12 THE SCRANTfrW TKIBUB-- WEDNESDAY MOUNIW&, DEOHMJiER, B, 18f)7. FOR THE 1 RS Fancy Pillows, Odd Chairs, Fancy Tables, India Scats, Lace Curtains, Door Draperies, Rugs of All Kinds, Carpet Sweepers, A large variety at WILLIAMS i J'MOLTY'S. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA roKFsrcirv. Following uro the rrcc nil, elected nflleeis of the M-'tli-xllHl KplPiopul Sunday Helmut. Suiieilntendent, I H. Mny; nslstant, H. II Alexander, hoc- I letnry. Mt"! Helm Penteuist. a-v-NtuM, ili-s Maine J. ItiTivvn, llbiarlan, OlUei , F. Peau-nall; iiHKtnnt. V. Stanley i IJvans; treasuiei, Miss Ilelieeea llutk InRliUm. a--.lstunt. Mis. O. F. Cnlo, oiKanlst, Mif. (5. 1'. Mae, uhslstant, i Miss Heulah Ulne. ' The Catholic Mutual Henetlt ai-o-datlon has elected tl fnllnvv liu; ntll tei.s: President. Pati . O'Haia: lli.st vke-liroslilent, John 1' Muuay, sec -ond vlt e-picsldent. MUhncl Stein luccher. fluancl.il hecretar,F. J Hood: lecurdinR .seeretaiy, John McDonald; iisxitant leeoidlntr secretary. M J. Fal lon, tieuMiiir, I'etei llll ilt. mar shal. Patrhl; Malla, gimul, M If had Ciay. Division No. 1, Ancient Older of Hibernians, elected the following olll ctis at its last meeting: Pieshlent. 1ionu.nl Fallon; lce-pn bldent, Jiu-t'pli Connolly: recording iecietaiy, John McDonald; financial secretary. Patiick lioiirh; tieasuier. Thomas Mutphy; Kiiaid, TMvvanl Uoaeh The society donated $10 to He F.ithei Phillips, of 1'l.ilns, who Is tontesllng with F.ithei O'Malley, of Kingston, for a cold chal ice, the money talsed to go tnvvnuls 1 'plnK out a debt against the Plains parish. I The Catholic Total Abstinence Fnlon and IScncAolpnt society leeenth eleet (l these olllcers: 1'iesldent, Patiick Cleaiy; Ice-president, John P. Mm ja, l cording seuetary, John Mi Don nld, linancial t-ecietaiy, William White; treasuier, M. J. Haley: stt-Beant-at-ainis, John J. Connolly: in- , MstlRatint? coniinlttee, James Mlskoll, Tohmas Mii!h, William Connolly; sick conmilttee, Fiancls McClo.skiy, Gooij;e McKeinon. William Catfrey. At St. At;nes Catholic chinch, on ChrlFtmas morning, high mass will be cplebialed at 3 30 and 10 10 and mass at S...0. Theie will be special imis-li' for the occasion, the choli, under the leadcishlp of Piof. Motrin, h.ivlnpr piopuied for icnilltlon IlosM's Ma in H, ui ranged by Hamma In the even ing at 7 o'clock the i e will be ieHpuiR and benediction. A petition Is bclns cluuluttil and lq leieivim? immeious slcnatuies, nvl.Intf the boroiiRh council to lefuse the ilsht of way to the Caibondale and Foiest City Traction compan unless It aKiees to lay Its Hacks as fai noith on Main stieet as the Cliffoid bleaker. The (ompan wants a fianchlse Kianted which will not compel It to kj farther than Center stieet. This would make the tt i minus in the heart of the town and at a place wheie theie Is scant loom now. It would be unsightly, In convenient to pedestiians and diheis and a disci imlnatlon against people living In the not them pan of the boi ough. The company claims It has not power enouch to tun cais past Ceniei stteet, et a ear oi two ago, when woiklng for a tight of wav, the olllc lals wcie teady and anxious