The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, December 01, 1897, Image 1

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A Verdict of First De
gree is Returned
by the Jury.
Jury Stands 1 to 11 on First
The Accusations .Undo Against .11 rs.
Nnck by Hip DcIpiisc Did Not lluvc
the Desired I. licet I pou n .lur).
Motion for a vv Tilul is Denied
.Speculation ns to Jlrs. N'ack's 1'ntu.
Now Ymk. Nnv 30, Vv'ln u .Mm tin
Thorn is led back to his i ell after
thf conviction ho admitted that the
M'idii t was Just, and he and nut Mrs
Nack Killed Clildensuppo. This, at -knowlcdgment
of guilt was made while
Thorn's cell in the Jail wits bdng lire
pared foi him. Duiing the tilnl Thnin
has been under barge of 1'olicc Cap
tain Methven, of Flushing. Captain
Methven had him under his watchful, when the jail oflirlals searched thr
cell Thnin Is to octupy for a day .or
two While this was being done Thorn
talked with til police captain. Jle
I am glad it Is over and the erdict
given I am convicted, and I am enn
Unted It was 1 who killed Oulden
suppe. and I cut up his body, Hveiy that Mrs. Nnok said upon the
stand was substantially correct. When
1 was on the stand I lied when telling
the story as 1 did, but I lied to ileal
mjisplf. It is no use carr)lng It any
futther I nm guilty and am convict
ed. It is what I expected and what I
suppose people think I deceive, and
poihaps I do."
New York, Nov. ,J0. The Ileiald will
tomotrow print Martin Thorn' denial
of the repo- Uiut lie hi I confessed.
New Yen it, Nov. SO Mm tin Thoiu
was today convicted of murder in the
fist degiee in killing William Oulden
suppr, his piedteessor in the nlfp tlutis
of Mis. Augusta Naik, at Vv'ooiMde, .
1 on Juno 23. At the kiiuci of
Thorns counsel, the pa'-sagi uf Hu
ll' itii sentence was deft-tied until iiet
IVd.iy morning Thorn lip.tnl the Jui
ren polled on their eiillct, and Iisl"ii
(1 to e.ich of them seali'u- his Into
with a neivously uttoied "cs." Thoin
tazed at e.u U ona of th'cui mil appear
ed to be U-8 Itnpiessed wltli the sol
emnity of the occasion than unv one
in the Juiy bov Ills face never i hang
ed coloi dtulng '.lie living uiduil but
with lips thinly and jiws
hnil set, ho faced tin- Judge, Jin v and
iH'trt icoin full of pec talois. with well
f -n mil 'ti.ici'-iu.
About Hiree weeks iijjn Thoin's Ilrst
tiial on the ihaige ot niiudi: was be
gun In the Queens county louit at
Le nu island cltv. but owing to the Ill
ness of a jui or it huil to be abandoned
'cftel llnce .i s A set und tiial opened
a week igo kii Monday, and counting
out tluee dnjs on which t lie emit did
tut sit. the ti Jul coi'Miiuul onh si
Mis Naoh's testimony dtuing the
mutual nude it ocmpulsuiy t r ThomV
Winers to change their line ot l 'tense
In the second tiial, .tnl they ininndi
ileh adotitcd the only idiuslblo ile
f nte that could be coneehul limb r
.such tnltig eliiunistaiues. The) ma li
ft Jluit charge against Mrs. Niuk and
ln -t-d thai hei alleged tonic ssun was
a lie ar.l that she heiselt was the In
"titatoi and perpeliatoi of tin niur
i'u, Tlmru 1 olni lutiot.i'.it uf the kill-1'..-
until i.riei Culdeusujipi hid l . n
shot lij .Mis-. Nack. The woman was
not up due til ilunnir the second nlal
but Thorn went on the stand and sub
stantiated all the nssoitioiis made by
M- l.uvveis as to the midwife's guilt.
His storv. If air. thing, was ir-uie drain
aiiiully told tl an that of Mis Nutk
lu-t as the erdiet hIuws it 1UI not
lme tho defiled etTtct upon the Jiu
ini n
Wl en cutiit opened this inoining
I.awjfi- Howe beg'in summing up In
bol uf of Then n. lie made un earnest
appeal to the juiy tor his clbnt. and it
w i" th night by many who hail the
privilege of heuilii!" him lib ef
forts would leave a veiy gieit impiis--I'm
un the Uiiois. Mi YnuiiKH fol
low eel. mil held the attention of the
Hiroit. throughout his hjxedi. which
Ia&tecl almost mi hour Judge Maddux's
eh ii pc was rate fully propan-d anil well
dellvcied. It was neknowlcdgeil by the
lav. yeis for the prlt-oner to be etienie
Iv lucid, tali aim impaitlal. The Jut v
remalmd In di llbeiatlon 1nst thirc
.houis, when tiny m nt woid to the
Julgo that thev weir icailj to lender
ft veidlct. The fact of their n mulnlng
out o long i.mvh hope to tho ilelnisc,
but us each one of them look his sen
In tho Jury bo his fmlal cvpn suon
told voiy Ulstlnctlv the lemlt o the
threri hfiuis' tonfc rem e
Tin: ojiiNoHs wuitn.s.
"(Sullty of tllP chatge jnpfetied,"
vvrre tho ominous v'ii which fell
from the lips of tho foicman of the
Jury anil although this veidlct was
not an unexpected one. it hit the di
fendAnts counsel vci. haul, as they
had built up tho hope foi a dlfugi ce
ment, or ix Pldlet In tho minor degiee.
