The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, November 16, 1897, Page 5, Image 5

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At Norton's.
Shakespeare, In .j vols, clotli,
good stock, well made, for 97 cts.
McCaulcy's History of Kngland,
5 ols., cloth bludliii!, for 97 cts.
Dickens' Works, 15 vols, cloth
good stock and well made, for ,f 00.
Scott's Wave rly Novels, 12 vols, cloth,
fair paper and good type, for $0 00.
Ilulwcr Lyttou Works, 13 vols, cloth,
fair paper and good type, for S. 00.
White House Cook Book, cloth, ,"11.50.
"George Dllot" Works,
6 aoIs. cloth binding, ,i. Oo.
John Sherman's Recollections,
2 vols., cloth covers,
subscription price 5750, our pi ice, $1
Gen. Grant's Memoirs,
cloth, complete, for 1.00.
Gen. Sherman's Memoirs,
cloth, complete, ,i.2.v
Shakespeare's 12 Handy Volumes for
the Pocket cloth covers, 53.00.
50 cent books, cloth covers, 35 cts.
35 cent books, cloth cocrs, 25 cts.
25 cent books, cloth covers, 15 cts.
25 cent books, paper covers, 10 cts.
20th Century Scries standard authors,
red buckram covers, gilt top,
excellent paper, printed from new
type, equal to an) S1.50 copyright
book, about 100 titles, price, 19 cts.
"Laurel Mbrai)" of standard autliots,
bound in green cloth and gilt top
printed from new type on splendid
paper, about 100 subjects, all classics,
fit for any library, 49 cents each.
These two scries of hook s are the
handsomest and best value for the
price ever seen. They sell at sight.
Sec them in our window.
Large variety of subjects,
by standard authors.
?:z Lackawanna Ac
Have a Cigar?
Thinlii Don't cnta If
I do. All, this Hu
I'm In luck. It's my
Game, Browi & Co,
120 Wyoming Aye.
1 j Dono 111
Laundry ;v
Dono Weill, Itecu.
at popular
UU nroiutit
i-er ice.
The Lackawanna
:o8 Pcnn Avenue. A. B. WARMAN.
:g ucKAWA'.rn ave.
Have opened a General Insurance OfTlco In
lie litis' Hi Don! Blda
Hekt Stock Companies lepresentcet Largo
iuiscbpeclully fcollcltcd. '.telephone 18UX
Scrautonlans who want to lay away a
few dollars each month until 1W9 and
then attend tho gieut exposition to bo
Jield In l'arls for tho compaiatlvely insig
nificant bum of $2", will have tho privi
lege of grasping such an oppottnnltv.
Thcro is now In this city a upicsentativn
of a well secured touring company wtj 1j
soliciting subscribers for sueh n scheme.
It Is dllllcult to understand how Hil com
pany can for so small a sum as J255
guaranteo so much, but, It furnishes nm
plo security to (111 nil Its obligations.
Tha plan Is this: A subscriber at ono
time pays not less than 3 per month or
not moro than one-third of his total sub
scription. If tho monthly payments do
not complete tho subscilpllons a short
tlmo before tho proposed duto of sailing,
the bulanco Is to bo paid In u lump. The
company will allow i per cent. Intel est on
every payment. This Is offered In order
to overcome the nigument that a pios
pcctlvo tourist could better afford to be
gin depositing his money In n sa.'mgs
bank. Subscribers will bo nllow.1 to
transfer their payments or to withdraw
their totnl subset Iptlons at any time, tho
latter option being ut a reduction of :o
per cent. In caso of death tho bubsct lo
tions and Interest will bo paid to tho sub
scribers' heirs.
Six months' notlco of tho desired dnto
of sailing must bo given tho compnnv.
Ocean transportation will bo furnished on
nny of several Atlantic expiess lines.
Tho Itinerary of tho ttlp Includes llrst
cluss ocean passage, Eeveral days of
sightseeing In and about London, two
weeks In Paris nnd all expenses in tho
latter city. Subscribers will bo quartered
nt London and I'arls In what aro termed
"sccond-clnBs" hotels but which aro
about equal to our own Hotel Jcrmyn.
Stilts Unit wcro $35.00 now 820,00
Hulls thnt were 820.00 now ?!,',. oi)
Mado to your measure, Jit guurauteed.
