THJ2 FCP-ANTON TniBUNE TUESDAY MOTHST!',. DEOEHBTCR 7. 18!JT. K)e$t Side DEBATE WAS A DRAW. Spirited Contest Bctncen Members of St. nrendon and John Boyle O'RIelly Councils, Y. M. I. The llrat of the Hello of debutes nr rnnpfil to Iip Riven by the sevunl coun cils of the Younp Men'8 Institutes "f this city vvnn hold lat pvenlnp; In Mi'iU'H hall under the nuflplrps of St. lit melon (ouucll. No 24"!. It was Itn KFfllblt to got InsluV the linll Ions lin'mo the hour of commencing the c ckIscs prisons lielnir In nttrmlntice from all quartern of the city m gnat vni the lntcrcbt In the event. The councils chosen to contest for fiuprcmarv on this Initial occasion were the St Hienden council of this side nnd thp John lloyle O'ilellly of the ci ntrnl city, l'nch council select thtee r ntleinen, tried In previous local ef forts and not found anting, and these Bentleinen met to snatch the hun el of l( tor fioni the arena of delmte. St. llicnden council was repiesentod by Attotncv William Sheehan, Hairy Gal lagher and Thomas llclliigh The champions of John Uole O'Reilly council writ1 John J Hart, Attorney T lin J .Muiphy and Anthony Brown The iilbjict fol debate was "Resolved, That the government should control the rnllroud and telegiuph shtems." PitvloUH to beginning of the debate n shmt literary and musical pro r in mini was cu tried out. John I. Shea, in St Itiuiden's, m ting as chalinuin. Tht ixeuNes consisted of cicnl fee li i tli n b John Stanton, Leo Cmssln, 1 I ward Hurst and I'thvaid Walsli Tli lluint lead nn original cs,iy nnd William Lai kin gave a. special l nding This jiait of the evening's pi o i.1 mime was lieaitlly enjoyed but the Int. lest was centeied Upon the debate 1 .nil tilo of delimits was encouraged 1 v the svmpathj and applaust of their fullowetx Thi chnit man Introduced the debat eis in a felicitous manuot, and the content vmis on. Space doe not admit of the giving of the aiguments bi ought fol u aid, but the debate was one of the let and most Intel eating ivei heaid ! the eltv. ltc. I'. J .Mc.Manus nf liieen Ridge, T. J J Minings and John H Jciidaii, of the Sc lanton Tiuth vwie I lie judges Time pa"-ed nnd the Ji ilgc"i did not lipurt and the tension v is at a hlgli pitih llev. P. J Mi "!antl nf llleen Ridge lepoited for Ho Judgi s it was honorn oven" Joidan and Jennings wete di vided and Ile. P. J. JIcManus decld i nit to take sides one way oi the i th i His leason for this neutral course he promised to give at the last dtbate of thu serks. While the Judgnt. were consulting1, Hdward Walsh .sang two selections and William nilroj, in a pplilted niannet, Kilted "Woolsey's Soliloquy" and "Spot tncus to the Gladiators " WEST SCRANTON INTERMENTS. Two Well-ltnoun Itesnlenls Laid nt licit Yesterdnv. The funeral services of the late Mrs Mary Mot cans o 'US Xoith Sumner avenue, weie held josterdaj afternoon HSggggSggggSgtg-igsiUlSjggff-gv; i iSsJsSSsSSStgtitft-gsis;; Globe Warehouse l li : fcfas SSSs:ggySggSsgs:- r-or the liibt time dining prominently to the front, As and have not only provided A Large Display But have added additional interest by ollermg T1IK BEST Mil VALUES that has or can be olfered during the entire Winter. We speak advisedly in this matter, and our reasons for so doing will be early understood. The Fur Season With us is always a short one, and we have determined thai in placed carrying over a few of this ilung and the other, far on into the spnng, as has been the case hitherto, and then slaughter ing them, that the whole range will be OFFEIIED AT THE LOWEST riUCE NOW, and done with it. See Our New Fur Collarettes Plain, Comfortable shapes, very dressy creations, swell collar ettes, with long tabs and tails, etc., etc. These come in anything from the common Coney seal-, to the finest Martins, Martins and Persian Lamb combined, etc., etc. Fur Capes In new shades, popular furs, perfect making and trimming, and values that have never even been approached. Fur Trimmed