TDE SCKANTON TRIBUTE- SATURDAY MORNENa, NOVEMBER 20, 1S!T. J3 SENSATION SPRUNG IN M'HUGII CASE Plnlnllll's Side Has a Very Spicy Rounding Up. TIIRGE WITNUSSUS WHO PEACHED Kuy 'i'liut Mr', Iliiiul, tin Dcicuiliinl, Ollcrciil liuluc-cmcul to Secure To tiiimiiy I'lixorntilcto HrrSiilc ortlio Ciiso mill Wont So Turin to Simucst Plxiiis ITji tin .liirj.-U Win n Siir yrle to tlm lofi:iiic--Jiirv in tlm Mm. t. llvnim Cnio WimiI to Tnylor. Tin iilnlntirt'ti flilu of tbr fnmmix MiIltlRh rait had n elee bloillv senii- tiimiil H unil-ii ctinliiv iifti'iiiin'ii It oi In the hIhuh' "f a luili li of t" tiuinii to llii pfiiH't Hint tin- lb f ml ii tit Mih HllilKi-l MillUKll. ni M'" Mliliatl llaml. altfliipti'il to fubilintf i it'b in f anil llx juts mi'ii Vftu tin- li'btiltnl tfitliiinnv tllni't l.v biailnir mi the i,ii bad all b on In. .Mi Ki'llv, of I'liuiiHil ill tlm plaintiff. Mlb'd Waller (.Jeirnuiu. of IVnn nve'iiue. to tin- slant! and much an offi-r to nhmv that tlio ltm."-s Imd In n upi'inin he tl t' Mi Hand and Hi-n-il nitaln ln lin t mi ntH If ln would tpxtif.N In In r bilmlf In the at bat That tlio Jui mljilit mil In1 timluiv liilliii'iiinl. .lu'lui (iiuiMci and tin- ntteinuvs it tiiftl to iln law llbinr. wlilli tin- of f 1 1 was helnir imii'il upnr. Tlio jiulK'' elirieW to allow tin- o hli'tiri. and Mr. Cioiman inner ili-il ti tvll IiIh it'U.v. Mis Hand, bo alil. fnim to his lioui on two n(cnlnim pitlllonliiK blin to at t'lul tln new ti In! and K'sllfy In hi'i behalf Mo .iniwcint her that what lu wotlld tttlfv to would no to her iletll mil that, at all i t-nts bo didn't want to lniM' ntiMhlliH to do with tin in-' (in tin- st'iond lill Mis Hand. In m, off-1 1 imI to su'i'iiiu for his ton all tin plimihlnir vvnil. at lii'i liuslmnd h bicwiiy if hi would testify In lur f.i-oi- lit- itfu-iil to cnnsliliT hi I piop nsith n nt all or as in put It lilni-i'lf: I was IndlKiiant that tin lllses of lur w riihl ti j to lirllir nit " Col nii'l Kllrsinuuons rin--i-cntiiliiei1 Up witness at leiiKth and eiuiM'il lilm f Itionn qtilto nRltati'iI Hi li 1 him c villi tb ipiiumU "Woll uii didn't (In pluinblni;, Wnltci. did .Mill"' cciAciiM n rumi'sox NV wan lallnl Mnitlii IViKliTm, Mho until about -erti mouths nijn i "Mis II.imiI'h iii.uhninn, anil who is li u M!i!'loj,iit up a sowing machine niruit Oni day last fall, In wont on t idntt, hi was tlihliiK Mi Hand f in tin South Sldp towards Suanton and on Cedar avenue piuountPied I'liibp Toj. .Mirt. Hand told her oo.ieh iii m to hall Jlr. Ko, and call him .r to thp r.uiltiKi Ho did and when J'" i amp inn tlioie was a lonp con 'is,ulon betw pii them rPKimllnpr the nial Mis. Hand, Fpikuhii says', of. f 'id Toy a Job In tin bieweiy if hu and his wife would bo witnesses for b i -lib To testllled nt tin funnel t ' tal the u Mill's lpinembpud, but null not tay as to whethei or not In wuit to worl. In tin htevveiv Tb n the witness went to swear that while ho was In Mis Hand's employ an 1 at the time that the pioeepdliiKs fm a now trial weie under way. Mis Hand MigKestotl to him that as he a en at --n( let j man" and w II ae ii'inintnl tliiiuiulioiit the county he i USllt to be able, with four or five liiindiiil dollars, to 11 the jur whin tl in w trial .am up He pould Ilnd iut li mi the ni'wspnpeis, ulii said, wh . mil' koIiik; to seive and si e those i f to in that In Knew and make thlwjs lUlit Majoi Wnii-n, on, Hi 1 t i luliiir out that the witness had ' in illsi harised fiom .Mis. Hand's cin ll"j and that ho was uetuated In rIv llip his testlllinii, by spite He also ondeivnred to show that the witness, i nl". istorla: lnoinlnpr in tin? point loom had said to Mrs Hand that li'ie weio seeinl ".Mollies" on the Join and ho would see to It that she would leKiet huviiiR dlsrliaiKi-il him, a win il to that etfeet, and also that i would "follow hei the lensest day sh llMll. n:iujisrx indionaxt. Tin witness emphatically denied all this mid u'stnteil with muih IndlKiia ti n the majni s nlludln; to the An i lent Didei of Hlbetnlans as the 'MoI Ibs Th majoi i Milaliied that It was imt he but the witness Iiimst)f ui, li. 1 ipplied th" nistasttful appliea ti'iii and the letoienip was made only as Mis, Hand hud leneated It to him. Itli laud FlMin, nnntlni sewlm: nia ibine iiKeiit who tended bar for John I rinmiKhnn whin he kept u hotel In il" Moll ugh building, on V.omlntf Miiui te.stldeil tlint .Mis. Hand hnd aki" 1 lilm to bo a witness for hoi and Junius d it ho would she would not 1'ipti him. He told Mis. Hand that )) knew nothing that would bo of uii usi r her, and she did not fui tloi insist on his