THE SORANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 18, 18!T. LOCKED COURT ROOM AMONG THE REASONS Additional Arguments For n New Trial For Van Horn. DIVORCE COURT'S BIO BUSINESS. Twelvo Sopnrntlons Grnntcil anil Six .11 ore Applied 1'or During t tic IVcok J nut llnelcel-.SK Crnutcil nud One Applied I'or on Suturelm --Asnil-unlR oT the lluatd ill Control Mill llic l'rcti uilmiri lliitllc--lemutrcr 1Vg Overruled. Addltlnnnl iirsuinoiits for the prnnt lnp of a new trlnl In the Van Horn mix? were made Saturday innrnliiK he fore the three- lotnl Judges b Attorney 1i P. Wtdi'iunii. Ho licld that comt ettul In retnliiR to tiermlt the defendant to ueemnpanv the Jurv to the W'osi-ott hoiibe In locking the court room door duiliiB the progress of the trial and In the ad inlHtlon of et rtaln petition1 of the tes timony of various witnesses Assistant District Attnrnm V Ouv loid Thomas apptaied In oppoitlon to the motion for a new trial In the matter of the new found testimony of the Oialrns gul, Mr Thomas con tended that It wns of no lonscquencj in the first place and oen allotting that It wns, it should have been iuo iluced at the tilal and could haw been, lind the defence excused due tale und caution The assailant of the school board hae won llrst blood On Satuidiy court handed down un older overrul ing the detnuim Hied to the John Jer mn quo watranto ptotetdlngs and di recting the boaid of contiol to lllo, within ten das an unswir to the writ, showing why the board of twenty-one pusu.nes to adtnlnlsttr the uf falrs of the school district. tuk mvonci: nncoiiu. Twelve dlvoices giantid and Mx new' divorce suits tttni ted Is the recoiel for tin wek just past. Satutda s rexoiil was -lx gi anted and one luw one In stituted fieoige H Atkins, of (Juen Itldge, was divoued fiom his wlf' Ann At Kins on the giotmds that she abused lilm and then de-eittd lilm The v.eio mauled In .lanuaij, isse, at Plant vllle, Conn, and came to live In this tlt a few jearj ago Mis Atkins didn't like Siinutnii and wanted to move l)aek to Connectliltt He would not consult and she thereupon began to abuse him and aftel a time left him Sanh Low seemed n divorce fiom William .w on the giounds of un faithfulness and deseition. The weie man led in Oirardvllle, Sihuvlkill ciunt, April 15 18S4 Ueeitlon was the giounds hkiii which the dlvntre or David i: Wil liams fiom Ids wife, i:ila Williams wns gt anted. Thev vveie mauled Mauti J7, 1S77 and he left her in .lime is VI Mar Ten is aNo sueeetel el ly an allegation of desertion In e tiling a elierre from Howard Perils They were mauled lb 9, lls3 and lived togethei s-even jeuit. Itunawa wife was also Hany T., Walls (omplaint He was married to Hose A Wute Nov. JO lS'Mi, atid five vems lnti slie deseited him njuiA i,anci: rm:i:i), l.'mrna Lance, of Claik's Summit, was freed from her miniage with nihon Lance, whlih took pi ite June It! 1ST." He deseited hei In Oc tober Wi The new- dlvoice milt stalled vas that of Ann Haggerty ngalnst Dr. Hnggfrtv Slie makes various charges upon which to ba'-e the application, among them erudty Thev were raw rled Aug It 1S1, and on Mav 1.'. IS.':. he was foued to leave his home, she alleges AIRS. PECK'S DEPENDENCE. IMiat n Helalive in Kini:lon Satfi with Helereuee to It. Prom the Wllki'-Hirre Tteeoul The articles sent out fiom Sjr.ieiise lelatlve to the- treatment of the widow of Bishop Peck, who in her declining veatis, wag foued to live upon the g n eioslt of friends, after she and hi i husband Rave evtij doll.ii thej had to the institution, have caused wldespnad comment and an explanation fiom the i Ulcers of the Institution Is awaited Rev J K. Peck, of Kingston a nephew of Hishop pttk was miuj that he mnttei had been made public He said lie had been loued to b lleve that Mis Peck had parsed the last thue ears of hei life In di pendente on her friends Ml Peck, of Kingston has