Garments Our line of these is complete in every detail. There never has been a season when they were more in demand, and as we have reached the period when cut prices are general, fur trimmed gar ments of all kinds can be bought lor much less money now than eailier in the season. Globe .Warehouse I; and City at 2 o'clock nt the residence. Many of those who hnd known the deceased In life were piesent, In respect for the dead, nnd to fulllll the last sad ti Unites of legnid and esteem. The llurnl trlb utesweie numerous and very beautiful. Rev. David Jones, pastor of the First Welsh CoiiRtcgatlonal church, was the olllclntlng minister nnd preached the sermon. He was assisted by llev. D. P. Jones, pastor of the Tabernacle Con gregational church At the conclusion of the sen Ices the remains, having been viewed, were boine to the Washburn street lemetery, where Intel ment was mude, The pall-bean rs were: Alder man Owen V) John, Select Councilman William J Thomas, Itobert M. 1M vvnrds, IMvvnrd 13. Davis, Howard S. Hrown and Clement Mnish, sr. At 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon the set vices which I mm the last act of te gard nnd esteem for the deceased wete held over the (tcmnlns of the late Thomas M. Jones, at the residence, 1005 Kjnon street llev. David Jones, pas tor of the Plrst Welsh Congiegatlonal chinch, olllclated and pleached the ser mon, In which ho often alluded to the life led bv the deceased nnd the traits which had endeared hltn to many, and now hail been lewarded. The remains wore viewed by the large number of friends piesent, nnd then, aecompan Id bv a laige college, woic boine to the Washburn street cemetery, wheie Intiiment was made. The pall-beaieis weu. Daniel J. Evans, Thomas Lewis, John Long and Ileese Griffiths. BACHELORS WILL ENTERTAIN Tomorrow? evening an entertainment and social will be held nt the Welsh Calvlnlstlo Methodist chinch, on South Mnin avenue, nf which Hugh Davits is pastor. The bible cla.s of the Sab bath school, taught by Thomas It. Jones, have auanged the affair and, being nil oung men, they have stlod It a .naohelor's Hnti ttalnnient and So cial. An excellent piogi ammo has been plepaicd and n social session will fol low the enteitalninent, with the solv ing of lefiosliments. I3ach paitici p.itor on the ptogi nmme Is well Known Daniel Moses will act as ch.iliman and the accompanists will be Ml.s. D. 1?. Thomas and loiweith Pi osier. The progiamine Is as follows. Item irks Chili man J l'lano Solo torvverth Pros- r Voo il Solo Miss Maiaret Jiuios Ui citation Jllss Alllo Joins inal Solo David Stephens I llrcltatlon Miss HesMe rilnte Piano Solo Miss Anna li. Williams neal Solo . . p. H. Wain n Duel, Violin and Piano, John Evans and loiwertli Profit Vocal Solo John W. Jones Recitation Mies Rahel Powil Voci Solo 13dvvln How en 13ntci tulnmcut commences at S o'clock slut p. Admission 13 cents. rCNHKAL OP PATIIICK M'GEE. The funeial services of the late Pnt lick McGee, ot u"3 Noith Itebecci ave nue, were held i,esterday lnoinlng A solemn high mass of requiem was cole biated at St. Patiick's church, whither the lemalns veie borne at 9 o'clock. There' wete a laige number of fi lends piesent and the tlornl tributes were very beautiful The Catholic Mutual Honevolont union and the Diamond Mine Accidental fund, of which soii oties the deceased was a member, weie s the present season, we bring Furs usual, we are thoroughly in earnest ) I s- m n N. ?' y 4M Suburban largely represented nnd nccompanled the remains to the Hyde Park Catholic cemetery, where Interment was made. The pall-beaiera wero selected ftom the societies. X-JKAYS WHltn USED, The elbow Joint of the right urm of Wellington Tague, the four-year-old son of Mr. nnd Mis. P W. Tague.whlch was fractured by a fall from n chair, Sunday afternoon at his patents' resi dence, was successfully set by Dr. P. W. Lange, of the central city, shortly aftrt the accident. So delicate wn.s the vvoik