The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 30, 1897, Page 7, Image 7

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At Norton's,
Shakespeare, In j vols, cloth
good stock, well made for 07 ct?.
McCaulcy's History of Dnglnnd,
5 vols , cloth lilndlnt!, for 97 cts.
Dickens' Works, 15 vols, cloth
good stock and well made, for ,( 00.
Scott's Wavcrly Novels, 12 o!s, cloth,
fair pancr and good type, for ,10 00
Ihilwcr Lytton Works, 13 Mils, cloth,
fair paper and good type, for ,S 00.
White House Cook Hook, cloth, $1 50
"George Klllot" Woiks,
0 ols. cloth binding, Ji.ho
John Sherman s UecollectioiH,
2 vols., cloth covers,
"bscrlptlon price 57.50, our pries, $.
ficn. Grant's Memoirs,
doth, complete, for Jtt.un.
Gen. Sherman's Memoirs,
cloth, complete, 51. 25.
Shakespeare's 12 Handy Yolum: for
the I'ockcL cloth covers, $3.00.
50 cent books), cloth covers. .15 cK
35 cent books, cloth enters, 25 cts.
25 cent books, cloth covers 15 cts.
25 cent books, paper covers, 10 cts.
20th Centiii , Scries standatil authors,
red buckram covers, ut It top,
excellent paper, pi luted li'oni new
type, equal to any $1.50 copyright
book, about too titles, price, 10 cts.
"Laurel Library" of standard authors,
bound in groin cloth and gilt top
printed from new type on splendid
paper, about 100 subjects, all classics,
fit for any libiaiy, 41) cents each.
These two sei ies of boo a s arc the
handsomest and best value for tin
pi ice ever seen. 'I hey sell at sight.
See them in our window.
Large variety of subjects,
by standard authors.
is: Lackawanna Ate.
Have a Cigar?
'J hanks Don t i-nru IT
J do. Ah, thills 11
fttoiyiL'opulai' Punch
f t'hV
1 111I11 lurk It s my
f 4 U
Garnay, Orovi & Co.
Norrman & loor
120 Wyoming Ave
Diino liteht, Kf'su
larlurly, at popnlui
guipus, with pruiupt
bprv kc.
The Lackawanna
. oS I'cnn Avenue.
A. 11. WARMAN.
: f LtCKMVi'iN) AVE.
Hneopcned a General Insurance Olllca In
iraeis' mi en .
liiel Mock CompnnliM leprcspnteil.;o
iithiK.LtliiU mllUteit. 'Jelepliuuu iHiUl.
Miss Odin Urace Cliutr.nrd will have
an evhlbitlon and sale uf beautiful
((((nntitl china at the home ot Mis. A.
11 Christ v, 61.1 Madison .ivenui, t'-mor-iow
Miss Anna Scranton and Mis.i Oint-o
Norton will jilvo a studl i tea at the
home of Miss Norton on Mulberry
street, Dec. 11, when many ni tides for
Christmas In this wav of ehlua nnd
wuter colnrb will bo seen.
Tht- Symphony oiehestni will bo
Ipaul this evening by one of the larK
est houh-es of the season. It Is to ha
hiped that at last our people uie to
KcoBnlzo the advantage of such ft
great musical orcnnlzatlon as tills-.
Miss Prances Haul) will entutuln tho
circle of tho Kings Daughters thiH
ovcnlni; at tho homo on Juflerson ave
Myer Davldow has returned fiom New
John Drunim, of Uonesdnle, Is Uniting
friends in this clt .
David J. Davis, of the West Side bank,
has returned from n tilp to Philadelphia.
The eneaseirrnt of Simon Iaucr to
Miss Hattlo Hivs, of Xm York city. Is
Miss AdeliUdo Clarke, of Qulncy ave.
nue, has returned lroni a with
bondale frienda.
llev B. J. MoIIenry. of CI i oat llend.
Hull that wcro S'jr..du now 820,00
HullH that were 8'JO.oo now 815,00
Mudeto your ineniture, lit Kiiurnntoed.
ilOO I'ntteniB.
W. C. Loftus & Co.,
J5UH to A7H Ilroadwuy, New York. 70
ujseiielea. Cull at Hirunton ngeney, with
WATK11S, T1IK ilA'll'ilH, 'JO. l.iieku
wuimaii veutt?.