to pioni Ise to go to the iioithein end of the botough. Why they can not do It now Is among the things that have not been explained Anjway, there Is n knge sled kick against a fianchlse being given on any othci condition than that the road shall lie extended to the Clif foid bieaket. The council will meet In special session in a few Uas to dispose of the mattet. and Scott iwm held at Tompklnsvllle, Dec. IS. in spite of the severe weather, the attendance of parents mid teachers vvus very good ntb oth .sessions. The Institute was called to order by Mr. F. V. Worth, as c hall man, find after singing, excellent papers were tend by Miss I.tuj Williams on "Ways In Which Parents Cou'nteract the Work of the School," and "The Value of a School Ilbiatv," by Miss Minnie Fos ter A splilted dl.idislon of the latter subject by Professms J. C. Ta.vlor, W It. (iiaves. F. H. tlteene, Mr. John Cute nnd otheis. followed. A selection from Tennyson was beautifully tendered by Miss Uertha Holgate. Professor Hrecne's talk on "Nature Study by Means of Peisonal Observation." was Intcicstlng and helpful After a brief discussion of that subject, Mr. Dolph McLaughlin, a blight little school boy of the place, ictlted "Gtatulma's Mis take," and the aftei noon session closed. In the evening, aftel a paper on "The Study of Atnetlcan Cltlenshlp In Con nection with Fnlteil States HlstoiJ," and a duct bv Misses Anna and Stella Cllte. Piofcssoi Cltaves, of Sciantoli, lead a veiy earnest nnd thoughtful papet on ' The Itelatlon uf the Com mon Schools to Society." Miss Jessie Meade, one- of out school girls, liclttd vei.v nliel.v. a duct by Misses Fannie and Grace Decker, and a lecltatlon by Miss Holgate wetc heartily applauded Miss I.utlo Johnson and Mr Letinle Johnson aNii sang very tiled. County Supcilntendent Taylor spoke. In tyls usual liiipies.se way. on the condition of country schools, naming some liln dianecs and advocating township High schools and the continuing of teacheis In the same position as a means of Iniptovement Among the pleasant featuus of the institute were the In terest nnd piitlclpillon Indlscusslon by patterns of the schools, and the cor dial hospitallt of the people of Tompklnsvllle. iu&V2 OC OC 6dO 36 6060464 There is a Class of People o v Who nro Injured by the X use of coffee. Uecently tlicre hai bean placed in all tho grocery store, a & new preparation called GRAIN-O, mado of pure j grains, that takes the place of ? toffee. The most delicate stomach V receives it without distress, a and hut few can tell it ltoni 2 coffee. It docs not cost over ns nuieh. Children may j drink it with great benefit. 15 cents nnd 25 cent'5 per O package. Tty it. Ask for GRAIN-O. 'Try Qrain0 1 vooe-o" f'?-vv?-o&$oo$fr0' ll.OO'n. Corn-Spot weak; No. 2, 3IV-. f. o. b afloat, options steady but weak ened and cloed 'i'ic. net lower, May Sfsa14 5-ir.ci, closeel .tlie.; December, dosed ?:2v OntH Spot dull. No. 2 27' .c, I No ,'l, 27e , No. 2 white. ymS--c . No. a I white, 2snlT)'i.i.; tluek, mixed, western. si'uiup'te , trailc vvlille, vve-ctcrn, :vv "2'4c; track white state. 