Thorn's lawyeiK moved for u new tikii
on tlo Riound that the vordlit wah not
In accoidmico with the weight of evi
ilenco, but tho motion was nxei ruled
Jxlft What Will become of Mis. Nack
lias liot been made known bv the
Queens county authorities, but It In
generally thought that the people will
necHpt a plea fimn her which will not
call for capital punishment
No vvomni ucic ndmltted to ilie
com t room today. After cllscusslnn on
it technical point, n lecoss was tnkon
to peimlt tho Jurors to go to Woodslde
cottage, the ceno ot the murder. They
wont by special tiollcy car. The In
spection occupied but eight minutes.
No one was permitted upon the prem
ises (lining the time tho Jurors were In
the cottage.
When tho patty had returned Mr.
Howe began to sum up for tho defense.
He made much of Mis. Nack's alleged
pei fldy to the man she professed to
lovo and commented on tho fnct that
having hail Mrs. Nack on the wltne.s
stand in the trial which was terminated
by the Illness of a Juror, tho piohccu
tlnn did not see lit to again take her
llotha was chatncterlzecl by counsel
as n Judas, ready to betray his master
or his friend for nny paltty sum. Mr.
How u said that the Jury must have
seen that It was Impossible for one
poison to do tho cutting up of the
body as It was accomplished Mrs.
Nntk' knowledge ot anatomy, acquired
in her profession, stood her In good
stead when she was tutting up the
empse of her former lover, Gtllden
stippe. Mr. Howe Insisted that Thom .should
be acquitted
Dlstiiit Attorney Youngs followed
with his final address and Judge Mad
dux charged the Jury. He explained
the law governing evidence and dellned
tho dlfferenie between murder and
The- Juiy icilred finm the court loom
nt S.2o o'clock. They ictuined with
their verdict at 5.30.
Mr. Howe's motion for a new- trial
was promptlj denied. The jury stood
11 to 1 for conviction on tho first sdx
baliots and agioed on tho seventh.
Spain oners to Pay $25,000 for tho
Oputlsl's Death.-Third of M lint
ttns Asked.
Washington. D. C, Nov. 10. Spain
offers to settle the claim of Mr.s. Itulz,
widow- of tho Philadelphia dentist who
died in a Cuban prison, for 523,000 It
is understood Hint the State depart
ment will advise Mrs. Hulz to accept
this amount as a tompiomisp for the
?7.-..000 which she at ilrst asked for. or
lather the $10,000 which the State de
partment throuiiht was the sum which
fche uucht to leech e.
Spain, it is untlei stood, does not nd
mit that any Indemnity is really due,
refusing to concede the claim that Dr
ltuiz was not pioperly lmpilsoned or
that he was murdered by the pilt-on
ktepeir. but is willing to give Mrs. Hulz
S.'"i,000 in ordet to end tho matter and
lemove nn possibility of filctlou with
the I'nlted States
In other woids, it is said to be mi
otlitr act of grace, like the imiilon of
the Compotitoi fllibubteis, prompted bv
fi.enilllnes-y tow aid the Tulted States-.
l'rom n Spanish Standpoint the Af
fnlrs at Cuba Are I'cacclul.
AVashlngton. Nov. :;u. The Spanish
mlnlstei mala s public the following
dispatch fiom Dr Congosto.the Spanish
consul at Philadelphia, but who Is now
in Cuba on a mission for Ids goveui-in-nt.
"The t rms in which home jule is
cnnccd.d has inoduced an etfee t which
cm not be impioved upon The com
mission of the homo rule and flefoim
1st panics has thanked the governor
gencial and assuied him of their adhe
sion to the ins titutlons.
"The same lias ben done bv the
ihamber of cummeree and other coi
puratlons. who lint lilegiaphed to
Madrid that the slncetlty oi tin- gov
einment has lalsed publk spliit. Uvety
one expects immediate sood lesults In
favor of pae lllentlun "
i Doc Not Care to Accept the Attoi
! net (Piiprnlolilp.
Washington. Nov. 30 When asked
tonight whether theie wa.s anv truth
in the often minted repot ts that he
bad betn tenden d the attorney gen
eialship. Assistant Secietary Da, of
the state department, suld "Tip
piesiclcnt some time ago was kind
enough to' tender to me the position of
attorney gonoinl In the event of a va
tanev in that utile e, whbli, after con
slderatlon, I have been ipIih tantl
eompelled tu decline fur icason.s e-n-tliely
Tlleie Is eveiv teason to belli ve that
Judge Day will continue vvoilc In his
piesent position in the state depait
I inent.
!ill (Set I'.vpii lMth IJnMoii Mer-
i.lninls tor l,oss ol Trade.
, Hoston, .Mass, Nov .0 This vve-Pk
has been s( t t as "Menhaut's
I week," and fiom today until next Sat-
uid.i an uimv of shoppeiri Horn with-
In a ladlus of fifty miles Is expected.
Notwithstanding that business men an-
the piomntcis of the Innovation, the
1 Idea is net popular with all of them.
j it is nsseited that the business men
I uf neat -by towns, vvhost trade miffei,..
win seen in gc-i squat e uy throwing a
laige ji.xtt of their custom tu New
Lack ol' Hviilcnce Agnlnst Collins.
New oik. Nov. SO Slv ester ( C'nl
IIih, who was ohaiged with nibbing the
potnttl(o at Tiitumy, Pa. ami who has
been conlliKd In the Ludlow stieet Jail
foi a wenh. w.n disc hurled by 1 nltrd
Stall s Shield." todaj, ow
ln tu luck of evMt-iui Collins wius ni
iiKted by centtal ufjie tictoi lives and
tinned over to tin feltiul authoiltles and
nils i Icutilled by potolllei Inspic-tois u
llll Old OffPIHlcl
SntlocatPd in tho .Niihant.
i.ythtriNi. Mb li , Nuv "i Kliema-i
Jacob lllener (iml Deck Huna Harold Mil.
hi, of the Milliner N'ahsrit, wile sulfj-
ated In tnu the vvllih burned the inn
almost to the want's edge and doHtroii
Hi, re duck ti. which It was monico, Into
last night. The total lt. will be about
fKi.ivm, which liuliidts :'j uit cats una
r..ejO tone d oi oie
Cornell' 'I minor.
