The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 04, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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The pat week hus heon uniiMiiilly
dull In a social way. I'crlmps tin nrnr
approach of ChilHtinua npp.illf lhi
feminine head of the family anil rnusivt
her to think mot p about flhoppliiK anil
PtepailnK for tho holiday ftlUI" ot planning entorlaliiint'iitR foi
tho "present The reception elvtii hy
Mr. nnd Mrs. HtiirKon jind n few In
formal illnncrs have mntlo tip nwt (
tho society ilNMpatlnn. "What shall
1 ilv htm"'" "What on oaith tan T
Ret for her?" nto tho all nb'-orMni;
tlioiiRhtq of the day behind which
shrink the one time Important toplrn of
what shall we eat; where withal shall
wo bo clothed, and whom shall we
cno out of the oAor-incrcnalnp limita
tion list"
This question of Olulstmns Kifls
.itMln looms up In colossal proportions"
Of couise It Is n burden In-iiiine wo
mako It such In our mad trill liter
Around and In our frniitlcVnileaioih to
lirunv hero and theie. No mattei how
liluch cm tailing l done we novel m-oiii
to bo able to redmo tho dimensions of
our self-imposed burdens, nntl every
year wo assume moio anil it Is no
wonder that many of us befmo Clnlm
mas relroKi.ulo almost to the condition
of Blbborlnp Idiots In vvontlulnt; how
no uro poJiiK1 to mnnnno to cany out
our 'plans, and hftrrwtittl diop into
hoivouh prostration. whlh v nuclei Ins
why Wfe aJIU so anyway.
It tho uveraRO man were serlolihly
consulted or htilniisl cotisldeied after
beltiK consultoil h? would piobably im
prests a desire fur each member of his
household to bu his or hei own Clulst
nias pits-cut.1- It Isn't every head of
the family who is t-o niiRollo as to bt
rcnlly pleased at the fjltt of a side
saddle fi"ir his wife, ns was one of
whom It Is said that he was d( lighted
because she could take so much plens
liue with It. If thla soit of spirit weie
Ktneial tin re would piobably be found
In the husbands' stocking Chilstmns
itjouiliiK an einbairasslinj Mipplv of
ladles' 'iS wheels, and s'nl skin i ais
ISveiybocly li'members th" pathetic
otory of the mar to whom bis wife
Mlbmlttcd an extensive list of at tides
suitable for bis Chilstmns pnsent,
from which he wus commanded to
make a selection or to which he mlKht
add some other yearned lor attiactlon
After Ioiik and deliberate consideration
he finally rniaikecl, patiently: "No,
Maria, I don't seem to think of any
thing else I ically need unless it may
be a pair of late curtains or n new
&cViiis machine."
Tho flist law social eent of the
senscin took place Thursday at the
Jmndspmo subuiban home of Mr. and
Mrs. U. 1!. fturRts on Noith Wnshlnp
ton avenue, when two large ret options
More Elven In honor of Mrs. Clan wo
SturBes and MKs Helen Douglas Sae,
the flam to of Mr. (3eore .Stuipes.
The beautiful rooms ilch with oil
t'lital treasures, were lavishly tUioi
.itetl 'from the host's own hot houses.
Haiier's orchestral furnished music. The
rocejvlnff party, both (ifteinooii and
livening, occupied the fiont chawing
Mis. Sluipes who woie mauve molie
and Duchesse lace was assisted In re
cvtvtni? by Mr ClaTenco Sliuge.i and
Mi's Sae. Tho, former was uttlted In
her britial (Town df white satin. Miss
Saxe's cr.stumo was pink crepe. About
thr looms were Mrs. J. Oaidnor Hau
liers' n. Mis. J Hon Dimmlck and Miss
Henderson Mi and Mis. StuiRts
Kitc-ted many Kuests dm lug the houid
ot lecelvintr. Later In the evening
darning was enjoyed by the voungor
set It'fieshincnts were eivcd by
Su.inton caterers
Among, the out of town guests wtie:
Mis. M. O. Waterman, ot fonthport,
Omn , Dr ,'. (5 Paike, I'lttston; Mis.
Hun, f'urbnmiale: Mi. and Mis. T. A
Atbrrton. "ltssrs. Darto and Hyiiiun,
of "WilUs-Uaire.
The deception at the flowing assof ia
t'oti Tuesday evening In honor of Con
Biessm.ui Ay'illiam Connell, was oin. of
tin Dleasan'test oents litcli Jiie
tal-t-n place In years at thut popular
i lub so noteO for Us social alfalis In
the past.
Th nianlaKe ot Mls Mailo Sdilni
1 Itev Wllhelm Hrutkcr. of Wood llle
O wa a pietty etnt which took
plice in the Chtftnut Stiect Oerman
I'n byteilan chinch A'ednesday even
ing A reception was held at the clns
i tpH ceiemony at the home of the
brides parent, Mr. and Mis. John
Mis A. D niackiuton, with her i us.
tuinaiy thought for the unir people.
and their plcasuie, with kI c a Chilst
mns oe dance at the blcvcle club for
liei nleee, Miss flalpln, and hei nepluw,
Mi John Qalpln.
lleiclleman's holiday book rooms In
the Hoard of Trade bulldhm seemed tu
be a tito ptilar place last oenliiK, mi the
tifccaalon tt thij opening-. It was quite
We had an opportunity of buying, for Spot cash, from
three of the largest carpet mills, all they had made up from free
wool; including all the new Spring; patterns. We will of
fer you these goods, as long as they last, at the price other
dealers will have to pay for them. With these Carpets are 500
.Wool Smyrna Carpet Rugs, 9x12 and smaller sixes.
the pcene of a l-cceptlon with flowers,
music and tho bent decorations oC all,
beautiful books on cveiy side. To
these were added a brave dUplay of
calendais, which, with a pretty Rrotip
liiK of tables, attracted niuny lsltors.
