The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 27, 1897, Image 12

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When Looking
For the Best
(Jo to tbo niost reliable. Largest assortment;
lowest prices In llnlr Goods. Wo make
Satisfaction Rimrunteeil In Ladles' and
dents' Wlgii for street wear. Wo liavo the
Tonics, Bleaches, Rouges
and Powders.
Ask to tee tllo Ideal llitlr Dinah, Ronulno
Mberlan bristle Ur cushioned. Children's
llulr Cutting rccclv rs our uttentloa.
317 Lackawanna Ave.
Of coiitbc ou lisne heirlooms
in form of OKI Furniture, mid
then, perhaps your modern tuc
ii!shln4s area hit worn. Why not
linve tliein toned up restored i
lb a special line of work with us.
AVo do it well and we do It for as
little a- pussiMc. We have all
the new and desirable coverings.
Caroets, Draperies, Wall Papers
Fi.uik fiiav pleached in thf Vtt
Hilo th.uii'l last evening a sotmon p
ppilally tu tlit voiine Mr. Gray was
fiumorlv a minister of the Prlmltivp
Jlctliodlbt church Ho Is n foiciblo
f-ppaltpr. The ltvhal mivtlnfi aio con
tinued with much intpiest There i,
new ones fotvvurd eerv i-vinlnK Tluy
will be luld anothet week.
Union Thankfellnqr (.eivlops were
held in the MethoduU church Thursday
morning. There was quite a large num
1 r fioin the dlfteient churches pros,
rnt. Mrs. Kent R. Jones pieslded at
the nrpan and the sinKinfr wan entirely
(oiiRiusiitlnnnl Ite W Scott Stltes,
cf the I'tesbj tcilnn church, offered the
opening piayer and Hev Robert It.
Thompson, of the Baptist church, read
the scilpture lesson The hormon was
preached by Re. Wilson Tiieble, pan
toi of the church In which the services
weie held It was a well prepared and
vpiv intei etlnc dlscouie, pen ailed
with a simcte suit it nf sratltuile An
offering was made, which will be do
nated to some chaiitable Institution In
Itev. and Mrs Robert R Thompson
inteitaincd at their home on Eighth
Mioet, on Thmsdav, Mr. and Mis
Samuel Tottcn. of Shiiveitovvn, and
Mis. Oeoice AVIl-on, of Mount SJIon
13. A. DeWolf has gone to Iona for
u shmt time
William (Irace, of Scianton, spent
ThimkBlvlntf with his sister. Mn.
Daniel Van t,eav.
John Townspnd. while out hunting
on Thanksghincr, lost one of his
tingeis He was standing with his
hand on the muzzle of the cun, when
It was accidentally discharged.
A foot ball teiin from Scianton came
down to Wvominir on Thuisdav to
down the Wyoming team on the grid
iion. When the flist lnlf of the game
was neinlng the finish and the Wyo
ming bins wfie getting the bettei of
the isdtlng team, home issue aiose
which ipsulted In a quart el r.nd the
Scrnnton team left the field and w end
id their way to the depot, where they
took the Main toi home. The score
was U to o In fax or of Wvomltuj
The Sons of Tempeiance lodge are
planning to hold a -eiles of union
tintpuiance sei vices In the chinches of
the tuwii soor.
Next Tuisday evening the Epvvorth
h'lguo of the Methodist chutch will
elect offlceis
The Litoiary society of the "Welsh
f'ongiegatlonal ihurch has changed Its
nUht of meeting from Filday to Mon
ilav evening, and meetings will be held
ivery two weeks, commencing' last
Revival sei vices will be held In the
Ptesbyterlan church for one week,
lonimenclng tomonow morning Rev.
I' H. Biooks, tlio cleil: of the I.icka
wanna Presbytety. will assist the pas
tor. William Stone, or the Scranton
Tuith, visited his brother. Rev G. H
Stone, Thuisday.
A dog owned by Geoige Maxey, sr ,
bioke his chain yesterday afternoon
and sprang upon Mrs L H May, who
was passing, biting her beverelj in the
back. The animal would piobably
have Injured her more sevete.y, but
by-stunders seized the most available
weapons and drove the brute away
Mr. Maxey had the unimal shot at
once, and a physician was callled who
cauterized the wound Inflicted
The Ladles' Aid society of the Metho
dist church served dinner and supper
Wc have just put on Hale a new
prices and compare them with any
Jiest Heavy Cotton Cut pet
Kent Heavy Union Cut-pet
xtrulleuv Utilou Carpet
. 23a
.... ..U"M
We have home choice lots of
nt 5c, (lc. and 8c. per roll.
Carpets, Oil Cloth, Window Shades and Dr.ipjrlo.
ClialtM and Tubles,
In II. V. Hrown's building on Thanks
giving and contests for n. silk quilt
and u fnncy dolllo were decided. Tlie
gross receipts amounted to $111.10.
