried tu pet Jdni to talk intelligbly. Hut he was too ?3b crying. All he could say fn answer to "wheie do you live?" was Oillnsky's Who Is Gilinsky or where he holds forth is still a mystei. The ciles of the boy brought Clerks Itosar and Clsle from the controllers ofllce upstairs. Then came the mayor's secretary, Mr. Heumish, and afterward Mayor Halley. Chief Hobllng and a dozen others. Mayor Halley attempted to hold the boy on his knee; the mayor's secre tary took him for a walk through the corridors and Chief Robllng turned hu morist for his benefit. Hut the boy only cried more. Finally Misses Potu and Meredith came down from thel respective ofll- ces and took the boyupstalis. At six o'clock the father of iie boy, Matthew Krotosky, of Brook .street, South Scranton, called aip the wanderer, whone name also is 'Mat " was happy. The father states thsi. his wife lost tho little fellow in the now d on Lacka wanna avenue. He fa years old. Mio Culled Aim Down. Five men from tie Central Pennsyl vania Telephone c)npany last Monday weie repairing aioreal' In the police station circuit. Vfter the work had been done the men proceeded to test the wlies, one man Htauonlng himself In tho sergeai's ofllce wuiio another climbed ivOl(' 'n tll southeast coi ner of fie city hall und tapped the who with a hand phone. The mn on the pole kept up a con stant colling. "Hello' Helb! Hello!" he would yell out! "Do ym hear me? Why don't you talk H-ar me Hear me IJello Hello! ThU he was yelling thnugh the wire to tho man at the police biatlon "phone A young lady attached io one of the oinces In the second floor heatd tho noUe and she went to uie uin(joW. There was me nasty man rBht oppo site her and on a level witi the win dow. "Hello!" yelled tho man; "Hello! Hello! Come on out, I won't U sneak with you!" ' The young lady, her face flushecwlth Indignation. Hung open the wliQW and exclaimed: "Now you Just go awny from their, you Impolite thing, you Just go away from there or I'll send for Chief Hobllng!" The mair almost dropped from tho pole. She thought he wbb trying to llirt with her. Tim Lost lilts Upturned. A woman approached I'ntroman George Jones nt tho corner of Wyo ming and Lackawanna avenues yes terday. She was weeping and told her story with dlillculty. She had lost her purse containing $11. In walking a distance of two blocks the purse had apparently dropped from her pocket. Patrolman Jones could do nothing, and he said so. "You mustn't feel bad ly about it, lady," ho wos saying; "there are lots of people" Hut City Detective John W. Molr happened along nt that moment. "What's tho matter," ho said. "This lady lost her purse," replied the patrolman. Detec tive Molr took something from his pocket. "That's It, that's It!" fairly shrieked the woman; "that's my pock et book." The purse had been picked up on the Penit avenue corner by the patrolman stationed there and was given to De tective Molr to be taken to the police station. Mrs. McIIugh, for such was the woman's name, left for her home In Prlcevllle, showeilng benedictions on the watchful men In blue. She Mniiteil i Mew. A mild-mannered girl bashfully en tered a Spruce street lestaurant last evening and paid. "I want a stew; I want to take it to So-and-So's." She mentioned a millinery stoic some three blocks distant. "What will you carry It In?" asked the cook "Haven't you got anything here?" gently suggested the girl. "No, we haven't; jou'd better run back to the store and get something." Tho ciil left the place, returning after ten minutes. She ngaln bashful ly opened the door and said: "Put it in this." What she held in her hand was a round band-box. "In that'" yelled the cook; "put a .stew In that box?" "I didn't say a