5s4nX!.c. ; op tions dull and balelj stead, closing 'c. net lorter, IVbruiir nnd May ilosul Si'NiP; December 27'4e eltcf Firm Cut Meats CJulot. llutter Steady: western cream er ir..i2Je. ; do. fnctol, l.'alTe. KlRllis, I 22c. Iinltatlon crenmety. ll'tiilc, state. tlnlr 13a20e. , do creiitnerv, ru21e Cheesa Steadv; large white. September, H'fcc.f small do., 9,im4i ; luge colon d do Ji'ji" ; small ilo , 'la'iije , Inri'e late niliile 1V1 te ; smntl do, S'4as'l.c. ; light skims, hi fi'ie.; part skims I'sh'iV : full skims. Uu 4c. Kggs Stench , stute and l'ciinsM vnnla 2lii2te., western flesh 2"a2.!e. Tal low rirm: city, :,ei3 !l-ll'.c ; countr. !'j n"V'. Pelroleam cjtilet, united, no n.ar-kct. CHRISTMAS Clilrngn f.riun 'larket. Clilciigo Dec. 21 The hiding futures ranged as follows. Wheat lieeemli r $1 ini.nl mi, Janiian. 'iP-,n'ii,c.; May, VSj ti'JJ'ic Coin December 2ii' 1 1 Lo ' o , .Pin uarv STUuKtic . Mnv Ln jiiri'i,ii2,i,c )i Dccembei. jri.i.'P Miiv. AVi'CA. Michael liurke, a well-known nnd te spected 1 evident of Avoui, was almost instantly kill d c"-terdny afternoon on the Delaware and Hudson track about one mile above the Aveiru station He was picking coal, nnd not being con scIouh that his head leaned so elo'e to the ttnek, the Jcr-ey Cential train, due at 12 21, cam tapidl along and liuiled him some distance away. When plclsid up he was yet alive and the ttnlnmen convened him to his humble home, a shoit distance nwn. wheie he llnicied a fvv houis nfterwatd. Deceased was about ft! yeais of age nil Industilnus and peaceable clticn. Not being able to wolk in the mines he was obliged to proem e outfdd work about the col lletles, nnd when unemploed was In the habit of picking coal along the ttaek. He was a membei of the A. O. U , 15 of i: . and Is suivlvcd by a wife and one daughtei The f uncial will take nine on Thursday afternoon In tel ment will be In St Mar's ceme teiy. Yesteiday afternoon at about n 30 o'clock occun eel Hit death of C.ith eilno. daughter of Mr. nnd Mis Den nis Ctcedan, of Dunont. Doecbed was about 27 e.its of age, endowed with a beautiful Clitlstlan chaiaelei and des pite hei IHnesfc, which v as of long dur ation, sh bote herself up btavelv, and when fate had ilecteul that she was not to outlive the irvages of disease, die became leeoncllcd and loni'ed for the end to foirt'. She died peacefully surioundid b the mrmbels of the fam llv The f initial will take place on Fil elay punning with a lequlem tnacs at St. Man's cluu eh. Intel ment will be nuicU in St. Mniy's ecmettiy. THE MARKETS, all "street ic now. Ne,' Yoik. Die. 21 !fulncss in securi ties was foi the must )iit hileiiel dull toil ty and pi.ces Migneil Tioni Inanlticm. Tin most notable movement In the rill- lloul list was that III Not the in P.icilH. pn fetnil, which fell awn ,i point en latere le.illlng sales imliiee I bv the pl lnent ot I Ii. dlvlleiiil of 1 iei cent, wlileh was tnl.en oft tin price loila.e (.juotiitintis Horn LuMdoti and fnnn the German buitrsi 1. vvhile llns sloeli n, .1 spi'uu tlvv favoilte, sliowul th it tat tc.illzliig nmveine nt was in luice tle-ie also ami tin ii wete sales cf the nodi In tills mar ket for lorclgn account, file siatetpi it of i linings foi the