C. V. lewls, of Thompson, cham
pion checker player of 3usquehnnna
county, has Issued a challenge to John
S. Carmtchnel, of Scranton, to play a
series of games for $100 a side, cither
at Finest City or Susquehanna, some
time in December.
Mrs Robert IC. Dunn was at White's
Valley yesterday attending the funeral
of her brother.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Connolly spent
Thanksgiving at the Dempsey resi
dence Mr. and Mis. M. Carroll, of Blng
hamton, nre guests of Mis. McDermott,
of Main street.
aiM Kate Campbell Is visiting
frlnds In Scranton
James Morton, of this place, nnd
Maigaiet Tlschler. of PIttston, wero
mart lid at the home of the bride's
parents on Thurhday evening. Rev. O.
W 13tlvcln, of PIttston, performed the
ceietnony. Mr and Mrs Mot ton will
lcslde In Avocn.
Mr. Fiedetlck Mitchell, of Carbon
dale, was a visitor In town yesteiday.
I.Mc Ilolllstcr, as student of Painted
Post 1'nloii academy, New York, Is
ependlng a few days nt the home of
his parents, Mr. und Mrs. A. P. IIol
llstei The ma i Huge of M J McGowan. of
this place, to Miss Mary Donnelly, of
PIttston, was solemnized on Thanks
giving; da. at the St. John's church,
PIttston R(. J Flnnen pel formed
the ceiemony Miss Cella Blown was
btldesmald and Mai tin McGowun was
groomman They will teslde at the homestead in the North
Mr. and Mrs. I r. O'Donnell, of
Paisons, and Mr. and Mrs Oraiy DHLs,
of Duiyej, spent Thuisday at the Wha
len residence.
Miss 3mma Zelgler, p-postmlstres
of fJupont, and David James, a popular
conductor on the Scranton and PItts
ton Traction line, were mauled on
HhurMlay evening at the home of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mis. Joamcs
will reside in Scrnnton
The Lackawanna Thistle Cut ling
club held a meeting nt the home of
James Graham and elected the follow -ingofticeis
President, James Graham;
vici- ptesldent, Duncan McMaitiu, sec -letaij
John Hailstone; tioasutei.
Thomas Hailstone, skips, Jamcb Gio
1mm, Thomas Hailstone, James Bur
don, William Graham
The death of Edward lUirett, of
HiownsilIe incut led on Thursday nf
tPinoon attu suffeilng totrlble agony
mused by being fatally buined while
dtling fioin PIttston on Monday even
ing Mr Han It placed a lighted pipe
In his pocket and in a few mlnutch his
clothing was ablaze and it wttb some
time before the passets-by noticed his
teulblp condition. The funeral will
take plai e on Sunday afternoon.
The death of William Lyons-, of the
West Side, ottuned on Thuisday even
ing after a lingeiing Illness of acthma,
Dei eased is suivlved by a wife and
three children. Puncial will take
plan1 In Cunday afternoon.
The live pigeon shooting match In
Oaiej's Held between Mooney, of Hy de
Park, and Webb, of Avoca, resulted In
a lctory for the lattei.
David Wideman's stoie was enteied
by thlevt.s about a week ago and near
ly two hundred dollars' worth of goods
taken, consisting mostly of boots, men's
tine shoes, hosiery and flannels.
Mr. and Mrs Johnston, of Scianton,
are In town.
P. H. Raynor and family, of Carlxm
dile spent Thanksgiving day with
friends here.
Andievv Coney Is again able to bo
The new Hag Moated in the breeze on
Th inksglving dav.
The Thanksgiving sermon by tho
Rev. .Mr Harncd in the Presbyterian
church was appi eclated bv an atten
tive audience
IJon. Phllo Burritt and famllv gave
1 reception Wednesday evening to a
large chcle of friends. A vciy pleas
ant feature of the evening v. as a mu
sic ale given by Prof. Thomas, of Car
bnndalo and somo of his pupils.
The chicken supper at tho Methodist
paisonage was well attended Thurdav
evening, considering the Inclemency of
the weathei.
In This The Truth is Laid Ilnro
People Now Resinning to Realize
the I rue Merits ot Honest Advortis.
i tig.
