THE SCRANTON- TltlBlTNB-TtTESD W U.ORNTN. DI20EUBI3U 21, 1807. RUNAWAY FREIGHT TRAIN AT ALTOONA Tliiriy-Onc Loaded Cars Dash Down Qrndc. COLLISION AT THE STATION. On Account ol Ice on tlio Track lliu Truiii HcconicK Uncniitrnllnlilc ami Km in ut ilia Unto ol u Mllo it .Mlu-nlc--Suu,rnl Train mi! it urc In jured Altnnnn, I'd . Dec 20 A frelRht train, cnnslstitiK of thlity-oiK' loailod onm, linuli'il liy oiiBliif fiOl, Kiiplm-or Vrcil Ilutkct, riremnn Michael Cauley. and in clitirje of Conductor 1'oit Oriiei imfiicd Clnllltzln about & r3 this i'oti inij on the wny iloui the mountain to this rlty. A slight lain, which was do. zIiik on the tails a It fell, made 1 in" tinck ety Mliici' and before the ' iiKltiecr or tinln crow 1ml time to np I'tehend the dntigei, the heavy train lr (1 attained a momentum which could lint he checKtil liy the hr.ikei In iwcho minutes the tui'he miles he 1'mii C.nllltzln and Altoonn wan co- nd .mil nt the filuhtltll pi eel of fi mlh a minute, th" liinawa; tiain i milieu IM .1 fitleht tiain "t'lmllni; in the Altoona yard, iHicc tl In ftont f the 2iitMaMiKt!r itntloii. The urc-ik-ii plied ttn hlshei than the top of i In pi-tvitTr Ptntloti and eoeied all Hi t melts'. About lift rati wi re com- I teh ' rol en tin. and th Holllilnyi l ii'K i.i"?enKei lialn which iwis tniid iin; on the tri(ki outside the paen i;i l fheil was thrown oxei on Its side. iMinvct'i.ors nriCAi'i: The eriKlneer and (Iremiin of the run in Haiti weie hi-lncd fiom the i nli i the wreckt d loroniotlM" and lioth if aide to walk uw.i Tin It escape . ilmost mh irtiloiio Thlc" other it' weie tuKi n to the hospital i me of tliom Is sild to he fatally in liiid. One of the crew, ltiakeman orliln. Is "till unaci minted for nnd Is licitRht to l.e umlei the wieck.ipe. William Lenvltt. licit Halt, ' f Cllif I'nloti, I'n John MeFndden, Mudl'iinvlllp. Pa , nrd Jnntp" IieseI1, "f .MonoiiRnheli. Pa , coal miners, on i! iii wn to Puirt i" liev, wcio taken fn'ii the wicck. None of th'-m are "iiiniii-h Injured S KutPt of Hnpeis mi, lit, .h" was nceompanlnt; a nr 1' ad of inulti v. was fatally In luieil Un nomen Corhln nnd Vuiner up "-til! mlrslntr HUMN FOOD POR A GRINDSTONE. V I!o ( iiuuht in 11 Men m Cylinder nnd rriglitrtil') llnns'ed. New pot I, Pa., Hoc. 20 Law rence natdner, 15 yeais old, met with a ftlfthtful acrldent nt the i:il: Tannins Cunipany winks, on the outskltts of Newport. lat night While rtandlng ut a "te-im itilndstoim his clothing was mruM In a leviilvlmr cvllndei and wound or iliawn tmind the shaft How man times th unfoitunate boy was whli led loum in this honlble manner Is not known. He was found b his uncle, Wllllnni Gardner lylnff mi flie boxes, a few feet distant unconscious. Dr Campbell on examination, found that his rlpht leir had been broken nliove the Knee, his stfjp tmn fiom his h -"(I eposnij the bone and his left j I g dislocated at the thigh v InR to the rtltleal condltlim of the pitient It was Imposrlbh to make a ' i "orouch examination He Is still alie, ' but his ddath It- eviccted Tho stone v ill of the mill, which Is about twent indies fiom the evlln'oi. wiih sincned with hnlr and bio -d. It Is supposed . that th bey's head came In contact with the wall with each revolution. TWICE DliAl) 10 rilK LAW 'hill lssng lot lliiilv Yni Dies im Or son Woitli 'sO.I)lll AVIH'c-Hai.e. Pa l)c 20 nKip n Inted In a hue afl 1I1. .1 din Panstei- I I k ""et dl'a'iii'nied pom heio In ISjS. M t r