0 THE SCRAKTON TRIBUTE-THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 189T. WllllllllllllllllllinillllllllKIHIHHIIU S M m iiai innii ni innrinn I HULIUAY SLimHi I M S iZt.H BOX1" S MEN'S SLIPPERS. I rum II iot e'oit Opera 2 Out "Uppers mil Mumped Miin.,'111 SllllIK.It1 Imiuii, murium nml lilm-It lasht CI (If) S mm SIllOl S3 2 ltrown mill ItlncU Viol ICtd S tipirn nml Mmlclil I oxoil JJ 5 siipprri. iiN" IHuli 1'rntit -, S S iiIii t'alf 'llppom, Mil e 1 C( llm-ili ImniUuiiied wiles -p.mmjv S3 S I Hh liin Hi llrown mid I lllnol.llliico Kltliuiil AIIUii- -I mitnt Mlpperx. white Kill CO m) S S Unci, hiiiiil-turiioil coles . "P'"" - i 410 SPRUCE STREET. 2 More Upon livening 2 S rSiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiF CITY NOTES. ' Pawls TliH'ii ' Is the disease which Is iu Mill lit in West Sci.uilon anil not 'I'm us "hu.t ' as Tin Ti Humes torn penltots diagnosed the repmtors tulpt .vestoidaj. The funeral ol Joseph i.eury, who Olcil at his hoiui- 'U" Hallroail muiuc, Tuos ilay. will tuko pi ten this altoiiioon at J o clock, llurlul will hu made In Hj Uo Park Catholic eomotcrv. As select ootlliclls moots resulail on tho Hist mnl third Thni.vlaj s ot e.uh month tho next stntcd meeting will not ho lulil until Jaiui.i 1 I., 110M woik 'Jhurs eliy being the fifth In tho month Tho puhllo schcols ot this iltv will clc-o 1'ililav iiflunoon for a weeks hoIlda. Just before tho hour oC timing the pu pils of evoiy loom In ovorv building will roclte "Tho Dvlng Yoar, li Longfellow. Tho high ami tinlnlng ami tho building inmmlttoos of tho ho ml ot control aio duo for stated meetings this anil tniiior iow evenings rtspcctlu Iv. As T'rlil iv evening is Christmas io tho building t ominlttoo m ty ho called to mci t tonight. Tho so-round hout hotwoin HIvvood Mc Clnskej. of Philadelphia, and Ulllv Je nimc, of Sjracuso, nt Music h.ill on t'liilstnias aflinioon promlsos to oollpso all similar ecnts th it hai occuriod hole. Joiomo Is a pupil of Tommy It) an, who lecontlv futiKlit a diaw with Kid Mc Co). Miuiliige llci uses woio vesterri i gtant d to NIlIioIjs II, Began of Curhimtlnlo, mid Jctmit Rleieuni of Jermvn: William W. Price, of Tuloi. anil Snail .M Kaun. of Archhald. Jo-oph I.ath un aad l'llzi lioth Pattoivon of Siratitou, Proa j;. Hill, of Xniitkrko and .M.n Drown, of Siianton, Patilik J Hums and MaiKniLt Tio, of Soianton, John IJiltko and Slniv Mikaly. ot ilihsup, Thomas J. .Matthias .iiid Annie Williams of Su.iiiton. FIREMEN'S RELIEF MONEY. Itj-liiiUd C omniittpo Did Not Cct TncctlitT V'pstprdny. The lij-laus eonuniUoo of tho 10 lonlly omanirod Fli omen's Relief ns-f-oeiatlon of Soiantou woio to lme met yestoiday with tho chief of tho (lie lUpaittmnt ami tho i Ity lollcltoi to ili'-euss th- was and means of ob taining tho S.'.OOO leeohed by tho city liCiisuior liom the state and to be a fund for disabled and sh k firemen. Tho cummlttoo did not appear. It was city Solicitor J!oGlnlo'H op inion that prt,s sslon of the money can ho leR.ll ohtnlncd by ordinance. This has been done in Allentown, Hariis bttif; and other cities. As soon as tho Scinntnn associlation recelcs copies of by-laws of tho.se orKanlzations it Is piobable that Mr. McOlnley win bo tofiuested to draft an otdlanance. - Fancy Uaskets at Reynolds Bros.' Uo Ccnorous And ynu will be happy. If its sllppeis, Ket them at the Fhe Urotheis' bis f- lie. Not the cheap kind, but low In price r Brothers. Open evenings anl plenty of extra clerks. . Books, at a discount. Reynolds Bros. Slippers nro Serviceable Presents. Hlupr?Bt assortment In the city at the G Brothers, COS Lackawanna ave. IjOv Untes on I, onus. If you want money come to us; we will accommodate ou with nnv amount DaIdow Bros. "Waterman Fountain Pens, for a plft, Ueynolda Bio.s., statlonois, llrrry Spoons, 81..