The ladles nf the Second X'resbyter
Inn church served an elaborate und
bountiful turkey supper last nlRlit In
the basement of the church A larRe
number of patrons weie present. Mrs.
C. W. Klrkpatrlck was chairman of
the committee, and as usual mast ably
dliected the airaliRements. The ladlca
who served weie: Mis, A. II Clnlsty,
Mis. litrlsh, Mrs. I. A. Sjlststcr,
Mrs. J M. Chittenden, Mrs. II. Htello,
Mrs C If. Welles, Mrs. llnnry Uelln,
Mrs M. Wilson. Mi.s. C i:. Wade, Mrs.
Dunkle, Mrs. .Jamcfi Molr, Mrs. 13. O.
Coutsen, Mrs. Albio, Mrs. 12. II. l.yndc.
Mrs. Ouernsey, .Mrs. Faurot. Mrs I.a'
liar. Mis. Kleltz, Mis. KIsseiiRer. Mis.
II Ij Fuller. Mrs. AV. W. Watson, Mrs.
McComb, Mrs. P. V. Hnnd Mis Kied
Connell, Miw. rrnnk Connell, Mrs. i:
a. Coursen, Mrs. C. K. Wade, Mrs. A.
I). 'Spencer, Mis CI. II. Thompson, Mis.
Keldcn Illalr, Mrs T. 11. Watklns, Mis.
1.. A. Wntres. Mis. Arthur, Mrs.
Ilos.s, sti-s. Itoberts, Miss Molr, Mr.
A. C. UrURles, Mis. 'Stclle, Mis. Caitfr,
Miss Hurlbutt.
The bride of Henry GcorRO Is a line
musician and received a diamond med
al for her proficiency when at the Chi
cago Musical colleRe. Khe Is also much
Interested in politics as befits the wife
choeii by the late distinguished lead
ei's son.
Movements of People,
llr. O K. Hill Is in Iti.chcster.
Attorni v A. A. Voshurtf Is In Now Yoilc
.Mi. J. P. Dickson h.g been 111 lor bev
el al dns,
Hon. 1. A. Wntres was in IlarrlhbttrK
this week.
.Mis. C. 1. Simpson wint to New York
Mrs. W. D. Kennedy li is returned fiom
Ni w York.
Mls c'or.i lirltnn has rctuiiird fr.mi
Mis. :. 11. I.) ndo was In llktw
lJiure this ncek.
Miss Adillne Hall Is spending the win
ter In Ne York
.Mrs. ij. v. Hurr, of Carbomlale, wti tit
tho city Thiirsd i
Aftouiey C H. t.lttlo been in Tunk
Iiannurk this week.
.Miss I'm noes I'r.itt Ins lrturned fiom a
vllt iu New Yolk.
.lohn Kprnks, Jr. of lloncsdale, was In
ft i unton Thin siliij.
Mrs u. H lilnlsill Ins irttirncd from
a visit In Iloncx'ulr
Vnv llev. John rtninii, ot nttston,
whs lii tho city i"-tiidci
Dr. Iwjer, of Carlioiiclalc, was a cen city lsItor this week.
William Kranr, of Ilonrbdnlc, iltod
Scrantou friends Thurfdnv.
J'rederlck Whiti, former propilctor of
tho WomliiK, Is in the city.
Dr. and -Mrs. ft. .M. Stratton vill "iiciul
the Christmas hollilajs In New York.
Mls MaiRaiet Walt-li, of Price street,
has returned fiom a trip to Nevv Yolk
ltcuben Staples, of South Lincoln ave
nue, his bLCii vltititiK fill lids at Stroud3
ImiR. Mr-. A. D. Itamer, of Soath Lincoln
nvinue, Is the Ruest of friends at Allen
tow n.
Anthon Comstoek was In the city this
week on his way homo fiom JJuffalo to
New York.
Mies ilaimoss, who spent the past few
months In tho west, has returned homo
for the w Intel.
Jilts i.MolIv HuKhcs, of Davton, O, Is
the Ruest of her aunt, Mrs. Jl. J. Ruddy,
mi Cedar avenue.
Mrs. M. ll. Waterman, of Southport,
Conn , Is the sucht of her daughter, -Mis.
Ckireneo Sturires
Miss Nelllo Orr, of Pittston, has re
turneMl home after a lit with West
Hcrnnton friends.
Harry Pram Is, Inspector for the I'pi
coast Coal companj , Is ill at his home
on Jlon-ey avenue.
Mrs. Prcton, of Wilkes-llnrie, Is the
Riiiht of her sister. Mis. M. J. Andrews,
on Mulbciry street.
Mis. CitoiRe I5vaiis, of Plymouth, Ins
retained home after visltlnR Mrs. II. 11.
Ilamford. of Noith Sumner avenue.