due time he wn' given up as b id nnd his eMtite divided iimoiiK his I I I Hives 'o urv.i" comes fiom OioRon that 1 I'liicrparhPi died In thnt fni-nft slate trtu it.) nths to. ami left an es tate vnluei! nt $li'i)ono After leaving h le KamstPimnrlu'i went to OroRon. w lu re he tot. "lit an immense tiact of land He clii tl 11 hcimlt P.pcorder of liiedn Uiclmids and two lawyers fiom Oiegon will distiibute tlie estate anions n lathes hi ic. EMBARGO ON SAUGR KROUT, I 10M1 t 11 r Linp'i i-s 1! ust ('ivn Up I hell I uvoiite Lnucb. Lebanon, Pa Pec. 20 Papsengeis on I of tin Lebinnn and Annvllle nd Lebanon and M'yerstown electtlc -M et lallwa:1 lumpanlMS have niude i"i lrlnt to Superintendent Ch.itles S. '"nlth buause of the unpleasant odor pnuorhrnut In all romp-inles- cais. lie pa; Hint neaily cvetv up toruutn uid 1 undue tor eats kiout far lunch ' SiifKilnti ndent Smith Investl- I ,'utej the com'lnlut and lotind It was, tiue. I An ordor was then posted fin bidding all employes to carry tint krotit In their lunch baskets, and the rule Is being rU-idly enfotced. Ri-covekei) his voici. ('ii)uei Mas a It ft1iiirl.1i til i K- perii'lil'e In I'll' lioik, Willlamsport. Pn Dei 20 William A Oheii, a Kiocervman ol this lit, three months nso experienced a enni plete loos of vnli'e while asleep The. doctor mid It wns paiahs-ls of tho throai. Yostoiday ho ivas out gunning and ran onto a wild luike.v. In an attempt lo get behind a ttee he r..n mi, 1 ,,t itti uini m Utlled that Instant his voice ict Yon lis Lancaster, Lelbold. the PiMscr C onilctetl. Pa. nee. -.'O. -William IS- eat -old hoy ronvlcted tho nnme of Charles H. of foiBcrlutr Orubli, his fouuer emplnci, to sixty si ven chetkK. and of ksulntr the same, ias today i-uiniultted to Ihe Hunting don lefornintoiy. Judge Hiubnker suld he t uuld send the buy to the peniten tial y foi live yonm on each of the 131 Indb tments under which he was con victed, or a maximum of 570 yeais. It It pr Drugging I'miUcHs. HanlflburB. I)cc 20 The Susnuehnn- no river was again dragged "today for the uutnose of recoVfrinir the hodv of i,-... u. . . , , ..,," Hew .Samuel Spurrier who has been 1IMB3II1B since nursuuy mgiu, out tno work was fruitless The Impression prevails that tho Doily will bo found further down the ilvtr. ;"- ltllltl'lltniriinl.i.l, , ,l..-. .... ".':-r."-"'-'''j.- BtroudsburE', l'tl.'Uoc. ld.-TCT&iles Heatty, former aupreme secretaty of tho American Protective nsboclatlen, Wonderful Medicine WfflwJlI MFW IfliS&WW. IIS K8HH.W.KSI ifcii&uaa&J For Billons and Norvouo disorders cOch as Wind and Tain lu thoBtornacIi. El k Headache, aiddl. rioss, rullncsi and Swelling after meats, DUzl- , BCS8 and Drowsiness, Cold Chills, flushings ot Heat, Loss nt Arret I to, Shortness ot Breath, Cos , llTonco, Dlolcliesoa tlio Skin, Dlsturbod Sleep, I'rlelilfulDroa'as.nudillKervous and Trcuib- , lltigScnsi'tions.icwhcn theso eymptoms aro t cnusod br couetlimtluu, na mnit ot thorn aro, ! THE FIRST DOSE WILL GIVE nCLICF IN TWENTY MINUTES. This Is no fiction. Urcry sufferer Is I carricetly Invited to tr ono Tlox ot tlirso nils I and lliey will bo iicknouIcdRcil to bo ft WONDERFUL MEDICINE, CEIiCIIA.II'.S I'lIJ.S, tnkon as directed, will eulcUly rcstoro remaleo tocomploto hcaltn. They promptly removo olistructluu3 or lrrcsu laxities ot tho syatem. Tor a Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver they net llko miglc--a tow doses will work won dors upon tlio Vltnl