The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 06, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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Christmas Issues
Illustrated London Xcv,
Illustrated London Graphic,
with Iicatitlful Colored Supplements,
the handsomest for main years
Price 50 cents each.
The Christmas issue of "Puck,"
cry fine number, 25 cents.
All the December Mayalncs
Christmas issues, arc now here,
Subscriptions received
at publishers' rates.
"Quo Vadis,"
the greatest book of the jcar,
cloth covers, 79 certts.
paper covers, 19 cents.
On Saturday
And Monday Only.
522 Lackawanna Ac
ave a Cigar?
lhnnk Pnn't ciro If
Ida All, thUNu
MjlropulJU' JL'uiicIi
mln lurk. It's my
Gamiy, Bro! & Go.
Norrman & Wloore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Done illulit, Itesii
lurlurly, at popular
pi Ices with prompt
tot Ice.
The Lackawanna
;o8 I'cnn Avenue.
hi a
Have opened a General Insurance- Oinco In
hum nn ifi n
IScst Stock Companion lepievonteil. I io
-lies cbpcclallj solicited, 'lelephouo tmiU.
lono T Seaile, ot HoneMl.ilc xx i- in
this i-tty Haturdu.
Krank Olynn of New York citx. if 1
ltlng Captuln John Huxxks, ot .Nmili
Ii, Hucsh. ciedlt man of Itoscndoif x
Co. of New York city. Is a gueht ut tin
Hotel Jermvn.
T H CummhlKS. of Iluston Is hkI
tcred at tho Jermyn. Do Is the national
oiKanlzer of the Knlshts of Columbus
Mis C I). Wasnei. of (..TJ Madison
iixcnue. has ntunicd from a lslt of tex
cral weeks with hi r parents In I'lilladel
phlu I)r N 13. Nexxbiuy, liouso phjsUIan ut
tin l.afkuxxutinu hospital, was taktu til
nt his home In Bast Orunfie, N. J., xxhllu
lntliiK there.
Mrs li, K. Mollis and u.iusIucih. .1I"s
lientriie. and .Mies Vila, uip In Susque
hanna county wheiu they will tpend tho
week with relatlxes.
Mrs (iirnrd S Mead, of oil Kast
kPt strett, has ben appointed vice ohali'
man for this pan of IMint-ylx-anla of tho
National Gcoie Wushliigton .Memotlal
association. '
l.exxis, Itpilly A.- Dnvir'
Ilusy Shoe Store, will be open een
liiga during Decembei.
The new China, Glass and Lamp
Btor opens Monday, Dee. S, with gieat
bargains for the holidays, u.' Wyom
ing avenue.
Coal-- Coul- -Coal.
First-class coal, egg, stove and rtiest
nut, delivered anywhere In the city of
4,000 pound lots nt $2.55 per net ton.
Delivered In Dunmoro at $2 SO. A.
Mowery, Dunmore, telephone 4673.
W. C. Loftus & Co.,
608 Hroadxvay, Nexv York,
70 Agencies In principal cltlM.
Scranton Agency with WATERS, THE
Wttc.U05 fiaokawnnna Avonue.
l. a
w vr '
vNV fEfts
Tm-V. j j. ir
ItfLW 1
m va 1
Celebrated by Their Congregations with
Appropriate Smlccs.
Tim Clergymen Were. Itov. a, W,
Welsh, or Cnlvnry Holorinod Church,
iiml Kev. Tliomns Do (Jrucliy, of
Jackson Strcot IIptlt Church.
Thpy lime Ilccn in Chnrpn ot Thnir
Itcspcetivi) Churclic for One Year.
Special .Music Itcmlcicil.
Two .rtsttit of city chiurhts ycdei
dnv eolebiulod the (Hat unnlvetwirles
nf theli pnidninlci In lhl city. They
xv I'll- Uev. CI. W. Welsdl. of Calvin y
Hefortncd cliuidi. corner of Monroe
n pnui rtiul Oll-o:i ntuel, a'ul Itov.
