10 THE SOKANTON TRIBgNlS-TnUHSnVY MORNING. DEOI3M.BEII 2. 1891. When Looking For the Best do to the most icllnblc. Itn-eit iii-ortmeiit; low cut prlcoi In Hulr Goods. Wo tmiko WIGS, SWITCHES, BANGS, PUFFS, WAVES, ETC. .-iitliractloii guaranteed lu 1idlM' nnd tlcnlfc' Wis, for street weir. Wo have tlie Jciidlng Tonics, Bleaches, Rouges and Powders. Axle lo Fee the Meat llnlr llruib, ironulno hlbcrlnn bilnllo nlr cunlilonod Children's Jlalr Cutting recclv cs our special nttcntloc. IRTi II. 317 Lackawan.ia Avj, D HIE? Of coiir-c on have heirlooms in form of OKI l-'iiriiitiire, nnJ then, perhaps, your modern fur-nislilii-. jtrea bit worn; Why not have them toned up restored .' ReUphoIstering Is a special line of work with its. A e do it well unit we do it for as little as possible. We have all tlie new and desirable coeriiis. WILLIAMS f I'lllDLTT Carpels, Draperies, Wali Papers SCRANTON. IMTTSTON. A OCA. TIk YiHiiifr Mius Instltnt" iiv eti to liinnciw ovenlns. Tlii T. idles' roiPiKu .MKslonniy sot 1 it villi meet at iln homo ot .Mis. Wil liam I'toun, hi., this afternoon, Mr. .1. J. I.nMiis), urn oC e-Mnynr I.nftiis, of MiinsU. Is (ilUcnlly 111 of kidney 1 1 on bU Mii M.ny 1". Donalioe, oC Toviinula, is so, loudly 111 at tho home uf her In. .Hit i. Cornelius Osboi ne. of tin West Mile Silo Is iitteiidcil li Miss M (Jill, i: tiuJucil iiuiM', who ,K( onipanlod lit r. !nelev, the 2-jeni-old ilauslltet nf Ml. nml Mi- IVitlltk .M (low mi. Is s. iin'islv HI of lunu disease. A In so pattc tit fi lends iisM'iiilikd nt tilt home oi Ml. and Mis. ( It. An thony, ol Mtiosit, nn Tuesday evening In lumen nt his thlity-tlilid Mrtlnlny in niviis-uiv. The ovonlnK Mils pleas, jintly spent .mil a iiinipluous it past u.ts i-cietl A liantlMoniL Keeretniy i i" pie.ui'nieii to the host and hostis Mi James Cialium has jc n ili.iuii t.i s,im. an a Kianil Juior duiiiiK llio Mr l; IiokIiiiiIiif; Jan. .!. Mis. Leon SthKiKtr is -crlousl.v 111. I.inlKe 7s I. JiuK p mli nt Hitler nt Odd IMInux, Mill pay a fi.itei mil slt to 11 r Wfst l'ltiston lotliro tills evening A iiiimber of liiotli-.i nieniliiis fioin Aita will an rinp.ni them. Miss M. A. Hi wan Is t onal( seinjy jf. t.i a mm 10 alt iek of liilluniiiiuloiy i hr iimiulMii A j-on of Mi. and Mis. Pom lot C'Ull Is soiioiwly ill iif tnlisllltts. Mss .Matilda I'llftoid will leave tn il'i to enter as a student in the .Mnns lli Id Slate Not mill t-oliool. V II. .shle, ol Ilat'kottstovi n, was .i '.Isitor lu town this week. Miss Mmy Jiuins hlid I'. II Dover alltntlttl thi IJtiiki! ob.seiiuUs nt Jer linn on Tiit'sikij lollll lilcl.il. (itnlRf Itr.ulbiuj . Ma.k .Hoi I'll ults l!os(yF Thomas 1 Vouns; .mil .laillis Hon-o visited the l.onl I' at oiiRlleld Iii.Iko nt I.lleiue nn Tilt s. il.i.s evening w lu u the Ti loudly I'nlon ,i..Ktee was cuiiftitnl on llueo c until d lies. Miss Allllil lleeble vuib a vlMtol In r-t i.intun on Tuesilaj. WYOJllXd', The iifv ljitMker mi the Ww-t Side liis begun opeintlon. A JaiRo lliim lr of men and ImjH have hem -.Iven ciuploviiit nt 'in Thuisday tveninjr, Dee. 2.1. the W.vomlns Ilo.-e eoiupwiy will Khe theii lust annual ball in Musle hall. Mis John Itieose, of l'lnilm, X Y.. is 1sUiik her piuents. Ml. and Mis. J 1. Shoeinilkei. Hi-vlv.il nitetinys in the We.st Side e liapel uie In pioaies-s .itjalu till., utek. Anion' those tis-slstliu? pastor Tiitblo an- Hex. Hobelt I. Thompson, Key. l.obut lteltly ami I'l.inl; C5i.iv ('Imiles I'emry spent yesterdiy In f-'i ranton. The Ladles' Aid soelety or the llap-ti-t ehurt'h held a incetiiicr i8tenlnv mill niudo fuithur pieparatlons fur tho comliiR b izaar IUuty Pin land was at llaivey'b lake on Tuesd ly. The nlBht school openul Inst week in tl e annex school lmlldliiK on Ihb Kust side, thouuh small m attundaneo is liairiK eniollments of htudents maily .f ly nltrlit. The touklncr n