-.0. Woith V.'o. Davidow Bro?. Inkstands, Kold-piated fiaines, at Tteynolds Bios., htatloneis. .Nul Crackers, fruit Kniie-. Cotfeo Epoon, steillnR silver. Suitable bQlidny Klfts. Davidow Bros JIandsome celluloid hand-palnted diessinj,' cases. Bennlds Bros. Vim" Dmldow llros. nml buy Christmas picsonts. Th larfr est stock in the city to select fiom I'rice'j the lowest Leather Goods at Itejnolds Bios." OOOQOOOOOOOOOOOOO $ 0 LI Fresh and Good. Mixed Nuts, lb,, Mixed Candies, lb., Citrons, lb,, - 9c 9c 10c Oc Raisins,' lb,, I 0 0 ijgSM9H.QSI.SnRE 0000000090090000 SCHANK&SPENCER EDWARD REEVES SHOT BY TRAMPS lie Drnnk Willi Them and Then Their Wnsn Qaurrcl HE IS NOW AT THE HOSPITAL Sins Thru Ho Will Not Appear Apnliist lln'in Th at Ho In Not Tlint Kinil 2ol n Fellow--llollovos Tlutt Ilo Is Coins I" Oic Hut the Ilospltnl Authorities Say Thin Ho Will Itc-eoier--Hls S'lnlmiicnt l the AUruy. t sunilsp yosjeiilay two tinmpp. walkltifr nlont; the Belaw.iro and Ilitd jnn tracks tnmo upon four follows ot tin tr guild slttlni? about n iheerful flto An Invitation brought the .ilw I'nnuMs to tho oh, n mod circle and htioiiK di Inks bcRan to How. A few hours afterwntd one of tho tiamps was laying wounded and un ooiiMious ftom a tonlblo beatliitt and the otluis wtto llKhtitifr mnoni; thini spUph with ieoheis, Jtlcks and Hones. Fio ot the men ale now behind pils nn bars atul the wounded sixth 1" at the Lnikawanna hospital. II" ioon 1'iod eon-cloiiwss sullli lontly last iiiKht to say that ho would not pioo c lit his compiniouti. 'I in not that kind of a broid," ho i.ild to-lily, "I'm a ihoiouKhlirod " Mo ra ' his li.atno as rdwnid Iteoes. hlr homo as lliook ln, N. V , whole ho wa an olecttlclan. To a Trlbtun rci irtoi last nluht Hooves made his Ihst mid mil. stat-"-nii nt of Hie aflray lie i ould not talk Ions; Ills face Is lltoially choppt d up. I'luhteen distinct vounds woio on his head One wound lb thr-v Inches Ions whole a hullit fiotn a r"volot ntiztil the skull. When he ''poke It was with dlllUulti. JWnesg.iid STATCsir.NT or ni:i:vi:ri ' I was oomlns Horn Pittston to Scranton. My nal, Hob, w.is with tne and wo walked tho whole distance Wo weio Hied, mitunlhyinil lion wo was walking uIoue tho tucks I siw the four follows mound ti the It looked irood and me and Hub kind a' hung aiound. Thoni fellows asked us to oomo over and hae .1 'ilt of tho lire. Wo wont chi and wis fooling pwil One nt the lellowt biouc.it nut a Mb liottk ol Riof.. We all took a nip; wo look i-ovtiAl nips 'Then we sot to quai i cling. One ot them fellows called my p.utner 'Biook ln Shorty' beoauso we c.uno fiom Brooklyn and Bob Is a unit of a boy. Good follow, though, and 1 pitched Into the whole font of them. Well." said Hemes niilol, '1 don't know much about tho tost of It 1 only know I'm heio with ni head tied up. The othei fellows, they tell mo. ale In Jail. Well, they won't tie lint; If my stoiy Is needed to keep