That tho Chicago Combination Cloth
ing Co , of 211 Washington avenue, op
posite the Court House, are strictly
living up to their advertisements Is
now fully assuted There Is nothing
hidden in their mode of doing business
and the truth Is laid bare. You will
wonder why it is, and no doubt you
will be astonished when u rend their
adveitlsements When they announce
the sale of such high-grade goods at
such ruinously low prices. This firm
can well afford to sell these goods at
such prices, as they buy goods from
people who are either giving up busi
ness and must raise money, also from
bankrupt concerns, sheriff sales, ond
In fact from wholesalers who are hard
pressed for money The Chicago Com
bination Clothing Co have eight steady
buyers who are continually on tho look
out for such stocks, and in a great
many cases they are successful in ob
taining these goods at fiotn twenty
five to fifty per cent, on tne dollar,
thus enabling them to place the same
on sale, adding a small percentage for
profits and turning the stock quickly
and giving the people bucIi bargains
that under ordinary circumstances they
could not secure. Thus It will be seen
when thev announce a sale it is not
mere fiction or newspaper talk, but
actual facts. Tho great sheriff sale
which is now in progress in tholr store
is c reatlng the talk of the tow n. If j ou
are In need of any clothing for men,
boys and children, make hastfyCTTcl
come to this great sheriff sale, now In
progress at 211 Washington avenue, op
poslte the Court House, Scranton, Pa,
line of Ingrain Carpets,
other goods In the city:
See the
All vvool Carpet ....., 40o
All Wool, mtHlliim quality ftir
All Wool, bukl quality 5Uo
All Wool Carpet
Wall Papers that we are closing out
Koyat makes the food pure,
wholesome and delicious.
Absolutely Puro
Where were our stieet lamps last
Thursday night? EchD answers
w hei e.
John Eilcnbuger shot another fox
last Tuesday. Surely that new gun
does the work.
There will be services at the six
principle Baptist chuich next Sunday
at 2 30.
Miss Alma Wilghley, of Scranton,
spent Thanksgiving .with relutlvea
The roll call meeting of the Baptist
church wil be held on Thursday Dec.
9th, instead of Monday as fetated by
tho Factoryvlllo Tidings.
Tho Ilcnvv r,ports oi (Jrnln One. of
the Important rcnturos of the Week.
Ihicour.iging Reports from Dun
A. Co.
New York, Nov. 20 R. G. Dun &
Co.'s weekly review of trade will say In
Its Issue of tomoirow.
Tho heaw exports of wheat, with
the renewed advance in pi ice is the
most Intel estlng nnd Itnpoitnnt feature
of the week Since Aug. 1. when the
extent of foreign deficiency became
leallzcd, epmts have been larger than
in coiic'spondlng weeks of any pievlous.
ear. Tho cotton cxpoitt. also have be
come veij heavj, and tho outgo of
loin falls but little below last year'H
unpicccdented recoid, while in exports
of manufactuilng pioducts, especially
machhiei, all recoids lor tho season
have been surpassed.
While th aggregate for November
list year was over $109,000,000, ship
ments ftom New York for thiee weeks
have been but slightly smaller, with a
fair piospeot that the known incteaso
hi cotton and other products from oth
er ports may make up the deficiency.
Meanwhile Imports ate running behind
last eai's, at New York nearly $2,000,
000 this month, .so that another excess
of ex potts over imports amounting to
about $00,000,000 for the month is prob
able This would make an excess of
about $225,000,000 in four months.
After th1 slight decline labt Saturday
w heat rose to 100'4 for November, with
No 2 red and other grades selling
many cents higher. Yet western re
ceipts aie of enoimous magnitude. In
four veks, 27,072,101 bushels, against
2,914,iJ8 in tho same four weeks last
veai, while Atlantic cxpoits, flour in
cluded, weie for the week 3,G2S,445
bushels, and for four weeks 13,129,839,
against 7.737.CS3 last jear. The ship
ments from other potts have also been
heav, and neither appeals to change
former estimates of European needs.
Corn also continues to go abroad in
quantities almost as large as last year,
when all past recoids were broken, but
the price has slightly declined.
The iron Industry bhows no decrease
In production or consumption of pig,
but with much reduced oideis for pro
ducts excess of production Is expected,
and Bessemer falls a shade to $1015
and Grey Forge to $9 25 at Plttsbuig,
though Chicago and eastern markets
show no change. Billets are also weak
er at Pittsburg $13 Expectation of
lowr pi Ices tends to pioduce at a
time when new business is naturally
small and the mills are woiklng mostly
on other oideis, with buyeis Impatient
for dellvetles Other laige otders are
held back in plates by Inability of the
wotks to deliver In the- time desired.
In bars, agricultural and inllway man
ufacturing causes a heavy demand at
Chicago, iron being prefeired to steel,
and thin hheets ar also In better de
mand, but bais aie a shade lower at
Pittsburg, and both wire and cut nails.
Some large outers for rails by eastern
railways ate reported
The woolen manufacturer Is still
consuming heavilv In execution of past
orders, and many agents aie sold so
far ahead that they seek no further
business, while others are beginning to
question whether the demand for the
next beason will sufllce If prices are
made to coi respondent with present
quotations of vvool Somo reductions In
prices of wool appeals, possibly aver
aging half a oent, with sales of Aus
tralian amounting to 2.700,000 pounds
In u few large blocks at Hoston, but
the tone is still strong. No change has
occuired in tho cotton manufacture,
and the market for its products is still
Pollutes for the week have been 236
In the United States against 300 last
year, nnd 23 In Canada against 38 last
December Option Reaches the High
Water .llnrk.
