THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-. TUESD A V MORNING, DEOEM1112R 1ST. NORTON'S. Our Display of Christmas Goods Is Now Ready Tor Inspection. We Invite Your Attention to Them Dctorc the Rush lcgins. Every Callen 3s Welcome to See Our "Show" Without Incunin" Any Obligation to I'urchase. Very Respectfully, M. NORTON, ;22 Lackawanna Ave o Have a Cigar? f Tii.inkn Don't care l- iffift. ldo. Ah. tliUUi TOgMl'opulnr Punch !''' l I in iii luck, it' my " Gamy, & Co, loore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. K j noun Klght, Keen- Laundry ; ni ice. The Lackawanna ;cS I'cnn Acnu;. A. It. AKMAN. DR. W, B. HENWOOD, DENTIST :C ICCKAWA1H AVE. s ltiit opened a licncra; Insurance Ofncs In (5' Pen Mock (.'nmiwntiM lepreiented. I.nrge . I iKtspcvinl' mi lclu-il. Telephone JSICJ. II frZSfo-wwNc!' $ BEFORE BREAKFAST. Tin WJi.ii'-oi-vei" Circle of the Kills' LMitfcht. -s v i'l Mw'un entutulimietit and unll Ti-ii lu nlpht nt Klni l'.irk church undi r ki 'lit i-"II(ju of Mlt.H Uort-ej. Mi Wilcox aivl pupils will give a par lor nuisicnlo at the homo ot Mrs.. W. H. tJt-aih.irt Krlilcy evening. This evening the huusci iber.-) to the free kinUerg.irtcn (und will bo eiiterlaliuM lit the homo of Air. C. D. Simpson. Miss I'nUerwoud will ilesiillio the work belli? done ami also Kiv mi interesting of the state meeting. Tilt mail hoses wire painted a IIpv pi.iy ji"ierday. Tho chuiftu limn tho ilu'l iwl is an Impiovement In point of n, i ui iiner and uli-o makes moie i-onsple-lim s tin mall boxes which, n tho siory pocs. vvciii apt to be mistaken for the lire aUnm bo-, and vlco versa. PKltSONAL. Mr mil Mr.-, (leorge fowler, of King li.iiiit.iii, aie visiting Sfiantoii friends. I.s- Nina .M (Siouily, of .Summit Mill, - isiiuiK Mlt.s Flora I.ovl, of Madison axenue Hi- and Mrs. V S. llaniilsler, of West PittHiun, returned homo jeMeiday after loon aftir spending a few days In the cm J Uiltiunr, f .Icio City, and ('. V. fj nil. of tloboken. weie the guests 't I'.mll liiinu, HHsltuiit ekrk of the court, ist lda In ilie llreen Itnlge Pieibyteriun eliureh at 1 o'clock ilils afternoon MIsh Lena Staples and Henry Hitchcock will bo 3 DOLLARS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 All I'.o stylo and Mi-iirliig qlUllltit'H Of any hat ever ijitule. tiiinliip. Voiing ItroK. and Seal llriuul lllock. Waters, the Hatter, 3 3 3 3 3 3 o; i.ucktmannu Avcmij. 3 iDOLLARS 3 imirrletl by Hew I. Lansing, pastor of tho church. ' Ml Kuthryne Moloney, of l'lttnton, Is Islltng' Wcdt Hcrantun frlcmls. llev. mid Mrs. 1'. .1. Moffat left Scranton nt 1. 10 p. m. ycumlny for Wcntherly, I'a., to nee Mrs. .Moffiit'H brother, Mr. ARhbcl Ufiffecker, who ns serlouxly III. Men niKo since i revived stated that ho did at I p. m. WANTED TO HELP HIS FRIEND. .tnlm llvcrctt Took n Voty Ocspcrnto Wny of Doing It. When n man shows the nervo tVint John KviMott did he deserved lictter than ton diiyn In the cnuntv jail. Ho niii'l.t to be Klven the new Juli of bank li'uiKliir wati'hinnit at the cltv hnll. Tho countutpnrt of the underlying little tnlo ubout Mr. Kverett't attempt to release a friend fiom a cell In the police station Sunday night can bo found only In yellow-covered novels. Kverett, John McConnell and one other young man were rcoliiR toward their home on the Huts. Sunday night, and an they passed aloiiK South 'Wash ington avenue the three friends amused themselves by pushing over fences and other things. Patrolman Dave Party heaid the noise and when the gay three reached him he grabbed one of them. The two others escaped. At tho police station the pilsolier gave the name of John McConnell. He was placed