The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 24, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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When Looking
For the Best
Ho to the most rollnblo. Lurnoit niiartmont;
lowest prices In Hiilr Goods. Wo mnlco
Hnttsfnctlon Kuumntecd In l.iulloV ami
Jentn' Wls'i for street wenr. Wo hnve tlio
Tonics, Bleaches, Rouges
and Powders.
Ash tosoethe Men; llBlr llrush, Rentlliio
Hlbcrlun bristle iilr cush'tmed. Children'!!
llulr Cutting recolvcs our spocml intention.
317 Lackawania Ava.
Of course you have heirlooms
in form of OKI Furniture, an. I
then, perhaps, your modern '"
nishins area hit worn; Why not
have them toned up restored ?
Is a special line of work with us.
Me do it well and we do it for as
little its possible. We have all
the new and desirable coverings.
Williams i ruin
Carjets, Drap.Tles, Wall Papers.
A bra m TllnUet- Is iuifferliiK with sci
ntle rheumatism.
Mis. Kllziiboth Webber and rtaiiKh
t r, of Dur.vca, called on friends here
John T. Williams and wife wero re
ceived Into tlu fellowship of the Bap
tist church, Sunday, by letter.
A nlzlit school was opened In the
ii'inex school building, Mast ward, last
venliiK under the professorship of
John T. and II. V. Williams. Tilt
s' honl has been opened at the request
of ev'inl yiituiK men of the town and
the Instruction "will be larsely of a
lulnt!-M charaeter, consisting of the
1'iliowlns subjeets: HookkoepiniT.short
hnnil. typewriting, arlthnietle, pen
manship, readliifj, stpcllitifr. correspond
f :e and Kraniniar. The rates are from
in- and a half to two dollars per
month, aeinrdlnp; to subjects studied,
and mv payable In advance. The pur
l'"M. of this nlsht fcchool Is to befriend
.iunjr men and women who nre try.
I mk to inaU somethlnB of their lives
in spite of the dllllcultles that beset
t hem and hinder their process. Kach
undent will be taught separately, thus
aoliltiiR embarrassment arlslni; from
1 aikwnrdness. There should be an up.
l'-eelntlnn "f this school shown by a
hil'He attendance.
-Mrc. Henry Diirlnntl served a tea on
I'lMiiy eveiilutr of lust week to Mr.
and Mrs. William Hryee, ot Kingston:
Mi.s Xelll,. Itnberts. of New Haven,
('inn., and Itev. and Mis. Hubert H.
'riininiTson, of Wyoming.
The enmiiiyes at Mount Lookout re-
hed their pay last Saturday and a
I.' iw portion of it was In gold. The
i'ie.M;r Is working full time and often
n veil am! twelve houts ;i day are
I.'ev. Itobert Keldy, pastor of the
.Methmtist fhureh tit f'ourtdalc und a
t-ddent of this place, preached a ser
mon before the Jr. O. V. A. .M. of that
1'liiie last Sunday moinlns.
Mrs. Charles Ponn. is iccoverlnj?
fimii a spveie Illness.
Miss Jessie Kenner. of Kixth street,
1ms recovered from u severe illness.
Do tint rail to attend the concert in
Music hall, Wednesday evening, Riven
l'. the rvurtdnle Concert company,
Mler the inspires of the Kpworili
l-uKiie. The price 01 admission Is 15
and ' cents.
Heniember the dates, 1 Jtli ami l."th
r Ileuernbei. as the time set fur the
holding of a lun-iini' In the Huptist
tliurcli. Holiday presents in abund
uiiee will be on sab!, so s.uve your
money and purchase your Klfts at this
Thanksjjlvini; services will bo held In
tlie .M thjidist church, tlio three
liurches of the town unltitiR. The ser-
will beRin at 10.20: Jlie sermon will
1-- preached by llev. Wilson Trleble.
pastor uf the church. There will be
Hieeliil siliBlnj,' by the choir. A cor
dial Invitation la extended to all.
The public schools of the town will
tie closed on TlmnksRlvltiK Day.
The people throughout the town are
huslly engaged preparing for Thanks
giving and the turkeys are roostinc
A Bang of men have been engaged
the past week aying a new crossing
oer the Delaware, Lackawanna and
AVestern tracks on Eluhth street.
Albert Movers, the proprietor of a
puny expiess line between Hcranton
and Nnntlcoke, has recently put on his
tilp from Plttston to AVI Ikes-Da no a
new two-horse wason. Mr, Mevers Is
n very enterprising man and Is meet
ing with a large success In his busi
ness. Wc Imve just puf on sale a njtv
Wees and compare them with any
iHi. ii -( y ui ivf it t in i1?-
Hem Mutivy Union t'nrpot
II..I If ..,.... '..ttrtl. I'..4.x..t
. .. --..,. , ( -a.
