The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 24, 1897, Page 9, Image 9

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Eacftawatw s7mi
(The Cnrbotidalc eoi respondent!- of Tim
Tribune ling been placed In tln liniulH of
Mr. C. 11. Munn, Snleiu iivenue und
Church stiect, to whom news lt ms mm
bo ueldrc ssed and also complaints of Ii
regular delivery.
A Trninmnii Seeks Dimmer I'roiii
tlio Drlnwnrc mill IliiiWou.
lr. II. C. Wheeler, of tills cltv, and
Reed Burns, M 1) , of ric-rnnton, were
In BlnRliaintou csteiilny for tin pin
pose of ulvlmr export testimony In a
damage suit tiRnlnst the Delaware und
Hudson itimputiv. Some months ' H
one of the compiny's trainmen u In
n sllclit wreck at Nlnceli. He Mil ic
ciuently nllejreel tliat lie sustained n
Jury which produced heiula. The c e
tors will proe very wiltmble vvll
liesseH for tlio defense, as thev went
picpared to show that the pioeeutir
suffered from an enlargement nf the
veins of the Rrlnn, wlibli nllllt Hon was
mistaken by some phjjdclans fm lu-i-nla.
It Is said finthor that the defdie
can move that the pmsccutor spoke
to several fi lends regarding his tlouble,
weeks bcfoio the accident occutied.
Many railroad men nie wntclilnu the
progress of tho c-ns-o with lnleiet.
Ciirboiidnlo is itcmurl.tililv l'reo
From ContiiRiiins Diseases.
Sanltaty law.s have been well ol
seived In this city this fall. The banl
tary policeman said last evonins that
there was not a single case of diph
theria, seat let feer, monles or t
phold fever on locniil. This Is most
unuMia!, as well as KtntlfyliiK, for this
season, and It helps spiead the Pio
neer city's fame as a lioultli-glvlr.ff ie
sort The excellent sanltaty nriniiKe
ments, puic air and crvMnl water of
this place have not been small factors
In the remaiknblc growth of the past
few years.
Few cities the sl7e of Caibondale
not one less than 1S.000 can boast of
such a record. Probably not another
in the state.
The protective board of the Uiothei
hood of Locomotive Knclneeis finished
Its work vesterdav afternoon. Not a
grievance of gravity has developed In
a lear and no confeienee with tho
lallroad officials will be ncccssaiy.
This speaks well for the management
of iio Delaware nnd Hudson and Kilo
loads, Oeorgo Urandon, of this citv,
was elected chairman of the committee;
V P. AVilllams, of Hlnghamton, secre
tary and tieasurer, and J. H. Nelson,
of Troy, vice-chairman.
AVe welcome C. R. Munn back to the
inks of Journalism. There Is n. fas
cination In the iures.-ion that keeps
within its thtaJI all who have become
initiated and Mr Munn is one of tho
biightest of Its devotees He now has
( barge of the Carbondale department
of the Scranton Tilbune. Leader.
T. 15. Vannan and P. H. Jenkins. M.
D , have let the contract for their pio
posed threc-stoiv brick and stone
building on Salem aenue to "V. II.
T-"'1gtt. The new stiucturo will be
tied tho first of March and it will
mother monument of beauty for
Haily yes.erday morning the geneial
flro alaim Rounded Fifth waid. The
fire was confined to tho old, unoccu
pied house of James Duffv. The loss
was coveied by lnsuianee.
The Knights of Father Mnthfw lime
decided to postpone their twentieth an
nlversaiy celebiatlon.
Seats for "Daikest Ameilca" nie in
great demand.
Melvin Tappon lias purchased a lot
at Ileynshaiiliurst, upon which lie will
erect a house In the spilng
A Christian Alliance cottage meet
ing will be held this nfternoon at
Ralph Giles', on Hrook stieot
The funoral of the late Miss Sheiidan
will occur this morning at 9 o'clock.
The Shield of Honoi will hold Its an
nual masquerade In the Watt building
tonight. This organization Is one of
the few that can conduct fioni year
to year successful bal masques.
The excellent talent that participat
ed in the entertainment of tho Kail
road Dancing class last night acquit
ted itself most crtdltably.
Mibs Florence Colwell is entei tabling
her cousin, Howard Harvey, of In
dia Orchard
Georgo Giady, of Riooklyn tieet, Is
seilously HI.
James "Weetbury is undergoing ill
ness at his homo, on Oak uv -niie
Mrs. Benjamin Hveison, ' Middle-
I'or Internal and External Use.
Colds, Cou2h, Sore Throat, Influenza, Dron.
cliltls, Pneumonia, burlling of the
Jolntv, Lumbago, Inflammation,
ltliciiinnflsm, Neuralgia,
Prostbltei, Chilblains, Headache, Toothache,
CUHKS Till: WOI1SI t'VINb in tram cuio
totwonty minute MiTONi: IK IUI after
reading tbU iidicrtlfcemeut nted niivemn
bUWI'It WITH PAIN, "ujono
Kadway's Ready Kellef If a Sure Cure for
livery Pain, sprulns, llrulses, Pains In
the back, Chest or Limbs It Was the
Hrt and l the Only
'J hut Iimtnntly (.tops tho most criuc-latln"
pitliiH, iillujn liitlniiiinntlon, und cukh Cun".
KUHtlonx, whether of tho I.iiiiun, Htouiuch
Dowels or other glunda ororeuus, b imu uu.
I'll VJIon. '
If ton teim poo n fill In hnlfu tumbler of
cvl" '" ' lew minutes euro t'ruiiiiiv,
U9U k. SioiirHtnmiu-li. Jlenrt Inn n, Nervous.