300 Pattern.
W. C. Loftus & Co.,
JV18 to 678 Ilrondwny, Now York. 70
nancies. Call nt Hcranton agency, with
wunua avenue.
rJAPTSPopular Punch
full hlro, tips, Riildpr, nml, In fncl, cvriy
nrpemary Item of oxpenso will bo liorne
lij tlio company.
TI10 pumpnny even provides ndminslon
tu the exposition nml the lmiro nnd oth
er Knllvrlui. If tlio Fchemo Isn't thor
oughly American nnd up-to-ditto then
there nro but few such enterprises Unit
run bo so umsldurcd. It cortulnly offem
1111 nttnietlve Inducement to persons of
inndernto menus who remember tho
World'H fnlr Is history und took plnco
four j ears iiko whllu the coming record
lircnkltiK monster show of l'nrls Is only
thieo j ears hence.
In substance, tho plan is one of Insur
ance or tissuranco of tho bentlits of Ku
lopum truvel under faotnblo auspices nt
a low cost and nt n tlmo nhen 1'nr-co
lll bo tho terminal for much of the
world's travel.
Thursday li to bo a Held day for sever
nl well known charities In this city. Tho
tloilsts do not liioposc to bo outdone In
Imvlm? nit Intel est In tho new homo for
the 1'rlcndlcsB and nro to kIvc a chrys
iiiitlumum show for Its bcnellt beRlnnlnir
Thursdav and continuing until Satin day
ulRht. Thcto Is piobaldy no class of busi
ness people who aro moio persistently be
slcucil for assistance In clmrltablo work
limn tlio llorlsls. The eliurclies nnd so-
Ictles of nil sorts expect Mum to lmo
11 liernmbulntitu; slock of eostlj decora
tions to bo onKtiK'd In demand for nil
manner of entertainments without monev
and without price. It is lenlly nv kind
indeed of these Kctierous fi lends to take
tlio trouble to clve this exhibition ftcely
for the bcnellt of tho Home for tho
Friendless and It Is to bo hoped that
everybody will patronize It nnd thus
show their appreciation. The show will
bo held In the bontd of trade bulldlnt;
nnd will open Thuisday.
Doesnt this imiho you huiiKry? The.
annual tllnni r and supper will bo ocivcd
Thursday ot this week nt the Young
Women's Christian association rooms
and will sm pass anything In that lino
yet Rivin by this organisation which Js
saving a grent deal. Head the menu:
Dinner Soup, 10.1st beef, turkey, celery,
potatoes, squish, uibbagi, i million y
sauce, plum pudding, Ice cienm, cake,
coile, tea.
Suppet Cold loast beef, ri earned horso
radish, chicken salad, putntots, fiult, Ico
cream, coffee, tin.
"His Grace of Osmonde" was published
Inst week by tint Scilbnrrc. Those who
did not like the companion novel A
lady of Qunlltj," will nssuiedly not lllio
this book, however imuh they may hiu
admired tho other works fiom the pen of
Its gifted author, Mrs. Uurnett. Il.irrlng
a lack of sluvuiilimss in lompositlon
and mnie ileveuuss In the a) of n plot
tho book might lavo bun vwittui by
Ouldi or IJtrtlo. M Clay, As far ns
the supernatural qualltiis of thehcio aro
concerned, togither with the lllimltablo
amount of gush connected with his pci
sntial appearance nnd tnnt of his Illus
trious family, tho entlio story In "A
l.ady of Q11 illty" Is lcpoated In this
companion book. Clorlnda's wild up-brlng-lng
Is brought In again and again, nnd
tho only now incldmts that the leader
hid not heard aic found In the chaptei
"My Ijord Maiquess l'lungts Into tho
Thames," wlilc'i Is reall a most ie
ir.aikablo Incident, nnd notwithstanding
the iffort to mako It nppeir delicate. Is
very much the roveis-e. and the tin lie,
when. I Lord Duko dNcovcis that his
wife has killed .lolin Oxon, and in which
he states that If she had not done It ho
would have been glad to have commlt
pd the murder himself. Tho language Is,
nf course, lino and forcible, the bits of
ilcsctiptlnn are lovely mil for tho people
who like that soit of thing the book Is
one tluy will like.