ML Ixi
ililn clly on litult'tHK.
r. II. N. Duiinolt I piofowlonnll n
KitKeil in Plilkitli lihla toiluy.
Mlwt (Vii'lla, of Alilenvlllc. I'.i..
l I hi' kuo1 of Alilonnnn nml Mr. John
I'. Kolli, of Scntnlon itrcft.
IIm Holt 11 I.iwull of South Ilotlilclipm,
Imh ttiiint'cl homo alter lIUiiK Mlax
Outiinle rrrrmaii, of Corbctt avenue.
(Iny OhIciIiuuI. of riillnilplpliln, who
lms l en vMtliiK hli" motlier, Mr. N. I.
Osteiliout. of .trcut, returiud ji-s.
.liimis I'. Tuloi, of Xi', N. ,f..
who linn born tho KUtKt of 8. M. Ciroii
on Noirh Alain avi lute, rotumed home
MIh .lrnnlt' pllkiiio. or llrooklvn. X.
V.. utiil Mls Krto Siilllanc. of lloiit"1,il
urc the Kiii'HtH of tin- .IKm Mooney, of
South Wyoming aveiiut,
Oirtln II. I'owell. tlrrk tit AMernmn
.I11I111 T. Hone's oIIIpp. lins ii'siimnl hli
iltUhH nftor 11 few ilnj.ii' nboi'ii'-i', causol
j by an liijmv to hl hnml.
Mini' rnpinv tm 1. M 'llll.itn, of
Wllki'i-IMrii-. .ml Willi nn u Willi imi.
ol KIliKMi'ii, Hpint lilnl.n with tbrlr old
I fib ml. Hi'iitj i Williams, of IV. UWIIe.
Sent Hubert Andcroii Into n lit ill
Sum .loliiiion's I'lner.
Men linvc been known to ko Iii".hic
omt lellgioti nml liinif laelnvr, but j
when mi uidlnntv mnno of pool sends
the player into tin oplleptle lit that
gitmc must of a epitulntv bi ONrltlnK;.
yeveiiteen year old Kobeit Andofon
Is now in the medical until of the
l.iii'kawaiina hospital weak, speech
less, but out of (lunger.
This youiiB mini diopped In a lit yes
tot day aftei 110011 while etlKanod in 11
Kuine at Ham .lohiiMin's nool 100111 In
CVntio stieet. Hani is a m'litleniati ol
inlor and he keeps the only pool loom
In the ' hnlf-aeie."
Theie van a irnml iiowd In the pool i
room yeuieiday when Andei'-on fell
iiiulei the table The votinjr man wuh
playhifj a despenitp name at iiool with
liiisttis Jones, nnothei Miuth. U uok !
an exciting p;ani. ihuik full of'
siloiK" and Kud .shnotim?. The iiowd
looked on with n Kieat sliow of Intpr- j
est, Jone.s .shot a ball in n ronier pook
el tinder the Ras lipht. Anderson I
bai'Ued and Bent one whei llu' In tho i
Ido. The eor- Htmul seven t seven
and there was on- ball on the tnblp. It
was Andei koh's .lmt.
Hut the ball remained when- It was.
The strain wa.s too stent. At the criti
cal moment Anderson fell to the door,
wtlthlng nlmiit In nenny.
The (loud dieted about him; some'
held his hands, otln r., his f et. and still i
otheis made enoitsh noise outside to I
attr.u t more people. Patrolman Saitor I
was one of these He toadied the pool
iomn on a lun. Sei litj? that Andeiscm
in eded medical assistance. Patrolman
Km tor telephoned foi the Lackaw.iiinii
ho'-pltn! ambulance. 'When the police
man it'tuined to the pool toom Ander
son was rivlliijj somewliat.
The llrst slsn of returniim senses was
win n Andeismi opened hl mouth and
san ".My Mother Wa.s a J-ady."
l'litrolinnii Sailor thought that was a
iKipelul sIkh, so he lift.
At tin- Iiekawann.i hopltnl lust
lilBht Andeisoii had fullj lecnvcicd
fiom the lit, but he Is a veiy much ex
hausted youiiK man
Siiccociled A estcrdii) in I, aniline His
i.iieiii) in mi I'.leiliiiii l)a t'racas.