Organs! Btroiiglhonlng tlio muscular system restoring tbo long-lost com plexlon, bringing back tho koen odgo ot appo. tltc, and r.iouslug with tho KoRcliud of Ilenltli tlio -uliolo plijalcnl encrcy ot thoUumontramo. Tliew nro facts ndmlttodby tbousnnds, In all classes ot Boclotyfandonoot tho best guarantees to tbo Korvouo and Deblll- I latod Is that Hccclinni'S Pills Iiovo tho Lar-'ctit halo of nuy 1'utout Jlcdlciuo lu the World, , WITHOUT fi RIVAL , Annual Sales more than 6,000,000 Boxes I 21c. nt Drag Stores, or will bo sent by U.S. Acorns U. T. ALLEN CO , 30J C'inil Bt . Now lorl, poi; pild, ii'ion recolpt of pneo. Book frto upon api "'cation. and 1 pi imlnent lnwor of the middle wes-t and Iluny IIoviul wei.' t iKen toduv tn PI lladelpiiii o s-re a Pirn of lltti'eii months in the Kahtein peniten tial lor foiitei. IVfoie ho left, liMttv wtot In Jail an account of his life, which he headed "Life Lpeileme of a Sm.ut Tool " ( 011 tcl t Allcinouii. Allentown, Pa.. Dec. 20. The couit of common pleas todny "ustalned the llnilliiK of Heferie John Hupp, declai In, vnlld and collectable the moi t RaKes of 20il,0fl0 Bhen h the Allen town and Hethlehem Hapld Tianslt company to the Old Colony Tiust com pany, of Huston A dontest has been made on the thai go of fi.iud. OLVIMIANT. An unsucceosful attempt was made to burKlniii" W. L Sehlnijer's diuij store on Lackawanna Htieet, on Sun day night. When Mr Schlager in riv ed at the Htoie In the rooming he dis covered that the door had been foiled In and the lock bioken. s no Roods ate ml-'sinr It Is su'ipooed the thieves wne filphtencd avva. Miss Knlle and Jvidio .McNliol, of West Hcianton spent Sunday with Mi--s Mlmiie Holian. of Dunmoie stieet. Mis Pntiick MiQuide died at the hoipe or her ulster. Mis Chntls Wil liams, of Tiger Vnllev, jostcM iy af ternoon of rheumatism Iiecasi j toi nitil lived .it 'his pi 1 "o, 'nit has been a losldotu ot NVvv Yoik for ab nit nine eais A y"iir ag) she letutnwd .ird lias IIvmI with her sister ever slncb. She was -ll en of tine iul Is survived by two Mins one daughter. The funetal will take place Thtusdiv af ternonn it 2.1I o'clnelc Inte.nnnt will he mule In St. P.itri' k ci met ".. Riv. P. J. Muiidiy d"llviel an o-. cellent lectin e on "Hamlet" in St. Pntileks chinch Pundiy evening. The C Y. M. T A. and II society's fnlr was t-e-imeii'd on "Saturday even ing when n lnrgi eiowd was li. attend Pllce It will be (iintlnued eviv evrn I11K during: the holiday season A Rood pro'tiainm' will be lcndeieil iach even ing and a doc.i prlc glvn. Chtiilrs Haitlnser, who hns been at tending school In New Jers-oy, is spend ing th holidays with his brother lieu. Misses Sadie O'Malh y and Lizzie P'auhorty and Uoy Kelly nie home from Ploimsiiiug State Normal school foi th holli!ns Mrs. Ilohett Tlnspj H vci 111 at her home on Pi 11 Is street. Miss Mamie Nnllen, of Seranton, was the gti'st of 11 lathes heio Stiiula. ChllslllllS l'Ncli.i'S will DO lcndeieil In tin SusfUehanna Stri't Haptlst clu'reh Piiday evening An ei client piogiaiainu Is being; piepared. FOR! A Tor Infants and Children. Thjfi: tf ftes c-t-; r?r. i;miloymi:m' aijiincv. Atlvs. UnJcr IhU HeuJ Du-Cl-iiI 1 Word, I II l.l'l'l ItMll! H T- I I llo 1111. 