Itapliael I,. I.ey, was yesterday ad
mitted to prattlco nt tho Lackawanna
county courts on motion of CJeorgo I)
Taylor, his preceptor. Mr. I.evy Is a.
gnduato of Haivnrd Law school, an 1
mado very excellent showing in his
examination before tho local board. He
Is a bright nnd nggtcs-slvc voting man.
with a host of friends ami well wishers In
tho city nnd ceunty, nnd will undoubt
ly nmk3 his mark In his well-chosen pro
fession. This Isn't tho end of Thursday's pleas
ure. Tho McAH missionary society has
auanged a delightful entertainment to
tako placo In tho Second Prcsb terlan
church on that evening. Pi. Loba. n
famous traveler nnd speaker will give a
lecture illustrated by magnificent views
of l'nrls nnd showing the beauty nud
progiess of the MeAU woik in Trance,
Tho tickets mo 2", cents.
.Tudgo It. W. Atehbald Is In Potts
v lile.
Attorney W. J. Hand has icturneel from
a visit to New York.
II, A. Xesbltt, the stock broker. Is in
New York on business.
John W. Klrby, business manager of
the Freo Press, Is In Pittsburg.
"Hon Onlusha A. Glow shook hands
with Scranton fi lends esterday.
Judgo and Mrs. It. M. IMivarJs aro
homo from their v Islt to Now York.
Attorney M. .1. Iluddy lias leturncd
from a foitnlght'.s btay in New York.
llllam Mulford. of ruaiulla, N". Y., Is
vUlting his daughter, Mta. D. Webster
Mis. Charles Horn, of Hltighamton, N.
Y.. has ictuincd home, after a visit with
friends In Green itldge.
Miss Madge Ilenshaw and sister, Mrs.
Hudson, of Now York, nto vlbttlng their
giandmother, Mis. MiKltuuy, at tho
Stius nuil Stripes for it New School
At the new No. 2S school building In
tho Thirteenth ward there will be n
flug raising ceiemony Frlduy afternoon
nt 2 o'cloek.
The flag will hi presenteel the school
by Lieutenant Uzra Grlllln post, Grand
At my of the Itepublic, nnd the presen
tation ceremony will bo participated In
by repiesentatlvcs of thnt organiza
tion, membeis of the board of control,
Superintendent of Schools Howell and
the pupils of the bchool.
To Crlpbrntc Completion of Ten
Yonrs of Dr. Ilobluson's Pastorate.
There will bo a public meeting of tho
cliurcli and tungiegatlon ot tho Second
Ptesbyterlun church this evening In
the nudleneo loom of tho ehutch, at 8
o'cl6ck, to celebrnto the completion of
ten years of Br. Robinson's pastorate,
to which all are eotdlally Invited.
Colonel H. M. Boles will pieslde.
Thero will bo various speeches, followed
by a reception In tho cliurcli pat lots
to tho pastor and family.
8ho Will Bi'livci u Lecture in SI,
i'hoinns Cnllcgn Hull,
Wednesday evening, Mrs. I.enora M.
Lake, of St. Louis, will deliver a lec
ture In St. Thomus Collego hall, on
Wyoming nvenue, under tho auspices
of tho Womon's Auxlllaiy to the Keeley
Mis. Lake Is perhaps the best woman
orator on tho platform today, and she
should atttnet a large audience.
First-class coal, ogg, stovo nnd chest
nut, dellveted anywhoro In tho city of
4.000 pound lots nt $2 R5 per net ton
Delivered In Dunmotu nt $2.50. A.
Mowery, Dunmore, telephone. 4673.
A. J. Sounder;, of This Clly, Badly
Injured While Hunting.
Contents of Both Barrels Lodged In
Ills Logs--Right Member Ko Bndly
Minltcrctl Thnt It Had to lie Ampu
tated Below tho Kuco nt tlio Lncliif
via nn u llospltnl--IInd to Bo Cnr
rlcd So v crnl .Miles Through tlio
In the forest four miles from Nichol
son, Wyoming county, A. J. Saunders,
of this city, lint! both legs shattered
by an accidental double dlschaigo of
No 7 shot from a double- barrelled gun
In the. hands of Oscar Helph, of Nich
olson. S.iunders is a. mnnleJ. ninn
nnd conducts tho maiket at Bonn
av enuc and Spruce street.