The ln!t election Is not fnifrottee In
DuiiinoH. at least One Patiick Kane
and S'alvadoie Valenr.ene ari' still
wliucl.lnpr away at each other thloURh
the poi la's of the law because of a
huppenlnj; on the second duv of No
vember The root of tile dlsttil bailee was mad
a pait of The Tribune's election day
story. Kane, it l.s said, created a dis
till banee nt tho booth in his dlstiict.
Two special oillceis, both Italians, (tr
usted him and were taking the pils
nner on a stieet car to the jail at tho
town hall when Michael Kane, a slx
foet son of tho pilsoner, boaided the
car and rescued his pan nt, despite tho
i xertlons of the two specials.
one of these olllcers was Valenene.
He caused the elder Kane's nil est for
assault and Justice of the Peace Cooney
plai ed the ball at J."00. Kane wanted
to retaliate, so he swoie out a watrant,
ih.irKlnir VnUns'.enu with tin eats. Kane
tills a story that the special olllcer
tiled to pass for voting a man under
urp Kane challenged the Mite and
suKieded In ballliu? Valenzi no. this, Knn says, tin special oiu
nT thieatened to kill hln. and placed
an Insinuating hand on his hip pocku
Kane lliht swore out a waiiant befme
'Siiulto Cooney, eharKlnpr thieats, but.
he says, thoURh he twice went to the
"sciiili 'a olllie to nppeir nKalnsf Yal
ineiK' the latter did nut lespond. Yes
tinhiy Kane went before Aldeiman
Millar nnd swote out a second warrant,
ihniKlui; thieats. Vnleinien- went be
foie 'Squlic Cooney and entered ball In
the sum of $"00.
ill lie Speakers nt the Coming Sew
liliul.iud Hiimiuet.
An fxtrn effort i.s tu bo made by the
olllcers nnd bauuuet committee of tho
New Unshind society to secure several
spenkeia of note for the coming ban
quet. It Is probable that these three
will be seemed: Sherman Uvarts, of
New York city, son of Senator KvartH;
Hev. A. H. V. Itnymoiul, D. ).. I.L.D.,
of l'nloi colli ge. nnd II. K Sanderson,
ot Uynn, Mass Mr. Avails Is a Yale
chisamnte of Mnjor Everett Warren
and J. Hen Dlmmick, nnd Dr. Uay
mond was fellow -student with Homer
Qieeno, of Uonesdnle, at 1'nion poIIcrc.
The banquet Is to take place Tues
day evening, Dec. 21, piobably at the
Hotel Jenny n. The following day Is
Forefathers Day, but on that evening
takes place the tegular weekly prayer
me tings and on that account the ob
servation of Porefatheih' Day will be
held a day earlier.
Itevivul .Mcelings in llnuin).
The Methodist Kplscopal church was
filled on Sunday evening to hear P.van
gellst L. Shcllhorn, After n powiful
sermun from the evangelist, Mr. Shell
horn Invited sluneis to the altar, and
the altar and front seats weie soon
Ulled with seek" is for salvation. Meet
ings eveiy night this week at 7.30. Mr.
Sliellhoru goef to Mllfotd this week.
FlrBt-class coal, epg. stovo nnd chest
nut, dellveied iitiyvvhoro In tho city of
4,000 tiound lots nt J2.Fi5 jior net ton.
Delivered In Dtinmoto nt $2.r.O. A.
Movvory, Dunmore, telephone 4073.
Hev. r. J. I.anslm, will raelte "Tlie
Courfhlii of MIIob Staiidlsh" in tho
lei'liiio room of the Green HIiIko Pies
hyteiinn cliuich, Tnesdny nvonlne nt
7.4r. o'elock. Tlekutu ut Sjiulerson'n
DuiK stole.
Tvvinlnpc, optician 125 Penn avenue, In
Harris' druu more, iloun a. m.. 1
o. m.
I'd.. In Hip Kiict of Daniel WMimor,
Noith Main avenue
.tuhit i;. llnynxfnril, nf Montrn'o, If
They Will Co'Opcrnte with the New
Reform Committee.
,1'mtoiV Connnlttcc Niunbors Six
I.nyinen, l.nllicr Keller, II. .11.