New York, Nov 26 After several
weeks of unsatlsfai toiy markets, dol
lar wheat in the speculative acceptance
of the teim was realized on 'Change
today. The December option early at.
talned that llgr?jes and soon passed
it, leaching $1 000f in the af tea noon,
which was also the final pilci; a bad
squee.e of the shoitlvas chiefly re
sponsible for local stiength, although
higher cables had much to do with the
early advancing tendency of local mar
kets Expottera bought only moder
ately of wheat, but took about 700,000
bushels of com today
Chicago, Nov, 26 Wheat bold at one
dollar tcxlay for tho December option,
and closed at OOVfcc , n advance of
3c. May showed a considerable
amount of sympathy with the advance
In Dc ember and closed IVial c, high
er. Effoits of shoits both heie and
fioni St. Louis caused the advance
In December, and they were not sup
plied until ?l had been bid Wheat
started flim at fioin 91T,c. to 92e. for
May ond 9Gio. to 9fi',ic for December
Tho additional stiength caimj from an
advnnce at Liverpool nf " pence to
begin with, added to tho effect of a
cold wave piodlctlon from tho signal
service bureau.
Wnll Street Koviovr.
New Yoik, Nov 20 Tho latter pait of
tho day showed nn Improvement In busi
ness on the Stock exchange, both In tlio
volumo of transactions nnd tho Increase
In values bver th it recently piovalllng.
Tho standard railroad stocks, however,
continued to be a good deal neglected, and
tho movement of prices in thorn were
vi ry narrow The wholo list was ilp
piesed during tho early pait of tho day
under tho Iniluenco of lower prices for
Americans in London and active selling
here for London account. This was espe
cially marked in 9t Paul and this stock
failed to recover nt any tlmo to Wednes
day's close. Its weakness was duo io
tho October statement of raining which
showed an lncreaso in net of less than
$3,000. So far as this statement bears on
tho general situation, it is to be taken
into account that St. Paul's October earn
ings last car wcro tho largest for the
year. Tho later Improvement In tho nnr
ket left the railroad list with net gains
but thiy wero of tho narrowest In many
cores Tho chief interest In tho maikct
centered in the gpeelittles, and these all
developed strength before trading hid
been long In nrogtess. Total sades wcro
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, AL
LEN A CO., stock brokers, Wears build
Ins, rooms 705-706.
Open- High- Low- "los
ing, est. est. lng.
Am. Tobacco Co .... St SI1 SI hi
Am. Sug. Re'g Co ..131 JS.T'g 1W 1J33$
A., T it. S. V., Pr . 2u'i a." So'ii 2L4
Can. Southern 5J 32 Si t.2
dies, iz Ohio 2i4 21 20' 21
Chicago Gas 9l'u PJ'i 11 92
Chic. & N W MO'S 121a 120"j 121'a
Chic, B. & Q 9.T, 91 9rH 93',
Chic, Mil. S. St. P .. 91 91 91's 91
Chic. R, I &.P ... . S6a h Vj Mj
Dolaware & Hud ...107'i 10S'8 Iu7'!i 105
Dlst. A. C. F. Vt I, 7U '
Gen Electric 31 3j 3P R."i
Louis. Nash 51t 31'j 53 T,V2
)t IC fi Tex , I'r .... ."!'i 1IJ 'U'i 33i3
Manhittan Elo 100 10J 100 liJ
Mo Pacific 2S 2i 27 2S'(.
N. J. S2T, M'i "Ci SI'i
N. Y. Conttai .. 10V ! 10d 10"s
N Y , S. A. W. Pr .. 32t 32', 21 32,
Nor. Pacific, Pr .... Im V uf, C5
Omaha 76 76'- 7rt 768
Pacitlo Mull 29 21 29
Phil &. Read 201, .0 20 D
Southern It. R 9 9 8 s
Tenn , C. d Iron .. . 23 21 23 21
ITnlon Pacific 22 23 2."'j 21
W.ibash, Tr 17 17 17 17
West, rnion S3 86 Sb (!)
Open- High- Low- Clos.
WIIDAT. lng. est. st. lng.
December Pi W0 96 91
May '.'2 9J' "Jl 9
December 20 20 20 2-i
May 22 22 22 22
December V 2r, 23 26
May 29 21 29 H1
Docember 4 10 110 4 10 110
December 715 7 25 71i 7 23
Scrnnton Hoard of Trade Exchange
(Juotntlon--All Quotations lluscd
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
Scranton & PIttston Trae. Co. ... 20
National Boring & Drill's Co. ... EO
First National Bank 650
Etmhurst Boulevard Co 100
Scranton Savings Bank 200
Scranton Packing Co 93
Lacka. Iron and Steel Co 150
Third National Bank 350 ...