In a cell. An hour afterward a toll, meek-ap-Pearlng youner man entered the sta tion and asked for lodging. Sergeant Itldgeway put him thiough the usual questions: "Where do vuu live?" "Where do ou ,woik," etc. Kverett answered icadlly. While he was answering, who came In but I'nttolmuti Parry. He looked sharply at the tall young man. "Why," he uld, "you're one of the two fellows who got away." Kverett, for such he afterward gave his name, denied the accusation. Nevertheless, he also was huslled Into a cell. He aftcrwnrd admitted that he had an In sane Idea that If he once got Inside the polite station he could leleaso Mc Connell and escape with him. McConnell paid his line of $2, but Kverett went to the "county" for ten days In default. He took his Impris onment nonchalantly. UNITV IN A. 0. II. RANKS. Hlshop .Md'nul Heady to Kendcr Ills Decision. Row K. S. Phillips, pastor of the Sacred Heart church, Plains, who has been Instrumental In bavins the dif ferences between the two boards In the Ancient Order of Hibernians submit ted to arbitration, Sunday received the following letter from Hlshop McFaul, of Tienton, N. J., the arbitrator in tho case: Bishop's House, Trenton, N. J.. Dee. 4. 1SD7. Father Phillips Hev. Dear Sir: My de cision In the matter of the A. O. H. of America and the A. O. It. of tho Ignited States of Ameilea In nfnllatlon with the Hoard of Krln Is now ready, and I have selected 1! o'clock on the afternoon of Suturday, Dec. II, 1S97, at my lesldenco for tho meeting of the committees whoso signatures are to be attached thereto. Kindly be present on the date appointed or send a representative, authorized by a power of attorney, duly witnessed, to act in your stead. Very sincerely yours. James A. McFaul, Hlshop of Tienton, There Is hardly any Question ns to what Hlshop McFaul's decision will be. He will recommend that all differences between the two boaids be burled and that they unite under one head. Ac cording to u previous agreement the decision will be final and there can be no appeal. So that virtually It may be said thote Is now only one A. O. II. body. MASONIC VETERANS' OFFICERS. I'.lections lor the 1'imiing Voar Mudr lit Last Xight' .Heel Inc. The JInson'.e Veteians' association of Northeastern Pennsylvania met last night In Windsor hall, and after elect ing olllceia for the coming year n Jnjed a social session. The new olfleers are: Frederick W. Mason, president; Robert C. Clark, first vice president; John I). Peck, second vice president; Jas-on II. Welles, third Vice president; K. L. Huck, secretary; Thomas K. Lyddon, tteasurer. Following the elfction the members were served with lefieshments and speeches were mode by several pres ent. The retliing president, C. Van Rusklik, was chairman. THE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION. Was Considered by High and Train nig School Committee Last Night. At a meeting' of the high and train ing school committees of the board of control last night a leport concerning lb examination of pupl's for entrance to ih high school, wnich was referred bacK to the committee for considera tion, vi as considered and approved and will be repoited to the lioard at Its meeting next Mondiy night. Supplies were ordered and some mln :r business transacted. AUDITINQ COMMITTEE MET. Approved of All the Hill- will, the rvception nfOiic. At a meeting of the Joint auditing committee of councils last night all the bib'-, save one of John R. Farr for ad-vtitli-lng. were approved The Fair bill was referred to the city dirk with InstructloiiH to get informa tion concerning It. I.ewU, Reill A. Davie,' Busy Shoe Stoie, will be open oven Inga dining December. Opening. The new China, t?lnss and Lamp store opens Monday, Dec. S, with gieat bargains for the holidays. 