TTLB SORANTOTST TRIBUNE- AVE ONES DA.Y MORNING, NOVEMBER 21, 1897. G 0XX0000000000006 WE ARE THANKFUL Tortlio pitronnsoiecelvcd in tho pint. Vo therefore oliall mnko n si'i:oiai. orrnn ror till- week ur'iiuiMiKijiins. 44444 4. 44. 4-f 4 -f-M-f 4.4.44. 444-f-M-f-f-f -f-f-f-f Mini's Cnlfikln Shoe, lnce. Just Kenioniiblo now,regu CI 20 Jur jirlce fll.r.n ft 410 SPRUCE STREET, g coooooooooooooooo CITY NOTES. Tho Woman's Keelcy league will mut till' ovenlnff at 7 TO o'clock. .Mis. Lllvlra HuiiJn was dlsehnrsed fiom the ll.ihutiraun hospital jestoidiiy. Tho Ininmoie rillo ranso "HI bo PPU fiom S n. m. to 0 p. in. Th.inkBlvlns: ilay for poultry nnd prize shooting. Tlino will ho a quoit handicap nml other uues Thunk-lvlm; day nt Willi im Win throp'u hotel on the ()l pliant boulevard. 'Street ComtnlsMrnor IIuiuiIiikV nun jtsteicUy began cav.itlnir for u blo-kod M'Wir pipe m Linden '.licet .it tho u thcduil. l,Kiih I.vndk... was sllRhtlj Injured yei tirday In the Hampton mine, whole he H cniplojod as a- l.ibtacr. lie i now at tho ilo.scs Taj lor Thomas Swart;! was commHtid to tho inunty J.ill jc.itird.iy In default of bail on a charge of larceny picfpried licloro Alderman Jones, of I'arliondale. This fenliiK In SIoroI's dancing aca tic my John Hojlo O'llcilly council, oium' .Men'd Institute, will hold Us annual mi clal. Tin io promltrs to be a laiKe nl teudance. lUv. 11. A. Grant, in tor or tho Hob unl l'laco African Methodist Kplscopil chinch, will ni'iln'S the workmuit at the Delaware, Kick.iwanna and Western machine ship today at 1-.J0. IMwaid Scdcn, 31 jears of ns,e, was puked 11 by the Nolth I"r.J police Stoli dly nlRlit and was returned jisteiday to Ills father, Jamci Soden, u bivllclmiiin for the Delaware, J.acl:uwannr and Western i ompany. At tho po-lolllco tomoiron (Thanks uliliiB dav) the ytamp and policial de llury windows will clove at 1J o'clock. Mornlni; deliveries will be made by cai rlcm. .Money older and register win dows cloed all day. Tho Spooner company at tho Academy jesterdiy prielittd "The l.Ittlo Tn is i'ii" in the afternoon and "Utoky llllss, ilie C'licus Gill," at ulitht Today's at tnetions nro "Miira'b Uanllim." af'er Ktion; "llcclcs' Gills," cvenlui. In the Howard Place Afrlein Methodist i:plscopal chuiih mi Th.inksRivln, day htvIccs will be. conducted at lnM a. m. Tlio pastor, by lecpiest, will take as his topic '"Hie Gopol tho Word ol God." A mIvci olfirlnK foi the poor will le taken. John Mellale, of West Scraulon, nuninst whom a ihaiRo i pending In Wayne uuiy, was sim mined jesderday by Iuj boiulman, Joseph HciMliiKtoii. I.iti l lii the day llobelt J. Mcfrea. of South Sitantnn, become Mellah's sunty In tho sum of 3Cn. MitikiKc Ihinsis weio jesterJav Kraut i I to Thorn P. Mlllani', of llallsteal, anil Jennie M. IluKKiitj, r Hcinnton, ,ii 'in J. Kiiiutd) an I Mny J Smith, of PokWIlp; John Jtusscll and Mamie llar i. of rantti.. Ciwen e llara, of Aich I lid, and Annie Gantoy. of sjcianto'i; i liartwill ill lllln and Piss'e S. Kendall, i f Chinchilla' Gitiri'o SI iy ind Anna Iiv- li!, of S-rantnii, William O. C i liigau an I llmiiia SI. Sloto, of Sciauton: Harry l'al im r and Anne lie 11 Is, of Scianlon; daitln J. 1' and Small Moiau, r Sernutnn; William SI. Tmmbly, of Phlladclphl i, nnd Ai'nes Conh. of Slo4 c utt ; Joslah II. WMIinin, oT Palls, mil Susie I!. Klnir. of a I anion; Thomas Pin an urd Nillli- Jones, of C-nbor.d lie; i:i w ird ilcAUIstei and Slaiy Sic Dcinnell. of Donmoie; Ch.ulis II isKlnn and SI iry Jit. Ii'innell, of S latitiui; James llowden Wil.