We have some choice lots of
nt 6c, lie. and 8c. pur roll.
Carpets, Oil Cloth , Wltnloiv Sli.ide-t an.l Drapjrles.
Chairs niul Tables,
Strange Effect of a Sermon In Susquehanna.
Note ot Interest to tlio Knilrond
Hoy-s.-A Peculiar Case That Wns
Appriidicilis-.Tlic Assussor Scoops
One .llore--Actors Itetiirn Prom
Barnstorming Trips-
Special to the Scranton Tribune,
Susquehanna, Nov. 23. A woll-to-do
resident of Susquehannn, who Is chief
ly noted for his penurlousnees, ran
short uf rending matter on Sunday eve
ning and wand' red Into n church. The
conprt Ration was surprised. liven the
collection baR wns so astounded that
It flew off the handle. The preacher
hnd for his theme the blessedness of
cheerful ulvlng to the poor. He told
how Hi grim, gnunt wolf was gnaw
ing at Borne doors In .Susquehanna,
and whnt a work there would be be
fore nprlng for the well-to-do. The
preacher's words mndo a profound Im
pression upon the stronger within the
gnte. and ho resolved then and there
to begin on the morrow to he a philan
thropist. As he went out into the
night air he folt like a new man, and
his heart seemed to enlarge. Hrlght
and early the next morning the pe
nurious man knocked nt the door of
a. poor widow's cabin. When she ap
peared he greeted her cordially and
told her that he had noticed her brave
struggles to earn a livelihood, and de
sired to have her nccept something
fioni him. not so much on nccount of
Its Intrinsic value, but to show his
sympathy. Then he handed her an en
velope and a package, bade her a wry
good morning and withdrew, not wait
ing to receive the tearful thanks of the
grateful recipient. With fast-beating
heart the widow tore open the envelope,
and found that It contained printed
directions from a famous New York
cook. "How to feed a family of ten
on a dollar a day." The package con
tained over two pounds of liver. An
account of what the widow said, and
did, will appear in n future chapter.
The New Mllford Dramatic society
appeared on Thursday and Frlduy eve
nings In the drama "The Deacon."
An Ararat correspondent writes to a
Susquehanna paper that "weasles and
ehli'-ken pox are the prevailing epl
d mie among the small children around
here, while devlllshness seems to pre
vail among the larger ones, especially
when th-y go to church."
The newspaper was down In Hall
stead and Great Bend now looks as
largo as a man's hand.
Montrose will soon vote upon the
proposition to purchase n "poor farm."
Measlcn are numerous In several
townships in the county.
Farms r port a large crop of turkeys.
Now Is the accepted time to secure a
There promises to he a pumpkin pie
famine throughout the county this win
ter. The pumpkin crop was u failure.
Better late than never! The county
commissioners have offered a reward
of $1,000 for the nrrcot and conviction
of the murderer or murderers of A.
J. Pepper, of Hush township.
A well-known resident of Starrucca
claims to have recently seen and
fought on the Starrucca Creek, mw
Stevens' Point, a hitherto unknown
species of snake. He says the snakes
wero black and In shape nearly like a
buggy whip. They had no heads, so
far as he was able to see. When they
came In contact with a stick or weed
w-vnt around it on both sides, and then
they simple parted in the middle,
went together nnd assumed their nat
ural shape. The Starruccan tried to
kill some of the reptiles and heat them
Into the ground, but in a very short
time they would rise out nnd be a.i
sound a ever. He tried to kill them
lepeatedly, but always met with the
same poor success. He finally gave
up the job in dtspair und hurried home.
The Starruccan undoubtedly encount
ered a nest of hard elder moccasins.
Thry are peculiar to some parts of
Pennsylvania and very hurd to subdue.
"Work Is rushing In the Krle shop, and
considerable night work is bilng done.
General Ynrdmaster M. S. .Ionian has
leturncd from Wurtsboro. N. Y., where
he attended the funeral of a sister. It
Is now said thai th- new Krle time
table will take effect on Sunday next.
"Hub" Wood, of the Jefferson
branch flyer, Is an excellent engineer,
und a good Judge of horses. In his
younger days he drove stage over the
hills of all Delaware county. He also
knows something about oxmanship.
Charles D. Hammond, who linn tnk
en the supeilntendency of the Fitch
burg road, was years ago, manager of
the telegraph office in Susquehanna.