beroniltiff a wit i ss He admitted that- Mis Hand hlm I n usl.'d him to nil what he knew miutiliiR the case. Shu eaiue to lilm mil said: "Klchatd, they nie trjIliK to li me, and t am looking up people v.ho would likeli know suinuthliiK about the iienlliiKs between Maiy and it foiinn husband You have been li. u in Hie sunn liulldliif; with them r"i .iar.s, an. I ou must hae heaul what was Huliiff on" Kljnn told her hat he hud mei n.iltl nnj nttinllnn t- tin niattti, and toiild not lotol 1 l mi hnlni, hi aid an thins that KOlt- A 25c. vial leads to A Dollar flask, tin rrniiouiicul will of, bit) iiif; "T7," W'ttJi those who HIjii(iate "77" the llol lar (task In poimlar; It U tlat.cagy to oairy uml i ouoiiilual; coiitalnliiK l-'J Ootes. The value of llalll' "77" at liund when niPletl, cannot lie owiPHtlmattil 77" rursn ColdH, Orlppe, Inilueiua, Cn lairii. 1'alns In the Head uuil Client, Cour-Ii und Sore Throat. Dr. Huniihreyi' JUnaiil ef all DIhmsoh at your UruiKlstH or .Mulled luo. Sold by druuBltits. or sent on reiblpt or -j U., h tt or Jl. iiuiiipliuiy' .Mud, 'i , Cor. WlllUm and John Sin , .ow iork. WBpsyw IF If you wish to learn the state ot the weather, you must consult a baiomctvr. ir you wish to know the state of your health, your body is a natural barometer. II' you seqm to lack eneigy, and feel tired, there is something the matter with your circulation. llVou are bilious, constipated, dyspeptic, nervous, you need some thing to tone up your digestive or gans. If you feel a sudden cold or chill, bear in mind it may lead to pneu monia. If you feel .my or all of these symptoms, remember that Duffy's Pure Halt Whiskey is the safest and best thing you can take 'to get rid of them. There is no other whiskey like it, and nothing else that can possibly take its place. would luiM? mi lmpoitant bearing on the ease. The defense ealled n number of wlt iiPFMos durlntr the iiioinltiK. ninoiiK them Ooiro HpiiI r., Mrs, M. Mono hau, or Hunmoie, Mis. K. Case. .Mrs. Mai Drlseoll and Mr and Mis 1M w.ud JlcinnlnR. all of whom had heard MellUKh admit that she had made a lull settlement with her bioth et, Kli'haid, and was to ucilvo $?0 a month, coal and room i on fi-i?. In loh sldLr.itlon of hei caneellltiR the two notes she held UKulliHt lilm .M'HfC.H OX Till'. STAND. Itlchnrd 1. Mellugh was then railed by the plalntill and testllled to a ion eisatIon he had with his "Cnrle Illek" t'oneunliiK the dlsositlon of his prop el ty. The witness asked his uncle what he wn.s koIiir to do for JIni", In IiIh will. Th" uncle leplled that Maiy had two Juduinent notiH. one for $".0(MJ und one fm $vuii iiRnlnst his estate, und that to his mind, was iuoukIi for her The witness leminded his untie Hint Mnt had niade n piesent of the J.'iPOi note to Mimic; Ulehaul MiHukIi, but this did not move lilm to lonsider the jiIpii made In Mui'n be half. John J I'Vuiey and Chil.s Cniup bill cnirobmated liottlons of this tes '.Imoin. John T rit7pntilek, who was lius tte for Mniy MilIURh. testllled to the diawltiR of the nRieement coiKeinltiR the allowance fiom Hlehaid to Maty. It was made b Wind it Hmn In their ofllci, and In the pii"-eme of the parties and so, oral others, the wltne-s In eluded, and was unilei stood by all to effect onlj the $'.000 judRment note. The ease will be lontlnuid this nioin Iiir, and unliss JuiIr (uiitet inn sents to s,.t all day it will llkelj ro oor Into next week, as thole is 1011 sldeiablo oldenie in sui-tebnttal and the spieches to the juiy will, In all piobublllt., be lptiRthv. The case of AVilllam P Hv.ins and otheis nRainst the boiouRh of Ta.vlor for daninRes icstiltliiR to their piop oi ty f i oni the RiadiiiR. which the Tiac tlon company wns peimltted to do on Main stieet In ls'Jl, was on btfoie JuiIro Hdw.nds nt udjoiunment The juiy, nt couit's .suRRestiun, wuit to Tnjlor duiIiiR the nioiuiiiR to lew the Rround. Watson & Zimmerman lepro sent the plalntifts, IlorotiRh Solicitor John M Hauls and ex-City Solicitor James II. Tour aiipeai for the bor- OURll. VHltDICT VOH WAKKMAX. 15 S. 