The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 29, 1897, Page 10, Image 10

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When Looking
For the Best
Go to the most reliable Lnrsrcnt Assortment;
lowret prices In llnlr Uoodi, Wo lnnko
satisfaction Kiinnmtied In Ladles' nnd
Oeuts' Wlg, for htrcet vienr. Wo htivo tho
Tonics, Bleaches, Rouges
and Powders.
Ank to coo tlio lilenl llnlr llrush, itonulnu
Klberlnn brlstlo nlr cushioned. Children's
llulr Cutting receives our special attention.
inni i mm,
317 Lackawanna Ave.
Of course oti have heirlooms
in form of Old Furniture, and
tlien, perhaps, your modern fur.
iiMiin area bit worn: "Why not
lie tliem toned up restored !
Is a special line of work witli us.
'W e do it well and we do it for as
little a-, possible. We hae all
the new iiiul desirable coverings.
LUIS c ll'IIMf
Carpets, Draperies, Vall Papers.
Paul Vnihefskj lusl oik (if his nuns
ns u icMilt of un u ddonl that lu met
xv I th In the mines nt this plneo In Octo
lui, 1MU Ho was riding on tlio bump
us of a i.u at the tlmo, when a block
vihlch foimcil pan of the bumper
tinned and lie was tin nun in fiont of
the mi, which pi'-'-ed ovei his arm
The jnun man afteiwaids moved to
3l.iiuisti.ivv. .N. Y. and In June, lS'ifl,
he In ought suit ngnlnst the Hillside
I' and lion company for damages In
the Supn ine i out t of New Yoi k, second
dlslilet, ami was aw aided $000 The
vndlct afterwaidn sit nxlde and
ii new trial gi.tntccl. The eiond appel
late division has now upheld the set
ting aside of the venliit upon the
Hound that the linlilllty of the de
li ndnnt was governed "nj the laws ot
Pi iinsjlv.uil.i, the place of the ton
tint I and of the accident, and that
iindei those laws no llabllltv Is at
tached, its a statute piohlblt.s all pei
snns fmni i tiling on loaded mis In an
sh.ift or plain In oi about a. mine.
The hour ot the Sund.iv evening de
M'tionill M-lvIie of the Epvv tilth league
11 tin Methodist ihimh has In en
changed Horn il if. to the i lose of the
xulai ihimh (-eivkos, whkh now be
i,ln ut 7 o'clock
Suivojois aie now at woil; on the
J J. Williams tine t In Wn in count,
just iicrois-ihe I. ickawanni ilvei Hum
r.ueat Clt.v, laving out building lots
These lots will bo placed upon the
imuket nt nine and there Is tin puis
it of anothd town splinting up in
the neai future- Tin- giound Is on a
Hurr ut the foot of the mountain, s
hvel, and Is well rale mated lor build
in,; puiposfs, as It can be iasl!y guided
and drained
.Inines A I'.iown. secietar.v of Entei
piiso Hosp companj. No 1, has le
i lived ttcopv of the phntogiaph of the
mnipnny taken at the Wllkos-Rnnc
Mnto fliemcn's lonventioii. Mombeis
who deslie to secuto n cop can oidei
thiouglt the gecietaiv.
Rev. William Jennings will oicupj
the pulpit of R.-tlmnv. Const ogatiumil
c Inn ch net Sunday
Mrs. r I, Oiander nnd son, James,
aie visiting fi lends and lelathes at
Reading and Philadelphia.
Tho St. Geoigo Lithuanian society
will hold a lull In Pi okopov Itch's hall,
on Tuesday evening, Nov. 1C
Kiank Shaw has piucliascd tho clgai
find confectlonoiy htore of Chailes,
Rogets., on Main street.
Moses Ilendlei, a Forest Cltv busl
luss man, nnd Miss Anna Aistein. of
New Voik city, will be united in mar
liago on Sunday, Nov. 7. at 5 p. m.
Chailes J. Ainold, of Vandllng, and
Mtss Dm a Pinbst, of Aichbald, were
Joined in mat lingo, "Wednesday even
ing, ut the Geiman Evnngellcul chutch,
In tho latter place, the ceremony being
pei formed by Itev "William Luei Mr.
and Mrs. Ainold will tesldo at Vand
linR. Frank Caipentei, t'ue Main street
meat dealer, will move his family from
Vnlondulo to Foiest Cltj this week.
Chailes Carpenter, of Unlondale, and
Miss Anna Dalton. of Pleasant Mount,
iv oio mauled at noon, Wednesday, In
tho Pleasant Mount Catholic chutch.
Rev. Father Healey perfoimed the
Hev. J C. Hogan, Liberty party can
didate for nudltor-Koneial, will speak
at Stevens Point, this evening, on the
Itsues of tho campaign.
Misses Umma and Rebecca. Rucking,
linni, who have hcen spending tho sum
mer with tholr parents, near Hones
dale, have tetuuitd to Forest City for
the winter.
We have just put on sale a iuw m of Ingrain Carpets. See tho
prices and compare thcin with any other goods In the city:
Ict Heavy Cotton Cm pet . 'J.lo I All Wool Carpet ioa
JlPdt lliav Pnloh tuipot . iiiic All Wool, inudlum fiuiillt r, o
ilxtia Hiuvy Union Cnrpet UVo All Wool. btt ijuallly am
We have Home choice lots of Wall Papers that wc are closing out
nt 5c, Oc. and Sc. per roll,
Carpets, Oil Cloths, Window Shades and Draperies.