-on and Slac-ule .1. Uum II. or Serai,. inn: Jo-eph Gladj.s and Kaile Albnoht, t f Taylor. IluyiV i lKht. oicliostia In Jlusle hall to- A sentloinan, vifo anil child, S years old, want the comfoits of a homo In n stilctly pi hate family. Must lie In u Miort locality. WIIIInK to pay for com i'irt. enie of Lock Ho 115. Our Display Of Never was moio otenMo and elabor ate than wo will exhibit this week. That our models aro generally accepted as marking nil that Is new, novel and attiac. tlo In Millinery Is a well-known fact. We hao mado a special effort for our ellsplny for this week and If you aie In want ot the Latest btyles and at a ica Fonablo.prlco thero la but ono placo In the city to go. And that Is at 324 Lnjkawaina Ava. SCHANK&SPENCER n I! 11 I w DACEY AND M'NICHOLS WAIVE A HEARING One ot Tlirm Entered Hall Bit ore II. M. Edwards. Judge A1ILKIEVITZ IS ALMOST BLIND Could Not Open Ills Kjes Alileriniin"! Ollico niiil wns loin Pniibli! in Sny hellicr Ilia Accused .11 en Were His 111 lilt! Tlicre or Not uiits'-ltccclvcil Torriltlu luiiinrs About Ilia Head. -Story ol the llriilnl, I' Assault. Hllmled, tenipoinilly, In both ejes, f i oin a brutal assault made upon him, Sunday nlRlit, Jlnrtln MllklcviU could not Identify IiIh aceusecl assailants William .7. JlcNIelioIs nnd James Dacey when tho two men Htootl In fiont of hint In Alderman Mlllni'.s ollico jester day afternoon. Tho bandages mcip ie inntod fiom over Ills eyes, after SIII ltlcxitz had been led like a child ftom tho city hall to tho aldei man's ollko. The Injuied man tried to lift the swol len and discoloietl eyelids, but only partly suceteded N'eveitheless, the accused weie ip nianded for comt, the chai'Ko ot high way lobbeiy unci iiRRrnvntcil assault nnd battery bchiK unbailable bufoie an ulderiuan. JlcN'IchoLs went befoie Judi?e II, M. IMwaids and entered ball in the Mini of $1,000, his mother. Mrs. Kate JliNlthols, tiunllfylht?. D.iccy Is at the cetitial police Mutton and will be Bent to the county jail today If he can not llnd a bondsman. Tho aire-t of Constable John Walsh, who was the tlilnl imtii Impll-e-atcd In the assault, wan mentioned in yesterday's Tilbune. Ho furnished s-ecuilty In $1,000 before- Juiltfe Ktl waitls, Monday. Jlllklevltn's Injuries, thoiiKli not necessailly fatal, ate pei haps tho woist of any lclliu of assault the police have dealt with In a Ions time. Ho l.s now nt the Lackawanna hospital. Hesldes the total etllp.o of Hljjlit, Milklenltz has cuts all over his head and face. His theeks ate swol len and biulsed. His story Is a.s fol lows: STOUY OF Till: ASSAULT. "While wnlklncr alone; the Keyscr Vat lev lallioad, about S o'clock Sunday nlRlit, In company with Michael Glan tey, an iibciI man, and one othei, whose name Is not known, thiee men, sup posed to be Walli. Mt Nichols and Da ley, tamo up fiom behind and pounced upon MIlkleiltK. At the benlnnlns of the assault Olan cey and the other man left Mllklcvltz to the meicy of his assailants. Glan fiy stated esteul.iy that ho ciled out "Help and all kinds of murder" HeachliiK Continental hill, wheie Jlll klevltz lhes, Olatuey got htlp anil staited batk. Mllktovltz was found on the Hack In a lecllnlnt; postuie. His face was smeaied with blood. He stated that the men had tnken ills watch and money. The Injuied man was taken home and Dr. J. J Can oil summoned. Ycs teiday Mllklcvltr. in can- of Di. X. -.. New bin y, was led fiom the hospital to the c ity hall, where Clancey had come. Glancey, howeei, said that he couldn't Identify the pilsoneis, Dacey nnd Mc Nlchols To a Tilbune lepoiter at Al dei niiin Mlllm's ollice, after the ltparliifr yesteiday afteinoon, Glancey said: "That's them, all light." When jiii'ssoci tuither lie would say no moi