He was a success as superintendent of
tho Albany and Susquehanna road. He
Is one of the most genial railroad of
ficials In the country.
During the past few days the freight
tratllo on the lirle has Increased very
It Is reported that while seriously ill
last wtek a Jackson young man named
Brown, astounded the physicians of
tho vicinage. The young ninn had
been ill for some weeks and the dis
ease was supposed to li appendicitis.
While a Scranton specialist was pu
pating to perform an operation, the
patient paralyzed the neighborhood by
ejecting tho remains and remnants of
a sure-etiouph frog. First reports gave
the wel-iht or the frog us (seventeen
ounces, but authenticated reports lat
er, reduced It to two ounces. There
wns some doubt among tlio physicians
and lavmen and some who wero not
lavmen as to tho elected matter
being the remains of a fro-r, hut tho
concensus of the oplnltn of expeits Is
that It whh an undoubted case of fiog
nppendlslousK. The young man will
recover. He may cast out other am
phibious civatures and prove himself
to be a human aquarium.
t TVumJ? tag
liu. of I'i;raiu Curpst. Ssj tlu
other oo.W in the tMty:
All wool I'HI'PtU in
All Wool, mcilliini ii-ilH; m
All Wwi. Ii.iaif timilitt.' n..
, ... ,,..... ,-. t.....w , miHU
Wall Paper.-, that we are cloiln out
The Itinera! of Anschn Andrews, an
old and prominent resident of the Oak
land side, occurred on Friday after
noon. John C. Tanner lias been appointed
postmnster at Harford.
The hoard of trade on Friday even
Ing elected the following ofllcersf Pres
ident, Choties F. Curtis: vice presi
dent. O, F. Smith; secretnry, William
A. Skinner; treasurer, Ktlward Do
herty. The Grangers of Susquehanna coun
ty will meet with Lenox. Grange, near
nienwood, Dec. 1--'.
A Preihyterinti church has been or
ganized at Gulf Summit, with thirty
adult members.
At Riverside, near Great Ilcnd, n few
daya since, a prisoner was tried for
stealing a hive of bees valued at J-5.
The costs In the case were J'lj. "fia
ever thus. Lawyers' houses aro built
on fools' heads.
"Go to tho aunt, thou sluggard,"
wrote Ben Franklin or somebody else.
Pre'r Samuel Mora's aunt recently
died, nnd departing lift him $10,000 In
cash. Whitney. And it It had noO
been for your spy movements and pen,'r Whitney, our assessor, wouldn't
have gol on to the facts. Great Bend
A Susquehanna ludv nlwnvs loved
"patent" mince meat until sho discov
ered the remains of a dear little mouse
in n sample. One-half of the world
doesn't know what the other half eata.
A vicinity farmer has nailed up a
hoard on his premises, with the fol
lowing legend: "Notls Men with
Guiin and Dawg keep out of Hear. I
will Arrest al Trespasers an Perse
cute Yew. W. S. r"
Two Susquehanna farmers spent $500
In lawsuits over three ducks. Tho I
lawyers want all the fanners to keep
Scranton cvinltallstH have stopped
boring for gold over at South Canaan. .
It Is reported that they struck nothing
except the bottom of their nurses, j
Some of them have Impaired th'"Ir eye- i
sight by looking down the long hole
to see where their money went.
Pre'r Ciuser, of the Montrose Demo
crat, protests asalnst a county bridge
over Main stieet in Su iquohanna. Who
ast;crl Bre'r Cruder, anyhow?
They had a heavy hail storm over
In Great Bend township the other day.
A pious cltlrcn of that locality In de
sciiblng it says that the hall moved a
hickory log, throe feet In diameter,
seme distance up a hill, and that a
half-grown duck could have floated In
the puddles of vatr on his bed. The
hail was three Inches deep on top of a
stump In his yard, and he worked until
noon next day In hail up to his kneed
rcp-ilting his fence that was swept
away up an incline of fortv-llva de
grees. SHORTS.
In the round-up, Susquehanna coun
ty gets it consul-generalship. Other
good things are expected. When there
is a shower of soup our basins will lie
found right side up.
Susquehanna deer hunters are arriv
ing home from the humped and hud
dling hills of little Pike county. Ven
ison? Nit!
lirle freight brakemen report that
their cars are filled with hum fat ac
tors, getting back to t'nlon square
from a brief barnstorming trip out
among the farmers. Thev discovered
an early frost.
If yen can't be thankful for any
thing else on Thursday, be thankful
lint you are no woise off than you
are. Whitney.
