ii :mmiimmim!"f r if , 7TTE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER ii. 18S)T. PtlUM' Norton's. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS' in Single Volumes and Sets, in cloth and leather binding. All the new and desirable books. All the Illustrated Girt Hooks. All the Works ot the standard authors in prose and poctty. Juvenile and Children's Books. All the Special Dillons of Standard Hooks for Presents. FAMILY AND TEACHERS' MULES, Prayer and Hymn Hooks. FANCY STATIONERY, Artistic l'ancy Goods, Albums, Scrap Hooks, Toilet Cases, Traclliiiy Cases, Games of Amusement, LARGE TOYS AXI) DOLLS, Children's Desks, Blackboards, Bookcases, Dictlonarj Hnldcis, Cprcss Wagons, Velocipedes, Biccles, Steel and Wood Sleds. Our slock is unusually large and at pnpulai prices, ond is well displajed on three lloors, ioo v 25 feet, well lighted. M. NORTON, 5:2 Lackawanna Ave. Have a Cicar? L$J vT Thunki Don't oiro If ioo, ,n, inn n a Garnsy, Browi & Co. Norman & SHioor FIRE INSURANCE, S20 Wyoming Ave. w j J)ono HI Laundry v Done Uts-'lit, Herni al JlOpllIlll uu prompt Ker ite. The Lackawanna jo8 Pcnn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN. DR. W, B, HENWOOD, DENTIST 2'f LICKAWANN AVE. Have opened a General lnsmnnco Ofllco In IS' Host block Companlci represented. I.nrso uch efcpeclally solicited. 'K'lephona IHU'J, ; BEFORE BREAKFAST. ) Tonight an Mtaestlnp; evpnt will tnK plain at Ulm Pat It chinch. In tact tlRMOj will bo a series ot inh li'Hlnj; ccnts. Kim will bo the tlltinui which will IV double the usual pi Ice feu up wt in this hospitable- plate Although, t(i quote Dr. Oltlln, few peoiile will bo able t) eat double th. ninouiil 01 in utility I'onbiimed at the cm client hiip jieis f?lv n fottnlghtly, those who huo bfon enjoying a llfty tent supner for twenty live cents will naturully put-rJilai- the dinner this ueiiine Tol lowiriR this will be the much talked ot laboi exposition," when the people vho have earned a dollar foi the bene .t ot the intsHionni) scvlety will 111 feu and lelate In thyme as to how they hecuted the said sum. Many dollars Invc lwen earned In unique- waH and the entertainment uffouled by the vail oiiB xperlentcs given will ba highly amusing. The btieet railway company expect to hae the new cats heutcd at once. When this Is done nothing will lemaln to be desired In the way ot comfoit In these beautiful cais, IiIl1i um gicat ly enjoyed by the traveling public. Tho home ot Mis. .M J Audit us pie sentd a pretty appc.unnio estenluy afternoon with a wonderful .um of embroideries and Christmas novelties In water colors anl china. They weie the work ot Mis. Stev-na who is an ai tlfrt friend ot Mis. Andievs A larsc number of ladles called during the uf- 3 DOLLARS 3 3 $. 3 3 and n weuilni: O UUlltlCS 3 E 3 3 iniide O Duulap, Y0111115 Jiro mid StHl .- Ilnind lllorlc j - Waters, the Hatter, O 305 Lackawanna Avenue. O 3 DOLLARS 3 kKFfip Popular Punch Iff Kf 1 ni in luclt. It a my ) N-'l CjnTabED Mil " """ ""llll ti I moon mid rvnilng. Among the nt tini'tlxe titlrlt' on exhibition weir setPtal lovely piece" of lilpestiy. Ml. SIpviim will iitntlii toiluj. when the fancy woik will be viewed by many lovers of I lie beautiful In ait. S'cianlon Is becoming pietlv Ihor ouRhl.t supplied with mills wherein ue manufactuied silks and other fnhtl" and after a few mole ato lotntcd bef it la likely thnt the board of trail" will discourage the establishing of otheis, partlcnlaily silk mills. This was (he Infoi inatlon glten h a protnlt.ent niembei of the boaid jestordav. Toi this theie me scvoial reasons off pi od: Ooi 4,000 opemtoi.4 aid others nrc now emtiloyed In Sri anion labile mills or will be when tin big Tenth waul mill and other plants turn about to bo elected uio finished. The number of employes will then -ilni'iot equal the