i there 1 won't do nothinc, It's al nei now. What's the use' I'm not of that bleed, I'm u thorouRlilneil, 1 am." t And Turnip Houves '.ink baik on his pillow The rest of It Is that at tho , eiy time the f-K nomads weio waim- , Ihb hotll the Innoi and outei man, tour . police otlkeis liom Tayloi bouuiKh weie looklnu for the oilRlnal tour tiamps These men oailior In the foie noon had pissed tluough a pilnclpai pan of Tajloi, dlsehaiKhiK tovolveis as tney went aionK. rno oiuoeis wore at wotk at tho time, but when they KOt homo Chief of Police Hums, with Otllceis Powell and Botn-e, staited out for the outlaws Tim THAMPS AHUBSTHO. Thc came upon the camp, situated on tho east .side of the lher, below the mill, Jutt titter Hooves had been htletched out senseless and ' Utnok lyn Shinty" was dodBlnR the bullets fiom the ieilei.s of the four other tiamps The lovolveis woie just emptied when the four ofllceis ennio upon tho men and each weapon was belnc to loaded as fast as the owners could handle them, this time to bo Hied at the ofllceis of tho law The icvolvors woio taken from the men. nnd with their own weapons coveting them, the fhe tiamps weio cstoited to tho Jail la Taj lor. The Taj lor police Infotmed the local department of the fiao.as and the pa trol wagon, with Chief Holding. Mount ed Oflleor Djei. Desk Seigeant Illdg -way und P.itiohnan Lowij, wont to tho scene of tho light and hi ought Beeves to this t!t. Whin the police reached the wounded man the blood fiom his head had fiozen upon his bod It took tho stiength of all the police men to keep him In the wagon He was dellilous and thought of nothing but the fray, which he had Just paused through. He was, taken at once to the hospital. The tt amps' weio detained at Taj lor last night. They will be hi ought to the cential ilty pollco station today and afteiwaid will be placed In the county jail to await the lesult of Heevo's In juries. iinnvi:s will hhcovbh. Tho affray was within the city lim its. At the hospital last night It was given out that Hooves' condition Is un Impiovod. He, himself, thinks he will die, and with a stole firmness, says ho ain't afraid. The hospital authoiltlea say ho will lecover. HAD NOT EATEN FOR DAYS. Tramp Drops to around From Exhaus tion at Gypsy Grove Colliery and Dies Within a few Allnulcs. With ChilstmaB Juht foiu daju dis tant a man died In Dunmoie jestoulaj fiom hunger and exhaustion His nam Is unknown, nothing has been discov ered to Indicate where his home Is The body now lies in I'ndeitaker W. B. Letchworth's undei taking establish ment, In Dunnioie, avvuitlnr; Id ntlfi cutlon The death occulted at 7 o'clock, j'esterday nioinlng at the Oypry Glove eolllety of tho Pennsylvania Coal com panj The ttamp had been around the place the day bofopr. Ho was a joung man, vety cleanly In purounal appear ance, but he looked poor and thin. Ills clothing vvos lagged and baioly euv ered his slim body. Leaving tho vicinity of tho bleaker hs wont out among the lesidenoes to beg food. When the woikmen got to the bieakor yestoiday nioinlng they found the young tiamp stretched out asleep In a shanty. The vvandeier wan gruiny awaken d and turned out of the shanty Ho did not resent the cruelty, he took tho "tiamp'H kick," and walked a few paces away without utteting it word of com plaint. The woiknmn watch d him; they saw him stagger a whnit