TIIE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY MORNING-, NOVEMBER 30, 1S57. :uimiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii!iiniiniii mm " 5 m 1 Smooth 1 1 as Ice 1 mm mm 5 Is a slang phrase indicat- 5 ing superior excellence. 5 5 So we might say that our s 5 IIKKSS SIIOKS FOlt S a LAD1KS arc as smooth 5 S as ice, because they are 5 stylish and elegant and 2 5 good in every way. We K arc selling them at 3.00 a Made for us exclusively. - I a I 410 SPRUCE STREET. 1 niiiiimuimiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiimmiR CITY 30TES. Tli- board of health will meet in regul-ir M'ssioii tomorrow evening. The funeral of Mr.. P.innle William vlll i.'ike placi tl'ls aflernoon at 2 o'clock 110m llio Howard Place Afucini Metho :ist KpUcopul church. William aauglian, of Matthews ilro.V. .hum store, was thrown from a blcycio una InJurtHl while (Ucendlng Wiii-htiiKton .ivcnne hill yettcrday noon. Miss Olla Ctrl, Invites tlio public to a l-i-e-ptlou to bo held at her nit studio. No. :. North Main avei.ne. Hyde l'aik, 1'huradiiy, Dee. :', clay and evening. Tho bids leeently submitted to the board of control for supplying the school building.-! with coal will be considered ut a meeting of the supply committee Thurs day night. No. G school building was opened yes tiiday. it is on HleKoty Mri-e-t In tlio Klghth ward. No. l.". another new build ing, situated 111 the Twentieth ward, will be opened soon. .Joseph Ilolleran, the 5 nam; man in jured in a foot ball game, S.Uu day, No. -ii, has so far recovered that he was re moved Saturday to his home in Ihmmorc Horn the Seranton Private hospital. ltov. I. J. Iinslng will recite- from mem ory "Tho Courtship of Miles StandNh, ' in tho lecture room f the (Ireeu Itldgn hinvh this evening nt 7. (" oVIoe-k. Tick its for sale at Siiiidei son's drug store. liming the reason of Advent, from now until Christmas, there will be dally ser s iocs in St. l.tikc's church at 10 a. m. and l ;;o p. m. except on Wednesdays, when Hie evening serlce will be at .U instta I -f at 1.30 i). m. Thltty-two deaths were last week re ported to the hoard of health; two were lrom diphtheria and two from membran eous croup. Of the sixteen news eases of contagious diseases, thirteen were diph theria and two scarlet lever. The taxes committee of the board of trade met yesterday afternoon to discuss the proposed agitation for a more euull nble tax assessment. A quorum was not present. A call has been issued for a mee'tlng nt 11 o'clock tomorrow morning. Marriage licenses were- ye-steidjy grant ed to 1-Mwin I Plnnell and Clnra Indwell, of Dunmore; (leorgo P. Jackson and Ma bel 14 Miller, of Hampton. Va.; Henry P. Hitchcock and I.ennr.i Staple's, ol Scran ten; 1'Vrdliuinelo Meivunta and Alfonslna I.ombardo, of Dunmore. The next in the count ef lectures at tlio Pcim Avonuu Haptbt church will be given next Monday eve-ulug, Dec. 0, llev. .lose)h K. Dixon will tie the lecturer, and I he subje-ct will be "The Passing of tho nig the man did not known him. Ills con dition was very critical. Captain li. 12. Morris has become sole proprietor of the Sunday World and Sim iiay's Issuo of that sprightly paper cou 1 nlncd the announcement. Captain Mor ris has had a wide and varied newspaper e pericnce and under his direction the World should continue- to forge ahead. Kvangellsts C. 1. Newell and wife closed their meetings at llravlty Sunday even ing, Nov. "1. Korty-two persons were- at Hie altar for pardon. Mr. and Mrs. New ell left Monday for South Canaan, where Hiey aro nt present engaged with ltov. 11. A. Smith, pastor of Hie Slethoellst Kplscopal church. A new team of horses purchased for f'rystal Kngino company and i new horso of the Century IIoso company will be examined tomorrow nt 3 p. m. by tho Joint tiro department committee of coun e lis. All three animals have been In training for nearly two weeks and ato l coily for regular duty, Tho man who trncture-i his skull by falling down the steps at the Coyno