stew, did I?" said tho gltl petulantly, "I said a fry," GONE WITH A BVSILISK. A LVIUD SHOUT STOUY. Prom the P.ill-Mall Gazette. Reginald passed his hand wearily over his aching blow, and glided langulshliigiy between the puiple puili-'les uhin was a chaos of whirling muslin and huiKiy faces swimming on a i-ea of p..nsl ui uc, thiubbtng music, 'lluio was a hum he fure his ejse, grliinliig In ads llo.iteil rejt lesslj lj, Rltibeltlig in ihe shell-like eals ot painted wumen, Amid tho feured maeistioni, one ilgure loomed lingo and close upon his attention, it was llio hostess A hot wet hand pressed hn. "Law! what a seiu.isli'' he mutiuiiied In hei ear, then plunged into the &triam, and was boine awai to the othc-r side of the loom He had stood long bulled In pensive rflooin, sometimes on one iej sometimes on the other Ills hair hung dunk. the loom was deseited Tho distant howl and clatter told him thtt the Musts were it supper. lie gazed mooch round tho ghastly emptiness of the ap.n tnieiit. I hen moved bj some Impulse, he bint his to a cornei where a recess nail been fined for tho Jaded co. n';s of thosj coi Id dance no in ire. Within ihi- cavern all ,vas dark. Hut as he pe.'i d into the rihndd of it hi became aw ale ut two green pbusphorerrent oes bent upon him from within, lie bowed his he id lesiKiedv. and I. new there i, ui no es cape There was a snell in tlioso lurid cjes lie must obe He hank upon the sm i Ini ui1 ir zed upon her tcit uics. As he got u c i to tilt ligli 'in be came iiiliic that hei face was luelued, with ai umleiiuirciit ol ll.'ld pink. 'ou nio a HisMsVI' 'lie muii ired, lingering hei ntibuiu liti.t. U.mco upon dniico lhe had duueed to L,tilie: At turns they sat silent his hand m lieis the intoxication et iho JUm.i.i'c hud him his uejoil ilo tluiifelu ,iui a 1 aosi iiaie ii ie"i ui me uu) in ins bojhooei. A nn u cut wh. n her i.uh u ..oil uate n let u dm il.ijs ot head was mined usuie to llaig a word to i u hleaU-cved clnpeum Jh strum, his tieiubliiih ilmus toi one la t eflort and tottiied feeiil to the dooi llo ) pained foi llbcrt , but tlto spcu was on linn us In a dream hllo In c unj trembling to tho ilooipust it oleo iliiillnl acioss tho polished ilooi. "I ne jou1 and he knew that his opporiuuit) wus 'jiie. It was a waltz. Ileglnild and the Lasi lik danecd as wildl) us the iii.dist tueie. Sudilenlv the p..u led hem uh tho chan delier. Seizing hei by tin chin he gazed Into hei ee-i, gldd nnd iiinertuiu '1 he heckles seemed to eh ise onoutioihi! over her cheek. She d raced lilm down and pressed a do,;eii w.uin klssoi on h.i lips. "You nio mine' mine1 ' she almost Mirlekcd. Oaigoilo faces laughed leering out of the clicumamblent uncertainty, they were In the throng ol Jaded meiry maUers, but alone, oh, so alvne! He was standing by the cpen window with an anaemic thing In rrauie "The end of life ' slie said. "Is finding pearls In other people's oisters " "Tint Is a paradox.' 'he answered. "Tii a pardox," sal J the. Ho looked inquiring! "Vou are an lbsenist I s " "Tho Serpent was nn Im-enlst,' she re plied with her collected smile. "The Sea Serpent9 ' he queried, nnd tho muscles of his neck relaxed a little 'llien, hastily brushing the elewdrop from his blow, "This ntmosphtro Is t) too rarefied for me," ho murmured. Afjatn that fur awa look In his ee. He betmed to yeain for a thing forgotten. Suddenly tho thing In maavo found that It stood alone. A trodden tnlg sighed and broke without In the s lillng summer night. Sho looked Into tho garden and baw nothing. Only two gtnti stars seemed to glow mistily out of the (loom beneath the privet-bush Then u whisper passed and died In the treetorjs, nnd those gieen stars were no more Heglnald was gone. He