distance then hu foil to the ground ltntnovabl He was can led back Into the shnnty tl.ls time out of compassion, and the body wo laid upon tho door, Once the tramp half recovered con stlousnesH npd placed a bottle ot raw alcohol to his 1 1 pi, but he only sipped the fluid; tho bottle fell fiom his shak ing hund, and was phatteicd on tho Iloor, nnd ns the fluid wasted on the bonids the ttatnp gaepsd nnd 'strug gled nnd died. Senrch of tho dead man's clothing resulted In the finding of a number of lead pencllH, n razor strop, nnd a razor suspended from his nock under IiIb clothing. Not a cent of money wni found, nor anything to Indicate the man's Identity. Coroner 8. P. Longstieet, In his au topsy Inst evening, discovered that the man's body was terrlblj" etnanclatcd His stomach gave evidence of not hav ing contained food In many days. Several residents of Dunmoro, upon seeing the body, remembeied lilm ns the tramp w ho hnd begged at their house doors Tuesdaj. All stated that they had given him nothing, because turnips aio no mimeious. Tho desciiptlon Is. About 22 years of age, d feet 7 Inches In height, dark sandy hnlr. weight, 100 pounds; light complexion, dark coat and pants, blown best, dark shirt, tan shoes The!' Is a wait on the middle finger of the left hand. BOTH WERE DISCHARGED. No Evidence Offered to onncct Kumar and John ()lsz:wskl With the Death ol John Frank, Jr. The evidence against John Kumar and John Olszewski, accused of tho muiiUr of John Ftnnk, jr., was Insuf ficient nnd both men were dlschaiged nt tho heating bofoie Alderman Millar last evening. Chief of Pollco Holding hlnu-elf asked that the men be dls thaiged. The heating wns not, In fact,. 10 openod. At 0 o'tlook Kutiuu and Ols yewskl wore taken from tho police sta tion to the alderman's ollloe. Mort of the witnesses of Tuesday night's healing weio piosent, but they weie not called upon. Chief Holding suited to Aldc'iman Millar that ho thought the evidence Insufficient and foimally asked that the men bo dls chaiged Tho piisonois woio Informed of their llbortv by Intel pi etoi Gal vltch. Both men's foatuios bilghtenod and they left the olllee within a few minutes afteiwaid. The dNchaige ot the men does not mean that Frank did not meet with foul plaj The pollco will not ic-fct, but will piiT-ecute the -catch for another clue VAN SICKLE'S VIOLENT DEATH. I'cll I'iiiiii His Way on Into u Creel, mid as Diuwiicd. Pet.-r J. Vim SI- klo. a Ilolllsti ivllle fanner, well knuvvp in this and Wayne countlOH met a violent death Monday night lie hit 1 beep al the house of a fliet'd and betan his ildo tow a! el home about ID o'. lock. Tho night was dark and, it Ir supposed, the team wrlked Into a tie k noai th" homo of Charles West. '1 ho Jolting of the wagon or the i lung ing of tlio hors's In tnought to ha' o t'.iiovvu Mi Ann Sickle fiom his seat Into the wntoi. Tne teun vji four 1 that rUht with out a dilver f u whan a biaich was iinmodlatelv Insllluted. It was Tu"t-daj- noon bofou the llfele-s body was, found in tho eieek. -Mr. Van Sickle was CO iais old. ST. CECELIA'S PUPILS. riic Cave a ori lutorosliiig Christ ia.i Biiteitainini'iil, A Chiistmns cntoi t.ilnmeiit was giv en by the pupils of St. Cecilia's ic id en. y nt St. Thomas' i ollogo hall, last OVlIllllg midlonce affair. II was attended I." a Ui.iw uu i v is u M'iy mien Ming Among tho