ho.iso on Lackawanna avenue Saturday night is still unldentillcel. He lays In an un e onselous condition at tin- Lackawanna hospital. Yesterday a paity from Old Forgo visited tho hospital, hut upon se ing the man did not know him. is condi tion was very iritlial. RECEPTION TO MR. C0NNELL. Will lie Civcn by tho Rowing Asso ciation Tonight. A reception to Congressman William Council will bo given tonight by the Howlng association in Its rooms on Spruce street. The reception Is to bo in pursuance of a custom of the ns- delation to so honor a member who has been elevated to a prominent poll-tli-ul 'office. Mr. Connell will go to "Washington next week to attend the "ix-nlng of the regular session of con. gress. Mr. Connell will receive in the as sociation parlors from S to 3 o'clock. Later supper will be served. Covers will bo laid for about ISO persons. At torney M. W. Lowry, president of the association will preside. A number of members' are booked for addresses. The oiiimltteo who have iirrnngenl tho af fair are V. S. Millar. Oeorgo Mitchell, Colonel II. A. Coarsen, C. P. Mat thews, C. E. Chittenden, Fred W. 1'leltz, Thomas Flltcroft, John M. Kern, merer. RECEPTION LAST NI0I1T. Kivcn by tho Monihers of.Mrg. Lewis' Monday Night Dancing Clns. A recentlon was given In F.xcelslor hall lost night by the members of Mrs. F.llzabeth Lewis' Monduy night class. It was attended by a large number of young people. Uauor's otchestrn fur nlslitjd. the music. Tho class will give matinee dances Chriatoias iitld .New Year's from 3 to C p, iii.- SCHhNK&SPENCER Denlh of Michael Slntlery, Jr. Michael Slattery, Jr.. brother of John J Klattery, the Capouso avenue mer chant, died In Brooklyn, N. Y., yester day. Thn,unjrnl will tako place today nt Mr. Slattjry' foimer homo at Ilaw ley. Interment will be made at that place. rl ti .-,,. -V r i.,i . , - , t. SPECIAL SEIDMAN WAS BADLYTREATED Received Willi Empty Deer Kegs In a Price Street tlnusc. WENT IN TO SERVE A WARRANT Tlio .linn Ho Wanted mid Pour Oth ers ''ititicutaliud tlm I.lslits, Knocked Kcldimui Down Wltli a Kcr mid Took Awny Ills Arinn nicnt --Tlio Pollco Patrol Win Cnllcd Into Use In Mnkinc the Al ter Arrnt"Mon Now In Police SlMtlou. When Special Odlccr Ionnc Seldtrmn ontcrcil n boardlnc Iioufp nt 2020 Prlcv titrcct, West Scrnnton, Inst niKlit, wtlh u wnrrant for the arrest of ono of thu l)onrdir. ho wns Bet upon by live men. Tlmv first pxtlnculshed the llKhtH In the room, then heaved an empty beer i fceir nt the rcuresentatlve of the law. and as he lay upon the iloor they tools from Seldman his revolver, nlppcM. star, club and the wnrrant. Then he was lifted by five pairs of hands nnd landed with force on the eipop street. Si'ldmnn picked himself up and made for the central police station. He was advised by Chief Holding to swear out n warrant for the nrrest of the whole rest. This was done and Seldman went to the West Seranton police station with a general warranv bearing Al ilcrman Millar's seal. SI-2UVINC, Till-: WAItHANT. The paper was placed In the hands J of Lieutenant of Police Thomas WIN ; Hams and with Patrolmen Tom Jones, i ICvnns and James Saul a swoop was made on No. L'00. By this time it was ' 11:30 o'clock, two hours after the , original eviction proceedings In which , Seldman so promlninely tigureel. The ' lamp hail been re-lighted and the but- j tie arms .set In place. The four po- , llcemen entered the house nnd with j the nsslstanci- of Seldman the five oe- j cupants were taken out. Once upon the stree. Yerkls Melchls, one of the prisoners, complnlmit that I his foot was hurting him. Ho refused to proriod on"- step farther eui the way to the police station. The police oilier t tugged nt him, plead with him nnd talked ilTce to him but Melchls would : not move. i It was lceess.try to telephone for the patrol wagon and Srg,ant Illdg'vny left for the scene close upon midnight. No. :020 is back near Kaiser valley. Placed In thoi police omnibus the five men enjoyed th- ride Immensely. They i showed no furfur resistance. All .veto I lit ought to the central police station and plncHl In cells. XAJIKS OP THE M1-2.W Tho men ntv: Adam Andruscatlcli. boarding boss, Andrew Klrnvoteh, Joe Meldleh, Pnns Kopstus nnd Melchls. The latter Is th- man for whom the crlginal wiirratit bearing a petty charge by 11. Atlas and placed In rieldman's hnnds by Ald.