had followed the baletul eo out into tho gloorc. Thero U a little li uiso with crceprs on Clapham Hlse Tho few passengers In the street shrink hurriedly uwny nnd pass on. Thero is no sign of llfo there. Onlv sonetlmes a green gleam from be hind tho Preneh blinds nnl the plash of weary kisses. m IMP AM) Tlin AD1I1IIAL. From fio Snn Francisco Wave. A strict rule piomulgated by every succetsive commandant at the Navy yard prohibits smoking on Mnre Island under the most stringent penalties Adr.iltal Miller saunteilng one recent TREATMERT FOR WEAK MEN. TRIAL WITHOUT EXPENSE. Tbo famous Appliance nnd Kemi dies of ft lliaLrieiiedaul Co.nowturltiulii-stiimo t oueroci oatriui witLoucexpmsa to any tiouc8t nun. Nol a dollar to bo paid tn ndvnnce. Curo Kite its of Lirors rr y.m'MCH In Old or Touuir. Manhood Fully ltenored. How 10 Enlarge and String! hen Weak, Dndercloi ed Portions of Ilody. Absofutely unfailing Homo Treatment., I), or olhr scheme. A plain offer by a firm of high standing. cdic McniPdi on oa.'Maraat, tniL nv.mi unu, ISUFl'ALO, N. Y. c Tfr wrtTs'i Christmas Greeting 1 To Its Many Patrons : I "Mfttf-tfMOTMM afternoon tin u-li d stnnt p-i t p I land, can e an Ii - ' d gging . i trench ard mo).. ; u lilac!- ilpe Tie wn ' luflln, u ' a e -eneli , cor i .11 .f icgulitois nl with v e tt,, .1 nt. Th adnil' who was in unlfoim, t "Don't you know, sir, th t s absolut'ly prohibited b . - vy yiirdV'l ' ' Tl-e 1 hn !i o' 1 .P .-ml with a kli i'i U 1 mi ! "1 cl i,c, tl a 11 in ' ni hei at 1 I all li 11 esel, w Id 11 1 1 -en 1 t" -n 1 win 1 ml to, aid 1 th i !' I1'' t ik a puff 01 twe to tc.nv th si en " " "The itvulatl'ms ait explicit, lr," id 11' ed the admiral "and the sllpnei. d es n it icuso you. What's ui. name, sir?" "An' who may you be, anywy?" ask ed the Ithhnian "I'm Admiral Mi'l-r." "Ah, 'tis the 11 i nelmlral vo ti" "TIs th fat job y 1 avo. aeln 1 il.. ' e oieful to kape it. M name's Pat Mc 0'nri." "Hcpoit nt m ofllci ihls nftei-o-m wlthrut fall. Me nils," sa'el M 1 r, w ho could hum! 0-1 from nu . g At 3 o'clock T Pa licit wh mnde up his p t ii th o w uli. be .he devil to pay,. 1 a'i pi ' ovei to head quuiters and th r n ly ish r -el li 1 Into the elreii'e ' pr biiicc ot th d miral, v ho s-rld "Sit .'own, Pit " Pnt tut ilnv J Her touched a bell The oideily a) '1 ed. "Filng a bon'i rf champagne and two glasses," 1 said. Not a word was spoken until the wine arrived The admiral filled the glasses and pushed one over tcwaid the Illsbman. "Pat." ho said, "give mo the pipe. You'll not noul it again." The niystltlid 1 hirer obeyed. "Now," said the admiral, "drink hcai ty, Pat, you'll keep your job as long ns I'll keep mine." Nor Is this the first situation saved by Irish wit. Lt r in nn: m.uiti.i:. At midnight the other night a patrol man on Calhoun street saw an old eol orml man searching his door aid with a candle In his hand, and had tho curiosity to stnp und Inquire what ho hud lost. "Lost a quailei 'round cru sumwhar, sab," was the leply. "Lose It during tho dny? "No, uh bout half un hour ago," "Hole in jour pocKet, eh?" "Not 'zinctly, bah not 'zanctly. Wnen I cum homo do olo woman was wiilttn' fur tne tight about jcre, an when bile had dun got fiew wlpln' up do alrth wid my bod dat money was gone. It may be eio and mnLo In de net .i'd or out In do road, Put izo linuir to look rut It, No, sab, dar' wasn't no hole in my pocket not as I knows of, Dat quartet was Jess sumhow lost In de shullle, to say nullln' ot how I got frowd down un walked on 'till I couldn't holler." Do trot Frco Press, PUT YOURSIF IN OUR PLACE And you wilt r-ullze how enytt U to fur. nUhoiirhoiini .uxurloiinly with n trllilm outluy. u llttla at u tlma und you don'i miss It. BARB0UT3 HOME