THE SCTtANTON TTtlBUNE-WEDXESDYY MORNING, NOVEXIIIEFl 24, 1807 CONVENTION OF THE COAL MINERS Many Delegates Arc Assembled at Altonno. STATE ORGANIZATION FORMED Oho Handled Tliomnnd Miners Arc ItcprrocMitctt in tlio Convention. An Address Is Delivered liy .11. I). Uiitchlord, President ol" Iho United ."Nine Workers ol Atnerlcn.-Kosolif lions Adopted. Altoonn, Nov. 23 The bituminous roal nilncis' convention cntlcd for the purpose of founliiK n strtto orRiinlzn tlon, nnsembl d bete todny. One hun died ileleKiites, icpiesentltiK 100,000 miner, weie present, Pnctory Inspoc tor T A. lirndlcy. of Lilly, ex-presl-dent of the Cnmbtla dlstilct, ns mnda pi'iiii.inent pi evident, and William Warner, pecrotnty ttensutcr of dls tilit N'n n, Pittsburg; peimanent sec lotiir.v. M. I) Itatehfoid, president of tlio United JIIik Voikctn of Amcrl in, dellveied an nddiess In which ho will that the only vvu.v the mlner.s would obtain Justice thimtgh n Kt'tioinl sttlko that would deplete the n. in kit of coal and II up the Indus ti b.s of the cotintri. At the lonilusliin of Mr Itntehford's nihil o, eonimlttees were appointed on titles, Kbolutloii'i and iugniil7atlin. This was followed 1 a pvneial dls i iioii of qui "t Ions lelatliiR to the pin pn. d t it orKimlratloii The commlt te mi oiRiitils.ttlon lepoitcd In faor if .' with the United .Mine "ruk. m of Amelli.i. This wns adopt id, but a number of other lccommenda ti'iiis as to the plan of mate oianlra ti 'ii van jinfihd about until lell f i mi' by postponing turtlicr conddei;i lutii until toniouow. The (omnilttte in n solutions lepoited the following, lilih was adopted lit m hid. That we deniiiliit too artlon of J ill Uhlli. of Pittsburg, for ie m ilnliuv cnuns'l from rendu i;IfIii?t for 1 I- in the Hi Mil Hit pumping st itlon eon tint, as 'ic bi iio.' tl at his ritclxlnu vv.n unjust ami glvt n lucutsi of Ills well Known hostility to libor union. .S c i nil, Itewohiil, 'that wi eondinin Iho n ti ii of ,;oi iiiini nt b Injunction as an infilni mint upon the lights of tlio ) eo pli ii Hit as a moils u-el to destiny trio in li Thi lesit of the biltf afternoon sis-f-loil was oecupied li flilltless ills-i U.s slon of inatti'is ol inliior Impoitanee Tin p.viotcclinks having l"i n disposed of. It Is ispettid the i "mention will Ret down to work to- mnllllW AniiiiiK the piomlnent oiRiinleis ie-ent ate. Pi(iduit Putiick Polun and St it elm y Wiiinei, ot Dlstilct .. Plttshuig. National Oik.iiiIci CSooirp JIutiK of llejiioidhville, P.ittlck .Mr rsovvnn, mlncis' agent of the Punvsu t.ivvnc region, National Organizer Chris i:vans, of Ohio, Pieslihnt A. T. rik!iUiil and Seeietaiy John T Kline, of the C.inibiin County ChetkvvelRh liinn's a'fcoi ijtion. Dan Lennon, of Dis till t No .', mid lte L. M. MePei inott. of l.eeihbutK. who took the Held with the men dining the late bit Ike and made a number of dining the iniiKliis, ,uid who had a encounter with Major Henle, an opci ntm. GIRL'S FURY COST A LIFE. 1 eliisivcness Anions Children Itc snlli in a Tingir lluniier. Shnmnkln, Nn 21 lhiiagul because In i M'-tci li'tuiiied home fiom a Rioup i ihlldien close by, at Jit Carniil. !'"lday with the Morv that tie prtiN a. oiild not rHow her to pi iv with tliim, Pauline CltiMta, ngtd IS, buttally as--!.iiilt il one if tin in, Ida Havlnr, nired S '1 he latlei s .skull was fiactiiied by r ''low fiom i (lub in Pauline's hands. lli r the letlm Ml the Infill iatod r'H lumped on her n number of times Iiiini men di.irfRtd ur away. Hhe 1 i hi on nt tested, and her -victim will li! i ly die, her link having hem biok cn 1 RACTION M GN TE'S GIFT. Pitei . It. W niftier ill Present n l.iliian to