iniinbeis op the pio guimino wci-" soleotloiis by St Cecilia's oichestra. (lionises by tho puplls.songs with table au bv the members of the dlfu lent departments boll di ill by the Junlois and siledlon.s bj the St. Ce cilia choial dub Tho woik if the ciing o!ifitulnets ii cied much ci ed it upon tin Ir teaeheis. tie Slsteis of the Imirac ill Hi Heal t . FOR TIIEIR STATE CONVENTION. Knights ot Hie Colilcn Caglo Arc llo ginniiig Their Propiirnlictii. The eecuilve committee of tho Knights ol the (Jolden I-aglo, which has In hand the an anseinents lot the state oonvi ntloii of that older to bo held heto In May, 1SJS, met In lilutloi's ball last night and laid out a plan ot woi;. Vailous sub-tonimlttees weie ap pointed and tho woik that they aio to do outlined These, tomii Ittcerf will meet to report to the oecutive com nlttce on Jan I'-', 1 S'.is. Cilj and School 'I'nxes I'or 1H97. A penalty of 7 per cent, will be add ed on all tajies ninalnlng unpaid af ter Dec, 31. 1S97. and an additional penalty of 1 per cent, on the (list of each and every mouth thcrenftei un til paid. Taxes remaining unpaid after Dec. 31, 1S07. will be placed In the hands of collectors, as piovldod by an Act of Ass.emblJ. appioved May 2.!, 16S9. C. O. Boland, City Treasurer. City Hall, Washington avenue. Office hours 1) a m to b p. m.. Sat in days, 9 to 12 noon. Vn r.lcgnnt slipper foi ,"i(lp, Velvc t or 1 itlir, at the ," Brotheis. MAGICALLY EFFECTIVE TREATMENT FOR WEAK M OF ALL AGES NO 3IOWSV IV ADVANCIi. Won. drrlul uipllatiio und tcleutlflc rem edlct) hout on trlul to any reliable man. A world. wilo reputation back of J his offer Every obstnclo to happy lusrried llfo leiuoveil Full iircnirth, ilovi'loinnent und tnno Ktven tooyery portion of ttio body, luiliiriluiposolli'c; nito no hairier. no j. u. u.Ecue'me. pmp PAcninAi nn 64.NIAOARA st. n a. blllh IIILUIUHI. UUUUI JII'ALO, N. V. S!ADE RIE A MAM AJAX TAlILCl S rOHITIVEl.Y CUHU A J.r, Nervous JiUeawiM Falllmi Mem- ; fr 1 r . 1 vv.tv,. Htnpvnuw.) viu . K IUHQ4 Ji crotlowi. Thru aulcUu ami urelu ff rcttB It VlnJllr la olJorTounB.nnD litntocafurntiilr, bu Ioom or narrlaso. rWeTut Intunltr ail Cmtnmrtlnn If tiuepia timo. Tbelrtita thotrt la modlato imurDTc, L tllllO. Thetrcin hhniTa In mn.llnln ..... mooiaoa euoctj a e ulli; wboro all other ttXl Io. flt upoa.bnTlnis the jenulne Ajux liibleU. Tber hnvo csrf il tbomondi an I wlllcore jou. v.'o sirs n wi IcltBurltWaBUiirunteatocOsctocuro Efl HTC la coc iMwor ralunij tba rooacr. l'rliwOU U I Oir, inckagpi or tU ikrrn (full tisatmentl for flW. Ui mall, in 5 lain wrnm t. nnon rrwlrt of i rin. I ircnlar 'AJAX REA3EDYCO., lX,X"iu' I'lirsula In He runt an on. I'u. U lliitthow ilrot. audll t. muuIom, dru.'ilsts. mooiaoa euoctj o.e Ulli; whoro ol oilier full Ii. free MTO ALLg Pf j - COAL TRADE RUMOR DOWN IN NEW YORK Premature RcporlR Circulated Regard ifi2 a Big Selling Scheme. NO FOUNDATION FOR THE TALK. It Wns Snld That tho Iinrgo Produc ers Would Co Into Itotnll Selling in View ofAllcgc'd Present Bernoulli znllou ofTrndc-'J. Plcrpont .Mor gan, on Account of His Groat It nil rcuiil Interests! Was Looked to for a Solution, It was admitted yestoiday In New York oal trade cltclos that Important negotiations have been In progresrt for some time past among the loading of ficials of the antluaclto coal mining and transportation companies They