Th-ina. I', csuiiliv pastor of tli" .lmh
son Slut t Jlrptlst cliuuli cm the West
At Cnlvnry ltofornied rhurcli spec
lal poivlces weie hold in tlio inunilns
and cvMiiiiL' In tho eveiilnK Mr. AVelsh
addtos-s-cd a senium to an nseeinblnco
of sro inonil.cis of tho Knlirhlh "f Mal
ut. repie'entlnir Oneial dtant com
inai'dci, So. Ztt. South Kci.mtoii: An
thrniiiu coinmundery. No- ;' central
city untl St Stephen coiiiinandeiy, c-
i3C, nuninuio. The s-rvifi' ""5.i" '
".'.'O onclick and i imludcil at .".
AVPUOl'ItlATPIA iji:couati:i.
The chuiih boon aptuoprhuelv
decoiatod. Old the pulpit pint form
Mvttns u-l, white anil blue itie.imoif.
mound pnililuins of the oidu. Itev.
Mi. U'cMi'." Million poitaliii'il p.iillc
uhnly to tin- oulu. ot whli U lie is n
nuiiiliei. and rrt commander of tlen
tinl (iiant toinniandeiy. His text vva"
taKni ftoin (l.ilntlpiii-, vl 14, "Hut Oml
loil.kl that 1 should slor, save In the
uuss of uur .1 otitis Chilst. by
Minim the xxoild Is oiuillleil unto mo
oml I unto the Mm Ul."
Ui. Mr. Welsh's diootiise vxn olo
qui nt and pointed In lcfololioe to the
ptllidplps of the older The oli'tlieli
ihon s-nnir anthems "Magnify the
1.' rd," "Hinmr and Hone. ' Chori-UiT
llll.ims Mmlm.' the rolo t of the
lust aiitliciii.
Miss IMIth l)uI!olrt allB: " Not O
iMail' and Tlohuit J i lies j-nns "'1 he
IIol Cit " The miaitott. frmr An
thrailte lomniandery also favoiul with
Wi'ie MuulltllK to Cio 1." The eoll'H
tioii was Koneionsly lesponded to. An
thiadte eoininandPiy piej-entliif; an
iiiMlopp illleil with Kiln (ollected bo
ti le the terviee.
In the nioi nine the htidee was of
puitletilnr Int-neit to the ehutch. The
htatlbtk" showed a, sain of elcliteen
niembeis dining thp ytar. One thous
and dollar ts collpeteil.
ix jaokson KTitnr.T cui'iicir.
The eoiiRieH.ulon and pator of the
Jai ltson Stiec-t Itaptltt eliutih j ester
day ol)seted with appioprlate bervhes
the Hist anniseis-aiy of the pastoi-
Milp of Ke. Tlinmiit. do Oinehy. Great
ly lmn the chuicli piosjieieil under the
pastoixhip and how liitii h the help,
i neoiiianenipnt and nspuiisc of the
people has (lone toW.niU mui i (", was
shown 1V th" iniiiieiise loiiKiesation
J!l. TlIdM S in ClJi . h.
wliu h xxas j i sen t at each oiIi.e yes.
teidax At the morning siixin- the
pulpit platfoim and altai i ailing weie
benutllled ly tin niianp.ement of How
ling plants, tein.s, etc., whkh dl
ftihpu a sweet pet fume and added to
the Joy the day. The choir also ni.i-
tei tally assisted In the seiVkes. The
pastor, lllk'd with the puipose and
inraiihiK of thu moment, bpuke fioni a
full he.nt. His text was hoseu fioni
First Samuel, vll-12: "IUtht-ito, hath
the Loid helntd us."
In his Introductory he spoke In a
letrospectlve xvny of what had oe
(tirrid dutlng his Hist jeur as pastor
The time, lie said, has passed lapldly
and pleasantly. Together they hud
walked In tin. peace and ginee of God
and had learned "How good and pleas,
tint It Is foi bictluen to dwell in unity.
This inoining we glance baikwaid.
and see how the Lord has led us, we
may well set up an Kbenezer as a
memoilal of God's care and goodness,
nnd on bended knees and with uneov
eted head say together. Hitherto, huth
the Loid helped us.' "
pitormnss dcwng thi: vi;au
Continuing, he spoke of I lie -appeal
of the late John Hxans to him to ac
cept the pabtorshlp. Kiing that ho
would find It Just tho place for hlni to
woik foi the welfiue of a People and
he had found It even better than Mr.
i:uiis had encotiiased him to believe
He then spoke of the conversion ot
bouId. sixty peisons have united with
the church by baptism, seventeen by
experience, and ton by letter, making
a total of eighty-seven meinbeis. He
urged createi offort nlong these linos.