IHi.tta, N. V , Nuv Si) Tho Coi'nell alh
It lb council has engugod C. V. Conner,
of the Clilciio Athletic club us generil
tlhletju ti. ilner.
Slemn.hip Arriinlx.
Now ork, Nov. ."M Cleare'l- Pari,
Hu'itlitjitpton; Wertirnland, Antwerp.
Salltd Spieo, nrwne'i. Airtiod: Bnuth-
wui'i, ilwrrp.
Tlic (Members Arc Unusually Slow In
Putting in Appearance.
In the Matter ol Currency tho Demo
rrntsmul Their I'roo Silver Allies
Will Oppose Uverytliiiig Advocated
by the .Mn,joritv--.lli. Cameron's
Opinion on Appropriations.
Washington, Nov. 30 -Members of
congress -ne untisnnll.v slow in puttliu,
In their nppcaiance hole for the lingu
lar session, which loiuenes next Mon
day. Tew- of the Icadeis of either hoU"-o
arc hcie let. With the exception of
tho pionouiiced mid radical pio and
null-Cuban congressmen, the members
of both houses as a tule seem to be
holding their Judgments In nbe.vanie
until thcynsceitaln from olllr lalsouiccs
exactly what the situation Is. In tho
matter of currency It seems alreadj
established that the Demouats and
their fieo silver allies will oppose stub
bornly anything the maloiity Is likely
to piopose and the fact that the oppo
sition In the senate seems Insui mount
able Inclines mnnj of the Kcpuhliuiu
members of the house to the opinion
that It would be wisdom not to at
tempt nnv legislation whatever
This Is tho opinion of Chilli man Can
non, of the appropriation committee,
who at lived today. Ho said so long as
the senate Is anti-Hepublicnn, as at
piesent, all effoits to get lUrnncy re
foim ltgislation will be to much waste
of time and eneig.
Mr. Cannon fuither 'aid-
"I believe In n llbeial but not an ex
travagant policy In making nppioprla
tlons, and until our revenues Inciease,
I sluill oppose entering upon new en
terprises lcqultlng the epondituio of
government funds. '
Ho thinks that by the beginning of
tho next fiscal year the lJlnglev tariff
bill would uffoid revenue sulllclent to
meet the legitimate demands of the
government. He believes the i oinlug
session would be a eompaiatlvely biief
one. ns there Is little "to do bejund
passing apptopriatlon bills. He added
tint the oppiopilatlons committee will
lepoit the legislative and pension sip
pioprlatlon bills to the house beloie
the Chilstnria holidays
Mam Wrecks Aro Itcpoitcd All Along
the IJllglisli Coast.
Ionduii, Nov 30 Twenty bodies have
been washed as note, us the icsiilt of
the teniblo gale raging on the coast.
Vlnm . rtt lw Vin, l.m.n . m... IaiI tr-l..
-....t ...vsnr. ,,i. , v I'Vlll I l-w, i l"l , 4I1CT t
m;i wmi at rrai uuioiiu nas oeen
washed away, and tin pas.n. nnd
mall services aeioss the- iluunul have
been 'mostly suspended.
An unknown ves-M i,i wictked on
lioumer Hocks, at IJeiwb k-on-Tweed.
All lier crew weiediowned. Thelblt
lh steamei Usjiarto loilndered ( IT
ltujnl isovPieign l.lghtsiiip, in the Ung
ll"li channel, after having bi en in iul.
ll-lon with the- Fteneh stiamer Noil.
The Noel wa-s beached m Jmngi-neysl
in a sinking cuudittoii. No lives were
The liiltlsh ship Lainlci. Captain
Huigess. fiom St John, N. It. for
rieelwood-on-the-W.vic-, was ill hen
a.shoie. Hei position is dangerous, hut
tile c lew was snvtd.
The stoun Is tiavtislng various parts
of the continent
Itusci ol it Woman huspec led ol Pass
ing Coiintpilctis.
New York, Nov jo .li Josephine
De (jiitdn was. held In $ .-,00 ball by
Cominlssionct- Shields todav. on the
charge of passing counteifelt (oln
When she disc ov end on Satuulay that
she was being shadowed, (-.he scan, nil
blight coins into the guttei. Her attlie
was seanhed at the station hmHe by
tin- matron and D4fi in good l'nlteii
States (tiriency was found In om- cur
iously c outlived poikft, and $.', In gold
mil good paper monej In anothei No
counteifelt money was found upon In i
Jt Is believed the woman passes tho
countei felts In this c lt fi- a gang
which innktH them In Nw Jerse.
Stairway Tom Out to Lower an Im
mense Coipse.
Fan Vrnneisto, Cal . Nov. 20. The
burial he-IP today of the bod uf Jlis
Theiesa Cniduia, who v.elghetl over lino
pounds, was atteutled with many tllf
tlcultles because uf her eiioimouJ 7.-.
To get Hie ooipso out of llio house the
uncle itakeis had to lueak down the
The lemains wtie boine tu the grave
In a t-jpket bound with lion. As it was
tai too Intge for any lteaice. a heavy
eiiess wagon was brought Into use
to head the funeral piuces.lun. Mrs.
Cmdoza was mauled twin and leaves
live children,
I'urtcll Outclassed.