rcentlv wiltun the liistorv of Luther Ptik and his five sons which is being publisli'-d bv the Methodist Hook Con cent Less than a ve.n ago he wioti to Mis Perk asking hei If hhe dished to subscribe for the hook, the luineipil loition of which was devoted to tli bogiaph or hei late huslnntl A le plj was tecelved fiom Mis. Peck through her agint Hev W 1) Itoek v.ell, in whose family she lived, stat li.g that while Mis Peck accoule I the book her most mi dial suppoit she Always Reliable, Purely Vsgatabb. I'crfecllv tnstt lens, elviintl Loated, run. lte, purify, leans mill strenicthen It.l. i M'll.l.Sfortue cure or all dlHiireleri. of htomucli, llowelH, Klduc, lllndclei. Nervous Dlneims, HUliic", Vertleo, I'oi. tlvesncsi, I'llc. SICK HEADACHE, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, BILIOUSNESS, INDIGESTION, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, AMI ALL DISORDERS OP THE LIVER Observe the following simptorns, result InR from diseases of the digestive organs Constipation, Inward piles fullness of b'.ood in tne head, acidity of the stomach nausea, heartburn. dWsut of food, fUI Hess of weigh: of the stomach, our eru. tatlons. sinking or Muttering or tho hea-t. choklnr or suffocating sensations when In a lying posture, dimness or vision, dots or webs before the sight fever and dull pain In tho head, deficiency of perspira tion, yellowness of the skin and ojes, pna In the side, chest, l.mbs and sudden Hush es of heat, burning In tho flesh A few doses of IIADWAY'S PILLS will free the system of all tho above named disorders. Price age per box, Sold by Druggists or tent by mill. RADWAY & CO.. S3 Elm Straet, Now York. DADWAY'8 wns unable to mibucilbe for It owing to .lie lack of means In connection with the gifts of the late bishop to S incuse University. Ilr Peck stated that the first subscrip tion wan made ut a convention held In .Jhukcspinre hall, Syuuuse, In IS?!, and Vim fei $.'".000 As n guarantee for lt punienl the bishop gavo an lnHUranco pollc.v on his life fot $,,fiOn out of his our i slate $U accompanied this pay ment b an additional subscription of i, the pn) incut of which drained 1 Is own menns to a small sum. These hrnefnctlons established S racuse llnl veisltv ii nd Hishop Peck was Its llrst chancellor. ELLIOTS CONDITION SERIOUS His Phvslclans Ihpect Ills Dcnth at Any Moment. The condition of IJobert Llllot, who vth stnbbed bv Jame.s Oiglll some lime ago, has leached an alarming state Vesteiday he suffered with an hem oirhnge, which grentb weakened him. and the plivsleluns In attendnnro it his ledUle 'lie fiat fill of his c hauci s of surviving until morning. His deatli Is momcntatlly expected TWO STABBING AFFRAYS One Took Place in a Boarding Mouse on Ricr Street, the Oilier on Remington Avenue. .lust befole U.elve o c lock last night n Polander with a ImiIIj gashed left hand laid complaint with Patiolimn Hchmltt and Kirtoi, of the Washing ton avenue Hals bi at. that he had been niutd"iously assaulted bv a fellow -cotintijmen in u handing house cm Hlver street dining n ditinken light. The abtallant was captuied and In his coat pocket was a larae open lilade.l pocket knife with blond stains on It He leslstid vie liiut-lv und It gave the oflkeih all they could do to get him to the polite .station without being foued to the ncceslt of clubbing him He wis l jo ti h to . ' liis n.iiiic anJ the woundril nun went off In search oi a doctor without acquainting the iMtroltneii with his cognomen A diunken mc lee In a house on ltent ington avenue eailv Mwieulu nioin ing n suited in a despuato knife ilash-iti-7 Anthonv titirdeu took a kulle fion his imicTvi t and iltew it In a vet tide line down the b ielc if .Joe Okul skv. A gash live Inches lung i nd an Inch d-"i made In the llesli Ciurd'ii was .nicied and at police court jesleidiv mofilng was suit to the countv jail In default of r.flij lull deitimdid