Throop Novelty M'f'tf Co 80
Scranton Traction Co is 17
Scranton Axle Works 75
Weston Mill Co 250
Alexander Car Replacer Co 100
Scranton Bedding Co 103
Dime Dep. & Dls. Bank 150
Peck Lumbe- M'f'g Co 175 223
Economy Light, Heat & Pow
er Co 45
Scranton Pais. Railway, first
mortgage due 1920 US ...
People's Street Railway first
mortgago due 191? 115 ...
People's Street Railway, Gen
eral mortgage, due 1921 115
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lacka Township School 5 103
City of Scranton St. Imp. t 102
Mt Vernon Coal Co 85
Scranton Axle Works 109
Scranton Traction Co 103 ...
Philadelphia Provision Market.
Philadelphia, Nov. 25 - Wheat-Firm
and l'c higher, contract grade, Novem
ber, 99c.a$l oo, December, January and
February, nomlral Corn Firm, No. 2
mixed, November and December, 32"a
32c; January and February, nominal.
Oats Firm, No. 2 white, November, De
comber, January and February, 2Sa2!)C.
Potatoes Flim, fair demand; white,
iholce, per bushel, CSaTOc; do. fair to
good, C0a63c ; sweots, prime, per basket,
50a33c. ; do seconds, 25a30c. Butter Un
changed; fancy western creamer , 23c ;
do IVnnsjlvauia prints, 23c ; do. western
do , 23c. Eggs Firm, lc. higher; fresh,
neirby, 23a2tc , do. western, 22a23c.
Cheese Dull and weak. Refined Sugars
Unchanged r Cotton Steady Tallow
Dull. clt prime In hogsheads, 3c , coun
tr, do. In barrels, 3c, dark, do, 3c;
cakes, 3e , gieasc, 2?4c. Live- Poultij
Firmer, fowls, 7u8c; old roosters, i,e ;
spring chickens, 7aSc , broilers, feaOe ; tur
kejs, 9al0c , ducks and geese, Sa9 Dressed
Poultry Quiet but fairly steady; fowls,
choice, SaS'iC ; do fair to good, 7a7c.;
chickens, large, 9al0c , medium do . 8a
8c., do. filr to good, 9allc , ducks, 7aW"
Rocelpts Flour, 6,000 ban els and 14,000
suks, wheat, 47,00") bushels, corn, 85,003
bushels; oits, 23,000 bushels. Shipments
Wheat, Vkm bushels, corn, 4,0u0 bushels:
oats, 19,0X1 bushels.
.New York Produce Market.
Now York, Nov. 26 Flour SttonMy
held and fairly active. Wheat Spot lit m.
No 2 red. $101, f. o. b , afloat, No 1
northern Duluth, $1 03, fob, atloit,
No 1 northern New Yoik, $102', fob,
afloat. No 1 hard Manitoba, $1.01, f. o.
b, afloat, options firmer on cables, ad
vanced during the day on a big stare of
December shorts, and closed unsettlod
at lalc net advunce, December having
once moro passed tho dollar mark; No
vember, closed $100; December, 93 11-16C
n$l 00, closed $1 00; January, 99e a$l w.
closed $1 00; May, OloOi) 3-luc, closed
Sue. Corn Spot firm; No 2, 3tc, fob,
afloat; options opened firm, generally firm
all day with wheat, closing c. net high
er, November, closed 32'..e , December,
Face, Hands and Arms Covered With
Scrofulous Humors How a Cure,
Was Effected.
"When 11 vo years old my little boy had
scrofula on his face, hands and arms. It
was worst on his chin, although tho sores
on his cheeks and hands wero very bad.
It appeared in tho form pimples
which would fester, break c;,en and run
and then scab over. Alter disappearing
they would break out again. Thoy caused
Intense Itching and the Jittlo sufferer had
to bo watched continually to keep him
from scratching tho sores. Wo becamo
greatly alarmed at his condition. My
wife's mother had had scrofula and the
only medicine which bad helpd hor was
Hood's Sarsaparllla. Wc decided to give
it to our boy and wo noted an improve
ment in his case very soon. After giving
him lour bottles ol Hood's Sarsaparltla
the humor had nil been driven out of his
blood and it has never slnco returned."
William Dartz, 410 South Williams St.,
South Bend, Indiana.
You can buy Hood's Sarsaparllla of all
druggists, ho sure to get only Hood's.
u ...! rltl euraUverllliieasTtoUke,
nOOU S flHS y to iirate. tfconti.
31o32c., closed 33o.: January, 'closcl
ra'ic; .May, 34n35c, closed 33c. Oats
Spot firmer, No. 2, 2Gic; So. 3. 23Jc,; No.