-rninn Millar. Se-ldmau's revolve, '.'lub, star, nip pers and wan ant have not been recov ered. P.VERY COT OCCUPIED. Crowded Condition of tin) Lacka wanna Hospital at Present. I-.very cot In the male suiulcnl wnrd of the Lackawanna hospital was occu pied last night by a bed-fast patient nnd convalesc-nts and those whoso ln Juiles were not of a very serious na ture hail to li- distributed about in the other wards. This is not an unusual condition if afl'alis on account of the lack of room which Imr, been felt at the hospital for several years. There are at present sixty patients nt the hosplt.il, nil but three of whom are charity patients. Five eif the pa tients are children. Of the sixty per sons now under treatment forty-llvo of them are suffering from Injuries of somo nature which brings them under the head "1" surgical cases. Vesterday Dr. A. .1. Connell, tho vis iting houi-e surgeon for the last two mouths, assisted by Drs. John Hurnett, L. M. Gates and fieorgo L. Hlanchard, performed four operations. This Is" an Illustration of the amount of work that elevolves on the members of the hos pital staff. Tomorrow Dr. Council's two months ns visiting surgeon will expire nnd Dr. W. CI. Fulton will huecee-il him foi a like potlod. For tho past two months Dr. Fulton hai been In charge of the surgical dispensary where from forty to fifty sufferers recelv" treatment eai h week. During December and January Dr. dates will be in charge of tho sur gical dispensary. Dr. J. A. Mnnley Is now serving three months as the visiting physician who looks after the well-being of the Inmates of the medical ward. Dr. II. V. Logan Is serving a like period in the medical dispensary. They will remain on duty until the first of tho year. PACE WAS REARRESTED. .11 a de II in I'sctipo a Few Weeks Ape) by .lumping from n Cnrringc. After looking for Nlolo Vaco for two weeks Detective Will Clifford succeed ed yesterday In rapturing tho man In Dunmore. Pace was wanted to answer n charge of fnlso pretense mnde by D. Stoppl. About two weeks ago tho man was nrn steel by Detective Clifford and was being taken to Alderman Mlllur'H j111co In a currlago when he escaped by jumping from' tho vehlol-?. .Sineo then the search for Pace has been a per petual motion. Ho was found yester day at his house. Pace went before 'Squire Cooncy, of Dunmore- mid entered ball In the sum of $."00 for a hearing tomorrow night. DEATH OF AIRS. THOMAS Sl'OTTON. Wifn of Poor Director Sbottcu Siic- ciimhs to Pneumonia. Mrs. Thomas Shotton, wife of Foot Director Shotton, died at 10.15 o'clock last evening at tho family homo, 221 Oak street, North Seranton. Mrs. Shotton Buffered for four days from pneumonlu. She Is survived by her hUBband and throo eons, llruco a., Donald J and Douglass Shotton. Tho notice ot tho funeral tervlcn will bo given later. KIN TAKAIIASIII GOES HOME. Itcmnrkuhlii Iteconl of Japanese Student Well Known Hero. Many Scrantonlnns, particularly tho church people, will remember a young Japanese student from Mnryvllle col lege. Tennessee, Kin Tnknh-aehl, who spent jwvornl weeks In this cltv a conplo of years ngn lecturing for Jnp aneso mieplnna, nnd Incidentally to help educate himself for mission work In his native Innd. Well, Mr. Vakaliatlil lirts loft for his flowery homo nnd It may bo Interesting to know thnt tlu fnrouell teceptlon his collejio tendered him wan one of the most Inton-stlng events In the history of the Institution. Tho Knoxvllln Dally Journal of Sept. 27, Inst, devotes a column to tho de scription of Hit? affair nnd to the re counting of tho work thnt tlio youtiK Ian has accomplished durlnc