Helph was vvnlklng a few feet In
fiemt of Saunders when he slipped nnd
fell tha trigger of tho gun .striking n
stone which discharged tho weapon.
After tho accident Belph nnd Henry
Justin, of this city, the other member
of the patty, curried their Injured com
panion two miles through the wood
and afterward drove an equal distance
In a wagon to the Nicholson station
where the 1!.10 o'clock p. m. ttnln was
taken for Scranton.
At the Lackawanna hospital Saun
ders' tight leg was amputated below
tho knee-.
Justin, Helph nnd Snunders were out
after inbbltt. The Scranton men reach
ed Nicholson In tho early moinlng nnel
were joined by Helph, who Is an ex
petlenccil hunter, thoroughly familiar
with the woods thereabouts.
It was Snunders' first rabbit hunting
CNpoilonce nnd he was meeting with
some suecess. The Hist rabbit he fired
nt fell. In nil eight rabbits had been
killed when the threo men reached a
sloping, stone-bestrewed niece' of
ground, Judged to be about four miles
from Nicholson Down this Incline
they stnrted. Helph was In the lend
with Snundeis Bailing him about three
fei t distant. Justin was off to the
tight. Belph slipped on a stone and
fell to the hard ground. His gun bar
rel rested In the crook of his loft arm
nnd the stock was in IiIh light hand.
As he fell tho ttlggeis, both of which
were nt full cock, struck hard against
n stone nnd the double report cracked
through the forest. Saunders sank to
the ground and In nn Instant partly
nrop "My God!" ho cried; "both legs
nro gone'."
Ho had attempted to stand on the
left foot which he thought was safe
Justin lushed to his side and saw the
wide gaps In Snunders' boots through
which Howe J blood. The story of that
tertlble moment and tho heroic strug
gle nfterwatd Is given In Justlns own
"I saw the blood nnd the flesh on tho
outfiido of tlio boots. Tho shot had
passed clear through. It made me sick
but I knew that I must work and work
(Illicitly to staunch tho flow of blood.
With my hunters' knife I cut away the
leather. The soles of tho boots when
I took them off were nn Inch thick
with blood nnd iloatlng pieces of flesh
nnd bone. The sight numbed me. I
kept my senses nnd God. how I work
ed; taking off my coat I tore out the
lining. With this and my handker
chief I bound both legs above the
wounds. I used all my strength to tie
them tightly so as to hold back the
"All tho time I was working poor
Belph was tunning about ns If wild.
Ha would rush up tlmo nnd time again
nnd show the dent In the gun where
It stiuck the rock. 'Look Al,' he would
say; 'Look, I couldn't help It; It was
an accident, Al.. an accident!' Then he
showed the dent In the gun ngaln."
Belph nnd Justin carried the wound
ed mnn to the railroad near the Dow
ney farm. Mrs. Downey heatd the
calls for help and jumping Into a wag
on she drove over to where the wound
ed man lay. Ho was placed in tho
conveyance, his two companions sup
posing him, and taken to tho fnim
house. Saunders was growing weaker
evety minute and It was decided to
get him to NIcholbon ns soon ns possi
ble. Tha farmer drove them to the resi
dence of a physician at Nicholson, a
distance of about two miles. After ex
amining Snundeis' cemdltlon the doctor
advised that he be taken to the hospi
tal at once.
Accordingly a dispatch vvns sent to
the Lackawanna hospital summoning
tho ambulance to the station in this
city when the milk tialn ai rived.
While the party was waiting at tho
Nicholson station a boy brought them
tho three guns, eight rabbits, coats,
hats, etc., which had been abandoned
in the woods.
Arriving nt the hospltnl It vvns at
once decided that amputation of the
right leg a few inches below tho knee
would bo necessary. Dr. P. P. Gun
ster, assisted by tho house physician,
Dr. N. A. Newbuiy, performed the op
eration at fi.30 o'clock.
The wound In tho left foot Is not
dangerous. The shot seemed to have
passed through the right leg and out
thtough the left while Saunders was
In the act of walking and had the left
foot uplifted,
Saunders tested comfortably after
the opeiatlon. He Is married and lives
with his wife and two children on
Linden street.
Belph is a inlddle-nged man nnd for
merly lived In this city, whete ho has
relatives. He Is a railroader.
Is lo Open Thimduy in tho Board of
Trndo Building.