IllimlURhain, Un",, Nov 30 -At the J'lr
niiughnm Athletic club Hilt cveilllU Al
thur Akcis, of Illiinliighani, ir.t t l'add
I'm tell, of Kansas Oil, for a puis- ot
S5u ($l.'.'Su) in a L-Mound 10 The lie. t
was soon over, i'lutdl ht big tonipletely
ciulclai'Hed unit Aktis vvluiiiui, in ninety
.His. Johnston Cremated.
Ticnton. N. J., Nov In Mis. Alaiy A.
Johnston a bi,inisl to death this ifw-r
noon. Her dies caught Inn fiom a hot
toul vvhllii she was lakltu- th kltehi n
llm ami her clothing was niliiclv burned
tioin hei bod. She dlcsl two liotiis later.
.Naval Olliccr Ueigns.
Hnriisbiirg, Nov. i AdJiiijpi tjrueial
Stewart lecelVed and antptiil locU tho
resignation of I'raiic Is Sliiiuk liiuwn, of
I'hllii(lelihl.i, oninijiiclci- oi thu first
battalion, State inllltUi
Attempted to Shoot Ills Mite,
Dftioll. Mich, Nov fi V J IJuiluii,
auimpleil to shoot bit v.lfo ami then com
inltied suicide loik, ( a 111 of Jeal
ous Tho worn n wns not seilously in.
rpnullPKS Couplo Suicide.
Lowell, Mass.. Nov 30 -Kmnk A Keith
end -VUifsle Hodfrey tonuiditt-d sulci le
by inliullng gas in a- room in this ilv to
duj Thty wcie renull'ss
. II. Donlcv. I'ivn Mouth Mnirlcil,
shoot Himself.
Wllkea-Hant, Nov. SO William U.
Uonlev, a onng catpontei, who for
nietlv lived at Iai7ei ne, was micsted
Monday on complaint of his futbei -In
law, N. I Molding, fur thu atoning to J
kiii ins wne. vvinn placed in the lock
up. Donlej said he tried to suicide by
shooting himself In tho hi east on Tues
day last anil showed a bullet wound
on the left breast to prove his allega
tion. Dr. Heist was. ji nt fur and probed
for the built t in the afternoon, and
found It in the llesh over the heart,
The bullet Is a 22-callbre one, und was
lemoved with diflleulty.
Donley sild ho diet It because of do
mestic trouble. He said he was miii
lieel but live months ugo. He matried
Miss Anna May Holding and for a time
thdr life was happy. Then they ie
moved to her fnthei's home on Itall
road stieet. this elt, when trouble be
gan. He was out uf work and became
ilispondcnl und discouraged.
American's Must Jlukc mi IJvnniplooi
Coppci'H.ins to Keep Piece.
Washington Ni v. I!0 The state de
pmlinint has been untitled that the
l'oiuvlan mitheiltli s aie thn.itening
tho Interests of Victor MacCoid tlu
Aincilijn enuiiieci who was nriest
ed and unflncd In that cuuntrv (lin
ing a t (volution and in whose behalf
oui government has pietoiieil a ( liiltii
for lndotnnit)-.
JraeCord's attmney vs riles that If tho
( laltn is not Insisted upon and prompt
ly paid the Peruvians will be oinbold-
ned to niurler or maltu-at Amei leans
at will, us t ellng in the c xse Is veiy
Sovoii .Men Hilled and Seventeen
.More at Point uf Death tioin Di Ink
ing thu Stuir.
Maplesvllle. Ala Nov SO. Seven
men me dead and seventeen mote me
not evieet'il to live, fiom the result
of di inking n mKtuio of wood alcohol
and ehi ap whlskev
The dillik was lmurht In Selma. by
Hill Antleivon and anothei faituei, and
biou,;ht lieu- bv them and totalled tu
farmeis and laborers on the .Mobile
and iihlo extension, which Is in pio
gress of oonstiui Hon thiough this
place-. A gieat uiuubcv of faimeis and
liillrund hands puioh.ised some of tlic
niixture. and imniedlattly after drlnk
Imr tlic concoction lute taken vli-nt-1
ill No phjslc iaii was at hand, and
main uf thm died beloie attention
e ould be given them. The alcohol was
lab-ll"d '-'or in' .Imr paint."
"hi- affair lias created a gieat st-nsa-tti'ii.
Andni-'on and Ills puitnei me
among the dead.
C.coixp Mihsiiii hecps Vlieml ol His
New Vulk. Nov. !0 Heoine P. Rlus.
sin and (ieuii,e Sutton plai-d the sic
und came in the bllltaid tournament
at Madison Sipian Harden i one eil hall
this nftt rnnun Slussuti won bv the
Seoli- of itia to .'ss
At thi close til tile tell llinlllgs
the tuii stood SIiismui. -in. Sutton
."i0. A inn uf Jl wits inude b Slus,m
in the thiit.v -third uiuliig. Sutton i.ui
up to -'t, redlK lllg Slosson's lead to .
In tin- foitj -se venth Slo.sson i an up to
'J, duing most ot the plalng outside
the bull; line nnd lulnglug tlic tush
lotis into ida.v Sutton made a dospei
atcj etfiui tu cut down Slussun's lend,
which was glowing ihingoiousl near
the uue liiiuilud, mid though his
midnclulis diiveh and at limes ( lever
nm sis inptiited the house, lie timid
not maintain the good wink. Another
long inn of L'I in the llft.v-thlld cariled
Slosson over the bundled maik, tho
scon- .standlns Jill to ;jo in SIip-mhi'
As the game inogitssed Slos.sun's
supeilui skill was vidble. und .Sutton
seemed to lose neive- with defeat star
ing ill him. In the sls-ty-ulnth he
lii.xc-td up foi 21. and In the sevenly
secoml he made a ginnd lallj and made
u inn all over the table for 5u a "sk
lodiet" endlnr; It.
