The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 18, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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The best of nit lfts,
the most cmlitrini; and acceptable
to Intelligent and lltcrarj people.
Our assortment Is ury large
and quite complete In all tlic
desli able ami popular lines,
and our prices areas low
as the lowest tor equal quality
We Invite Inspection anil comparison.
Intelligent and courteous attention
to all
Our stock of Bibles,
Prayer Hooks and 11 inn Hooks,
Is unusually attracihe
Booklet) and Art Calendars
In almst endless varlct y.
Hooks for Sabbath School Classes
that are fit to read and at small cost.
Libraries and large buyers
supplied at special prices,
222 Lackawanna Ae.
Have a Cigar?
TlmnUi Don t cira If
ldo. Vli, tlil-t t i
Popular IMnicli
1 m In melt. It's my
Garniy, & Co.
Norrman & loor
120 Wyoming Ave.
Have opened a General Insurance Oillco In
liert Stock ("ompnnlei represented, l.irso
-lies Cfcjieelally hollcltcd. 'lilepliono ISO J
Colonel Ccoigo IV. Itain Vk ill Lecture
in Y. .11. C. A. Hull Hoiiilnt Msht.
The s-econd number In the popular
collide called "The Menibers Cotll-u"
of the Young Men's Cliiisjtia-i n"-iuln-tlon,
though It Is open to am one, will
bo given by Colonel Geoige W. Ualn,
of Lexington, Kentucky, a noted plut
foim oiator. Moiula night In Young
Men's Chilstlan Association hill Ho
will piesont his new kctii'e on "The
New Woman and the Old Man." This
Is wild to be a raie piece of humor and
of helpful suggestion as well.
The famous Itiibsell II. f.'juwell savs
of him. "lie Is a popular oialut in its,
most nttiactlve sen'e, nnd the nio't
wldly known of any lectin er ot to
day "
Fourteen students emplojed by
A young man sent to n $C0 position
this week.
Mlhs Jessie Morgan Is in the ofllce
of II. J. Schubeit, Piudential Insui
ance company.
Mr Clarence Ueenier has nccepted a
position as stenographer for the Urock
Woiwted mills, at Taylor. Claienco
learned his bhoithand In the night
Messrs R Wesley Kellovv nnd n. W.
Ltmnltzer were sent by the College to
excellent positions on Wednesday
Miss May Kearney Is stenngiapher
In the ofllce of Jonas bong's Sons', and
Miss Mamie Waid is In tho accounting
A gentleman employed by a prlnilu
ent firm was Informed that If he hoped
to retain his position he must have
more education He Joined the night
school. Ignoiancc is at a discount
Do not forget to hear Colonel Oeoigo
W. Ualn in the "Now Woman and the
Old Man," at the Y. M. C. A. Tickets,
50 cents; mtinbeis, lio cents, Monday
evening, D-c. 20.
Host Coods fur Leant Hone).
Standard tomntoea and extia Mnall
peas Sc. can, 00c. dmen. Tilplo Uljnd
coffee 32c., 5 lbs. Sjl.EO. E. O. Coursen.
We have a fine line of loose Diamonds
for Inspection, Friday and Saturday,
Dec. 17 and 18. C. Luther.
Calendars, Uooklets and hand-painted
Novelties, at Reynolds P.ros.
A Store Full of Q
i Men Pleasers
Vr 305 Lacka. Ave.
WATERS, Hutter,
y? I'urnlshori Haberdasher,
m? &
si exits
fjy? the y
V, 308 Penn Ave. jl
A. 11. WAKMAN. J
Docs Not Know Whether tic Is an In
speclor or Assistant Adjutant General.
It Suts I'orlh Tlint Up Has itccn Ap
pointed Asxntunt AtljutHiit General
With Hunk I'rom June 8, lrtl5--lie
Itclicti's 'I'll it t It is ti .Mlsliil.e mill
That llu llui Hcun ltriippuiulcil
Inspector ol the Third Hrimitlu.
n ortlir tisurd Nov. 10 from tho
hcndtintitus of the state National
Gu.iui, under tin- head of appointments,
curtains the following
Major W. R Mlllai, asulstant mljutniit, with rank from .lime 8 ls'f,.