Holes, (t, I'. Unynulil, W. . Ijiilh
lopc, I!. K, Sturgcs mill It. J. Mor
Hnn ami .Seven l'nstor--Allcr n 11
Aililrcis by Dr. CmlM the Union
Declilen to TnKo l'p 11 liino ofSii)?.
Rested Kolorni Study.
At a meeting of the City I'astois'
t'nlon In the YounE Men's Christian
Association parlois yesterday niorntnt?
it was decided to co-opeiate In the
lofoim inovenient inaugurated Sunday
by the Chilstlan Endeavor and other
societies and n committee was appoint
ed to that end. Nearly thltty mlnlsteis
were, ptesout and destined to an ud
clresiH bv J lev lr. W. P. Ctnfts, of
Washington, IX C, wlio has instiRuted
the KaiublliiK, lluuor nnd other cru
sniK'.s to be stinted soon by the church
ltov. J. II. Sweet, of Simpson Metho
dist chut eh, was elected inesldunt of
the t'nlon, and llev. Ci. W. Welsh, of
Calvary P.efoimed cliuich was con
tinued ns weietaiy.
The committee appointed to io-op-eiate
In the lefoi m movement will
seive with the Itefoim committee ap
pointed by the oiKanlzatlon of the city
The Pastois' t'nlun cuiniiilttce are
llev. C. W. Welsh, seerelaty. Hev. Dr.
1 C. II. Hoblnson, of the Second Presby
tism chilli h: Hev. A. F. Chaffee, of
Asbtiry Methodist ehunh; Ho.
Thomas lie (iruchy, of the Jackson
Street Hapllst church; Ilet. Ft X.
Swift, of (Jraie I-utheian ehuieh, and
l!e. Ol Joseph K. lUvon, of the Penn
Avenue Haptlst cliuich, and the follow -Inu
lay men: l.uther Keller, Colonel II.
M. llolps. (!. 1-' Keynolds. V. W. I.a
t In , II. It. Stuifjes and H. O. Mor
Kiiu. It Is claimed by Dr. Cl.tfts that
the eomniltt.e will be nhled bv some
of the Catholic clergy.
Dlt ('HAFTS' APl'HAl.
Dr Crafts' addres.s wns an appeal
which has been applied to many
pieacheis' nieutlngs througliout the
iiiutitiy. It was heal Illy ondotsed yes
tetday as weie the seven teform bills
nieiitloned bv Dr. Crafts nnd now be-
j fore congtess He suggested a line of
topical lefoim studv which the Union
I decided to follow. At the next meeting
I December 0, "The New and Tine
Chatlty" will be discussed.
I DuiIiik Dr. Ctafts address lie said.
That the din rih should promote sodil
i tilled Is lonfissed bj resounding resolu
tions in bel'alf oi moral reforms in "i com is and conferences, but,
except the new and feeble temperance
ittmmltti " ot tho Presbyterian assembly
and tho .Methodist general lonferonct, no
diurch commlttm have been appelate I
lo carry out the resolutions. This ardu
ous work Is Uliiciially left to "outside so
cieties." Tho chuuiiis should do mole or
less for moral n forms. Tlr-y Should
quit recognizing them us u part ol reli
gion by it solutions or else follow up tl.o
lesolutlons with organizitlons .mil col
lections, ns whin foreign missions, a
hundred yeais ago, was tatdllv lecog
nlzed, after like neglect, as a pait of the
gospd and so ot church work.
The pieadm-.' meetings, oilglnated In
an intllliluulltlc and theological age,
h ivo not leadjustcd thembdes to tho
lu-w conditions of nn ago of cities and of
social solidarity. The whole church, In
deed, needs leadjustlng. not In theology
but In methods, to tho new occasions that
tuuil new duties. This leudjustnieit
should be,rln In the theological teminary
where lenlus ale trained. lint theolog
hal seminaries nie so far fiom the peo
ple that they are last, latlur than llrst,
to fi el a forwai I movement
in saving souls nothing is so effective
ns Individual woik, but in the equally nec
essary but negleetisl woik of saving so
ciety, to which the pastors are equally
(.nihil. If only to make society a sale pla (
for saved souls, they must act togethei.