The heme
Sliism o, .'. I, J. 5. in, 0, !, II, U, la, jo.
II. U. ii. (I il, , 0, 0. T. .". It, I, 3. 0. ;', 33, 2, 0,
-i. . ii. si. e. r. :-. ti. a. o. s. a. n, :s. m. o,
T. ei, o. Z), 2. it. m. j, :. St. js, (j, s:, i, j. u, 1,
3. 1J. 3, 0 5. 1. 0. 3. I Run.
Sutton 1. U, III. ,t. 0. I.-'. !!, 5, .'. 0. 3, II, .',
1. o. 0, 0. 0, 1, H. 5 U o. 0. 0, ft. 2, 1. o. l. :i. J
o ri. ii. ii. b, ti, o. id, 7. i, i. ii. i. a. r. i,
I' 0, 1.1. p. 0. S. l."i. J, 1, 7. J, 20, J, 1, J, j, o, o,
o. o, .i. o. i. 53, i. 7-tas.
Vt-ratfeH SlnsKon, U2.3, Sutton. r U-S7.
ill.h mi csiuxFon, S3: Sutton, ns.
Tlmt J houri'. 10 minute,
l-'iank f. Ives tonight defeated Man- I
Hie U.tly In the thtnl game of the
tournament by the stun uf fno to USA I
Hal got the Ilrst applause when he
gntheied In nine t-asil In the (list In- '
nlng Ives fell down utter live buttons
hud been passed tu hies i ittllt. mid Haly
got seven Ives led with n mn nt 1'0 In
the think lu thu eleventh liming Ives
mnde n i un of l'J. which made his
tcoie C7, while Hal "s stood nt .!". Hut
In the next inning Dal, by running
up .'.' point, mail- n tie. in the tlf
tteutil Inning Ive.s suited I.', hulled 27
li. the next ami hitci mntle a iuii of 21.
Daly then showed lullllant woik, and
In one liming si mod :..
lu the thiitleth lulling Ives played a
nice Uttlo game ol hid- and sei k with
the net vvotk of chalk lines and guili
cred lu a t luster uf s Then then vvus
another Mattel, and the "sky locket"
phi took the plat--' of delicate, hnlr
sillttint, toutlic." Hut the bulls note
lolling light, mid Ives kept on until
1m had icachcd Cl lu the thlitthlid
Ives isilled up 3S inoie, nnd lu the
thlit-foinlh Dal ndileil 21 to his
scoie. Ivts following with 30. The
lvis-l, 5. 31, fc. I 0. I, I. I, o, I9, :, L .'l,
.7, I. .'., 21 . 7. 2.'. 10. 23. Ss, 13, J7, b. 1, 7, 7,
lil, 0, 1. J. S, HO. It, 3 eOcl.
Dil-U. 7. 1. 1. 0. 0. ii, 0. 1, Hi, 2, 22, P. I,
1, . 1. .1. , 7. 3. 11. 1. !. 1 111. 13. I'J. 17. :, .'.
10. .!. .'I, .', 30-3M
High lUIIK-lte, 01: D.ily, Of.
AviuiKes-IVfS. 13 l'J.37; Daly. 7 I-S3.
Itcleree Hdwi'ld .McLrjlillU,
Thlle .1 bmiii).
The afternoon g-ime tnmotiow will bu
between Schaefet mid Sutton nnd Slos
son and Dalv will jday in th'e evening
She Visits the Scene of the Murder of
Mrs, Kaiser.
All Important Witness in tho Case
Against Kuisor Drives lo Cull'
,Mills--Clcmmer State That l.ilo
Cannot Harm Him II Shu Tells the
Nortlstown, Pa , Nov. 10Thoie wele
no sensational develoinnents today In
the Clemtner-DcKiilb-Knlser murder
Tho alleged confession ot MKs Liz
zie DoKnlb, which District Attorney
Strasburg said 1k would give out for
publication within twenty-four liotiis,
had not yet materialized. Counsel fot
Mls DeKulb said this afternoon that
tho latter had told the dlstiltt ntloi
ey all she knew about the minder
He said that his client would probabl.v
be hold as an accessoij
At 2.1S this af tot noon Miss DeKnlb
was taken from the jail fot a dilve over
the scene of the murder, along the old
flulf Mills road. She was accompan
ied by Dlstilct Attorney Stin.sburg, e
Dlstrh t Attorney Holland, her t oun
sel, Mr Jenkins and Chief of Police
Hodeubaugh No stop was made un
til the place wheie Mr.s. Kalsei's watch
was found was reached. The paity
here halted for a few seionds. The
next stop wns made nc?nr wheie the
murder of Mrs. Kaiser Is supposed to
have been committed. Miss DeKalb
showed no tiuee of neivousnes din
ing the trip along the mute whole the
foul cilme was petpetri'ted. The paitv
drove on to Oulf Mills and letutned
to Hildgepoit, on the opposite side ot
the rivet fnun Norrlstown. vli the liver
load, the mute supposed to have been
tnkeu bv Clemmer and Miss DeKnlb
on the night the muidei was com
mitted ALL A Hi: Ml'M
None uf the patties would dls uss the
tilp. Intt it is siiiposed that it was
taken In older to give .Miss DeKalb an
nppuittinlly to coiioborate the facts ot
the cunfes-doii which she Is said to
have made to the dlstilct attorney, and
tu detail the enactment uf the tiag
ei Iv
Hti million papei.s wen- iliavvn u
todav mid plated In the hands of Chief
Hodeubaugh tonight. The chief will
go to Haiiisbuig loincuiowi moinlng
and -c( lire the sliriuluie ot (iovemor
Hastings, and will thtn go cliiect to
New mk. when- the pipeis will be
set veil on Cleininei.