Chuirc nnd Tables,
A flvo-vveeks-old child of Mr. nnd
Mrs. William Pnynter, ot Vnndllng,
died Wednesday night at 8 30. The
funeral services will be hold nt the
homo of the parents today, Hev. J. O,
i:vnns olllclatlng.
Tho next attractions at tho opera
house will bo "Little Trlxle," on Nov.
1G, and "Coon Hollow," on Nov. 18.
Every Indication points to a rousing
Republican victory for tho cntlro
ticket next Tuesday. Tho patty's
lighting blood Is up at Inst and that
portends a Waterloo for the cnemv.
Hut no Individual Republican should
iclux his ilforts. This Is tho clianco
of a llfo tlmo to rivet and clinch Rc
publican supremacy In onco Demo
cratic Lackawanna,
I'lftV-livo Hills Agnlnst the Slicriiroi
Lticrne unit His Deputies, Churn
ing Tlicm With Murder, Etc.
Wllkes-Unne, Oct. 28. Tho grand
Jury came Into court today ond made
paitlal pusentments to Judge Lynch.
Among tho Indictments were fifty-five
ngaltiNt Sheriff James Martin and his
deputies, charging them with murder
and felonious wounding In tho shoot
ing of mlneis at Lattlmer on Sept. 10
last Nineteen of the indictments were
for minder, second count manslaugh
ter for tho shooting and killing of
eighteen men at Lattlmer,
Eighteen Indictments chnrRo the kill
ing of each man sepaiately. nnd the
other charge the killing of all the men
together. The sheriff nnd his deputies
nro all Indicted together.
The names of the eighteen men who
vveio killed, each of which nppeat.s on
a, sepatato indictment, aie: Clemens
Plateh. Jacob Tomoshonns, John Por
ta, Sebahtlnn Hrnztowskl, Hnflel Reze
wkz, Adelbert Ccaja, Stanley Lagor
sltl Audievv Grekn-s, Andiew Mlczkovv
skl, John Skiep, Andiew Monlheski,
Adam .lomlnskl, Adelbeit Zlemba,
Flunk Chnzesgewskl, Etcven an ok,
Anduvv Jnuiec, Mike Coslak, Geoigo
The muidcr indictment lead ns fol
lows oMiict that a dltterent victim's
name appeals on each indictment:
In Un Cum t or Over and Terminer and
( Jail Dclherv of the Countv of
Liui rue No. , November Sessions
0cr and Terminer, IS'j".
Lu.t'ine Count j, s .
Tin- giaiul liiiiuoM of the lommonvvoiilth
of Pcnnsvlvdiilj, inciiilrlns for the couiit
of Liiziini, iipoi the it tolinin oaths and
nllliin tllonx, ii spectfull do present that
J inns Maitlu, Altieil i: iless, Ltunntd
Ilibioi k, KoIji it Tlntiei. Amantis M. Lu.v,
Chillis llouek, Arlo P. Piatt, jl Alio
Pardee Piatt T Jliner Morris, Frank J)
Clailt, J I'ottu Link, Alonzn I3od-on,
Hai ri ZleUitUII. Hau .leidt, Chiitbs
Htlsel. John litdl, WallaLO Uruni, J.
DoiiRla John I)ou,heit, John J. Gal
lighei, llllim "iltilhall, Geoigo H Huble
lloded A Mifehe i, Sinnili I J Gundr
Pre 1 A Slcppj, John Cook,, William Co
tello, Willi un HaiiRht. William Slewcl'
John Tut lit I, Cilvlli iJardee Jl , IMvvnid
Huton G P llithnloniew, J. W. Crooks,
Ji , Kd turnbich, Thonm II Hall, Th is
Marsden, S Hldgivviv, Simtlel U. Prleo,
It C Wau Inn, Wlllard ouiir, ll.iuv
Detl, (Ichiro Terr) GeorRP Ticlble, W
Is-aae Itiivett, Tl'omis A Hauls, A. V .
Dniki'. Conrad Zelsler William W. Hotli,
William Herrjman, lWvvIn Halllett, Lolls
Long, C Wcle Hill, Willi tm J. Jltll,
Heniv J Pfalf, T J Williams, William
Kulp, Cmtls W Houd, Joseph W Stev
ens, wr.llim I'ndervvood, Robett H. Kav,
J L Andiison, Hairj Polgraln. Thomas
Prow n, Anthouv Movie, William II
lliovvn, J W, Itornhclsen, John L. Snlm,
James Ferij, .TohPph L Nichols, Chailes
J linen, Prank Jllirav, Samuel Hrmold,
Nick Michael, Petei 11 James, James Os
borne, Josiph 11 Scbers, Henry L. Jluii
Iry, Rlchaid C. Jones, A S Hvert, Hei
birt S Ilourk, Steihcn Jones, Georgo W.