requited to do the work propetly nnd prevent a stiffening of the Joint, that Dr. Lange yesterday morning ex posed the arm Joint to the X-rays and found that he had pet formed a perfect Job. PERSONAL MENTION. Grant H. Uhler nnd family, of Gor don, Pa,, are the gnosis of Dr. nnd Mrs. Heach, of South Main avenue. Mis A. Heemer. of Mill City, Is the guest of Mrs. William llhymcr, of Jmkson stieet. James Roberts, of Davis' tonsorlal parlots, on Jackson street, Is very 111 nt his home. Emery Eaves, of Mlllville, has re tut ned home, after visiting with West Seranton friends. Miss Gladys L. Joseph, of Joseph, Jenkins & Davis, milliners, on Spruce street, Is quite HI at her home on South H.vde Park avenue. Cards ate out announcing the np pi fuelling mnrrlago of Miss Kntle Lewis, of Eynon stteet, to John J. Da vles, phut in iclst John H, Knight, of Jackson street, has returned from a lst at Wnllsville. Mis. Chiules Hoover, of Iilnghainton, has i etui nod home from a visit with ft lends here. Pi of. G. W. Phillips, of North Sum ner avenue. Is 111. William James, of WIlkes-Harre, called upon foimer ft lends heie, over Sunday. MKs Staik, ofNoith Garlteld avenue, Is suffering from a painful wound le eched while engaged nt her house woik rildai W. T nurall, of this side, will be In charge of the gents' furnishing de- pnitmont In Jonas Long's now stotes. i Mr Hitrall Ins had st.einl eais' ex pel lence with the Globe w arehotise. Mis Hobert James, of South Lincoln avenue, has gone to Denver, Colorado, to visit her son Itobert, who is sojourn ing there fot his health. MINOR NEWS NOTES. Miss Margaiet Doardeam, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Doardeam, of 1113 Swetland stieet, wns quietly mar lied to John Davis, of Noith Main avenue, Satunlay evening by Aldeiman Kellow, nt his office A few friends accompanied the couple to witness the ooiemonv. Mr. and Mrs. D.ivls, who ale both favorably known voting peo ple, will leslile on North Main avenue. St Leo's battalion's twelfth annual afuir will be held this evening In St. David's hall. The arrangements have boon completed and everything points to a. most successful affair. I The West Side Board of Trade will 1 moot In regular session this evening In the rooms In the West Side Hank build ing, on North Main avenue The ladtts of Martha Washington chapter. Order of the Eastern Stur, will conduct a dlire social at the icsl denee of Mrs. James Molr, 840 Madison avenue, Friday evening. The public are Invited to attend Christopher Itobortson, of Not tli Re becca avenue, Is the latest candidate for the ofllco of common councilman of the rouith ward. Furniture and heater for sale at 1422 Washburn stieet The regular session of Enteipnse Lodge, No Jl, Lojal Knights of Amer ica, held Inst evening In Red Men's hall, was well attended. At the con clusion of the business, a social hour was enjoynl Cigars were passed and those piesent listened to the addiess by Mnll Caniei John II. Thomas, who spoke upon his vaiullon tiip through the West. In addition to the lemaiks of Mr. Thomas, vocal and musical se lections weie given by diffeient mem bers, thus completing a veiy pleasant evening The latest and best stiles. Roberts 126 North Main. Most Side ltiilues Directory SECOND HAND I URNITUItE-Caah for anything you have to sell. Furniture. Stoves Tools, etc. Oil and sec the clock of J, (J. King, 7tn to 7iw West Laeic awanna avmte MRS Fn.NTON, CLAIRVOYANT AND prhenolcglst, 412 North Main avenue. NOUIM SCJ ANTON. James TJcll, a student at Georgetown university. Is visiting his parents, Mr. nnd Mis. James Hell, of West Market stieet. Mrs. Alllo lilackman,' of Ferdinand street, in entertaining her sister, Mts. Dull, of Wyaluslng. Mis. John Talk, of Pond street, is btilnusly 111. An entertainment will be given In the Ninth Main Avenue Baptist church this evening. The following Is the pro gramme I'inno solo, Margaret Chap pel: rieitatlon, May Slmms; solo, Mabel