And It Is for the leadtishlp of this neg
lected hemisphere of social and united
wink that the iireadtcrs' meetings. It
noms to me, have come to their kingdom
In such a time as this.
Let one spoakii tike tho relations of
(ducatlon to moials and lefoims, and re
port annually in the thltd week in Jan
uaiy, when ocouis the world's day of
prayer for college, suggesting some prac
ticable reforms for the local schools, or
In state or national laws. Let another
prencher take us his sjh clalty municipal
(.ovcrnment, and repot t In the week con
taining Washington's bltthilay Let an
other preacher master Immigration, and
leport in Marih and punide, by way of
application of Ids paper, for the distribu
tion of llteratute on Sabbath observance
and total abstinence to all lesldent for
elsncis in their own tongues by the
oang people's societies, who need such
i chylous ex rclse as much ns the fot
f'!,m rs nicd the llteiatuie, for tho young
people's societies are not doing much
better than the older people in working
between meals f believe there arc more
heroes In the ministry than In any other
profession today; but that Is saving ve.'y
little. Chilstlan lawyers are seldom
hentd of In any of tho ically strenuous
motal I (form? except as hired attorneys.
Dodois are scarce, for leforms would
bilng them Into conlllct with some of
I thdr jintlei.tH. Teacher, In these davs
j of political boards of education, offer tin
their muzzle when 1 come to spiak in
their schools IMttors, secular and re
ligious, are also rare blids in tho riform
iamp. Whether In temperance reform or
libor reform tho preachers outnumber
all tho other professions put together.
However, n wide observation persuades
inu that the chief uaxon why bo many
prencihcrs do not adequately press reforms
by word and deed Is thnt they have not
yet generally appreciated tlml there Is
in ml to do any thins but convert Indlvll
u Ills.
Tor Apill's repoit the appioprlate spe
elalty is Bihb.ith defense, with lefereivo
lo lieaillnif oft t!u sumtner Hood of Sab-h.ith-bie.iklne,
and the apptoprlato veek
! Nuts, S
j Vegetables, i
Is tlio world's wedt of prayer for the
Snbbuth, which biglns Willi the nrflt
whole, wpek of April. When Mny 1 pro
claims by labor demonfttatlons, the woljd
over, tho seriousness of the must dllll
cult reform of our time, the specialist nf
that theme should arrange for Chilstlan
conferences of labor and capltnl In tho
(hutches'. June, tho wedding mouth, sug
gests the studv of marrlugo nnd divorce i
July I calls foi millonnt problems In
thnt week and day to take the place of
mere hurrah and drunken revelry. Au
gust's theme nwy will be Amusements,
with special refeien ( lo Purity. Septom
bcr's conuptltw falls siifgcst the study
of gambling with appropilale action. In
October's feuith wiek Prison Hunih.y ,
and in November's fourth week Teinpet-
unco Sunday, suggests the themes, foi j
those months, while December prompts
thecoiisiiletatldii ol True Charlti. ;
This sociological viir, tins topic ti
month plan of refoim study. Is lcspect
fully submitted by the leform bureau of
Washington to tho cm nest consideration
of the preachers' meetings of the United
Htntes. Hy systematic study and united
action much can be done In a year, in a
series of jiars yet more, to accomplish
what Olidstone "declares lo be tho pur
pose of law, which ought also to bo thu
ptupoe of every proachtis' meeting in
Its relation lo the whole community and
(specially to the young, "to make It as
bard as possible to do wrong and as easy
as poslble to do light."
Deligbtliil .Musical Kvcut nt the
l.jccuni Tonight.
The Symphony conceit this evening
nt the Lyceum will be one of the most
delightful musical events that we have
ever had the pleasure to anticipate.
The orchestta ns the large number of
names indicates will have all the mod
el n liistuunents tepreseiited even down
to the hut . although the latter named
Insttuinent will be liuiul onlv In the
bewitching "dance of the dead" The
symphony to be played Is a delightful
((imposition, but verv dllllctilt. The
"Suite." for strings, by our own Thco
doie Hembeiger. will suiely pmve
piipnlui. The same inn be said of the
piano conccito, to be playid bv Mls.s
Koemple. The "Stladelln" overture
will be repeated bv popular leqllest.