HleoplCHxncMH, Hick Headache, Dlur.
ennl))"enl8r)'i Colic, I'Jiituli'iuy mill u
F""lul pains.
re Is not a remedial agent in tho world
I , will cure fever und ukub unit all other
ijliliirloim, Iilllmw nml other fevc-r, uldod by
I'AUWAV'S PILL, so quickly ill RAU
fifty Centx Per Dottle. Sold by UruezlsU.
town. Ii.ih retlltneil home after paying
a Mslt to ielatifs in this city.
Mrs. Stephen Kagler Is (onvalesrent.
Mis. W. D, Frank, of Gllbett street,
ban bi-en entertnlnlng Miss Flo Allen,
of Poiext City
William McMullen has letutned from
Mat hind
Mr and Mis. Nathan Hngllsh, of
Ilelinnnt street, left last evening for
Texns, wheie they will visit Antonio
and Del Hlo.
Clifford Chapman, of Jeffrey street,
has i-Atuined fiont his western tour.
Th Men's guild of .St. James' tliuuh
who recently opened a leading loom,
bnvo now oiganb.ed n class for the oh
jeil of studying the Chatauqua coutse
of studies. Attoinev It. I). Caiey was
elected liiesldunt, Hi. H. 12. Moyer,
tecietaiy, und Lewis Motrls, tieasui
ei. Mis James Callahan, while Alslt
vMtlnrr fileiids in Sctnnton last week,
wri taken 111. It was hoped that It
would be tcnipuint. but hr rondl
tlon glow worse. It will bo seveial
Onja befolc- she will be able to letlliit
Dr. and Mrs S D. Davis attended
the funeial at Scranton estcrdaj of
the foimer's (ouslii, J. Alton Davis
Michael Pailey, of Klngxb'y, Husque
hanna county, wlio has been the guest
of Mi. Mark, of South Main wttict,
Imk letutned lioine.
-Mi. M J. i:agan, who has been 111
for sonic time. Is Impioving.
The Dickinson College Conceit com
pany will gle their famous toncert In
the Methodist chinch on Satin day ee
nlng net. The admission will be only
11 tenttt. The Cnibondnle Leadei, In
spe.iklng of the conceit, ays: The
Dickinson College Conceit company
gne a eiy pleading conceit at the
Ojieia hnue Satnul.iv evening The
voices of the quintette blond In a eiy
haimnnlous manner, and fioni the llrst
gl-e, "Old Dickinson," to the Inst num
ber, "Lullaby and Good Night." every
one was highly pleased. The pro
gi amnio was no of so mlllcklng a
nature as college clubs sometimes ghe.
It was, howivcr, of a sptlghtly char
acter, and the heniers applauded in a
way out of nil propoitlon to the uual
custom of Cai bond-ile diess circle au
diences Mesi. Slgmund and AdaniH
each sang solo in which the tenor
voices weie shown oft to good advant
age. Mr llockenbeny sung "D:ep In
the Mlm" In a .suoerlor manner, and
was most enthusiastically cneoied. Mr.
Armstrong is. without doubt, a line
elocutionist, and bis effoits were to
many the featmo of the evening. Ills
lrudltlon of "Knee Det-p In June," by
Whltcomb Klley, was partlculaily good.
The boaid of trade held Its legulai
meftlng on Monday evening In the
Piice Llbiniy hall. Tho manufactur
ing committee repoited that ground
had been broken for the new woolen
mill, which will be 70x12"; feet, with
additional building for a div house.
They also leaned to the carpet and
lace mill, which wants to locate here,
and said that tho gentlemen are ox
pectod In town In u day or so The
oomniitt e on lights also made a le
port. The nomination of otllceis then
took place. Thev were as follows: Tor
piesldent. Wlllaid D. Atheiton, T. II.
Uow en, M. C. Judge and John F. Tay
lor; lce piesldent. M. M. Wllliamn,
Comer Jones and John I" Taylor, sec
ond vice pi 'ildent, J. Milford Moigans,
Ilobert Llewellyn, Patikk Mulhetln,
Walter James, i:d. Williams and U il
11am Po; secretai ., M. C Judge, i:an
G Watkins and H J. Danhls; tieas
lll or. David X. LewR The followlng
woie nppolnted on a banquet commlt
tfe. Wlll.ud Atherton, H. J. Daniels,
and Gomer Jone The following were
pioposed for membership. Hoopen .t
Co. and Hdward D Davis.
Mis. Taylor, of the Pjne. I confined
to her homo by skkness.
Don't foiget the ball of tho Taylor
Ifose company tomoirow evening nt
Weber's link.
The lectuio dillveiod on Monday
evening at the Nebo Congregational
ehuich, Itendluun. by lion. II. M. I'd
wards, was a tieat. The chinch was
filled and the heareis went away well
pleased v ith w hat the Judge said.
Mv. and Mi. Ilobeit Infills, of Yate"
" HI', spent tho Sabbath wltfi the for
mer's patents. Mr. and Mi.s. Ilobert
lnglls. of North Main slieet.
Knights of Pthla, No Ifil. will meet
this evening In Hero's hall.
Mis. I'vnn H. Jenkins was the guest
of lel.Uives In Piovldence on Monday.
1'ivifessoi P. 11. Iieene. pilnclpal of
tho high school, islted fi lends in West
Nicholson on Saturday and Sunday.
Mr" Hoaidman, of Dalton, spent sev
eial dn with bpi- flniiplitm- Mi-u T-
J. Chapman, and returned to her homo'
on .uunuay oi xnis weeK.