1'iltliiRir, CrnlR Anderson Vi omen, on
tho te-ilh (lav ol September in the jcar of
our loid onu thousand ciRht hundreil and
iilm tj.scvLii, at thi countv atoresald, and
vv"hln thr Jtirlsllcllon of this court, lu
mil upon Clt mins Plntck In the Pean of
(Jod nnd of tho s-ald commonwealth, then
mil theio leliiR, felonious'), willfully and
of i' li malice afort thought did make an
nsuilt and thev 1lic said James Mm tin
it al. (here follow the names ofall.depu
tlis), thui ind thirc fc-Ionlousls, willfully
nnd of thi Ii malice aforethought, did kill
an I imitdit eontrarj to the torni of "he
in t of tin as-emblv in such case
made md piovlded and against the pea "e
ami dlgnltv of the commonwealth of
1' nnlvanla And the Inuuist afoioiail
upon theli oaths and alllmintlons afore
snld, do furthit piesuit that the taid
names of difindiiits Janus Mai tin et al
(mines of deputies) jeomen, on thi slid
tenth la of September In the jeai of our
Lord one thotisind eight hiinclteel and
nine ty-siven at tl.i eount aforesaid, and
within the Jurisdiction of this court. In
and upon Clemcrs Plate k In the Peace of
God and of the said commonwealth then
and there bdiiR, felcnlouM, wullfullj and
of their milkc aforethought did make
an asjult nnd thej the s-iij James Mai
tln et al , then and thete felonlouslj, wull
fullj and of theli mallei aforethmiRlit
did kill and slaj , conti.ii to tho form of
the act of the genual n&tmblv In su-h
nse made nnd piovlded, and apilnst tho
pence nnd dignity of the commonwealth
of Pennsjlvaiila
Daniel A. II1, District Attorney.
On the back of the Indictment vveio
the names of the following witnesses,
who vvete examined before the Riand
Jury: Dr II M. Kellei, .superintend
ent Hazleton hospital; Rev, II. C,
Aust, pastor Polish Catholic church;
Rtv Kail Houser, pastor of Hazleton
Lutheran church, John Welsh, W. A.
Hvans, Charles Guscat, John Ight, Jo
seph Jletalko, Jl.irtln Shefronls, An
diew Sevar, Mat tin Lacher and Fiank
If ou Indoree the trej trido and free
silver Chicago platform as the Lacka
wunna Democracy does, "fully and
without leserve," then work and voto
for Schndt, Horn, tt. al. If ou be
lieve In McKlnle protection and pros
perity, turn these agents of Iiran
dow n.
Tor Infants and Children.
Tlj he-
It a
I? , SSiJ.i ,'
v-usr'JZ -cMc
Kvldonco Which It Right to tho Point
ntiil Reliable.
Judge Frank Ives of District Court
of Crookston, Minn., says: For somo
time I have used Stuarts Dyspepsia
TabletH with seeming great benefit,
with few exceptions, I have not been so
free from indigestion In twenty-five
J ears.
Geo. W. Roosevelt, TT. S. Consul to
Hiusscls, Helglum: Stuart's Dyspepsia
Tablets, Bufe, pknsant to take, con
venient to can, give keen appetite,
pcrlect digestion.
Mr. W. D Tmnlln, Mechanical Engi
neer, Dtiluth, Minn. One box of Stu
art's Dspepsla Tablets has done Its
work, and I um again gaining flesh
and strength.
O. n. Ransom, Hustonvllle, Ky.t I
was distressed nnd nnnoyed for two
cnrs with throwing up food, often two
or three times a da ; hnd no certnlnty
of retaining a meal If I ate one. Four
boxes of the tablets from my druggist
have fully cured me. I find them
I knsnnt to take, convenient to carry.
Itev. G. D. Hrown, Mondovl, Wis.:
Tho effect of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab.
lets is simply marvelous; a quite
heavy dinner of broiled beef fiteak
causes no distress since I began their
Over six thousand people In tho state
of Mich, alone In 1811 were cured of
stomach tioublesby Stunrt's Dspepsla
Full sized packages may be found at
nil druggists nt CO cents, 01 sent by
mall on receipt of price fiom Stuart
Co , Marshall, Mich.
Send for little book on stomach dis
eases, mailed free
Fears Hitherto repressed ns to Tholr
Dire i:ilects Ale Passing Aunt.
Fiom the Populur Science Monthly.
Tho avetage lamai has long been
sustained b a soctot belief that tin
Nast majoilty of bacteria aie harm
less, nnd considering that he dally con
sumes millions of them in outing,
drinking and idee ping it Is consoling
to Hnd the belief conlluned b an emi
nent authority.
Anothet scientist ronti Uniting to an
English levlow does something tow aid
lelieving bacloila of their evil name
by explaining how much they haw to
do .with successful butter making
Hutter, us ovoiy one knows, is best
made from sour 110.1111 and does not
keep well unless the en am Is soured
liefoie churning- This lesulL is usu
ally attained b letting the cream
sttnd till it souis ot its own accoid.
Rut a set its of epetinunts carried on
In SthkswlR-Holhteln have piovod that
the "lining of cream Is pi educed by the
picsence of certain bacteria, which can
bo cultivated and intiodueed in such
a n,v as to cause nrtlllclally the ncces
rai rourincr.
A die tor named Witter has studied
the subject and "so skillfully blended
ccitain tultuies togethct that when
tie niKtuie v,as added in duo propor
tlnr to strllUed creim to effect bour
ing. th' butter made theiefrom was of
most delicious flavor, pure and of gteat
common lal vulti', Inasmuch as It kept
admit ably."