'Wakeinan seemed a pullet of SIS'i nRainst J. M. Thomas and I'. H Clench for bleach of contract The defendants lontiacted to nianufaetuie nnd sell a Jiatent time leRlster, which Waktnian had inxented, aRieeliiR to Rie him a ioalty fiom the nales and a. bonus of $1Tj0 as fooii as the lnachlno was pitented. They paid lilm $l."i down, but. althoURh he secured his patent, thi'j failed to tome tiji with the bal anie. VosbutR & Dawon iiptesented the jilalntlff, nnd John It CoIIIiirs the doff I'dnnt. The Inn hi the iase of Rose T.ler iiRnlnst the iltv ot Caibondalo letind at b) o'clock and had not agreed up to adjourning time. FAUR0T WILL CONTEST. Trstimoii) Tlint Was Introduced Yrs. tenliH ISeloro the HcRister oTW ills. Tistlmony In the rauiot will lontost wns taken before Uejuit, ItiRls'.er James II Hopkins ostoida. It waa of a decidedly ciinlllctlnpr i hat alter, and this coupled with the fait that a second will, dated ISss, was Introduced by the lespondents, makes th task of the adjudicator anjlhliiR but an easy one Tlio contestants nio Mis. Kstello Woolsey, ot Mt Vernon, X Y Jlis. Maltha liulllnRton, of New Yoik city and Mis Thomas Minnson, of Hopbot tom, Klstem of the decrdant. John I'nurot The lespondent Is Mis Maij Caurol, the widow, who b the tonus or the disputed will, Is made solo heir and adniinlstiatur of the estate Th will Is a ciude appeal Ihr docu ment, healing a scrawlInR Mlgnntuie. nnd was devoid of slgnatuies of sub scilblng witnesses It was dated Oct. IS, 1S95. The allegation of the con testants Is that the will In not In the hnndwiltiiiR of the deieas d. was not piopeily piobated, and that the de lednnt was mental Inenpacltated fiom making a will at the time the instiii nient Is dated. All thlee slstus testl lied that they had seen theli luother (lining Octoboi, and that he wan vety MUiei In his mind The also i ontenn--cl that neither the bod nor signature of tlio will was In his liandwiitlnR The defense Killed Colonel V U. Sehooninaked, p.Jui1ro Waul. M W. I-owry, II. M. Stieeter and Miss JIolllo .Smith to Identify the handwriting as that of John Cnuiot Miss Mai ion Mills, who boauled at th Kan rot house In Oct. 1S93; William Old Forpe. n nephew of the decedant, and the i flpoiulent, Mrs. Fauiot. ull testified that John Faurot was of sound mind and lit to make a will at the time In ques tlon. John II. Angles, of the Laeku wanna Tiust and Safe Deposit coin pun,, testified to having received the will from the decedant, nnd havliiR stoied It uwny In a vault He also Iden tified the slgnatuie Mis. Fnumt also offered n second will, which was made In 1S8S, and which, It was thought, was lost. Shu found It only two weeks ago, while going thiough borne papeiH In a satchel that had not been opened in mnny eais The newly discovered will In almost nn txnet counteriiait of ths nno that Is being contested. Ah to the contested will, she testllled that It was mndo by hoi husband In her pres ence. There was nn one else about at the time, und for this reason no wit nesses could be secured. FROM THE TOP OF L00K0UTM0UNTAIN Colonel E. 11. Ripple Describes (lie Veterans' Trip lo Cliatlnnooga. A VdRY INTfiRESTINa LETTER Tells of the Monuments I'htit WVra Dedicated nnd Sonic of tlio Scenes Attending the Ceremonies--Wnrni-I) (Jrcetud bj n Cuiiip of Conlcilcr ntc 'ctcrans--illltinoro Castle, the Homo oi (icoruo Yiiiiilcrbilt--iic-turesque Country and Hospitnble 1'eople. The follow ing Interesting nccount of the votetans' Islt to Chattanooga Is liubllshed tliiough the iouil"s of u filenJ of the writer's to whom the In cidents of the tilp weie dusetlbul b letter, wiltttt from the top of hook nut mountain whue was fought the famous battle nliou the clouds It Is one of the best detailed aiiounts of the opodlt!or. to the battle field of Chick .ltnaugn yet Risen to the public ' hookottt Mountain, Tenn , No. II, '& Ah Dear rileml. It Is Sunday evening and 1 hae time nt list to wilto jou some thing ot my i p. il oures und utlMiitims since leasing hotiio. Wo arrived ut riilliiiUlpl'ln In gcod sliupi but we siniintid at tin Ilnnl stmt stiitlnii. hi'Viial if Will's voini.iilis wire men who were un uvtisttuuid to liavillng and he wanted to give thim ull his atti'i. tlon. nnd tl.r will like lms going to the uroiiH or out for a holidaj. lher thing was ah i nJo meiit and a pIimmuo to them nnd the ntilli Ip itlon of the visit tc th' Ir old 1 ii'tlLlh Ids wns too good an 1 too gloat lo be altogether tnkin in ut once. 1 think the i-taie of lYnnsylvunU has done one of the nicest things In Its lilstuty u making It jiossible fm thus-' gland old M'ti'l.ins to lev hit t!u i.ellts of thill juills mid haiilshlps, tin il vh tuilis anil li feats of llili tj-foi r soars ago. In the battles of Wnulutchli', Lot li mit Mountain, MIsonaiy Midge and Chlnkamaugu, tiny have coveml the old slate they rojirisentnl with Imjirilshable reifovvn nnd It was a sir gr.ntful thing that they hnve bein sent down hero at the expense of the slate In theli old ago 10 look over the giouinl wheie they shtd their blood. WOHST MKittn. ruiKox. Our llrst stop of any nccount nl t i- loislng 11 iljilelphl l was