e. The two jii lsoners were ask"d to stand befmc Mllklevltz. while Dr Xe.lniry cut the bandages off his eyes and head The sight ieealetl was lepul slve and pitiful. The poor tellow's face was dlstoitecl and dlscoloted With his hands he tried to raise his eyelid.', but could not accomplish the feat. Alderman Millar then announced that as MllklovlU's siKht was so poor tho heailny would be postponed until .Mon day, w,lic;ii his condition would bo Ini pi oved. When tho aldeimnn made this an- noiinceniLiit the moused decided to wahe a h ailns. ITIS ADEADLGTIERIIERR. No Kflort IJi'iiik tJnile to llnlorce Hip Alien I a l.nw. None of the laiue corpoiatlons and not oier half a dozen 'employeis, nil told, have timudUd with the piovlslon ot the alien ta law, lociuliiiiR a iiitar terly lenoit of the number of aliens employed, and a lemlttance of thiee eent.s for eveij da tint each of them w oiked. Tho employeis evidently take for granted that the law will be declnied unconstitutional, and that at all ecnts they will hold oil-'until the supieme conn passes on the Plttsbuig decision. The county commlssloneis, who nre entiusted with the enfoiceinent of the law, ii'iruid the matter In nbout tho same llsht as the emplojei.s. To com pel a toiiiiillance would entail a lot of lotiit exntnses, and, us theio l.s i-Mij assuiance that In the end the count would have Its trouble for Its pains, tho commlssloneis concluded that Is In line with common .sense to wait until the supreme couit has dealt with tho cjuestlon of tho constitution. i alltj. of the net. TWO .MORE UNHAPPY WIVES. Hunt Divorce liom I heir Alleged Cruel Musbiimls. Two dlvoic suits wcie Jlcmdny flled by (-Judcc Stanton Annie Nlzalak, by her next lilend, A. 11. Piledtd, asks for dlvoico from her husband, Albeit Nlzalak, alleging as grounds tliciefnr, continued tiuelty. They weie man I'd Nov. JI, 1SM, and btpniate.l Auu'. - last. Maiy i:aily. by h"i- next ft lend, John Madden, seeks separation fiom her alleged ciuel husband. John 13.11 ly. They were man ltd Dec. 2'J, is'ij, and lived together until Nov. IS, 1S'J7. WAN IS $5,090 FOR BEINO SLANDERED IIiiKtnuid and Hile ,i rested for Sny lag Pad ''liiiij.'s, John and Koa Jioiz, of Prlcoliurg, lnvo very ban tonsucs if what Iholr neighbor, JIIss Annie (Jailtivltch, bays of Hum Is tin. Miss Uailavlteh alleges thnt oi two lecerit occasions tho Jlotzis ncclalmed her guilty ot some very Impilntablu things nnd for thesu u'tfianres uho wants thrm to pay her $3,000 damages, She 1ms ivtained Okell .t Okoll to as sist her In getting It. RUNAWAY ON PENN AVCNUR. A. .11. Hoime, n New York Drummer Hint tin I'.xulliiii; I'.vpcrlcnce. A. JI. riecse, n drummer for a New York house, had an exciting experi ence Jlonduy evening nt CSO, Ho was driving u team of horses attached to a light can luge toward the iltv nnd when passing under tho railroad bridge at I'onn avenito nnd Olive street one of tho horses stumbled nnd, becoming frightened, binke his harness nnd, lenv ItilT lilt mnte, dashed up Olive stieet lo Washington avenue, out Washington to Sptuco nnd thence lo Gorman's fltnble, whore tho horse was hired. The other liorso staited up the l'onn nvenuo hill nt a mad pace and at the Truth ollleo collided with a carriage owned by n man mimed O'Mnlloy and badly damnuod It. At the Windsor, t'eese Jumped from the e'nirlaso nnd escaped lnjuiy. The hoi.sp tinned east on I.lnden stieet to Wyoming and thence to Spruce. At Hint corner the carriage collided with a telegraph polo nnd was w locked. I'teed from this encumbcr ancn the hoisp proceeded to the stable without further mishap. FIPTH DISTRICT Y. M. C. A. Will Hold a