l'ool wiiieh is belnu fi'iulucted In the bas-ement ot tho Methodist chinch every Tuesday after noon Is hugely attended. Auhlbild N'. I5nv, iin.piletnr of the AVjoiiiliiKrniilaKc ltposlloij, has fjone to uwepo and UlnKhttiiiton, X Y. He expects to Mt a numbu' nf the lead ing caulnpe iiianutncturl. s lu the state. Mrs. Danltl Hairls, who has been confined to her liniru with netirnlKlu. Is impiovlr.t'. CARPET! We huve just put on sale u iuw prices and compare them with any llrstllcuty Cotton C'nrpet litHt Heavy llnlou I'm pot J-.MniHeivj Union C'nrpet J.'iti ..iJ'lo We Imvo some choice lots of nt 5c, tic. and 8c. pur roll. J. SCOTT INGLIS. 419 LACKA. AVE Carpets. Oil CIoHh, NVinJovv Shades uui Dr.ipjriei. Chairs and Tables. SCHOOL OPENED FORHOUSEWIVES Science of Domestic Economy Taught at tbc Armour Institute. PRACTICAL MINTS OP REAL VALUE Clilcngo illnliU ami .Mulroim llrgln n Course ol'liKtruction in tho Dulles ol llotiscivlfcry'riio Most Import nut ThlnK ol All Is To Ho Systematic, l'roni the Tlnies-lleralil. Vell-to-do Chicago housewives, pies cnt nml piospeette, uro koIub remi lmly to school nowadays Not with it dens tienthe on philosophy or a dlc tiuiiaiv of a dead laiiKtiape under their ninbitlotis nrms, but with a capacious writing patl and pencil lu their shop ping bags, en route to the Armour In stitute of Technology, to take down a few old-fashioned facts In a new-fashioned form on the Intllcnte art of com mon, eerdny household economy. This new study of the new woman. It I eald, is a suio cuie for many of the domestic ills to which the model n housewife Is heir. For the flist time In this city such a comptehenslve course tinder n compet ent teacher and, best of all, with prac tical npplInnoiH to lllustiato the lec Hius has been Introduced. Tho stuidy isas Inaugurated but a few weeks ngo nt the instigation of Miss Isabel P. JSulluid, who for yeais has been head InstiiKtor of tho cntlto domestic science department. The lecturer chos en for the novel .subdepaitnient of hous"hold economics Is, Mis Lvnn Hovd, who ns piactlcal housewife Is win eisid In the foundation piiiulples of hei new ptofe.sslon. A giaduate fit Armiiitr Institute, she was nfteiwaiil teacher in the Philadelphia Scliuol of I'ULtka! Housekeeping and has now retuuied to Chicago to Instiuct tho women of hei own city In tlie supieme silence of successful hoineninklng. SY.STHM THi: AIM. The iindeiUing Idea of this niuch needed innovation foi the modem maldtn is to tench her how to svstem atleally suiki Intend tli" thousand and oni ptiplexln ilc tails of a well-oidc i"d household with the least ecpeildltuie of time and stien:;;li Thus the com so of twelve lessons, given onto n week, In clutlts instiiu tlou In almost .nviyihlns fmni the m lent Hie sirubblns of the kiti hen llooi to the polishing of the I'd i Ian in.ii bio lirif-u-hroc In th pir loi. Some of the Hili-topUs of the cour.se. whlth rjive an ltlo i of the nac tli'ilillllj ot the study, (in. liuipnient foi the lauinlri. wushlng of vailous fabiits. tin klteheu, who of chin i mid glats, hwcciilnu and dusllni;, caie of th" linen closets, beddlnsr, tins and woolens, lallv enie of bedioonis, taie of ii.ud vxnoil llooip, hoaso i leaning and relation nf nilstiess to tnalii. H.ifh It i tine, 11 niu.t lu leniem ipied, Is fullv illustintetl with the hnniely npplldiiees uf Hie h m.i, hold The ln stiuition in laundi woil,. icr Ins untie, Is iniii tie 'llv .li'uienstiated by th" tenthei with mi iion mm iumiiir bonul, lie the jnnnii iiiKIint of stnich and linallv with tin w thiliK; of tliut attkle fif .lpp.uel which s an cvm jirtsent blight ir lo the wnshi'ivvomun'v Inter flannels. Mikiiiwlill" the housewife students, seated nt sm ill tables, look on .ipniiivumlv, tnki notes Industil oiisl aril go hoine to piacilc the lcs- Sl n LHAHN VAU'AHLi: I.KHSONS. This new -fishioni.il study has not oiih piovttl popular at Aiiiiour Insti tvte, but Hie lcc. liner. Mm. Koyd, will soon "tend the good wml; to the p.n lois of -i iotriie of inn til side sntlftv gliU who desiie pilv ito Instiiu lion .ie p.iratoiy to prat tice in homes ol their omi thl1 cmiilng spilng. In this unv thee miiiii women will be m oof :i,:alnt the iiiiiIs1iiikiu iccently ndniln Utiierl li mi Irate Chlnninnn of high t'tgire. 