Mr. and Mrs. Salathlel Mead, of La
Poite, Sullivan county, Pa., nnd Mr.
Sylvester Mead, of Hertick, ate visit
ing ielatles and fi lends hero this
w wek
Mr and Mis. A D. Ilobluson nnd
daughter, of Olyphant, visited relatives
hero over Sunday.
Mis. Wlllaid Guidon, a fotmer rehl
lent, now of Dalton, visited lelative.s
heio over Sunday
i: J. Hinckley Is veiy skk.
The Chilstmus bervlces ni now nl
iend being anticipated In both the
c lulu lies.
No, not the old-time obs ivanco of
Thanksgiving. For cause or otherwlso
tiny have entliely dlhappeated
A llteiaiy ontti tnlnment is Intimat
ed for Thmsday evening next. Tho ni
chestra is nho expected to participate,
Tho Uev C. H. Newlng. of Dalton,
gave a most Intel estlng and instruc
tive add! ess to the voting people of
this vicinity In the Inteiest of the
Kpuonli league upon tho HUbJect of
"Peisonal Hffoit Necossaiy for Suc
cess " A heaity and cheerful and unan
imous vote was extendi d to tho bioth
or. and n cordial Invitation extended to
him to come again.
The Lutheran chinch nt this plate,
of which Itev, John Kownlo is pastor,
will be dedicated at 10.30 Thuisdny
morning with nppioprlnte sei vices. The
president of the Wllkes-Ihino confer
ence, Itev. L Llndenstrutli will bf
present. Addi esses will be delivered In
Hngllsfi. German nnd Slavonic
The following piogramnio o' exei
tlses, appropriate for Thanksgiving,
will bo lendeied by Misses Peck's and
Callendoi's pupils this afternoon (Wed
nesday) at the (cntiii! building. Pa.
Irons and friends aio cordially Invited
to be present Song, "Thanksgiving
Day." by i,chools Thanksgiving quota
tions ftoin Psalms, select leading,
"The First Thnnksglvlng," bong,
Comn Agnln with SlnglnR;" concert
exercises by eleven pupils, instrumen-
h iitones from bife.
" '
Women's weaknesses are the cause
of inoie suffering than all other dis
eases combined. And yet women may
easily avoid all these dlsticsslng ail
ments If they will only bo wise. Theie
Is a way to pi event them. Mrs. Isabel
Gioe-n, one of the lendiiic ladles of
Colchester, Conn . gives some vnluable
advice In these wotds. "Por three or
four yeais I suffered with backache
and beailng down pains and vnrious
other aliments peculiar to womankind
and tiled many kinds of medicine,
but until 1 commenced the use of
Wntnoi's afe cuie, I never iccehcd
any pennnnent relief. As the result of
taking it, I now feel like a new wo
man and have not had an ache or a
pain for two years past. I cheerfully
leconimend this gteal lemedy to every
w email who suffeis as 1 did."
l'xpeilenco tins proved that Warnei's
safe' cuie Is positively the best lemedy
for putting a stop to female weak
nesses; of eveiv kind. It Is a remedy
that no woman can afford to be with
out and It Is a lemedy that
pvnnv woman nhhds.
-' '(rTT,i"ri" -
no i "
Too ninny men aie declining, losing
their encigy, lift and manly enteiprle
by leason of a subtle poison In tho
blood which biings on that fatal ma
lady known as liright's disease. Its
primal y cause is a disordered condi
tion of the liver and kidneys and theie
Is only one way In which it can be
cleared out of tho system Mr. C, J.
Codd, president of the E J, Codd Co.,
of Iinltlmoie, Md spoke from exper
ience when he lecently said: "Six
eais ago I was badly affected by an
attack of Blight's disease. I had sev
eral doctois In attendance for some
time, but llnully discontinued their
sei vices nnd commenced taking War
ner's safe cuie. After using about six
bottles I was entirely cuied and le-stoie-d
to health "
Theto words aie stiong and convinc
ing. They piovo beond any doubt
that Warner's sufe cuie Is able to cuie
llilght'.s disease, and evety other foim
of liver nnd kidney complaint. As a
lemedy it Is uncqualed, It tan always
be tolled upon and
IT ni:vi:r FAILS.
Thousands of men and women suffer
ngonlzlng pain fioni chronic iheuma
tlsm. They will be glad to know that
theie is a lemedy which cures this ter
illile complaint. Mr. N. Uutler, a well
known lesldeiu of Danbuiy, Conn.,
testifies to this fact and says- "Last
spilng I Blifleied a gieat deal from
iheumatism and took nearly every
known lemedy without lecelvlng any
benefit. Doctors atfoided me almost
no icllef and I had begun to despair
of getting well when I heard of War
ner's snfe cuie and decided to tiy It.
1 am happy to state that after using
It I recoveted i.ipldly and have not
had an ache or a pain since."
If you nro a suffeter fiom this paln
t ill disease, jou can take no better
lemedy thnn Wni net's safo cuie which
is endotsed by eminent physicians nnd
recommended by thousands whom it
has permanently cuied nnd mndo
tal holo, May Jenkins: historical dia
logue, by eight pupils; recitation,
Chloe Bates; recitation, Ginclc Hughes;
Instrumental solo, Coia Hendrick; con
ceit exercise, by twelve gills, vocal
solo, Iteta Ham: declamation, George
Harloe; "Thanksgiving Joys," Agnes
Smith; song. 'The Hlids of Spilng:"
Thanksgiving hmn. John Calvert;
"Thanksgiving." Hnyden Hughes;
lecltation, "November," Anna Twad
dle; song, "Ameilca," by school
David X. Davles spent Sunday with
fi lends at Tayloi.