ui Sil isliui'v, Noitli Ciiiollna, whm wt t i ik lut.ikf.isi the following nioinlng '1 his was where the worst prison, peril ips. In the vvus locatid. There are 1JWH ki usts here, of s.hleh only about li) ale ipiordod We had a vol) slnut time hole at to- breakfast, but long enough to go Into the pilson oncloNiin , or, rather the n mi til) cm Intuit, .u part only of the old jirisou Is Included In the leim ter). A jiortlon of what was the orlg li al juison giourils Is bi.llt up now and no traces of the luNon ale li ft. Out next stop was ill Asht villi, X. C In 1,1 1 log to this place Wo are obliged to climb mountains that tlnow the AHegliLnles on the l'e niT-)lvnnla i illtc.ul Into tin. shulo. In one lace tl'o iohI curvis in and out a distance of six mill s to gain anil olevi tlun of only ,i quarter of a mile nnd all along It the sieniry Is grand bo)ond du st ilptlon We stojipi d at the Hitliiy I'aik hotil whlth Is uotiil for its biuuti ftd situation ami good living. Anange mi nts had bein made for a visit to the gtounds of Oiorgu Vnnderbllt, esq, be luio leaving I'hll.iiiclphl.i, and so as soon as we had dinner, vinriiges were In wait ing and we took a thlve tlnough the giotmils of this modern kingdom of Zemin. It Is called Ulltmore and the es tate comprises 110 010 acres There nip elMititn milts of tlio most l-einttltiil dilvis .inu ovpr hi ltd of and the building itstlf and the giouuds imnudlattl) sui louiidlng It remind ou of some of the jialacts of the ills of hurope or Asia us wo have setn iiicttues or riud dt scilptlons ot tin m. Xo newspaper re porters an allow ol sslthlu tin, enelos uie at ull and sve could not uursolves, al though the gov c rum of l'enns)lvanla was one of the, get neunr the castle than about 30) ) arils. Men an alvsass In nttenilincc to wain away lntrulers. He has an arm) of men working on the place the 5 enr round some BOO or moie In numb' . In the center of all this img nlllcent domain stands the cabin of an old darkey who owns, nn acre of ground and who It Is said has lesolutoly i if used to sell it any pilec, even to ill andctbllt. We left Illlltrorc, ei, rather Ashevllle, at 11 p. m. rrlrtu) and got heio about 8 SO )esterd.iy morning UI' hOOKOCT MOCXTA1N On our arrival at Ch ittauooga carriages wire In waiting to lake us to the foot of the Incline No 1 which goes up the sldo of Lookout Mountain, cutting through tho liallsadis at the top and so sleep as to be almost pi ipt lulleular. Aftir getting our breakfast we came down the Incline again and got Into i-irrlugis at the foot of It to go out to thi bittlilleld of Chick am.uigu It wan iltvtn milt to the first point over .iplenuld roads but lathci dusty. The tils niouununt to be tletll cuted was that of the Sew nt) -ninth I'enns)lvaula. This jiiniiiiuient was sur mounted b) a group of bionze figures n p icsentlng tho sivlng of the colors and It was located cn tin exact giuun.l whero the Incident occurred. It Hpn-entpil a lolor be ai ur shot thioush thu heart fall ing on his knees lis It ft hand gias,i i his brtast where tin fatal shot had stiuik lilm. his rUht hind clasping the fligstatf In his stiffening iltnth gilp Anothet sol diei holding his gun In his right hand has lied out and grasped the llagstalf ubove the hand of tin d)lng soldier and thus saves tin colors fiom tout hlng tin giouinl. Tin name of the heio of the In clilint was Vondei smith, of Lancaster, I'a , and what jibltd lo the liittrtst of the occasion was th it he was then- hlni silf on the ginuml. Thi ciunionits wpre vii) Impiesslvo and uftettliiR. The old I'olillcis situmllug unit ml I lie nitmument could not keep the tens back, but they would roll down their cheeks and that laused almost every one tlso lo billow their example We next didlcated the Sevem'i I'tnn s)huuU cavalr) nianumt nt Tin e was not an) sti-h affeetliig si ems hut as ut the other and we did not have lo stay vii) long. It Is said of the Si venth that It was, all things tonsldert d, the best lavahy regiment that went out of 1'inti s)lvuuU during tho wai. but fm this 1 lunnot vouch. We next went to the Hev-pnty-seventh P-nns)lvaniu voluntceis. The binnzu tablet Insirtul In this monu ment Illustrated a ser) dramatic evtnt In the history of this regiment In this buttle It ssas a night seme. The rebils hud come on to them und marly cut them off from the rest ot tlulr Hue In the duik, they sujipoidng them to be some of their own men comll g Into position to fill a gap on their right. Tho Incident portrayed em tho tablet was when llscoverlng thilr mistake tin) opciud tire on the icbs more than ten times