Scranton Is to have a chrysanthe
mum show. It will open Thursday un
der tho auspices of the Homo for tho
Friendless and tho city's lending llor
lsts, nnd the revonuo to bo derived will
be devoted to tho Homo organization
It seemed that Scranton was, this
season, to be elented ono of thos splen
did dotal displays which have been
such delights In past years but some
ot tho women of tho Home for the
Friendless organization, whoso energy
is proverbial fortunately willed It oth
erwise. Tho conclusion to have a show
was reached Saturday and by yoster
day afternoon arrangements had been
made with llorlsts nnd others and a
ptoper placo engaged for the exhibit.
Tho show will be given In the lnrgo
Vacant store room In tho board of
trade building. It has a lloorago much
larger than Is comprehended by those
unfamiliar with It and will be mote
than ample for tho purpose. Probably
by Thuisday noon the exhibits will bo
ready for Inspection. 11 Is proposed to
continue the display until Saturday
When It Is understood that private
greenhouses, nn well uh llorlsts, will
have some of their choicest products
on exhibition nnd that the Hoilsts will
not tostrlct themselves to displays of
chrysanthemums alone, the show may
bo expected to bo something very
Tendered to Be v. Mr. Rplckcr by tho
I, miles' Aid Society.
The Ladles' Aid society ot Trinity
Lutheran church tendered their now
pastor, Bcv. Mr. Splekcr, a reception
In St. Luke's parish rooms last even
ing. The members of the cs grrga
tloii and mnny friends, Including pas
tors of other churches', were present.
It was a most enjoynble occasion, ns
the proginmmo was attractive and the
social part of the uffnlr characterized
by ninny pleasant features. ;iabnr
nto refreshments were served.
Mr. Protheroe vvns the nceninpanlst
of tho evening. The programme- In
cluded a well-rendereel selection by
the'cholr; lecltatlon, Llewellu Lewis,
banjo solo, Miss Schubert; uddress,
Bev. A. L. Humor; solo. Miss Kllzn.
Garagan; piano duet, Mlses Mnrlo
Stock nnd Mamie Bl!cken; address,
Bev. W. C. Lnuor; solo, Mr. Davis;
recitations, Harry Konecny; banjo
duet, Daniel Wnrmnti and Stanley
Swartz; solo, Mr. Croft; address, Bev.
Mr. Randolph; piano solo. Miss Schu
bert; address, Bcv. Mr. Llsso; recita
tion, Miss Anna Konecny; selection,
choir; temaiks by the new pastor.
Trolley Cnr Became Uncontrollable nnd
Left Hie Rails nt the Madison
Avenue Turn.
Bev. Rogers Israel and two ot his
neighbors, II. S. Keller, of 11 Wyom
ing avenue, and W. Walsh, of 221
Wyoming avenu, teigethcr with the
irew of TIiioop-B non stteet cnr No.
'S'), hud a thrilling llde on Pine street
1'S'l last nlgm. The car inn away
com'ng down the steep Incline, jumped
tho track on the curve at No. lis school
nnd dashing down the still steeper por
tion of Pine stuet between Madlon
and Jefferson nvenues ploughed "Into
tho fence surtoiindins; B. G. Couiscn's
Nobody vvns hint nnd little dnmnge
tcsulled but thcie woe five pietty
batlly scared and thoroughly shaken
Tr.c rar was coming fiom Thtoon to
go to Kynon street nnd was In chargf
()' Motormnn Peter Bibs and Conduc
tor Gcoige O. Kogler. At about 10.17
o'e-lock It staited down tho Pine street
hill nfter having come to a dead btop
on the top of the hill to take on Mr
Israel and Mr. Walsh. The Kills were
slippeis fiom the lain and the car
could not be conti oiled once It was
staited. Everything was dono bv the
motormnn to cheek Its speed but it
proved of no nvall. The car gained
grcitcr momentum the farther It went,
although the wheels were going In a
rever'e dliectlon and sand was being
corslnntly applied.
When the cuivo vvns reached the
runaway refused to follow tho rails,
but Instead Insisted on continuing
uowp the hill. Jumping the track It
took fcttalght course across Madison
avenue's brick pavement. Then It
struck the Belgian block on the hill
and following u sort of fish-hook
course brought up about seventy feet
down the hill asn'nst the iron fence
on the side oi L. G. Coursen'H resi
dence, which is located on the noith
west coiner of Madison avenue und
line stieet.