'ibis almoi.il-eved son eif the inlt'iit, It stems having Invited sevital nit n fi lends to dinner, was disgusted lint only with the tint failiii.. ol the nii-liil but the ireniinl dlsoidet of the hoii.e. The host tlnufoir politely e ciifcd hlmelt to his guests for a few minutes liv saving npologetlcallj : ".Me go lit k-e wife " A fair .sample of this household III stiuetlon was the lftture given by Mis ijo.vd Wednesday afternoon on ISest Methotls ot Svxoeping and Dust ing." The tf.u'her stofid on the yilnt 1 tit m, bioom Hi hand, while on a table list by was nvoiv eoneelvable soil of b.ush and broom Hetween talking and tlemonstiatlng Mrs Hovd was pelted with eager niifslloim finm Hie luny women, who piomptlv thionlelei in their note books the ballent points of iln Instiuctlon The Instructor eon sjlid the pupils by saving tMl a thm rurh cleaning of a pallor tilled with j.'i'i'its and bile-a-biac was neeessaiy oti'v once lu a foitnlght. Then she pio eenea to divulge the siientlllo seeiets of the tine household ml of .sweeping and dusting. "To do thoimib''.! sweeping tint! dust ing," bgan Mis. Hoyd, with an en eit;ttie wave of the biojin "as many m lb les as possible should be cleaned and novtd fmm the loom Tufted fuinituic should be pounded with a i altar beatei, blushed with a soft whisk broom and t leaned about the button with a stl'f biush like this." e.hlblllng n chnp shuvlng biush "Then open the window unless It Is so situated as to blow tho dust back Into the room Itemove with a feather dust er the du.st from behind plctuie fi nines ond covn with tlaik brown dustcig the uninovnble pieces of fuinltine which need special piottctlon With this biush." holding up a lathelike airnnge ment of wood and bilstles, "clean thm cughly under and mound the radiators HOW TO SWHHP AND Dl'ST. "The n .t step-is to take pieces of newspaper and wet them In the bath loom. Wilng them In the hand and tear Into line sttlps. Tlnovv this all over the cat pet, no mutter how delicate tlie color No, salt or sawduHt or tn gi minds are old-fashllned," said the Insliuctm, In lesponse to a fjuerj fiom a matt only looking woman. Mivv dampen the broom to mnku It Pliable and a dust collectoi, mid pio- liiu of Ingrain Carpjt. other good In the city: Seotlu All Wool Cm pet tfla All Wool, iiieillum quulliy Mo All Wool, best quality 41)0 Wall Papers that we are clojtng out Koyal makes the tonj pure, , wholesome and tlellcloui. POWDER Absolutely Pu.ro BO'Al 6AKIK0 rOADER CO , St YORK. ceed, with shott, quick strokes. Sweep with the breadth of a velvet carpet and acioss the breadth with a brus sels carpet. After the room has been hvvept remove the dust on the moldings and walls with n broom covered with a canton flannel hag. Hub the base board with n slightly damp ioth and then pioceed to clean the btlc-n-brac. "Suppose you nte lieanlnu a room with nimble, luonzes and delicate pieces. For a Flniontlno m.iible use a paste of water and whiting, coat tho piece with the paste nml icniove when It has tilled with a soft brush. If the bionze is giensv mli It with olive oil and then with tuipentlne For tarnish on gas fixtures and picture frames take one gill of water, one ounce of com mon salt, one ounce of alum, and two ounces of purified nltio and apply with a soft llnnni'l. A wooden flame may be washed In cold wnler and rubbed until It possesses a pollsti. A little soap Is .also 2ood. even for pianos, which should hive a vlgoious rubbing ture?" asked a demine little maiden at tho ft out table with an engagement ling on her flngei. "If the leather has a black, shiny ritiface," said the instructm, 'It needs on application of soap and cold water, and a treatment of castm oil This Is for plain leather and for Tuiklsh mor ioco the best llilng is a benten white of egg, nibbed on with a cloth and then wiped off." "What about haul wood llnois"" was the net query fiom the coiner of the t oom "Th" plain, polished haul wood Moor should be cleaned with a cloth dipped in keioscne or boiled llnse"d oil. The waxed but tin tint lloor f-hould be pol ished always the same way of tho wood. Never touch It with water. Once n week Is often ennuch to use the polishing biush, which should bo a stiff and lieni y one on a long handle. The waxing needs to be done but twice a vear. Then "a llnal polish may be given bv putting a piece of brussels '.irpet. nap down under the heavy polishing biush." Doubtless, the questions would have continued indellnltel.v , but at that min ute the great gong sounded In tho hall and the housewife students gave that i hniacteilstie feminine Jerk to their hats plunged their note books into the depths of their shopping bags and filed nut of the loom like little girls in tho kindeigatten. School was over for that w eek. i:nsTi;it's I'nr.sinr.N iial uujl: Tho ote for Him in the I'nrlv Con volitions tins Alums Small. Call Sthiii! In Hni pel s Magazine. I'nhnppily lor himself, Webster was not sntlsiltd with the tin .iter of action on wldi h his abilities litud him for the gleattsl .seiviee rtnil on which he nt hit veil his hiuhest lenown. At a. cninpaiatlvelj eail peilotl ot Ills ca ie'1 he indent! wished to be sent as Minister to Hnglnud, and lie bore a gtudge to John Qulncy Adams for his fniluie to Ki.illfy that desiie. Hver flute his ' Heply to Havtie" had made Jib- name a household woid in tlie coun ti. v an ungnvei liable longing possessed llllll lo be piesldent of the I'lilted Stales, 'I he morbid tuning uniiiiie nly tailed 'tin piesldentlnl fevei" divel nped 111 liini, ns It beiame tin unit, its most dlstirssing tonus, dlsntdering his ambition, unsettling his judgment and w.iiping his statesmanship His im agination iilwnvs i.iw the foveted pri7c within his gnsp. which in tonlit it nevtr was. He lacked the sort of populatitv wlih h, sines the admlnlsiia tlou ot John (Julniy Adnins, seemed to be lequhed for a 1'ieslilentlal candi dal y He tiaielletl ovtr the land. South and Niith and Hast and West, to mamif.ictiue It for himself, but in vain. The people looked at hliu with awe and ll-te in d to him with rniitmr and w nude i, but as to the I'iChldenry the fancy and favor of the politicians, ,is well ns of tilt misses, obstlimtelv ran to other men. So It was again and ngnlu Clay, too, was- unfortunate as a piesldenli.il candidate. Hut he could have nt least the nomination of his pal ty so long as their appealed to be unv hope for his election Webster was denied evrn that. The vote for him in tlie puty conventions was al was distressingly smull, usually con fined to New Hngland, or onl a part of It Vet he nevei ceased to hope against hope, and thus to Invite moie nnd mote galling disappointments. To Henry Clay he could vleld without humilia tion, but when he saw his patty riffer to himself, not once, but twice and thtee times, men of only military fame, without any political slgnlllcanco whatever, his moitlilcatlon was to keen that, in the bitterness of Ills soul, he twite openly ptotested against the le sult. AVorse than all this, ho had to meet the fate a fate not uncommoii with chtonlc presidential candidates to see the most Important and most questionable act of his last vcais nt ti United to his Inoidluato craving for the elusive piUe. liiengo Live Murk. Chloao. Pee 1 -Cattle Weak and low er at fl3)a3.pi. Cains 5C.H! DO; stockciH i.nrt fetdtis, $jul Sj, ptline fteders, $1 '.Oi 1 jii 11 's SllKiUO, common picking lio(,x, $M",t3 2J, pl(,s, $A.i3J". Sliet'i' .."j aJ for Inferior, up to JlilC for fair to choke, u -Mini fed nhecp. )l 10al "ij I'linbs, 3 7J.il for iiillH, up to $oWaJ7u for choice to pilnin lots Hi ft Ipls Cattle. Hm.OJ" head; hogs, Sj.f.xiQ head, sheip, J.U lit.ld. Cast liilu-rlv Cnlllo Market. Hast I.lbeity, I'ii. Dec. 1.