And Bring it With Von nt Once.
The Great Slieiill' Snlc Clothing
Stock ule Continues Today nt Da,
m. --The ( bunco of a Life Time.
ThouMuids of lilcgnnt Suits nnd
Overcoats 31 n tin by the Best Tailors
Will Be Slaughtered at This Sale lit
Uctail--i'oduv at tin. in. the Chica
go Combination ( lotlilii; Co., ol
"11 Washington Avenue, Directly
Opposite the Conrt House, Scran
ton, Pa., Continue tho Great Snlc
of the Stuck Which Was Seized by
the She rill und Removed to Their
Large Storeroom to Bo Closed Out
at Retail at Onc.c--.Makc Haste nnd
Come Quick, it You Value .Honey
You Can't Aflortl to His. It.
Today ?! fi a. m. the Chicago Com
bination Clothing Co., of 11 Wnshlng
lon ave.. directly opposit" the Court
house, Seianton, Ph.. continue the
great sale of the stock which was seiz
ed by the sheriff and removed to their
lnrev storeroom to b" closed out at
retail at once Make haste and come
quick If you value money. You can't
aliord to miss It.
Fifty (.".'J) per cent, less than actual
cost price. Save this price list, bring It
with you, and remember there are
thousands of other bargains besides
these, all In this great sale now going
on at retail. O.OOO men's business suits,
worth U'. nt $4.23. r..0W) elegant fall
overcoat, Jfi.OS, worth $18. 0.000 winter
overcoats, $.".73, worth $lfi. Men's
Seolih cheviot sack stills, $C 75, worth
$1C CO. Silk roll stylish fall overcoats,
JC.'O. worth $1S. Double breasted chev
iot suits, $J.7fi, worth $-5. Three button
cutaway dress suits, $7.23, worth f-0.
Best quality cass. trock suits, $S.50,
worth $22.."0. Silk mixed worsted dress
pants, $2.75, worth' $7.30. Prince Al
berts, silk and satin lined, $10.75, worth
SIO. Genuine homespun sack suits,
10.25. wotth $ silk lined "Vicuna"
fall overcoats, $0 30, worth $2S. Full
evening dress suits, silk lined, $11. 75,
worth $33. All wool hair line strlpc
pants, $l.S!t, worth $1.50. Nobby straight
cut youths' suits. $3.23, worth $15. Garr's
best meltun oveicoats, $9.75, worth $32.
Imported gray Shetland ulsters, $7.75,
worth $23.f.0. Blue and black beaver
overcoat, $S.30, worth $24. Genuine
"Siiinnbel" Chinchilla overcoats. $'J.2.,
wr-tth J2T.50. Blue pilot cloth reefers
and vests. $1.50, worth $11. Homespun
or cheviot cape overcoats, $7.M, worth
$21.50. Fine "Klyslan" fur 'leaver over
coats, $10. worth $2t.i5. silk lined
"French Kersey" overcoats, $H.R0,worth
M". Stylish genuine "JlontaRiiac" over
coats. $8.75, worth $20.50. Finest black
Mrltcn dress ulsters, $9, worth $23.
Cut this advertisement out and bring
It with you. Be sure you uro nt the
right place. Don't bo misled by signs
and banners other merchants may dis
play to deceive tho public Bo sure you
nie nt the sheriff's sale now going on
nt the Chlcngo Combination ' Clothing
Co., 211 Washington ave., directly op
posite thp Court house, Scranton, Pa.
P. S.-Dunrg this sale the store will
be kept oix-n ovp'iIiikh until ! p. m., Sat
urdays until 11 p. in.
Wo positively pay no attention to
mall oritur but allow car fare to out
of town buvers to the purchase of $3
and upwards.
Do Vot llo Aim ined, Hut Look for Hie
Heart troubles, at least among Amer
icans, ara certainly Increasing nnd
while this may be largely duo to the
excitement and worry of American
business life, It Is moie often the re
sult of weak stomachs, of poor diges
tion. Real, organic heart disease Is Incur
able; but not one case In a hundred
of heart trouble, is organic.
Tho close relation between heart
trouble and poor digestion is because
both org.inr nre controlled by branches
of tho same gnat nerves, the Sympa
thetic andthe Pneuniog.istiie.
In nnotlfer way, also the heart Is af
fected by that form of poor digestion,
which cruises gas and fermentation
from half digested food; th-'ro is n
feeling of oppression and heaviness In
the chest (,'iusid by prcsure of the
distended stomach on the heart and
lunss, Intciierlng with their action;
hence arises palpitation and shott
Poor dlgrstlon also poisons the blood,
makes It th'in and watery, which irri
tates nnd weakens the heart.