The dried seed or powder of the lac
teila used In this piocess can now be
bought put up In bottles. A ptoportlon
Is added to a small quantity of skimmed
milk, w hlch Is subjected to a moderate,
continuous heat till the bacteria have
developed The "fermentation start
er" is then added to the erpam. Tho
pine culture Is only used occasionally,
enough' of the "stattcr" being left over
ever day to begin opeiatlons with on
tlv next. The excellence of Danish
butter is attribttteel to the care taken
in choosing the "fermentation statter."
Fiom the Detroit Free Press.
Ho Is a son to lie proud of, and she a
handsome old Kul with much self-reliance
After weeks of auanReminl and discus
sion sho was to visit a daughter In another
state, making the trip alone, 'llu son had
protested against the venture as moro
than -he "hould undertake, but his solici
tude met with rather a c-feill reception
"Don't mat me as thought I wero a
child," objnftid the old lady. "I tiavclod
befoio 3011 vvi in boin, nnd hnvo more con
fidence in mvpR than I would have In .my
ono ou might scial along. If not per
mitted to look after mvstlf I would piefer
to remain at home 1 11 not go about t re
nting the imorc-siou that 1 icqulro a
guardian "
This left no loom foi ntgument, nnd af-to'-
giving hoi 1 an fill Insti notions as to
bow she must pioceed from one end of
the route to the othei, the son said:
"Now here Is jour transportation Tho
conductor will te ir olf what is nccossaty,
and Just as soon as j ou reach sister's put
the linkage tint Is left light Into this en
velope and mall It to me I want to use
It as soon as it is available.
The mothei demuired at such cxpliiit
instructions She knew Just what was to
be done und Mho would attend to It with
out the nld of written forms or a dlagiam.
Sho made the Journcj, hei safo anival
being le potted by the daughter. Iir two
weeks the son waited patiently for what
was left of that mlleaso book and then
vviote 11 limit It.
"I tol I ou." came the answer, "that I
learned to travel long before ou did It
Is well th it mich Is the case On the ttaln
I met one of the most entertaining mil
helpful men I ever know. Ho was of great
assltanco to me, and when he saw ny
transportation he told mo as gently as pos
sible that It would be worth nothln? to
ou after I had used a poitlon of It. Hut
he Is connected with the company and
would give me $3 tor it Of co irse I
thanked him heaitlly nnJ accepted his
generous offer You should know what
3011 are about hereafter, especially when
ou unileitnko to ndvko thoo older than
3ourself "
The Rood son simply sat down and In
dulged in mental profanity Ho was out
$10, vv 1th no chanco for getting ev en.
From the Atlanta Constitution.
Tibbs stated that ho went Into a res
turnnt on Decatur street 8aturtla night,
where Thctras Is a clerk, and called for
u. ten-cent lunch. Tho beef did not suit
him, ami ho asked that the older bo re
filled. When tho Rood beof was biought
Thomas took tho ten-cent check and hand
cxl him ono for 15 cents. Tibbs declined
pa) lug thu extra live cents and tore up
tho lVcenl chock This angered Thomas,
and pasted Tibbs over tho left 130 with his
llbt Thomas stated to tho court that ho
gavo Tlbbrf no bone, but the meat had
somo grlstlo on It. Tho fresh order called
for an extra llvo cents, and that was why
ho cJiang-I the ticket He did not stilko
Tibbs until that gentleman hod cursed
Other guests In the icstaurant who wero
prevent at tho tlmo told the same story
as related by Tibbs, and stated that
Thomas struck him with little or no prov
ocation. Then this Is tho way tho recorder
summed It all up.
"Look here, Mr. Thomas, you can't run
a restaurant that way. You must run It
to feed folks and not whip them. I will
dismiss tho case against Mr. Tibbs and
will line Mr. Thomas JJ and costs."
Not Congenial.
"Atcn't you afraid 3 our husband will
be fascinated by that protty young widow
next dooi ?"
"No danger; ho likes a garden, and sho
keeps chickens." Chicago Recon
Wit 1 1 Sircrt Iteviniv
New York, Oct 2S Today's Flock mar
ket was exclusively In the hands ot tho
professional traders and contained noth
ing of significance in Its bearing on tho
general condition of tho countr Tho
market was Inactive and tho movement of
prices was- sluggish. Trading was almost
Btngnant at times. The traded did H.o
best they could to Influent o prices by
manipulative bulng and scrllng nnd by
dissemination of news or rumors ot tl clr
respectlvo hopes and feiis. 'lho only le
sponso of any moment was shown In spe
cial cases, with a slight sentlniintal ef
fect on tho general list, but tho pioTts
slonnls weto iiniblo to Induce nn follow
ing nnd In meeting their earlier conttnets
carried prices back to near tho suiting
point. Total sales were 237,00 thatcs.
Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. AL
LEN (L CO.. stock brokers, Meats build
ing, rooms 703-706.
Open- High- Low- Clos
ing, est. est 1UR.