-Cattle Sttfilj, piiiut l7.lil S5, common, Si.,1 3W, feedcit. Jlair.J Hos Slow; pilmei iiHdlums, ?t5i, btst Yorkers and pigs, SI Nil I 51. iGinmi n to fair. $3 Uil 50. heavy, $!4ja3.50; loughs. U t3.2:j. Shet.p Bteady. thole Il3ltl.fij. common. aJ, eliolto lambs, H 50a5.v) e-ommon to good, St Sua 40, veal ealve, fu 50a7 Hiillnlo liive KtocU. Hust Iluftnlo. N. Y Dei. l.-Cattle Steady. HojeH-Cjuk.t; Yorkers, good to choke. J 1 5Ja3 53, iousIih, lotr.mon to good, S3 10x3 23 j plies, common to choloo, f3COai.03; sheep und Hnilii, viry dull, lambs, cholcu to pmiii, S".i'3a.' &; cullu to common, JliAiS.lO; tihien, choice) to si lecttsl wethers, JlC'al.SJ; culU to com mon, 3a3.73. THE MARKETS. Wall .Street Kcilciv. New Yoik, Pec. 1. With only 111 slgnlllcmu Interruptions pi lets tended steadily upvvnrds all dny on the stock exchange, closing at nbotit the highest, with a very buoyant tone. Net ".ruins exceed tt point In neuily all stock". The advances at the opening were triv ial nnd ttiidlug wart not veiy ii.tlve, but as the day ndvnnced the scope of the spec illation bmadencd nnd assum ed a more nggresslvo and confident tone. The strength of the iniuket de veloped flist in Siuar and spreud grad ually throush tho tiniiket, separate stocks being advanced slim ply, one af ter the other, befoie tlie whole market took up the movement. Later the coal ers developed strength and It was not until the closing hour that the Grang ers and the market generally lespond ed In any mnrked dogrv Some of the stocks whlth del eloped most activity and sttcngth cstenlay weie sopieivhat neglected toda, while the lest of tho market rose to a nropottlonate leicl. The bear element did not ylel 1 without n struggle and was not driven to cover till late in the day when the scramble of the shorts materially aided the rle. Theie was no news of Importance din ing the dni, the bullish sentiment on the exchange being rather :i crystalliz ing of several days' Iniptesslous To tal sales wi-ie J'ju.UOO shaie". Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL L13N i CO., stock brokciu, Mears build in;, rooms 703-706. Open- High- Liw- "los ing, eat est. tug Am. Tobacco Co . Sl S3' SV- HVj Am. cot. on . . ..si "j3", .'pi r.'j Am. sug iio'g Co . .r,7"i. iji nr.. ljn4 Atch., To. Ar S IV..1."k IJ',, IJ, 1.' A.. T. & S. 1'. IT . i" :s"4 27, -XU Can. Southetii . . . SI'.. 34s, ,, ,i, Cllis. Clblo . 2H, 21 , 21, 21, Chicago (l.i . !Hi8 u.4 DJ l", Chlf. . X. V 1J2 121 122?, 12i' l hit , tt. - Q .. . "i4 ! 'i', :-,-, C. C. C S. St L ... ill Jl , Al .1IU Chk , Mil .V St I .. H2, 'It ?jt, si I hit H. I a; 1" ... ')! "(i) .,, ft Delamre A.- Hint .lirii, llu'.. pfii, 110i8 lien. Hleetll . ."J !Tj D.1 .H', Louis, .t Xnsh . SI', .Vi'h iil'i 33s M. K. fi. Tex , Hi . Wt ".l74 2IU .!!" Milih.itt.in Hie . .102 101 liil'i. In2"s Jlo Pacific 2y 31i4 29'.. l.Vt Nat. Ltml 3Pj ;;ps 111 ;;t N. . I. Cent nl ... .S3, s.71, s,i , fc7s N. Y. C-ntial . . .t07s 107' , !. 107'.- N. Y., L. i: .": XV .. ll'a I3'a 141, i;ig N. X , S A XV.. Vv r,, ia .-.it; -)( Not. Pa-Ilk, Pr .... ..,, .M.'j 3', ,,, (Jilt it Wet 0 .. . . IV, I. 1 l.VSi Hi, Omahi 77'', 7'l 77", 7' Pacific Mill l-i rii4 23 i .'O'i' Phil .1 Held . . 22 22". 22 22', Southern H It . . 'it, "ii "n, "', Southern It. H. Pr . 23',. r.O', .".i'. 3)4 Tcnn , C A lion .... 