Menzo Vells, ntijlit mannRci of Han
lf'i (lining- room, has returned from a
two we. ks" hunting trip In Wa nccounty.
Mr and Mrs. 15. .M. Clarke, of Cort
luiil, N. Y, who hive been the Ruests of
Mis. 13. Hint line, ot Hilstead stuet, have
returned home
U. R. Ammernipn, Ur. and Mrs. J. P.
(Ilbson, C V. Ho. mt, J, I'. Dunn and
N. Jackson weie reRlstcicd at tho St.
Denis, in New York, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Reynolds, who were
m irrled on Thankf-glvlnR evenlnsr, havo
leturned from their wisldlng trip and
hive taken up tlulr residence lit 151 Main
Doom ol the Iliinsnrinn Lottery.
Pi oin tho Pall Mall Ciyttte.
Thlmvo"k miw thcibo-i ailed "Little Lot
terv" (Klein Lotto) lorru to tho mave
'I lin Klein Lotto has lit en .iioe luted
with notable swindles, of v lilch the ease
of Mtlthlor 1'nrkas, who managed to
break tho lotto to the tune of tS ',()
lianis, is Cio iront notable It ha- its
lomance, too. One winter, when tho fm
S'in Danube prevented anv noising fion
Hilda to IVt, a oung tier):, vhoso pov
uty had been an Insurmountable obsta
eln to his suit tor a ileh gill's hand, taw
a man on the opposite side wavliur lii
arms in a stniU mt thiHlleul manner
Having ben 1 of a slmllni lotteij swindle
1 i fine, ho guessed that the. man was slg-I'.illliu-
Hie winning numbtrs to un n -i
eimplicc and cojntrd. Ilrst tlm ty-elgnt,
then i Ight and lastly elghtten. II, , stak
e I his Un live gulltns, tnd won not on )
thi mine but tho Kill.
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Hlsho)) Nllide nnel Dr. Hchell bave
sent out a letter to Hpwoith. League
chapters which contains the following:
"Tho giowth of the npwentli Lciiriio
still attracts comment. "We now have
In the Methodist i:plt,copal church
alone 1S.00D n-Rtilnr and nearly C.000
Junior chapters fully i.cio.OOO mem
beiK. Ulshop Joyce bus rendered nitlve
sci vice In extending nnd iei fectlnB the
organization In China, Japan nnd
Koioa. New chapteis liuvo been or-Ranl-;id
111 Hut mall, Liberia, and in the
lepubllc of Hawaii. During the jear
our Wesleynn brethren In Hngland
have ndopteel an cirgnnlzatlon similar
to our own, under the name of the
Wesley Guild. The Hpworth league
piospers Rreatly in the Methodist Hpls
copal church, South, and In the Can
adian Methodist church.
"Hut while we elrlll the great Hp
worth army to Intelligence, let us not
forget that we are a distinctively lclig
lotis and soul-w Inning oignnlzatlon.
Let us wait on the ministry of the
word by eiur pastors, be faithful nt the
regular piaer meeting, and plan nnd
pray for levlvnln of religion; and bj
meditation, tho devotional use of the
Hlble, and by complete self-sui lender
may we be able to live In houily com
munion with our Lend, 'to whom be
gloiy foiever and ever.' "
The pistor nf Calvary Reformed
e hltieli will ptcath his Hist unnlveisaty
sermon on Sunday, Dec. 5, which will
maik the close of his Hrsl yiaCs woik
In this city. The piogranimi for the
liioinlng. 10 SO a. in., will be as follows:
tllorla Patrl.
'I ho Anostlt-s' Creed.
Snlo, Tenor Win. lime, Cleveland, O
Psalm f.'.
Anthem by the choir.
tSciiptum Lessen, I H imuel Iv, 1-lt nnd
Ml.. 1-11.
Soprano Solo Mls IMIth DuHols
11 mn and Collection.
Stiiiuiii bj tho Pastoi; 1 Sam. vll. 12.
Holo Lluwcllju Jones
Lord'.s l'l.i.ver.
II j mn.
Ileneilli tleiu
lu the evening the following pio
gi. inline will be followed:
7.30 P. -M.
Hjmn. "UlipsetiUo thoTIc.'
Scrlpturo Lissom
Antlnaelte Male Quartette.
Antheri bv the Choir, Leil by I'liitessor
Stnnon by the Pastor to Anthracite
Commandei, No. ill, C.eneial Grant,
No. 23, St. Stephurs, No. XO, K. ot
M. Text, Cnl M, H.
Uass Solo Mr. Roliert Jones
Anthrirlte Quarte tte-.
At the .Taekson Street liaptisl chinch
It will be Anniversary Day. At 10
o'clock prayer meeting: lender, Wil
liam Tliomn-. At lu.SO tho pastor. Rev.
Theimns ele Oiuehy, will pi each the
annlveroaiy seunon. At 1' p. m. Sun
day school. Hveulng service nt 7
o'clock. Pi ogi amine for the evening:
Oigan oluutary.
H inn.
Consolation, by choir Plnsutl
Scilptuio lesson.
Solo, "Rcforo tho Tlirono of Glory."
Nov In
Mollis Thomas,
Remarks by the pistor.
Duett, "Saved by Grace" Stebblns
Rdello and Hellth Davis.
"Pialse the Lord" Choir
Oiganlst, Miss Milium Hutchiugson.