Am. Tobucco Co .... 8J i M Slst
Am. Cot. Oil 21'a 21S JlSs 21b
Am. Sug. Re'g Co ..IIP 14JU I.01 M04
Ateh., To t S. Fe .. 13 13'4 11 11
A., T. &. S F , Pr .. iS"j 2i J3 i LSI,
Ches. & Ohio 21B 2PU 21'n 21i
Chicago Gas 'ifl'i H71,, H3 81.1,
Chic. &. N. W IU US HI 122t
Chic, H & 1 M )-, Wft l4
C. C. C. & St. L S.-. .r. 3fi 314
Chic, .Mil. & St. 1 .. M' S34 .U l'28
Chic, R 1. & 1 M7 st.ii ,V8 &3i
Delaware & Hud ...lli'4 lH'i 11J 11J
Dlst, 5L C. 1" 10'i 10's 10 10
Gen. Ele-ctrlc S3'3 :yt, 31 3ZU
Louis. & Nash 5P 33'4 Sl',i 6P4
M. K. & Tex , Pr .... 31'4 Sl .11 31'2
Manhattan Hla 10P loj 101 101'4
JIo. Pad Ho SO Sil'i 2a 2'a
Nat. Lead H; 31 3o'; 31
N. J. Centnl S1U on4 !i4 91
N. Y. Central Wa lus H)7'2 1075,
N. Y L E. & W .... H'h ll'S ll8 14j
N. Y., S &,W 17 17 17 17
N. Y 9 & W., l't .. 3.1 3.1 S3 31
Nor. Pacific, Pr .... C1'2 r,J :,nH 5J
Out & West i,i P.i Ii, li,
Omaha )K T'Hij 7(,iH 70
Pacific Mall .W4 31 2S )
Phil .SL Read UK, 23'f, .'J4 a O'j ti'i 9'i 9j
Southern R. R, Pr.. 30 ,W LO'j 2S"i
Tenn, C. Ac Hon .... 27i .'7, 2' 'lj
Tixas Pacific 11U lFn 11' ll'i
Union Pacific 217n :it 2l 2J
Wabash. Pr li 1SS 1S'4 1S'4
West. Fnlon S714 . S73 S7'j
1. S Leather .. .. 7'4 7'4 7'4 "1
F. S Leather, Pr .. i1U CSVi 01 15,
Open- High- Low- Clos.
WHEAT. Ing. est. ct. lug.
December :r,t4 !7'i !0H Ci7'4
May lijij 01 yji4 n
December &r 16 1S'8 IS",
May 21', 2f LI 21'8
Deeombcr y, y, 2".'8 2C5S
May 29 SO'i l't W..
December 123 U"i i ."., 1 2'
December 7 7" 7 77 770 7 77
Scrnnton Hoard of Trade Echungo
Juotntions--All Quotations Hiiseil
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
Scranton &. Plttston Trac Co. ... 20
National Boring & Drill's Co. ... 0
First National Rank C33
Elmhurst Boulevard Co 100
Scranton Savings Hank 200
Scranton Packing Co SG
Lacka. Iron and Stiel Co 130
Third National Rank 350
Throop Novelty M'f'g Co 80
Scranton Traction Co 15 17
Scrnnton Axle Works 73
Weston Mill Co 230
Alexander Car Replacer Co 100
Scranton Redding Co 103
Dlmo Dep S. Dls Bank 150
Pock Lumber M'f'g Co 223
Scranton Pass. Railway, first
mortgaRe due 1920 113 ...
People's Street Railway nrst
mortgage due 1918 115 ...
Scranton & Plttston Traes Co. ... 80
Peoplo's Street Railway, Gen
eral mortgage, due 1921 U5
Dickson Manufacturing Co 100
Lacka Township School 5 102
City of Scranton St Imp. 6 102
Mt. Vernon Coal Co 85
Scranton Axle Works 100
Scranton Traction Co 100 ...
Now-York Produce .Unrhcl.
New York, Oct. 2s 1 lour Str i ig and
higher with the rise in whi tlt mill
pa tints, 3 70aij, do dears, $5 loaiwj, Mm
nesota pitcnu, J3 20a5 30, do bakers, Jl !3a
100, winter patents, $3a3 23, do stl .lights,
$17uali0, do extras, $J30a3feO, do low
grades, $3aJ5. W heat Spot strong. No.
2 red, $1 ul'i. f. o b , noflat, No. 1 hard Du
luth, $105, 1. o. b., afloat; No 2 northern
Dulutli, SI 00, f. o. b , afloat. No. 1 noith
ern New York, SI OP-, fob, .idoat; op
tions weak under disappointing cables,
but turned sttong and advanced all da,
ii idling a dollar foi December, amid x
cltlng trading, and closing lul'ic net
higher, stlength was based on bid Aus
tiallan crop news, hiavy covering and
outside buvliiR, big clearances and strong
French cahb s; Jantiar3, PV.c a$t 0o3,
doted $leii, Ma3, 91 3-lCa9t,l4c , closed
iu'ic ; October, dosed W.c ; November,
9s.i69'c , closed 99'.e , December, 9S.a$l 00,
closed jl.00 Corn Spot firm, No 2, i2 tc ,
f . o. b , afloat, options opened easier on
cables, but recovered, closing VV. net
hlghi r; May, ;Ja33".c close 1 iiJc , No
vember, closed S034c ; December, 30'(a
3lije , closed 11'jc Oats bpot flimcr, No,
2. 23'4a2lc , No J, 23;C ; No 2 white, .'lie ,
No. J white, 23c , track mixid, western,
21a23c ; options quiet but firmer, closing
a'4c net higher, October, closed 2.1.e ;
December, 2!J4u2le, closed 237c. Beef
Stead. Cut Meats rirm Butter Stea ly,
western creamer', HaJS'-e ; do. factor,
Sil3c; Elgins, 2JI-c, Imitation creamtr,
12al7c ; state dilry, 12a20c ; do. enamel y,
Ha23'-e. Cheese (Juict; largo white, Sc.j
colored, Bc , small white and colored,
9'.e , part skims, o'ia'c ; full skims, 3'-atc
Eggs Firm; state and Pennslvanla, ICa
25e ; western flesh, lS'-.-c. Talow Dull
I'eti oleum Quiet, Pennslvanla crude,
nominally S3c.
i m
Philadelphia Provision .llnrket.