Tho most sensible treatment for
heart troubles Is to Improve the di
gestion and to Insure the prompt as
similation of food.
This can best be done by the regului
use after meals, of some infe, pleas
ant and effective dlg'sMve preparation,
like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tanlets, which
may be found nt most drug ."tores und
which contain valuable, harmless di
gestive chjinents, In a uleasant, con
venient form.
It Is safe to say that the regular, per
sistent use of Stuarl's Dyspepsia Tab
lets nt meal time will cure any form of
stomach trouble, except, cancer of
Full sized packages of the tablets
sold by druggists nt M1 cents.
Little hook on stomach' troublns mail
ed free. Address Stuart Co., Marshall,
Wnll Street Review.
New York, Nov. 23. ToJ.ij's market for
stocks was the revet se of yesterday's and
reported nothing but the operations of
room traders outside a few stocks. The
list generally shows small net gains on
the covering of short contracts made yes
terday. Total sales wcic only VJJ.iM
Furnished by WILLIAM I,1NN. Ai
LEN .i CO.. stock broke! s, Mears build.
Ins. rooms V05-7QG.
Open- High- Low- "los
ing, est. est. lug.
Am. Tobacco Co .... it si W; M"i
Am. Sug. Rc'r Co ..lSlifc 122',i I3l'i 13U'
Atch., To. ,t S. Fe .. 12',:. 12'-, 12'. 12i
A.. T. & S. F., Pr ... Si 27 " 2', If "
Chicago Gas 93JS 03! MV8 f.3'
Chlo. K- N. W 121 121 121 121
Chic, II. & Ci 923j 93". f!2i 93'-
Chic, Jill. &. St. P .. 91 S2',I OlT 92'i
Chic, It. I. & I SG'St S7U Mi S7U
Delaware & Hud ...109 109 lus',, JOS';,
DIst. & C. F S'4 J',i titi 7
Louis. &. Nash 5IH 3l-4 51 51
M. K. & Tex. Pr .... 23 03 33 33
Manhattan lile 99 101! 91 4 99
Mo. Pacific 23V1 2s 2i 2s
N. J. Centrnl Sl S3 Sl'j Sl
N. Y. Central 105 lo; 103 10.
N. Y., S. & W.. Pr .. 33?4 23h 33 33H
Nor. Pacllle. Pr .... 53 33 3:i'i r.3
tint. & West 13 15 15 II,
Omaha 7714 77 77 77
Pacific Mail 29 1 29 X)
Phil. & Head 201, 21 2 21
Bouthcrn It. R 9 9 9 9
Southern It. R., Pr.. 29 29' 29 29
Tenn., C. A: Iron .... 21 21 21 21
Texas Paeine 10 10 10 111
t'nlon Pacific 19 19 1S 19
Wabash, Pr K! 17 lf, 17
West. t'nlon S7 7 S7 S7
Lr. S. Leather, Pr ... OP- l'-j tilt,'.. C1'3
Open- High- Low- Cios.
WHEAT. In, est. 3t. tn?.
December 15 9V 95'; 95:;
May UP,', 91 9u 91
December 20 2il 20U 20.
May 22 2.' 22 22
December 2''. 2ii " 25 2;
May 29 29 29. 29
December -4.W 1.10 1.10 4.10
December 7.22 7.22 7.20 7.20
Scrnnton Borird of Trade l'changu
Quotntions--All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
Scranton ,t Plttston Trac Co.
National Boring & DrIU'g Co.
First National Bank
Klmhtirst Boulevard Co ......
Scranton Savings Bank
Scranton Packing Co
Lacka. Iron and Steel Co
Third National Bank
Throop Novelty M'f'g Co
Scranton Traction Co
Scranton Axle Works
Weston Mill Co
Alexander Car Ueplacer Co ..
Scranton Bedding Co
Dime Dep. & Dts. Bank
Peck Lumber M'f'g Co
Iiconomy Light, Heat & Pow
er Co
Scranton Pass. Railway, first
mortgage due 1920
People's fttreet Hallway first
mortgage due 19P! ,
People's Street Hallway. Gen
eral mortgage, due 1921
Dickson Manufacturing Co ...
Lacka. Township School 6..
City cf Scranton St. Imp. 6..
Mt. Vernon Coal Co
Bcranton Axle Works
Scranton Traction Co
lid. Asked.
... h
200 ...
... 130
SS0 ...
IS 17
... 250
... 103
... 105
150 ...
175 223
US ...
113 ...