Thnv Villi Go Into Llloct Alter Jnu
uiirv I.
Washington, D. C. Nov. 23. New
rules ha v been made by tho patent
nlllce, to go Into effect after Jan. 1,
They provide that no Invention submit
ted Is patentable If It has been tie-
fl vTi..
A' llw Ufl I
-n t. jiif i:.r lii1
rrilbed In pi Intrd publications two or
more yearn before tin filing of the
Heretofore', If a foielgn patent has
been taken out bcfoio nn American
patent the tetm nf the latter was lim
ited to the expiration of the foreign
patent, which often lesulted In the
practical loss of many valuable patents
by giving them n ery shott life. The
new rules do not make this limitation,
but If the peilod between the two pat
ents Is over seven months no Ameri
can patent will bo granted. One year
Is nnmeil as the peilod within which
failure to prosecute will be held to
constitute an ubuudoument of the ap
plication for a patent.
Old Orgniiiiititiu Will llnve .Noth
ing to do ith tho New League.
Peniin, 111, Nn. 23 It Is said n
h'eadquniteis of the lhotherhood of
Locomotive T'liemen liiotheilood of
Tlallroad Men, and Order of Itnllwav
Telegrapheis, that their organizations
ns such will have nothing to do with
the new. Hallway Kmployes nnd Tele
grapliTa' Political League nf Ameilca,
ns they hnil nothing to do with the
American Hallway lensue because of
Its political chtiacter unless tho league
should endeavor to use them through
their own inembei.s Then they would
take measures to stop such Intrigues
The November number of the Train
men s Journal i-ilttcises the league so-
i rely.
It declaies: "If tho league Is an at
tempt to make politicians, rniltoad
mnuageis und others believe that the
ot'lcets of the leMguo posess an all
poweitul Influence with the men that
will lead them to vote which ever way
the nfoieald ofllceis -lliict them. Its
purpose Is not only political, but rm
Princeton averages 21' ytaiK In age,
i".10'j In height and isj and a fraction In
weight. Yule nveragts Jl inis ,n age,
G.7 111 height and 1V In weight.
Pennsjlvanln is on tho to) or the foot
ball heap, ustalillslicd its claim to
that proud position t defeating Harvard
on Sattiiila. The g.inn- was a romaik
ably clc.iu one and was n. vvcll-c lined
victory for the wciers of the- led and
One of Pilncetou placed 5JM
against Sl,tJi) that Pilnccton would scoie
3rt or more pomts, another of fMi to M
that Princeton would scmo 19 points oi
moro than Yale, and still another ot J2W
to JiOO that tlio Tigeis would scdil 11
points nitue than the i;il.
Walter Camp, gieate-t of Tcct ball ex
perts, s-iys "Vale accomplished the
greatest triumph in inr Mstoiy .Situiday,
when she turned last Mat's tables, and,
with a teiin of gnen men, bi ought about
the dowrfall of Princeton's team of vet
erans, pr.ictlcj.llv."
l'-C.iptaln Iltiuk Thome, of Yule,
snjs- "So tenia evei plai'd a more
anly nnd billbnnt game While the ie--Kiilt
was net altOfTethei uncMic-etc.l bj
the coachef-, it was not felt that Pilnce
ton would bo so completely outplajed. I
consider it one of the greasiest victoiIc
won oy Yale."
The foot ball suiprNe of the seison was
tho defeat of Princeton b Vale Tie
knowing ones have bicn touting tho Ti
gers ns sure wlnneis, anil the onl ques
tion In dispute was the- size of tho siuu
Tho Yale eleven, however, turned a very
neat trick by winning out, but In oidei
to do mi some of Pilncc ton's best pli
ers had to lie laid out
Monday night Coach Wanni gave the
Cornell 'Varlty eleven their lest huid
practice prior to the- game with Pennsyl
vania Thurdav Kveiv man who will
participate la Thursdaj's game was out
and In bis place A change has been
made back of Cornell's line Throughout
tho season, Dnnpsry, Peiklns and Sickli
er have been plavcd at lull back, all thiie
have been very uusatlsfat toiy, main'
becauso of slowness, md In general all
around plavlng abllltj Wll-on, half
back, has been made full liae-k, ami
Windsor has taken his nlace-
The best game of the season will bi
plajeel at Athletic park tomonow nftoi
I'oon. Thi contesting teams are the
School of tho Lcckr.vv.mna find tho Scr..u
tou high school. Tho game will be hotlv
i untested, as great rivaliv elbts be
tween the schools. The high Helmut bis
won thiee games and lust thiee while
Laekawnnni has won foui and In-1 nom
having defeati I the Wlllci !! trie high
school by a seme of C-2 the ltuiieoalP
seinl-piofesflonal team PM. lliu.v If Hi
ll an l.'-O. and Kvj stone ucub mv ij-0
This lecoid his been saipascd by that of
noteamlnthls part of the state, anil atter
tomot low's game Lackawanna mav claim
the championship of Not the astern Penn
sylvania. L-uki.w anna's tc-.un nf '07 Is
the best that e-vei iepieentiel the school
having attiilneet perfect tram work i n
iler the coaching of Ciptaln Ilatnliue. "eu
thieo jcars full back of the Mansfield
State Noimal Mlionl. The lalti't, with OI
lendlck, until lecently ManslleUl's ean
talu and star half back, Pull Hick Mott,
last par's cqitaln a sum tackier nd
heavy line backer with Hivelrn, lecentlv
of tho Seranlon Uuslncts college, at quir
tcr, make tho team exceedingly stronp,
behind tho line. Cootnv e-full biek toi
St. Thomas' college and Wal-li, l isi
ear's plaeis, are strong ends on the de
fenslvei and quick In getting down tlio
field on a kick. Tho tackle.-.. Vail an I
Nlemeer, goth new men, aie plajing
strong, steady games, while Gavan at
center and liattlo anil Lewis at giianN,
constltuto a le-gular Glbraltai.