on the c lunge ut lebwilous wounding TO COMPLETE DETAILS. () llicers ol the Lackawanna Coiiipunv i-it the l'liriinci's at Co row nil. Tod iv Walt'i Sttanton iiresldc nt Xee Yoik, Heiio 'Vt httnii'i, general KUpellntcndent. Scianton, A 11 Lie, supeilntendent 1 fiiinarps, f-ciinton, ind C W. Ht.tdhuiv i sit , iittoincv. New Yoik, if the- Lickiiwantia Iron and Steel companv visited Cornwall mil attended to tin tb tails of the le.isi- of the ftnnac b, which will b? put In 'la-t the titst ef the jeat. The Xoith '"oinwall and Illrd roleman fut i.eeea wie insiieeted Xothlug n w lias turned up lek.tlve to the lnunnqcment of the fiunaees and opeiatinns id refitting No L furnace nt Colebi-iiok aie still being lapldh liU"h-ed-Ptldaj ,s Lthanon Hepoit. THE SCRANT0N HOAiING CLUB. Its Object is ttie llrec ding and I'rnin utg nt Iloiiiiny Pigeoui. Sinie the adoption bv the United .States government of i an lei oi hom ing pigeons tin the navj. public Intel -fst bus- beet- atliaittd to these re n.aikable bluls It is not geneiallv known that theie aie manv valuable homing pigeons In this dtv, some of which weie Impoited Iiom Belgium rivlnn matched ate often held lieie tind seveinl faueleis freeiuentlv send tilth I lids to New York eltv. where tluv aie llbeiatid The letitin to Scian ton In le-s th in thiec liouis V meeting was leientl helel b pei sons Intertsted in the bleeding and ttalnlng ot homing pigeons, and an oi gvnlzatloii effect! d to he known ub the Scianton Homing club Tweiitj lmm be is weie eniolhd and the lollowing ollleeis elected John H'ale, piesldent W A I'.oebling, treasuiir, David .1 Hutle. eeeretaij Tin i lull has foi its object the bleeding and tiaining of homing pigeons, and the est ibllshmeut ot a dub loom, wh'ie the best nit th uds of br eding and tirilnlns blids can be discussed, mute lies ai ranged etc. WOMAN'S SUDDEN DEATH. Heart Disensp "nuscil tlie' De'inise ol Mis, It. ijinrl. ol Dun more'. Mh P flulik .in I'll i mi man ii fii.iuil .te.ei in IiihI je--iei(iay moininr; at her ! iniie, on Jlr s k t itleit, Dun- 11 I u H i'ii it disiu,se is the' i'nuse C'oto nor i.onsMieot will e- tli. romaln toiliii . TIIHATRICAL ATTKACTI0NS. M'ps ntul Don un of" OIImi liuinl Iljion Mipriorteil li Kii'i. IlMnii ami tin struiiirtl cominiiN of i uiiiiilUns he h ii i'ir Mini will ho nt lllo AiailiniN of Minle JJe'e ii, J uilil ."p, im nthiK the "I'tiu ami Dons of ,ir. a ;il o tint Is a ItiMiritti nlth the' jili. -1,-iiTh In all the lurRi' lon-i of Miln roiin. li Tim pioilue tlnu tills juu lh nioio noialii tlian ter, hh It lw emtii'llleli il villi iii'U hcenpiy ami tho (.uiipurtliu is u st nun? one In Miles lueliid. liiK Hinernl will-Kuouii hlKli'daf. .iul- llll .lllstH Duis Mcki'loilron. Ill follow IllK 1 is policy ofiiffoiln eiel uceU lnstructle' an will ns e iitcrtniuintr iittriutloiiH. Mauuirer lmis tliiH weoK ininlits, iiinons: oilier hiiuMxthiR thhiBK a lotuiiliUe outfit of Iiro-Mixlnir In I'll monts ami fontilMiiicos nudum u on the pea coaHtH t'.iiitaln Hlmi llll, foi hc'Mial joarx eiiiiulii ot thn ioip'1 of iiiofixMonul Hfo-sauis ut 'on luliuiil ixplnlns oei thins ami lilus tiatiH tliu lnuniU'r In 1 loh persons t.-kmi from the watoi In an uiiioiiKrlous iou'11 tlon an lirouulit hick in 1 1 1 Un Ii.ih an iixiu'rlfiKi'il i fhlKtuni In thin piifurin tuieo ami also hit roil ticon hl llfnMiiini; elQi, "imke ' who lius In eu Piinfullv tiQhieil for thin liiinoniint fonlfi 'llilr, xlilliltlon 1h inlil to lip huinornim as we'll un liistrnctlvi OUien now fi'aluron mill iio no. n In tho (ilrlo hall ulillu o i Din ntuije will he- a complete chuiifjo jf ipien nml an entirely now chow Manager Da Mk hellee8 it will be. full up to. if It elocs nut excel, last week is performance lliern watt n notiihlo lneirui in tli n im lier of lnilv patrons iIi.iIhk last iii. all of whom were ttiutl In thsli prnls of the entire entertnlnmetit '.Ml NOOK