his stay i this country. It will certainly he a very proud day for Kin when his homo pnpors copy the article. Among somo of tho thlncs thnt Kin found time to do In his leisure moments was to build at the poIIcku the largest Youiib Men's Christian association building In th? south, the fundi lie lii derived from his lectures nnd per sonal subscription nnd tho formation nnd successful conduct of n lante so ciety for tlm helping of needy students. Ho incidentally edited the college Journal, captained the Athletic asso ciation, toil the Young Men's Christian asportation nnd won about all tho com petitive prizes In sight. Ho had been In this country ten years. BURQLARS Tn A STORE. i:M.,p While Preparation Wcro He- lug 1lndn to ling Them i Two burglars came near being caught ' by the police last night. It was about 9 o'clock when Patrol- 1 man Dave Parry, while passing through the alley behind the buildings on the north side of Lackawanna avenue, ' noticed an open window In the rear part of Mrs. Martha Perry's variety store at 523 Lackawanna avenue. He ! stole up to the window nnd peering In ' saw the figure of a man In the front part of the store. That was enough. Patrolman Parry ! rushed out to the avenue and accosted the llrst pedestrlatiH he mot. These wen- Prank Squires nnd Ira Mitchell. ' "CSo to the front of the store" he sold ' which one "and watch for burglars. Don't let any one out. I'll watch tho I rear." Then Patrolman Parry scootcel ' back to the open window. , When iSqulres nnd Ira Mitchell reach id the front of the store- they found the 1 dour open. Hoth men ran to the cor j ner of Washington and Lackawanna avenues and Informed Lieutenant Da ; vis and Patrolman Saul of their dls- covery. When the olllcer nnd police man leached the store there was no one- Inside. Some one snld they saw two men running down the avenue Jufit. before- Squires nnd Mitchell found the door open. 1 Upon Investigation it was found that ' three razors had been taken by the ; thieves. A number of other articles I were scattered about. BRAKEMAN BADLY INJURED. Thomiis Mel.aiiRhliu Sleets With n Snd Accident nt Wimmor. Thomas McLaughlin, n brakeman on the Krle and Wyoming road, was the victim of nn unfortunate accident last evening. While coupling cars at Wimmers his right foot got caught in a frog nnd before In- could remove it the train .started up and crushed his foot and ankle so badly that It was necessary to amputate the leg a few Inches above the ankle. The operation was performed at the Moses Taylor hospital. Ills home Is at 10211 Irving avenue. He Is thirty years of age and married. SMALL FRY KNOCKOUTS. Ambition lipishts of the lilovo Who ,1-.pire tei Itivnl Pitsinimous. Nov York. Nov. 2P. In the tlfteenth round of their 20-round bout before the Orcenpolnt Sportlna cmb tonight "Tommy" West, of Urooklvn, knocked out George Ilyan, of llonton. The light was the fiercest seen in this vicinity In a long while and showed llyan thor oughly game. Baltimore, Nov. 29. Joe Clans, the llalllrrnio i-olored middle weight, met Stanton Abbott, ot Kngland, nt the Fu-i-t'ka Athletic club t'liiight. Clans land ed hard on tho I'ngllshman'R jaw twice In tho third round and made him groggy In the fourth, when Abbott's j seconds threw up the sponge. Frank Farley, snd "Joe" Wren, both of Philadelphia, were booked for live rounds but Wren was so clearly out pointed that the police stopped It In the fourth. "Tommy" Hjrnes und "Johnny" Smith met in six rounds of no gnat interest. No decisions were given. London, Nov. 29. At the National Sporting club tonight Spike Sullivan, the American boxer, defeated Jimmy Curran, the Kngllsh'mau, on points in n twenty round go. Hen Jordan, the featherweight chamolon of l-2ngland, defeated Tommy White, of Chicago, In a protracted tight of nineteen rounds. GRAND CIRCUIT .MEETS. Tho Wheelmen Arrange n Schedule lor Xe-vt Season. Bridgeport. Conn., Nov. 2f't At a conference between the circuit com mittee of the National Cycle Track as