TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 7. 189T. CacKawaima Conmy. GARBONDALE. (The Cnrbondnle correspondence of Tho Tribune Ihib tccn placed In tlio bunds of Mr. C It. Munn, fl.ilcm iivcnti" and Church ntrect to whom nras Items may 1)0 addressed and nlso coniplnlntH of lr regular delivery. FOUND DEAD IN TIIE WOODS. Aged IjihI)' Porlslifil on Hio Hillside Uest orilc rlt,. Mis. Mnrsaiet H.uiett vho httnvnil awny from home lust Tuesdiy, w found ilts-.d j em onlay Ju.t lipfmo nm on the lilllMtle west of tlie ot The eiut locution Is about n ittnrti i "f a mile hack of Murdock's move nei.i tlio stream mnnliiiy fiom Mountain i"tul U vvim tho i UHtiur of the old ludy, Mho la nenrly ninety, to vl'lt n '" idalUe ilnya at a time and tlun n Itirn t her own homo wiicto flu- lived silone DiniiDj the flist two or thtcp lny, iC her nbseneo each lelutlve 1holic;lir "ahf ivns at the home of nil uthei. When they finally beeaino olurniPd a llirmotw seauli was iiihi tutsil, hut to no avail Atnliew Siiiiillen nd John Mannlon. vim woic hu'itlmr sump mpii" tieildeiitully ultinitf'tl to the mrpse !V the lieculiat minluct of thPlr doff Deputy Cm oner Spnretli lowed the rem. tin"' whleh had b'-en k' l't I" a K'ood sfito of puwnnllnn h the nil- tlse lie weather of the fist wppK. lie decided lint no inquest wns no re!ai, II wus innateiit Hint she stiayv'i! in her rhlldUhnisi. lost her ivuv and Mircumbed to exhaustion. 11 -i faie was dlioloivd but theio v i no niniki o" In r. She was ivell to do but no val'iibl s weio on her 1C1M11 The leiiulns wlilili lav face upwatd, nl ut r.orj feu from the lieaust path, Mere innou-d to the home of her sim, Thomas Hariott, of Fall Hiook ptieot. Mis James Crane, Mis John Hiott, Mih Mlrhiel IJoland, and Mrs .Jnines OaiiUn ue dauKliteM of the deceased who u Mile In tills ( Itv Sevii.il risldtnts of. the WeM Hide hp. Ihev heaid ciks comlnir fiom the mountain side on Tu"sdu niKlit As that Is the tlni" the utifoiuinate vvoni nn piobabh met her fate. It is pie sumed she iesill7oil hpi helpless eondi tuii an 1 wts appealing tor help NEW CENTURV CLUB MEETING. One oT the .Host Intercslnii; '.ci Held liy the ()rsmu!itioji Th new CVntiny club met MsteidaJ aftiinomi at the Lincoln aenue home of Mis C. T Meals?!. Theie wus ii 1 11 tit attendant e and the miihlril and lltiar piogiamme cariiid out was one of tlie most Intel i stlnK eei at temtted by the niRjnlzatlon Miss 1 aeoe rciiileied a pi mo Kiln In luultle-s sti-le nml Mis A. P Tiaiil wlii mil Mis V. T Col llle dellKhteil tluli aiulllois by Miming a duel in liiiman. Mis Trautwein took the .sopiain ji.ut while Mi. Cob-ille "-antf UtD Mis Chailes T.ee nail an rvicitlon ul'v ible pap"t on 'Anion UuriV In tniiis ' Mis r I' Huir's sublet I was I.ocntin i of the Xatlnnal Capitol" nul Mis. Thomas Lincoln McSllllan a" a ' Stoiv of Wai." 1'iiis number was enleilalniiifj and !listiiitle The ladies-, of Ui club will unit next w oek ut the PieMiyteiiaii nui'su 1 Ihonie of Mis. Chailes Lee. PUGILISTIC. Bobb" Dobbs and "Hedih" Con noll will batter each othei's phsoi;. munles on the seventeenth of Decein bei at Hlmpson In oidei to win, Dobbs must knoek Coniioll out In ten rounds The following cnmmunlintion fiom Stisquelianna has been lecehed Cot lespundent of Scianton Tilbune "The Scinnton Tilbune's Caibondale eone spondent says that ltedd ronnollj, of that city, Is endeaotlnK to auanue a boxing mutcli with Hiulv, the cham pion of Susquehanna " If Ml Con noll is desirous of meeting Mi Huily his effoits will be nnpi eclated u peisonal touespondence We hae the man and stun' that troes. PURELY PERSONAL Mr and Mis. ( M. Tucker hae ic tuined fiom u Islt to the tonnei s hi other at Ashlej Count lluiun Katon laiiKlit seenteen nce pickeiel through the lie at Keenu s liontl one dnj last week. Miss Han let When, of Iielinont f-treet, is lsltlng llonesdale and Prompton fi lends Miss Horteiiie Halt spent .Sunday with friends In Wuinait. Ui F. C .Munn, Mis-, l: li Aeiy and Mls Oiace Munn spent esteula In Scianton. Mis C U Fitchett has at.ited Tiln- When n man who has ntgltt ttd his health finally rialues tint he is bung attacked 1 t-erious ill health it is no time for half way measures l)t nth is an eue my that must ue knocked out m the first loimd or lit is pietty suio to conquer m the end A weak Momacli, an impaired di ifcstion and a dkordered liitr