133 Wyom ing avenue. Coal--Coal -Coal. Flist-class coal, egg, stove and chest nut, .delivered anywhere In the city of 4,000 pound lots at $2.55 per net ton. Delivered In Dunmoro at $2.60. A. Movvery, Dunmore, telephone 4673. Nothing goes farther for Xmus pies entH than a dozen cabinets: no better place than Urlllln's to get them. Oriental Hug Just exactly at half-price. Come mid Bee them and be convinced that we can undersell any nuetlon price. Mlchnellan Hros., 124 Washington avenue. DIKI.). Jd'.IOHTUN.-At nh'iibuln. Dec. 5. 1S1T, France Sluson, wife of Andrew Uelgli tun, In the t-lxty-elfc-htli year ot her ago. Funeral service ot tie family residence Wirtnctiduy tit 2 u'clcck,- HOLMES ELECTRICAL BURGLAR ALARM Apparatus for Protecting Hanks Now Hclog Put In Plnce. WILL SOON DE READY FOR USE Thru a .Man Will Ho Placed In tho Station Who Will Kc"p"id to Any Alarms That May Ho Sent ln--Wlll lie on Duty Irom tho Time tho Hank Closes Until It Opens in tho .Horn lug. The Holmes electrical burglar alnnn, to protect tho several banks In this city, Is In course of construction. In the sergennt's olllce at police head quarters, yesterday, workmen put In place the latce combination annuncia tor, galvanometer and switch board, which registers trouble In any of tho vaults on the circuit. Already five city banks the Third National, Dime Deposit and Savings bank, I.ncknwnnna Trust and Safe De posit, First National and Scrnnton Savings banks have adopted the sys tem and several of the other banks nre known to have the proposition under consideration. The iinnunelutnr at police headquarters can accommodate ten circuits. The system Is decidedly worthy of a detnlled explanation. The vaults or the safes at the banks are ptotected by u wire netting, which Is so closely woven and so perfect that the slight est effort at tnmpeiing at any part will result In an alarm. The netting for tho safes Is placed around the out side, but us this Is Impossible for the vaults the netting is here secured to the Intel lor. "When uny pait of this netting Is touched there will be commotion at police heiulciuartei.s. Hut to explain this a peep at the annunciator must be had. Tho face of the huge clock, placed In the comer of the olllce, has on the two sides a glass-covered space In which are a number of dlnls, five on each side. DIALS ARK NUMHKRKD. These dials are numbered, the num bers Indicating a particular bank, and when the netting Is tampered with the slender needle swings hoiizontally to a certain point, which completes a cir cuit and drops n numbered Indicator In the middle of the annunciator. The dropping of tho Indicator com pletes another circuit, which results In the sounding of a loud bell at the top of tho annunciator. Then follows tho commotion. The subscribers to the system will pay tor tho services of a man who will be stationed at the police station from the hours the banks close to the time the vaults are opened In the mqrnlng. Another Inter"thi3 detail or tho alarm is the fact that v. hen Ihe vaults nre opened or elo.Jel. morning or night, the alarm will be registered. At such times ns these tho watchman at heart -quartwrt" upon hearing th bell takes a jilance at the small dial of the bank width bears a slmiUr number. If he sees the needle move a certain number of times, he knows thnt the man who catifed the alarm Is the authorized at tache of the bank and Is at tint time sending In the bank'.i "O K" signal. This tlgnaj will be known to only the bank people and the