W'oitl vas leeched fmm Newaik to
day to the effect thai William Ledane,
a i.eisonal tilenil of Cletiiinpi's, had
made the statement that Clemmer had
told him in colilldence facts which,
when elicited In enuit and backed up
bv witnesses, will prove bt-jond a doubt
that Cli miner was n long distant o fiom
the scene of the muidei on the night
It occuiied. Lidane Is woiklng dnv
and night atheilug fads In behalf of
When the lattei was told toda.v that
Miss DeKalb had made a toufessluu,
he said "It she tells the nutli I have
nothing to feai She t annul saj anv
thlng that will anj wa Injuie ni.v
( ase '
I'aiinci Caret Wishctl no Inteiler
(lice Ironi liis Sisters.
Sill ma. Dtl , Nnv. ..0 Tin- tllistees
of the Odd Hollows' temeteiy tonight
swote out a vvniinnt foi the airest of
Nathaniel Caie.v, a faimti living mai
lieie, who on Thnnksglvliii, tiny ton- uj
the stone ovm- the giave of his Hist
wife and thipvv It Into the toad Care
sa.vs in explaining his conduct that
he did not wish Ills wife's slsteis to
iuttifeie, and that he would place
w hat stone he thought pre per over the
Cn the slab, whltli had bten elect
ed bv the woman's lelatlvts, weie the
winds. ' Our Sister."
Anti-Hambling Amu nil me nt.
Trenton N 1. Nov. .M U.-Scii itui
Hdrtanls has apiillt 1 to tin supitiiit c out t
for a hi-.iilng on anntlni- application In
(oantctlon with the auti-n.imbling aim net.
tin-lit to the i uii.titiitloii .lloitec on Se
tesnber 2s Tin-court tlnl Hiidj motn
Irj The npplli atioii will take the loim
of a cirtltraii tu liuve the stmt i.iuv.u-s-Ing
boird rev-use Us a tint la declaring
the intl-gainbhng imnnlnieiit eairbd
The point Is male thu tin- amendment
did nut have tin n-cpih, i
m, c jut lij .
Washiiilon's Institute.
Tfskogei, Aid.. Nov. M - The new agil
(tiliuial biilldim, at Tu-ktmei was foi
mallv opiueit iml iy in miieitlon with
Hokir T Wusliinglon's und In
dentil d iiiHtltulr Hun. .ImiKs Wllsu i,
sectetaiy of amleulliue. wa the chief
speaker iiincrnui Juhnstoii made a
piacthnl iidilress, uetllim- with tht need
or h.ivlin clu-atti! famine, white and
blai k. t- adciU.itcl ,eveoi the stale,
and then Setreluiy UiUuu mak tht. ad
dress uf the du
lliitish Stcnnici Striiuilcd.
Di-Iawaie liitukuattr Del. Nov. it
Tin llrblsh sleaiiu i Uleiio nil, fiom Hull,
stiaudiil on the new lne.ikw iter wliliu
jp.asslng in tin tajies list nUat She Is
haul agiouud with l-n f. . i uf water in
her hold. Two vvrPtkliiK tugs attache I
an nm hor to In i tnchi to tuevtni her
from bthiK ill l on tuither on tin iock.
An attemiit will be miik at high tlth to.
11.01 low nun lllllri tu Itleisi hei.
Toiiimv Itinii Wins.
Chit iu Nov. 3.J. Tuiiuny Hjau uf ih
racuiu, was given the decision tuiitjclil
ovtr Hill Stltt, of Chle.igu, in tin- sixth
tnund of what was to bene been a twtlie
rou ml bout Kjiiu had ull the bt of the
tUht liom the stint, furcod the lighting
nil the wuv tliroutih. and had Still in bad
shape win u tin jiolb Intel feietl
Ciilitiiln (aitcrtn Ito Courl .'Initialed,
WuMiiugtou. Nnv "o Stt n-iniy Alger
his ot del ed tliu ll'al h tuuit initrlliil of
Captain Olieilln .l Culii, Hit enu'lia-ei
nrtltti, accused of li legulaiitlt-n. In the
cms it Hon of rlvei mid luibor projeeb. In
llno llnll for Chnrlt.
Sin rrJiiclsco, Nov. U-l The. All-Ann il
car unci Kultlmoris j)lued at ltecre ntloii
jiark toclay lircimtlt the former tmn
winning bv score of ( to 2 The butttr.
Its wore ithti'Ps nnd sndih Tend and Don.
ConMablo DnvK of Wllke-nrrc, l
Very Handy With n lnn.
WllkoH-Harte, Nov. .".0. Constable
AVIIllam Davis mid Daniel Curtis went
to a Hungmlnn boarding" houe In
Duryea torlghi to nxtest Josef Hunt
nnd Gcolgo Huson. iliiuged with ilght
Itig. The olllceis vveto Jcolfiled und
when they attempted to foice their
way Into the house tho Inmates at
tacked them with nos. Davis receiv
ed n blow on the side of the head.
He immediately pulled his levolver
and filed Into the ctowd. The bullet
stturlc Mis. Putak, a ulstei -In-law- of
the proprietor of the bo, tiding house.
The bullet entered her lire list. It s
not known whether the wound will re
sult fntallv oi not. The t onstablen
finally took thelt men into custody anil
brought them to the Wllkes-Hano Jail
Terrible Tnto ol Caroline Noirls
and Iter (rnutUoii.
Cumberland, Md . Nov. M Mrs.
