THE SCttANTON TRIBUNEIT Kl DAY MORNINGr, DECEMBER 3. 189T. Cackawatma County. GARBONDALE. ITIic ("nrbondfilh rcrrrnponelonco of The Trlbuna has been placid In the hamli or Mr. C, It. Munn. Htilcni nvoini" nnd Church street, to whom news Item mnv ho atltlresFPt nml nlso complaint ol lr rejTtilhr deliver' STRUCK BY BRIE FLYEK. Unknown Man Itnii Down liy Tlint Celebrated .llnp Killer. An unknnw'ri man wit inn ilown iv tin north hound V.vle "Flvol" nt N" 10 1)W(1kc nliov, Ciit'humlali. liihl eve-ii-litK 'l'lii extent of his Injuries rniilil not lie lcrncij, but It W tliouitht they my he f.'itn! 'This tfifl'i-nti'd trnlr. Inn" a Iiubpi iitui'lipi' of iImikI men in itf, iro()lt tlmn wiy either tiiilu In tlilf. section. It rni'B thri'tteh a Huimnnu;. settli'incnt Jtint nftfV dark and mo:.', nf Ur. vic tims hn been of Hint nationality. H is In i-liui'ir- of catotul nii'ii, Inn iracl; ivulker-. manage to uet in fruit e of It frofiui'iulr. QUIETLY WEDDED. Miss Jitinii II. M'illinnis, duiigliK" "f Mrs). Chaf. Ilubhard of llrook strot't. and William K. Hunt of North Main f.treot. wore married w"etliiosela oven ins: at elKlit o'clock, at the limit" of ("u hrlde'H sinter, Mrs. l.auron Thorpe cf Wayne street. Hev. T. K. .lepron of t'p llprean Baptist church perfe.rinod k u ceiemony. It was it ulet wi'tltllng tinl was attendod only hy the Inimedl r relatives of the couph . Mr. and ";Vf Hunt left yesterday for I'IHsIiuik, , proom's former home, where they .1 ir to housekcepliiR. .Mrs. Hunt well-known In this city. Mr. Hun'. M.i linen u resident of Carhondale for kv o years. He Is a machinist and was r-M'lnyeil at the Delaware & Hudson (. nomutlvp shops. He was an aeeoin- ,.slied muslcan and lias participated n many entertainments In Hi" tliy. DEATH OF AN INFANT. Mr, and .Mrs. Thomas Thcophilue, .l' Seventh avenue are limnrnliiK the -.oss of their two months old daughter who died yesterday, of niemliranou t roup. The little one was named Kulh. , tube was put in her trachea the oili er day. but the disease was too far ad vanced, and it could not save tile pati ent. Hev. U. A. I'lace. I'll D will con duct a private funeral this lnruiiittR. NEW OFFICERS. (in December l;i the following new otikeih of Carhondale lodge .N'u. -4!'. Flee and Accepted Masons, will be installed. W. M., O. . HeliiifK; S. W., Frank I.ove; .1. XV.. C. V. Kastahrook; set rotary. H. U. Wilbur: treasurer, S. Mi Mullen; trustees. XV. T. Morgan, F 12 Dennis, 1). 1-4. Clark, ltepresenta tlve to grand lodge, Henry Carter. PURELY PERSONAL. Mis ,l -tin Mnylcs and daughter Ma bel of Washington street, called on friends in Scranton yesterday. Mrs. K A. Morgan Is entertaining lu-r sister Mis. .1. (iuiilel, of Scranton. Miss Anna o'Brleii has returned to llnennta. Bernard Mulladv lias recovered from ills recent illness. Mrs. Adam Hrydeii, of Darte avenue is on th sick list. The Mimes Annie and Tlllle .Vealon, f Pike street, have returned from their I'ittston visit. Drs. .1. S. Xlles- and .M. I,. Hailey Weio ill Forest City on professional business yesterday. II A. Purple and family will move to the house of Mrs. William Peihlck on Park street next week. Trained nurse Miss Kate (illlen has 'eturned from New Yoik city where she has been receiving special instruc tions In a maternity hospital. .Mrs A. O. Fldlain is entertaining her cousin. Miss Gregory, nf Lake Winohi. A. A. Hall has gone to Hunesdulo where he will spend the winter. LOCALS. In the Pago damage -mil ugainsL tho Delawat-p and Hudson company, a ver dict was rendered at Hlnghnmton In favor of the plaintiff for $7,000. William Laugliney was put under 5300 bail by Alderman Haker yesterday for threatening to Inflict painful and possible injuries on his co-worker in No. 1 mine. James Carden. Patrick O'Connor, of Fallbrnok street has been lined $2 by Aldcrmaii UaKer at the Instanco of the truant olllcer toi violation of tho compulsory educntion law m not sending hlti step-son to school. V large number of young people en Jiiv'l tin- hi st skate of the seiison on Hivenburs'i' pond yciierda, nfternn'oii. rie it r- was in good condition. T AY I. OK. Thi Tji'-lor l-.lcctrlc Light cempaiiy lias cola Us m.eri.t to caiplliillsts from Seran lon who will ci eel a new plain at llenil limn and will supply the following towns: Taylor. tlu Foigt, Mluooka and Jloosk-. The building will bo 4i by Itf leet and It is estimated that the machinery will eont in the nelRhboiliood of $;o,0"0. The masonry uf the now woolen null has bec-i- completed ana carpenters will at once commence ou the wooden stru lure. The borough council will nu-et In regu lar scjbIp'i In the council chamber this Nature makes the cures after all. Now and then she gets into a tight place and needs helping out. Things get started in the wrong direction. Something is needed