113 ...
... 100
... 102
... 100
Philadelphia Pi ovivinn .Market.
Philadelphia, Nov. 23 Wheat Firm an.l
c, higher; contract grade, November,
!ia9&c. ; December, January and Febru
ary, nominal. Corn Firm; No. 2 mixed
November and December, 32a32c.; Jan
uary and February, nominal. Outs Firm;
No. 2 white, November, December, Janu.
ii ry and February, 2Sa29p. Potatoes
Firm; white, choice, tier bushel, 6Sa70 ;
do. fair to good, C0aR3c,; sweets, prime,
per basket, 30a55c; do. seconds, 25i30c.
ButterFirm; fancy western creamery,
23c. ; .1o. Pennsylvania prints, 23c; do.
western prints. 23c. trigs Firm; fresh,
nearby, 23c; do. western, 22c. Cheese
Quiet. Behind Susars Firm. Cotton
Unchanged. Tallow Dull and weak; city
prime In hogsheads, 3c; country prinio
In barrels, 3c; dark, do., 3c; cuks.
3c; grease, 2c. Live Poultry uQlet;
fowls, t;a7c.; old roosters, 5c; spring
chickens, Ca7c; broilers, 8.t9c; turkeys, 9u
lie; ducks and geee, Sa9c. Dressed
Poultry Slivuly, good demand; fowls,
choice, 9c; do. fair to good, 7aSc; chock
ens, large, 9a 10c; medium do., 8ubc;
common and scnldcd do., 7a8c; turkeys,
choice, lJallc; do. fair to good, 10al2c ,
ducks, 7al0c Itecelpts Flour, 4.000 bar
rels and 23.000 sarks; whent, 23.000 bush
els; corn 9,00) huthels;! oats, 57,0J bush
els. Shipments Whrnt. 2,000 bui-licls;
corn, 000 bushels; outs, 17,0o0 bushels.
New York Proilucit llnrhcl.
New York, Nov. 23. Flour Active nnd
Arm nil day. Wheat Spot firmer; No, 2
red. 99ic f. o, b atloat; No. 1 northern
Diiluth. H.00, f. o b., afloat; Np. 1 hard
Manitoba, J1.02H, f. o. b ulloat; No 1
northern New York, 99c, f. o. b., nfloat;
options opened firm on Argentine, crop
damage and higher cablps, ruled llrm nil
day on light orfcilngs und closed ac,
net higher; No, 2 red, January, 9Sc; May,
9S;iu9l!4a, cloted 9lc; November, closed
c.j December. 87nasc clojed WTc
Corn-Spot quiet; No. 2, ai'(,c.j options
firm but caed olT; Mr.y, :ilu3l?j,c closed
34y4e. Onts-Bjiot quilt; No. 2, SJ'jiiWo.;
No. 2 white, ssiie.j No. .1 white, 27!iiC.
track mixed, western, 2V4n2Tc; track
white, western nnd state, '.Taas'sc; op
tions dull uml lrely sternly, closing ,c.
net lower; February closed 2Cic.; De
cember, closiil 2.-J4C. Berf-Qulet. Cut
Moats-quiet. Uuttcr-Stendy; western
creamery, tlaKle.; do. factory, n!3nllo.;
Imitation creamery, 12,il7e.; stato dairy,
12a;iX.; do. creamery, UXilc Cheese
Dull; large white, Si ptember, S'ic; small,
beptember, 1114c; largo colored, Septem
ber, S'.Jc.; small colored, September, !Jc.;
large Oejtobcr, 7aiMJc.; nmall Octoher,
S'tc; light r trims, GaGV.; part skims. Blua
fV.; full Fklms, a'ialc. liRKs-Stca-ly;
slate and lvntiylvanln, 20a:5c ; western,
3c. Potatoes - Firm. Tnllow Quiet.
Petroleum StrcHlyj united closed CSc. bid;
rennet! New York, M.IO; Philadelphia und
Baltimore, $:.3J; do. In bulk, p.'.SJ.
( III ra go (.rain .Market.
Chfllcago, Nov, 23,-Thc leading future;
ranged as follows. Wheat December,
!3!i9.-e. ; May. WUnOltiaSI'e. Corn-No-vembcr,
;n.V,c: Muy, 29n29',2a29c; De
cember, 2fiif,a;sc. Oats Dciiiibur, 20a
2.i.c. Pot k December, $7.22a7.17; Jan.
uiry, $S.i:.i,.12. Lard-December, Jl.lO.i.