mean Unit a man is fighting the" first round with death I'tiless he manages to strike the knock out blow, it means that death will come up in the second round in the guise of eonit htrious itukidy When a man s stomach is weak and his dieestton is impaired, the life giving element!, of the food he- lakes are not assimilated into the blood The Wood get thin ami weak, and the body slowlv Manes In the meantime the disordered liver and the sluggish bow els have forced into tin blood all manner of impurities The body is hungry and eagerly consumes aiijtliuig that the blood stream carries to it In place of healthy nutriment, it re.ceivcs for food foul poisons that should have been exert ttd by the bowels. Continued, this sjstcm of Btara tion combined with poisoning, will wreck every organ in the hotly Naturally, the weakest organ will give wn firt If a nun is naturally nerrous, he will break down with nervous exhaustion or prostra tion If he inherits weak, lungs, the con. sequence will he consumption, bronchitis, asthma, or some disease of the air-passagt s If he has u naturally sluggish livir he will Filffer from a serious bilious or malarial at tack, Dr I'ierce's Golden Medical Discov ery cure all disorders of the tonnch di. guttlon and liver It purifies the blood and fills it with the life-giving elements of the food that build new and healthy tissue l U the great blood-maker and flesh-builder and nerve tonic. It cures tS per cent of all cases of consumption Thousands hu e testified to their recovery from this dread difease under this great medicine. Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation. Www V. JevMvii - XSim Ity lectin l und taken tip her lesldenco at tho home of Mr. und .Mrs. J I'. A. Tlngley, of Hlver stiept. H. A. Purple and family tnoed to Park stteet yesterday. W, I. Prvor, of Scrnnton, ni In town yesterdny. I'. V. Luthtop, wife and Miss I.uoinls iup In the metropolis. Mrs. A. N'iles Is cntcttulnlug Miss lh'iia I.eich, of South Cniinnii. -Mi and Mrs. D. O. I'uuly ate ontor tnlnlug Mr. and Mis. O. A. JJuub, of Seeleyvllle. at their pleasant Spring street home. It. 11, Ulalr was III Scianton on busi ness yesterday MKs Tlhnthi Lewis Is Improving. Mrs. W. M. Lathtop, of Patetson, is visiting hei paients in this eltv. F. Plare Coates tailed on ft lends In this city jesterday. William Uclmits Is on the jury this w eek J. Ilennett Smith, of the Hazatd Who Hoiii- works, tailed on the tiade help 5esterdny. John llPLsp, of Pnscoe, Scutiv & company's stoic, went to New Yoik last nlgli't 10CALS. Ilev i. A Plate. Ph.D. pleached a patilntle s-eimon to the Junloi.s, Sun day. Dlstilct Oignnlzer Dll Dickinson has applied foi clinrtei papeis for a Vand llng lodge of the Shield of Honor, which will be Instituted on Dec 16 The late Mrs. Maiy Heeiian was builul In St. Hose tpmctm, Sunday. The pall-bimets weio. Daniel Hums, Nell MtC.lnlcy. John liuike, John Mnl loj.John iJallngher and Patrick Dough ett. The tlnee-week.s'-old child of Mr. and Mis. Andeishiiw, of Highland Park, died yesteiilay Junius Keilns, fnitv vears o1a, died at the almshou t jesteraa The dates of IMwunl llanlngton und the leiiiitnlie company to have played heie next wiek, luxe been cancelled The Cn-sient Social t lull his decldeit to hold an entci taliiment on New Ye.u' eening in the (Ji.ind opeiu house. A ilelightful piogiamme Is being nt langed. which will Include Mis. Kate Crossin-O'liilen, s,,prano. Miss Tlm lieiinan. lontuilto, of Scianton, and W A. Kelly. Imiltone, f Archbald. These will Le assisted by the Philhar monic .stilus nuaitPtte of Sinviton I"i ml: Krily is diicetlng the niT.iIr. which Is n guaiantee that It will be a line nitisii .1 tie.it. Thomas WiiVI of Pike street parsed awa last Sunt'aj. uftei 1 llngoilng illne-s. Die.-icil is silivhed by Ills wife and four chlldien, Maiy, Katie, Annie and Andiew Walsh The following olllteis of the Knights of r.ithei Mathew have been put In nomination Piesldent, 'I'lmmas l!o Inn. Mce-piesldent, Ddwaid Doughei O . tieasurer, M. F Horan. M I' Xoi- ton, limine ial --iiiet.il, I) L Walsh, James Vn Thomas Connell; leeoidlng becietuiy, J P Campbell JERMYN NEWS. Sons ol etei.iiis i:icct Olliceis. ( cri'inni! ol l.'le-singu Hell. Fitd Hurke of Hill street w ho has been seioush 111 foi the past ten das with Uphold loAt'i. is now somewhat impuneil Thomas Hiennan of Notth Laeka wuinui uxenue Is s-uffellng from nil ct tack ut pneumonia I .met to, W'nlku spent Sunday thn gues-t of Miss CJraee Lytuh at Ob -pliant. Mi. und Mis Sinder and two thlld len, ol Sulllxan county, an the gue-ts of Mis. Sndei's paients, Mr nnd Mis lilclmrd Ktf-plieiison of I. siret t S. A DIUs nnd Chailes Hills oi Cai bondale, spent Sunday In town IMlth Conch who lias been s-eiious-ly ill foi sonie time bus sulleied a le laphO and lier tondltlon Is now con sider ed i lltital Di. S. D. Davis on Satin day iemoed the metallic splints from the toot of Councilman William H. Wllliums. 