Convention at Montrose Friday, Saturday nnd Sunday. Programme of the Sessions. The llrst convention of tho Klftli ills ti let ot the Young Men's Cliilstlnn as sociation will bo held in Jlonttose on Kildny, Satmdny and Sunday. In the di'tiltt nre tho Pillowing associations: Wllko'-llarte, I'lttston, Scianton, To w anda, Athens, Stroudsburg, Hast Rtroudsbuig,l''"oicst Cit and Montrose; railioid associations ol jtianton nnd Hallstead and College associations of Hast Stioudsbmg State Noimnl school, Wyoming semirary, Su.sciuohnnna col legltte Institute- and Kej stone Acad emy. Olbceis of the district association are. J. W. liaodei, Wllkes-Hunc, clmli man; 13, H. Huckalew, 'Wllkes P.aue, secretin'. The ptogiamme for the convention Is: PUIHAV APTI3IINOON I "'i-Opinlilg of Concentloi. J. W. Hao- der, District Conimlt- (e, Wllke-Uarie Devotional UsirciSLs A. . llowei, Clialiman Devotional Commit t i, Sc'iantoii. miDAY DVP.NING. T.50-Song Service Prof. J. M, Chance, Sluslcal Director, Scianton. S C0 Addiess-Hev. 1. A. Lansing. D. D. Pastor Green IUcIkp Picsbytcilin Churcli. SATL'ltDAV SIOIIXING. 3.15 Devotional I3orcises JUm-m. liow- c r, Chance. 11.11 The "Voko l'ellows' Hand" Idea, P. H. lieldcn, P.allioad Dcpait inent, Scraiiton. 10.3) Music Its Placei and Power In As sociatlon Wink. Prof. J. JI. CJtanci. 11 00 Hlblis Stud Chailes 13. Hurlbuit, Supeiintindont Pennsylvania lllblo Institute, Plillailclphla. SATPUDAY APTHriN'OOX. 'J i'r Devotional I3erclsos Slessrs. liow- er and Chance. .' Si) Tho Social Life J. J. Paikhurst, Scianton. 3.1" lSlbln Classes Clare nno 13. Cook, Ke stone Academy, Pactoryvlllo. 1 13 A Iirgei' Place lor Pnier In Our Work Dr. H. S Slelxcll, Chairman nun Devotional Committee, SMIkts-llaite. 1.1" Hlble Slu i Charlfs v.. Hurlbuit. SATPUDAY 13VP.N1NG. T." Sonc; Soivlci Pi of. J. SI. Chance. S Addiess Clnrlrs 13. Hurlbuit. SPNDAV SIOrtNINO. 0 SO Communion Hour for Delegates and Christian Jit n of Jlonttose, SPNDAV A FTl'P.NOON. 3.CJ Kvangtllstlc Sorvlco for .Men. SP.N'DAY P.VI3NING. 7 ".0 Devotion il LmicIsi's. A Seilcs of Aiblltsscs by Huslnesa JIpii Pieenllni; a Study of the Young .Men's Christian Associa tion; II. A. PilUci, of Wllkes llaiie. Pre-ldlng. 1 lis Providential Inception and 13 t elision T. 11. Athelton, Wllke.i llano. '.'. Its Ad iptablllty to All Young Jlen Di. V. C. Johnson, Wilkes. Parte. I. Its Work for All ot a Young JIan I lev W. 13. Plumley, Scrantmi. u The Snppiiory Agencies 1 1. A. Puller, Wilkc-Hairo. Pan well 13si'ioscs In Ch.irge of S. JI. Paul, State Seeietaty. The folk wing aie some of the Strnn tonlans who villi attend the conven tion: (It ni go ti. Slahy, sccietary of the Young Jtin's Chilstlan association; J. JI. Chance ant' the following membeis of the Young Men's Chilstlan Associa tion JIale eiunitettc A. D. Van Goi elcr, Newton Ctoft, F. J. Kiank nnd C. A. Mnng; Hov. I. A. Lansing. D. D., V. H. Stamon. Jr., A. "W. Long, Philip llaendlges, Gooige I. llatnaul, Fred Dodge, J. M. Vail, Dr. Pierce and F. W. Peaisill, sptietaiy of the Ilallioad Young Men's christian association. ELM I'AKK CIIURClf. Organ Itocilnl. On tho evening of Thanksgiving Day, Mr. J. Alfied Pennington will give nn Oigan Hecital in Kim Park church, as sisted by Mr. John T. Watklns, bari tone. Admission, silver offering. See Iitogramme in nnother column. l'lnces to Kenieinber. Tho people of Scranton should re member the "Florence Crlttenton Home" in tlitlr Thnnksgiving Way re niPinbiances. Their has been no "do nation day" as yet, and mnny artlcleu are needed besides money anil food. Remember the Inmates of Lackawan na hospital when making your Thanks giving purchases. They