Phi'iidctiihi'i. PhilaiJelphln. Pi, Nov L": The an nouiiii mem was trade todav that Petei A 1! Wldt tier, fin met iltv tteallier and now incsidt tit of the Philadolphla Ti. ii tlon i omii.ui and who als liai It? Inteurts In stmt rallvvnj lines In many othir (Itlea, intends to pichont to tho oltj of Phlhulolphl i the palatial m Id. nio now nuipl d bv him at Jinn d vtifot and Oii.nd rvtnili Mr Wldenet's objci t In giving the h ii-f to the ilty Is that It shall lie c mi- a branch i f Mie Philadelphia free Widi The dwcllln-; was built about tin an ago and Is an Imposing btiuuuie of blown stone, live stotltri In hilght, and is elegantly finished thioughout, STRIKE ECHO AT THE ALTER. A Nnti-l'tiinn Itolling Hill Uorl.innn Denied linptism. Hruttdal', Nov L'J A non-union woikman vvlm teetntlv found einploj- meot In the Kcottdalf lolling mlll.whkh has betn tho m em nl .1 Mllr.. nt,u... ww ir fused ailmlttanie to the Ihiplisi 1 cnuicn ycbiminv tils name and that of his wife we among those announc ed at the morning service bv the pas tor, rtcv. ill Uiatton Stilkeia who are rhuuh membeis charged the nppll- I There Ss a Class of People Who aro injured by the S uso of coffee. Recently there has bean placed in all tho grocery btorcs n O new preparation called $ GRAIN-O, ntado of puro Krsins, that takes tho place of coffee. The most ilelicato stomach receives it without distress, and but few can tell it fiom g coffee. g It does not cost- over as much. Children may 2 drink It with great benefit. 2 15 cents and 25 cents per package. Try it. Ask for GRAIN-O. :TryGrain0! !44o44 . c. cant with dtimkenrtes, and, although the chniRO was not fuistalncd, ho mid hla wife weie icfused haptlsm. The congregation Is composed Intgelv ot Htrlker?, olth'otiEh some mill ofllclatt tire ineiuberp. fttlket.s' vvivcM bi'loiiRliig lo the nld society nrc Indignant, because a meet ing of the t-oclcty Is cnlled at a non union boat ding house. TIIANKGIVING DINNERS, Turkc) Perched On Homo Tops n llo Mounds Havcd. Phe-enlvvllle, Nov. 21. The Thanks giving appetite was whettid yesterday by the spectaclo of hundreds of tur kevs peri bed on house tops A dealer who had arrived with 100 Western Mnke.vH was driving them thtotiRh the sttects to his place of business, when .laeob V Wall's pack of hounds btokc Ioee and made n de-jeent on the poul tir. The tut keys sought refuge on tiees, ronfs -ind defile wires, and It was evening befoio the dealer Ind reform ed his jilumaged line for the remain der of the Intel t tinted inarm. TO ATTACK ITS CHARTER. .Iloicinctit of Oil .Men Asnlnut the Mniidnrd Comiiuii-Tlie Courts to lie Asked to Annul lis Charier ilo caiioes It .Mixes Pcimsvhnnla Crude With 1,1 in a. Hittler. Pa. Nov 21 A movement Ins been InaURUtatod heie bv inde pendent oil iiiodtu.eis to tnke the Ht.'indard Oil compnnv Into court A paper was clt ciliated loday to rale a fund foi the put pop of bilnglng uuo wananto pi decoding against the com pany, with the end In view of causing tlie annulment of Its chaiter The giound for action is bned on the fait Hint the Standard n lrs Pinn'-.vlvanl.i crude, worth fi"i cents, with I.lmn oil, woith 42 cents It ii clalired that ns a lomnioti carrier the Standard has no nitthoilty of law to leeelve i good qual ity of oil fiom the prodiieir at hU wells and Hun deliver th" Infetbu (llialltv lo the tetliietles at thA price paid for the Pennsylvania article. The movement was conducted with lonMdei.iblo peieey, but It Ins I von lent tied that lontiibtitlons langlng fiom $" lo $100 to Hie amount of $1,000 weio seeuiid lieie Nothing can be limned as to the eteut of the niove intnt. Claienci Walker, seeietniy ot the local