Hob Allen, of Paulding, O , will be man
ager of the Indianapolis ball team next
eason. vlco Wctkln? He Is known to
be tho choice of Piesldent (Jolt.
"Hrother Joe" Coibett made ills flut
nppeuiance with tho Ualtiinoies In his n i
tlvo town Simduv, and won tlio game
against tho All-Amerlcans, 9 to I Many
liouquets and Immense llural designs
from nilmliing friends weie Inoiiga, to
tho home plum when Coibett camo to
bat, and tho oung pitcher lined out n
clean hit in response. Corbett liltched a
good came.
Following In tho focttUps of "blllj '
Sunday, anothoi piofesslonul base ball
plajer has tinned evangelist, He Is 1M
ward .VI. Law Is, ono of tho pltcheis of the
ward M. Lewis, emu eif the pitch
ers of the Hostou b.n-ci ball club,
of ball plaers, and was college bin!
Piofikslomil base ball has been ine-ulj
n stepping stonu for him foi seeuiiiu an
education. When "ie Is tluougli with base
ball and has gri. luated fiom college, it
Is tho intention of Lewis to make evan
gelistic vvoik his llto oeeupatiqn. in a
leee-nt ellscouise In Hobton ho tald, to his
mind, the stioug muu cnulj find nothing
excerpt to aelmlti) In the Scriptuie.
Canavau, the Urooklvu second bpscman,
trudod to Kjracuso for Lagan, b t lost
when tho nationul board gave Lai,an to
Pittsburg, has been ptuchaMcl for J100
and will plu in Syiacutu next jmr
Preim tho left, sheiuuler or .Mattio Kll
roy hung the most deceptive dissembler
of a pitching v. ing ilmt cvpi Fpionted
fiom tho port side of a twiner bujs tin
Washington Post .Mattio w is one of the
7m KSmmBSfSS
For Sala b JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist, cr. Womlno ovnuo ar.d
Gpruco street'
lull-tossing figures on view In tho Wal
ton rotunda last week. "This old wing
of tnlno Is a Has Jlcon, but It's better to
bo n Has Uccn than a Never Wns," wild
Mattio. (is his right baud fondled th.l
tott spot In his twirling nrmor, the ten
dons brlovv the elbow. "Tho first sign of
tho fnlluie of mv wing was a pain a few
Inches under tho crazy bone, as It is
called. 1 went to tho doctoi, and, ho
named mo against cuivo balls. Now, my
faveulto ball was a curve, and If I let l p
on tho bender I mlgit as well go out of
tho business ttn I kept on handing up
tho curve, and you seo my finish liven
after tho wing went back on me, nnd it
rused to answer my call for a drop ball,
I kept on pitching In a minor league I
worked u fclow ball on tho minor leaguo
busmen, mid often I eld them down to
llvo or six hits. Hut they took my meas.
ore after a reason In tho minor leagues,
and being a fair batsriran und pretty fast
outfielder, I trli'd tho outlleld. It I had
depended less on need nnd worked in ti
slow bill oltener. I would be In fast co-n-piinv
todiiv. I saw Amos Ituslo pilch a
game agiliist the Se mtors i.t the Polo
grounds hist Siptcmier, and, to tn sur
prise, 1 found he was p timing off a slow
emo which be sandwiched In with .--Is
speed. If Amos will keep up tho Use ot
his slow one he will bo feeding major
leaguo batsmen when you and I arc wear.
Ing giay whiskers, or ubout the tlmo
I'nele Anson acknowledges that he Is old
enough to vote "
Jlniinv Michael, who Is haul at work
getting In condition feir his twenty-tlvo
mile- ruco with Stnrhtick, under the guid
ance of hU trainer. Dive Shafcr, Is de
lighted with tho piopect of being ablo
to -nriango a match with 1'ngl iud' fa
mous Hder, A. A. Chnhc. The- latter is on
his way to this county now in compan
with Teildy Hub, and will alive in New
York the- hitter pait of the week.
Siindav lacing is not desired by the
Cinndlnii Wheelmen's ussoi Intlon nnv
more than by the League, of American
Wheelmen. When Picstelent George 11.
(Mr, ot the former organization, was la
California lecently, tho piper quote el him
as sijlng that tho Cinaillnii Wheelmen's
association ically wanted S.mdiij lacing,
und piopooedto nuke an alliance with
the California Associated Cycling clubs,
which has teen trying to siicceistully pro
mote' the spoi J on Sumlajs during the Inst
ten mouths, i'eetuidny .Mr. Orr ualel things tho eontiary, ami added. that the Cal
ifornia stories were without foundation
In rnet
Hdlde Uald Is not going to take up pcr
mniunt winter epiarters In New Yo k.
lepoitc from the south to the- umtrnrv.
notvvltlistiiuilli'g Ualel told a leporlcr for
the Huffiilu Uxpies that he .voubl prob
ablj spend a month or so in the- metro
polls dining the height of tho Indoor cy
cling si.ison "I have icco'.ved invita
tions to i Ide at exhlbtions and In compel
Hon at the Mullson Sipfaie Garden dur
ing the e cling tin re,"' sahl he, "end I
will probably be seen In some exhibition
rides I have also had oifeis to met
onle of the foreign sprinters on tho in
door tracks, in nrurhes, but I shall piob
ably not n.cept them."