will enjoy n dinner on that day as well as people who nie at their own homes. A Return ol Thanks, Mr, and Jlis, I3dvvnid JIaloney de sire to icturn their slnceie thanks and nppietintlon to tho many kind nelghbois and fi lends who assisted them In their lecent bet pavement In the loss ot their dear and loving daugh ter, and especially to thoie who gave evidenco of their feeling by Moral of feilngs, words of love, and also to the llovver-beareis and pall-beaiers. It's the dipping of hmids in hot water that chaps them in Winter. Luke warm water and FELS-NAPTHA soap avoids this, liil.S A CO., PlilUJclpliia. Dyspepsia, Heartburn, Uiih. UitlH n id nil Moimich DWor- der positively cured, drover Uralmni'" 1b. peptlii llemedv In n Hiiccinc. One iloso re iiiovennll illNtiein, mill it pormiiuent euro of thu niot ilirouluund nevoid cimui U uiutrati teed. Do not miller! A Ail-conl bottle will conv lnce tlio mint .Muttliuua lliosi, Uiiii,ri,'Ul3i U'JO l.iickn wtiuiiu iivcnuv, MR. .DUNNIKG'S NEW FORM OF PERMIT. First Ones t'gticd Yesterday by the Street Commissioner. TlieV CONTAIN MANY CONDITIONS Provide for the .Mnnncr In Which I'x-ctt-utlotis nnd l'llen of lluildiiic .Materials Sltull Jlo Ciiardcd-.Lnv ing of Tcmpornry Slilcwnlkv'-Thi' 11 ork of Keeping the Mrccls rree Irom Obstructions 11 ill Ho Perse vered In. A now form of permit for conti actors or ptlvnte Individuals who desire to open any of the city streets or occupy u poitlon of them during building ope latloiiH has been adopted by Street Commissioner Dunning. The llrst of the new permits were Issued yeMerday. lleie aio the piovlslons pi luted on the new permit: Stiict compliance with these provisions aid ueitssary. Otlieiwlse penult Is foi folted and obstructions will bo icmovcd at tho i-xpt ne of pit petty lospouflble without further r.otlte. No poison shall occupy street or side walk for building operations, without llrst completing a tompoiaiy sidewalk four (I) feet wide, and lelice. See- Digest of Oidlnan-es of 1S1II, page 131. See. 10. In no ease shall more than one-half of the stiet be occupied for building ma tt ilal, and upon completion of the work the sit tet Is to be put In the same con dition as It was Imfoie It was occupied. Gutters must not be abstiuctcd, mortar and iiniont must not be n.Ktd, nor llrcs built on pavemt nt Not li ss than four (l f t in width of sldiwalk must bo ktpteleiin and In pies, able lonlltlou at all times. A1JOPT MATHRIAL"?. Mat. rials must be plhd compact! and safelv, not to etoed tight (, f 1 1 1 Ml height Tlit shall not be placed within irur (4) fiet o. ati.v inlltoad track, within four feet (I) feet or an c llv lamp or light post, nor within t n (10) ftet of any lire hdiaut. A red light must be plated on ob-dnii-tions evoiy night that stieet Is oocuplo 1. Aphalt and brick pivttneiits must bo piopcrl piotected with plank before any is pi iced then on, and tlain ige thereto will boehaimd to piopeit upon which woik is bilng ilont. 13cavat!ons must be pioperly guaidol, and If sidewalk is removed for repair or rclalng, a suitable tt-inpoiary walk must be maintained linmedlatt ly liet lo curb; the same to be proteLtnl 'Vii mnteilals and tools must be ip- moved Immediately upon completion of work for vvhith tliev aie Used. Tho iho of street for refuse maleilal Is not In eluded in this poind. I3cavatlons mas', be piopeily guarded, and all dirt plated in ditches must bo thoroughly soaked with water or securely tamped. This permit Is granted with the undei itandlng that all reiiultemonts of city ordinances are to lie compiled with, If at any tlmo material Interfeies with public woik, this permit Is