to check disease and start the system in the right direction toward health. .Scott's Emulsion of Cod liven Oil with hypophos phites can do just this. It strengthens the nerves, feeds famished tissues, and makes rich blood. V inil $l.uo nil druggUU. SCOTT & BOWNU, ChrmUU, Nv York. ovi'llltli! when evei-til linpnruii'l (ll'i lions will be tl'pi-UFMMl 111, Lillian Howell- nd MiihkIp tt'il llillllH, of Clreell Itldge, were the guests or the 1,-itt -r'n iiarents, Mr. and Mrs. XV. (1. Howells, on 'c iltiprduy. Sunday iirtrrminn at 2.20 o'clock the funeral of the late William W. Williams of Hyde Park, will occur. Mrs. Itobert Llewellyn, Mrs. J. II. D.iu. Ids and Mrs. M M. William wtre the gaels of friends In Wllkes-IJaire on Tae-dny, The nienibcrs of the l'rlmltlxp Molhu elM church, of the Arehb.iM, an iiiuklim i-Mom-lvo prcli.i rut lon for their otuiiig bazaar which will be held In the near fu ture. Misses M-iltlc IVwell and l.lllle Kvans. or Noith Main stri-rl. have rutin ntid home irom a week's visit with Hyde IMrk trleiidi. Mi-s Nellie Snuw. of Hyde Park, win the guest or MIps Lizzie Junes, of Sloirs street, yesterday. Mrs. H. 1). Powell and duimbter, Jen tile, or West PlttMoti. weie the guests of relatives In this place esletday. Mr. Hos, who has charge of the new woolen mill which Is being elected, and has been here for the past month, busily eligagi ,l In getting thing in readiness, hns returned lo his home In l.on-lon tor a were op a hunting expedition lo Mllwau- The Price Library nsocIatlon will hold an Important business mcptlm; tills even ing. Mir. Itiehnrd DjvIs and Mr?. Or-oiRo Taylor, of Ncith Main strpei. weiv the guests of relatives In Hyde Park yester day. .Mat tin Lodgi, N'o. i;. Loyal Knlght.t of America, wll! nu-et IhN evening In Itcese's hali. MHs Tlllle lleiger. d .S'.utli .Main str.-t, Is sei-loiisl.i II! at her hiii'ie. William C. I y, of Main street, visited lrleuds In HtrntidMiuig on Wednesday. Di- .1. W. Ilonser and William Masters wer.- on a hunting xpcdltinn l-i Mliwnti. Icee on Weiliicsiluy. JKK.MYN. Professor l-J. Ii. Hovard, stieiiitendent ol Dimnioiv school-., spent last evening in town. Mr. ami Mrs. (borge H. Dunn, Air. ami Mrs. 11. A. Wlllnan, Mrs. Al. J. Shl UK Mir. Joseph Tennis. Airs, l-'iancls clen- lall, Airs. O.ibini.e, Allsses Aliuidan.- Ity lner, AlNs ,Iost blue, Davis, .Mls l.llza belli Itnaeh, AleSls. Thendiiro Towntell.l, '. H. Ilo;. t, II. ,1. Deliraw, I-'rank lien dull, J. L. Snlllan and William T. Os borne attended (Hack's "Picture Pl.t;." al Carhondale on Wednesday evening. The funeral ol All. .lame, (illllg.m, whoc death resulted from Injuries re ceived III the lileuwciod mines, will lake place this morning at ! o'clock. Scrvlc-s In S-K-reil Heart church. Interment in Citlvar cemetery. The grocery stuck or Hie Hell Shire company was iroved on Weduemluy from the Stubbs liullilhig to the Hart building, wlicie the inw ilrtn of Bell & Wheeler will conduct business. Tin- borough council will hold ili-'lr regular meet lug I his evening. A i-oiiesiiomlPilt asks. "What Is the lealti-r with ih. lire alarm system Tor the construction of which council npprupil-nti-il Ji Nicral month ago?" The lanli. ness manifested In putting In the sBteiu Is in strange emm-ast with the haste ex lilblte.l in M-ciulng tin- appioia-lotlon -mil as the borough Is without an alaim sj s tcm some Inloi inallon as to the cause of lelu ought to In- roitlKomlug at to night's voimcll meeting. lr--. .lidin Him ami Airs. Walter Hmv, of llazh-ion me vlsltlm, relatives in. town. Alls. V. W. Kiln., of Avo. a, l the gne-t or lit r daughter. Alls. Chin leu Davis, on Second sticet. Those who attended the high school en-tertalnmc-iu at Ar. I.b.ild on Tucsdiv evening from this town w.-iv: Airs. John 'I'ighe, Allssc.s Kail" MeHuvern, .Sadie Timlin. Alamle Timlin t.ti.t Messrs. Will iam ,1. Ilerg.iii and James Qiilun. AKCIIHAIJ). The enleitalnnieni given ,n- the pnpIN of the lllgli school in Km iter Mutlu-w opera house on Tuesday evening, was eminently creditable In evei-j way. It was 'attended i,y ,.RI. .'enee and that they were satisfied was evident by the generous apphiu-e with which em ii number was received. Tin pupils were isslsted by their principal. Pint'. A. Kelly. Airs. Joseph O'llrlen delighted' the audience wltli two ehnrming solos and she nl-o sang a duet with Prof. Kelly. Little AIlss Kan-ell. of Parsons sang her way Into the hearts of her hearers and AIlss Agnes Callahan lecitul two sel tlons in a highly phasing manner. .Slit was obliged to respond to a heart v en core. AIlss Abivh AlcNulty also tllstln gulshed herself by a well rendered recita tion anil the other recliathinlsts, Patrick .McDonnell. Hernard AlcNulty anil es Kearney uc(Ultted themselves with great credit. Klchurd nml Joseph l-'oute made their