branch of the Prodiicets and Ketlnets Oil lompanj, Is out of town, and fiom what can be lc.infcd It Is be lieved that the mow incut Is being con ducted ouu-ide that oiganUatlon. FEARED HER LOVER'S JEALOUSY. A (Jirl Mho Pled lo INcnpe JI it i rinse is (lil Mie i Tree. Jiirdsboio Pa Nov .'1. Ptetty Mary M. Goodhait, who ueatod a .. iT-atlon ' last Pildav by deveitlng the man to whom she was to have been inairlcd twent-four boms later, was located esteld.y nt the home of Geoige Fiy burgir. MNs aoodhart Is the gill of Ifi Vliiis who had piomled Clmiles K I..oiisj, of Iteadlnir, to beiome his wife, and eveiy piepnintlnn had been made for the union of heatts nt his homo on Katuidny evenliiR. Mls Oiiodhiiit said vesteidav that she made up her mind two weeks ago to leave L,oni; because he was "too awful jealous." Hhe says she Is glad "lie Is free. I.nt evening she i etui tied to her home. MUST TAKE NO EXTRA RISK. Policrnieii's ori( Kisk) Pnoilpb Without Pl'iviug Po tbnll Pltts'iutpr. Nov 2S-,Tames P Lalus. a lieutenant of polite, it said to be living fiom the i fleets of infinite e celved while pHjing football. As a 10 pult ot th lieutenant's lnji'rlc, Supet lrter.d"iit A. II. I.islie has isu m1 ot drts; that heivifter no tiollce otllcer will be allowed to outrage In plaj Ing football. He .aid a policeman had enough op poitunltlis In loi-o his life , ithoiit p!a inu foctbnll. Lieutenant I. ilus H a bit- man and plnjid with the Plttsbutrf Athletie club on idet tion dav. lie le lelvid a "-pialiud m.kle and uy-lpelas ot In Hope has b i u given up of sav ing the lletlten lilt's life. DEATH HALT! D A RUNNER. Apoplexy 11 Victim Down on 11 Public Itoiiil. IVnibiug. Pa.. Nov 21. Tho dead body of duties ?.Iattiin, a well-known citizen of Pott, was found last 1 veiling on the public mad hading iiom the .Scluijlklll bildge to the drlve w.i Ills fate and t-oalp wtte badly l.ueiated. his Jaw and ills, lot atid both sides and .seveinl teeth weie broken It Is believed that Mattel n, vvlille runnlns' to miet n tialn, was stilcken with apoplexy, teeled and fell Into the toad, nnd that the wheels of a f asslng vehicle the body being unnoticed In the dailc patsed over the face, iiush Ing the jaw. Disgrace Prompts Sitirido. Ilollldnjsburg, Pa. Nov. L'3 James IJennlston, Ji , a well-known voung man of this plnie, was titiested last night and placed In tho county Jail on the chatge of diunkennoss and ills oidetly conduct Ovcivvh-ltned by his Hhanie- and dlsgiace, he hanged him self bv his handkei chief lo tho cell 1I001 When dlsioveied by the turn key this moinltiR life was extinct jointed C'ontinct l.ubot I, aw. Philadelphia, Nov. 23. Tho United .States district mint todaj found the IMdystono ."ifanufactutlng company guilty or violating the alien contract labor law- in lulnglng to this lountty fiom Qurmnny under continct, a cali co ctiRiaver and employing hlmjat the (omiany'.s iaitoty r.t IMd stone, Pa. A fine of $1,000 wns imposed Pinto Por the Kenrsnrge. Bethlehem, Pn Nov. 23. The Bethle hem lion company today made, a big shipment of aimor pinto for the Kear sarRe to New (iot t News. LEXINGTON RACES. Lexington, Kj., Nov. 23 Tiack goo I. weather tlcur. Piritl tace, ulue-slxtcuntliH Vltgltila It won, Oilentul il hteond, Pic uyuno third; time, .He's. fcScv'oml lure, 7 fin Innvs Albert A nlo won, il nister Piece second, Trlinudi thlnl; time, I.W Third lace, 0110 mllo and 70 yards rhicc llais won, Lake Vluw Pal ico I'tcoml, What Next third; tune, 1.10'j. Pouith race, 'J furlongs Turtle Dov9 won. Hello Ilrnmble becond, Tho Ulottor third, time, 1.13. Plfth race, S furlonifs Amateur won, Adrt Uufbell second, Uecapo third; time, THE ."GROWN-UP" DAUGHTER'S DUTY TO HER MOTHER. Yon can only linvo one mother ; therefore, when Iter step Is Browing slow and her mind gloomy with forebodings, nud you can sec that her wholo j--j ?