2l"i 234 24 1 23U Texas Pa 'lib 11, IP, 11", 11 "5 L'nlon Pacific 21', 2t" 21", U Wabij.li, Pr . .. 17T, 1S, 17T, is, West, l'nlon fcS ,V9 S7T, j,S', W. j . . .2', 24 i 2 U. S. Leither, Pr ill !'.. CI (IT. CHICAGO CHAIN MAIIKET. Open- Hltjh- Low- Clos. WHEAT. Ing. est. ft. lug May 11'h ''I' 'V, 'siij July b S3 SI si OATS. Miy 22'k 22'( 22', 22's COHN. May 2)', 23, 23', 2U'8 LARD. Mav I 17 1.12 4 37 I 10 POHK. May S 10 S.I3 s.4'1 s 10 S'crnnton Ilonril nf Trade tUxchange Qiiotntions--.ll (notations Uuscd on 1'ar of 100. STOCKS Scranton A. Plttston Tr.ie. Co. National Bortng & Drill's Co. First National Hank Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Batik Scranton Packing Co Lacka Iron and Steel Co Third National Bank Throop Novelty M'f'g Co Scranton Tr.ioclon Co Scranton Axle Works Weston Mill Co Alexander Cnr Replacer Co .. Scranton Bedding Co Dime Dcp & Dls Bank Peck Luiube- M'f'g Co l"cononiy Light, Heat & Pow er Co BONDS. Scranton Pass, Railway, first mortgage due 1920 People's Street Railway first rnortgigo due 191" People's, Street Railway. Gen eral mot-gage, due 1921 DIckFon Manufacturing Co ... Lacka Township School h.. City of Scranton St. Imp. 6.. Mt. Vernon Coat Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co lid. Asked, 20 8.) 630 ... 1 200 ... 93 ... 150 830 ... 80 15 17 75 230 ... 1W 103 130 175 225 115 115 115 100 102 10! S5 100 100 Philadelphia Provision .llniket. PhlUvltlphti Dtf, 1. Win fit-', e lover, fiintr.nt grade, Deeembi r. fti'ja'tiiV .Initial 1 11 brunri and Mar h. 'lomu.iil Com Stt.i-1, No 2 mlxfi Pi'o'iibei an I Jantimi a'li'K'.e . l" biii.n and Mai b, Q g-gm-gr We Challenge the World ! iooo pair Men's and Women's Regular $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes, Stacy, Adams & Co.'s and Gray Bros, hand-made, all sizes, B to EE, at $2.48 iooo pair Men's Three-sole. Calf-lined, Hand-sewed Shoes, all sizes, D to EE, worth $4.00, at 1.98 500 pair Men's Patent Leather Shoes, new toe, worth $4.00, at 2.-18 500 pair Men's Calf Shoes, Congress and Lace, worth $2.5) "t 1-49 1000 pair Men's Dress and Walking Shoes, worth $1.50. at 98c The above are only a few of the many baigains. We sell good, leliable shoes cheaper than others, for cash from concerns in need of ready cash and are satisfied with a small profit, and besides, we have avenue. Call and examine our goods before buying elsewhere. Make our store youi headquarters Remember, there is no trouble to show goods and you will surely save money by it. MYER DAVBDOW, 307 Lackawanna Avenue The Acknowledged Cheapest Wholesale and Retail Shoe House. N. B. Open Evenings Until Nine O'clock. nominal. Oats Steady, No, 2 white, De cember, January, Pcminry nnd March, 2"5"4a29i!. Potatoes t'nolialigeil; white, choice, per bushel, OSn'iv.i do. fair lo good, COalwf. ; sweets, prime, per biskct, COa.Vic j do, seconds, B5i."Wt" Huttir Steady, fair tlemnnd; fa my western eroimerj, KPV.j do. Pennsylvania prints, i25o., do. western 1I0 , 2V. Hbrs Klr.li, good demand; fresh, iiearb, 21- ; do Wf'lein, "Klc. Cheese Stead. Helloed Sugars Quiet but Mini. Cotton I n tluiugcd. Tallow Citv prime In hogs heads, 3'se.; country, do., in u.urels, jv,c; daik, do., 3c , cakes, 3'sc ; giease, 2c. Llvo Poultry Pirm; fowls, 7"s.i9c ; old roosters, i!c. j spring chickens, 7,iiaSHc.! turkeys, 3nl0c: dueks and geese, 8a'." Dresseil Poultrv I'nchingcil; fowls, choice, Se j do fair to good, 7ii7'jC.: chlck ins large, !V medium, SiiX'iiC 1 common and scalded, 7aSc; turkiys, choice. iSal.tc.; do. fair to good, Dalle; ducks, 7n9c. Re ceipts rioui, r.,W0 barrels and 17,000 sacks, wheat, ZiM) bushels; corn, R8,0f bushels; oats, 185,000 bushels. Shipments Whc.it. 4.001) bushels; corn, 8S.0OO bushclu; oats, 13(.,U00 bushels. Neiv York I'roiluce. New York, Drc. 1 Flour L'nchangcil. Wlitwt Spot weak; No 2 