hereby revokes! Connections with seweis must be mndo i with spur or "Y" branch. Notify stieet ' tommlssion when actual conniption will be made. Notify street commissioner when null ing of ticmhcs will In gin. GOOD FOR SIXTY DA S. The new pennits will onlv bo good foi a peilod of sixty davs. If the law lias been icspected during that period It can then be renewed without cost. If, on tho other hand, the holder of the pennlt has not shown reasonable speed In prosecuting the work In hand or if he lias not icspected the condi tions under width the peimlt was is sued the time of the peimlt will not bo extended. The shoit term permits nie for the purpose of keeping a check on those who obtain them Sir. Dunning .says he Is going to per- WORTH OF II LL .MIST Ke Sltui!,'Mcr!(l in Jibt Klglit l)iiS. Theio's no altci native. K JIl'ST leave tho store Dee 1st. This gives th' people ail unequalled op pcutunlty to buy theli millinery, velvets, ribbons, laces, ornaments, ostrich and fancy feathers at i rices lower tlum was evo qucled on lew i.olrable goods. Wo'ro alvas loud .of silling cheap, but In tills caso wo have no altci native the goods must so. A. R. SAWYER VA'l WYOMING AVKNUE. Cloak Oeparfmsnf. ooooooooo Ladies' Coats--Black Boucle, high storm collar, real value, $10.00. Wediii'sday lor $15.05. Ladies' Coats--Dark Navy Ker sey, high storm collar, real value, $9, Wertm-sdiiy $5.05. Child's CoatsLight mixture, greeti Kersey trim, from 6 to 12 years, real value $7.50. Wednesday $1.85. Ladies' Light Coats are in great demand. We have a large line of Meltons, Kerseys aud Coverts in full tailor made finish, prices from $10.00 to $20.00. Ladies' Capes Fine Berlin braided Capes in Boucle, Velour and Meltou, from $5.00 to $35.00, EARS & severe In tho work of keeping tho streets free from obstructions. Wagons, boxes, pieces of timber or In fact any thing ese that mny bo conldeied nn obstruction left in nny of tho streets, courts or lanes of tho city over night without permission wilt lie taken in chargo by his men. NBW ENQLAND S0CIGTY MEETS. O Ulcers I'.lcctcd nnd Ilntc .Set I'or An mini Dinner. At the annual mppt,lng of the New I?nglnnd society, held In the board of trndo rooms lat night, Mujor Kverett Wan en was elected juesldent, Colonel Oeoig? Snndeison. vice prenldent; J 11. Fisher, M'cretaiy, A. C. Fuller, treasurer, and II. 13, 1'alne, historian, Hie last three being re-elected, Tuesday, Dec. 21, ,the eve of Fore fathers' Day, was named as tho time for the eleventh uunual banquet. The details will be arranged by a banquet committee, to br named by the presi dent. Adjournment was made to Dec. II. THE MARKVINQ ALOER.MAN. '. II. 11 right .Undo Happy Three Couples in Two Unvs. Aldermnn O 15. Wright, of the Ninth ward, nached his two bundled and seventy-sixth wedding yesterday. The two hundred nnd seventy-sixth was that of James If. "Wilson and Maggie J. Russell, both ot this eitv, who weie mnirlod yesterday after noon. Jtonday the aldeimnn married William Harvey, nnd Jtlss Uertha Hlnkley; and William II IMiker and Sarah J. Lldgett, all of this elt. Tlie I3utlre i'opiilntiou will not witness thp great Thanksgiv ing afteinoon football game between tho High School and School of tho Lackawanna, nt Athletic park. Game i ailed at I! p. m. Don't miss It. Great gume. SCROFULA Is tlw advertisement of foul blood, It may be cntliely driven from th system by tho faithful use of Hood'u Sar.saparilla, w llch thoroughly ptuillcR the blood. HOOD'S RILLS are easy to take.easy to operate. Cure indigestion, bilious, ness. 23e. Steam Ilctiliug and l'luiiihiug. , F. & M. T. Ilowley, 231 Wyoming ave. Ullllillllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllll-U D Ml Do j'on own a pair H of opera glasses ? 