Ho spoke gratefully of tho assistance
given him by Kdxvard Howells, licen
tiate. Twenty funerals had been his
care; sixteen manlaEes ho hnd olllc
luted nt. thus entering into their sor
rows and Joys.
Tho sum of S3.17S 90 had been ralisd
ii w
for all piirpoKen tlurliiB the yenr ntul
no doubt would linve exceeded even
that but for the depression of the
timet, which especially affected n
chuifh whleh eontalned no rich men.
The spenker then teferted to the
church sodotle, the Sabbath pchool,
lndUfitrlnl clUHsep, Fldellniis, the Hap
tint yotiiiu I'eople'H union, Ladles' Aid.
and the Home nnd Foreign MlBslonnry
Bocletlen. He mentioned their accom
plished woik, the blonder scope made
possible liv eoncentratlon and the its
olstantp nnd rotnfott afforded hlmHelf
by the Hoeletles. ContlnuliiB. he said
.that their faith should lie strong and
nod will not fall us."
Tin: ciitmcii dhbt.
The efforts durliiK' the contiim yenis
would be (oncpntrntcd towards a llft
ln of the diurclt Indebtedness of $1 !,
loo. A pi in linn alieady been ret upon
foot with eerv inomlse of surcpsr. "I
tlnd the pttbllp In sympathy with our
movement." lie said, 'and have no
doubt thev will lespond RPiioiously
when upptaled to. Kut tin i more, 1 be
seeeh oll that ye walk worlhv of the
xoeatlon wlieiewlth yo me railed with
all meekness. lotifc'siifterlnK, nnd lor
beailnf? one another In l-e. endenvor
Inir to keen the unity or the spltlt In
the bonds of pence "
The pntm uieed a Kie.ttpr attend
ance at the iirajpr meellns: also to
Kieet one another more frequently nnd
In it heaity manner thus cnntlnuliiK the
spiilt of fellowship and nytntiatliy. He
then spoUt. of leavlnu tin. past In the
past nnd prcKS foiwnrd to future
achievements. No iwod was to be
gained by llvlnp: In tlv past In meinory,
I tit as new alfalrs came up to met t
them fiee and able. He then conclttd-
d with these woids: "The mipccss ot
tl.i last yeav be the stepping
stone to hltrhei attainments, and pio-
tldtncy In the Lord's work. Ob, to bo
soniethlnt;. Something for Ood, sonie
thlnp for humanity. Finally brethien
' be stionir In the Lord and In the jiow
cr of His nilqht "
The reEiil'tr exenlnt snIee Avas :e
plnccd by a beautiful soiib service ar
tarstd by the chorister, 11. Jt. Oilf
f.tlis. The choir was augmented and
their M-lectlonr were dnelv lendelcd.
The ornn oluntaiy bv Miss .Mai ion
Hutchinson opened th" seixlce after
.' hlch a hymn was suns: and prajcr
offeied. A selection by I'lnsutl xas
then sunp; by th choir. After the
tending of the scilptiif" lesson an offer
ing was taken, "llefoio the Thione ot
Olory," bv Np'-ln, was th- .solo glxen
bv Moiris l'homas In admirable olce.
The pa tit or. Kev. Thomas Dp (Jruehv,
made a lew lcmaiks which was follow
ed with a duet bv Miss Hdlth and
Mnhter Kduaid Davis, "Saved by
Oiace." by Stevens.
The rift ling of pia.xer ui followed
by an anthem by the choir. The do.
olotrv and benedlttlon followed and tho
choirs tug while the conrpgnllou xxas
p f-hlng out.
lie Worked It and Now Is In the Cnunly
Jail, Awaiting Trail He Is Charged
wilh Fraud.
i. 1-. Hstott, who leinesentcd hlni
.selt jis an ugent of the "London and
Klondike Gold Mining onipanv," capi
talized at $3,000,000, was aues'tcd Sat
in day morning on infoimatiou made
betoio. Aldet man Millar by Chief of
Police Itobllng and Dettctlxe Molr.