red, flS'4e., f. o. b, nlliut; No. 1 nortlirtn Duluth, tim'i, f. o b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, SI Ol3., f. o. b , ntloat. No 1 northern New Yoik, 9SV".. f. o b., nftont; options opened stead on fcorelgu buying, eased olt un der local selling picssuie, advanced sharpl" on a squeeze of Decembtr shorts and strong on tables, but linallv col lapioil under a bear raid mil tlceil 'pi 'se net lower. No. 1 nd. Jntiiinv, ti'. a 97 U-ir,.' . closed 9iC; Ma, 93 3-liU')l 7-1'V. elosttl !U',c. ; Decembci, !n,"jil9'C.. closed 9d",c Com 'Sjiot stead ; No 2, uTac , f. o I, ntloat, options opened steal, but subsequently eased off and closed prat tlcallv uiichangtd, Ma, 31'iaJI 7-liJ , closed 34'4C.; Decembci, 31 l-luaJl 9-lCc , elostsl 31 'f. Oats-Spot steady, No. 2, 20'i ii'Ji'ge : No. i", jiii(c ; No 2 while, 23'-.i 23c ; No, 3 white, -7'.i2sc . Hack ml"d, western, 2ii'2ii27'je ; Hack white, 27'-i3U' , options aitlve aril llimer, closing 'ic net ndviince; rebruaiv, 1 loed 27c, Mil. 27T,c ; Dectnibtl, Jw Hef Quiet, fam II, J9 50alO. Cut Meats Quiet, Jilekie 1 bellies, "ja7'.c : do sholudeis, ,",i4e Bul let Sttadv, western rienmer. 1ll2l , do. firtoty, ll'.e : Hlglns, 2k ; Imitation 1 1 eamei), 12al7i. slate ilalr), 12.120 , do. cri'jnier). Haii. Chuse Dull, lur,te white. September. &iuS3i , small white, September, t'.tO'ie, lnirfe eoloiel Sep tember, S'lnS'jc ; small coloied. do. 9i 9',f.; large bit" made. 7'.c; small do, S'liiS'je ; light sklins. daC'.c , part skims. ,"aCc, full klniH, ".i:a4c. L'ggs Ste.idi ; wt'sttin fiesh, 2Jo. Tallow Stead). Pe troleum Stead) , Penr.)lvantn ciuJe, no market, nominally 83t . Cliicngci (irain .'Inilcct. Chlt.igo, Dee. 1 The bailing futuies rangecl as follows lit at-I'ee ember Ma,a'"j'4f . Jnnilni), 92'il.i9t',i , Mav. 91 '.a. f0i,a'jiii..e Colli Dtcwnbei, 2j14i23'.p; Mnv. 2H'i29'1a29'4C elats December, in , n20-4i' : Mnv. 22Ua22'," Pork- Janu 11 v , $( U'sa1 I".. Mil), J1101S40 Liid-Dccm-btr. Slilo,, Jnliuaiv, I20i422'.., Ma). S4 .)7'.a4 to. Ribs December. Sllil17'3; .lanuiiri. SU3il"M: May, I .7' ta 1 17' -Cash quotations vn-ie is follow l'lotir Barely stead). No 2 spring wheat, tiia 90',c , No 2 corn, 2"c.; No 2 oats, '.qijo ; No 2 white, 23'j ; No 3 white, f . o b , 2i',a2le ; No 2 i)e, 43c , No 2 bail"), f o b, 2i,a.41c ; No 1 flax seed, 1 ol'iit O'i, pi line tlmothv secl. S2C5; pork, S7.l.3a7 20, laid. SI2ilal22'j. libs SIlOil nl shoiii'1-ei-s I, J.3 . sides, St 43115-. w I Iski . H l'i; Sugais, uiit'liangid. Reteipts-I'loui, 12. 1)01 Inirels, wheat, 171.0110 bushed, eon, 412 nun bushels, oils, i4.0i)l luishtls, re. 20,000 bushels; barley. 11.00) bushi Is (Ship, nu ntF Plour, 21.0"0 hamls; wheu. 2ii3 -Oft) liuslirls, torn 310 00) bush, Is, n.i. ll'i.fO) buMiti", rj c, none, bailev Ixir) bushels eiv York Live Stock. New York, Dee. 1 Bee v cs I'alilv ai tlvt stead); natlii stceis, "4 23i3, Maxs and os.ni, s2-,i,3fl; bulN. S2 75a1 to. diy tows, SI701IW Calve Pirm, iiuis, $3a S, cinssers, S.li.130 Shiep nml Lanbs Attlve and firm, sheep, ij 'dial 73, limbs, S3 23at10 Hogi Weak at $1 Ai3 S3. Stimulate the stoinm 11 rouse the liver, cure bilious ncss, headache dlr'ness Hour .tnmie h. rnmtiMlimi lr Price .v cei In So d ilruffglstn. Tim only 11 1 Is to ULo with Uoo.it Sar.apirllU. A NEW DISCOVERY 'iXLiMf" ilon". N. I- Hint iibsnlutf Iv m ii lir. 1 111111W. 01 t 1111 . rtttr 1" eveiitMni) septic or foul -vsjflj'Ty iimittr fiom cuteiin the 1..) r .niiiii.. jiW' Al ll dilates the iiomb, iJ-tl -- Itll IllTMlII" lllf.ll'S iA?