tt THE SCI?ANTO"N TRIBUNE MONDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 8, 38T. 3 When Looking For the Best Go to tho mot reliable. Ui rct niiortmcnt; lowest prices In Hiilr Uoodi. Wo mnko WIGS, SWITCHES, BANGS, PUFFS, WAVES, ETC. .atlrnctlon guaranteed In IjitilleV and Gents' Wlg, for street wear. Wo have the leading Tonics, Bleaches, Rouges and Powders. Ask to seo tlio Ideal Hiilr llrush, gonulno Siberian bristle Hlr cushioned. Children's Jlnlr Cutting reecho our spcelnl attention. I. SCHIfflPFF 317 Lackawanna Ava. Will DISCARD lili! FURNITURE ? OE course you liuve heirlooms in form of Old Furniture, nnJ then, perhaps, your modern fur nishings are a bit worn: Why not have them toned up -restored ? ReUpho!stering Is a special line of work with us. We do it well and we do It for as little as possible. We have till the new and desirable coverings. on' went Mm trncts to read, nn' gone around nnd sung hymns with him, nnd It peenied like they wasn't ever goln' to realize that they mlsht as well or ganize a poRsee nnd have It over with. But when you think nbout hlullln', It's nlways a good Idea to take notice oC who has been drawln" cards. Ho mlglit have gone on Indefinite with his eco nomical habit of makln' a pair of trays do duty for n full hand It Greece hadn't concluded to stay In." "Hold up," Interrupted Derringer Dan. "Is Grecco the country that Athens Is In?" "To hp sure." "1 don't want to break up tho conver sation, so I'll go away and let you talk It over among yourselves. Tho truth Is I can't hear any talk nbout that place without flllln up with sorrow nnd indignation. That's where they had the Olympian games last summer. I happened to be prospectln' when tho papers contninln' the announcements rnme, nn' there wnsn't enough local pride left behind when I got out of :)c town to see that Crimson Gulch was represented In ono of the grandest In ternational contests the world ever saw." "l.xcuso mo, pardnor." exclaimed Ilnttlcsnnke Pete, "but ain't you dealln' off tho wronir pack? Crimson Gulch couldn't have showed no license to be In them gnmes. We couldn't have put up anybody to hold his own at throw-In' the hammer or high Jumpln' or long distance runntn'. We couldn't even have organized a respectable tug-of-war team." "Of course not. Hut there was a dis position to take tho limit off nnd let n man go In at most nnythlng that he happened to fancy. If I had been home I'd have made the name of Crimson Gulch n household word In North nn' South America, Europe, Asia, Africa an' South Australia! We'd have had n draw-poker team there to meet all comers, and we'd have offered $.r0 nplece for every white chip we left In the arena after the match was over." Washington Star. TWO LARGE CLOTHING FIRMS FAIL. ULIHK s Mian Carpets, D.-apjrles, SCRANTON. Wall Papers. PITTSTON. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA BIG STATE CONVENTION. The Monitor, Formerly tho Newell Clothing 'o., of Wllkcs-IInrrc, l'n., cut Into the Ilnnds of n Receiver. The Chicago Combination Clothing Co., ot '-111 Wnthlnston Avoiiuc, Scriinton, I'd., Ilnvo Secured the Itiilk of This Stock nnd Will Inau gurate n (-rent Snle Commencing Tiicsdnv, Nov. !)--This Stock Must Ho Sold in Order to Make a filial Settlement nt Once. THE MARKETS. Wnlt street llnvioi Now York, Nov. (!. Thoro was some natural tendency towards recovery In prices at tho opening today, in view of the heavy and rather oxcesslvo declines of yesterday nnd ot tho active covering movement In urieo nt tho cloeo ot tho market yesterday. There hud been n. re covery in the prices of Americans on Iho London exchange beforo tho opening here. Tho opening there showed declines to tho New York parity, but the level was sharply above the New Yoik level by tho tlmo tho market opened here. This en couraged purchases hero and a number of stocks opened a point higher than la3t night. Tho London market for Ameri cans has grown so narrow and tho float ing supply of stocks theio is ho small that prices there aro subject to manipu lation on tho opening trading hour. Tlie week has seen a total loss of conlldcnco on tho part of bull operators who have wen looking hopefully for the turn in tno tldo of reaction on the Stock exchange. Total sales of tho dny wcro i!U3,S:0 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, au Li:.N A CO., stock brokers, Means build ing, rooms 701-706. Open- High- Low Clos ing, est. est. lng. ..7!) 