wcr-, uys tho Commercial Adveitlsor, tho outcome of the demointlzatlon In which the coal trade has boon since last July as the result of overptodue tlon Demoralization was threatened tr.at imperilled the solvency of all tho coil lEllwavs. It was natural, In this situation, that nil "jes should turn to J Plcrpont Morgan for relief, owing to his para mount Jnltuencc In tho affairs of tho Heading, the Lehigh Valley, the Hrle. the Susquehanna and Western and his Intimate relations with the controlling Interests of tin" Delaware and Hudson The pioductlon of antluaclto coal, It Is admitted, can be legulated with great oase Practically all of It comes fiom a Htnall section of Pennsylvania. It Is an old lndustij; nnd nil tho condi tions that govern 'it are thoroughlj' wo 1 known Capitalists have long r c rgnlzed the possibility of controlling the Industry, but It has so happened that for n number of reasons the prac ticability of doing so has been a mat ter of doubt NO "THt'ST" scubmi:. A number of plans have been sug gested during th' pact twenty-five years, none of which contemplated the foi matlon of a "trust." but all of which weie designed to do away with the oiiors which have nnrain and again brought the tiado to the verge of d -niorallzatlon What Mr Moigan can do with the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western nd the Pennsylvania Railroad com panies is a mutter of much uneertalti tv The latter has alwajs llatlv io-fus-ed to enter Into a gi foments of any natiuc. and the fcniiv'i has been a dls- c)Ultlng element beoauso It has alwnjs i can led on Its tnM'ies.i liiespecllvi of other members of the trade Its largo sm plus has enabled It to act with mon Independence than ninio of Us tiun petllois. If a tfi'ttal selling agencv weie established to handle the pioduct of all the companies It could sc i-coly engage to dispose of all the coil th comblnee" inteusts could produce, the maikot could not ab&oib It. ft would have to tell (ach Intoiest how much of lis onl it tould undoitake to sell, month by month, which It Is said In vvell-lnioinitil elides, would meet with violent opposition fiom piaclieal lv all tho funni'iies, which would in sist upon piodr.itng more. A gioat manv details hnvv et to be poifected bofoie a lau is definitely settled on, and It mav lie stated on good authoiltj that anj announcement at pietent Is not only piomntuie, but nb'olutely Inooiioet. Officials nt all th" loading anthuuite Interests pio fos Ignorance as to the plan Ihst Is popularly siippostd to bo piepaiing It Its Indor I, mote than n possibility that the (ln.il plan will not piovlde for a niintr.l cnlllnn. rurniim' nt nil niiu li ma l tha h'Miie has to lecommcnd It in the eyes of many niMiibeis of the trade. MUCH MISINFOHM VTION It Is In lesatd to the iilan of selling the eomnanl -n' coal dlieetly to the do mestic consumer that the gteatest amount of mlslnfoi matlon has bei n publlbhcd These nrtlclos. In the opin ion of practically all the nrcfcldonts of the anthracite companies, aio without foundation. They state that thej have no deslto to engage In the letall coal business. One of them said jestcrdny "The loport Is laughable No such thing Is contemplated bv any of the companies to my knowledge. Lven If 0110 of them should tty It the othcis. How much of Monday do you spend at the wash tub? use FELS-NAPTHA soap in lukewarm water, and get through before noon, even iu winter. rr.LS d CO., Philadelphia. M.B ax xa xa ax xa ax ax xa ax xa ? 