their r.i mbcr and not .0 )ards fiom them and tho death of Oeneral 1'res.ton Smith, thi rebel com mander. AXUHKSOX GCAItl) MOXC.MUNT. Wo nixt ulteniKd the uiiviIIIhk of the monument of the 15th I'liumjlvaiila Cav alrv. the Ani'erOH Guard. Thlg regiment was tho body guurd of Uentral Hosoirms and sas piesent on the lledd w humor hu went and did great service on the two du)s of battle. On going aioiuil to these dilleiont monuments wo passed inuny boautlful monrn.ents bilnngliu to tho troops of other states nnd some that wo hud dedicated two years ago. Wo got back to the Inn about i o'clock and ih-n had to get ready to attend a locejitlan lo the governor down In tho auditorium. Wo niarnced to get time about SSO p. in und found the place crowded Speeches were mado by the mayor und other dis tinguished citizens and responded to by (Inventor Hastings, General Stewart. General Oobln and Cnptnln Skinner It was a very enthusiastic nudlenco and thiy cot till nly caso us a veiy vvaim glid ing. Tho wannest gieetlng of an) cuiv fiom one n presenting the X. U. Coin! oiinip of Co.ifedeiati vrterans. Wo got back lo tho hotel about 12 o'clork and we wero ull pretty tired 1 went to be.l nt once and slept Vit) will all night 1 got up about my usual Sinul.i) morning time this morning and finding no one around but Geneial Sobnll wo took nn hour's walk together to get on nipetlte for bteakfnst. Wo ssero svell ropnld for It too, for sso loutd sonic of tho most In teresting spots there are hero of svlileh sve 1 ad never heard before At It o'clock n m. wo hnd dlvlno service In one of tin drnsvlng rooms of the tun and it was veiy pleasant Indeed. Tomntrow we dcdlcnte a nunilier tnnri monuments and attend another ttceiitton tomorrow night. Tirstlny morning we will stait for homo and now t iloso with the bono Hint I have not wiarlod oi with this Ioiir letter. K. II MIppl.. NUMEROUS DONATIONS. Received (or the Hahnemann Hospital. New Institution Was Remembered in a Substantial Manner. The Hnhnetnnn Iiom lint, tin ouch Its Measurer, Mrs. Hent ilelln, nt knowl edges the follow Iiik "eneiois Rifts for the equipment und pu'),. needs ot the Institution. HcddliiR from tho Misses Morse. Cni bondnle; Mis. .1. S. .Molt, Miss Von Stoicb, Mrs. It. M. Hcrniitiin, Miss houlso Jessuii, Mrs II. M. Hnnnnli, Mis. C, K. Monoids. Mis. H. O. Cobb, Mts. A. T. Tiautweln. Mis. J. D Davll, Mis. C II. Von Storch, Mis. John Web her. Miss Sherman, n friend, Mis. Mlchaiel Webber. .Mrs. C. H. Scott, Miss V. T. Hlnimlck. Mis J. S Mason, Mts. .1. 15. Munson, Mlus Cora Docket, Mts, ,1. K. hsnch, n f i lend, Mis. John Tilt, Mis. (i. lleny Cthnian, Mis. J. It. Jones, Mis. A. II. hee, a filenil, MIsh MiiRglo Claik, Mis. V. S. Collins, Ml It'iub Mis. H. h. T'.lthnid.s. Mis. J. I., rold'iam. .Mis. John S Cox, Mis. John Joiit. Miss 13, A Jones, 01)phnnt; Mis. it. I'osnor. O . Hutchinson. Sin, Chai Its Sehlaei. Mts h. W Morse, Mis. J. li. Klsk, Miss Mela heed, Mis C S. Woolworth. Mis Charles It. Shot tnnkei, Mrs. ,1. A. Uobertson, Mis Diesser Miigeis, Mrs C. 1.. Huwley, a filoml. .Mis. '. H Duspiibeirlo, -Mis W 1) Husm II. Mis Gooiro tlo.iiv. Mis C H hlndsiis. Mis Joseph Lev). Mrs C. H. l'i cn. Miss Howell, Mts. T II. Dale. Mis V. A. Wlhlt. Mrs. H C nouil, Mts Luton Oakford. Mrs h. H. Surdani. Mis A. P. Hodford. Mr". K II Klpide. Mis Levi J. Xotthrop, Mis I). M. Wntklns, Miss Hnilly Stev ens, Mis j n Twining, Mrs W jj, llenwood, Mis. V.. C. Henns, Mis C. 15. Dei limn, Mis. Hemy Itelln, Mrs. II. M. Holes, Mis. T. II. Watklns, Mis, (Itoige H. (lulld. Mis C. D. Jones, Mis. H. Y. Iteosc. Mis. i;. h. Fuller. Mis. W. II. Geai hart, Mrs. "VV T. Smith, Mrs V. II. Taslor. Mis. W. H. IJIch mond, Mis A M Decker. Mis. Charles Welles, Mrs. C. D. Simpson, Mis. A. II. T.Indabury, Mis. H. A. Claik, Mis. Iteeto Hiooks, Mis. Shell, Mrs. J. II. Dlmmtck, Mr I' 15 Flnley. Mis. T. H. Jones r.ivo a piece of sheetliiR. A friend iravo a piece of shoi'tliiR nnd a bolt of unbleached mus lin. The dnnnis of table linen sseie. Mis. J. h Ct aw fold, Mls Tenn). Mis T. II. Dale, Mi .its & Hngen, Mts Joseph Ansle), Mrs. J. T. Poitei. Mi. Flnle) : old linen fiom Mis 'William Hanley. Monev for linen was contributed by Mrs. H C. Doud, Mrs. hnton Oakford, Mis. GeoiRo Dickson, Mrs. Walter Dickson, Mis. 