--r t" rmm Kaiffr regularly, then write to Mrs. rinkhara, at Lynn, Mass., giving all the symp toms utulyott will receive a prompt reply telling mother what to do for her Bclf. In the meant line the Vegetable Compound will make Hfo much easier for her. It tones up the nervous system, invigorates the body, and the "blues" vanish before It as dark ness ilees from the sunlight You can get It at any reliable druggist's. Mrs. LouisMHoxo,HarrisIHll,Kr!cCo.,N.Y..snys: "I have been troubled with falling of the w omb for j ears, was advised to take Lydia V,. Plnklinm's. Vegetable Compound, I took thirteen bottles and received great benefit. When the time for change of life came I suf fered ti great deal with falntness and palpitation of the lienit. I got one bottle of tho Vegetable Com pound nnd one of lllood Purifier and enabled tc pass through that serious ALL YOUR WANTS can be supplied easily and quickly if you make' them known through the want columns of TUB SCKANT0N THICUiN'K, for the small sum of a CENT A WORD coooooooooooooooo II LI.I WANTIIl) MALLS. Adis. Under Tills Head One Cent a Word. U'AMTO-A PIUS l umltu. Cull or M (.HI. 1 1., Woui, P.i. CI, s, nililress, COAT T. P, CAI-I SMKNsCHOOI,SIJPPIiII: COUN i try work. ?l(io Nil irv monluly, with Jilieinl addition tl (mnnilssluin. It. U. KVA.N-S.VCO, C'hloija W'AMI.O-ASAOINriX KVPJIY ,SKC tlon to cnnvuio; m.iiii to s.von u day mnile; fells nt Ktstit; nlson man to cell Stnptu f .n,lllw fri ,1, ll. j l.nt tl.ln II. in - . ' ''"n', "I'lniiujlliu TH'tt Jlll'Uhll, mini' or large cominlNslon lnmle; expirlcnco uumiifvuj. uiiiion Minp una .vtuuuiuttur liKloiiipuny, C'lnclniuitl, O. 7ANTi:D -- VKI.I,KNOWN ".MANIN ' every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; n moiiopol): big money lor njientH; no KDWAUD C. Kltjll A CO., liordeii Hlock, L'hlcno, III. iiixp vanti:i) fi:mali:s. .Advs Under TI1I1 Head One Cent a Word. T Ai)'K-i jiAici: ijiVj vva(.i;s doino lj plenriint boiiie work, nnd will Kindly suiul lull pin III iilnrs to nil Kenillns: 'J int t.inip. ill, il. . hi lUlIil.Nh, Lawieiue, ilkli. ' A.n:i)-I, MY AOKNTS IN vritAN- toll to mlt nnd lntrodui u HomIpiM i .lIh Icing, iMlenci.tli.inviiiMT prtfened, viork periitnneiit mill iry pioiltnble. Wrlto for purl lull usnt oiKenml get lienetlt of bolldiy inulo. I. Ii. ,k. Dm i CO., tlncliinnti, O. 'A.Nri.iMMi:i)iAii:iA--rvvoi:Ni:it. ' nitle FiiksuoiiHii to lcpiesont in. ftimrntilieil -ii n dm without Inturfirln vvllli otlai ilmlis. llViiltlirut oicup.itlon. write lor jiiuiliMiliirs, eiiibAliig Uninp, MAM.fl LlIhMlC VI. COilPAXl, .o. il John strict, .Nt iork. uoo.m wan n:i). Adv. Under I 111 Head One Cento Word. omPvv TiTiintTrTw(TMAr l.iV-ntlon, lHiiunore. Mute lent. O. l.., 'iribiuiuollUt. roit ur.Nr. Advs. Under Thii Head One Cent a Word. (.'Ill OMH'l.tmunP'Jl'jpKNS avi:npp; ' lUbt looms, lutti, modern Inipuivu inents P. VV. MlJll, Attorney, ltltlWjo. mln.' avenue. l.iIMir.lpHivi IIOL'oP, Itvril, .MODIIlt.V I J Imiiinveuiinth, Ton I'll 1 trie nvtniii, (been iilil,',. V W sroKI, Atloiiioj, ltjll Wsv timing iivtuue 1 ou sali:. Advs. Under Tills Head One Cent a Word. J.Mlhr.VXIKmilCKTTo' V 'Jill l.ieknuiinnii nventie. SID nil n day Imsliuos, Will h1I cheap. Proprlttur eptits to go to -.cuttle. ij-oh ai.i: nt DrAi.TTiislnioici: in. V taineo ( nr on I), I,, anil W. switch, (.rceii Itltl.oMieet. NhlOI.U I70U SAI,i;A WKI.I, i:sj'AUI,ISIli:i), 1 good pivlng liu business, In Sorou 1111, Applj HAN III