2 white, 2S'4c; No. 3 white, 27c, track
mixed, western, 23a27'c; track white,
27a33'4c; options dull but steady all day,
closing unchanged; December, 23c.; Feb
ruary, 26?4c. Beef Steady; faintly, J9a
10 50. Cut Meats Steady. Bittotr Quiet;
western creamery, 14a22c; do factory,
IIHhHc; Elglns, 23c; Imitation creamery,
12al7c; state dairy, 12a20e.; do creamery,
Ha22c. Cheese Dull; large white, Sep
tember. 8Vic ; small do., 9'4c , large col
ored, Septombor. 8c ; small do, 9'ic;
large October, 7aSc , small do, 8Vic;
light skims, 6a6c; pnrt skim", 5ac , lull
skims, 2atc. Eggs Quiet; statu and
Pennsylvania, 20a23c , western fresh, 2tc.
Tallow Dull, city, 3 3-lOc, countrj, 3a
3e. Petroleum Quiet
Chicago Grain Market.
Chicago, Nov. &5. The leading futures
ranged as folovvM: Wheat November, 99.?;
December, 9ta99c; May, 91a93u.
Corn November, 2w20c; December, 26a
2tc; May, 29'i.i2,a29c, Oats Decom
ber, 2Oa20c ; May, 22n22'ic. Pork
December, $7.17a7.2, January, $8 12'ia
815; May, $S 42iS 40. Lard December,
$ll0ttl2s; Jantnry, $4 23u4 23, .May,
$l37al37 Rlbs-Decembcr, $115; Jan
tiary. $1 13al.l5; May, $1 27al 27. Cash
quotations were a follows. Flour Firm;
No. 2 spring wheat, 92a93c ! No 3 spring
wheat, SOaOlc; No. 2 red, 99M,o.;a$l 00. No.
2 corn, 26i20c; No. 2 oats, 21c , No 2
white, 2la2l"2c; No. 3 white, f. o b 23a
24c; No. 2 rye, 4Sc ; No 2 barley, f. o. b.,
2Ga40c: No 1 flix seed. $103Hfll.l0, prlmo
timothy seed, $2 63a2("li: pork, ?7 23a7.30;
lard, $120; ribs. $4 15a 125; shoulders, 4a
5c; sldis, 4alc; wldsky, $119, sugais,
out loif, $5 81, granulated, $5 21 Receipts
Flour, 9,000 barrels; wheat, 91,000 bush
els; corn, 307.000 bushels; oats, 428 000 bush
els; ne, 415,000 bushels, barley, 133,000
bushels Shipments Flour. 21,000 bar
rels, wheat, 41.000 bushols, corn, 29I.UOO
bushels; oats, Ml.ono bushels, rje, none,
barley, S0,OM) bushels.
Cliicngo I.lvo Stock.
Chicago, Nov. 20. Cattle Steady, slow;
good to extra steers, $4 70a3 50, common
grades, $3 SOU 63, stotkus, $Ja370, feed
ers, $3.S0a4 V) Calves $3. 73at 50, western
ringers, $3f0il Hogs i 30a3 45. pigs,
$3 10a3.40. Sheep $2 50a3 foi pooiest up to
$fi0a4S3 for best, fed westerns, $3 60a4 60,
joarllngs, $3; prime wethers, $1 75. Lambs
JlaS8. Receipts Cattle. 6,5V) head;
hogs, 31,0)0 head, shtpp, S.OuO htad.
Ihist Liberty Cattlo .Market.
East Llbirtj, Pa, Nov 26-Cattle-Stradv;
prime, $1 80a4 no, common, $3 23a
31,0, bulls, stags and cows, $Ui3 55. Hogs
Fairly active, prime assorted mediums,
$3.0)i3i1, best Yorkeis and pigs. $360,
iommou to fait grades, $.i5iVi3 53, heavy
hogs. $.:V),i15"i, roughs, $2 30i'! 23 Sheep
Slow; choice, $lhOa4 7, tommon, $3a3 65,
choke lambs. $3 5Ki370, common to good,
$1 50a5 10, veals calves, $1 C3a7.
New York Live block.
Now York, Nov. 26 Beeves Slow and
weik for steers, steady for lough stutt.
native steers, $la5, stags and oxen, $2 7a
4 30, bulls, $2 75a3 S3, dry cows, $1903W
Calves Quiet, steady, veils, $3a3 7,
grasscrs, $Ja130 Sheep and Lambs
Steady, very dull for sheep, sheep, $0al73;
lambs, $5a0. Hogs Weak at $3C0a3 90.
Buffalo Live Stock.