I'hiladelphla, Oct. 2S -Wheat-rirm and
1'sC higher; contiact grade, October,
$1 00'ial 003; November, December and
January, nomlral Corn Finn and a4c.
higher, No. 2 mixed, October and Nov em.
ber, 31'4a31c ; December and January,
nominal Oats Steady; No. 2 white, Oc
tober, November, December and January,
2d27e. Potatoes rirm; white, cholie,
per bushel, C0a63e ; do fair to good, G0aS3e
Buttir Firm, good demand; fancy cream
cry, 21c ; do, Peniislvanla prints, 23c ; do
western do, 23o. Errs Firm, Rood de
mand, fresh, nearbj', 20c; do. western, 18
iU9o. Cheese Quiet but steady. Refined
Sugars UnchangeJ. Cotton Stead.
Tallow Dull at foimer prices. Llvo Foul,
try Steady, moderate demand; fowls, ?a
loe ; old roosteis, C'6a7c ; prlng chlck
ens, 9al0c , duck, 9c. Dressed Poultr'
l'lnn, good demand; fowls, cholco, Ma.
10c; do. fair to gooil, S'ja9c.; chickens,
large, lOallc ; medium, 8a9c , common and
scalded, 7aSc ; tuikis, good to choice, 10
al3c Receipts Flour, l.Ort ban els, 0,WX)
sacks, wheat, U.tti) bushels; coin, 02,0)0
bushels, oats, 83,000 bushels. Shipments
Wheat. S.OiiO bushels, corn, 1,000 bushels,
oats, K,ox bushels
. .
Chicnsn Grain .Market.
Chicago, Oct 3 Tho leading futuies
ranRed asu follows' W heat October,
97'4c , December, 3V4aS7,4c; May, 92i4a92e
iilUc ; December, 95iaS7'ic; Muy, 92i4a9e
Corn October, !5a25?.a2314c. , December, 26
n2o,a2Ci4c. ; Ma, 2s'.a30Hc Oats Octo
tor, HalSc , December, lS.alM.e ; Mu,
21'.a2F.c. Pork-December, 7 73a7 77va,
January, $SC2,aSC7,4 Lord December,
7 75a7 771, January. $1 37l4al 40. Rhs-I)o.
cember, $4 47'ial60; Januaiy, $1 50a4 62's
Cash quotations wer as follows; Flour
rirm; No, 2 spring wheat, 89a90c; No 3
do , 82aSSc ; No. 2 red, 9Sa99c ; No. 2 corn,
2Ca2C'ic: No 2 oats, 18Vjc; No. 2 white,
f. o. b , 22Vja23Uc; No, 3 white f, o. b , 21
a22'c; No, 2 re, 47V-.0.1 No. 2 barley,
nominal; No. 3, f, o. b, :U3c; No. 4, f, o,
b, 26ia37e.: No. 1 lla.i seed, II 02al 07;
prlmo timothy sexfd, J2.CJ mess pork, 7.75a
7.S0; lard, $1 2714; ribs, $4 !3al,70j shoulders,
4(ii5c; sides, r,afic; whisky, I1.1SS, sug
nip, undniiRod. Receipts Flour, 8,000
barrels; wheat, 2DHJ.XX) bushels; corn, 2G1,
000 bushels; oats, 223,000 bushels; rye, 24,
t) bushels; barley, 91,000 bushels Ship
ment Flour, 13,1X10 barrels, wheat, 82,000
bushels; corn, 7u0,0iji) bushels; oats, 252,000
bushels; rye, 23,000 bushelsl barky, 04,000
Chicago Live Stock.
Chlcngo, Oct 2S -Cattle-Strong nt $3 90
n4 i0 for the poorer grudes; medium to
good, $1 ua4 90, choice to extra shipping,
$3a5.40, Texas steers, $3 33i3'). ogs W50a
3k0; coarso packing lots, $3 20a3 40, cholco
shipping hogs, $3 73a3S7'5. Shee $2.75a
4 75 for tho pootest to the best natives.
Lambs $l23n I 51 for tho poorest to tho
best; oarllugs, $l30aliT3 Receipts Cut
tle, 9,500 head; hogs, 38.000 head; sheep, 15,
000 head.
Enst Libert) Cnttlc Market.
East Libert, Pa, Oct. 28-Caltle-Steady;
prime, $IS3i5; common, $3.2."nJ73;
bulls, stags nnd cows, 2a3(0 ogs Fali
ly active, best assorted medium weights,
$3 9al, pigs, $3 75a3W, heavy hogs, $3 90.11;
rittighti, $- 25i3 50 Sheip Stetdy; choice,
$1 20-U 30, ccrrrr.on, $2 73a3:S, choice lambs,
$3 3Oa5 50, common to good lambs, $la5 20j
veal calves, $6aC73.
Ituirnlo Live Stock.