mini at police head quarteis. Kach bank will have .1 dis tinct and different slanal. It will be the work of tho vv.iirhman to keep time sheeta of .he opening and closing of each bank. This he will leport to the evishler. After an alarm Is f-ent in n manipulation of the switches on the lower side of the uiinuneHior villi stop the sounding of the alarm bell. ARR ANOINTS APPARATfS. The work of stilnglns the vvlies is being done by the Central peniuylvanlu Telephone cnmiMny and tho construc tion of tne vault netting and the ar laugenient at police he'idquaiieis Is being done by William Murk, of the Holmes company, located at Nov.- York city. Resides the annunciator at police headquarters thiv Is a large eai-e con taining battel les to the number of foi-ty-two. Mr. Murk, the elec tilelan, Is assisted In lilri work by C. F. Press, of this city, who has been engag-d to take care of the apparatus. The watchman has not teen selected. The Holmes alarm has been intro duced into mot of the big cities of the country. The success of the scheme of boring a hole through a safe by the use of a piece of common car bon charged from a battery or other kind of wire to which the burglarh can attach a line Is said to be responsible for tho popularity of the Holmes' safe guard. The work of perfecting the system In th'ls city will not be finished for several weeks. The vaults ut the Third National bank have already been covered with th- netting and work will l bejrun at the Dime bunk t'.rtttV. Henry Relln Is ehaliman of the bank ers' oommltttee which lecommended the Holmes scheme. The apparatus, It Is said, will cost r.botit $700 as a pro rata shnro to each subscriber. STEAMER FOR THE FRANKLINS. Councils Will Itu Asked to Hurry Along ecesary Legislation. Select Councilman M J. Rums had a conference with Chief of the Fire De partment HI cite y yesterday concerning the advisability of asking councils to tako special steps to pass the ordinance pioviilng a new steamer for the Frank lin Knjlne company. The steamer has now been out of service eight weeks leaving the entire West Side without the service of a steamer In the event of a lire or any magnitude bieaklng out there. The matter will come befoie common council Tliiusdny night and that body will bo nsked to huvo an ordinance ready and pass It on two readings. J".y special meetings the ordinance could lie passed by both councils In two vv eeks. Permanent Man Kllme, of the Frank lins. Is sufferlnu from severe hums about the arms und face which he sus tained the other day while working aiound the steamer when It was fired up. Oik; of the lines diopped out and the watpr poured down on the flic send ing seildlng steam out on Klime and 'burning him. This is the second acci dent of tho Mnd that hah occurred to men working around the steamer since tho time It was condemned. m THE PROPOSED SEWERS. Amount Citr Will Hnvo In Contribute Toward Paying for Them. When the ordinance providing for the opening of Wyoming avenue comeH up on third reading at tho next meet ing of select council It will have a stormy time and will be fortunate. In deed, If It weathers tho storm of op position. That proposed Improvement will cost tho city between $80,000 and $100,000 und tfome cbuucUiucu ' argue that the city cannot nffotd such an expenditure) now when It la committed to a number of Improvements that will cost more than another $100,000. The Improvements refened to aro the sewers projected In vnilous patts of the city. AroordlliB 1" the decision of the Supreme court the city must pay a laiuo share of the expense of such work, and as the greater pint of these seweis will have to be