'J and I tiudi iMitr uni 1. I'UlklliiK 1IIU.S V. ill les Pull Hid s; wnijk, 1, i . vvuititsiiio and nuii llnom j, Arcade Rr.AI, i:siatl. Adv s Und.'r Ih. Mead One Cent u Word. TvrTu"Fi:ir-'Tv7iTr'urinir!N7:iryv If UIOl IIII1I1I1N Mlllll lllUB 4 tS "il.rn'i, lundlv t uturn a reli it im io lecilvcd from a pint who nnsvt creel his nd vertlKUtutnl, to the bUDinehS olliii ul lho 'lilbunu i)M, HI il em nil, - , Hill I Ml KlIV 1(1 MXJP Mtll'lis I nit Ill's r. I lenlrnl, -rmiitim rani o.tntt 1 Itust teniiiileily lot tor sale oil eas tt-rms ut Imv pilee, w Hi I'liaiiinlced illle, msn s ores, , I"" I'llei', w lli I'liuiiinieisI illle, nwii 1 1 , hiiichi"', th iutr, iepoi; paved Kevir, in 11 lit ill . uipld t 1 iiini'i iuii juvc.11 air l' , ' mid t 1 1 rini'Mtiiniii bin Invistuteiii. Suvcu mlnntiM wulk iroiu postiiillri M'tid or call (or clii' JiiNi:-. Ileal l.'.tate, it 11 "i tmoHtreet. Ai,pin.i: lAit.M pint si.i: s'iiC mini on the miuUi Hldo ot iiiniiilt I nke, in New 10 1 lowiodilp, n miles Horn sunntoi, conlalnliu Kmien, fit aires In. proved, ino biiliinc cov-irud wllh valuablo limit r iiood I nil, goo I hul.d ngs, good 'so 1 mid wtll w iteu'd Pih'e, M thoiliMinil do la , half iIomd, tho btilattce In veurly pti iiieiils lo nit puii'lnKcr, sfcured on ineiii p lor liiniitiimiou liuiiitrii of M. II t l)tiv., 1 link iii ieii. 1.0s r, Ai!v s. Under This Head One Cent a Word, "f osr-iulrwHiiN Iir" u pi dTVis a .T I j Hlnif ml Liii'kavviinnii iivenue. oive. ''"' ,'"". .- ."'" or miner who neiin inu itiiitiei aiiiouiiI 8'' HII 1 Pindcr wtl he reuiifilcd by rtluuilng hhihu to U'.'H Mtipk Ntro t. CIIIKOI'ODIST AM) .MANICUKK, fiOHNH, HUNIONS AM) LNUltOWINU w nulls lilted vi it limit thn kiwt t,titn nr drnvilug blood, t oiiNiiitHtlnti mid ndvlco given Irec. K. M, HLl.hU llilropodlat, alio Ijvcuaw'uuna uveuue. Jjidles nttetidod at their ruildeucw II dealrod. l huutu luodar- 1 ntu A tm dKrn-. Mi' s e a THE 6 - st TRIBUNE Si ACKNOWLEDGED A3 ? J3 "' JZ i HE lEADINQ & 2 Want Adv. S MCDIUM OF THE CITY OF 5? -S SCRANTOH. SMALL St ;j Investment, j-. a Big Returns. i one cent a Word, in advance. jf (MfMfxwffydyww-nxo? HLI.l' A AN I LI) .MALHS. Aiho. Undci This Mend One Cent n Word. U I hi. i;iYlt) litJ I A U V KltTIi ID IN theie Kilittiins some time iiuo ns "lljron, klmllv return a "reference' ho re tcl cd Iroiu 11 purl who answered his ml i rs Neiueut, to the business ollko of 'Ihu I ilbuiu. t AI.I.S.Ml-'NSfMllKlI.StTl'I'l.IKS: L'OUV i try work. Slim ralurj inoiitiily, with try aberuf nddltloiuil loinnilsalom. 1. VAN'S ,1. CO , tlilcn;o iw w tanti:ii-s vnnNTiN kvi:iiy sr.c- tlim to (miimiss; ? 1.00 In ST, nit 11 diy mnde, Kell fit Klght, nlso.i iiiiin to sell ""tuplo Ooods to (liiili'ii., hi t Hide line "" n month; fnliii or lurgt coinmlviloii iniidi., cxpcrlinici) i!iwicceMnr' . t lirton onp mid MuiuitiiLtur. iig lomp in, l inelniiiitl, O. lVA.VIKIi - Wi:i.l..KN()V M N IN i cm iv town to Millelt Mock Kiilscrl tloiis, 11 nionopol, bis money lor iicents, no iiipitul Kiilred. I.IIW'AKU C. i'lall i CO.. lloideu Iliock L'tilcago III. iir.i.i- AN-n:i)-n:MALi:s. Adi tlndsr This Head One Cent a WorJ rMItl'i Nil'. 11 TO PACK CIOAIIS VJ mil Ntriii lubitL'io. IILCKKU IlllO", ItnlilliMm stuet. U'll.l, PKIISDV WHOAHVKUTHKIJ IN In tbee coliimni some time n o 11s "Ilvron, Ulndl) uturn n "leferenee" ho re celvel I10111 a imrtv who nnsweiid his nil vi him un nt, to the husliiiss olllie of The Trthimi. T All" JL pliusint homo work, mid will gladly send mil piiitli mars mini enilliu - tent slump. .MlS"i M A. blKllllI.Nx, LuvviLiiee, Mich. W'ANIKD-I, Mfi AUKNTS IN sritAN ' ' ton to cell and liitioduee Snydei s cake Icing; tpLilenccd c.innser pieftutd; work