'William Mooio, Mrs. F. H. Xettleton. Mrs. F. h. Phillip-, Mrs, T. J. huee. .Mrs. S. M. Uevnolds. Gioceiles nnd piovislons wen suji ldled by the follossliiR individuals: Mis. Nathaniel Ilobeitson, ire-eivc:i and jellies; Mis. a. M. Decker, pio .sorses nnd jellies, Jerniyn & Duffv, a box of tea: C. P. Matthews, Rioceiies, Hie e. hev) & Co., Rioceiies John T. Pinter, gioceiles Claike Stole Co., Rioceiies; Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co, groceiles, F P. Pliee, baiiel of apjilcs, a f i lend, supidles of ammonia, soap, etc. Merchandise was Riven by the fol lowing linns Mr. 1Z. G. Coursen, Hunt .si Council, Foote tc Shear. Mlllei & Peck, Mr. II C. Snndeison, GeorRo Zlncke, Geoige Kellar and George Fel ton. FaiPlturo was donated us follows hconomy Fuinlture Co., butonii and toil. Ing chair, Mr. J. V Oakfoid, n loutiRc, Mis. F. C. Xottlpuni, a Flde 110 1111' Mis. C D Simpson, six; Mr. IIpiuv Helln, n tloik; Mis. J. W. Peek, a nicking chair, Mr. Scott Inglls, a piece of mat liner, King's DaiiRhter-t nt Him Patk church, fout beds; Jhs. V. T. Smith. Ihite beds, Mi. T II. Wntklns, n. bed, and Gladys Wnt klns, ti child s bed. Miss Marjoile Vnndllng, a child's be.l furnished. Mi. H L. Fuller, a bed, .Mr. Hemy r.elin, a b'd. Mi T. H. Jones, a bed. Mr. C. D. Simpson, n bed, Mr. V. H. Ta)Ior, a bod Ml. II. M. Doles, ti bed. Mr. Paul Helln, n thill Miss Alice Il-din, n ehnli, Mm J. A. Pi Ice. n table Hill tV; Council, extension table, I.ouls Iluppieeht, toilet sets .Mr. Wool wi'ith. kite hen utonslNj siebeeUer & Watklns, shades; Ti I Williams, cook Iiir utensils. Mis. 'William llnndley, a Idebnnrd, J. 11 Ladvvlg, a dinner set; Mil. It. II Williams, hous-eholil go ids, rus flttliiEs and globes; Mih. T. C. J i nes a wiltltii? desk. Mis Geoige 15. Smith, a chest of drnsveis: W P. Connell A: Sons, a lefiigerator. C. C. Gilllln, a plctu.'1 of Hahnemann. Miscellaneous gifts were nn follows: nn stock, Mr. Heniv Helln; Tho Spinster's h'u'lety, sowing; Wil liam liny, painting. Williams & Mo Anility, pap?iltiR Mr. Coiuad Schroe det. plasltilni; and lucks: II. li-nans, liatteins; Schntldei P.ros., plutublntj; Mrs. Cowtierthw.ilte, six jialts 'if sllp-pei-s: a friend, six glass bowls. Suns of money foi fuinlslilng tho opet.itlnR loom weie cotitilbnt -tl us follows: Mr. C. D. Jone. '), Mrs. John Joimyn, $10; Judijo Wlllanl, ."; Mis. H X. Wlllard, $3; Mrs. a. 11. Haub, $10, Ttoheit Peek, $5; Mm. HounsDeld. $5; Mr. Geotge hilkii, ti; Miss Tenny. 50 cents. Mr Cnil hind say, 21 nuts. Mrs J. K Smith'. 5 cents; pbiysanlhemuin uliow. I1S.K0. Case of Hingknl liistiumintH wat ro oelsed from Di. and Mis. Gnrdnei, of Hlniliurst; medicine fmni Dr. Ilellner. Valuible aFsIstanco v ns given hv Mr. Holdin nml Mi Paul Helln as arcbl tects. If any names have been Ina 1 vortcntly oniltteil M Is deeply rogiettel ns all gifts and effoitu huvo been thnr oughlv nppi eclated COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. A Juiy conMtlng of Hubeit Jones, Xa than IhisllHli, H J. rmrlngton, Alex McDotvild, W. J. Mobeits and It. J. Kelly )iterday deilured Hugine M. PairJtt should h.ue a trustee lo look after UN eutite. Attorney Claunco Hallentliiu )esterdny liutltuttel suit to icreover tZK; from l. Hnvma Montgomery which ho alleges Is duo him for legal sen Ices. The etcck of tho llell clothing houao nan Old euro cures cold) In tlio hi ml. mid on tho Iiiiiri, old cnltl, new coldininl eliminate raid, and all lornu of srip. Htepi fncerlni?, illwharn"! from tlio miie nuil tjci, prcunti euinrrli, illplitnerln, impiimonli, nnd nit llirint nnd lunit trouble!, Iliuc plra-wnt Unto pellittnrn nli'otulrli harmlcM, liavo Knvt'il lliaiisanth of llsrs nnd prevpntnl murlirick ncs. 'llio .Munyuti ltcnmlv C'ompinr prciraro i pirntu Hire for inch tllin(. At nil ilriiKglsti I'm mil, n vial. If) mi ne'cd mesllpnl ndvlro wrlto l'rof. Miliij'on, ISO) btrcit, l'lilladclplili. It U absolutely free. WilTMl yesterday sold at sheriff's silo It svas purchased by II. Slosos Georgo S II n and a f i vv others ropu renting the Judg ment creditors and hi ought $3,0311". puitciNG tiii: i'i:nskn itoi,i,s. Prom the Xcw York Tilbune, Public scntlmint bus In effe. t Justly nnd Irrov oi ably doiictl Hint the pension lolls ojti In Mtfolv nnd equltabl) over haulesl by tho frlinds of the sstim, but novir by Its fot. It Is nonstnit to deny that one jiart) Is to a gteat ex it nt liilluei'red b) Its foo-i 'I'lu iiroscnt ndinlnhtrallon has peculiar advnnlag's for the pirfonnanco of lut-h a jiubllt st r vlto. Xo one would linngiuo that Majni MeKlnlo) hud bitome Indlflerent to the rights of bis old voinradis In inns e.r would toll into any liijustli e to thein by olllcluls of his bolictlcm Iut none real 17c more ki'eiil) than the old oldIils thonisplves how groat Injustice Is tloni to them bv prevail nt Idem regarding the condition of the pension lolls, and none would be mote anxious to see all