Most all uf the bovs anil lodges aic
sold and a tepfespntntive audience will
attend this evening's concert. He-low
l.s the pei. sound of the orchestra:
Violins It. J. IS.ii.el, A. X. Htppnul, P..
Welsenllue, Alfrnl Coiiliell, l-'rank lniiis,
Nat Johnson. C. Moon. August Wales.
Dr. 1M licl, (luirge Drown, lleorge Wa
ins, Isidore Lew In, .Torn lhnber.v. Joseph
Plore. Albert Mos'S, William .Schilling,
Aithur Hudson. M .MrTlgue. A. Sancton,
It. Stanton, Cli. Kintsih.
Vloluf TIipo Hoittgir, Adolph Hanson,
Prank O'Hiu.i, Hubirt Waters.
Ylolomello' -Thomas lllpp.ird. Call
Koi'iupel. Harvey HI n Uwond, H. T. AVolf.
jijsts Wtl!l..m fehiffir, Slg. Oaliailoie,
1M Pier.
Plates Hi fi up II tin. Theo Hauscu
maiiu. Obol Ale n.itzkcv. Itlehaut Xeubauer.
Clui lonetK Cristcr llrWgemann, l.ouis
Ilassoons Diehard Knucplel, L. Junes.
Trumpets Tom Mill". 1. Mul!hnuu.
Tiombones John Tin ii, William V. Citif
llths. William l'lossi'i
Tuba Chai Ies P.le
Timpannl T.levv Joins
Drums and Xjlophon, W. I). Langer
fcld. Harp Slg Hn'lla Schlvone
.Nameless Hungarian is Xmv in
Ccntiul Police Station.
It wns. a mistake all round. C
Schneider didn't want the bunill
New Yotk Journals eiv bad. Tlity
weie old copies and Siiinelib'r, tho
rcckville illstiibutor of the impel, was
simply sending thcni bai k so that he
could get his luemlum Monday on the
ten copies.
Schneider boauled a lVekville inr
bound for the ccntinl citv. He placeil
the ten copies, nicely bound, on the
s"at brslde him and whllcd avvnv the
tlnip In reading the morning's Ti Ilium .
Somewhere along the line a poor look
ing Hungarian entered th oar and
timidly took a sent light net to
Schneider. To be t only the bun
dle ot ten "Journals" divide 1 the two
Tile HiiiiRniinn had n bundle loo. It
contained initenroni mid beefsteak. It
locked very much alike the liundle nf
ten "Jiiuinals" and when placed one
atop of the other. If It were not for a
dlffeience In odor, von i mild not tell
them apart.
At the corner of LiuiviiwMiin.i nnd
rianklln nventies the foreigner left the
car. He tool: with hlin. nl.aek the dav ,
thu bundle of ten "Journals.' Sdipel
der picked up and quickly diopped the
bundle of meat and ni.ic.irunl and
pointed out th foreigner to Patrolman
For these iiusons th" loidgner is
nov behind the lints nnd the bundle of
ten "Journals" ate waiting In the ser
geant's oll'i'p to act as evidence this
Aldeiiimn illillei Held Imeh I'nder
98(11) lo- Hnrulniy.
The fifth man, In the Felton burg
lary. Leltoy Kail, by name, was
brought to this city at noon yestetdny
fiom JJlmlra by Detective John W
Jlolr. Iloth ho and Miles Stncey oi
"Stnsel" ns lie choses to Rive his name
were nrralptned l'efoio Aldirman Millar
nnd were committed loithwlth to the
county Jnil In default of $s00 ball to
niiHvver the chnrse at court.
Staged still claims Innoienco; Karl
ndmlts that he participated In robbery.
Iloth men me clever in their business
When Stasel was bolnir taken to the
county Jail yesterday alternoon he en
teted the setKeants loom tit polleo
headnuarteT? ns a pnitner-ln-hand-cuffs
with A. J. Sulllvnn tho younn
man nrrested for assaulting George
Ij. Dickson on l.acknvviinnii nventn
Sntuidny. Stasel stood for a minute
In the doorway. He wore frooj eloth
Inff, wan cleaned shaved, nnd n del by
hat was on his head. Ho stood for
n minute, his brlRht eyes taking in
the otllro occupants. Then ns if rccol.
lectllifir his milliners ho quickly took off
his hat, nudged Sullivan to do likewise,
"choked" Ills clpntette and put the
butt end in Ills vest pocket for future
The patrol wagon which had Stnsel
ns a patron hnd seven other men, most
ly plain drunks. Karl wns given a
hearing later in the nfteinoon.