The fact that tho power was te
versed caused tho cnr to go over the
stone pavement In bounds and mado It
veiy uncomfot table for those nboaiel.
When the car stopped it was at right
nngles with the fence, the foivvatd
wheels juf-t over the curb and tho
guard-boat d sunk Into the eaith ot the
grass plot between the sidewalk nnd
cuiblng. A shade tree of thieo Inches
diameter was knocked down, a section
of the lion fence was broken, the fen
der of the car was stove In and a patch
of grass about six feet squaie was torn
up, but further than this no damage,
it is romatkablo to say, resulted.
The motormnn stuck to his post nnd
vvns working at the brakes when the
collision came. Tho passengers clung
to their seats nud the coneluctor hung
on behind ns best he could.
A wrecking crew, under the clmige
of Dispatcher Clint les Powell nnd
Master Mechanic Thomas J. Mullen,
succeeded, with the nld of blocks and
tackle, In getting the car back on tho
track about midnight.
About a year ngo a runaway cir
jumped this cuive and continued down
the hill to nearly Jelferson avenue. It
was drawn down another block nnd
placed on the tracks on Adams ave
nue. Scrnutou Conscrmtory of Music.
On Wednesday next tho .Sctanton
Conseivatoty concludes Its llrst ti-tm'H
vvotk, and tho Winter term begins on
Thursday. It Is probable that fi w In
stitutions have had so largo an at
tendance the first term with the at
tendant enthusiasm. The number of
students registered Is exactly 147. Next
term's woik will Include a large num
ber of recltnls, also ftee advantages
in fight Singing. Musical Dictation
and Lectures on Music, Language's nnd
Art. To avoid the rush on opening
day, students should u-glster before
A .11 eel n I of Honor.
Washington, Nov. 13 A medal nf honor
has been presented to Mr. Jacob B. Swap,
No. 210 Peach street, Brie, I'a., for gal
lantry In tlio late war.
Twining, optician 125 Penn avenue, In
Harris' drug store. Hours 3 a. m.. G
p. m.
Gallon or
I Barrel . .
t t-m - f t-ftttttt
Alfss Delia Barrett Is the Plaintiff and
Eugene M. Parrott tlic Defendant.
Her Allegations.
Bugeiie M. Parrott, of Pino street,
was yesterday mnde defendant in a
$.",000 bronch of promise suit by Bella
Bnrrctt, the 17-yenr-old daughter of
James Barrett, a switchman, living tit
C.07',4 West Linden street.
In the declaration filed by hor nl
torncy, Chnrles B, Haw ley, Miss Bar
rett states that she hns been on terms
of cldse friendship with the defendant
since July lust, when she says ho be
gan pnylng attentions to her.
On October 29 she was nt his homo
on Pine street nnd, she alleges, he
nsked her to become his wife. She
agreed nnd kissing her, ho placed n
soltnlte dlnmond ring on her finger.
The next dav ho wont to see her pa
tents und secured their consent to the
marriage, which It was agreed vvns to
take place at once.
For some weeks thereafter, tho dec
laration goes on to sny, the defendnnt
wan contunt In his devotion, but sud
denly nnd without nny cause that tho
plaintiff enn explain he nvoided her
nltogether. She sought him out and
reminded htm of his promise, but It
vvns Ineffectual. On Saturday last.after
repeatedly entreating him to keep lili
contract, she made a final demand up
on him to keep faith with her and
when ho ngaln llatly refused she sought
out a lawier and proceeded to Insti
tute suit ncnlnst him.
Their engagement was announced to
all their friends, she nvers, nnd his fail
ure te keep his part of It has caused
her gtent humiliation ami has Injured
her In the eves of the circle Jn which
she moves. Their failure to become
married was due- to no fault of hers,
she alleges, as she was willing and able
nt any tlmo since their engagement to
fulfill their solemn compact.
Mr. Parrott Is a civil engineer and
tho possessor of considerable property.
He Is about 33 years of nge, and a
widower. During the latter pait of
last month his relatives Instituted pro
ceedlngs to have him ndjudged nn
hnbltual drunkard and to secure a trus
tee to take chat go of his propeity.
Tho ptoceedlngs me still pending.