debut as mandollnisis and weio received with such favor that they were called on to tepeat tlielr perform mice. AIlss Jennie O'lloyle ctllclently served as accotnpamsi during the even ing. II. J. Battle's Impeisui'atlons of funny charncteis were received with tin usual relish. Itlehavd Koote delivered the salutatory and admirably presided dining the evening. The entertainment was a great success anil tin- lecture fund of the school to which the proceeds will be given, will be considerably enriched. The principal as well as th-- pnpll.i nie to be complimented because nf the character and success of this their llrsl entertain ment. Hev. J. (!. Kudolph, formerly pastor of the ICviingelical Luthernn chinch of this place. Ik visiting friends her. Hev. Air. itiidolpl now has a charge near Haiti, mote. API., and he Is also studying medi cine at a college In that city. Ills many ttichds in this vicinity will be glarl to know- he Is prospering. fg The fmieittl of the late Patrick .Mrif&, ol the Knst side, took place o'l Wednes day afteinuon. Services were held hi St. Thomas' chinch and tho body was Inter led In the Catholic cemetei. OLYIMIANT. AIlss Cmnia Tlnsley and Henry HIns. laud wero united In marriage Wednesday evening in the home of the la ides mother Airs. Alary Tlnsley. of Urassy Island, by Hev. 11. T. Hammond, pastor of the Presbyterian church, llride and groom were unattended. The bride, wore a pret ty co'tunic or blue silk with lace trim mings. Only the relatives of the con tracting panics witnessed the ceremony. Hoy, the 11-year-old son of Air. and Air's. D C. Kvans. of Susquehanna sticet, had his aim broken on Wednesday while skat ing. This Is the second accident that bus happened to the boy within the pust few months having hail his arm crush ed by a train of cars last July. Dr. Craus Is attending him. AIlss Jennie Davis entertained AIlss Kulie Heese, of Jerniyn, yesterday. An ait exhibition will be held at the residence of II. 13. KIngslcy, of Hlakcly, next Tucsduy evening In aid of the (Hake, ly lluptlst church. A musical and lltei u ry programme will also be rendered and ivtjeshments served. The pi Ice of admis sion will be in cents. Pictures will be sold ut very low prices. James Wheeler, who was Injured while ut work last week, Is able to bo out again. Airs. I'felffei'. who has been Visiting her part-nu In South Kc-runtou for the past week, returned home yesterday. Airs. W. L. Bellinger und daughter. AIlss Nellie Hchlager weie tho gttestr. of Dr. and .Mrs. Pier, of Avoca, yesterday. It. c. Hclilnk is doing Jury duty at Scranton this week Airs. William .Matthews, of West Scrim ion. is the guest of Airs. John Pcttigrew, of Hlakcly. .Mrs. Hugh Jones, of Parsons, who has I i visiting ut the residence of John Penman for the put weck.returned home M-Ntcninv. Aim mi nusklrk. of Taylor, spent yesterday with her son, Dr. W. L. Van Husklrk, of this place. T. F. and P. J, Jordan, or Mcrnuton visited relatives here ou Wednesday. Airs. (Iwyllni Kdunidx. of (.dwardsdiilc, Is visiting her mother here. TALKS OP THE SAtOKINQ ROOM. Prom Ihc Pocket Mugiilui . flenllenien," be win the mini with the paste diamond pin as the train marcj Toledo, '1 want ymi to be on the wat h for a certain highway crossing wr arc about to conn- to. There the engineer Is signalling lor It here It Is!" "What happened here?" asked the man with the ml'slug thumb. "The of my life. sir. 1 was In love Willi a ilch widow In Toledo mid was out Willi her one day ror a buggy ride When we leached this cios-lng ilio horse balked." "And n train came thundering down iixjn you? ' "It did, sir. We weie light nc-toss the tracks, and though I whipped and shout ed and prayed, the Iiomc would not mo-v. Death slated us In the face. I lived a life time In sixty seionds. Do you observo lliesn beads of perspiration on my brow as I recall the Incident'.'" "Yes. you seem to sweat," loarscly re plied tho man with tho missing thumb. "Tin- train struck you, of course?" "It was about to do so, sir it was i fin ing down upon us like a mountain ava latiche we were about lo be struck and mangled beyond recognition, when when " "Well, what was It?" "When It slopped, sit. and switched off on a elding, and we were saved! I was hardly conscious for a few minute. I u iiii'inhi r I crleii out In a hysterica! wit that tin- conductor of the tialn canil- forward and proposed lo the widow and was accepted thai I found myself fooling It back to town thttt " "Then yon were not killed?" demanded the man with the missing thumb. "No, sir." "Well, you ought to lmc been, and If I were you I'd go at omul unking folks to excuse mo for lit lug." o I NPHOKKriSlONAL. "Yon ee." t-ald the man with the ling on his little linger, "I didn't believe there was a nun in all New York slurp enough to get away with me. I was u stranger to Hie town, and I slohed around when ver 1 pleased for two weeks mid nothing happened. 