East Buffalo, N. Y, Oct. 28 Cattle
Steady. Hogs Fairly active; Yorkers,
good to choice, J3 90i3 92, rougns, common
to good, &3 I3a3 55; pigs, common to choice,
$3 90a3 93 Sheep and Lambs About
steady; lambs, cholco to cxtia, $1 i.i'i 80;
culls to common, $ 50.05.15; sheeo, choice
to selected wethers', t dOal.ij, culls to
remmon, $2.75a1 10
sfovv York Livo Stock.
New York, Oct. 2S Heevcs-No trading.
Calves Quiet, stead ; eals, t3a7 50;
grapsers, $3a3 5t). Sheet) $3a4 75; lambs, $3
nC. Hors Firm nt $la4 30.
Oil .Market.
Oil Clt. Fa., Oct 2S Credit balarces,
f3; certificates, no bids, shipments, 97,013
bnrrds, runs, 100,j3 bauds.
.Horo Writs Crnntrd in the United
Stntcs Thnii in Any Other Ollico.
The repot t of tho Patent commission
er contains much detailed Information
of lntetest to those engaged In mechan
ical and allied pursuits It appears,
among other things that the United
States patent olllce has Issued moie
patents since its existence thun an'
other countty, namely 574, JB9, France
coming next with 274,9 1, then Great
Riltnln with 23S.220. The number of
patents issued during the past vear In
this totinti showed an Increase over
the ictord of the past two eats, but
not over the five pieeedlng ones. In
ls9C thi-ie were received an average of
8sv (.af es a week, en 42 077 applications
for patents, 182S applications for de
sign". 77 applications foi te-lssues. i'l'l
envents, 2oo" applications for legisla
tion of tmdemaiks, besides 121.J73 old
applications that came up for leconsid
eiatlon. Of these, 2.1,312 lutents weie
granted, including designs, CI patents
ip-lssuod and lsl3 tiademarks uglstei
ed. The number of patents thnt expir
ed was 12 111. The patent ntflce Is a
self-suppoillng department, having
earned In the eat the sum of $210 010 12,
the rioss leceipts having been $1,231,
039 83, and having a ciedlt with the
tieasury di ixtrtnicnt aggiegatin? near
ly $3 000,01 0.
In proportion to population, incite l at
ents were issued to citizens of Connec
ticut than to those of any other rlate,
one to every 739 Inhabitants, md next
in older. In piopottion of population,
come the District of Columbia, with one
to evel' 1123; Massachusetts', with one
to i-vety 1177; Rhode Island, with one
to every 1,181: then New Jersey, New
Yoik, Coloiado and Illinois, in order.
The states to whoso citizens the f west
patents were granted in proportion to
tho number of Inhabitants are South
Carolina, one to eveiy J1.97C. Missis
sippi, one to every 27.43S; Noith Caro
lina, one to every 23,79.1; Georgia, rite
to ever' 11.334: Alabama, one to over"
1 ! SfcO, and Alkansas, one to wei 13,
"I am evir and ever so glad'" exclaimed
30iing -Mis Toiklns, who had been lead
ing an out-of-tewn paptr th it her hus
band bioiihht hunn.
"What's the mntter'" was the rcsponec
"Have ) ou found eomitllig thut pleases
Ou In tho sotkt column?'
"You know veiy well that I am culti
vating a sensible taste In nt leading. 1
alwns tin it to thu sports now, the Hist
thing, Just as juit do. And I'm getthiR so
that some of It seems real lucid "
"What was tho cau-e of your rejolc.
"We're In luck again "
"Whit do ou mean?'
"Wo can't lose. I'm &uro ho must be a
wonder, becauto he Is talked about so
much. It's a posltlvo toilet to n.e to Hnd
that he Isn't going somewheic- else "
"Will 3011 have tho kindness to tell mo
what 30U are talking about '"
"Base ball, of course. We'll have to do
without him a while, but this piper sass
ho will be with us before tho se ison gets
veiy far along. And It will be ever so nice
to have somebody who Is so famous "
"To what person ten do ou retci' he
Inquired a little frlfcldly.
"Now, Ohark, ou aie Just pretending!
You aro making believe ou aro Ignorant,
so ns to test 111 knowledge. 1 mean Mr.
He stared at ber apprehensively and In
silence. Then no said:
"What have ou been reading?"
"This paper," and she handed it to htm.
"These people alwavs wero Jealous of
any prospect of success that our nlno
had," ho commented
"Well, they've got to give In this time,"
she persisted, "because I know that a
gentleman who has become as celebrated
as ho has Is sure to pull us through Aii
thlng disagree ablo that they say now will
Just show that the feel spiteful toward
us because we've got Mr lloise Mnbo
It's a. little sentimental, but I can't help
trusting and ivdmlilng him, oven though I
have iievn seen him, because his tlrst
name Is the samoasour, Charle-, dear."
Washington Star.
Snved lu Time.
"Isahel sn3 8 sho has never been lu
"Is that so? '
"Yes, she was threatened with It once,
but a bottli of Hpilng bitters brought her
out all right." ChlcaRO Record.
Aro gaining favor rapidly.
Busmen nun and travel.
lers carry them In vest
cocLeti, UiUet carry tlicm
hi pursci, limiiekeepcr kttp tliem la Tncnllclna
cloioti, trleiidi rccomumud thiia to friends. ij
11 Dr. 1 inlaw, of Cnm
deu, .V ,l that nboliittly
proventHituy septlo or foul
mutter fiom catering the
As It dilutes tho womb,
all nirvoiiK aii.uui.CH
ailslug fiom spamuod.
lo actions nice tired.