Henry Schlost Accepted the Advice ot
Alderninti .llillnr.
Henty Schloss, of Dunmore, was ar
itstod jesterday at the Instance of his
mother. The charge is latceny nnd It
Is alleged that Schloss retained fur
niture, the pioperty of the woman who
is 70 j ears of ago and a cripple.
The story goes that Schloss had tho
furniture of his mother In his posses
sion. She reeiuested that her proper
ty bo sent to the homo of Peter Snyder
where she Intended to live. Schlos
did not send all the furniture but has
retained a valuable poitlon.
Tor this he was arrested by Mr
Snjder. Aldeimnn Millar, who heard
the case, advised Schloss to return tho
property which he promised to do and
wns dischatged
Left-Over Carpets
As the carpet season proper is at an end, now comes
the time for inviting bargains. Velvet carpets that Afk,
sold readily at $1.25 are now offered at per yard Ww
We only get the cost, but no matter. We must sacri
fice now in order to close out our fall patterns.
WEAK RESISTING are the Carpets
which we will offer under the
head of Tapehtry Brussels, at
the very low price of 00c.
These very satisfactory carpets
will outwear any except the
best quality Brussels.
IXGKAIX CAKPET 19c wv yard.
All Wool at .IOC.
i-MMI vvHlf
;p ("
rdrql t
wr- -f
Henry J. Collins, Lt, LaCka2Ave
j Corner Adams Avenue and Linden Street S
Winter Ueslns Thursday, November IS, Students S
Term maV enter at anv tlme but jt 1S ''dvisable to S
enter at the beginning of the term, if possible. 5
1 U to l lt) Meridian fitrcet.Scrnntou, I'a. Tclcpliouo UU83.
PAINT DEPARTMENT-I.IiiwpiI Oil, Turpentlue, Wtlto Leal, OoaI Tur, l'lt"li
Viirui lii lrcrs, JupuuuudHliluJubtutu.
Russian Valley, all wool, war
ranted beautiful borders. Actual
value, 5.00,
Cash Price, $3.49.
50 large, white, wool blankets,
with fancy borders, extra heavy,
nice fine selected stock. Actual
value, 4.00,
Cash Price, $2.49.
100 comfortnbles, worth 7fic, nt .-10
100 comfortable", worth $l.'jn nt .81)
100 comfortiibleK, worth $1.00 nt $1.'JH
100 comfortnbles, worth 9U.-I0 at 91.0S
Have you seen it?
It's the latest.
Earl & Wilson's
We've got it.
Enough said.
Hatters ani Furnishars,
412 Spruce Street.
21c square yard.
yards square, 25c; 2 yards
square, 1.00.
GOAT SKIX BUGS, grey and white,
2 00 each.
$10 each ; Smyrna Mats 38c each
Lackawanna Avenrn
The Wise Child
Knows that his father will see
that he is suitably and becom
ingly dressed for the winter at
the same time that his parent
buys his winter suit, and the
wise child guesses he will buy
right here from former expe
rience. There is no place in
Scranton where you can find
such stylish, well-fitting cloth
ing at such low prices as at
this store.
320 Lackawanna Ave., Scranton Pi.
Wholesale and Retail
Ready nixed Tinted Paints,
Convenient, Kconomlcnl, Durable).
Varnish Stains,
Producing l'crfoct 1 mltutlon of Bxpenslva
Reynolds' Wood Finish,
Espoclally Designed for Inildo Worlc
Marble Floor Finish,
Durnblo nnd Drloi Quickly.
Paint Varnish and Kal
somine Brushes.
Is the best place in the state to buy
either an
Organ or
Piano . .
Tumi nt nny other placo.
Don't fail to call and see (or
205 Washington Avenue,
I Baby I
tm m
I Carriages
m mm
ma met
I for 1
mm mm
1 all the 1
73 312 on J 3U tack. Ave, Scranton, 2
Some More New Open Stock
Metropolitan China Hall,
110-112 "Washington Ave.
Mears Building.
In Black; Brown, Green, Etc,
Now on Sale,
Hotel Jermyn Hatters,
Including tlio painless extracting o(
tectu by n entirely now proeuai.
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
j a I Spruce St., Opp. Hotel Jermyn.
Lowest Prices in
Hals and Furnish
ings. DUNN'S
Liz -. r
"""'l r2- r ff&ifo