1 had made up my mind It was a tlead-easv. town when 1 fell In with i. stranger who wanted to sell me some- lung green stuft al twenty coins ou the dollar. "He was In what Is called the err-on-goods business? ' queried tho man with the ml goatee. "UMietly, sh, und I gave him welcome. 1 had bcoti hoping to meet with Just stum a chaii. I Kt him tlilnli he had a soft snap, and after two or llnce days ar-i-.tngttl to buy $.".,iiO0 worth of his goo K Hi- took me to an olllce over in Jersey City to wind up ilit." unfair. You gentle men know how It Is played, ol coin so?" ! "I can't su I do," replied the man with the Hurnslde whiskers. "Only good money Is used." continued tin slor.i -teller, "liny count jou out fj.mni and put 11 in a satchel on a shelf and talk to you am) get you to turn your back. Thin m confederate In another room opens a panel and change the satchels, giving .-on n similar one which has nothing but old papers In It. The vic tim Is hiirrb-d olf on a train, and Is .some limes back at his home before he disc tv--rs the fraud. ' "And tin pla.ied it on you the same way?" "They did. I knew the piogrutunie ex actly, and whin Hie satchel was placed on tin- sl-cif and the man asked me to look out of the window I didn't km.. I kept my eye ou the satchel, and had jut reached oui for it when a dog which was lying ou it lounge jumped tut' and hit me I In thi- leg. In the confusion they changed the satchels." "And when u got back home.'' "oh! I knew all ahoin It .u on and just walked down stairs and hadn't u worl lo say. I'm no siiueaK"- when 1 get hurt. Ii was till right up to the oorf busl ness, !ut I can't get over tint, and I say 'l w.i- a nti-mi t ontcmptlMc rifle U'c never resort to a thing like that in Chi cago." ".My friend." said the nan with the nvl goatee, "do you menu to say ou tire In the green-goods business In Chicago?" "Certainly, sir, and Insltinl of setting a dog an a man we- always have- a coun terfeit pollen an conn- In und give- him the- collar and scare him half lo dentil. That's what hurt me to see the rei dle-ss brutality of the thing to have 'em set .1 dog on me to bile off Hie calf of my le-g when they could have- poked a llehtcd eigne In my or ptii-ki d me with a pllchfoik to dl'tract no nit'-utkm. New York Is a great town, sir grunt town but for pointers on how to work tho green-good game in a suave- and gcnte-el maimer, with everybody sutlshcd all mound, thev want to come to Chicago anil take lessons'." LAS.T WUHHS. "We were- dustbin along ut the rale of llfly ir Ik's nil hour aero-s the state of Michigan," auld the man with the noble l'oieheid, "when the engine struck an open switch and every e ach followed It off the rails. Among the fort victims of the ucldent were two men, who turned out to be a ph tuber and un Ice-man .c spi -tlvely, 1 was badly shaken up but not hurl, and as 1 helped to care for tho plumber, he said to me: "I am going to die', ami I would like to say a few words to you about tin- plumb ing busbies'. I have he-en. in it for tweu t years, and have made TJ.oimj." "Vr.!', iu predlts am t-normous. e f eouive." 1 replied. "Hut 1 never mode a dollai at plumb ing. All my mmie mniu troni u-al cs. tale. Tho prollts ou plumbing don't av-e-rage 7 per cent. Whenever 1 have charged J2 for sending u man lo stop a pin hole leak In a water-pipe I have be-en a epiarter out of pocket. Hut for my real estate eltlll-e. IH-taiy JUIbllc, (llllcim. Ill Ship and so forth, I shoidd have died pen r Tell your fiii'iids to go Into un dertaking If ihey wutit to make money, and lo hewnie of tho plumbing business. You Intel best go over and say a few words to the lee man." "I u m glael to se-e- ynu " sal I the Ice man, as 1 snt down beside him. "I wish to make a cnnfcssien. 1 have been In tho Ice but'lnees for fifteen years, and am worth lliu.iw. If I had attended to rent ing housi-c buying Junk und laying .is plmlt sldowatlo. I might now bo worth double what I am." "Hut the millions of pieces you havo solel under weight must htie netted you tens of thousands of dollars." 1 protested. "I have always given eleven pounds for ten, my deir liny, and customers kicked nt that. It Is u losing business from start lei finish, and all Ice-men an philanthrop ists. There Is money In an oyster-stand--heaps o' money bin buware of the Ice business." "Then neither you nor the plumber de sires to confe-ss?" "Confess?" Why. we have submitted to loss and extortion for years, and ate row dying with the .