second v.eik in De ecinliet alsi encoiuag -il lb. sillers viith Us Inenuse of less tlinti Sluifin oci tlm lUiiespoiidlng wid In last uu as com p.neel with lncrcis.s .i- ovu iImmiih in utile 1 1 1 cent weel's The stock i.illliel a fruition before the close 'the lone of the niones in 11 kit continues! uivettlnl ( I 'in n s were leiinitecl limine, the elm ..s l'i li as I per cent, but Ji ' at the c to-o ol tin- m.irKet there weie Minis offered down to 1 per cent and an .utinl ttans ntilcin v.ns ie)Oit(d at 111 it llguie. Tills uilcli 11 wenkenlng of cull 11101111 had 1n flin nee nil the pikes 01 sPkKs which Will wnl nnd eellnlnrr at the close. Totll tilcs wire 107 S00 shuns. furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL Li:N .e. CO.. Moek brokcis, Meats build ing, looms 7(Jj-7Cti. Open- lllsh- Low- Clos. Ing est est m?. ,.1"S?S l"'i'4 '40221,1 Pork Janit.in, jl.7i'is r,2 . Mnv j'ivissi Lard January, $1 f.i at i:1, Mnv, 77'5 nf72' ... Itlbs Jniu.irv. JllltlfO, All, l lOal 5". Cadi limitations wen as fol lows: rienir Steaetv . No 2 spring w hi it, 5.sl4iivit,e No. ,', ppilng wheat. sJi.ile.. -No. 2 red, $1 (i. No 2 corn 2G ,e.; No. 2 oats 221-.C ; No. 2 white f o b 2Pc: No :i Willie, f. n. b 2'.i2l't;c : No 2 1 ,-e. lii'.c ; No 2 bailey 27.i17e No. 1 ll.ix icil s'lls nl 21'-, prime tlmothv seed. W"; pork S7rni7r,;l.ird JI 's'.al ". ribs. 51 f, el 72' . shoulders, IVn-Tis . sides, $1 77'ljir. mi; whlskv, St 11; fiienis. unelnii'jed. lie celpts Flour 27 01 bnrtels; wheat. Sil.mi) bushels; corn lis (in inuhels; oits 11! I'M bifliets; rve 11 IH0 bushels; hut lev 71 "ID bushels Shhunentt Flout. II i 0 tj.ineis. vehe.it 'mi) budiils. corn. 7!(i0 liiisltelh, outs 27" iM bushels, re, none, barley, -COO bushels. ?iil 'if I,' 'Me'c Hast Huffilo. N. Y.. Doc. '.I.-Cattl" (inlet Ilos About ste.ulv: Y01 kors, choli 1. $!Ci); lourlis, e.inii'ion to choice1, t'ltJi, p'gs $110 Slicep nnd Lun'lM Wow and e.i!er, Inmbs, ex'in. f.itui'!: culls to common, f'fii'. !. slinp. 1I1 o to selected wethers, Sl.CCilSO; cutis to common, t- to i",.". A PAS ii:l. TO.MPKINSVILLi: The fit st local teacheis Institute for the townships of Gtetnlldd, Ileiiton A voting glil t-ltj at hei window. With out the n'n fall", silently, teasolessl. The olllur girl lilt dies. Lcve Ins touched her m&lelen heatt with lis angle w m I. l.vi r unil a'lon she sighs. The hIjJis ,if a join g :iial 1 innke numlc for the s' d i A tear falls fiom the long lahcs of her 1101 theai-t ee riiniii di her tear will eislallze Into a I'laninrd fin .1 It v.lll be woin upon the boicm of .1 minibei of some ttust orsnd!eati. I'ntil 11 ill the irombei will 1 ive to con tent 1 1 1 n ' -1-1 f with a 1 him 1 tune. The cutu mild vvtltc' to hit lover. lie Is a blue-tvcl bey who winks In a glass fnetenv foi lour doll.ns a veek. lit it Is lur leltei . "Hill. Kuni up twenlte. Did's oil a di link The old V eim-n Is lade up wlt'i the rooiratlz You kali lush the growler. I will swipe -um crackiis utt'n the ba kur. We have a loavly time. "Molly." Such is the love of the joung. the true and the In jutiful. So rolls the world aw ay Life. 1" niN k'j .. 32 :'2'i .. 