A.' Thom.ib Kune. of 'WI.I.eR-narre, spent Stimlny with friends on Main Mreet. The fun'ial of the into Juiin Ueffron, took pluco yesterday arteriioon, Inter- nicnt was made In Mlnocka Catholic cem etery. William Heck, of Wllkes-Hitrrc, circu lated nmoliK Mil ci kit filetuli veteida Despite the inibmetit wiathcr of Sit urdiiv the exponents of lowdjls-m und t -bjuchcrj who iisunlli put themelvej In ev Idetico on p i.v nights added another link to their despicable chain of pel'.v crlnus by vvavlaviug a man named ('orb- tt, from Tavloi, who was cm his wa home fiom this place. The gimj, uiltvnl theli vic tim of his Milunblis in shott notice mid after ndmlnlsteilng a good diubl-lMg In do him to resume his Jotttnev f'oibett ne nunl?"!! one of his ussill.ints and w II rommenci proceedings ugallist them to div Miss Thclcsn Kurd, of Plttton was tliu guest of friends on South .Main street, Sutulav The St. Joseph's society will meet this evening to complete ntriimeniriiis for their nnnuil ball on New's cv lcc "1 The Lickavvnnnii township sehmd will close toilnj for the nnnuil Indicia v a e.illon Thev will reopen on Jimtiiiiv .. A BIO SENSATION. I'roplo Hardly 'I bought it Mas I'os Nihle Hutievv Llcht seems to Dawn Upon Them und They nt Lust Iteu llc it So--'l honsnnils Ueticliled h This. liver sinei the Chle.'iKo I'oniblnatiiui Clothing Co, of 211 Washington ave, had the ellliif of this gu'it stock of clothing which tin mint his oiehied the j'Mcutins d the estate of the lie. ceaed wholesile cloihlet I to lie closed out nt retail pe ml" have twiudcied and iimvded tt the l.irf?i'is tli-v have' bi en offetlng. A i umv were In iloubt but the thoinands who ha" bee n buvlner and tilling their lilends ate now lully satlsiled that It Is c and tluv now lial!e it 1 hi e low julics foi hl-rh guide clothing have been causing .i sensation, ten days nioie to wind up this i Uate s all tont's allowed so he iiuh k nncl don t get left If juu need any clothing Wool Pant" all sUe-, lcgttlii J "n pints sule piice $1 .n. ! cents liivs ,ell s Neat Pants, all sizes, , Aj 00 to in.tuuf ic title sile i tlie, 'jm . "r. bus a (mil ot Men's Cotton Soi U, worth J7e a lull ,ile pdee v b each Men's lted Hnndkeie hlef" Ii !)'i bil,v s .Mens All Wool bwiatei-, ,eutli .$1 "j .ilc pi lie, lSc Mens Pine While Lumdilcd Shltts, 'c. nni' (i.e. Mens, fine Hill' Ties, woith ",0e -.ilo piie ru Men's Hlue Oveialls anil .1 ii k t, voitli "Hi1 sail lull'. !7i Men's noul Snspe nileis, woith J ic '-lie Pllie, ic. Mill's Pine redout or Atpiii" Hals'i-i , $1 L'l. ,M l'i and M 'iS. Men's I'nie StUf Hals TJe.. 9S , $1.24. t :i Hmi.x Cov -nt CI ith OVMcoits fiom "i to MS 00 Men's ovcuo.ils In lJnveu. Chlt.i lill las and Stouncis, wmtli Jmio to nOH frale pi lee, :fi'. to $') m Chll tlnu's Cape Dveuoats, woith fiom !H0 io CriO-STlu pi Ice. 79c to $.7". fivel "OOU dllleiept Oveuoals will be slaughti ted Chlldten'H Itiefcis In all colois foi less than one half of Iheit value. Theie aie lliollsuiils nt ntlm li.ll gains too nuiiieioiis to nentlon. so eall lllld tee ir-i jolti'-ell Wee ill Join spe ll ll (mention that this sto'k Is nllni n.ade and we have i spcclil line of etra new subs ten lute, men lists on! ten ihis to v Ind un tits i st.ite Chlngn Combination Clothing Compnnv, 211 Washington Av ntic net to Connoll ft W.iilaie'.s old 1 mil. illicitly opposite the i out l huilse. Scianton. Pa 1' S Dining tills sale the .stole will be kept i un ii ivenlues until ! p. in, faiuidavs until 11 p in Uiilto.ul tans nt all oui of Ijwii ciis tiuniis bit Itig $" 00 anil ovei. will be laid b showing it-tin ii ticket ll von live T milc- i urn to thi- gent s i, If JiU live J,", mlhh eonie to thi- gi"tt sab if MUlivi 'D ll lli i eoiiu to this gnat sale. ' THE aOOSS I AND 2, COM'LTH B'L'S SCRANTON, PA. FINING AND BLASTING HADE AT MOOSIC AND n,J$& DAUB WOHEa LAPL1N & RAND POWDER CO'B ORANGE QUN POWDER I.lectrio llaltorii'9, Klecti ir Kxnl loi i. j- j Iiloellni; IiIhsk Sifuti l'asj, a d Repaono Cbemlcal Co. ' lxplomv v.s BIQ HUSK POWDER QL Holiday S Our prices ave astonishing all. Never have such high grade goods been sold at such remarkably low prices. Spot cash purchasing of manufacturers in need of ready money brings you unheard-of opportunities. UNUSUAL VALUES IN HEN'S SHOES. Men's Patent Leather $1 and $5 Shoes, all sizes, at $2.2, $2.4.) and $2.)i. Men's Winter Knssct. ealflinc.l $1 .shoes at $2.JS and $2.Js. Men's Kiiamol Itusset and Ulack Shoes at $2.C.)S. all sizes. 