On Its faci the oultr means that
Major W. s Miliar, who a few months
aj;o, lcslEiicd his position as Inspector
of tho Tlilid lundc. has been
n polntc 1 assistant udjiilniit gen
eial of tho Thlid bilgade, one
of tlii- mist coveted positions
in the Gu.tid When Major Mll
lai hcaid of it lit- wa-i tmrpilacil. lie
was nt his olllce as nldetiu.iii of the
KlL'hth w.ird when Major .1. W. O.ik
foid ailed him tip by tel"thnne ftoni
the lattei'.s ollice In the board of trade
"1 congratulate the National Ou.ud
ution j'oui nppolntmiiit in assistant
id-lit mt cc," said Major Oukfoid
Mnjoi Mill u was wholly unpivpdied
foi the ivws He hid not locehei the
otdi r (ont-ilnlm? the announcement
utnl ill Mijoi Miliar knows was s;.tln
id mil the wlie ft nv Major Oakfotd.
Th int man to see to eilfv the
lipuit was M.ilor UaUfoid himself.
Hi him The Tilbune lepoiler was dl
leitcd to Colonel lleiinunn Os-thaus,
who also his an olllce In the boatd of
tiade building.
"'hen accosted Colonel O-dhaus pio
dllced the orcl"i recehed in Thursday's
mall and the announcement printed
above Coloili 1 Osth.ills paid:
' can't think It Is a mistake. It
Mxnis iinpioluble that an order effect
In" such an important position would
be i) i".c d ol the state depaitinent if
It wile- an ciror Colonel 0-.lli.ius ex
plained why the older lcaihed him
fust in tills city bcriuse nt. a letlied
of'O'r he leielvcs all outers dlteetly
fioni Haulslnug
M ijoi Mlllai believes the order to bo
a mistake and that he Is le-nppolnted
inspectoi of the Third biigade. This
jio'ltlon Major Millar H.-dgiied about
live months ai;o and Ibis is the first
officii! lecognltlon ot his insinuation
i ec lived fiom Ilaulsburg. The lefer
ence to ,1une s, ls'j,",, i the date on
whlih Majcr Millar lece-hert his coni-niKt-ion
.if- inspectoi.
.Vnmliei of Applieation- Cousidcied
nt p.leiil-ij's Meeting.
At vostordiv's legular meeting of the
pool I10.11 il the busliuss usual to the
M'ssluns of that Uodv vsas ti ansae ted
Dr. W 13. Paine, of the homo com
mittee, lenoited a means to oveicom
the juesint oveiciowded condition Pt
the lllll.siile Home In aicoidanco with
the iccominendntlons of the committee
It was decided to finish at a modulate
expense a number of 100ms In the top
stm y of the building and thus give new
sleeping accommodations foi foity
elght pel. sons.
it was icpoited that the demand on
the board's finances would be tellevod
bv 4nciiil due fioin the state for the
qunilci ending Nov. SO.
Mi Teippe lepotted an unuiual
number of applications foi aid on the
South Side lie atti United this to the
fi on,uent stoppages and dearth of woik
in the steel mills.
A pathetic ease was made known to
the boatd In an applliatlon made for
leilef b Mrs. 13 J Keast. of Dtin
moie She Is about .'1 eais old, entne
1, nnd bore evident cs of leflnement.
H was with loHictuiuo that she told
her stoiy, how .she had been left a
widow and penniless thiee months ago
and with the lesponsllilllty of eailug
for thiee jouug ehlldien the oldest 7
j ears of use
She had lecelved $100 fiom a bene
ficial oulei, but the whole ot that sum
was consumed by the expenses attend
ing her hulmnd'H illnes-.s nnd death.
Her lent was B per month and she
hnd slight means of piocmlng It to
say nothing of cat Ins for her thiee
little ones. Tho boaid voted to pay bet.
S." per month.
Among the applicant foi icIlef was
Petei ri.vnn, of the South Side, n Civil
War vetoinn, who hail postponed ask
ing aid In tho hope that he could get
along until tho an I vat of his pension
money. Want and weakness finally
di ove him to mnke known his needs
and be was sent to the Hillside Home
to await the ai rival of his pension
money and the lesult of un effoit to
semi lilm to tho Soldleis' Home at Day
ton, O
Interesting Session Vt ill Ho Held 011
.Mo 11 dm Xtglit.