4 4 . r,j r,'i .. , 'J . IS IV s ..121', 121 Am Sllg. Ite'g Co Villi . To .. P. I'e .. 1! A T f S. P.. Pi . "S' Am. Tobacco Co ... SO 11 lit A: Ohli I",'. Hionk. U. P 32 1! Slnte Gjs 4 Can Poii'h rn M N. J. Central Chle ,-i C, W n't .V N W Chic., II. fr ( Clllciign U is Chle .Mil. ,'i St. P . Chle , 11. I. .'. P ... Chle., St P M. tc O e". C. C. & St L .. Di' 1 ware P; Hud 1 outs, ft Nash .. Manhattan Ulc . JI K. & Ti , IT "lo. Parlle N. Y. Central .. .. tint. iS- We North. P ein .... Nor Pneille, Pr . Phil. ." lie id . . Southern It. P. . IT Temi.. o V Iron .. Fnlon Pacific Wih.mli Pr West. Fnlon .... W. I 13 i:-dlvlilenil. Chicago chain maijkht IM's 71 " . 8 ..1121; ".V", .. I'V .. 31'' .11''. .. 1-' .. 21'. .. Vv ?2 IS lil'j fC ".-, 7S ll'2'.j Vi l.'F4 '!. 's lfit r. 21'.. Is IN 117 12, :;n Sj'l filV !",r VI j 'i. Ol'i 'o ;s .118 llS'i W'1 llTPa wi, HIT IS', 21 WW, 22 s:'( 2t(. it" ss lis M 1) K, l!'j .':,i 4 r.Pi OH, '.Ci 121 '.''"' I!', 'I t ''"-1 7s .Tt 112' . '', PI"' j id Civil: ' 4locl. I Chleiigo, Dec. 21 C iltlr Fnchinged it '$'10; iimthTH fed, ri. Tes.is fed 1's.i I 2n; stoektrs and frdeis S!.) Hogs I14-iriS2'.; pics, $;.. 11.I7'- S'lecii-s." 7"i aT to JIWi47"; Inmbs slil&J to -.7Vi'i. P.c celpts Cattle MCi head; liOh", 41'jm) head, sheep 11,000 held. Cllsl I, -lii-lll Ult'ii 11-tI,-I. I Fast Llliertv, Pa. Die. 21 Cattle- Steulv: pilme ?1 sul in. tomnnin, J 2" 1 S'0: b'dlii Ht ps nnd cows, l 1 : 71 o-s I -Active: best medium p'cis and torkirc, fl"n3.ri); heavy. JSo.i 'Vi, good run, lis S J T.". dJ-j; eotrtn. $2 2i2 W. Sln-o- I Stead ; choice, flffini;-,, Lonimnn. Sffi'i ::i,i, choice lambs SiSCir., crmmon 10 l,ood lambs, Jl''liii70, veal enhes, "U i7. t1 iri, '. Ol! Cltv Pa. Dec 21-CiedIt balanc-t f.'; ceitlflctites t-pt-m 1 01 bid for cesli, closulio' Phi fi 1 in h, theie was no d -mn ml tot tin teg 11 option, shlpt inls, SiKAl bur.!', tt rs ni'.u b u i s When out shopping visit our store and remember our stock of Fine China Cut Glass Lamps s. m, BricaBrac. UM -TiV rr ": 1 -iT i i A! Iff -saifcGjfc) ner, Tea and Toilet Sets, Meat, Gam -k W ujv r-, -J-t' Jl liTVi S k U 111 CM. nw Fish Sets. WE CAN SURELY PLEASE YOU. THE (Sa bl-U tlH Pn ii.f L zmm 422 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. (Open Evenings) 00 mtm mi IFSCSMfJl Sp0jl.1I Attnti'n (Ilv'i'o 5. u -nus. p.m! Ccriiiii.il A.c it:nt. lilf.'rt' Vo. iiituioJ tf ii 1 Iciulc.l AcoiirJ.ii,; tu iJaiUiu.-.-i .ml Kcsptmibiiity. 3 I'cr Octit. Intercut AiiovvcJ 011 lutcrcat Dcpoait-. Caaitil, Mviiiai Proaij, 5200,003 03,000 Full Set $5.00 TH Full Set $5.00 PULL SET TEETH lEEIM CLEANED 1 EETH W THOU T PLATE TEETH EXIHACIED $5.00 I GPLD FILLINOS 25c 5ILVEU I-ILLINGS $3.00 , C10LD CROWNS Free OI HER CROWNS 75c up 50c $2.00 to $5.0(1 S1.0-. 1 nORE BREAD OF THE DENTAL CHAIR Tooth cMrnotoelnnel filled iilnoluii'lv wltbnut pjln bv our Into KlBiilllli melli.nl iipplloil to the ;iims o Mo-ip-pri luoliij luutithor riii 1 no. Wunronut eoiiip tin? vvltu .licni ilsimtoi tiililHh uonts, but wltli ilrst- 1 in iluntists at nrlcoi loss tlim tnilf tbu flmi.'