3ien's Dress Shoes at 4.)Se, S1.2W, $1.4,)5 $1.75) and $1.8. PHENOHENAL VALUES IN LADIES' SHOES. Ladies' Patent Leather Vesting Top Shoes, regular $5 kind, at $2.US. Ladies' Pine Vici, liand-turned cloth ton shoes, worth $i, at $2.4S. Ladies' hand-sewed $3 and SI shoes, at $1.08 and $2.4S. Ladies' $: Shoes, patent quarter hand-sewed, all sizes, button and lace, HAS) Ladies' Dress Shoes at :M)c, (Me, o and $1.'2.). Ladies' beavei' loxed lace and elastic shoes at (0c and D8c. SLtPPERS. SLIPPERS. Extra quality goatskin slippers in green, brown, lavender and black kid or chamois lined, liiiislictl with patent leather, usual $1.50 kinds at J)Nc Imitation alligator and embroidered velvet slippers, some kid lined, $1.00 ones, at GUV. imitation aligator goatskin and embroidered velvet slipper, all sizes, pat ent leather trimmings, s)e values, at 50c. Embroidered velvet and goatskin slippers, patent leather trimmings. ?5c oiies, at 40c. Ladies' Slippers at 30c, 40c, ;0e, 08c and $1.50. Hoys' and iouths' Slippers at 40c and 00c. The above are only a few of the many bargains. We invite you to call aud exam ine our goods before buying elsewhere, and make our store your headquarters, Remem ber, there is uo trouble to show goods and you will surely save money by it. mill' n mm DAVIDOW, 307 1 I! m A. ,J ff 'IS'Ki j3 v?5 At Half If you want to ive a valuable gilt that will never grow less valuable, and have not the mpney to bparerT(ie Wanamaker History Club offers you the opportunity to secure the most valuable and entertaining se.t of books ihltiie? English language o Tl J If 0U elotl't IvIlOW t 1" utliillle pltce tlvs work holds in 1 iijjI sh liti-r.iture -read . minute it's more Interfstini; Joh.i Clark RU atli. A. M , I I . L. is one ot tlie most eminent historians ot tills or nnv cither time. He spent over fort ears In wntinj; this Historv of the World. We'd like on to set a cle.i iinJ-istaiidiiiK ot tins vvunJerful work, but it's hard to eonvev b tellmp;. Dr Uidp.ith's work" snfrers much sim piv because Unit' noting to romfijre it ttith iii tli is whole world. No other his tory Ins attempted to cover such a scope vttitcnveis it thurmighiv coticiseh accurately. You vv ill 'some day feel the need of tins greatest ut all histories. Ihiv it now while on can share in the benetits we have obtained from the publishers. loin our HISTORY Cll'U and Mill save o it-half. ou nav the membership tee. OmE DOLLAR, and the full set is delivered nt once. If, atter ten duvs' reading, ou think ou can get a lom; without it, tour Jolhi Ijtk -Mm can return the books. ou'll keep them, thin Kh: everv one does. Af ter llut, lor hftten months, oup.iv5i.;o monthlv for the cloth, or ?2 for the halt Russia which we speci.illv recommend, or ?.;o fot lull morocco, and you own the world's best history of Itself, tor one-li.ilt 'lie price vou'dpay in any other svav. W Specimen pnnes, illustrations, testimo nials mailed free. MUMM S History of ISie World .vnplKat'on for membership should hi made at the office of this newspaper, where a be examined. Steam and Hot Water I Mot Air Furnaces, i Sanitary Plumbing, Gas and Electric ! Light Fixtures. I ! ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING. THE CONNELL C j 434 Lackawanna Ava, WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ST! I'anc Kiii:!i.aa.s, Kat UivciN, .Maurice Kivcr Cot's, .Mill Poiuls, &c, cVc. i)itr order fur IHuc Points" to he i!u!icrc.i oil the li.ili bhell in carriers. V. ll. FIBEL'PHBf BL ffllf BARGAINS hoes and nEATeNG The Acknowledged Cheapest Wholesale and Retail Shoe House, LACKAWANNA AVENUE the Real Price, and Only One Dollar Mis' SM 0i'iijSi-SM f&2&sf5r" sfMbSK'BaOT'w mi mtMPlmiW Eight Massive Volumes -t md it'll be long past bedtime betore you lay tt down and that's onlv treating it on the one skier-as a work oLahoiliit mtustas fascinating as a romance' Perhaps its greatest value is as a reierence w ork lor as sudi it has been ,n know (edged the "best in anv langtnge ot any lime." By reference work we mean its use as an encvclopedu ot information about everv country past and present everv race and tribe ot ethnic importJiK. that lias ever trod this earth Irom the beginning- in short, every important event, as well as tlie makers of events. Its unique system ot indexing a marvel of interest in itself enables one to turn ijiiuklv to jiij subject or class of subjects country or class ot countiies events or series ot events nation or branch ot races of all tunes. PHILADELPHIA JQHN WANAMAKER NEW Y0RK A GREAT OFFER I'0 THK II0LIi)AS Ucrnir.nla Win; Cellars. lldmmen.i-port unel Klitlms, N Y n me tide minmt to ntrotii i oui moJi f aiiiuiiu tliu vei lest iieo 1 ot'le ot out ettr i flna ll. i -tA 1 illliiu ellslllleil til ana rAiii Jxrurtel). Hi oiR'-lialf Its in'. B2SW.vK i I send to nnv T'RfSS VbCoa i"i" me of tun KtTJ licrial f-ii i Im in. liagiie. I ll bol. I it. hot l il Iio! i .it but Inn l) I gt liot 1 ir. bot. I lit. bot I nt bot 1 it bot I it bot. ahnla, I nt bot Delaware Itleilln,-. lokin sweet - sherry. AU XiUfUIH Alll'ClllU. Port sweet Is- rs& ..! T&&ri& ji W,"i'X'J.''a2M Iiu. drains &? i'??r4i('Mt.'ili flruutl). B E5eJJi3&Wr',' fl 1 Ills ollei It mails .. '..vS-.a1r mainly to introiliuu our CI rand Imperial fcec LhamnaKiie uuel our Hue ilouble-di". tllleil drupe Uranelv This e use of uooets U otieieii at iilmut oue-hulf Hi- m IuhI cost ami It will plem-i" u It our fileiulb "iiil putroa rill I iki nrlsant.i5u ofttils nml lielu un Intio iluro oni sooils, ll oielers should bo lu bo lorn Dei i tube i 1 "it ii. Tribune "Want" Ads are read by thousands and answered by hundreds. IN Slippers SXSau No other history contains onehalf as many essential facts of No other history ever recorded the pioress of the Races of Mankind from the ' becinnitiK down to the present day in fact, theie i uo other history ot mankind todavr in anv language. I rue, you can procure histories of some of the greater and a ftw ot the minor races separately partial records for the most part bv vaiious histo rians. True, also, vou can consult the encyclopedias for abstract facts and incidents ot various times and countries, though no consecutive or accurate record can tints be' obtained e.cept bv the student But in Ridpath's History ot the World you ri-ad page jfter page of the most delightful un-historvlike narrative ntwhleh is told connectedly the story ot man from the original stock, through rvy un ot the manv ethnic branches of the black, the brown and the ruddy races till without effuft of memory, you've a clear idea of all the existing brandies of the great Human Family .aswell as the paths they've followed down the centuries fiom the beginning ou'll knowwh some nations have declined why others havu risen why others are vet destm-d to rise and fall. You'll read of every important incident In, everx nation's history ot every age with no cumbering of uniieccissarji cUtail.' . ou'll stirt at random anv one ot the t ... OKAWANNA LOI MftNUFACTUR-RS OF liill 'limber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood Mine Kailn sawed to itniforni lengths constantly on hand. Peeled UtMulock Prop Tlinbcr promptly 't uriilsheJ. .MILLS At Cross PorU. Potter Co., on the UuiT.ilo and Sitsqtie. 