Weiss; recitation, Lulu Slmms; Lulaby, seven lltte girls, reclatlon, Wllhel inln.i Orltlln, solo, Myitle Hermans; teeltatlon, Elizabeth Jones; tableau, photogiaph gallerj , solo, Ethel Wat klns; leeltatlon, Lillian Morris, harp drill, twelve gills, solo, Thomas Mor ris; tableau, "Happy Family;" solo, Lorena Webster; "Good Night," drill The Ninth End Stars and Cat son City basket ball team played an excit ing game at the ntmory last evening. The game ended with a scoie of 4 to 0 in favor of the Stars James Stepheiihon, of Throop stieet, mploed as a miner in the Leggetts Creek mine, had a nanow i scape from death jesterday. He had fired n shot and was going back to his chamber when tho roof canio down; he escaped Injury, save foi a slight biulse to one of his hands. The affair completely unnerved him, nnd he wns compelled to relinquish vvoik for the day Mrs W. W Jenkins, of Peckville, who has been spending a few dajs with her parents, Mr. nnd Mis. Lewis A GREAT SURPRISE IS IN STORE for tlioHe who will go today an get it pack. HXOiif UllAlN-O, It tiikes UiepluoBofootlea utuliout 4 tin) cost, HI a 1 ioU drink, lull ofliculth. uml ran be lilveii to tlioi lillilren us well u tho adult wllh great bonutlt. It U mnile of pure mutim nnd looks unci tionex like the tlnent prude or MocliuofJuvutotlee. It kutUIlm everyone. A cup of (irnlu-O Is Utler lor tlm xjntem than u toule, Iiciuuho ItN turnout U )oi iiiuiient. What cotteo brcuku down (IralnJ) lnillcli up. A ill our ijiocer lordUAIN-O i tii-. und'J5u Harris, of Crick avenue, returns homo today. The installation of llev. Horace 1'eck over, pastor-elect of the Pilrltan Cqn grcgatlonnl church, will occur this eve ning. The preliminary steps necessary to his Induction ns pastor of the church will take place nt 2.30 this afternoon, nt which time the following ministers will conduct an examination, which is customary prior to nn Installation: llev. T. W. Jones, D. D of Philadel phia: llev. D. L. Davis, of Edwards viliej llev. W. Smith, Nnntlcoke; llev. Thomas McKoy, Plymouth: llev. J. J. K. Fletcher, of West Plttston, and llev. G. Evans, of Vnndllng The in stallation services will commence ut 7.C0 o'clock nnd the pastors of the different churches of this end have been extended nn Invitation to bo pres ent and participate In the services. A general lnvitntlon Is extended to all who nro not members of the church, to come nnd Join In the services. Dr. Hovvcr, a well-known physician of Providence, cnuscd a warrant to bo Issued yesterday by Alderman Tidier for the arrest of Giles M. Heed, of Ablngton, on the charge of larceny by bailee. The doctor stated at the hearing that ho had entered into nn agreement with Mr. Heed enily In the summer for a barrel of elder, the ban el, being furnished by the doctor. The time set for tho nppeaiance of the elder has long since passed. Heed falling to re turn the barrell and his arrest fol lowed. The parties settled their dif ferences nmlcably. Mrs. Catherine Clark died Saturday at her home on West Market street, after an Illness of only a few weeks. She was 52 years of age and has re sided In this place since Infancy. Her amiable wa endeared her to many friends, who deeply mourn her sudden departure. She was the mother of Wil liam Moran, of South Afilca; Mis. Pal ilek Nolan, James, Patilck, Thomas, Edward, Frances and Irene Moran and Mary, a sister In a convent In Kan&as City. Miss Margaret Dav les and David Johns were united In marriage last evening at C 30 o'clock by llev. W. G. Watklns, of the Noith Main Avenue Baptist chuich. Tho wedding wn sol emnized at the home of William Chap ped and was witnessed only by a few f i lends nnd lelatlves of the couple. Mr. and Mrs Johns will take up their lcs idence on Von Stoich avenue. SOU II" sCUANro. n Independent Polish club has "been organized in the Twentieth wnid Meeting', will be hold the first Satuiday of each month at 1320 Prospect avenue. At Huttle's hall, last evening, the membei.s