7U 7814 78'H .. Wife 'M'i 1814 1W6 ..mVi IKPi I201;, 1M .. IS'-; K 12'b J2',fe .. W Ti JU !KU .. ay w -u iN'-fe .. lT 9l' til ui'i ,.USv 11!) US', Il'J .. W frefh, 20c. Tallow-Dull; city, 31ta:t lMGe.; country, SUnSHo. I'otroloum Dull; unit ed closed with nn market; rcllnrd New York, KM', Philadelphia and Baltimore, r.35; do. In bulk, $2.M. Am. Tobacco Co . Am. Cot. Oil Am. Stig. Ite'g Co Atch., To. & S. Fo A., T. & S. F l'r .hes. & Ohio ... Chicago Gas hlc. fc N. W ... Chic, U. & O ... c. c. c, & st. L .... rrj-2 hlc, Mil. & St. I' .. tx?8 Chic, It, I. A: 1 82'i Delaware & Hud ...lirj'i, IMst. & C. V 3U Gen. Klcetrlo 3114 Lake Shorn U.) Louis. & Nash KS'i M. K. & Tex., IT .. 'J9M Manhattan Klo 'JS'fe Mo. 1'aciillc 17 'i Nat. Leal SJ N. J. ColnrnI fc.7'4 N. Y. Centra! Wf), N. Y., L. V..& XV .... N. Y., S. A: W.. lr .. IMi Nor. Pad lie, I'r .... 61 Out. & West 15 Omaha , 7t! Pacific iMall Wt Phil. & Head 20U Southern It. It Southern It. It., Pr.. 28 Tcnn.. C. A Iron .... a 'J Texas Paelllc lO-'a I'nlon I'aclllc ); Wnbash, l'r lflli West. Union SJ-'-a V. S. Leather, IT ... CO' U, 20i 91'k 11!) 91 3J',s son S2'4 10!)T 9'4 31 lii'j-n wu so tt'J J! -l-i !Ki 871s l(lj llJi 2U',i SI lu'i 7Gij 29 LVi !) 2S 23' ln'i 21 Mi 8.V, '& It) 78U 181J I201;, 12'4 JU 21) HI US', Ul4 31'-, 90 Sl 103 i 314 lean 52H !? 27 S7Vi 101H 14 23", 0nV4 15 7 2S'i u 27 21 10 aiii 15- koU f,0". 1(5 Chicago Grnlu .llnrkot, Chicago, Nov. 6. The leading futuies range!! ns follows. Wheat No. 2 No vember, new, closed !'.l'c. ; December, )ncw, 9!aJ)l",n9334C,; .May, 01ia91,n9I4C. corn No. 2 November. 2ri'4a2j"e.; ue cember, ijti2i; i,c. ; .May. 29-4n23c. Oats No. 2 December, l!i!ial3"!,al!'?c ; May, 21 n21c Pork December, $7.Kia7.RT4; .Ian uary, W.K5'i8.C2!fe. Lard December, J 1.25a 4.25; January, J).37li:al.40. Ulbs leeein her, t.4"; Jant'ary, Jl.l5a4.45. Cash iiuotatlons wero as folowsi Flour Klrm; winter patents, $l.S0a5; str.ilKhts. 1.40a 4.K0; spring special, ?5."0: spring patents, ll.70o5; strolghts, JI.40a4.0O; bakers, i'l.uOa 3.C0; 1N0. 2 spring wheat. 7aS7',4e.; No. U spring wheat, 83c; No. 2 red, 31c; No. 2 corn, 26' c.; No. 2 yellow. SO'fcc.; No. 2 oats, 194aliie. ; No. 3 white, f. o. b., lli n20c; No. 2 rye, I7e.; No. 3 barley, SS.i as'ic. ; No. 1 flax seed, Jl.ftl'snl.OT; prlmo tlmothey seed, J2.B5; pork, J7.55a7.tV); lard, Tl.27',2 4.:; rib', $1.35 1 1.95; shoulders, 4vi Ec.; side?, 41,a4e.; whlfky, $1.1S; sugai-s, unthangcl. ltecelpt" Flour, 10.OM har lots; wher.t, 55,(n.i0 bushels; corn, 213,000 bushers; oats, 291,000 busliei-i; tye. 13.000 bushels; barley, 92,000 bushels. Shipments Flour, 12,00") barrels; wheat, 210.(iO) bush, els; coin, 415,0u() hinhels; oats, 4S'MX) bushels; rye, none; barley, 47,000 bushels. ITCHING SKIN Members of tho Young Women's Christian Association Will 'Jiithcr nt Wilkcs-Hnrro This ookOiit- lino ol Programme. Wilkes-Harre, Now ".The annual slate convention of the Yuiing Womens I'hrhitlan Association will open In this iwvt Thin sdav and continue for four days. Following Is nn outline of tho programme for the convention: Thiirf-dny, 3 p. m. Organization nt St. Stephen's Parish building; gieetlnss Jllhle heading, Mrs. J. S. Norvell. Thuihd.iy evenliiB Address by Miss A. 31. Ileynolila, woild's seert-tary. Friday morning, 9 o'clock Report of frtate oltlcers; "The World's Work," Miss Kevnohls; Bible study, Mrs. Norvell. Friday afternoon, 1.30 o'clock Confer ences for ilollege and city membeis tThu city workeii' conference Is led by Mli-s M. H. Tnlor and discusses lluuiu-cs and boarding homes); 2.3n p. m "lie llplous Woik of the A-soclatlon:" Iitble elafses. Gospel .Meetings, etc.; 3 30 p. m., "The Girl's Uraneh," by MlbS llertha M. Wood, of Reading. Friday evening Social reception nt First Presbyterian chinch. Saturday morning Reports of associa tions; "Work of international Commit tee." Miss K. K. Pi Ice; liible study, Mrs. Norvell. Saturday afternoon, 1.30 o'clock Con feieiices (Tin city confeieneo topics aro "Thi Mission of a Manager" and "Tho Province of a Committee Worker"); 2.30 p. m., "Association Hospitality," Miss l'mmn Moote, of Harrisbiirg; 3 p. m, deiuiitment "Physical Train ing." by the directors of Scranton and Wllkes-llarii'; "Cooking Clai-fs" an I "Oonie.