1K Is not sulfeiing as much pain now as he did ii few weeks ago, and from inesent indications the foot can be saved. At u recent meeting of C Smith Camp No. '.'Ill, Sons of Veteiuns, the following olliceis weie elected for th" ensuing yeai : Captain, Thomas Hiint ei (list lieutenant. In In Hluioie, second lieutiiiunt, Wuth'Mfnid Mat thews, delegates tamp count II, Grant 1. Hell. In in F.lmoio und Lalayelte Matthews. Delegate to division en campment: iilternutlxe, Itutherfoid Jlatthews; delegates to Death Hem lit nssoilatlon, II. i: Van Kleuk and La lajette Matthews. On Wednesdu tvenlng the camp will be itispufd b inspee'tlng ofllcer Geoige qulkham, ot W'likes-Haiie The teiemony of blessing tin- new hall at Sucted Heat t ihuicli will tukn place tomoiiow' evening The Itlght Heveiend Hlshop O'Hura will be juo sent and take nnit in the pioceedliiHs and ;i laige inimbei' ut ilergjnnu from sin rounding ehuiches vill also assist In the seivlies IteVtiend Fath er Hiodeilck, of Susquehanna, will pieuth the seimon lit in y Nichols of Thlid meet is very 111 of an ubsces-s on the nun. An opei utlon was peiloimecl upon him on Sunday by Dr M J Shields assisted bv Di Manly of this town und Dp Ciatdner of Scianton He Is in n semi-comatose condition und can bo but momentuilly moused. His condi tion is consult! oil as very s-eilous und leeoveiy doubtful. The legister of voteis lor the differ ent wards nie now making their De cember legislations This Is the list that will bo used at the spring elee Uon. i;veiy voter who vvishi s to enst a ballot nt that election Miuuld see that his name is. not omitted. OLYPIIAN'l'. Tlu many filemLs of tho late Mis Ilrldget Hoyle, of Dunmoio stieet. at tended the tunei ul sei vices, which weio tonduited nt a o'clock Sunday ufter noon The temalns wete taken to St. Patiick's church, vvheie services foi the dentl were read nfter which Inter ment was inude lij fit Patiick's cenie teij The pall-hcaieis were cousins of the deceased. They tvorp Thomas, James und Prof, joiut tj'Hiitu, Put lltk James and Prof T F. Mcllale A team of hlnses ovv'iled by M Neetllu lippume filghtoned tit a passing tiuin' while standing at the Dolnwuie und Hmlsiiii station yesterday moin Ing and ntuitid off ut u Itvelv pace They collldid with the txpiess wugon dilvon by, WllUam .Cooper, and the tongue, of the wagon- ian Into the breast of Mi Coopei's hoise, .seilously Injuring the animal. Tho White Dlephant Hxtiavngnnza company gave a flret-class perform ance at the Father Mathew oporn houie last evening. They will appear again this anil tomorrow evenings Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Grey Bpent Sunday with relutlvea at Scranton. Knuch Thomas Is nblo to be out again after u three weeks' illness. Miss Lauiu Walker, of Mnyfleld, Is the guest uf Miss Oiaco Lynch Mr. and Mrs John It. Jones, of Kings ton, ntu visiting relatives here. D. (1, Jones returned home ester daj from a visit ut Wllkes-Uatie. Mrs. Henry Sealblows Is very 111 Mrs S. N. Callender and daughter, Mls.s Mnigaiet Callender, visited Mrs Hdwnrd Jones, of Hlakely. yesterday. Mis. William Mason, who has been I lsltlng lelatlves at Providence, has , returned home. I David Allen, of Caibondale, wus a caller In town yesterday. TAYI.OU. I'lie broke out In this place nt an eui ly hour ypstordy In the uMtlctice of David Thomns ivhlch Is situated in the vicinity ot North Tnvlor, Tho cause of the flames could not lv leo'iied. An tilaiui was sent In and thellrecomputiy iespond"d in short notlf. The dam ngo was slight. The new electiie lljht plant which is belnr elected nt South Taylor Is be ing pushed to completion cs fast as possible. It must be completed by Jnntmiy 1, or a forfeit will be claimed bv the present tompany. New wiics will be stiung through the town In near future, and a iiumli'i of other Improvements will bt made Mi. James Tailor, ot tho Pyne. 