built during the fiscal year of 1803 yomc provisions must be made for to raise the money by Ironing bonds or plating affairs In such shape that point will order a special tax lew. The city's slime of the South Side sewer will be JJS.OOO and of the sower in the Fifth. Fifteenth and Klghteenth wnrds $.1fi.21., A sewer Is to be laid on Sciniiton street that $3,743 must be pro vided fur and In Providence, Sections II, C, D and K of the sewer system ot that pait of the city will make a draft In the city treasury of over $30, 000. A contemplated sewer In the Sev enteenth ward will take $4,000 more out of the city's purse. The total of the city's share of con st! uctlng sewers will be upwards: of $120,000. How that amount Is to be provided no one seems to be able to tell, much less the nmount necessary to carry out that long agitated Im provement, the opening ot Wyoming uvenue. NEW PASTOR FOR PLAINS. 1'ntlicr rit.niaiiricc Will Succeed I'ntlirr Phillips. Rev. K. S. Phillips, who goes to Haz lclon on the first of the year to become pastor of St. tSubrlel's church, will lie succeeded as rector of the Snciert Heait church, Plains, by Rev. Kdmuud F. Fltzmaurlco, of Hazleton. The lat ter is the oldest ordained pi lest In the Scrnnton diocese. He la the oldest of four brothers, all of whom ate priests. Three nre stationed In Philadelphia. One of the brothers has Just been ap pointed coadjutor bishop of Kile. Two uncles of Father Fltzmnurite are ulso members of the priesthood. Father Phillips' successor Is about f." years of age, but Is romurkably well preserved. Fnther Fltzmaurlce served at Dun more and at Plymouth, from which place he went to Hazleton twenty-two years ago. ' HE'S fiLAD THAT IT'S DONE. Contractor O'llaru Has Completed a Dillicull Piece ot Work. Contractor V. II. O'Hara yesterday completed the lateral sewer on Chest nut and Pi Ice street, West Side. Mr. O'Hara had many unfortunate experi ences duiing the construction of tho sewer. For -almost the entire length of It he encountered nothing but hard rock that had to be blasted. On several occasions the blasts lirolu the water main of the Scranton Ons and Water company Hooding not only the trench but the streets In the neigh borhood. Mr. O'Hara will receive about $3,000 for constructing tho sew er from the city, tl cost him nearly $1,500 to do the work, IJy rea&ons of delays on account ot the rock and breaking of water mains the contractor had to be gi anted two extensions of time The contract speci fied that the work should be complet ed In September. WEDDED AT WILKES-BARRE. William P. .Monies and Hiss Anna .1. Price United. A beautiful wedding took place on Sunday In Wilkes-Rarre at the Mem orial ehuich after the morning ser vices by the Rev. John Craven. The bride, Miss Anna J. Pi ice, is the ac complished daughter of Kleazer Pric of Canadensis. I'a., woro Olive gieen dutchi ss satin with seal trimmings and carried carnations. Tho Broom William F. Morris Is the son of the late Colonel William N. Morris of Scranton. The happy eouplo are now In New Yoik state and will leturu on Wednesday ami be at home on Thursday, corner of Spi uee street and Peiin avenue. TAXES COMING IN VERY SLOW. Only One-tniU the 18117 I.ev lias Heen Paid to City Tonsurer. Only about one-half the amount of taxes due the city and school district tor the year li"J7 has as yet been paid to the city treasiuer. Nearly all the bllf property owneis and larse corpor ations are holding back until Dec. 31, the last day for receiving taxes, when they will come in with a rush. Recaus-e of the slowness with which taxes are coming In. the building ac count of the boaul of contiol has been greatly overdrawn. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. II. A. Piuplo and John lit Ink weie yes terday appointed appraisers of the es tate of Rptubiook Urotbers, of Carbon dale, assigned to II. O. Watrous. Deputy Sheriff Colbom ycstirdav sold out J. 11. Davltt's bottling ctuhlMiment In Dunmore. 12. Robinson's Sons, tin ex ecution creditors, bought It in for $."W. C. S. Woodruff was yesterday appointed auditor in the estate of James H. Heggs., late of Scranton. Court yesteiday appointed Dennis Me D.ule guardian of William. Surah and Margaret Fliinen, minor children of Sarah Flnnen, late of Scranton. Tho report of the- viewers of tin, new road In Scott was ycbterday conditionally confirmed by coutl. The torsorlal parlors formeily con ducted by Joseph Spelcher at '.n-J Spruce stieet Have parsed into th hands of Rutts and I.angan, who took charge Wednesday, Dee. 1. The new firm nre both competent men, and thoroughly up to date In all that applies to their business. You will llnd the finest line of mould, lug for pit-tut c framing at the UiifUn Art Studio. " ooooooooooooooooo SCRANTON CASH STORE I Sun I vt iiLLLLL ooooooooooooooooo BOY BURGLARS ADMITTED TO BAIL Thry Pleaded Guilty nt a Hearing Before Mayor James 0. Bailey. MUCH PROPERTY IS RECOVERED Parents ol'tho Two Hoys Arc tiieatly Distressed Over tho Conduct ol Tlinlr Sons. -Mrs. .tlcClnin Has Recti So Piottrntcil That She Is in n Serious l'oin!ltto!i--I.lst ol' the Articles Recovered by (tic Police. entitles Hiiendlgca and Horry Mc Claln, the boy burglars, weie analgned befoie Mayor Halley yesterday to anfiwer the charge. They pleaded guilty and were held under $."00 ball to appear nt court. K. W. Ives went security for young McClaln and John Shruder for Haendlges. The parents of the two boys feel keenly the rtlsgiace, although the Irre sponsible escapade can not possibly re flect upon Mr. MtClnin, who Is an hon orable business man, or Rev. Philip Haeiidlges. Mis. McClaln Is prostrated by the undesliabb' notoriety and her f I lends fear for her teeovery. In addition to the property recovered, Detective Molr ye.stetday secuied a number of ait It lis which Lieutenant Davis missed Sunday night. The booty lecovered now Is: Two comets, thtee pairs of shoes, thtee opeia glasses, two Ilfe.s, one flute, pair of drum sticks, three harmonicas, one tuning fork, one banjo, fishing tack'le, five boxes shoo polish. In the box containing the stolen goods was nlo found n bundle of dime novels of the Nick Carter style. OPERA SUNG IN GERMAN. it U'ill Ha Seen nt .Music. Hall Wednesday I'vuniug. The German Operatic and Dramatic Society, "Thalia." under the direction of I rof. Shllllni,'. will give their tiist performance at .Music Hall Wednesday evening. The piece is a musical drama entitled, "City and Country, or the Cattle Dealer from Upper Aus-tralla,'' by Ii i-ilerlck Kaler. Owing to the success of last year's production the hotiso h is been almost soli' out. The following ore in the casts: Mrs. Shilling, Misses May Spelcher, (dca Plttack. Martha PIttuck, Messrs. Wldmnver, Roth, Stoeckel, Lentes, 11a lvtstroh, Weiss, Snyler, Bummer, Repper and Krotsch. Is Your lira in Tired t 'I'a lie Ilorslnrd's Acid Phosphate. It supplies the needed food for the brain and nerves, and makes exeitlon easy. A great many new styles In Photos for Xmas at Gililln's. P1PUI.AR PRICES ' &f$A &$&! ea i! ilpf DUNH Wm GLOVEN . Vji-btjrMfSv Upholstery Department Our Goods and Prices Welcome the Most Crit ical inspection and Comparison. Chenille Curtains Dado and fringe in a variety of colors, formerly sold at $2.50, now only $1.80 Pair