-tlc Ait," by teachers fiom i'itts burg; "livening Schools," .Mrs. W, D. Kennedy, of Scranton. Saturday evtiilng A Northllcld met ing "The Missionary Siilrlt of the Young Women's Christian Association," by Dr. Josephine Plvlps of Woman's Medical college. Philadelphia; .uldics, by JiUs M. II. Taylor, of New Yoik, international secretary. Sunday sn-vlcis, at Fi.inklln Stieet Methodist Fplseopal church 9.30. eonsc eratlon .s-ervlct, lid by Miss Helen A. !m;s, college uceietary of Pennsylva nla; 3.3". GiMiel meetings, led by Mlis Norvell; 7.30, address by Miss K. K. l'rlce, of Chicago, International secretary ; fare well meeting. Day sessions of Filday and Saturday me at Franklin Stieet Methodist Kpls. oojial church. Hienlng sessions at First Presbyterian church. All delegates and visitors are lequested to icglster at the Young Women's Chris, tlan association, 9 South Franklin street. flc.ldes those mentioned on this pro gramme there nio others from easted, Pittsburg nnd Hurrlsburg nnd from lending colleges of the stnt.' that take part In conferences und nsslst In devotional services and business sessions. S. Rubber 16 CHICAGO GRAIN MARKET. Open- High- LOW' WHEAT. lng. est. est. December 'JVt May 91',i OATS. December 13'4 May 21 CORN. December 20 9IVj 92' i 19 93!i 91', i 19'S 21?i as iinwi:lcomi: itiiMixiscKNci: "That," lemarked Htoneho Hob, ns ho dropped the newspaper which ho had been monopolizing to the great disgust of his fellow citizens, "is what I call cl'ar grit!" "Maybe, us long ns you have been so determined not to let no one else try his luck at sklnnln' 11 little news off that puper you'd be so Kind ns to let one or two of us git fur enough into the game to know what you're talk ing about," remarked Derringer Dan, with line sarcasm. "I'm alludin' to one of tho pluckiest lone hands aa ever was played. I've been a-wonderin' how long them Euro pean countries was n-goln' to lay down an' let tho sultan grab the deal every time, nn make the rules as ho went along. They's temonstrated with 'lm The Monitor Cothlng company, for merly the Newell Clothing company, of Wilkes-Hnrre, Pa., has gone in tho hands of the receiver. This clothing company is known by the retail cloth ing dealers of Northeastern Pennsyl vania ns manufacturers of the best nnd highest grade clothing. In fact, their Inability to sell these well made nnd high-grade goods in this section of tho country; to this fact they at tribute their failure. This concern were not retailers; they were manu facturers, and the Chicago Combina tion Clothing company, of 211 Wash ington avenue, Scranton, Pa., having seemed this stock and also tho stock of a bankrupt llrm of New York city, will place the same on sale beginning Tuesday. Nov. 9, at 9 a. m., nnd will continue the sale until the entire stock is disposed of In order to make a final f ttlcment. This Is the first time a sale of such extraordinary magnitude has Piken place In Scranton, nnd it may never occur again. Helow we quote n few prices In order to show what tremendous sncrillees will be made nnd bear In mind that grinds priced below can be returned at any time during this sale if not con sidered worth tho money. No matter what the cause may bo nnd aro not soiled. Men's fine worsted overcoats at $3.48. This coat Is really worth $15. We nl iw you to keep it home four days, -.nd If not soiled you may return the .'nine and we heieby ngree to return the $3.4S. Men's tine spring and fall ovei coats, in silk and sntln lining, $0.99. This Is really worth $.'0. Men's extra, dne satin lined hpring and fall over coats $7.85. positively worth $26. A splendid suit of men's clothing nt $3.4R. This suit Is positively worth $15. Keep it home four days and If not soiled re turn the same and we hereby ngree to refund the $3.18. Men's tine Sum mer weight pants $1.24: fine quality, reolly woith $5, latest style and very handsome. Keep them four days and If not soiled return tho same and we hereby ngree to return the $1.24. Men's extra line suits $8.85. This $6.85 suit Is the finest material, latest style, well made and positively worth $20. Ask to pee It. High grade goods, wealing equal to the finest quality of custom woik, nnd over 10,000 different suits In silk and satin lined. All must go, re gardless of cost, boys' and children's suits from 7S cents up: child's knee pants, 17 cents: boys' hats, worth $1.50, 15 cents; men's hats, 75 cents, worth $3.50; good handkerd.Ws, ; cents.worth 25 cents: socks, 3 cent.-; men's lino un derwear, 45 cents per suit, worth $2.50: fine silk suspendeis. 8 cents, woith 75 cents; silk umbrellas, 49 cents, worth $3.50; reefeis for boys in nil colors from $1.0S cents up, and a thousand other articles we have no space to mention here. Dm lng this great sale the store will be kept open until 9 p. in. It will pay you to come one hundred miles to visit this great sale. If you value money, don't miss it. Make no mistake. Look before you enter and don't be misled by signs nnd banners displayed by other merchants, but come dltect to 211 Washington avenue, next to Connolly & Wallaco's old stand, directly opposite tho court house, Scranton, Pa. P. S. We positively will not fill mall orders, but allow car fare on all pur chases to the amount of $5.00 and up. wurds. May LARD. December PORK. December 2i;u 30 291i 82i 103 9b Sl 109i t3 ai 9S',4 27' S2Vi 87 105 14i 29U r.o 15U 7C'i M)U 20-74 1) 2S 2.! 10' 2 20 1 10'i AV.i B0-'. 10 Closing. 91 91i 1PH 21 2 Chicago Live Stock, Chicago, Nov. 0. There was tho usual scarcity of offerings which characterizes tho market on Saturdays. Tho few cat tle for sale were disposed of at yester day's prices. Quotations now rulo as fol lows: Good to extra bcoves, $l.(a5.2j; medium, $1,15.-14.45; stockcrs and feeders, $2.90a4.W; calves, gcod, i5.23a7; bulls, cows and heifers, $2a4; Texas steers, fUOa.3.00; western, $.!.IOa4.25. Trado In hogs w.v active; prices about 5c. per 10!) pounds higher ithan yesterd ly. Sales wero at nn cxtrame range of S3.3i)a3.75 for the poor est to tho best droves of hogs, the bulk of tho offerings selling at !50a3.70; pigs sold chiefly at $J.35a3.fio. Light receipts of sheep and lambs were ra.1ly disponed of nt Friday's decline, sheep sold nt ?2.25a 4.50 for natives mid at $3a4.25 for range flocks while lambs found buycis at Jla D.75, few going ut over $5.50. Branny Cm TnrxTMitNT for tortnrltiir, dUflij. tiring. Itclilni;, Iiiunlnp, nnd waljr nkln nd cilr dlMMeiwltliloMolluir -Wurin liallitwlihcu. Tiotrm Soap, griilta nppUcntloni of Cbticuiu (olntmttit), nml full dot, 11 ot CUTicont IIkhol. tint, greatest ol blood putlSei - nnd tautnor curei uticur. tootf Ti atAA ltrA,t,ftiit th wnrM. roTflft Drc Cntii Tour., SMp r,nri , nation. ar " How to Curt Itrhlnt skin D!iewi,"fra. RED ROUGH HANDS 7eM.d TEETH SEE THE LOW PRICE. Full Set, $4.00. Full Set, $4.00. Albany Dentists. DK. HILL & SON will do till kinds of Dcntnl Work at lower prices thnn any other Dentist in Scranton. riu.i, wi;t teeth Rl (l0 TKKTII WITHOUT PLATKS !l (in TKKTH KXTRACTKD... Fill'.!-: GOLD FILLINGS 7,Vj FILLINGS 60d AMALGAM FILLINGS . 26a GOLD CROWNS .-....-.$2.()l) TO $11.01) OTHER CROWNS $1.00 EACH We hneliecn In Scranton over ill years; wo uro hero now .we Intend tostny hero, Our business Ik not n mere experience. Wo will not do work today that ou etui i-nll us to account rnr tomorrow. Wo compete with tlio chenp iidertlKlng ttonttsts wiionro here today und gone tomor row, but wo do not compare our work'is u run trust so do not ninkoa mistake: all our opent'or nreexpcrls of skill nnd exporlcnee, nnd not mere miidetiti. Slid our prices mo lower than the lowest, llewnroor linposiers and rliiu Intiins who can uilnrd to ruin your tretli because they aro not llniitielnlly responsible. How can do holler than they? The answer is eusy: Wo lm ven dental oillee In nearly every city In the Pulled Htates, and we buv our supplies nt wholesale for cost No wonder we ran gtvu better prices than anyone vise, therefore Kx iierleneo counts also, nml w-uluivo tho experleneo besides our diplomas. Don't bu buncoed; pet the bast, the most reliable, tho most comfort able nnd tho inot durable. The neu est methods, the latest aimlleal Otis, the best mntfrhitM rri..,n .