A.Mt).NC Tin: PUGS.
t'nder the old London lulcs, Tom
Shaikev would certHlnly have been a kin?
eif flghtcis, but London uiles don't go
now, and Sharkey has no moro lesem
blnncei to a elecent glove-man than a
baboon has to an oil painting of a cherub
If Peter Mahe r alwa s a straight, lair
boxer will put a bead on Sharkej. all
Peter's failures will be forgiven, says
the Chicago News
Sivs a Cincinnati man: "As a lover of
the beixlng game I must protest against
nllo.vlng si ch a chaiactcr us the no'o
llous Gllffo to give contests any place
In no other business woulel a man of his
e baiacter end methods be given a chance,
and It Is an Injury to the game to toler
ate him As far .s baxlng goes I v 111
-iv uow th it the public will leam llttlo
from the Australian. He makes no leads,
he does i.ot tiv to win Ho simply stands
nnd blocks Many en Interior man could
de ns well."
Young tJrlffo's manager has received
word fiom Sin Francisco that the Na
tion il club, of that clt, hail agieed to
i witch Lavlgno and Grlffo lorn 20-roun I
light the lattei p.ut of December. Grltfo
will have tei umloico a wonderful course
of training tei make himself lit to meet
Livlgne. llo Is at present much the
worse foi dissipation.
Delightful Iti'llr! from Cntnrrh.
Hole Is one of a thousand such tes
timonies. The Itev. A. D. Iiucklev, of
Huflalo, rajs. "I wish all to know
wbnt n blessing Dr. Agnew's Cntanh
nl Powdei is In a case of catatih I
wa tieuibled with this disease foi
e-its but the flist tinif I used this
le'iieiH il give most delightful i cllpf
1 now ngaiel myselt entlielv cured
after iisin It lot twe months." Sold
liv Matth"ws Hnis 54 '
only awaits your invitation to
brini; into our home healthful,
Ialatablc and economical food.
Rretlut 7 on rt thx cfnuln. hi. trij.-raitka
"C-jttaUne" Anil lr'i litaJ inettt9H'jlanl tcrialk
CkltasOt Xcw lot k , PlillaJulf Lla, ritULartr.
tor 11th "treet nnd l'nlverlty I'lnee,
M:i MJltIC line block westof llroael-
wa NotedfortHo tiling's,
I'lrM-e Ias rooms nt (ji.oon elaj ami up
ward, on tlio fairopcau plan.
fa Ailunn Ave., Opp. Court llous;,
t"e Accnts for Itlclmrdson-Uoynton'J
I'urnacca anil Itaugio.
Whon In doubt wUt to use fm
Ncrvou3 Debility. Lui of Power,
fher wcaLncises, from any cause,
us? Sezine Pills. Drains cbeckra
and full vigor quickly restored.
If Be!cud mc& rtiult
Mailedfor! H0;6boica$5 00. Wit!
J3 00 orders we ritc a guarantee t J
care or refund the money, Addrcu
PEAL MEDICINE CO,, Cleveland, O.
jy a A A
M 414 y
ben you buy a pnlr of shoes, the prlro should bo a secomlaiy conildera
tlon 'Ihe lr.alii object In view- should ho the quality of tho leather and tho
lit of them Uood shoe nro health prcorvcrs;poor flttlnir onev not only tor
tiiro the feet but look badly. Think of this when joit start out to buy them.
Ae show von iiothhiK but what u llrst.claM muro oujiht to liave, and our a.
sortment of st let coinprles e'veiythliiR desirable. As to prices, thero as low
ns can be Ask to seo our cushion soled shoes for ladles' wear and tho tfiw
atk 3W shoes for nun.
The iNewark Shoe Store, 1
S Corner Lackawanna and Wyoming Aves. a
It ABSOLDTELY prevents SllpghlP-
V.iSJ'. IflT'Xmr'&r - T TX
mw m e : ms&os? a n n
li"5 &y i. i K eh the
J'tflt ti'y f -?S wurnmmrraBI
mt W feySHOE FOR
m nwi be
Dill Timber cut to order on short notice. Hardwood iUitic Hulls
sawed to uniform lengths constantly on hand. Peeled lIiMiilocU
Prop Timber promptly burnished.
MILLS At Cross 1'orlt, Potter Co.. on the Buffalo nnd Stisquc
'itintui ltttilroitd. At 31111;!, Potter County, l'a., on Cottdersport, an J
Port Allegany Capaclty-400.000 feet per dav.
GLMiKAL OlTlCL-lJoard of Trade Uiiildin--, Scranton, Pa.
Telephone No. 4U14.
Schedule in (.fleet November 15. iSj5
Trains Loavo Wilkes Barro as Follows
7.30 a. m., week clays, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington, and for Pitts
burg and tho West.
10.15 a. m., week days, for Hazloton,
Pottsville. Reading, Norristown,
and Philadelphia; and for Sun
bury, Harrisburtji Philadelphia,
Baltimore, Washington and Pitts,
burp and the West.
3.15 p. m., week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburp;, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and tho West.
3.15 p m., Sundays only, for Sun
bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia,
and Pittsburg and tho West.
6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton
and Pottsville. . ,
J. R. WO00. Oen'l Pa"- Ajent.
I. B HincHINSON. Oeneral Manoijer.
Central Railrottd of New Jersey
ll.thlirli an I Susquelianna D11h1oii.)