sociation and Albert Mott, chairman of the L. A. W. racing board at Haiti more, all differences were settled nnd a grand racing circuit wan formed. ( I rand circuit meets ranging In date.s from May to September were arranged for New York, lloston, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Washington, Louisville, New ark, Bridgeport anil Springfield. Provi dence, Pittsburg and Waterbury are yet to be heard from. Tho N. C. T. A. meets will be run on strict rules and racers will be required to do legitimate work. Penalties will bo Used for any violation. Hereto fore racers have often held out for a bonus nnd have Jeopardized the suc cess of tho meets In this' way. This will be done nwuy with. The combina tion entry blank assures the attend ance of every rider at all of tho big meets, Senator Haulm III. Cleveland, O., Nov. 2!). Senator Ilanna. is conllned to his home nt Glenmoro with n buvero nttack of the grip. Ho will not bo able to attend to business for several days. FELS-NAPTHAsoapis the best for Winter as well as hot weather use. Luke warm water is only need ed for the dirtiest wash, even in cold weather, I'HLS & CO., I'lilladtlpliln. Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Gin trltU and all Ktomiich Dlsor ilern ponltlvely cured, f Irover Uruhum's Dys pepsia Iteuiedy is u suecllle. Out) dose re move all ditres, uiuIh purmiiiie-nl cure of tho iiiimt chroiiio and severe cine Is guaran teed. Do not Mutter I A ftil-cout bottle will convince) the mom vkeptlcul, Milttllt.WI, ItrrtW.. I lrii.,'ri,ita fl.m l.tinrn. I wuiinu uvcmiu. THE CARPENTERS APPROVE OF IDEA Pasncd a Resolution With Reference to the Advanced Class In Carpentry. PROFESSOR BUELL'S LETTER Character oftlio Plan It Kxplnlncd in Detail in It--Tho Class Will lie in Char go ol John Nelson, Iliilldlng Inspector of tlio City and Will Meet Monday and Thursday KvcnltiRS Course- Will Consist of Porly Les sons. The ndvnnced clnss In carpentry to be Instructed under tho approval and co-operation of Carpenters' Union, No. r.C3, was started last night In the John Haymond Institute department of the Young Men's Christian Association with John Nelson, building Inspector of the city, as Instructor. Following was the union's resolution endorsing the plan: Ucsolved, That Carpenters' union, No, K of tfcrajiton, hereby 'heartily en dorses the plan for tho course In advanced carpentry nt the John Haymond Institute nnd recommends It to nil members of thu union and apprentices In tho city. 12. 1). Shopland, president. O. S. Lutz, heerctary. In a way the clnss Is unique In that its members are nearly nil young men who have uttulned their mnjorlty and are acquainted with tho first rudiments of carpentry. The class will next be Instructed on Thursday night. The pecullnr character of the plan is presented In an Interesting light In a circular letter signed by Professor W. H. Hucll, the educational director of the association. Tho letter follows: Seranton, Pa.. Nov. 12, 1D7. My Dear Sir: line word with you wo take It for granted that you ore interest ed In your trade and in yout future. Aro you satistle-d with your work In Its pres ent condition? Arc you getting a com plete mnste-rj- of your trade? Do you un elerstand tlio icason ef things? Can you make detailed drawings of the dlffcieut parts of a. building? Can you do rooting work and understand It? Can you build stairs and do a perfect Job? Contractors ami builders are asking all the time for better workmen. The men who are build ing houses in this e ity today, are calling for belter work. Tin- future Is bound to demand better weirk. Hetter building--" and better work are going to mean higher wages'. Are you preparing yourself to nie-et the demand and net the wages? Wo believe that an udvai.ced class In carpentry will meet a need which Is al ready felt among the carpenters ot this city, and which will be felt more and more In the future. We propose to start such a clnss In the "John itnymond In stitute." The ela'-s