-lean-Ht of eon sciences! Poor plumber! He has worked like a slave, and his lead pipe cinch haa been nit. It has been the sumo in my business I havo had the cold throw-down on all sides." "Well, I am umazeel!" I said, as 1 roo up. "Ve. 1 prcsumo so. und I am glad eitt miJcrslaud things at lust. Ln't then a lullor umong the Injured?" "Yes, und he will nlso elle." "Then hustf n lo him ut run e. me. hoy. Tho profits on the tailoring business are ..'OO per cent., you know, ami he will prob ably wunt to confess to the extent of a column or more'" o A QI'HKn AKKAIH. "Speaking abiut nueer railroad feci dents," tmld tho man with the. Washing ton nose as ho lighted another bad cigar. "1 think that affair at Oulvt-rvllln wns thu eiueeiest of all. 1 was on tho truln my self, und the iiewiipaper men were Inter viewing mt for weeks afterwords." "Will, go ou with your yarn," sail the Gail $rben jSXl I Eagle Brand ill? J j Condensed Milk 3g?? Mas No Equal as an infant Food. lgiJjgS' C C "INFANT HEAlTrTsrHT FREE. CoNStnstJ, W jpfl,iflPt.ljl le' nj)Hffnliwjg "ljlrV"Ti jijTtinnw'jjrto'ii1j PTJWfBiib man lth the gi tne- leg. us be settlcel blm-s-elf down. "i,. iti-r k ih down pivdc ll.i.i riiib abovo Culitlillli ." eoti'lniicl Hie -tnry teller, "and ror soni.- n.-isnn Hit .ill -brakes 1-cfns-eel to work. The rails W'-re we-t. and the heavy train Murtnl off like gre:is--d lightning. You lulls about Hying, but no bird ei.uld In vt caught 'is. There were two htii dice! people on that train, and sii.ii si rcutnlng und shrieking you never henrd!" "Yes. of course. Well, she left the rails?" "She did. About folly rods from tin depot she left the- lulls and took lo the sticet. It Is ealleil lleipe street. I believe. We rati up that stivrt uliiml eighty tods nml then turned. Into Thompson street, t'pon my soul, but I thought we were geme ns wv ttirni'd the corner, but we righteel again and ion down anil turned Into Alnln street. We ran over and killed a log as we turiu-d Into this street." "I follow yon. You inn down Alain strc-t to Cnthurli i-?" "Yes, nf." "And turned Intel Cntlieilm and wcnl half way il'iwn the hies k ami came to a dead halt In front of the po.-tolllce?" "Y yes, sir, but how did yon know ubout it?" "Oh, 1 lived Hie re al the Mine." "You did. eh?" "Yes, sir. Not (inly I hat, but 1 w-hh pewd. master, and had arranged with thu ceiu eltutor to deliver the malls Hint wa, so us to save hauling from the- depot! That was our llrit experiment, bin all mull twins now take route tin lo,r was not killed, but only slightly Injured." "Then-then !" summered tne tna-i with the Washington lies . "Oh! ou haven't got anything to eev not a wtiiel!" late-rrnpteil the other as he llltcel Ids game leg to lite seat. "If I couldn't tell siiiuetl.lng lo Interest the crowd I'd cither go ti. sleep or look out of the windrw and count the number of spottcel hnvs we pas-s In ail hoar!" A DISASTKOI S l-3Mi:itMII-.Vr. Shu Wns (Inlv Trying .to Kcenioini.e bv Doing llci Own Painting. ("rem the Detroit Km- I're.-s. Slip Is u young housewife trying bravely to be rinel preiudly unnotinceel the either elay thut she- wiis painting ln-r own I'tirulltirv and An lures this sptlns. "t Hhouhl Judge see." snlfled her lllis luind. for the- air was lllled wiili the odor of tui'Pe-l-.liiie that Heetncil to be come' tin ingredient eif the food "1 knew It when I turned the coiner coin ing; hoine. Pel have such work done away fioni the house, evm If we had to save a few dollars when It i-eime-s lo buying mi (Custer liottni'i." "It stilke-s mo that you preiv'i econ omy ii'id want to praclle-e extravn gance. .My worl. looks beutilli'ul nnii fill It ceist von was tin paint. I really felt lifiiiny in the thought that you would show some appreciation, but I suppose' 1 must be l-u'llcllt With tllP approval of tnv own consei"iiep.' .lust as thev weie cbeuil ready to stint I'm- u patty that evening the wife let out a pletcing shrle-k. She hiitl thoughtlessly snt deiwn on the- eelge nf the bath tub fur a see-ond. hut It wan long enough to daub u whole section of her elegant gown. In his hast" to teiieli her the husbnpil fe.ll over a rock er, slrevtklng nml sliiniilng his elri-ss-i suit with white palm. The nale-fac-! mi lil cattle limning anil when she saw that no one was killed, thicv lurxi-lf Into u e-haii that stuck to her with all tin tenacity of fresh Mirnlsh. Tho ciiachniiin at the front .loot- thought It n inntter of life ami eleath. He- sprang from his seat, gathered paint all along the mute nml went b.u It m ic tin team gallonlng wildly past ,e elect rli- llghl. while Hie carria,.- swung from one- side of the street to Hi oilier. They illel not en to th.- pain The- wife Inirnl a collection nf cleMp liiu--li--s anil threw a inn uf n.n-ii into thej LAOiES DO YOU KNOW, lip DR-PLIX LE BRUM'S ' Steel Pennyroyal Treatment ; i., Ilin .irif.innt fiml unle- T-'lllvKI'lf safe) nnil n'liable cnre cm the mui-lce-l. lrie-e. $1.10: sent, by mail ! (K-iiuhioholdiiulyb- Win. tl. Clark, ,ti( I'enn, e,, Scrantein, lu VARICOCELE CURED "liy tin- Annual IXtinet:. NO DRUGS. NO KNIFE. Meellelll lllhll-e free Write 1 i- book til 111.