ciscs of mlstnko or ft.iud woeded out so that the country might know that the jui) nieiitM in i to who strictly vvuiiantid by the Intuit nnd the letter of tin 1 iw It will not be said bv nil) one aiquiliittl with the trend of pulillr opinion that sui ', a service would bo of einiill bom fit It would git ill) strengthen the government and the cause of honest oenslonets also It would make olui befoie the coiintr) and the world tint the greit bod) of jii 'i slon dlsbuisenu nts Is, In filet, frt e from f i and and Jutlfltd bv the nutionn s giat Itudi to Its defe nilcis SEIZED BY THE SHERIFF. I'lie Stock of One ol tho heading Clothiers Wns Seieil on Several hxcciitioiis Issued by M holcnlc Clothing Dealers of IMiiliulclpliin. Tlio hntirc Stuck Ilns llcen l(c uinvcil to the Chicago loinbinntion Clothing Co.'s hurgo More nml Will Ho Closed Out nt Kctuil--Snle Starts Siiturdnv , Nov. 'JOII1--H0 on Hand il V011 .Need ( lathing. In consequeti-e if the sheilff seizing the slock of a well clothier on execution of ,t wholesale clothing deal er In Philadelphia, the stock has been lemoved and la now being jirepired In the larg stole room of the Chicago Combination Clothing Co.. ill Wash ington ao, oposite tho court house, Scianten Pa., nnd will be sold out nt retail for 50 per cent of actual .cost of niantifnctuier. f-ale starts Saturla), Nov. "'Oth. continues inch diy until citlio stock Is disposed of. Wlthi ut any oxecptlon this Is the 'set) linest select? 1 stock of hlgh Ri.nle meiohnnt talloi ch thing" over placed on jiublle sale In this eountiy If you want to secure some, "ronio Im n'odlatol)," ns the time Is limited and the assignee svlll sell the stock at no matter how groat the sacrilli o and en tlioly regaidless of li ss or value, In order tr s ttle the liabilities of the bnnkrupt llrm as "qulrkls ns possible" This is "a rare chance" to obtain fine clothing at n tillle of Its ical actuut svoith, and should bo taken ndsantage of by es'ei)body, sshetliT lich or poor, and no matter pvph though vou live huudieds' of miles from Scnmton It svlll more than lepay you to come to this great clothing at retail. Tlfty K0) jier cent, less than actual cost price. Save this pi Ice list, bring It with' jou and remember theie are thousands of other biiR.nns besides these, all In this gieat sale now going on at retail. f,000 men's business suits, worth tli. nt $4 23 .-.,000 elegant fall overcoats, $0 91, worth SI" r.,fl00 winter ovei coats, $..7."i, wenth $1(J Men's Scotch ehevlot sack suits, $c ";, w tilth $1Gr0. Silk roll stsllsh fall os-eicats, tCM, worth $1". Double breasted chev iot suits, $S.7.-, worth $!'. Three liuu.i.i cutaway dress tuits. $7 2.1, svorth J20 Host quality eass, fiock suits, Js.JO, worth $.'2 TO. Silk mixed wen steel dress pants, $.',75, worth' $7.50, Pilnce Al liens, silk and satin lined, 510.75, woitb no. Genuine homespun sack suits, Si.2r.. worth $17 fO Silk lined "Vicuna fall overcoats, $'J f.O, wnilh $2s Full evening dress suits, silk lined, $11.75, woith $3". All wool hair line sttlpo pants, $1 S'l, woith $1.50. Nobby straight cut oil ths' suits, $5.2"), woith $15 Gun's best melton overcoats, $3 75, worth W. Imported pray Shetland ulsteis, $7.75, woith $2J r 0. lilite aiitl Mack beaver overcoats, $5 r,o. worth S2I. Genuine 'Schnnbel' Chlnchlll.x ove 1 coats. $1 25, worth $27 "0 Illue pilot cloth rceteis and vests, $4 f.O, woith $11. Homespun or cheviot ciiie oseicoatu, $7.f0, worth 121.50. Klin "HI) 'Ian" fur ieiveroser coats. $10, woith $2c-i3. Silk lined Trench Kers"y" oseicoits, $tl r.o.woi th .5" Mllsh gi iiuine "MontnRiiio" eSvel -coits, $1.75, wotth $20 50. Klnest black Melti 11 dicss ulsteis, $9. worth $.'5. Cut this adveitlsompnt out 111.1'. bring II with you. He sine you nre at the light jdace. Don't bo misled bv signs nnd banners other 11 en limits may dis play to decelso the public !o suio you .iit ut the sheillt s sale now going nn nt tho Chicago Combination Clothing Co. 211 Washington ave, directly op posite the Couit hi use, Scranton, Pa. p. S. Dining this sale tho stoio will bo kept open evenings until U p. !n,,Sat uidays until 11 p. in. - - .- California hxriirHieins. Personally conducted, heave Chica go every Wednesday. HurllnRton Route to Denver, Hi nee via Denver & Illo Grnnde Hy. (the scenic line ot tho world). Parties travel In Pullman tourist sleeping cars fitted with every convenlencf, which go through to Cali fornia nnd are in charge of special agents of long expedience. For rnr tlculars addiess T. A. arndy, Kxcuralon Mgr. C V.. & Q. li- It, 211 Clark St., Chicago. HI- " l'llos.