of Division 14, Ancient Older of Hibernians, enjojed a smoker En tertainment was given by the talent of the oiganlzation. The fair of Christ Lutheran church, llev. Heniy Lisse, pastor, is fast being ai ranged. The fair will begin on the evening of Dec. 17 and will continue until the 23d Inclusive. The proceeds will be used In liquidating the chuich deht. The ninth annlveisary of the organ ization of the Hickory Street Piesby terlan chuich was observed Sunday. Hevs. William Nordt. W C. AVunder llch. C. L. Weisswas.ser and A. Lange participated in the services. William Gscheldle, of Cedar avenue, Is enjovlng a hunting trip In Jefferson township. Maria, tluee-year-old daughter of Mr and Mrs. Iloilck, of 640 Orchard .street, died of diphtheria Saturday morning and was Intoned Sunday af ternoon In the Oerman Catholic ceme tery at No. 5. Thieo other children in the Itorlck household are at present aflllcted with diphtheria. John Dorhclm and Mts. Maggie Wlch were married Saturday night by Al derman Storr. They will reside on Larch street. ;ui:i:n kidgi:. Mrs Abbie C. Moirow, editor of the Sunday School Illustrator, will speak nt the Gospel tabernacle today at 2 30 and 7.30 n m. Miss Ljdla A. Scovel, who has been attending A B Simpson's mission school in New York city, expects to sail for India soon Mif. W. A Wilght, of Monsey ave nue, is entertaining her sister, of New York stnte Tho Women's Christian Temperance union will hold its legular weekly meeting at the homo of Mis. Clrlflln, coiner of Sunset avenue and Montoe avenue, this afternoon at 1' 30. James Hou.-o, of Mai ion street, Is In Hiookljn, N. Y., attending the funeral of his cousin Miss Susie Milton and Miss Kate Howell, of Porest City, have returned fiom a visit with fi lends heie. ll.uiy Stone, of Dalton, teceived borne injuik.s by a fall from his bl ccle while riding on Green Itldge street jestculay morning He was tak en homo last evening. Miss Colvln, of Albright avenue, en teitnlned a party of young folks at her home last Saturday evening. OBITUARY. June.! Lewis, of Mavfleld. who was sufKrlng from pneumonia, died on Sunday evening at 7 o'clock He was of a quiet, rtitlng disposition, de voted to his wife nnd famllv, never taking an active part In public affairs, lie is sutvlved bv his wife and nine chlldien, nil residing here but the old est son, John H., who Is now at Dou glas Island, Alaska. He was a mem ber of the Jormyn Lodge of Ivorltes, and of the f'lenwood Aid association. Tho funeral will bo held this afternoon and Interment will be made in Shady Side lemetery. Tht death of Mrs. Catheilne Clarke, widow of the late James Clatke, Sat unlay evening at her home on Webt Maiket stieet, West Seranton. deeply nffocteel the mnnv friends of the fam ily The deceased was f2 years of age, nnd had not been well fot several months past. Kaily Satuiduy even ing, however, a sudden change for the worse was followed by her death. Tho surviving children are: Mis. Patrick Nolan, William Moran, who Is in South Afilca; Mary, a sister, In a convent nt Wichita, Kan.. James, Patilck, Thom as, IMwaid. Fiances and Irene. She lb also survived by four brothers, who reside in this end. They are Edwin d O'Malley, Heniy O'Mnlley, sei ool con troller of the Third wuid; William O'Malley, tho well-known contructor, and Walter O'Malley. - .More Live linu a Cnt. Prom Notes and Qttorieu. This Is an Inscription on a marble slab over a gitvo at drcon Hay. "Dleu eur tout. Here lyes tho Doily of Low Is Qaldy Ksq who departed this llfo nt Port Itoyal tho 22d Decimber 17) agod M Ho was born nt Montpe'lcr in Pianeo but left that country for his Ilellglon and came hero to settle In this Island whoro ho was swallowed up In tho Clreat Ilarth quako In tho year lf2 and b tho Pravi denco of (Jod was by another shock thrown Into tho Boa and tnlrueiuloiijly saved by swimming until a Uoat took him up. Ho lived many years after In groat Hen u tat I on Iieloved toy all who knew him and much Larrented at his death." SOME FOOLISH PEOPLE ........ .. un. i,, imi iiiiiu ii KUli Ut!" yond tho reach of medicine They often say, "Oh, It will wear uway,M but in mini, tuBi'8 ii, wears uiem away. Uouui tllfV lin In tin nod t m i.. -.,.. ni medicine called Kemp's Ualsam, which m cum un a iioBimc guarantee to cure, they would Immediately sco tho excellent effect nftnr tnldm- tin. nu .innn ninA 2!c. and We. Trial size free. At nil drug- K1SIF. SCRANTON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC. Music, Fine Arts, Languages. Adams Ave. nnd Linden St. BILLY BRYAN'S RIVAL. Something About Congressman Dolllvcr, of Iowa, by Many Regarded as tbc West's Brightest Orator. Prom the Illustrated American. With the exception of the speaker, no man In congicss is more famed f ot itis witty epigrams and bright compar isons than Jonathan P. Dolllver. It was he who described the attitude of the Democrats on the tariff ques tion ns that of men "emptying hard coal nhes in a high wind, witli th.ii eyes bhut and their backs to the sub ject " "Mugwumps," ho said on another occasion, "treat their conscience like the stock In ttnde of a baking powder company; they solemnly Insists that eveiybody's conscience has alum In It except their own." When the Democrats during the pendency of the Wilson bill were tiy Ing to i each a conclusion, he tola them that It would be "us easy to lit tho hundtcd-headed dog of the ancient fable with u straw hat as to put an Intelligible, tariff platform under the feet of the demociatlc party." And It was he who first chatacterlzd Ma jor MoKinley as "tho advance agent of piosperlty." A MAN OF mtAlNS. Hut Mr. Dolllver is moie than a humorist. Ills speeches are noted fjr trelr bioadth and throughnc-s ns well as for their stt Iking Interest He has siMiken In neaily eveij laige city in the country. Among lis most noted ndresses weie those at the McKlnley bamitiet at MidKon Square Garden In 1SS0, at the Lincoln dlnn.r of the Re publican Club In New Yoik, befoie the Hoston Merchants' Association and to the veteians on Memotial day at Get tysburg and at Aillngton. Although still under forty, he has been, within the last ten yeais, thrc times chairman of the iepubllca.ii state convention of Iowa, and the speechps that he has made in congress would fill a largo book. There was a time In Mr. Dolllvet's life when the future did not look so cherry as now. Ho had been graduat ed In 1875 from the Untveisity of Weit Virginia of which Institution, by th way, he recently declined an invitation to become president. Ho found It absolutely Impossible to get a place to eutn a living, even at manual labor. Times were hard in his native state, and he did not seem to fit In anywhere He accordingly pushed Westward and taught school in Illinois, one winter In the count! y and another as princi pal of a high school at Sandwich Hav ing read law theie nm afteiward In Morgantown, West Vliglnia, he i-ettled In Iowa and built up a tlulving prac- I tlce prepaiatory to coming to congress in 1SS9. Ills nncestors were New Englnnders, and so famous as sallots and fisher men In the Colonial dnvs that a head land of the Hsse coast of Massa chusetts Is still known ns Dolllver's neck. This geographical nnme fur nished much diversion fot his enemies In 1S94, During a severe storm that 5 ear some vessels sttanded on the headland, and some populist news papers in Iowa, bearing In mind the sttong prohibition leanings of the com munity In which the congressman lived, thought it a great Joke to tell of the wrecks on the Massachusetts coast under such titles as: "Four schooners went ashoio last night on Dolllvet's neck" They also hinted fa cetiously that that sort of thing was getting very common among states men of Dolllvet's" sort. Mr. Dolllver's father, who Is now eighty-one ears of age, was nn Itln ei ant Methodist minister in West Vir ginia. Ho used to do his circuit on horseback, and relates many Intel