's inpldly n coveting fiom his toccnt sltk ness. Pride of Lackawanna. Lodge, No IS, Ameiknii Protestant association, will Meet this evening In Heese's hall. Miss f-udle Caller, an estlinable young lady of Mntn stiiel, hus ac cepted i position at tin Globe Ware house in Si lanton. Sidney ilakci, who has "been assist ant mine foi email in the Tavlor nilne, has nciePted n noslllon us head foie niaii at the Hllss mine In Nnnticoke, under the Delaware, Latkawnnna and A'estein (ompanv. Or, S.ituiday cvenliiB Hip Christian r.ndeavoi society of tho Methodist Hplscojial chin eh met on that occasion. Tilev changed the sotletj's name and lieienftci it 'Vill be Icnown as the Ep woith Lengui'. David Joins, of Olv pliant spent the Sabbath' with fi lends in this borough. Mis. Henjamln William, of Main stteet, was the guest ol lelatlves-' In Lickawanna vesterday. Inugist John Ketley, of Main itreet. tlitiihiud among 1'i'ovidente fi lends of Sunday The lalllle for the benefit of Mis Heniy Ilonna will toke place on Decem be' 1S s'utl news has been l etched heie from A rles anuountlng the death of Mis. Isjne Watklns, of Hendham. The dtctasptl was the widow ot the latp Isaac Watklns, who met with diMth nt the Jeimyn mi'ie disaster oni( tlm ago. Th.' Ladies' Aid Society of the Cal Mti'v Hinilst thliirh, vxill hold their legular mv night this week Faggots and e iki- will be sened. V 0. Howellu and John Gwvne. nie Mixing ns Jui j men in Scianton this w t'p'c Mr. J A. WUlles, of Scianton, was the gqpst of ft lends in this place on aun(laj. PKICKIIUUG. Mis Nancy Sajie has tetuineil honi after a pleasant visit with ielatlves in Scianton Mis Thomas Palmer spent Sunday nnd Monday v.lth her sister Mis. Thomas Coates of Yntesvllle. The Hod Men's enttrtalnment, to be given In Smith's hall, Satin day even ing December IS, will lie one ot the finest ever held In thl borough The admission fee U1I be L'j cents-. Miss Sarali Jane Plow light spent Sunday with hei parents ot Cm malt si ret t Mi. Fileml, of Jeunxn xisited at the home of Mr. and Mis. William Penis, of Maple stieet, Sunday a.v i:.ci:tioai. "OH A.N. .llarj Amlrciistiii 'flapped Sivtv-fivo olxs in One Winter. Prom the Mai 'fit 11 (Pa) Adxntlspr Living with hei s(m on a small faun ' in the heart of Potter county. Pa , is a xxomnn xxhosp life stmy Is stiango unci lnleiestlng. This xxomnn Is Mrs Maiy Andreason, widow of the former sec letai.x of the famous Ole Hull the hls toi of xxho.se colonx at Oleonu Is an lnleiestlng thaptet In the hlstotj rf Pennsylvania. Mrs. Andieason xx.ts i widow xx hen wooed and xxnn bv An dieuson. Hei name then xxns Tiendi. she having been the wife of one of th eail stttleis and tiappera of Potter ( ount Today hei bones aie lacked Willi lheumatlsm as a i cult ol h,r Pioiuei expeiiente, xxhen ho hunted und tmptied at hei husband's sldt It is said that timing one xx Intel .Mrs, Flinch, unaided, ti. wiped CI ,?iny wolves, knoikliiL" thtm In the heel with a hutchet, xxhich sihe ulwax.s Ma iled, iliing from a belt around lur vxnlst Hesldes hunting and tupplnc, Mis French distinguished he 'elf bv jJoIiir with lit i husband ntul u cievx of men to dtlxe logs on Kettle ci,-ck With pike-pole or cant-hook this poweiful xxomnn xvnded the stieiim xxltli the men, vxhlillnu a dciellct log Into he htieam or lueuklng a Jam at tha tieek's bend, It ieiiilrtd supreme neivt' for a woman to undertake to diivo, logs, foi It Is a mightily danger ous liuslnilss; jet Mrs. Fienth did this mom. than one tJpring, earning from $0 to $S (jov du. Hvcn now, at tho age ot SI, she- lefeis vxlth tonsUleiable pilde to the time v hen she was joung and strong enough to pltih logs In famous Kettle ct eek. Mrs. Andteahon Is said to have been u halidwome woman Hven noxx, though her -fate ts wrinkled and her hair tinned gi'.iv, one htes tiaee.s of foimei beauty.' She xxas yet quite a voung xxtimun xx hen Ole Hull'.i eolonj of Nor xxegians tame into Potter eountv and took up the 12,000-aue tiuct. She then hnd been u widow for txxu years She wus employed as a took at the Nor xxeglan hcachmarteis, und It xxas there that she met and mauled Henry An dreusoii, who came into that count) y to manage the nffnlus of the Ole Hull tolony. Hut Mis Andreafcon xxas not In love with the colonists She