Ppstor cc, of the Nicholson Me'tho
dlst e hurch, has a vet Stable helpmeet
In his wife. In h'ls absent o last Sun
day she occupied the pulpit nnd quite
delighted tho congregation.
The ladles of all the Methodist Hpls
cnpal chuiches of Scranton and vicin
ity are Invited to attend the union
meeting of the Woman's JAncU;n MIf
slonnry society nt Him Pail; church
Mondav, nt 'I o'clock. An In lei rutin?
piogiamme has been picpiied.
w I
Kiom the union seilcs at Him Pail,
on Tluiikshli.s day $."C weie lecelvcd
bv the Home 1 r the Filer.dless: fiom
the union servb us at Pro Idenee Jleth
odlst chuieli $13, which sums ai"
opportunely given nnd gratefully ac
knowledged. Religions Kews Holes.
An entertainment under the dliectlon
of Miss lioi'ei- will be given Tluusday
veiling in Kim P.nk church for the
bent (It of the "What-so-ever Cliele ' of
King's Daughters,
The Fiee Methodists will have
preaching In Co-opeiatlve hall. -128
Ninth Main avenue. Hjde- I'atk, to
ealixe 'ySTiia.t:
morrow nt 3 p, ni. All are Invited.
John Cnvunaugh, pastor, lu charge.
Mrs Abby C. Marrow, of New York
city, will bo at the nil-day meeting, nt
the Gospel Tabernacle, North Jeffer
son nvenue, Tuesday next. She will
talk at 2.W) nnd 7 30 p. ni.
The Rev. II. A. Grant, pastor of the
Howard Plate Afiltan Mcthoellst Hpls
copal chinch, will nddres the meeting
nt tho Railroad Depiutment Young
Men's Christian usseiclatlmi, Sunday
afteinooii, Dec. 5, nt 3.41 o'clock. Rail
road men and their families aio cor
dially Invited.
Davy ami l!ios, architects, nio re
al ranging the plans fust submitted by
them for the proposed new edifice ot
SI. Mark's Hvnngellrnl Lutheran
chureh, coinei of Wnshbuin and Four
teenth stuet. It is now intended to
have a two Morr structure. The
giotind floor to be used for the Snb
bntli school, tis-embly looms for the
'lllfeivnt chinch societies nnd a llbrniy
loom for the use of the voumr jieople
'it the c huich The second floor will be
the main ntldltorltim. The nme rtjlo
of ntchlt' etuie will bo i .in led out nnd
the seating innnclty will not be les
sened. Tho addition of a laige cross to the
nltnr furnishings of Holy Trinity Luth
eian chin tli has guntly Improved tho
chin chly i-xpicsslon of that sanctuary.
Whatever may be said aliout the nbuse
of the symbol nt the cioss, which Is Hie
symbol of the Clultlan chUich. theie
Is no altar eompleto In Its eccleslustlcal
furnishings without the symbol of the
e rnv. Thiough the effoits of the
ISev. Chatles G. Splekei, the pastor,
Ibis beautiful sjmbol has been secur
ed feir the congregation. The Rev. Mr.
Spleker has likewise introduced the
pieiper attitude of the pastor In prayer
by tinning to the nltnr. These- may
seem matteis ot Indlffeicnce and yet
the Liturgical service of the Lutheran
chinch call for both lu the fullest e
piesslon in the ael nl public worship.
Tomorrow's Services,
Him P.nk chuieli I'rnjer and prale
service at 0 li' pieathlng at piM a. in.
and 7 GO p. in, bv the pastor, C. M. tif
fin, D. D. Bund tv school at 2 and Hp
vvoitb league at (!.") p. in.
Giaco Hvntigcllcjl Lutheran ehuixh
Corner "Madlsnn tiveuuo and Mulbeiry
stteet. Rev l'ostel I" Gift pistor. Ser
vices at In JO n. ni. and at 71 IW p. m.
Hampton Stuet Mtthodlst Hplseop il
hurch P. P Doty, pastoi. Quarterly
lutetliig seivlus in the morning. Lovo
Feast at 1) a i. followed by the usual sae
i.imental set vice, t onilinteil by tho pas
tor, l'tt. tilling al 7 JO p. m.
I'll at Uaptlst chun h, Scranton street
Rtv. S. F. Mathtws pastoi. Pi aver
meeting 10 a. in. Icailcr, Frank llelden.
Tho usual preaching service morning and
evening by the pistor. The Lord's sup
per will be observed In the evening nt
tho close of the e t ning's service Sun
day school, 2 p m . Dr. Reelilot, super
intendent: Young People's prayer meet
ing, 0 p m., Industilal school, 2.30 p. in.
Saturdav, Miss Anulu Moigan, ltader.
Providence Mtthodlst Rplscopal church
Rev. William Ldgar. pitor. The usual
st rv Ices will be lit Id. The pastor will
prineh at 10 .SO a. ni and 7. V) p. m Morn
ing subject, "Room for Improvement "
livening subject, "A Night Vision" This
Is the Hi st In a seilts of strmons on
night scenes of the Hlble. Sunday school
at 2 p m , Hpworth It ague, at G.43 p. in.
Stats fite, all welcome.