The legular monthly meeting of the
board of tiade next Monday night will
contain enough business of Intel est to
uttinet a lame attendance At this
meeting ollleeis tor IfcOS will be nomi
nated The elec tlou w III be held at tho
Jnntmiy meeting.
Theie will bo three committee 10.
poits The manufacture! s' committee
will 1 court on tho movement to secure
lower loinmeiclal water uites and the
gov ei nine nt armor plate rikiut, the
legislative and taxes committee on the
agitation for u mote equitable tax as
.sossment, and the stieets mid high
wns committee on the lepnlilng of
asphalt pavements. The boaid's iep
lesentativo on the boaid of tiustees of
the Scfaiilou Public llluaiy Is to bo
elected for a tenn of live jeais to suc
ceed Thomas II Dale, whoso teim lias
A letter has been iceehed from the
Hlngliamtuu boaid ot trade concerning
the mail for the west via Delawaie,
Lackawanna and Westoin Ualn No. 1
Its behedule has been changed so that
mall which formeily reached Chicago
eaily on the meaning following the day
of inaillnz Is now not deilveted until
Into in the afternoon, too lato for at
tention that day. The Hlnghumton
board of tiade has appealed to tho
hiipeilntendent of tho lallway mall set.
vlie for quicker tumult and has asked
the Scianton boaid to tako tho mattei
Into consldeiatlon nnd nddiess the lall
way mall supetlnteudent on tho sub
ject. CONTRACTORS GET $5,535.
Columbia Companion Tint I'm incut
Tor Mulberry Siroot ravine.
The flrat payment by the city to the
Columbia Construction company, ot
S incuse, on its Mulbony utrret tnv
Iiik conirnct vhh tnnlr yestpnlay.
The pnymont amount- to $"5,513.02.
The total amount duo the company on
the contract wns $Ji.0i31. Of tills the
(nntrnrtots will be paid whatever cash
th city receives from the assessments
ntid th? balance will be paid In stiect
improvement bonds.
Ixnmincd Vrstcrdny bv Cltv Iinctli"
cer unit Street ('nmnilmloiicr.
An examination of the inteilor of tlie
Pine Uremic cieek sewer with a view
toward leniedvliiff its peilodlcal chok
ltifj nnd hacklriff water In the linlty
of Wnhluuton avenue was yesterday
made by City KiiRlnuer Phillips and
Street Commissioner Dunning. They
cnteitd Its mouth at the Lackawanna
liver and walked tliiough It to Its
source near the Holes wheel wonts.
i'lio cause of the tioublo was located,
but the means of overcomlnc" It nnd
tho cost will be determined later by
the city engineer.
The sewer is four feet In height east
nnd west of Washington avenue. At
the latter point tho culvert was orlff
innllj eight feet In diameter. A few
years ago two feet of masoniy was
laid In the bottom and two feet In the
loot of the culveit to conform to the
helghth east and west, but It remained
eight feet 111 width, two extta feet on
euh side. It Is this extia width which
has caused the choking. The euirent
thiows Its refuse nlong either side of
the culvert, where It accumulates until
a tiemendous fall of rnln either washes
It clear or adds moie flotsam to what
has alicady been deposited.
The choking sometimes extends to
west of the mouth of the Phelps street
blanch, which In turn causea annoy
ance. It is believed that by making tho size
of the culvert conform In helghth and
width to the othei parts of the sewer
the tumble can bo overcome. This will
cost in the nelghboihood of four or five
bundled dollais, though the exact
amount cannot be detei mined until the
city engineer prcpaies his report to
councils and which will probably be
piesented next Thuisdav night.
lie Put Together all the Goods lie Could
Lay His Hands on and Was
When Jos'-ph Cassesse suspected
nllene Vlto. one of his emplojes at
the Roma hotel of stealing he little
thought how g'eatly he was in the
right. A seaich w.urant jesteulay
was In recovering one of
the biggest batches of goods ever ex
hibit -el outside of .1 depaitinent stole
Their were shoes of several sorts
and sizes, pi"ces of soap, a steel knlf
h.upcner, couple of nut ernekoirf, ovei
shoes, spools of thieud, stissois, a 10
volver, Jev.eliy including cuff buttons,
pins, brooches, campaign badgps, a
gold watch; also clothing of eveiy de
scilptlon, towels ban Ikerchlef. shirts,
laundiled and otherwise, socks nnd
stockings, underclothing In tact a
lefubir Cluistnias box.