'anna At .Min.i, Potter County, P.i., on Coudcraport. nud r"ort Allegany Capacity-4nO,000 feet per dav. GCNLKAI. orriCK-Uoardot Trade Utiilding, Scianton, Pa. Tclophojic No. W, RAILROAD TIME TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, bchedule In Effect fsmember ij, iSJ Trains Leave Wilkes-Barro as Follows 7.30 a. m., week day9, fop Sunbury, Harrisburc; Philadelphia, Balti- more, Washington, and for Pitts burp; and tho West. 10.15 a. m., weok days, for Hazloton, Pottsville, Reading, Norristown, and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harnsburp;, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts- huri' and the West. 3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, HarnsburR, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 3.15 p m., Sundays only, for Sun bury. Harrisburg. Philadelphia, and Pittsburg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Haileton and Pottsville. J R. WOOD, tlen'i l'ai. Alfent. J. B. HUTCHINSON, tlencral Manajr. Central Kallriuul t New Jersey (Lelilgh and Suiiupniniia DUlslon) btatiom. lu Ntw oik i'oot ol Ubelt fctiett, N It , 111 d WlilUhull Terminal. Anttuatlte te,al Uhed e..i lulcl, lnsur- Iiib ele.inllni-'f and comtoit TIMi; TAHLi: IN lHVW l' NOV 11. U. Tialim leie beianton for Flttston, .Ats-llaiie eto , nt S 20, 9 13 11 30 a. 111 . 1.' 13. . 00, o IXI. 3 00, 7 10 p 111 SundaS,9 00, a m , 1 00. .' 15, 7 10 11 m . l'oi l.iKeWood mid AiIuiiiIl t H. & J " Tor Now YoiK NtwaiK und i:iizibtli. fcJO (tVM'ie) ni. 1.' 13 (I'M"'"' h Bulfet pailoi ..), 3 05 (.;us) p m Sundas. .'13 n in. Tialn lea.lni; U 4 p. in airies at I'lilladelphla. Heading Ter minal 5 19 p m and .New Vorkooop in i'or Mmuli Chunk, Allentown, liotlile liim, niihto" and Philadelphia, s .'0 11. in, 1' 13 J 05. ri) (exiept i'lilladelphla) p. in Sutulaj . 2 15 u in. Km llaltlmore .mil Washington and nililltH Solltll Ut lletllle.111111 J1) a III, 1'45 n in Numl.O -15 ) in l'oi l.oiiK lirancii. Ocean Uroe, t-tc , at 8 20 a m and 1-' 45 p in l'oi HiaelliiB, 1-olMi 011 and Hun Isluirfr. la AlUntosMi, 8 2ia in, 1-' h. &00 p m. Sundai. -' 15 1' ll' I'or 1'ottBNllU. SS0 a m l.M5p ni ltetuinlni; hat New (UK. foot of I.lh prl stiert, Noitli Illet, ut 9 10 (CNPleS") a m 110. 10 !" texpri", with lJuffU nailof c.ti) p ni Smiila. 1 30 a m 1 eao New York, foot White hall Mreot, South IVin. U 9 0S a in. 1 00 1 .'3. 3 35 u 111 l'asctnKe 18 arrllnit 01 depaitlns fiom till1 terminal 1.111 Lonuee.t under coer with all the ekwiU'd lallioidi. Ilroaelna cable cub, mil feiriert to Ilroeiklin and Stale n Island, makiiiK ciuiik transfer to nud fiom flranel Central Depot pud I-oriB l-land Ilallionil Leave l'llludeliiliii, Iteadlnii Itiinlual. P(i a. in , -00 mid 4 30 p. m tiuntlu), t, J5 IhroiiKh tickets to all iiolntH at Iovwm l.llo ma uo niiu tn uijjiit:uiiuii in au' aiico to iho tleket ni;ent nt the station. 11 I' !!I.mVIN. Gen I'afcji. Ait J II OMIAITSUN. Oen Bupl Del.. I.acka. and Western. Effect Monday, No 21, 1SW Tl.tlns letmi He I ante n us lollows l.'.N prtss for Ntw Yoik aud alt pnlntH Uan. t in, J VI. 5 13, b JO and 10 05 ti 111 , 1J 35 all 1 i 33 p 111 Express for Katdoii Tiniton Plillailt-l-pi 1 la and tlie South 3 15, b 00 and lo .0 a in . l.'D3 and 3 33 V m W'ashlnKton und way statloiu 3 45 p in Tolihuiina lucommedatlon l, 10 11 in Express lor llliiKliumton, Uav, tr.o. El nilra, CennhiK Hath. Duiullk. .Mount Morris and Buffalo, 1.' 