First Church of Christ (Scientist) No.
r,10 Adams avenue. Sunday service, 10 30
a. ni TtstlmonlU meeting Friday eve
ning at S o'clock. All welcome, seats
Sumner Averuo 1'iesbj tcrlan Church
Corner of Srmner avtnue and Price
siUet. Rev. L 11. Foster, pastor. Morn
li.g se rvlce at lu 30 o clock Short sermon
by tho pastor. Topic. "Communion w'ith
God." The Lord's upper will bo celc
biated. livcnlm; servleo at o o'clock,
Tlumo for the evening ermon by the
pastor, "Tho Cuieu of the Law " iib
bath school at 2 p. m. Senior Christian
Hndeavor se-vlco nt 7 p. in. Tuesday
ev tiling at 7.'li) o clock, choir and cantata
practice. lay evening at 7.3)
o'llock, prayer treetlng.
Pilmttvo Methodist Church C. Piosser,
pastor 10 30. sacrament of Lord's sup
per. Subjtct, "Cltanslng, Then Filling."
7 p in., song service und pi inching by
pastor. Subject, ' Succeeding Ripples."
All Souls Fnlvtrsallst church Rev. F.
Y Whlppen partor. .Morning subject, "A
Word With cDuistlvis," evening subject,
Doetllno About God."
Pi nn Avenue Uaptlst Church Dr. Dix
on will preach at Peun Avinuo HaptUt
ihurch Sundaj morning tit 10. in, "Tim
Joy of Thi li tho Inspiration of Now.'
The onliniii'o of baptism will be ael
nillilsteitd. Hvinli.g, 7 .A "The Rsei
tlal Fool." No 1 In seiles on "The Fools
of the Hlble' Ml. YVntklns will fcliu
"The Lord Is .My Shepherd" and "In the
Shadow of the Rotk " Sunli hool at
2 p. in. Flint service of the Nay Aug
Fall-. Mission In tho new .Vmeicun Mem
mlal Tabiriiuele, Pieeolt aVtnue, near
Mulbeuv slicit, at 3 30. Monday night,
at 8, in ni..ln auiitorlum, Di. DKon's II
lustiutid lecture on "The Pa-lnir of the
Fust Welt h CoiiRiegatlonal riiuch
Smith Main avenue. Rev. D. Jones, pas
toi. Sen lets. 10 a. 111., pleaching b the
pi-ten, subject, The Povvei of tho Holy
Glio-t, r, p, m F.nllsh eivbt, subject.
"Tho Chiistlnu Is Chiisfs 1'ropn ty."
bababth school. 2 P in
Simpson .Methodist KiJiscopnl Cminh
Rev J H Sweet, pcstoi Momlng praj ei
meeting at 1130 Puaihlng suvkc at 10.30
Sirmon bv the pastor. Ti t, I Piter, I. 1,
Subject, 'An Apostolic Salutation." Class
meeting, led by S Wllsle. follows the
morning nivke, Sunday s liuol, G L
Pisk, e-iq , puperlntuiideni, at 1-. Junior
lnvorth league, Mlfs Crawford, presi
dent, nt 3. Hpworth league, G. W. Crane,
leader, nt 0. Hvonlng preaching strvlco
nt 7. Sermon bv the jtastor. Text, Isaiah
xU tl. Subject. "The Hverlujllng Father "
This Is tho fifth sermon of the seiles. All
seati free. A ccidlal Welcome to nil.
Providence Pri-sbyterlan church-Pas-!!"'
Hi. af,,rKu '-'. amid Morning
tlienie, "The Psilmlsts Inquiry." Sumlnv
school, Junior and Senior Hndcavor meet
ings at tho usual hours. Hvinlng preach
Ing service. 7 30 o'clock. Mission seivlce.
nt li.TO a. ni., sermon by Rev. John
Seventh Dav Advt ntlsls-Theie will be
pi fuelling sei vices In tlm nn t.imiicl,
comer or Ptnn iiventie and Marlon stuet,
Sunday at 2.30 p, ni.. subject, "God's
PromNory Note," and Suntlay evening at
i, subject. "I'ronilsc of God's 1'iesctice."
All nro Invited.
Coutt Street Methodist HpDcopiil
chuich-Rev. Gcorgo T Price pastoi.
1'renclilng by tho pastor nt 10 30 n. in.
and 7.30 p. m ; Hpworth kaguo prayer
meeting at (ISO p. in.
r,!" J'V,kr'S,!,;'"'l',n-Urv- K'lgers Israel,
rector Rev. Hdvvard J. Hnughton, ctiinte.
..o.'J . ii'l,r!J"y m A'lM'nt. St. Luke's
ehiii-ch: , 30 a. m . Holy Communion: P 13
a. in . Sunday bcIiooI. in jo a. in . morning
Player, senium nnd Holy Communion.
i.S) 11 ni.. evening prayer nnd sermon.
St, .Mnrks, Duimiore 7 30 a. m.. Holy
.oinimmloii: 10.3o a. m, inornliig praver,
, iVi'Y 'l' HPrmo'L " 1- in.. Sunday
school; ..30 p. m, evening prayer and
nTe'Vo "C0,Be'!'- Olyphnnt, Rd
ward's hall: 23,) ,,. ,.. sun.iny schooli
a . .V SI,' CV0"lnK I'fiyer and addiesses.
South Sldo mission, I'lg stteet 2.30 p. m
Sunday school. :i20 p. m , evening praver
and sermon. Hast Hnd mission, prcs
cott avenue 2 30 p. m . Sunday school.