Kscott is chaiged with swindling and
xxlUt pieseiitlng lictltloiis letteis, signed
'"S. J. Mastcis, spcretaiy," fiom the
tompany'.s alleged headquaiters at
Chailestown, W. A'a.
It is known that Kstott buncoed a
gieat numbei of people in the Noith
Knd. He offeied stock In the inthlcal
Klondike mines at 1 cent per shine, to
be purchased In any quantity. .Mis.
William Couitney, of the Noith Knd,
was one of those whom Kscott visited.
Mi.s. Couitney inn chased 200 shales
for $.'. Kscott had dlsplaed a lecotn
mendation purpoitlng to have been
wiltten by a distinguished prelnte.
Mrs. Couttne.x. after Kseott's depart
uie. came to the centia'. elty and told
her good link to a del g man of her
chin eh. The evident deceit of Kscott
xas then pointed out to Mrs. Coutt
nev. A wan ant was set tired fiom Alder
man V. S. Millar) oiilce and was
spixpiI by Patiohnan Flnlay Itoss while
Kscott was enjoying himself in lien
Davis' Ninth Main avenue saloon. Ks-
i olt tiled to dispose of his liogu.s re
ceipts by tin listing them down n sewer
opening. Thi papeis xxeie ittmered,
The Iteal ICstate Inxestment com
pany, of Soinnton. was another com
pany which Kscott claimed to repie
sent. The olllcer.s of the oncern say,
hoxxexei. that Kscott xxaj nexer en
gaged by them, although he had pos
session of a quamlt of theli foims
and paper.
Kscott u nixed a heailng befoio AI
dennun Millar Satin day afternoon and
In default of $:.00 ball was committed
to jail. He xx ay t pleased from Jail a.s
leecntly as Aug S, xxhen he llnished
ii tenn of Impilsonuicut for u chaige
similar to the lucsent one. He te
sumed oneiatlons on the 2Cth of that
month. One of the names he used In
his dealings was "Panicle MiCullen "
It Is said that Kscott also attempted
to work another game on Noith Scran
ton people. He hnd sepuipd a lot of
loots fiom the woods heicaUouts and
offeied to sell these at 10 cents pel loot,
lepuvontlng them to be "shiubs."
Whether or not he had any pui chasers
is not known.
Don't It ax
il .sluEle Otlentnl Kug xxlthout seeing
our uieatest bat gains, xxhlch xxe n're
oiferlug a creat deal below auction
in lies. Look out foi fake sales; xxe
giuuintee our mlces us xxell'us qual
ity. Mlchaellan Kios & Co., 121 Wash
ington avenue u
School, mid Spencer.
Our stoio xx 111 be open evenings until
Christmas. Sthank & Spencer.
Nuts, !
I Fruits, !
I Poultry,
Oysters, j
I Vegetables,
Two Young Hoys, Sons of Tromluent
Families, the Miscreants.
Ono U the Son ufa Clcrcxninii nnd
the Other o( u Prominent .Merchant.
Tlioy .11 nil o nn Knlrnnco to tho
I.eadci nnd One ot Them Was ."Snb
hed by the M ntchniun--Tlio Other
11 ns Taken Out ol Hit 1'nllicrN
All of the ipccnt cpntiul cil bnrg-
lailcs were denied up hist evening
tin otigh the ntrest and subsequent con
fession of the puipettatois two joung
boys connected w Ith eminently respect
able famllle. One Is Charles Haen
dlges, the lC-year-old son ot llev.
Philip Hnendlges, pastor of Zlon Ger
mnn Methodist Kplscopal ehutch,
Adams avenue and Pine tteet, and
the other, Hnrty MtClaln, aged llfteeii.
.son of William McClaln, commission
meichnnt. of Lackawanna avenue.
They made a full breast of everything
and nil their booty, with the exception
of the money nnd one or two small
articles, has been recoveied.
To the Jaultoi of the Lender (liy
goods ft ore In the Coal Krhanee, on
Wyoming nvenuc, belongs the distinc
tion of dWcoxeilng the buiglnis. Shoit
ly before 7 o'clock last evening as he
wan engaged In sweeping the fiont of
the stoic, he heaul a noise at the back
window. Stealing quietly to the tpar
of the stoic he concealed himself be
hind some tupesttles, fixed his eyes on
the window and xxalted.