reinimunt and very profitable Write for I iitikuluis nt once and get hem lit of holiday tiiule. i. l1.N 1)1.11 i. CO. C lllillllmtl, O. w- AM PI) IMMbDI MKIA 1WOKNKU- gctle Mikiwomcn to icniient in. Cilinrmiteed Ml n duv without liiterfeiiii'; with other duties lleilthtul oiLtipatlon. Wille 101 paillciilnis, encliyslng htuiup, M M,() Ml KM II l COMPANY. .No. John Mutt, New 101k. roit ur.NT. Aitvt. l'ndcrThl Mead One Cent a Word. l.Olt ULM-ON I 'JOT U v timing K UOOM "OtlO". PKKI, j Hvonuc. City bent, elo- gnnt hi uanonror niioiocrniui uueu. mil- jlliu'iv or ditss making t tuhlWluncnt. I'oi es4on given prll 1st. Addles, T. !' WI l.l.s Ctiiiiiiionvvinllli lhilldlng, or MU". I ""(Ulltl, !'j,i Jelleison avenue. A7II I, PKU-OX WHO ADVKHTISKI) IN these coluuiiis some time 1120 as Ilvioii. " Miullv letiun 11 "referonio" he re- inlved noma parly who nnswernl his nd- l I llt'lllUIll IU 11IU lUltlllL1! (JI1IIU ui JUD T ilbune lOM'.s., ill I SPIM'CK sritKKT HOUSKS fl n oro4,iipartuiunts. .ION Is. nil Spruce stuet I c 1.1 ONI) I'l.OOIt (IP'.M'JPKVN AVPNPK, k" ilL'ht looms, liitli. modern tiniirovc. I meals I' W suiixus, Atlornej, j:iu Wo- mill' iiveiim ImilT-UODM lllir-sP, II I'll, .MODKIt.V I j impiovi mi'iils, 71)0 Klcetile avenue. ('rien Mlik P W 'lllvi;s, Attoinu, lllil Woinuu avenue rem sali:. Adv. Under This MeaJ On;Csnt a WorJ. juis si.r, iiorKi.. ( knt'H u,"loc"0 I (.ition. lunuli loom 'J, Arcaik 7)Us, Pol HTP.i N.I mil 1 (Tl N I tc r ii 1 111 H new. mid ;t high stools, a-ji; Ninth WiiKliln.'lon avenue W'll I, PLItsiiN V1i)AIIVLUTI""'k1) IN 11 th'se columns s me t inu n-o us I 11 mn," Mndlv i' turn n "refeienm ho le. 1 itlved Iroin u leirtv w ho ansvveied his ml- LitlciiHiit, to the hiHlntss ollko of lho, Titlitine. I Oil SALI.-ONK 'JO-IIOlisi; POWKIt I bollei, as oudus new. IIIK WL-slON" MILL CO HAN ILD- IO Ui:Nl'. Advs Under This Head One Cent a WorJ. AND l- s X 'oTt"si- vTN H')OM iiiifmiilshed housi, with all modern w 1 iinprciM 1111 it mid lm me Willi 11 ten nun. itleicifbii iiiiksi 1 met, Musi ho nli civ In cue t and moderate rent. Address W II, c , I lilhimeolhi t ANNUAL .MLLIINCJ. NNPL MKP.l'iMi 1 OH I I,K' TIOX iV ot trusties Dr Kejslone Acaik'tny, Moil duv, .Inn .1. lhiis nt hullil ug lu lucloi vllle, nt ID11, m K. M I'KCK, Sccreluty. hair dui.smm;. HKprLPIt, TIlTi'lI Tlfh7si?lk has toilet tuiiparatlnns, um client fi.tlp tonics, face piiintuks lor pluiplcs, wrinkles, in ; hand liemttlilir. Cull for pattkulurx, 7t)J liulne.v iivinue Agents wanted. soay H ol For Christmas gifts j'ou can not give anything more nsetul for a present than a pair of shoes or a pair of slippers, and if you will give the matter your consideration vou will agtee with us. Besides, you can save money by buying them from us. A Few of the flany Bargains: 200 imii' Men's Kmliroirtori-rt Slippers, all sizes, .MHMI llllll" M1)11I-I'S Men's Shoes al flSo, Ladies' Shoes at 3i)e, ?0c, 98c, $1.21), $1.40, $1.(50, $1.0S, $2.4S and $2.0S. JJoys' Shoes at 0e. and OSe. Misses' Shoes at, 4.)o, Child's blioes at 20c, The above are only a few of the mauy bargains. We invite you to call and exam ine our goods before buying elsewhere and make our store your headquarters, Remem ber, there is no trouble to show goois and you will surely save money by it. OAVIDOW, 307 LACKAWANNA AVENUE N. B. We have the largest stock of leggings in the city, at 75c and 98c. AGHNTS WANTUI). TvjXpHtHofTCv 1 Ihene 10 iiinim soino Hiiib nito us "llyron, lilmliy riturn it 'reference" lie re eelcillfomu -inrtv whu answered his nd orlli.i'in'.'iit, to 1 lib business otllce of The IrltJiiiiu. U'A.N'TKD-AllKNT-s l"OIl OItKATKT bus NiilnJdcvled liiainifiii'tiiro I. He. lulls vi.