will bo In charge of Mr. John Nelson, building Inspector of the city of Seranton It will meet on Monday and Thursday evenings, from 7.30 to 9.30, and will continue for forty lessons. Tho course will Iicli.de drawing and prac- tcai wor). iu tiK hop. It will embrace the following subjects: (1) Toeils and their uses; (2) Joints; (3) framing; (I) rotting; ("l stalr-hullding. All tho work will bu practical and will bo Intended to help you solve the proli lems which confront you in your daily work. The cost for the entire course will be only ten dollars. We have tho equipment for serving you. We have one of the best nun in the city to direct tho work. The cbargo Is intend ed to cover only tho actual co.-t of in struction, supervision nnd materials. This class will be llmlteil to twenty-live mem bers. Call upun us, therefore, or wrlto 1 at once, arel signify your intention of ' joining this class in advanced carpentry, 1 which will meet for the first time on Mm l elny evening, Nov. 23. Very truly yours, I W. H. Hucll Kelueatlonal Director. BEECIIAM'S Constipation. PILLS No equal for THE LAST DM, TUESDAY ositively the last dav of s MDVAL SALE The stock unsold will be packed Wednesday morning and shipped to Binghamton. N. Y. That means the Lowest Price ever quoted on Desirable Millinery. A. R. SAWYER 1.V2 WYOMING A VEX UK. lj I flh r PIES III. 00000000 This morning we re duce the price of every La dies' Coat, Cape, Suit and Separate Skirt in the store. We are showing fine assortments of Ladies' C'oquc and Feather Uoas, Ladies' Fur lloas and Collarettes, Ladies', Gent's and Children's Lined Kid and Wool Gloves and Mittens. Merritt'sCassimerc Fulled Flan nel and Knitted Skirts. TAILORS ON A STRIKE. Cloak .linkers Object to Pxlrn Hours ol' Labor. Now York, Nov. 29. Two now strikes occurred today, ono In tho cloak making Industry and tho other In the tailor's branch of the trade. One hundred and thirty operators went on strike In the shop ot Contractor King ensteln, clonk maker. The United Urotherhood of Tailors ordered a strike of ono hundred opera tors of tho shoo of Contractor Klein, Klein Insisted In exacting from his employes un additional hour's work each day In lieu of cutting prices. NEWSPAPERS MADE HIM INSANE. r.flccts oT Yellow Journalism on n HrsliliMit ol' Denver. Denver, Cole, Nov. 29. John M. Dame, until recently a runner for th Western hotel, was locked up today in the city Jul! on a charge of Insanity. Ho rend the testimony In tho Luot gert murder trial at Chicago and be came possessed of a frenzy to kill his wife and two children and to burn their bodies In the old garbage crema tory, lie Is undoubtedly violently In sane. Pimlico Unces. j llnltlmore, Nov. 29. Tho mud horses had It all their own way at Plmllco today, the seventh day of tho meeting. None I but the strong horsea could cuduro such heavy going ns that entailed, and even ' tho winners camo floundering nlong und ' laboring hard us they passed under tho I wire. The weather, too, was by no miiins agreeable. Hut with all that there was a. good crowd and excellent sport. The books had a fair day, as several long shots wer j winners; First race, 5 furlongs Brckman won, Princess India second, Iaurel Leaf third; tlmo. 1.05'i. Second race, f furlongs The Manxman won. Continental second, Muuil Adams third; time, l.frl. Third race. C furlongs Longaero an 1 Whistling Coon dead. heat. Tabouret third; time, 1.19U. Fourth race, H furlongs Judge Warden won, llableca second, N eared third; time. 1.1SH. Fifth race, mile Swan won, Mohawk Prince second; Debrldo thlid; time, 1.1G1-. TIipv Kobbcd .11 ir. Kppenstcin. Chicago, Nov. 29. Three men' who rep resented themselves as detectives enter.