Wnshbuin Stteet Presbyterian church
Rev. John P .Moffntt, pastoi Services at
11)30 a. m. and 7'!0 j. m; Hlblo school,
nt 12 in.; s,or Chrlstl in Hndeavor, at
fi.0 p. m , Junior Christian Hndeavor, at
;.30 p. m . prayer imetlng. Wcdnesdiiv.
1 .so p 111. t the morning seivlce tho
sacrnment of the Lord's supper. Infant
ami adult baptism will be administered.
New members will also be received. In
tho evening tho pistor will pi mill on
"Responsibility." R, (l!,0 h in,i , BU,,
scilptlon cauls Tor t tit church debt. All
.110 coidlnlly Invited to all of these str
Vltej, Green Rldgo Presbv tcrlan clmrch-The
Biierainciit of the Lord's supper will be
obscivcd at the morning service, 1ft V
Hvenlng service, at 7.30, seimon by Rev.
lsanu J. Lansing, D. D Meeting of Hn
diuvor soeletv at fiso Hlble school at 12
o'clock, at which Miss Mn tin will sing.
The public cordlallv welcome
Howard Place Aitlcau Methodist Lpls
copal ihuich-Rev. H. A. Giant, H D,
pastoi in 30 a. m , subject, "Hxpeilence,"
12 10. Sunday school and missionary su
ite tv: 7 P. m. Christian Hndeavor: 7.40
p 111., subject, "The God of the Chris
tian nnd tho God of tin 1." At 3
i. 111, the pistor will preieh for tho
Ralhoid Young Men's Chilstlan associa
tion In thill hall, 011 Lackawanna ave
nue. The Piohlblllon Congregational church
-Rev. Dr. Bird pastor. There will be reg
ular preaching service on Sabbath lu No.
323 Adums avenue at 10 30 a. 111. and 7.3J
P m ; Sunday school at 12 m. Morning
subject, "Tho Supremo Test;" evening
subject, "Theater-going Churih Jlmi
beis." Hviry body welcome.
First Prtsbyterlan church Rev. James
McLi'od, D, D, pastor. Services 10.30 a.
m and 7 30 p m. Dr MeLeod will prench
at both setvlces Strangers welcome The
service in the evening will be largely a
service of praise.
Ccelar Avenue Methodist Hplscopil
church Rev. J. L. Race, pastor Church
services at 10 30 a. ni. and 7 30 p. m ,
preaching by the pastor morning nnd eve
ning. Sunday school at 1130 a. m.; Hp
worth league at 0 TO p. m. All tho usual
week evening meetings
The Second Presbyterian church Rev.
Charles H. Robinson, D. D., pastor. Ser
vices, 10.10 a. m. und 7.30 p. m. The pis
tor will preach in tho evening on "The
Thanksgiving Aftermath." AH uro wel
come. Graco Reformed Rplscopi! church
Wyoming avenue, below Mulberry street.
Prayer and praise service, 9 30 a. m.j ill
vino worship, 10W a m. and 7.30 p. m.
Tho pastor will preach at both tervlccs,
inoinlng subject, "Why We Aro Re
formed Hplscopallans," commemorative
of the twenty-fourth anniversary of the
founellng of our denomination. Commun
ion In the cvmlng. All Christians wel
come to tho Lot el's table Sabbath school,
12 m., Young People's Socltty Christian
Hndeavor, C 30 p. in Seats all free at all
seivlces. Stiangers always welcome.
Thursday evening at 7 43 o'clock, tho
Union Hlble clus-, for lesson study. All
welcome Hrlng your Ribles
Calvary Reformed chureh Coiner Mon
roe avtnue and Gibson striet. Rev. G.
W. Welsh, pastor. Serv kes, 10.30 a. ni ,
annlversiiy seivlce; pastor's sti
mon. Solos by Mr. Hone, tenor. Miss
Hdlth Du Hols, soprano. Tet, I S.imiul
vii, 12: "Hltheito hath the Lord helped
us," Colli cilou lor Hethany Orphans'
home, Womelsdorf Pa.; Sunday -chool,
12 in , Senior Christian ndeavor. fill p. in.
Hvenlng seivlce. 7 3d, to Knights of Malta,
ttt. Gal. M: IL Solo by Robert Jones,
seh ctions by Antlnaelte quintette, and
iholr Suits frte, all welcome.
HvanellcJl Lilthtiaii Chuich Second
Suiid ly In Advent. Pulpit colois, violet.
Goptl, St. Luke, ? i, Ui-3i; Hplstle, Ro
mans xv. 1-1 J.
St. Mark's, Fourteenth and Washburn
stieits-r-Re v. A. L Ramei, Ph. D., pas
tor. Services l'i2t a. m. and 7 p. in. Lj
thei league at ti and Sunday ft hool at 12
Holy Tilnlly. Adams avenue and Mul
beiry stuet Rev. Charlis G. Sjilegi-r,
pastor. Services lo,;o a. m. and 7.30 p.
m. Sunday school at 12 noon.
St. Paul's, hhoit tivenui' Rtv. W. C. L.
Liur, pastor. Sei vices lilTO a. in. and
7 30 p. m. Sunday school 2 JO p. 111.
St Petei's, Preseott avenue Rev. J.