supply. In the etetit of de PHsslon In the fnbilc trade S"tatituu dees not want to feel Its fffi'Pl. It has been the aim of the board of dado timing the past thiee ieais to seeuie for the iltv ailed kinds of uianufactutlng Industiles. Ktircceg has clowned the boaid's efforts .so fur as fnbilc plants me com erned mid In other dlicetlons, too, but the foimer has been the mole pionounced nnd In futttip the boaid will turn Its attention towaid other lines of Hade. PERSONAL. It. 1 l'atilek 1ms tfone to Concord, N'. '. Mrs ,1 ,1. Joidiii and chllilirn wtie In Archb.ild ; rstc rdi. Miss SiM.111 lJlamoiul. of Phelps stiect, has genu to lit mil to sit her pnieiits. John licm will all for London Haluidav In 1 ho Intel on or the Illock w onion mill at Taj lor. V.. (' Deans anl wife have gone to Ko ihetir, X. V., to atlilld the widdlng of their nephew. Mlhs rioitlip Chi hlilci, of Onern.ll, X. V., Is lltlug In r sll r. Mis. L. It. Kree mun, on Adams atnitie. At 11 mec ling of the state boaid of c har llles in l'hll icUdphla jostenlay Colonel II. M. Holes, of this clt, wa' elected a mem ber ot the si ite liinar commission. John bi Ooire, who Ins beep one of the operatois III the Weston I'nlon ir llce In this city fen the last two i,eir!, jesteiday leturnetl to his home III Wash Irgton, D C. nlipie he has accepted a position of ips nrsibWtv with the W-1-cru L'nlon on Kin. WOOD IN WILKES-BARRE. Itusinpss College I'liiled to Open Alter TlitinksgiUug Itccess. The business eollese. toiiduttPil In Wilkes-Ilane b lYofiweii V. K Wood, formeily of this c its did not open ns per pcludule. after the Thanksgiving lecess and when the students anhed AlonJay moinlnganel learned that i-ome ot the luiuiture had ben 11 moved on Kati!-da. those who had paid their tui tion in aeltnnce weie Just a little woi lied. Tiitsdiiy brought j-ome eoii'olatlon and hope In the shape ot n Utter fiom th" piofti-sor In w hit h he said that the Innl illty of the students to pay dining tin haul tlims undo It neccs.saiy to ip oiQiinl7t the school uu a more won onucel basis; ih.it this would be done nil tills be paid and the stude nt.s e-aieel foi. Tuesday's Xews-Deal"i- contained the tollowlng- 1'iof. r. i:. Wood will mop his Vilkfs-Haiii' college to Now Yoik. l'l f. I'. F. Minltli, ptliirlii.il of the Dia mond City business college, will ic oiganlt the woik and conduit h si ho. 11 in the lutuie 1'iof. Smith Is a gentleman In the pi line of life with a hlieecsful epeilene.e of ten Jeats 111 business rolli-gp woik. and Is admit -ably lit led for the pioinotlon of the In Mltutlou. NEW FIRE HORSES EXAMINED. Ot) Ollicials Snw Them Work on M joining Avenue. M'tfinbcis ot the Hie committees oC both councils, Muor I!alle and Chief of the Flic Department P J. Hlckcy t sterility afleinoon tamiued llnee new llie hoiscs lecently furnished, two for the iCi.stal tomp.my and one for the Centtuj eompanj, by Jloiscinau Cobb. Alter the examination the council men pipsent Dinr Xt.lillt.-i, Fiable, Flanagh.ui and Hums met at Chief llleke's otlltf In the eltj hall, but leached no terdlet. Adjournment was made for one week's time. The examination and test of the hoists took plate In the nfunioon 01. Wjomlng avenue, between Olive and Mnlbeny stieets Dr. Sitteily has ex amined the hoiscs and found them ounil In wind and limb. The tlty has the hoiscs on tilal foi thlrtj das, which explie Dee. J. MR. EVANS' ORGAN RECITAL. It Will He Given Tonight in Hie Pcnn Avenue Ilaptisl Chinch. An oigan letital will be glvtn by Iladn Kvnu.s this evening In the Penn Avenue ltaptlst thuith. The niuslo will be by Ameiltan e omposers. A silver offering max be made nt the door. The piogiamme will be: Hack, Sonata (G Mln) Allegio modciato, Aihihlo, Allegrt) nou iroppo. Parker, tti) Wcudlng Sonp, (b) 1m jiiomptu 1'ftil. Conceit Fantasia In A Mln