Ovarian DUeuseH, '1 u.
mora. I'rolunsiiii.l'uln.
ful Menstritntlon, nnd nil othor RlHeantu of
Women. Cull or uenil two-coot stump for
LlUll'iuuUltu Ave, Hcranlou, Pa,
DR. HILL & SON will do nil kinds of Dental Work ten per cent,
cheaper in price than any other Dentist in Scranton until further no
GOLD CllOWNH ?2 00 TO ?5.0 II
Sixteen sears In Kcrnnton nnd rcllalilu
IionotforRet tho now mnchlno for taking
the pain out of nn 111 lilng nnd sensitive tooth
und can I 0 filled or cupped without 1111 puln.
t ouie and gtt ri Terences fi out tho bt -t pen
pie in this eltytliuiisniuls of them. Wo will
tell ou pxitctlv what tho work will iot.
LxniiiliiMlons free. Coino and hnvo vour
teeth extracted In tlic morning and go homo
lu tho evening with new leeth.
We will glvei you a w rlttcu mmrantee Wo
lire responulb 0. 1 liiiuulnl leieronees Flint
National llunlcuud Merehnnts nnd Meeluin.
lis. Do not bo dreolvcd or mlHled. lake
iiilvniitugo or these low prices and hnvo work
1I0110 bv experienced und reliable! dcntlKts,
who will give you wlttit they say the will.
the saving of money, when this can be accomplished without any
sacrifice of quality or appearance. That is the chief reason
Why Kerr's Carpets
Are first in popular favor. These are times when few people can afford
to take chances. Others may talk low prices, fine stocks, etc., but our
indisputable claim as leaders in the local Carpet and Drapery trade re
mains unshaken. Our stock never was better than it is now, and not
withstanding high tariffs, prices never were lower. With these facts
before you,
Don't You Think It Is
A good time to buy now, even if it should be as an investment fop
next spring ? We do.
Special Attention Given to Busi
ness and Personal Accounts.
Liberal Accommodation-. l'.
tended According to Balances and
3 Per Cent. Interest Allowed on
Interest Deposits.
Undivided Profits, 88,000
WM. C0XNELL, President.
HENRY BELLY, Jr., Vice Pros.
(LUlEKAOl rilLl'AbT.)
A Collar,
Or Shirt
Try Us This Once.
Scranton aundry
Protectors and Cleaners of Linen.
!12'J Washington Ave. U'JM Dlx Court.
Ring 'Phono 7fJ Call Wngon or Diop
I'ostul. Lurcku Coupons Accepted.
Fine Line of
Dismonrl anJ Combinatioi Ring
Starling Silvar Wara and
Finest stock of Watches,
all the latest styles and sizes
at very close figures.
The largest Jewelry House
iu Northeastern Pennsylva
130 Wyoming Ayi
GcmttMsu DceliB relUble. Moathlr. ramUtlni mccMclL.).
the pueit dru j abo
.. .... "L
0po FeaSps PeirairaPoaE IPaaBs
Ther ON prompt, ( and etrUlo in resilU The ranolne (Pr. rdil'a) nerer JUio.
twlat. Botnxwlia, (1.00. Addiwi Tlil-McDiciac Co., tleyeUnd, O,
For Sal" by JOHN
Spruos street
Full Set, $4.00, Full Set, S4.00.
Lackawanna Avenue'
Behold a Coat
WHICH von m iv prize, whichever will diM
" llcht yourevts, c on w hen It's old and
soiled nnd torn. N on II happy ho thut you
Inn o w orniHO it that Is und looks as nice ntt
others sell for tvvleotho price;
213 Wyoming Ave., m'ns.
For Sale by Hill & Connell, 1'rotheroe &
Co. and A. L. Mroni;.
SI 00 To Any len
Of W ciihncss in .11 c n Tlioy Trent and
Pttil to Line.
An Omaha Company places for tha
flrM tlmo befote tho public a MAOI
CAL TREATMENT for tho cure of
Loit Vitality, Nervous and Sexual
Weakness, and ltestoiatlon of Llfo
Torco la old and voting men No
worn-out Trench toinedy; contains no
Phosphorous or other harmful drugs.
MaKleal In Its elfects postlve In its
cuie. All readers,, who uto suffering
from a weakness that blights their
llfo. causing tint mental and phslcal
suffering pecullui to Lost Manhood,
should write to tho STATE MEDICAL
COMPANY'. Suite 717. Range Eulldlng,
Omaha, Neb, and they will send you
absolutely THEE, a valuable paper on
these diseases, nnd postlvo proofs of
Thousands of men, who have lost all
hope of a cure ate being restored by
them to a perfect condition
bo taken nt home undor tholr direc
tions, or they will pav tnllioael faro
and hotel bills to nil vho prefer to go
thero for tteatnii nt. If they fall to
cine. They mo peifectly reliable;
hnvo no Tree Ptescilptlons. Treo Cure,
rr-i Sninple, or COD fake They
have Jr.O.fiOO rai ltnl. nnd guaianteo to
cuio every citee th y tieat or refund
every dollar; ot tin ir charges may bo
deposited in a bank to bo paid to
when a euro Is effected. Writo them
3 A
T II fl"P
Onlr liirmletB rrrA
...".,-. V .. . ----
Jld be uiJ. If yju wtct the Uti, t
H PHELPS. Pharmac3t, cor. Wvomlno ovenuo ond