W. Randolph, pi-tor. Sei vices lrtU) a. m.
and 7.30 p in Sitmln school 1 JO p 111.
'.ion's, .Milllln avenue liiv 1 JJIzel
irami, pastoi. ftervlies 1030 a. m. Sun
day i huol 2 p. ni.
Chi 1st, Ctdai avtnue Rev It. L!"M
pi-tor. Services 10 20 1. 111. and 7 10 p 111.
Sunday school 2 p. in.
Xliis Means?
This will be a great sale. No lire sale that you have ever
seen will compare with this. Do not miss it for you will sure
ly regret it. We will store all Carpets until the customer de
sires to have them laid, without extra charge. This will be
an opportunity to buy Rtigs for a Christmas Present.
The Theory of Household Accidents,
According to the Cook.
Tho I'orson !io Tnlcts Melts Out of
Our Govn, Our Friends, Our
Oplnloni. Hopes nnd I'cnts--Not
Kven Our l'nlth Is Spnrcd-A
amine 0 Should Itccd.
Theie was never it woman In Hie
wide woi Id who didn't abhor niiks in
chlnn. 1 daie say the. heathen In her
blindness vvhi has bowed down to
wooil nnd stone fur generation after
geneiatlon feels dt solute when she ills
covets a nick In her fuxorlte god and
her modern clvlllred sister ia over
whelmed with dismay and grief when
a p"t dish, by association dear- Is found
to hnva mysteriously netiulred a sim
ilar blemish. Of course It did Itself.
Nobody touched that dish. With the
depravity of Inanimate objects, tt ran
up against the filtcet or tumbled It
self Into a Elnlc corner. It by the lenst
possibility anybody knows about the
mntter It Is sine to have been an acci
dent, such ns occurtcd the other dav,
when lu the kitchen of one of tho
handsome hiaues of the city the cook
placidly poured boiling water from the
tea kettle Intel a bvuititul glass bo
pitcher until the natuial lestilts eu
Biud. The cook theieafter Insisted with
calm nssiiiaiice Unit it wat "an acci
dent." Whether priduced by nccldcnt or
malice aforethought .1 chipped tlNh Is a
lioirur to Its owner, who will gei.enilly
piefcr It In the shape of a totnl wieck
than with even the tiniest nick appai
r nt. The aveinge mild of all work
bat dlffeient Mows ami frequently ex
ert Ises not a little Ingenuity, It would
seem, In taking chips out of plates
and saucer8 In Ic iPidtr.whlle iv
lnndlikss cup nffords supeilor chaims.
The houvemlsliess may In desperation
do Ido to keep cut a poitlon of the ex
pense out ot the desti oyer's wages, but
is suie tti feel eiy uncomfortable af
ter taking this cenirse and to bo eon
Mnced thut the annoyance of the loss
Is uggtavated by such a process.
It is tneire than dllllitilt to convey cm
adequate Idea of the cost of china ti
tli" mind of the average kitchen divin
ity One X have In mind broke a valu
nblo Coalport cup. llchly jewelled nnel
rare In design. The mistress sat down
and cried. She didn't often show such
weakness; but the cup und saucer was
a gift from a loved friend and held
value beyond the cost. The cook was
really touched by such grief and on
her afternoon tut she returned ptoudly
coi.veylng an enormous moustuehe cup
nnel saucer appropi lately labeled ' To
one I love" In huso gilt letters. "It's
very much' bigger ma'am, than the
dinky little wan that fell over when
I looked at it," she explained, "and It
has a great bit of gold on It."
What could the poor lady do? Like
the other one to whom was presented a
ten-cent dish somewhat larger than the
one of cut glass, price llfteen dollars,
that the second girl "dusted" one day,
she couldn't say anything unless she
were really vciy much" wiought up ln
c'red. One Is always consumed with
wonder ns to whether the domestics
continue their march of devastation
through their own china when they at
tain to the ellanily of a home.
China Isn't our only tieasuied pos
session which suffers nicks, and the
house-maids nnd cooks nien't the only
iconoclasts. Theie are a great many
people who cnloy nliking the dealest
Idols we have known and we sue not
privileged to charge them In dollnrs
and cents for the costs. They take
chips out of our now gloves by telling
us that the paitlcular hi and we are
wearing Isn't as satlsfactoiv ns a dlf
feient one which they- have lound.
They nick the new gown that was be
fore complete and utteilv desliable In
our estimation. We pier feel well
dressed In It thereafter They scale a
lough, jagged chip out c the new home
that has cost so much sacilfice and so
many anMnu.s days and nights, liy ie
inniking sweetly: "What a dear little
place It 1. but how veiv small vour
looms seem. How do you manage
when von want to entcitnln n large
company " Peihaps the enteitnlnment
of a multitude had not puttied Into
the calculations when the pu-cious
house was planned It was the home
we wanted. The loot tree of our own,
the spot whole ne.uest could be
g.itheied, or with them the otheis
whom wanted niound us. We
may be veiv -onslblo, with stuidy, In
dependent opinions ot our own, but
somehow that hntetul little nk k Is evi
dent nt times and we feel lather ie
sentful tiiwaid the one who inllletd It
upon the possession we had believed
beyond eiitleislll
Theie Is the peiton who 1 ompliments
your youngest son thus- ' Hear me,
what a line, handsome bov Joe Is
growing to be. Whnt a pltv that he
toes In'' Now. you've nevi befor"
OOOOOOOOO 00000000000000000000000001
felt that .loo's toeing In was llkclv to
seriously Interfeio with his future
career, but somehow you suddenly ie.
nlbo that volt have been veiy remii
In not hnvlng a suiglcal opeiullon oil
the offending toes lu early childhood.