3 There is a satis fac- H tiou in knowing the glasses oue is look- B ing through were 5 not used the night before by any Tom, S Dick or Harry. We S are showing a liand- K some assortment fine, high grade goods with double acromatic lenses at prices that are ex tremely low. Jlotoeco finished kIhss nickeled t rlmiued 1'liev n Her lens, complete, with ease .... $1.75 g 1.89 S Lnrsei size, blnclc enamel and morocco, .lumtlle glass I'cnrl and nickel opera Klassts Clinvnller lenses. Veiy pretty and durable, with case Handsome pearl and irold plated Kliihs very tlnulenK. With case, complete m 3.90 I PH m 5.00 1 I THE REXFORD COMPANY I MB HH I 303 Lack. Ave. m mm Hiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmi'iimiH ecials for Fur Co!larettcs--Vc have a fine assortment at reasonable prices. Ladies' Silk Waists --We are closing out our Silk Waists and offer very stylish waists at a bargain. OOOOOOOO ress Goo Mr f J And Silks. We are showing full assortments of stylish goods of the best quality. Our prices are not high HAGEN 1 CfoxvH -a 1 You I Will Enjoy I 55. USJ TAKINQ A LOOK AT OUR NEW 2 HOLIDAY GOODS JUST AH- i2 RIVINQ. '. i5 WE HAVC JUST UNPACKED '- i SOME NOVEL EFFECTS IN 5 ROOKWOOD ? : THAT WILL EXCITE YOUR gj; f ADMIRATION. OUR STORE IS $; S CROWDED FULL OF PRETTY S !-"5 THINGS, AND WE INVITE YOU ' TO SEE THEM. C' '4 MILLAR c PEOK, 134 S WYOMING AVENUE. THE Our specials are not fanciful products of pen aud ink. Personal inspection will con vince you that they are the best and cheapest goods in the market. Our Specials for This Week 1,000 Pair of Men's Shoes. In Lace and Congress, all sizes aud from $1.50 to week, toes, ranging $i.75- This 1,000 Pair of Ladies' Shoes Button aud Lace, latest toes, all sizes, selling regular at $1.50 and Si. 75. This week, i THE 326 Lackawanna Avanua. -Famous Old Stand." We KLINE IE m 1 1 KM SHOE dnesday Our wassed at and wear, ds 415 and 417 Lackawanna Avenue Scranton, Pa. Wooden Wares In every kitchen are the most useful aa well as the cleanest. Complete line in our down stairs depart ment. Suggestions might remind you of some you need. SALT nOX of wood, value 19c, now SALT HOX of China wood cov er, value 7c now WOOD 1UM KLOUU SU1VE, nil sizes KNIFH HOXi:s. with two parts nnd handle, lcKithir 21c, now. IlUnAD HOA11DS, 12 Inches In diameter DOl'r.II 1SOA1U), InrKP sizes, regular 73c, now C1IOPPIXO HOWLS, 3 sizes, value much moio than pi Ice,. 10c 44c 10c 10c 10c 49c 10c, 19c, 24c m'TTHU PUIXTS that will make neat designs, logulnr price 25c, now SLAW CUTTnilS thut nro ot the' best wood and blade, value L'5c now IIOLLIXG l'ISii with loose handles COFFED MILLS', pood wood box, adjustable Rrlnders CLOTHES POLES notched In 2 places and sharp end XO. C imoOM, host vvhlski, value 2"c , short time for 19c 19c 10c 24c 10c 19c THE GREAT 310 Lackawanna Ave. J. II. L.VDWIG. '$ BEE HIVE oooooooooooooo t t 4-4- t 4 h-M4-4-H"HH4- Thls Coat, 53.4S, u little beauty. About ten styles to select from well mado and ull wool cloth; sev eral colois Wo have them from JI 4S up. The largest lino In tho city to select frem Sco our Ladtes' Coals, Copes and Suits. oooooooooooooo 'S 224 LACK. vk RtsrAiit n AVENUE. s r& OOOOOOOO M, & H. Gloves ai'e unsur the price, in lit, flexibility STORE 'W I mwmm BROWN owes Underwear Complete assortments of Under wear for Men, Women aud Children, Special--Ladies' Fleece Lined at 25c Misses' Natural Wool Ribbed Un derwear, reduced from 75c to 50c, Men's Heavy Natural Wool Un derwear, in order to close, reduced from $1.00 to 75c.