These, it Is alleged, Vlto picked up
dutlng his tl.iee vears' run as cook
at tho Roma hotel on Lackawanna
avenue The whole batch was iccov
ere.l bv Deputy Sheillf Thomas Jot dan,
of Aid i man W S. Mllln's coutt
Cassesse, the keeper of the hotel, ap
pealed before Alderman Millar jcs.
tcidaj morning nnd made a complaint
He suspected that Vlto, whom ho had
dischaigfil loi n tilxial oflense a few
holm befJie, had pome of the Cass-c-f
piopeity '11 the loom at the hotel
which he was then eieannj for his
dtpjituie elsev hcie.
So Cass'sse had the seaiii wmant
Issued. Vlto had lenioved .he goods
fiom the hotl to a house at .Ul Centio
stieet Heio Deputy Sheilff Jordan
found the booty packed In bags.
Knoiisii of the sUifl was cat ted to
Aldei iii in Mlllai 's ofllce to make out a
case against Vlto. What Is mentioned
above is only a small pnit of the whole
booty found In Vlto's possession. The
bateii iQcove'Od was distilbuted upon
severil tables In the alderman's ofllce
and Vlto. who in the meanwhile had
been ai tested, was bi ought to answer
the dingo of liuceny. Mr. Cnssesse
Identified most of tho goods ns his piop.
eit: Vlto denied having stolen an
thlng. He claims that he puichased
the goods
Despite Vlt )'s claim the patent If.ith
ci shoes are so. 'oral sics too large for
him and the big batch of clothing
could not possibly lie made t 1 lit.
Vlto wns committed to the central
police station foi a fuilhei heating this
morning Mr. P.i'sc-M' claims to have
Inst .1 sold watch and chain valued
at !00 and a pall of costly rdamond
InaeeletJ. A ftuther seaich of Vlto's
elfects ,v '11 be miele
TnoHivcsM'lio Hunt to t!ct Itid of
Cruel IliisliauiU.
In tho f,ame file box with tho papers
In a suit wheie a worn. m wants $10,000
bicuiihc .1 man wouldn't mail her,
wor two libels In dlvoice, filed b a
couple of women, who are paylnR kooiI
birr legal fees to get 1 lei of a pair of
One of them. Jennie Pierce, wants
sepal ation fiom Rllsworth Pierce, be
cause h was ctuol to her and after
waidb deseited hor. They weie mar
lied Oct. 7, 1SS6. nnd he left hor Oct. -i,
HSM C. 11. Super Is her attorney.
The other is Maiy Phillips, wife of
John 13. Phillips, who also want a dl
voice on thp giounds of cruelty und
desettlon. They weie mnirled June 30.
JSfll, and the alleRod desertion oecuired
Nov. 30. ISiiT i: C New comb Is at
toiney for the llbellant.
City and School Tmos Tor 1807.
A penalty of 7 per cent, will be add
ed on all taxes luiiabilng unpaid af
ter Dec. 31. 1897, and an additional
penalty of 1 per cent, on the (list of
each and eveiy month thereafter un
til paid.
Taxes remalnliiK unpaid after Dec.
31. 1S'J7. will be placed in the hands of
collectois, as piovlded by an Act of
Assembly, approved May 23, 18S9.
C. a Roland.
City Treasuter
City Hall, Washington avenue.
Office hours, 1) a. m. to 5 p. m., Sat
urdays, 0 to 12 noon.
Kiiiiucr llros' (iriuiil l)iiilny of
llolidny CooeU.
IncludlnK liotipo cocttB diesslntr gowns,
bath lobeR, Rcntlcinen'B furnlxhlngi),
chlldien'tt reefeis nnd suitings. Bhould
ho seen before liirhablni;. Pilcos ul
wnva the lowest to bu found any wheie.
You me coidlnlly inMted to call and
see the largest nssortment at tho Lead-.
Inif nnd Liu trout Clothlntr House In this
pait of the state. Kiamer Bros., popu
lai clothiers.
It takes years of oxpoilente to he an
eMiert Jitdsfe. in Diamonds. I have 31
years' experience. C. Luther,
Jesse Dcfsaucr Meets an Untimely End
In New York.