GREDITH0U31 ip5 LACKAWANNA AVE. ! . I. The Leader's Again we see ourselves in duty bound to acknowl edge the liberal patronage we enjoyed during the past year. We feel more than ever that our effort to serve the public in a considerate manner has been a most suc cessful venture on our part, and the fruitful returns we have received during our establishment here have done much to encourage us in a continuation of our ardent desire to make this store not only a place of advantageous shopping, but a mart where something more than cold, matter-of-fact business methods prevail. The magic of low prices has won us many friends, but that accomplishment is not sufficient for us. We want to leave with you the impression that this is your store at all times and that we are merely caterers to your many wants. We want all our patrons to feel that when they enter here they can trade with the confidence that comes from a source of fiiendship and a deep-seated appreciation of our desire to make every transaction mutually beneficial. Merry Christmas! Lefoeck & Corin. (Will 1 Is Machinemade. Mrs. Rorer says: I "Muclitncmude Teas arc n 1 doubtcdlji more uholcsome than 1 the yrccn-colored icas."uidies' iiom0 Journal. The Infusion should not exceed five minutes. Use only absolutely boiling water. One spoonful makes two cups. DIIIKCTWNS Tnko hair mual qunntlty. eo w liter 110! LS. Pour oirufter nVK mln. atcB' steeping. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Ceylon Tea rFnrsulfi ". 50r. it. pfu'cious Id 1. 'r I I ml Vnc' , Slenm and Hot Water HEATING Gas, Electric And Combination FIXTURES Electric Light . . . WIRING. Charles B. Scott, 119 Franklin Ave. LADIES D0Y0OMOB DJl. FELIX UEDRUN'S Steel i Pennyroyal Treatment . ... . .i 1 .i nni. unKKrir IB in minim. V' ""' - '.-. . - eafi) und relishlo enro on the mar. krt. Price. Jl.tO; sent by uuul Utuulno sold only by Wm a. Clark, aoi Woihlngton Ave. nnd 336 Vena, Ave.. Scranto.i, t'n. "AM pin M Si 1 1 h ill lJ JLkr Vh ii J v. Kill WITH0U1 PAIN Dv thon.eofmv new local anaesthetic. No flccp-prodtieini: nRent. It is slmpl applied toi le gums nnd the tooth extracted without 11 purtlcloof pain. All other dental operations performed posl tlicly without pain. i a WARRANTED 5 YEARS. These are the snmo teeth other dentlstl charge from $15 to $'JO a set foi TEETH WITHOUT PLATES. Gold and Poreclnln Crowns; CJolel, Silver nnd Cement Killing, at one-half the usual cost. Pxamiiiiitloti frees. Open evenings 7to H. bunduys 0 to 11 a, in. i uniiiiui ii 316 Spruce Street, Next Door to Hotel Jermyn Fine Line of NEW STYLES STONE RINGS Diamond anJCombinatioiRinis Sterling Silvar Wars an J SterlLn No3lii33, Finest stock of Watches, all the latest styles and sizes at very close figures. CUT GLASS, CLOCKS, Etc The largest Jewelry House in Northeastern Pennsylva nia. M 130 Wyomin? Ays, MADE ME A MAN AJAX TADLETS POSITITK LY CUIUS ALTbrx'on$ Jmi Falling Mem or7,lin potency blopliaoa,ctOj jued br Abm or otUef l'xceiids a&4 Jnalt oretton, 7v ftuicktu am surely rettore Umi ViUHtjr la oldoryoun.(in ib m unu iui iiuu ww luonvi tuoiiiBKr. iVevnat luiftnlty an ConsuiBplloa If anintimB. Thalrtua uHom tu meJIita InDtovi. meal ami enecte a uuuci vuere oil otuer tail in Ut npoo LftTiiid tba senulne Ajax Tetleth,' They hare cared thousand and wl 1 1 crarp you. W a vtrp & poa itlTB written itaamnteq to effect a rura Cf PTC in cacacaaoor raiund too mooey, iticww w wiper rackagat or aU ikgea (full treatment) for (2.00. Hy iibv,u vbiu ur iiuiiij iuo uiuus; rockagat or aU ikgea (full tn mall. In plain wrapper, upon re '"AJAX REAIEDY receipt ox rnc. t ircniar vufaroorBBb I CalMta, 111. For Hula la Bcruntonon. Pa. by .MmtUcvys JJros. auUH C. fciauders, drujUtH. IH 81 nj