-., ,.f,rui.ti. ,. woith considering. Ilesldes nervous people and those v It li ......J. ,.i.i(i,-i.n vi, I, uiivu i ii nr leciu ii neu or crow net. vwui absolute safety aiiil positively without pain wo m the only jenlly up-to-date Dental IXubiisliment in Northei, crn Pennsylvania. Teeth iixtrmMiiur i n,,- i,,,,.,,!.,,, umi n now set fiiriilshed In tho artorntxiii in the afternoon Is nn old practiced ouis, rl.rl,,.,l 111 ntlin. . i..n h... ... ' v...,,.lltl. ll UII1LI-1II11I Ull'lU lllllllllUIS Knst Liberty Cnttlc Mnrkot. Hast Liberty, Nov. fi.-Cattle-Stead.v; prime, $3a3.50; buls, stags and cows, &2o. 3.0"). Hogs Active and higher; best me dium weights and prime Yorkers, $4: -oilmen to fair Yorkers and pigs, $3. Wa iS5 ; heavy hogs, $l,S0a3.90; roughs, $2.75a3.S5. Sheep Steady; croico, $l.20al.30; common, JJ.75a3.25; choice lamts, $; com mon to good, lambs, $l,il.20; veal calves, S'j.50a7. ATTENTION Now pet a hustle on and win a prize. We will present the Foot Ball Team winning the largest per centage of games played this sea son with a Spaulding J foot ball and inflator. The only conditions are the teams must purchase their uni forms and goods of us, and play not less than six games. Teams will please leave their names with us and report all games played with the score. This will include the games already played. Hi 'Irf H if mm f 1 Birr I 1 if Iff l1 Ml1 lili Ii mJ MM Wo are the ALBANY DENTISTS, OVER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. C.M.FLOREY 222 Wyoming Ave. 1.25 4.25 4.25 7.i 7.C0 7.57 Scrnuton Itonid or Trade Kxchnngc Quotsitions.-.VII Quotations Utised on Fur of 100. liufTnlo Live Stock, Hast Buffalo. N. Y., Nov. (!. dttlc-Re-cclpts, 2 cars of sale cattle; market quiet nnd Weak. Hogs-dtec'elnpts, 40 cars; market a s'hade weaker; Yorkers, good to choice, $.t.C2a3.85; roughs, common to good, $3.30a3.50; pigs, common to choice, KSjaS.'.). Sheep nnd Lambs Receipts, 17 cats j market fairly active; lambs, choice to extra, $5.7"a5.S0; culls to common, f 1.75a. 5; sheep, choice to selected wethers, $l..".ua 4.75. STOCKS. Bid. Asked. C50 200 350 Scranton a. Pittston Trac. Co. National Horlng & urlirg Co. First National Bank Elmhurst Boulevard Co Scranton Savings Bank Scranton Packing Co Lncka. Iron and Steel Co ...... Third National Bank Throon Novelty M'f'g Co Scranton Traction Co 15 Scranton Axle Works Weston Mill Co Alexander Car Replacor Co Scranton Bedding Co Dime Dcp. & DIs. Bank 150 Peck Lumber M'f'g Co BONDS. Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1920 115 Teople's Street Railway first mortgage due 191? 115 People's Street Railway, Gen eral mortgage, due 1921 U5 Dickson Manufacturing Co Lacko. Township School 5 City of Scranton St. Imp. Oft Mt. Vernon Coal Co Scranton Axle Works Scranton Traction Co 100 29 0 ioo 95 150 'so 17 73 250 100 105 2J5 100 103 102 S3 100 Vow York Live Stock. New York, Nov. , Beeves Receipt", 555 head; no sales; exports, 1,133 beeves; 3,770 quarters or licef. Calves Stodv; vtals, $5.17 75;, $3a3.50, western-., $3.12'ial.371!:. Sheep and lambs Active, llttlo ilrmer; sheep. J3-.vl.40; Iambs, J5a C.S7-. Hogs Steadj at J1.80ai.70 Went Made and Merit Maintains theconfidenco of tho people in Hood's Sarsaparilla. If a medicine cures you when sick; if it makes wonderful cures everywhere, then beyond all question that mcdlclnoposscBses merit. SPDRTSIil ATTENTION. You Admire Handsome Rugs But they're so expensive that they are probably beyond your reach. Still once in a while a chance comes your way, for get ting FINE KUGS AT BAUUA1X I'llICES. That chance is here now, but quick buying is necessary, for there's only a few of