Strange I'ntnllty Is Pursuing the
Youth oT tho Quaint .Mountain
Town-Sceii ol Them Have It u
ccntly Died Molcut Ucatlis nnd the
Drowning ot Another Is Hcporteit
from the Klondll.c--AII ere Voting
nnd Unmarried.
The violent death of a Montrose boy
Is related in the following dispatch
received by The Tilbune last night:
New York, Dec. 17. Jesse Dcssaticr, a
tlerk, 0 veals old, who is miIiI to bi a
sun of M. H Dessiuer, of Montrose, Pa.,
was killed last night by a full liom the
roof of 101 Wavclly Place. Dess.niel
lmlged at No. 101 It Is thought that I e
was mentnllj detaiigtd when ho got out
of the window of ids loom on the loof
of an extension lumped trom that to an
extension nt 101, ran along that and tell
Into the vard ot 101. Ills bi other who had
pui'iied him when he climbed out of tho
wlnciow, was too late to catch him.
Tho father of the young man, M. S.
Dessauer, Is one of tho best known
mei chants in this part of the state
and lies a wide aenualntance In this
and the Wvomlng valley. He hns been
In the diy goods and clothing business
In Montrose for manv vents atid Is te
lated bv mntilago to the 13lsmnn fam
ily of Susnuehnnnn. Jesse, who was
killed, was one of several sons who
had the benefits of a college education
and then began promising business
caieeis His Is the (list death among
a lurco family of ehlldien.
The untimely end of young Dessauer
Is the seventh nnd possibly tho eighth
violent death of joung nnd unmarried
Monti ose bovs within the last few
yeni.s. These were G. A. Lathi op,
Charles McCollum, Louis Knoll, Wat
lous, McLeod, Newton and Dessauer,
and posMblv another Newton, who, It
Is leportcd In Montrose, was one of a
party of fouiteen who were di owned
1 occultly while en route to tho Klon
dike. Lathiope wns a son of A?or hathiop
and wns killed bv being tin own fiom
a buggy In n uinaway accident. His
fiancee was ildlnsr with him at the
time. Young McCollum fell beneath
the wheels of ,1 passenger tialn at
West Philadelphia, whole ho was at
tending school Ho wns a son of Jus
tice J. H. McCollum. of tho Supiemo
court of Ponnsjlvanln. Knoll wns
tin own from a sieiuh on a Delawaie,
Lackawanna nnd Western l.illroad
crossing near New Milford nnd crushed
by an nppiouchlng engine.
Young Wntrous mot death while
emulating Iluffnlo Hill. A tope with
which he had hi'.soed a cow was tied
about his waist He could not loosen
It, and the beast diagged him to death.
McLeod was di owned while bathing In
Mulford s pond, a small bodv of water
near the outsimts of the town, and
Newton, a sun of Dr Newton, foi met -ly
of Nicholson, wns killed by the cms
at rnetoiyvllle, wheie he was attend
ing school Dessauei's wns the seventh
violent death, but eight will be the
collect number when the icpoited
death near tho Klondike ot Newton
number two, Pert, Is verified.
It is a coincidence that Justice Mc
Collum, Aor Lathmp, lecentlv de-etas-ed,
and Ml Dessauer, tho fatheis
of three of the lins, weie iepieenta
tlvo Demoeints of a county overwhelm
ingl Ret ubllcan and had for many
jeais been Intlinnte business ft lends
and eloselj 1 elated 'otlullv
Chapter Second of the Olvphnut
onst.iblcs' 1'iht.
John J. McLausrhlin, the deputy con
sliblo ot the Third waul of Olv pliant,
apnlnst whom Constnlilf 13 L. Cuilco.
ot hlikely. made iccusntlons In eoui t
last i-'atuidav hied an answer to these
chaises csteidnv. thiout'li his attor
nev, James J. O'Mnlloj
Tho acr ip-atlons weie to the elfect
tint McLuiRhlln tlue.itened to do hum
to Cral;o, If he poislst"d In his pioe
cutlon ol Anthony liosnii1 for (-otHner
Ihiuor without a licence MrLnushliii,
in his answer, saj s he doesn't know
anvthlnp at all about the ease.
Tor Indmestioii
lUo Ilnrslord's Vciil I'liosphiilc.