- Viibln"tiiii I'lienile-al i a Nei ell-j I'Jtlt !-l . N. V.. Wii-liliiKiun, 11 i 0 To Any Mm, WILL PAY $100 FOR ANY CASE Of Wciil.nes . in .Hen Tin.') Tient mid J'nil to Cine. An Omalin, Company places for thu ,' Hint time bt-toie tin public a MAUI CAI. TUHATMBNT for the cure of Vitality, Nervoutt and Se.xunl WeaknesH, and Ilcstoration of Life Force In old and young men. No worn-out Frenrh remedy; contains no I'liosphurouH or other linrnifiel diui;s. It Is a WONDKUFUIw T.IUATMR.S'T. MiiKieal In ItH eU'ectn postlvo In Its cure. All renders, who are RUt'erlni; from iv weakness that blights tlielr , life, causlnpr that mental and physical sufferliiK pei'iiliar tu I.oit Manhood,' Kltould write to tho STATK MKDICALi COMPANV, Suite T17. Hanpra Uulldlng. ' Omaha, Neb., nnd they will pond you i nliKolutely FUKK, a valuable paper on theco illHenPun, and postlvo proofs of their truly MAOICA1. TM3ATMKNT. ' TlioiiHandu of men. who have lost all hope of a etno ore beliiff restored by them to a perfect condition. i This MAOICAL, TltUATMHNT may I be tauen at home unde-r their direc tions, or they will pay railroad farn and hotel bills to nil who prefer to ro thero for treatment. If they fall to cure. They are perfectly rellablo; havo no Free Prescriptions. Free Cure, Free Sample, or C. O. D. fake. They have $2:i0,000 capital, and prunruntee to cure evi-ry case they treat or refund every dollar; or their charges may he deposited In a bank to bo paid to when a cure Id effected. Write them today. fct. ft -c For Sale by JOHN H PHELPSi Pharmacist, cor. Wvomlno ounuo ar.a 6pruc street alb v. The liusimmi plied finniture- Into it biiu shed with the ttn of a luggage iuaslei I", unel tnaele it contr.ii t w Ith n painter bv telephone. The tnniel gave nutlet' and the r-iiachnuin Is suppofeil to 1'iti'i' headed for his fonncr home In Knit land. UcN'T WW ANY HIRKft about hcallll. Avoid ceittshH, ceihls, fe-vers, imetttnonhi, mid nil otltnr sltnllnr all inenta by lp"plug your blood ilch ami piiri wllh llnud's Sp.rsnpntilla. Hnnivs PIILSatP purely ve-gptublc ntid ilo mil pnrg", p.iln or gripe. All iltugglsts. For Infants and Children. TM fie S1EU9 c&&&i& ' it es e-Terj utillir. J, , GUERNSEY'S GREAX MUSICAL ESTABLISHMENT : Is the best place in the state to buy 1 either an gan or YOtj CAN lll'V Clli:PHR, VOll CAN IIUV ON IJASY THKMS, VOU CAN IJUY Ill-rTli INSIKUA1HM'S Than ut an ollit-r phiet. Don't tail to call and see lor yourself. Ware room, 205 Washington Avenue, SCRANTON. PA. Steam and Hot Water Hot Air Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing, Gas and Electric Light Fixtures. ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING, the: II j COMNELL CO., 434 Lackawanna Ava. KT- Ut-4. "W- - PUT YOURSELF IN OUR PLACE Anil yun Mill ri'iitle biiw e-iHi 11 h te i'ttf t lb vntir liimie luiii'loiile wltli a Irillllii initliiy. u llttlei al a time nml von elon't nils. It. BARBOUR'S HOME GREDITHOUSE 25 LACKAWANNA AVE. CONRAD SELLS Dent's, Perrin's, IStc,, Kid Gloves, from . . . 25c. to $1.00. The largest and most com plete line in the city. '.i"..,l i.l Uojj:; to me foi Ncrvcui Uebilitjr. Lch of Po-Jrcr, Impotcncy.Airophv.VariccMli.'An'I r'her weaknei!.cj, f rora any ciiu. u:o Stilno I'llli. Drains cbeclcj ani full vicor quickly rcstond. If ne-c !ccti. iMlt I'A.blst rciuli ratilr. Mailed for $Utf!(lboit3!1.00. VitV $3.00 orders wc rive a (ruaramec to cure or relunrt tho money, Address PEAL KEOIUINE CO., Clsvelarul, O. lUETlliC J- tjioves. JIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1IIIIIIIIIIIIH - The Newark c 0- S tbe eleitliliiK n man mciiih, In iiinU rlslit be initil buvetlie proper Irlnd or rootnenr, S inn- men m Nlioet ipeiik fur tbniuielvi"e Inure eloone-ntly tlmn we run Temptlnii In " S Ftvleiind In price. You're nitre to bei mitlilled with Till', NI-lWAIlli'M fibtmii for 2 Sf 1I1PII Ullel bnvi. 1 The Newark Shoe Store, I mm Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. mm wm mm , e Acnt4 for the Poster Hoot for Indie. and the James A. UunlMer Shoe E w for men. - M mm nl!IIIIIIIilli:iill!llllillIIII!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!tllllllll!ll!lllllllllllllllin A. BITTENBENDER BITTENBENDER & CO. SOI.K OKNTS fell! WACONMAKER - BLACKSMITH SUPPLIES, IRON AND SIEEL LASF lYOURHORSESHOER FOR THE! -,tMU- - Shoe for 'WINTER USE. It ABSOLUTELY prevents Sllpplnf- xgV mJiTMJ .W-McnMMaw).rXKbN Wm- ftfiSI THE VJA S ' L: i Cii i & JT iC'ZH J w LACKAWANNA LliEU fllL HWUFACTIIRiR? OF Ulli lliU Timber cut to oriier on short uotic-. Hardwood Mine Rails Riiwod to unifoiin lengths constantly on huntl. 