suys they danced and tan led on too high for her Many a time, she declares the Norwegiuns would dance all night to the tune of u fcqucaky llddlo, Instead of lestlng foi tliPli iipxt day's xxoik at clearing new ground foi their little fut ms Hut Mis Andieason's most cyccitlng time of life was the tlrst years of her lesldonee In Potter count j. Then deer vx etc ns plentiful us lambs in a mead ow, elk Inhublted the legion In mon ster droves: panther prowled In every ravine, and xxolves In nivenuus droves made tho night hideous with u thoru'i of monotonous howls. Mis. Fieneh (us xxiih tho case then) was nn export rlila shot, and lint, slain scores of black hear, runlamounts and deer Hut wolves were her specialty, for the bounty un ef ' rss- sm. 1 '0$ rVW r Largest pickugB greatest economy. Made ouly by TIII3 X. K. KAIHttAMC C'O.ltPANl. Chicago. St. Louis. Now York these animals was large enough to niaki- their hunting piolltable. Mis. Flench was once delated on a homexx aid outne, and darkness over took hei. She xvas traveling u foot path leading from Kettle trick to bet home xx hen she heat it xxolxes approai h ing her. She concluded that they wore on her tt all, and, snapping het lllle to her back, she climbed a hemlork tiee, knowing that If she could but get a dozen teet uboxe ground, she would be safe from the xxolxrs' .shaip teeth nnd claws. In less than ten minutes the puck of xxolxes hid overtaken hei nnd rui rounded the tiee upon which she had taken lefuge. She tould see the gieen ees of the nnlmals .shiminei In the daikness, and dlie"tlng hei lllle ut the duik objei ts nt the foot of tin tiee she Hied ns fust as she coii'd le load Hvctv shot wus nnsxxeied bj a growl of pain us a wolf keeled over. She xxus xxithln n mile of her home, und the lepeuted tiling of the rifle soon brought her husbind upon the scene. He came beating a lllle in one hand and n limning toicli of piny fag ots In the other. The Hie f lightened the xxolxes nnd long befoie Fieneh had leached the tiee whele his wife was captive, the howling puck went s-cump-eilng over the brow of the hill into the vnllev be.vond. When Mia. Fieneh had taken inven toij of hei illle's vvoik she found that five wolves lax dead at the foot of the tiee. The hides and bounty from these weie xxoith a good round sum. So she never legrettnl being need by the pack Now hei time Is spent In a big nun chair, built from beeihxxood saplings, in which she rocks and sighs and nurses her lheunmtlc joints HAD Ml "SCO!. IMMJ LOCKS." X 1 liciidship llrokeii by n Young ."Hntion's L-icK of",'ju,k. From the Cliicso Tiin '-lit ial 1 Some people nie absolutely dexold of fit t. One of llies, jm n vouthfill lll'lt 1011 xx ho, wishing to m ike hei veiy dearest fileml anoihui "ung matron a. blithilax ptirint. decided on the pui c has j ot a handsome j.alt of shell s Ide combs Nothing tould haxe In en mme appro piiate fin the blonde treats of her frl"nd, and the glxer fell niucli pleas ed vxlth h"i" siltellon xxhen she went to tall on Iki and give her the pietty or naments "I thought you xxottid like them,' she sain when her tilt ml had idinlred them and thinkecl her rapturously," oil v.'lll find them so handy to lanen up youi scolding loeks " "What do jou mean"' asked l.tr f i lend In a surprised i me. "Did ou n-xor heai of scolding locks' Thev aie the slimt ends of join holi that aie alwaxs fljlng loop. Tluv bothi'i "no nj much, but side ci mlis keep them in oidei besides be ing xeiy becoming ornaments." "So jou think I haxe &coldin,T locks then I must be a s,eod. Thanks, ,iw full.x, ileal, but I don't believe I nerd ai'y tombs Keep them foi vour oxxn sec ldlng outfit, ' ami the fue of the "deal est filend" i loud' 1 vxlth anger. "Vri.v well, Just as ou like (Jood bxe, deal " ai"l the tlonoi of ill-- combs snnttned thtm up and cuiUd Hit in home xx Inn- sht bad a lit of hvsteiUs And all beeaie-i the nuiUd a little tact is Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of OLD STOCK 435 lo 455 N. fJlniiiS!.. scranton. Pa. Telephone Ctll, 23 33. A5KPOiTrlEB?5KLl:TOM ffGHlsKU GIVES TflL BrgTHQnTTWlP Anp!5AB5QWTELY5AFE FOR SALE BY THE SCRANTON STATION. ! i M niNG s,la a l!oton Philadelphia, Are Used in the Lyceum Theater, Scranton Academy of Music, Nay Aug Engine Co Rooms," New Nesbitt Theater, Wilkes-Barre Grand Opera House " Yyoraing Seminary, Kingston Presbyterian Church, Ashley Five in Hanoyer Township Schools near Wilkes-Barre Grand Opera House, Freeland And in 4ii() ol tho homes in this region. rliio Ki'i'at durability of the Kimball I'nino leeommemls it to all who wish to bit' but one piano in a lifetime. Sold on easy payments ot for cash. Old organs or pianos taken in exchange. Drop :v postal or call. GEOKfin If. IVES, (icncral Audit, '.) West Mmliot stieet, WilUevliarro. W. S. l'OOTK, Local AkciiI, TJJ I'ime I'Jute, Scianton, I'.i. CONRAD SELLS Dent's, Perrin's, Etc,, Kid Gloves, from . . . 