Wairen, Prelude and riivui--A Mln. from M. H. Hist publlo pii tormaiuv , Hucsel King Mlllti, Schcizzo Sjmpho ulque lliulc, Vailallon on the "Star Spangled 11. inner " Mi Thomas lleynon, tenoi. vvill be tlie soloist, and will slug "Pin All Uteinlty," Alnstheronl. "All Th.it 1 Have," Will lam, Itiom ilelhauv). MR. BURNS' QUICK.PAY IDEA. Oielinnne-n .May He Itcportcd by the 1'iuiincp Coiiiniittee Tiiuichi, At tonight's meeting of select coun cil the ordinance pioviding feu a moie expeditious payment of bills mn.v be tonsldeied. Mr. Hums Is the father of the i.nll nnnte, which piovidea that bills afte.1 being aiiproved b the auditing toni mittee may go to the max or lor his up. provul without having been jrisse d by councils. The main object Is to Insure piompt pav to elt J einploves. The ui ellnunco Is In the hands of the tiininee committee, whlth may lepait It to night. .Miner hiNlnnllv Killed. Pet-r Stevlskle was lustnntl Killed Tuesday evening by a fall of ictk In the Iiabylon mine. iStevlskle vvns a laboiei. His miner had just Hied ti bin it and he wan cleaning the toad when the mass fell. Tin- miner escaped although the lock In falling toie the back lioin his slilit. True Piano Itci-ltul. Piolessor Mlllor, who Is in the city lor u shoit time, will give one of his popular tocltalH ut the wmo looms of L. H. Povvtll & Co., tonight from 7 30 to P o'clock. Every one will be wel-tutie. INSANE MAN WITH A LOADEDREVOLVER lie Drove Members ot His Family from the House. THE POLICE WERE SUMMONED While I rank Snvclcr'o Ihotticr !'! teicd the IIoiiko by tlir: Trout Door and Holdly 1'nceel the Insane Mnn anil Ills Weapon, Two Olliccrs Tnino 1'pon the, Mnn from the Hrnr innl Overpowered and lHvmuctl lllni--'rnlien to Aslinn. An Insane man. Flank Smder, aged 2.1 yeais, with it loaded levolvet, diove the momborn of his family out eif their home In Clieen Hldgo yesterdav and It was necessaiy to tall In the police lo subjugate the wild one. Ills enpttue was made while the In sane mnn was pointing the levoher at th-o breast of his bi other. Coin ad Hn ti er, a few cai older than Flunk, and he wius then taken to the Hillside Home. Siivder Is u well-known young man about town lie was feu a time en gaged In I he lull her buslnetss In a shop nutlet the White House on. Pcnn ut nue. Somt' months ngo he underwent mi opeiutlon for peiltonltiH and irom the suffeiing width followed the opeiu tlon his mind beeame affetted. For the past few das he has shown signs of Insanity, and his widowed mothei. Mis. Louise Snjder, anil blethers nnd Hlstets living ut :il Knst Maik-t stiett, detld ed lo have the unfoitunate man In catceiated In the Insane wnid nt the Hlllfclde Home. Papei.s weie uetordlng ly diawn up and xestetduy was et for th' tilp ovtr the pioverblal hills. HIIFFSHD TO tiO. Young Snjder wus lalng halt diessed on u couch In one ot the rooms In the house when the family entered. He had to bo humored. "Fiank," said Mis. Coniad, "we'ie going to take vou down town to see '11 doctor." A cab was In waiting on the outside. "Well, T don't go" j-alcl the Insane man. "J 11 go to no doctor down town." The meinbeis of th family Insisted nnd the young man, suddenly uilslng to his feet, displayed a levolver nnd a handful of cuiltldgcs. "See this," he naid ns he .showed the filled chambers, "she's loadtel " The mother and clilldien lied out of the house. ,Sntler 111 eel two shots: one struck in the cellar way and one in the ceiling. Left to himself he again sought his place on the couth. A mess-engoi was ell&patthcd to police henflquaiteis ask ing for help, mid Patlolmau (leoige Jones was assigned the Job Patrol man .Tones i cached the house ut .'