110; January, Jl.22.w.22. Itlhs-Dc em
ber, $; January, Jl, Cash
quotations were as follows: Flour
Steady; No. 2 spilng wheat, j!MS9c; No.
3 do., Sia9.'c;,No. 2 red, !.Vii97'V,e.; No. 2
corn, 2d',fi2VC.; Xo. 2 yellow, 2ijc.; No.
2 o-its, 2l..iI2c; No. 3 white, f. o. b 23a
23c; No. 2 rye, 47c; No. 2 barley, f. o.
b., 27al2o.j No I (lux seed, $t.f3it.l0; prime
timothy seed, 2.I7: pirn, $; lard,
Sl.2n.-i 1.23; ribs, I.1M1.17; shoulders, 4a
Cc; Bkle., Pj.i4c. ; whisky. $1-19; sugars,
unchanged. Receipt n Flour, 11.000 bar
rels; wheat, M,()!) bushels; corn, 2Sl,'i01
bushels: oats, 40.1 ami Imshels; rye, 12.OJ0
bushels; barley. 147,000 bushels, Shlmcntn
Flour, 191,9'tJ barrels;, H9,0) bush,
els; corn. 122.W0 buhels: oats, ail.'W
bushels; rye, none; barley, 17,000 bushels.
BiiM'alo Live Stuck.
liast Buffalo, N. Y Nov. 23. Cattle
About steady. Hogs Active; Yorkers,
good to choice, S3.r,ia3.c3; roughs, common
to good, S3. 10a 3. 25; pigs, common to choice,
f3.fi3a3.70. Sheep and Limbs Slow and
ilraggy; lambs, choice to extra, $5.50i5.G0;
culls to common, $4.30.i.".l"; sheep, cholco
to selected wethers, fl.50al.O5; culls to
common, J2.S5a3.30.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Nov. 23. Cattle-Steady nt J3.90
nl.25 for common dressed beef steers up
to f.a5.50 for choice to fancy spring cat
tle; northern fed Tex-ins. J3.90a4.49; fed
westerns, $3.90al.SO. Hogs $3.40a3.52; pigs,
$'!.15a3.t(i. Sliecis--J2.70al.70 for good to
prime; lambs at Jla5.'. Receipts -Cattle,
4,000 head; hogs, 4i,000 head.
liast Liberty Cnltle .Market.
Bast Libel ty. Pa., Nov. 23. Cattle
Steady, undiangid. Hogs Strong; prlmo
medium, J3.0)a2.70; best Yorkeis and plBs,
$3.0133.1; heavy hoL-.s, $3.55a3.W; roughs,
J2.25a3.25. Sheep Finn; choice, $!.(Wj4.70;
common, J3.n3.05; choke lambs, $5.50j5.70;
common to good, Sl.30.iu. 10; veal calves,
New York Iiive Stock.
New York, Nov. 23. Beeves No trad
ing. Calves yulet. steady; veals. J5aS;
grasscrs, SSiflW. Sheep and Limbs
Very dull, bari-lv steady; fully 2.3W head
unsold; sheep,; Iambs, $3.23a5..W.
Hogs Receipts, 2,702 head; stcidv at J3.S0
Oil Market.
Oil City, Pa.. Nov. 2!I.-Crcdlt balances,
C5; certificates, first sales, G; closed 07
bid with sales at 05 ami more ottered;
shipments, 111,700 larrels; runs, 142, ISO
Catarrh and Bronchial Trouble
Had no Appctito-Now Bottor In
Every Way-A Dcllcato Child..
'Sonic time since I took a sudden cold
and could not get rid of It. Being subject
to cut arrh and bronchial trou ble I coughed
terribly. I lost my appetite and grew
poor and weak and I did not feel liko
work. I began taking Hood's Sarsapa
rillu. In a short time tho cough disap
peared, I slept well, had a good appetito
and I was better in every way. Last
spring I was not tecling well, I had no ap
petito nnd no strength. I resorted to
Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon felt more
liko work. My littlo ncphow was a dcll
cato child and had a humor which trou
bled him so he could not rot nt night.
He has token n few bottles of Hood's Sar
isaparitla nnd now ho has a good nppctlto
and is able to sleep." Miss AlllilE J.
Freeman, South Duxbury, Mass.
S partita
Is the One True Illotiit Purifier. All druggists. $1.
Hnnrl'e Ditto are tho best after-dinner
11UUU & 1 111b piru, aid digestion. 25c
lly Dr. l-inlnw, of ("am.
dun, N. J that absolutely
4V S
sa. :i'fu-r
pn vents any septic or foul
matter from entering the
An It. tlihitps tin, Wfimlt.