25c. to $1 00. The largest and most com plete line in the city. RAYMOND cS WHITCOMB'S TOURS. All Til I UNO I MTNlIs IM'I.l lim. I'm tic Mill Leave Philadelphia Jan. 2S and t-eb 17 lot two tiiaml ioin.s thitiugli tlie SollIlR'lll -tutc, KIM AND CALIFORNIA, in Special l'ullman Vestlbuled Tralm of Mecp Ink. DIiiIiik nml l oniposlte I.lln.ir.v-()lHer-alkinl'aii- Vmplo time will he .Ken lo all the leiiliii-, tltltt ami tttliei pluun of lilto 111 anil ili tiiresifiin inteieit In Alexlio, 111- I luillnistlie uml;rlul lamplco Division of the .Mivlcan Central Kulluuy, u Week In the City of .Mtxlco, with n 1 rip over tlie Mexico, Ctiernuvacu unit I'aeilic bcenlc Ralltu. a ul II I uurteen Day' Trip Over the Vern Cm Railway, .in ! eiro, I'.isiulenii, VmiIoii, I in iLile, Sunt 1 liiiibmii, Sn 1 lam ho, -an Kitf ii'l, "Mint.it 111, Miniii'ii , "-an luse, ete., In ( illluinl.i, will hi Msiuil 'I he loliiru liel.ets niaj ho unrit fiom Latl foniiaon Any Keuular I ruin nmll HKH-t, 01 wlthanv tint ot len Partiet Under bpeclal Escort, with at huiceot Ihrej Different Routes 'lour; tn California, Mexico, omii tiUK I all. foinhi. Hlnriifa, Hawaiian Islundi Japin, China and l.urope, and uTnur lliroush lllble Lands, InJepiiiulent Railroad anJ steamship Tickets to all points Hi, -mikI foi eiuulnr, nuiitlonliu thetiip tit si I l 1 RAYMOND & WHITCOMB, 1110; Chistnut Street, Mutual Life Insurance llulldlns:, 1'hllaiklpllia. A GREAT OFFER I'OH THE HOLIDAYS in y"rv Oermanla Wins Cellars. n.y h 1 A tlanimontltport uud .VSiifi RluloM.N !" imnie.l to tWftWfJ iiirolue 01 our irooils SSs: i the eiy hrtt pea- 11 ho ,0111111 j, ami .11 sb no In 'tor u,' mil Huh than b noil-Ik- u a m of our 1, loniuinlii' t'lete-n os of wl to und 0110 e ol oui ovu.i Una e ilisti Ivil (Irans dy, nt out-naif Its ue. mat eosl I'pon re eelpt ot 5.11(1 w will iteutt to unv If 11 ler of thin p.ipir 0110 ease ol our KOi Is, all 111 Kt -c ui unci put up In ele. ; un ntyk-, moito I is follow H it hut lliuuil tin poilnl fn' ( hum pa true nuiaware. illMilln,'. Inli.'ty. bwtet L'a. Shei r,v LUlia Miiiui'.i. hot. A nj,'ellea, hot, I'm I. hot. hweet Is- nhc la, 1 it. hot. tin Ulilo ltrnnilj Ihis oflci Is niailo uuilnly to liitroduit) our tlramt Imperial S-ec Clunipasne and our nne tionoie-ais- tilled Oriipe llra-idv This tuse of fjoods is otToreil nt nbout one-hilfltii uctiml cost and It will 1'Iense us It our fi lends ami putio.ii will tithe adumtaKo oftlils ixud help u Inlro iture our kooiIs, All oidcrs alioulu bo lu bo lino Ucfumhtr l.'ith. I Gloves. P CSTrf , 4 fcjM H 1 J iJ vxA - oii' 4VhJ KIS-I I 1 v 1?A 'otU J? j 1 .A 1 "I" M vVrai IW I ! A HSM ft ., mi hot ft I, ! f I ' '" rniyi.s,Jl.ryj(, I nt. hoi J ' 'Sfli'-.i'.. r I ilt jisiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiimiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiimiiiiiiiiniiii f The Newark mm MitefliislWI g thoelotliliign mini xiearn, to lonkrlulit le iiiiikI lmxetho pioper kind of footXTpar. C j our men s nliotH dpeak for tboinplves more eloquently tlmn wo enil. Tomptlngln 2 S st.xleiuiil In price. You're mire to be satisfied with TIIK NKWAIIIC'SJ shoes for H ?! iiipii mill IwivN. S men mid boys. IThe xNewark Shoe Store, I m m Ul M g Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. s a Sole Agents for the I'oster Boot for ladles and the James A. Ilanlster Shoe j; lor men. g M ailllllllHIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIlllUIIIIslllUllllllira LACKAWANNA M&NIIFACTUR:R OF IMU Timber cut to order on short notice;. Hardwood Mini: Kails sawed to uniform lengths constantly on lianil. Peeled Uf-mlocU I'rop Timber promptly 1 tirnislicJ. .MILLS At Cross Fork, Potter Co.. on the Buffalo and Susqitc 'lanna Railroad. At Mlua, Potter County, Pa., 011 Coudcrsport, and fort Aiiepany Haiiro.tu. Liapactty III..M.HA1. UlllUl- Telepiionc No. 4014. -lioardof Steam and J, f, GUERNSEY'S Hot Water great H E A TI N C -cBAJrSHIv,E:rvIT Is the best place in the state to buy Hot Air Furnaces, cither an Sanitary Plumbing, OrS.ll OT Gas and Electric Light Fixtures. PiailO . . YOU CAN IHJY CHLAPHR, ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING, you can BUv on Ba.v t8. YOU CAN BUY UETTLR INSTRUMENTS Than nt any other plnec. THE Don't fail to call and see for yoursell. MI & CONNELL CO., m jrm uiii u uwimuMu uwf, 205 Washington Avenue, 434 Lackawanna Avs, scranton, pa. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PEHNSfLVAKIA RAILROAD. cliedul: in Lilcct ,Nojmber 15, 1 Jii Trains Lcavo Wilkes-Darra as Follows 7.30 a. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburtr, Philadelphia, BallU more, WaslilnRton, and for Pitts burg and tho West. 10.16 a. m., week days, for Hazloton, Pottsville. Reading, Norristown, and Philndclpnia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburpj, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 3.15 p. m., ween days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and tho Weal. 3.15 p m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, HarnsburR, Philadelphia, and PittsburRand tho West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazloton 0,1(1 J R. WOOD, fien'i Pa"- Asent. I. II MUTc'lllNSON, lleneral M.naisr Central Utiilrtuid of New Jersey (Lehigh ninl Susquthanna Dhlalun) Statiuns In New ioilt-rui)t of Utility btuet, N It , Jiiil V lute hull Tennlnal Anthracite ecul useil txi)aaHul, Insur ing cleanllni"" ahil omfin l TIMi: TAUU1J IN hKl'LCT NOV II 1S97. Tialns lp.ne Scianton lot I'lttston, Ultth-Uarif. etc , at b 20. 0 15. 11 ". 12 Ti, 2 Oi). J 05, .' m), 7 10 u. 111. Suitilaj 3,'J OH. tt ill . 1 W, 2 15, 7 10 v !" Tor Atlantli- Olt, S.O a. in Kor Ntv Yoik. Ncnaik ami l.llzab tn. 8 20 (eirt",8) ,u m. l-'.43 (expros-t with Huffit pnilor tar), 3 0". (expipb) v m Sumlav. 2 1 V tn Tialn lculnK 12 4, p. m anllfH at l'hlla.loliihlu HfMilInK 1' r tnlniil. r, la p m ami Ni w York ! p in Kor ' Maiuli Chunk. Allentnwn. Hethlt luni. i:.i"Un anU 1'hllnilflplila 20 a m , V V I0J, fJ (except 1'lill.uli Inhtu) p m. S"untl.i. 215 P m I'or l.tniK Hr.intli, O'nan eJroe, ctt , ut S2u a m ami 12 4", ji 111 l'or Midline. Li'hir.oii unil II iirlsuum'. Ma AlKntonii. S 20a 111, 12 1 1. OuO p. m. 8orUW?.jiin, n, r.p m ItiturnliiR leae New oik, fnot uf Mb erti siriet, Noith Rhti. at 'J 10 lexpu-ss) n in 110 1 "0. -II"' (cxpre llli Hullet nailoi 111) P rn Sunilu), 4 11., m liaie Nih oik, font Wliltohall stieet. South 1'. ir. at 0 0S a 111. 1 W). 1 23. 3 :5 11 in 1'aa-i 111,1 1 in H Ira 01 ilenutinR; nnm thlH ttinilnal can connect unJ-i 'oti Vlth nil the elewitoil lallroul, llro.ulway cable 0.1m, nn-1 It riles to ltmnkbn uml St.Uen lslaiul, making rmick tranfefi'i to ami fi'om tiraml Central lHli.it 'ii'l I.01.W Jrtiui'I lUilioatl leave I'l llaJelphln, Ileaillnp 'leimlnal 9 00 n in , 2 00 and 4 30 p. m l4iinila. t, 23 Tliroilrtli tlekets to all points ct lowest lite m.ij 1" ''Til tn uppll.atlon In nU anct) to tho ll"kf t areilt at the si itlon N ii p mi.mviN 11. 11. 1'ans. Ast j n. owiat'shn. ntn Supt. Del., l.iic'tu. and Wotcrn. ' nftect Monday. Nov 21, 1W Tialna have Su anion as follows Rx- ine!' for New oik and all polni IJnut, , 1 1 ', J i). 5 13 s Oil and 10 03 a ill , 12 55 an 1 3 33 P m , . ,,,,, 1 KxpieM. tor Rioloii. Tienton Phlladil-I phla and tin Smith 5 1j, t lJ und lu 20 a , 111 , 12 55 und 3 31 p ni. Washington and win motions. 3 4j p 111 Tobjhanna ue. omiucilallon. I. Hi p 111 . RxpiPfs ft'i BltiKhamloii, OawtHii, III- mlia, CoinliiR Bath, Datisvllli .Mount Mini In and Bulfalo. 12 10 2 35. 9 00 a. tn Hill 1 15 p 111 , IIIUKIUK I lo-'- l.llllli'. II. MIS III Uuftulo to all poll. tx In the Wesi, North- wi st and Southwent Blnsliamtoii tml wa Hiatlmis, I.0.1 p. 111 NUholnni acton niodiitloii. .11." p m Blimhamti'li and Rluilia c-xpie-n, 3 55 Rxpiesn forl'llca und Rlelilleld Spring 2 35 11 in and 1 53 1'. 111. Ithuen, S A" OOOu. in, and 1,13 p in I'm Noitliunibeilaml, I'lttKton Wllkea Bane, Plv nieiith, llloonuburir and Dan vllle, mnkhiB cloct eonreotluii at Noilli umbeiland toi WllllJil'fc 01 1, Hal 1 Nhui j Hnlllnioie, M.'t-hlntton and th South NoitlunubrlaiHl and Intermediate sta tloiif. iio". 10 03 a 111., nun 1 V and tl.no p Nnnll.okii mid Inieinitdlnte nations, s Ot and 111" a m. Plv mouth and Intel melliie stailona. 