Soon the sash was rnlsed. a head ap
pealed tlnougti the opening, u hasty
glance surveyed the ground and the
next moment a boy dambeted In and
after exchanging a few whlspeied
woids with somebody outside, lie
staited for the olllce.
This wuh the Janitor's time to act
nnd, jumping out fiom his hiding place,
he pounced upon the lad and bote him
to the lloor. Theie wns a shullllng of
fpet otiulde, Indicating that the ac
complice had taken the alaim. Tho
captive made no leslstnncp, but sul
lenly accompanied his captor to the
street, wliPie he was placed In charge
of Patiolman Halt, who took him to
the police station.
It was oung McClaln. He te.n ful
ly made a dean breast of cveiy thing.
Implicating Haendlges and enumerat
ing the different buiglailes, seven In
numbei, that the had committed.
Lieutenant Divls went ut) to Haen
dlges' home and learning he was In
i hiirch spilt In for him. His lather wus
In the pulpit when the boy followed
the usher to the dooi. Lieutenant
Daxls met him In the vestibule nad
told hlni quietly to tome down to head
qua! lets, llendlges on the way down
was vi ly much excited but lofiained
from letting on that In was aware of
what was wanted ot hlni To the olll
cei 's qui stlons he admitted knowing
MtClaln and ol having seen him earlv
in tlit evening, but denied having been
with him. At the station hous", how
ex ei. xxhen be Iained that McClaln
had told all lie also ir,te In nnd con
tinued tveiythlng that his pal had
( onfessed.
Theli fatheii, weie sent for nnd came
to the station liouso. Thc-y xxoie, as
may be bellovpd, shocki d beyond
mfi'nue nnd could not at llr.-t bollexe
that such a thing could be possible as
neither boy xas in the habit of stay
ing out late. Then the boj -t told that
the woik xx as ulva.s done in the
eatlv pxenlng Just after the stoics
closid for the dnv thin being made
neccssaiy bv the f.t't tint Haendlgps,
xxl'o assists In eating for the chuuh
had to bo there eaily eve-j evening.
Their operations extend over a peilod
ccxerlng txxo monlns and Includes sl
burglaries and one att"inpttil hui
glary. The Hi st was at tho Millar .i Peck
Mi it on Wj oinlng avenue vhoie M(
cialn foimeils' xoikd. Th y xxent
dov n llu itigh ii tin p door Mi th hall
wav used bv the lanitor of the build
ing K. n .n h the fin line es. and then
ii a stall way to the inteiior of the
stole, In caking down the door nt the
head ot the stalls. Thpy seemed $3.7o
fioni the cash icgister
Next they enteied the Allulght li
brary by buistlng In a bai'k xxlndoxx.
TKy secured ?20 from the cash diaxx
ir This littrgUt had not been j spott
ed. The Powell Music stoic lituglarv xias
their online. A sld wlndoix
tnclng St. Luke's i hiirch was their
mode of Ingress. Two coinot., txxo
tlfes. one Hut-, two sets of bones, a
pall ot oper.t. glasses, a tuning loik and
$2 iinni tho lash drawer was tlv bomy
s-i tiled here.
, C. NcttlPton's shoe stoio In tin
(onunoi.wpalth xxas enteied tlnough a
liloken j ear xxlndoxx. Txxo paiis of
I oti ut leather shoes, a pair of dancing
sllppeis and live boxes of blacking was
all thnt xxms taken tiom hete. On that
samii night an attempt was made on
I'. P. Price's cash store across tne
xay, but it xas found Impossible to
effort an entiance.
in pi'ititv.s sTonn.
Thev aNo confess that thev ate the
pair whom Patrolman Pany nupilsed
in Willlani Pinv's novelty Hole, r.J !
Ladcawanna. avenue, last Mondux
night. The sec tiled $2 tiom the nisii
drawer nnd xxeie about to piocced io
tackl- the goods xvhen they espied the
olllcer In the iear and bolted tlnough
tho fiont door.