Then there nio the peoplo who tnhel
nicks out of your frlentls teal shatp.
edged chips that 'gleam lu unlovely
white patches against the soft coloi
Ing tint made the be'autv of tho ones
we love nnd ttust. They know Ihat
yeiu pic lnutli attached to a eeitaln
friend upon you look with rev
erence, and suddenly one tiny they
strike a spiteful chip out by saving lu
response to your expressed admiration
for her: "Yes, she Is ceitnlnlv veiy
chatmlng and Is wonderfully nttruct
ive, but did you evor hear that Utile
story about her In younger days''" Of
rout so you Immediately declaio that
you didn't, nnd do not believe any llttlo
stoiy thnt could be told derogatory to
her and do not want to know about It,
but It Is a chip out of your beautiful
ticnsuio and loval and Hue as Is your
friendship, you often wish thero weio
some wnv of repairing that chipped
place, so that you couldn't even icmetn.
her that It was theie. That is tlm
trouble with chipped chlnn nnd othe'r
valued possesions You don't so much
fear that other people will notice the
Haws, because sometimes you might be
able to cleveily contrive that they may
be hidden, but what you do mind I
your own consciousness that the de
fect Is theic all the time.
Sometimes the person elestruethelv
inclined bleaks an ugly llttlo chip out
of yenir faith, which Is never nguln so
symmetrical and lovely. Sometimes It
Is your belief In yoursclt which Is
matrcd. This may not be such an li
reparable calamity after all, as bv
eaicful lendjustincnt eif position, a new
standpoint may develop unexpected in
unctions. It l.s moi o bitter when tho
faith In one dear us vour own life h
chipped even the tiniest bit. bv a
malicious or tactless neqiinlnlHnre.
Till Is Indeed 11 sonoiv, often more
pitiless than death. When faith in
some mortal has "become a passion
ate intu'tlon" it Is alwavs n vvueiul
thing to have It even faintly dlsllguied
by 11 chance wind of a "frank" tilled
pel son. oh, th(se awful flunk people
nnd these eaieless sei v ants What a
tllul tliev are to be sine. It Is 11 pltv
that we do not use them as homl.te
examples to warn us against nnigli
handling of the pet notions, the foil. lev,
the icputatlon of otheis. as we would
of their mstlv china or dalntv Ink -librae.
Oh, for the velvet touch or speech
as well of flnseis.
Titles In Mirvvny.
Prom the Chlcigo Inter-Ocean.
To fully iinderstuid the detnoi r.itu
spirit and simplicity of the it
may bo of Interest to know that the St u
thlng, some yeais ago, abollshod as In.
compatible with true dcinociacy .su, h i.
perfluous tit 'laments .is his 01 her ni.ij, "
ty, or his or htr loyal hUlnicss, et , 111
otllclally addiesslng or referring to nn m
bcrs of the royal family. The Storthlnt,,
when rendering an n,'drts or a bill or
any other communication to the klni.,
heads it simply, "I'll kongen" ("To Mm
King"). As a maltir of couise, In spt ik
ing to the king, or to any other memln r
of tho loyal family, "jour majesty" or
"your ro.val hlghnts," is u-itl. The pn s .
vlt'i the eveption of a few tiltia-cons'
vatlve pipers, has lullov.ed the ivunple
set by tho Storthlp Su h honoi 11
tltb 4 for certain ' ofliclils as 'his
excelli ncy," or "tilt 1, Quotable," hav.
also fallen out of use, but many ot tlm
pn'ili? iMcciH letal'i their olllelal title
aiicr they Jtcp out of olhce, as, for ex
ample, one who has onco been a mimlu r
of the cabinet always hftciw.utl letalns
the title "itutsraud" (state cotincilloii.
I may also add Ihat Norway has no i
cognized title! nollllty, ns the Storthln r
InlNJl abollshetl that ullc fiom the Jit t
tlle Ages
No Reason to .llnlcn Pvcnse.
Pi om tho Cleveland Liadei.
"Como and tuke lunch with me today,"
said one' Ifjslies., man to another.
"I I I've an appointment."
Can't you hieik If"
"No; a man has promised to come to
my otlli o at noun and pay nn omo
money '
Oh, then tlat's all light. I'll ord r
lunch for two. Ho won't tome"
Itcbiup, ecah, liltediru ir.lrn.", ekapi'li pi nail,
and painful linger tudt, pimpiip, lilueluaUtt,
oily , inotli) kio,ilr , thin, ami falling li ttr, itch
Inn, ncalynt ilpn, alijitU quitkiy to nnrtu bith
ulih C'lTiilUA Boat, and gintlo aiioiutnma
wlilj C'lticlra (olLtmcut , tlie treat tUu cuic.
Ti oMlhrou:hcalthwiirlii roTTtnDnrottntntw.
Cvuf s ,l 1'iop , llOltrtll
Of- ''llow to 1'rwJutt! Jftrt Wb t IltnJi "tree
In.lnnllr rl trn y