'F'.'Sf-as a" nervous dlsemes
"jFlfri tfa' klH nrlsing Horn spasmou-
rm-'Srinr , 11 itciioiiN uru ciireu.
.too'1' iiior-f. I'roluiistiH.l'alii.
fill Menstruation, and .ill other Dlseunci of
Women. Call or send iwo-ceut stump for
Sill l'runklin Ave, ficrunton, Pa.
Poor end Weak
Big bargains in Men's, Women's, Boys', Misses and Chil
dren's Rubber Boots, Arctics and Overshoes at prices which
are impossible for other houses to compete with.
Call and examine our stock before buying elsewhere. No
trouble to show goods and you will save money by it.
m (frTT 7r !?"""
aceSI Qm ra
IV V r-
bLb V tils ilia -Aliu
Acknowledged Cheapest Wholesale
and Retail Shoe House.
307 Lackawanna Avenue.
Business is
Rushing at
Where you sec the crowds there you will find the best values.
Fancy Boucle Cloth Co.u deep
ape slashed, elaborately trimmed
with silk braid and q
buttons, 4 to 14 years, P59"
Ladies' Black Boucle Jackets, all
satin lined, seams strapped with
black Kersey cloth, d' '
instead of $7. 50, at P5,0
Ladies' Black Kersey Cloth Jack
ets, all satin lined, tly front, 26
mch length, instead of
$11.00, at . . 47'50
Indies' Rich Persian Cloth Jack
ets, lined all through, sleeves and
all. with heavy black satin, straight
high fronts. Instead '
of $20.00, at - PI2.50
Ladies, Capes ot Fine Black Ker
rey, all satin lined, handsomely
braided, fitted backs. c
.nstcad of $12. so, at Py5
13S Wyoming Avenue.
Ought to attract every wo.
ninn In r-'cranton to this
store. New goodi, bright
Ideas, timely Mingestloiis by
experienced home decorators
und draper, niiiku this de
pa. tinetit wonderfully lnler-f-thu.
Ah! but prices are
loo huh, tniiybo? Not a bit
of Ii we're loidors In low
prices. Cnll this wee'i nnd
we'll prove 11 by giving ou a
pair of now S4.00 tapestry
curtains lor
These are wanted in
every home. Although
the prices are low you
can depend on the
qualities being right.
White Knnmcl Ic-
Poles, complete- Auv
i:tcnslon Sash I Or.
Itoils 1UC
Kino Swiss
And envied by bis en-inies. Wo havo
brotiKht about the time when u man tn mod
erate clrcunntnnccs can ho well dressed. A
short time nsfo ho was compelled to put up
with 11 reudy-madb suit. We make. suit
from 81.1 up, the color, cloth and nut guar
nuleed. W. J. Davis,
For Sale by Mill & Connell, Protheros &
Co. and A. C. Strong,
Ladies Rich Black Velour Capes,
beautirully decorated with jet and
braid, a magnificent gar
ment, msicau 01
Sso.oo, at
Ladies' Street Suits, silk lined
coats, various styles, picked out
from our $15 and $18
suits. Your choice P975
2;o Heavy Outing Wrappers,
newest and up to date styles,
regular price $1.98.
Today ... plip
2, Astrarhan Capes, trimmed
with fur 50 inches long, a gar
ment that sells for $10. a s
Today - - ipO.75
Real Astrachan Fur Collarettes,
njgbr price ?7.,. gg
so dozen Flannel Waists, all
lined, pleated back and front, reg
ular $2.00 quality.
We've matting of overr
known make In stock, be.
sides all the other kinds,
of door coverings that
fashion nnd comfort cle
nitind. It Is very rurcly,
however, Hint u can offer
11 good, serviceable struw
nitiltltiK at such 11 low price
us this. Price, per roll or
forty yards, (I'jio, per yard If
Bold- I Q
408 Lacka Ave.
Special Attention Given to Bust
ncss nnd Personal Account?.
Liberal Accommodations Ex
tended According to Balance and
S Per Cent. Intercut Allowed on,
Interest Deposits.
Undivided Profits,
W.W. C0NNELL, President.
1IKXUY BELIX, Jr., Vice Pros.
Boilars, Engines and Machinery,
We Mill sell von Now or Second-Hand.
We will sell you uew or take old In ox
change, or wc will u-nt you anything you
vain in the Miii'lnnei-y I. Inc. &pul Cash
paid for -crap Iron und Metal).
National Supply aid Mstal Co.,
7Ci Lackiiwannu Avenue.
M.E.KEELEY, Mgr. Telepbona 3954