.'il by them, 'llienj 1110 liu einlv Dun nl Parlors In Si iitlitiin timlli.ivo tho pitaite-il uppliuniv-i unil luiivillents to (.'it. ml, llll unil upply olit ormviH unil pjroililu orowns, tinilj. tn tulili fiom mil mil t-tutli unil wiirrmtoil fur ton yonn, viithout tlie 1.1st pulloijorpiln l-'iill Sot nf IVth l"i. VV'o nuiirnitJd 11 tit ur tin n i. (Jo 1 i-rnwii unit t tjth w Itbti tt ul.ites rrltl llllln?H nnil nil other te.-nt.vt vir' elu i" pilnlmslv 11 nl by sneu ills s. 1 t')ino nnil b iv 0 jour tuotli ottr.i t 1 1 I 1 tb) 'iioriiliiuii 1 io 10 10 In the ovonliii with nmv teuth VV'o em tell .vol cciotlv Mint I jour w.ins Milli-'is' by 11 fuj ntunln itln'i V wiltleu ilii uuoj of ton vi.irs with nil work. Iloun, S to s; -utul t s uiul holt Ins, , Ji'to 1. Do not bo misled. Wo lutvu no connection with any oilier olllco 111 tliu e ity. "Wo, IbotnutoiHlRiiOil, hivo b ul teth ettrno'.crl nti t brleljo vvoilc tlonoat the New York Dentil 1'uilois, uniloheerfully 1 commend their iiieth nl, Ii-uit 11 ilnloss mulns urtvertlsad. J. 11. ilOKNliAlCUt, fjou Jliilhciry st." ym. Wii.LlV.il II. IMttK. l:i-liior. n P. . !" I? I m and -mu PIT ' Open WJII3AT. Inu Mnv ' Julv b3?4 f'OUN. Mnv 2k July ( A1'S. Muy I'OUK. .luiiunrj . . , May Kiy, S?) S.9T mull et. OIK, S-(, S.T'i P.IM Low- rios ost. Ins SVa v.'0 S.bT Catarrh nnd C.io:-;chial Trouble Had no Appot'to- Now Getter In I Every Jay A Dailcato Child. 1 "homo tima situ 0 1 look a mieU'en colli I nnil could not i;cl r'el ol it. 12i,.ii'rs,ulijeot I tocatnrrh C'1 li.u'v il trouble I cotiglud 'tomLlj. 1 lost my u; rctHo 11.11I Gilt," '"'3 1 j.oor nr.el vicaV: anel I illel not feci lino I vvoiU. I bkj.m ta'.l. j lle.o.1'3 Uatbnim- j 1 rilld. In n short vlmo tho courrh dur.p- ' r' ! pearcil, I slept well, had a tjoo.l appetite) ' '"' ami I v.as bettir in oviry way. L'lt I j.p ' I tprln-j I v 13 not feeling well, I h?il no np--,! 1 jictito a nl no Mrui,;t.'i. I rtortcil to it 1 hood's f-ar.jEinri.li U'ul Boon felt moro ll!:c vvorl;. .My llttlo 1 cpnovv was a eicli cato child and i"ad n humor which tiou bled him po ho cou'd noi rest nt n!;;ht. lie J'.ia tt'-pn n few Li t' lei of Hood's K.ir Eaparlllr. Mid no',. hM-ir. rjTod oppttlto mid i-i r.Mo to nkip." Miss Adbiu J. rnrsiiAKi South l)ubury, r.Iass. A3ffl!R!13 BY HIS F.1ISM3 IS JO. Vs-iO Q-lUr, OK VO, '"J r-mv IT1 'I t'' . I K :;j'i! Fjr h ask. .rv. ' R "S.J fns'iTjo U.W4 IitlieO - 1 - uu 1 ;i Y !M.;!'I "iJ ftinsusi 1 ni I'.loixl l't'nPer. Alltln'gKMi.Sl. 1.1l onvlo I bv I. s i "ill's. Wo liivi broil (ill 11b ml t'10 I in vvlini 11 '11 ri In mill ei iti'o ro'l nt.i un .1 1 !! w ill drjesoj A short tl n'uil" i ' mi tIIo I t p it in vvlili 11 rci'l-mii'lc full. Wo inulti) u Miit fiom .?l."i up, tho jolor, oiotb uuJ out iur-nntee.l bTnotO NEW YORK DENTAL PARLORS ror. La'U;uvanii anil Womlnt; Avc-5. norissrtTn s SUNDAYS. j0 fO I. (Over N'owarlc Shoo Storo.) Kntr.iuuj on Wyomlii avenus THESE FOR QSFTS. J.ace Ciirtui.is New style Nottinghams in ecru or white, at 50c. 75c, $I.OO, $1.25, $1.50 to $3.50 'on of our curtilus mo Icsi thin ii j.uili Ion,'. Irish Points $3 so quality S'2.50 $4. so quality .'