them, and the reason for selling them at such absurd prices is simply this: A water pipe burst on our third floor. The Rugs soaked, and they're very slightly water stained, althought the damace is not sufficient to do them anv real harm or spoil their appearence in any way. These are not Jute Rugs, but line finished East Indian goods. WATER STAINED HUG SALE PRICES. Size 12x15 feet, Size 9x12 feet, Size 9x9 feet, $20.00 12.00 9.00 Size 7-6x10-6 feet, Size 6x9 feet, Size 4x7 feet, $8.75 6.00 3.00 KERR'S CARPET WAREHOUSE, 408 Lackawanna Avenaa II. . ROGERS' JEW -- 51E "z Oil Market. New York, Nov, C Petroleum Penn sylvania crude, no market; nominally 83. Oil City, l'a., Nov. G.-Credlt balances C5; certlllcates, closed MM bid; shipments, 133,503 barerls; runs, 78,511 barrels. Wc have just put on sale a new Hue of Iugrutn Carpets, prices and compare them with any other goods In the city: See the Heat Heavy Cotton Carpet lient lieuvy Union Carpet Kxtra lieuvy Union Carpet tifto I Alt Wool Carpet 40o :i:ia All Wool, medium quality a to . .MIK.o All Wool, bent quality Sl)o We have home choice lots of Wall Papers that wc arc closing out at 5c, 6c. and 8c. por roll. J. SCOTT INGLIS. 419 LACKA. AVE Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Draperies. Clinlrs and Tables. riiilndelpliiii Provision JInrkct. j Philadelphia, Nov. C Wheat llrm, Ho. I hlsher; contract grade. November, 0Vta. 1 Iffizc; December, January and February, i nominal. Corn Steady; No. 2 mixed. No vember and December, 31V. Oats I'lrm; , No. -J white, November, December, Jan uary and February, L"7a27';C. Potatoes Firm; white, choice, per bulicl, CVU,Sc; do. fair to good, do., .VtaWc; sweets, prime, prr b.ukot, lOaSOc; do. seconds, do., a.ul. nutter Steady but quiet; , fancy western ci earner", 23,;e.; do. Penn- s Ivanl.t and western prints, J4c. Esrs Flesh, niarby, Jiic, lo western, 19c. Chee". ItelVneil SuBars Quiet I at fornui- rato. Cotton L nelianseii. Tallow Dull, city prime In hossheads, 3sc; country. In barrels, 3.; daik, do., 3e. : cuke., .'iV ; prrease, 3c. I.Io Poul try I'm hanirod; fowls, 7a!)c; old roos tert., c; sprlnp chickens, 7a9c; dueks, Sa 'A: Reese. 8c. Dressed Poultry Steady; fowls, choice, SUc; do. lair to pood, 7'a Sc; chickens, larire, lOalO'.ic.; medium, ilo., SaS'ie.! common and scalded, do., 7aSc; turkeys, Rood to choice, 10al3e. Itecelpts Flout. S.Oi barrels, 5,000 sacks; wheat, 11,00.1 bitsln-ls; corn, 18,000 bushels; oats, im.iu) buishvla. Shipments Whpit, -17,-(M bushels; coin, 90,000 bushelM; oats, 111, (X biHhels. Philadelphia, Nov. 6 Ttecelpts lit eves, '.,731 head; sheep. S.094 head; hORs. U,cl head. liccf Cattle In fair demand and closed taxlcr; extra, I'iaoUc; rood, lr'a tjc.; medium, IVil'tc; tommon, 4'sai 4'ic Sheep Moderatlvely actlvo but with lighter receipts, held firm; extin, 4',3 ulc; rooi, lal'ic; medium. 3',i3?4c; common, 21in3ijc. ; lambs. lHa'i.c. Hors Weaker at rijar,Uc for best wejtern ami r.aMic for other Rrudes. Cows Fat cows, fairly active nt SifcaS'.jc. ; thin ows, un chaiiRed, nt Sdl!i; veal calves, easier, nt 4'ia7c. ; milch cows, In moderate demand, ut fr.'Oalj; dros-ed beeves sold at tUSVc. Nov," York Produce .Market. New York, Nov. 6. Flour Quiet but steadier; city mill patents, $.'.90aC.15; do. clears, Jj.lViJ.fiO; Minnesota, patents, J5.10 a!.10; do. bakers, $l.30a4..V,; winter pat ents, $5.15 23; do. straights, $l.60a4.73; do. extras, J3.40al.90; do. low grades, i2.'U 3.10. Wheat Spot firm; No. 3 ltd, Jl.OO-h, f. o. b afloat; No. 1 northern New Yoik, DSftc. f. o. b., alloat; No. 1 hard Duluth, $1.01, f. o. b alloat; No 1 northern Duluth, 99:-i,c, f. o. h., afloat; options opened tinner on a. builsh Ohio state re port and better cables than cjipectcd, ad vance! on foreign buying, export bu-.l-less und covering and closed strong at Ifealc. :et oilvance; sales included, No. 2 led, January, closed 37v.c: Maj, 9lasoc., closed HIo. ; November, cloicd 97c; Dt- comber, lr7a97'lc, closed SoTic. Corn Spot firm; No. S, 3J;c, f. o. b., alloat; options quiet gut firm all tho morning on light receipts, sympathy with wheat und steady cables, closed ',ac. net hlghei; Ala, Mi a35c, closed 35c.; November, closed 31',fce.; December, 3Hfca3lifcc., 'losed 3Fc. Oats Spot firm; No. 2, 2l'sc. No. 3, 21c; No. 3 white, 234e.; No. 2 white, 27c; truek mixed western, 2li.a2",c; track white, western, 2iSa3lc; do. state, 2o31c, options quiet but steady with the other mnrkets, closing He. net higher. Heef rileady; family, t'JalO; extra mess, $7.