Caiollne Norrls and her giandson,
Samuel wele binned to death In thelt
home, a log cabin, near Pine Plain,
Allegheny lountv The section Is an
isolated one and the news of the cilme
whltli Is supposed to have occulted
last Wednesday, has just leached bete.
The bodies wele found lying no uss
n stove and terrlblv hut nod. it is
thought that the house was enteied by
tramps who toriuted the couple to get
money. It Is believed that thiee
tramps now In Jail at Miiitlnsbuig for
lobbei.v, poi pott ated the cilme.
Charge That Ho Has lleon (,'riiniii. I
itllv Libellcd.-Ilo Also Piles (iil
Suit Claiming
Haltlmoie. Nov. 10 I'nlttd Stales
sion.ttol (ieolg.- L WellillUton. of tills
state, toda atieared btfui the grand
Juiy mid climged that he had been
cilminally llbelltd b.v the liiltinioie
Anieilean, Kivlng color to the ih.uges
that he was using putionuge to Infill
enc the election of a I'nlted Statec
senatot to slice eed Althui P. Cm mm
The gland Jul piesontod Ceneial
I'MK Agnus, tlr- publisher and editor
ot the Aiui'iicun. loi indktnient l.atei
In the div Senator Wellington tiled
suit against Ceneial Agnus peiuonall
tor $100,000 ilmnagt.s.
The aitltle upon wlilth Scnaloi Wel
llugtun's actions ni based was pub
lished in the American on Hilda. Nov
W, together with an editoilal fiom the
J'ost, t Washington, of the pievluus
du.v In the latter Senator Wellington
was seveielv (iltldKcd fur his t,--lnial
iiindiiet as senator of the I'nltpd States
and (bulged with openl ofleilng to
inn chase votes fur a senatuilul uspli
ant thinugh the ilisicnsatlou of pat
lunage. S ii.ttor Wellington it it ml t-p.nised
the Lixuse of Covet nor Lloyd Lowndes,
who is seeking election to the seat In
the 1'nlted iStatm senate now ot cu
pled by Senatoi Cullium. who- silt
cessor will be I host n bv the legis
late o, whltli inetts un Jan. ", is'is, at
Tlio ('eiiuaii (nicriiinent Uill Scud
o Warship tu Un) ti.
Hei llll, Nov 'M -The Ci-mian go
(innient has abandoned Its Intention
ot s-ndlng Hie win ship Cellon to I'ott-au-I'ilnte,
Ilutl. tt tnfcjiev the de
mands tor the payment of an indem
nity to Hon- lhull Lueders fur alleged
false linpilsonmeiit The (illimi. In
stead, will be sent tu lelnfuice the
Ceiinau Heel in the Chinese wateis.
Hmun vuu Hulow, the Cernun inln
Ister for foreign uffalis, today gave
tht I'nlted States atnbns,idnr, Mi
Andit-w D. White, a wholly K.itisfac.
toiy pxpl.inntlon of Ceiiuan's Intention-'
tow in ds Ha ti.
hill) Da-, at IMmllco.
Haltlmoie Nov 2o. It was dei.Udl,
t hilly at I'iinllco toduv, both fot the p ib.
lb and Hie bookniitkds. Tht taleni hid
it good dit) of It iiml fl(! on the muiiy
good thing with a rush Tho nack was
lu uiiieli betti r 1 1 iitl'llon than for thu pai
ft vv da) s and the racing was sued.
1'list r,ue, fiiiluiifjs Hun Metal won
Clliiimtlls-J sei-on I, Dtlelltsso Allllttto
thitd. Unit . 1.IM,
Seiotul i.ut, 7 fill lunnx Miss Ttniiev
won, LiulsaU second, Sun In thud
lime. 13'.
Thlid ia.. irlb I'leuib i won, l.obtii
gulii set mid, Hftmo thlid; time, kit'..
I'ouith race, G fin longs .V an eiiton
won, Sanger sec un I. Sensational thii I,
I'lfth raw, one mile Swan vvuii. South
Afiita spinntl, Janns MuMot thlid; iline,
1 II.
Slvtli nice, Crren Splbig Valli- tU.
slt-iple luifp. full ionise lien Hull won,
I'lldtlit setDiid, hlty thlid, time 7 07.
Tinllii; Hates to He Advanced.
New Yolk, Nov " -The Uvc-nhij, Host
says As n ipsuii uf lerent tuntcn nee,
mailers an- now shtjilng among the son
co-il can It is lu i.tleuce tratllt talis on
that tuimnoclll) about 20 .ir tint Tip
new ameeiiinit Is still i ii'pttltd but vtlll
probably b- aiiuiiBi-d bolon tuniiii It
foi ii xi suisou'd nblpmrntH aie in id.
thkkivs this aIokmnuT
I VVtatlifr Initkatlonj lotU); i
! I'olr; Wurincr, i
i . . I
I HPiiiral Thoiu loufwsts to Murder
After C'niiviitlon
I'etsoli il of the N( vv Austlklll Cabinet.
l'rppttMtlmi! for tho Mteting of Con
J .Statu l.m ppta n Clocks Tij lo Swln-
die Yeallhy Anurliiiii.
3 Lo 'Hi-Second Day of iot an Hani
t Hditoilul.
New- Hooks mid Alagaziucs.
3 Local A Commodious Stun llulldlng
Slot "The I'utltnio of Jo!)
t, Lo " Court Dolus.
World of Spoil.
7 Local Hecepiion for Hon William
Count II.
Klrst Symphony Concert of the Season.
S Local West Sblo and Subiiibm.
0 Lackanunna County Nonr
10 Whitney's Weekly News Iluclget.
Tnc JlHikets.