! o'clock. The family was gatheied about In the vlclnltx of the house. Pntiolmim Jonts was lnfotmed of the clteum stanc s: that an Insane man with a le volvti mid a deteimlnntlon to shoot was alone in the house, and a tele phone message for mote help was .sent to police hfadquaiteis. Patiolmun I'.tt lick May was dispatched to assist Pa tlolmau Jones. thi:kati:n'i:d to shoot. After this delaj the p itiolmen m ransul to enter the house b.v the hatk way. Coniad Snyder 'dilutee 1 lug to go In by the flout door and distract the attention of his hiollu-i from the polictmen. Mil tier was In a middle loom. Conrad, the biothei, pluckily entet el the mom fiom the fiout anil wa-. met by the lev oiler In the hands of Fiank. "I'll kill you." the InMiie man was -alng His linger was on the tilgger and Coniad looked stialght Into the ban el Conrad tooly took i seat in fiont of the Insane man and waited for the ap peal anco of the policemen. The lev el ver was still pointed at his in east and Fiank was thieatenlng to shoot. Con lad'.s feelings may be imagined. Af-te-r a few minutes, which to Coniad seemed diijs. Patrolmen Jones and May lushed In upon rinvder fiom be hind. They caught hold of him and wrenched the levolvet fiom his hand. Ie tsliugglcd but was overpowried. Snjder got Into the rnb on the street with the Idea that he was going to see "Dr. Kellev, of Honesdnle," who is his only f i lmd. he sale! Patrolman May accompanied the unfoitunate fellow to the Hillside Home How iSnvder got the levolver could not he explained bv his i datives. TIIR00P HAS FULL MANV A DOG. Assessoi lor Thnt Ilorougli Suj Thorn Are y!17 ol Them. I'nder a new stutut. the county Is tmpovveied to lev dog taxes, the totin l. commissioners to flx the i.ite unci tstabllsli with the piiiceels a fund wll.i which to letmbuse faimtr.s for sheep Killed by dog.i Olmy Pratt assessor foi Thump bor ough, made his letuins jesteiday, and to this small hamlet he uniedlted 2.17 elorf.s. 'And that Isn't the half of them," he tale! to a Tilbune lrpoiler, who met him as he was enieiglng fiom the commlssloneis' otllce. HE FORGOT TO PAV A (JILL. Hut Andicw Vudruhiuks' Career on the Skip Turf U us Itricf. John Andruslck, after getting to gether a few bundled dollnrs elt eld d to leave this countiv for the cheaper maikels of lils mulve land, nnd being unused to the customs of our tllme In. foigot to jj,ix a butthei's bill down In Plymouth, ivlxie he lived. Uut it was not to be. Andruslck left Plv mouth Tuesday evening, leaching heie on the a o'clock Delaware. Lackawanna and Western train. While he was en unite, however. ! Nuts, ! j Fruits, J f Poultry, ; Oysters, j Vegetables. I SCRANTON CASH STORE ! things were going on In police circles. Countable Joseph Haiilson, of Ply mouth, telephoned Seigeant HIdgvvny, asking that Amliusltk be Intercepted, and when the lialn pulled Into the sta tion Patrolmnn OoetlllK vvns cm hand nnd nabbed the ilv-bv-nlght and his "big ellow satchel ' us Constiible Haiti si n's deset Iptlon mild. Andruslck wus placed In a cell In the toiee Htutlon and on a later tialn Constable Haiilson came heie nnd bc etiietl a settleniHit of the butcher's claim On Audi lisle k's peison weie found n passpoit to Hdlnbitrgli and a bottle lllld wllji whlskev. JONES.SWEET NUPTIALS. ' Ceremony Performed nt the Htlilc's Homo by llcr lrucle. The maiilage or MIsji Alice, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mis Frank Sweet, to Moigati T. Jones, of Pittston ave nue, was eeleluatecl at the home of the In Ide, 12 J Maple sticrt. jesterd.iy af ternoon ut .! o'clock. Jtev. J. H. Sweet, pasteu of the Simpson Methodist npls copal church, and untie of the btlde. performed the teiemony. which united thtfle pojiului' young people In holy wedlock. Miss Sweet was vtiy be comingly diessed in a charming tiavet Ing Hull of blown setge. trimmed with old rose silk. After the ceremony lun cheon wns scivcd. The bilde was the lt'Plplent of many beautiful piesents. Those