cst Ing Incidents of the saddle-bag period of the church's history. He Is now somewhat Infirm In body, but keenly active in mind and thoroughly Inter ested in everything. He went thiough the new libraiy of congress a few dns ago, nnd took great delight in reciting the whole of the passages there quoted In patt. When asked for his genet al opinion of tho structure, ho said- "I never expect to see anything so beauti ful again until I stand In the house not made with hands, eternal In the heavens." That Is perhaps the richest tribute the llbiary hns had In his bo hood In West Virginia the present lepresentatlve acquired much reputation for other than statesman like traits. Dining one great Juno freshet he performed prodigies of valor In swimming out after logs which came down the river near his home, getting astride of them and steering them Into poit. This he did for several days, and when he left for the west n few months afterwaid some of the old settlers re nvoi ked that It was too bad to lose a boy vv ho would make such a magnifi cent rlverman if he would only remain theie. During the last campaign, Mr. Dol llver constructed a large tent which would acconimodato 3,000 people. This he carried about from place to place in his congressional dlsttlet, und held meetings In it, at which local bands provided Instrumental music and coun try glee clubs discoursed stirring songs Ve is a signal success as a political speaker. In the campaign of 1884, his gift first attracted national nttentlon. Mr. Iilalne heard him speak several times, and was so much impressed that ho made largo prophesies for tho joung orator. The congressman's popularity nt home Is In part attested by the fact that thero have been named In his honor eight babies, a piwtolllce, a new variety of squnsh, nnd a lake. Fate has dealt hurshly with two of these G rover Cleveland abolished tho post otllce, nnd tho lake dried up. The seed from which the squash grew came from u congicsslonal package which Mr. Dolllver sent to an Emmet county far A. E. ROGERS, Diamonds, Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, Novelties and Specialties FOI TIE Ci Bric-a-Brac, Fine China, Cut Glassware, Lamps, Onyx Tables, In endless variety, The later production always found in our as sortment, we are now showing the finest line of China ever exhibited in rich and cheap decorations. 213 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. TRIUMPH Warm air furnace, solid cast radia tor, sectional fire pot, absolutely gas tight. Don't purchase any other make, the best furnace you yn get is none too good and the TRIUMPH is the best, therefore buy the be". and protect the health of your famil THOS, F. LEONARD 503 Lackawanna Ave , Seranton. Professional Directory. Advertisement Under Tills Head $5 Per Line Per Year. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. KAY. 206 Penn ave., 1-6 and 7- p. m. Diseases of women, children Telephone. DR. BATESON, 337 N. WASHINGTON avenue, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. DR C. L FREY, SCRANTON SAVINGS Bank bllds. 122 Wjoming avenue. .MARY A. SHEPHERD. M. D.. HO.ME opathlst, No. 22S Adams avenue. DR A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN DIeases of Women, corner Wiomlns avenue and Spruce street. Seranton. Ot tlcf hours, Thursday and Saturdays, 9 a. m. to G p. m. DR. W. K ALLDN, 512 NORTH WASH Ington avenue DR. L. M. GATES. ROOMS 2OT AND 208 Hoard of Trade bulldlnR. Olllcu hours. 8 to 9 a m . 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p n.. Resi dence SOS Madison avenue. DR. C. L FREAS SPECIALIST IN Rupture. Trus3 Fitting and Fat Reduc tion Otnco telephone 13C3 Hours. 10 to 12, 2 to 4, 7 to 9. DR S. W. IAMOREAUX. OFFICE 211 Adams Residence, 1318 Mulberry. Chron ic diseases, lung, heart, kidney, and senlto-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours 1 to 4 p. m. W G. ROOK, VETERINARY SUR geon Horses, dttlo and Dogs treated. Hospital. 