The bojs told that the hiding plufo
of theli booty xxas In u laige bcx
Ftandlng In the back laid of Huch
dlges' Lieutenant Davis and
Sergeant Kldgeway xxent up time and
found everything fis the boys described
It. All the stolen Articles with the ex
( option of a tlute xxhlch Is nt McClain s
home. t.OJ Washington .iveiiuo. and t
pair of opera glasses which they lost
were reeoxeiol A .tcrexv-dtlvei, pall
of plnceis and a table knlf- were
found on -McClaln.
They pay they committed the biu
plailes to get money to see the show?
The boys are at tho station heiise and
will be prosecuted.
Celebrated by the (.rneo Itelormcd
IpiNcoiai ( burcli.
The txveiity-foutth unnlvorsaiy of the
Iteformed Kplbcoiml ehurdi xxas ob
seivodln this olt by Ginto chuicli, IK v
(leorgo Aldrlch, pastoi. with .special
seivlces. In the nioinlng Pastor Aid
rich essaved the theme, "Why we ate
Hef oi med Kplscopnllans."
Tho text wn8 fiom Peter, i 1 1 : 1 r ; "Hut
sanctify the Loid Ood In your hearts
and ho ready always to glvo an answei
to every man that asketh you a icaum
of the hope, that Is In you with meek
ness nnd fear." The points In tho sec-
mon were?: llecnuso the Heforni''l
Kplscopal church stands opposed to
tltiinllsm; becnuse It has n seriptural
liturgy; becnuse It presents a full gos
pel; because It has .speclnlly raised of
tlnd us a witness to tho truth."
On these points nn Interesting nnd
foiceful Betnion was prenched. In tho
evening the tet wns llebtexx", vll:22:
"Hy so much wns Jesus made it suiety
nf better testament."
Ito Is u .Montrose .Man with IVoll
Known Hclntirci, in Scranton.
Wmd was lecelvcd In this city Fri
day night that Hunting C. Jessup. of
Montrose, had been stilcken with pa
ralysis and npoplexy that evening and
could not live. His son and daughter,
Kobeit and .Miss Nina, were In Sciali
ton at the time and left fot Montiosp
carl' Satutday moinlng.
Mr. Jessup has leuialued unconscious
from the moment ho becaine 111. No
hopes for his lecoveiy tne held out by
the phvslclans attending him.
Mr. Jessup Is a hi other of ex-Judge
William H., Geoige A. and Miss Fannie
Jessup, of this city, nnd Hev. Dis.
Homy and Samuel Jessup, of lieliut,
Subject of Tonight's Lecture b Hcv.
Dr. .los-ph K. Dixon.
Tonight at the Putin Axeiine Daptlst
chllith xx 111 be hoard Itex'. Dt. Joseph
K. Dixon's let tine on "The Passing or
the Indlnn," the fouith of the w Intel
sol Ips of lectures, given nt the church.
When It Is said that this Is Dr.
Dixon's most pretentious effoit In the
lectin o line. It Is salng enough when
the llstencis are Scranton people, xxho
hae heard or heaid of his pievious
lectures, pattlculaily his last piocod
Ing one, "The Great -Monuments of the
Woi Id."
Keautlful stereoptlcon a lews xlll be
used by the speaker to asslbt In dc
scillilng the subject.
At Hie morning mission serxlce In Hip
Ploxlilinco I'lesbyteilnu church the ad
dnss xxas by Itcv John Klusac.
Holy Communion xxas ndinlnlstrred In
St Luke's Kplscopal church at 7 30 a m.
and following the regular morning piux
er and seimon.
On the Wist Side tliete was commun
ion sirxko In the evening at the Seian
ton Stteet Haptlst chuicli and In tho
morning at the Sumner Avenue Prosby
Urian chuicli
A inlssion.tiv mooting was hold In the
Young Women's Chilstlan association
rooms jcstoiduy nftunoon. Tho meeting
was conducted by Miss Hiooks, state
college sooiotaiy.
There was Infant ami adult baptism
at tho morning service in the Wushburii
Street Push tori in church. Tho saciu
nicnt of the Lords supper was admlu-
Istorul ut this seivico
Tills xxlll be men's week at the mission
In Holx Crrss Catholic church. ililK ui
The servlcs for men began lust night
Last week xvas devoted to tho xxonun ot
tho congregation and xxts very successful.