! ."iO $5.00 quality 2.G0- I:lc, up to $10.00. Saxony Brussels Veiy elegant goods. $4.60, 5.OO, 6.75 $7 50 to 23 00. Onyx Tablos Finest line in this city, at won del fully low prices. See those at $3.50, 5-00, $7.50 and 9.00 Itced Itoclicrs If good values and right styles count, we'll satisfy you fully. Onyx Cabinets Some splendid specimens at very low pi ices. To talk about these conveys no notion of their real worth. See them. ' Mood's Pins i,rn ,lp ',""., ,rr-,!,"""r 1 W. J. Davis, vVi?;;'i-i ctiintcn Hoard of Trntlr J'itrli'inji (iuoliiJions.. Ml QiiotMtions ..nsuil .t. 1'str i: S(. STOCKS Bid. Askeel CASTOR I A For Infante and Children. Tio fjj- WE HULTIPLY CHR1STA1AS JOYS, WE LIGHTEN CHRISTIAS BURDENS. sVrantnn .V. l'lttbton Trac. CO Nutlon.il Dor ns '. Drill's Co. ... rir-t National liank 631 rimbnrst llntleviiret Co Scr.u.Uin S.n . t, Hank 200 hci.inlon Viil.iim 'o lniUu Iron .ui'i hti'.'l Co Thinl Nat.iunl Hank 3M lhroop N'i-.ic.t tl'l'u Co Seraiitoii Tiae-ttnn Co 1 scrunton t Works Wrbton SI 11 Co All Mimler fni RepUcer Co Srr.eiitJti ItfJilll'K Co Dltno Dcp -V Mi: Bank Peck I.umbo- St'f'K Co Economy Ll;ht, Hcnt & Pow er Co BONDS. "crr.nton Fa-s Ilillivny, Ilrst mortKaup due I PcoiileV Ptr.et ltillniy tlrst mrtunci iluf 1DP' I Pionle'is j-iKct Itnllnny. Gon- ial moricnB. 'luo l'Jl 115 Dli-Kkon mnut.ictiirlns Uo ..1(1m1 Town hip bi hool S ("Ity rf Scranton Ft Imp. V;0 Mi Voii'or C ' Co fricnton Axle Woilss -c:uutou Traction Co 10) 160 175 115 115 Don't wait until the last moment before doing vourChiistmas shop ping. Choose what you want now. with the advantage of plenty of time. Our stock of Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry IS COMPUTE AND BhAUTIFUL. and the values offered enable you to double the gift you have planned to make, Large Assortment of Solid Gold Watches. All the most tellable makes, at prices ranging from 14. 9S upwards. lHiunoml I'diiliiuh, Diaitiuiul Rings. .'Mnmonii Kroochcs, life, Set with other precious stones, ami an elegant line of Solid Gold Link Culf Buttons, Chains, Breast Fins, Stick Pins, etc, which will make the most appropi kite and desirable Chi istmas Presents. You can select your gifts now and have them laid away. E. SCIIIMPFF, JEWELER, 317" Lncknwanna Avenue. Holiday Specialties. Upholstered Chairs, Chairs, Parlor Willow 'Pulilnu II. ill If.wil-t TTiiiKnill.i Ufiii1-. 1.. ,...,. inyiw) nun Jiiiinin uiiuiicii;i otuuua, lUill jlt'l Sweepers, Kugs, 31nts, Uitby Carriage Itobes, Lap Kobes ad llaimnoeks. CARPET GQTJ IMGLS, 419 LACKAWANNA AVENUE AND WAUL DEALER. PAPER .') 61) iw IW 'v') 17 75 2.--J 1J 1U 45 100 s: nw See our new Mantel Draperies, Fiench Wilton Rugs, Oriental Rugs, etc., etc., in allot which we oifer Spi'clal HolSilay Values. ULI'JSQKI Avaanai 0P CARPETS AND i , DRAPERIES 408 Lackawanna Avenue. I'liilii'li'l'iliin I'mvifinn Mml.ot. riilliMl.'lplil.i nor 21 V ient-ip. loiv ri , inutiiict k ile' nm-iuhef !l7'iil97.o; Januuiy I' liiiui ami M.ircli iioinln.il. Cum "ii lnvvii. No l' mlxiel. DervinLur unil .luuu.iiv :::'4iiJ2V.o. , l-bruary nnil Jluich. nuinlnnl OntH pte'uel-, ; No. i vvlilto. Den mint mul .lunuuiy, Ki.i'JJis.p. : X'oljiunrj nnil Mureli, iioiinnul. 1'ntntoi'n Dull, white, tliolci . Jin hiiHul, 73.17V , ilo. fulr to irooel. fcu.it "c, bvvi'ctH, irlini. jici luit-ki 1, 45,ic , ilo. Hici'liiln. 