Di. OieRoiy Dojle, Syracuse, N Y,
sajs "I have fiequontly preset Ibed it
in eas-es of Indlprfstlon and nervous
prostration, and find the lesult so sat
isfactory that I shall continue It "
Twlnlnp, optician 123 Penn avenue, In
Harris' drug store. Hours 9 a. m.. S
D. tn.
Calendnrs, Rooklets nnd hand-painted.
Novelties, at Re nobis Hios. "
ii. 1
Hold Pens and Peail Holders from
$1 00 up, at Re nobis Pros.
Rend about the minister that Aionged
n gill und then lied fiom justice in tu
monow's Sunday Pieo Pre-i. "
Diesslng Cases In leuthei nnd cellu
loid, at Rej nobis Bros
Photograph Albums at Reynolds
Rio, statlonets. Hotel Jermyn.
We have TONS of the
finest CONFECTION manu
factufed, at prices far
below our competitors,
Florida Oranges and
Grope Fruit. Direct ship
ments. E. Q. Coursen
Wholesale ami Retail.
St. J0I111N Sdcietv Hill Celebrate tho
IWciit .Moniliij Night. '
Atondny evening St John's Total Ab
stinence nnd Penevol nt orlftr vt
Pine Hiook will celebrate the twelfth
annlversatv of Its ciig-.inUitlon at HH
ball on Cjpouso avenue, .v number
of guests have been Invited to a"Hlst
the simioty n celebrating the." event.
At v 30 a biniuct will bo it'rved after
which an odd-esa of welt 01110 will be
debvcte.l uy Timothy Ilurke. ttosldont
of th" Hotlety. who will also lnttodttCJ
D. J. Campbell, the lonatmastor ot the
evening. 'i'lr follow Iiik piogrannno
vlll bo lenderr 1: t
Address He v. 13. J. Melley
tiplrituil D'reeloi of Diocesan I nlon
AiUlress .. Clui'li' L11M11, WdKes Parro
Pirslilent ot Diocesan I'nion.
Voral Solo I'otrr P. Snjdcr
"The IHfurtr of a Toliil Abstlnolico
Set'cly hi This Community,"
Hon. J. Il ltocho
"The Press" I. P. Mitcnell
"Way a Total Abstinence foclety
Should he Conilfitrd, '
Rev. P. J. McMnnus
"The Legal rruttrnlty" R. J. llourke
"The Veternn" Captain P DoLacy
Aditress . Rev J. 15 Cloligh
"The Lulli s ' M. J.Oioole
Voinl Solo John Onll igher
Renin 1 Kb M J Kelly
"Our Slxter Societies"... J. C. Oulbigher
Thcte will In n noclal after the ban
Lnckinvnnim I3iual Sullrngo Club is
(Jrowliif Very Rapidly.
The Lackawinna I3quat Suffrage
club met at Cot Ninth Washington
avenue, WeeluesiHy. Ten now ment
hols wore lecelved. A veiy Interesting
communication was read, and notion
taken theicon. which, '.n the near fu
tine, will undoubtedly bilng about in
creased Intel est In the woik.
The next meeting will be held at 60(1
Noilh Washlnt'ton ivenue. Dee. .'.'. at
2 "(1 p m. All members, or those wish
ing to becon e members, will bo wel
comed. Renullful Ri ass Inkstands nnd
Pinnies Gold-plated, at Reynolds Hios.
Special sale of Holiday Rooks at Rey
nolds Pros., Hotel Jermn.
Christmas Presents.
Palms, retnsinnd Rubbeis nt a bar
gain. Lai go supply. Will hold your
selection until Chtlstmas. Call and see
our new stoio, 201 Washington avenue.
G. R Claik & Co.
Hr -ial sale of Holiday Rooks at Rey
nolds Pros., Hotel Jermvn '
Read about tho mlt.lslei that vwonsoJ
a Ri-1 nnd then lied from justice In to
moirow s Sunday Fiee Pi ess.
Wateiman Fountain Pens. Reynolds
Pros., stnllonc is. Hotel Jeimvn.
Reynolds Hios
Drowsiness Is dispelled by I1E13CII
Holiday Stationery.
f r-i
Iff HI'S
wffite I pi mrce
r if''
Upholstery Department.