East Buffalo, N. Y Nov. 26 -Cattle
Steady. Hogs Slow; Yorkers, good to
choice. $J60i3W, rough, common to
good, $310a3 25, pigs, common to cholcp
$3 l)a3 b3. Shcop Hid Lambs Fairly ac
tive, lambs, chi Ice Io extra, $3 03aS5,
culls to common, $lt"ja"2j, "hi ep, choice
to selected vvftheis, $15)a4 75, cull to
common, 2$5a3 50.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Pa, Nov. 26 Credit balances
65; certificates opcnil 67 bid; high, 70;
closed 67 bid, sales, 1.000 at 6S; shipments,
181,678 barrels; runs, 16I.3S8 barrels.
At the Art Gnllory.
"I like number eighty-one don't you"'"
"Yes Indeed, but the price Is ro low
that I haven't tho courage to buy it."
Always Reliable, Purely Vegetable.
Perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated, regu.
late, purify, cleans nnd strengthen. HAD
WAY 8 l'iLLj for the cure of nil disorders
of Htomnch, Uowelx, Kidney , llladder,
Nervous Diseases, DUzlucss, vertigo, Los
Uvemicss.lMlcfc. SICK HEADACHG,
Observe the following symptoms, result
ing from diseases of tho digestive organs.
Constipation. Inward piles fullness of
blood In tne head, acidity of the stomach,
nausea, heartburn, disgust of food, full
ness of welsh: of the stomach, sour eruj
tations, sinking or fluttering of tho heart,
choking or suffocating sensations when
In a lying posture, dimness of vision, dots
or webs before the Eight, fever and dull
pain In the head, deficiency of persplra
tlon, yellowneps of tho skin and ey es, pain
In tho side, chest, l.mbs and sudden Hush,
es of heat, burning In the flesh
A few doses of RAD WAY'S PILLS will
free the system of all tho above named
Price 35c per box, Sold by Druggists or
sent by mall.
55 Elm Street, New York.
The Eye Specialist
WHOSi: onke Is a.
J1ft f.nnlfnuiLn.
Xi na avenue, in Will-
.OX lams' U'hitA hVnnt
Shoo Moro, examine
the eye fioe lu tho
most act urate way,
and his prlcoj for spac
taclcs ore cheaper
jsh k
jgr N13 yg itfiiua urn u
nnnninj ttiau eltcwuere
e A in
fference h2 ICL ,-. loentuble Indlrfi
to the proper care ot
lueeyes teem 10 po.
reus most people until
the time comes when
headaches, Imperfect
Islou.or other results
of such neglect give warning that nature U
rebelling against such treatment of 0110 ot
tho most precious girts. Normal vision Is n
blessing unappreciated until It bus beenloit
and restored; Its lull value Is then realized,
'therefore, you should not lose 11 day before
having your eyes examined, this service wo
gludly render tree of charge.
215 Lackawanna Avenue
In the White Front Shoe More.
Uy Dr. I'lnlaw, of Cum.
den, N.J, that absolutely
prevents any keptlo or foul
matter Horn enterlug tbe
As It dilates the womb,
all nrivou uisemis
arising hum spasmod
ic uctlous are cured.
Ovarlnn Diseases, lu
luors. l'rolaimm.l'alu-
ful Menstruation, and nil other Disease of
Women. Call or send iwo-cent stump for
i!Jl Franklin Ave., Hcrautou, l'a,
K5Wt3B' Vr
Hub mit-'iK " Vr??jS
Business is
Rushing at
Where you see the crowds there you will find the best values.
Fancy Boucle Cloth Coat, deep
cape slashed, elaborately trimmed
with silk braid and q
buttons, 4 to 14 years, P5,9-'
Ladies' Black Boucle Jackets, all
satin lined, seams strapped with
black Kersey cloth, e
instead of $7.50, at P5"
Ladies' Black Kersey Cloth Jack
ets, all satin lined, lly front, 26
inch length, instead of
$11.00, at . . P750
Ladies' Rich Persian Cloth Jack
ets, lined all through, sleeves and
all, with heavy black satin, straight
high fronts. Instead (t
of $20.00, at - P I2.5O
Ladies, Capes ol Fine Black Ker
sey, all satin lined, handsomely
braided, fitted backs. ?
Instead of $12. 50, at P,5'
a 3
138 Wyoming Avenue.
Moiiuettc Carpets at this price
and of such a high grade, are
from 30c to 43c a yard less than
they will be next spilng, and
nt tho lowest price- thoy ever
toucheel In tho regular way,
tliec carpets are well woith a
dollar The patterns we offer
oie all new nnd at 80e It will
pay you to buy now Store
them away until wanted. Ho
gaidlng aionjuette Carpets one
of the best authorities says, "In
beauty anil service at present
prices, no cat pet btands bcfoic
a good Moquette today.
These nloquettcs Are Good.
Our Advice to Old Patrons J.s Acton These Hints.