124 Linden btrcet, Seranton. Telephone 2G72. Lawyers. D B REPLOGLE, ATTORNEY-LOANS negotiated on real estate security. Mears building, coiner Washington ave nue and Spruce street. WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsollors-at-Lw, Republican building, Washington avenue, Seranton, Pa. WATSON. DIEHL. HALL & KRMMER ER Attorneys and Counsellors-at-Lavv; Traders' National Bank Building, rooms xiuueio ... ." -- 0, 7, 8, 9 and 10, third Iloor JAMES H. TORREY, ATTORNEY AND Counsellor at Law. Rooms 413 and 414 Commonwealth Building FRANK E. BOYLE. ATTORNEY AND counsellor-at-law Burr building, rooms 13 and 14, Washington avenue. JBSSI'P & JESSUP. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellor's at law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J HAND. Attorneys nnd Counsellors, Common wealth building. Rooms 19, 20 and 21 FRANK T OKELL. ATTORNEY-AT-Uw, Room 6, Coal Exchange, Seranton, Pa JAMES W. OAKTORD, ATTOHNEY-AT-Law Rooms 514, D15 and 51G, Board of Trade Building. B F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 120 Wyoming avenue, Seranton, Pa JAS J H. HAMILTON. ATTORNEY-at-Law, 45 Commonwealth bldg , Seran ton EDWARD W. THAYER, ATTORNEY Rooms 14 and 15, Republican bldg. JEFFREYS & RUDDY, ATTORNEYS-at-lavv, Commonwealth BulMIng L A WATRES. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 423 Lackawanna ave , Seranton, Pa. C. R. PITCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Commonwealth building. Seranton. Pa. PATTERSON & WILCOX. TRADERS' National Bank Building C COMEOYS. 321 SPRUCE STREET. a7w. BERTHOLF. Atty.. 319 SprucoStT Detectives. BARRINO & M'SWHENBY, COMMON wealth building, Interstate Secret Ser vice Agency, THE JEWELER. TMA TRADE. D 13 3 Architects PERCIVAL J MORRIS, ARCHITECT, Board of Trade Building. EDWARD If. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, i?2?" Ut. a and x Commonwealth building, Seranton. E L WALTER, ARCHITECT. OFFICE rear of 600 Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT, 433 Spruce St., cor. Wash, ave., Seranton. FREDERICK L. BROWN, ARCHITECT, Price Building, 126 Washington avenue, Seranton. T. I. LACEY & SON, ARCHITECTS, Traders' National Bank. Dentists. DR. I. O. LYMAN, 333 N. WASHINGTON avenue. DR. P. I M'GRAW, 303 SPRUCE street. DR. H. F. REYNOLDS, OPP. P. O. DR. C. C. LAUBACH, 115 Wyoming ave. WELCOME C. SNOVER. 421 LACKA wanna ave. Hours, 9 to 1 and 2 to 5. Dressmaker. MRS. M. E. DAVIS, 430 Adams avenue. Wire Screens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR 511 LACKA vvanna avenue, Seranton, Pa., manufac turer ot Wlro Screens. Schools. SCHOOL Or THE LACKAWANNA. Seranton, Pa. Courses preparatory to college, law. medicine or business Opons September 13 Send for catalogue, Rev. Thomas M Cann, LL. D., Walter H. Buell, A. M. .Sec N. O R. CLARK & CO, SEEDMBN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue: green house, 1360 North Main ave nue; storo telephone, 782. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 123 AND 127 TRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable P. ZIEGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D . L A W. passenger depot. Conducted on the Eu ropean plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S" ORCHKSTRAMUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished For terms address R J Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'a music store. MEOARaEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' Bupplles, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. 130 Washington avenue, Seranton, Pa TRANK P BROWN & CO. WHOLE sale dealers In Woolwnre, Cordage and Oil Cloth, 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT AC countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams' Bul.dlng, opposite postofflce. Agent for tho Re. Fire Extinguisher. Printing. THE TRIBUNE PUBLISHING CO, North Washington avenue Llnotypo Composition of all kinds quickly done. Facilities unsurpassed In this region.