-u-. Ill r prollt. UI.VBII llitOS. llnclioster. N. Y. i oKNT-i to Ni:t,iiTnmriiicT htohm V door; iiiiinli prep ild upon receipt of price, AMIIIill AS rilOUM 1)0011 CO., Port Unroll, Midi. TT'LONimci;! CniTvTslvvsTKi) roit iv lurso llluitruleil book or Klondike, llvo hundred pimes, prlre SI. fill, outttt inc. Ad ilrcM'AIIUNAI I'l III.ISIUNUUO,, Uike Bide Itul till lifcr, Lhlcago, lb. WANTKD-SOI.ICnOHS; NO lit'MVKtt. Ing, lioiinlcctltig: iiosltlon pirmiini'iitj PA- weekly; slito into. Ol.CN 1IH01HK1W, iiochenter, N. . OKM-H-WHAT AUK YOU OOINO TO V donboutHiiru Citizenship pilcefl. Oo. In? by thoiiHuudH. Nnpenlllc, III AddrLSS NICIIOUS, A UK.rHTO HULL Ot'K PUAlTICAIi gold, ller, tilcket nnd coppir electro planters; prlcw lrom :i upward; Hilary nnd expencs paid; outllt free. Address, wltll ttiiui,, MlUIIijAN ill'U ( O., Chlcngo. AHKN'ISlij SKM. CIOAR" TO UKAIi crs; $& weeltlv and espennes; experi ence iiunectsarv. CONM)lIl)A'lKU Ml U CO, IH Van Illtrin St., Uiluigo. LKCAL. TN UK: AsmciNMKNT OP T1IK OIA No U(t2 March L piuiiii irnst ( omtmn. 'lerui. lHll.'i. In the i ourt of Common Pleas ol I.iiLkiiwannu Count. Notice Is inru'iv Klen Hint John P. Kelly, iisslaiiee, has tiled hlx iiccoimt nnd the niihio I will be conllimed on the third Molidn of 1 Junimr, ISiiy, unk's eieptioi s me pre- MouhIv tilled 'I lie mle of court Is us rol- lows. "WhirenccoiintH me filed by trustees or I'Mdancci, tho Proihonotnrv sluill glMi thcreorii the publication previous ton reg. uliii term and thciuwlt'i publlsli ihls mle And conllrinntlon nll on theliiMi dnvotKiild term Rhnll b ofe mioiinde milrimitlon lib. solute on the Hetoiul Mondii of the term nIihI be enteied bv tho Prothonotnry of eourxe, unless eMvptlons me previously llb'l" C. K PltYt III!, I'rothonotarv. crrv sc vvi:NGi:it. AII.1IUKJOS ILK .NS PKlVi VAULTS . and cess pools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. IIllIfHiN Propiletor. I.euvoorders llinj N. Main live., or LlciceV ding store, corner Adams uud Mulberry. lelephouellUlll. riflA-'. COOPEU, CITY st'.VVKNHKU, ' ' All orders proinptl attended to, day or night. All the litest uppllatuci. Charges reasonable. 711) ""Crimton stieet. Housu ll'Jfj Wiislibuiu stieet. stockiioi.di:us' 3ii-:i:ting. iTu?i6N,"'r'"Nvonciriirr'TNiiAL meeting of the stockholders or tlio Seranton stove Woiks will be held lit tho ollleeot the coinpaii In scruntoii, Mitltidny, .lanuai.v Hth, IHOM, ut :iiip 111. 1U..NJVMIN K. M SON, secretary. HANKlNq. UEPOIIT OF T1IK CONDITION OP TIIU THIRD NATIONAL BANK, at Seranton. In tho State ot Pennsyl vania, at the close of business December 15 1W ItKSOl'HCKS Loins and discounts .. . $l,7lti,42fi 73 Oveidratts, secured and unse cured 1.W7 01 l S bonds to becuro ciiculi- tton W0OOO0 Stocks, securities, etc 31'i.07b 37 liankliig house, furultuie ami HMUies Sj.'IO 71 Suspenso account 1,210 ut) Due from National b inks (not Itscive agents) lu.705 iS Due trom state banks uud binkus . . . ... 3,2 12 1 Due Hum appiovcd lescive agents 157.1,93 PI ' JM11 Lu .mil nllu i rnit. It ttrtiu AL.Jfi i:ihaiigis for ikailiif, house.. 7,7il 01 Notes ut other National banks. 1,G4) 00 Pi actional piper cunency, nickels and cents 71! II Law till inone icseivo in bank, viz Specie $12'in2"i 71 Li gal tendei notes. K). 