List of the Council of
Ministers to Be
Baron Frankenthum's Selec
tions. (biCivnlioiis .Undo by n Joiirnn.
Printed on the .round--Tlio I'olit
ical Situation Is Serious Tho
Hlghtists mill the Leftists Ate
railed in Opposing Hnch Other
The Itpsiguutioti ol Dr. Abruhamo
vies Is Demanded.
Vienna, Nov. W. The new Aictilnu
cabinet, ot which Haion von Caulsth
von riaiikeiitliuin Is ptosldcnt of the
council of mlnistets, has been complet
ttl and will be gazetted tomoitow
The assignment of pottfnllos Js as
HAIK'N ON ClAl'TSCH. ptelillei .ml
mliilstrr of the Inteilui.
CtJl'NT VVOLHHSlinnilS, mlnlat.i i(
ii. lib ual dt ftui-e,
DH VON YvlTTHK. mlnlilprof tallvvjv .
tor uf public Instruction.
lll.HH KOItllHIt. mlnistir of commei
DH .1. VOX ttl'I'.Hlt, nltilMpp of Jtisti e
COl'.NT IIM.ANDTHROIDT. mlnlsl. t . f
Vienna Nov 30 The Neue Tn -
Pitsse totl.i, i efeiilng to the political
situation lu Austiln-Iluiigaiy, s.i-"
"The lllghtlsls have lormert a union lo
opjiDse the in vv government. While
willing lo vote foi ih piovlslonnl tnm
piomlse (Ait-'tio-IIiingmy compa O
bill, tluy d'lllno io entettiiln any pio
liosil iul the lep-Ml of the lanniiag'
orJluniK s Thi Leftist groups .it
united in opposition to the Hlghtl-i-Thev
demand it icpeal of the languuM
oii'lnaiuc .-. the withdrawal ol the
amended s'anding nnlets and Insist mi
t lie losignatlun ol Dr Alnnhamovlis
the pieslilent of the lower house of the
IMchsialh '
Vleiiua, Dec. 1 Dining tho tltds at
1'iague, Honda), when the windows ( r
the Oetnuiii theatie- and lieiman t luu
weie smashed and the dlsoideis wen
so Unions that the i Inters wti
chin getl b) the militate and dlspei-cd
at the point uf the bnvonet. a htinoi l
iieisons weie w minded and lift ui-
II sled.
lliitish Srlioouc'i Hlitc W iclI.ciI and
II CI Clt'lV Ojissiu;;.
New Yoik. Nnv 30 Pluallug In lp
Itssly mi the Atlantic, with both masis
gone, mid abandoned bv her new Hi
lliitish siiiuojin- nine wa.s fuiind last
Thursday by the Holland Ametbaii
Line steamship Vocndniu. Fiom In i
uppt'.tiaiiii he had then been vvntei
logged at least a v.eek. Pile was ap
plied t the vvtei I.
The Hllte was tiom Coole, on the
Ilumber ilvii. and was bound foi Si.
John's. Slie last tout bed nt Cm!!, on
Oct. lo. Nothing has bei n licmd of lie
men w ho untuned hi.
Several vessels m living, at this pert
today showed signs of uere entoun
terwlth the elements. The Nurwt gian
steamship Talisman fiom Dementi. i
was canvtht in a sticiesslnii of Ibne
gales, in which .she lost patt of he r
deck lit tings. The ship Mmy L. Cus'.i
Ing. 120 thi)s fiom llunululii, lost two
of hei boats in tin lecenl storm.
A .Mioionai 's AVilo nt .Munriigilii
Dies 1 1 n in 1'iight.
Ni vv Yuik. Nov. 10 lloiatl" r
,Tn)iics, n mlsslonm v who mrlvcel !) i
today on the Atlas Hip r Alene inun
l'nit Llmmi su)s that his wife w is
scaled to death b) the iutitislou ut
native mislniis lu see the new lubv.
Into hei beeliooin at Sail Callus. Mm
inglia. The native meant no liaun but
the eiitianie was sudden that .Mi
Ja.vues was filghteiitd so tlmt sin db 1
1 1 om tlie shot k
Mr. .In ties Is etinnctttd with the o n
tial Aiut-iicaii indei ndent inlssion .f
l'lilladelidila He brought the bub .o
his liuine lu that elt).
oitnil? C iindiillllu till .t.fiuliRlsliip
Jiiuiipd Ironi ii Window.
Cenlial Village. Comi Nov .',0 The
tenois of Initiation into the onlei f
she' Knights of Columbus jnoved im
inuili for Thomas Mti'otmiik. of Mun
itlgton. IK bet mill so fiightelitd 1 -tho
Hist stages of tho cevtniuti
he Jumnid I'loiu n thltd-stoi) wind w
to escape what was to tollovv
railing heavll) on the giotiiid b"hw
he whs badl) biuUed. hl collar bono
was btulteii unil It 1 fmr -tl that i
lius stistalnetl sellutt.t lutei iuii Injuie.-.
The lleiald's Hcatlipr l'(iiccat.
New Vull. Uet 1 -111 lie mlddb did
mid New Hugl.tud lu at. fab wiain i
Hllel Slight!) llisll.l tellllH I, tl ie WMI pi -vail,
with fr sh iciiIhIjIc v. Ii.i- n '
southeiL and tinllifsl ih und w n
clou linens followed bv lipat simw n c ui
wcKteiu und iioithtin ili-libtM po siuli
extending to tin Hudson v.eilev IM
Thiumkiy, In both of these iliins, pan.
I) cloudy tt fair, slightly tublot woathee
and fresh to brisk pouthwesteily ant
wedterl) winds will pievall. jiroeedod by)
snow or lain In the northern districts,
the winds po"toly. 'bwotulug hltk vit thu