JONKS In West Setanton, Do t i57.
Thomas M .lores. 7t vars of age ut
his resident p, 1UC6 Kyuon street l'u
noral serxkos this afternoon ,t 1
o'clock from tin iisldcnce InKrir.ciit
nt the Washburn street ccmeter)
Including tho painless extracting ol
teeth by an entirely noxv procus.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
331 Spruce St., Opp, Hotel Jermyn.
Upholstery Department
Our Goods and Prices Welcome the Most Crit
ical inspection and Comparison.
Chenille Curtains
Dado and fringe in a variety of colors, formerly
sold at $2.50, now only $1.80 Pair
An extra heavy and wider one, regular price $3.7;,
at $2.75 Paii
Tapestry Curtains
Double laced effect in several shades, price now
v)tii Tiiirt 7vivi
Beautiful Silk Damask Effect at 3.00
Chenille Table Covers
Special lot Chenille Table Covers, ii yards square,
choice designs, worth 95c. each. Price while this lot
lasts only 70c. Pillow Sham Holders 19c each.
B-t.(r f rii:, 22;
lUCMl.y J. aiming, L.L., Lacka. Ave
111 to 1 ltl M ei Him 11 mtou, I'a. Teieptioiiu lua
PAINT l)nPARTMKNT.-I,lneeil Oil,
VurnUUj Dryers, Jupiiu uud HUInu'lo Htnlu.
-. "
Great Values.
The Kind ofriolhlmr xvofeinoiitulnnexeiy
csscntlid aluolutcly lucesiar.x to guuriinlco
Durability, Style,
Fit and Finish.
Hand Made CnllarK, llnnd Miulo llutton
Holes rine laed Rdttc llnnd l'aililed
Lapel", Tailored by tho Makers of tho Cele
brated "Vltal" ltiaild Clothing. What bet
ter proof for Thoroughly IK liable Clothing
could ) on link for? Men's l'lnn bnel: Sultx,
In lllue, lllmik and 1'nncv Mixtures. Itegu
610klli(U CASH I'Ull'i;
$7.50 Suit
Hands Go!
Why should they be, when
you can get
I'or 0f (o S1.50 per pair, in
men's sizes. Boys', from '25u up.
We :u e showing a large assortment.
ion a Tiui,
Hatters anj FurnishsrS;
412 Spruce Street.
p it"
il$WS 4fej3l
a ij
Lackawanna Avenu?
I Preparing
t The Boys for
li yon die going to take them
out to dinnei, is .1 pleasure
when you have bought their
clothing irom our handsome
and perfect-fitting stock oi
Boys' and Children's Clothing
We have an up-to-date stock
of Men's, Boys' and Children's
Clothing that we aie selling at
prices that will surprise you.
, mmtm
CYlliiEl ens.
Turponttne, Whlta Leal, Coal Tur, Pitch
m m
3Z0 Lackawanna Ave, Scranton Pi.
Wltolcsnle iinel ltctnll
Ready nixed Tinted Paints,
louvvulcnt, Kconomtcal, Durable.
Vnrnislt Stains,
Pi ocliK'l ns I'erfect Imitation of KtpoihIy
Raynolds Wood Finish,
Imperially I)eigned for Inslilo Worlc.
JMnrblc Floor Finish,
Durulilu and Dries (Quickly.
Paint Varnish and Kal
somine Brushes.
Bath Robes,
Canes - Umbrellas
Hand & Payne's,
'203 Washington Ave.
Early Selections
Take advantage of this op
portunity. By doing so you
can go about it leisurely and
any article will be reserved
for future delivery,
in solid gold and filled cases,
at prices that will astonish.
iu. endless variety.
We carry all styles and
makes iu clocks; sterling
silverware in jewelry, and
toilet articles warranted and
stamped by responsible
We invite 3'ou to call and
compare prices.
Open eveuinjs until nfler the holiday.
ML 1
Maars Building,
111) Washington Ave.
'liloplioiie, .'n-il,
In Black, Brown, Gresn, Etc.,
Now on Sals.
Hotel Jermyn Hatters,