1 1) W 13ij,07; 71 Itedemptlun fund with P. S. tiensuier. (." per cent, of oil -dilation) 2.2C0O) Due from P. S treasutir, other than ." pir cent, redemption fund 300000 Total JiEiU, L1A11IL1T1KS iil f.0 Capital stock paid In $ Smplus fund Pndhided pioflts, less expenses and taes pild National b ink notes outstand ing Due to other National banks ... Due to state banks and bank ers Dividends unpaid 200 000 00 3"0 000 00 90,719 71 4", OuO 00 2s,'iis tii 71; n 27 30 individual deposits sunject to chccK 1.7K1.010 W Demand eertllkutcs of deposit. 3SSTI Si 3,oor 79 101 !3 None None Certllkd cliecks Cashki's cheeks outstanding... Notes and bills ledlscounied.... Hills p.inble . . Liabilities other than thoso above stated Total J2503T2I 30 State of Penns.vlvania, county of Lack awanna, ss, ; I Wlllam II Pick, cashier of tho above named bank, do solemn! Hvveai that tho nbove statement Is true to tho best of my knowkdgo and h"Uof. WM II. PUCK. Cashier Subset Hied nnd hwom to befoic me this 20th day of December. 1SU7. AAHON V BOffrjII, Notary Public. Correct Attest: WM COXNKLL. IIHNHY 11KLIX. Jit., Ll'THKIl KKLLKR Directors. noes -AND- ill )'.U', th ',( iUKl 55 1. SO. $1,20, $1.4, $1 .i)S, $2.4S, $2 70c, OSo and $1.20. 10c and 70c. H ay The Acknowledged Cheapest Wholesale Retail Shoe House. 'leeiiiLLi i Wallace )M Christmas week in the Cloak Room will be a week of ! UNPARALLELE 127 SITUATIONS WANTLI). TXlMIKIKNl'KH lOPiJl,f:LNTI'Y HOOK Vj l'eopsr wants work; best nfcrcncei. Ad diess 0. II. J , Imnmore, Pa. SITUATION WANTKI1-HY A I)UPf clerk; Junior, two nntl n hair j cars ex perience: Geniuin: conil ltfeitnces. Ad drtKs, AHISTOL. 1)111) Pnul Mrtet viri'ATlON WANTED-I1Y A SOHI II, O lellnble mnrrled mini as collectoi, hip ping clerk, tinvel ng suksmnii, night wntch iniiu, nurse, temnster, or any baud work; best of r. ferencus. Address, V. P. I'.i Itoom 111, llloexer DulUlltis S ITPATION WANTI'.D-IIY A YOL'NH mnu iisKleiui 'lanher nnd t.VPuwrlti licail nlso keep books; must have work; willing to stmt on Binnll vvatces; n griiduiito limn tiirnrdUtllego I'hlliiiklphia. Address, 700 I'.lect lie avenue, tit. SlillHK, HTKAIJY MAN W'OPI.U LIKU i iiNltuntlon in some puviuu iiimii in attend furnace midmuUe hlms'lf gcnetulb ..........-....-------- .",, 1 " r, ,, iiKcint tiood referem e. Address care lrll- uneolllco A. .1 MILL'S. . IIPT10.V WN'TE1)-AS TKAMbTKR, r watchman or any kind of work. 1), E. II., 1201 Hampton street, city. c m.VUON WANTP.D-BY HLLIA I LP 11 man tie night watchman, or mi honest employment. K It. J., 307 Oak stieet. Vll'PA'lION WANl'I'D-YOPNO MAIN rs rled tniin, can speak (Senium nnd hng INIi, viurlt of any kind; birtendln P e feri.d. Addief, A. II. i!., &1U lMtHton avenue. "Zl IP V'f I ON WANTKO-IIY A YOUNH S t,i 111 in 1 iiko , iir 1 of ifirnis nr In ilo utiv kind of work. s.treet Addrea?, M J. 1'., I! I 'J Lliu T.sMPLOYMKNl' WANTKIl-HY A JtK J j liable mannsclerk, bookkceporor tutor LMiectatlous model ate. Hot till, Dun- more, l'u SITUATION WANTPP I1Y A OL'N(5 C man, J 1 ears of age; willing to work at moit nnthlng; ran Imnlsli good reference, temperate. Addiess, M. C K., TrlbuneoiUce. rANTi:-Tt) UISTKlllUTi: Hll.liS clrcularM by young man who has had cperkncc. iorteims addrtfs, P. k luru of Iribiine. ers 13 to 11, nt 45c, worth ?5c. J)S nnd $3.4S. and Slipp Q BARGAINS Every garment in onr large and meritorious stock substantially reduced in