1'celed llr-mloelt Prop Timber promptly l'lirnishcd. iMlLI.S At LrtHs Fork. Potter Co.. on the Buffalo and Susquc lanna Uailroad. At Minn, Potter County, Pa., on Coudersport. and ?ort Allei-any Capacity-400.001) feet per day. Gl-.Sl-.KAL OIT'ICK -Hoard of Trade Uuildtng, Scnlnton. Pa. Telephone No. 4014. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURiNGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA. Manufacturers of WlIlUIflliiUIGIIUlEIS, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY, (II'MIRAL OFBICB. SCRANTON. PA. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Scheilul: In litlect November 15, IS)) Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre as Follows 7.30 a. m., week (Jays, for Sunbury, Harrisburp;, Philadelphij,- Balti more, VVashinRton, and for Pitts burp; and tho West, ! 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazlelon, , Pottsvillo, Reading, Norrlstovn, , and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisbura;, Philadelphia, Baltimore, WnsliiiiKton and Pitts burp; and tho Vosl. 3.15 p. in., wee days, for Sunbury, ' Harrisburp;, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and tho Wodt. 3.15 p m.. Sundays only, for Sun- . bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, and Pittsburg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week day3, for Harlelon ; antl ?.WdoD. 0,n-. IM. Az.r.:. I. IS. IIUICHINSON. Ui-neril Manater, Central Uiiilroad of New Jersey (I.oIiIkIi unel 83wnm,lieiniiu UlvlMull) ritutle.t ill Nl-l l)lK -l-'liDl uf l.ibc-ity Hieet. N. It., himI Whin Hull TVrnilnti.. Aiitlii'in-lli- t-t mi iiffil pxi-ii'.Hlvuly, insur- t.n . I.. 111II1111.U iticl 1 iirntttrt I'cir Mini li i''l7'i-.l'Vl!;li!:?';' -,,!,''"' !',-k- iriiil.,1' ! ;; "i.Miu ' ;. Z: .r.'. .. 'i., .'. .11-. ,. m minima. - ; ,. ,, l-'nr Limn liruiii'li. f) drovi-, in., i S.20 a. in. ami 12. 13 p. in. For Itmiillnif. !." "on ami Hart Inttitt-t Ma Allflitown. 1.21X1. ni.. 12.13. 3.00 p. 11 t I 1". tl If Tlirumjll lU lift" 1" 'll P"lmi at loiwat i-'ilo mav b' hail en i.pplleutlou In ail-vunt-ii to tin' ti- k"! apont ut th. Ht.iKon. II. 1'. HAI.DWl.W (Ion I'lUk ' I J. U. OMfAt'SUX. Hen- Sn'pt. Del.. I.aclui. and Vestcrn. Klfof t Monday. Nov. 21. IS'iT. Trains have- Si-ranli-n a teiliiw: i: iiieH9 for Now York and all pedum Hunt, ; 1.40, 2.W, 5.13, e.W and 10.20 u. in.; 12.3.3 mid j jj ,. jj. UxpreH.e for Kahtein. Tie ninn, l'hll.iii-. phlu and tin South. 1.1.3, S.0U and to.20 a. 111 . 12 Ki und 3.M 1- in ' WHHhlnnioii and way stutloiiH, 2.1,1 p. 111. Tubyltaiina in-i-omnici'iitloii. i.lo p. ni. ......I s.. til.. ..!.., n.f.,,, ClaiKuii,. t.l IUIIICIO I" !' '"P eHl ueill C7iieeeie-r. lilnilhaiiitoii i.nil wuy stutloiisi. I.iA, p. in. Nil llolKOIl iie-e-uj iii-iueiuii, u.i. (i. in. IiliigHiimtoii and Klnilru i-mpiohi, 5.3.3 in. lllllDe'eliltlu 101 1111111, ri u 1, iiiiiiinini llHllllllulr, 'riiiufc,euu eeiui iiir. niiiuii Niiriluiiuberlaiiil anil Intfrrnoellati' Htu t'.otiH, 0.00, 10.20 a. in., and 1.53 and u.oo p. 111. X.intl'"l.ii and Intortr.ieliati ntatlem-, h.t'S ami II.20.1. in. Plymouth ami Inii.' mi llikto Hliiilc-u8, :i.4e) ami 8 47 p in. For Klnoton. 1210 p- in- Pullmnn parlor and pjeepini,' loaclicu on i.ll I'xpi'pHn traltiB. For eletulli-il Information, pocket tim.--tahli'8. etc., apply tei M. 1.. Kmltli. Dis trict Pas.ctnser Aitcnt. de-put ticket 0II1 -o l.iie ami WynniliiK Valley. Ir i-rfoit Sept in. is57 TrtliiM leuvt- Srrantou for Xew V'ork and ii'ttrmt-kilato pclntH on 1-Irlo, for llawley nml local points at 7."X u. in, ami 2.2.3 p. in. IliK ch-.llllllli'M' .lllil eeillitnrl. ,, ,w. TI.M1-: TAIILI'. IN UFl'Kin' NO; H. '' I Truln- Ifiivt Sc-iMlitoii lor l'lttHlnli, Wllkcs-Hiiile-, iu-., ut .. ILK',. 11-jW a in-. K. 13, aw. 3.'i.". "I"1. 7-1'1 i- n- Siniiluy.J-W. , 11. 111., I.Oi. -MS, 7.10 j). 111. . Por Atlantic (Tl, $.20 u. m , .,.,,., ,,, I-'or New York. Ni-waik unel l-llzuli.-H . , S.2U (I'MH'i'i-MI u. 111., 12.4'. (i-xpri'fH with . .in. ....ii,.... 11 en jnine-i puriiir rail, - i.-j.- ,- Siniilay. 2,ir 11. 111. I I'ii I n'lnK 12.I-; l 111 urrlve-K .it I'lilluile-llililu. lte-.iellti 1 r 111I11.1I .-tlii l. 111. ami Xi'W V"ik t. i. in. Fill- I'ottHvllI. u-20 a. in- 12.4- p. 111. Ite-iiirnliiK Iciivfi Xi'W ork. fotit nl l.ib-e-rti utieit, North ItlM-r. at 11. in (eMim- 1 in I. Hi. 1.2". I'3 ('M1!''1' i"i llulfcl iilii-liii- .-ur) n. in. rtnnilui. 1.20 u. 111. I e-ivi- Now York, fool Wliltoh.ill 8tre.-t. Pe.'itti IVrry, nl w.'ii a. in.. I 00, 1.23. 3.;.3 p. 111. I'aiJsouKorh inivlni; ur ilrpartlim- fioin thl tornun.11 um l-uiiiiii-i iih-i-i-love-r with all tin ili-vatd ruilioiiiln. lliouil'Au. 1 al.K- ru. anil re-rlloH 10 HriieililMi ami Stul. 11 Inland. imikiliK (iiiiok tiaiiKfc-r 10 ami from llranel I'oiitrul Hi-iii.t i-iul I'Oi-K Island K.ellroail. 