Tu llu Itoprilrcit nnd l'rd by I'lro
nml I'olico Ui'pnrtiniMitH.
Tho old Center Htivut tiollco htntlon
will Boon lie' nut to n mn uto tor the
police nnd llio ile'iurtmontn. , Mayor
Ilalley ycHtctdny hlBiied tho uidlnance
lnovidlni? for tho tiunsfor of funds
to he u.scil to pay for rojintrn to the
It la to ho used us u ti amps' lodging
house nnd for the stornsii' of llio de
partment Hiuiplles.
A Bentlemnu, wife niul chllil, 8 years
old, want tho comforts of n homo In a
Bti Icily private family. MUBt he In a
good lornllty. AVIUIiik to pay for com
forts. Addpvin caie of Lock llox 115.
licit! an Important Session at the V. M.
C. A. Last Night.
Were Addressed hy College State
Sccrctniy Ilurvcv and Superintend
dent Iltirtburt ot thu Pcnnst lynnln
IHhlo lnstltute--Hemliprs uf the
liuiul Are Pledged Individually nnd
Collectively to llrlug About Con-vcrsloiiN--i'hcv
Uviir tho Itritnt of
the Locnl Association')! Woik.
Last night wa.s n suit of banner
night for the "Workers' Hand" of the
Young Men's Christian Association,
one ot the most nlcit and most fruit
ful, nctlve idlgloiis bodies of the kind
in tlie cltv. Its forty members nre to
the idlgloiis phase of the association,
what Its picked team of athletes nre to
the gymnasium or its corps of In
structots to thu educational depart
ment. The lorly young men nie
pledged Individually and collectively
to lead young men Into spltltunl life
but mi account of the ibdleate natur.
of the woik little uf It Is known In de
tail to even the otllteis nf the associa
tion Tlie band wn.s nddiessed last night
by C i:. Ilurlbutt. of Philadelphia,
supeiliiteiideiit of the Pennsylvania
Hlble Institute, nnd C W. Harvey, col
lege state soerolaiy, two adepts In the
kind of tdiglnus woik for which the
Wuikets' Hand w. s organized. Thirty
sis .if tho fottv niembeis were present
fot supiiei and the meeting that fol
lowed in the pnilois. It wns tlie third
monthly confernee.
Attorney A. V. P.ower. the chilli man
of the band, made his November lepoit
which contained the following. As n
li-sitlt of tin- wotk thine has been a
noticeable lnciease at the Sunday
nfternnnn gospel meetings and a coi
respondlng Ini're.tse In Interest. Dur
ing Oi tuber the avetage attendance
was 101 and in November 1.14.
weie two pnillcularly Interestlngmeet
ings. fine vns known as "Institute
Sunday" nnd was conducted bv W. K.
Plumley who Ins been appointed chap
lain of tin' John I'ayniond Institute.
The other was held November 14 when
Hev Dr Ct.itts gave his illustintod
lectin e "Hefote the Lost Ait.s," de
scribed as one of the most helpful aids
nf faith of the ye.u.
Oeneial Secietary Maliy called on the
membeis of the band for pessimal re
ports which weie given verlially and
nfterwnid handed In, writing to the
Mr. Haivey's talk was on ' Peisonnt
Woik" lie .said a Chilstlan woikei
might nlwuys be sure of divine guid
ance into the light kind of work if he
would fully sui render his will for sei-
vice. 'When a Chilstlan wot kef used
the word of Clod In conversation with
men he ( ould be nssuied that the wold
would accomplish lesults for Clod. In
support of this claim Mr. Harvey
quoted fieely fiom the Sciipture. He
gave a number nf Illustrations, using
Incidents In ills woik as college statu
sea clary.
.Mr. II nt Him t offorcd thoso mirkc's
tions: ''itst, ii vvotker should look on
tho nccdi of mon and see thorn ns Ho
looked nnd raw thorn, second, n work
er should cat i j' men on his hoait 111
did ChiHt thlid, n vvotker should
I viotk for iiu'it as f'hlrst did, even un
I der Bieat haidship
Upholstery Department
Our Goods and Prices Welcome the Alost Crit
ical inspection and Comparison.