piesent weie- Mt. and Mis. Frank Sweet, Mr. and Mm. Charles Swie-t mid daughter, Helen. Miss Hvelyn Sweet, Finnic nnd Helelle Sweet, Hev. anil Mis. J 11. Sweet unci sons, Chnrlts and Willis, Mr. nnd Mis. Thomas Jones, eif Pittston avenue; Mr. Thomu.s Mooie, Mrs J. Wainei. Misses Nellie Wainei Nellie Jones, Ann Juliets, Jani'ette Jones. The bride has been n jjojiiilni' em ploje of .Mchsis Connoll.v anil Wallace, while the gioom Is a ti listed tleik In the .Mi aelow liioolt .stoic of William Connell Ml. unit Mis Jones me spend ing their hone.vineion in New York and Philadelphia. MRS. FRANK MANQAN INJURED. SiistniiiPel a rrucliirrd I. eg While Lenvhig Ilolv Cross (Miurcli. After the seniles tondueted bv the D'imiiiltaii Fatheis in Holy Ctoss church, Hellevue, last evening, Jlr.i, Fiank Mungan. an agPd woman, who attended the set vice, fell and bioke her bg In the aisle as she was leaving the t hutch. Tlie sevtie shotk may lesult In her death. The accident happened at about D o'clock. The set v Ice In the c hutch had been unusually Kngily attended and the timing was pom lug out fiom the chin eh. Mis. Manga ii Is over 70 eais of age. She was walking down the densely jiatked aisle when .some one Immcdiat ly behind her stepped upon Mis. Mangan's diess. The aged wo man could not suppoit hei self -and she ftll to the tloor. Hei leg was fractured uy the tail Mis. Mangan was taken to Dr. J. P. Walkei's office on Huilioad avenue, when- she w.is made as eomfortable ns possible. She was afteiward l emoted to her home on Third avenue. At last le poit Mis. Mangan was In u ethical con dition irom the shock. She Is the mother of Fiank Mangan Ji , of Lack u.ianna avenue. ST0PPI WAS INCONSIDERATE. Wanted to Punish u .Hun Who Hnil Helped Pill His Colleis. Justice of the kind whlth Shakeb pcato's Pentl.i m.uked ns the best kind v.ai disiiensed at Aldtimnu Mlllai's coin t last evening. Nicola Pace had been niiested for linud b Frederick Stoppl, a, Dunmoie .stoieke)ei. Pace is the man who escaped fiom Detective Cllffoid by Jumping fiom a buggy a few weeks ago, but despite thl' fact, when Aldoiman Millar h allied thnt Pace had liten a pation of Stoppl for time eais and the pies ent eiebt wa one of only a few months' standing and for only $ls, the magls tiate of the nighth discliaiged the ptls onei. CLOSING LECTURE COURSE. Dr. Divon Will Deliver It in the l'cuii Atomic HnptUt ('lunch. The e losing lectin o In the I'enn Ave nue liaptbt chuich Ieetuio coume will he ftlven net Monday evening In this lectuie "The IMnplnpr of the In dian," Dt. Dixon eleals with the Jiff of the Indian fiom the entrance on the' Mine of the' White Mun to the kiiic1u.iI Melius? away und possible extinction ot the nice The lee till e Is piotusely lllutiated with beautiful plctuies fiom iifKiitlves in the possession of the Roveininent at Washington, nnd Horn photoH taken by l)r DlNon while in Dakota. JUSIII IS HIS NAME. .11 a ii Who rrncturcd His Shall Mas Conscious lorn Time. Vestereta). Anthony .Tushl 1h the name of the man whooe skull was liattuicd b a fall down the basement at the Co nt hous- Satuid.i night Yestcielaj he had n ftvv minutes consciousness, tim ing which he gave his lull name to tin muses at the I.aiktnvunna. hospital At midnight .Tush! was unconscious, lie piobubl) will not lecovei fiom his Inluiy. The Wntiiininl.er llistor, riulj. Ae deslie to call the attention if our icadeis to th- ilispluj udveitlni' ment elsuvtlitie In this Isdiiu of "Th" Wunamaker Illstuty Olul ." I'nder the 'WanainuK' i utinngMiiciit. Illdpath's Hlstoiy of the Woild, ton slstlng of ten olumn bound in half HiiH.shi or full JIoiioco, can be pui fhascd at unhead of prices. This hls toiy. which certainly ovettop all .sim ilar hlstoile.s has never been sold hen -toloif for less than Its to $17." per set avoiding to the binding: but bj un dertaking to sell One llundicd and I'lfly Thousand Dollats' vvoith Mi Wanumaker secuted the entlte edition and oiganly.ed The Hlstoiy ilub. If you want to toko advantage of this gieat oppoitunlty you had bettc 1 Join befoto the edition Is exhaust eel; pay tin mem.bi-i.shlp Jee of One Dolhu, and tin whole eight volumn.s will be dellveied nt onte, jou agieelng to make llfteen monthly pavments Hist payment M day alter Joining for the cloth bound. Jl.uO a month, for the half-Ilusidu, fi u month; foi full Moiotco. $.'