I. HAV1S, room V1 Com luonwiultb uiilUUng i;Oll SAI.h-ONK 'JO-IIOUSK I'OWl'.lt '.. boiler, us sood uk new. UilU WI-SION illl.l. CO SI 00 To Any Man. WILL PAY $100 FOR ANY CASE Of W ctikiicss in .Men They Trent nnd P111I to tine. An Omaha Company places for tho fltst time beforo tho publlo a ilAGI CAL, TKHATiinNT for tho cure of Lost Vitality, Netvous and Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of Life Puree In old and joung men. No wotn-out French remedy; contains no Phosphoinus or othet haimful drugs It Is ti WONDUrtPUL THUATMENT ilagicnl in its effects postlvo in its cure. All readeis, who nro sufferinR from a weakness that blights their life, causing that mental nnd physical suffering peculiar to Lost Manhood, should write to the STATU MHDICAL COMPANY. Sulto 717, Hango Kulldlng, Omaha. Neb., and they will send you absolutely KltKi:, a valuable paper on these diseases, and postlvo proofs of their tuily MAGICAL TKKATMENT. Thousands of men, who havo lost all hope of a euro aro being lestoted by them to n perfect condition. This MAGICAL TllKATMHNT may bo taken at homo under their direc tions, or they will pay tnllroad faro and hotel bills to till who pitfor to go there for treatment. It they fall to cute. They nte perfectly reliable; havo no Prro Piescrlptlons, Free Cure, Ft eo Sample, or C. O. D. fake. They havo $2.'0,000 capital, and guarantee to cure eveiy caso they tieat or lefund every dollar; or their chatges may he deposited In a bank to bo paid to when a cuto Is effected. Wtlto them today. 1'iMiui.ilviinlii Pens Ion iho. Washington, Nov. 23. Theso Penn sylvania pensions havo been issued: In cicase Hephanlah Pettis, New Mllfoid, Susquehanna. nervous system Is upset, it is your llllal duty unil privilege to attend to her In time 1 Mother Is approaching tho most critical period of her life. The change of life, that Is what mother Is dreading, nnd no vv onder, for It Is full of peril to till but tho strongest women. There arc some special and very wearing symptoms from which mother suiters, but she will not speak of thtn to nny one. Help her out; hhe doesn't Itnovv what to do for herself 1 Shall I advise you ? l'lrst, send to the nearest drugstore and get nbottlo of Lydla 12. Pinkhum's Vegetable Com pound, and hec that mother takes it was relieved again. I was thereby period very comfortably " ACKNTS AVANTKI). WTxT7?nTTiTM:sTo1fL bus savin 'devleo ninntifin'turod. lie- talis -,c. III prollts. utiVtJK IlltOS.. Hochcster, V. V VANn:i LAIIV AOP.M.S TO HUM. extrntts. It will imv oii to write to me. It, W SNYDlIlt. Ilittlo Creole, .Mich. AGPNH 'IO SUI.L OUR STOItM door; sample prciinld upon reeclpt of prlre, AMKIJICAN hlOKM UOOIt CO., Port Huron, Mlth. KI.O.VIIIICK AOKNTS WANTP.l) POIt largo lllustrnteil book of Klondike, llvti litindrtd pages; prleo $.1. All; outllt inc. Ad. tliess NATIONAL PPIII.ISIIINU CO,, Lake side llillldlng, Chicago, III. WANTP.U-SOLICITOII.S; NO 1),:r'tvKK- tin, no itdlectlng; position lieriiiiiiiunt: puy wetklj; sfuo life. UI.E.V IJltorilLirs, lloclit ster, X. V. A OKNTX WHAT A1IB YOU GOING TO X iloauout nfe 1 Itlinslilpurleo St. Go ing bv llioiitunds. Address NICHOLS, Xnpervilie, III AGL.NTS-'IO Hi;t,t, OPIl PIIACTICAI, gold, silver, nickel nnd topper electro plasters; prices from p!l upward; h ilnry nnd expenses paid; outllt free. Address, wltu stump, MIUIIGAN MI'UIO, Chieiiso. AGKNisTO MILL CIGAItS IO UK Mo crs; S'jr vtct'klv nnd t (ients; expert rnco iiunecessarj. I'0S0L1I)A1KL) illlJ CO, IS Vun liure nf-t., Chicago. IIOAUDLUS WANTED. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. T7?Am:loTii:KWAvxTKi) J I'mtiUlIn Avenue. HOARD AND ROOMS WANTED. Advs Under This Head One Cent a Word. A"' ipXr1ix'ii'i: ax i) uii i i.i, H jeurs old, want the comforts of 11 homo In 11 pilvuto faniilv. .Must be In n good lotutltv. Wlllltu to puv for comforts. Ad tlioss, t- iro I nek l!o lin. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. W TO KXCHANGK GDOI) Milium nlimo for good nool tuble. Address, KXCHANGK, rrlbuno Olllce. CIIIKOPODISr AND MANICURE. -10K.NS, Ks nulls I1UXIONS AXI) IXGItOVVIXO Hired vtltbaiit the least mil 11 or drtvilng blood. Coniiltntlon nnd udvlco given lice. L. il. HLi.Kl, thlropodlst, llilO I.nuk iwuuim uvenuo. Ladles uttended ut their renideueu If desuud. Cliarstn moder ate. CIIAKTF.U APPLICATION. a I'livi.n iiiiu.i.i u 1 i. jii.ti j 1 appllt'iitlou will bo ninde to one of tho l.uvv .Iudes of Liiukiivvunnn oiiiily.oa ilon duv, tlio Kltlulnv of Deieinbei, A. U 18117 nt tl n in, iiudei the provisions of the Act til' Ahstmblv entitled " Vn Vet to provide for tliu Incorporation noil regulation of certain toipointions,' uppioved the J!l!li duv of Aiull, 1S71. and tlio sitpplemnits tlieieto. Ini Hit) elmrtt r of an Intended tor,inratl n to becu'lid "Iho lliiliiiumuiiii Hospltul," tlio tiiainetcrund object of which Is ttio niulute iiuuto of u hospital and training seliool for muses, and toi tlitsu purposes to bnve, pos. stss unit enjov ah the ilglits, lieuelltHund privileges of Mild Act of Assenibl,nnd Its su()plL-uients. .--a Id nppllintlon is nun on tlio in the l'rothonotur.t'M olllee of I ueku uunn.i tountv. to No litn, Junuuiv teiin, latw. I'HAitLP.s ii. wi:i.iil:s, .1 V.MKS W. OAKPOUI), J-ollcltors. AD.MINISTKATKIX'S NOTICE. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. TN UK: lrVTK OP SVKLLIXGTON A. J. Taylor, Into of lVckvlllc, LauUiivviiniui County, det eased. Notlcols herubv given tluit letters of nd inlnlstratlon In tlio above cstuto buvo been giiilitedto tho uiiiler!igued,uud nil persons indebted to said estate urti required to iniiko iinnie'dlati) payment, ami those bivliig elnliiiHor deiiiiiuiU to present sumo without tleluv, to IILVUK M. T YLOIt, Administratrix. JOHX P.HLHAGG. Atlornej. ItANKINQ, ItHPOIiT OP Tilt: CONDITION OP THU LackDwonna Trasi of Seranton, No. 401 Lackawanna avenue, Lackiivviiiin i county. Pa., at the close ot business Nov 1C I'i7: nusoirtcKS C.ih on hand .... .J lZ22 07 Checks and othet cash Items . 2,77) 14 Due from Imuks and bankers.. 7J,S.'3 10 Commeiclal and other papei owned K1.3J1 3S Call loans upon collutttiils . . n.noi) ml Tiiuo loans upon colluli nils . 139,351 i,S Loans upon bonds and mort gages S.012 00 Investment seciiiltles owned viz., Htocks bonds, ete...''A2Sl Rt Mortgages US,0i3 70 378.0M 31 Ileal estate, furnltuie and 1- tllles 293331 Bufu deposit vaults on Ovtldtatts 27l 2' $1,103 SJI 8i. L1AUILITI13S. Capital stock paid In f 250ouooi Surplus fund loooiiOliO Pndlilded protlts, less tx- lieli'cA und taxis (i.ild 2.,05l 37 Dttioslts Mibject lo cheek J3S7.139 2S Deposits, Mpeciul Siifiii 2S 711,221 37 Due to commonwealth lo.otino Due to banks and bankets II. '.18 7.' Dividends unpaid so oo 41,)0kJI M Amount trust funds Invested... u'l.OiS w Amount trust funds uninvested 4,017 lo $ I.9.W j 7." State of Pennsylvania, count) of Lack awanna, ss : I, Henry J, Anderson, ico piesident of the above-niimed compnny, do sokmnly swear thut tlio above st.itenient Is lino to the best of my knowledgH and belief. (Signed) HKXIIY J. AXDKItSOX, Vice Pttsldent, Subrcrlbed ond swoin to beforo thl3 22d day of November. 