Chenille Curtains
Dado and fringe in a variety of colors, formerly
sold at $2.50, now only $1.80 Pair
An extra heavy and wider one, regular price $3.75,
at $2.75 Pair
Tapestry Curtains
Double laced effect in several shades, price now
per pair $2.00
Beautiful Silk Damask Effect at 3.00
Chenille Table Covers
Special lot Chenille Table Covers, 1 yards square,
choice designs, worth 95c. each. Price while this lot
lasts only 70c. Pillow Sham Holders 19c each.
"w-sjVJ 'ifl wiv rJ -r
-M- 4- -M- 4 -- 4 -f 4- -f -M- -M-f
ry J. Collins, Lt., Lacl.:
1 1 1 lo 1 III Meridian fetreet.Scriwiton, l"n, Iciephouo Ullci.'i
Hie, LU
1'AIVT Dlil'AUT.MUNI-l.liMee.l Oil,
Vmutoli, Uryer, Jujmn nuilHIilualohluui,
LOOKS go a good way in cloths;.
Wear goes further. You
get both here at a low price
when you buy the Anti Rain
Waterproof Suits and
Pine Indigo tlltie. liatniel Lined,
Storm Cnll.ti, Clnod Length, Degtllatlon
Actual value $14.00,
Cash Price $9.98.
Middlesex Hire, All Wool Plannd, Hcg
ulatlon Style, Strciig Pockets, Perfect Pit
nnd Xlco Quality
Actual value $14.00,
casn Knee $y.vo. i
y t wx Trx r c
Why should
ou c;in get
be, when
(Till'. KKAI. THINU.)
For r()e to 1.."1 pi'r pair, in
men's sizes. Boys', from 25i up.
We are showing a large assortment.
Hatters an J Furnishars,
112 Spnicc Street.
Including tho painless oxtrnctlno!
tcctu by nn entirely now procu;w.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
3H Spruce ht.t Opp. Motel Jermwi.
Lovet Prices in
Hats and I'nniMi
lug". 'S
Lackawanna Avanin
i Preparing
i The Boys for
I Thanksgiving
If vou arc going to take them
out to dinner, is a pleasure
when you have bought their
clothing from our handsome
and perfect-fitting stock ol
Hoys' and Children's Clothing
We have an up-to-date stock
of Men's, Boys' and Children's
Clothing (hat we are selling at
prices that will surprise you.
Turpaiillnu, Wlllto li".U, iMil 'I'.ir, I'lio i
IJ rfj fillf Jitltf B
nrnrt a
t lib IIW UHUUi,
SZO Lackawanna Av&, Scrautoa Pa.
Wholesale tiiul Kctittl '
Ready fllxcd Tinted Paints,
Convenient, Economical, Durable.
Vnrnlslt Stains,
rioiltirliiE Perfect luiltntlotiof Uxpsmlva
Rnynotils' Wood l:lnlsh, V
Upciiully Designed for Insldu WorlC.
Marble Ploor I'lnlsli. -
Duriililonnd Drlei (illicitly
Paint Varnish and Kal
somine Brushes.
arly Selections
Take advantage of this op
portunity. By doing so you
can go about it leisurely and
any article will be rt served
for future delivery.
in solid gold and filled cases,
at prices that will astonish.
in endless variety.
We carry all styles and
makes in clocks; sterling
silverware in jewelry, and
toilet articles warranted and
stamped by responsible
We invite you to call and
compare prices.
408 SlMU'C'i: STRISKT.
Open oviMiinst! until niter tho hollihiy.
Is the best place in the state to buy
either an
Organ or
Don't fail to call and see foi
Ware room,
205 Washington Avenue,
New Line of
Attprices lower than be
fore. Also a new line of
Glass Vases and Jardiniere
Just Opened.
Mstropoiitan China Ha!!,
HO-l-12 Washington Ave.
Mcars P.iiiMiii','.
In Black, Brown, Grean, Etc,
Now on Sals,
Hotel Jarmyn Hatters,
11 Ui K .- i. w 1 f, "r 1.