2j.i'U'. J'lovUliiiiB Hull unil iuicliiiiiiri.il. Uutier Quli't but miimiI . funov iwstoin tie mi orj. LVi ; ilo I'lMiiHjIvunln minis, v: ; ilo vviHtfrn ilo.. Sic. Ken., Finn unil li blKber: f-iah lu'iilu. t'.'e , ilo. vvosicr.1, ".'c Chi'ehP Quiet nt fnum r rntcn. Id -llne'il Sivui Qukt but mi.iilv. t'otto'i t'liilniiKul Tallow Dull lave I'ouliry tiule't. feivvl iij.i7' cm olil roeMloiH, Ji.e1, toilm; ililtKoiis, b1 a7e- , biollcr, t-a'ic. , tin Ucj n. 9.iWe iIiipHii anil neeip, Sale Urtwel 1'ouluy rirm, kuihI iloniuiul, fnvvls, olioli'p Sc. ; ilo. f.ilr to Kooil, TuT'-.c : rhliki'im. luu'n Su'ip . incilluni do . 7u"'jp , eumnion ninl fculilnl ilo. r.n7c ; do tulr to ("'Oil lln Up. , ilupk-4 common to cliolio, 7u'jp Iti'Ci-IiitH rb ur t cm lnirtln mul liOell muKs; hPiit, SiO-m busbnlo, coin. M. -OOil biinli"'H. o.itK li! 000 luihlipls, Shin-ini-nth Wluiil 10001 liiidliils, corn, 21000 lnibliclr; 0.1th, 11,000 iwslieli-. Nivv VurU I'roilnri' .Mnrl.el. Now York Dop j. I'lour Moic ucttvo on FiuliiB ).iti'iitn mul vvlnlr HtnilvhtH but eased off neiir the cliict. li'-ne Spot vveiiki No. 2 led WiJ.t.. I, , utlout: No. 1 noi'ttu'in Duluth. fi r o b iillnnt; No. 1 hard Manitoba .id r 11. b. nllo.it; No. 1 northern Now oik. fl.OHt, f. ) b, ullo.it, options oponeil easy under illu!polnttiiK iiibles. rullleil very Hluirpl.v on hu ill nnrthwost leculptu and rnovviil biilllali fei-llnu. but fin illy eolUpnt'il unelei' linavv iinlouillnt; mul iloncd 'inl-He lift, lower. J iiiuury, OvVi Wi'kP tliiKtd !e . iv ''ii',i5 ll-iOe pIok-iI Ulc , Duiemtar U TO al,0.', iIim.i1 Acinowlcdgod Cil31p3St 7hOl33al3 and Retail SliD9Hoii33 J -" MW wiiS'i3 r7 Li. T j.c& -. Ji-li. AU 1ST. 307 Lackawanna Avenue. Acknowlodged Cheapost Wholesale and Retail Shoe House Hllri a,tm h. k. for Christmas At prices impossible to other houses. Our immense outlet, our great cash buying opportunities, our in variable rule of selling for cash only, make prices for you that arc in most cases below what the most of merchants are. obliged to pay. for goods at wholesale or at SHERIFF SALES. ijpy UllULO n H W Pk You can not give anything more nsctnl for a present than a pair of shoes or a pair of slippers, and if you will give the matter your consideration you will agree with tis. Beside, you can save money by buying them from us. Few a argains: CKn 1 UVJ 200 pair Men's Embroidered Slippers, all sizes, at 45c, worth 3,000 lmir Slippers all sizs. at Whs 7'.e, '.JSe ami m.so. Men's Shoes at 08c, $1.29. $1.40. $1.0S, $2.iS, $2 OS and S3.4S. Lades' Shous at 39r, ?0c, OSjc, $1.20, Sl.-iO, $1.00, $1.08, S2.4S and S2.9S. Hoys' Shoes at (9c and OSe. Misses' Shoes at 49c, 79c, 9c and SI. 29. Child's Shoes at 29e, 49c and 79c. The above are only a few of the many bargains. We invite you to call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere and make our store your headquarters) Remember, there is no trouble to show goods aud you will surely save mouey by it. AVIS JC$ Wn 307 Lackawanna Jive, Acknowledged Cheapest Wholesale anl Retail Shoe House in Amsrica. N. B. We have the largest stock of leggings in the city, at 75c and 98c.