&0,i8.r,0; beef hams, Ula25; packet, lS.50a9.M; city extra India mess. $14al6. Cut Meats Steady; pickled bellies, 6,..a8c; do. shoulders, ic; hajns, 7?iaSc I.nnl Steady; western steamed closed at $4.00; city, 51.23; De cember, closed Jl.&T'.v, nominal; rellned, steady; continent, $5; South American, J.1.25; compound, Jtin-O&c. llutter Steatiy; western crwiinery, 14a23lic.; do. factory, 10.113c; Hlgtns, 2J'4c; Imitation cream ery, 12al7c; state ilalry, 12a20c; do. cream ery, Ha23o. Cheeno Quiet; large white, 8'c; smal do., 6Va6V4c; large colored, 84C.; smal do., 94a9V4c; part skims, C'a 7c; full skims, SHaic Kggs Steady; tato nml Pennsylvania, lCalSc; western That is just tho truth about Hood's Sar saparilla. We know it possesses merit because it cures, not once or twice or a hundred times, but in thousands and thousands ot cases. We know it cures, absolutely, permanently, when all others fail to do any good whatever. We repeat Sarsaparilla Is tho best In fact the Ono True Blood rurlfler. u n t--i cure nausea, Indigestion, nOOCl S FlllS biliousness. 25ccms. Steam and Hot Water OUR PRICES AND OOODS are Just right. Mavo time and iiiouoy by dealing with. u. hpeelal Drives in everything a sports man neeiK Gunx, Fishing Tackle, CnnviM (JooiN, Hump Hall, Football and Athletic (Jood, at prices that defy cotnpetlon. A. W. JuRISCMGU 324 ruceSt JP J! 213 LACKAW1NN) AVENUE. Has full and complete stock of all the latest up-o- date styles iu Belts, Waist Sets, Rogers' Silvar -Plated Wars, Sterling Silver Spoons, at the very lowest possible prices at 213 Lackawanna Avenue. ADMIRED BY HIS FRIENDS i . f, mm The Kimball Piano, CKAIG-Y-X0S CASTLE. EATBNQ Hot Air Furnaces, Sanitary Plumbing, Gas and Electric Light Fixtures. ELECTRIC LIGHT WIRING, THE W X PUT YOURSELF IN OUR PLACE And you will realize how eay It Is to fur nish your homo luxuriously with n trilling outlay, a llttlo nt a time, and you don't miss It. BARBOUR'S HOME GREDITHOUSE 425 LACKAWANNA AVE. THE iOSlC POWDER CO.. BOOBS I AND 2, COM'LTH B'L'BU SCRANTON, PA. I i CQNNELL CO., 434 Lackawanna Ava. 'i(it0ihllq'- For Sale by Hill & Connell, Protheros & Co. and A. U. 5trong. MINING AND BLASTIHG POWDER MADE AT MOOBIC AKD RUCfc IALB WORKB. The Home of Mme. I'attl A Museum of Price less Mementoes Mow the Diva Shows Her Loyalty, Though 1 housunils of Miles May Intervene The Latest Is an Autograph Letter Sent from Wales. Crals-y-Nos Castle In the heart ot the picturesque Swansea Valley, the home of Mme. I'attl, contains some of Uio most prlceles-s heirlooms and brlc-n-brae In Great Hrltaln. Within Its walls are hn.i venlrs from oery cllrr..? fathered by the diva during the journeys oC her wondertul career. To receive a letter conflrmltiR the hlKh opinion that she pronounced eight years apo Is no common occurrence, and yet she hJs recently repeated a previous honor. Mmo. I'attl was the great artist who first Indorsed tho Kimball pi J no, one of which t-ho took to CralK-y-Nos Castle with her in 1bS9, where it still stands in excellent condition dftlns wood service. Sluee tho t'Stlmonlal then RHen the Kim ball piano, she has Indorsed no other. Mme. Paltl lias now placed In her castle ono of tho new btylo Kimball baby grand', nnd this Is tho letter she writes concern, lnir Its urrlval. Cralu-y-Nos Castle, Ystradsynlals, It.H.o., Ilrecunshlre Si.uth Wales, July 2S lbUT. Dear Mr. Kimball: It Is with great pleasure that I wilte to at knowledge the safe arrival of tho Klmbill baby gi.inl piano. It Is indeed a beautiful piano and has an exiuiiKito tone. It has alnvuly been greatly admired by mans tonnuif seura who aro all united in pronouncing It to bo a chef-d'oeuvre. With kind ro - sards, behove me, yours very truly, Adelina I'attl NUollltl. The Chicago Tlmefc-Herr.ld. 