.r.o a mouth. A full set. bound In half-Hus-sia Is now on exhibition In the Iluslness Olllco of The Tilbune. vvhete membei shlp fees will also be iceelved, ami any tuithtr Infonuutloii deslied will be thtfifully given. Oileutal ItugK At a si eat baigaln In U't WiiHlilngtou nve. JtiHt tho time to buy a nice rug for a gift nt half pi Ice. Oomo und see our $12 bargains. Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue, In Harris' drug store. Hours 9 a. m., 5 p. m. OLD STATION HOUSE TO BE REMODELLED Coufrnclnr E. S. Williams Will Put Men at Work on It a t Once. PLAN OP POLICE DEPARTMENT Persons Arretted (or Heine Drunk nnd Disorderly and Other Light Ollcnso!! ft ill Ite luenrrcrnted Tlicrc"l!y This Arrangement it Will Not lie .Necessary lor llunliiess District Olllcors to lie Oil' Their Hunts lor n Croat Length of Time. About a month hence the old Centle iUle"t station house at the iciir of the Sciantou (las und Wnt r comnmiv building will be finished and police men who now have to exhause tbtm selves l;i piloting tl. and iI.'r seveuil blocks lo the city linll will then heave justlllable sighs- of iellaf. Countlls licive made ptov Ishm for the M.'75 necesaiy to make the needed ul teiatlons and lepalis. That Is the sum Involved hi the building pioposeil by 1'. H. Williams, contt-actoi. who will lmmc-ellat"lv stutt a foice of men nt the work which will be clone under the supervision of liulldlng Inspector Nel son. It Is ptoiosed to u" the plac foi solely station house purposes Only petty offendeiH will be coullned thi The more exclusive tipeof mnlefaetois such iu foi gei. s, butgKiis, shntks. inut ile" els ami tiV like will Ijc placed In the pollen elepai tmenl s moie elnbomte es tabllshnicnt at the titj, hull. One of the lows ejf lion cugt's now In the eeniial station will be set up in th- Center stutt jiluce, H Is probable that the captain and lieutenant who perfoini the duties of loimdsmen In the ttniinl pieelnet will have theii lie-ael-eiuuileis i hanged fiom the city hall to Ct nter sticet. The latter station 1" but a few steps fiom Alderman Mlllai's Hlghth waul tourt which can be tenched by a teat stall way lending fiom Centi r sticet Thus It will not lie nccpssaiv to use the patiol wagon as is sometimes the taso at iiresenl. It Is n police tneoij that the failuie of locating the peipetiatois of m.tnv depredations In the business sL(.tion Is due to the piesent jioor ligation ofs.be onl.v station house In the central dls tilet. A fight occuis or something else engages the attention of two or moie patiolmen who have to absent themselves from theli beats mid are l'o.sblv ebllgeel to help escott prlson eis to the lucent station house. In the Interim evildoers can jjuisue their ve cations undisturbed. This will not be the peso after the Center street station house is opened. Coal--Conl--C'nti. First-class coal, egg, stovo and chest nut, dellveied anywhere In the rit of 4,000 pound lots at $J 5" per net ton Delivered In Dunmore at $2 CO. Aj Mow cry. Dunmore, telephone 4673. A gentleman, wife and child, S yeais old, want the comfoits of a home In a stilctly iii Iv ate family. Must be in a good locality. Willing to pav foi eom foits. Address cate of Lock I3o 115. BEST SETS OF TEETH, $8, Including tlm painless oxtracthi!: o tcrtn b an tntiruly now piocuss. 5. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., .121 Spruce St , Qpp. Hotel Jcrmvn. Upholstery Department Our Goods and Prices Welcome the Most Crit ical inspection and Comparison. Chenille Curtains Dado aucl fringe in a variety of colors, formerly sold at $2.50, now only $1.80 Pair An extra heavy and wider one, regular price $3.75, at $2.75 Pair Tapestry Curtains Double laced effect in several shades, price now per pair $2.00 Beautiful Silk Damask Effect at 3.00 Chenille Table Covers Special lot Chenille Table Covers, 1 lA yards square, choice designs, worth 95c. each. Price while this lot lasts only 70c. Pillow Sham Holders 19c each. 3k n t Preparing . -nj-J. o&cr i' & - T8ip Rnvc s. & 44..4.4-4-f4-M-f-f44--f--4-f4-f J-1N ew.,viia -j 1 v ." "",.jV "' l -V 1 ..ml III w?h. , ,.11, . k w 1 mmfBiMj VrnciT4)r. 'coi'ric;HiiB; gr - Henry J. Collins, Lt., LaCka. Ay "lllilMY OIL IN MUFflCTllNCToT 1 1 to j . iUrutmn blieel.i lantoa, I'a 'Jclei)Uuao ,)iih,i BURNING. LUBRICATING AND CYLINDER OILS, PAINT Ui:iARTMi:NT -I.tiiseed Oil, VuruUli, Dryers, Jujuui uudbliloylobtalu. Conductors and Motormen LOOKS go a good way in clothes, Wenr fToes further. You get both here at a low price when you buy the Anti Rain o n"iiHrrf Quite nml TTUt.VlJIUUI UHim . Ulsters. Pure lndlRo Hlue. Fluniicl Lined. Stoini Collar, Hood Length, Hegulatlon llultons Actual value $14.00, Cash Price $9.98. MiildltscK Hire, All Wool Flannel, Her niation Style, bticm, I'ork'ts, Perfect Pit and Nice Quality. Actual value $14.00, Cash Price $9.98. Hands Cold Why should thev be, when you can get cTIUJ KCAUTMISO.) For 50c to .S1.50 per pair, in men's sizes. Boys', from '25c up. We ai e showing a large assortment. s Hatters airj Furnishsrs, 112 Spruce Street. 9 ! fDin CLOVES. POPULAR PRICF.S WATiCIN! 406 Lackawanna Aveim tfrvf '. 'T J.. I l naiiKsgiving; It you .ue going to take them out to diniiei, is .i plc.ii.ure when you have bouglit their clothing Irom our handsome .iiul perfect-fitting stock ol Hoys' and Children's Clothing We have an up-to-date stock of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clothing that we are selling at prices that will sui prise you. 'turpentine, Whlto liC.il, Cual 'tui, l'ltcli IIB 81., 320 Lackawanna Ave,, Scraatoa Pi Wholcsnlc mul Itctnlt DRUGGISTS, ATLANTIC WHITE LEAD, FRENCH ZINC, Ready Hlxcd Tinted Paints, Convenient, laoiioiiilent, nurabta. Vnrnisli Stains, Pioduclngl'crlcrl Imltntlouof Iixpomlvo Woods. Rnynolds' Wood Finish, Kspctliill.v Designed for Insults Work. Marble Floor Finish, Unrnlilo iitiel Dilci IJiilultty Paint Varnish and Kal somine Brushes. PURE LINSEED OIL AND TURPENTINE. Early Selections QV CHRISTMAS GIFT Take advantage of this op portunity. By doing so you can go about it leisurely and any article will be reserved for future delivery. HIES' IE GIB' WATCHES in solid gold and filled cases, at prices that will astonish. in endless variety. We carry all styles and makes in clocks; sterling silverware in jewelry, and toilet articles warranted and stamped by responsible makers. We invite you to call and compare prices. WEICHEL, JEWELER i OS SPKL'Ci: STKCKT. Open evening until after tho holldiiv?. J. W. GUERNSEY'S GREAT MUSICAL ESTABLISHMENT Is the best place in the state to buy either an Organ or YOU CAN BUY Clll.A Pl:l, YOU CAN HUY ON I1ASY TERMS. ' YOU CAN BUY HUTTLk INbTUU.Mn.M3 1 h in at any other place. Don't fail to call and see tor yourself. Warcroom, 205 Washington Avenue, SCRANTON, PA. New Line of FINE CUT GLASS At prices lower than be fore. Also a new line of Glass Vases anj Jardiniere Just Opened, WEICHEL-BROS., Metropolitan China Hall, 110-1 12 "Washington Ave. iEears IJuildinjr. ALSO In Black, Brown, Gresn, Etc, Now on Sals. BELL & SKINNER, Hotel Jsrmyn Hatters, qjV PVH n " ft'1"' sgpmU