An extra heavy and wider one,' regular price $3.75, at $2.75 Pair Tapestry Curtains Double laced effect in several shades, price now per pair $2.00 Beautiful Silk Damask Effect at 3.00 Chenille Table Covers Special lot Chenille Table Covers, 1 4 yards square, choice designs, worth 95c each. Price while this lot lasts only 70c. Pillow Sham Holders 19c each. SIEBEOKER & WffllNS, 4 t e." --i- -i"- . VgF PU ri incnvr. "-cotCHiiowB' I ' , iva. . -M- 44 -M- 4-f -f-f 4- 4 -M- -f 4- 4-f bit!: Henry J. Collins, Lt., Lacka2Av 10 1EY OIL II I 11 to 1 10 Merldlnn MiTCt,Scnutou, I'a. Telephone ailK.v PAINT I)l:lAIrMi:NT.-laneett OJI, Varulslii Dryers Jiip.ui undtthlngloblulu. H PLJfiK Great Values. The kind of Clothing we kcII cotitnltiRrvrry essential absolutely necessary to guarantee! Durability, Style, Fit and Finish. Ilund Made Collars, lliiml Made. Iliittou Holes, Pino Stayed IM?cs. Hand Padded I.apels, Tailored by the Makers of tho Cele brated "Vitals" brand Clotlilnf. What lift ter proof for Thoroughly ltclliililu Clothing could you ask for? Men's l'tne Hack Suits, lu lllue, Illiiclc and I'mi'-y Mixtures, llegu $1(1 kind. CASH Plllt'L', $7.50 Suit OPEN :rom this date until after X'mns. A lew suggestions for Christmas presents: Bath Robes, (.olori! ,U,ll,,lcs nml Umhrnllnc " beautiful assortment munilUb, ofiiultes' ii ml mens. QlOVeS eery,leicrptlon. Neckwear Iffi. ls ncw ttnd up-'- Traveling Bags and Suit Cases. Inspect our line of Holiday Goods before purchasing. BRONSON u Mill, Hatters ani Furnishers, 4i"2 Spruce Street. BEST SETS OF TEETH, $8, Includlnz tho piinleij xtractlii:ot tcctb by hii entirely now iuo:o3i. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., 321 Sprue: St, Opp. Hotel Jermvn. 406 Lackawanna Avenii epanng The Boys for i Thanksgiving If you are going to take them out to dinner, is a pleasure when you have bought their clothing Irom our handsome and perfect-fitting stock ot Boys' and Children's Clothing We have an upto-date stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing that we'are selling at prices that will surprise you. (ft 31 (ft ft, Elu V Turpentine, Wlil'jii. fUl I MANUFACTURING 0, 1115 M 820 LickawanLU Ave., Scraalon Pi. Wholcsiila mid Retail " DRUGGISTS, ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD, FRENCH ZINC, Ready Hlxcd Tinted Paints; Convenient, Kcononilcal, tliiMhlo. Vnrnlsli Stains, Producing Perfect Imitation of KxpamWo Woods. Raynolrts' Wood Plnlsh, Ipccliilly Designed for Inslilo Work. Marble Ploor Finish, Durable nn.d Drloa (illicitly. Paint Varnish and Kal somine Brushes. FUR: LINSEEO OIL AM TURPZoTHE. ECKWEAR OVELTIES in Ascots, Puffs, . Four-in-Hands and Butterfly Ties. Hand & Payne 20S Wilmington Ave. ROOKEnr BUILDING, Take advantage of this op portunity. By doing so you can go about it leisurely aud auy article will be reserved for future delivery. us' nn in solid gold and filled cases, at prices that will astonish. IS Wit i tifoMi!, H UUSBUL1 in endless variety. We carry all styles and makes in clocks; sterling silverware in jewelry, and toilet articles warranted and stamped by responsible makers. We invite you to call and compare prices. '108 SPRUCE STREET. Open evenings until nfter the holidays. 5 WILL KEEP OPEN EVENINGS THIS MONTH. a UK tfi ft 3 WEICBEL BROS., Hi Msars Building o' e iio Wa'iiiluiiton Ac. m BJ Tclejihouc, tionn. Jc tiiHrfiiiifKtfftrftirfHrfirfxriiiitf rn Canes, Gloves, Umbrellas, Suit Cases, Neckwear, Bath Robes, etc. lull Line Nuu Itcady, BELL I SKINNER, (UE2J OJjxyblk'iiJEd HHlft 1 K4&w i 5 a 9 S i u i7 S a9i!!i2t' w S J a S9 WEIGHEL JEWELER IfUWI Hbtal Jarmyn Hattors, , , , 1. .-:i liienlngi. LV