1S37. (SlBlied) r. L. HITCHCOCK, Notary Public. Correct Attest, (Signed) W.M. T. flitlTH, MKNUY HKLIN, JH , II. T, HLACK, Directors, I ' ' " ' iii ... i 01I0LLY ARE YOU INTERESTED IN. Broadcloths at Broadcloths at Broadcloths at Broadcloths at Broadcloths at GONNOLLY 127 IIAIK CHAINS. Advs. Under This Head One Cent a Word. N'i:V AXI) EXCLUSIVK STV.LIS IN bnlr elmlns ran bo ninde out of vour linir foi Clirlstiniis girts, at LVA M. HEP ZKL'W, :i:iuLHCkar.iiinanvenue. Leave or ders carl). CITY AB.Ii!lItlliS CLEANS l'UIVY VAULTS . nud ecu jiools; no odor. Improved pumps used. A. HIUGlSi, Proprietor. Leave orders HOOX. Main ave., or LlmteV thug More, coiner Adumn und Mulburrj. 'ielepbonollUIO. fiHAS. COOPLIt, CITY SCVVENHEIl, All orders promptly uttended to, duy or nli;lit. All the lntcit iippllunies. CliarKts reasonnble. TIP bciauiou mruet. llouo H'J." Wnsliburn street. HANKING, KIJPOItT OP THi: CONDITION OP THU it of 122 VomIiiK avenue, Scranton, Lack .iwniinj. county. Pi nnsjlv.inla, at tho cloie of bu8liie-s, Xov. Hi, 1S97. HUbOUKCUS. Cash on hand $ S3AU CS Cliecks and otlu r cash items.. 9,'iV) (V Due from Hanks nnd Hankers.. HIMG 7! Loans and discounts 'JJI.SiJ lu liievbtmeut becuiltles owned, viz : Stockt, bonds, ctc..$30s,23rt 01 MoitRase.s .W.OuO O) -i 331,230 00 Ileal estate, furniture nnd fix tures OveidraftH Miscellaneous assets 50,171 31 an 1 2'!,M7 S3 11,53 5.100 41 LIABILITIES. Capital Mock paid In $ Surplus fund Undivided protltb, lehs expenses and laus paid Dtnoslts subject to 100 OilO f.l , 1J0,0I u) 12,010 20 thetk $ 111.3 32 Dcput-its, 1,1W,9ii OT Demand ceitlllc.ites of deposit 1,421 10 Certltled checks 1,911 SO J1.301.R9.! 27 , Due to banks and bankers J,599 f S ' Jl.GTO.lOJ 43 State of Pennsylvania, county of Lack awanna, ks.: I, H. C. Shnfcr, cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best ot mj knowledge and belief. (Slimed) II. C. SIIAPRR. Cashier Subscribed and sworn to before me this ISth duy of Nov., 1S97. (Signed) JAMIiS O DI.MXIICK, Xotury Public. C'mrect Atttst (Signed) JA31P.S AHCHIIALD, ai:o. II. CATLIX, . ii Pitici:, .1 W. OAKPOIID. Dlteetois HUPOUT OP thi: CONDITION' op Tin: 3 of Scranton, 42S Lackuvvanni avenue, ot Lackawanna county, Pennsjlvnnla, ut I lie closo ot business Nov It!, 1657 HHSOl'HCP.S, Casli on hnnd t 2;,93i: 17 Checks and other cash Items i!,3U u Duo from lnnk and bankets 2fll..".l ,'. Loans und UlscnnntH WJM' !'. luvtstmeut secuiltlts owned, vU Stocks, bonds, etc . Jl'AOSJ U .Vlolt(T.mes 16.S1S 2ii 217,000 40 I,0u0 Oil iVi'l C2 11. 7M 0"i I! tmtute, furnltuie and fl- tuitii . . Overdrafts MUcclluiitoiih usstts, judKinents. $Sb.V)3 4 ; LIAIHLITIia. Capital stock (Mid In Jloo.ODOu Suriilus luiitl 50,1X10 w I'ntllvliled prollts, less expenses and luxes paid , 15, ITt, 90 Deposits, subject to check 1722,922 05 Demand certificates of deposits ,., 403 Su T23.320 W JSSS.503 Hi fitato of Pennsjlvanla, county of Lack awiinua, ss.: I, A II, Christy, cashier of tho above named bunk, do solemnly svvcai that tho nbovti statement is truo to tho best of my knowledge und belief. (Signed) A. II. CHItlSTV. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to befoio me this ISth day of November. U97. (signed) o. l PAivrniDai:. Notary Public. Con ect Attest: (Signed) L. A. WATm:S. O 8. JOHXSON. UVKItBTT W'AIIHHN. Director. k Wk Broadcloths They are much in demand and our Dress Goods Department was never bet ter fixed on Broadcloths than now. We show five qualities in every con ceivable color. We believe this to be the largest line o in Scranton and we know them to be the very best value. AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE. - ; . FOOT BALL TEAMS ATTENTION Now fret a hustle on and win a prize. We will present tho Foot Ball Team winning the largest per; cen tage of games plaved this sea son with a Spaulding'j foot