Stutluiis in New oil I'mit Dl I.lbelty
stie-et. N. II. nml liltch.ill Terminal.
Anthracite- cent iifeil rxrluslvcb, lnsiir-
incr rloanllnrss unci comfort.
ti.mi: taiiui: in i:rFi:cr nov. it. 1&07.
Trains lciuo Seranton toi 1'lttstou,
Wllkc-s-B-nrp. etc , nt S :o, 9 13, 11 M .1. ni ,
12 1J, .' 00, 3 03, fi W, 7.10 l. m. Sumli s.'.i W,
u m . 3 01, .' 13, 7 10 p. ni
Tor Atlantic City. S2U a. m.
Tor Now York. Newatk anil Kllzab'tn,
S.'O (oiire-s) a. m., 1213 (e-pre-s -ltli
Iluffet parlor car), 3 03 (express) l. m.
Sunday, i' 15 r in. Train Icwlm: 12 43 p.
ni auHes ut Plillaelclphla. IteaellnK Ter
inliiiil, 5 l'J p m nml Ne-w York tC p ni.
Kor M.iueh t'lnink, Alle-ntowii, llethle
llPin, Kabtein nml l'llllaele-lplii I, i 20 u. Ill ,
12 13, 105, Cuo (except Philadelphia) p. m.
Sutulaj, 213 p. in.
for I.ons Bianch, Ocean fitoe etc , at
S 20 r in. and 12 43 p in.
Tor llcaillntf, I.ebanoi. anil Ilnuifciiur?,
Mil AUe-ntown, M0 a. in, 12 13, Ooo p. m.
Sunday, 2 15 p ni
Tor 1'ott-iMllc, S 20 n. ni . 12 !" p in
ltetiirnlnt; le-ao Ne-w York, foot of Lib
erty stieet. North Itlver, at y.lo (express)
u m. 1.10 1.30, 4 13 (exprc-ts with lluffe-t
parlor car) p. in Sunday. 4 SO a m.
Leave. Neiw Y'ork, foot Whitehall tetreet.
South Ferry, at DOS a, m 1.00, 1.25, J 53
p in. Passengers arriliiK or departing
trom this teimlnal can connect unlet
coer with all tho elevated railroads,
Hro.idway oablo c.irn, and fe-rrlc-s to
llrookl n and Stuten Inland, m.ikltiK
quick ttalibfer to and from lit unci Central
He pot end I.onw iKlunil llallroiicl
i.e-avo I'liladelphla. Headlmr Terminal.
0 1 a ni , 2 00 nnel 4 20 p in. Sunda), t,23
a in
ThioiiBh tickets to all polntx at losces-t
i ite nny bo hail en application In nd
auco to the- llcket QKent nt the station.
(Jen. Pass. Ast
,T II. OLIIAl'SCN. (ten Sitpt.
Del., Lncka. :ind Western.
Effect Monday, Nov. 21. 1S'7
Tinlns leave Scianton a follows IX
pi ess for New Yoik and all points IJast,
1 10, 2 50, 5 13, t 00 and 10 20 a. m. ; 12.55 and
311 i ni. for Kaston. Trenton. Philadel
phia and the South, 313, b tw and 10 20 a.
m , 12 53 nnd 3 33 p m.
W.iHhlnKtou and way stations, 3 13 p. in
Tobyhanna accemimcdatlon, " 10 p m
Lxpress fot UliiKliiimton, Oswcko, III.
mlra, Cornlnff. Until, Dansille, .tount
Morris and Buffalo, 1210, ni, 9 0) u. m .
nnd 1 53 p in , making close connei tions at
Buffalo to all points in the West. North
Went and Southlit
BliiKliamton i.nd w.i stations, 1 05 p. ni,
Nicholson iioc-on niodatlon, 5 15 p in.
BliiRliamton and Klmlui cxpicsn, 5 55
P m
Express for T'tlca ami Itk-hfleld Springs
2 35 a. m and 1 53 p. in.
Ithaca, 2 33, 9 00a. Ill, and 1.55 p, m.
l'or Noitliumbi'rlanil, Plttston, Wilkes
il.ure, Plymouth, Bloomaburir and I)au
llle, mal.lns clou- connoctlon tit North
uinberliud for W llllatvtiort, llnrrlsbmjt,
Iinltlmoie, 'Wi.'shliii ton mid the South
Not thumb Tlaud and Interiiii-dlate sta
tions. Coo, 10 20 a ni , und 1 35 and eiuo p.
Nuntlcoko and Intel mediate stations,
S OS and 11 20 a ni Plymouth und Inter
mediate Htnllniip, 3 40 and S47 p. in. Tor
Kington. 12 40 p in
Pullman pallor and slrcpltKr coaches on
nil express tinlns
Tor detallcM Information, pocket time
tables, etc , apply to St L Smith, Dls-trk-t
raa'ciiKi'i Agent, depot ticket ofllee.
Trie and Wyoming Valley.
In effect Sept, IS. 1S7
Trilns leavo Scranton for New York
and li termcdlata pcltits on Krlo railroad.
also for Haw ley and local points at 7,95
a, in. and 2.25 p. m.
1 II
The 1
Newark 5
Power, Bolt mid Rod Thread.
s . xai''i; ww
yjucjiiiiuy iuni -r uiiuuiiig,
A Diamond or Drop Frame
fllanajersol'lJIocIc Dcpt,
Artlvo at Scranton from above points
at 10 2.1 a. ni 3 15 aid 9 38 i. in
Delaware and Hudson.