6 o o '" I . I take It, are not eager to commit sul side. But the most laughable blunder la the statistics ot coat consumption In New Yen It city. No statistics have ever been compiled on which to base even an approximate estimate. A yel low sheet says 30,000,000 tons yearly. It may be double 1 whether a mora atisurr' statement hn even been print ed even by that paper Itself Greater New York probably tnkes not more than G.000,000 tons of prepared sizes a year. You must remember that the totnl production this jenr Is only about 41,000,000 tons, which would leave only 11,000,000 tons for the rest of the coun try to keep warm on It Now Yoik takes 30,000,000 tons, manifestly a most absurd statement." M'CLUSKY AfsD JEROME. They Mill Box nt Pi 8 Pounds Christ ians Afternoon. At Music hall ChrlstmnH nfternoon there will bo n twenty-round boxing contest between McCluskey, of Phila delphia, and Billy Jerome, of Syracuse They will weigh In at 128 pounds nt the ringside. Fach man claims to be a wlnn r, nnd no doubt will put up n gioat flsht Both of the mon appeared In this city last iSpilng, and won their fights McCluskey put out McMnnas, of New York, In one round, showing himself to be a wonderful lighter. lie has a Ktanding challenge to all men In his class Ho bars none. Jerome defeated Piofessor Beck, of the Schujlklll Navj Athletic college, In ton rounds. Ho hns fought Pleven battles since that time, and wpn all but two, which wen draw" There will be two promlllnarles be tween Kane, of Mlnooka, and on un known from tin West Side, and two other local men. I.ovvis, Ilcill) As Dnvics' Busy ''hoe Store, will ho open even ings during December. in:'j. JAMBS. In West Seianton Doc 22 VVl Thomas James, about ears of ape at his resident o H Morris court 1 u nonil announcement later v aiifra0prn tv tur& wtvxv V ?! 5i IS X 8 X) M.F M pi u. fl a 0 v e ts e o m n. n That a musical in- x( strument makes a 2t. most desirable Xmas gift? Some people don't know we keep them, but those who do say that we sell them at a quarter less than v. a.n gM. flX ex Mff St S3 exclusive dealers eet a T I . " a iuoney is wnat people are after. It must bs made. One Ms! tftt way to lhake it is to hm. 30 I pA tkP PM MB 0M. Ma HM M.0 llM MP an. xa ax xa xl ax xa II xa xa ex xa o ax save it. n Be it a piano or . ' cruitar, bauio or nv! " l. " ,11 MH you'll ax mom 11 organ find the saving con ax x gmerame u you get ax it here. ax. Lome in the morn- ax ing if possible and ax avoid Xmas after- ax noon rushes. , THE HEXFOIU) COMPANY ilD.I I..11 l.anaiuia Aenue ax ax xaxgxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa axpxaxaxaxaxaxjiMaxttxaxaxax Dyspepsia, S3 Heartburn, Gus- nd all Dlsor- ders positively cured, drover tiruliam'x Ujs. pepsi.i iienie'iiv in u NiieclIU'. line dose ic inoveHnll distress, and 11 permanent cuionf tlie moht ehionii anil suv ere ouaei Is euar.ui teed. Do not RUller! A fto-ceut bottle will (olivine 0 the most skeptical, MnttliewH llros, UrilfBlsU, UUO l-ackn-viniiiiii uvemiu o ISM. 6 r 4 K 10 K W Yo Know MM. 0M. i ft xaxjraxaxaaxax'ri axaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxaxpxaxaxaxaxaMaxjixaxjxaMx OB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. If in doubt what to