1 Vavi) I'l Uadolpbla. IteailltiB flil u in., -00 and 4 '! P- m- Stimlu. C.23 KxpreaH for t'tlca anil Hlehlleltl SprlusH 2.a3 u. in. nnd 1.53 p. nt. IthuPrt. 8. IB. a. 111.. ami I.E.'. p. ni. Fur Northumberland, I'ltttdon, Wllkob-ilai-r.-. Plymouth, Hloiimsbunr ami Dun villi', niukliitf t-loni innneetlon at North- a ii ti i it i r-a. i ac J. M. KEMMERER. Power, Holt and Rod Thread- n Jltl( Xappiiipf, Power Shceirinc: and Pun chin a A Diamond or Drop Frame TIIIH IM YOUII CIIOIOK (11- TlfK st'ltWl'tiN STP.lll.INM AN'UHTKUNS llll'ilM-N H ?!?,HK- .Managers ut Bicycle Dept, An He- at Scranton fioni above polutH al ln.23 a. m., 3.15 ar.el !.2S p. m. Delaware and Hudson. On Monday. lnl 6, iralni will le'-ivu Sri.jlitilli HH leillilWo; . . For c'.irliniiilali H.20, T.ri... S.i'i, 10.1.', a. 111.; 12.00 Ileum, 1.21, 2.2D. 11.32, S.23, ij.2j, 7.37, i'. 1.1, it', is p. 111.; a. in l-'eir Albany, SarateiKil. Montreal, Uo. ton. Xi-w KiikIiiiuI iieiiiite. itc, U.2U u. 111 , 2.20 11. m. For llone.-elulp C.2i). S.35, 10.13 a. 111 I 12.CKI noon; 2.20, .3.2.3 p. in. l-'or Willie H-Harru 11.43. 7.50, S.I3. !' ", 10.1.3 n. 111., 12.CC,. 1.23, 2.2i, ;i.3Ji t.llj (UH 1. . li.Jti. II .Hi p. ni. 1 For Now York. PhllaMoliiliU, rfr., v. t l.eliiKn '.illey It. It., i;.45, '7.:.i a. nj.. IJ.o.i. 1.2.3. 4.11 p 111. (with HlJck JJiamojiel li-pre-.-r-i 11.20 p. 111. Feir I'e-nn.H, lv.iiilu It. R. point" 0.15, 'J.:J?, a. ni.; 2.2S. t.ll p. m. l-'in- wi"tern points via Jhlale YU . Tl. I!.. 7.3-J a. in.. 12.0.3,-;I.S! Jwitlr- Hla k I'lunioiiel nvprcyie). H..30, ll.Sit p. in. Traliic will airlves ut Scrant'in aa lol luwh: Freini C.irbcnelale nml the north . t-") 7.13, sin, p.m. 111.10 11. in.. noon. 1.2'. 2.21. 2.2.1, 4.:J7, ,3.43. 7.4.3. I'. 13, 11.23 p. in. l-'i-ein, Wllki-s-llr.rr.- nml tho 3oiith 1 ' 7.30. S..30, 10.10, 11.3.3 a. in.; I. Id. 2.11. 3.t r..2'. '1.21, 7.33, 9.11,1. 0.1.3 11. in ; 12.03 a. in. .1. W. Itrnn.PK. C, V. A. Albany. N. V. II. V. e'P.tiS;!. p. I', .v.. rii ranton, I'a I.elti;li Valley Miatlrottil Syhteni Antliiiu-iti I'l-ri, i:ti.siirlns C'te?unli iiomi anil Comfort. in i-;ffi-:ct mv. 11, iw. TitAiNS ;j:avi: schaxto.v. For i'lilliiili-lphiii ami N'e-w York via Ii. & II. It. It. at i;,43, 7," ii. 111., UIHl 12.03, 1.23, 2.2S. 4.41 ((Slack nitur.ontl i:.pre"js) ana 11.110 p. Ill, For IMiit-tuii .mil Wllkp.i-H.irre via I. I.. Ai XV. It. It- "-oil, S.tW, 11.20 (I. III., I.."i5 i!.'"J p. I". ami prlii.' point.-. In tho .-oal ri'Bloiw yu i . . .. .u t.w a. ,.. 12.03. 2 2. I or Willi'" navrii. riiiztoio.-i, rotisviiie. I....I....1 ,Li,l.,t tl, .1, ., t .....fl...... illiee .11 p. in. ... For Ili-tlilc-'.if-ni. W.ihioii, JtoiulliiK, II ir lit Inn K and pilmipal' Inti-rtiit-illnte rt.i. tlniiK vli I) '- H- It. It.. 0.1.3. 7.uu .1. 111, 12.0.3. 1.23. 2.2S, 4.11 (illuc-k Diamond K-pro-'i.i. tl.Mi p. in. For Tiiiikhaiinoi'k, 'lowaiulu, Klmli.i, Ithnou, (le-ni-vii, unel principal intonnocli mi' Btalleitix via I).. I.. XV. P.. Jt.. ej.oi, S.0S 11. in.. 12.40 and .1.40 p. in. l-'or Cloiiova. Itiu'lii titer. HnlTalo. Xiies,'- ar Fall-, ciil'MKo. and all points im i,i U. Ii. It. U-. 1203 12a (lliaelt nRmui. t F-cproi'HI. "' anel 11. W p. m. 1'iillm.ui parlor and uli-i-pliic or l.ohm.i Valley e-linir oar on all ij-jiIiih bc-uve-, 1 Willtfc-liairi and .Sow York I'hilaek-l-uliiil, Hutfalo. 1. ml Sin-HMPiijilon Hiidijo. IIOI.I.IX 11. WIUIII'K. (Inn. jtitpt CHAP. b'. I.I-JK. ricn. IMm". A;'., I'hll.i., I'a. A. XV. NONNK'I CIIRR. .tli. (5. 11. P'o-k. Am.. I'hllail. itihia.. I'.i. Sii'.intoii otli-1 . '! T.,n k.ewaiin.i avcini". s(iitvrn ni vi Mo.v, III i:iIoel Oe-leilie-r :el, ISJI7. Xotill Iluilllli. suutli Mntiiitl, 2U3KIII S03 ein- 'it fitatloni ' r ? 3 22 (Trains Dally. Kx. 2 J 2 ? u y. ri'pi Minnay 1 i s a ! m Arrive i.euvp .. 7'i'iN. Y. Kranklln s: ., ....I T 10 West t-.'nil street . . : 7 co Wccliankuu 1 ., up 11 Arrive Leave a 1 i .. : jo. 1 mo Ml' m' - 4 ' 1 1-3 ltwi ii-j,,ii nam ; 11240 'l-.T.f 1 fllStf 11 4U , .... II Mill 34' .... tS 4711 18U ' .... W41tll3V .... Ollll-.M .... ll.'lVll'l .... nn.1 un .... own 11 .... lienor ... 0(0110) .... oiNiiui. .... till 11 OJ .... 01s now. ... oio'ioas r mi Lea tadosiT 3 Ml 8 11 . II uncork sinrllt'lu- I'reston Park Win um id m 8 2 ;n 2Si' 4loywtile en Mini 219 urfi .'J co, 3 1U riMStttit. Mt 1 moudule 1'orest City caib-jtidiiie 731' 3 3il VVbim nrUge I7 3i,l8!6i .imyneia Jerinyn Archtbatit Wlutou ivelivlllo olypliant lileobprg Tnrocp Providonco park piarc (7 42 13 481 7 44 ,14i 7 40! 3 SI 7 68' 8 M 7 SS. .1 M 8(2! 401 8K im 8 0U 4 10 bio, 14 ra isji 17 ttcrauroii Arrlveu m w AH trains run daily except .-nniliiy. . f htiruliles that trulim (top op &ik'pal Kr luvtxl eniicr.i i S yx hecuro rates rid Ontatlot WXirelfri betoln! purcliaiilnit ticket and save money Hay aim'' NlgM EipntstotUo Wtt. J. O, AndCTMuu, Ota. Vuy Act. V, VUtcrott, Ulv, Puss, Att. 6cj auton, r.