10 2 .v.. " 00 a in . and 1 "r p 111 . miiklnc ilnso loimiHtlons at liuttulo to all points hi tho W'tst, North west and Souilimvt llliiRliamton mid wio stutlons, ltd p m. NleholKoii uccoirmol.ltion, 5 15 p in lilUKlianitou und Elinliu iximim, C 53 11 m Expiess foi t'tlca and HUhllcld .Springs 2 35 u m nml 1 35 p. m Ithaca, J 33 9 Ola 111, ami IK p m Knr Noitliumberland, Plttstou Wilkes flat re, Plymouth, lllocmmburic ami Dan llle, inalilmr close' ronnfctiun at Noitli uinlierland for W'llllnii'ti oil ilanisliui flnltiniore. W'ashinetou mid the South -N'orthumbc-rland anet Intcrmedluto sn- Down the world's past & 't i is. "I complete set of the books may jr I LU tlon COO, loo, j m , and 1.35 and 6 00 p. m .vlillioKe .mil Intoi meellato .tiilloiis, 8(e.inel 1110 i ill. I'lMiluiltll anil 1 III t i -mfUliti st.itlium, ,1 Vi mill SCO p. m. KP KlnJ"lim li I", 111 Pi Un mi patliit ntul i'le-ppliiK ci) le'lii s i: 11 t pie-' Hi lux l'oi dilalhil Inrniin.illon. potet ttm tilil. j pli pjil In M I. Mnltli, Ilin tr' t I'lh'eiiKel Acnt, ill put tlrkot olll Uric aiul WjomiiiK Valley. Tn effect Sept 1. Hj7 Trains Ieaei Seiuntun foi Now ork anel Ii teiiiKi'lulei pi lut- on i:rle r.illroui,, ai-" lor II i I . .inel imlnts :U " ')" u m nml .' J p in irU( at Sii.enton from aboe points atluSSa m 3 15nrelJSp in. Deluwurc ami Hudson. On Momla Jul) u, ttalin will cua Ke rinlon us follows l'oi Cailionclilt bSi). " r 03, 10 11 .k. in , U (W noon 1 -I J J), 'i ui, Z.j, 0 L'J, 7 07, 8 II 10 4j p in . I. 10 ii in Toi Alb.un biiatoKa .Montical, I5os lon New UnglJiul liolnl", cu , u jij a. m , J JO D in Tor JloncMlalp 6 20. S jj. 10 13 a. n : UoO noon, 2.u, ,". 2T. p. rn Tor Wilkc-liiiu-fil"). 7r), S45. 91. 1 10 10 a in , 1.' OJ, 1 J",, .' ,'b, J U, 1 II, 0 00, 7 3. V ."0 11 SO p in i I'di New oiK. l'lillailolphli, otc vl k I.t'hlih Vallt-v It lt,ii4", 7.'0 a m , 12 03, 125 4 11 p in ( Ulitk Diamond Kx. prusM) 11 ji p ni K01 lVmif Iant 1 1J. It points B 1", 9 "1, a m,, 2 2 4 41 p in Keir uestoin points la. I"lilrfli VallT It II, 7 ",0 a in. 1JU3, 3"U (with IJUcle Diamond l"ire9). V), 11 SO p ni. Tirilns nlll aiiHn at Scrantnn as fol lows 1'ioni Oarucinlal anil tlio north C 11 7 4' & l. 9 14 10 40 1 m l.'no noon, IX. .'21 2i) 4 37 3 4". 7 13 9 43. 11 J3 p 111 l'roni lllii--nai ro and the- South O'l 7 SO. S ",o, 10 10 11 u3 a m : I It. .'11, 3 l I 3 '.0 6 i, 7 33. 1 03. 0 13 a ill : 12 0". a m Complete Information lexirarillni? r.iti to all points In tin fulled Ptatei nml fuiMili in i lie obtali fd nt the) tli Ket of. Hop In llie- dipot Suoliil att ntlon iJwmi to Western omt Soutliein iimt liucinifi J V nL'Knii'K O 1 Albany. N. Y. II V,' OROSS V P A Seianton. I'a. Lehigh Valley Kailro.ul System Antliiuelti- Coal l'td. KnmrliiK Cieaiil!- iius ami Comtort. IN I'.l'rnCT NOV 14. U17 TRAINS UJAVl) SHlANToN. Tor I'lilladeliihli mid Nev, York la D. & 11 It it nt 0 15, 7 30 u 11. . nml 1J03, 1 .3. 2 js. 141 (Bluck Diamond Kxprcsij ami 11 "0 v m I'or I'ltistem and W ilkes-Barre via. D. I. , IS It tOi, 10 u in a in., 15 ! ,5 ti.00 11 in l'oi W'liite mien. Hazleton Pottsville. and prlm-lpal points in tin on rt-Klona via D & II " . t 15, 7 50 a m.. J-',v,5. .' .Is and 4 11 P in. . , I rlsburi? and iutf nnmliato lor lletnie 11 111. 1.UM011, uruiuiK jur. pal Ii it n t'ta- tins ii I) Jt 11 it n . 0 15 7S) a. Dhtnond I'M, 1.'5 J 1 H Ullueli Illi'JiS), 11 o 1 '" I'm Tunklmiinock, Towauda. Elmlia. C.enei.i, and pihuipil Intiuuueil- ate stations !' I ,i W. H. 11. 0 0J, soa in i I' "'' . ll I' n ror(Kiua. ItocliiHtei, HulTuio. NIjb 1 ar Palls. ChKaKO, and all points mit via D kllll 1?,'i V (1,luK Ulamoiil I l'i)i( ). 9 50 mid 11 10 p. m I Pullman pm lor 111 1 sliepiim: or iih,n ' Vulles pailoi eai. en all Iriiina ImtWn 11 ! Wllkes-llill" nml New I01K Plltl-lilet- nliia. liuttulo and Miispensiun llrldt'n 1 ItOl.I.IN 11 WIDlUirt Jen. Supt. CIIAS. rt l.r.U Cm IMs. Ast. VhlU, I A,'"'W. NONN15IOHI'.i:. AMt. flnn. I Pan. Agl Phlladelplila. I'll Pcrnnton ndlce v) J.iekutt anna Arme. . Y., O. A; W. K. 1. In Eflpct DimmbiTlJ IW 'li.iln Seiuuiyi lor f'nrboiul il at lo 33 11 111 Pol ('.uliis'A eonneetiiiB Willi iiiiiiu line tliilns, i.iiitli uuel south nt 10 55 11 in Tialu enis Cndoula for Hamilton ai 2 05 p 111 Train ea 1 '11111011111110 for 8 r u Inn 111 Hip in , T PI.lTCr.OrT, p. P A. J C. ANDEItt-ON. U I' A. A