-1 the homo of Mrs. Mary Kppenstctn, 4111 Wabash avenue, at 3 o'clock this after noon. After beating Mrs. Uppcnsteln with revolvers nnd locking her in n room, they made way with her diamonds, value-d In all at $l,0a -tl)iili)ii0lii)0i :s t h ili.f t ?: i uuii-rj i - 4- -f. -i- r$ Splendid piano here $ at the store upright S; 5 used some and trifle & r$ scratched, but perfect J$ in tone. iS new for $ now for a 1$ $148. Sold when $400 here quick buyer, i-25 Welcome gift for r$ Christmas. There can 5 be no better iuvest- ment for the home $ than a piano. We :$ would like to show "8 3'ou this piano to show you others to 3 explain to you how ;-S easy it is to buy Pianos here are everything else $ Rexford's less ;-s anywhere else. one. like at than 1 II REXFORD CO. I 303 Lacka. Ave. (fMIMHOMfMJMOS ENTION, MONDAY BARGAINS. 000000000 Faney SilliS, all new and very choice 75c goods, now for... dt)c liireRS Goods, Black Damasse Prunelle 55c Dress Goods, now for JlJc Serges and Henriettas, all wool colored, 40 inches vide,large assortment of shades 2)c German Black Brocade, fan cies, fine line of new 75c goods, ... 5t)C Silk Waists We have mark ed down prices on every Waist. You can secure a bargain in a handsome Waist. Boys' Leather Stockings are the best cotton hose made. A trial of one pair will convince you. Price 25c HAGEN Of Course It's Libbey's II Sparkles nnd glistens. So clear is the glass, so rich the cutting, that each ray of light is transformed into a blaze of dazzling sparks. A new shipment just unpacked. WE ARE SOLE AGENTS. MILLAR & PECK, 131 Wyoming Ave. THE Veracity rather than variety prompts us to tell ef our success. In the world of trade. In our particular province there are none who can approach us either In point of iiullty or price. The eholee goods which we are constantly bringing to your notice are unequalled In this city. We have prepared to receive the rush of holiday buyers with the Largest, Host Complete UPPERS suitable for all .sizes and conditions of men anil women. Our whole stock is highly interesting just now, because, while composed entirely of new and re liable goods, they are priced extremely low, tho greater part of them having been recently bought below the market rates. Jinny Illustrations of this ten dency to sell for le.s than prevailing values will be found by visiting our store. TH aiiE si 326 Lackawinna Avanus. j "Famous Old Stand." Men's Ladies' ElPVPlECEJ KLINE SHOE GO I i i 41S Lackawanna Small Grips and Telescope Sale. Second Floor Dcpt. At Ridiculously Low Prices This Week Canvass Cor nered Telescopes lenthcr corners, with strong handles and three straps: IS-lnch slzo SALE PHICU, c 2U-lnch slzo SALE PIUCB, Wo K-lnch slzo SAL1-J PIUCB, 74o Sl-liwli slzi SALL2 I'lUCB, SSo Worth 1-3 more. Grips. Lock and key, wth double catches and steel frame; gooel, strong, full handle Seal Brown Color; Imitation seal leather. 10-Inch sizes, worth COc, SAL15 PIUCB, 'IDo 12-Inch sizes, worth 75c SALK PIUCE, 9o Imitation Alligator Grip. I Steel frame, lock and key; 2 catches, etc.: 12-lneh jilze, worth 7."c, ' SALB PIUCB, 49a 14-lnch size, worth SSc, SALB PRICK, 59c All Leather Grip. Pebbb'grnln leather, dark yellow color, steel frame extra strong, made with lock nnd key, etc.: 12-inch size, worth t'Sr., SALB PIUCB, Tie 11-Inch size, worth $1.21, SALB PIUCB, Vm iG-lm-h size, worth $1.21, SALB PlUCn, t-So C01110 nnd lok at our line of toys and Holiday GoodH, all open now ready for Inspection, at extremely low prices. See them while the assortment Is com plete. THE GREAT 310 Lackawanna Ave. J. II. MDWIG. -AAAAAA AAAAA..AAA "S oooooooooooooo Special Sale Today. ooxoooooooooo s 224 LACK. AVENUE. fv'-rv-r'rrT-fvvv,,nYVVTTT 00000000 Heavy Grey Underwear, posl- SBF5H jMk BM, MB TnRF I URL tively 50c. goods, Monday for Men's Sc. Cotton Hose for Men's 12c. Heavy Cotton Hose, 5 pairs, Men's $1.00 Natural Wool Underwear Gent's Initial Silcot Handkerchiefs. 2 for lie 5c 25o 75c 25c Fine 20c. Embroidered H'dk'fs, 12 l-2 $2.2S Large White Blankets $2.2-; Large Grey Blankets - $4.50 Large All Wool Blankets Outing Flannel, good quality, Apron Gingham Best Apron Gingham - Shaker Flannel $1.00 J. B. Corsets, 24 to o, M. & H. Corsets, French model 81.75 l.i.) 1.00 If .' 1-2 5c 1c 75c 5015 and 417 Avenue Seranton, Pa.