ball and inflator. The only conditions are the teams must purchase their uni forms and goods of us, and play not less than six games. Teams will please leave their names with us and report all games played with the score. This will include the games already played. C.M.FLOREY 222 Wyoming Ave. MAKING A HIT. The'liS 1'OrlnnlH' nte ulieidv lmililns a lilt 'I lie Intent lino of lilcviles comprlM evto tliiinjupto an "Uilttn, the Ituious ten-weatetl wheel lleep voiirovo on u, tin "Urlleii" Is couiliu to town It will be on exhibition nt our 1-pouin.f uoods More, II 21 spruce street A. W. JURISCH, Agent. SITUATIONS WANTTII). J ntiieneed moieiv eltik: seven veins in Stniiuial Moie. Ittfeieuce fill iiInIic tl Ail- tties, Ho hi, .Ma) Held, Pa. QIH'A'IION H'AMKI). O lemed liuuel(eeiei. strut, Duuiuoie, Pit -ll AX Call ll'li KXI'Llt- Illnkclv POSITION YV.YM'i:illiVL.I'i:itIK.NCMi steuomnnliei, will also do ileiltal work. I notafiiild to woik, relcreiieCh 1 uueolllte. N, ,A, lilb lnir.YTKlN YVYM'Lll-llV A .MAV t!.-i l' J ears old, mill 1 leil, of iiiinl address ami strletlv teui)irnte; has bud '21 vtars' puutl inl etpeileucti in ceneral inert liiuullsu and thy uoods Liislui-ss, nlti tlioroiighlv unlti Htiinds tbeHcleiu oof accounts as applied to nnv llnunr liuslntus Addre.s CiniPKlLXi, 1'Jlll arch street, city. cTl'PAl'IOX W.Y.N TLII -I1V PlItsi'.CL YS t.' vuitcliniaker aniUalexiuan, will work on siilar.v oi t oiiiiulNstoii; but u fereneos given. AddreKNll. LLVIillti:, tlt Cill'ATION VA TPD-IIY A Vol Ml ii man, lis veins old, of good family can fiuuUli hci of icfcieiice Irlbune. Atldiess, Jt. ,., CITU.YTIOX WANrKHIIY AN P.XPLItl. i' eiicedurnieiy clt'rk, Is twentj.llvo jeurs of age, u good salesman, and ot good tiinial t baiaetir, well acquaint! d In all parts oftliu i'll; u good hand to taicooiduis, tan fiirnUli it'll rem C. Aildiess lto, taie ot lilbune. orn atiox v.YNri:irii rnti O t lass baker on brtad and cakes, Addicts, 1(1 at j. !rt Mouth Washington avenue, ClilMTION WAX I LI) 11V A YOUNG i iiiiiii, '.'I eiiHofagc, in a general store, 7 jeuiHuxpjrlunee In grocery liuslncss, tan furulsli reieretieeu, Aildiess Ilux HI, .Mn Held, Pa. ' . . : mi H- 1 : 50c. 75c. &1.00 $2.50 l. I WALLACE, I MllJEEL Academy of ilusic Rels & Uursunder, Lessees. M. R. Long, Local Manag:r. America's (lrcatet Itepeitoiro Or gnnlatloii, (fcDNA) .Vndllielr i:eollent Compinj. Iiiiitleniiil Vnuilevlllo Mars. tluuoiis Pcrformunie. Dlmo .Mat- Ineo llallv, Coinincnclnff Mon- tl.i. Clmnso of Hill Each Performance. SPECIAL THANKSGIVING MATINEE. Prices inc. 'joe and noe. Opejis nt H it in. I rlduj. Sale of Seats Lyceum Theater. Thanksgiving Day, Thursday uftsruooii and evening, KATE CLAXTON lu the romantic drama, The Two Orphans Piceeded by un episode of in IS, entitled, The Fate of Half-Past-Four Vlatlneo Prices, -; -,iie Kveiiln I'lltek, 'Joe, fttie, "c, fLIlll. Trlda und Saturda), M, OR onrl OP and aturda niutlnee, llUi CO dllU 0 lletuin ol the drent Success, M Vltlv l'W YIN S luainatizeil b) I It YNK .MAM) I be Kiimo supiiortlng company of hlu cbms pla.veis, with MR. EDWIN MAYO In tlio title tole. Prices, Mnlluee, '.( nnd r,(ie. Lvtning, 'J.-e,.-iiif, T.'iennd DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Nov. 25, 26, 27 Thanksgiving Attraction HARRY PIERSON'S MINSTRELS With Brass Bind aid Orchistra. An Kittortttliitneiit fur hulios, (UlltlclUUU ttiul clillilfcit. Replar Prlcjs, 10, 20 or 30 Ganh All opeia chillis snld tesnrved for oveulng I erfornuinees, Sreiiro llioin itfleriuioiiH at tlio box olllce or bv 'plume, !tH7'J, or after house opens ut ulglit ut box olllce. Iin UnnAnnKn l U u JUUI UlU (CECIL) 20 Dra A Con- WILSON