On Monday, July 5, tialns will leia
Sci anion as follows:
l'or Cuibonilale C20, 7 33. 8 33, 1013 a,
in , 32 00 noon, 1 21, 2 20, 3 52, 6 23, 0 23, 7.57,
9.13. 10 1 p m , 12 10 u. Ill
Tor Albanj, Saratoga, Monti eal, Bos
ton, New Kngland poiifts, etc., 0 20 a. m.,
2 20 p. m.
Kor lloiipselalu 20, S 53, 10.15 a. ni ;
12 00 noon. 2 20, 3 25 p. m
For Wllkes-Barre 4S45. 7..30, 8 45. 9 3S,
10 43 a. m., 12 05, 1.23, 2 2S, 3 33, 4 41, 6.00, 7 50,
9 50. 11 30 p. ni
l'or New York, Philadelphia, etc., Ma,
Lehlifh Valley It It , e. 13, 7 30 a m , 12.03.
1 25, 4 41 p m. (with Black Diamond Ex
press) 11 J) p m
Tor PennsjUunla P.. R. point" G.13, 9 3s
a. m ; 2 2S, 4 41 p m.
For western points Ma Lehlirh Vall-y
II. II., 7 5-) a in, 12 05, 3 33 (with Blaclc
Diamond liMirics), 9 50, 11.30 p m.
Trains will an ho at Scranton as fol
lows Fiom Carbcndale and the north 6 40
7.43, S4i, 9 31, 10 10 a m. 12.00 noon, 1 X
2.21, 3 2.3, 4 37. 5 45, 7 15, 9 13. 11.23 p m.
Fiom Wilkes-Barre and the .South C 13
7 50, S30, 1010, 1155 a. m : lit.. 2.11, 3 H,
3 20 ij 21, 7 33, 'i 03 o 43 n m , 32 03 n. m
J. V IH'ltlllfK C, P A. Albanv, N. Y.
II. W OKDSS. D PA. Seialiton, Pa
Lciiij-li Valley itailroad System
Anthraeltu Coal ITfed, KnsuiliiB Cleanli
ness and Comfort.
in kitkct nov. n. 1S07
For Philadelphia arid New Yeirlv xii l
. It It. II .it ! 43, 7 'fi a m.. nml lj 03, 1 . ,,
2 2S. 4 41 (Black Dlnn-.und 'and
11 30 i m
l'or Pltiston and Wllkpi-Bane n I
L. ie ". it It , 1. -i0, t0 II 20 a. in . 1 "5
3 40, U (hi p. in.
For White Haven, llaleton. PottsWII.
and principal points In tho coal le-Rku
V It I) .v 11 11. It . 13, 7 5) a. in , 12.03. 2 -S
and 4 41 p m
l'or BtthltJieni, Iiston. HondliiK. II n
rhliiiii; uml tiiternieclliti' 1 1
tliiiis li I) & II It It UI3, 7 51 a. m.
12 03. 123. 2 2. 4 11 (111 ick Diamond K
pres), 11 Ijj p. in
For Tiiiikliaiinii'K, Towanda, I'lmiia
Itliaeii,, and pilnclpul luteime'ili
ntn htatlmis via 1 L v W. It It. oin,
8 08 a. m , 12 40 anil 3 40 p in.
For (lenevn, Itoe-hesier, Buffalo Ninu
nr Fall3, ChlcaR i, and all point west v i
1) & II, It. It. 12 03 3. It (Black Dlainun 1
I'xpress), 9 50 anil II ISO p in
I'ullman parlor und slecplnc or LehiRli
Valley chair oats on all tiulns. be-twi i
Wllkes-llaiie and New Yoilc Phlla M
phla, Buffalo und Siu-sneiislon IJiMee
IIOLLIN 11 UlLBric. lien. Supl
CIIAS S LL'i:, Oi n Pass Agt , Phlla .
A . NONNUMIli:it. Asst. Ooii
Vam. Aw . Phlhidi luliiii, P.i
Scranton otthe li'i Laekawinni avenue
St I! M lll ISION.
Ill i:e-el Oi tolie-r ilel, tsy.
Norfli Hound,
Mllllll llllllllll,
HM "201
,rt , c
s ii .- a a a
'ii ei ranis imn, r.x-v - r?
u cent Miiidnr id 5
p m rrlve Leave
7SSN I'rankliii sr ,,
T 10 West 4.'nil street .,
I 7 to Wec-liawkeu
mh m Arrive I cave a
A Mi
... 7 1)
..I TM
' K10
Ml' Ml
i aticHu
ai iSi
!.' '22
8 31,
J Ml
3 19,
12 411
12 40
JO .
IS ft
1'reston park
l'lcisant Mt
l'ori'bt city
WUitn Hrldgo
'1 Uroop
I'uik Piaco
... ,11:1.1
... flltl'
'11 49
8 31
M 47 riixn
1(7 37,f3 SS
ir a ru it
bit 11 .-)
3M1 "
0 32 II 15
6 2SH 11
I. f.lllOT
11 :0 11 03
0 18 110)
H IS 11 eVit
T4I .Ifll
1 7 W 1 3 St
7-C 311
" '.' 101
f'4 4071
oi 410,
6 10 10 5V
n n S VI.
i" m a m leave
Arilve a i r -jl
All trains run dally except Sunday.
t slsrultles that triilus slop on signal for ros.
eeners. ,
Hecure iatis via initarlo Western before
purrba-lritl knsntiit mo jioncr. Pay niiii
Nlgm KiprcsjtutUt Went
J (' Anderson, Oen.i'us Act.
V, VUtcroft, Ulr. l'Jbs, AUt bcraDtou, ru.
. .
m m.,