'm""vpM' fP And envied by hli enomlcs. Wo have biought about the tlmo when n man In mod. eratoclrcumstancet can be well dres'ed. A Khort time ago lie was compelled to put up nlth n ready -mudb Niilt. Wo make n suit from SIS up, tho color, cloth nnd cut guar atiteed, W. J. Davis, Jin Wyomlus Ave. THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON, Special Attention Given to BttsU ncss and l'crsonnl Accounts. Liberal Accommodations Kx tciuled According to lSahmces and Kcsponsibility. 3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on Interest Deposits. Capital, -Surplus, Undivided Profits, $200,000 300,000 79,000 WM. roXNELIj, President. IIENKYUEIilN,Jr.,YlccPrcs. W1LLIAU II. PKCK, Cashier. LAPLIN & RAMD POWDER CO ORANGE QUN POWDER Electrlo Datterles, Eleetrlo Uxilidri. for as plodlug blasts, Safety luse, and Rcpaimo Chemical Co.'s cxpLosiviw, A NEW DISCOVERY lly Dr. llnlaw, of Camv den, N. J., tliut ubnolulely preentH an septlo or loul matter from entering the womb. Ah It dilutes the womb, nil nervous aiseuses nrWng from hpasmod In notions n ro cured. OMinun Ureases, Tu mnm. I'roluiiiiiis.l'uln. ful Menstruation, nnd till other tilseuies of Women. Call or nond two-cent stump for pal Honiara. , A. '. HUFPSOMMHK, URNHRAL AODNT, ai Kmnklln Ave., Scranton, l'a. $m$$g 0E0RGK II. IVKS, f) West Market Street, W'llkes-Ilarrc. W.S. FOOT E, Local Agciil, l'J'J l'age I'luee, Scranton, l'a. S1LVERSTONE, The Eye Specialist SI 00 To Any Ian. WILL PAY SlOO FOR ANY CASE 2 Sola by For SPruoe street. BotseUruMTneili tellable, monthly, recBUtlDf medlcln. fair harmlus 8Hd the pnrtit drugs ihojld be dmJ, II you iw th bui, (et 0p- Peal's PenoiroyaB PBBBs Thtr M crtpt, wf ard ctrUtn In renlt. The r.nluf (Dr. rel'i) u.tbt iUtf nalut. gist OTwbcr,f 1.00. AddrtufUI.UxPtcUBC,, CUTtliud.O. JOHN H. PHELPS, Phrmaolt, cor. Wvomlno avonue and WPDOPtnjTO 9x nunnrmr rtv.fl '"ASr" iS. tMa. Of Wciilviicss in Men They Trent ami I'uil to Cure. An Omaha Company places for tho first time befoie tho public a MAGI CAL TUKATMKNT for tho cure of Lost Vitality, Nervous and Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of Llfu Force lii old and young men No worn-out French remedy; contains no I'hosphoious or other harmful drugs. It Is a WONDHIIKUI. TURATMBNT. Magical In its effects postlve in it3 cure. All readers, who aio sufferlns from a weakness that blights their life, causing that mental and physical stiff ei lng peculiar to Lost Manhood, . . ,. . , .... cniirpn ,n?ninir. S!m."eVhIte Vroiit I COMPANY. Suite 717. Hang. Kullding, Mioe Store, examlniK Omaha Neb, and they will send you WIIOSK ollleo Is ut ir li.iekauiiii. All m tlio eye Ireu In tlu most accurate av. nnd hi prices for mh.. tncles are cheaper 1bun eUe-bre. A In. nienlable IndlU'eiuiii'd to the proper cure of theejes seem to pon. iebs mot people until Ilia time comes when beiuliiclirs. linuerfeol Won, or other irsulu of iitrh neglect ctvo wurnliiK that niituro H rebelling nw-nliiHt mich ueatmunt of ona ot the most precious glfK Normal vlilon U n lilesHlm: iinapiirucliited until It 1ms been lot nnd lestored; its lull Milue 1- then realUed, Therelorc, you nhould not lose u day lu'fora hnvlDK our eyes exantlnud. Thlsservlcu wo Uladly render tree of charge. RUM13MDBR TI1U I'LACK. 215 Lackawanna Avenue In the White Front Shoo Store. nlisulutely FIUOU a valuable paper on, these diseases, und postlvo proofs of their truly MAUICAL. THI3ATMENT. Thousdnds of men, who have lost all hope of a cure are being restored by them to a pet feet condition Tills MAGICAL THI.ATMI.NT may be taHen nt homo under their direc tions, or they will pay railroad fare and hotel hills to all who prefer to go there for treatment. If they fall to cuie. They are perfectly reliable; ilnvo no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure. Free Sample, or C. O. P. fake. They liavo $250,000 capltul, and guarantee to cure every case they treat or refund every dollar: or their charges may bo deposited in a bank to ho paid to Uism when a euro is effected. Write them today.