price. The stock consists in part of Shawl Capes, uoiT apes, Plush, Velvet and Cloth Capes. Blouse Coats and Jackets of every conceivable weave of cloth and all the latest styles. Not an old garment in our possession every one is of this season's production. We offer the ladies of Seranton and vicinity this ex ceptional opportunity to buy these high-class garments at UnheardOf Low Prices. The time is ripe to buy winter wraps. Will you share in our bargain feast ? WALUG AND 129 WASHINGS AVENUE. SILVERSTONE, The Eye Specialist VyHOSI' nfflcj Is a " 'Jlft Lnckn wan na 11 venue, In Will iams' Whlto Front Shoe f tore, exatnlnoi the ee freo In tha utot llCl UllltO viav undhls prices for sp tncles aro cheaper II11111 elsewhere. A U liieiituble Indluereni 1 to the pioper ituoo' the c is neem to put es mot people until the time comes vv lien hendaches Imperii it vislon.or other mints & mmrm' of such neglect glvo winning that nuture is rebelling ngulntt Mich treatment of oiu the most precious gifts. Norma' virion m 1 blessing unainireclnted until It his been In' t UllUICMIIICUi HI lull ttltllU la lUCll ir.'i.w, ' nlarn.u ...,, utw.i,t,i ....t t.,j. .tuv. .. r,rj and restored, its lull value Is then leiUol having c!ur eves examln -d. lUlSservtcu vj glnui rtnuerncooi oniric. UUMU.MBER THU PLACH. 215 Lackawanna Avenue In the White Front blio: Mor.-. A new line of Peck Snyder's celebrated & New Models, New Prices, New Ice. c. . FLOREY 222 Wyoming Ave. tfifyKi)ixif0r.'. J0H.00)t)l .n iriufV0jrx0iijnuf4rx a tij 0. M0 W M.0 X L, Have vou examined the stock of Guns, Foot Balls and general Sporting Goods which we are offering at cost price ? It will pay you to. 5S IX , ji J. 321 Spnue St. tv 0 Utf MX J"l kXl0X0XjtX00'IK0X0 0K00XM 0'K0X.0J'.0X00P WOLF & WliSNZGL, Ha Adams Ave.i Opp. Court llausi. PRACTICAL TINNERSand PLUMBERS Solo Acents for Itlrhardsou.Boyntou'j Furnacos and liaut'so. Skates GE8KATE8 : I 1 I MMENTS Academy of flusic lU'ls & Iturgundir, I.eeci. II. U. I.onif, Local Manasr. Thtirsdiiv, 1'ildivnid aturdiy, l)ec'inbii"j;i, !, , Miitlnces 1 rldti nnd Saturday. hnpporicd b Kate Byron and the Ilvron I'ninhinitlon In a Chrlstmal cnrulMit of fun Three gn ut plnjs Tlnirsdiv Nl'lit "1heUpanJ I ownsol Life" I'rldii.v N'lght "liielurnol the Ilde" 1 rltlnv Mntiiioe 'Tlie Turn ol the Tide" l hrlstnuiH Mntlupn "I he Upsand Downs ol Life" I'lirMinns . "The Plunger" i'lllt'L) l.'ie, 2"c, il.-ic, .il)c, Lyceum Theater. Xmas Day, Matinee and Night. The Great New York and London Success, Shall We Forgive Jacob Litt's Magnificent Pro duction, and a Splendid Cast, Headed by Marie Wainwright PKICr.S Mutincc and Mclit, 15C, 50c, 75 uridyl o. DAVIS' NICKELODEON. (rORMi:ULY WONDERLAND ) I'lirlKtmiiK Wed;, llcglmilnq; Muudti', Hi i' '.'O. An l.iitirlulhliii uini IiiKtinctle l.hlh t tin, lltiidotl l ry SjlCArr. S1IKY (UNMAN Till. 1.1 II. MVKII, ho UluMiute tlu iniiiiii i In which perpls tno iosciu'd Hum druunlh,; ul thoseimliore An excellent stage per formance in the theater. CI C PCMTO Admin Mill to Curlo-Hall rlVt litlllO uud ritttitre hut hKATH lu I liutitrtt urn iliiirui'd furtit Ion prloet. rilll.IillKN H siM'i'l l, MAIlNhK on ( ltr HtitiuH fait'iirMiu ut I I ti'eitxi!, lo Mlili'U the will he iiilmlttidroi llvdifittl tiudulM-n HHcut in lliv.iter Itujulur pileen t'lirUtuin uftiruouu. IIooih open nt 2 r.nd 7 o'olock p. m. OtiO. I J. DAVIS, l'ronrlftor and M(r.. N, II. DROOKS. Abslstaut Muimucr utid Lecturer, ti" Atf, t