give for a Christmas present we would remind you that Kid Gloves and Handkerchiefs are always acceptable. We have complete assortments of the very best values. In fit, flexibility and wear our M. & H. Kid Gloves, at $1.00, lead all others sold at the price. Jouvin Kid Gloves, at $1.59, are the finest gloves made. Gloves not fitting may be exchanged after Christmas. Splendid assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Umbrellas. Line of Choice Fancy Goods of superior quality. Mears & Hageti, 415-417 Lackawanna Ave. xaxaxaxaxjrMaxaxaxakfMaxjaaxxaxaxaxaMxaxaMtixaxaxaxaxaxaxaxa jtMaMaxaxaMxaxax?xaxaxaxaxaxaxaxjixaxxaxpxaxpxaxiaMjtxax Few Hcvc WJ'CXJ i3 More before Xmas day. Don't neglect the op portunity to get some of the good things in store for vou at CHINA HALL. " Never lias Scranton had so beautiful a collection of Fine China, Silverware, Cut GIiivs Lamps, etc. at such temptingly low pnt.es. I Ou" I A1ILLAR & PECK, ty 134 WyominR Ave, X Walk In and look aiound. THE Ill 1 Iu making presents uoth- .ig could be more thoughtful n the giver or bring more olid comfort to the receiver, hether man, woman or child, laii jjood shoes. We make lese suggestions to our j.itrons iu full confidence hat they will derive and be tow more pleasure iu male ng presents of shoes and .Uppers than in giving other and leas useful things. Did you ever notice the look of pleasure on a boy's face when he receives his first pair of boots. We will make it easy for you to gratify your little ones' wishes. We oiler for this week: ;od pair Children's Rubber BootS) at 97c 6oo pair Misses' Rubber Boots, at $1.18 250 pair Ladies' Rubber Boots, at $1.21 THE 326 Lackawmna Av3nii3. "Famous Old Stand." KLWE IE CO axaxaxaxjfxaxaxax XMAS TREE TRIRlltllNGS Our nsfortment Is yet quite com plete but n little too heavv on enndy ornament. Monday wo cut them deep; regular 1 nnd Cc. size, reduced to .. 2 for 5c Our rsgulnr loo. Tinsel Ornaments reduced today to 5c XMAS THBK CANDDBS, any l7o, 4S In box, 30 in Ikx and 21 In ho v, best wax make. He- duccd to 10c nIJo?i SPHINCl CANDI.n HOMICHS leduced ledaj 10c a Dozen Full assortment of Tlnsell In nil colors, by tho ard. 1,000 DOX.BN MOl'fO HAND KnHCHIBF.S, motto worked In colots, worth Cc; reduced today to ft for tOc 500 doron SIMC FI.CWP.H .HM BHOl DHHFD H A N D K 13 H CHIUFS. sraltoppd Pdge. woith ; inc.; reduced today to ! Q fns. in. INITIAL ODNTS' JAPANCTTn HANDKBUCHIPFs!, worth 25c. reduced to 14c Kxcentional Values in Ladles' While and Colored liordcr HtindkiTcliicft. PBIirtTMHRY. Cotton's Tilpln Bxtract. by tho ounce, hold everywhere nt 5c. ounce: our pilco 24c Ounce Iauio bottles, good Porfumes at 10c Bottle J13WKI.HV, Stone tet lings war lanlcd to wear well for 3 yeuis. 10c BAND HINOS, STONI3 GILT HAT PINS , SDT 10c Pin tets. Brooch Pins, P.ings, Pocket Bucks at. Child' 25c I.udlos' Combination Pocket Books sterling sliver ooi ncrs, worth COc ; our price 25c SHI.'HT MUSIC, catalogue free. Over J.500 copies to select from onlj Gc n Copy Mt sic FOLIO1?, hvpo legular 0c Boukb, ledueod to Hecrular J'c Books leduced to ... l!)o : HE GREAT IC STORE 310 Lackawanna Ave. J. I. LADWIG. j I i j 3 1 j ROWN'S BEE HIVE OOOOOOOOOOOOOvX Coats, Furs, Millinery. STORE OPEN EVEN 1 j I 4 1 4 INGS DURING DECEHBER. OOOOOOOQOOOOOCX BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACK. AVENUE. Ma xa H