-Itching, Illiiid nml lllecdiug, Cm.. I In three to six nl'lhts. Dr. Aguow's Ointment Is peerless in cut Ing One npplbatlon ifb'is Instant lolltf. It t'liies all Itching and In Mating skin diseases, Chatlng, Hczeina. etc. 15 tents. Sold by Matthews Hios 51 For Infants ami Children. 2sjf5gT ' li crr7 u?;ir. SUCCESS An Avalanche of Trade A Whirlwind of Excitement All Scranton is talking about Sawyer's Great Retiring From Busi ness Sale of FINE MILLINERY Which ends November 30th, 1897, Fictitious sales and exaggerated values have had their day. People arc coming here past all other stoies, and this is why they are coming. The store has been leased to Weichcl Bros, for a Crockeiy Store, possession given Dec. ist, and every doll.u's worth oi Millinery MUST BE SOLD Betore that time, which means the (MHATKST SLAUGHTER 01' PRICKS ever known on tine goods. Come while the selection is good. iL. R. 3iL"SXTY:R, 132 Wyoming Avenue. MERITS ITS PHENOMENAL SUCCESS. DIMEITION. Tnkolmir nsnnl qnnntlty. see water HOII.S Pour ofl nltei riVBinlu utis steeplni;. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Ceylon Tea REFRESHING 60c. lb. PFUCIOU3 t'tibl only in I, rail 1'ncl.i-U, II) the nie of mv new loeal nnncsthctlc. Vo slee-protliieltii,' agent. It In stnipl) np)lled to t ie uu ins uml the tooth extracted w Ithout a panicle of pain. All other dental operations performed posi tively without puin JLL ut WARRANTED 5 YEARS, 11ieo nre tho f-nino teetli otber dentisti clmrije fiom 511") to f?'J.,v u set foi TEETB WITHOUT PLATES. Gold nnd I'onelaln tiowns. Gold, Silver und Ctment l'llllngs at one-half the usual cost, l.wiinlnntluii nee. Opeu eveutiiM 7to h. Uuudii) 0 to 1 1 iu in. . BARRETT, DENTIST 316 Spruce Street, Next Door to Hotel Jernt) n. New York Announcement. Our AmTt un Unmet an 1 Uow to 1 iiriile-h Tlit-ni Horner's Furniture. TI1K IIUHT IN HXIM.ITV-TIIK IIKST IV hTW.n Tim HEhT IN VAI.l K OIVHS THU Hi:8T SVl'IlKACTHlN. Latest jn oditct Ions Iii Dining Ttoom, Uptlrooin, Parlor, Drawing Itoom, Libuuy, nnd Hall Furnltuio Venc tian C'iii vtnl Furnltuio Exclusive) Novoltlon in Inipoituil Fiiinlttue--Whlto and Gold Enamolled rtuiii ttuo Entjltsli Ilrass Iledstcnda Whit" Enaine'Ued Iron Ik-dstcnds with brass lrlininlni;slostftil Tnsy Chairs and Kottoes Smoking and nilllaid Room Furniture Wilting Desks in over :iO(i styles. UterjtliliiR far ttty ami inutiti) biiinri, uml 111 Ini'Kpr uainrtiuuiit lliuu t'Ue-vv btie. All prle e in plain (lttiiir. (teml for our Illustrated Hook. Helpful Iu allnhu eouiriiip me furiilal.iu.- in veliol. or in imrt R.J. Horner & Co., Furniture MiikerM und Importer) 01-05 W. S:id St., Now York lAtlJolnlntc L'llru Alua.e.) You will find mnny rare opportunities in the Want" Columns of The Tribune. WITHOUT PAIN EETH $S D I Are Used in the Lyceum Theater, Scranton Academy of Music, Nay Aug Engine Co Rooms," New Nesbitt Theater, Wilkes-Barre Grand Opera House " Wyoming Seminary, Kingston Presbyterian Church, Ashley Five in Hanover Township Schools near Wilkes-Barre Grand Opera House, Freeland Anil in IU0 of tlio homes in this region. Tho great duriibility of the Kimball Piano recommends it, to all who wish to buy but ono piano iu a lifetime. Sold on easy payments or for cash. Old organs or pianos taken iu exchange. Drop a postal or cull. GE0IHJR II. 1VKS, General Agent, ! West Mnrkct Stioct. WUlu-i-Darn. W. S. FOOTK, Local Agent, 11! "J l'ujo riiico, Sciantoii, li. Banquet Lamps. A large variety of new find handsome designs in LAMF'S just received. Brass Lamps, Onyx Lamps, Dresden Lamps, At lower prices than ever be foie quoted in this city. Wcnro sbonlns nneNocptlontilly Una linn of Wutelit", liluinoiiils und Jovveliy nt jirlicn vvlilcb Mill iikusojoii A, E.ROGERS, Jeweler, 213 Lacka, Ave, DR. SHfMBERG OPTICIAN, 11 vs Mm i.D iu 305 SPROCE STREET. Examination Free. (fi'-riit-1 WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF rnncy KooKavvi-,, I'.tst Hivcrs, .Mattficc Kivor Coves, 31111 l'eimJ-7, &c, iVc. Leave your urdet for ltluc Points to lie delivered on the half shell in carrier.-.. 1'. E HEBfi. PENH ML li FOR SALE Boilers, Engines and Machinery. We villi uell vou New or Sci-oiiil-IInnil We villi hell vou new or I11U0 obi In v iliiinje, or ve villi rent jou nnj thing von mint In tin Mai'liliierv I.lno ispcit Cast puld for -"i nip li 011 ami Mi tills. National Supply and Metal Co,, 70i Wet LackinMinna Avenue. M.E. KEELEY, Mgr. Tolephona 3954 Book Bi ftd ing Neat, Durable Hook lllndlnif is wlutyoo receive II jou leave our order with tlm SCRANTON TRIBUNE HlfNDURY, Trlb. unc liulltllnff, Scranton, Pa 1