And envied bv Ids enomlos We have
brought about tho time vthen u man In mod
erate circumstances can be vrell dressed A
short time aso bo was compelled to put up
with a ready-madb suit. Wo make a suit
from $in up. tbe color, cloth nnd cut guar
anteed. W. J. Davis,
Steam and
Hot Water
Gas, Electric
And Combination
Light . . .
Charles B. Scott,
119 Franklin Ave.
Klectrlo Baitcrles, Eleetrlo Explodon. for es
plodlug blasts, bafety Fuse, and
Repanno Chemical Co.'s nxpi-obiVcs.
DomtUtnsa needs a rellablt.
tbo purtit drugs
Dp- PoalPs
X "''T'-'i-t..' gv sSi v
Thar t prompt, site and crista In roialt. Tbo cennlne (Dr. Pml'i) n.r.r dins.
nolBt. B.nt sty whero, $1.00. AddMssI'JULilsajcUJaCo., ClCT0lna,O,
For Solo
Spruce street
OEfln'iiJ B 3m
Ladies' Rich Black Velour Capes,
beautirully decorated with jet ant
braid, a magnificent gap
ment. Instead of
$50.00, at - - P27.50
Ladies' Street Suits, silk lined
coats, various styles, picked out
from our $15 and $18 4.
suits. Your choice 975
250 Heavy Outing Wrappers,
newest and up to date styles,
regular price $1.08. dj
Today - - -
25 Astrachan Capes, trimmed
with fur 36 inches long, a gar
ment that sells for $10. p z
Today - - $0.75
Real Astrachan Fur Collarettes,
regular price $7. so. q - o
Today - - P4Oc
50 doen Flannel Waists, all
nneci, picatetl back and front, reg
ular $2.00 quality.
Kull flve-fiaine Body Brussels
Cai pets made by Hlgelow, Low
ell and the Glen Iho factories,
are without a doubt the best
goods on tlie 111,11 ket They've
been silling at $1 21 right along,
and next Spilng thev must go
higher, there's no help for It,
You'll want carpets then, but
you'll surely grudge the price,
anil nobody will be- able to help
you We'll make and stole them
for you till wanted, but wo
won't ptomlse the piesent low
prices after the clcso of the pre
sent month.
Time Here rteans Honey.
Carpet House,
408 Lacka. Ave.
Special Attention Given to Bus!,
ncs.s and Pergonal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodations Kx.
tended According to Bakincca and
3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Interest Deposits.
Capital, -Surplus,
WH. CONNELL, Trcsldeiit.
HEXKY BGLIX, Jr.. Vice Pros.
Primary. Secondary or Tertiary HLOOl)
1'OIHOX permanently
You can be treated at home for same price
uuder same guaranty. If you prefer to
come here w e will contract to pay railroad
fare and hotel bills, and no charge, It vre
fail to cure
Inketi merfiirv.
Iodide potash, and still
haie aches ntld ratlin. MUCOUS Patches In
mouth. Sore Throat, Pimples, Copper
Colored hpols, Ulcers on any parioiiac
Doily, nair oi
this becondar:
body, Hair or Eyebrow falling out, It Is
r solicit the mot obstinate cures und
challenge the world fur a case we cannot
cure I his disease has alii ays bafflcj the
bklll of the mast eminent physicians
soo ooo capital behind our uncondi
tional Rtmtatity Absolute proofs sent
scaled ou uppluiitlnn loo.pate book
sent free ddii" COOk. RUMLIl CO,
nji Masanlc temple, CHIC (1(, ILL
.crroui J Hea$0$ tilling iim
ory.Impolenc, HleepleiD6ii,to , cat4
bj Abut or other 1 xcoms ana Indlo
cretlonts, Ihcy qutchlu and tureltt
retoroLo6tVitulltr la oMorroanir ani
inn mouioriuar( ou ins or mairisev
juvrutv i iceiuv joaaiir fcn iaiuuiiiiua ,
rrcTfiai Jnantty an
.- i
uuooinuioB. luairun tnowi laAeaiaio in
tneotund effects U1U1 when all other to
Tbeiruns thowi iaAedlato jmproje-
jut upon iiuTiJS tne wnuma Ajax ittoioia,
vnnlnA Alnr Tu
. J
htiTa curod tliou.riait. ana i It euro you. VVaalTeapos-
eiKincuraciinTC id
ipui-r 1'rlrn UU U I O , p.,
II for UW. Hi
mall, la plain V7r ippor urnn rioui!t of prlc. CMroulai
CUujil. I
for sale lu Scrmtjii Iiu by viatthews
Dros. audit C. f-antlu'ioii, druiisUts.
should b
csnthlr. rcmUllnir msJleln.
Only liarala acd
should bs ueJ. Hy ju nsat tho twit, g.l
PeEBsapoyaD FB18S
Phormacltt, cor. Wvomlnn avonue and
I t-1 I I I I.H I I I I I Vsl I I IB
i q I m 1$ dUEl1 A!
' J