Vsenil anil Beautiful Article?. Very Desirable for Glus
In (lie ilolhla Season. '
Special lol of High Grade Lace Curtains at Greatly Reduced Prices
lor tins Holiday bale:
Iiish Point Curtains,
Iiish Point Cm tains,
Biussels Point Cm tains,
Scotch l.ace Curtain.s,
4 -fold Japanese Screens, $5, $4 and up to $10. Silk Filled and
Silkolin? Filled, white or oak Irame, $ to SS.02 each.
Coiiibination Fur Rugs, lined and very heavy, also unlined White,
Giey and Black Baby Carriage Robes, Baskets, etc.
t J-JJ if 73n Y
fA2r v -WkW,W, J3& 0
Henry J. Collins, Lt., Lacka. Ave
1 11 to l it) Meridian htrcet.ciunlou, l'u. lelopliouo ails.'.
lAINT OLI'ARTMCNT.-l.lnseea Oil,
VhiuWii, Dryer Ji JU umlHliluulociiulii.
In our Fresh Meat
Choicest Spring
Chicken 10c per lb.
Choicest Pork
Loins, per lb. 7c.
For Saturday only.
Do not fail to get
some of these goods
as they are the
choicest stock.
J hat n wlicie von 11 find us with a
line line of
l mlirellii", lanes, Mutlleis Pino
Handkerchiefs In Linens ami Pulley
Mlks, suspenders, Olovi'S Puiiev
"ii;lit Milits, Pnjuinns, Hath Holies
Mucklntotlies, Nee Uw ear to I'lcasolhe
Most Pnstldlous In All Mles and
anil (Jimlltles, Irnvollnit H.igs and
Suit Cu'eJ. inspect fills Line Defend
Inclu tins tho pilnlp? otrnctino!
teetu Lj an cntuelv new piocuss.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
321 Spruce St., Op?. Hotel Jermvn.
M.YliKP.D I'ltOM
$ ioO
Ii. OO
$ 4.25
6. so
A Host Suitable
Christmas Gift . .
Is a good warm Ulster or Over
coat. Christmas weather means
cold weather, and a waim outer
coat is essential. We have Ulsters
in the best Irish Fiieze or Beaver,
and our stock of Men's nnd Boys'
Overcoats is varied in cut, style
and material to suit the most cor
rect and fastidious taste.
e'phouo !l(is."i
111! II ULIIM,
Turpantluo, Wlilto t,eal, Cul Tur,
1118 81.,
320 Lackawanna Ava, Scranton Pa.
Wholesale nnd Retail
Ready nixcil Tinted Paints,
Convenient, Ikonomical, Uurablo.
Varnish Stains,
Producing Perfect Imitation of i:patiMva
Raynolds' Wood Finish,
Espcclnlly Dcmgned for Insldo Work.
Marble Floor Finish,
lHirnblo unci Dries Quickly.
Paint Varnish and Kal
somine Brushes.
E OffEl
A few suggestions for
useful Holiday gifts.
See our window.
H and & Payne
203 Washington Ave.
Big Stores
Big; Profits
Our motto i Good Value for Little Jlonov
It will pa .von to give u a cull lieforo delect
lng Holiday Cilfts vou would purchase! tor
the clear ones at home. Our stock of
Diamond Jewelry
In All S()lcs anil Prices,
Will suit the movt fastidious of buyers
cany as tluo makes In
Gold and Silver Waicius,
Clocks, Sterling Silver Novelties
And In fact, nnythlns you want portalnlns
to tho leweli trade, and prices are as low as
tho lowest. W'enio always pleased to show
gooil", whether j on wish to buy or not.
Compare Goods and Prices
llefoie purchnslng elsewhere. If you do
not fcce w hat ou wiuit, ask for It.
408 spruck stri:i:t.
Open ocnlngi until otter the holldiiya.
Xrfuri jrxvjrxrn irt it irt mpt
Silyarware, Cut Glass,
Jardinieres, Flower Yases,
Beer Steins, Fern Dishes
110-112 Washington Ave,
l .,.,.. Ilnllill.i,.
.iiuain jniiiiiuip)
Come in an J Look Around
Suit Cases,
Neckwear, .
Bath Robes, etc,
lull Line Now Read)
Hotel Jarmyn Hailers,
Open Cvenlngi,
a b v.a
' L i laif o
r Hi 9
1 Hi!