-"??) mlstim riom spasmod EtofXvyflSrZilSri le 111 linns lire eurtil. Ovnr 1111 Diseases, Tumult-. Prolimsus.Puln. fill Meiistruiitlon, mid ull other DIstniOH of Women, lull or (-end tuo-cetit ntamp for pailiciilurs A. I". HOlTsOMAU:!". (HINLRA AtlKNT 2ill I'm 11 1.1 ill Ave., Si'iunton, I'u Pills I.t all Today and Friday and Saturday. Our Third Semi-Annual 6 Days Sale Begins on Monday First Our Six Day Sales have been extensively imitated, but never equalled, nnd in starting our Third Sctni-Annual Week's I5.irg.iin Giving, we have simply to say that Such Values as Wc Will Oiler have never before been seen in this citv. Tho harrr-iin;. hnvunupi- .,m nn i had on the days named. Monday's 's on Wednesday, etc I Ui-OWtl, IUI I Ul'-)Uiiy b On Monday Our entire stock of LADII.S JACKKTS will be at your dis posal at prices that have never been appioached by any cloak house in this city. On Tuesday Wc will send the knife deeply into LADIES- WltAl-PtiltS Prices offering the entire stock at a special one-day cut price. The values will surely be phe nomenal. On Wednesday The Great Bargain Attraction will be LADIES' CAPES. Not old capes, not even last year's capes, but new up-to-date capes at lower prices than other nouses asK lor oia capes, torDon't Miss These Specj.il BLACK'S EMRSM Your Floors Must Be Covered But what wtih? That depends. For halls, stair landings, kitchens, etc,, where the wear is he.ivv and absolute cleanliness ts essential, you cannot improve on I inftlflllTIQ We ':,vc nem m a" makes, widths and qualities. l.lllUltUlII5 prkes 40C 0 7.c a sqlure yard( for 1 ds one to four yards wide. fnllld I innlPlllTIQ Ale Imich- sought after nowadays. H,M1U L-muieumb As good as Msaic tiling) becai.e the pattern is as solid as the goods and cannot wear off. Prices very moderate. Oil Cloths Aie still wanted, although thev aic not as popular as they once were, and we have them in abun dance, also Oil doth mrr; lor cloves of.- Tho Alloc. Ann All Vn. SlJ'les, but arc perfectly seasoned and wan anted to give satisfaction 80c. Moquette Carpets Arc a surprise to all buycis, They cost moie money at the mills today than we ask, and when these are gone you'll do well if you get the same quality for $i.2S. Isn't that a saving woith straining i point to gain? KERR ADMIRED BY HIS FRIENDS And nnvlecl "In bis en miles. We Imvo brought nlioiit the tlmo vrhen 11 mnn to mod pinteclrciiniitiinces iiiu be vti'll dresct ttbort tlmein;o bo nas eomp?llcil to put up tv ltli n reud.i-madti suit. We make 11 suit from $15 up. llio color, cloth and cut sun uuteed. W. J. Davis, 2 1:1 W.voinliig ie. o Meet Tiiese 7S pair Ladies' Walking-fast to 6, D width only, at 3000 pair Ladies', ranging are worth seeing. 150 pair Ladies' Beaver Elastic $1.00, at Misses' Shoes at 1 750 pair Children's Patent Leather Wedge-heel Shoes, very dressy, worth $1.00, for , 49c bargains will not be repeated on On Thursday Wc will show a linn nl l.A. DIES' WAISTS such :is rnnnnt- be found anywhere else in this city, and the Bargain Price will be such as to delight and sur prise every visitor. On Friday We will devote our attention entirely to LADIES' SKIRTS, and when you see them you'll admit they're the right kind of skirt for well-dressed women. About one-half the actual value will be the price asked. On Saturday The entire stock will be given over to BARGAIN HUNTERS. It will be Red Letter Day, and all the bargains that have been offered during the week will be repeated. One Day Sales 13S Wyoming Ave, CARPET HOUSE, 408 Lacka Ave, OF SCRANTON. Spcciul Attention ("ivento lUtsl 11 ess nnd Personal Accounts. l.ibcr.il AccDiiiiiiodiitions l'. tcndcil Accorclini- to Balance and" llcspoiibibility. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allovvcil on Interest Deposits. Capital, - $200,000 Surplus, - - 350,000 Undivided Profits, 79,000 WW. CONN ELL, Presiileilt. HENRY BELIN, Jr., Vice Trcs. WILLIA3I H. PECK, Cashier. Low $2,25 Shoes, si.es 2i $1.21 iu price from 39c to $1.3 and Lace Shoes, worth 61 69c, 79c, and 98c for the reason that wo buy oui goods won the largest retail business on the and we will be at your command. Pros