3.J3 und 8 DO p. in. l'or KliiKHtnn. 12 43 p 111 Pullnilin pallor and nleepl lift eon lies on rll express tratnn Kor dPtullcd liiformulloii po?lcet tlme tablea. etc.. applj to M, It. Smith Dh-trl.-t Pas-inuti A?ttit, dtpot ticket olll . 1'rie and Wyomlnn Valley, 1p tffert S'n't- 19. Wl Tnlns leave Scranton foi Now York and iPteimedlalo pelnU on Krle lallioad, also foi Haw ley and loial points ut 7.03 j, 111. und 2.23 p. m. LOUS - 'Hiu.uou leet per day. Trade lluilding, Scranton, Pa. ArrHo at Scranton from above polnti at 10 2.1 a m , 3 13 ar .1 9.3S p m. Dchnvare and Ilmlson. On Monday, July 5, train? will lonu Seiunlon as follows. l'oi Caibondale 0 20, 7F.'. 8 53, 10 13 a. m , 12 00 noon, 1 21, 2.20, 3 52, E23, 0 23, 7.57, 11.13, 10 43 p. ni , 12 In a. m Tor Alban Saratosa. Monti pal, Bos ton, New liiiBlan.l points, etc , 0 20 a. m , 2 20 p m Tor HoncMtalc 20, S 53, 10.13 a. m : 12 00 noon, 2 20, 5 25 p. m Tor Wllkcs-B.il re C 15. 7.M, S 43, 91S, 10 43 a ni , 12 03, 1 23, 2 28, 3 33, 4 41, C 00, 7 50, 9 50, 11 So p m Tor New York, Philadelphia, etc., l.e I.ehlKh Yallej It It. 45. 7 30 a. m., 12 03. 1 25, 1 41 p n (with Black Diamond Kx piess) 11 U) p 111 i"or Pmnslanla It R points 0 43, 9 2t, a. m . 2 2S, 4 41 p. m I'or iw stern points via TiPhlKh Vail y H It, 7 50 a 111, 12 03, 3 33 (with Black Diimond Express), 9.30, 1130 p. ni Tialns will arrive at Scranton as fol lows Prom Carbcndale anil the north ! 40 7 43, S40 9,:i, 10 4H a m. 12 00 noon. 1 '.0, 2 21 3 23, 4 37, 3 45, 7 15 9 45 11 25 p in. Piorn llkes-Harro and the South G 13 7 30, 8 50, 1010, 1155 a m: 110. 2 11 3 IS, C 20. fi 21, 7.53, 9 05, 9 45 a m , 12 05 a. m J W Iirumt'K, O P A Alhanv, N. Y. H W CROSS. V. P A , S.ranton, Pa Lehlgli Valley Railroad System Anthracite Coal l"--otl. Insurlni; Cleauli- iipss and Comfort IN nPKi:CT NOV 14, 1S57. TRAINS I,i: Wl) SCRANTON Tor Philadelphia and Nev York via I) . H. R It at t 43, 7 39 a. ni., and 12 03, 1 25, 2 2S 4 41 (Black Diamond Impress-) and 11 Lo p in Koi Pltltnn tind Wllkes-Birre via D 1,. Ar W It R W. H 0. 11 20 a m , 1 55 .! 40 C 00 p ill Poi Whlti Hiven llazlilon Pottsville and piln. lpl points In the unl regions h 1) MI, K II C 43, 7.30 a m 12 03, 2 2i and 4 11 l ni Pol Bethlehem. Kadton, fteiidlnK flai ilbuiK nrtl p1lnelp.1l Iniermedlite 1 1 tions vli D&- II. H ' 13. 7 30 a in 12 03. 12' 2 2 111 tBIaeU 1)1 1111OU1I 1J piess), 11 V P m Fur T11nl.l1 lnncrk, Towanda, IJImlia. lth.ua ti.iieva, and pilnelpal Intel nieil -ate stations via I) I. .v. V. It It, CO-i. f, us a 111 12 10 and 3 40 p in Foi Oeii'va. P.och.stei, lliitfulo N'.t,--nr Palli", chleas 1, and all points ivesi v ,1 D Ji II R ". l-'"' !"! (Ulatk rjliimoml Pxpie-s), 9 Wand 11 jo p. jh. ., : Pullman pirlcr ami uleeplui, oi-l.ehsi Valley chair cart! on nil tialns hetwn 1 WllV.es-IJ.ine and N w Yoik. Plillad, 1 nhli Hurt do, i 11 1 Sin t'penslon Brldt,f 1 Rdl.I.IN II UIl.PPR. Clt'li Supt C1IAS fo l.l'.H. Oi 11 P-i- Ari , Phlla . Pa A W NONNiniACIIF.R Afst, Gen. Pas. Am . Phlli Itlplili Pa Scianton olll 1 " '0 l.'u Law u na vp''". Sf (t tv io IC ISION. Ill I It.-i 1 K iii'ii r til, ISI17, Norlli ll.niiiil. ouIi ilound. .'() 201 '202 '211 li - a a P'atloni 2 a' C.. ni 1 (Trains Dim, Ex.v fi g ? j, ci pt 11m1.1V) 25 5 a h m in lie leave. ;.'"N I'lankllii : . 7 n lVit 4.'nd slreet, . 7 m .icrliavvl.tii I . : j Ji 810 )' Sll y"M- p Mi- M.lriue leaiei I ir liw W'li 12 41, 12 10 12 2', 12 11 1 aiHi'li Hancock Muillstit l'reittni park Wlnvvood ro)ntille 01 Ami ritlkUIlt Mt I iilnndftlP lortt City t'nihondile rate HrldKO Mnyneld Ji'imiii Archibald Nlutnn I'tckvllle Olvrliunt I'rlctbursr lhroop l'rov lilenee l"irk 1'iacc -2 31 24ll 2531 '.'M .ua ion 3 11). .. 12 03 .. IllI!' I14' 0 11111 11 731 S3I IT 37 fi SS 17 42(8 43! 7 It, 3 4V M47(IP'0 tuitnai ii 11 11 -21 Ii 15 1 1 H O'iJll 11 GSM 11 II firill 07 b J) II 01 t, is 11 01 U ill 110) 1112II0.',7 7 Ml 3 51, 7 f j' 3 14' 7 J, 3 .19, Hi I!1 4 01 f M 4 07 R 03 4 10 Slsj tilt H 12 f4 171 li )&,' 4 20 BIO 10 5.1 tcrnnton lr jil.favo t' Arrival u r mi All trains rim ilnllv ..venf. lanrifliv. t slh'tiliit's that trains mop oa sljnal for pas sercers. iecuio rates via Ontailo Western before purcUalniitlckotiinnd have money. l)y anJ Niiftit EipiesstotUe Wen t.C. Anderson, Oen. Pass ahl r.JfUtcrott, Ulr. l'a6, Act. 8tf anonTrT